A Parent’s Guide to Primary School Admissions in Bracknell Forest for children starting at a primary or an infant school in the school year starting September 1, 2015 and those children applying for a junior school place in year 3 starting in September 2015. 2015/16 This booklet has been prepared for those families that are applying for their child to start infant or primary school in September 2015 and those that are applying for their child to start Year 3 at a junior school in September 2015. The information contained within this booklet only applies to these parents and therefore if this does not apply to your child’s application you should contact the School Admissions Team using one of the methods below and they can send you the relevant booklet. Alternatively the relevant booklet can be viewed on the website www.bracknell-forest.gov.uk. This booklet outlines the procedures that will be followed by the council and sets out the role of other Admissions Authorities in the process of allocating school places. There are a number of ways of contacting the School Admissions Team should you require further information or have any queries regarding the admissions process: (01344) 354023 or 354144 If you wish to write to us, our address is: School Admissions Children, Young People and Learning Bracknell Forest Council Time Square Market Street Bracknell RG12 1JD Alternatively, you can contact us by fax: (01344) 353258 or by email at: [email protected] You are welcome to visit The School Admissions Team. To do this you should make an appointment by phoning 01344 352000. Office hours are 8.30am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday. Summaries or extracts of this document can be made available in large print, in Braille or on audio cassette. Copies in other languages may also be obtained. Please contact the School Admissions Team at the above address. Please note that the information contained in this booklet was current in September 2014. Admission arrangements could be subject to amendment or modification before the start of, or during, the school year 2014/2015, or in relation to subsequent school years. 1 CONTENTS Key Dates 4 Key Terms 5 Foreword 9 Primary Education in Bracknell Forest 11 Schools in Bracknell Forest 12 Starting School 14 School Year Groups 16 Who do I apply to? 16 When do I need to apply 17 Things to do before making your application 18 Things to consider before making your application 19 The Application Process 21 How do I apply? 25 Making an online application 26 Making a paper application (CAF) 27 What if I want to change my application? 29 Late Applications 30 The Allocation of School Places 31 Offer of a place 33 Waiting Lists 35 Admissions Criteria for Community Schools 2015/16 37 Admissions Criteria for Voluntary Controlled Schools 2015/16 45 Admissions Criteria for Voluntary Aided Schools 2015/16 49 Admissions Appeals 103 Frequently asked questions 106 2 Free School Meals and Pupil Premium 111 Education Transport 113 When does my child move from primary to secondary school 116 Applying for a school place outside the normal rounds 116 Contacting the Bracknell Forest School Admissions Team 117 School Nursery Classes 118 List of Primary Schools in Bracknell Forest 119 Allocation of Primary School Places for Entry 2014/15 (last year) 130 Junior Applications 136 Allocation of Junior School Places for entry September 2014 (last year) 142 Term Dates 146 Sustainable Travel To School 148 Bracknell Forest Curriculum Statement 149 School Governors are people like you 151 Become a School Crossing Patroller 152 Map showing Bracknell Forest Primary Schools 153 3 KEY DATES For Admission in 2015/16 May 2014 until January 2015 Parents can register with the School Admissions Team in order for an application pack to be sent. To register parents can call 01344 352000 or go online at www.bracknell-forest.gov.uk/primaryschooladmissions From 1 November 2014 Parents who have registered will be sent information on how to apply. Online admissions site goes live, parents are invited to apply. 15 January 2015 (Midday) The latest date for completed online applications to be submitted. After this time the site will be closed and you will have to complete a paper application form. 15 January 2015 The latest date for completed paper applications to be received by the School Admissions Team. Forms received after this date will be regarded as late and this will affect an application. 16 April 2015 The date on which offer emails and letters will be sent to parents and carers informing them as to which school their child has been allocated. 30 April 2015 The latest date for a parent/carer to accept the offer of a school place. Failure to do this will result in the offer of a place being withdrawn. • Late applications will begin to be processed please see page 30 for further information regarding late applications. 18 May 2015 The closing date for submitting admissions appeals. 4 KEY TERMS USED IN THIS BOOKLET Admissions Authority The body that determines the admissions arrangements for a particular school. In the case of community and voluntary controlled schools it is the LA; in the case of voluntary aided schools, and academies it is the governing body. Admissions Number This is the maximum number of pupils that a school is required to admit into each year group. The number is agreed as part of a school’s admission arrangements and is determined with regard to a Net Capacity Assessment (calculated on a formula from the DfE) based on the space available and use of resources. All Admission Authorities must offer places up to the Admission Number if there is sufficient demand. Admissions criteria When a school has more applications than places, applications are matched against a list of criteria and ranked accordingly. These criteria are agreed by the LA for community schools. For Voluntary Aided schools, Academies and Foundation schools it is set by the governing body. Council Bracknell Forest Council CE Church of England Community School A school which the LA maintains from public funds. It is managed locally by the headteacher and governors in collaboration with the LA. Community Special School Schools for pupils with special educational needs that cannot usually be met within the provision made by mainstream schools. It is managed locally by the headteacher and governors in collaboration with the LA. Common Application Form (CAF) The required form on which to apply for a school place. 5 Curriculum A programme of education and other educational activities. Denominational Relating to a particular religious sect or group. Designated area/ Catchment Area A designated area /catchment area is a distinct geographical area that is served by a school. Designated/ Catchment school The school(s) that serves the area in which a pupil lives. DfE Department for Education. This is a Government department. Foundation stage This is the period of study from a child’s third birthday until the start of Year 1. Home address The address where the child lives at the closing date of 15 January 2015 will be used to process the application. It is for the applicant to satisfy the Admissions Authority that they live at the address that they state. If fraud is suspected then further proof may be requested. If fraud is established then any offer of a school place will be withdrawn. If a parent/carer owns a property within the Borough which they do not occupy and/or rent out and then move into another property within, or nearer to the designated area of the preferred school, the address of the property they own will be the address used for determining their designated area, unless the owned house has been rented out for 12 months prior to the closing date for the return of the Common Application Form. If an applicant already owns a property within the borough which is in the process of being sold Bracknell Forest is able to accept the address of the new property on submission of the appropriate evidence in support eg. a solicitor’s letter showing exchange of contracts. The address must be a permanent address, temporary addresses are not acceptable. If applicants are in the process of moving house within Bracknell Forest they should contact School Admissions Team for further advice. Key stage An age related period of study within the national curriculum. LA Local Authority. Bracknell Forest Council is the LA. 6 Looked After Children/ Previously Looked After Children This refers to a child who is in the care of the Local Authority or provided with accommodation in that authority in accordance with Section 20 of The Children Act 1989). As well as children who were looked after, but ceased to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a residence order or special guardianship order) immediately following having been looked after. National Curriculum The programme of subjects which the laws states must be taught to all pupils in maintained schools. NOR Number on roll. The total number of pupils on the school register. Ofsted Office for Standards in Education. Oversubscribed school A school where the number of applications for places is more than the number of places that the school has available in a specific year group. Offer The email or letter that will be sent on 16 April 2015 advising parents and carers to which school their child can be offered a place. Parent Parent is defined under S576 of the Education Act 1996 as: All natural parents, whether they are married or not. Any person who, although not a natural parent, has parental responsibility for a child or young person. Or any person who, although not a natural parent, has care of a child or young person (having care of a child or young person means that a person with whom the child lives and who looks after the child, irrespective of what their relationship is with the child, is considered to be a parent in education law). Preferred order This is the ranked order of the schools that you would prefer your child to attend. Radial distance Radial distance will be based on the co-ordinates for the property and the school as defined in the Local Land and Property Gazetteer and based on the Ordnance Survey’s national system. 7 RC Roman Catholic. Sibling Children are considered siblings if they have a brother or sister, half brother or sister, adopted brother or sister, step brother or sister, or the child of the parent/carer’s partner where the child for whom the school place is sought is living in the same family unit at the same address as that sibling. SEN Special Educational Needs Statement of Special Educational Needs (SEN) A child will have a statement of special educational needs if those needs have been formally recognised as being beyond those that can be met within the school’s existing resources, and so the child needs specific extra help. Statutory Required by law. Tie-breaker Used when no distinction can be made between applicants when the admissions criteria are applied. VA Six of the schools in Bracknell Forest are Voluntary Aided Schools. Two of these schools are Roman Catholic primary schools and four are Church of England primary schools. The admissions arrangements for each of these schools is determined by its governing body. These arrangements may reflect the denominational nature of these schools however not all of them do so please ensure you are aware of each schools admissions arrangements. For each of the schools, it is the Governing Body that is the Admissions Authority. The Governors are responsible for allocating places. Admissions arrangements are set out from page 49 onwards. VC Four of the schools in Bracknell Forest are Voluntary Controlled Schools. These schools are church schools (Church of England). The admissions arrangements for these schools are determined by the LA. They are slightly different to the admissions arrangements for community schools in that they take account of a parent or carer’s preference for a denominational education. The LA is the Admissions Authority for these schools and is responsible for allocating places. Admissions arrangements are set out on page 45. 8 FOREWORD This booklet is designed to help you to find the right school for your child. It has been written for parents and carers who are seeking a school place for the first time and for those transferring to junior school. We know that you will want to be fully informed so that you can decide which school you would prefer your child to attend. Included in the booklet are details of local schools, how to make an application and how your application will be dealt with. We have, also provided other information which you may find useful and ways in which you can find out more. Most importantly, we would urge you to visit the school that serves your local area as well as other schools that you might be considering. You will find a warm welcome at all of them and I know that you will find them helpful in providing you with the information that you may need. Bracknell Forest is the ‘Borough of Opportunity’. The Local Authority has invested in our schools and continues to do so, helping to raise standards, improve the built environment and to make them safe and exciting places in which to learn. We are tremendously proud of the achievements of children in our primary schools across a whole range of activities including music, sport and drama as well as in their academic work. We are pleased that the attainment at each key stage has continued to improve. The Local Authority (LA) works in partnership with schools and the local community to offer a wide range of opportunities and your child will have access to a rich educational experience. We recognise the invaluable contribution that committed headteachers, teachers, other school staff, volunteers and governors play in this. As a parent or carer, you have a vital role to play in your child’s education and the strong partnerships between schools and parents/carers are a high priority for all of us – so we urge you to become involved. At one level this can be in regularly listening to your child read, at another level you could get more involved as a volunteer helper or school governor. The strength of partnership with parents/carers is recognised as one of the most important factors in a child’s success in school. Please read this booklet carefully before you complete the common application form. If you need further information, please contact the relevant help line. You may have applied for a primary school place for an older child in the past, if that is the case, then you need to be aware that some changes have been introduced in the past few years. For example, there is now a single application form for all schools– no matter which Local Authority the school you are applying for is in. Full details are contained in this booklet. The School Admissions Team will be pleased to assist you and their contact details are included in this booklet. Many of you will have already met them at the information sessions that have been held locally. 9 You will no doubt be aware that we have had an increasing pressure on primary places over the last two years. We have provided additional capacity to cope with this demand but there are some schools that are more popular than others, and therefore you must consider your preferences carefully. There are many factors to consider before making your application - you should refer to the allocation history to see which schools have been over subscribed in the past, you should check how many children can be allocated to the school. You should also visit your local, designated area school and consider naming it as one of your preferences. One of the Council’s priorities is ‘local schools for local people’ and the designated area is set as a higher priority when allocating school places than siblings. This means that if you accept a place for one child out of your designated area there is no guarantee that your subsequent child or children will also gain a place at that school. This is why your preference is significant and you also need to be realistic about the preferences that you name. It is important that your application is submitted by the closing date of 15 January 2015. I know that deciding which primary or infant schools you will name as your preferences is a key decision for every parent/carer and if you need any help or support please contact the School Admissions Team who will be happy to help you. I would like to wish your child every success and happiness in one of Bracknell Forest primary schools. Dr Janette Karklins Director of Children, Young, People & Learning 10 PRIMARY EDUCATION IN BRACKNELL FOREST Primary co-ordinated admissions scheme Bracknell Forest’s schools admissions scheme has been drawn up to fulfil the requirements set out in the School Admissions Code. When drawing up our admissions arrangements we sought to ensure that our admissions criteria are clear, fair and objective, for the benefit of all children including those with special educational needs, disabilities in public care or previously looked after. Our admissions criteria fully comply with those outlined within the DfE School Admissions Code. There are sufficient places within Bracknell Forest to accommodate all our residents, together with some from the neighbouring authorities. For a variety of reasons, some of our schools are more popular than others and in the last few years, we have seen oversubscription in many of our schools. Our admissions arrangements maximise the extent to which parental preference can be met because all preferences will be considered on an equal basis, taking account of the admissions criteria, and where the LA is potentially able to offer a place at more than one school, the single offer will be for the school the parent ranked highest. For the Primary admissions round 2015/16 in line with government requirements all Local Authority must operate a co-ordinated admissions scheme for primary admissions. This means that parents must make an application to their home local authority (who they pay their council tax to), regardless of which school they want to apply for. So if you live in Bracknell Forest and want to make an application to a school in Wokingham, Windsor & Maidenhead, Surrey or Hampshire etc you must apply through Bracknell Forest School Admissions and name the school on the application. 11 SCHOOLS IN BRACKNELL FOREST Bracknell Forest Local Authority co-ordinates admissions for three Infant Schools, three Junior Schools and 25 Primary Schools for pupils. Primary education is also provided at the Borough’s Special School, Kennel Lane School for which applications are processed separately. All schools are maintained and managed by the headteacher and governors in partnership with the LA. Infant Schools These are for pupils aged four to seven. Reception, Year 1 & Year 2 There is no automatic transfer from an infant school to a junior school and an application has to be made for the junior school when your child reaches Year 2. Infant and junior schools are separate schools even though they may be on the same site. If you are applying for an infant school you need to ensure that you are aware of the admissions arrangements for the junior school including their admission number. Junior Schools These are for pupils aged seven to eleven. Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 & Year 6. You have to make a separate application for a junior school these applications are made when your child is in year 2 for entry in Year 3. When you apply for a Junior school you must apply using a Junior Application Form. You can only name Junior Schools on this form. Primary Schools These are for pupils aged four to eleven. Reception through to Year 6. When you apply for an Infant or Primary school these must be named on the same application (whether the school is a community, voluntary controlled, voluntary aided or academy) 12 Types of Schools Within Bracknell Forest we have community schools, voluntary controlled schools, voluntary aided schools and academies. Please refer to the key terms on page 5 for explanations of these. All schools have governors representing the LA, staff and parents as well as other governors representing the wider community, including town or parish councils. Voluntary schools, both aided and controlled have additional governors usually representing a church or religious body reflecting the religious character and/or historical origins of the school. If you are interested in becoming a school governor you should refer to page 151. Details of all the infant, primary and junior schools in Bracknell Forest can be found from page 119 onwards. 13 STARTING SCHOOL When can my child start school? Your child will be offered the opportunity to start school in September 2015 as a rising five. However you may request a part time place or defer your child’s entry. After talking with you about your child’s age, experience in early years settings, how ready your child is for school and the arrangements put in place by the school for the new intake, the headteacher will agree with you the timetable for your child’s entry. When does my child have to start school? By law children must start full time education when they become statutory (compulsory) school age, this is the term after their fifth birthday. Child’s birthday on or between: Statutory School Age 1 September 2010 and 31 December 2010 January 2016 1 January 2011 and 31 March 2011 April 2016 1 April 2011 and 31 August 2011 September 2016* Start dates are subject to the government definitions: If your child’s birthday falls on or between 1 September and 31 December they will become of statutory school age on the 1 January, which is defined as the start of the spring term. They will start in a reception class where they will spend two terms before starting in a Year 1 class in the following September. If your child’s birthday falls on or between 1 January and 31 March they will become statutory school age on 1 April, which is defined as the start of the summer term. They will start in a reception class where they will spend one term before starting in a Year 1 class in the September. * If your child’s birthday falls on or between 1 April and 31 August they will become of statutory school age on the 1 September, which is defined as the start of the autumn term. If you choose for your child not to start until their statutory age, you would be required to reapply in July 2016 using the In Year process. The In Year process is available from the website: www.bracknell-forest.gov.uk/changingschoolsmidyear Admission of children outside their normal age group. Parents of gifted and talented children, or those who have experienced problems or missed part of a year, for example due to ill health, can seek places outside their normal age group. Where the parents of a summer born 14 child chooses not to send that child to school until the September following their fifth birthday, they may request that they are admitted out of their normal age group – to reception rather than year 1. If an application is received for a child outside of their normal year group the relevant admission authority must make a decision of the basis of the circumstances of each case and the parent will be informed of their right of appeal. This right does not apply if they are offered a place in another year group at the school. Where a parent contacts the School Admissions Team with a request for their child to be admitted into a different year group than the relevant one according to their date of birth then the following will apply: The parent will be required to put all information in writing to the School Admissions Team. It is for the parent to ensure that they have submitted all relevant documentation as no further request will be made to the parent. The paperwork must be submitted before the published closing date for their child’s date of birth. If the application is for a school where Bracknell Forest is the admission authority The paper work will be forwarded to the Principal Educational Psychologist who will advise the admission authority. This advice will then be discussed with the Headteacher of the relevant school(s) and a final decision will be made. If the application is for a school that is their own admission authority (eg voluntary aided school, academies etc) then the request and the supporting documents will be forwarded to the Governors of that school for their decision regarding the request. The decision from all relevant admission authorities will be sent to the parent from the local authority and this decision is final. 15 SCHOOL YEAR GROUPS It is likely that your child will have had some early education in a pre-school or nursery. They will enter school aged four or five and will still be in the foundation stage of their education. This covers the period between their third birthday and the start of year 1. In the early years setting your child will have been helped to achieve early learning goals. At the beginning of Year 1 they start the National Curriculum: Age Year Group Key Stage 3-4 EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage) 4-5 Reception EYFS 5-6 Year 1 KS1 (Key Stage 1) 6-7 Year 2 KS1 7-8 Year 3 KS2 (Key Stage 2) 8-9 Year 4 KS2 9-10 Year 5 KS2 10-11 Year 6 KS2 WHO DO I APPLY TO? You must apply to your home Local Authority, (the council who you pay your council tax to). Once you have registered your child’s details you will then be sent information on how to apply in November 2014. You can name up to three preferences on your application. You must name any school you wish to apply for regardless of which LA it is in. You can only make one application e.g If you live within Bracknell Forest but want to apply for a school in Windsor & Maidenhead you must name the school on your Bracknell Forest Application. So if you are a Bracknell Forest resident you will need to complete a Bracknell Forest application and must name any school that you wish to apply for even if it is within another Local Authority. You can not apply direct to other Local Authorities or schools. It is your responsibility to contact other Admissions Authorities to obtain 16 information about their schools and the criteria that is relevant to admission at that school and to complete any additional forms that may be required. Please note your child must be habitually resident in the UK before an application can be made. Helplines 01344 354023 or 354144 WHEN DO I NEED TO APPLY? This depends on your child’s date of birth, School places are allocated in rounds according to a child’s date of birth. Places are not allocated on a first come first served basis. If your child’s date of birth is on or between 1 September 2010 and 31 August 2011 you should refer to the table below. If your child’s birthday is not between these dates please contact the School Admissions Team who will be able to advise you about when you need to apply. Register with Applications School sent out Admissions Closing date of applications Offer emails sent Offer letters posted Parents to accept or decline place From May 2014 15 January 2015 16 April 2015 30 April 2015 November 2014 If you are applying for your child to transfer from an infant school to a junior school you should refer to pages 136 for further information. 17 THINGS TO DO BEFORE MAKING YOUR APPLICATION • Have you registered your child’s details with The School Admissions Team to receive information on making an application? • Ensure you have researched and understood the admissions criteria for the schools you are interested in. • Obtain any Supplementary Information Forms you may need for schools for which you wish to apply. • Make appointments to visit the schools you are interested in, their contact information is available in this booklet. • Discuss with the headteacher what the school has to offer • Obtain copies of school prospectus’ • Read the school Ofsted report these are available on the internet or from the school • Check your designated area school by contacting School Admissions or checking the website. www.bracknell-forest.gov.uk/findmynearestschool • Visit your designated area school • Check allocation history of the schools you are applying to this information is later in this booklet or you can contact School Admissions. • Check Admission numbers of schools School Brochures Every school produces a school prospectus. This prospectus will contain certain basic information about the school and the way in which it seeks to provide for its pupils. Prospectuses are available on request from individual schools without charge. They may also be available on the school’s website. Schools produce their own prospectus. The Local Authority is not responsible for the contents of these although always aims to check and parents should always refer back to this guide book or contact School Admissions regarding anything to do with the admissions process. All schools will wish to make them as attractive and distinctive as possible, but there is more to what goes on in a school than just the information contained in the prospectus. Performance Tables Schools provide information about their own examination results in their individual prospectuses. In addition, the Secretary of State for Education will publish a comparative table of pupils’ examination results in November in 18 national and local newspapers. Copies are not available from the Children, Young People and Learning Department or from individual schools, but can be obtained from the Department for Education (DfE). They are also available on the Internet (www.education.gov.uk). When comparing results between schools, a number of factors need to be considered. Pupils come from a variety of different starting points - they differ in terms of ability, background and levels of support at home. Results need to be seen over a longer period than one year to enable a clear pattern to emerge. It is also unlikely that overall patterns will be consistent across all subjects. A school’s examination results should not be seen in isolation from its other strengths. School Inspection Reports Ofsted (Office for Standards in Education) is headed by Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Schools and regularly inspects English maintained (state funded) schools. Certain other categories of schools are also inspected. Copies of the reports that are produced are sent to schools at the end of the inspection. A summary of the report must be sent to the parents of its pupils by the school, which must also make a full copy available on request. Copies of published reports are also available on the Internet at www.ofsted.gov.uk. The Ofsted website also provides more information about the process of inspection. www.ofsted.gov.uk THINGS TO CONSIDER BEFORE MAKING YOUR APPLICATION Have you researched the admissions criteria for the schools you wish to apply for? For Bracknell Forest schools you can find these on page 37 onwards of this booklet. Think carefully about the order you place your preferences on your application. If more than one offer can be made for schools you have named, the LA will offer to the highest preference possible according to the order you have placed them on your application. The number of places available at a particular school is indicated by its Admission Number. The relevant number for each school is set out in the school information on page 119. Too many children being admitted to a particular school could lead to overcrowding or pressure on facilities and other resources. The limits that are set on numbers are designed to ensure that 19 children receive an ‘efficient and effective’ education. Since 2001, limits have been imposed on the size of infant classes i.e. Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. For these children, the maximum class size is 30. Important things to note • Going to a school nursery is not part of the admissions criteria for going to the school. You must make a separate application for a school place, there is no automatic transfer between a school nursery and school. • When accepting a place at an out of designated area school within Bracknell Forest you should be aware of the consequences this may have for any younger siblings as children living in the designated area will be admitted ahead of them. This includes children who have older siblings with a Statement of Special Educational Needs. So if you move house you should check the designated area for the new address and be aware that any younger siblings may not be offered a place if you have moved out of a designated area. • Please check on page 130 to see the number of applications the school had last year compared to places available and the final criteria used to allocate places. This will give you some idea of the likelihood of your preference being met. You need to consider if you are being realistic about the preferences you are naming. • Consider naming three preferences. If you only name one preference and The School Admissions Team are unable to allocate you a place there, they will then have to offer an alternative school which has places once the allocation has been completed. This will not necessarily be your designated area school and could be some distance from your home. • You should also refer to the Social criterion on page 38 for further information. The LA is committed to meeting your preference for a school place for your child wherever possible. There may, however, be circumstances where this is not possible. The number of places available at each school is limited and all schools have a maximum number of pupils that can be admitted each year. 20 THE APPLICATION PROCESS You do not have a right to ‘choose’ which school your child will attend but you do have the right to express a preference for a school. The ability to satisfy your preference will depend not only on the demand for places at an individual school but also on the total number of places available. If a school is over subscribed, by that we mean that there are more applicants than places, the admissions criteria will be used to determine which pupils will be offered a place at a Bracknell Forest School. The admissions arrangements for Bracknell Forest Schools is set out on page 37 onwards. Primary Co-ordinated Admission Scheme In line with government requirements, Bracknell Forest operates a co ordinated admissions scheme for primary admissions. This scheme requires formal co-operation and sharing of information between each Local Authority and all the Admissions Authorities within that LA (ie Voluntary Aided and Academies). Each of these Admissions Authorities will have already agreed the co-ordinated scheme between them. There will also be close liaison between neighbouring LAs and Admissions Authorities. As the co-ordinated scheme has to cover all schools and Authorities, parents/carers can list the names of up to three schools that they are interested in and to give the reasons for each of their preferences. Information that parents/carers give on their application will be shared with other Admissions Authorities as necessary. This scheme does not affect the duty of the governors of Foundation, Voluntary Aided schools and Academies to set and apply their own admission arrangements. The scheme is an administrative arrangement to make school admissions easier, more transparent and less stressful for parents. The governors of Academies and Voluntary Aided schools will still apply their own criteria to applications that name their school. Designated/ Catchment Areas Wherever you live in Bracknell Forest there is a ‘designated’ primary school for your home address, sometimes referred to as a catchment school. Each school (with the exception of St Michael’s Easthampstead, St Margaret Clitherow and St Joseph’s where different arrangements apply) has a ‘designated area’, sometimes known as a ‘catchment area’. Please note that a ‘designated’ school will not necessarily be your nearest school so please check. Details about the designated area of any Bracknell Forest school or a map showing a schools designated area can be viewed in the back of this booklet, online at www.bracknell-forest.gov.uk, Bracknell Library or the school concerned. It is also possible to do a search on the Council’s website using your address and postcode. www.bracknell-forest.gov.uk/findmynearestschool 21 The admissions arrangements for most schools in Bracknell Forest give preference to children living within a designated area. The designated area of any school is a clearly defined geographical area surrounding the school. The link between the school and the community is very important to us in Bracknell Forest and our admissions arrangements reflect this. You are strongly advised to check with the LA which school’s designated area your house is in rather than relying on estate agents, developers, hearsay or where neighbours children attend school. You are also advised to be particularly cautious about information on schools given when considering purchasing a property on a new development site. Please note that designated area boundaries do not always match Parish boundaries or Borough boundaries. Although we cannot guarantee a place at any school within Bracknell Forest, even your designated area school it is important to consider naming your designated area school as one of your three preferred schools. You will not automatically be given a place at your designated area school if you do not name it as a preference and this may result in your child being offered a place at a school some distance from your home address. If you do not name a school as a preference you will not be considered for it if it is an oversubscribed school. It is therefore advisable to think carefully about which schools you name on your application. If you want to be considered for a school you must name it as a preference. Home address The address at which your child lives may be important when the admissions authority decide who they can offer places to at particular schools. The address on the application should be that of the parent or carer where the child is habitually resident. The School Admissions Team are unable to use the address of an individuals child care arrangements. The address where the child lives at the closing date of 15 January 2015 will be used to process the application. It is for the applicant to satisfy the Admissions Authority that they live at the address that they state. If fraud is suspected then further proof may be requested. If fraud is established then any offer of a school place will be withdrawn. If a parent/carer owns a property within the Borough which they do not occupy and/or rent out and then move into another property within, or nearer to the designated area of the preferred school, the address of the property they own will be the address used for determining their designated area, unless the owned house has been rented out for 12 months prior to the closing date for applying If applicants are in the process of moving house within Bracknell Forest they should contact School Admissions Team for further advice. The LA can ask at anytime for further proof as they feel necessary and may visit you. 22 Maps showing designated areas are available to see in the back of this booklet, online at: www.bracknell-forest.gov.uk/schooldesignatedareamaps and at the main library in Bracknell. For copyright reasons we are not able to photocopy them or send them out. If you require specific advice about designated areas please contact the School Admissions Team or refer to the Bracknell Forest website. Please note your child must be habitually resident in the UK before an application will be accepted and processed. This does not apply if you are a family of UK Armed Forces Personnel or a Crown Servant returning from overseas. Shared residency It is increasingly common that parents are agreeing, and courts are endorsing, shared residence orders under Section 8 of The Children Act 1989. Further advice on this matter can be obtained from the School Admissions Team. Any details regarding shared residency, or the child’s living arrangements, must be submitted at the time of application. It is the parents’ responsibility to provide this information. As a general rule shared residence is based (for admissions purposes) on the number of school nights a child spends at the home. The School Admissions Team may take legal advice on these matters as they relate to a specific case. A main address will need to be used to process the application. If the second parent/carer’s address is different from the first they will not receive any information/letters unless this is requested. Moving House If you move house after you have submitted your application and before the closing date you must inform The School Admissions Team. If you move house after you have submitted your application and before the offer date, it is your responsibility to inform The School Admissions Team of your new address. Failure to do this could affect the allocation of your child’s place. You will also be required to supply documentary evidence of the new address (e.g solicitor’s letter confirming exchange of contracts) The School Admissions Team may request additional proof regarding your address at any time and may visit you. This is to try and prevent fraudulent addresses being used however random checks are also done on applications to verify home addresses. If you move house between the closing date of 15 January 2015 and 9 February 2015 you should contact The School Admissions Team who will be able to give you further advice regarding your application. Fraud Regrettably it has been necessary for The School Admissions Team to withdraw offers of school places in the past where it is evident that a false address has been used. In the interests of all applicants we reserve the right to reject applications that we discover to be fraudulent. 23 Applications from abroad If you are moving into Bracknell Forest from abroad for the first time then the child must be habitually resident before an application for a school place can be accepted. Proof of residency within Bracknell Forest will be required. If you are living abroad and returning to a property you own within Bracknell Forest, then you will need to produce written proof confirming the details and timing of the relocation. You should contact The School Admissions Team for further advice. Families of UK service personnel with a confirmed posting to the Bracknell Forest area (or Crown Servants returning from overseas to live in Bracknell Forest) will be able to make an application for a school place if it is accompanied by an official letter from the relevant service declaring a relocation date and a Unit postal address or quartering address. For those service families who already live in Bracknell Forest or are moving to live in Bracknell Forest a formal letter from their chain of command verifying their address would be accepted if applying under the designated area criterion. Denominational Grounds If you have named any of the following schools as a preference on your application: Ascot Heath CE Junior School, Crowthorne CE Primary School, Warfield CE Primary School, Winkfield St Mary’s CE Primary School and are applying to the school on denominational grounds you must complete a Bracknell Forest certificate of church attendance form. This form is downloadable from the website www.bracknell-forest.gov.uk/primaryschooladmissions or it can be obtained from the School Admissions Team. Please obtain this form and pass to your vicar, minister or priest for verification. Please note that anyone can apply for a place at one of these schools, however if you can not get this form completed your application will not fulfil the denominational criterion. In order to fulfil the denominational criterion it will be necessary for at least one of the parents/carers of the child concerned to regularly attend a church that is part of the group of Churches Together. This group includes the following category of churches - Church of England, all the protestant non conformist churches (e.g. Baptist, Methodist, United Reform) and Roman Catholic or any other Christian denominational church. At least one of the parents/carers, who live at the same address as the child, must attend worship on at least two occasions in each calendar month for at least 8 months of the year in the 12 months prior to the published closing date for admissions. Attendance does not include services of marriage, funerals or christenings (except for the christening of the child seeking entrance to the particular school). 24 If you think you meet this criterion you should pass the form to your vicar, minister or priest for verification. It is your responsibility to get the Bracknell Forest form signed and returned to the Bracknell Forest School Admissions Team if you want your application to be considered under this criterion, you will not be sent a form automatically. The denominational certificate can be submitted up until the closing date of applications 15 January 2015. However if it is received after this date your application can not be considered under this criterion. This also applies to those applicants applying from another Local Authority. If you were unable to or chose not to comply with the denominational criterion by the closing date you will not be able to amend your application to meet this criterion at a later date. If you are applying from another Local Authority you must use the Bracknell Forest certificate of church attendance form in order that your application can be considered under the denominational criterion. Another Local Authority’s form can not be used. HOW DO I APPLY? Even if your child attends a school nursery you must complete an application to apply for a school place, going to a school nursery is not an automatic transfer to the school. Before making your application, you must carefully read the relevant admissions criteria published by the admission authority for the school(s) you are applying for. Those for Bracknell Forest Schools start on page 37 of this booklet. It is important to find out if any additional / Supplementary Information Forms are required and the closing date of these forms. There are two ways of applying for a school place. You can apply quickly and easily online or by completing a paper application form. You can only use one method of applying, please do not use both. If you submit a CAF and complete an online application, the latest submitted by the closing date will be used as your final application. If you wish any of your preferences to be considered under the designated area criterion you must supply proof of residency. This should be in the form of: 25 • a copy of your current council tax notice 14/15 • a letter from a solicitor confirming exchange of contracts (we are unable to accept an address until you have exchanged contracts. • or your rental agreement/ tenancy agreement, this must be for a minimum of a year. The School Admissions Team need to verify your child’s date of birth. In order to do this you will be required to supply a copy of the child’s birth certificate (this is the only proof of date of birth that will be accepted). You can either provide this information when you submit your application or this must be provided once the offer of a place has been made. If you send any original documents these will be sent back by normal 2nd class post, The LA is not responsible for their safe return. Therefore it is advisable to only send a copy. If you are unable to make a copy, you can also bring the originals into Customer Service reception at Time Square who will be able to take a copy for you. Online Application Applying online is the quickest and easiest way to apply for a school place for your child. www.bracknell-forest.gov.uk/primaryschooladmissions If you decide to apply online: • The site will be open from 1st November 2014. • You must register on the site before you are able to make your application. Even if you have previously used the online system, you must still reregister. • For ease you should use your child’s UID number which has been sent to you, although you can make an online application without one. • You require an e-mail account • Once you have submitted your online application a confirmation e-mail will be sent to you please keep this as a receipt. • Please note if you go back into your online application once you have submitted it, please ensure you then re-submit your application before leaving the site. • If you have any technical difficulties with the site please e-mail: [email protected] The School Admissions Team are unable to help you over the phone. • The online site closes at midday on 15 January 2015. 26 • Even if you have applied online and you require one of your preferences to be considered under the designated area criterion you must supply proof of residency once you have submitted your application. Remember to name any school you wish your child to be considered for, even those outside of the Bracknell Forest borough. Proof of address and Birth Certificates can be scanned and emailed to: [email protected] Or post to: The School Admissions Team Bracknell Forest Council Time Square Market Street Bracknell RG12 1JD Your documents must be returned by 15 January 2015. Failure to do this by this closing date will mean that your application will not be processed under the designated area criterion. Online applications must be submitted by the closing date of midday on 15 January 2015 Please note that your offer email will be sent on 16 April 2015 to the email address you have used to register. After the closing date you can not change this email address. If it is no longer valid then you will need to inform The School Admissions Team who will ensure you receive your offer by letter. Paper Application (CAF) If you are unable to apply online then you should complete a paper application form. Please note you will not automatically receive an application form. If you wish to apply using a paper application form you must request one from The School Admissions Team. You can only complete one form. This will be from your home LA. If a school outside of Bracknell Forest is named on the form then this information will be passed on to the relevant LA or Admissions Authority for that school by Bracknell Forest School Admissions Team. The co-ordinated scheme means that all state funded schools must be recorded on the CAF as a preference even if they are outside Bracknell Forest. Completed paper applications should be returned to by the closing date, which is 15 January 2015. These should be returned The School Admissions Team at the address at the front of this booklet. It is important that forms are returned by the closing date, as any applications for admission to schools received after 15 January 2015 27 will be processed as late. Exceptions will be where it can reasonably be assumed that the form could not have been received by the closing date. Please see page 30 for further information on this. Admissions Criteria For the admissions criteria for schools within Bracknell Forest you should refer to page 37 onwards. For schools outside the borough, please refer to the relevant authority. Please note that voluntary aided schools and Academies apply their own admissions criteria as determined by their governing bodies. These are usually different from the admissions criteria determined by the LA for its maintained schools. You are strongly advised to note the detailed admissions criteria that are set out later in this booklet and in the individual schools prospectus. Places are not held back for children who move into the area after the closing date for applications. 28 WHAT IF I WANT TO CHANGE MY APPLICATION? Before the closing date Online application You are able to change your online application right up to midday on 15 January 2015 you must ensure that you re-submit your application in order for the changes to be recorded. A new confirmation e-mail will then be sent to you confirming that changes to your application have been made, you must keep this e-mail as confirmation. Paper CAF If you change your mind after you have submitted your application and before the closing date you must inform the School Admissions Team in writing or by e-mail. Your change of preference request will then be taken into account. After the closing date All applications If you wish to change your preferences after the closing date you should put this is writing or by e-mail by 30 April 2015. Changes of preferences to schools that are over subscribed, and therefore have a waiting list, will not be accepted unless there has been a major change of circumstances. A major change of circumstances includes a house move into a new designated area. The School Admissions Team decision on this is final. If you were unable to or chose not to comply with the denominational criterion by the closing date you will not be able to amend your application to meet this criterion at a later date. Changing your mind about your application or different child care arrangements are not considered as a major change of circumstances. For further advice please contact the School Admissions Team 29 LATE APPLICATIONS THE FOLLOWING DATES APPLY TO BRACKNELL FOREST COMMUNITY AND VOLUNTARY CONTROLLED SCHOOLS ONLY AND OTHER AUTHORITY OR OWN AUTHORITY SCHOOLS MAY HAVE DIFFERENT DATES. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO FIND OUT WHAT THESE DATES ARE. Non-application Where it can reasonably be assumed that an application could have been made by the closing date of 15 January 2015 the application will be considered by the School Admissions Team after 30 April 2015. Moving into Bracknell Forest Where it can reasonably be assumed that your application could not be made by the closing date of the 15 January 2015 (for example that you have just moved into Bracknell Forest) but is submitted before 9 February 2015 the application will be considered on time. However evidence to support the reason for the late application will be required by the School Admissions Team. The LA’s decision is final. However if the application is received on or after 9 February 2015 it will be processed after 16 April 2015. Moving within Bracknell Forest If you move house within Bracknell Forest after the closing date of 15 January 2015 and before 16th April 2015 you must contact the School Admissions Team to discuss any changes of preferences you may wish to make and inform them of your new address. You will only be able to make changes to your application if you have moved to a new designated area. You will also be required to be habitually resident in the new property before the address can be used. 30 THE ALLOCATION OF SCHOOL PLACES All preferences named on an application will be treated as equal preferences. This will mean that should the school be oversubscribed then the admissions/oversubscription criteria will be applied to that particular school regardless of its ranked order on the form. There are tables on page 131 showing how many preferences were expressed for each primary/infant school in Bracknell Forest and who were allocated places for all the community schools within Bracknell Forest for last year. With the system of equal preferences these rankings will not give you an accurate indication of how oversubscribed schools may be for this year’s intake. However it will give you an indication of where a school has been oversubscribed in the past. After the closing date the relevant admissions criteria will be applied to all applications for oversubscribed schools. The admissions criteria will be applied to each preference as if they are stand alone applications to the school. Any preferences that are for schools that have an admissions authority other than Bracknell Forest will be passed to that authority for them to apply their relevant criteria to the application. Once processed the admissions authority will pass the application back to The School Admissions Team to complete the allocation process. If, by applying the criteria (or the governors of Aided schools or Academies applying their criteria) the LA are able to offer a place at more than one school, then the order that you list your preferences on your application will be taken into account. Your child will be offered a place (by your home LA) at the school that is listed highest on your application and at which an offer can be made. You will only receive one offer of a school place (regardless of which area the school is in or type of school) in line with the School Admissions Code. Number of Places Each year the Local Authority publishes an admission number for each school. This is the number of pupils that the Admissions Authority can admit into the school during the next school year. Once this number has been set the LA and governors must admit children up to the number if there is sufficient demand for places. 31 Consideration of applications Shortly after the closing date of 15 January 2015, The School Admissions Team will consider applications to all of its community schools. When a school is oversubscribed, applications will be put in the order of the admissions criteria. If a school is named on the form that is not a Bracknell Forest community school then the request for a school place is forwarded to the relevant Admissions Authority and their criteria applied to the application. Other admissions authorities will not know which number preference you have named their school when considering applications, they will only know that a place has been requested. However should you not be allocated a place at a preferred school and wish to later appeal, your application form will be shared with all parties relevant to the appeals process. 32 OFFER OF A PLACE In line with the timetable that has been established by the DfE, you will be informed, in writing, of the outcome of your application by your home LA. If you applied online an email will be sent, on the 16 April 2015, to the email address you used when registering to use the online system. If you applied using a paper CAF, a letter offering your child a school place will be posted, 2nd class, by The School Admissions Team on 16 April 2015 to your home address. The School Admissions Team are unable to enter into discussions about your child’s allocation until you have received your offer as there will be a lot of information online or enclosed with your letter that may answer any questions you have. Therefore please take the time to read through all the information before calling The School Admissions Team. What to do next You will be asked to accept or decline the offer of a school place by 30 April 2015. To do this you can either go onto the Bracknell Forest website and accept or decline your place online or you will be able to call Customer Services on 01344 352000 who will be able to do this for you. Failure to accept a place could result in the offer of a school place for your child being withdrawn in line with the School Admissions Code. If you have not submitted your child’s birth certificate you will be required to send a copy once you have accepted the place. However if you can not find your child’s birth certificate please do not delay in accepting a place. You should order a new one and inform The School Admissions Team that a new one has been ordered. Once the new birth certificate arrives please forward a copy of this to The School Admissions Team. What if you are not offered any of your preferences If we are unable to offer you any of your preferences you will be informed why and will be offered a place at the next nearest school to the home address with available places. This will not necessarily be your designated area school. Your child’s name will then be placed on waiting lists for any of your Bracknell Forest preferred schools, please refer to page 35 for more details on waiting lists. What if you are offered a second or third preference If you are not offered your first preference but are offered a second or third preference, your child’s name will be placed on the waiting lists for any higher preferred Bracknell Forest schools than the one offered. Please refer to page 35 for more details on waiting lists. 33 What if you refuse the offer of a school place If you refuse the offer of a school place you must inform the School Admissions Team as to where your child will be receiving education. It is the responsibility of your home LA to ensure that every child of statutory school age within their area is receiving a form of education. However please note that by accepting a school place will not affect your child’s position on any waiting lists or any appeals that you may make. It does however ensure that your child has a school place. Therefore please think carefully before refusing an offer of a place, because if you do refuse it The School Admissions Team may be unable to give you that place back if you are unsuccessful with any appeals or you do not get offered a place from the waiting list. Fraudulent applications It is for the applicant to satisfy the Admissions Authority that they live at the address that is stated on the form at the closing date. If necessary, further proof may be requested and a member of The School Admissions Team may visit you. If fraud is established an application may not be accepted or any offer of a school place may be withdrawn. Multiple Births Where the LA has received applications for twins or other multiple births and when one of the siblings is the last child to be admitted the other sibling(s) may be admitted as an exception. You should refer to the relevant admissions authority for further information. 34 WAITING LISTS Waiting lists are held for all Bracknell Forest schools by The School Admissions Team. They are constructed using the names of those children whose parents have formally applied for admission to the school using the application process (paper or online and additional form if appropriate) and have been unsuccessful in their application. Waiting lists will be constructed according to the published admissions criteria and will follow the same priority order. Please note this only applies to schools which were listed as higher preferences than that which has been offered. If your child’s name is at the top of a waiting list and a place can be offered you will be contacted by The School Admissions Team firstly by phone, if you are unable to be contacted by phone and have supplied an e-mail address an email will be sent to you. If The School Admissions Team are unsuccessful in contacting you via these methods, a letter will be sent to the home address with a deadline to accept the offer. NOTE: This is why it is very important that you keep The School Admissions Team up to date with all your contact details. If you do not name a school as a preference you child’s name may not be able to be placed on a waiting list at a later date. You can not be placed on a waiting list for any school lower than the one offered How can I get my child’s name on a waiting list? Your child’s name will automatically be added to a waiting list of a Bracknell Forest school that is higher in your preference order than the one that has been offered. If you have applied for another authority school you must contact the relevant admissions authority for further information on waiting lists, as you may need to request your child’s name to be placed on a waiting list. How can I find out where my child’s name is on the waiting list? You are able to phone The School Admissions Team who can inform you of your child’s position on any Bracknell Forest waiting list(s). Please be aware that positions on a waiting list can go up or down. In other words a child who is at the top of a waiting list one day may not be the next. This can happen, for example, if a child with a higher priority within the published admissions criteria applies to the school e.g moves into the area. It is also important to note that the length of time a child’s name has been on a waiting list is not the deciding factor when a space becomes vacant. 35 Offers from waiting lists If you are offered a place from the waiting list for a higher preference school any original allocation will be withdrawn. It will be assumed that you wish to accept a higher preference school. Therefore it is your responsibility to ensure that you inform The School Admissions Team if you do not want your child to remain on waiting lists for any higher preferences. You should inform The School Admissions Team as soon as possible. We would hope that once a child starts at a particular school and begins to build relationships with other children and teachers, you will not consider moving your child to another school except in exceptional circumstances. How long will my child’s name be held on a waiting list? For Bracknell Forest community schools your child’s name will be held on any relevant waiting lists until the end of the summer term of the academic year in July 2016. The waiting list will then be closed. If you require your child’s name to be placed back on the waiting for the next academic year (year 1) you will need to start the In Year application process after 20 July 2016. You will not be reminded to do this. For more information on the In Year process please refer to the Bracknell Forest website: www.bracknell-forest.gov.uk/changingschoolsmidyear 36 ADMISSIONS CRITERIA FOR COMMUNITY SCHOOLS 2015/16 The following criteria apply to these Bracknell Forest Community Schools: Ascot Heath Infant Wildmoor Heath Primary Sandy Lane Primary Birch Hill Primary Harmans Water Primary Uplands Primary College Town Infant Holly Spring Infant Whitegrove Primary Cranbourne Primary Meadow Vale Primary Wildridings Primary Crown Wood Primary New Scotland Hill Primary Wooden Hill Primary Fox Hill Primary Owlsmoor Primary Great Hollands Primary The Pines Primary Children with a Statement of Special Educational Needs that names a specific school must, by law, be admitted to that school. After this requirement has been satisfied the following rules will apply: (A) Looked After Children (Any request for the allocation of a place for a child who is in the care of the Local Authority or provided with accommodation in that authority in accordance with Section 20 of The Children Act 1989).As well as children who were looked after, but ceased to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a residence order or special guardianship order) immediately following having been looked after. (B) Children who have either medical or social grounds for admission to a particular school. This evidence must set out the particular reason why the school in question is the only suitable school and the difficulties caused if the child had to attend another school. The LA’s decision in these matters is final. (C) Children who live in the designated area of the school. (D) Children who have siblings, brother(s) or sister(s), at the school, and who will still be attending the school at the time of the child’s admission. In some cases a tie-breaker will be required. If a school does not have places for all the children in one of the above criteria, priority will be given to children who fulfil a combination of higher admission criteria. The combination of 37 criteria (categories) will follow the same order of priority as the basic list of criteria. (eg. an applicant who fulfils designated area and sibling will take precedence over one who fulfils designated area only). After this, if there are still insufficient places, and no distinction can be made between the applicants or if they do not fulfil any of the above criteria, a final decision will be made on the radial distance (straight line distance on a map) between the home and the school. Those living nearer to the school will be placed higher than those living further away. Radial distance will be based on the co-ordinates for the property and the school as defined in the Local Land and Property Gazetteer and based on the Ordnance Survey’s national system. Distances are measured using direct distance calculations within a computer system. The measurement of each distance has been calculated using Pythagoras’ Theorem. The way in which this is done is to calculate the distance in metres between the Easting and Northing co-ordinates for each location. The measurement in metres is then multiplied by 0.000621317 to convert this measurement to miles. The same method of calculation is used for each direct distance measured. This can be to three, four or five decimal places where necessary. If in the event that two or more children live at the same distance from school and it cannot be separated, for example where families live in flats and there are fewer places available, then random allocation will be used to decide which child will be allocated the remaining place(s). The process will be drawn and scrutinised by people who are independent of the Council. Where demand exists, schools admit up to their admission number and no places are reserved for pupils moving into their designated area. Social Grounds or Medical Grounds (criterion B) If a parent has indicated on the application that they wish their application to be considered on either social or medical need it is their responsibility to obtain a form which must be completed and returned to the School Admissions Team along with supporting written evidence from a professional by the given closing date. The supporting evidence for medical grounds should be from the relevant registered professional(s) involved with the child or family. Examples include registered health professionals, such as Consultant, GP, Psychologist, Psychiatrist; or registered social care professionals such as a Social Worker / Care Manager. Please note, evidence from childminders will not normally be accepted as sufficient evidence. All evidence must be on letter headed paper. This evidence must set out the particular reasons why the school in question is the only suitable school and the difficulties caused if the child had to attend another school. This evidence must be specific to the school in question; it must show why only that school is the most suitable; what facilities will benefit the child, and why no other school can offer the same support. Where relevant this school must be the most appropriate for the family 38 circumstances. However it will not be possible to consider an application under this criterion if no supporting evidence is supplied. The Local Authority will not contact professionals involved with the family as it is for the applicant to supply this information when submitting the social/medical form. The LA reserves the right to ask parents to supply further evidence or clarification where the LA considers necessary. It is important that applicants seeking to rely on these grounds provide the fullest supporting evidence they can by the closing date. It is the parent’s responsibility to produce this evidence. Where further evidence is required it will need to be supplied by the closing date so that the decision can be made alongside all other applications for places at the particular school. Evidence submitted after the closing date will not be considered. Only in exceptional circumstances the LA may apply it’s discretion to consider evidence submitted after the closing date. It is therefore very important to submit all relevant evidence together with the application to avoid possible delay. But in any event all the relevant evidence must be submitted by the closing date to ensure full and proper consideration. Medical If a child or the parent/ carer of that child has a medical condition, that is a serious chronic health condition, or one that would cause significant hardship or risk if the child could not attend the preferred school it must be indicated on the application as their highest preferred school. All schools have the resources to work with special educational needs and common childhood complaints such as asthma. Social If a child or the parent/ carer of that child has a social need that would cause significant hardship or risk if the child could not attend the preferred school it must be indicated on the application as their highest preferred school. Also considered under this criterion on social grounds will be parents who have applied for a place at their designated area school as their highest preferred school for an older child by the published closing date and the local authority have been unable to meet this preference and a place has been allocated to this older child at an alternative school. If the parent then wishes to apply for this alternative school by the published closing date for their younger child the applicant must notify The School Admissions Team on their application for that younger child that they consider this criterion applies and ensure all relevant information is supplied. This information will be assessed as published in the procedure for dealing with social or medical applications. If a parent moves house or chooses not to accept the offer of a place at their designated area school then this information will have been recorded by The School Admissions Team at the time and will used in the decision making process as to whether a younger child will be accepted as fulfilling this criterion. Late applications that could have been made by the closing date will not be assessed as fulfilling this criterion. 