2nd SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME – JANUARY 18, 2015 Church of Our Lady Help of Christians A Roman Catholic Faith Community in Tottenville Since 1898 We extend a WARM WELCOME to families and individuals who are new to our Parish. Please register at the Rectory so that we can be of service to you. We encourage you to fully participate in our parish life. PARISH 7396 Amboy Road, Staten Island, NY 10307 RECTORY OFFICE 718-317-9772 FAX NO. 718-317-0038 Pastor Fr. D. Francis Dias Parochial Vicar Fr. R. D. J. Sylvester Ranasinghe Deacons Deacon Richard Salhany Deacon John Singler Part-Time Employees Parish Secretary Mrs. Ninfa Chiarello (M-T-F) [email protected] Parish Secretary Mrs. Mary C. Zammit (T-W-TH) [email protected] Parish Secretary Mrs. Maria B. Byrnes (W-TH-F) [email protected] MINISTRY TO THE SICK AND HOMEBOUND Anointing of the Sick Call the Rectory at any time. Communion to the Homebound Please call the Rectory to make arrangements for those homebound or hospitalized. Sick List Please update us monthly. SCHOOL 23 Summit Street, Staten Island, NY 10307 718-984-1360 FAX NO. 718-966-9356 Principal Mr. Michael J. Saldarelli Admin. Assistant Mrs. Jamie L. McCue School Secretary Mrs. Maria Geloso RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE 23 Summit Street, Staten Island, NY 10307 718-227-2441 FAX NO. 718-966-9356 CRE Mrs. Marie T. Dunigan Part-Time Administrative Support Staff Mrs. Patricia M. Dresch MASS SCHEDULE SEPTEMBER-JUNE SATURDAY EVENING VIGIL 4:30 PM Family Mass SUNDAY 8:00 AM 9:30 AM Family Mass 11:00 AM 12:30 PM 4:00 PM Spanish Mass 6:30 PM SPONSOR CERTIFICATES Individuals must come in person to see priest on duty. JULY-AUGUST SATURDAY EVENING VIGIL 4:30 PM SUNDAY 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 12:00 PM 4:00 PM Spanish Mass 6:30 PM Website: www.olhcparish.org WEEKDAYS (ALL YEAR) 9:00 AM PRIVATE PRAYER The Church is open weekdays until 7:00 PM in the evening, for personal prayer and meditation. SACRAMENTS Reconciliation Saturdays at 9:30 AM as well as twentyfive minutes before every weekday and weekend Masses. Baptisms Every Sunday at 2:00 PM. Please call the Rectory to make an appointment to speak with a priest. Baptism instruction classes for parents are held on the first Saturday of the month, in the lower church, at 11:00 AM. Marriage Couples should call the Rectory to arrange a meeting with a priest or deacon at least six months in advance of their wedding. RCIA A series of classes presenting a deeper exploration of Catholic faith for adults which prepares them to make a conscious choice to receive the sacraments of Baptism, First Holy Communion and Confirmation. Please call the rectory. 2nd SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME – JANUARY 18, 2015 Pg. 2 MONTH-AT-A-GLANCE DAY DATE TIME INTENTION REQUESTED BY Sat 01/17 4:30 PM Belinda Monahan Final Vows for the Benedictine Order Her Auntie, Mary Belinda Sun 01/18 8:00 AM John Killeen Deacon John & Judy Singler 9:30 AM John Killeen Greg & Linda Hauck 11:00 AM Corrado Carrubba Carrubba Family 12:30 PM The People of Our Parish 4:00 PM Spanish Mass 6:30 PM Frank Kinkopf Kinkopf Family 01/19 9:00 AM The People of Our Parish Tue 01/20 9:00 AM Mary Baglino Wed 01/21 9:00 AM The People of Our Parish Thu 01/22 Fri 01/23 9:00 AM The People of Our Parish Sat 01/24 9:00 AM The People of Our Parish 4:30 PM Roy Garofalo Marie & Mike Esposito, Elizabeth Orlando & Peter Lauro 8:00 AM Mary Brown Michael Figuly 9:30 AM Catherine Ishill Esposito Family Sun 01/25 CROSS ROAD FOUNDATION COLLECTION 4th weekend after all Masses Next Collection: January 24/25 FIRST FRIDAY Mass-9:00 AM Adoration/Benediction-9:30 AM Mon 9:00 AM FAMILY SUPPORT FOR LOVED ONES ADDICTED TO DRUGS/ ALCOHOL For more info, contact Gail Kross @ 973-600-5301 AnnMarie Termine SCRIPTURE SHARING Thursdays-7:30 PM-Rectory ST. EDWARD FOOD PANTRY COLLECTION 1st weekend after all Masses Next collection: Jan. 31/Feb. 1 THIRD ORDER OF MARY 3rd Sun. after 12:30 PM Mass-Gym Next Meeting: January 