ADC Today - Acadia Divinity College

Acadia Divinity College
Equipping Christians to Serve
President’s Message:
No One Moved
Dr. Harry
Gardner, ’77
ave you ever been in a situation when it seemed
like time stopped? When there was silence for a
moment as if all in the room were holding their
ourselves and pray and seek His face, and turn from
our sin, then God will hear from heaven, and He will
forgive our sin and will heal our land’ (2 Chronicles
That is exactly what I recall of a particular evening
service in one of the first churches I served. I had
been the pastor for some time, and it was our ongoing
practice to prepare people for baptism and receive
people into membership. The Lord had been calling
young and old to Himself. Looking back I recognize
that it was a season of expectation and blessing in this
small congregation.
My first doctoral course at Fuller Seminary was taught
by the Rev. Dr. John Finney, Advisor in Evangelism to
the Bishop of Southwell in England. Dr. Finney observes
that the evidences of Christian spiritual renewal include:
Harry Gardner is the
President, Dean of
Theology, and the
Abner J. Langley and
Harold L. Mitton
Professor of Church
That particular Sunday night of worship was no different
than most. We had sung favourite hymns and praise
songs; we had heard from several members of the
congregation either praising God or requesting prayer. I
had preached and, following the closing hymn, I offered
the benediction. And that is when it happened. No
one moved. Most heads remained bowed, and people
were praying. I sat down for a moment. But still no one
moved. The organist stopped playing. It was quiet.
I knew that the Lord was present in a special
way. After a short while, I stood and asked a deacon
if he had a suggestion. “We are not ready to leave just
yet,” he said. And so we waited and prayed, and sang
and shared. Again, no one moved. I suggested that
we continue the service in a more relaxed setting at
our church centre and most did. We sang, visited with
one another, and shared tea and crumpets that had
quickly been prepared. It was a special time in the
Presence of God with one another.
This edition of ADC Today is focused on personal
church renewal. Those who have examined patterns
of church renewal historically and evaluated trends
theologically or culturally will conclude that there are
complexities that prevent simple prescriptions for its
future occurrence - as much as we would want that
to be so. In each congregation, there are factors that
may either provide for, or inhibit the Spirit’s work. Of
course, God is greater than the climate of the church,
and He will at times simply ‘take hold of the situation’.
Nevertheless, while we may not be able to offer a
prescription, there are evidences of Christian spiritual
renewal that can be observed and may provide help
for us as we think and pray about this matter of a
somewhat urgent nature.
Through my mentor, the late Rev. Dr. Dallas Willard,
I learned that God is opposed to ‘earning’ but He’s
not opposed to our effort. We are taught in the Word
to ‘draw near to God, and He will draw near to you’
(James 4:8). We are also taught that if we will humble
• There is a longing in the church to worship
God. We worship Him for who He is and for all
He has done. There is an air of expectancy when
we meet, that the Spirit will be with us. I must ask
myself when I go to church on a Sunday if I am
expecting the Lord to speak to me. When renewal is
happening, God’s people desire to worship together.
• With perhaps a British expression, Dr. Finney
describes that in the church there is a ‘hearing
anew’ of the Bible. Again, there is an expectation
that God will speak through His Word as it is read
and proclaimed.
• There will be a desire and a joy in caring for
the needs of others. The fellowship of the church
is rebuilt, and genuine support and prayer are
evident. It would appear to me that often the needs
of one another are not known, and privacy rather
than vulnerability is the case.
• There is a desire to share Christ with others
beyond the church family and the church
walls. The priority of making disciples is prominent
in people’s minds. It is a very natural occurrence.
• There is a turning from ego-centricity to
Christo-centricity. Jesus is Lord over all aspects
of life.
These five observations are not the whole picture but
it gives a glimpse of what renewal can look like. These
indicators have personal and corporate dimensions
and will result in commitment to the Lordship of Jesus
Christ, to the Body of Christ . . . His Church and to the
mission of Christ in the world.
It was many Sunday nights ago when after I gave
the benediction, no one moved. You truly could have
heard a pin drop. I have learned that our God is not
predictable, and just because He was present in a
particular way on one occasion does not mean it will
look the same in the future. But, I know one thing and
that is my own level of expectation of His Presence
needs to increase. I desire that for our faculty, staff,
and especially our students as they prepare for service
and leadership. n
hese are challenging times for local churches.
Many once-vibrant congregations now find their
pews mostly empty on Sunday mornings. For
such shrinking congregations, it may be a struggle
just to pay the ever-increasing heat and maintenance
costs for an aging church building, and it is an even
greater struggle to attract new and younger people.
If ever there was a time when spiritual renewal was
needed in the church in Canada, it is now.