39 The procedure Applications on social or medical need will be considered firstly by three individual officers. They will consider information on the social/medical application form and any evidence from the relevant professional(s). They will recommend whether a decision can be made to either: • Allow the application* • To refuse the application –on the grounds that the circumstances of the case are not sufficiently exceptional to meet the social or the medical criteria, or if applying under medical grounds, no evidence from a professional is supplied. • Request further evidence - if under medical grounds the professional evidence supplied is not sufficient then a letter will be sent to the parent identifying the insufficiencies in the evidence submitted and asking them to further clarify their evidence within a specified time. Once the specified deadline has passed, if the evidence has not been received then the application will be considered on the evidence available at that time. • If a unanimous decision can not be reached by the Admissions Officer and the Admissions Assistants the matter will be referred to the Senior Admissions Officer for their consideration. *All applications irrespective of the decision will have to be approved by the Senior Admissions Officer If an application is passed to The Senior Admissions Officer they retain the discretion to refer the matter to a relevant professional within the LA, or an outside agency or to make a final decision on the evidence received. If The Senior Admissions Officer is unable to make a decision they will refer the matter to a Chief Officer within the Children, Young People and Learning Department for their consideration and final decision. The decision on the application will be recorded and a letter will be sent informing the parent/carer if the application is being considered under the remaining admissions criteria, and not the social or the medical criterion. How the decision will be made: The LA will objectively assess whether the evidence supplied supports why it is more suitable for the child to attend only the school identified as opposed to any other school. Applications will be considered in accordance with the Equalities Act 2010. It is important that applicants submit the very best evidence that they can in support of their applications by the due date. 40 Going to a Nursery class or Early Years provider will not usually on its own be considered to be a ground warranting consideration under the social or medical need. Child care arrangements would also not usually on its own is considered to be a ground warranting consideration under the social or medical need. 41 Primary Application on Social or Medical Grounds In order for your application to be considered on either social or medical grounds you must complete this form and return it back to the School Admissions Team along with your supporting evidence by 15th January 2015. If no evidence is supplied your application will not be considered under this criterion. It will be for you to produce this evidence at your own expense whenever necessary, the School Admissions Team will not contact professionals on your behalf asking for information on your child. Please make sure you have read the attached notes before completing this application form. If we do not receive this form back your school application will be considered against the remaining admissions criteria. Is this application being made under SOCIAL or MEDICAL grounds? (please specify) Child’s Name: Date of birth: Address: Preferred School this application relates to (this must be your first preference school) School Name: 42 Please set out the particular reasons why the school in question is the only suitable school and the difficulties that would be caused if the child had to attend another school. 43 Please list the supporting evidence that is being submitted to support this application under this criterion: Personal information contained in this form is subject to the Data Protection Act 1998. Data may be exchanged with other departments in Bracknell Forest Council, other Local Authorities and admissions authorities, schools and government agencies where necessary as part of the admissions process. I certify that the information I have given on this form is correct and that I have parental responsibility for the child named on this form. I understand that the authority reserves the right to verify any of the information given on this form and the information supplied is accurate and current. They can carry out further investigations if they require additional evidence to verify information contained in this form. If any of this information changes it is my responsibility to inform the Local Authority I have read and understood the social or medical criteria. I certify that all relevant sections have been completed fully and I have supplied supporting evidence from a professional involved with the family. I understand that failure to do so will mean that my application will not be processed under this criteria. Signature of parent/carer: ………………………………………………………. Print Name: ………………………………………………………………………. Date: ………………………………………… 44 ADMISSIONS CRITERIA FOR VOLUNTARY CONTROLLED SCHOOLS 2015/16 The following criteria apply to these Bracknell Forest voluntary controlled Schools: Crowthorne CE Primary Winkfield St Mary’s CE Primary Warfield CE Primary If the number of requests for places is equal to or less than the number of places available, then all applicants could be offered a place at that school. Children with a Statement of Special Educational Needs that names a specific school must, by law, be admitted to that school. After this requirement has been satisfied the following rules will apply: (A) Looked After Children (Any request for the allocation of a place for a child who is in the care of the Local Authority or provided with accommodation in that authority in accordance with Section 20 of The Children Act 1989).As well as children who were looked after, but ceased to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a residence order or special guardianship order) immediately following having been looked after. (B) Children who have either medical or social grounds for admission to a particular school. This evidence must set out the particular reason why the school in question is the only suitable school and the difficulties caused if the child had to attend another school. The LA’s decision in these matters is final. C) Children who live in the designated area of the school. (D) Children who have siblings, brother(s) or sister(s), at the school, and who will still be attending the school at the time of the child’s admission. (E) Children whose parents choose the school on denominational grounds. In some cases a tie-breaker will be required. If a school does not have places for all the children in one of the above criteria, priority will be given to 45 children who fulfil a combination of higher admission criteria. The combination of criteria (categories) will follow the same order of priority as the basic list of criteria. (eg. an applicant who fulfils designated area and sibling will take precedence over one who fulfils designated area only). After this, if there are still insufficient places, and no distinction can be made between the applicants or if they do not fulfil any of the above criteria, a final decision will be made on the radial distance (straight line distance on a map) between the home and the school. Those living nearer to the school will be placed higher than those living further away. Radial distance will be based on the co-ordinates for the property and the school as defined in the Local Land and Property Gazetteer and based on the Ordnance Survey’s national system. Distances are measured using direct distance calculations within a computer system. The measurement of each distance has been calculated using Pythagoras’ Theorem. The way in which this is done is to calculate the distance in metres between the Easting and Northing co-ordinates for each location. The measurement in metres is then multiplied by 0.000621317 to convert this measurement to miles. The same method of calculation is used for each direct distance measured. This can be to three, four or five decimal places where necessary. If in the event that two or more children live at the same distance from school and it cannot be separated, for example where families live in flats and there are fewer places available, then random allocation will be used to decide which child will be allocated the remaining place(s). The process will be drawn and scrutinised by people who are independent of the council. Denominational Grounds Where denominational grounds are a reason for the application for a voluntary controlled school where the LA is the admission authority (Crowthorne CE School, Warfield CE School and Winkfield CE School), it will be necessary for at least one of the parents/carers of the child concerned to regularly attend a church that is part of the group of Churches Together. This group includes the following category of churches - Church of England, all the protestant non conformist churches (e.g. Baptist, Methodist, United Reform) and Roman Catholic or any other Christian denominational church. At least one of the parents/carers, who live at the same address as the child, must attend worship on at least two occasions in each calendar month for at least 8 months of the year in the 12 months prior to the published closing date for admissions or the date of application if it is an in-year application. Attendance does not include services of marriage, funerals or christenings (except for the christening of the child seeking entrance to the particular school). Applicants will need to complete the relevant Form in order to confirm that they are applying to the school on denominational grounds. In addition it will 46 then be necessary for the form to be passed onto their local clergy for verification before it is sent to the School Admissions Team. Faith-based school with a religious character A faith-based school with a religious character is required to offer every child who applies, whether of the faith, another faith, or no faith, a place at the school if there is a place available. However, faith-based schools are popular and often over subscribed. Such schools are permitted to use faith-based oversubscription criteria and allocate places by reference to faith where the school is oversubscribed. Social Grounds or Medical Grounds (category B) Please see page 38 for more information on this criteria. 47 CONFIRMATION OF CHURCH ATTENDANCE Child’s Name…………………………………………………… Date of Birth …………………………………. If any of your preferences are for Crowthorne CE, Warfield CE, Winkfield St Mary’s CE Primary Schools or Ascot Heath CE Junior School and you are applying on denominational grounds please complete this form and then pass it to your local vicar, priest or minister for their endorsement. You should then return it to the School Admissions Team for consideration. It is your responsibility to ensure this form is complete and returned by the closing date of 15 January 2015. Failure to return this form will mean that your application will not be considered under denominational grounds. If this form is not FULLY completed it will be void and will not be considered with your application. If any of your preferences are for Binfield, St Joseph’s, St Margaret Clitherow, St Michael’s Easthampstead or St Michael’s Sandhurst Schools do not use this form. These schools issue their own additional Supplementary Information Forms and these can be req uested from the relevant school or the School Admissions Team and returned to either of them. 1. Are you able to complete the following declaration? Please state YES or NO. If you answer YES, please sign where indicated below. YES/NO I confirm that I, ……………………………………………………………….……………..(your name) the parent/carer of ………………………………………………………………… (your child’s name) have significant involvement with a church on a frequent basis. I understand that ‘frequent’ is defined as at least twice a month for at least 8 months of the year in the twelve months prior to the published closing date for admissions. Signature of Parent/Carer …………………………………………………….………………………..… 2. Please now pass this form to your local vicar, minister or priest and ask them to sign the following verification and then return the form to you. IF THIS SECTION IS NOT FULLY COMPLETED AND SIGNED BY THE VICAR, MINISTER OR PRIEST OF THE CHURCH YOU ATTEND IT WILL BE VOID AND YOUR APPLICATION WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED UNDER DENOMINATIONAL GROUNDS. To vicar/minister/priest: Can you confirm that, to the best of your knowledge, the above statement that the applicant is making is true? YES/NO Signature of vicar/minister/priest………………………………………………………………………………… Name of vicar/minister/priest in capitals………………………………………………………….. Name of church ……………………………………………………. Date ………………………… Address of church…………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3. This form must be completed and returned by 15 January 2015 to: The School Admissions Team, Time Square, Market Street, Bracknell, RG12 1JD 48 ADMISSIONS CRITERIA FOR VOLUNTARY AIDED SCHOOLS 2015/16 The following pages have information on the admissions arrangements for the Voluntary Aided schools within Bracknell Forest. You must also refer to the schools website or prospectus for information regarding applications to their schools. If the school has a supplementary information form then this is available on the Bracknell Forest website: www.bracknell/forest.gov.uk/primaryschooladmissions, from the school direct or by calling the School Admissions Team on 01344 354023 or 354144 Binfield Primary CE School St Margaret Clitherow RC Primary School Jennett’s Park CE Primary School St Michael’s East’d CE Primary School St Joseph’s RC Primary School St Michael’s Sandh’t CE Primary School BINFELD CE PRIMARY SCHOOL Binfield C of E Primary School (Aided) is a voluntary aided school. As such the Governing Body is the admissions authority for the school. The school is a partner in the coordinated admissions arrangements for primary admissions in Bracknell Forest LA. All the dates and processes of application and consideration will conform to the Bracknell Forest LA’s Coordinated Admissions Scheme, which will be published when finalised and will then be common to all schools within the LA. Our Mission: Binfield C of E Primary School (Aided) welcomes all children from the neighbourhood whatever their beliefs. The school promotes attitudes of mutual respect and responsibility and is committed to our children developing their full potential academically, spiritually, socially, emotionally and physically. It strives to provide a caring, Christian environment and to lay the foundations for the children to take part in adult life. We value the uniqueness of everyone in our community, fostering pride in ourselves and respect for each other. Admissions Process: In line with the Planned Admission Number (PAN) of sixty the Governing Body of Binfield C of E Primary School (Aided) will admit up to sixty children in the school year 2015/2016. Children who become five years of age on or between 49 1st September 2015 and 31st August 2016 will be eligible to be considered for admission. It is intended that places will be offered for entry in September 2015. Children who are not of statutory school age may attend part time until they reach statutory school age, however it is the school’s preference that they attend full time from, at least, November. Parents/carers have the right to defer entry to the term after the child’s fifth birthday. In the case of children born between 1st April and the 31st August entry may be deferred until the start of the Summer term, or until the following academic year in which case there will have to be a reapplication with no guarantee of a place. It is the governors’ policy not to reconsider applications within the same academic year unless there is a major change in circumstances. If the child’s needs are considered profound the school would wish to offer only a part time place until the child’s needs have been properly assessed and the appropriate provision put in place. Applications for a place at the school should be made on the Common Application Form (CAF) provided by the home LA. The CAF must be completed and returned to the LA by (15th January 2015.) The Bracknell Forest LA’s address is: Primary Admissions Section, Bracknell Forest LA, Time Square, Market Street, Bracknell, RG12 1JD As an alternative to completing the paper Common Application Form (CAF), parents will be able to apply for a primary place online via their home LA’s website. The Bracknell Forest Council site will be open for applications for first entry to school in 2015/16 from 1st November 2014 to (midday on) 15th January 2015. Applicants will still have to send in a paper copy of their current council tax statement, in order to prove their residency. This documentary evidence will then be matched to their on line application. The Bracknell Forest LA will collate the information and send copies of that information to the school by electronic transfer by the 10th February 2015 for consideration by the Governing Body. For applicants who list Binfield School as one of their preferences an additional form particular to the school will be available from the school and from the Bracknell Forest Local Authority. This form is required by the Governors, from those applying on denominational grounds, as part of the application process. This additional form should be completed and countersigned by an Anglican minister if applying on denominational grounds and then returned to the school by 20th February 2015. It is vital that, if returning this form, an acknowledgement of its receipt is obtained from the school. The School’s address is: The Admissions Secretary, Binfield C of E Primary School (Aided), Benetfeld Road, Binfield, RG42 4EW. 01344 860106 The Governing Body of Binfield C of E Primary School (Aided) will consider first those applications that are received by the published admission deadline. 50 All applications will be considered equally, irrespective of ability or stated preference. Over subscription criteria Children with a statement of Special Educational Needs naming the school will always admitted. If the number of applications exceeds the number of places (PAN = 60) the following criteria will then apply, in order of priority: (1) Looked After Children1 (Any request for the allocation of a place for a child who is in the care of the Local Authority or provided with accommodation in that authority in accordance with Section 20 of The Children Act 1989). As well as children who were looked after, but ceased to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a residence order2 or special guardianship order3) immediately following having been looked after. Applications under this criterion must be accompanied by evidence to show that the child is looked after or was previously looked after (e.g. a copy of the adoption, residence or special guardianship order). 1 A 'looked after child' is a child who is (a) in the care of a local authority, or (b) being provided with accommodation by a local authority in the exercise of their social services functions (see the definition in Section 22(1) of the Children Act 1989) at the time of making an application to a school. 2 Under the terms of the Children Act 1989. See section 8 which defines a ‘residence order’ as an order settling the arrangements to be made as to the person with whom the child is to live. 3 See Section 14A of the Children Act 1989 which defines a ‘special guardianship order’ as an order appointing one or more individuals to be a child’s special guardian (or special guardians). (2) Children who live in the designated area detailed on the map provided by Bracknell Forest LA and held by the Authority, Binfield C of E Primary School (Aided) School Office and Bracknell Public Library. (This area is the same as the designated ‘appropriate’ area of the school in previous years). (3) Children who have a sibling or siblings at the school, at the time of application and who is expected still be attending the school at the time of the applicant’s admission. This will be checked as necessary before an offer is made. (See definition below of sibling) (4) Children whose parents choose the school on denominational grounds (*see below). At least one parent/carer, living at the same address as the child and in the ecclesiastical parish of Binfield, must attend or have significant involvement with an Anglican church. Confirmation from local clergy will be required. (5) All other children whose parents/carers have chosen this school. 51 If the school does not have places for all the children in one of the above categories, priority will be given to children who fulfil more than one of the admission criteria in the same priority order as above. This means that those that, for example, satisfy criteria 2, 3 and 4, will be considered before those that satisfy criteria 2 and 3, who will be considered before those that satisfy criteria 2 and 4, who will be considered before those who satisfy criterion 2 only. Another example is that those who satisfy criteria 3 and 4 will be considered before those who satisfy criterion 3 only, who will be considered before those who satisfy criterion 4 only. After this, if there are still insufficient places and no distinction can be made between the applicants, a final decision will be made on the radial distance between the home and the school. Those living nearer to the school will be placed higher than those living further away. Radial distance will be based on the co-ordinates for the property and the school – known as the ‘C’ point, as defined in the Local Land and property Gazetteer and based on the Ordnance Survey’s national system. Distances are measured using direct distance calculations within a computer system. The measurement of each distance has been calculated using Pythagoras’ Theorem. The way in which this is done is to calculate the distance in metres between the Easting and Northing co-ordinates for each location. The measurement in metres is then multiplied by 0.000621317 to convert this measurement to miles. The same method of calculation is used for each distance measured. When two or more children applying are equally placed according to the criteria and radial distance from the school as measured by the LA, then lots will be drawn and the first name drawn will be placed highest in order of priority and so on. Drawing of Lots The Headteacher will withdraw from the room in which the order of priority is being agreed. The names of the applicants will be written on equal size and shape pieces of paper that will be folded into four and placed in a paper bag. The Headteacher will return and draw one paper each time from the bag. This process will be supervised by someone who is independent of the school. If the demand for places exceeds the PAN the school will admit up to the Planned Admission Number and no places will be reserved for pupils moving into the designated area. The Governing Body will make its decision about the allocation of places based on the above order of criteria, and will submit (a) a ranked list of all applications to the LA by 27th February 2015 and (b) an explanation of how places have been allocated so that this may be sent out to unsuccessful applicants. 52 The Bracknell Forest LA and the Governing Body will construct a waiting list (from the above information) and agree on who should be contacted if a place becomes available. “A parent/carer” is any person who has parental responsibility for or is legal guardian of the child or is considered to be a person who has legal responsibility for the child. Where the admission arrangements refer to ‘parent’s attendance at church’ it is sufficient for just one parent to attend. “A sibling” refers to brother or sister, half brother or half sister, step brother or step sister, or the child of parent/carer’s partner where the child for whom the school place is sought is living in the same family unit at the same address as that sibling. “Home address” is the address at which the child and parent/carer resides for the majority of each week. Exceptional Circumstances – Multiple Births In cases where there is one place available, and the next child on the list is a twin, triplet etc., we would admit both twins (and all children in the case of other multiple births) even if this meant exceeding the agreed admission number of 60 for the Reception Classes 2015-2016 or the number of places (60) in other year groups. Admission Outside Normal Age group Requests for places outside a normal age group will be considered carefully e.g. for those who have missed education due to ill health. Each case will be considered on its own merits and circumstances. However, such admissions will not normally be agreed without a consensus that to do so would be in the pupil’s best interest. The governors will ask relevant professionals for their opinion on the case. Those refused places outside of normal age group will be informed of their statutory right to appeal. * What is meant by “denominational grounds”? It will be necessary for at least one of the parents/carers of the pupil, living at the same address as the pupil and within the ecclesiastical parish of Binfield, to attend, or have a significant involvement with an Anglican church or churches, on a frequent basis. “Frequent” is defined as at least twice a month in normal circumstances for at least the last two years prior to the date on which the member of the clergy signs the form or the date of application if it is an ‘in year’ application. “Significant involvement” is defined as follows, but must always be at the same level as ‘frequent’: (a) Actual church attendance – where a parent or carer, living at the same address as the child, takes part in a service of worship. (b) Where the parent/carer, living at the same address as the child, takes a tutorial role in Sunday School, or another church activity, involving 53 religious instruction of children and young people where this takes place at the same time as the church‟s regular service of worship. (c) A parent/carer, living at the same address as the child, who is house bound and who either receives communion/sacraments or a service in their own home twice a month in normal circumstances for at least the last two years, or as regularly as the administering Anglican clergy supporting the application is able to provide it. (d) A parent/carer, living at the same address as the child, who has work commitments that preclude them from two attendances each month on the usual day of worship, can make up the aggregate figure by combining church attendance with house group attendance, as long as they have attended an Anglican church on one occasion a month in normal circumstances for at least the last two years. A house group is defined as people meeting together to study the bible or pray or both, at times other than the weekly services of worship. A house group covers people who meet either in the home of one of the church members, the rectory, church hall or other places where the attendance is open to all who worship at the Anglican church under whose auspices the house group is set up. Normal circumstances will not apply when the parent has been on holiday or when the parent has suffered a period of ill-health Late Applications Applications for places after the closing date and for other year groups in the school will be made on a form provided by the home LA. If the applicant for other year groups wishes the application to be considered on denominational grounds then the school’s supplementary form should be filled in. This form may be obtained from the school or from the Bracknell Forest Local Authority. Applications received after the specified closing date will be dealt with in line with the admissions process. Governors will consider each case individually. If the year group is fully subscribed the applicant, who cannot be offered a place, will be placed on the waiting list in the position that their application warrants. (The criteria above will be used and the radial distance as measured by the Bracknell Forest LA will be used to distinguish between otherwise equal applications) The school follows the Bracknell Forest Primary Co-ordinated Admissions Timetable. In Year Admissions The Governing Body of Binfield C of E Primary School (Aided), is a party to the ‘In Year Fair Access Protocols’ of Bracknell Forest Council. This covers, for example, children who have moved into our area after the normal admission round, or who need to move school as a result of severe bullying or social issues. Children qualifying under the Fair Access Protocol may be offered a place even if there are no places available in the relevant school year group and also take priority for admission over any child on the waiting list. 54 The intention is to have a maximum of 60 children in each Year group. Applications from children moving into the area or wishing to transfer between schools will be assessed against all criteria in this policy, in the same way as with applications for initial admission. If the parent or carer is moving into the area they should ask for an application form from Bracknell Forest LA and the Binfield Additional Form if applying on denominational grounds from the Binfield C of E Primary School or the Bracknell Local Authority. The forms should be returned to the respective authorities. If the parent or carer is applying for transfer between schools within Bracknell Forest Borough then they should obtain the application form from their current school or LA. The governors have made every effort to ensure that these arrangements comply with the School Admissions Code 2012 and all relevant legislation, including that on infant class sizes and equal opportunities. Waiting List A waiting list is constructed for each year group in the school that is over subscribed. The order on each waiting list will be constructed in accordance with the above criteria with radial distance and/or lots used to decide between otherwise equal applications. Waiting lists are managed by the LA on behalf of the Governors. The only part of the process conducted by the Governors is to indicate to the Local Authority the criteria the prospective pupil fulfils. Further information on the school’s admissions arrangements may be obtained by contacting the Headteacher at the school, Binfield C of E Primary School (Aided), Benetfeld Road, Binfield, Berkshire, RG42 4EW. Tel: 01344 860106 Fax: 01344 304802, Email: [email protected] forest.sch.uk Further information about the Co-ordinated admissions scheme is available from the LA at Bracknell Forest Primary Admissions Time Square Market Street Bracknell RG12 1JD 55 In the year 2011/2012 133 applications were received for children to enter foundation and they were placed in the following categories Category Number of Applicants Ranking number 1 0 0 2,3,4 3 1-3 2&3 15 4-18 2&4 1 19 2 only 27 20-46 3&4 3 47-49 3 only 10 50-59 4 10 60-69 5 64 70-133 Late Applications 0 There was one appeal which was unsuccessful In the year 2012/2013 120 applications were received for children to enter foundation and they were placed in the following categories Category Number of Applicants Ranking number 1 0 0 2,3,4 2 1-2 2&3 13 3-15 2&4 1 16 2 only 26 17-42 3&4 3 43-45 3 only 8 46-53 4 0 0 5 67 54-120 Late Applications 0 56 In the year 2013/2014 120 applications were received for children to enter foundation and they were placed in the following categories Category Number of Applicants Ranking number 1 0 0 2&3 19 1-9 2 only 23 20-42 3&4 1 43 4 only 10 44-53 5 67 54-120 Late Applications None There were no appeals. Right of Appeal In accordance with the 1998 School Standards and Framework Act, parents whose children are refused admission have the right of appeal. The appeal will be heard by an independent panel. Appeals should be made in writing on the appropriate form, which can be obtained from the school secretary, and returned within the timescale in the letter from the home LA or Governing Body refusing admission. Completed forms should be sent (in an envelope marked ‘Appeal’) to: The Chair of Governors. Binfield C of E Primary School (Aided) Benetfeld Road Binfield Bracknell Berkshire RG42 4EW 57 BINFIELD C of E PRIMARY SCHOOL (AIDED) Additional Form (2015/16) I am applying for a place at the above school on denominational grounds. Signed ………………………………………… Date………………… Child’s Full Name …………………………………………………………….. Child’s Full Address …………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………. Post Code …………………………………………………. I confirm that I, ……………………………………………. the parent/carer of the child named above and living at the same address in the Ecclesiastical Parish of Binfield have: i. Attended the following Anglican church/churches…………………………… twice a month, in normal circumstances, for at least the last two years or ii. Have received the sacraments for the same length of time (if housebound) or iii. have attended once per month and attended a house group once per month for the same length of time or iv. have taken a tutorial role in a Sunday school for the same length of time. To be completed by a relevant member of the clergy. I confirm the above: Name of member of clergy ……………………………………….. Signature Church …………………………………. Date ……………………… …………………………………………………………. Church stamp if available Address…………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………… Telephone number with code for contact for verification …………………………. Please return to the school by 20th February 2015 NOTE TO APPLICANT: PLEASE ENSURE THAT YOU RECEIVE ACKNOWLEGEMENT OF RECEIPT OF THIS FORM FROM THE HEADTEACHER AT BINFIELD PRIMARY SCHOOL School Office use only Receipt sent by ……….