From by guest on January 21, 2015. For personal use only. Cloning of Murine gp91ph””cDNA and Functional Expression in a Human X-Linked Chronic Granulomatous Disease Cell Line By Helga Bjorgvinsdottir, Ling Zhen, and Mary C. Dinauer The phagocyte cytochrome LI-, a heterodimer comprised of gp9lPn0”and p22ph””. is a flavocytochrome that mediates the transfer of electrons from NADPH to molecular oxygen in the respiratory burst oxidase. The human gene encoding the glycosylated gp9lPhoxsubunit is the site of mutations in X-linked chronic granulomatous disease (CGD). Reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction was used to obtain a full-length clone for the murine gp9lPnox cDNA, which was 87% identical to the human gp9lPhoxcDNA. The encoded murine protein had 39 amino acids out of 570 that differed from the human, many of which were conservative substitutions. Nonconservative replacements occurred in hydrophilic regions outside of domains previously implicated in binding to NADPH, flavin, and the cytosolic oxidase subunit p47ph0x.Some substitutions altered potential N-glycosylation sites, which is likely to explain why the glycorylated murine protein migrates with an apparent molecular mass of 58 kD instead of 91 kD as seen for the human protein. in a human myeloid cell line Expression of murine gp91with a null gp9lPhoxallele using a mammalian expression plasmid or a retroviral vector rescued stable expression of the papho”subunit and fully reconstituted respiratory burst activity. This suggests that the murine gp9lph0”subunit forms a functional cytochrome & heterodimer with human oxidase subunits, consistent with the high degree of identity between the mouse and human proteins in domains implicated in cytochrome function. 0 1996 by The American Society of Hematology. T As one approach to localize important functional domains HE PHAGOCYTE respiratory burst oxidase (NADPH within the gp9lphoX subunit of cytochrome b 5 5 8 , we have isooxidase) plays a central role in host defense, catalyzing lated a cDNA for the murine gp91Ph” using reverse tranthe transfer of electrons from NADPH to molecular oxygen scriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). The encoded thereby generating the superoxide radical (0;).Superoxide murine protein had 39 substitutions throughout the 570 is then converted into toxic oxygen derivatives that are esamino acids compared with the human gp9lPbxpolypeptide, sential for intact microbicidal function.’ The oxidase is dormant in resting phagocytes but, upon cellular activation by many of which were conservative. Nonconserved substituinflammatory stimuli, is rapidly assembled at the plasma tions occurred in regions outside of the putative heme, flavin, membrane from cytosolic and membrane components. An and NADPH binding domains. Expression of murine unusual b-type cytochrome, cytochrome is located in gp9lPh”*in a human myeloid cell line with a null gp9lPh” the plasma membrane, where it functions as the redox center allele rescued expression of the protein and fully of the oxidase. Cytochrome b 5 5 8 is a heterodimer composed reconstituted respiratory burst activity in intact cells. of two tightly associated polypeptides, gp91Ph”and ~22~”O’, MATERIALS AND METHODS and is expressed almost exclusively in phagocytic leukocytes.’-’ Two soluble oxidase subunits, p47p”Oxand ~67~“O”, Cell lines. PLB-985 cellsz4and derivatives were maintained as translocate to the membrane upon oxidase activation, along de~cribed.’~X-CGD PLB-985 cells were previously generated by with a small guanosine triphosphatase, R ~ c . Mutations ~.~ in targeted disruption of the gp9lPhUxgene, and lack endogenous gp9lPhU* and respiratory burst a~tivity.’~ For granulocyte differentiaany one of the four phox oxidase subunits result in chronic tion, logarithmically growing PLB-985 and derivative cell lines at granulomatous disease (CGD), with defects in the X-linked a density of 1 to 3 X lo5cells/mL were exposed to 0.5% dimethylgene for gp9lPh0”accounting for the majority of cases.’ CGD formamide (DMF) for 6 daysz5 Retrovirus packaging lines GP + phagocytes lack respiratory burst oxidase activity and exhibit E86” and GP+envAm12” were provided by Dr A. Bank (Columbia impaired microbial killing, which leads to recurrent and freUniversity, New York, NY) and maintained in 50% Hams F12 and quently life-threatening bacterial and fungal infections. 50% Dulbecco’s modified Eagles medium (GIBCO, Grand Island, Cytochrome b 5 5 8 is a flavocytochrome that contains two NY) supplemented with 10%fetal calf serum (Sigma, St Louis, MO), heme groups embedded within the plasma membrane as well as a flavin group that acts as the initial acceptor of electrons from The specific functional domains of the From the H e w n B Wells Center for Pediatric Research, the cytochrome have been only partially characterized. At least Departments of Pediatrics (Hematology and Oncology) and of Medione of the heme groups may be shared between the gp91Ph“x cal and Molecular Genetics, James Whitcomb Riley Hospital for and ~ 2 2 subunits,” ~ ~ ” ~whereas the flavin and NADPH bindChildren, Indiana University Medical Center, Indianapolis. ing sites appear to be localized in the carboxyl-terminal porSubmitted August 22, 1995; accepted October 3, 1995. Supported by ROI HL.45635 and a Ceniers for Excellence in Hetion of gp91Ph“.”~”In addition to their close functional relamatology Award (IP50 DK49218) from the National Institutes of tionship, interactions between gp91Ph” and appear Health, and by a Clinical Research Awardfrom the March of Dimes. important for normal intracellular processing and stability Address reprint requests to Mary C. Dinauer, MO, PhD, Herman of each cytochrome subunit.’,’’ For example, genetic defiB Wells Center for Pediatric Research, James Whitcomb Riley Hosciency in either gp9lPhoX or ~ 2 results 2 in ~ markedly ~ dimin~ pital for Children, Room 2600, 702 Barnhill Dr, Indianapolis, IN ished levels of the unaffected subunit.19 Cytochrome b 5 5 8 also 46202. acts as the focal point for assembly of the active oxidase The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by page complex. Translocation of cytosolic oxidase subunits upon charge payment. This article must therefore be hereby marked cellular activation fails to occur in the absence of cytochrome “advertisement” in accordance with 18 U.S.C.section 1734 solely to b558.5.20,21 Multiple interactions between both cytochrome indicate this fact. subunits and ~ 4 7 ” ~ appear ” to be important for normal as0 1996 by The American Society of Hematology. sembly of the oxidase.1.z2.23 0006-4971/96/8705-0022$3.00/0 Blood, Vol 87,No 5 (March 1). 1996 pp 2005-2010 2005 From by guest on January 21, 2015. For personal use only. 2006 100 U/mL penicillin (GIBCO), 100 pg/mL streptomycin (GIBCO), 2 mmom glutamine (GIBCO), and 15 mmol/L HEPES Buffer Solution (GIBCO). NIH 3T3 fibroblasts were obtained from Dr D.W. Clapp and mouse macrophage RAW cells were obtained from Dr D. Skalnik (both at Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis). RT-PCR and subcloning of murine gp91Ph"'cDNA. Total RNA was extracted from mouse macrophage RAW cells using a guanidium thiocyanate protocol.2x First-strand cDNA was generated through reverse transcription with Moloney murine leukemia virus (M-MuLV) reverse transcriptase and random primers using the protocol supplied by the manufacturer (Boehringer Mannheim, Indianapolis, IN). Two synthetic oligonucleotide primers, derived from the human gp9Iph"IcDNA sequence, were prepared to attempt to amplify the murine gp9IPh'" cDNA using PCR: S-ACAATCTCGAGACCATG GGG AAC TGG GCT GTG AAT GAA 6-3' (forward prim7and 5'-ACTTAGGATCCTTA GAA GTT TTC CTT GTT GAA AAT GAA GTG-3' (reverserimer). Sequences from the human gp9lPh'" cDNA are shown in bold and the initiator and the stop codons are underlined. The synthetic oligonucleotides also have additional nucleotides at their 5' end encoding Xho I and BumHI restriction sites, respectively. A full-length murine gp9 lph"* cDNA was obtained using Vent polymerase (New England Biolabs, Beverly, MA) to