Aptakisic-Tripp Community Consolidated School District 102 1231 Weiland Road, Buffalo Grove, Illinois 60089 Phone: 847-353-5650 Fax: 847-634-5334 www.d102.org Dr. Theresa Dunkin, Superintendent Ms. Stacey Bachar, Asst. Superintendent Business Services/CSBO Dr. Julie Brua, Asst. Superintendent Curriculum & Instruction Dr. Robert Hudson, Asst. Superintendent Educational Innovation __________________________________________________ BOARD OF EDUCATION VOTING SESSION MONDAY, JANUARY 26, 2015, 7:00 P.M. DISTRICT OFFICE CONFERENCE CENTER 1231 WEILAND ROAD - BUFFALO GROVE, IL 60089 I. BOARD BUSINESS A. Call to Order/Roll Call Pledge of Allegiance B. Communication Citizen/PTO/Association Representative C. Consent Agenda Items 1. Approve minutes of the January 6, 2015 Policy Committee meeting 2. Approve minutes of the January 12, 2015 Board of Education meeting 3. Approve minutes of the January 12, 2015 Executive Session to remain confidential 4. Approve additions to the paid invoice file for December 2014-January 2015 in the amount of $2,996,532.21 5. Approve the schedule of bills payable for December 2014-January 2015 in the amount of $803,788.82 6. Approve a P-Card ACH Payment in the amount of $17,599.66 Aptakisic-Tripp Community Consolidated School District 102 does not discriminate on the basis of disabilities in the admission or access to its Board meetings or other district events. We invite individuals requiring reasonable accommodation to contact the Superintendent’s Office (847.353.5660) at least 48 hours in advance of a meeting you would like to attend. The next voting session meeting of the Board of Education will take place on February 9, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. in the District Office Conference Center, 1231 Weiland Road, Buffalo Grove. The public is invited to attend. D. E. II. Personnel/Vacancy Report 1. Employment 2. Leave 3. Reassignment 4. Staff Highlights 5. Vacancies Board Meetings/Board Reminders TEACHING & LEARNING REPORT A. Action Items (Item which the Board will take action on this evening – i.e., Motions for Consideration) B. Informational Items (Items which the Board will receive information about) Gifted and Talented (GTE) Newsletter C. III. Discussion Items (Items which the Board will discuss in preparation for action at the next Board meeting – i.e., Motions for Consideration or consent agenda) SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT A. Action Items (Item which the Board will take action on this evening – i.e., Motions for Consideration) B. Informational Items (Items which the Board will receive information about) C. 1. Reunification Process Presentation 2. Honoring Dr. Mary Shorey 3. Late Starts, Making Up Cold Weather/Snow Days 4. Board Policies, Initial Reading 5. Facility Study/Full Day Kindergarten Update Discussion Items (Items which the Board will discuss in preparation for action at the next Board meeting – i.e., Motions for Consideration or consent agenda) IV. BUSINESS AND FINANCIAL REPORT A. Action Items (Item which the Board will take action on this evening – i.e., Motions for Consideration) B. Informational Items (Items which the Board will receive information about) Vendor Payments Over 25K, December 2014-January 2015 C. Discussion Items (Items which the Board will discuss in preparation for action at the next Board meeting – i.e., Motions for Consideration or consent agenda) Records Disposal Certificate V. VISITORS' QUESTIONS AND COMMENTS VI. OTHER ITEMS OF BUSINESS FOR DISCUSSION VII. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS VIII. EXECUTIVE SESSION (Closed) To discuss matters related to personnel issues and to review Executive Session minutes from August through December 2014 as to which can be opened for public review and which should remain closed. IX. MOTION TO RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION X. ACTION FROM EXECUTIVE SESSION XI. GENERAL INFORMATION XII. MOTION TO ADJOURN I. BOARD BUSINESS A. Call to Order/Roll Call Pledge of Allegiance B. Communication Citizen/PTO/Association Representative C. Consent Agenda Items All items listed on the consent agenda are available in this room this evening. These items are considered to be routine by the Board of Education and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Board member or citizen so requests, in which case the item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered after all other regular agenda items. 1. Approve minutes of the January 6, 2015 Policy Committee meeting 2. Approve minutes of the January 12, 2015 Board of Education meeting 3. Approve minutes of the January 12, 2015 Executive Session to remain confidential 4. Approve additions to the paid invoice file for December 2014-January 2015 in the amount of $2,996,532.21 5. Approve the schedule of bills payable for December 2014-January 2015 in the amount of $803,788.82 6. Approve a P-Card ACH Payment in the amount of $17,599.66 MOTION FOR CONSIDERATION: to approve the items listed on the consent agenda as presented. D. Personnel/Vacancy Report Mrs. Murtaugh will review the Personnel Report with the Board on Monday evening. 1. Employment Karuna Sree, lunchroom supervisor at Pritchett School: start date pending background check, $9.50 per hour. Steven Drexler, long-term ELL substitute replacing Laurelle Stuart at Meridian Middle School beginning January 9, 2015; $125 for the first 20 days, $200 per day thereafter. 2. Leave Laurelle Stuart, ELL teacher at Meridian Middle School requesting a Family Medical Leave of Absence beginning January 9, 2015 for up to twelve weeks if needed. (Letter attached.) 3. Reassignment Lisa Raffel, from one-on-one guided instruction classroom aide to one-on-one structured learning classroom aide at Tripp School beginning January 20, 2015. MOTION FOR CONSIDERATION: to approve the items listed on the Personnel Report as presented. 