…… on ………………… 58 JENNETTS PARK CHURCH OF ENGLAND PRIMARY SCHOOL ADMISISON POLICY FOR 1 SEPTEMBER 2015 – 31 AUGUST 2016 ADMISSION ARRANGEMENTS FOR ENTRY TO THE RECEPTION CLASS IN SEPTEMBER 2015 As a Voluntary Aided school, the Governing Body is responsible for deciding on admissions to the school, but works closely with Bracknell Forest Council (the Local Authority) to co-ordinate admissions to all maintained schools in Bracknell Forest. The Governors have made every effort to ensure that these arrangements comply with all relevant legislation, including that on infant class sizes and equal opportunities, as well as participation in Bracknell Forest Council’s Fair Access Protocol. In determining this policy, due consideration was given to the comments received during Consultation, and advice taken from both the Local Authority and the Diocese of Oxford. Jennett’s Park CE Primary School is proud of its distinctive Christian ethos which is built around our ‘Rainbow Promise’ and is at the centre of school life. We provide an inclusive, supportive and caring environment, shaped by Christian values in which children can learn and flourish. We welcome applications from all members of our local community without reference to ability or aptitude, and irrespective of whether they are of the Christian faith, another faith or no faith, but we expect parents to respect and support the Christian ethos of our school. Details of the Local Authority’s co-ordination arrangements are in Bracknell Forest Council’s booklet “Guide to Primary Education in Bracknell Forest”. The booklet explains the timetable for applications, how parents can express a preference for a school and give reasons for that preference, and how they will be informed of the result of their application. It also gives details of how applications received after the deadline and waiting lists will be handled. All applications must be on the Common Application Form of the local authority to which council tax is paid (the home LA). Parents (see Note 1) whose children were born between 1 September 2010 and 31 August 2011 may apply for them to be admitted to the Reception Class in September 2015. There are 60 places (the admission number) available. We welcome all children, without reference to ability or aptitude. Our policy is to admit children to their National Curriculum year group, and not to offer early admission. Parents may request that a child whose fifth birthday falls between 1 September 2015 and 31 March 2016 does not start at school until later in the school year 2015-2016, or until the child reaches compulsory school age (the term after the child’s fifth birthday), at which point the child must attend school. Under such circumstances, we will hold the place for that child, although, in the majority of cases, we find that children benefit from starting at the beginning of the school year, rather than part way through it. Parents cannot defer entry until September 2016 for a child whose fifth birthday falls between 1 April 2016 and 31 August 2016. 59 If the child has not been admitted to the Reception Class in school year 2015 2016, a separate application should be made in the summer term 2016 for a Year 1 place in September 2016. Parents should be aware that the Year 1 group might have no available places as it could be full with children transferring from the 2015-2016 Reception Class. Parents also have the right to request that the child attends school part-time until s/he reaches compulsory school age. In such cases, parents should discuss detailed arrangements with the Head Teacher. There are 60 places available in the Reception year and in Years 1, 2 and 3, with 30 places available in all other year groups (ie Y4-6). Parents (see Note 1) wishing to apply for the Reception [Foundation] Year in September 2015 must complete the common application form provided by their home local authority (the home LA). The home LA is the LA in whose area the parents live at the time of the application. The form must be returned to that LA no later than 15 January 2015. Applications received after this date will be dealt with as explained in Bracknell Forest Council’s booklet. Offers and refusals of places will be posted by the home LA on 16 April 2015 OVER-SUBSCRIPTION CRITERIA Children with a Statement of Special Educational Needs that names the school must, by law, be admitted. After this requirement has been satisfied, if there is greater demand for admission than there are places available, the following rules will apply in the order set out below: A. Looked-after Children or children who were previously looked after, but ceased to be so because they were adopted or became subject to a residence or special guardianship order. (See Note 1). B. Children who live in the designated area of the school (see map) and who have a statutory (compulsory) school aged sibling at the school at the time of application and who is expected still to be attending the school in Years R-6 at the time of the child’s admission C. Children of members of staff (see Note 2) D. Children who live in the designated area of the school (see map) E. Children who have a statutory (compulsory) school aged sibling at the school at the time of application and who is expected still to be attending the school in Years R-6 at the time of the child’s admission F. Other children NOTES 1. By a “looked-after child” we mean one in the care of a local authority or being provided with accommodation by a local authority in the exercise of its social services function. Adoption orders come under the terms of the 60 Adoption and Children Act 2002, Section 46. A ‘residence order’ is one settling the arrangements to be made as to the person with whom the child is to live (Children Act 1989, Section 8). A ‘special guardianship order’ is one appointing one or more individuals to be a child’s special guardian/s (Children Act 1989, Section 14A). Applications under this criterion must be accompanied by evidence to show that the child is looked after or was previously looked after (e.g. a copy of the adoption, residence or special guardianship order). 2. Members of staff are those staff who: a) are employed permanently and directly by the Governing Body and have been for at least two years at the time the application is made, or b) staff employed for 15 hours or more a week by contractors appointed by the Governing Body and work solely on the school site, for at least two years or c) any member of staff recruited to fill a vacancy for which there is a demonstrable skills shortage or where there has been significant difficulty in filling the post through the usual recruitment methods 3. In some cases a tie-breaker will be required. If the school does not have places for all the children in one of the above categories, priority will be given to the children who fulfil more than one of the admissions criteria in the same priority order as above. If there are still insufficient places and no distinction can be made between the applicants, a final decision will be made on the radial distance between the home and the school. Those living nearer to the school will be placed higher than those living further away. Radial distance will be based on the co-ordinates for the property and the school - known as the ‘c’ point, as defined in the Local Land and Property Gazetteer and based on the Ordnance Survey’s national system. Distances are measured using direct distance calculations within a computer system. The measurement of each distance has been calculated using Pythagoras’ Theorem. The way in which this is done is to calculate the distance in metres between the Easting and Northing co-ordinates for each location. The measurement in metres is then multiplied by 0.000621317 to convert this measurement to miles. The same method of calculation is used for each direct distance measured. If in the event that two or more children live at the same distance from school (for example for families living in flats) and there are fewer places available then random allocation will be used to decide which child will be allocated the remaining place(s). The process will be drawn and scrutinised by people who are independent of the School. 4. The school will admit up to its admission number of 60, and no places can be reserved for pupils moving into the designated area, except in the case of UK Service Personnel (UK Armed Forces), if accompanied by an official government letter which declares a relocation date and a Unit postal address or quartering area address. 5. Attendance at Jennett’s Park CE Primary School’s Nursery does not guarantee a place at Jennett’s Park CE Primary School, as Nursery Admissions are subject to a separate Admissions Policy. MULTIPLE BIRTHS In cases where there is one place available, and the next child on the list is a twin, triplet, etc., we would admit both twins (and all the children in the case of other multiple births) even if this meant exceeding the agreed admission number or the number of places available in the relevant year group. 61 SPLIT RESIDENCE ORDERS It is increasingly common that parents are agreeing, and courts are sanctioning, split residence orders under Section 8 of The Children Act. Further advice on this matter can be obtained from the School Admissions Team at Bracknell Forest Council. Any details regarding split residency, or the child’s living arrangements, must be submitted at the time of application. It is the parents’ responsibility to provide this information. The school may take legal advice on these matters as they relate to a specific case and its decision is final. A main address will need to be used to process the application. If the second parent/carer’s address is different from the first they will not receive any information/letters unless this is requested. HOME ADDRESS The address where the child lives at the closing date of 15 January 2015 will be used to process the application. It is for the applicants to satisfy the school that they live at the address that they state. If fraud is suspected then further proof may be requested. If fraud is established then any offer of a school place will be withdrawn. By normal home address, we mean the child’s home address. This must be where the parent or legal carer of the child lives with the child unless it is proved that the child is resident elsewhere with someone else who has legal care and control of the child. The address should be a residential property that is owned, leased or rented by the child’s parent/s or person with legal care and control of the child. To avoid doubt, where a child lives with parents with shared responsibility, each for part of a week or month, the address where the child lives will be determined having regard to a joint declaration from the parents stating the exact pattern of residence. If the residence is not split equally, then the relevant address used will be that at which we are satisfied that the child spends the majority of the school week. Where there is an equal split or there is any doubt about residence, we will make the judgment about which address to use for the purpose of determining whether or not to offer a place. We will take into account, for example, the following: D any legal documentation confirming residence D the pattern of the residence D the period of time over which the current arrangement has been in place D confirmation from any previous school of the contact details and home address supplied to it by the parents D where the child is registered with his/her GP D any other evidence the parents may supply to verify the position. We may ask for evidence of the normal home address in the form of a recent bill. This could be, for example, the most recent Council Tax bill, utility bill no more than three months old, a current TV licence, buildings and contents insurance, mortgage statement or rent book which shows the address concerned. Parents who are unable to provide this evidence should contact the school to discuss what evidence might be acceptable. If it becomes clear or if there is any doubt that the parents and child are not living at the address given on the application form, the school may seek further evidence. The school works closely with the LA to ensure that places are not obtained at the 62 school on the basis of false addresses, and, in cases of doubt, will take steps to verify the information provided. If a place at the school is offered, and it later becomes clear that the offer was made on fraudulent or misleading information (e.g. a false claim to living in the catchment area), and the school has denied a place to a child with a stronger claim, the school will withdraw the offer of a place. The offer can also be withdrawn even after the child has started at the school. We regard a child’s home address to be where he or she sleeps for the majority of the school week (Monday to Friday). We may ask to see official documentation, such as a child benefit book or medical card if there are reasons why a child does not live at his or her parent’s address. For example, if he or she is resident with a grandparent, this needs to be made clear on the application form. If such arrangements are not declared or a relative’s address is used on the application, we may consider that a false declaration has been made, and withdraw the offer of a place. Childcare arrangements are not sufficient reason for listing another address. If parents move house after the application has been made, but before any offer of a place has been made, the home LA must be informed. If parents are moving, we will ask for evidence of the move, before considering any application for a place under the co-ordinated scheme. We would not accept an address where the one given is that of a second home with the main home being elsewhere. If there are two or more homes, we will check which is the main home, and may refuse to base an allocation of a place on an address which might be considered only temporary. Nor would we accept an address where the child was resident other than with a parent or carer unless this was part of a fostering or formal care arrangement. We would not normally accept an address where only part of a family had moved, unless connected with a divorce or permanent separation arrangement, in which case we would require proof. APPLICANTS FROM ABROAD If families are moving (for the first time) into the Bracknell Forest area from abroad, then they (including the child) must be resident before an application for a school place can be accepted. Proof of residency will be required. If they are living abroad and returning to a property that they own, in the local area, then they will need to produce written proof confirming the details and timing of the relocation. Further advice on the documentation required can be obtained from the School Admissions Team at Bracknell Forest Council. Armed Services families can produce a Housing Executive letter or proof of redeployment. PUPILS WITH A STATEMENT OF SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS Their admission to the school will be managed by the Special Needs Team at Bracknell Forest Council, who will inform the school and the Admissions Team at the Council of the allocation of places. These pupils will be allocated places first. Parents will be advised by 15 February 2015 as to their child’s allocated school. 63 DEFINITIONS Parent is defined in law (The Education Act 1996) as either: D D any person who has ‘parental responsibility’ (defined in the Children Act 1989) for the child or young person; or any person who has care of the child or young person. If you are in any doubt, please contact the school for advice. By sibling we mean a brother or sister, half brother or sister, adopted brother or sister, step brother or sister, or the child of the parent’s/carer’s partner where the child for whom the school place is sought is living in the same family unit at the same address as that sibling. It is helpful if parents make it clear on the application form where the sibling has a different family name. Where there is more than one sibling at the school, only the youngest should be listed on the application form. WAITING LISTS The school and Local Authority will maintain a waiting list for places until the beginning of the school year 2015-2016 if the school is over-subscribed. Applicants not offered a place can be placed on this waiting list, and parents will be asked to inform the school if they wish their child’s name to go on it. Parents should be aware that their child’s name can go up or down the waiting list according to the priority of new additions to the list APPEALS There are established arrangements for appeals against non-admission. Details are available from the school, including the date by which an appeal should be submitted. Appeals will be managed by Bracknell Forest Council. It should be noted that, in the event of an unsuccessful appeal against nonadmission to the school, the school will not consider any further application from the appellant in the same school year (1 September – 31 August) unless there has been a material change in circumstances: for example, a change of address which results in a move from outside the designated area to inside it. IN-YEAR APPLICATIONS DURING 2014/15 Applications to the Reception Class once the school year has started will be treated as “in-year” applications. The Local Authority will administer all “in year” applications on behalf of the Governing Body. The same criteria as detailed above will be used in the event of over-subscription for any year group. The school will determine whether or not a place can be offered and parents will be informed. Parents moving into the area and wishing to apply for a place at Jennett’s Park CE Primary School should contact Bracknell Forest LA Admissions Team, who will advise you about how to make an application. Parents wishing to transfer from a Bracknell Forest Primary school should complete the Primary School Transfer Application Form obtainable from the Headteacher of your child’s current school. The LA will pass on any applications to the Governing Body so that it can make a decision about a place. Once this information is received, the School will endeavour to advise the Local Authority of their decision within 5 school days. 64 FAIR ACCESS The school participates in Bracknell Forest Council’s Fair Access Protocol. This covers, for example, children who have moved into our area after the normal admission round, or who need to move school as a result of severe bullying or social issues. Children qualifying under the Fair Access Protocol may be offered a place even if there are no places available in the relevant year group and also take priority for admission over any child on the waiting list. APPLICATION FOR PLACES OUTSIDE THE NORMAL AGE GROUP Requests from parents for places outside a normal age group will be considered carefully e.g. for those who have missed education due to ill health. Each case will be considered on its own merits and circumstances. However, cases will not normally be agreed without a consensus that to do so would be in the pupil’s interests. The governors will ask relevant professionals for their opinion on the case. Those refused places outside the normal age group will be informed of their statutory right to appeal. ADMISSIONS IN SEPTEMBER 2014 The school received 93 applications expressing a preference for admission to the Reception Year in 2014 by the closing date in January 2014. These were ranked as follows: Criterion Statemented A B C D E F Number of initial applications 0 0 20 48 0 1 24 Rankings 0 0 1-20 21-68 0 69 70-93 places were offered, with the cut-off coming under criterion at a distance of 0.379 miles CONTACT DETAILS We warmly welcome visits from prospective parents. Open Days will be organised during the Autumn Term 2014 where prospective parents may visit the school, details of these dates will be posted on our website. To arrange a visit or for further details, please contact: The Admissions Secretary Jennett’s Park CE Primary School 3 Tawny Owl Square Bracknell Berkshire RG12 8EB Telephone: 01344 301269 [email protected] Website: www.jennettspark.bracknell-forest.sch.uk 65 Please note that all dates printed are correct at the time of determination. The School will adhere to published dates by Bracknell Forest Council, in line with the Admissions Codes of Practice. Parents are advised to confirm dates during the Autumn Term 2014, especially the Closing Date in January 2015. 66 ST JOSEPH’S RC PRIMARY SCHOOL St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School is a Voluntary Aided Primary School in the trusteeship of the Diocese of Portsmouth, maintained by Bracknell Forest Borough Council, and serves the parish of Bracknell (formerly the parishes of St Joseph’s, Bracknell and St Margaret Clitherow, Bracknell). The Governing Body of St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School is responsible for the admission of children to the school. The Governing Body of St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School will admit to the school in the academic year 2015-2016 boys and girls up to its published admission number of 30, who will have reached the age of 5 years in the school year 1st September 2015 to 31st August 2016. Children are normally admitted on a full-time basis in September 2015. However, they cannot defer entry until September 2016, which is in a new school year. In that case a new application for entry into year 1 for that school year would be necessary. Children with a Statement of Special Educational Need Children with a statement of special educational need in which St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School is named will be admitted to St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School and will count towards the published admissions number. Should there be more applications than places available, all applications to St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School will be considered on an equal preference basis against the category order set out below. The ranking of preferences given on the CAF will only be taken into account by the Local Authority when more than one school can offer a place. 1. Baptised Catholic Looked After children and those previously Looked After Children (Baptised Catholic). 2. Children who are baptised Catholics with a sibling at St. Joseph’s Catholic Primary school at the time of the application. 3. Children who are baptised Catholics who live in the Parish of Bracknell. 4. Children who are baptised Catholics, who live in other Parishes. 5. Non-Catholic Looked After children and those previously Non-Catholic Looked After Children. 6. Non-Catholic children with a sibling at St. Joseph’s Catholic Primary School 7. Children who are members of other Christian Churches. 8. Children from other faith traditions. 9. Other applicants. If the school does not have sufficient places for all the children in any of the above categories, priority will be given to the children as follows: a) Catholic applicants - Those providing evidence of attendance at Sunday (or Saturday evening Mass) for the past twelve months, confirmed by a priest on the supplementary information form (SIF), in the following priority order: Weekly attendance at Sunday (or Saturday evening) Mass Fortnightly attendance at Sunday (or Saturday evening) Mass 67 Attendance at Sunday (or Saturday evening) Mass less than fortnightly. b) Those living closest to the school. Whilst there is no statutory requirement to submit a SIF, without one the Governors can only consider applications based on the information supplied on the LA forms. However, if there is a baptismal certificate, but no signed and complete SIF, the application will be considered at the end of either category 3 or category 4. EXPLANATORY NOTES LOOKED AFTER CHILDREN AND CHILDREN WHO WERE PREVIOUSLY LOOKED AFTER AND HAVE SINCE BEEN ADOPTED: “A looked after child is defined as being in Local Authority Care or provided with accommodation in that authority in accordance with Section 22 of the Children’s Act 1989. A previously looked after child was looked after, but ceased to be so because he/she was adopted or became subject to a residence order or special guardianship order.” PARENT: By parent we mean natural parents or any person who although not a natural parent has a legal responsibility for the child. (If in any doubt please contact the school for advice) SIBLING: A sibling is where the child for whom admission is being sought has a brother/sister or step/half brother/sister living in the same family unit who will be attending the school at the time of the applicant’s application. Applicants should note that having a sibling attending the School at the time of admission is no guarantee of a place but will affect an applicants category placing – see categories listed above. TWINS AND MULTIPLE BIRTHS: A twin or sibling/s from a multiple birth will be admitted as an exception to the infant class size legislation if the twin or sibling/s from a multiple birth is admitted otherwise than as an excepted pupil. CHILDREN OF UK SERVICE PERSONNEL (UK ARMED FORCES): Children of UK service personnel admitted outside of the normal admissions round can be an exception to Infant Class Size Legislation (as defined by the School Standards and Framework Act 1998). For families of service personnel with a confirmed posting to the area, or crown servants returning from overseas to live in the area a place may be allocated provided an application is accompanied by an official letter declaring relocation and a Unit postal address or quartering address when considering the application against the oversubscription criteria. All other applicants must be resident at the address given at the time of application. LIVING CLOSEST TO SCHOOL: Those living nearer to the school will be placed higher than those living further away. Distance will be measured by the Local Authority using a computerised measuring system. If two or more applicants live at the same radial distance from the school, the Governors will seek additional clarification of the distance from B.F.L.A. where 68 the distance can be given to four or five points after the decimal point if at all possible (i.e. a distance given as .370 on the original listing may be further given at .3695 or .3734). If it is not possible to divide the measure distance between two addresses, for example a block of flats or a property which has been subdivided, a lottery will be held and supervised by an independent body such as the LA. NORMAL RESIDENCE Normal residence is defined as the child’s home address, where they usually spend the majority of the week with the parent. CATHOLIC A Catholic is defined as a baptised member of a church in communion with the See of Rome, or those who have been formally received into the Catholic Church. OTHER CHRISTIAN CHURCHES Churches which are members of ‘Churches Together in England’ which can be checked using the website www.cte.org.uk EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES The school, by law, cannot refuse a child a place because of a disability. EXCEPTED PUPIL A pupil admitted over the admission number of the class under limited exceptional circumstances. DOCUMENTATION REQUIRED IN SUPPORT OF THE APPLICATION • Proof of residence - all categories (must be submitted with CAF) • Child’s Baptismal Certificate - categories 1, 2, 3, 4, • Confirmation of attendance at Mass by Parish Priest on the Supplementary Form - categories 2, 3, 4, • Confirmation of membership from Minister/Faith leader on the Supplementary Form - categories 7,8, HOW TO APPLY To make an application for a place at St. Joseph’s, parents must contact the School Admission Team at Bracknell (Tel. 01344 354023) and ask for a Common Application Form (CAF). Applications can only be made through an applicants home Local Authority (LA). Applications are not accepted if they are made to the maintaining LA of the school named. If they name St. Joseph’s as one of their preferences, they should complete the St. Joseph’s & St Margaret Clitherow Supplementary Information Form (SIF) obtainable from either the B.F.L.A. or St Joseph’s School office and should be returned to St Joseph’s School Office or the B.F.L.A. The parent needs to provide all appropriate documentation as required when submitting their forms. The school web site contains the admissions policy and SIF. If applying for both schools, a copy of the SIF should be returned to each school applied to. As an alternative to completing the paper Common Application Form (CAF), parents can apply online via the Council’s website. The site will be open for applications for first entry to school in 2015/16 from 1st November 2014 to midday on 15th January 2015. Applicants will have to send in (to the School Admissions Team) a paper copy of their current Council Tax statement in order to prove their residency. This documentary evidence will then be 69 matched to their on line application. Applicants will also need to complete a Supplementary Information Form as mentioned above. FORMS REQUIRED OBTAINABLE FROM RETURNED TO COMMON APPLICATION FORM (CAF) SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION FORM (SIF) LOCAL AUTHORITY LOCAL AUTHORITY LOCAL AUTHORITY OR ST JOSEPHS SCHOOL LOCAL AUTHORITY OR ST JOSEPHS SCHOOL TO BE RETURNED BY 15th January 2015 20th February 15 For on line applications please refer to the website www.bracknell forest.gov.uk/learning, following the links for School Admissions, which is available from 1st November 2014 until midday 15th January 2015. All forms and all documentation required must be returned by the deadline set out in the Bracknell Forest Admission booklet to: The School Admission Team Bracknell Forest Children Young People and Learning Time Square Market Street Bracknell RG12 1JD All applications, together with all the documentation (or copies where relevant), will be passed to St. Joseph’s (regardless of preference order) and will be considered by the governing body in accordance with the governor’s arrangements, set out above. All applications will be ranked in priority order accordingly. These will be submitted to the B.F.L.A. who will notify the parents of the outcome in line with the published timetable. The governors will supply the B.F.L.A. with a statement explaining how the rankings have been allocated and this will be sent to unsuccessful applicants. It is the responsibility of a parent, who wishes their child’s application to be considered as practising Catholics or under denominational criteria to ensure that their local clergy/faith leader signs the Supplementary Information Form and evidence is attached as required. The SIF and documentation required should be submitted to the school or LA by the closing date. FOOTSTEPS NURSERY Parents who have a child attending Footsteps nursery which is situated within St Josephs Primary School, MUST make a separate application to be considered for a place at the school. Attendance at Footsteps nursery does NOT guarantee admission to St Josephs Catholic Primary School. 70 DEFERRED ENTRY Parents/carers have the right to defer entry to the term after the child’s fifth birthday. In the case of children born between 1st April and the 31st August entry may be deferred until the start of the summer term or until the following academic year in which case there will have to be a reapplication with no guarantee of a place. LATE AND IN YEAR APPLICATIONS The local authority will manage late applications in accordance with the agreed co-ordinated admissions scheme. Where it can be reasonably assumed that the application could not be made by the closing date, but is submitted before 9th February 2015, the application will be considered ‘on time’. Evidence to support the reason for the late application will be required by the Governing Body. The Governing Body’s decision is final. Applications received after this date will be processed after 30th April 2015. Where it can be reasonably assumed that the application could have been made by the closing date the application will not be processed until after all ‘on time’ applications have been processed. The local authority will manage in year applications in accordance with the agreed co-ordinated admissions scheme. Parents moving into the area and wishing to apply for a place at St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School will need to complete the Bracknell Forest Common Application Form (CAF). Parents wishing to transfer from a Bracknell Forest Primary School should complete the Primary School Transfer Application Form, obtainable from the Headteacher of the child’s current school or B.F.L.A. All applicants that wish to complete a SIF, may obtain a one from the school or LA and return it to the school or LA. All applications will be passed to the governors of St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School and will be considered by the governing body in accordance with the governors’ admissions procedures set out above. CHANGES OF CIRCUMSTANCES Changes in circumstance notified after the date applications are considered and places offered (in line with the L.A. timetable), cannot be considered and will not affect the decisions made as regard to allocation of places WAITING LIST The local authority will manage the waiting list in accordance with the co ordinated admissions scheme. The parent of any child who is refused admission may ask for their child’s name to be placed on the waiting list for that year group. The waiting list is maintained in priority order based in accordance with the category order set out above. If a place becomes available it will be offered to the child at the top of the waiting list. The child’s position on the waiting list may change. This will depend on new applications being received and some withdrawing their application, in this case the Waiting List will be re-ranked. All unsuccessful applicants, who applied for the Reception class during the usual admission round will automatically be placed on a waiting list for the Reception class for the whole of that academic year. All waiting lists close as the end of the academic year, and it is the responsibility of the parent/carer to re-apply via the LA for the next academic year’s waiting list if they should 71 wish. There will be no notification from either the School or LA that the waiting lists are closing and when new applications should be made. RIGHT OF APPEAL In accordance with the 1998 School Standards and Framework Act, the parent/guardian/carer whose children are refused admission have the right to appeal. An independent panel will hear the appeal. Appeals should be made in writing within 21 days of the receipt of the letter from B.F.L.A. refusing admission to: Clerk to the Appeals, c/o St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School, Gipsy Lane, Bracknell, Berks RG12 9AP. 72 St. Josephs and St. Margaret Clitherow Catholic Primary Schools Supplementary Information Form 2015 - 16 SURNAME OF CHILD FIRST NAME(S) OF CHILD HOME ADDRESS The information requested on this form is to enable governors to rank your application according to the over-subscription categories in their school admission policy, it is not obligatory. If you are applying under the following Categories: 1 2 3 4 Baptised Catholic Looked After Children and baptised Catholic previously ‘Looked After Adopted Children. Children who are baptised Catholic children with a sibling on roll at St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School. Children who are baptised Catholics who live in the Parish of Bracknell. Children who are baptised Catholics who live in other Parishes. Please complete and sign the form below and hand it to your Parish priest, or the Priest at the church at which you normally attend Mass. He will complete the form and return it to you. If you have recently moved into the area please request the priest at the church you formerly attended Mass to complete the form. This form then needs to be handed in at each school with original documentation supporting the application. Circle which category you are applying for. If 2 please state name of sibling/s ............................................................................................................. Please circle one statement only referring to your attendance at Mass for the previous 12 months. 