NONPROFIT ORG US POSTAGE PAID BRAINERD MN Permit No. 250 AMERICAN LEGION 708 FRONT STREET BRAINERD MN 56401 218-829-2249 JANUARY 2015 CARL SYDNEY HANSON AMERICAN LEGION POST 255 BRAINERD MN 218•829•2249 LEGION OFFICERS AUXILIARY OFFICERS LEGION RIDERS PRESIDENT: OPEN CHAPTER DIRECTOR: PAUL EDWARDS COMMANDER: EDWARD SPILMAN ST 1 VICE: JERRY STROBEL ST 1 VICE: STACIE BEDNAREK 2ND VICE: TOM SWANSON 2ND VICE: ROSEMARY FERIANCEK CHAPLAIN: OPEN CHAPLAIN: LANA MULHOLLAND ASST. DIRECTOR/SEC.: SUSAN EDWARDS MEMBERSHIP CHAIRMAN: JACK STICHA CHAPLAIN: DEWAYNE COLLINS SGT AT ARMS: DEWAYNE COLLINS SGT AT ARMS: ANN MAJERUS HISTORIAN: BEV BOSCH FINANCE OFFICER: ROGER GONNERMAN TREASURER: DOLLY ZITUR SERGEANT AT ARMS: DALE TOUGAS ADJUTANT: SUSAN EDWARDS SECRETARY: DOLLY ZITUR ROAD CAPTAIN: OPEN PARLIAMENTARIAN: (OPEN) PARLIAMENTARIAN: OPEN TREASURER: BLAIR FRANCIS HISTORIAN: (OPEN) HISTORIAN: OPEN LEGAL OFFICER: JOHN RABOIN EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: SERVICE OFFICER: BOB NELSON DEBBIE KRAKLAU EXECUTIVE BOARD: LANA MULHOLLAND 1 YEAR: JACK STICHA, TOM LEACH PAST PRESIDENT: JUDI HARTING 2 YEAR: DON HAUCK, PAUL EDWARDS 3 YEAR: CHARLES EXTRAND, DUANE BERG PAST COMMANDER: CHRIS SPIEKER PAGE 2 “THE COMMANDER” JANUARY 2015 POST 255 COMMANDER’S REPORT: Ed Spilman We start a New Year with this newsletter. We have some changes in our committees. Susan Edwards was voted in to fill the Adjutant job until 7-115. Don Hauck was appointed to fill the vacant 2-year position on the Executive Committee. We need two new members on the gambling over sight committee to bring it up to a five-person committee. This committee looks at all requests for donations before the Executive Committee meeting. The meetings are only one per month. We also need a Chaplain as Susan Edwards was filling that position. The Brainerd American Legion COMMANDER: Volume XV, Issue 1: Published monthly by Carl Sydney Hanson Post 255, Unit 255 and SAL 255 as a free service to our members. Advertising inquiries, change of address and any input can be submitted to: American Legion Post 255, 708 Front Street, Brainerd, MN 56401. *Deadline for articles is on or about the 15th of each month prior to the issue month. EDITOR: Susanne Fussy ([email protected]) *TO PLACE AN AD, CONTACT: TOM SWANSON (218-829-1151) or DUANE BERKNER (218-828-5074) Submissions for publication may be dropped off at the Legion (Attn: Commander Editor) or e-mailed to [email protected] ATTENTION 40 et 8 MEMBERS The next meeting for the 40 et 8 will be at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, March 10, 2015. VETERANS GIFT SHOP: Darla Gonnerman The Legion Club is selling raffle tickets for the J C's fishing contest. We receive $5.00 for each ticket sold, so please buy your tickets from the Legion Post 255 and it will help cover expenses of the club. Post 255 was also asked again to do the parking for the fishing contest on January 24th. We need volunteers to help with this also. On February 3rd at noon our National Commander, Mike Helm will be here at Post 255. We are hoping for a good turnout because it is an honor to have him visit our Post. HAPPY NEW YEAR to each and every member and their families. See you at the Post! Ed Spilman, Post 255 Commander (H) 1-218-562-4164 (C) 1-218-232-0318 AUXILIARY REPORT: Dolly Zitur HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ONE AND ALL! Seems like this year has just flown by and I'm not sure where. That list of To Do's that I meant to do… guess I will save it for next year. Thanks to Deb