At the same time, it has been
well documented that there
is increasing spiritual interest
especially among younger
churches are experiencing
remarkable spiritual vitality as
they reach out with renewed
effectiveness to people of
all ages and backgrounds
in their communities. The
increasing uncertainty that
people face in today’s world,
Canadians, and new ways
to communicate the gospel
with people through digital
media mean that this is a
time of great opportunity
for local churches.
gospel is the power of God that brings salvation
to everyone who believes (Romans 1:16) and we
have been commissioned to go and make disciples
(Matthew 28:19). God is able to do more than we ask
or imagine through his power that is at work within us
so that in every generation God will receive the glory
(Ephesians 3:20-21). To face the new challenges and
to respond to the opportunities, congregations need a
renewed sense of our mission to a Canadian society
that has changed dramatically in a generation.
Historically, movements of renewal in the church have
been closely linked to a renewed emphasis on the
Holy Spirit, prayer, the Scriptures, and the Lordship
of Jesus Christ in the lives of believers and in the life
of congregations. That has included an emphasis
on practical holiness and on turning away from the
worldliness that destroys our witness and tempers our
zeal. Renewal involves a commitment to follow Jesus
faithfully as his disciples. Those aspects of spiritual
renewal are no less important than they have ever
been: vibrant congregations
remain vibrant only when they
are continually experiencing
the renewing work of the Holy
Spirit because the life of the
church is the life of Christ
in us.
indicates that in many
congregations, the problem
is not worldliness or a lack of
prayer or a lack of knowledge
of scripture so much as it is
an unwillingness to jettison
traditions and nostalgia that
have replaced the mission
of the church.
When I
visit and survey declining
discover church members
who express a deep and
sincere faith, a strong commitment to prayer, and a
willingness to serve, but I also discover people who
are stuck in their church’s spiritual past and who are
unwilling to make the changes that will be necessary
to reach out effectively to their secular neighbours
with the gospel. Consequently, their congregations
are dying. The old traditions have become such
idols that to be freed from their spiritually deadening
effects it will require church members to deny self and
take up their cross and follow Jesus. Of course, in
by Dr. Stephen
Stephen McMullin is the
Sheldon and Marjorie
Fountain Associate
Professor of Evangelism
and Mission at Acadia
Divinity College as well as
the Director of ADC - New
Brunswick, and Director
of Simpson Lectures.
continued on page 4
WINTER 2015 3
continued from page 3
any spiritually vital congregation, that is what church
members need to do every day (Luke 9:23).
The need for renewal in today’s church is not the
same as in the past because the challenges faced by
congregations are not the same as in the past. It is
not that inward spiritual renewal is any less urgent—
such spiritual renewal must be continuous—but even
in congregations with faithful and devout members,
decline continues. Many local churches refuse to
give up cherished traditions that prevent them from
being obedient to Jesus’ commission to go and make
disciples. In fact, not only do those congregations
refuse to give up traditions, but they sometimes make
those traditions even more important than they were
ever meant to be. Spiritually vital churches must put
their trust in God alone, not in outdated traditions.
Churches should care about the spiritual condition
of their own members and they should also care
deeply about the spiritual condition of the lost people
in the community around them. In times when
major social changes take place in society, healthy
congregations look outward. In faith they make the
changes that are necessary in order to be more
effective in reaching out to others because they
believe in the power of the gospel, they trust God to
sustain them in times of change, and they determine
to be faithful to Christ’s commands. But unhealthy
congregations, when faced with social changes, look
inward and try to protect themselves from change
because they do not trust God to be faithful. They
resist change by focusing on their historic building
or by re-emphasizing traditions that are no longer
meaningful to younger people or to people who are
new to the community. They cherish old hymns just
because that is what they prefer to sing. They start
saving the church’s money for a rainy day instead of
spending more money on effective outreach. Such an
inward-looking focus on the church’s past prevents
the congregation from “forgetting what is behind and
straining toward what is ahead” (Philippians 3:13).
And it leads to decline and death.
Thankfully, many local churches today are
experiencing true spiritual renewal and growth but
it has only come as a result of faith in God and a
renewed determination to be obedient to the Great
Commission. Those congregations have been willing
to make changes to their buildings in order to be more
effective in reaching new people. They are spending
money on outreach because they are depending on
God for their future, not on their bank accounts. As
one pastor of a growing congregation said to me, “It’s
not that we’re against having a little pot [of money] for
a rainy day; the problem would be for us that there’s
too much vision to finance. So if there was a pot, the
pot would be getting drained because we want to
achieve the vision.” Spiritually vital churches believe
that God will do great things through them as they
trust him, and they are ready to invest their resources
to accomplish that vision.
Growing churches empower youth and young adults
by allowing them to lead in the use of digital media in
the life of the congregation. They welcome people
of different backgrounds. They do not just preach;
they also listen and engage people in conversation
about the things that matter for eternity. They care
about the social needs in their communities and as
part of their witness they take action to help people
in practical ways. And in spite of an increasingly
secular society they do not believe the lie that people
are no longer interested in the gospel. They know
that the truth of the gospel is as powerful today as it
has ever been.