1 2 3 Parish Priest to Sign/Stamp We attend Mass weekly We attend Mass fortnightly We attend Mass less than fortnightly Signature of Parent/Carer Date To be completed by a Catholic Priest only I confirm, to the best of my knowledge, the above statement. I have initialled/stamped the regularity of practice indicated above. The child is a baptised Catholic/has been received into the Catholic Church. Priest’s Name _______________________________________________________________________ Parish _______________________________________________________________________ Address _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Parish stamp or seal Priest’s Signature _________________________________________ Date __________________________________ Please Turn Over for Categories 5,6,7,8 and 9 73 4 St. Josephs and St. Margaret Clitherow Catholic Primary Schools Supplementary Information Form 2015 - 16 SURNAME OF CHILD FIRST NAME(S) OF CHILD HOME ADDRESS The information requested on this form is to enable governors to rank your application according to the over-subscription categories in their school admission policy, it is not obligatory. If you are applying under the following Categories: 5. 6. 7. 8. Non-Catholic Looked After Children and those previously Looked After who have since been adopted. Non-Catholic children with a sibling at St Josephs Catholic Primary School. Children who are members of other Christian Churches (see www.cte.org.uk) Children from other faith traditions. Please complete and sign the form below and hand it to your minister or equivalent who will complete the form and return it to you. This form then needs to be handed in at each school with original documentation supporting the application. Circle which category you are applying for. If 6 please state name of sibling/s ............................................................................................................. 5 6 Please circle one statement only We are members of a Christian denomination We are members of another faith Please name Church or Faith _____________________________________________________ Signature of Parent/Carer Date To be completed by a Minister or Equivalent I confirm, to the best of my knowledge, the above statement. Name _______________________________________________________________________ Position _______________________________________________________________________ Address _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Stamp or Seal Signature _________________________________________ Date __________________________________ Please sign below if you are applying under Category 9 – Other Applicants Signature __________________________________________ Date ____________________________ Please Turn Over for Categories 1,2,3 and 4 74 7 8 ST MARGARET CLITHEROW RC PRIMARY SCHOOL St. Margaret Clitherow Catholic Primary School is a voluntary aided school, within the Parish of Bracknell (formerly the Parish of St. Joseph’s and St. Margaret Clitherow). As such the Governing body controls the admissions to the school. The ethos of this school is Catholic. We ask all parents applying for a place here to respect this ethos and its importance to the school community. This does not affect the right of parents who are not of the faith of the school to apply for and be considered for a place here. Admissions Process The Governing body of St. Margaret Clitherow Catholic Primary School will admit up to 30 children in the school year 2015/2016 who will become 5 years of age on or between 1st September 2015 and 31st August 2016. Children are normally admitted in September, however, parents have the right to defer entry for their child until his/her statutory start date, the start of the term following his/her 5th birthday. However they cannot defer entry until September 2016, which is a new school year. In that case a new application for entry into year 1 for that school year would be necessary. Parents have a right to request that their child takes up their place on a part-time basis until the child reaches compulsory school age. Should there be more applications than places available, all applications to St. Margaret Clitherow will be considered on an equal preference basis against the category order set out below. The ranking of preferences given on the Common Application Form (CAF) will only be taken into account by the Local Authority (LA) when more than one school can offer a place. Children with Statements of Educational Needs that name this school in the statement will be admitted to the school and will count towards the published admission number. 1. Baptised Catholic Looked After children and Baptised Catholic previously Looked After Adopted children 2. Children who are baptised Catholics with a sibling at St. Margaret Clitherow Catholic Primary school at the time of admission 3. Children who are baptised Catholics who live in the Parish of Bracknell 4. Children who are baptised Catholics, who live in other Parishes 5. Non-Catholic Looked After children and Non-Catholic previously Looked After children 6. Non-Catholic children who have a sibling at St. Margaret Clitherow Catholic Primary school at the time of admission 7. Children who are members of other Christian churches 8. Children who are from other faith traditions 9. Other applicants If the school does not have sufficient places for all the children in any of the above categories, priority will be given to the children in the following order: 75 (a) Those providing evidence of worship. • Catholic applicants – those providing evidence of attendance at Sunday (or Saturday evening Mass) for the past twelve months, confirmed by a priest on the Supplementary Information Form (SIF) in the following order: o Weekly attendance at Sunday (or Saturday evening) Mass o Fortnightly attendance at Sunday (or Saturday evening) Mass o Attendance at Sunday (or Saturday evening) Mass less than fortnightly (b) Children living closest to the school Your child will be ranked according to the information you provide. Should there be a change in your circumstances, this will not affect the decision to offer or decline a place for your child but may alter the category your child is on and therefore the position on any waiting list. Any change in the position on the waiting list will be subject to you providing evidence of the change in your circumstances. Explanatory Notes • A Looked After Child is defined as being in LA Care, or provided with accommodation in that LA in accordance with Section 22 of the Children’s Act 1989. • A Previously Looked After Child was looked after, but ceased to be so because he/she was adopted or became subject to a residence order or special guardianship order • Baptised Catholic is a person who has been baptised prior to the closing date of applications into a church in communion with the See of Rome or a person received into the Catholic Church. • Parent is defined as any person who has parental responsibility for the applicant. • Sibling refers to brother or sister, half brother or sister, adopted brother or sister, step brother or sister, or the child of the parents/carer’s partner where the child for whom the school place is sought is living in the same family unit at the same address as the sibling. • Normal Residence is defined as the child’s home address, where they usually spend the majority of the week with the parent. • Other Christian Churches are members of Churches Together in England, which can be confirmed on www.cte.org.uk. • Living closest to the school is Radial Distance will be measured by the LA using a computerised measuring system. ‘Radial distance (straight-line distance on a map) between the home and the school. Those living near to the school will be placed higher than those living further away. Radial distance will be based on the co-ordinates for the property and the school as defined in the Local Land and Property Gazetteer and based on the Ordnance Survey’s national system.’ • Where two applications cannot otherwise be separated random allocation will be used and will be supervised by the LA who is independent of the school’s admission arrangements. 76 • Where the LA has received applications for twins or other multiple births and when one of the siblings is the last child to be admitted the other sibling(s) may be admitted as an exception over the admission number for starting school for the first time. • Children of UK Service Personnel who move into the area outside the main admissions round can be admitted as an exception to the Infant Class Size Regulations. Equal Opportunities The school, by law, cannot refuse a child a place because of a disability. DOCUMENTATION REQUIRED IN SUPPORT OF THE APPLICATION • Proof of residence - all criteria (must be submitted with CAF) • Child’s Baptismal Certificate - criteria 1, 2, 3, 4 • Confirmation of attendance by the Parish Priest on the SIF - criteria 2, 3, 4 • Confirmation of membership by the Minister/Faith leader on the SIF - criteria 7, 8 HOW TO APPLY To make an application for a place at St. Margaret Clitherow, parents must contact the School Admission Team (SAT) at Bracknell (Tel. 01344 354023) and ask for a Common Application Form. Initially the parents will be required to fill in this form. If they name St. Margaret Clitherow as one of their preferences they may contact St. Margaret Clitherow School and request a SIF, though the SIF is also available from the SAT at Bracknell (Tel. 01344 354023). The parent needs to ensure that both the CAF and the SIF are returned before the closing date. As an alternative to completing the paper CAF parents can apply online via the LA’s website. The additional information on the SIF assists Governors in placing applications in the correct over-subscription criterion. If no SIF is submitted Governors will rank the application on the basis of the information contained in the CAF. The parent needs to provide all appropriate documentation as required when submitting their forms. The school web site www.stmargaretclitherowbracknell.co.uk has the admissions policy along with a printable version of the SIF. All forms and all documentation required must be returned by the deadline set out in the Bracknell Forest Admission booklet to: The School Admission Team Bracknell Forest Education Dept Time Square Market Street Bracknell RG12 1JD 77 All applications, together with all the documentation (or copies where relevant), will be passed to St. Margaret Clitherow (regardless of preference order) and will be considered by the governing body in accordance with the Governor’s policy, set out above. All applications will be ranked in priority order accordingly. These will be submitted to the LA who will notify the parents of the outcome in line with the published timetable. The Governors will be supplying the LA with a statement explaining how the rankings have been allocated and this is sent to unsuccessful applicants. It is the responsibility of a parent, who wishes their child’s application to be considered as practising Catholics or under the denominational criteria to ensure that their local clergy/faith leader signs the Supplementary Information Form and evidence is attached as required. The SIF and documentation required should be submitted to the school by the closing date. The school will take no further information prior to making their allocation of school places. LATE AND IN YEAR APPLICATIONS The local authority will manage in year applications in accordance with the agreed co-ordinated admissions scheme. The parents wishing to apply for a place at St. Margaret Clitherow will need to complete the Bracknell Forest CAF and St Margaret Clitherow’s SIF and submit these with the documentation required to the LA. WAITING LIST The LA will manage the waiting list in accordance with the co-ordinated admissions scheme. The parent of any child who is refused admission may ask for their child’s name to be placed on the waiting list for that year group. The waiting list is maintained in priority order based in accordance with the category order set out above. If a place becomes available it will be offered to the child at the top of the waiting list. The child’s position on the waiting list may change. This will depend on new applications being received and some withdrawing their application. RIGHT OF APPEAL In accordance with the 1998 School Standards and Framework Act, the parents whose children are refused admission have the right to appeal. An independent panel will hear the appeal. Appeals should be made in writing within 21 days of the receipt of the letter from the LA refusing admission to: Chair of Admissions St Margaret Clitherow Catholic Primary School Pembroke Hanworth Bracknell Berks RG12 7RD The school follows the Bracknell Forest Admission Timetable as part of the agreed co-ordinated admissions scheme and which can be found on the LA website. 78 St. Joseph and St. Margaret Clitherow Catholic Primary Schools Supplementary Information Form 2015 - 2016 SURNAME OF CHILD FIRST NAME(S) OF CHILD HOME ADDRESS The information requested on this form is to enable Governors to rank your application according to the over-subscription categories in their schools admission policies. If you are applying under the following Categories: 1. Baptised Catholic Looked After children and previously baptised Catholic Looked After Adopted Children 2. Children who are baptised Catholics with a sibling at St Margaret Clitherow Catholic Primary School at time of admission 3. Children who are baptised Catholics who live in the Parish of Bracknell 4. Children who are baptised Catholics who live in other Parishes Please complete and sign the form below and hand it to your parish priest, or the priest at the church at which you normally attend Mass. He will complete the form and return it to you. If you have recently moved into the area please request the priest at the church you formerly attended Mass to complete the form. This form then needs to be handed in at school with original documentation supporting application. Circle which category you are applying for If 2 please state name of sibling/s 1 2 3 4 ………………………………………………….. Parish Priest to Initial and Stamp with Please circle one statement only Parish Seal (referring to your attendance over last 12 months) We attend Sunday Mass weekly We attend Sunday Mass fortnightly We attend Sunday Mass less than fortnightly Signature of Parent/Carer Date To be Completed by a Catholic Priest only I have initialled the regularity of practice indicated above. The child is a baptised Catholic/has been received into the Catholic Church. Priest’s Name ______________________________________________________________ Parish ______________________________________________________________ Address ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Priest’s Signature ___________________________ Date Parish stamp or seal ______________________________ Please Turn Over for Categories 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. 79 St. Joseph and St. Margaret Clitherow Catholic Primary Schools Supplementary Information Form 2015 - 2016 SURNAME OF CHILD FIRST NAME(S) OF CHILD HOME ADDRESS The information requested on this form is to enable Governors to rank your application according to the over-subscription categories in their schools admission policies. If you are applying under the following Categories: 5. Non-Catholic Looked After Children and non-Catholic previously Looked After children 6. Non-Catholic children with a sibling at St Margaret Clitherow Catholic Primary School at time of admission 7. Children who are members of other Christian Churches (see www. cte.org.uk) 8. Children from other faith traditions Please complete and sign the form below and hand it to your minister or equivalent who will complete the form and return it to you. This form then needs to be handed in at school with original documentation supporting application. Circle which category you are applying for If 6 please state name of sibling/s 5 6 7 8 …………………………………………………….. Please circle one statement only We are members of a Christian denomination We are members of another faith Please name Church or Faith _________________________________________________ Signature of Parent/Carer Date To be Completed by a Minister or Equivalent I confirm the above statement. Name ______________________________________________________________ Position ______________________________________________________________ Address ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Signature ___________________________ Stamp or Seal ________________________ Date Optional - Please sign below if you are applying under Category 9 – Other Applicants Signature ____________________________ Dated ________________________ Please Turn Over for Categories 1, 2, 3 and 4 80 ST MICHAELS CE PRIMARY SCHOOL, EASTHAMPSTEAD Parents of children who have birthdays on or between 1st September 2010 – 31st August 2011 only are invited to apply for places to start in September 2015. Our Ethos: Through Christian faith and partnership with home and community, St. Michaels’ Easthampstead C of E Primary School enables our children to fulfill their potential, equipping them with skills for happy, successful lives as responsible and confident members of an ever changing world. St. Michael's is an aided Church of England primary school. The Governing Body of the school is the admissions authority and determines the policies and arrangements by which pupils will be admitted to the school. The Published Admission Number for St Michael's school is 35 and this is the maximum number of rising five year old children the Governing Body will admit each year. The school governing body will not consider any child who will not reach the age of five years during the school year 2015-16 for early admission. The governing body adheres to current legislation, ensuring equal opportunities and maintaining infant classes to a maximum of 30 children. The Local Authority (LA) for the borough of Bracknell Forest operates a scheme for co-ordinating arrangements for admissions to primary schools within their area. St Michael's school is a part of this scheme. Applications for places in the Reception Year at the school should be made on the common application form of the LA in which they live at the time of application (the home LA), which may not be Bracknell Forest by 15 January 2015. APPLICATION PROCESS 1. Please refer to our admissions criteria in Appendix I and decide which category you wish to apply under 2. If you choose category 2, 3 or 4 please complete the Common Application Form and the St Michael’s Supplementary Form. 3. If you choose category 5 or 6 you only need to complete the Common Application Form 81 Form Common Application Form (CAF) Supplementary Form (SIF) Obtain form from Return form to Deadline School Admissions, School Admissions, 15 January 2015 Home LA Home LA School Admissions, St Michael’s 20th February 2015 Bracknell Forest Easthampstead Council Primary School Or St Michael’s Easthampstead Primary School Or School website NB A receipt will be issued once the Supplementary Form is received in school. However, it is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that the Supplementary Form is received in school. Where the admissions process is incomplete i.e. an application is made in categories 2 – 4 for St Michael’s School on a CAF and submitted to the home LA but no Supplementary Form is submitted to the school by the due closing date, the application will be placed in category 6. The Governing Body will determine the applications against the admissions criteria (Appendix I) fairly and without regard to ability and advise Bracknell Forest Council of their ranking of the applications. As part of the determination the information supplied by applicants will be checked. If the information relating to a specific category is incorrect the application will be moved to the correct category and the applicant will be informed. Multiple Births: Applicants who are multiple birth siblings will be dealt with as follows: • September Admissions Round into Reception Class If the last pupil to be offered a place within the school’s published admission number (PAN) is a multiple birth or sibling born in the same academic year, any further sibling born in the same academic year who has also applied for a place at the school will be admitted, if the parents so wish. Even though this may raise the intake number above the school’s PAN. The PAN will remain unchanged so that no other pupil will be admitted until a place becomes available within the PAN. • In-year Admissions If the last pupil to be offered a place within the school’s published admission number (PAN) is one of a multiple birth or a sibling born in the same academic year any further sibling born in the same academic year who has also applied for a place at the school will not be admitted. In this situation the child’s parent will be asked to decide which of the children will take up the place available. The letter offering your child a primary school place will be sent from your home LA. 82 SCHOOL START DATE Places will be offered full time from September 2015. Parents have the right to defer their child's entry until the term following their child's fifth birthday as long as this does not infringe current legislation about their child’s statutory school age. In such cases the place will be reserved for the child. If this delayed date is September 2016, their child's entry will be as a Year 1 child and a new in-year application to the LA would need to be made. In almost all cases, the Year 1 group will have no available places as it will have 35 children transferring from the 2015/2016 Reception Year. Parents can request that their child attends part-time until the child reaches compulsory school age. ADMISSION OUTSIDE NORMAL AGE GROUP Requests from parents for places outside a normal age group will be considered carefully e.g. for those who have missed education due to ill health. Each case will be considered on its own merits and circumstances. However, such admissions will not be agreed without a consensus of the Admission’s Authority that to do so would be in the pupil’s interests. The governors will ask relevant professionals for their opinion on the case and reasons why only St Michael’s Easthampstead Primary School can provide for the child’s education needs. Those refused places outside the normal age group will be informed of their statutory right to appeal. LATE APPLICATIONS OR CHANGE OF PREFERENCE The home LA will manage late applications or change of preference in accordance with its agreed co-ordinated admissions scheme. It is the Governors’ policy not to reconsider applications within the same academic year unless there is a major change in circumstances. IN YEAR APPLICATIONS If an application is received after the academic year has started it will be treated as an ‘in year’ application. The LA will administer all "in year" applications on behalf of the Governing Body up to the Published Admissions Number of 35. Parents moving into the area and wishing to apply for a place at St Michael’s Easthampstead Primary School will need to complete the maintaining authority Application Form. Parents wishing to transfer from a Bracknell Forest Primary school should complete the Primary School Transfer Application Form obtainable from the Headteacher of your child’s current school. The LA will pass on any applications to the Governing Body so that it can make a decision about a place. FAIR ACCESS PROTOCOL The school participates in Bracknell Forest’s Council’s Fair Access Protocol. Children qualifying under the Fair Access Protocol may be offered a place 83 even if there are no places available in the relevant year group and also take priority for admission over any child on the waiting list. RIGHT OF APPEAL Parents will be informed of their right of appeal if they are refused a place. An appeal against refusal of a place at the school should be made by the parent(s) to the Bracknell Forest Council. The Appeals Clerk will be asked to arrange a hearing before an independent panel, at which the parents will be expected to attend. A school Governor will present the case on behalf of St Michael’s Easthampstead Primary School at the appeal hearing. In the event of an unsuccessful appeal against non-admission to the school, the Governing Body will not usually consider any further application in the same school year (1st September – 31st August) unless there is a major change in circumstance (eg change of address). WAITING LIST Your child’s name will automatically be added to a waiting list for a Bracknell Forest school that is higher in your preference order than the one that has been offered. Please refer to Bracknell Forest Council, School Admissions for further information on waiting lists. FRAUDULENT APPLICATIONS In line with Bracknell Forest Council’s guidance, where an application or Supplementary Information Form is found to contain fraudulent information any offer of a school place may be withdrawn. VERIFICATION OF SIF CONTENTS If appropriate, St Michael’s Admissions Secretary or School Admissions at Bracknell Forest Council will send to parents the school’s Supplementary Form for completion. As part of the determination the information supplied by applicants will be checked. If the information relating to a specific category is incorrect the application will be moved to the correct category and the applicant will be informed. 84 Appendix I ADMISSION CRITERIA Children with a Statement of Special Educational Need (issued by the Local Authority) naming St Michael's Easthampstead Church of England Primary School will always be admitted. Once places have been offered to these children, the Governing Body's admission criteria, set out below, will be strictly applied. Please note, attendance at "School House Nursery" does not give any automatic right of admission or preference to St. Michael's School. Attendance at St. Michael's School does not give any automatic right of admission to Ranelagh CE Aided Secondary School. Category 1: Children who are looked after children and previously looked after children (see note 6). Previously looked after children are children who were looked after, but ceased to be so because they were adopted immediately following having been looked after (see note 7) (or became subject to a residence order (see note 8) or special guardianship order again immediately following having been looked after (see note 9). Category 2: Children at least one of whose parents who lives with the child at their usual home address (see note 1 and note 2) attended an Anglican church service within the parish of Easthampstead (see Parish Map attached), as listed in Appendix II, on at least two occasions on average in each calendar month in the two years prior to the date of application. If attendance is under two years, proof of similar attendance from a previous Anglican parish will be necessary. The vicar, priest or minister of the applicant’s church will be required to complete the section of the Supplementary Form asking about the parent(s) attendance at church. Category 3: Children whose parent(s) (see note 1) usual home address (see note 2) is within the Anglican parishes of Easthampstead or Bracknell Team Ministry (as shown on the maps attached) and at least one of whom who lives with the child at their usual home address (see note 1 and note 2) attended another Anglican church on at least two occasions on average in each calendar month in the two years prior to the date of application. If attendance is under two years, proof of similar attendance from a previous Anglican parish will be necessary. The vicar, priest or minister of the applicant’s church will be required to complete the section of the Supplementary Form asking about the parent(s) attendance at church. Category 4: Children whose parent(s) (see note 1) usual home address (see note 2) is within the Anglican parishes of Easthampstead or the Bracknell Team Ministry (as shown on the maps attached) and at least one of whom who lives with the child at their usual home address (see note 1 and note 2) regularly attended another Christian church that is part of the group of Churches Together in Britain and Ireland on at least two occasions on average in each calendar month in the two years prior to the date of application. If attendance is under two years, proof of similar attendance from a previous Christian church will be necessary. The vicar, priest or minister of 85 the applicant’s church will be required to complete the section of the Supplementary Form asking about the parent(s) attendance at church. Category 5: Either, children who already have a sibling (see note 3) for whom the parent also has parental responsibility who is on roll in St Michael's School at the time of the application and who is expected still to be in attendance at the time of the applicant's child’s admission, Or Children of members of staff who a) are employed directly by the Governing Body and have been for two or more years at the time the application is made; such staff must work an average of 15 or more hours per week during school term time to qualify for this category, or b) children of any member of staff recruited to fill a vacancy for which there is a demonstrable skills shortage or where there has been significant difficulty in filling the post through the usual recruitment methods. Category 6: Other children If there are too many children in any category under consideration, then; Firstly, children who have a sibling who is on roll at the school at the time of the application and who is expected still to be in attendance at the time of entry will be considered before those who do not, in order for us to do this the sibling details must be entered onto the CAF when it is submitted to the LA; Secondly, places will be allocated to those who live nearest to the school until all available places are filled. 86 Appendix II ANGLICAN CHURCHES IN THE PARISH OF EASTHAMPSTEAD St Michael and St Mary Magdalene Church. Easthampstead The Rectory Crowthorne Road Bracknell RG12 7ER Reverend Guy Cole The Church at the Pines The Vicarage 4 Qualitas Bracknell RG12 8QG Reverend Peter Bestley Tel: 01344 425205 Tel: 01344 426741 St Francis & St Clare at Jennett’s Park Jennett’s Park C of E Primary School Reverend Guy Cole 3 Tawny Owl Square Bracknell RG12 8EB Tel: 01344 425205 87 NOTES REFERRED TO IN THE POLICY Note 1: “Parent” is defined in law (The Education Act 1996) as either: • any person who has ‘parental responsibility’ (defined in the Children Act 1989) for the child or young person; or • any person who has care of the child or young person. If you are in any doubt, please contact the school for advice. Note 2: By usual home address, we mean the child’s home address. This must be where the parent or legal carer of the child lives with the child unless it is proved that the child is resident elsewhere with someone else who has legal care and control of the child. The address should be a residential property that is owned, leased or rented by the child’s parent/s or person with legal care and control of the child. To avoid doubt, where a child lives with parents with shared responsibility, each for part of a week or month, the address where the child lives will be determined having regard to a joint declaration from the parents stating the exact pattern of residence. If the residence is not split equally, then the relevant address used will be that at which we are satisfied that the child spends the majority of the school week. Where there is an equal split or there is any doubt about residence, we will make the judgment about which address to use for the purpose of determining whether or not to offer a place. We will take into account, for example, the following: • any legal documentation confirming residence • the pattern of the residence • the period of time over which the current arrangement has been in place • confirmation from any previous school of the contact details and home address supplied to it by the parents • where the child is registered with his/her GP • any other evidence the parents may supply to verify the position. We may ask for evidence of the normal home address in the form of a recent bill. This could be, for example, the most recent Council Tax bill, utility bill no more than three months old, a current TV licence, buildings and contents insurance, mortgage statement or rent book which shows the address concerned. Parents who are unable to provide this evidence should contact the school to discuss what evidence might be acceptable. If it becomes clear or if there is any doubt that the parents and child are not living at the address given on the application form, the school may seek further evidence. The 88 school works closely with the LA to ensure that places are not obtained at the school on the basis of false addresses, and, in cases of doubt, will take steps to verify the information provided. If a place at the school is offered, and it later becomes clear that the offer was made on fraudulent or misleading information (e.g. a false claim to living in the catchment area), and the school has denied a place to a child with a stronger claim, the school will withdraw the offer of a place. The offer can also be withdrawn even after the child has started at the school. We regard a child’s home address to be where he or she sleeps for the majority of the school week (Monday to Friday). We may ask to see official documentation, such as a child benefit book or medical card if there are reasons why a child does not live at his or her parent’s address. For example, if he or she is resident with a grandparent, this needs to be made clear on the application form. If such arrangements are not declared or a relative’s address is used on the application, we may consider that a false declaration has been made, and withdraw the offer of a place. Childcare arrangements are not sufficient reason for listing another address. If parents move house after the application has been made, but before any offer of a place has been made, the home LA must be informed. If parents are moving, we will ask for evidence of the move, before considering any application for a place under the co-ordinated scheme. We would not accept an address where the one given is that of a second home with the main home being elsewhere. If there are two or more homes, we will check which is the main home, and may refuse to base an allocation of a place on an address which might be considered only temporary. Nor would we accept an address where the child was resident other than with a parent or carer unless this was part of a fostering or formal care arrangement. We would not normally accept an address where only part of a family had moved, unless connected with a divorce or permanent separation arrangement, in which case we would require proof. Note 3: By “sibling” we mean: A brother or sister, half brother or sister, adopted brother or sister, step brother or sister, or the child of the parent’s/carer’s partner where the child for whom the school place is sought is living in the same family unit at the same address as that sibling. It is helpful if parents make it clear on the application form where the sibling has a different family name. Where there is more than one sibling at the school, only the youngest should be listed on the application form. Note 4: By “nearest to the school” we mean: The radial distance (straight line distance on a map) between the home and the school. Radial distance will be based on the co-ordinates for the property and the school as defined in the Local Land and Property Gazetteer and based on the Ordnance Survey’s national system. 