Kraklau and Judy Harting for the great Children's Christmas Party and Thanks to Santa for being there with us again. To Dewayne Collins, a mighty big Thanks. Seems that December turned out to be a very big month and a few of the events escaped me, but I know that the Auxiliary members were there to keep things going, and for all that have been there to help a Great Big Thank You. Sharon Berg, Sharon Berkner, and I went to the VA in St. Cloud on Wednesday, December 3rd to help with the gifts from the gift shop for the veterans. We left shortly after 7 a.m., arrived about 8:45 a.m., enjoyed a snack upon arrival, and helped sack the chosen gifts. It was a very interesting and rewarding day. During the morning, we had a brief tour of the clothing area and where they process donations, going past the bowling alley there. About 12:30 p.m. we went to eat a very delicious lunch that offered a huge delicious variety of foods and beverages in the dining hall. Since there is construction being started for a new dining hall and the current one will be made into doctors' offices, the former hallway to the dining hall is gone, so we received a ride in the VA van to and from our lunch site. It was very interesting. The veterans were so appreciative and grateful. Upon arriving in the dining hall, one of them announced his gratitude with all the others joining in. We feel very grateful to them for their service and told them so. I only regret that their cheers were louder than ours! By around 1:30 p.m. we left and headed back home, and, after a brief stop at one shop in downtown St. Cloud, we were back in Brainerd around 3:00 p.m. Thanks to Rose Feriancek for sending in those additional members that paid their dues. It looks, according to the Department List, that Unit #255 is doing pretty good, so thanks to Rose and Ann for keeping up on our membership. If you haven't paid your dues yet, we will be collecting them on New Year’s Day, when you come for those Great Tom & Jerry’s. I guess there are a lot of people who should be thanked this year for all they have done for the Veterans, Children & Youth and all the other programs of our Auxiliary. How wonderful to know that everything is going great. Thanks to Susanne Fussy for keeping us all informed and doing a great job on Publicity. We just couldn't do without her. Again, Happy New Year and may it be a great one for all of us! Dolly Zitur, Unit 255 Secretary/Treasurer Sharon Berkner, Sharon Berg and Darla Gonnerman represented Unit 255 at the Veterans Gift Shop at the VA in St. Cloud. ~ Darla Gonnerman PAGE 3 “THE COMMANDER” JANUARY 2015 STOCKING CAPS FOR VETERANS: HEADS UP! NEW YEAR’S DAY PARTY 11 a.m. to ? HOSTED BY THE PAST COMMANDERS •Free Tom & Jerry’s (until gone) •Burger Bar •Meat Raffles •Music WAFFLE BREAKFAST! The Auxiliary donated stocking caps and socks and candy treats for the veterans for a project that our Unit were asked to help with. The Black Bear 4H Club from Nisswa made 20 Christmas Stockings for veterans in local nursing homes. The 4H-ers stuffed the stockings and then delivered them to the nursing homes. (Photo by Dan Bednarek) ~Stacie Bednarek, Unit 255 First Vice “COMMANDER” CIRCLE OF FRIENDS! WITH ALL THE FIXINGS! Sunday, January 25 • 8 a.m. to noon Adults $8 • Kids $4 Our sincere thanks to the following for their donations to “The Commander” Newsletter Circle of Friends: WE INVITE YOU TO JOIN THE 2015 CIRCLE OF FRIENDS: •Robert Rofidal •Art Ludwig DID YOU KNOW? If every member gave just $5.00, we could pay for “The Commander” expenses