1 ADIKAVI NANNAYA UNIVERSITY RAJAHMUNDRY (With Effect From 2013-14 Admitted Batch) B.C.A. II Year Model Question Papers Part – I English Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 80 SECTION – A I. Answer any FOUR of the following in about 75 words: 4 x 5 = 20 a) Write about the services of Mother Theressa to the human society. b) Bring out the sense of humour in Lynd’s essay on forgetting. c) What are the views of Beerbohm on seeing people off? d) Discuss the views of A.P.J. Abdul Kalam on the power of Prayer. e) How does Gardener distinguish moral damages from material damages? f) Narrate the style of Ruskin Bond as is in the eyes are not here. SECTION – B II. Answer any FOUR of the following in about 75 words: 4 x 5 = 20 a) What is the theme of the poem the Human Seasons? b) Summarize the poem the Solitary Reaper. c) What is the significance of the poem the Quality of Mercy? d) What were the blind beliefs of the villagers in the poem the Night of the Scorpion? e) How is a man blessed according to Alexander Pope? f) Write briefly about Robert Frost’s Stopping by woods on a Snowy evening. SECTION – C III. Answer any TWO of the following in about 150 words: a. Discuss the theme of the Play ‘Importance of Being Ernest’. b. Write a short note essay on the wit in ‘Importance of Being Ernest’. c. Discuss the character of Lady Bracknell. d. Discuss the character of Jack Worthing. 2 x 10 = 20 2 SECTION – D IV. Answer ALL questions 4 x 5 = 20 a) i) Respond to the advertisement below by writing a Resume. Wanted a Computer Operator for a College in Hyderabad. Graduates with fluency in English may apply. Candidate should be familiar with MS Office C/o Post Box No.123, The Hindu, Hyderabad. or ii) You are Sasi, a graduate in Engineering, B.Tech Computers, wish to apply for British Scholarship for higher studies. Send an e-mail giving your details to [email protected] b) i) Read the following passage and make notes: The Dead Sea is a large lake that lies partly in Israel and partly in Jordan. The climate being very hot and dry, an enormous amount of water is lost by evaporation salts in the water are therefore very concentrated. The lake is the saltiest body of water in the world. It is also the lowest place on the surface of the earth, lying about 399m below sea level. It is called the Dead Sea because it is excessively salty, water is inhospitable to most forms of life. There are no fish in its water, and the mineral-laden water is believed to be beneficial to health. Many people go there to bathe and there are many health resorts in the area. The salt water gives great buoyancy to the water. One floats back in the water as one would on a soft bed, with no risk of drowning. Salts extracted from the lake are used to make fertilizers and drugs. Or ii) Prepare a mind map on success. c) i) Expand the proverb “A stitch in time saves nine”. Or ii) Prepare a Tree Diagram using the following information. 