Traditionally, many churches have turned inward to
look for spiritual renewal. They believed that renewal
would come if only there was more prayer and deeper
commitment. As important as prayer and commitment
are, the problems in declining congregations today
are more likely to be related to an unwillingness to
look outward and to engage the changing society
around our churches and to communicate the gospel
to people in our communities in effective new ways.
The gospel is still the power of God for salvation. God
is still God, and he is still able to do more than we ask
or imagine according to his power that is at work in
us. Renewal and growth will occur in congregations
large and small today if our primary focus is on
carrying out the mission of Christ. n
February 9-12, 2015
Wolfville, NS or Streamed Live Online
The time for ACTION is NOW.
Join other church leaders and pastors as we wrestle together with what church renewal practically looks like in Atlantic Canada and beyond.
15 presenters from Atlantic Canada
Focus on rural & urban ministry
Crash course on Church Renewal
Interactive sessions Fellowship and worship
Attend live or stream online!
For more information or to register:
[email protected]
Old First Churches Tell a Story
Dr. William
William Brackney is the
Dr. Millard R. Cherry
Distinguished Professor
of Christian Thought and
Ethics at Acadia Divinity
College, and the Director
of Acadia Centre of
Baptist and Anabaptist
he Baptist community in the Atlantic provinces
is privileged to have some long-term survivors in
their midst. Almost twenty of our congregations
are two centuries old or more. They have steadfastly
relied on God’s providence and risen generation after
generation to fulfill Christ’s mission. What are their
unique characteristics and what is their secret to
longevity? How is their witness special?
First, “Old First Church” refers to congregations who
pioneered in their communities. The phrase was
coined in studies of a type of congregation in the
United States that possess a unique character. They
were first, planted by stalwart pioneers and church
planters. They early achieved a spiritual leadership
in their communities and the larger Baptist cause.
These congregations produced leaders with valuable
gospel skills and service to the larger villages, towns,
and cities where they are located. They evolved
to be care centres, educating children over many
generations, providing food and shelter for those
in need, pastoral support for those grieving and
celebrating milestones in life stages, and a visual
witness by their physical presence in the heart of
commerce and activity. Countless people attach their
conversions and baptisms to “old first church.”
An important result of the ministry of old first churches
has been spawning new congregations. Sometimes
it has come through differences of opinion or
interpretation or leadership styles. At other times, it
has happened as a natural result of the expansion
of communities into new subdivisions and or ethnic
groups. The mother congregation provides new
leaders, perhaps funding and validation of ministry
for the daughter congregations. Countless are the
“Second” and “Third Baptist” or “Emmanuel” or
“Calvary Baptist” so-named churches that owe their
origins to the “First” church. Likewise, especially
since the 1880s, old first churches have specialized
and focused their outreach to new immigrants,
producing alternative services and congregations
in their facilities. Hence we bear witness to German,
Scandinavian, Slavic, Hispanic, French, Chinese,
Filipino, Indian and South Asian, and Arab missions
born in old first churches.
As old first churches get older, they face challenges.
Buildings over-constructed for a former generation
can be burdensome to maintain. Pastoral leadership
needs to refocus the mission of old first congregations
from bricks and mortar to evangelism and service.
Similarly, old first church continually observes the
aging of its membership. Constant attention to
recruitment and soul-winning is mandatory, while also
caring for those “lifelong loyal saints.”
Old first churches in rural or village settings have
both advantages and disadvantages over their urban
counterparts. Stages in the congregational life cycle
produce both subtle and dramatic transitions. As the
economic and social conditions change dramatically
in isolated communities, old first congregations may
survive as the enduring essence of a community’s
character. I once had a local politician tell me that our
little village church was the last vestige and symbol
of a bygone community. He encouraged me to find
ways to sustain our witness at all costs for the spiritual
life of the area. I found that through part-time and
shared ministries, it was less expensive to sustain
and even bring about renewal of a small, viable
congregation than a downtown church in a changed
neighbourhood. I found many community folk ready
to love and cherish the old churches I have served.
Some were members, others adherents.
Like many community associations, old first churches
may suffer from a kind of family oligarchism. This
occurs when one or two extended families control a
congregation, creating an elite and conserving social
presence and witness. To encourage new growth
and inclusion of the entire congregation in ministry,
leaders in situations of this kind must be gracious
and caring of those who have supported and led in
the past, while ‘watering and feeding’ new leaders
to assume the mission of the ‘always coming’ next
Our old first churches demonstrate the ultimate
validity and acceptability of our denominational
witness. In villages, cities, provinces and regions,
old first congregations testify to Baptist character:
a biblically centered proclamation, a missionary
orientation, a passion for evangelism, congregational
decision-making, all under the Lordship of Jesus
Christ. It really matters that from the beginnings of
our political and social institutions, there has been
a Baptist witness to Christ. Old first churches are a
surviving witness to what God has done in our midst
over many generations. n
An Interview with
by Kaley Sanders,
3rd year Master of Divinity student
Dr. Brackney, you are a distinguished professor at
Acadia Divinity College. What is your field of research?
