Aptakisic-Tripp Community Consolidated School District 102 1231 Weiland Road, Buffalo Grove, Illinois 60089 Phone: 847-353-5650 Fax: 847-634-5334 www.d102.org Dr. Theresa Dunkin, Superintendent Ms. Stacey Bachar, Asst. Superintendent Business Services Dr. Julie Brua, Asst. Superintendent Curriculum & Instruction Dr. Robert Hudson, Asst. Superintendent Educational Innovation __________________________________________________ BOARD OF EDUCATION VOTING SESSION MONDAY, OCTOBER 27, 2014, 7:00 P.M. DISTRICT OFFICE CONFERENCE CENTER 1231 WEILAND ROAD - BUFFALO GROVE, IL 60089 I. BOARD BUSINESS A. Call to Order/Roll Call Pledge of Allegiance B. Communication Citizen/PTO/Association Representative C. Consent Agenda Items 1. Approve minutes of the October 13, 2014 Board meeting 2. Approve paid invoice file for September/October, 2014 in the amount of $1,940,329.45 3. Approve schedule of bills payable for September/October, 2014 in the amount of $852,391.20 4. Approve P-Card ACH Payment in the amount of $13,375.83 Aptakisic-Tripp Community Consolidated School District 102 does not discriminate on the basis of disabilities in the admission or access to its Board meetings or other district events. We invite individuals requiring reasonable accommodation to contact the Superintendent’s Office (847.353.5660) at least 48 hours in advance of a meeting you would like to attend. The next voting session meeting of the Board of Education will take place on Monday, November 10, 2014 at 5:00 p.m. in the Meridian Middle School Library at 2195 Brandywyn Road, Buffalo Grove. This is a regular Board meeting combined with a Board of Education/Administrative Team Retreat. D. II. Personnel/Vacancy Report 1. Employment 2. Leave 3. Staff Highlights 4. Vacancies E. Board Meeting Reminders/Board Meeting Follow-Up F. IASB Report to the Membership for the 2014 Delegate Assembly Meeting, November 22, 2014, Chicago G. 75th Annual National School Boards Association Conference, March 21-23, 2015, Nashville, TN TEACHING & LEARNING REPORT A. Action Items (Item which the Board will take action on this evening – i.e., Motions for Consideration) FY 2015 School District Library Grant Program B. C. III. Informational Items (Items which the Board will receive information about) 1. Report Out on ELA, Grammar Work, PARCC Clarity, and Early Childhood 2. State Report Cards Discussion Items (Items which the Board will discuss in preparation for action at the next Board meeting – i.e., Motions for Consideration or consent agenda) SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT A. Action Items (Item which the Board will take action on this evening – i.e., Motions for Consideration) Board Policies, Second Reading and Adoption - 4:60 Purchases and Contracts, 5:30 Hiring Process and Criteria, 5:260 Student Teachers, 7:20 Harassment of Student Prohibited, 7:180 Prevention of and Response to Bullying, Intimidation, and Harassment, 7:240 Conduct Code for Participants in Extracurricular Activities B. Informational Items (Items which the Board will receive information about) November 10 Board/Ad Team Retreat Agenda C. Discussion Items (Items which the Board will discuss in preparation for action at the next Board meeting – i.e., Motions for Consideration or consent agenda) IV. BUSINESS AND FINANCIAL REPORT A. Action Items (Item which the Board will take action on this evening – i.e., Motions for Consideration) B. Informational Items (Items which the Board will receive information about) C. 1. Impact of SB16 on District 102 2. Vendor Payments Over 25K Discussion Items (Items which the Board will discuss in preparation for action at the next Board meeting – i.e., Motions for Consideration or consent agenda) V. VISITORS' QUESTIONS AND COMMENTS VI. OTHER ITEMS OF BUSINESS FOR DISCUSSION VII. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS VIII. EXECUTIVE SESSION (Closed) To discuss matters related to personnel issues IX. MOTION TO RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION X. ACTION FROM EXECUTIVE SESSION XI. GENERAL INFORMATION XII. MOTION TO ADJOURN I. BOARD BUSINESS A. Call to Order/Roll Call Pledge of Allegiance B. Communication Citizen/PTO/Association Representative C. Consent Agenda Items All items listed on the consent agenda are available in this room this evening. These items are considered to be routine by the Board of Education and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Board member or citizen so requests, in which case the item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered after all other regular agenda items. 