January 2015 30 30 Years of PG TIPS -1- Cover Designed by Alex Robins PG Tips January 2015 PG TIPS - PG Tips is the News Letter of Pinkneys Green Scout Group. The first PG Tips Group Newsletter was produced at the beginning of 1985, after all the Scout Leaders decided at a leaders meeting at our then G.S.L.'s (Nick Hinchliff) house. We were producing different News sheets for each section and items were being duplicated. Parents etc. we’re asking to have copies of all the news sheets. August/September 1985 we decided that the Newsletter was working well and that we would hold a competition to choose a Name for it. We had over thirty entries, the judging panel had no choice as "PG Tips" stood out from all the other entries, as it was the only one that had "PG" in the title and as we are known in the local area as PG Scouts it was a good name. (Our Scout Leader submitted the winning entry under a pseudonym).Simon started to type PG Tips on an old battered typewriter and it was full of composing errors, which made it interesting to read. The only problem we had was to have to pay for the photocopying (nothing changes).PG Tips is now typed on a computer, which helps with layout, and some reports are now submitted by email. (Simon still manages to get errors in the report – he has the biggest personal spell checker diconary you could have) We introduced line pictures (cartoons, in 1995).and photos in 2011 PG Tips is now printed by parents and on Simons Laser Printer the quality is a lot better and we get more information on the page. PG Tips is printed every month - We would like to thank our sponsors for printing it, plus Simon for the copies he does on his printer. Some facts: We print 250 copies of PG Tips each month, plus Approx. 170 Copies are email out Every Beaver, Cub, Scout, Young Leader & Leader gets their own copy. (Stop disagreements) We have got a permanent record of event/activities including reports written by the boys, parents! and friends! PG Tips has saved the Group a lot of money, with all the items that we have asked for FREE! Everything from computers to Ice Cream Containers. It also keeps every one up to date with future events/activities So NO ONE has an excuse that they didn't know something was going to be held. We Hope that you find PG Tips interesting and that you read all the Sections - NOT JUST THE ONE RELATING TO YOU OR YOUR CHILD !! From the Archives: JAN 1984 Thirty years ago The Annual Pantomime had been a great success "Jack and the Bean Stalk" had been put on just before Christmas, had been a complete sell out. [We now put on the Pantomime just before Easter] Link Badge - The troop welcomed Nic Segger, Matthew Milston and James Twitchen, who have just started their "Link Badge" with the Troop. [Note: Mathew is now a Troop assistant with the Scouts - See Photo below] Christmas Fair - 1984's Christmas Fair raised over £780 Blue Dress Is Ian Ruffell, his son a Scout 1984 Scout Computer Event Sinclair ZX81! 1984 Summer Camp Monmouth Scouts Pantomime 1984 Cub Camp 1984 Ventures Trip Sweden Feeding Time in Orange Marquee Simon Investing Matthew Milston April 1984 Matthew is now a Assistant Scout Leader with Troop -2- PG Tips January 2015 GROUP NEWS On behalf of all the Leaders, we hope that you had an enjoyable Christmas and We Wish You All A Happy New Year. Attached to this months PG Tips is an outline of the major events for 2015 Please make a note of the dates that affect you and your child(s). Christmas Fair Our Christmas Fair is, one of our major fund raising events of the year. We have managed to raise over £620. Some of the money raised is used to provide Christmas parcels for the elderly around Pinkneys Green, the rest goes towards the running cost of the Scout Hall. A big thank you goes to Jane Courtier for organising the fair, all the parents, friends, Beavers, Cubs and Scouts who helped at the fair or came along to support us. Christmas Parcels Some of the money raised at our Christmas Fair is used to purchase parcels for the local elderly. The parcels were delivered by the Cubs before Christmas. The Cubs went carol singing and delivered the parcels. Thank you goes to Jane Courtier for purchasing the contents of the parcels and to Akela and the Cubs for delivering the parcels and organising the Carol singing. Thank You Letter I would like to thank PG Scouts for the lovely