My research is in the area of Christian thought and ethics, two very different major
categories. In the field of Christian thought, I am very interested in Historical Theology
and the theological foundation of ministry in the church. In Historical Theology, I am
particularly interested in the early church, the first five centuries, and also the 17th
century. I am writing in these areas. On the ethics side, my specialty is human
rights and I am working on a book with a former Doctor of Ministry student on
the meaning of poverty and the poor among the world’s religions.
What do you teach at Acadia Divinity College?
I teach the basic courses in my field, which are Introduction
to Theology, Introduction to Ethics, and Christian Theology
in a Pluralistic Context, which are all required courses. I
also teach electives, which are the historical line (the
Early Church, Reformation, and Modern) and doctrinal
(Christology, Holy Spirit, Trinity, and Eschatology).
You also have a new role teaching
at Acadia University. What are you
teaching and how did that happen?
They invited me. I passed one of the senior
administrators one snowy day and he said, “You
are a person in hiding; we need to talk to you.”
What came from that very brief conversation was
an interview and they elected me to the position of
adjunct professor in the Department of History and
Classics, which includes Comparative Religion. I
start this winter term.
In your perspective, how important
is it to have ADC on the University
campus, and what are the benefits
to students?
Exceedingly important! We are the mother faculty,
and the reason we are here is theological training
for ministry as a church-related institution. That
gives us orientation to the study of theology and
divinity that is both academic and professional,
which belongs in a university setting. The
benefits of being on the Acadia campus include
an excellent library, rigorous-ranking faculty,
interaction with other people from other disciplines
– and frankly, Acadia is a beautiful place to live.
WINTER 2015 7
Friends and Alumni of ADC gather during Oasis
On August 22, during Oasis in Moncton, over 200 friends and alumni
of Acadia Divinity College gathered for a delicious meal. Dr. Harry
Gardner, President of ADC, as well as Rev. John Campbell, the new
Director of Advancement, spoke to the enthusiastic group. Those
in attendance enjoyed fellowshipping with one another as well as
using the ‘ADC Photo Booth’, adding items to the ‘Memory Board’,
and listening to the wonderfully talented Tammy Giffen. During the
gathering, an announcement was made that Rev. Aaron Kenny, ’02,
had received the 2014 Distinguished Alumni Award.
‘I will make you fishers of people’ - ADC Israel Tour
In May of 2014, Dr. Anna Robbins, Academic Dean and Associate Professor of Theology,
Culture and Ethics, and Dr. Glenn Wooden, Associate Professor of Old Testament Studies,
led several students and other individuals on a tour of the Holy Land.
During the tour to Israel and Palestine, the
group was able to sail on the Sea of Galilee
where they were shown how a fisherman
in New Testament times would have cast
his nets. The group also visited the City of
Jerusalem and many other historical sites.
Trisha Urquhart receives 25 Year
Service Award from Acadia University
On June 12, 2014, Trisha Urquhart received her 25 Year Service Award during Acadia University’s
annual Summer Assembly. The Award was presented by Ray Ivany, President of Acadia University,
and her citation was read by Dr. Harry Gardner, President of Acadia Divinity College, seen here with
Trisha on that special day. Trisha is the Administrative Assistant to the Advancement Office of ADC.
Congratulations, Trisha!
Zeman Lectures
On November 12 & 13, the 2014 Jarold K.
Zeman Memorial Lectures welcomed
Dr. James M. Stayer, the Distinguished
Professor Emeritus of History from Queen’s
University. Participants enjoyed two nights of
rich scholarship and camaraderie that included
Dagmar Zeman-Carter’s reflections on her father Jarold’s life and ministry. In addition to his fine
lecture on the ‘Trajectory of Moravian Anabaptist History,’ which highlighted J. K. Zeman’s substantial
contribution, Dr. Stayer participated in an intriguing panel discussion with history and classics
professors Dr. Jennifer MacDonald and Dr. William H. Brackney, moderated by Dr. Barry Moody. At
the close of the lectures representatives from the Acadia Centre for Baptist and Anabaptist Studies
(ACBAS), Acadia Divinity College, the Acadia University Library, together with Dr. Robert Perrins, Vice
President, Academic, and Professor of History, were pleased to present Dr. Stayer with a citation
of recognition and appreciation for his outstanding lifetime contribution to the field of Anabaptist
scholarship. Photo from left to right: Dr. Perrins, Dr. Stayer, and Dr. Brackney. Well attended from a
large cross section of the community, the Zeman Lectures represent the best of ACBAS’s mission to
develop and promote the wealth of historical resources available at Acadia University.
Pam Butler – 30 years of service
On October 1, 2014, the ADC
Community recognized Pamela
Butler for her 30 years of faithful
service to the College. Dr. Harold
Mitton, the former Principal and
Dean who hired Pamela in 1984,
sent the following greeting on
this occasion, “My engaging
you as caretaker was one of the
best decisions I made during my
term in office. You proved to be
dependable and conscientious
in making the building a pleasant
place.” Congratulations, Pam!