amplify the first-strand cDNA by PCR using the following temperature settings: 94°C x 1 minute, 65°C x I minute, 72°C X 3 % minutes, for a total of 35 cycles. The DNA fragment was purified using Magic PCR Preps DNA purification system (Promega, Madison, WI), digested with Xho I and BamHI, and subcloned into pBluescript I1 KS( +) (Stratagene, La Jolla, CA). Dideoxynucleotide sequencing was performed in both directions. Multiple clones from three independent amplifications were sequenced to ensure that the sequence obtained did not include PCR-induced mutations. Translation of the nucleotide sequence and best-fit alignments with the human gp91Ph""sequencez9were performed using the Genetics Computer Group molecular genetics software (Program Manual for the Wisconsin Package, Version 8; Genetics Computer Group, Madison, cDNA was subcloned into two WI). The full-length murine gp91PhoX different vectors after changing the 5' Xho I site to EcoRI: the mammalian expression vector pEF-PGKneoz' to generate the plasmid, pEFneom91, and the plasmid shuttle vector for the MSCVneoEB retrovirus3oto generate pMSCVneo-m91. Construction of retrovirul producer cell lines. The MSCVneom91 plasmid was transfected into GP+E86 ecotropic packaging cells using DOTAP (Boehringer Mannheim). Transfected packaging cells were selected in G418 (GIBCO) at 0.8 mg/mL to isolate single colonies. To estimate a quantitative titer, 3T3 cells were infected as described3' and selected in (3418. Supernatant from a clone with the highest titer (1.5 X IO4 infectious particles/mL) was used to crossinfect GP + envAml2 amphotropic packaging cells ("ping-pong") to obtain amphotropic virus producer cells, m9lneoAml2. The total G418-resistant m9lneoAml2 cell population was used for subsequent transduction of X-CGD PLB-985 cells and had an estimated titer of -5 x lo3infectious particles/mL as quantitated on 3T3 cells. Introduction of gp91pho'.expression vectors into X-CGD PLB cells. Between 1 and 2 x IO7 X-CGD PLB-985 cells in logarithmic growth were electroporated with the plasmid pEFneo-m91 and individual clones were isolated by limiting dilution in the presence of (3418, as previously described.z5For infection with MSCVneo-m91 retrovirus, X-CGD PLB-985 cells were transduced by coculture with m9lneoAml2 amphotropic producer cells." After infection, cells were grown in the presence of (3418 to select for a population of transduced cells. RNA and immunoblot analysis. Total cellular RNA was isolated and analyzed by Northem blot as de~cribed.'~ RNA samples were probed with random prime-labeled full-length murine gp9Iph"" BJORGVINSDOTTIR, ZHEN, AND DINAUER cDNA. Triton X-100 extracts and cellular membranes of nonadherent mouse bone marrow (BM) cells and of PLB-985 and derivative cells were prepared as previously described.25."Protein concentration was measured by BCA protein assay (Pierce, Rockford, 1L). On a per-cell basis, membrane extracts typically yield -20% to 35% of the protein obtained from whole-cell extracts. Immunoblot analysis was performed as describedz5using either affinity-purifiedp22ph"' antibody or C-terminal antibody for gp9l""" as probes." Assay ofsuperoxide formation. The nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT) assay was performed on granulocyte-induced PLB-985 cells or derivatives.*' For quantitative measurement of superoxide formation elicited by phorbol myristate acetate (PMA)-stimulated whole cells after granulocyte differentiation, the continuous cytochrome c assay was RESULTS To generate a full-length murine gp9lPh"' clone, synthetic oligonucleotide primers derived from the human gp9 lphor sequence were used to amplify the murine sequence from first-strand cDNA prepared from mouse macrophage mRNA. A single 1,700-bp product was generated, whose nucleotide sequence was 87% identical to the human gp91rh"' cDNA* (not shown). The amino acid sequence of the encoded murine protein is shown in Fig 1, and is aligned with the human gp9 lph"xsequencez9for comparison. The murine and human sequences are identical in 