box of biscuits delivered to me by PG cub scouts, just before Christmas - really excellent assortment. May I take this opportunity to wish PG Scouts a Very Happy New Year,. Sincerely, Betty Smith. New Littlewick Scout Troop Some good news. Littlewick Scout Troop will open on Monday 12th January 2015 at 19.30 until 9pm Kate Marshall is going to be Scout Leader and she will have a Troop assistant Charlotte Geen, there will be about 12 children to start and will also run a parent rota to help. Erica Hunter GSL Christmas Trees Can we Thank Ken Knight and Ali Fyffe for organising our Christmas tree project, plus to all the Scouts / Parents for delivering the promotional, plus to everyone who delivered the tree and collected them for recycling and to everyone who purchased a Christmas tree this year. We sold over 200 trees and raised over £4,600 Maidenhead Pantomime – Rapunzel This year over 100 PG Beavers (Littlewick & Winter Hill) Cubs (Littlewick & Winter Hill) plus Scouts attended this years Maidenhead Pantomime at the week after, 100 members of the group attended the Maidenhead pantomime to see Rapunzel. Two members of PG were in the cast Rob Harris (Bagheera) at Leader at Winter Hill Cubs and Patrick Ashe (PG Young Leader) The production was put on by Maidenhead Drama Guild With some Magic Tricks by Patrick, cheesy jokes, fabulous attire, and a good old sing-a-long, come to finish with it was a great pantomime to go along and see. Well done to Rob & Patrick for giving us all a good evening Parents – Can you spare 45 Minutes - Once a term We are looking for more parents volunteers to join a Parent Rota to clean the Toilet area and kitchen area and a quick sweep over the main hall floor, wash the kitchen Mitchell room and toilet floors once a term. We need to sort a rota out for this term. If you can spare approx. 45 minutes once a term, time to suit you, please email [email protected] for more information A big thank you goes to all the parents who helped us last term, it was a great help. The cleaning can be done to suit you. -3- PG Tips January 2015 YOUNGSTERS SAFTEY DROPPING OFF TO MEETINGS PINKNEYS GREEN - Scout Hall Winter Hill Road - Can we remind Parents to operate a One Way System when dropping off or collecting your son(s) from Beavers on Monday evenings, Cubs on Wednesday evenings or Scouts on Monday/Friday evenings, also please don't turn your cars around in our neighbours driveways and DON’T PARK or PICK UP where the WHITE LINES are outside the hall Please Don’t park in the drive way of Christmas Cottage or Pond House LITTLEWICK GREEN - Gilchrist Village Hall - can we also remind parents dropping off and picking up Do not park in Gilchrist Way as this is strictly reserved for residents. We ask parents to please park a little further down on Jubilee Road or on Coronation Road and walk up; you may need a torch! Please ask your Childs leader if you are not sure. Thank you for your support in keeping our neighbours Happy. 2015 Panto – Sleeping Beauty This years Scouts Pantomime will be Sleeping Beauty, it will be on Friday 27th March, 7pm and Saturday 28th March 3pm & 7pm. A big thank you goes to all the parents who have offered to help support this years production; we do need more offers of help. URGENT We are looking for HELP with printing the Scripts Approx. 75 pages - anything from 1 copy to 40 copies Also we are looking for help binding the Scripts. If you can help do any binding, please email me. (We do have a binding Machine) We hope Cubs who want to, will be take part in the Cub numbers We are still looking for the following Help: Sort Back Cloths and repair them (2 people) Go through all our back cloths (some when end January / beginning February - up to you) sort out the Sleeping Beauty ones, repair them (made out of old sheets - so might need some tape on them) Replace any broken bits of wood (top / bottom) make sure that the Cup hooks (to hold them up) are in the right place Building (Putting Together) the Stage (8-10 people) We will be putting the stage together Friday 13th February, 6pm onwards and Saturday 14th February 2015 and we are looking for help from Dads (& Mums) with an electrical Screw driver - you don't have to be an expert to put it together - we are just looking for people to hold things and screw the bits together Transporting Boxes to Hall We need to move 25 plastic boxes