Footnotes are as follows: 1 Scholarship must be applied to the recipient’s tuition and/or College Bookstore. 2 Scholarship/A ward is announced at Spring Honors Convocation. 3 A pply online at 4 Do NOT complete the online SUNY Oswego General Scholarship Application. 5 Students have to be nominated for this award by faculty from appropriate major. 6 Scholarship/A ward is renewable without reapplication. Some standards may apply. Jocelyn Sokolski Egan ’84 Scholarship1,2,3 (ACNT 6473) Amount: $1,225 / Recipient: One / Deadline: February 6, 2015 Contact: School of Business Department Offices in 238 Rich Hall This scholarship was established by Jocelyn Sokolski Egan ’84 to assist a deserving student majoring in marketing who has financial need. To qualify for this award, a student must: a. Be a declared marketing major b. Maintain a minimum 2.50 SUNY Oswego GPA c. Apply in his/her sophomore or junior year (completed 27-86 credits, including transfer credits, by deadline) d. Have financial need e. Demonstrate campus involvement or leadership or service in the community or to the School of Business f. Submit a statement with application as to why you have chosen marketing as a career and what your dream job is. g. Apply online at Lisa Tamilia ’89 Scholarship in Memory of Josephine Tamilia 1,3 (ACNT 6465) Amount: $550 / Recipient: One / Deadline: February 6, 2015 Contact: School of Business Department Offices in 238 Rich Hall This scholarship was established by Lisa Tamilia ’89 in memory of her mother, Josephine Tamilia. While Lisa was a student at SUNY Oswego, her mother provided tremendous support and encouragement to her. She was an inspiration and influence on Lisa’s career and life. This scholarship will provide support to a student who may be facing a challenge and has demonstrated success in overcoming the challenge. The scholarship will benefit a student from the School of Business who has demonstrated leadership qualities, community involvement and who has overcome a life challenge. A preference will be given to a student working through college. To qualify for this award, a student must: a. Be a student enrolled in a degree program in the School of Business b. Be overcoming or have overcome a life challenge (Examples: loss of a parent, disability, significant illness, hearing impaired, family situation) c. Demonstrate community involvement d. Display leadership qualities e. Preferred, but not required: Working through college (Part time, full time or work-study) f. Apply in his/her freshman, sophomore or junior year (completed 0-86 credits, including transfer credits, by deadline) for an award to be received in the subsequent academic year. g. Submit with application, an essay addressing how you have demonstrated that: “The most successful people triumph over an obstacle or disability of some kind.” h. Apply online at Michael O’Brien ’81 Memorial Scholarship1,2,3 (ACNT 6406) Award: $1,825 / Recipient: One / Deadline: February 6, 2015 Contact: School of Business Department Offices in 238 Rich Hall This award was established by Mark Baum ’81 to honor the memory of Michael O’Brien ’81 who died on September 11, 2001, during the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center. His legacy at Oswego will continue as students will benefit from this scholarship for years to come. To qualify for this award, a student must: a. Have a declared major in the School of Business b. Apply during their sophomore or junior year (completed 27–86 credits, including transfer credits, by deadline) c. Have a 3.00 or better cumulative SUNY Oswego GPA d. Apply online at Outstanding Senior in the School of Business (John Parr) Award2,4,5 (ACNT 6393) Amount: $550 / Recipient: One Contact: School of Business Department Offices in 238 Rich Hall This award was established in the mid 1980’s by friends and family to honor the memory of Dr. John Parr (d.1981), founder of the Business Administration Department at Oswego State. Dr. Parr chaired the department from 1973 until his death in 1981. This award is presented annually to the senior School of Business who exhibits the highest level of scholarship, leadership and service. The School of Businessfaculty will nominate and select recipient. CPCU Syracuse Chapter – SUNY Oswego Scholarship4 Amount: $1000 / Recipient: One / Deadline: April Contact: Professor John MacDonald This award is open to SUNY Oswego RMI majors. Contact Professor John MacDonald for electronic application form. Insurance Superintendent William Barnes Risk Management Award1,2,3 (ACNT 1341) Award: $250 / Recipient: One / Deadline: February 6, 2015 Contact: Accounting, Finance and Law Department The William Barnes Award is named in honor of the first New York State Superintendent of Insurance. Mr. Barnes served the State in that capacity from 1860 to 1870. The award is given annually to the Risk Management & Insurance Major in the SUNY Oswego School of Business who has shown promise of making professional contributions to the risk management industry within the State and demonstrates, at least in part, the characteristics of William Barnes, namely dedication to New York State’s future, the integrity of the insurance industry in New York State, and an understanding of the importance of New York State in the history and future of insurance and risk management. In addition to submitting the application in this booklet, students must also submit an essay of not more than 15 pages, including references, discussing some aspect of New York State’s historic role in the risk management and insurance industry, and a statement about service. The essay may be a paper previously submitted as coursework. To qualify for this award, a student must: a. Have junior or senior status (completed 57 or more credits, including transfer credits, by deadline) in the semester in which he/she is selected b. Be a declared RMI major c. Have completed at least one RMI course d. Have a minimum SUNY Oswego GPA of 3.00 e. Apply online at New York Insurance Scholarship Foundation Scholarship4 Amount: $1,500 / Recipient: One / Deadline: April Contact: Professor John MacDonald The New York Insurance Scholarship Foundation, Inc. was established to recognize and support individuals pursuing a degree in insurance or risk management. Scholarships are awarded annually to individuals who embody the qualities necessary to excel in the insurance industry. Contact Professor John MacDonald for electronic application form. New York State Society of Certified Public Accountants (NYSSCPA) Excellence in Accounting Scholarship4 Amount: $2,500/$1,500 / Recipient(s): Several Deadline: February 6, 2015 Contact: Chair, Accounting, Finance and Law Department The society awards the scholarships on the basis of financial need. To be considered for the award, students must have declared accounting as a major, be entering their third or fourth year, have a requisite GPA of 3.00, and be enrolled full-time (12 credits or more per semester) for a scholarship award of $2,500, or part-time (6 –11 credits per semester) for a scholarship award of $1,500 per year. Application available at The applications must be submitted by the school’s Accounting, Finance and Law Department. New York State Society of Certified Public Accountants — Syracuse Chapter2,4 Recipient(s): Two Graduating Seniors & Two Graduating Masters Deadline: September 15, 2015 Contact: Chair, Accounting, Finance and Law Department Academic Award a. Selection by the Dean and faculty b. Senior year (completed 86 or more credits by deadline) student in the Accounting Major Program with the highest overall GPA. CPA Career Preparation Award Four individuals to be nominated by Dean and faculty with the winner being selected by the Syracuse Chapter committee. Individuals should: a. Possess the academic qualifications necessary to pursue a career in public accounting (i.e., ranked in the upper 10% of their class) b. Have participated in extracurricular activities demonstrating leadership abilities c. Possess interpersonal skills to be able to communicate and interact effectively with peers and teachers d. Have taken some initiative to learn about the public accounting profession (eg. attend meetings/job fairs, hear guest lecturers from the profession, part-time employment in the field of public accountancy, etc.) e. Have secured a job in public accounting or are currently interviewing and have expressed a strong desire to pursue a career in public accounting with the hope of becoming a CPA (preference should be given to individuals who intend tobe working in the Syracuse or Central New York area).
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