180 students from Bhavan’s High School appeared for 10th class examination. 30% of them are girls. 66 boys passed in First Class 35 boys passed in Second Class, 20 boys passed in Third Class and 5 boys Failed. 24 girls passed in First Class 15 passed in Second Class 12 passed in Third Class and 3 girls Failed. d) i) Write a letter to your friend describing your college annual day. Or ii) Write a letter to the S.I of Police of your Town on the problem of Chain snatching in your area. 3 &çÅ^ ~«rj·T dü+e‘·‡s¡+-»qs¡˝Ÿ ‘Ó\T>∑T e÷~] Å|üX¯ï|üÅ‘·+ düeTj·T+ : 3 >∑+≥\T. e÷s¡Tÿ\T : 80 n- $uÛ≤>∑+ 1. >√e⁄ jÓTTø£ÿ dü‘´· ìwüq˜ T >∑÷]à $e]+#·+&ç. 10e÷ˆˆ ˝Ò<ë MT bÕsƒ´¡ uÛ≤>∑e÷<Ûës¡+>± düTeTr, uÛ≤düÿs¡ X¯‘ø· e£ TT˝À #Ó|Œæ q ˙‘·T\qT ‘Ó*j·T CÒjT· +&ç. 2. >∑T&çôd\T ø±*b˛‘·THÓï’ ø£$‘êK+&çø˝£ À uÀsTT;ÛeTqï yÓ\Te]+∫q n_ÛÁbÕj·÷\T. ˝Ò<ë e÷<Ûeä es¡à <Ûsä à¡ ‘·‘Œ· s¡‘q· T $e]+#·+&ç. 10e÷ˆˆ 3. ñbÕj·T+#˚ kÕ~Û+|ü˝ìÒ ø±s¡´+ ˝Ò<qä T ˙‹ì ‘Ó*ù| ø£<qä∏ T Åyêj·T+&ç. ˝Ò<ë ªªkÕyÓT‘·µµ n+fÒ $e]+∫ kÕyÓT‘·\ |ü⁄≥Tº|Pü s√«‘·sÔ ê\qT ‘Ó\|ü+&ç. 10e÷ˆˆ 4. bÕ+&Éy√<√´>∑+ Hê≥ø£+˝À lø£èwüßìí bÕÁ‘·∫Á‘·D. 10e÷ˆˆ ˝Ò<ë Hê≥ø£ \ø£D å ≤\qT $e]+∫ bÕ+&Éy√<√´>∑ Hê≥ø£+‘√ düeTq«j·T+ #˚jT· +&ç. Ä - $uÛ≤>∑+ 5. n) ÅøÏ+~ |ü<´ä eTT\˝À ˇø£<ëìøÏ uÛ≤ekÂ+<äsê´ìï Åyêj·T+&ç. 1. s¡$_+ã+ãT|ü$T+|ü bÕÅ‘·eT>∑T #ÛÅ· ‘·+u…,’ •s√s¡‘ï· yÓTÆ ÅX¯eD≤\+ø£è‘·yTÓ ,Æ >∑fi≤uÛsÑ D ¡ yÓT,Æ kÂes¡øπí j·T÷s¡yTÓ Æ #Û$· eT‘·ÿ+ø£DyÓTÆ ø£{dÏ *úü qT<ä+#·<«ä ÅdüyÔ TÓ Æ q÷|ü⁄s¡ Å|ües¡+u…’ |ü<|ä s” y¡ƒ TÓ eÆ ≥T&ÉT<ëÅãVü‰à+&ÉeTTìï+&ÉT#√Hé. 5e÷ˆˆ 2. Äs¡+_Û+|üsT¡ ˙#·e÷qe⁄\T $|ò÷ü ïj·÷dü dü+Å‘·dTü ˝Ô ’… j·÷s¡+_Û+∫ |ü]‘·´õ+‘·T s¡Ts¡T$|ò÷ü ïj·T‘·T˝Ô ’… eT<Û´ä eTT˝Ÿ BÛsT¡ ˝Ÿ $|òTü ï ìVü≤q´e÷qT\>∑T#·THé <Ûèä ‘·T´qï‘√‘ê‡VüQ˝…’ ÅbÕs¡u≤∆se∆¡ TT\T»®–+|üsT¡ düTMTÅ|üC≤„ì<ÛTä ˝Ÿ>±e⁄qHé Ä) áÅøÏ+~ |ü<´ä eTT\˝À ˇø£<ëìì bÕ<äu+ÑÛ >∑<√wü+ ˝Ò≈î£ +&Ü |üP]+#·+&ç. 1) #·+|ü<–ä qj·T{Ϻ ---------- $qTs¡ye˚ T 2) ˇø£#√H˚\qTãe«[+#·T --------düTK+ãTHé eT~Hé. 5e÷ˆˆ 4 6. á ÅøÏ+~ yêì˝À eT÷&ç+{ÏøÏ dü+<äs“¡ d¤ Vü ≤æ ‘·yê´K´Åyêj·T+&ç. 1. e÷≥‹s¡T>∑˝sÒ T¡ e÷q<Ûqä T\T. 2. $ì$q$yêì #=|ü⁄Œq »qTMT. 3. #·*NeT\#˚‘∫ · øÏÿ #êe<Ó. 4. Åã‘·T≈£îuÛ≤s¡e÷jÓT ÅuÛeÑ T <ä÷s¡e÷jÓTsê. 5. ø£qT\‘·T<ä\HÓq’ î>∑<*ä ø£ ø±+#·˝<Ò Tä . 