531 out of 570 amino acids, although note that the N-terminal 8 and C-terminal 9 amino acids in the murine sequence were specified by the oligonucleotide primers. Seventeen of the nonidentical amino acids represent conservative substitutions. Some of the residues that are dissimilar between the two species involve consensus sequences for N-linked glycosylation (NX-S/T), with only two potential sites shared between the murine and human sequences (Fig 1). We investigated whether the murine gp91Ph"xprotein could rescue ~ 2 2 " expression ~~' and participate in superoxide generation in human X-CGD PLB-985 cells. Two different expression systems were used: a mammalian plasmid expression vector, pEF-PGKneo, in which the cDNA is under control of the human elongation-factor 1 -apromoter,25and a retroviral vector, MSCVneoEB, in which cDNA expression is driven by a modified Maloney leukemia virus LTR." pEFneo-m91 was introduced into X-CGD PLB cells by electroporation, and stable transfectants isolated by limiting dilution. Twelve clones were randomly chosen for analysis, of which seven were NBT-positive, which demonstrated both successful transfection of the entire transgene as well as functional reconstitution of respiratory burst activity. On Northern blot analysis, NBT-negative clones lacked mRNA for gp91f'h0x(data not shown), which suggested that the transgene was nonfunctional in these cells. Four of the NBTpositive clones were chosen for further detailed analysis. Cell extracts were prepared from granulocyte-induced cells and analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and immunoblotting to examine the expression of cytochrome b558using antibodies for both g ~ 9 1 ~ ~ ' ' ~ - * The nucleotide sequence for the murine gp9IPh'"cDNA has been deposited in the Genbank database (accession no. U43384). From by guest on January 21, 2015. For personal use only. MURINE GP9lPHoxcDNA 2007 50 CGP-SAL WDIPPKFFYTRJCLLGSAL 50 human 2 0 1 YF mouse 251 W G K I K E C P V F ' K F A G N P P I V G P M ! % Y L C E R L ~ ~ K W I T K V to that seen using the pEFneo-m91 vector. Finally, expression of recombinant murine gp91p""' resulted in markedly increased levels of the ~22"""' subunit in human X-CGD cells, as assessed by immunoblotting (Fig 2B). A continuous cytochrome c reduction assay was used to quantitate respiratory burst activity in granulocyte-induced X-CGD PLB-985 cells that expressed recombinant murine gp9Ip""' (Table I). As previously shown,?5.'' X-CGD PLB cells lacked respiratory burst activity, whereas wild-type PLB-985 cells had levels similar to those seen in normal human neutrophils." Expression of recombinant murine - 300 IIIIIIII:I.IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIII human 2 5 1 W G K I K ~ P I W F A G N P P M I W K W I V G P E R L ~ S a ~ T K 300 V mouse 3 0 1 WIiPFKTIELX*IKKKGFIFWCPKVSKLEWbiPFl'LTSAPEE!JF 350 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII human 3 0 1 VTHPFKT1RX)MKKKGFIFWCPWSKLEWbiPFl'LTSAPEED~ 350 muse 3 5 1 F S I H I R I V G ~ E G L F E ~ ~ ~ P K I A ~400 ~ F ~ A S ~ S IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII human 3 5 1 FSIHIRIVGLWESLFNACWDKQNACCCDKOEMDAWKLPKIAVDGS 400 b mouse 4 0 1 Y E V V M L V G A G I G V T P F A S I L S W Y K Y C D ~ ? S L K L K K I Y P450 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlI:III.IIIIIIIIIIIlIIIII human 4 0 1 mouse YEWMLVGAGIGVTPFASIWSWYKYCNNANATNLKLKKIY~ rl 450 4 5 1 F E W F A D L L Q L h G l Q ~ Y L ~ E S Q A N H F A V l & E E K D 500 IIIllIIIIIII.IIIIIIII.IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII human 4 5 1 F ~ A D ~ L L E S o M Q E R N " I n n ; W D E S O A N H F A500 mouse 5 0 1 V I ~ ; L K Q K T L Y G R P I A S E ~ & ~ ? I G V F U S P ~ S K Q S 550 IIlIIIIIIIIIII1IIIIIIIIII:IIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A 200 97.4 I - I I I I I I I Lala''LADaW 68- ' +58 43- human 5 0 1 v r ~ ~ Y ~ P " E F X T I A S Q H P ~ 1 ~ 550 ~ ~ S K Q S e m u s e 5 5 1 ISNSESGPRGVHFIFNKENF 570 f IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII human 5 5 1 