for a full year! *ANOTHER WAY you can support “The Commander”: Put your loose change in the jar on the Pull Tab booth counter! DONATIONS FOR SOLDIERS! The Auxiliary is requesting donations of “treats” for 6 soldiers deployed in Afghanistan. One of the soldiers is the grandson of Unit 255 member Darla Gonnerman. Items such as chocolate, peanut butter, magazines,candy, snacks, etc. may be placed in the box located at the Legion Club. *Football related items are also desirable! SUNDAYS: 1 p.m. LEGION ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS: If you are currently on active duty, serving the United States honorably, anywhere in the world, or have served honorably during any of the following eligible war eras, we invite you to become a member of The American Legion. National Guard and Reservists having been federally activated (including basic training) during these same war eras also meet the eligibility requirements. •Aug. 2, 1990 to today (Gulf War / War on Terrorism) •Dec. 20, 1989 to Jan. 31, 1990 (Panama) •Aug. 24, 1982 to July 31, 1984 (Lebanon / Grenada) •Feb. 28, 1961 to May 7, 1975 (Vietnam War) •June 25, 1950 to Jan. 31, 1955 (Korean War) •Dec. 7, 1941 to Dec. 31, 1946 (World War II) •April 6, 1917 to Nov. 11, 1918 (World War I) *Kitchen Open 12:30 – 4:30 P.M. TUESDAYS: 6 – 9 P.M. $1 Sliders MEAT RAFFLES FRIDAYS AT 5:30 p.m. *Rada Knives on sale first Friday each month! JANUARY 2015 CLUB BREAKFASTS LEGION CLUB HOURS Elks: Sunday, Jan. 4 MONDAY - THURSDAY 11 A.M. – 8 P.M. FRIDAY 11 A.M. – 10 P.M. SATURDAY 2 P.M. – 8 P.M. SUNDAY 12 P.M. – 6 P.M. Eagles: Sunday, Jan. 11 VFW: Sunday, Jan. 18 Legion: Sunday, Jan. 25 PAGE 4 “THE COMMANDER” JANUARY 2015 COLOR GUARD REPORT: Bob Voels Post 255 Color Guard provided military funeral honors for the following deceased veterans: 11/21/14 JEROME VOLKMUTH EVERGREEN MEMORIAL CEMETERY 8 LEGION GUARD 8 VFW GUARD 2 NATIONAL GUARD 11/29/14 EMANUEL BILLSTROM 10 LEGION GUARD 6 VFW GUARD 2 NATIONAL GUARD 12/13/14 ROBERT DARKOW ST. MATHIAS 6 LEGION GUARD 7 VFW GUARD 2 NATIONAL GUARD As of this publication, Post 255 Color Guard has provided military funeral honors for 32 veterans. We are very grateful to the VFW Color Guard for joining us in honoring these veterans. Thank you to the Zachary Austin Fillbrandt Color Guard Support fund for their generous contributions throughout the year! OUR HEARTFELT SYMPATHY TO THE FAMILIES OF OUR DEPARTED COMRADES: •WILMER O. “BUZZ” BEREUTER GAMBLING REPORT: Paul Edwards By the time you read this, Christmas and New Year’s will be behind us already. I sincerely hope that all of you were able to spend time with loved ones and enjoy one another’s company. In case you were unaware, the Post Gambling Organization went through a successful state revenue audit in October. The only findings were one pull-tab game that was reported in the wrong month and a combined discrepancy in our bingo accounts of $24.00 that was due to a software issue in the accountant’s office. Basically, state revenue gave us a clean bill of health. Some added stress came when the state Gambling Control Board advised us they wanted to do a compliance review the week after the audit. I called and explained our situation and they agreed to give us a one-month extension. Preparing for the review opened my eyes to some things that we needed to start doing and some changes that need to be made on the oversight committee. The Gambling Oversight Committee needs two more members, at a minimum. The committee currently has three members and should have at least five. Before you say, “I don’t know anything about charitable gambling.” here is what would be expected: 1. Work with me and the Commander to develop a comprehensive Internal Control system to ensure the integrity of our gambling operations. The GCB has a manual that has some very good guidelines. They just need to be adapted to our operations. 