February 8, 2015 FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Jb 7:1-4,6-7 I 1 Cor 9:16-19, 2Z-Z3 I Mk 1:29-39 ST. MARY CHURCH 1171 Jefferson St. PO Box 179 Carlyle, IL 62231 ,"t<:'";)rd.~~~ · Fr. George Mauck, Pastor Ellen Knolhoff, ORE Tina Wiegman, Administrative Assistant ·~~·k-· .... ~~ Phones: ~ ' r ' · t {5!wt, ~ S~: Saouunent of- !Bapt.Wm: :JJu.fMin :J)eadfine: PWtitJii ~ttutti<m: "" ~ ~ Rectory: 594-2210 Parish Center: 594·2225 Relgious Education: 594-2284 E-mail: [email protected] wvvw.carlylecatholicchurch.com Fax: 594-4638 Mater Dei High School Telephone: 526-7216 Internet: www.materdei.breese.il.us All Saints Academy Telephone: 526-4323 Internet: www .asasaints.com Baptismal classes are offered the second Sunday of each month at llam. Call Thomas & Laura Anderson 304-5278 to register. Saturday: 3-3:45pm Please make an appointment at least six months in advance, preferably a year. ·wednesday, 12Noon \Ve ask that all new residents register with us by filling out the form located on the radiators or by stopping by the _Parish Center. St. JJ!lwu; eflu/tch E6t.1853 Ca~lyle, 3£62231 I Schedule of Events ... Liturgy for the Week ... Sat.. 7.. 4:00pm.. Sun .. 8.. 8:00am.. Mon .. Tue .. 9.. 10 .. lO:OOam.. 7:30am .. 7:30am.. Wed .. Thu .. 11.. 12 .. 7:30am.. 7:30am.. Fri .. Sat.. 13 .. 14 .. 7:30am.. Sun .. 15 .. 8:00am.. lO:OOam.. 4:00pm.. Sat. & Sun: 7 & 8: Matthew 25 Weekend Sat. & Sun: 7 & 8: Messenger Renewal Weekend ... envelope is in your packet or you can renew online www. belleville messenger .org Sun.. 8.. (llam-6pm) MD Band Parents Chicken Dinner at Breese KC Hall Sun.. 8.. (1 pm) St. Ann Sodality Basket Bingo/ Raffle/Bake Sale at the KC Hall. Lightning raffle begins at 12 Noon. Sandwiches and desserts will be served. All ladies of the parish are asked to bring baked goods. You can bring them to the KC Hall anytime after the Sam Mass. 8.. (lOam) Pre-K Faith Formation Mon.. 9.. (7:30pm) RCIA meet at St. Anthony, Beckemeyer (7:30pm) Mater Dei Mothers & Friends 9.. Meeting ( 6:30-7:45pm) Youth Faith Formation Wed .. 11.. Sat.. 14 .. Happy Valentine's Day!! 14 .. (3-3:45pm) Reconciliation Sun .. 15 .. (7am-Noon) Omelet Breakfast at St. John UCC, Breese (8am-12Noon) KC Sausage & Pancake 15 .. Breakfast.. benefit Ministerial Alliance (lOam) Pre-K Faith Formation 15 .. 15 .. (1 0:30am-5pm) Bartelso KC Chicken & Roast Beef Dinner in Bartelso School Cafeteria 15 .. (11am-4pm) St. Clement ofRome Church, McLeansboro Wurstmarkt. 15 .. (2pm) St. Augustine, Breese Quilt/Cash Bingo. Fried chicken luncheon llam-lpm Mon.. 16 .. Holiday .. church office closed 16 .. (lpm) St. Anthony's Bunko & Dessert Party in St. Anthony PC, Beckemeyer Frank & Helen Becker Family Loretta Rolves Dan Jansen Cyril & Edna Schwierjohn Bob Christ Liv. & Dec. Richard Stokes Family Carmen Haas Our Parish Family Alice Gardner Msgr. Hyacinth Mazuchowski Alphonse Pollmann Joe & Mary Voss-Amriv. of Mary Leland Lovell Herman & Margaret Luebbers Ben Manfucci Nathan Miller Our Parish Family Charles Schuchman Paul Hempen-Anniv. Sally Lawler r----------------------11 1USED BOOK FAIR & BAKE SALE. .. Feb. 19, 20,21 & 22, 12015 at the American Legion Hall, Breese. Doors open at I lOam Thur-Sat and 9am-Sun. Sponsored by St. Joseph Hos1pital Auxiliary, Breese. 1 1 1 L----------------------~ ,--··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··- . MASS SERVERS ... 