Lectures 2014
The 2014 Hayward Lectures took
place from October 20 to 22,
with Dr. David Capes, Houston
Baptist University’s Thomas
Nelson Distinguished Professor. Dr.
Capes presented very stimulating
lectures on how the Apostle Paul
appropriated Old Testament texts
that refer to Yahweh, the God of
Israel, and applied them to Jesus.
This practice suggests that Paul
regarded Jesus in divine terms.
These lectures will appear in
the Acadia Studies in Bible and
Theology series. Photo: Dr. Capes
seen on the left with Dr. Craig
Evans, Payzant Distinguished
Professor of New Testament
Studies at ADC.
Pam Butler receives Award from Dr. Harry Gardner.
Dr. Anna Robbins teaches at
IBTSC in Amsterdam
This past August, Dr. Anna Robbins (back row, third from left), Director of
Doctoral Studies, taught several students who are part of ADC’s European
Doctor of Ministry program. The courses were taught at the International
Baptist Theological Study Centre located in Amsterdam.
WINTER 2015 9
Student Spotlight:
Tell us briefly about yourself, what your
program is at ADC, and where you are
located now.
My name is Grace and I am currently in my first year of the
Master of Divinity program. I am from Toronto and now live
in residence at Acadia University.
What is your training and previous work
I went to a Bible college in Calgary and took a Bachelor
of Religious Studies program. When I graduated, I worked
at Calgary Drop-In & Rehab Centre, the largest homeless
shelter in Canada. I later moved back to Toronto and
did an internship at St. Paul’s Anglican Church for six
months through a program called Youth in Motion. I was
then introduced to an organization called Sky’s the Limit,
a non-profit organization that raises money to provide
refurbished computers for youth. For six years, I worked as
an administrator and then a project coordinator.
Tell us about your call to ministry.
I loved working at Sky’s the Limit, but I knew I was called
to ministry. I have been involved in some form of ministry
since I was in high school. I went to a Bible college for
my undergrad and I knew that my calling was to preach
and work with families who have children and siblings with
disabilities. I am still trying to figure out what my specific
role will be in the church, but I know I am called to teach
and preach the good news of Christ. I also love being
involved in mission and have travelled different parts of
Asia and the Middle East, and hope the Lord will take me
back one day.
A number of current and
prospective ADC students will be
reading this. What advice would
you give them?
I originally came to ADC just to focus on
my studies. However, I have already made
lifelong friends and ministry partners. This
is a community that strives to prepare
you for ministry both academically and
spiritually. I would like to stress that we
have an excellent faculty who not only
provide a high-quality education, but also
shares wisdom that they have gained
through their own experiences.
Lastly, is there anything
you would like to share for
which the ADC community
could pray?
I am still in the process of praying about
direction in ministry. Please pray for me
that I may be obedient and faithful to His
calling, wherever He may lead me.
The Importance of Story in Stewardship
by Rev. John
Campbell, ’07
On November 28, Dr. Harry Gardner,
President of ADC, and Trisha Urquhart,
Administrative Assistant to the
Advancement Office, presented
Dr. David Watt with a painting of the
Acadia University campus in recognition
of his years of service and retirement
from ADC.
ow do you create partnerships with people around
the world and invite them to be part of a common
cause? The answer: One person at a time.
On November 28, we had a chance to say thank you
to someone who has done just that for Acadia Divinity
College. Over the years, Rev. Dr. David Watt has had
many different roles within the ADC community. He’s
been a student, a staff member, a lecturer, an alumnus,
and a strong supporter. Now, after a decade of
dedicated service, David is retiring from ADC.
In November, over one hundred people gathered
together at Birch Cove United Baptist Church in Halifax,
NS to celebrate what David has done for the Kingdom,
both at ADC and elsewhere. During the celebration,
we heard story after story of how David had touched
people’s lives in meaningful and lasting ways, and the
impact his investment in lives has made.
David stepped into my life over ten years ago. He
recruited me to ADC, took me to Poland on a short-term
mission trip, mentored me in the Development world,
and even played a part in introducing me to my wife.
Now I find myself stepping into David’s shoes as I take
on the role of Director of Advancement. As I find my way
forward, there are three principles that David has lived
out that helps guide my way.
John Campbell is
the Director of
Advancement for
Acadia Divinity College.
1. It’s about Relationships – Whether it’s trying to raise
the $400,000 that the College needs annually to continue
to ‘Equip Christians to Serve’, or ministering to individuals
in our local churches, it’s all about relationships. We have
to remember to treat individuals as people first. They’re
not a number or a prospect or an attender or a donor.
They are people, loved by God, just like me.
2. It’s about Story – Everyone has a story that’s worth
listening to and telling. ADC is full of amazing stories of
how God is using marvelously diverse people to bring
His love to the nations. We need to become the bards
of our communities as we collect the stories of God at
work and learn to tell them over and over again.