ISNSESGPRGVHFIF?XENF 570 Fig 1. Amino acid sequence of murine and human gp91*" subunits of phagocyte cytochrome &. The amino acid sequence of the murine gp9lPh"" polypeptide as predicted from its cDNA sequence is shown, and is aligned with the human gp91Ph0"forcomparison (solid lines denote identical residues, double dots indicate high degree of similarity, and single dots indicate lower degree of similarity). The alignment was performed using the Genetics Computer Group software program, Best Fit. Hydrophobic regions are enclosed in shaded rectangles. Potential N-linked glycosylation sequences (N-X-S/T) are indicated in both the murine and human sequences using dashed lines. Regions with homologies t o the FNR family of flavoenzymes are indicated in the human sequence with solid lines, as follows: (a1 flavin isoalloxazine ring; lbl flavin ribityl chain; (c) NADP pyrophosphate; (d) NADP ribose; le1 NADP 2'-phosphate, NADP ribose 2'-phosphate adenine ring; (1)nicotinamide C 4 atom. 43 - 29 - 200 68 18.4 and ~22"~"'.Untransfected X-CGD PLB-985 cells lack gp91ph""and display markedly reduced levels of ~ 2 2 " ~(Fig "' 2A, lane 6 and Fig 2B, lane 5). NBT-positive transfectants (Fig 2A, lanes 1 through 4) all expressed a protein of -58 kD that was immunoreactive with the gp9IPh"'antibody and which comigrated with the gp91ph"' species detected in nonadherent murine BM cells (of which -50% are neutrophils and -30% mononuclear phagocytes) (Fig 2A, lanes 7 and 8). There was some clone-to-clone variation in the level of expression, which had previously been seen for expression of recombinant human gp9 Ip"'" using this vector.'' The relative level of recombinant murine gp9Ip""' was estimated to be 15% to 30% of that detected in murine BM cells. Murine gp91"""' was also expressed in X-CGD PLB-985 cells using a retroviral vector, MSCVneoEB. A (3418-resistant population was collected for analysis. Membrane extract was prepared from granulocyte-induced cells for immunoblot analysis of gp9lP""' expression (Fig 2A, lane 5). which was comparable 1234 56 B Fig 2. I I I I I I - 1 lmmunoblot analysis of expression of murine cytochrome & subunits in human PLB-985 cell lines and murine BM cells. Membrane or whole-cell extracts were prepared from granulocyte-induced PLB-985 cells and derivatives and from wild-type mouse nonadherent BM cells. Molecular-weight standards and the estimated size of proteins are indicated (kilodaltonsl. (A) Lanes 1through 4, pEFneo-m91transfected X-CGD PLB-985 (clones 1,4, 6, and 7, respectively); lane 5, MSCVneo-m91-transduced X-CGD PLB-985 (total G418-resistant population); lane 6, X-CGD PLB-985; lanes 7 and 8, mouse BM cells. Ten micrograms of membrane extract were loaded in lanes 1through 6. Whole-cell extracts were loaded in lanes 7 (2 pg) and 8 (5 pg). The blot was probed with C-terminal antibody for gp91pho'. The band at -110 kD in all PLB-985 membrane extracts (lanes 1 through 61 is presumed t o be a cross-reacting protein unrelated t o gp91Pho",as it is present in the X-CGD PLB-985 cell line and is only seen with the C-terminal gp91Pho'antibody and not with other gp91Ph""-specificantibodies. (Bl Lanes 1through 4, pEFneo-m91-transfected X-CGD PLB985 (clones 1,4,6, and 7, respectively); lane 5, X-CGD PLB-985; lane 6, wild-type PLB-985. Twenty micrograms of whole-cell extract protein was loaded in each lane. The blot was probed with affinitypurified p22Ph0a antibody. From by guest on January 21, 2015. For personal use only. 2008 ZHEN, AND DINAUER BJORGVINSD~T~IR, Tabla 1. Superoxide Generation by PLB-985 Cell Lines After Granulocytic Differentiation tion of fewer N-linked glycosylation sites is likely to explain why the murine gp91PhoX migrates with an apparent molecular mass of -58 kD, compared with -91 kD for the human Vmax Cumulative 0; (nmol 0;lminllo' (nmol/30 mintlo' protein. Upon deglycosylation, the murine and human core Cell Line cells) cells) N proteins both migrate at -54 kD.32The C-terminal seWild-type 56 2 21 622 2 56 6 quences of gp91Ph" suggested to form the NADPH binding 