89 Note 5 If there are more applicants than places within the same criteria a tie-breaker is used which is based on radial distance as defined above. However if, in the event that two or more children live at the same distance from school (for example for families living in flats) and there are fewer places available then random allocation will be used to decide which child will be allocated the remaining place(s). The process will be drawn and scrutinised by people who are independent of the Council. Note 6: By a “looked-after child” we mean: A child who is (a) in the care of a local authority, or (b) being provided with accommodation by a local authority in the exercise of their social services functions (see the definition in Section 22(1) of the Children Act 1989) at the time of making an application to a school. Note 7: By “adopted” we mean: Any child who is adopted from care. Note 8: By “residence order” we mean: A child who is subject to a residence order under the terms of the Children Act 1989. See Section 8 which defines a ‘residence order’ as an order settling the arrangements to be made as to the person with whom the child is to live. Note 9: By ‘special guardianship order’ we mean: A child who is subject to a special guardianship order under the terms of Section 14A of the Children Act 1989 which defines a ‘special guardianship order’ as an order appointing one or more individuals to be a child’s special guardian (or special guardians). For further information: In the first instance, please contact the Admissions Secretary at the school Address: The Admissions Secretary St Michael's Easthampstead CE Primary School Crowthorne Road, Easthampstead, Bracknell, Berkshire, RG12 7EH Telephone: 01344 420878 Or contact the LA Address: School Admissions, Bracknell Forest Council Children, Young People & Learning Time Square, Market Street Bracknell, RG12 1JD Telephone: 01344 354023/354144 90 APPENDIX III In September 2013 there were 125 applications (naming St Michael’s Easthampstead as their first, second or third preference) for 35 places for children to enter reception and they were placed in the following categories according to the school’s admissions criteria as follows: Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4 Category 5 Category 6 -0 - 16 -8 -7 -7 - 87 Of the final 35 places allocated, the numbers in each category were: Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4 Category 5 Category 6 -0 - 12 -7 -6 -6 -4 These figures are for reference only and are not to be regarded as guidance for future admissions. Appeals There were two appeals neither of which was successful. 91 92 93 St Michael’s Easthampstead Church of England Aided Primary School Supplementary Form 2015 – 16 RECEPTION This supplementary form must be completed to enable St Michael's Easthampstead Admissions Authority to determine which applicants can be offered places according to the School's Admissions Criteria. th Please note, the closing date for receipt of this form by St Michael’s school is 20 February 2015. A receipt will be issued once this form is received in school. However, it is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that the Supplementary Form is received in school. SECTION 1 Child’s name: ……………………………………………….……… Date of Birth ……………………..... Child’s address: ……..…………………………………………………………………………………..………... …..………………………………………………… Parent(s) Names ……………………………..……….…. Post Code …….………..…...…….… ….…………………….………………….. With reference to St Michael’s Admission Policy Criteria (Appendix I) please indicate under which category you are applying for a place for your child at St Michael's School. Please tick ONE category only: Category 2 � Category 3 � Category 4 � If you are applying for a place under Categories 1, 5 or 6 you do not need to complete this form. SECTION 2 I/we (parents’ names) ………………………………….……… ……………..………….…………………... Confirm that I/we have attended an Anglican / *Other Church Service at (Name of Church) ……………………………………………………………………………….………………………………………… on at least two occasions on average in each calendar month in the two years prior to the date of completion of this form. *If you have not attended an Anglican Church, please state which other church you have attended. Signature(s) of Parent(s) …………………………….............................. Date …………………….. Now please pass this form to your vicar, minister or priest and ask them to complete the details on page 2, to sign the following verification and then return the form to you: 94 THE GOVERNING BODY MAY CONTACT THE VICAR, MINISTER OR PRIEST TO VERIFY THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS FORM. 3a) THIS SECTION MUST BE COMPLETED BY THE VICAR, MINISTER OR PRIEST OF YOUR CURRENT CHURCH AND NOT BY THE PARENT OR CARER OF THE CHILD MAKING THE APPLICATION Can you confirm that, to the best of your knowledge, the above parent/s has attended your church on at least two occasions on average in each calendar month in the two years prior to the date above? YES/NO* Is your Church a member of Churches Together in Britain and Ireland? ……………………………..YES/NO* Signature of vicar, minister or priest: ………………………………………..………Date …………………..….. Name of vicar, minister or priest (in capitals) …………………………………………………………………….. Name of Church: ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. Address of Church: ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………… Post Code ,,,,,,,……………….. Clergy email address:……………………………………….Clergy telephone number:……………………….. Dates of attendance of the applicant(s) at your church :from: …………………………. (month/year) to………………………………..……. (month/year) N.B. Parent or carer. If your attendance at your current church has been for less than 2 years, please pass the form to your vicar, minister or priest of your previous church and ask them to complete the following details, to sign the verification and then return the form to you: 3b) THIS SECTION MUST BE COMPLETED BY THE VICAR, MINISTER OR PRIEST OF YOUR PREVIOUS CHURCH AND NOT BY THE PARENT OR CARER OF THE CHILD MAKING THE APPLICATION Can you confirm that, to the best of your knowledge, the above parent/s has attended your church on at least two occasions on average in each calendar month in the two years prior to the date of completion of this form? YES/NO* Is your Church a member of Churches Together in Britain and Ireland ? Signature of vicar, minister or priest: YES/NO* ………………………………………..………Date …………………..….. Name of vicar, minister or priest (in capitals) …………………………………………………………………….. Name of Church: ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. Address of Church: ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………… Post Code………..…………….. Clergy email address:……………………………………….Clergy telephone number:……………………….. Dates of attendance of the applicant(s) at your church :from: …………………………. (month/year) to………………………………..……. (month/year) th * please delete as appropriate Please return this form to St Michael’s School by 20 February 2015 95 ST MICHAELS CE PRIMARY SCHOOL, SANDHURST At St Michael’s, we value the uniqueness of the individual and offer our children a curriculum which is enriched and diverse, enabling us to inspire them to be become successful learners, confident individuals and responsible citizens of the future. We live out our Christian values daily and foster supportive and trusting relationships with God and all members of the community. We welcome applications from all families, whether Christian, of another faith, or of none. We ask all parents applying for a place at our school to respect this ethos and its importance to the whole school community. St. Michael’s CofE Primary School, Sandhurst is a voluntary aided school and as such the Governing Body is the admissions authority for the school. The school works in partnership with Bracknell Forest LA as part of the co ordinated admission arrangements for primary school admissions in Bracknell Forest. All the dates and processes of application and consideration will conform to the LA’s Co-ordinated Admission Scheme, which is published in the booklet “The Guide to Primary Education in Bracknell Forest” and is available from the school or the LA. The Governing Body of St. Michael’s School has made every effort to ensure that these arrangements comply with the School Admissions Code 2012 and all relevant legislation, including that on infant class sizes and equal opportunities. Admissions Process In September 2013, in line with the Published Admission Number (PAN) of 30, the Governing Body will admit up to 30 children born between 1st September 2010 and 31st August 2011 for the school year 2015/2016. Parents of children that are not of compulsory school age (i.e. the term following the child’s fifth birthday) may request that entry be deferred or the child be admitted part-time (if the parents/carers consider this is in the child’s best interest) until the child's statutory school age later in the academic year. (Note: Parents of children born between 1st April and 31st August 2011 cannot defer a place to the following academic year when the child will be in Year 1. A separate In-year Application would need to be made in the 2016 Summer Term.) If the parents choose part-time and then wish to increase to full-time before the child reaches statutory school age, the parents/carers must discuss this with the Headteacher to agree the date this will commence. Applications for a place at the school should be made on the Common Application Form (CAF) provided by the home Local Education Authority (LA) – the authority to which council tax is paid. The CAF must be completed and returned to the home LA by the 15th January 2015. As an alternative to completing the paper CAF, parents can apply for a school place on-line via the home LA’s website. Applicants will still have to send in a paper copy of their current council tax statement in order to prove their residency. This documentary evidence will then be matched to their on-line application. All parents seeking a place at St. Michael’s because of preference for a church school and who list St. Michael’s as one of their preferences should 96 also complete a supplementary form, included in the ‘Information Pack’ available from the school office, from the school website or from the Local Authority This form is required by the Governors as part of the application process. This additional form should be completed and returned to the school office by 20th February 2015. The Governing Body of St. Michael’s School will consider first those applications which are received by the published admission deadline. These applications will be considered equally, irrespective of whether parents have chosen St. Michael’s as 1st, 2nd or 3rd preference on their CAF. Over-Subscription Criteria Children with a statement of Special Educational Needs naming St. Michael’s CofE (Aided) Primary School, Sandhurst must by law be admitted. If the number of requests exceeds the number of places (PAN = 30) the following over-subscription criteria will then apply in order of priority: 1) Looked-after Children/Previously Looked-after Children: A child who is/was in the care of a local authority, 2) Designated Area: A child with a home address in the designated area of the school. 3) Sibling: A child with a sibling on the roll of the school at the time of application or whose parent has accepted an offer of a place at the school and who is expected still to be in attendance at the time of entry to the school. 4) Preference for a Church School: A child who lives within the parish of St. Michael’s, Sandhurst or St. George’s, Owlsmoor supported by a completed supplementary form verifying that a parent has been a regular worshipper (an average of once per month in the two years prior to application) at any Christian Church; OR a child who lives outside the parishes of St. Michael’s, Sandhurst or St. George’s, Owlsmoor, supported by a completed supplementary form verifying that a parent has been a regular worshipper (an average of once per month in the two years prior to application) at St. Michael’s, Sandhurst or St. George’s Owlsmoor. 5) Other reasons: A child with other reasons for attending the school. If the school does not have places for all the children in one of the above categories, priority will be given to the children who fulfil more than one of the admissions criteria in the same priority order as above. After this, if there are still insufficient places and no distinction can be made between the applicants, a decision will be made on radial distance between home and the school. Those whose radial distance from the school is least will be considered first. In the event that two or more children live at the same radial distance from the school, random allocation will be used to decide which child(ren) will be allocated the remaining place(s). The process will be drawn and scrutinised by people who are independent of the Admissions Authority. All children from a multiple birth will be admitted when one of the siblings is the 30th child admitted, even where this would cause the PAN or Infant Class Size to be exceeded. In 2013 the school received 101 applications. 30 places were offered under the following criteria, with the cut-off coming under Criterion 5, Other reasons 97 at a distance of 0.874 miles. (Note: some applications were under a combination of Criteria 2, 3 and 4.): 1. Special Educational Needs/Looked-after 0.00% 2. Designated Area 36.66% 3. Siblings 43.33% 4. Preference for a Church School 43.33% 5. Other 10.00% There was 1 appeal which was not upheld. Applications for Early Admission We are unable to consider applications for children born after 31st August 2011. In-Year Admissions Admission to other years at the school, or to the Reception class (once offers of places have been made), depends on whether or not there are places available. The Key Stage 1 (Years 1 & 2) class sizes are 30. The Key Stage 2 class sizes are 30 for Years 3, 4 and 5, and 33 for Year 6. Applications must be submitted to Bracknell Forest LA in accordance with the process for ‘in year’ admissions set out in the 'School Admissions Moving into Bracknell Forest' guide available from Bracknell Forest LA. The School’s Governors will subscribe to the Local Authority in-year fair access protocol which means that these children will be offered a place as soon as possible, even if the school is full or, if appropriate, they will be given top priority on the waiting list. Admission outside normal age group Requests from parents for places outside a normal age group will be considered carefully e.g. for those who have missed education due to ill health. Each case will be considered on its own merits and circumstances. However, such admissions will not normally be agreed without a consensus that to do so would be in the pupil’s interests. The governors will ask relevant professionals for their opinion on the case. Those refused places outside the normal age group will be informed of their statutory right to appeal. Waiting Lists Bracknell Forest LA maintains waiting list for each class for those children who are not offered a place. The position on the waiting list is determined according to the over-subscription criteria above, and does not depend on the date on which an application is received. No account is taken of length of time on a waiting list. The LA periodically seeks confirmation that parents wish a child’s name to be kept on the waiting list. Appeals 98 Appeals against non-admission can be made to an independent panel arranged by the Oxford Diocesan Board of Education. Details and an application form are available from the school. It should be noted that, in the event of an unsuccessful appeal against non-admission to the school, the school does not consider any further applications in the same school year (1 September – 31 August) unless there has been a material change in circumstances, for example a change of address. For further information, or to arrange a visit to the school, please contact, in the first instance The School Secretary at the above address. Explanatory Notes These should be read in read in conjunction with the School’s Admission Policy. Parent(s) – A parent is any person who has parental responsibility for or is the legal guardian of the child. (Where admission arrangements refer to ‘parents attendance at church’ it is sufficient for just one parent to attend. ‘Family members’ include only parents, as defined above, and siblings.) “Looked-after” child – is a child who is in the care of the local authority for whom there is an agreement between a designated officer acting on behalf of the LA as Corporate Parent and a designated officer of the LA that the school will more appropriately meet the child’s needs. A “previously looked-after” child is a child who was in the care of the local authority but ceased to be so because they were adopted or became subject to a residence order (under the terms of the Children Act 1989, Section 8) or special guardianship order (under the terms of the Children Act 1989, Section 14A) Designated Area – until September 2004 St. Michael’s was a voluntary controlled school with a designated area defined by BFBC. The governors are committed to serving this community and retaining the designated area. The Designated Area for St Michael’s can be viewed by entering the school’s postcode (GU47 8HN) on the Bracknell Forest Website (http://maps.bracknellforest.gov.uk/LocalView/Sites/Public/) and selecting Designated Primary School. The Designated Primary School for a home address in Bracknell Forest can be determined by entering the address/postcode on this website and selecting Designated Primary School. A map outlining the designated area can also be viewed in the school office, Bracknell Forest Council offices, Bracknell Public Library. Home Address – by normal home address, we mean your child’s home address. This is your child’s address at the time you make your application for a place. We regard a child’s home address to be where he or she spends the majority of the school week (Monday to Friday, including nights). We may ask to see official documentation, such as a child benefit book or medical card if there are reasons why a child does not live at his or her parent’s address e.g. if the child is resident with a grandparent. You will need to tell us this on the application form. If you do not declare any arrangements like this or use a relative’s address for your application, we may consider that you have made a 99 false declaration and withdraw the offer of a place. Childcare arrangements are not sufficient reason for listing another address. The LA checks, on our behalf, the validity of any address given, by asking for evidence such as inclusion on the Electoral Register, or a recent utilities bill confirming your name and address. If you are moving into the area, we will ask for evidence of your move, before considering any application for a place. Typical evidence is a letter from your solicitor confirming that you have a legally binding agreement to buy the house or a formal lease agreement for at least 6 months. Sibling – Sibling refers to brother or sister, half brother or sister, adopted brother or sister, step brother or sister, or the child of the parent/carer’s partner where the child for whom the school place is sought is living in the same family unit at the same address as that sibling. All children from a multiple birth (and children living in the same family unit born in the same academic year) will be admitted when one of the siblings is the 30th child admitted, even where this would cause the PAN or Infant Class Size to be exceeded. Christian Church – a Christian church will be defined as any church that is part of ‘Churches Together in Britain and Ireland’ (CTIBI), which includes the Church of England, Protestant non-conformist churches and the Roman Catholic Church, or ‘The Evangelical Alliance’(EA). Full lists of participating churches/denominations are available at www.ctbi.org.uk or www.eauk.org Regular worship – by regular worship we mean attendance by a parent at any services, or meetings arranged by the church for the purpose of worship or Bible study. Parent(s) who wish to be considered in this category must complete the supplementary application form and ensure it is signed by the appropriate Priest/Minister and returned to the school. Where the applicants have moved into the area within the past two years, or have changed their place of worship, two supplementary forms should be completed and verified, as appropriate. Parish of St. Michael’s, Sandhurst and St. George’s, Owlsmoor – The Parish Boundaries for St. Michael’s, Sandhurst (GU47 8HN) and St. George’s, Owlsmoor (GU47 0SS) can be viewed by entering the church’s postcode on the Church of England Parish Finder Website (http://www.achurchnearyou.com/). The parish for a home address can be determined by entering the postcode on this website. A map showing the parishes of Sandhurst and Owlsmoor is also available from the school office. Distance from the school – Radial distance from the school to the home address will be measured by Bracknell Forest Borough Council and based on the co-ordinates for the property and the school - known as the ‘c’ point, as defined in the Local Land and Property Gazetteer and based on the Ordnance Survey’s national system. Distances are measured using direct distance calculations within a computer system. The measurement of each distance has been calculated using Pythagoras’ Theorem. The way in which this is done is to calculate the distance in metres between the Easting and Northing co-ordinates for each 100 location. The measurement in metres is then multiplied by 0.000621317 to convert this measurement to miles. The same method of calculation is used for each direct distance measured. 101 102 ADMISSIONS APPEALS PRIMARY, INFANT & JUNIOR SCHOOLS If you are not allocated a place at a school that you name as a preferred school on your Common Application Form, you can appeal against this decision. The reasons why the local authority or a governing body of a school may have to turn down your application are: a) The school has reached its admission number for the year group and is full; or b) It has reached its admission number and all its classes are up to 30 in that year group. If this is the case we describe this as an ‘infant class size appeal’. The reason for the refusal will be clearly stated in the offer that will be sent to you on 16 April 2015. In that offer we will tell you how to appeal and who you should contact. Formal appeals will be considered by an independent panel convened by the clerk in accordance with the School Standards and Framework Act 1998 (SSFA 1998) and the School Admissions Appeals Code. Appeals received by the published closing date (18 May 2015) will usually be heard during the last week of June 2015 and the first two weeks of July 2015. An appeal can only be heard after an application has been made on the correct form(s) and if you have not been offered a place at one or more of your higher preferred school(s). This must have been received in writing from the School Admissions Team. Further appeals for the same school in the same academic year will only be considered if there is a significant change of circumstances of the applicant relevant to the application e.g. new medical reasons, moving into the designated area for that school. Before a further appeal can be lodged, a new application would have to be made to your home local authority, who would then make a determination. How are appeals determined? For standard school admission appeals, not relating to infant class size legislation, the decision making follows a two stage process. Stage One At the first stage of the appeal, an independent panel consider whether the school’s published admission arrangements were correctly applied in your case and decide whether “prejudice to the provision of effective education or the efficient use of resources” would arise if another child were to be admitted to the school. In other words, if another child was admitted over the published admission number the effect would this have on the school e.g. on staffing, organisation of the year group, furniture, books or computer equipment. 103 The Panel must also consider whether the school’s published admission arrangements comply with the mandatory requirements of the School Admission Code and Part 3 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998. If it is clear that your child would have been offered a place at the school if the admission arrangements had been correctly implemented, or that the school could accommodate one more pupil without prejudice, then the panel will uphold your appeal at this stage. Where there are others also appealing for a place and if the panel finds that all the appeals could be allowed before prejudice would occur, then all the appeals must be allowed at the first stage. If your appeal is not allowed at this stage then the appeal panel must move onto the second stage. Stage Two At the second stage, you will be asked to present your case for wanting your child to be admitted to your preferred school. The Panel will then have to balance your reasons against the prejudice that would be faced by the school if your child were to be admitted. The Panel will have to consider the consequences to the school, the admission authority, and other children in the school if they were to allow your appeal. If the appeal panel decides that your case is stronger than the school’s case, and you are the only person appealing for a place at the school, the appeal panel will allow your appeal at the second stage. Where there is more than one appeal for the same school and the panel finds that there are more cases where the parents’ cases are stronger than the schools case the decision making can be slightly different. The decision process may involve the appeal panel making comparisons between individual cases and deciding which of them to allow. Infant class size appeals Legislation states that there must not be more than 30 pupils in an infant class with a single teacher. (SSFA 1998) This means that where the admission of an additional child would lead to a breach of infant class size legislation, your child will not be admitted to a preferred school and the application will be refused. In cases where the admissions authority consider that to admit your child would breach the infant class size limit, an appeal panel can only allow your appeal if it is satisfied that ; a) the admission of additional children would not breach the infant class size limit; b) the admission arrangements did not comply with admissions law or were not correctly and impartially applied and the child would have been offered a place if the arrangements had complied or had been correctly and impartially applied; or c) the decision to refuse admission was not one which a reasonable admission authority would have made in the circumstances of the case. 104 Please note that you must focus on the grounds set out above in both your written appeal and at the appeal hearing. Please note that with reference to ground c) ‘reasonableness‘ is defined in law. In considering reasonableness a decision will need to be made by an independent appeals panel as to whether the decision made by the local authority was ‘beyond the range of responses open to a reasonable decision maker’ or ‘a decision which is so outrageous in its defiance of logic or of accepted moral standards that no sensible person who had applied his mind to the question could have arrived at it.’ Please note that it is very rare for an infant class size appeal to be upheld. If you would like more information or advice on the appeals process please contact the Appeals Helpline: 01344 352000. 105 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS What are my responsibilities? Whilst your child is of compulsory school age, you must ensure that he or she receives a full time education. When the child is a registered pupil at a school, this means that you must ensure regular and punctual attendance and provide your full support to help ensure that your child behaves properly. Parents are committing an offence if they fail to ensure their child’s regular attendance at school. Prosecution could result in a fine, a jail sentence of up to 3 months or a community sentence. Remember that you should not expect your child’s school to agree to a family holiday during term time. All absences come at a price – children missing school may not be able to keep up with school work. In a busy school day it is difficult for your child’s teacher to find the extra time helping them to catch up. It’s not only academic work that is affected by absence from school. Missing out on the social side and peer groups – especially at primary school – can affect children’s ability to make and keep their friendships, a vital part of growing up. Missing two weeks of term time in each year of a child’s school life is the same as missing one whole school year. School term dates are set out in on page 146. When your child has to miss school because he or she is ill - contact the school on the first morning of your child’s illness. Staff will be concerned if they do not hear from parents/carers. If your child has to visit a doctor or dentist, try to arrange an appointment after school hours or during the holidays. If you need to take your child out of school, discuss the reasons with the school as soon as possible. Some short absences may be acceptable – but reasons such as shopping or birthdays are not acceptable. It is important that regular attendance habits are established right from the start of a child’s school career. If you need help to do this, then our team of Education Welfare Officers will be happy to advise. Whilst that advice will be freely given, you should note that, in the interests of your child, the LA will take whatever steps it deems necessary to ensure regular attendance at school. What if my child has a long term illness and cannot attend school? Arrangements can be made for your child to be tutored at home or at another venue. The initial approach should be made through your child’s school. Education Welfare Service: 01344 464721 [email protected] 106 What will my child study at school? It is most likely that when your child first starts school they will still be in the foundation stage of education. He or she will have been working towards the Early Learning Goals in the pre-school or nursery that they have been attending. The foundation stage starts at age three and lasts until your child is just about to start Year 1. At the beginning of Year 1, children start the National Curriculum. Your child’s school will give you plenty of information about this when he or she starts. The Bracknell Forest Curriculum Statement on page 149, sets out the principles agreed by schools in the Borough. How can parents get involved with schools? You can get involved by offering to help on school trips or in the classroom, attending school functions and social events, joining the parent-teachers association or becoming a governor (see page 151). The partnership that you form with your child’s school will have a major influence on his or her education. Your child’s school will encourage and welcome your participation. Is a place at an independent school, or assistance with fees, available? We have no schemes to help parents wishing to educate primary age children at independent schools. What if my child has special needs or needs extra help? If your child is not going to start school yet you should speak to your Health Visitor or the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) in your child’s pre-school setting. If your child is about to start school or is already in school, you should discuss the arrangements to support your child with the class teacher, SENCO or Headteacher in the school. You may also speak directly to staff in the Special Educational Needs Team. You may also wish to seek support from the Parent Partnership Service, who are able to provide impartial advice to parents whose children have special educational needs. Wherever possible a child’s needs are met in the pre-school setting or school that serves the local community. Schools are provided with funding to meet the needs of most children with special educational needs. The Local Authority also maintains a wide range of support services, including those for children with developmental, learning, vision, hearing, physical or behavioural needs. We work to a number of locally and nationally agreed principles: • a child with special educational needs should have their needs met • the special educational needs of children will normally be met in mainstream schools or early education settings 107 • the views of the child should be sought and taken into account as far as their age and ability allow • parents have a vital role to play in supporting their child’s education • children with special educational needs should be offered full access to broad, balanced and relevant education. About one or two children in every hundred will have educational needs that are more severe or complex needs and the Education Act 1996 has provided a statutory framework for assessing their needs. Information about arrangements for children with special educational needs in Bracknell Forest including a Parent’s Guide is available from the Special Educational Needs Team. Children with Statements of Special Educational Need If your child is in the process of being issued