2. Meet at least monthly to review donation requests and make recommendations to the Executive Board and the membership as to whether or not to approve the request and a recommended amount. 3. Occasionally come and review the work being done in the Gambling Office. Audit a few pull-tab games. Check our weekly bingo reports. Verify our computations in the check register. Any other tasks that may seem appropriate to make sure that we are doing the job per the GCB manuals and the new Internal Controls document. If you have the time and would like to be a part of this important part of our Post's operations, please contact me or Commander Ed Spilman or current Committee Chairman Charlie Extrand. Members of the Auxiliary and SAL are welcome to participate on the Gambling Oversight Committee. GAMBLING REPORT FOR NOVEMBER 2014 Gross Receipts from all sources Cost of Prizes Paid Net Receipts from all sources Club Pull-tabs Gross receipts Club Pull-tabs Prizes Paid Club Pull-tabs Net income Club Sunday Bingo Gross Receipts Club Sunday Bingo Prizes Paid Club Sunday Bingo Net income Club Tuesday Bingo Gross Receipts Club Tuesday Bingo Prizes Paid Club Tuesday Bingo Net income $86,276.00 $72,294.00 $13,982.00 $47,948.00 $40,418.00 $7,530.00 $4,530.00 $3,414.00 $1,116.00 $967.00 $839.00 $128.00 Club Meat Raffle Gross Receipts Club Meat Raffle Prizes Cost Club Meat Raffle Net income Yesterday's Gone Pull-tabs Gross Receipts Yesterday's Gone Pull-tabs Prizes Paid Yesterday's Gone Pull-tabs Net Income $1,054.00 $700.00 $354.00 $31,777.00 $26,923.00 $4,854.00 NO CHARITABLE CONTRIBUTIONS DURING NOVEMBER 2014 ~Paul Edwards, Gambling Manager LEGION RIDERS REPORT: Paul Edwards Too cold to ride our motorcycles and not enough snow on the ground for good snowmobiling. It is a terrible time of year for those of us who love to hold onto handlebars. But never fear, Brainerd Chapter of the ALR is figuring out ways to have fun and to contribute. At our November meeting, we held our election of officers as required by our by-laws. With this election, our changed by-laws take effect and the new slate of officers will serve for two years. Chapter Director Paul Edwards Ass’t. Director and Secretary Susan Edwards Treasurer Blair Francis Sgt-at-Arms Dale Tougas Chaplain Dewayne Collins Safety Officer Steve Eide Membership Chairman Jack Sticha Historian Bev Bosch Road Captain (Open pending Gene Francis’ return to health) Thanks to all of these officers for their willingness to serve. Also at the November meeting, we discussed chapter dues. Dues will remain at $15.00 per year and are now due and payable. Dues become delinquent as of January 31, 2015. The Chapter’s Christmas party was held on December 17 at the Legion. Good food, fun and fellowship, as well as a gift exchange. A big thank you to Janelle, Craig, Jerry and Don for taking care of our dining needs. Work continues on the cancer benefit for Gene Francis, scheduled for February 7, 2015. Several thousand dollars’ worth of prizes have been donated to the main raffle. Raffle tickets are $5.00 and are available from chapter members or at the Legion bar. If anyone has seen the new edition of Roadrunner