הצעת פתרון- בחינת הבגרות באנגלית

‫ בחינת הבגרות באנגלית‬-‫הצעת פתרון‬
'‫ גרסה א‬Module E 100010 ‫ שאלון‬-4102 ‫חורף‬
‫ידי צוות המורים באנגלית בבתי הספר של‬-‫הצעת הפתרון באנגלית נכתבה על‬
‫ יש לפרט ולהרחיב כל אחד‬.‫הפתרונות המופיעים בהצעת פתרון זו מובאים בתמצות בלבד‬
.‫מהם בהתאם לדרישות הבחינה‬
Trouble At The Top Of The World
Question 1
What information is given in lines 1-6?
2. What happened in Nepal around sixty years ago.
4. Why many people go to Nepal.
Question 2
Which of the following is a suitable title for the third paragraph
(lines 13-18)?
3. Mistakes that Everest climbers might make.
Question 3
In lines 13-18 the writer mentions the high prices that Everest
climbers pay.
He does that in order to explain why the climbers (-).
2. might go on climbing when they should not.
Question 4
According to lines 19-24, a suggestion has been made to limit the
number of climbers on Everest. What problem might that solve?
Base your answer on lines 7-12.
The problem of polluting main climbing routes// pollution.
Question 5
What could help increase the safety of Everest climbers? Give
TWO answers from lines 19-24.
(1) Making sure that the climbers have professional guides.
(2) Making sure that climbers have (proof of their)
mountaineering experience// a permit to climb.
Question 6
What point does Ed Simons make about climbing Everest?
(lines 25-29)
3. It is a great experience.
Question 7
In lines 7, the writer mentions the mountain's popularity. Copy a
sentence or phrase from another paragraph which shows that
Everest is popular.
ANSWER: Everest attracts 700-900 eager climbers every
season// In 2012, no fewer than thirty teams were on Everest//
More and more people from all over the world.
A Look At Myopia
Question 8
What does Dr. Hartley explain in his first answer?
1.what myopia is.
Question 9
Where did the data about the increase in myopia come from?
Give ONE answer.
Eye tests in many schools// Reports from eye doctors all over
the world.
Question 10
According to Dr. Hartley, how are city children different from
those outside cities?
2. City children have a higher chance of getting myopia.
Question 11
What are we told about the study at the two schools?
2. How it was done.
4. What the results were.
Question 12
According to Dr. Hartley, how may spending time outdoors help
children's eyesight? Give ONE answer.
Being outdoors enables children's eyes to develop properly//