6. á Hê>∑]ø£‘ês¡D´ yêdü+ uÛ]Ñ +#·˝qÒ T. 7. áÅøÏ+~ n+XÊ\˝À ˇø£<ëìì >∑÷]à dü+øÏ|å +Ôü >± Åyêj·T+&ç. 1. Å|üdTü ‘ Ô · düe÷»+ - e÷qedü+ã+<Ûë\T. 2. ø£+|üP´≥sY, Ç+≥sYH{ Ó Ÿ ˝≤uÛqÑ cÕº\T. 8. áÅøÏ+~ Å|üXï¯ \≈£î ˇø£ÿe÷≥˝À>±˙, yêø£´+˝À>±˙ düe÷<Ûëq+ Åyêj·T+&ç. 1. b˛‘·q mqïe X¯‘êã›eTTyê&ÉT? 2. $X¯«Hê<∏yä ê]≈£îqï _s¡T<äTqT ù|s=ÿq+&ç 3. uÛ≤düÿs¡ X¯‘ø· £ ø£sÔ¡ mes¡T? 4. ∫qïj·Tdü÷] s¡∫+∫q Å|üd<æ ∆ä yê´ø£sD ¡ +@~? 5. nqTuÛ÷Ñ ‹yê~>± @ ø£$ì ù|s=ÿ+{≤s¡T. 9. n) s¡÷|üø±\+ø±s¡eTTqT \ø£´å \ø£D å düeTq«j·T|üPs¡«ø£+>± $e]+#·+&ç. ˝Ò<ë ªª eTTì»q ìj·Te÷<Ûës¡qT »ì‘êdüTs¡ j·TTe‹ H˚Å‘· »\ø£D<Ûës¡Hé <äqTCÒ+Å<ä ìsê<Ûës¡qT eqC≤≈£îå &ÉT >=ìjÓT ã*$e]®‘<· ëÛ s¡H.é µµ 3I4R12e÷ˆˆ 5e÷ˆˆ 5I1R5e÷ˆˆ 4e÷ˆˆ ô|’|<ü ´ä +˝Àì n\+ø±s¡eTTqT \ø£´å \ø£D å düeTq«j·T |üPs¡«ø£+>± $e]+#·+&ç. Ä) ‘˚≥^‹ |ü<´ä \ø£D å ≤\qT k˛<ëVü≤s¡D+>± $e]+#·+&ç. ˝Ò<ë ªª e\B<ëqeTT ^qeTT+ãqT|ü⁄e÷e]íHé e<ëH√´‘·eÔ ÷.µµ 4e÷ˆˆ ô|’ |ü<´ä bÕ<ëìøÏ >∑Ts¡T\|òTü Te⁄\qT >∑T]Ô+∫, >∑D$uÛ»Ñ q#˚d,æ j·T‹ì >∑T]Ô+∫ @|ü<´ä bÕ<äy÷Ó ‘Ó\Œ+&ç. --0-- 5 HINDI Duration: 3 hours. Max. Marks: 80 SECTION - A (40 Marks) कसी एक क व का सा ह यक प रचय द जए। 1. a) तुलसी दास b) मैथलीशरण गु c) रह म कसी एक क वता का सारां श वशेषताओं स हत िल खए। 2. a) तोड़ती प थर b) ठू ँ ठ c) मातृभूिम a) आ दकाल क सा ह यक वृ य का ववे चन क जए। 3. (अथवा) b) ाना यी शाखा का प रचय दे ते हुए इस म कबीर का थान प क जए। कसी एक िनबं ध पर काश डािलए। 4. a) रा भाषा ह द b) पयावरण- दष ू ण c) पु तकालय SECTION - B (20 Marks) क ह ं चार क संदभ स हत या या क जए। 5. a) “िनंदक िनपरे र खए, आँ गन कुट छवाय। बन पानी साबुन बन, िनमल करै सुभाय॥“ b) “गो-धन गज-धन वाजी-धन और र -धन खान। जब आवत संतोष-धन सब धन धू र समान॥“ c) “खै र, खू न, खाँसी, खु सी, वैर, ीित, मद-पान। र हमन दाबे न दबै , जानत सकाल जहां ॥“ d) “हम जीवनाधार अ न तू ह दे ती है , बदले म कुछ नह ं कसी से तू लेती है । े एक से एक व वध य के ारा, पोषण करती ेम -भाव से सदा हमारा। “ e) “ ऊपर नीला अंब र फैला नीचे भू का आं चल मैला उस अनंत जीवन के पथ पर रहा कसी क जोह बाट वह!” f) “अं ेजी पढ़ के जद प, सब गु न होत वीन। पै िनज भाषा- ान बन, रहत ह न के ह न॥“ 6 SECTION– C (20 Marks) 6. ह द म अनुवाद क जए। a) The boys are going to the school. b) Always speak the truth. c) We should respect our parents. d) How many students are in the class? e) Girls are playing in the playground. 7. क ह ं दो a) का उ र िल खए। योजनमूलक ह द का व प प क जए। b) राजभाषा ह द का प रचय द जए। c) संपक भाषा – ह द का प सप क जए। 5x2 =10 2x5=10 7 SANSKRIT Time: 3 hours. Max. Marks: 80 Note : “Section-D” should be answered in Sanskrit (Devanagari script) only SECTION – A I. 1. एकं समाध । Answer one essay question ितमानाटके तृतीया के समुपव णत य 1x12=12 ितमागृह य ाधा यं ितपादयत। Explain the importance of ितमागृह in the III act of ितमानाटक। 