Magazine, their shamrock tour center point is Brainerd. We will be looking at the tour routes at a future meeting and maybe making plans to complete their tour. Riders, please continue to support the Legion in all its activities. Remember that you are Legionnaires first, then an ALR member. Ongoing opportunities for service and support include the monthly breakfasts on the fourth Sunday, the regular membership meetings on the third Monday and we are still looking for another person or two to help out with meat raffles on Friday evenings. We also need at least two more persons to serve on the Gambling Oversight Committee. Keep the shiny side up. THANKS TO THESE GREAT VOLUNTEERS! DONATIONS TO CLUB: *We are sincerely grateful to all individuals who help the club with donations, large or small! ART LUDWIG: Art made cash donations to the General Fund, the Color Guard and “The Commander Circle of Friends.” GEORGE HOFF: George generously donated a bike to our cook, Craig, whose bike was stolen recently. SUNDAY BINGO: All the ladies who help set up for Bingo. FRIDAY MEAT RAFFLES: Jim Falconer, “Sarge,” Glen Anhorn, Vonnie & Tom Ferkingstad. KITCHEN HELP: Susan Edwards, Tom Swanson, Brenda Shogren, Don Hauck, Jerry Strobel. BREAKFAST BUFFET: (11/23/14) Dewayne Collins, Tom Swanson, Jerry Strobel, Duane Berg, Blair Francis, Don Hauck, Jack Sticha, Jinks Mulholland, Paul Edwards, Susan Edwards, Dale Tougas, Steve Eide, Monica Eide, Ron Robbins, David, Mariko and Malia Hermerding, Novalee Wind, Jaden Wagoner, Delani Collins, James Omtvedt. TEACHERS TEA: (11/19/14) Pat Haberman, Karen Walton, Helen Doucette, Judi Harting. CHILDREN’S CHRISTMAS PARTY: Debbie Kraklau (chairman), Lana Mulholland, Wendy Johnson, Judi Harting, Susanne Fussy. PAGE 5 “THE COMMANDER” JANUARY 2015 TEACHERS TEA: November 19, 2014 CHILDREN’S CHRISTMAS PARTY: December 13, 2014 Teachers enjoyed the chili and fixings on a blustery day! Photo by Susanne Fussy This little girl was thrilled to talk to Santa (aka Dewayne Collins) Photo by Susanne Fussy Judi Harting served coffee and punch. Photo by Susanne Fussy Santa had the whole family smiling For the camera! Photo by Susanne Fussy Brainerd Mayor James Wallin was on hand to present a proclamation from the city. Photo by Susanne Fussy Deb Kraklau handed out bean bags To the kids for a bean bag toss. Photo by Susanne Fussy PAGE 6 “THE COMMANDER” JANUARY 2015 Alisa and Chanel put up the ballroom Christmas tree! Photo by Susanne Fussy The finished project! The ladies also helped decorate the rest of the club for Christmas. Photo by Susanne Fussy Susan Edwards won a “Big Kahuna” meat package at the Friday meat raffle! Photo courtesy of Paul Edwards Barbara Miller must be the reigning “Big Kahuna” multi-time winner! Photo by Susanne Fussy COMMANDER CLASSIFIEDS 724 LAUREL ST. (218) 829-2849 BRAINERD MN 56401 FAX (218) 828-0589 [email protected] PERSONAL INJURY ATTORNEY • Auto Accidents •Free initial consultation US Air Force Academy Graduate – 1981 American Legion Post 255 Member 218•828•9211 (near Arby’s in Baxter) “WE HONOR VETERANS” PAGE 7 “THE COMMANDER” JANUARY 2015 COMMANDER CLASSIFIEDS HALVORSON - JOHNSON FUNERAL & CREMATION CARE Real People. Real Compassion. --Directors— Casey Swantek, Jay Simon, Tim Taylor (Owner) Serving the Brainerd Area Since 1035 Expanding to Baxter in 2013 829-3581 • 1-877-729-3581 703 Oak Street, Brainerd • Thanking all who have and are Serving this Great Country of ours!!! J & M Printing, Inc. James E. & Minna Wallin 39 continuous years Post 255 Member [email