Old St. Joseph’s Church 321 Willings Alley + Philadelphia, PA 19106 Phone: 215.923.1733 + Fax: 215.574.8529 www.oldstjoseph.org All are welcome here. Rectory Office Hours Monday through Friday: 9:30 AM to 4:30 PM Sunday: 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM Mass Times Monday through Saturday: 12:05 PM Saturday Vigil Mass for Sunday: 5:30 PM Sunday: 7:30, 9:30, and 11:30 AM and 6:30 PM Holy Days: 12:05 and 7:30 PM Staff Pastor: Fr. Daniel Ruff, S.J. ([email protected]) Parochial Vicar: Fr. Edward O’Donnell, S.J. ([email protected]) In Residence: Br. Robert Carson, S.J.; Fr. Edward Dougherty S.J. ([email protected]); Fr. James McAndrews, S.J. Business Manager: Eric German ([email protected]) Director of Music: Marianne Lipson ([email protected]) Administrative Assistant: Jeff Chapman ([email protected]) Faith, Food & Friends Program Director: Mary Freedman— Registration Persons who want to register as parishioners should complete a 215.923.2381, extension 125 ([email protected]) parish registration form and return it to the rectory office by mail PREP Coordinator: Christine Szczepanowski or in person. Registration forms are available in the rectory office ([email protected]) during normal office hours, in the pamphlet racks in the church Parish Pastoral Council ([email protected]) vestibules and online at www.oldstjoseph.org. Susan Fisher (Chair), Bill Culleton (Vice-chair), Anthony Campisi, Marie Killian, David Magerr, David Maynard, Rana Sacrament of Reconciliation McNamara, Tom Nailor, Lou Oschmann, Maria Ramirez, Paul Monday through Saturday: 11:30 AM to noon and by appoint- Shay (ex officio - Parish Finance Council), Bill Stewart, Bethany ment Welch Sacrament of Baptism Parish Finance Council Persons wanting to arrange for a baptism should call Fr. Dough- Paul Shay (Chair), John Church, Camille Fallon, Lorraine erty at the parish offices at least two months before the desired Knight, Matt McClure, Christopher McGill, Edward Tomezsko date to arrange catechesis and the baptism. Sacrament of Anointing Historic Preservation Corporation Board Gregory Alexander; Carmen Croce (ex officio representing St. The Sacrament of Anointing (the sacrament of the sick) is admin- Joseph’s University); Ed Grusheski; Fr. Dan Joyce, S.J. (ex istered during the 12:05 PM Mass on the first Saturday of each officio representing Fr. Robert Hussey, S.J., Provincial, Maryland month. Homebound or hospitalized persons wanting to receive Province); Robert Palestini, Ph.D; Boyd Petterson the Sacrament of Anointing should call the parish office. Sacrament of Matrimony Parish Committees and Chairpersons Adult Education: Nick D’Arecca ([email protected]) Persons wanting to be married in the parish should call Fr. Parish Life: Joe Casey and Donna Soultoukis O’Donnell at the parish offices at least nine months before the Ignatian Spirituality and Formation: Donna Soultoukis desired date. ([email protected]) Social Justice: Nick D’Arecca and Tim Donofrio Rite of Christian Initiation ([email protected]) Unbaptized adults who are considering baptism into the Catholic Church, baptized Catholics who have received no other sacra- Medical Emergency ments and who want to be confirmed and to receive First Eucha- In the event of a true medical emergency where the need for a rist, and baptized non-Catholics who are considering full com- priest is urgent, please page the priest on duty at 215.422.5764. munion in the Catholic Church should call Fr. O’Donnell at the parish office. Hearing Enhancement Old St. Joseph’s is equipped with an audio hearing loop. Switch To arrange Mass of Christian Burial, the funeral director on the T-coil function of your device to use the loop. should call the parish office. The Second Sunday in Ordinary Time MASSES FOR THE WEEK 18 January 2015 TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening (1 Samuel 3:3b-10, 19). Psalm — Here am I, Lord; I come to do your will (Psalm 40). Second Reading — Your bodies are members of Christ; glorify God in your body (1 Corinthians 6:13c15a, 17-20). Gospel — The first disciples saw where Jesus was staying and they stayed with him (John 1:35-42). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Tuesday: Heb 5:1-10; Ps 110:1-4; Mk 2:18-22 Heb 6:10-20; Ps 111:1-2, 4-5, 9, 10c; Mk 2:23-28 Wednesday: Heb 7:1-3, 15-17; Ps 110:1-4; Mk 3:1-6 Thursday: Heb 7:25 — 8:6; Ps 40:7-10, 17; Mk 3:7-12, or any of a number of readings for the Day of Prayer Friday: Heb 8:6-13; Ps 85:8, 10-14; Mk 3:13-19 Saturday: Heb 9:2-3, 11-14; Ps 47:2-3, 6-9; Mk 3:20-21 Sunday: Jon 3:1-5, 10; Ps 25:4-9; 1 Cor 7:29-31; Mk 1:14-20 Monday January 19 12:05pm Dec. Members of Farris & Croft Families Presider: Fr. Dan Ruff, S.J. Tuesday January 20 12:05pm Old St. Joseph’s Memorial Society Presider: Fr. James McAndrews, S.J. Wed. January 21 12:05pm Edward & Mary Britt Family Presider: Fr. Ed O’Donnell, S.J. Thursday January 22 12:05pm Old St. Joseph’s Memorial Society Presider: Fr. Ed Dougherty, S.J. Friday January 23 12:05pm Old St. Joseph’s Memorial Society Presider: Fr. Dan Ruff, S.J. Saturday January 24 12:05pm Louis May (D) Presider: Fr. James McAndrews, S.J. 5:30pm Presider: Fr. Ed O’Donnell, S.J. Sunday January 25 7:30am Presider: Fr. Dan Ruff, S.J. 9:30am Presider: Fr. James McAndrews, S.J. 11:30am Presider: Fr. Dan Ruff, S.J. 6:30pm Presider: Fr. Ed Dougherty, S.J. THIS WEEK AT OSJ Mon 19 Tue 20 Wed 21 Thu 22 Sun 25 MLK Day – No PREP today 12 noon: 7:00pm: 7:30pm: 6:30pm: Rectory Office open from 11am to 1pm only Al-Anon Meeting (Drexel) Schola Rehearsal (church) YAC Mtg. (Irani Hse) Centering Prayer (3RD fl. library) 7:00pm: RCIA (rectory) 10:45am: PREP Homeschoolers’ Mtg. (3rd fl. Conf. Rm.) 12:30pm: Augustine Fellowship (Greaton) Please remember our sick and homebound sisters and brothers: Margaret Glackin, Morgan Donato, Robert Tozzi, Cathryn Gottstine, Hector Corsanico, Karen Lockyer, Marilyn Alexander, Helen Plocha, Dawn Minter, Annaclaire Maliff, Tom Hart, Charles Buckley, Betty Laufer, Heidi Zippo, Ed Tomezsko, Marie Jacobs, Beth Notredame. Pray also for our ministry at Pennsylvania Hospital. The OSJ Young Adult Community invites you to the next “First Sunday” Cook-in in Barbelin Hall after the 6:30pm Sunday on Sunday, February 8, 2015. Enjoy some fellowship and good food! See you there! Requiescat in pace FINANCIAL STEWARDSHIP Offertory for the week ending January 11, 2015 Collection Regular Online Total Noonday Mass Sunday Mass $199.00 $5,990.00 n/a $3,239.50 $199.00 $9,229.50 Online Giving contributed 35% of the Sunday offertory. Thank you! Online Givers – Funds have been set up for special collections: Fund Cath. Relief Services Fund available online Now through Feb. 8 ‘15 Old St. Joseph’s provides Online Giving – a convenient, flexible and safe way to make a one-time or recurring donation the fund of your choice (e.g., Sunday Offertory, FF&F, HPC, Ars Sacra). For Online Givers who are uneasy about not putting anything in the collection basket, “I gave online” cards are available at the back of the church. Simply put a card in the basket to represent your gift. See the flyer at the back of the church for frequently asked questions about Online Giving and for instructions on how to sign up. The 2nd Collection next weekend will be for Catholic Relief Services. Please be generous. Thank you. PARISH LIFE Welcome! We’re always happy to welcome new parishioners. John Passick, Rolando J. Portocarrero & Family, R. John Repique, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Weiser & Robert, David M. D’Orlando & Caitlin Dadey, Aileen Connell, we’re glad you’ve joined our parish community! Michael O’Sullivan Floyd Longtime parishioner Michael Floyd passed away on Thursday, January 8, 2015. His viewing and funeral were held here at St. Joseph’s on Wednesday, January 14. We extend our heartfelt condolences to Mary Louise and Family. Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him; may his soul, and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. FROM THE PASTOR You may recall my column of a couple weeks back in which I discussed a play called “Every Brilliant Thing.” In that column, inspired by the play, I invited myself and all of you to make a habit, as this New Year begins, of writing out our own lists of “brilliant things” which we experience daily – things that make life beautiful and worth living. You know, God is good; and he tends to hear our prayers, even when we don’t voice them directly. Anyway, he obviously read my above-referenced column as a prayer; because he sent me a “brilliant thing” recently. It was my monthly 1-hour spirituality session with those guests of our Food Faith & Friends program who opt to remain for it. Since Epiphany had just passed, I decided we might read and discuss the classic short story by O. Henry entitled “The Gift of the Magi.” I paired this little gem with my own column on “Every Brilliant Thing”… As they often do, our guests floored me with their insight and their faith. At some point, just about every one of them jumped in to share an insight or an experience of their own. They also listened attentively to one another, and offered support, both verbal and nonverbal. It was, of course, their genuineness and conviction which moved me; I’ll say more of that in a minute… But first, a refresher… Most of you probably read “The Gift of the Magi” in high school or college. It was published originally in 1905 (and is readily available for free online). It was meant to be contemporary then. The relative value of a 1905 dollar versus a 2015 dollar is