1Feb. 8th to Feb. 14th :Sun: Sam Jackson Haag, Jenna Martin, Allison Diekemper lOam Nicholas Christ, Brayden Henss, Hayden Leath Mon. thru Fri. 7:30am: Sylvia Henken Sat: 4pm Callie Diekmeper, Cole & Wil Plassmeyer Feb. 15th to Feb. 21st Sun: Sam Blake Holthaus, Bryce Moyer, Molly Diekemper . I Oam Josh & Andrew Guthrie, Jackson Hoffmann I Mon. thru Fri: 7:30am: Toni Litzenburg Sat 4pm Alan& Audrey Schlau, Ian Simonton If you cannot be there, please find a replacement. Thank you. ··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··.J r·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-----------·-· ; Respect Life Corneri Lethal Injection-The U.S. bishops have been advocating ~ against the death penalty for over 40 years. The U.S. Supreme ~Court announced that it would review the drug protocols of ~ lethal injection executions in the state of Oklahoma. The court ~will consider whether the procedures violate the U.S. Constitu~ tion's ban on cruel and unusual punishment. ~ Learn, Act, Connect, Pray: Society can protect itself in ways ~ other than the use of the death penalty. Pray that the Court's ~review of these protocols will lead to the recognition that insti~ tutionalized practices of violence against any person erode rev~ erence for the sanctity of every human life. I Stewardship .. .•.. 2-1-15: Envelopes: $9751 Loose: $540 Guatemala: $806 . Cemetery: $243 Messenger: $775 Eastern Europe: $20 Easter Flowers: $20 Black & Inidan: $10 Online banking: Weekly-Envelopes: $130 (4) Monthly online banking: Envelopes: $3525 Cemetery: $1 75 Guatemala: $ 15 5 Renovation: $195 Our weekly budgeted expense for the current 2014-15 fiscal year is $9421. Weekly envelope/loose target is $8462. ·-·-·-·-·-·---------------·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·1 . .r···················································-················--··············u·•··················--~---···············: l Gift Bearers ... i Feb. 7th-4pm... Skip & Shirley Ener ~Feb. 8th-811II1 ... Bug & Jeannie Kleber j Feb. 8th-10am... Cub Scouts ~Feb. 14th-4pm... Bob & Martha Diekemper Feb. 15th-8am... Jerome & Dolores Huth Feb. 15th-l011II1... Aaron & Theresa Haag &Family We are in need of gift bearers at the 4pm Mass. If you are able ~ to help us out, please give Tina a call 594-2225. ~ If you cannot be there at the specified time, please call Lin-l da .McNurlen 594-4613 in sufficient time. Thank you. ' ......................................____________________________________ .....................................................; , Mark your calendars........ LifeTouch photo sittings Mar. 3-21 schedule online www.carlylecatholicchurch.com ..........................................................Reverse Raffle, March 7, 2015--don't forget to return your tickets ......................................................................... Confirmation, April21, 2015 at Germantown 0 0 D Hello, 0 0 We welcome Jacob Thomas Hughes (Parents: Joshua James & Nicole Elizabeth) as we baptize him this Saturday at St. Mary. May he grow in wisdom, age and grace. Let us be great examples of faith to him and all our children. Happy Birthday to Lillian Luebbers who celebrates her 80th Birthday on February 11th. May you have many more, Lillian! We extend our sympathy to the family of Carol Hilmes. May she rest in God's peace. Please sign up for the Parish Pictorial Directory after one of the weekend Masses or on-line. Thanks to all who have done so already. As I reflected on this weekend's scripture, I thought of a line that I've heard Fr. Bill Hitpas, native son of St. Mary, say often: "Faith is not taught, it is caught." Patricia Sanchez says much the same in her commentary on the scripture today; The Gospel must speak to the here and now as well as the world to come. For that reason those who preach, teach and witness to the Gospel are to be concerned with human advancement, justice and liberation, and the future participation of all of humankind in the reign of God ... Perhaps that