2. किल गान ् जेतुम ् अशोक य वचारः कथमासीत ्? त नाटक दशन या योजनं कम ्? वशदयत। How did अशोक think to concurकिल ग?What is the purpose of the drama? Explain. II. एकम ् समाध । 1x12=12 Answer one essay question 1. शुकनाशोपदे शे व णतं ल मीचा च यं वशदयत। Explain the fickleness Lakshmi in शुकनाशोपदे श lesson. 2. भोजः कथं सुकवीन ् स मािनतवान ्? वशदयत। Explain, how did Bhoja honour the good poets. III. एकं समाध । 1x8=8 Answer any one. 1. गु ः िश यान ् कमनुशा त? What does the teacher preach disciples. 2. बृहदार यकोपिनष द व णतानु सारं दकार य य वैिश यं वचारत। Explain the greatness of three “द”karas as described in बृहदार यकोपिनषत ्। SECTION – B IV. च वा र सस दभ या यात। Explain any four with reference to context. 1. दशरथपु ो भरतोऽ म, न कैके याः। 2. अ ा प चे नानुसरे ः वधम भ व यिस वं भुद डपा म ्। 4x3=12 8 3. दमं दानं दयािमित। 4. मातृदेवो भव। 5. स पभूषणां पुन वजय ववसु धराम ्। 6. न ह सव भवा शाः। SECTION – C V. योः लघु ट पणीं िलखत। Write the short-notes of any two. 1.पा णिनः VI. 2. भार वः 3. ीहषः 2x5=10 4. श कराचायः ौ अल कारौ ल यल णसम वयपूवकं वशदयत। Explain any twoAlankaraswith definition & illustration. 1. उपमा 2. अन वयः 3. ा तः 4. याज तुितः 2x5=10 SECTION – D VII. A) ौ श दौ स वभ कं स पूणतया िलखत। Decline any twosabdas completely. 1.म त ् 2. राजन ् 3.यु म 4.त (पुंिल गे) B) ष णां कृ ययं योजिय वा श द पा ण िलखत। Write the forms of any six by adding the terminations. 1. ज+ वा 2.गम ्+तुमुन ् 3.उपकृ + यप ् 5.पच ्+श ृ 6.वृत ्+शानच ् 7.िलख ्+ वत ् 2x5=10 6x1=6 4.दा+ 8.कृ +त य 9 Part II: Foundation Course Contemporary India Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 SECTION – A 4 x 15 = 60 Answer ALL questions. á ÅøÏ+~ Å|üXï¯ \T nìï+{ÏøÏ düe÷<Ûëq+ sêj·T+&ç. 1) a) Explain basic features of Indian economy? uÛ≤s¡‘<· X˚ ¯ Ä]úøe£ ´edüú Å|ü<ëÛ q \ø£D å ≤\qT $e]+|ü⁄eTT. (or) ˝Ò<ë b) Write about globalization; briefly explain impact of economic reforms on Indian Economy. Å|ü|+ü Nø£sD ¡ >∑T]+∫ Åyêdæ, uÛ≤s¡‘· Ä]úø£ e´edüôú |’ Ä]úø£ dü+düÿs¡D\ Å|üu≤Û yê\qT $e]+#·+&ç. 2) a) Explain the basic features of Indian Constitution uÛ≤s¡‘s· êC≤´+>∑+ jÓTTø£ÿ eTTK´ \ø£D å ≤\qT $e]+#·+&ç. (or) ˝Ò<ë b) Describe in brief salient features of Indian foreign policy? uÛ≤s¡‘· $<˚o $<ÛëqeTT jÓTTø£ÿ eTTK´\ø£D å ≤\qT $e]+#·+&ç. 3) a) Sketch the history of Indian Nationals Movement from 1920 to 1947 1920 qT+&ç 1947 es¡≈î£ »]|æq uÛ≤s¡‘C· ≤rjÓ÷<ä´eTeTT >∑T]+∫ ‘Ó\|ü+&ç. (or) ˝Ò<ë b) Write about the stages of formation of Andhra Pradesh. Ä+Å<ÛÅä |ü<X˚ Ÿ ne‘·sD ¡ ˝Àì |òTü {≤º\qT >∑T]+∫ sêj·T+&ç. 4) a) What are the problems of Child Labour, and how to prevent them? u≤\ø±]à≈£î\ düeTdü´\qT ‘Ó*|æ yê{Ï ìs¡÷à\q≈£î #˚|≥ ü eº \dæq #·s´¡ \qT$e]+#·+&ç. (or) ˝Ò<ë b) Elucidate salient features of Indian Social System uÛ≤s¡‘k· Õe÷õø£ e´edüú jÓTTø£ÿ $•wü˜ \ø£D å ≤\qT $e]+#·+&ç. SECTION – B Answer any FOUR Questions. @yÓH’ ê Hê*Z+{ÏøÏ düe÷<Ûëq+ sêj·T+&ç. 5) National income C≤rj·÷<ëj·T+ 6) Inflation Å<äy√´\“qeTT 4 x 5 = 20 10 7) Poverty and Unemployment <ë]Å<ä´eTT eT]¡jT· T ìs¡T<√´>∑eTT 8) Role of regional political parties in India. uÛ≤s¡‘<· X˚ +¯ ˝Àì ÅbÕ+rj·T bÕغ\ bÕÅ‘ 9) Domestic violence and its consequences. >∑èVü≤Væ≤+dü <ëì |ü]D≤e÷\T 10) Coalition politics. dü+ø°ssí¡ ê»ø°j÷· \T 11) Sarkaria Commission. düsêÿ]j·÷ ø£MTwüHé 12) 73rd Constitutional amendment. 73 e sêC≤´+>∑deü s¡D 11 B.C.A. Part III: Basic Subjects Paper-1 Discrete Mathematics Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 80 SECTION-A Answer All Questions. Each Question carry equal marks. 4 x 15=60 1) a) Find the power sets of (i) A={1,2,3} (ii) A={1,2,3,4} (iii) A={1,2,3,4,5}. b) If A={1,2}, B={2,3}, C={a,b}, find AXBXC using diagram (Or) c) Write the truth table of p↔q. d) Prove that p→q=-pvq. 2) a) Solve 2x+y-z=3, x+y+z=1, x-2y-3z=4 by Cramer’s rule. b) If u=( 5,3,4), v=(3,2,1),w=(1,6,-7) verify (u+v).w = u.w+v.w (Or) c) Find the independent term of x in (x2+3a/x)15 d) The probability of solving a problem by A is 2/3, that of B is 4/5 and that of C is 3/7. Find the probability of solving a problem. 3) a) Show that the sum of the degree of the two vertices of a graph is equal to twice the number of edges in G. b) Show that a graph G is connected if and only if it is minimally connected. (Or) c) State and prove Lagranges theorem on sets. d) Explain different types of grammars. 4) a) Show that in a distributive lattice if an element has a complement, then this complement is unique. b) In any Boolean algebra, if a*x=a*y and a+x=a+y, then x=y. (Or) c) Find the lexicographic ordering of the following n-tuples. (i) (1, 1, 2) (ii) (1,2,1), (1,0,1,0,1), (0, 1, 1, 1, 0). d) Show that there exists a consistent enumeration for any finite poset S. 12 SECTION –B Answer any FOUR questions. 4X5=20 5) Prove that by means of truth table that (i) ¬(p→q) = p∧¬q. (ii) ¬ (p↔q) = ¬ p ↔ q = p ↔ q 6) Explain Binary addition with example. Draw the machine. 7) Show that a graph is a tree if and only if it is minimally connected. 8) Show that p (n) = 12+22+32+………………+n2 = n(n+1)(2n+1)/6 by Induction. 9) Define ring homomorphism, isomorphism, kernel and image of homomorphism. 10) Define reflexive, symmetric, transitive, anti-symmetric and equivalence relation. 