striking indeed!! Anyway, the story tells of Jim and Della – a young newlywed couple of (very) slender means who are very much in love. As Christmas draws near, each of the young marrieds wants to get a special gift for the other; but money is obviously tight. They own between them, as the author tells it, only two things of any real value. Della has long, thick, beautiful hair; and Jim has a gold pocket watch which had once belonged to his father, and to his father’s father before that. Intending to surprise one another, Jim pawns his watch in order to purchase some bejeweled combs which Della had admired in a store window, while Della sells her hair to buy a worthy gold chain for Jim’s precious watch. When they recover from the mutual shock of each other’s ironic sacrifice, Jim – having hugged Della tight – wisely says: “Della, let’s put our Christmas gifts away and keep them a while. They’re too nice to use now... And now I think we should have our dinner.” O. Henry, reflecting the tastes of his day, is not at all reticent to moralize. He declares at the end of his tale: “The magi, as you know, were wise men— wonderfully wise men— who brought gifts to the newborn Christ-child. They were the first to give Christmas gifts. Being wise, their gifts were doubtless wise ones. “And here I have told you the story of two children who were not wise. Each sold the most valuable thing he owned in order to buy a gift for the other. But let me speak a last word to the wise of these days: Of all who give gifts, these two were the most wise. Of all who give and receive gifts, such as they are the most wise. Everywhere they are the wise ones. They are the magi.” Which leads me back to my own God-given “brilliant thing” with our FF & F guests. Once again, they floored me with the depth of their own spirituality. They expressed only compassion – and even near-pity – for the wealthy in our culture. Some recalled having had periods of relative wealth themselves; and they freely acknowledged that during those periods, they had worked too hard and too long, worried too much about safeguarding their possessions, and often missed the most precious things in life, which (as Della and Jim illustrate) have to do with the free giving and receiving of love. Our guests also had no difficulty at all in naming any number of “brilliant things” in their recent experience for which they thanked God unapologetically, and with great enthusiasm. I was reminded yet again that to “find God in all things,” you need to have your eyes and ears open – and your humility in abundant supply. The “icing on the cake.” One of our guests had recently lost most of his possessions in a fire. Having openly thanked God for keeping him and his housemate safe, he asked me quietly if we could help him to get some clothes. The short answer would have been “no,” as we no longer collect and store clothing on an ongoing basis. But as it happens, I personally had several boxes of clothes which no longer fit me, and which were waiting for me to deliver them to a neighborhood thrift store. Amazingly – no, providentially! – about three-quarters of them were the exact right sizes for our guest. So he and I thanked God together for this latest gift, and for “every brilliant thing.” —Fr. Dan HOLIDAY THANKS Thanks For Beautifully "Decked Halls": As always, special thanks to Joe Casey and his volunteer "elves" for the beautiful Advent and Christmas decorations. If we looked like a Christmas photo -- and we did -- then we owe it all to our liturgical environment crew under Joe's able direction. Thanks for Your Generosity: A very deep and heartfelt thanks to you all for your wonderful generosity in the regular Christmas collections, as well as in the special collections for flowers and music. After more than 280 years, you continue to make it possible through your ongoing financial stewardship to sustain our community of faith in the Alley. Without you and your support, there could be no Old St. Joseph's. As your pastor, I am humbled and gratified... Jesuit Thanks: On behalf of all the members of the Old St. Joseph's Jesuit Community, heartfelt thanks to one and all for your many generous Christmas gifts -everything from magazine subscriptions and books to various delicious Christmas treats. We regret that your kindnesses are too numerous for us to respond to them individually; but please be assured that we feel loved, supported, and blessed to serve you here at OSJ. We promise our continued prayers for your health and happiness throughout the coming year... WORSHIP AND LITURGICAL ARTS Remember the Rules for Relaxed On-Street Parking! A reminder that "relaxed" parking is available ONLY on Saturdays and Sundays, ONLY during services at OSJ, and ONLY with the appropriate permit displayed