containing the costumes from Camley gardens to Scout Hall also we need to move the back cloths from Pinkneys Road to the Scout Hall. These are 6ft – 8ft long (Sheet rolled around a piece of wood) They need to be moved beginning of February If you can help with any of the above, please let Simon know either email [email protected] or leave a message on Mhd 771991 Christingle Service Thanks go to all the parents; friends and members of the Group attended the Christingle Service at our parish church at St James the Less, Stubbings. Special thanks go to: Revd. Keith Nicholls for organising the service. Also to parents & youngsters who made the Christingles and to everyone who supplied the mince pies, for the refreshments afterwards. We had traditional carols as well as the Christingles. * * * * BEAVER NEWS Littlewick Colony Well we’ve had a busy month at Littlewick Green. The young leaders planned and arranged one meeting where all the beavers did experiments including mixing water with cooking oil in a plastic bottle to see what happened. Blowing balloons up and learning how we can make static electricity. We all had crazy hair by the end of the evening. Thanks to Jonathan Otun, Alex Garitty and Nicole Ruffell for organising such a great meeting. We then worked towards our first aid badge and were then visited by Sarah Hollingsworth from BCA who runs first aid courses for the college. Sarah taught us all about Hazards in the home, how we can identify hazards and how we can prevent accidents. We watched Sarah perform mouth to mouth resuscitation and CPR on a dummy and also learnt how to call for ambulance , what -4- PG Tips January 2015 questions we would be asked by the operator and that we all needed to know our home address to tell the operator. Thank you Sarah for doing such a great job. At the start of December Bubbles taught us all about Advent and we made a fantastic pin-wheel advent calendar from Pegs. We added numbers 1 – 24 decorated with snowmen and anything Christmassy and then added delicious sweets as a daily treat. Thank you Bubbles for working so hard and making the pin wheels. The following week we were visited by Hawkeye’s sister who is a cake maker. We had great fun decorating cakes with icing, sprinkles, Debbie bought some icing cutters so we could make some lovely Christmas shapes to put on our cakes. We then wrapped them up so that we could give them to the parents but I don’t many parents received them as they smelt so good. Last week of the tem we had a our Christmas party and played games. Thank you to all the parents that bought in food, we had a great night. Hope you had a great Christmas and we look forward to seeing you all this year. Keo (Emma Hurley) Winter Hill Colony Welcome back to 2015! We are looking forward to a lovely term full of beaver fun. We have the Beaveree to look forward to this term not to mention the legendary PG Scout pantomime! Watch this space! Thank you very much for all the parents who have helped on the beaver rota this term. We appreciate it so much! Hathi (Catherine Weeks). * * * * CUB NEWS Littlewick Pack Welcome back, we hope you had a restful Christmas and haven't eaten too many chocolates! We saw out the end of the year with a fun Christmas party and lots of 'he's behind you!' At the Panto... Still trying to work out who Dame Trot was?? We also said goodbye to Rama (Retiring Cub Leader Sarah Jones) - after helping to set up Littlewick Green cubs and 2 years of hard work she's taking a well-earned rest. We have some beavers swimming up to join us this year so welcome Rueben Bharj and Dylan Williams-Lock. We have a packed programme ahead and are looking forward to filling up those arms with badges. Happy New Year Rikki (Jo Taylor) Winter Hill Pack After our meeting on remembrance, we spent an evening making chocolate treats. Matthew and Aiden Milston instructed the boys to make the truffles and I think every cub went home covered in chocolate! The following week, a few boys brought in their collections to be tested for the collectors’ badge. Chil and Raksha enjoyed hearing about the collections of football cards and fossils. On 3rd December, the cubs made treats for our feathered friends. Raksha worked with the cubs to make bird food to put in the garden over winter. The week after, 100 members of the group attended the Maidenhead pantomime to see Rapunzel. PG