18 The People of Our Parish YOUTH GROUP (GRADES 6-12) 2nd & 4th Sun. after 6:30 PM Mass Gym Next Meeting: January 25 ZUMBA Gym For scheduling info, contact Cathy Cataletto @ 917-829-1402 or e-mail: [email protected] THE SAINTS OF THE WEEK 11:00 AM Annual Memorial Mass of Remembrance 12:30 PM Anthony Galligano 4:00 PM Spanish Mass 6:30 PM James Campbell Karen Vecchio & Family Patricia Campbell Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun 01/17 St. Anthony, Abbot 01/18 01/19 01/20 St. Fabian 01/21 St. Agnes 01/22 01/23 St. Vincent 01/24 St. Frances de Sales 01/25 If a weekend Mass is being offered for a family member, please let a priest or usher know if you wish to bring up the gifts. 2nd SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME – JANUARY 18, 2015 Pg. 3 Dear Brothers and Sisters, YEAR OF CONSECRATED LIFE The Poster at the entrance to the rectory depicts the various faces of men and women religious in their habits. Is there a place in today’s world for such people? Where do they come from? What is their task? Do we need them? Do people opt such a way of life? These are some questions that need to be reflected upon and answered. Certainly there are stories of celebrities who have given up their careers to follow Jesus and live a life of complete dedication to God’s people. The two seminarians who were with us for the New Year’s Masses indeed witnessed to it. They answered questions put to them quite plainly. They were very candid about their choice of life: they chose a life of celibacy in order to completely give themselves to serve the Master and wish to be married to the Church to be free to serve her whole-heartedly. The flip side: Let us look at the reality of life. How many of our teens and young adults live and practice what they learn in class for years in their religious education? THE CLUSTER ATTEMPT This week the CREs and Pastors of Cluster III of Staten Island which includes St. Joseph-St. Thomas, St. John Nuemann, Our Lady Star of the Sea and Our Lady Help of Christians, met to discuss and make plans to better serve our Grade 8 students. We spoke of strategies to help students retain what they learn in class and to appreciate and live what they learn. We also discussed how best to conduct Retreats, Seminars and Parish Missions with a view to raising awareness of adults to be in touch with their faith. We need to instill a sense of ongoing faith formation and we need to get the parish involved in the Parish Mission. The cluster will continue with this ongoing evaluation and examination of our activities, liturgies and worship modes to get the maximum benefit. There is hard work ahead of us for 2015. PRAYER FOR THE YEAR OF CONSECRATED LIFE –November 30, 2014 to February 2, 2016 O God, throughout the ages you have called women and men to pursue lives of perfect charity through the evangelical counsels of poverty, chastity, and obedience. During this Year of Consecrated Life, we give you thanks for these courageous witnesses of Faith and models of inspiration. Their pursuit of holy lives teaches us to make a more perfect offering of ourselves to you. Continue to enrich your Church by calling forth sons and daughters who, having found the pearl of great price, treasure the Kingdom of Heaven above all things. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen All the best and blessings to all! Fr. Frank MINISTRY SCHEDULE JANUARY 24 & 25 MASS EUCHARISTIC MINISTER LECTOR ALTAR SERVER USHER 4:30 PM Rosemarie A. Lois B. Angela N. Cynthia O. Richard B. Carl H. Christopher M. Emilia L. Dennis C. Frank C. Larry N. 8:00 AM Joanne F. Ralph P. Andrea A. Ann Marie H. Darlene A. Joanne F. Jeffrey A. Jeffrey M. Peter V. Steve P. Tony D. 9:30 AM Jim P. Joan B. Gloria F. Anna R. Greg H. Brynne H. Rian H. Peter R. Angelo A. Rich E. Connor C. 11:00 PM John R. Judy S. Kathleen P. Nino D. Ann L. Devin R. Joseph N. Jeffrey N. Brandon R. Sergio L. Bill N. 12:00 PM Marie P. Maryellen E. Maureen T. Ruth P. Frances L. Kathy P. Joseph D. Julia F. Martin E. Michael