on the dashboard. The added parking is both sides of 4th Street between Walnut & Spruce, and both sides of Locust Street between 4th and 5th. (You can download and print a permit from the front page of our website -- the link is on the front page under "Worship/Mass Schedule. Permits also available at the Rectory office.) The city has become more aggressive in enforcing these limits of late... Ecumenical Service on January 20 at the Cathedral Basilica: All are invited and encouraged to participate in an Ecumenical Service at the Cathedral Basilica of Ss. Peter & Paul during the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. The service will take place Tuesday, January 20 at 7:00pm at the Basilica. Some parking may be available at the adjacent lot belonging to the Archdiocese. The centering prayer group will meet on Wednesday, January 21 from 6:30 to 8:30 pm in the third-floor conference room. The meeting will include discussion of centering prayer followed by Mass with a period of centering. Anyone interested in contemplative prayer is welcome to join us. For further information, contact Christine Szczepanowski at 267-250-3049 or [email protected] Congratulations to our former Music Director Norm Gouin! Norm’s entry in the contest for the official hymn of next year’s World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia was named the winner! To hear “Sound the Bell of Holy Freedom” go to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4fDrVPKx800. FOOD, FAITH AND FRIENDS ‘Tis the season of giving! And our Food, Faith and Friends guests are in need of toiletries. The following items are always in high demand. Please bring them to Sunday liturgies and place them in the gift basket in the back of the church or deliver to the Parish Office during regular office hours. • Bar soap - full size • Disposable plastic razors • Deodorant • Lotion • Toothpaste Thank you for your generosity. All donations are greatly appreciated. SOCIAL JUSTICE RESPECT LIFE RECOGNITION On Saturday 1/24 and Sunday 1/25, in solidarity with the Washington, D.C. "March for Life," which will occur on Thursday, 1/22, Old St. Joseph's will hold a Diaper Drive. We hope you can join in this effort to help the mothers of newborn children throughout the Archdiocese and the Philadelphia area, who have a desperate need, thereby giving witness to the dignity of life for all who are abused and vulnerable from conception to natural death. Your donated diapers will be given to the Philadelphia Diaper Bank. Baby diapers in the following sizes are needed: Sizes 1 and 2. Please place your donations in the baskets in the back of the church. Thank you for your support of Respect Life. On behalf of the Children of the Gesu School, the Children of Rowan Homes and the Seniors served by the Little Brothers Friends of the Elderly, many thanks for including them all in your Christmas Gift Giving. Through your generosity, we collected over 250 books, 60 mitten and scarf gifts and 125 gifts for the elderly. It was, as always, an impressive collection. Many, many thanks from them and the OSJ Social Justice Committee. A Letter Received, December 22: “On behalf of the Board of Directors, staff, volunteers and especially the elderly we serve, Little Brothers-Friends of the Elderly (LBFE) would like to thank the members of the Old St. Joseph’s Church for its recent donations of holiday gifts. We have never received as many beautiful gifts from a single organization. Our seniors are going to love opening their gifts on Christmas. “We are delighted to be a recipient of your generosity, and we are very grateful for your demonstrated commitment to our case. It is because of your support that Little Brothers is able to accomplish its mission of relieving the isolation and loneliness of the elderly in Philadelphia. “We are sincerely thankful that, with the assistance of organizations like yours, we are able to continue to brighten the holiday season for so many of our “old friends.” “Once again, we thank you very much for all of your support. “Sincerely, (signed) Nancy Dube, Volunteer Coordinator.” PRAYER AND SPIRITUALITY The 2nd Annual John Cardinal Foley Lecture with a presentation on “The Crux of Church Communications” by John L. Allen, Jr., associate editor at the Boston Globe, specializing in coverage of the Vatican & the Catholic Church on MONDAY, January 26, 2015 at 7PM in the Vianney Hall Auditorium at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary, 100 E. Wynnewood Rd., Wynnewood, PA 19096. This free lecture is open to the public. For more info, call 610-7856530 or go to 222.scs.edu. YOUNG ADULT COMMUNITY Check out our Google Calendar & YAC Matters for our upcoming events! Find us on Facebook at Old St Joseph’s Young Adult Community. Questions? Want