with a Statement of Special Educational Need or has a Statement of SEN and attends a mainstream primary school or a special resource in a mainstream primary school, then his or her future placement must be considered as part of the statutory assessment process or annual review of the statement. You do not need to complete the standard admission form that is provided to all parents. The Special Educational Needs Team is responsible for coordinating your school preference and arranging school placement in these circumstances and will be in contact with you to organise. To help you decide, all primary schools in the area are listed in this booklet, although in most cases your preference will simply be a matter of confirming what has been discussed previously. If your school preference is likely to be affected by the availability of school transport, you are strongly advised to refer to information regarding Education Transport on pages 55 onwards. Pupils entering a mainstream school that is not their designated or nearest suitable school will not normally be entitled to free transport. Pupils transferring to their designated area school will only be entitled to education transport if they fulfil the criteria outlined in the Education Transport information on pages 55 If a mainstream school other than the designated or nearest appropriate school is named in part 4 of the finalised Statement of Special Educational Needs, this will be reflected as the parental preference in the wording of the Statement. Specialist provision: if your preference is for a place in a resourced unit or special school, then this is taken forward by the Special Educational Needs Team. A move to a special school or to a special unit or resourced school can only be arranged if the school has places available and is suitable to your child’s age, aptitude, ability and their special educational needs. Expressing a preference for a mainstream place in a school that hosts a resource will not necessarily secure the admission of your child to either the school or the special resource. When transport eligibility is considered there will be an expectation that your child might walk a short distance to a special school or resource, or to a transport pick up point unless individual assessment shows a clear need to provide transport from home. Schools outside Bracknell Forest: you are able to express a preference for your child to move to a mainstream school, a special school, or to a special education resource within a secondary school in another authority’s area outside Bracknell Forest. The allocation of places in schools outside Bracknell 108 Forest is arranged in consultation with the appropriate Local Authority and school governors. By law, the Special Educational Needs Team must consult the governors of your preferred school and the Local Authority that maintains the school. Agreeing a preference: the law is that the local authority must agree to your preference for a maintained (‘State’) school, unless • the school is unsuitable to the child’s age, ability or aptitude, or to his or her special educational needs – if you are looking for a change from mainstream school to a special school or special resource this will only be taken forward if the school is suitable to your child’s ability and special educational needs; • the attendance of your child at the school would be incompatible with the provision of: • efficient education for the children with whom he/she would be educated – there would have to be grounds to show that no reasonable steps could be taken to eliminate the incompatibility; • the attendance of your child would be incompatible with the efficient use of resources – for example parents will normally be responsible for transporting a child to and from any mainstream school outside the usual designated area; nor can places be made available in special schools or special resources where this would take them over planned numbers. In the overwhelming majority of cases, it will be possible to meet the parental preference for a named school. However, you may not agree with something that is being suggested. If you want to meet someone from the Special Education Needs Team, this can be arranged. The Parent Partnership is also available to offer independent advice and support to parents of children with special educational needs. In cases where there is a serious dispute about your child’s special educational provision you may be offered formal mediation with an independent mediation service. If you are sent a final statement with which you disagree you then have the opportunity to appeal to the SEN and Disability Tribunal. Independent special schools: if you consider your child should go to an independent or non-maintained special school (one which charges fees) your request will be carefully considered. Decisions on each case will be made after consideration of the individual circumstances. However, a placement will usually only be agreed if suitable provision cannot be made in a maintained (‘State’) mainstream or special school and the proposed placement would represent efficient use of the Council’s resources. Special Educational Needs Team: 01344 354050 Parent Partnership Helpline 01344 354011 [email protected] Fair Access Protocol The School Admissions Code states that each local authority must have a Fair Access Protocol, agreed with the majority of schools in its area to ensure that outside the normal admissions round – unplaced children, especially the most vulnerable, are offered a place at a suitable school as quickly as 109 possible. In agreeing a protocol, the local authority must ensure that no school – including those with available places- is asked to take a disproportionate number of children who have been excluded from other schools, or who have challenging behaviour. The protocol must include how the local authority will use provision to ensure that the needs of pupils who are not ready for mainstream schooling are met. The operation of Fair Access Protocols is outside the arrangements of coordination and is triggered when a parent of an eligible child has not secured a school place under the in-year admission procedures. The panel meets every four weeks to discuss referred applications. Is there anyone to help me if I am concerned about my child’s behaviour? It is important to seek help at the earliest stage, firstly with the class teacher and the head teacher. Many schools have Family Support Advisors. All schools have an allocated Education Welfare Officer (who is able to give help, advice and support in situations where children are experiencing problems of school attendance or have other difficulties which may affect their learning) and are visited regularly by an allocated Educational Psychologist, who can advise about all aspects of children’s development, social functioning, mental health and emotional wellbeing. The Behaviour Support Team provides support to schools and to families, offering direct work including 1:1 work, specific group interventions, working with class teacher’s in supportive practice and training courses. The Behaviour Support Team also have a family support team who work with families offering courses on parenting, drop in sessions for parents and more intensive one to one support. Behaviour Support Team: 01344 354250 Education Welfare Service: 01344 464720 Educational Psychology Service: 01344 354015 What happens if there are child protection concerns? The protection of the child is paramount and if there are grounds to suspect child abuse, staff are duty bound to report this to the Children’s Social Care (CSC). Each school has a designated teacher with responsibility for Child Protection issues and if you suspect that a child is being abused, you should report the matter either to Children’s Social Care or to your child’s headteacher. The case will then be investigated in accordance with the Local Safeguarding Children Board procedures. CSC Duty Team: 01344 352020 Can I apply for help with the purchase of school clothing? All of Bracknell Forest Primary, Infant & Junior Schools have their own uniform. However the Borough has no scheme to assist you with the purchase of school clothing but most schools have a very good second-hand uniform shop. 110 FREE SCHOOL MEALS AND PUPIL PREMIUM Universal Infant Free School Meals From September 2014 the Government introduced Universal Infant Free School Meals. This means that parents with children attending years Reception, year 1, and year 2 in a state funded school will be eligible to claim a free school meal for their child. This includes academies, free schools, pupil referral units and alternative provision as well as maintained schools. You will need to inform the school if you wish your child to receive this meal. Please also see section; Pupil Premium on page 112. Free School Meals for years 3,4,5 & 6 All applications for Free School Meals are now dealt with by the Local Authority. You do not have to show paper proof of benefit* and once you have applied you do not need to re-apply. If your child moves schools, the new school can inform the LA who will transfer your Free School Meal claim to that school. * Sometimes we may need to ask you to provide paper proof of benefit. You can apply online at: www.bracknell-forest.gov.uk/freeschoolmeals. If you are unable to apply on line, you can apply using an application form available from your child’s school or apply over the phone by calling 01344 352000. All the Local Authority needs to check if your child is eligible is your: Name, Date of Birth and National Insurance Number. Please note this must be the name that shows on your benefit and not a name you may prefer to use. Eligibility Criteria To claim free school meals for your child, or apply for the Pupil Premium funding for your child’s school, you, or your child, must receive one of the following: • Income Support; • Income Based Jobseekers Allowance; • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance; • Support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999; • Child Tax Credit, provided they are not entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual income (as assessed by Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs) does not exceed £16,190; 111 • Working Tax Credit run-on - paid for 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit • The guarantee element of State Pension Credit; or • Universal Credit Pupil Premium All children who are, or whose parents are, claiming one of the above Eligibility Criteria will trigger extra funding for the school they attend. This funding is used by schools in a variety of ways, for example, some schools offer discounted school trips for children triggering the pupil premium funding. If you would like to know how your child’s school uses this money please contact them. Therefore even if your child is attending Reception, year 1 or year 2 and is automatically entitled to claim a Free School Meal, it is important that parents still apply for the pupil premium funding. This will ensure the school receives the funding to which they are entitled to. By applying now, not only will the school get this much needed funding, it also means you will not need to reapply when your child enters into year 3. Eligibility will automatically be checked, and if eligible, your child can continue to receive Free School Meals. You can apply for Pupil Premium funding for your child’s school in the same way as applying for Free School Meals. You can apply online : www.bracknell-forest.gov.uk/freeschoolmeals, over the phone on 01344 352000 or by completing a form at your child’s school. 112 EDUCATION TRANSPORT Will my child be entitled to any assistance with transport from home to school? If your decision about your child’s primary school is likely to be affected by the availability of education transport, you are strongly advised to study the following information. For pupils aged 5 – under 8 years transport will be considered where your child meets one of the following criteria: • Attends the designated area school • Attends the nearest school • You are a low income family In all these cases transport assistance will only be provided if your child lives more than two miles from school (this is termed the statutory walking distance). This distance is measured by the nearest available walking route, which may not necessarily be the same as the route driven by a vehicle. For pupils aged 8 years and over, transport will be considered where your child meets one of the following criteria: • Attends the designated area school • Attends the nearest school • Low Income (please see below) In all these cases transport assistance will only be provided if your child lives more than three miles from school (this is termed the statutory walking distance). This distance is measured by the nearest available walking route, which may not necessarily be the same as the route driven by a vehicle. Few children in Bracknell Forest are entitled to free transport under these rules as most live within the statutory walking distance of their designated/nearest school. Children from low income families – the Government has extended the right to free transport provision for certain groups of disadvantaged children. Those covered by this extension are those who are entitled to free school meals or those whose families are entitled to their maximum level of Working Tax Credit. • All pupils who are of statutory school age, from low income families, who are attending one of their three nearest qualifying schools, which is more than two miles, but less than six miles from their home address will be entitled to free transport provision - please contact the Integrated Transport Unit for details. • All pupils who are of statutory school age, from low income families, attending the nearest suitable school preferred on grounds of religion or 113 belief, where they live more than two miles, but not more than 15 miles from that school will be entitled to free transport provision. Where children attend, through parental preference, a school other than their appropriate designated area school, then parents/carers are responsible for any transport costs/arrangements. Transport is no longer provided to denominational schools unless they are from low income families (as above). The LA will consider, on an individual basis, whether transport to a denominational school should be provided for a particular child in exceptional circumstances. A preference for being educated in accordance with a particular religious faith will not usually constitute exceptional circumstances. Siblings of those pupils already receiving free transport to a denominational school will be classed as a new applicant and will not be entitled to free transport. Please note that eligibility for free education transport can change during a child’s school career. It is possible that transport assistance might be withdrawn or that a child might become entitled to assistance at a later date. If the home address changes during a child’s school career then parents are reminded that they must check how this may affect their child’s transport entitlement. It is the responsibility of the parent to inform the Integrated Transport Unit of any such change when it happens. If you choose a school that is not your designated school or the nearest school to your home address, it is important that you give careful consideration as to how you will arrange for your child to get to school. In nearly all these cases the responsibility for arranging and funding the transport will be yours. Transport is not provided to independent schools. The rules relating to education transport are complicated. For specific advice, please contact the Integrated Transport Unit before applying for a school place. A copy of the current Bracknell Forest Education Transport Policy is available on request from the Integrated Transport Unit and on the Borough’s web site. If you believe that you are entitled to transport when a place has been allocated you should obtain the relevant application form from the Integrated Transport Unit, these can also be downloaded from the Borough’s web site. The Integrated Transport Unit will determine your child’s transport entitlement and provision based on the details that are submitted on the application form. Transport entitlement will be confirmed on receipt of your application form. Transport provision (the actual type of transport and route) will normally be confirmed by the start of the term. 114 Special Education Needs Transport – if your child has a statement of Special Education Needs, he/she may be entitled to free transport. Please discuss this matter with the Special Education Needs Team. However, pupils with a Statement of Special Educational Needs entering a mainstream school that is not their designated or nearest suitable school will not normally entitled to free transport. Special Educational Needs children entering their designated area school will only be entitled to Education Transport if they fulfill the criteria on page 55 (beginning of Education Transport section). Pupils with a Statement of Special Educational Needs have no automatic entitlement to free transport to and from school. Pupils (not their parents/carers) who are medically unfit to walk to school and who are not entitled to free transport under any of the above rules, may be provided with transport on a temporary or permanent basis. Such cases should be discussed with the Integrated Transport Unit in the first instance. Evidence from an appropriate professional will be required. Please note that, in all cases, the Council will use public transport where it is available or appropriate in relation to the circumstances of the child. Farepayer seats - Pupils who are not entitled to free transport and who enquire about transport to schools, will be directed to apply for a seat on a public transport route. Only if there is no public service available will these pupils be given the option to apply for a farepaying seat on one of the Borough’s contracted services. Where spare capacity exists on current vehicles that have been contracted to provide education transport for entitled pupils, the Council will make these seats available for purchase by nonentitled pupils, subject to the seat being withdrawn with FIVE days’ notice should it be required for an entitled pupil. This concession does not extend to public transport routes. The Council is under no legal obligation to provide transport for non-entitled pupils. These seats will be allocated on a first come first served basis. The Council’s decision on this will be final. Larger and/or extra vehicles will not be contracted specifically for farepayers. For more detailed information please refer to our website. Integrated Transport Helpline 01344 – 352002 Email [email protected] Website www.bracknell-forest.gov.uk/schooltransport 115 WHEN DOES MY CHILD MOVE FROM PRIMARY SCHOOL TO SECONDARY SCHOOL? Transfer takes place at the age of 11. This means for example that those children who reach the age of 11 on or between 1 September 2014 and 31 August 2015 will transfer to secondary school in September 2015. There are six secondary schools in the Borough; one is an academy. All Bracknell Forest schools are comprehensive schools, which means that they cater for children of all abilities and do not have entrance examinations. A booklet, Guide to Secondary Education in Bracknell Forest is available online each year at: www.bracknell-forest.gov.uk/secondaryschooladmissions. Details about secondary schools are sent out each year to parents of children at the start of Year 6. APPLYING FOR A SCHOOL PLACE OUTSIDE THE NORMAL ROUNDS If you are applying for a place outside of the normal admission round you will need to use the in year application process. To do this you need to complete an in year application form which is available from the Bracknell Forest website along with a Guide to In Year Applications booket or from the School Admissions Team. The information in this booklet is not relevant to those applicants making an in year application and the relevant booklet must be obtained before completing an in year application form. 116 CONTACTING THE BRACKNELL FOREST SCHOOL ADMISSION TEAM During busy periods it may be difficult to get through to The School Admissions Team by telephone. If you experience difficulties please use our email: [email protected] The School Admissions Team are extremely busy immediately after offers for school places are sent out on 16 April 2015. There is a lot of information online or enclosed with these offers, so please take time to read this before phoning as it may answer your questions. The School Admissions Team cannot enter into discussions about your child’s allocation until you receive your offer and cannot tell you over the phone where your child has been allocated a place The School Admissions Team are available during all the school holidays to take phone calls and answer your questions. All email enquiries to [email protected] will be responded to within five working days and all written enquiries within five working days from the date it was received. If your enquiry will take The School Admissions Team longer than their normal course of business it will be sent through Freedom of Information. The Freedom of Information allows 20 days from receipt to respond to the enquiry. You will be informed if your enquiry is being dealt with in this way. Helplines are open between 8.30 – 17.00 Monday – Friday, except for Wednesday afternoons when lines will be closed. The School Admissions Team aim to cover the office between these times and are not open at weekends or bank holidays. If you have a Freedom of Information request you can use the following link: http://www.bracknell-forest.gov.uk/dataprotectionandfreedomofinformation Please note that The School Admissions Team can only speak to the parent or carer of the child as named on the application. A number of security questions will also be asked when you call, this is to ensure that your child’s data is protected. 117 SCHOOL NURSERY CLASSES The following schools in Bracknell Forest have a school nursery class. If your child attends a school nursery you must still apply for them to attend school. Attending a school nursery is not an admissions criterion for attending the school. You must make a separate application for a school place; there is no automatic transfer between a school nursery and school. School nursery classes do not have the same admissions criteria as applying for school, all nursery classes have the same admissions policy which is set by the local authority. This can be found on the Bracknell Forest website www.bracknell-forest.gov.uk Bracknell Forest schools with nurseries: Birch Hill Meadow Vale College Town Infant & Nursery New Scotland Hill Crown Wood Owlsmoor Fox Hill Pines (The) Great Hollands Sandy Lane Harmans Water Wildmoor Heath Holly Spring Infant & Nursery Wildridings Jennett’s Park Wooden Hill 118 LIST OF PRIMARY SCHOOLS IN BRACKNELL FOREST The following pages contain information about all of the infant, junior and primary schools in Bracknell Forest. Ascot Heath Infant School Community Infant School Head Teacher: Mrs Catherine Bates Address: Rhododendron Walk, Ascot SL5 8PN Telephone: 01344 882631 Website: www.ascotheathinfant.co.uk E-mail address: [email protected] Age Range: 4–7 Admission Number: 70 School Hours: 8.55am – 3.15pm Ascot Heath CE Junior School Voluntary Controlled Junior School Head Teacher: Ms Sarah Theaker Address: Rhododendron Walk, Ascot, SL5 8PN Telephone: 01344 883353 Fax: 01344 882521 Website: www.ascotheathcejuniorschool.co.uk E-mail address: [email protected] Age Range: 7 – 11 Admission Number: 60 School Hours: 8.50am – 3.20pm Binfield CE Primary School Voluntary Aided Primary School Head Teacher: Mrs Suzanna Featherstone-Wright Address: Benetfeld Road, Binfield RG42 4EW Telephone: 01344 860106 Website: www.binfieldschool. E-mail address: [email protected] Age Range: 4 – 11 Admission Number: 60 School Hours: 8.15am-16.15pm (office hours) 119 Birch Hill Primary School Community Primary School Head Teacher: Mr Alan Harding Address: Leppington, Birch Hill, Bracknell RG12 7WW Telephone: 01344 455815 Fax: 01344 306573 Website: www.birchhill.bracknell-forest.sch.uk E-mail address: [email protected] Age Range: 4 – 11 Admission Number: 60 School Hours: 8.50am – 3.15pm KS1 8.50am – 3.20pm KS2 College Town Infant School Community Infant School Head Teacher: Mrs T Sammons Address: Branksome Hill Road, College Town, Sandhurst GU47 0QF Telephone: 01276 31933 Fax: 01276 600665 Website: www.collegetowninfantschool.com E-mail address: [email protected] Age Range: 4–7 Admission Number: 90 School Hours: 8.55am – 3.10pm Reception Class 8.50am - 3.15pm KS1 College Town Junior School Community Junior School Head Teacher: Mrs Jill Ward Address: Branksome Hill Road, College Town, Sandhurst GU47 0QE Telephone: 01276 35292 Fax: 01276 37455 Website: www.colltown-jun.bracknell-forest.sch.uk Age Range: 7 – 11 Admission Number: 90 School Hours: 8.50am – 3.20pm 120 Cranbourne Primary School Community Primary School Head Teacher: Mrs Ruth Huckle Address: Lovel Road, Winkfield, Berkshire SL4 2EU Telephone: 01344 882350 Fax: 01344 890590 Wesite: www.cranbourne.org.uk E-mail address: [email protected] Age Range: 4 – 11 Admission Number: 30 (possible increase subject to building work) School Hours: 8.55am – 3.15pm Crown Wood Primary School Community Primary School Head Teacher: Mrs Antoinette Butler-Willis Address: Opladen Way, Crown Wood, Bracknell RG12 0PE Telephone: 01344 485448 Fax: 01344 360399 Website: www.crownwoodschool.com E-mail address: [email protected] Age Range: 4 – 11 Admission Number: 90 School Hours: 8.50am – 3.15pm Crowthorne CE Primary School Voluntary Controlled Primary School Head teacher: Miss Ruth Jackson Address: Dukes Ride, Crowthorne, RG45 6ND Telephone: 01344 772089 Fax: 01344 750106 Website: www.crowthornecofe.co.uk E-mail address: [email protected] Age Range: 4 – 11 Admission Number: 30 School Hours: 8.45am – 3.15pm 121 Fox Hill Primary School Community Primary School Head Teacher: Mrs Sarah Coxell Address: Pondmoor Road, Bracknell RG12 7JZ Telephone: 01344 421809 Fax: 01344 305452 Website: www.foxhill.bracknell-forest.sch.uk E-mail address: [email protected] Age Range: 4 – 11 Admission Number: 30 School Hours: 8.55am – 3.00pm Great Hollands Primary School Community Primary School Head Teacher: Mr Mike Purdy Address: Wordsworth, Great Hollands, Bracknell RG12 8YR Telephone: 01344 424911 Fax: 01344 306575 Website: www.greathollandsprimary.co.uk E-mail address: [email protected] Age Range: 4 – 11 Admission Number: 60 School Hours: 8.50am – 3.15pm Harmans Water Primary School Community Primary School Head Teacher: Mr Phil Hibbs Address: Wellington Drive, Bracknell RG12 9NE Telephone: 01344 422196 Website: www.hwps.org.uk E-mail address: [email protected] Age Range: 4 – 11 Admission Number: 90 School Hours: 8.55am-2.55pm – KS1 8:55am-3:00pm – KS2 122 Holly Spring Infant School Community Infant School Head Teacher: Mr James Lacey Address: Lily Hill Road, Bracknell RG12 2SW Telephone: 01344 483920 Fax: 01344 305454 Website: www.hollyspringinfant.co.uk E-mail address: [email protected] Age Range: 4–7 Admission Number: 90 School Hours: 8.50am – 3.20pm Holly Spring Junior School Community Junior School Head Teacher: Mrs Trisha Donkin Address: Lily Hill Road, Bracknell RG12 2SW Telephone: 01344 422367 Fax: 01344 460949 Website: www.hollyspringjunior.co.uk E-mail address: [email protected] Age Range: 7 – 11 Admission Number: 90 School Hours: 8.50am – 3.20pm Jennett’s Park CE Primary School Vountary Aided Primary School Head Teacher: Ms Maria Soulsby Address: 3 Tawny Owl Square, Jennett’s Park, Bracknell, RG12 8EB Telephone: 01344 301269 Fax: 01344 304178 Website: www.jennettspark.bracknell-forest.sch.uk E-mail address: [email protected] Age Range: 4 -11 Admission Number: 60 School Hours: 8.50am – 3.15pm 123 Meadow Vale Primary School Community Primary School Head Teacher: Mr Nigel Duncan Address: Moordale Avenue, Bracknell RG42 1SY Telephone: 01344 421046 Fax: 01344 867032 Website: www.meadowvaleprimary.co.uk E-mail Address: [email protected] Age Range: 4 – 11 Admission Number: 90 School Hours: 8.55am – 3.15pm New Scotland Hill Primary School Community Primary School Head Teacher: Mrs Catherine Forrester Address: Grampian Road, Little Sandhurst GU47 8NQ Telephone: 01344 772184 Fax: 01344 750561 Website: www.newscotlandhill.co.uk E-mail address: [email protected] Age Range: 4 – 11 Admission Number: 30 School Hours: 8.50am – 3.15pm Owlsmoor Primary School Community Primary School Head Teacher: Mrs Elizabeth Cole Address: Cambridge Road, Owlsmoor, Sandhurst GU47 0TA Telephone: 01344 776642 Fax: 01344 761479 Website: www.owlsmoor.bracknell-forest.sch.uk E-mail address: [email protected] Age Range: 4 – 11 Admission Number: 76 (possible increase subject to building work) School Hours: 8.45am – 3.10pm 124 Pines (The) Primary School Community Primary School Head Teacher: Mrs E-K Gower Address: Hanworth Road, Bracknell RG12 7WX Telephone: 01344 426413 Fax: 01344 418930 Website: www.thepinesschool.org.uk E-mail address: [email protected] Age Range: 4 – 11 Admission Number: 60 School Hours: 8.50am – 3.15pm KS1 8.50am – 3.25pm KS2 Sandy Lane Primary School Community Primary School Head Teacher: Mrs Jane Sculpher Address: Sandy Lane, Bracknell RG12 2JG Telephone: 01344 423896 Website: www.sandylane.bracknell-forest.dbprimary.com E-mail Address: [email protected] Age Range: 4 – 11 Admission Number: 90 School Hours: 8.50am – 3.15pm KS1 8.50am - 3.20pm KS2 St Joseph’s RC Primary School Voluntary Aided Primary School Head Teacher: Mrs Juanita Dunlop Address: Gipsy Lane, Bracknell RG12 9AP Telephone: 01344 425246 Fax: 01344 305463 Website: www.stjosephs.bracknell-forest.sch.uk E-mail address: [email protected] Age Range: 4 – 11 Admission Number: 30 School Hours: 8.50am – 3.15pm 125 St Margaret Clitherow RC Primary School Voluntary Aided Primary School Head Teacher: Mr David Masters Address: Pembroke, Hanworth, Bracknell RG12 7RD Telephone: 01344 424030 Fax: 01344 304041 Website: http://stmargaretclitherowbracknell.co.uk E-mail address: [email protected] Age Range: 4 – 11 Admission Number: 30 School Hours: 8.50am – 3.15pm St Michael’s (Sandhurst) CE Primary School Voluntary Aided Primary School Head Teacher: Miss M McGrory Address: Lower Church Road, Sandhurst GU47 8HN Telephone: 01252 873360 Fax: 01252 878916 Website: www.st-michaels-school.org E-mail address: [email protected] Age Range: 4 – 11 Admission Number: 30 School Hours: 8.50am – 3.15pm St Michael’s (Easthampstead) CE Primary School Voluntary Aided Primary School Head Teacher: Mr Neil Davies Address: Crowthorne Road, Bracknell RG12 7EH Telephone: 01344 420878 Fax: 01344 300097 Website: www.stmichaelseasthampstead.com E-mail address: [email protected] Age Range: 4 – 11 Admission Number: 35 School Hours: 8.50am – 3.25pm 126 Uplands Primary School Community Primary School Head Teacher: Ms Anita Warwick Address: Albion Road, Sandhurst GU47 9BP Telephone: 01252 873069 Fax: 01252 871651 Website: www.uplandsprimaryschool.com E-mail address: [email protected] Age Range: 4 – 11 Admission Number: 30 School Hours: 8.50am – 3.15pm Warfield CE Primary School Voluntary Controlled Primary School Head Teacher: Mrs Anne Binding & Mrs Anna Kennedy Address: All Saints Rise, Warfield, Bracknell RG42 3SS Telephone: 01344 862074 Fax: 01344 861310 Website: www.warfieldceprimary.co.uk E-mail address: [email protected] Age Range: 4 – 11 Admission Number: 30 School Hours: 8.45am - 3.15pm KS1 8.45am – 3.20pm KS2 Whitegrove Primary School Community Primary School Head Teacher: Mrs Karen Davis Address: Westmorland Drive, Warfield, Bracknell RG42 3QS Telephone: 01344 861020 Fax: 01344 861030 Website: www.whitegrove.bracknell-forest.sch.uk E-mail address: [email protected] Age Range: 4 – 11 Admission Number: 60 School Hours: 9.00am – 3.30pm 127 Wildmoor Heath School Community Primary School Head Teacher: Mr G Strudley Address: Lower Broadmoor Road, Crowthorne RG45 7HD Telephone: 01344 772034 Fax: 01344 750498 Website: www.wildmoorheath.org.uk E-mail address: [email protected] Age Range: 4 – 11 Admission Number: 30 School Hours: 8.50am – 3.15pm Wildridings Primary School Community Primary School Head Teacher: Miss JC Evans Address: Netherton, Bracknell RG12 7DX Telephone: 01344 425483 Fax: 01344 360988 Website: www.wildridings.ik.org E-mail address: [email protected] Age Range: 4 – 11 Admission Number: 60 School Hours: 8.55am - 3.20pm Winkfield St Mary’s CE Primary School Voluntary Controlled Primary School Head Teacher: Mr Mike Chesters Address: Winkfield Row, Bracknell RG42 6NH Telephone: 01344 882422 Fax: 01344 893641 Website: www.wsmschool.org E-mail Address: [email protected] Age Range: 4 – 11 Admission Number: 30 (possible increase subject to building work) School Hours: 8.55am – 3.15pm 128 Wooden Hill Primary School Community Primary School Head Teacher: Mrs Joanna Quinn Address: Staplehurst, Bracknell RG12 8DB Telephone: 01344 421117 Fax: 01344 305952 Website: www.woodenhill.bracknell-forest.sch.uk E-mail address: [email protected] Age Range: 4 – 11 Admission Number: 50 School Hours: 8.50am – 3.15pm 129 ALLOCATION OF PRIMARY SCHOOL PLACES FOR ENTRY 2014/2015 (last year) The following tables show how many applications were allocated places for primary schools within Bracknell Forest for 2014/2015 entry against the criteria that they fulfilled. The places were allocated using an equal preference scheme. This is where the criteria are applied equally to all preferences. If we were able to offer the applicant more than one of their preferences, then we will have offered their highest ranked preference. Where there are an equal number of applications in one category then a radial distance from home to school has been used to separate applications. Oversubscribed Schools From these tables you should be aware that there were a number of our schools that were oversubscribed. This means that there were more applicants than places so the admissions criteria were used to decide who would be offered the places. The tables will therefore give you an indication of those schools that were oversubscribed and what criteria applicants who were offered places fulfilled. If you have any queries regarding any schools that were oversubscribed you should contact the School Admissions Team who will be able to give you more information. This information is important to consider when deciding on your preferences. If you require information regarding historic allocation information you should contact the School Admissions Team. 130 131 60 90 30 90 30 60 120 90 90 30 76 60 90 30 60 30 60 50 30 30 30 Birch Hill Primary College Town Infant Cranbourne Primary Crown Wood Primary Fox Hill Primary Great Hollands Primary Harmans Water Primary Holly Spring Infant Meadow Vale Primary New Scotland Hill Primary Owlsmoor Primary Pines Primary Sandy Lane Primary Uplands Primary Whitegrove Primary Wildmoor Heath School Wildridings Primary Wooden Hill Primary Voluntary Controlled Schools Crowthorne CE Primary Warfield CE Primary Winkfield St Mary’s CE Primary 121 159 116 109 111 36 190 182 218 109 141 123 188 165 221 106 100 132 95 139 159 129 Total no. of pref received 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SEN P/C MED MED MED MED MED MED MED D/A D/A D/A D/A SIB SIB DEN SIB SIB DEN DEN DEN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 8 5 8 8 8 16 18 30 7 25 4 34 14 42 13 16 15 4 11 17 11 5 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 6 14 14 15 10 37 10 22 13 30 20 38 42 52 18 14 14 0 0 4 42 36 53 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 4 14 23 4 2 0 17 4 9 4 0 0 6 4 8 2 0 10 12 2 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 2 0 3 4 0 12 14 7 0 0 5 0 18 18 11 0 11 23 12 6 0 26 10 28 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 8 0 0 2 4 11 0 4 0 1 0 0 30 30 30 50 60 29 60 30 87 49 84 30 90 87 118 51 30 69 30 85 60 70 MED D/A D/A D/A D/A SIB SIB DEN No Alt. Total SIB SIB DEN DEN Cate Alloc No. DEN gory Alloc. SEN=Special Ed. Needs, P/C=Public Care, MED= social/medical grounds. D/A=Designated Area. Den= Denominational. SIB=sibling Alt. Alloc=No pref met, allocated alternative. The places have been allocated using an equal preference scheme. This is where the criteria is applied equally to all preferences. If we were able to offer the applicant more than one of their preferences, then we will have offered their highest ranked preference. Where there are an equal number of applications in one category then a radial distance from home to school has been used to separate applications. For further information please see the Guide to Primary Education in Bracknell Forest 2014/15 that was made available at the time of application. 