is why Pope Francis is so beloved, not only in the Church but around the world. He brings Christ to life in his care for others, especially the poor. He knows whom he is following-the Christand he lives it! Inside the conclave, the Cardinal seated next to him whispered, "Don't forget the poor." When asked what name he would take, he said, "I choose the name Francis, in honor of St. Francis of Assisi." The cardinals rose to the feet in applause. In choosing his name, he set his mission statement and the mission of evangelization which always includes the poor. In memory of St. Francis, the crowd welcomed him with homemade signs everywhere that read, "Repair my church." (These are words St. Francis received in a vision.)- The last two paragraphs are based on Catherine Corman's article" "Why Pope Francis is very much like St. Francis." I'll forever remember his first address from the balcony. He asked the crowd and all watching to pray for him. And I did. Long live the Popel Long live Christ in us! Peace & good, Fr. George D 0 0 ~____,,,~ , • D o 0 0 D 0 o 0 o 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 D D © 0 0 D D D 0 0 0 D 0 D 0 D D 0 0 D 0 D 0 D 0 D D D D 0 ·-··-··-··--·-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··--: 1KC LVFO... : ... BINGO every Wednesday at 7:30pm !...Fish & Chicken Fry every Friday 4:30-7pm. Lunch ·is served from 1lam-1pm Monday thru Friday. ! ! ·- · ·- · ·- ·-- · ·- · ·- · ·- · ·- · ·- · ·- · ·- · ·- · · ~ _ ___ __ __ _ ____ ____ _ L...~ -~~ Please remember those who have asked for our prayers: Rose Novak,Jennifer Buehler Wallace, Murray Fauke, Sharon G~stafson, Jace Hughes, Scott Ruehl, Bob Nowak, Luke Weltering, Jeremy Long, Emily Reese, Kris Huckshold. JimMouldon, JoAnn Loepker, Dennis Bach, -Sandy Kirksey, Don Cannan, Marla Howard, Luke Letica, Kristen Stiles,· Richard_Self, Barb v arel, Bill warren, Vinnie Valencia, Leonilda Diekemper, Richard Salmon, David Schmidt, Rick Perry, Darline Johnson, Belinda Beine, Marge Pax, Mary Jane Lampen, Rev. Steve Goodin, Lucille Foster, Lynn Robke Crutcher, Bill Horstmann, Stella Q~, Jerry Williams, Clark Kauling, JoAnn · Gray, fritz Meyer, Marilyn Fitzgerald 0 0 0 D D D D D 0 0 D D 0 0 0 D D 0 0 D D 0 D D D D 0 D 0 0 D ~INFO... Kaskaskia College Foundation along with KC ~Alumni and Friends Association would like to invite you I ~to a Mardi-tine Event (Valentine's Day and Mardi Gras) at Bretz Winery Sat., Feb. 14, 2015. Wine tasting begins . i at 6pm, dinner 6:30pm and dance 8pm-midnight. Music ~ ; by the Jarrell's. Ticket's $30/person. To purchase tickets,~ j contact Bonnie Huels (618-660-7145) or Suzanne Christ ~ i ~ ~~~~::~~0531). Advance reservations are strongly en- ~ I - · - · - · - · - · - · - · - ·- · - · - · - · - · - · - · - · - · - · - · - · - · - · ---------------------.I I Basketball... I Feb. 15, 3rd, 4th, 5th at Sparta 1pm/2pm/3pm I I ~..--------------------_I r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -, 1OPEN HOUSE at the Clinton County Health Dept., 930A 1 I Fairfax St., Feb. 14, 2015, 9-1lam. I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .J f' -· ·-·· -· ·-··-· ·- ··-. -- ··-·.-. ·-·· -·.--: .RUMMAGE SALE... St. Teresa, Marydale Thur., Feb. 12, j 5-8pm; Fri.. Feb. 13, 9am-lpm & 5-Spm 1/2 price 5-8pm; : :Sat., Feb. 14. 9am-12pm Bmwn Bag Day $3rbag 1.·-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··---_; ! dear Padre Monday F~bruary 9 Wce>da; Gn 11-B Tuesday What does the Church teach about predestination? Jb 7:1-4,6-7 I 1 Cor9.16-19, 22-23 I Nlk 1:29-39 February 10 St. February S, 2015 February 3, 2015 FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME !'vlk 6.53-50 Scho!dstic.