St Mary the Virgin Twickenham Sunday 18th January Epiphany II WELCO ME to the Church`s worship as we continue to celebrate the manifestations that God is with us, the season of Epiphany. Today we are particularly pleased to be joined by our children and young people who will help lead our worship. Coffee and other refreshments are served after the Parish Eucharist, do please join us over in the hall, our hosts today are the Guides and Brownies. 8.0 0 am Holy Eucharist Reading Gospel 1 Samuel 3: 1-10 John 1: 43-51 9.30 am Parish Eucharist O rgan music Hymns Gospel O rgan music Attende Domine Demessieux 277, Gloria, 148, 298 John 1: 43-51 March Batiste 11.30 am Holy Eucharist Hymns 1st Lesson 2nd Lesson 277, 70 , 394, Gloria 1 Samuel 3: 1-10 (Jill Grant) John 1: 43-51 6.0 0 pm Evening Prayer Psalm 1st Lesson 2nd Lesson 96 Isaiah 60 : 9-end Hebrews 6: 17 – 7: 10 (Pat Cawrse) Intercessions We pray for all members of our congregation; for Crossway Pregnancy Crisis Centre and Double O Charity. We pray for all those seeking God’s intervention, guidance and healing in their lives, amongst them: Ewa Grudzien Ali Ruth Ann Renick Janice Coxall Margaret Hastings Nicholas Andy Dennison Nansi Collier Linda Christopher Price Iain Raquel Ebbutt Ronald Leeson Gordon Hollis Colin Rennie Kenneth Miller Valerie Smith Keith Schofield John Palmer Sylvia Butler Ruby Smithers Julia David Simon Peter Ball Ida Curtis Eve Alan Stanton Barbara Jenkins Fiona Roe Raoul Franklin We pray for those who have died that they may know new and eternal life: Dan Rodney, Mollie Peskett and Gordon Gilby If you would like the names of anyone included or re-added to the Intercessions list, please e-mail Jeff, our Vicar, on [email protected] or speak to him after the service. Please can we remind you to keep your valuables with you at all times while you are in church. Thank you. Today Hymn singing at Nightingale House New singers welcome. Meet Pat Ingham in the Hall at 10 .50 am. St Mary’s Families will be collecting for Humanitas this Sunday, if there are any children's clothes and shoes that you could donate please leave them in the vestry in clearly marked bags. Forthcoming Events Mothers’ Union – will meet on Tuesday, 20 th January at 2.30 pm at 34 Sion Court to see a DVD of the Parish Pilgrimage to Padua and Venice. East is East at Richmond Theatre - For those who signed up for the trip to East is East on the 23rd January, tickets are now available from Katherine. A lexander A rdakov concert - Next Sunday, 25th January, at 7.30 pm we hold our first concert in the St Mary's Music Programme 20 15 featuring this distinguished pianist. Please come and bring your friends and relations. Fliers are at the back of the church and tickets will be on sale in the hall after the 9.30 am service or ring Chris or Judy Britton on 0 20 -8891 230 5 to reserve. Proceeds to the re-ordering fund. A performance of Treasure Island - the annual pantomime by the MP3 drama group of Merton Priory Parish who are supporting SPEAR and Merton Mencap with one of SPEAR’s staff featuring in the line-up. Performances will be at Holy Trinity Church, 234 Wimbledon Broadway, SW19 1SB (next to the Polka Theatre) and a 15 minute walk from Wimbledon Station, the dates are 30 th January to 1st February, and tickets, £7, concessions £5, family ticket £20 , contact: [email protected] Q uiz Night - Friday 6th February, the annual O ak Lane Cemetery fund raiser on behalf of the St Mary's Eco. Group, doors open 7.0 0 pm for 7.30 pm. Tickets £10 per person, includes a baked potato supper and raffle. Bring your own drinks. Tickets available after the 9.30 am service or e-mail: [email protected] General N otices Grateful thanks - The music team would like to thank Patricia Simpson for the gift of a music stand. It will be put to good use! Readers and Intercessors - some vacancies remain on the new rota, especially for a Reader for next Sunday, 25th January. New contributors are always welcome. Garden of Remembrance - We are looking for a few helpers to assist Barbara and Rafael to keep the rose beds weeded and tidy. If you can spare 30 to 60 minutes from time to time to attend to one (or two) of the individual beds at your convenience and time, it would be of great help. Please contact Barbara/ Rafael Carmona on 8755 3955 Email and contact details - a number of email addresses of those on our Parish List are now known to be out of date, if you have recently changed your email address, or indeed other contact details, please use the notification slip available at the back of church and pass to a sidesperson or churchwarden and your details will be updated. St Mary’s School A dmissions Policy - The draft policy is now being consulted on and is available to view on the school’s web site: E-MAIL THREAT My personal e-mail account was hacked this week and a message was sent out from it to more than 60 0 of my contacts claiming that I had been mugged in the Ukraine and asking for money. The message was cleverly worded and more than one person was taken in. If you received this massage, please delete it and on no account reply to it. As a more general point, please be alert to this type of scam, treat any request for your personal details or money with extreme caution and attempt to verify that the person is who they say they are by other means (e.g. text or telephone) and regularly change your passwords (using unlikely combinations of letters, numbers and symbols) so that your account does not inadvertently get hacked as mine was. I am very sorry for any inconvenience caused to those of you who received the e-mail from my account. Robert Franklin. Please pray for these events which are taking place amongst the Church family during the coming week. Tuesday Wednesday Friday Saturday 11.0 0 am-12.0 0 noon 10 .0 0 am 11.0 0 am-6.0 0 pm 8.0 0 pm 7.30 pm Minnows meeting in the vestry. Holy Eucharist The organ will be in use. Buildings Group meeting in the vestry. Parish outing to see our very own Jane Horrocks in East is East at Richmond Theatre. Twickenham Choral Society rehearsal in church. Fundraising Training in the Windsor Room. 10 .0 0 am-12.30 pm 9.0 0 am - 1.0 0 pm th Sunday 25 January 8.0 0 am Holy Eucharist Epiphany III Acts 9: 1-22 Matthew 19: 27-30 Acts 9: 1-22 Matthew 19: 27-30 Acts 9: 1-22 Matthew 19: 27-30 119: 41-56 Ecclesiasticus 39: 1-10 Colossians 1: 24 – 2: 7 9.30 am Parish Eucharist 11.30 am Morning Prayer 6.0 0 pm Evening Prayer 7.30 pm Celebrity Piano Recital The first concert in the St Mary's Music Programme 20 15 featuring the distinguished pianist Alexander Ardakov. See note above. St Mary the Virgin, Church Street, Twickenham, Middlesex TW1 3NJ Parish Priest The Revd R J Hopkin Williams email: [email protected] 0 20 -8892 2318 Assistant Priest The Rev’d Piotr Ashwin-Siejkowski email: [email protected] 0 20 -8891 5421 (Sundays, Tuesdays, Thursdays) Churchwardens Charlotte West: 0 20 -8891 0 461 Tony Dempsey: 0 20 -8898 2860 [email protected] [email protected] Parish Verger 0 20 -8744 2693 Audrey Thomas 0 20 -8892 9628 Parish Office (9am-11am daily Monday-Friday & 2pm-4pm Monday & Friday) communications: [email protected] finance: [email protected] Parish Visitor Co-ordinator Parish Giving Recorder Peter Sheil Margaret Mence 0 20 -8977 3679 email: [email protected] 0 20 -8755 0 454
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