SUNDAY TTTF. 13 IS37 The- - OTCHCiorN QjualitT Store- op Portland ,Sixly Tforrisory Alder Sta. - fifths L ' Great Book Sale 19c A large assortment of books for boys' and girls' fall and winter reading story books, picture books, adventure books, etc. Meier & Frank's: Book Shop, Fifth Floor. Fine soft weave light weight white ing for baby things and all underwear purposes. 27 inches wide. Yard only 19c. Meier & Frank's: Second Floor, Fifth Street. Chiffon velvet hand bags in the popular pouch shape. Chain handle. Inside coin purse, and vanity mirror. All colors. Meier & Frank's: Main Floor, Sixth. Street. out- Genuine Cowhide Traveling Bags $14.75 Close to Present Wholesale $18.50 to $20 Grades Anyone planning to buy a gift for a friend or to make a present to himself will certainly benefit by looking up these bags. Cowhide shows no decline in price, vet these baers are of excellent medium-weigcowhide in both tan and chocolate color. Leather or cloth lined. Slide or claw catches. 16, 17 sizes. Sewed corners. and Meier & Frank's: Sixth Floor. (Mail Orders Filld.) : $2.98 A Sale of Baby Dolls i Our representative's visit direct to the "Vanity Fair" factory resulted in this fine gift special. For, let us whisper a secret any woman can give to any intimate woman friend a "Vanity Fair" vest and be absolutely sure that it will be received with joy. - "Vanity Fair" Silk Vests 18-in- dainty -- Meier & styles sketched-ther- e are several more. Limited quantity. All fresh and new. Choose early tomorrow. Novelty Necklaces Off This includes our entire stock of novelty necklaces in jet and metal combinations, s, imported fine cut crystals, hand-mad- e etc. (jet and pearls excepted). Reguth larly $3.00 upwards in this sale off. Hundreds of beautiful models including women's gowns, children's dresses, library-scarfscenters, spreads, fancy - bags, tie trays, powder bags, etc. Regularly racks, now 20d to S12.5Q. 40c to $25.00 Buy for holiday gifts. , sau-toir- one-four- Meier & Frank's: Underwear Shop, Main Floor. Frank's: Jewelry Shop, Main Floor. Meier & Frank's: Needlework Shop. Second Floor. Two most unusual lots of dolls are offered in the November Sales at substantial savings. Shoes Less Than Present Wholesale If this November Sale of shoes has been equaled this year, there is only one sale that claim this honor and that is our shoe sale of five weeks ago and in the meantime there has been respite from manufacturers' advances on this merchandise and none expected. So Pre-Holid- ay Pre-Holid- ay 62.25 Dolls $1.59 If You Are in the Market for Shoes baby dolls with jointed cloth body, composition head and hands. Neatly dressed, with shoes, stockings and rattle. girl dolls with Also cloth body, composition head and Character baby dolls with hands. Jointed hips and arms. cloth body, composition head and Prettily dressed, with shoes and hands. Neatly dressed, with cap stockings. and booties. 12 inches high. Meier &Frank's: Fifth Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.) NOW Is the Time to Buy Tomorrow we launch a four days sale of 12,500 pairs of shoes taken from our regular stock N short lines, mind you (except in one instance), but lacking in nothing that makes for a sale in wh everybody can share, and at LESS THAN PRESENT WHOLESALE COST. About every sort of h shoe approved by fashion and good sense is here. It is the fairest and finest of opportunities to pi chase a winter's yes, a full year's supply. 18-in- ch 3500 Yards Handkerchiefs 13c 6 for 75c. Fine sheer lawn handkerchiefs embroidered in beautiful Appenzelle effects in hand-looembroidery work. White and colors. . All Wl!fr PHONE ORDERS - Women's and misses' white sheer lawn handkerchiefs embroidered in white and colored hand-looinitials in plain and fancy effects. hemstitched hems. 6 for 29c. m ch Handkerchiefs at 9c Women's and misses' colored embroidered and initial handkerchiefs on fine sheer lawn. Many styles. Finished with narrow hemstitched hems. 6 for 45c. Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.) NO APPROVALS Men's Shoes $6.85 Boys' Shoes $2.75 13. Silks First Quality All the Newest Designs & v Women's Shoes $8.65 Sizes 5 are $4.35. to 8. Sizes 8 to 11 are $3.35. Sizes 11 An admirable assortment. Brown and dark gray kid lace shoes with medium a Louis heels, some with cloth tops to match. Black and calfskin lace shoes with military heels. " Remarkable values. to 2 Shoes for school and dress wear in lace and button styles. Tan, smoke, patent, kid and calfskin leathers, some with cloth tops. All have solid leather soles. If we were to go into the market today and buy these same silks they would have to sell for $1.75 to ?3 yard. Fine quality crepes de chine, bengalines, foulards, rajahs, fancy messalines, etc. Wide Roman striped effects, ribbon stripes, gingham checks, plaids, plain shades, etc. Full bolt lengths, some in dress and waist lengths. 