I. Nick Q. 6:30 PM John G. Dalia S. Frances L. Michael J. Alexa O. Nicolette O. Edmund M Vanessa M. Jack A. Jamie A. Dennis A. 2nd SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME – JANUARY 18, 2015 Pray for the deceased Let us remember all the faithful departed. MEMORIAL OFFERINGS BREAD & WINE The People of Our Parish Pg. 4 WEEKLY SACRIFICIAL OFFERING January 12, 2014 $9,808 January 11, 2015 $7,952 Number of Envelopes 364 PRAYER FOR OUR TROOPS Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands, protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen PRAYER LIST FOR OUR SERVICE MEN & WOMAN SANCTUARY LAMP The People of Our Parish ALTAR CANDLE The People of Our Parish ALTAR FLOWERS Cresoncio & Natividad Ponpon Req. by Nilda & Gary Peterson & Family PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK OF THE PARISH Aubrey George Kerber Nilda Peterson Joan Bartenhagen Rafael Laskowski John Placente Ronnie Benitez Maria LaSorsa Anna Marie Reinthaler Valerie Bertan Mei Foo Liao Robin Rodolfo Chris Bessi Joseph Liotine Barbara Rotunno Dennis Castelli Anthony Lodareo Frances Rotunno Scott Conniff Ralph Lucchese Hayley Rusciano Rita Cowan Scuoto Maisco Philip Russo Joseph D’Angelo Ed Malley Patricia Savino Ellen Derowski Joseph Manfredi Anna Socci George Day Joseph Mariconda Shelia Sullivan Josie Doty Peter Marsh Edward Svenningsen Dennis Emperor Ken McCall Paul Taravella Norene Emperor Terence McGowan Justin Too Leopold Fleming Laura Murillo Aiden Truscelli Nancy Flynn Georgianna O’ Connor Josephine Winters Ramona Fogelstrom Joan Orena Dominick Yanchunas Laura Grzeskowiak Raymond Perry Jr. Gail Yanchunas Larry Hartnett SPC Sean Pesce Joseph Yasso MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. DAY MONDAY-JANUARY 19th RECTORY & EDUCATION OFFICES WILL BE CLOSED Andrew S. Aswad SC Michael Ievolo Afghanistan David Baggs NY Anthony Manetta Africa Thomas Brown LA Mark Philip Martino US Army Raquel Caramanno CA Mason Morgante NC Ronald McNair Afghanistan Robert Chiusano GA Raymond Conde Afghanistan Cody Robinson CA Cassandra Facciponti West Point Shawn Robinson WA Brian P. Fleming Germany Nicholas Singler NC Greg Tegan IL 50/50 CLUB The January 50/50 is now in progress. Donation to enter: $5 REMEMBER….YOU HAVE TO BE IN IT TO WIN IT! SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME First Reading: 1 Samuel 3:3b-10, 19 This powerful story describes Samuel, who at the time was the servant of the high priest. The Lord called out to Samuel, who twice thought Eli had called him. They gradually realized that it was the Lord who called for him. So the third time Samuel answered and the Lord remained with Samuel as he grew. Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 6:13c-15a, 17-20 Paul explains to the Corinthians that their body is a temple of the Holy Spirit. He tells them to avoid lewd conduct, and glorify God by keeping their bodies pure. Gospel: John 1:35-42 John told two of his disciples that Jesus is the Lamb of God. They turned and followed him, immediately curious and attracted to him. Andrew told his brother Simon about Jesus. Simon also came to meet Jesus, who renamed him Cephas, or Peter. 2nd SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME – JANUARY 18, 2015 Pg. 5 Special Memorial Mass Sunday, January 25, 2015 @ 11:00 AM 01/09/14 01/18/14 01/18/14 01/20/14 01/27/14 01/30/14 01/30/14 01/31/14 02/03/14 02/10/14 02/11/14 02/15/14 03/07/14 03/17/14 03/25/14 03/26/14 04/07/14 04/10/14 04/13/14 04/16/14 04/24/14 04/28/14 04/29/14 05/03/14 05/06/14 05/11/14 05/12/14 05/16/14 05/16/14 05/25/14 05/29/14 06/01/14 06/03/14 06/04/14 06/05/14 06/07/14 06/12/14 06/23/14 06/29/14 06/30/14 Deborah Lee Napoli Edward Martin Johnson, Sr. Corrado Carrubba Grace Killeen Kelli A. Rock Margherita Battista Larry Giove Douglas D. Davison Joseph Baffi Patsy J. Petito Theresa Lanaia Josephine M. Matejka Olga Dasaro Shirley Dzwonkowski Emma Lucanto Frances M. Spinosa Anna Parascandolo Patricia Fernandez Carol Spoto Michael R. Morrelli Richard Merone Lawrence