70 Ascot Heath Infant No. of available places Combination of Criteria (Categories) for Primary School Places 2014/2015 The following information is based on the initial allocation of applications received by the deadline of 15 January 2014. This information provides you with a statement on how places were allocated for 2013/14 entry. Community Schools School Admission Number Ascot Heath Infant School 70 Birch Hill Primary School 60 College Town Infant School 90 Cranbourne Primary School 30 Crown Wood Primary School 90 Fox Hill Primary School 132 30 Information regarding the allocation The school was fully allocated with all applicants who fulfilled all the criteria as listed below. ‘All other applicants’ were allocated down to a distance of 1.937 miles. Remaining ‘all other applicants’ were placed on a waiting list. The school was fully allocated. Places were offered down to those applicants who only fulfilled the sibling criteria, to a distance of 0.986 miles from the school according to the radial distance policy listed below. There were insufficient places for the 1 remaining sibling applicant and all combination of categories ranked below this. These applicants have been placed on a waiting list. All applicants who expressed a preference and where no higher ranked preference could be offered were allocated places. There was also 1 pupil allocated to this school as an alternative as their preferences could not be met. The school was fully allocated with all applicants who fulfilled all the criteria as listed below. ‘All other applicants’ were allocated down to a distance of 4.465 miles. Remaining ‘all other applicants’ were placed on a waiting list. All applicants who expressed a preference and where no higher ranked preference could be offered were allocated places. There were also 4 pupils allocated to this school as an alternative as their preferences could not be met. The school was fully allocated. Places were offered down to those applicants who only fulfilled the designated criteria, to a distance of 0.359 miles from the school according to the radial distance policy listed below. There were insufficient places for the 4 remaining designated area applicants and all combination of categories ranked below this. These applicants have been placed on a waiting list. All applicants who expressed a preference and where no higher ranked preference could be offered were allocated places. There were also 11 pupils allocated to this school as an alternative as their preferences could not be met. Great Hollands Primary School 60 Harmans Water Primary School 120 Holly Spring Infant School 90 Meadow Vale Primary School 90 New Scotland Hill Primary School 30 The school was fully allocated. Places were offered down to those applicants who only fulfilled the sibling criteria, to a distance of 0.978 miles from the school according to the radial distance policy listed below. There were insufficient places for the 2 remaining sibling applicants and all combination of categories ranked below this. These applicants have been placed on a waiting list. Owlsmoor Primary School 76 All applicants who expressed a preference and where no higher ranked preference could be offered were allocated places. There were also 8 pupils allocated to this school as an alternative as their preferences could not be met. Sandy Lane Primary School 90 All applicants who expressed a preference and where no higher ranked preference could be offered were allocated places. An additional classroom has been added to this year group. There were also 4 pupils allocated to this school as an alternative as their preferences could not be met. All applicants who expressed a preference and where no higher ranked preference could be offered were allocated places. There were also 2 pupils allocated to this school as an alternative as their preferences could not be met. The school was fully allocated with all applicants who fulfilled all the criteria as listed below. ‘All other applicants’ were allocated down to a distance of 1.116 miles. Remaining ‘all other applicants’ were placed on a waiting list. All applicants who expressed a preference and where no higher ranked preference could be offered were allocated places. 133 The Pines Primary School 60 All applicants who expressed a preference and where no higher ranked preference could be offered were allocated places. There were 7 pupils allocated this school as an alternative school as their preferences could not be met. Uplands Primary School 30 The school was fully allocated. Places were offered down to those applicants who only fulfilled the designated area criteria, to a distance of 0.216 miles from the school according to the radial distance policy listed below. There were insufficient places for the 21 remaining designated area applicants and all combination of categories ranked below this. These applicants have been placed on a waiting list. Whitegrove Primary School 60 The school was fully allocated with all applicants who fulfilled all the criteria as listed below. ‘All other applicants’ were allocated down to a distance of 0.964 miles. Remaining ‘all other applicants’ were placed on a waiting list. Wildmoor Heath Primary School 30 All applicants who expressed a preference and where no higher ranked preference could be offered were allocated places. Wildridings Primary School 60 Wooden Hill Primary School 50 134 The school was fully allocated with all applicants who fulfilled all the criteria as listed below. ‘All other applicants’ were allocated down to a distance of 0.845 miles. Remaining ‘all other applicants’ were placed on a waiting list. The school was fully allocated with all applicants who fulfilled all the criteria as listed below. ‘All other applicants’ were allocated down to a distance of 0.457 miles. Remaining ‘all other applicants’ were placed on a waiting list. Voluntary Controlled Schools School Admission Number Warfield Primary School 30 Winkfield Primary School 30 Crowthorne Primary School 30 Information regarding the allocation The school was fully allocated with all applicants who fulfilled all the criteria as listed below. ‘All other applicants’ were allocated down to a distance of 0.584 miles. Remaining ‘all other applicants’ were placed on a waiting list. The school was fully allocated with all applicants who fulfilled all the criteria as listed below. ‘All other applicants’ were allocated down to a distance of 2.394 miles. Remaining ‘all other applicants’ were placed on a waiting list. The school was fully allocated. Places were offered down to those applicants who only fulfilled the denominational criteria, to a distance of 0.321 miles from the school according to the radial distance policy listed below. There were insufficient places for the 3 remaining denominational applicants and all combination of categories ranked below this. These applicants have been placed on a waiting list. 135 JUNIOR APPLICATIONS If your child attends an infant school then you have to make a new application for the junior school, there is no automatic transfer. There is also no guarantee that your child will be offered a place at the junior school. Infant and junior schools are separate schools even though they may be on the same site. When applying for a junior school you should find out about the school including its admission number, what type of school it is and look at previous allocations. All the other information in this booklet regarding the allocation process, waiting lists and appeals also relates to junior applications. This information should therefore be read before submitting a junior application. When your child enters Year 2 and is attending an infant school you will be sent information on applying for a junior school place by your home local authority. If your child attends a primary school or an independent school and you are a Bracknell Forest resident and you would like to make an application for a junior school you should contact the School Admissions Team during September or October 2014 to register your child’s details. When do I need to apply? Applications sent Closing date of out applications From 1 November 2014 15 January 2015 Offer emails sent Offer letters posted 16 April 2015 Bracknell Forest has three junior schools: Ascot Heath CE Junior School (Voluntary Controlled) Admission Number 60 College Town Junior School Admission Number 90 Holly Spring Junior School Admission Number 90 136 Parents to accept or decline place 30 April 2015 You are only able to name junior schools on a junior application, this includes junior schools within other Local Authorities. If you name a primary school as one of your preferences this will not be processed. The School Admissions Team will not write to you regarding this they will only process the preferences that are for junior schools. If you require one of your preferences to be considered under the designated area criteria then you will be required to submit a copy of your current council tax notice 2014/15 to prove your child’s residency. Failure to do this by the closing date will mean that your application will not be considered under this criterion. The School Admissions Team will require you to submit a copy of your child’s birth certificate to verify your child’s date of birth. You are able to provide this information when you submit your application, if you do not submit it at this time you must provide it once the offer of a place has been made. What happens if I am not allocated a place at my preferred junior school? If you are not allocated a place at your preferred junior school your child’s name will be placed on a waiting list for any Bracknell Forest Junior School. See page 35 for further information on waiting lists. Junior waiting lists will be re-ordered at the end of the school year 2014/15 (1st August 2015) as the infant to junior feeder criterion will no longer be a valid criterion. The School Admissions Team will not automatically offer your child and alternative junior school and you should contact them if you would like to be considered for a place at another junior school. What if I want to apply for a primary school? If you want to make an application for a primary school, an in year application would have to be made and you should contact the School Admissions Team for further advice on this. Helpline 01344 354023 or 01344 354144. What happens if my child leaves the infant school after I have submitted my application? If your child leaves the infant school the feeder infant school criterion will not be valid. 137 Things to Consider before making your junior application • When making a junior application you can only name junior schools on the form. You are unable to apply for a place at a primary school. • Going to an infant school does not mean an automatic transfer to the junior school. • Check the admissions criteria for the school. • Check the Admission Number. • Please note that your application will only be considered under the feeder link criterion if the child applying is still attending the infant school at the offer date for applications. • To be considered as a sibling the child must still be attending the junior school at the time of the child’s admission. • Waiting lists will be re-ordered on 1st August 2015 as the infant to junior criterion will no longer be a valid criterion. The following criteria apply to these Bracknell Forest community junior schools: College Town Juniors Holly Spring Juniors Children with a Statement of Special Educational Needs that names a specific school must, by law, be admitted to that school. After this requirement has been satisfied the following rules will apply: (A) Looked After Children (Any request for the allocation of a place for a child who is in the care of the Local Authority or provided with accommodation in that authority in accordance with Section 20 of The Children Act 1989).As well as children who were looked after, but ceased to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a residence order or special guardianship order) immediately following having been looked after. (B) Children who have either medical or social grounds for admission to a particular school. This evidence must set out the particular reason why the school in question is the only suitable school and the difficulties caused if the child had to attend another school. The LA’s decision in these matters is final. (C) Children who live in the designated area of the school. (D) Children who have siblings, brother(s) or sister(s), at the school, and who will still be attending the school at the time of the child’s admission. 138 (E) Children who are attending the infant school with close links to the paired junior school. If this criterion is used then the relevant pairs of Junior and Infant Schools are Holly Spring Junior School and Holly Spring Infant School and College Town Junior School and College Town Infant School. In some cases a tie-breaker will be required. If a school does not have places for all the children in one of the above criteria, priority will be given to children who fulfil a combination of higher admission criteria. The combination of criteria (categories) will follow the same order of priority as the basic list of criteria. (eg. an applicant who fulfils designated area and sibling will take precedence over one who fulfils designated area only. After this, if there are still insufficient places, and no distinction can be made between the applicants or if they do not fulfil any of the above criteria, a final decision will be made on the radial distance (straight line distance on a map) between the home and the school. Those living nearer to the school will be placed higher than those living further away. Radial distance will be based on the co-ordinates for the property and the school as defined in the Local Land and Property Gazetteer and based on the Ordnance Survey’s national system. Distances are measured using direct distance calculations within a computer system. The measurement of each distance has been calculated using Pythagoras’ Theorem. The way in which this is done is to calculate the distance in metres between the Easting and Northing co-ordinates for each location. The measurement in metres is then multiplied by 0.000621317 to convert this measurement to miles. The same method of calculation is used for each direct distance measured. If in the event that two or more children live at the same distance from school (for example for families living in flats) and there are fewer places available then random allocation will be used to decide which child will be allocated the remaining place(s). The process will be drawn and scrutinised by people who are independent of the Council. Where demand exists, schools admit up to their admission number and no places are reserved for pupils moving into their designated area. Social Grounds or Medical Grounds (category B) Please see page 38 for more information on this criterion. 139 These criteria apply to the following junior school: Ascot Heath Juniors If the number of requests for places is equal to or less than the number of places available, then all applicants could be offered a place at that school. Children with a Statement of Special Educational Needs that names a specific school must, by law, be admitted to that school. After this requirement has been satisfied the following rules will apply: (A) Looked After Children (Any request for the allocation of a place for a child who is in the care of the Local Authority or provided with accommodation in that authority in accordance with Section 20 of The Children Act 1989).As well as children who were looked after, but ceased to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a residence order or special guardianship order) immediately following having been looked after. (B) Children who have either medical or social grounds for admission to a particular school. This evidence must set out the particular reason why the school in question is the only suitable school and the difficulties caused if the child had to attend another school. The LA’s decision in these matters is final. C) Children who live in the designated area of the school. (D) Children who have siblings, brother(s) or sister(s), at the school, and who will still be attending the school at the time of the child’s admission. (E) Children whose parents choose the school on denominational grounds. (F) Children who have attended the infant school with close links to the paired junior school. If this criterion is used then the relevant pairs of Infant and Junior Schools are Ascot Heath Infant School and Ascot Heath Junior Schools. In some cases a tie-breaker will be required. If a school does not have places for all the children in one of the above criteria, priority will be given to children who fulfil a combination of higher admission criteria. The combination of criteria (categories) will follow the same order of priority as the basic list of criteria. (eg. an applicant who fulfils designated area and sibling will take precedence over one who fulfils designated area only). After this, if there are still insufficient places, and no distinction can be made between the applicants or if they do not fulfil any of the above criteria, a final decision will be made on the radial distance (straight line distance on a map) between the home and the school. Those living nearer to the school will be 140 placed higher than those living further away. Radial distance will be based on the co-ordinates for the property and the school as defined in the Local Land and Property Gazetteer and based on the Ordnance Survey’s national system. Distances are measured using direct distance calculations within a computer system. The measurement of each distance has been calculated using Pythagoras’ Theorem. The way in which this is done is to calculate the distance in metres between the Easting and Northing co-ordinates for each location. The measurement in metres is then multiplied by 0.000621317 to convert this measurement to miles. The same method of calculation is used for each direct distance measured. If in the event that two or more children live at the same distance from school (for example for families living in flats) and there are fewer places available then random allocation will be used to decide which child will be allocated the remaining place(s). The process will be drawn and scrutinised by people who are independent of the Council. Social Grounds or Medical Grounds (category B) Please see page 38 for more information on this criterion Denominational Grounds Where denominational grounds are a reason for the application for a voluntary controlled school where the LA is the admission authority (Ascot Heath CE Junior School), it will be necessary for at least one of the parents/carers of the child concerned to regularly attend a church that is part of the group of Churches Together. This group includes the following category of churches Church of England, all the protestant non-conformist churches (e.g. Baptist, Methodist, United Reform) and Roman Catholic or any other Christian denominational church. At least one of the parents/carers, who live at the same address as the child, must attend worship on at least two occasions in each calendar month for at least 8 months of the year in the 12 months prior to the published closing date for admissions or the date of application if it is an in-year application. Attendance does not include services of marriage, funerals or christenings (except for the christening of the child seeking entrance to the particular school). Applicants will need to complete the relevant Form in order to confirm that they are applying to the school on denominational grounds. In addition it will then be necessary for the form to be passed onto their local clergy for verification before it is sent to the School Admissions Team. If you would like your application to be considered under the denominational criterion, it is your responsibility to obtain and return the denominational form by the closing date of 15th January 2015. Please see page 48 for ‘Confirmation of Church Attendance form’. 141 ALLOCATION OF JUNIOR SCHOOL PLACES FOR ENTRY SEPTEMBER 2014 (last year) The following tables show how many applications were allocated places for infant & junior schools within Bracknell Forest for September 2014 entry against the criteria that they fulfilled. The places were allocated using an equal preference scheme. This is where the criteria is applied equally to all preferences. If we were able to offer the applicant more than one of their preferences, then we will have offered their highest ranked preference. Where there are an equal number of applications in one category then a radial distance from home to school has been used to separate applications. Oversubscribed schools From these tables you can see that there were two schools that were oversubscribed. This means that there were more applicants than places so the admissions criteria were used to decide who would be offered the places. The tables will therefore give you an indication of what criteria applicants who were offered places fulfilled. If you have any queries regarding any schools that were oversubscribed you should contact the School Admissions Team who will be able to give you more information. This information is important to consider when deciding on your preferences. If you require information regarding historic allocation information you should contact the School Admissions Team. 142 Allocation of Junior School places for entry September 2014 Junior Schools within Bracknell Forest Borough Council where the Local Authority is the Admissions Authority School Names TOTAL NUMBER OF PREFERENCES RECEIVED BY CLOSING DATE (15 January 2014) Number of Available Places College Town Holly Spring 76 97 90 90 After the closing date the following allocation was made: Combination of Criteria (categories) SEN (Special Educational Needs) 1 3 P/C (Children in Public Care) 0 1 MED, D/A, SIB& FP 0 0 MED, D/A & SIB 0 0 MED, D/A & FP 0 0 MED, D/A 0 0 MED, SIB& FP 0 0 MED& SIB 0 0 MED& FP 0 0 MED 0 0 D/A, SIB& FP 10 12 D/A& SIB 0 0 D/A& FP 28 46 D/A 0 2 SIB& FP 6 8 SIB 0 0 FP 21 17 NO CATEGORY 3 1 Total Number Allocated: 69 90 Legend: SEN = Special Education Needs, P/C = Public Care, D/A = Designated Area, MED = Strong Social Medical, SIB = Sibling, DEN = Denominational,F/L = Feeder link The places have been allocated using an equal preference scheme. This is where the criteria is applied equally to all preferences. If we were able to offer the applicant more than one of their preferences, then we will have offered their highest ranked preference. Where there are an equal number of applications in one category then a radial distance from home to school has been used to separate applications. 143 Allocation of Junior School places for entry September 2014 Junior Schools within Bracknell Forest Borough Council where the Local Authority is the Admissions Authority Ascot Heath C of E TOTAL NUMBER OF PREFERENCES RECEIVED BY CLOSING DATE (15 January 2014) 95 Number of Available Places 60 After the closing date the following allocation was made: Combination of Criteria SEN (Special Educational Needs) 3 LAC (Children in Public Care) 0 MED, D/A, SIB, DEN & F/L 0 MED, D/A,SIB,DEN 0 MED, D/A,SIB, F/L 0 MED, D/A, SIB 0 MED, D/A, DEN, F/L 0 MED, D/A, F/L 1 MED, D/A 0 MED, SIB, DEN, F/L 0 MED, SIB, DEN 0 MED, SIB, F/L 0 MED, SIB 0 MED, DEN, F/L 0 MED, F/L 0 MED 0 D/A, SIB, DEN, F/L 1 D/A, SIB, DEN 0 D/A, SIB, F/L 14 D/A, SIB 0 D/A, DEN, F/L 4 D/A, DEN 0 D/A, F/L 34 D/A 2 SIB, DEN, F/L 0 SIB, DEN 0 SIB, F/L 1 SIB 0 DEN, F/L 0 DEN 0 F/L 0 NO CATEGORY 0 Total number allocated: 60 Area, MED = Strong Social Medical, SIB = Sibling, DEN = Denominational,F/L = Feeder link 144 The places have been allocated using an equal preference scheme. This is where the criteria is applied equally to all preferences. If we were able to offer the applicant more than one of their preferences, then we will have offered their highest ranked preference. Where there are an equal number of applications in one category then a radial distance from home to school has been used to separate applications. The following information is based on the initial allocation of applications received by the deadline of 15 January 2014. This information provides you with a statement on how places were allocated for entry in September 2014 Community Junior Schools School College Town Junior School Holly Spring Junior School Admission Number 90 90 Information regarding the allocation All applicants who expressed a preference and where no higher ranked preference could be offered were allocated places. The school was fully allocated with applicants to as far as those, who fulfilled no criteria. The last pupil allocated lives 0.515 miles from the school according to the radial distance policy listed below. There were insufficient places for the remaining 4 applicants who fulfilled this category. These applicants have been placed on a waiting list. Voluntary Controlled Junior Schools School Ascot Heath Junior School Admission Number 60 Information regarding the allocation The school was fully allocated with applicants to as far as those, who only fulfilled sibling and feeder link. The last pupil allocated lives 2.211 miles from the school according to the radial distance policy listed below. There were insufficient places for all combination of categories ranked below this. These applicants have been placed on a waiting list. 145 TERM DATES SCHOOL TERM DATES FOR THE ACADEMIC YEAR 2015/2016 School Year (190 school days) Autumn 2015 1st Half Term (37 days) Inset Day: Children return on: Term ends on: 2nd September 2015* 3rd September 2015 23rd October 2015 October Holiday: Monday 26th October 2015 to Friday 30th October 2015 2nd Half Term (35 days) Term starts on: Term ends on: Monday 2nd November 2015 Friday 18th December 2015 Christmas Holiday: Monday 21st December 2015 to Friday 1st January 2016 Spring 2016 1st Half Term (30 days) Term starts on: Term ends on: Monday 4th January 2016 Friday 12th February 2016 February Holiday: Monday 15th February 2016 to Friday 19th February 2016 2nd half term (23 days) Term starts on: Term ends on: Monday 22nd February 2016 Wednesday 23rd March 2016 Spring Holiday: Thursday 24th March 2016 to Friday 8th April 2016 (Good Friday 25th March 2016; Easter Monday 28th March 2016) 146 Summer 2016 1st Half Term (34 days) Term starts on: Term ends on: May Holiday: Monday 11th April 2016 Friday 27th May 2016 May Day 2nd May 2016 Monday 30th May 2016 to Friday 3rd June 2016 2nd half term (35 days) Term starts on: Term ends on: Monday 6th June 2016 Friday 22nd July 2016 Total: 194 days *INSET Days – There are five Inset (or Teacher Training) Days to be taken during the 2015/16 academic year. One of these, set by the LA, will be on Tuesday 2nd September 2015. The remaining four days must be taken within the remaining 194 days given above. 147 SUSTAINABLE TRAVEL TO SCHOOL Bracknell Forest Council is committed to promoting sustainable travel to school. Primarily this means walking and cycling, but for longer distances includes bus and car sharing. When you are thinking about schools you would like your child to attend, please consider the following: • Children who walk or cycle to school can be fitter, have better developed social skills, be more familiar with their surroundings, have better road safety awareness and arrive at school more relaxed and ready to learn. • Walking, cycling or using public transport offers children greater independence – this can be especially important for older children getting ready to make the transition to a Secondary school. • Driving your child to school costs money. Our figures show the average cost of driving a child to school is around £200 a year. • If you choose a school that you will have to drive to, it can be a long term commitment. Will you still want, or be able, to drive your child to school in five years time? For more information, and help in planning a sustainable journey to a school, visit http://www.bracknell-forest.gov.uk/schooltravelhelpforparentsandpupils and download the Parent Summary document. 148 BRACKNELL FOREST CURRICULUM STATEMENT The Local Authority is committed to the achievement of all children and young people in Bracknell Forest schools and settings, regardless of ability, ethnic origin, gender or social background. The school curriculum is all the formal, informal and extended learning experiences that a school offers its children and young people. Our aim is for the curriculum to promote the: • enjoyment of learning and the highest standards of achievement; • development of independent, reflective learners who are confident, resilient and resourceful; • active participation of children and young people in shaping the direction of their own learning; • celebration of childhood and adolescence for its own sake; • preparation of children and young people for adult life, capable of responding positively to the opportunities and challenges of a rapidly changing and increasingly diverse world; • development of active citizenship and community cohesion; • commitment to personalised, lifelong learning. To achieve these aims, schools should work in partnership with children and young people, parents and carers and the wider community to provide a curriculum which: a. is sufficiently creative, stimulating and flexible to develop learners’ knowledge, skills and understanding, taking account of their particular abilities, talents and special educational needs; b. provides children in the Early Years Foundation Stage with a wide range of planned and child initiated activities, which help them to develop and make progress towards meeting the Early Learning Goals; c. satisfies the requirements of the National Curriculum and religious education (RE) and ensures that sufficient time is allowed for all aspects of the curriculum and the development of essential skills; d. seeks to maximise flexibility at 14 - 19 by providing a full range of appropriate curricular pathways and course offers; e. provides for continuity of experiences and progression within, between and beyond the key stages and prepares children and young people for the next stage of learning; 149 f. offers opportunities to assess the progress and attainment of each learner to determine whether learning objectives and any agreed targets have been achieved and what should be the next steps in learning; g. includes an appropriate way of recording the progress and attainment of each learner and reporting these to parents/carers and pupils, and informing parents/ carers and the community about the achievements of schools; h. prepares children and young people for the responsibilities and opportunities that arise throughout life in a democratic, multicultural and technological society, ensuring learners have access to enterprise and work-related learning; i. extends knowledge, experience, imagination and understanding in ways which develop creative, critical and analytical capabilities combined with an awareness of moral values and a capacity for the enjoyment of learning; j. develops positive attitudes and qualities through social and cultural opportunities, spiritual awareness and aesthetic appreciation and promotes the importance of a healthy lifestyle; k. fosters respect for the environment, an understanding of the impact human activity can have on that environment and an appreciation of the value of sustainable development; l. fosters in children and young people an understanding of the rights and responsibilities of being a citizen and of their roles as members of the school, local, national and international communities. 150 SCHOOL GOVERNORS ARE PEOPLE LIKE YOU Interested in the future of young people? Want to use your skills and develop new ones? If you have… • a desire to make a difference • time and energy • a readiness to accept responsibility • an ability to work in a team …then you could have what it takes to join the largest volunteer group in the country, working with others to get the best for our young people. Every state school has a governing body who oversee the running of the school. The headteacher is usually a member of the governing body together with people who may be parents of children at the school, school staff, and members of the community. Some governors are appointed by the Local Authority and in Church schools, by the Diocesan authority. School governors come from all walks of life, and they all contribute in their own way. Skills matter more than formal qualifications, but a commitment to children’s education is essential. Free training is provided. If you want to find out more, contact: Governor Services Bracknell Forest Council Children Young People and Learning Time Square Market Street Bracknell Berkshire RG12 1AU Telephone: (01344) 354069 E Mail: [email protected] 151 DO YOU WANT TO HELP YOUR COMMUNITY? THEN WE NEED YOU Become a School Crossing Patroller School Crossing Patrollers play an important role in the local community, providing a vital and valuable service to local schools. If you would be interested in providing a service to ensure children have a safe journey to and from school we need you. Full training and uniform will be provided. For more details please phone 01344 354144. 152 BFC Primary Schools and Designated Areas Cranbourne Winkfield St Mary's Binfield Sandy Lane Meadow Vale Whitegrove Ascot Heath Inf Ascot Heath Jun Holly Spring Jun St Joseph's Fox Hill St Michael's (Easth'd) Great Hollands Wooden Hill Holly Spring Inf Wildridings Jennetts Park Warfield The Pines Birch Hill St Margaret Clitherow South Ascot Village Primary School Harmans Water South Ascot Village Nursery School Crown Wood Crowthorne Wildmoor Heath New Scotland Hill St Michael's (Sandhurst) Owlsmoor Uplands College Town Jun College Town Inf Legend Primary Schools © Crown copyright and database rights 2013 Ordnance Survey 100019488 Primary School Designated Areas BFC Boundary September 2014 © Bracknell Forest Council School Admissions Time Square Market Street Bracknell Berkshire RG12 1JD
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