Middle Sandy Evangelical Presbyterian Church January Worship Schedule 9:00 am Sunday School 10:30 am Worship Service Child Care available during the Worship Service for ages infant through 5 years. During the holidays, it seems I am writing these articles looking back. What I mean is that I feel like I tend to start my thoughts with, “Now that this (insert season) is over...” and here we are again, Christmas has passed, 2014 has passed, and now what? (I'm “borrowing” Scott Mason's December 28th sermon title as food for thought) Psalm 34 starts out: 1 I will extol the LORD at all times; His praise will always be on my lips. 2 My soul will boast in the LORD; let the afflicted hear and rejoice. 3 Glorify the LORD with me; let us exalt his name together. It is this same spirit of worship and praise that should always be on our hearts and minds no matter what season it is. I know that life deals us blows sometimes and there are events in our world that make it hard to feel worshipful, but we need to remember that this world is not our final home. Christ came on Christmas so he could offer salvation to humanity through the gift of eternal life! For that alone, we should be praising God each and every day. Advent this year for me was all about not letting the awful things that happen in this world draw me down and squash my hope and faith. For that to happen, God reminded me each week (in sermons) that our true home is not of this place. For that I am forever grateful. I am also grateful of God's mercy, because even though we human beings continue to sin and hurt and kill one another, He sees fit to rescue His people, grant forgiveness, and give eternal life! For that I am even more grateful, because I am a sinner in this world too. Thank you, Lord Jesus for your mercy and grace! May God continue to grant you the same Spirit of worship that permeates our lives during the Advent and Christmas season! Pastor Tracy In Our Thoughts and Prayers… We encourage you to send a card or letter to one or two each month. Addresses are available in the church directory or in the church office. Continuing health needs: Darlene Brooks (Dorothy Burbick’s sister) (ALS) Jim Hanna Tim Hume (healing from blood disease) Pat Humphrey (general health concerns) Colleen Lewis (healing from surgery) Carol Lowe (Anna Mapes’ sister) (brain cancer) Don Mathey (pray for healing) Donna Moats (Hodgkins Lymphoma) Diane Sanor Dorothy Smythe Michelle Slingerland (recovery from surgery) Ken Smith (on-going cancer treatment) Prayer for family and friends of our missionary Lucy Lincoln, was passed away recently. Military Service: Brian Burbick (Navy - VA) Eric W. Hampe (Ohio Army National Guard, Stow, OH) Samuel Metzger (Socotch’s son-in-law, Navy - Charleston, SC) Jason Snyder (Carole & Don Mathey’s grandson) (Army recruiter in Chicago) Jon Pagnucco (Jane Stryffeler’s grandson) – Navy (CA) Our Missionaries - for Holy Spirit protection and great perseverance in their work. Jeff & Natasha B. (EPC missionaries in Asia) Abe & Diane Bible (Ukraine – beginning a new tract ministry) (pray for Ukrainian Christians that they would have a peaceful influence on the Ukrainian situation) Lisa Smith (Campus Crusade in IN – training short-term student missionaries) Dave & Diane Spurdle (Church planting in Japan) Willie Swift (UMU student, summer intern with CRU in NJ) Paul & Reinhild Sydnor (ministry to refugees in Lille, France and Malta) (also Luke and Tessa Sydnor both on summer mission trips) In Nursing Homes or Home-bound: Linda Bandy (Crandall Medical Center) Shirley Burdick (Great Trails Rehab Center, Minerva) Pauline Martin (Crandall Medical Center) Lowell Smith (at home) OPEN STATED SESSION MEETING December 8, 2014 During the month of November, the Pastor made two nursing home visits and eight out in the community. He officiated at the funeral of Dick Humphrey and attended the Presbytery meeting on November 22. Youth Group was restarted by Pastor Tracy and Cindy. Other activities throughout the month were shared. Pastoral Concerns: Discussion on Christmas gifts for shut-ins to be personally delivered by the committee members. Looking for another committee member for 2015. Monetary gifts were given to the following: Pregnancy Center - $150, WBMA - $100, Christina House - $150, Tobin - $100, Acts 2 - $100, Way Station - $50, Domestic Violence Shelter - $150. Eight Aldi’s $25 gift cards purchased for needy people at the Pastor’s discretion. Property: By approved motion from the Session, the remaining church maintenance fund money from 2014 will be carried over into 2015 to help offset the painting of the front of the church in the spring. Also approved to allow the property committee to have the treasurer pay the janitor’s salary on a weekly basis, instead of monthly, making it easier to pay people who fill in. 2015 budget was agreed upon. Need new committee members for 2015. Bills totaling $217.13 were approved for payment. Will fix light in the choir loft and replace the spot light bulb. Old Business: The history on the Session’s decision concerning Boy Scout meetings to be held in the church was recounted. A decision was initially made to continue to allow the meetings, after a presentation by a Buckeye Council scout executive, but the decision was later remanded. New