protected] Helping you say goodbye. MILLS FLEET FARM HONORS AND SUPPORTS VETERANS AND LEGIONNAIRES OF CARL SYDNEY HANSON POST 255. We thank you for your Business and your Service! David L. Sabir, M.D. • Bradley L. Adams, O.D. • No Stitch Cataract Surgery • Lens Implant Surgery • Laser Surgery • Glaucoma Specialists • Laser Vision Corrective Surgery (LASIK) • Corneal Transplants 2020 South 6th Street • Brainerd 218-829-2020 1-800-872-0005 NEW MEMBERS WELCOME! CONTACT PETE @ 218-746-3511 BRAINERD VFW POST 1647 WELCOMES OUR LEGION FRIENDS! Monday • Bar Bingo & Basket Food 6 p.m. Tuesday • $1 Tacos 5 – 7 p.m. Cribbage 6 p.m. *2 nd Tuesday each month • Meeting Night 7 p.m. Wednesday • $1 Sloppy Joes 5 – 7 p.m. & 500 Cards 6 p.m. Friday • Dinner • 5:30 – 7 p.m. rd 3 Sunday • Breakfast 8 a.m. – Noon, $6 OPEN 24 HOURS 14133 Edgewood Drive Baxter MN 56425 218•828•4601 JAN. 31, 2015 PAGE 8 “THE COMMANDER” JANUARY 2015 COMMANDER CLASSIFIEDS 510 W Washington St Brainerd MN Hwy 371/County Rd 77 Nisswa MN “Thank you for your service!” *Military Discount Available! *BRAINERD AMERICAN LEGION APPRECIATES THE SUPPORT OF OUR ADVERTISERS! WE ASK THAT YOU SUPPORT THEM BY PATRONIZING THEIR BUSINESSES! *FRYER FOOD & HEGGIE’S PIZZA NOON TO 7 P.M. EVERY DAY! SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY HAPPY HOURS JANUARY All Day, Every Day (at the bar) 2015 Fridays at 5:30 p.m. KITCHEN OPEN DAILY 4 THURSDAY 1 MEAT RAFFLES 5 6 $3.50 BURGER BASKETS! 1 P.M. CLUB OPEN @ NOON *KITCHEN OPEN 12:30 – 4 P.M. POST EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING 7 P.M. 7 $1 SLIDERS NOON TO 7 P.M. ₵ WINGETTES 35 12 BAR BINGO 8 9 NOON TO 7 P.M. ₵ WINGETTES 35 EACH BINGO: 6 – 9 P.M. 13 1 P.M. CLUB OPEN @ NOON *KITCHEN OPEN 12:30 – 4 P.M. 18 1 P.M. CLUB OPEN @ NOON *KITCHEN OPEN 12:30 – 4 P.M. 25 20 MARTIN LUTHER KING DAY 8 a.m. to Noon 23rd Adults $8 • Kids $4 BAR BINGO 1 P.M. CLUB OPEN @ NOON *FOOD 12:30 – 4 P.M. 15 NOON TO 7 P.M. ₵ WINGETTES 35 MDAA MEETING 7 P.M. 21 $1 SLIDERS NOON TO 7 P.M. ₵ WINGETTES 35 EACH ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH DINNER 5 – 7 P.M. 22 NOON TO 7 P.M. ₵ WINGETTES 35 NOON TO 7 P.M. ₵ WINGETTES 35 EACH $3.50 BURGER BASKETS! POST MEMBERSHIP MEETING 7 P.M. AUXILIARY MEMBERSHIP MEETING 7 P.M. 26 WAFFLE BREAKFAST 14 BINGO: 6 – 9 P.M. 19 BAR BINGO CITY HALL CHRISTMAS DINNER 6 P.M. LEGION RIDERS MEETING 7 P.M. BINGO: 6 – 9 P.M. 27 $3.50 BURGER BASKETS! 28 $1 SLIDERS BINGO: 6 – 9 P.M. OPEN 2 – 8 P.M. BOOK YOUR NEXT EVENT! 10 FULL MENU 12 – 8 P.M. MEAT RAFFLE 5:30 p.m. WALLEYE DINNER 2 FOR $22 5:30 p.m. OPEN 2 – 8 P.M. BLUE LAKES CHRISTMAS PARTY 6 p.m. RAY’S PROMENADERS 7 P.M. $1 SLIDERS $3.50 BURGER BASKETS! 3 KITCHEN CLOSING AT 5:30 P.M. (SPECIAL EVENT) MEAT RAFFLE 5:30 p.m. See “Heads Up” p. 3 IBEW 7 P.M. 11 SATURDAY BJORKLAND WEDDING RECEPTION 6 P.M. 12 – 7 p.m. BAR BINGO FRIDAY 2 NEW YEARS DAY PARTY! Mon. – Fri. 4 – 6 p.m. (Except Saturday) $1 TAPS MONDAY – FRIDAY! BANG LUNCHEON 12 NOON 29 NOON TO 7 P.M. ₵ WINGETTES 35 NOON TO 7 P.M. ₵ WINGETTES 35 EACH 16 17 FULL MENU 12 – 8 P.M. MEAT RAFFLE 5:30 p.m. BACON WRAPPED PORK RIB EYE 2 FOR $20 5:30 p.m. KARAOKE 7 P.M. 23 OPEN 2 – 8 P.M. NORTECH CHRISTMAS PARTY Social 5 p.m. Dinner 6 p.m. 24 FULL MENU 12 – 8 P.M. * MEAT RAFFLE 5:30 P.M. WALLEYE DINNER 2 FOR $22 5:30 p.m. 30 OPEN 2 – 8 P.M. BOOK YOUR NEXT EVENT! 31 FULL MENU 12 – 8 P.M. OPEN 2 – 8 P.M. MEAT RAFFLE 5:30 p.m. PORK LOIN DINNER 2 FOR $20 5:30 p.m. BOOK YOUR NEXT EVENT! RAY’S PROMENADERS 7 P.M.
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