0 0 4 X-CGD site are all conserved in the murine sequence (Fig 1). Specific X-CGD + pEFneo-m91 residues involved in flavin binding are less clear, but are 649 2 28 3 Clone 1 53 2 13 believed to reside within residues 290 through 390. This 645 2 16 3 Clone 4 66 2 28 region is identical in the mouse and human gp91Ph'" se653 4 27 3 Clone 6 48 i- 19 quences. There are only two nonconservative substitutions 68 2 21 715 2 43 3 Clone 7 within hydrophobic domains of the mouse and human proX-CGD + MSCVneo-m91 64 i- 22 654 4 57 2 teins. Some or all of these regions are likely to be transmemPLB-985 cell lines were induced to differentiate with 0.5% DMF for brane or intramembranous domains in which the heme pros6 days. Superoxide generation in PMA-stimulated whole cells was thetic groups are embedded. Raman and electron measured by a continuous cytochrome c reduction assay. Data for paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy have suggested that superoxide formation are the mean 2 SD, and there were no statistical the hemes are coordinated with imidazole or imidazolate differences between wild-type PLB-985 cells and the pEFneo-m91transfected clones expressing murine gp9IPhox,using the unpaired ligands supplied by histidine residues."' All histidines are t-test. conserved between the murine and human sequences (Fig 1). Finally, several regions within gp91Ph"' that may interact with (residues 86 through 93 and 450 through 457)'' gp9lpbXrestored respiratory burst activity to wild-type range, are conserved between the mouse and human gp9Iph'" prowith no significant difference in either the maximal rate or teins. The degree of similarity in a carboxy-terminal terminal total amount of superoxide produced over 30 minutes. In sequence of gp91Ph0"(residues 559 through 565), also impliaddition, no difference in the overall kinetics of superoxide cated as a binding site for p47ph"x,34 cannot be generation were noted in the hybrid mouse-human system because most of this region of the murine sequence was (not shown). derived from the reverse PCR primer. In the studies reported here, the murine gp91Ph" was capaDISCUSSION ble of both rescuing stable expression of human ~ 2 2 ~ and~ " of complementing other human oxidase subunits to fully The phagocyte flavocytochrome b558 heterodimer funcreconstitute respiratory burst activity in human X-CGD cells. tions as the redox center of the respiratory burst oxidase, These observations strongly suggest that a functional heteromediating the transfer of electrons from NADPH to oxygen dimeric complex is formed between murine gp9lPh'" and upon translocation of cytosolic oxidase subunits to the human ~ 2 2 subunits. ~ ~ " Moreover, the kinetics of superoxide plasma membrane. Although the relative functions of each formation were indistinguishable from wild-type human subunit have not been fully defined, current data suggest that PLB-985 cells, suggesting that the assembly of the multieach subunit contains a heme center and that both flavin and subunit active oxidase complex is unaffected. These observaNADPH binding sites are localized to gp91ph"x.2~10~'5 The tions are consistent with the conservation of sequences behuman gp91Ph" polypeptide has 570 amino acid residues, tween human and murine gp9Iph""in domains likely to be and contains multiple hydrophobic domains in addition to involved in redox function and oxidase assembly. These refive potential N-linked glycosylation sites29(Fig 1). No polysults also underscore the high degree of cross-species consermorphisms have been reported for the human sequence and vation in the NADPH oxidase complex. all identified amino acid substitutions have been associated Other studies have also suggested that NADPH oxidase with X-linked CGD, suggesting that there are stringent resubunits from different species have a high degree of similarquirements in the primary sequence to preserve structure ity in both amino acid sequence and function. Comparisons and/or function.' of porcine and human ~ 2 2 showed ~ ~ "83% ~ amino acid simiHere we report cloning of a cDNA encoding the murine larity, and of murine and human ~ 2 2 " ~ revealed " 88% protein gp91PhoX subunit by RT-PCR, using oligonucleotide primers id en tit^.",'^ Murine and human ~ 4 7 ~have ~ " "82% amino acid derived from the human sequence. The predicted murine and identity.38Antihuman antisera to the cytochrome bs58compohuman gp91ph" protein sequences differ by only 39 out of nents cross-react with the guinea pig cytochrome subunits in 570 amino acids (93% identity) (Fig 1). Positions where immunobl~ts.'