11) Find g.c.d (8316, 10920) and write d= (8316, 10920) in the form of d= ma+nb. Also find l.c.m 12) Prove that C(12,7) = C(11,6) + C(11,7). 13 Paper - 2 Programming in C++ Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 80 SECTION - A Answer All Questions. Each Question carries equal marks. 4 x 15=60 1) a) Explain about abstract data types in C++. (Or) b) Explain about conditional and looping control structures in C++. 2) a) Define a class and object. Explain about class and object with syntax and give examples for each. (Or) b) Explain types of constructors. 3) a) Explain multiple inheritance with example. (Or) b) Explain about private, public and protected variables and virtual base class with examples. 4) a) Explain how polymorphism can be used in C++. (Or) b) Explain about templates and exception handling. SECTION-B Answer any FOUR questions. 5) What are the basic concepts of object oriented programming. 6) Explain friend function and inline function with examples. 7) Explain about library functions and user defined functions. 8) Explain about virtual base class with example. 9) Explain the concept of operator overloading with example. 10) What is a pointer? Why we need pointers. 11) Explain about the data file operations in C++. 12) Explain the private, public and protected variables. 4X5=20 14 Paper - 3 Data Structures Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 80 SECTION -A Answer All Questions. 4X15=60 1) a) Explain the concept of Deterministic and Non-Deterministic and Random algorithms. (Or) b) Explain about the principles of programming methodology and the salient features of recursion and iteration. 2) a) What is Data Structure? Explain about different categories of data structures with advantages and disadvantages of each. (Or) b) Write and explain an algorithm to insert an element into a linked list at front, at end and at any place. 3) a) Explain Tree traversing algorithms. Give example. (Or) b) Explain about binary search tree and give an example. 4) a) Explain about DFS algorithm and give an example. (Or) b) Explain about merge sort and give an example. SECTION –B Answer any FOUR questions. 5) Explain the structured programming concepts. 6) What is Queue? Explain about the queue operations. 7) Explain conversion of a general tree to binary tree. 8) What are the advantages of linked lists over arrays? 9) Differentiate between Trees and Graphs. 10) Explain about the Floyd algorithm. 11) Explain hashing and Collision resolution methods. 12) Write and explain the algorithm of bubble sort. 4 x 5=20
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