ST. MARTIN LUTHERAN CHURCH AND SCHOOL 100 South Clinton Avenue, Clintonville, WI 54929* 715-823-6538 Rev. Christian Burg, Senior Pastor Ext. 2115 (715-851-7259 Cell) Rev. Daniel Burns, Associate Pastor Ext. 2114 (715-460-0035 Cell) Steven Conradt, Lay Minister 715-823-4204 Jerry Jiter, Principal Ext. 2113 (715-579-4144 Cell) Visit our Website: January 14th & 18th Epiphany 2 Theme: To Know and Be Known by Christ Preacher: Pastor Burns Text: John 1:43-51 Reading: 1 Samuel 3:1-10 Reading: 1 Corinthians 6:12-20 Reading: John 1:43-51 Color: Green Wed: Hymns: Sunday: Hymns: Anthem: Hymns: 7:00pm-SPP, Pg. 260 644, 907, 402, 260 8:00am- DS3C, Pg. 184 644, 907, 402, 783, 827, 923 Choir 10:30-DS3C, Pg. 184 644, 907, 402, 783, 827, 923 COMMUNION STATEMENT: Because the Bible is very explicit about who should attend this sacred meal, (cf. 1 Cor. 10:16, 17; 11:27-30) we, being guided by God’s Word, invite to the Lord’s Table those Christians who have been baptized into the family of God; who believe that they are saved by Grace through faith in Jesus Christ; who accept that “In”, “With”, and “Under” the bread and wine they also receive the true body and blood, of Christ; who are able to examine themselves, realize their sinfulness, and as a result seek the forgiveness of sins; and who through the worthy reception of this sacrament want to be strengthened in faith and better enabled to do the will of God in their lives. RECORD OF FELLOWSHIP- Please use the Fellowship Pads in the pews every time you worship and also for communion registration. Attendance: January 11th Weekly Income: January 11th 2014 Members: 430 2014 $12,298 2015 409 Communion 2015 $66,973 2014 295 2015 251 Needed Weekly: $24,024 USHERS –January 14th@7pm- Gerald Schroeder group. January 18th@8am- Butch Donaldson group. 10:30- Gerald Wisnefske group. January 21st @7pm-Derk Hopp group. January 25th@8am- Larry Wisnefske group. 10:30-Dave Steenbock group. COMMUNION ASSISTANTS –January 18th@ 8am- Ted Lipanot. 10:30- Randall Wedde. February 1st @ 8am-Dennis Schroeder. ACOLYTES: January 14th @7pm- Keenan Raddant. January 18th@8am- Nathan Federwitz. 10:30Hesston Johnson. January 21st @ 7pm- Jared Cartwright. January 25th@8am- Donovan Rindt. 10:30Lindsy Carpenter. ELDER ON DUTY: January 14th @7pm- Tom Kiefer. January 18th@8am- Jim Klingbeil. 10:30- Bob Seide. January 21st @ 7pm-Arlyn Pingel. January 25th@8am- Steve Krueger. 10:30- Jerre Cummings. ALTAR GUILD: The month of January - Linda Wagner & Rosalee Roloff. POWER POINT PRESENTERS: January 14th @ 7pm- Jennifer Monroe. January 18th@8am- Dennis Federwitz. 10:30- Carol Eanone. January 21st@7pm- LeAnn Hopp. January 25th @ 8am- Nancy Koeppen. 10:30- Sue Aschliman. TODAYS PRAYERS: Marie Ferg Doris Malotky James Lindow Doris Steenbock Verlyn & Ruth Kortbein Hilton Blankenburg Joan Malotky Jennifer Yaeger Kenneth Boyer Fran Sagert PRAYER CHAIN: Call any one of the four leaders directly with requests. Daytime call Betty @ 715-250-1817, Donna, 715-823-3301. Nighttime call Beth @ 715-823-4481 or (alt) Karen, 715-823-3445. Introit- I have not hidden your deliverance with in my heart; I have spoken of your faithfulness and your salvation; I waited patiently for the LORD; he inclined to me and heard my cry. He drew me up from the pit of destruction, out of the miry bog, and set my feet upon a rock, making my steps secure. He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God. Many will see and fear, and put their trust in the LORD. Blessèd is the man who makes the LORD his trust, who does not turn to the proud, to those who go astray after a lie! You have multiplied, O LORD my God, your wondrous deeds and your thoughts toward us; none can compare with you! I will proclaim and tell of them, yet they are more than can be told. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit; as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever. Amen. Collect- Almighty and everlasting God, who governs all things in heaven and on earth, mercifully hear the prayers of Your people and grant us Your peace through all our days; through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. THIS WEEK AT ST. MARTIN Sun 18 DS3C, 8:00am Sunday school, 9:10am Bible Class, 9:15am DS3C¸10:30am Youth group, 6:30pm Mon 19 Memorial Trust, 9:00am Sleeping Mats, 2:00pm ECLC, 6:00pm Tue 20 Nursing Home Communion Pine Manor, 9:30am Green Tree, 10:15am Kindred Hearts, 10:50am Aster, 11:15am Council, 7:00pm Wed 21 P.S. Confirmation, 5:30pm Choir, 6:00pm SPP, 7:00pm Thur 22 Sewing Bee, 8:30am Grief Share, 6:30pm Fri 23 BB @ Trinity, 4:15pm Sun 25 SPP¸8:00am Sunday school, 9:10am Voter’s Meeting, 9:15am SOJ, 10:30 Youth Ski trip, 12:00pm THE LUTHERAN HOUR- "Just the Facts" Speaker Emeritus of The Lutheran Hour: Rev. Ken Klaus. God's truth, as revealed in the Bible, remains true regardless of whether anyone believes it or not. Tune into the Lutheran Hour broadcast each Sunday morning at 7:30 a.m. on WJMQ (92.3) FM or WOTE (1380) AM or WRVM 102.7 @ 10AM. Check out their website at 2015 CONTRIBUTION ENVELOPES- are in the Narthex to be picked up. If you cannot find your envelopes, please contact the office. THANK YOU- to the instrumentalists who helped to enhance the Christmas season worship services: Leah Harbath, Karen Sorenson, Paul Exworthy and Linda Kirchner. THE RADIO BROADCAST –is sponsored by Allen & Sharon Blum in honor of their 54th wedding anniversary on January 14th. Please contact the office to reserve your date or dates starting now. Cost is $100. Sponsorship for the radio broadcast either full or in part is available for February 15th & 22nd. THE BULLETIN- is sponsored in celebration of Sadie Klemp’s 100th birthday by the St. Martin Ladies Aid. Sponsorship for the bulletin is $30.00. Dates available are: February 8th, 15th & 22nd. Christian funeral services for Jean Marion Loretta Strommen-Stuckey were held here at St. Martin on Tuesday, January 13th, 2015. May God sustain the family in the days to come with the sure knowledge of the resurrection through our Lord Jesus Christ. Christian funeral services for Howard Wick were held here at St. Martin on Wednesday, January 14th, 2015. May God sustain the family in the days to come with the sure knowledge of the resurrection through our Lord Jesus Christ. FROM THE BOARD OF EVANGELISM -the Bible tells us that we are to pray for all people (Timothy 2:1) and that we are our brother’s keepers. Each member of our church family is a valued and important part of the whole. We encourage each of you to include 5 households selected each week in your prayers. This week: Jeff, Corinne, Erin & Brittany Hoffman, Dave, Tina, Mike & Nick Hogen, Derk, LeAnn, Brandon, Blake & Brookelyn Hopp, Joseph, Sharon, & Phoebe Hoskins & Austin & Tori Smith, Candi & Skylar Huber. FROM THE BOARD OF PARISH EDUCATION If I must boast, I will boast in the things which concern my infirmity. 2 Corinthians 11:30 The apostle Paul suffered all sorts of hardships as he pursued his goal of sharing the good news of Jesus with those who had never heard. Persecuted, beaten, imprisoned, and misunderstood, sometimes he faced death itself (2 Cor. 11:25). But the joy of seeing people respond to his message made it all worthwhile. If you feel that the task God has called you to do is too hard, remember that the spiritual lessons and joy that are wrapped up in the journey may seem hidden at first, but they are certainly there! God will help you find them. SUNDAY MORNING FELLOWSHIP-each week organized groups or families of St. Martin will sponsor fellowship in the Narthex between the church services. This week join the Choir for fellowship. Next week the Mom’s Group will be providing treats. LUTHERAN WOMENS IN MISSION (LWML) January meeting is Tuesday, January 20th at 8:30am in the downstairs meeting room. The Mustard Seed Bible Study is “Nothing left but Trust” Deut. 31, the topic is “The Other End of Life” with Dr. James I. Lamb. YOUTH Lutherans for life essay contest is posted on the Youth board. You could win $250.00. Good Luck! Youth skiing trip to Nordic on January 25th is sponsored by Thrivent. Cost is $25. Fill out permission slip on youth