3. It’s about Inviting – Fundraising is not about
tricking, pressuring or guilting people into giving.
Much like evangelism, it’s about inviting people into a
relationship and a way of being. It’s about fostering a
rhythm of giving in others and inviting them to be part of
something wonderful and life changing.
So, following in David’s footsteps, I want to invite YOU
to partner with what God is doing at Acadia Divinity
College. By financially supporting His work here, you’re
not only helping to equip our students today, but are
making an investment that will echo in eternity as our
graduates serve the Kingdom for years to come. n
Thanks to you, as of
December 1, 2014,
we’ve raised just
over $172,000
(or 43%) of our
$400,000 goal for
March 31, 2015!
To find out more, or to make a donation today, visit or call Trisha at 902-585-2217.
WINTER 2015 11
Events of Interest
February 9-12, 2015
Simpson Lectures: Forum on
Church Renewal in Atlantic Canada
March 10 & 11, 2015
May 8, 2015
54th Annual Commissioning
Service & Supper
June 11-19, 2015
Old First Church
Festival Theatre, Acadia University
BE MISSED!! Check our website for
updates at
NOTE: The ‘Friends and Alumni Supper’
will take place on WEDNESDAY,
February 11 at Wolfville Baptist Church.
For more information and to register,
Visit Acadia Divinity
College during its annual
open house! Sit in on
classes, talk to students,
and meet professors!
To register, visit:
Commissioning Supper:
5:00 pm
Wheelock Dining Hall,
Acadia University
RSVP – [email protected]
Wolfville Baptist Church,
Wolfville, NS
To register:
54th Annual Commissioning
Service – 7:30 pm
Wolfville Baptist Church,
Wolfville, NS
Have you been asking yourself,
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“What does it mean to prepare for ministry in today’s changing world?”
“How will a seminary education at Acadia help me to follow God’s call?”
“What is God calling me to do with my life?”
Equipping Christians to Serve
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When you study at Acadia Divinity College, you become part of a
family for life. We want to continue to train and equip you to serve
long after you’ve crossed that stage with degree in hand. We have
great new initiatives to do just that!
FOR $99 OR
Take a class on us! Starting in January
2015 all Alumni will be able to take
qualifying courses from ADC for just $99.
If you bring someone who’s never studied
with us before, you can take the course
for free!
Can’t make it to Wolfville for this year’s
Simpson Lectures on Church Renewal?
Not to worry! We’re offering a free live
stream for Alumni to watch the evening
sessions. Check out
adc-for-life for all the details.
We want to hear from you! What are some
ways we could support you in your ministry?
Retreats, resources, classes on specific
topics, better access to professors. No idea
is too large or small. Watch out for a survey
coming out this winter to give your input.
Check out for more information.
Acadia Divinity College Courses
NOTE: To take courses for academic credit, individuals must be current Acadia Divinity College
students. To audit a course, please inquire by contacting Student Services at 902-585-2215 or
[email protected]. Class limits do apply.
ADC in Metro - Winter Term
•Apologetic Engagement of Church &
Contemporary Culture
Dr. Anna Robbins
Stoneridge Fellowship Church,
Lower Sackville, NS
Tuesdays, 6:30-9:15 pm
(beginning January 13)
•Introduction to Christian History
Dr. Robert Wilson
Faith Baptist Church, Lower Sackville, NS
Thursdays, 6:30-9:15 pm
(beginning January 15)
ADC New Brunswick – Winter Term
(NOTE: these courses are designed for
individuals preparing for, or currently in,
pastoral ministry)
•Understanding Pastoral Care &
Rev. Ken Neilson
Kingswood University, Sussex, NB
January 16-17, February 6-7, and
March 13-14
•Effective Preaching & Engaging
Dr. John McNally
Oromocto Baptist Church, Oromocto, NB
January 30-31, February 27-28, and
March 27-28
February 9-13, 2015
Simpson Week Courses at ADC
•Evangelism and Discipleship of Youth
Rev. Renée Embree
•Leadership that Advances the Mission
Dr. Bruce Fawcett
•Professional & Personal Ethics
Dr. Glen Berry (Please note: restrictions
do apply)
Spring Term 2015
May 22 – June 4: Developing Artistry in
Ministry - Rev. Renée Embree and
Rev. Iain Hoskins (Note: this course takes
place in Prague, Czech Republic)
June 15-19, 2015: Psalms –
Dr. Glenn Wooden, Wolfville, NS
WINTER 2015 13
Alumni News
1957 Donald Robertson has completed
his ministry at Digby Baptist Church, NS and
will be retiring.
May 31, 2014 and accepted a call to serve
as Senior Pastor of United Baptist Church of
Digby (NS) effective July 1, 2014.
2006 Matthew Walsh has accepted a
call to serve at West End Baptist Church,
Halifax, NS.