Business: Pastor Tracy’s vacation request for December 25 – January 2 was approved. A Session planning/retreat meeting to plan for the upcoming year’s calendar will be held January 10, 2015, from 2:00 pm to 8:00 pm at Pastor Tracy’s home. The Session will need to have a special meeting to approve the 2015 budget submitted by the Finance Committee before the end of the year. January Birthdays Joseph Smythe John Hampe Dorothy Burbick Jessica Sands Cynthia Lohnes Megan Carver Sydni Rae McQuilkin Carrie Carver Berger Ivan Bohrer Darlene Martin Barb McCain Gloria Spencer 2 4 10 11 13 14 14 21 21 25 31 31 SUPER BOWL SUB SALE!! The Mission Trippers will be having Sub Sale on Sunday, February 1. Cost for each sub is $5.00 and includes chips and a cookie. Orders will be taken until January 25. Please support the Mission Trippers in this fundraiser! January Anniversaries Don & Linda Bandy 23 Please turn in your articles for the February Sandpiper to Debbie Socotch by January 25 or e-mail to [email protected] RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVE Tuesday, January 13 1:00 – 6:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall Why was Moses one of the smartest men in the Bible? He knew a Lot! Who was the most financially savvy man in the Bible? Noah, while the rest of the world was in liquidation, he was floating his assets! Who was the most financially savvy woman in the Bible? Pharaoh's daughter, she went down to the local bank and drew out a little prophet! Youth Group will meet Sunday, January 4th and 18th from 6-7:30pm. Sand through the Many Hourglass…. A new supply of sand fills the hourglass to say, “Welcome 2015”. But before looking ahead, I will reminisce about Christmas 2014. Much praise is given to our dedicated choir director Linda McQuilkin, organist Connie Stoudt, and the faithful choir members. Their music has been beautifully inspiring all year long, and especially during Advent. We all appreciate your using your musical abilities to praise the Lord. Applause is also given to the young “Messengers” whose vocal talents have been so welcomed. We can tuck away memories of how Jesus’ birth was celebrated at Middle Sandy. Each week during Advent and on Christmas Eve, the Advent candles were lit during a short ceremony at the beginning of the worship service. Pastor Edwards’ Advent messages focused on Jesus’ birth: Wait, Watch, Prepare, and Peace. The Nativity scene in the front yard (thanks to Terry Slingerland) was there for all passers-by to observe. During the Trim-A-Tree service, the sanctuary tree was decorated with members’ ornaments and those provided by Diane Sanor. Wreaths hanging from each window and poinsettias on the stage added to the beauty of the sanctuary. All were tributes to the birth of the “Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace”. Isaiah 9:6 Do some of you long-time members remember when the sanctuary tree was decorated with chrismons? They were symbols shaped liked stars, sheep, angels, and candles for example. They were cut from thick sheets of foam, and placed on the tree with the white lights. Then changes were made, and decorations like ones that are on the tree now began to be used. Pat Humphrey extends deep sincere deep gratitude to all who helped to celebrate Dick’s life, especially during his memorial service. She is very appreciative to the PW and other helpers who provided the meal for family and friends. She asked to please accept this as her note of thanks because arthritic fingers make writing difficult for her. In “The Music Man”, Marian is the librarian…the song is so cute… at Middle Sandy the PW are to become “Marians, the librarians”, as they sort through, keep, or give away books in the library and the parlor. If anyone would like to join them, you would be welcome the morning of January 26. If more than enough sorters arrive, kitchen cleaning is also on the agenda. So, roll up your sleeves and “spic and span” the kitchen and libraries. Yes, ”many hands make light the work”. May the sands in your hourglass during 2015 bring blessings to you and others, as you serve Him Who blesses us all so richly. January MSPS CALENDAR OF EVENTS Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu 1 Fri 2 Sat 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 6:00 pm Youth Group Missions Committee after church 11 7:00 pm Property 12 6:00 pm Youth Group 25 Pastoral Concerns 13 1:00 – 6:00 Blood Drive Christian Ed after church Soup Lunch 18 6:00 Choir 7:00 Prayer Group 19 20 6:30 pm Lions Meeting 26 9:00 PWIM 14 2:00 pm Session Retreat 15 16 17 22 23 24 29 30 31 6:00 Choir 7:00 Prayer Group 21 6:00 Choir 7:00 Prayer Group 27 28 6:00 Choir 7:00 Prayer Group Congregational Meeting 2015 Middle Sandy Evangelical Presbyterian Church Pastor Tracy Edwards P.O. Box 153, 4306 Homeworth Rd. Homeworth, OH 44634 330-525-7840 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Non-Profit Org. U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT #1 Homeworth, Ohio 44634 JANUARY 2015 The mission of Middle Sandy Evangelical Presbyterian Church is to know Jesus Christ and to make Him known through the worship of God and the teaching, preaching and living of His infallible word by the power of the Holy Spirit.
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