board. Deadline is January 11th. SLEEPING MAT MINISTRY-meets on Mondays at 2pm in the Fellowship Hall. Come and crochet, learn to crochet, cut bags or pick up supplies to work at home. Call Myrt at 8234567 or Meta at 823-3058. REOPENING the BACK DOOR is a Q & A paperback about ministering to the inactive members. This book is available for all to read and several copies are on the book cart by the office. Anyone taking the Inactive workshop in February should take time to read this book. This is an easy to read book that most will read in a day or two. SUNDAY SCHOOL NOTES- Today in Sunday School we study the calling of Jesus’ first disciples with “Jesus Calls Philip and Nathanael.” In Jesus, access to heaven is given to all who believe. You might discuss, “How did Philip and Nathanael know that Jesus was the Christ? How do we learn that Jesus is the Christ?” Stewardship Corner By God’s grace, we acknowledge that God is the Creator Who continues to sustain His creation by the power of His word. This creative work was expended on our behalf and placed under our rule. God gave to man the task of being a steward of His creation (Genesis 1:26). From the beginning of time, God has provided for all our needs, physical and spiritual, and we are reminded by Jesus’ words that we are to share our gifts with others: “Freely you have received, freely give” (Matthew 10:8 NIV). WOMEN’S BOOK GROUP-will begin again on Friday, January 23rd at the Living Room Coffee Shop from 9-10:30am. The book is “The Power of Praying for your Adult Children” by Stormie Omartian. If you need help getting the book call Virginia Fietsch at 715-823-2238. COMMUNITY MEAL-Dates for when St. Martin serves community meals next are Thursday, February 5th and Thursday, March 26th. Serving time is 5:30-6:00pm. Everyone is welcome to attend. Contributions of food especially salads, vegetables and desserts are appreciated. Help with serving and clean-up is also needed. Contact Doris at 715-823-5438. NEWS FROM ORPHAN GRAIN TRAIN-A shipment arrived in Kenya on January 7, 2015 including donated seminary books that will be used at the Matango Seminary in Kenya. The cargo also included 144,000 Kids Against Hunger meals. What a blessing for the children and families. KEY CONCEPT- “The Other End of Live” is part of the “Equipping the Saints” series of DVD’s being produced by Lutherans for Life. To learn more about Lutheran for Life please visit OPEN HOUSE- There will be an Open House of the SMART Center on Wednesday, February 11 from 3:30-7:00 p.m. Enrollment will be open for our members from January 1 until January 31. On February 1, enrollment will be open to the currently enrolled at St. Martin Lutheran School. On March 1, enrollment will be open to the public. St. Martin has financial grants available for those needing assistance in meeting the tuition obligation. Financial grant forms will be available in April. St. Martin also has a quality child care program. This program operates from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Upon request, Early Childhood Learning Center information may be mailed to you. If you have any questions, please call Jerry Jiter, Principal at 823-6538 ext. 2113. PROJECT CONNECTG-The Project Connect ministry is a program sponsored by the Parish Board of Education of St. Martin. Our standing display rack is located in the office hallway and has been updated with many new materials. These materials, written from a Christ-centered perspective will assist people on a variety of subjects. Some of the newest are: Get a Grip-Managing Moods and Emotions, Regrets, Reality, Restoration, Forgiveness is a Choice, Parents of Prodigals, Strength and Honor-the Spiritual Warfare against Pornography, Uncover the Love Within, DepressionUnderstanding the Pieces of the Puzzle, The Great Deceiver-What Is Satan up to? Please stop by to view the new additions. At the same time, take an opportunity to look over our lending library book cart filled with books from our church lending library.
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