1976 and 1977 Randy & Elizabeth
Legassie have completed their ministry with
Canadian Baptist Ministries.
1997 Douglas Kellough was recently
elected President and Member of the Board
of Managers of the Journal of Pastoral Care
Publications, Inc. JPCP Inc. is the publisher
of the Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling
as well as books and monographs in the
fields of pastoral/spiritual care, counselling
and education.
2007 Karen Doucette has completed her
ministry at Alton Baptist Church, NS.
1979 Michael Trites has completed his
ministry at Elmsdale Baptist Church, NS.
1981 Gordon Walker has completed his
ministry at Jordan Falls Baptist Church, NS
and accepted a call to serve at SpringfieldWest O’Leary Baptist Church, PE.
1982 Dennis Leamont It is with sadness
that we announce the passing of Dennis
Leamont who died on July 23. Dennis
served as a Pastor in many communities
throughout the Maritime Provinces
including Debert, Belmont, Bathurst, Milton,
Plymouth, and Falmouth. Dennis was a
graduate of Acadia Divinity College where he
was honoured with the Distinguished Alumni
Award in 2003.
1983 Edward Powell has completed his
ministry at Grand Bay Baptist Church, NB.
1984 Randy Fawkes It is with sadness that
we announce the passing of Randy Fawkes
who died on July 28. Randy completed both
Master of Divinity and Master of Theology
degrees at Acadia Divinity College, as well
as a diploma in Prison Ministry. Randy
served as a pastor in Wilmot, NS, the
Protestant Chaplain at the Atlantic Institution
in Renous, NB, and later as the Baptist
Chaplain at Saint John Regional Hospital
and St. Joseph’s Hospital.
1985 Donald Krause has completed his
ministry at Summerside Baptist Church, PE.
1988 Mark Shaw has completed his
ministry at Gaspereau, Wallbrook & White
Rock United Baptist Churches, NS.
1998 Derek Melanson has completed his
ministry at Nerepis Baptist Church, NB and
has accepted a call to serve at Barrington
Temple United Baptist Church, NS.
1999 Ian Rough has completed his ministry
at Nashwaak Village Baptist Church, NB.
1999 Daniel Walton has completed his
ministry at Jemseg Baptist Church, NB. He
has accepted a call to serve as a Canadian
Air Force chaplain in Trenton, ON.
1999 David Watt retired from Acadia
Divinity College. During his ten years at
ADC, he served as Director of Development
and Recruitment, taught missions, and also
served as an Advancement Consultant.
2004 Greg Porter has completed his
ministry at Truro Heights and Nuttby Baptist
Churches, NS.
2004 Mark Reece
and his wife, Jennifer,
welcome their baby
girl, Rachael Anne,
born on July 17.
2006 Mitch Deware
and his wife, Carolyn,
welcomed their first
born, Emma Meghan,
on July 18.
1995 John Ferguson has accepted a call
to serve as Bridge Worship Pastor of First
Moncton Baptist Church, NB.
2006 David Hopper has completed his
ministry at Clyde Avenue Baptist Church, NS
and has accepted a call to serve at Jordan
Falls Baptist Church, NS.
1996 Jeff White has completed his ministry
at Windsor Baptist Church (NS) effective
2006 Jeff Irving has completed his ministry
at Dundas Baptist Church, NB.
2009 David Cawley has completed his
ministry at New Tusket Baptist Church, NS. He
and his wife, Lorna, have moved to Alberta.
2009 Al Fewkes has completed his ministry
at Kennebecasis Baptist Church, NB and
has accepted a call to serve as Associate
Pastor at Faith Baptist Church in New
Maryland, NB.
2010 Matt Snow has completed his ministry
at Birch Cove Baptist Church, NS and has
accepted a call to serve as Associate Pastor
of RiverCross Church, Saint John, NB.
2011 Louise Knowles has completed her
ministry at Bayers Road Baptist Church,
NS and has accepted a call to serve as
Associate Pastor of Timberlea Baptist
Church, NS.
2011 Susan
Mattinson married
Colin Rackham
on August 30.
Her mother, Beth
Mattinson, ’04,
officiated at the
2011 Andy Scott was ordained on
November 23 at First Moncton United
Baptist Church, NB.
2013 Janet Baker was ordained on
October 8 at Harmony Baptist Church, NS.
2013 James Smith has accepted a call to
serve at Wentworth, Westchester, Millvale and
Central New Annan Baptist Churches, NS.
2014 Dustin Day has accepted a call to
serve as Youth Pastor of Florenceville Baptist
Church, NB.
2014 Mary Grace Hawkes has completed
her ministry at First Cornwallis Baptist
Church, NS and has accepted a call to serve
as Co-Pastor of Pereaux Baptist Church, NS.
2014 Greg Sparkes has completed his
ministry at Geary Baptist Church, NB.
2014 Carolyn Steeves has completed
her ministry at The Journey Church (Moncton,
NB) and has accepted a call to serve as
Senior/Lead Pastor of West End Baptist
Church (St. John’s, NL) effective March 2015.