were a great audience! Although I was unable to attend, I hear a few cubs attended the Christingle service on 14th December. It’s always a lovely service and I am sure the cubs all enjoyed the sweets. The first meeting of the New Year will be on Wednesday 7th January. We will be having a New Year’s party. The theme is green and yellow – prize for the best fancy dress! Best Wishes for the New Year. Bagheera (Rob Harris) 07739 832442 [email protected] SCOUT NEWS Swimming Gala The District is holding the Swimming Gala on Saturday 31st January 2015 at 5.40pm. We are looking for Scouts to help us defend the Myer Shield (Which we won for being the overall Winner). Any Scout interested in representing the Troop contact Tarka Mhd 620655. We hope Scouts who are not in the Team will come along a support the Troop. Young leaders, please let Simon know if you are interested in taking part in the Explorers event Patrol Swimming We will again be taking each Patrol to High Wycombe, so that every Scout can be re-tested for the minimum standard for taking part in water activities, as well as been given the opportunity in doing the Swimmers proficiency Badge. Scouts need to wear Full Uniform, plus take their Swimming gear. Bob Weingarth will be organising this activity, with help from a young leader We will require help from parents with transport. Training Weekends We will be holding training Weekends for Scouts, which will be held at the Scout Hall depending on age of Scouts (as per the letter you should have received) Year 6 part year 7 27th – 28th February Part Year 7 & year 8 6th – 7th February Year 9 ( and above) 23rd – 24th January -5- PG Tips January 2015 Pantomime – Sleeping Beauty We hope that we will be holding auditions on Thursday 15th and Sunday 18th January, for those Scouts who would like to take part in this year’s Pantomime. Rehearsals will be on Thursday evenings 6.45pm – 8.15pm and Sunday afternoons, 3.00pm – 4.30pm. The dates of the performances will be Friday 27th March, 7.00pm + Saturday 28th March, 3.00pm & 7.00pm. Make sure that you are available on those dates, if you wish to take part 2015 Medical Forms All Scouts and Young Leaders will be receiving the annual (2015) Medical & Personal Detail Forms. Can parents please complete and return these forms to Simon by 23rd January. It is important that we get the updated forms, as medical conditions change, plus at least one Scout has moved house (without telling us) Tombola Thank you to the Parents & Scouts who provided items for the Tombola Stall and to the Scouts and Leaders who helped set the stall up on the Sunday morning and those who wore uniform and manned it in the afternoon, also thanks go to the Scouts who helped on other stalls Christingle Service Special thanks goers to Jordan Day-Hunt for carrying the Troop flag, and to Frank Williams who did the readings, plus all the Scouts who made the effort to attend this special service. The church was full. The Christingles looked very good when the candles were lit and the lights were dimmed. Scouts Annual Dinner This is where the Scouts invite people who have helped the Troop over the past twelve months. On Friday 19th December the PLs invited us to join the guests they had invited. Over 80 Scouts and guests, sat down for a three-course meal. We had Tomato Soap & a role starter, followed by Savoury Mince and Rice, then with cream for dessert. A big thank you goes to Alex Robins, for organising the meal, with Help from Michael Crown, BoB Weingarth, John Bannerman and Chris Parker and Scout Organiser Harry Bennett for organising the event, with the PLs & YLs Chris Parker Troop Assistant Chris Parker is retiring and moving to Crete At the Scouts troop Dinner Raksha (Sheila Stinton, our president) presented Chris with a Thanks Badge on behalf of the Scouts Chris was a PG Cub (Raksha was his Akela for some of the time he was in Cubs), Scout and Venture Scout. Chris as well as helping with the Scouts, was PG Treasurer for a short time. We would like to wish him and his wife Phil, good luck in Crete Leader Service Awards Congratulations goes to the following Troop leaders who received there service awards from our New District Commissioner Graham Parkins at the Scouts Troop Dinner 20 Years - Rob Ayre, John Bannerman & Chris Parker, 10 Years Matthew Milston, 5 Years - Michael Crown Can we thank them for