1. Approve minutes of the October 13, 2014 Board meeting 2. Approve paid invoice file for September/October, 2014 in the amount of $1,940,329.45 3. Approve schedule of bills payable for September/October, 2014 in the amount of $852,391.20 4. Approve P-Card ACH Payment in the amount of $13,375.83 MOTION FOR CONSIDERATION: to approve the items listed on the consent agenda as presented. D. Personnel/Vacancy Report Mrs. Murtaugh will review the Personnel Report with the Board on Monday evening. 1. Employment Padmasheela Kumar, lunchroom supervisor at Pritchett School for the 2014-2015 school year; $9.50 per hour. Susan Luck, Kindergarten classroom aide at Tripp School for the remainder of the 2014-2015 school year, $14.20 per hour. 2. Leave Eli Rogers, Assistant Principal at Meridian Middle School requesting a 6-week Family Medical Leave of Absence as follows: 1 week in late November 2014 and 5 consecutive weeks beginning April 6, 2015. (Letter attached.) MOTION FOR CONSIDERATION: to approve the items listed on the Personnel Report as presented. 3. Staff Highlights 4. Vacancies Long-term substitute for school psychologist at Tripp School beginning on or before November 30, 2014 through February 20, 2015 E. Board Meeting Reminders/Board Meeting Follow-Up October 27 – TLC at 4:00 p.m., BOE meeting at 7:00 p.m. October 30 - IASB Lake Fall Meeting at Grayslake SD 46 November 10 – BOE meeting (Board/Ad Team retreat at MMS at 5:00 p.m.) November 17 - TLC at 4:00 p.m., tentative LVIA at 6:00 p.m. or later November 21-23 – Triple I Conference November 24 – Finance Committee at 6:00 p.m., BOE meeting at 7:00 p.m. December 2 - SEDOL Governing Board Meeting, 7:00 pm at Laremont School Gym December 15 - BOE meeting at 7:00 p.m. (Dr. Dunkin and Mrs. Ross will establish other meeting dates as needed.) F. IASB Report to the Membership for the 2014 Delegate Assembly Meeting, November 22, 2014, Chicago Recently, Board members received the IASB Report to the Membership for the 2014 Delegate Assembly Meeting on November 22, 2014 in Chicago (part of the Triple I conference.) Mr. Graupe asked that this topic be brought forward for further discussion this evening. G. 75th Annual National School Boards Association Conference, March 21-23, 2015, Nashville, TN President Ross will lead a discussion on the NSBA 75th Annual Conference, which will run from March 21-23, 2015 in Nashville, TN. This event brings together more than 7,000 school board members, school administrators, and superintendents to help them stay "ahead of the class" on legal and legislative issues, educational policy, governance strategies, finance issues, and technological innovations in the educational field. Mrs. Ross plans on attending and will ask if anyone else would like to attend. II. TEACHING & LEARNING REPORT A. Action Items (Item which the Board will take action on this evening – i.e., Motions for Consideration) FY 2015 School District Library Grant Program The Teaching and Learning Department only recently received a letter from Secretary of State and State Librarian Jesse White inviting the district to apply for the FY2015 School Library Per Capita Grant. This program provides library books, materials, and library services for students. Funding is based on a maximum of 75 cents per student in each attendance center of the district. The Teaching and Learning Department and the librarians are working collaboratively to submit this grant proposal electronically. The submission date is November 21 so we are asking for a motion this evening to expedite the process. MOTION FOR CONSIDERATION: to approve the FY2015 Library Grant proposal at 75 cents per student in grades K-8. B. Informational Items (Items which the Board will receive information about) 1. Report Out on ELA, Grammar Work, PARCC Clarity, and Early Childhood Drs. Brua and Dunkin, along with the building principals, Zuica Donev, and Jon Valentino have worked very closely with all grade level English Language Arts teachers, including Special Education and English Learners, to embrace and revise their units in alignment with the literacy tasks associated with the PARCC assessments. In addition, the Early Childhood team is in the process of powering and scaling targets in alignment with Creative Curriculum in order to provide an improved report card for parents. Dr. Brua will provide an update regarding this work. 