4. Staff Highlights 5. Vacancies Long-term substitute for third grade teacher at Tripp School beginning on or before April 4, 2015 through the remainder of the 2014-2015 school year Long-term substitute for first grade classroom teacher at Pritchett School beginning on or before April 6, 2015 through May 22, 2015 Long-term substitute for ELL teacher at Aptakisic Junior High School beginning on or before April 27, 2015 through the end of the 2014-2015 school year Special education guided instruction classroom aide at Tripp School for the remainder of the 2014-2015 school year. E. Board Meetings/Board Reminders -The Personnel Committee is meeting on Monday, February 2 at 7:00 p.m. -The Finance Committee is meeting on Monday, February 9 at 5:30 p.m. with the regular Board meeting to follow -The Policy Committee is meeting on Tuesday, February 17 at 7:00 p.m. -The LVIA Committee is meeting on Tuesday, March 3 at 7:00 p.m. II. TEACHING & LEARNING REPORT A. Action Items (Item which the Board will take action on this evening – i.e., Motions for Consideration) B. Informational Items (Items which the Board will receive information about) Gifted and Talented (GTE) Newsletter Dr. Brua has shared the Trimester 2 Gifted and Talented Education (GTE) newsletter. C. Discussion Items (Items which the Board will discuss in preparation for action at the next Board meeting – i.e., Motions for Consideration or consent agenda) III. SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT A. Action Items (Item which the Board will take action on this evening – i.e., Motions for Consideration) B. Informational Items (Items which the Board will receive information about) 1. Reunification Process Presentation Mr. Jeff Livingston, who serves on the district’s Safety Committee, will present the district’s reunification plan to be implemented in case an emergency necessitates evacuating students from one school to another. (This is in advance of the district’s annual Safety Committee meeting on January 28.) 2. Honoring Dr. Mary Shorey Dr. Dunkin will share some ideas from Pritchett (on Board members’ iPads) on how honor Dr. Mary Shorey. 3. Late Starts, Making Up Cold Weather/Snow Days Dr. Dunkin met with EDC on Wednesday, January 21 and will share some ideas about implementing late starts and making up cold weather/snow days. 4. Board Policies, Initial Reading The Policy Committee (Mr. Graupe, Mrs. Ross, and Mr. Rubenstein) met on January 6 and is bringing the following policies forward for an initial reading this evening. Policy #/Name 2:140 Communications to and From the Board 4:10 Fiscal and Business Management 4:45 Insufficient Fund Checks 4:110 Transportation 4:120 Food Services 4:130 Free and ReducedPrice Food Services 4:150 Facility Management and Building Programs 5:10 Equal Employment Opportunity and Minority Recruitment 5:130 Responsibilities Concerning Internal Information 5:220 Substitute Teacher Suggested changes Adopt IASB version but add district’s paragraph on Board Member Media Communication. (This policy was first brought to the Board on 1/12/2015. We need to add a hyperlink on our website, one general email for things people may want the Board to consider.) Reviewed. No changes except updated footnotes. Minor edits. Minor edits to last paragraph. Adopt IASB version but add district’s first paragraph to it. Adopt IASB policy. The district does not have this one. Reviewed, no changes. (Possible BOE discussion on naming of facilities.) Keep districts with some additions from IASB’s. Reviewed, no changes. Adopt IASB version. 5. Facility Study/Full Day Kindergarten Update Dr. Dunkin will lead this discussion with input from Ms. Bachar and Drs. Brua and Hudson. (The additional information requested at the January 12 Board meeting is on Board members’ iPads.) C. Discussion Items (Items which the Board will discuss in preparation for action at the next Board meeting – i.e., Motions for Consideration or consent agenda) IV. BUSINESS AND FINANCIAL REPORT A. Action Items (Item which the Board will take action on this evening – i.e., Motions for Consideration) B. Informational Items (Items which the Board will receive information about) Vendor Payments Over 25K, December 2014-January 2015 The vendor list of expenditures over 25K from December 2014 through January 2015 is included as an informational item. C. Discussion Items (Items which the Board will discuss in preparation for action at the next Board meeting – i.e., Motions for Consideration or consent agenda) Records Disposal Certificate In order for a public body to dispose of records, it is necessary to go through a formal procedure. Application must be made through the Local Records Commission in Springfield under established guidelines. Included for review is a listing prepared by the Business Office of items qualifying for destruction. These documents are currently stored in the archives room, located in the south wing of the Aptakisic building. To make room for additional records every year, it is necessary to discard some qualifying records. With the Board’s permission, we would like to ask for a formal motion on February 9 to proceed with the permanent disposal of these records. • Student Special Education Files/Records from 2009, 19.5 cubic feet and Student Special Education Files/Records from 2010, 31.5 cubic feet. V. VISITORS' QUESTIONS AND COMMENTS VI. OTHER ITEMS OF BUSINESS FOR DISCUSSION Board members are encouraged to make whatever comments they feel appropriate. Administration may make informational announcements. VII. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Board members are encouraged to suggest future agenda items. VIII. EXECUTIVE SESSION (Closed) To discuss matters related to personnel issues and to review Executive Session minutes from August through December 2014 as to which can be opened for public review and which should remain closed. IX. MOTION TO RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION X. ACTION FROM EXECUTIVE SESSION XI. GENERAL INFORMATION XII. MOTION TO ADJOURN
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