all the support they have given the Scouts at PG over many years Troop Camp The first big camp of 2015, when the whole Troop goes away for the weekend, will be at the beginning of May Date: Friday 15th May to Sunday 17th May 2015 We hope that all Scouts will attend this camp, especially the ones, who have joined us in the last six months, as it is important that you attend at least one camp, before you go on Summer Camp in July to Wales. Simon Wheeler (Scout Leader) Produced monthly by Pinkneys Green Scout Group, Winter Hill Road, Maidenhead, Berks SL6 6NS Tel: (01628) 771 991 Sketches by Scouting Web Site: www.pgscouts.org.uk Copy to Simon email: [email protected] Registered Charity Number 3005015 -6- PG Tips January 2015 Pinkneys Green Scouts . 1/1/2015 Jan 2015 PG Tips 2015 Outline Programme 1 January 2 January 15 January 23-24 Jan 31 January Group Scout Scout Scout Cub/Sct - New Years Morning Walk - 10.30am Scouts New Year Party Auditions for Scouts Pantomime Sleeping Beauty Training Course (Older Scouts / YLs) District Swimming Gala – Magnet [Cubs 3pm – Scouts 5.40pm] 6-7 Feb 13 February 13-15 Feb 18 February 20-21 Feb 22 Feb 27-28 Feb Scout Scout Group CubWHLG - Training Course (Part year 7 plus Year 8) Special Troop Activity Swimming at Windsor Pool Build Staging etc. for Pantomime Parents Help required Incident Hike (Run by Scouts PL's & APL's ) LAN Weekend Paint Staging etc. for Pantomime Parents Help required Training Course (Year 6 plus part Year 7) 2 March 7 March 7 March 7 March 9 March 20 March 27-28 March 29 March BeaverWH Scout Beaver Cub BeaverLG Scout Group Group - Scouts Pantomime Sleeping Beauty - Help Dismantling PG Stage Area – 10.30am Parents Help required 20-21 April Scout - LAN 26 April Group - District St Georges Day Event - All Beavers, Cubs & Scouts 2 May 9 May Group Cub - Jumble Sale 10.30am - District Cub Incident Hike – run by PLs 15-17 May Scout - 16 May 27 May 29-30 May - Jumble Sale 10.30am Group CubWHLG - Litter Clear PG Triangle (Run by the Scouts) - LAN Scout 19 June 21 June Scout Group - District Orienteering Competition - Summer "Fair On The Green " 27 June 28 June Cubs Scouts - District Cricket Competition - District Water Activity Day - Scouts 5 July 6July Group Beaver - Fun Day & AGM - Tent Pitching (Run by the Scouts) Scout Group Scout "We Entertain " – Beaver meeting run by Scouts District Cross Country Competition 11am at PG Hall District Beaveree Altwood School Flag Competition "We Entertain " – Beaver meeting run by Scouts Swimming Trip (Scouts not in Panto) Troop Camp 12 Noon - 4.30pm - Summer Camp – Brecon - All Scouts 21 Jul - 2 Aug Scout [This is the most important Activity in the Scouting year - puts Scout previous training in to practice] - LAN 30-31 August Scout 4-6 September 11 September 12 September Cub Scout Group - Cub Camp - Evening Mystery Trip - Jumble Sale 10.30am 19 September 26 September 27 September Scout Group Group - District Land Activity Event - Jumble Sale 10.30am - Harvest Festival 3.25pm at Stubbings Church 3 October 4 October 11 October 12 October 13 October 14 October 17-18 October 19 October 24-25 October 28 October Scout Cub/Sct Scout BeaverWH 2 November 7 November 8 November 13-14 Nov 27-28 Nov Beaver Scout Group Scout Scout - 4 December Scout - Trip – (Pos Ice Skating/Swimming ) All Scouts 4 December 6 December 9 December 13 December 14 December 18 December 20-21 Dec Scout Group Group Group Beaver - District Quiz LG CubWH Group BeaverWH Scout CubWHLG - Scout Scout - District PL's Training Course Rotary Boundary Walk Scouts Cycle Orienteering event 10am - 1pm Computer Event (Run by Scouts) Computer Event (Run by Scouts) Computer Event (Run by Scouts) JOTA & JOTI Jamboree's - PG Scout Hall (All Welcome) Halloween Party (Run by Scouts) LAN Halloween Party (Run by Scouts) Firework Evening District Chef Cooking Competition – Cookham Scout Hall Remembrance Sunday Parade - 10.35am ALL Beavers Cubs & Scouts District Night Hike - Parents Welcome Older Scout Activity Weekend Christmas Fair On a Sunday 12 Noon - 3.00pm Trip to Maidenhead Pantomime Carol (Christingle ) Service 3.25pm at Stubbings Church Christmas Banquet Troop Dinner Thank You meal for supporters of the Troop Computer Weekend Check www.pgscouts.org.uk for latest diary Email: [email protected] Scout Hall Tel: (01628) 771991
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