Jensen Frances Alfonso Susan O’Neill Eleanor Sinski Elyse Marie Lopez Patrick Agoglia Lewis Falco Achilles Sacchi William L. Quirk Anthony Palmieri Robert Grant Kimberly Ann Busacca John V. Mattera Harold J. Schultz Sebastian Siracusa John Bartenhagen Fanny D’Orazio Gary Zmigrodski Ethel VanPelt 07/02/14 07/04/14 07/06/14 07/11/14 07/12/14 07/13/14 07/19/14 07/25/14 07/28/14 07/31/14 08/01/14 08/02/14 08/30/14 09/01/14 09/02/14 09/06/14 09/18/14 09/20/14 10/03/14 10/06/14 10/10/14 10/18/14 10/24/14 10/28/14 10/29/14 10/29/14 10/30/14 11/07/14 11/07/14 11/18/14 11/22/14 11/27/14 11/27/14 11/28/14 12/06/14 12/16/14 12/16/14 12/20/14 12/26/14 Ralph Warner Vincenza Piecora Raymond J. Mazurek Gerard J. Dalcamo Gloria McGowan Domenico Sansalone MaryAnn Cashman Concetta M. Spataro Laura Travers Ann-Hall MacMahon Luigi Gennari Margaret E. Six Anthony Fischetti Anna Berardi Jeanette Pisacreta Josephine Imsho Maritza Polanco Rose Marie Ferro Michael Angelo Castellano Damian P. Ciacciarelli Anthony Yandoli John J. Killeen Lawrence DiCristina Salvatore Potestivo Anthony R. Galligano Thomas J. Orefice George. W. MacDonald Anna Rose Yandoli Joseph W. Lennox Catherine Miller Roy J. Garofalo Matteo Milo Peter Gallarello Catherine Barrett Vincent J. Lubrano Helene Calvanico Rose Ebro Robert Soriano Vincent Antonucci Each person’s name will be announced and the bells tolled for the souls of those who were buried from Our Lady Help of Christians during the calendar year 2014. 2015 BOXED SETS OF ENVELOPES & CALENDARS are available in the Church lobbies. Please be sure to write your envelope number. If you do not know the number, call the rectory and we will provide it to you. TOURING TUESDAY Visit OLHC School from 9-11 AM on our next Touring Tuesday, January 27th or call to schedule a tour at 718-984-1360. 2nd SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME – JANUARY 18, 2015 THE 42nd ANNUAL MARCH FOR LIFE The Annual March for Life in Washington, DC will take place on Thursday, January 22, 2015. Buses will be travelling to DC from all over the Archdiocese. If you are not able to make the trip, please consider making a donation so others can attend. For a complete listing of locations and further information, go to www.nyfamilylife.org or call Elisa Di Simone of the S.I. Right to Life Committee at 347-874-3346. Pg. 6 READINGS FOR THE WEEKS Sunday 1 Sm 3:3b-10, 19; 1 Cor 6:13c-15a, 17-20; Jn 1:35-42 Monday Heb 5:1-10; Mk 2:18-22 Tuesday Heb 6:10-20; Mk 2:23-28 Wednesday Heb 7:1-3, 15-17; Mk 3:1-6 Thursday Heb 7:25—8:6; Mk 3:7-12 Friday Heb 8:6-13; Mk 3:13-19 Saturday Heb 9:2-3, 11-14; Mk 3:20-21 PRAYER TO END ABORTION Lord God, I thank you today for the gift of my life, and for the lives of all my brothers and sisters. I know there is nothing that destroys more life than abortion, yet I rejoice that you have conquered death by the Resurrection of Your Son. I am ready to do my part in ending abortion. Today I commit myself never to be silent, never to be passive, never to be forgetful of the unborn. I commit myself to be active in the pro-life movement, and never to stop defending life until all my brothers and sisters are protected, and our nation once again becomes a nation with liberty and justice not just for some, but for all. Through Christ our Lord. Amen! FEEDING OUR NEIGHBORS An Archdiocesan-Wide Drive to Replenish Food Pantries Sunday, January 25, to Sunday, February 1, 2015 Nearly 325,000 children have difficulty affording food, that’s 22% of children in the 10 counties of the Archdiocese. Do your part to make sure no hungry neighbor is turned away from Sunday, January 25th through Sunday, February 1st for the Feeding Our Neighbors Campaign. The three simple ways to participate and contribute to the Campaign are: Donate to a collection of money to support emergency food programs, Participate in the Food Drive at your Parish, Volunteer at a Food Pantry. For more information, call 646-794-2010 or contact Dianne at [email protected].
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