She was ordained on November 8, 2014.
2014 Sarah McIntyre Stevens was
ordained on November 16, at Bethany
Memorial Baptist Church, NS.
Current Students
Rick Campbell has completed his ministry
at First Hampstead, Queenstown and Upper
Gagetown Baptist Churches, NB.
Jennifer Smith was inducted into ministry
as the Pastor of Family Life at Windsor
Baptist Church, NS on October 26.
Heather Card has accepted a call to serve as
Pastor of Mount Denson Baptist Church, NS.
Stephen Wheaton has accepted a call to
serve as Senior Pastor (part-time) at First
Cornwallis Baptist Church, NS.
Derek Geldart was ordained on October 26
at Hillgrove Baptist Church, NB.
Acadia Divinity College Celebrates
Distinguished Alumni, Aaron Kenny
Matthew records the story of Jesus walking through
a Galilean fishing village and calling workers for his
mission team. While they worked their nets, he called
out to them, “Come, be my disciples, and I will show
you how to fish for people!” (Matt. 4:19) The Master
continues to call men and women
to work the “abundant harvest”
from villages, towns and cities
around the globe. That “special
call” was laid upon the heart of a
young Aaron Kenny several years
ago while living in Charlottetown,
PE. He responded and began the
journey of preparation for ministry
that included completing a Master
of Divinity degree at Acadia Divinity
After serving churches in Mahone
Bay, Nova Scotia, and in Midland,
New Brunswick, Aaron sensed a call
to consider serving with Canadian
Baptist Ministries (CBM) in Kenya.
I was privileged to be one of Aaron’s references as
he wrestled with and eventually responded to the
overseas opportunity. Aaron, along with his wife, Erica,
and their children, has served faithfully for eight years
in one of the most opportune, complex and challenging
contexts of international ministry. They serve as CBM’s
Africa Team Leaders, providing support for CBM
missionaries, partnerships and programs. They seek
to strengthen the local churches in their outreach to
Muslim neighbours through integral mission, peace
and reconciliation initiatives, literacy projects, food
security and micro-enterprise development.
Living miles away from his Prince
Edward Island roots, Aaron and his
family provide a model of servant
leadership by working among the
marginalized of our world. Aaron has
honoured the call of Jesus on his life
to “fish for people”. I witnessed the
presentation of his work in Kenya
during his short visit to Canada
this summer. His passion for the
work and respect for the people
brought a fresh realization that God
continues to transform people and
communities through those he calls
to serve in difficult places. They are
making a significant difference. Like
the Apostle Paul, Aaron can say,
“And so, O King Agrippa, I was not disobedient to that
vision from heaven” (Acts 26:19).
by Dr. David Watt, ’99
David Watt is the
Advancement Consultant
at Acadia Divinity College.
The ADC Alumni Association is pleased to honour
Rev. Aaron Kenny, an ADC trained pastor-missionary,
co-worker and good friend, as the Distinguished
Alumni of 2014. n
WINTER 2015 15
Time: 7:30 p.m.
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In Honour:
The Reverend Dr. David R. Watt, ’62, ’65, ’80, ’99
his edition of ADC Today is in honour of
the Reverend Dr. David R. Watt who has
completed a decade of service at Acadia
Divinity College.
David has been in ministry for over 50
years. He has been a pastor, a missionary, a
chaplain, an educator, and an administrator in
a variety of Christian settings.
David served as a pastor for 32 years in five
Canadian urban and rural churches following
his ordination in 1965. During his pastoral
ministry, he developed a passion for crosscultural ministry, recognizing that the mission
of the church is global as well as local. His
first overseas mission trip with Canadian
Baptist Ministries (CBM) was in Scotland
in 1987. Between 1997 and 2004, David
served with CBM in India, Brazil, Europe,
and the Mediterranean. Through David’s
leadership, Katowice, Poland, became a
centre of missionary experience for many
teams from Canadian churches and Acadia
students. He also facilitated teams from
Poland who were hosted by Atlantic Baptist
David was also a lecturer at Acadia Divinity
College through his ministry with CBM.
He taught pastoral care, supervised field
education, and missions. In December 2004,
David became a full-time employee at Acadia
Divinity College as Director of Development
and Recruitment and Lecturer in Missions. In
2010, he moved to part-time work as Director
of Development.
In the various roles he held at Acadia Divinity
College, David continued to be a pastor to
students, alumni, and donors, using his gifts
of visitation and mentorship. In 2009, he
received the Acadia Divinity College Alumni
Distinguished Service Award. This Award
was inaugurated in 1995, to honour members
of the Alumni of the Acadia Divinity College,
whose gifts for ministry have contributed
significantly to the Christian Church in Canada
or throughout the world.
Few individuals have been as connected as
David to the pastors and churches of the
Convention of Atlantic Baptist Churches. We
thank God for his leadership and wish him
every blessing in retirement. n