The DRC Quarterly The Quarterly Newsle er of the Disability Resource Center of Norco College ISSUE II February 2012 This Issue: ask dr. joe milestones happenings myths & facts everyday heroes student stars upcoming events Ask Dr. Joe A Wonderful Visit There are defining moments in our lives that can shape or even transform who we are and what we aspire to become. May 25, 2011 was such a day for the students of Norco College, where we were blessed with a visit by musical leg‐ end, Mr. Stevie Wonder. An opportunity to spend the a ernoon with an iconic figure whose music and humanitarian efforts transcend every boundary imagi‐ nable was truly amazing. A select group of EOPS students were chosen to share the stage with Stevie Wonder to par cipate in what was billed “A Conversa on with Stevie Wonder: Overcoming Challenges to Achieve the Dream.” In addi on to sharing his mes‐ sage of hope, overcoming obstacles, leaning on God, and following one’s pas‐ sion, he listened to the personal stories of our students. At the conclusion of the dialogue session, Stevie Wonder graciously performed a medley of his fa‐ mous hits to a roaring crowd in the college theater. “I will forever hold on to the words of inspira on that you so kindly shared with us and your life's tes mony…It was truly an unforge able experience that I will proudly be able to share with many others in order to inspire them the same way I was.” This amazing day was made possible by the partnership between Inspire Every‐ one Media Group and EOPS to raise awareness of the extraordinary things that people can accomplish if they discover the inspira on and purpose to do so. Koji M. Uesugi , Ed.D. DearDr.Joe, Ihopeyoucananswermyquestion;can myinstructortalktomyparentsabout meandmyprogress? Sincerely,CuriousStudent~ Dear Curious, One of the primary challenges of transition‐ ing from high school to college is assuming personal responsibility for your academic progress, educational goals, and course work. Some parents have been strong advocates for their children with disabilities through the school‐age years of K‐12 and maintained an active communication with the classroom teacher, Special Education case carrier, or school representa‐ tive. However, as a student with a disability enters college they have the same rights and responsibilities as all students. It is the student’s responsibility to: Complete assignments on time. Keep up with assigned readings and lectures (with or without accommoda‐ tions). Be knowledgeable about their pro‐ gress in the class by following the course syllabus. Faculty is reminded that to respond to re‐ quests or inquiries from parentsoradvocatesofstudentsisnotrequiredormandated. HappeningsCAPED Comes to Riverside Milestones This past October, Region 9 of California Community Colleges hosted CAPED, the California Asso‐ cia on for Postsecondary Educa ons and Disability Conven on at the Mission Inn in Riverside. This event hosted a variety of keynote speakers and roundtable discussions covering topics relat‐ ed to higher educa on and disabili es. Some of the ac vi es, workshops and discussions includ‐ DSP&S Dean Paula McCroskey Retires Welcome from Riverside Mayor Ron Loveridge Keynote by Jonathan Mooney “The Short Bus – A Journey Beyond Normal” Legal & Legislative Update: Paul Gross‐ man & Ralph Black Statewide Budget Cuts and the Impact on Disabled Student Services and Legal Issues Alternate Text Production Center: Resources Raised by Budget Reductions A er more than 25 years of dedicated service, the founder of RCCD’s DSP&S program re red in June 2011 and is embarking on her next adventure, life! CAPED con nues to provide valuable training and informa onal opportuni es for higher educa‐ on professional working in disabili es and the college communi es they serve. We look forward to the exci ng possibili es for next year! Ms. McCroskey came to the District 25+ years ago and ded‐ icated most of her professional life to students with disabili‐ es. Walter Bruce Willis (born March 19, 1955) is a German‐born American ac‐ tor and singer. He came to fame in the late 1980s and has since retained a career as both a Hollywood leading man and a supporting actor. Being the leading actor in some of the greatest action movies, Bruce Willis has had stuttering problems throughout his youth and was always scared it would affect his acting career. Fortunately, he successfully grew out of it not too much from a therapist but from being an actor, it actually removed his speech disorder. We wish her the very best of luck in all her future endeavors and look forward to seeing her in the future! We will miss you, Paula! Celebrities with Disabilities Bruce Willis Disabled World: famous.shtml#ixzz1f8v2Ezgv MythsandFactsaboutPeoplewithDisabilities Myth 7: Non‐disabled people are obligated to "take care of" people with disabili es. Fact: Anyone may offer assistance, but most people with disabili es prefer to be responsible for themselves. Myth 8: Curious children should never ask people about their disabili es. Fact: Many children have a natural, uninhibited curiosity and may ask ques ons that some adults consider embarrassing. But scolding curious children may make them think having a disability is "wrong" or "bad." Most people with disabili es won't mind answering a child's ques on. Myth 9: The lives of people with disabili es are totally different than the lives of people without disabili es. Fact: People with disabili es go to school, get married, work, have families, do laundry, grocery shop, laugh, cry, pay taxes, get angry, have prejudices, vote, plan and dream like everyone else. Myth 10: It is all right for people without disabili es to park in accessible parking spaces, if only for a few minutes. Fact: Because accessible parking spaces are designed and situated to meet the needs of people who have disabilies, these spaces should only be used by people who need them. .You can read more about these common misconceptions at: The students are: The most important people on our campuses, without them there would be no need for us. Not a cold enrollment sta s c but flesh and blood human beings with emo ons and needs for guidance. Not individuals to be tolerated as we go about our business...They are our business. Not totally dependent on us—but our jobs are totally dependent on them. Not an interrup on of our work, but rather, the purpose of it ~Anonymous Everyday Heroes Disability Spotlight Au sm Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Technology is her specialty Dinah Minkler is an Adap ve Technolo‐ gy Specialist employed at the DSP&S offices at Riverside City College. She began her career in 1993 as a clerk for a 3 year Deaf and Hard of Hearing Grant. She acted in an interpre ng and clerical capacity as well as a liaison with the other colleges. Dinah is a CODA (child of a deaf adult) and interpre ng has been a part of her life since she was very young. When the grant ended, she transferred to Tutorial Services at Riverside City College. She worked in that capacity for 16 months and returned to DSPS through a Workability III grant where she worked as a clerk for about 2 years. As the DSP&S Program grew, the need for an Accommoda ons Specialist became apparent and she was hired into that posi on. She provided and coordinated accommoda ons for approximately 850 students district wide, including classroom accommoda on as well as tracking equipment use. In 2009, she moved into the posi on of Adap ve Technology Specialist, providing training to students who qual‐ ify for adap ve so ware use. She works at all three colleges within the district and we are especially lucky to have her! Dinah spends one day per week here with us at Norco College where she uses our High Tech Center to train students in the appropriate so ware for their documented disability. If you are interested in Adap ve Technology as a career or resource and would like more in‐ forma on, you may find her here in the Disability Resource Center on Thursdays. Au sm spectrum disorder (ASD) and au‐ sm are both general terms for a group of complex disorders of brain development. These disorders are characterized, in vary‐ ing degrees, by difficul es in social interac‐ on, verbal and nonverbal communica on and repe ve behaviors. They include au s c disorder, Re syndrome, childhood disintegra ve disorder, pervasive develop‐ mental disorder‐not otherwise specified (PDD‐NOS) and Asperger Syndrome. ASD can be associated with intellectual disabil‐ ity, difficul es in motor coordina on and a en on and physical health issues such as sleep and gastrointes nal disturbances. Some persons with ASD excel in visual skills, music, math and art. Some challenges that face students with ASD are: Social Understanding Execu ve Func oning Sensory Integra on Cogni ve Rigidity Self‐acceptance/Self‐advocacy/Self‐ disclosure Emo onal Regula on Grandiosity/Know‐it‐all‐ism Difficulty with Transi ons Life Skills/Hygiene/Wellness Poor Sense of Direc on You can learn more about this topic at: h p://‐au sm ~StudentStars~ “Idon’tneed“easy”Ionlyneed“possible.” Name: Andrew Stockle Age: 25 SoCal Na ve Career Goal: Teach math in K‐12 Educa onal Goal: Transfer to Cal State San Bernardino Sports Affilia on: Played basketball with the Rolling Bears Hobbies: Movies, basketball ( Lakers fan), football (49er’s fan) Toughest challenge: Vision “It effects everything, I’ve learned to cope very well in spite of it.” Great accomplishment so far: “I never envisioned going to college, yet here I am, preparing for gradua on in Norco College’s 2012 class in June with my AA in philosophy and language arts.” Disability: Visual and mobility limita ons Andrew working with his in class note taker, Alejandro Arreola. Did you know….. That during the Fall 2011 semester DRC: Upcoming Events DRC Brown Bag Series Administered 482 tests Prepared for 157 e‐book requests Coordinated 5886 hours of note taking assistance Performed 33 high tech center trainings & special orienta ons Fulfilled 33 requests for adap ve furniture Norco DRC con nues to serve 500+ students During Spring 2012 session, the DRC will host a series of brown bag chats held at the college hour that will cover topic such as Disability E que e, Adap ve Technology, Diversity Equity & Compliance, SWD & the Impact on Faculty. The chats will be held at the college hour and loca‐ ons will be announced. DRC gets a senior interpreter Mr. David DiLeo will now be working at the DRC on Tuesdays and Thursdays each week to han‐ dle all of the interpre ng and real me cap oning requests for Norco College DRC students. Stop by and say hello to David next me you are in the building. The DRC Quarterly ISSUE II February 2012 Priority Registra on for DRC moves Online! Students may now use Web Advisor for their Priority Registra on. Students must visit the DRC office in advance to be cleared prior to the published registra on dates. Contact the center Center for Student Success Second Floor Suite 205 Norco College 2001 Third Street Norco, CA 92860 General Info 951-372-7070 VRD/TDD 951-372-7010 [email protected] Disability Resource Center Please submit your ques ons or comments to the editor: Leona Crawford [email protected]
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