2. State Report Cards On Friday, October 31, the new school reports cards are slated to go public. Administration has been working with the Illinois State Board of Education to ensure that the information contained therein is accurate. Drs. Dunkin and Hudson will report out further and answer Board questions on Monday evening. C. Discussion Items (Items which the Board will discuss in preparation for action at the next Board meeting – i.e., Motions for Consideration or consent agenda) III. SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT A. Action Items (Item which the Board will take action on this evening – i.e., Motions for Consideration) Board Policies, Second Reading and Adoption MOTION FOR CONSIDERATION: to approve the adoption of Board Policies 4:60 Purchases and Contracts, 5:30 Hiring Process and Criteria, 5:260 Student Teachers, 7:20 Harassment of Student Prohibited, 7:180 Prevention of and Response to Bullying, Intimidation, and Harassment, 7:240 Conduct Code for Participants in Extracurricular Activities B. Informational Items (Items which the Board will receive information about) November 10 Board/Ad Team Retreat Agenda Dr. Dunkin has included a draft agenda for the November 10 retreat. The agenda includes time for casual conversation between Board members and administrators. There will be discussion around the differentiated accountability model required by the new No Child Left Behind federal waiver, and the 5 Essential survey results and feedback from the October superintendent focus groups. Also, a presentation about the at risk kindergarten pilot and finally progress on FY 15 Learning Vision into Action. C. Discussion Items (Items which the Board will discuss in preparation for action at the next Board meeting – i.e., Motions for Consideration or consent agenda) IV. BUSINESS AND FINANCIAL REPORT A. Action Items (Item which the Board will take action on this evening – i.e., Motions for Consideration) B. Informational Items (Items which the Board will receive information about) 1. Impact of SB16 on District 102 Ms. Bachar reports that based on preliminary calculations, District 102 could stand to lose approximately $1,171,045 or 78.6% or $640/student of current state funding. In simple terms, this loss is based on a calculation that takes what the district can generate locally or ALR (Available Local Resources) based on EAV and an assumed tax rate and is then compared to what the state refers to as a Foundation Level that they want every district to be able to achieve as a minimum funding level. In the calculation, District 102 generates approximately $12,035/student with property taxes and the Foundation Level is set at $5,154. The loss is based on the following areas of state funds: • • • • • • • General State Aid Bilingual Funding Special Ed. Personnel Special Ed. Summer Regular Transportation Vocational Transportation ELL Ms. Bachar did not see any information where the bill would be shifting local tax dollars away from the local district. She discerned they are just using ALR to determine how much districts can generate locally and which districts need more state funding from an equity perspective. The shift is over a 4-year period so the district would lose approximately 20% or $292,761 in FY15. There is more information on the EFAC website, www.isbe.net/efac/ as far as the numbers that go into the calculations, formulas, and FAQ's. These calculations are very similar to what the General State Aid formula was supposed to do for equitable funding, but just never quite hit the mark. 2. Vendor Payments Over 25K The vendor list of expenditures over 25K from September, 2014 through October, 2014 is included as an informational item. C. Discussion Items (Items which the Board will discuss in preparation for action at the next Board meeting – i.e., Motions for Consideration or consent agenda) V. VISITORS' QUESTIONS AND COMMENTS VI. OTHER ITEMS OF BUSINESS FOR DISCUSSION Board members are encouraged to make whatever comments they feel appropriate. Administration may make informational announcements. VII. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Board members are encouraged to suggest future agenda items VIII. EXECUTIVE SESSION (Closed) To discuss matters related to personnel issues IX. MOTION TO RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION X. ACTION FROM EXECUTIVE SESSION XI. GENERAL INFORMATION XII. MOTION TO ADJOURN
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