~, !lln~ss, depression. dnd mtstortune can make us fc0l alon~ and ofnrd. We: wonder wh~ther anyon~ can undcr<tond what we 'n:: going through or hdp us Th;; first five chopt2rs of \lMk's Gospel giv~ us s~v~ral h"allng srori"s in which Jesus. by touch or word. restorzs individuals to wholeness. He casts out demons, as w~ h~ard last Virg!n Gn 1 20-2.4o IV1k 7·1-·:3 Wednesday February 11 Weekday Gn 2:4b-9, A friend told me not to worry about salvation because we're predestined to be saved or condemned. Why try to be a good person if God has already decided where I'll end up? 15-17 week. He curcj the sick. like Simon·;) mother-in-t::nv. The ~rorles Mk 7 H-23 confirm what our faith tdls us-that God's healing power is for all people and that Good i'i~ws lifts us aod gives us joy But for those touched by the loneliness of infirmity vf mind. body, or spirit. the stories alone might not be ~nough. Instead, the fervent prayer of th~ psalmist might be our gcace: ·'The Lord ... [heals] the brok~n-h"arted"[Psalm l-+7:2-3). Or, our peace might rest in the simple knowledge of two often overlooked lines in the Gospel: "They brought him many who ""::repossessed by demons'' I\ !ark 8:161 and ··The whole town was gathered at the door" (:\!ark 1:331. Simply put, everyone came. and no one was alone. No matter what our condition, we are not alone. Christ is there in our pain and sutiering to give us the gnce to endure. We're not always cured by human standards, but Christ helps us find wholeness no matter what we :mffer-and in him we find our peace and our joy. lsai>1h told us that the name given to the :Vlessiah was Emmanuel, which means ··God with us." In Christ, we see the evidence that God's promise has come true. The idea that some people are predcstin~d to be saved and othus are damned is contrary to Catholic teaching. The Catechism of the Catholic Church says that '"Wh.::n therefor~ [God] establishes his eterml plan of ·predestination,' he includes in if each person's Fee response to his grace [600; emphasis added]. The Catolchism (1038) also cites the parable of the separation ofth.:: sheep from the goats IMatthew 25:31-46). in which the sheep and goats are separated not randomly, but based on their actions: '"vi/hen the Son of Man comes in his glory, .. all the nations will be assembled before him. A.nd ne will separate them one from another, as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. He will place the sheep on his right and the goats on his left Then the king will say to those on his right, 'Come. you who are blessed by my Father'.... And [those on the left] will go off to eternal punishrn<:nt." God wmts to save all people. The way we respond to God's gift of salvation is called jree will. Unfortunat~ly, not everyone accepts that gift. Mary Katharine Deeley [email protected] FR. PATRICK KEYES, C5sR [email protected] Tllursday February 12 Weekday Gn 2.18-25 M:Z 7·2~-30 Friday February 13 Weekday Gn 3:1-8 fvlk 7 31-37 Saturday February 14 Sts. Cyril, Monk, and Methodius, Bishop Gn 3 9-Z.\ fvlk 8 1-10 Sunday February 15 Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time L·J131-Z. 4.\-46 1 Cor 10:31-11.1 Mk 1:40-45 I February 14-15 Lector Eucharistic Minister Elaine Horstmann Arnie Wobbe Richard Christ Suzanne Christ John Horstmann Jan Kauling Rebecca Krueger Jennifer Wilkerson Joe Wilkerson Dylan Doerr Stan Gezella JoAgnes Beckemeyer Janice Hempen Troy Hempen Linda Peppenhorst Darlene Rodden Dave Rodden Pat Wesselmann Art Henken Sylvia Henken Laura Anderson Joyce Deiters Cathy Guthrie Mary Hugo Darlene Linton Toni Litzenburg Joan Voss Barb Wilton Bridget Winter Saturday, 4:00 PM Sunday, 8:00AM Sunday, 10:00 AM I --
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