to join our email list? Please email us at [email protected]. YAC Spirituality Night: Exploring Our Relationships with Others, Self, and God: As young adults, we have a myriad of relationships to maintain including our relationships with family and friends, significant others, ourselves, and God. Come on January 20th to the Irani House to explore these relationships and how to balance them with our busy lives. The night will begin with an Ignatian style meditation on relationships followed by conversation on our different experiences. Spirits at 7:00 pm, Spirituality at 7:30 pm! INTERFAITH On Tuesday, January 27, 2015 from 7:00pm to 9:00pm at Old St Joseph's 3rd floor Library we will discuss the book The Ornament of the World: How Muslims, Jews and Christians Created a Culture of Tolerance in Medieval Spain. A review on Amazon describes the book as follows: María Rosa Menocal's wafting, ineffably sad The Ornament of the World tells of a time and place--from 786 to 1492, in Andalucía, Spain--that is largely and unjustly overshadowed in most historical chronicles. It was a time when three cultures--Judaic, Islamic, and Christian--forged a relatively stable (though occasionally contentious) coexistence. Such was this period that there remains in Toledo a church with an "homage to Arabic writing on its walls [and] a sumptuous 14th-century synagogue built to look like Granada's Alhambra." Long gone, however, is the Córdoba library--a thousand times larger than any other in Christian Europe. Menocal's history is one of palatine cities, of philosophers, of poets whose work inspired Chaucer and Boccaccio, of weeping fountains, breezy courtyards, and a long-running tolerance "profoundly rooted in the cultivation of the complexities, charms and challenges of contradictions," which ended with the repression of Judaism and Islam the same year Columbus sailed to the New World. --H. O'Billovich. The book is available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and the Free Library of Philadelphia. And all also have e-editions. WORLD MEETING OF FAMILIES World Meeting of Families: Archbishop Chaput Wants YOU! In a letter to all the people of the Archdiocese dated December 15, Archbishop Chaput has invited us all to consider being personally involved next year in the World Meeting of Families in a special way. He expects over 5,000 reporters to be here covering the meeting, and so identifies a need for well-informed priests, religious, and lay people from across the Archdiocese who represent the broad spectrum of our diverse Catholic family to help speak to the media about Church teaching on a variety of matters. In order to help prepare people, both the Archdiocese and the World Meeting of Families have partnered with Catholic Voices, USA, which provides media training to Catholics so that they can speak to the press about their faith with confidence, comfort, and sensitivity. Training sessions focus not only on interviewing techniques, but also on how to field questions that might seem critical of the Church and her teachings by embracing them as a way to provide clarity and understanding. Catholic Voices will host an initial information session for all those interested; the meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 13th at 6:00 p.m. in the Vianney Hall Auditorium at Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary. Representatives from Catholic Voices, the Archdiocese, and the World Meeting of Families will provide detailed information at that time. You’ll be able to learn more, ask questions, and decide if this opportunity is right for you. If you are interested in attending, please RSVP to the Archdiocesan Office for Communications at 215-5873747 or [email protected]. Thank you for all of your continued support. Please continue to pray for the success of our efforts as we prepare to welcome Pope Francis and the world to Philadelphia next year. SERVING SATURDAY AND SUNDAY BRUNCH LUNCH AND DINNER Following Jesus Every Day: GOSPEL MEDITATIONS FOR DAILY LIVING — AVAILABLE AT — Amazon, Barnes & Noble and the Independents CORDELIA FRANCES BIDDLE is an independent scholar and novelist, and direct descendent of Francis Martin Drexel, grandfather of Saint Katharine Drexel. Her Biddle ancestors trace back to Nicholas Biddle, president of the Second Bank of the United States; he also edited The Journals of Lewis and Clark. Cordelia’s biography of Saint Katharine Drexel allowed her to explore a remarkable woman’s mission and ministry. Ninety days’ worth of Gospel verses and reflections including a meditation, a prayer, a simple activity for the day and a related verse from the Old Testament. Ideal for Lent and Eastertime, or for any time of year! 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