~ Heterologous cell-free oxidase assays have amino acid substitutions have been identified in X-CGD pademonstrated functional cross-species complementation betients are all conserved in the murine gp91Ph" protein.' tween human B-cell cytosolic factors and bovine memAmino acids that are not conserved between the human and branes, rabbit membranes, and bovine cytosolic factors, and murine polypeptides are largely localized to hydrophilic remurine p47ph"*combined with human oxidase s~bunits.''.~".~' gions of the polypeptide, including several substitutions that Allogeneic BM transplantation has successfully been used alter potential N-glycosylation sites (Fig 1). The murine to treat some individuals with CGD and somatic gene thergp9lpbx protein contains four potential N-linked glycosylaapy is a potential treatment option in the future.42MSCV tion sites, of which the two most carboxyl-terminal lie in what is most likely an intracytoplasmic d ~ m a i n .Utiliza~ ~ . ~ ~ retroviral vectors have been shown to exhibit long-term ex- From by guest on January 21, 2015. For personal use only. MURINE ~ ~ cDNA 9 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ pression in vivo after transduction of murine hematopoietic stem cells?' Although the level of expression of murine gp9 lphoxconferred by the MSCVneo-m91 retroviral vector was modest, high levels of respiratory burst oxidase reconstitution were observed in a human X-CGD cell line. We are presently investigating the efficacy of this vector for phenotypic correction of the X-CGD mouse3' by gene transfer into pluripotent hematpoietic stem cells. ACKNOWLEDGMENT We thank R. Hawley at the University of Toronto for the MSCV neoEB plasmid, Mary Gifford for the mouse bone marrow extracts, Ling Lin Li for help with MSCVneom91 transduced PLB-985 cells, David Skalnik for review of the manuscript, and Donna Fischer for assistance with manuscript preparation. REFERENCES 1. Dinauer M: The respiratory burst oxidase and the molecular genetics of chronic granulomatous disease. Crit Rev Clin Lab Sci 30:329, 1993 2. Parkos CA, Allen RA, Cochrane CG, Jesaitis AJ: Purified cytochrome b from human granulocyte plasma membrane is comprised of two polypeptides with relative molecular weights of 91,000 and 22,000. J Clin Invest 80:732, 1987 3. Segal A: Absence of both cytochrome b-245 subunits from neutrophils in X-linked chronic granulomatous disease. Nature 32638, 1987 4. Clark R,Volpp B, Leidal K, Nauseef W: Two cytosolic components of the human neutrophil respiratory burst oxidase translocate to the plasma membrane during cell activation. J Clin Invest 85:714, 1990 5. 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For personal use only. 1996 87: 2005-2010 Cloning of murine gp91phox cDNA and functional expression in a human X- linked chronic granulomatous disease cell line H Bjorgvinsdottir, L Zhen and MC Dinauer Updated information and services can be found at: Articles on similar topics can be found in the following Blood collections Information about reproducing this article in parts or in its entirety may be found online at: Information about ordering reprints may be found online at: Information about subscriptions and ASH membership may be found online at: Blood (print ISSN 0006-4971, online ISSN 1528-0020), is published weekly by the American Society of Hematology, 2021 L St, NW, Suite 900, Washington DC 20036. Copyright 2011 by The American Society of Hematology; all rights reserved.
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