SPIZARINKTUM: THE VOICE OF THE CALDWELL/LYON BAPTIST ASSOCIATION Volume 45 January 2015 2015 Western Kentucky Evangelism Conference March 2, 2015 – Southside Baptist Church Princeton, KY Sessions Begin at 9:00am, 1:30pm and 6:30pm Featured Speakers: Fred Luter, Pastor of Franklin Avenue Baptist Church, New Orleans LA, Past President of the SBC Curtis Woods, Associate Executive Director for Convention Relations & Communications, KBC Dr. Jerry Spencer, Evangelist, Savannah, TN Dr. Phil Hoskins, Evangelist, Kingsport TN THE KINGSMEN QUARTET Number 1 6:30 Meal, 7p News From The Pews Cedar Bluff – is in need of 110 Baptist Hymnals. If your church has some and would like to donate them, please contact Bro. Mark Faughn. Eddyville Second-Is in need of a good copier. Macedonia BC – The first Sunrise Children’s Services Commissioning service was held at Macedonia on Dec 18 at 6:00. There were 5 families who have answered the call to Be The One to become **Pray our churcheswithout withoutpastors: pastors: Calvary, Calvary, **Pray forfor our churches Donaldson, Eddy Creek, Emmanuel, Fairview, Eddy Creek, Emmanuel, Fairview, Fredonia First, Fredonia First, Hebron, Northside, and Southside. Hebron, Northside, and Southside. FOOD PANTRY NEEDS Those donating in December have been Charity BC, Eddy Creek BC, Two anonymous monetary donations, The Food Pantry has helped 11 families this month. The Food Pantry is in need of the following items: Sugar, Cornmeal, Rice, Dry Spaghetti and Macaroni. Canned Veggies Needed: Tomatoes, Pork & Beans. Other Items Needed: Peanut Butter, Chicken & Dumplings, Crackers, and Oatmeal. Personal Care: Toothpaste, Deodorant, Shampoo and small Laundry Detergents. “Thank You” to all the churches, businesses, and individuals who have donated to the food pantry, both financially and with canned goods. USED CHURCH LITERATURE Churches can bring their used literature and materials to the Baptist Center once again. We have been informed that the recycle center that used to accept the materials is now open again for redistribution to churches needing literature. Please bring the literature in sturdy boxes and not bags. Call if you need to deliver after 3:30pm. SEMINARY EXTENSION The following, under the capable teaching of Bro. John Segree successfully completed the Seminary Extension course, HOW TO UNDERSTAND THE BIBLE. Duane Burden, Ryan Scott, Danny Sherrill, Sam Haulk, Mitch Coomer, Noah Coomer and Mike Traylor. Thank you students and thank you Bro. John for the good job. We will announce the next class for those who may be interested in a Spring Semester. Contact us at the office at 270365-9919 if you wish to add your name to a potential class. NATIONAL SANCTITY OF LIFE SUNDAY IS SUGGESTED TO BE OBSERVED ON JANUARY18, 2015 CALDWELL/LYON ASSOCIATION OF MISSIONARY BAPTISTS December 2014 Receipts Church Name Month Year to Date Adriel Beulah Hill Calvary In 1984, President Ronald Reagan declared that the third Sunday inCedar JanuaryBluff would be a day to recognize the sanctity of human life. Chapel Hill The third Sunday was chosen to coincide with the anniversary Charity of the day in 1973 when the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision on Creswell Roe v. Wade declared abortion to be a constitutionally protected right. Crider President Reagan saw abortion as the greatest injustice of his Donaldson generation, writing: Eddy Creek “Slavery, which treated Blacks as something less than human, toEddyville be bought and sold if convenient, cheapened human life and First mocked our dedication to the freedom and equality of all men Eddyville Second and women. Emmanuel Can we say that abortion — which treats the unborn as something less than human, to be destroyed if convenient — will Fairview be less corrosive to the values we hold dear?” Fredonia First Since that day, every pro-life president has recognized National Sanctity of Life Sunday, while pro-choice presidents have quietly Hebron ignored the occasion. Highland We cannot ignore the sanctity of human life. Kuttawa First http://www.nationalsanctityoflifesunday.com Lamasco Lebanon Liberty Macedonia MISSION BOARd MEETINg Midway Mt. Pisgah JANUARy 26 Mt. Zion @ EddyVILLE SECONd New Bethel NorthsideBAPTIST CHURCH Pleasant Grove 6:30 P.M. MEAL, 7:00 P.M. Pleasant Hill Princeton First MEETINg Princeton Second Quinn Shepherd Street Southside Sugar Creek Suwanee Furnace Unity Walnut Grove White Sulphur Church Receipts Other Receipts Total Receipts REVIVE PRAYER WALK January 18 Lyon County School –1:30 Caldwell County School – 2:30 MINISTER FELLOWSHIPS January 5 & 19 @ Baptist Center, 11am Any ministers in our area, both active and retired, are welcome and encouraged to attend SAVE THIS NATION REVIVALS Southwestern Seminary is eagerly preparing for the 2015 Revive This Nation Program (RTN). Revive This Nation at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary is an historic program aimed at serving Southern Baptists as a catalyst for revival. For more than fifty years, students and professors have spent Spring Break preaching revivals and ministering in churches across this nation. God has blessed this effort with more than 14,000 people coming to know Christ. From street corners and front doors to pulpits and pews, we continue to have one aim: preaching the Word and reaching the world. We prayerfully anticipate God’s continued faithfulness in reaching the lost as our students and faculty prepare to preach revivals across the country on March 8-11, 2015. Here are some of the general features of RTN: Southwestern Seminary recruits churches to hold revival meetings in the spring and pays for the roundtrip transportation of preachers. The host church provides meals, lodging and local transportation for the student while there. Revival meetings generally begin on Sunday morning and end on Wednesday evening March 811 (alternative formats are available). The preacher partners with the pastor to engage lost people in evangelism during the week. Our ambition is to partner with as many local churches as possible in proclaiming the gospel to the lost. We would be honored if you would assist us in our goal by informing the local associations and churches in your area of this opportunity. In order for a church to sign up, they will need to fill out the Church Application Form, available online at http://www.swbts.edu/rtn. For any further information or any assistance, please contact the Church Ministry Office at Southwestern at 817-923-1921, ext. 6330, or by email at [email protected]. Inasmuch is… devoting a day to helping people at their point of need reaching out to the community with the love of Christ strengthening fellowship and building relationships in the church using one’s personal gifts in missions fulfilling the Great Commission acknowledging the mission field in one’s own community mobilizing the body of Christ in action to the least of these an opportunity for believers to “Tell Your Story” to those you serve Free Training While Inasmuch Kentucky takes place during While Inasmuch Kentucky takes place during September, preparation and planning should begin September, preparation and planning should begin several months in advance. Each church should several months in advance. Each church should enlist an InasmuchKentucky Kentuckycoordinator coordinatorororteam team enlist an Inasmuch to to be andequipped equippedby bythe theKBC KBCand andOperation Operation be trained trained and Inasmuch staff. The The coordinator coordinatorand/or and/orteam teamfrom from Inasmuch staff. each church should register to attend one of the each church should register to attend one of the regional tobe beoffered. offered.Register Registerattendees attendees regional trainings trainings to will book,ministry ministryguide guideand and will receive receive an an Inasmuch Inasmuch book, T-shirt. T-shirt Training Date & Location CALDWELL/LYON BAPTISTASSOCIATION Saturday, March 14, 9:00 am CST
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