36 to 40 inches wide. Meier Black and tan shoes in lace and button styles. Brc medium and English lasts. All have good leather so Note the choice and the price. Children's Shoes $2.35 $1.39 -- NO EXCHANGES. Sizes 9 to Sizes 1 to 6 are $3.75. Lace and button styles in good substantial shoes with black leather uppers and solid leather soles. m Handkerchiefs at 6c in .12,500 Pairs Men's, Women's and Children's Center Aisle Bargain Square Main Floor Sale 20c-25- c This new demonstration of proof of peerless purchasing pc FRANK UNDERSELL on sU wonderful coming at the time it chandise is not yet halted, wher present selling prices, and when of their new season's goods are tf The November accomplishments w! DOWN THE COST OF LIVING Several of the sales are "by r circle of purchasers. Many off mas gifts. They begin tomorro ance. We suggest early-morn- Embroidered Models Off ay ch $1.25 Dolls 98c Sizes 36 to 42. and Misses' Sale-Women'- s pre-holid- 17-in- ch Three shoulder straps. We might use a lof of space to recite the virtues of this sales bration for they are many but we will ask you rather to scrutinize the valU' ad, to refer to the values on our back page in this same sectiol this double-pag- e SEE ALSO BACK PAGE ht Air Heavy Silk in the delicate flesh pink for which "Vanity Fair" underwear is noted. Richly embroidered and with French band tops and Throughout the Store Tl $3.98 39c I Inaugurating a Great New Series of Velvet Hand Bags 25c White Outing Women's, Big Girls' Shoes $6.35 T. Cousins and other standard makes some are short lin Brown, black and gray kid lace shoes with medium and Lo heels, some with cloth tops. English walking shoes in tan, bl and pearl elkskin with leather or neolin soles. Tan lace shoes w military heels. Many others. J. & Buy Shoes for Self and Practical Gifts. Extra Salespeople Have Been Provided Frank's: Center Aisle, Main Floor. Meier Sale of Dress Goods and Wash Fabrics Materials needed at all times. Colors that are right. Prices as low as or lower than any we have offered for many a day. Coatings and Suitings $2.69 Fine . 56-in- ch all-wo- ol 54-in- ch all-wo- ol 54-in- ch all-wo- ol Fabrics Were Ail-Wo- ol cheviot coating. zibeline coating. suiting in two-ton- e checks. About 1200 yards. $4.00 to $5.00 effects, heather mixtures and Good variety of wanted colors. & Frank's: Shoe Shop. Third Floor. (Mail Orders FilU: A Sale of New $13.50 Shetland Wool Sweaters $9.75 . d Tuxedo These are the front ruffled skirt Shetland wool sweaters with sash. One sketched. much-wante- Shown in such fashionable shades as geraniumhenna, rose, camel and flame. Buy for personal use and select acceptable holiday gifts in this sale of Shetland wool sweaters at ?9.75. Meier & rv. ft Frank's: Third Floor. (Mail Orders Fill Serge and Poplin, Yard $1.98 Great Sale House Dresses and Aprons For our November remarkable specials. $3.50-$- 5 Sales the women's house dress and apron sections offer two most At these prices it will pay you to buy several of each. m Pre-Holid- House Dresses Made of finely serviceable percales 1 and ginghams trimmed with' fine pique braid, fancy hemstitching and piping. Regulation fitted styles in all sizes. Four attractive models are sketched. Regular $3.50 to $5 dresses on sale at $2.95. 44-inc- French-finishe- ch 36-in- ch wool, but 50c, 75c, $1 Qualities Plaid, striped and some plain colored ginghams of Scotch and lengths, American makes. All 32 inches wide. Some in 2 to but most of it can be had in any quantity desired. & Frank's: Third Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.) Warm gowns of excellej quality flannelette in neat we! tailored styles. Full-cu- t, made garments in fan stripes of lavender, blue ai pink. Trimmed with god quality wash braids. i w o oi tne gowns a i sketched. Great values Regular 8-y- Our 35cWhite Nainsook 25c nt nainsook for women's and children's underclothes. Specially reduced for this sale. 36-in- ch Meier & Frank's: Second Floor, Fifth Street. Values $2.95 serge for misses' school dresses and gym suits. Not all good looking at a particularly small cost. $1.95 made of good quality percale and gingham. Neatly trimmed in piping. Button front and back styles, also shoulder and side-frofastening models. Two of the aprons are sketched. Come early. : $3.50-$3.9- 8 it is durable and Ginghams, Yard 39c, 49c, 75c Another wonderful value. .Women's coverall aprons Flannelette Gowns Navy Blue Serge, Yard at 89c $2.98 Coverall Aprons Meier 4 all-wo- ol 40-in- ay $2.95 ; serge and 2000 d h 2500 yards of poplin. Both very serviceable and greatly in yards of the demand for women's and misses' dresses and skirts. Meier & $2.95. Frank's: Third Floor. (Mail Orders Fille
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