NONPROFIT ORG US POSTAGE PAID BRAINERD MN Permit No. 250 AMERICAN LEGION 708 FRONT STREET BRAINERD MN 56401 218-829-2249 OCTOBER 2014 CARL SYDNEY HANSON AMERICAN LEGION POST 255 BRAINERD MN 218•829•2249 LEGION OFFICERS AUXILIARY OFFICERS LEGION RIDERS PRESIDENT: OPEN CHAPTER DIRECTOR: PAUL EDWARDS COMMANDER: EDWARD SPILMAN ST 1 VICE: JERRY STROBEL ST 1 VICE: STACIE BEDNAREK 2ND VICE: TOM SWANSON 2ND VICE: ROSEMARY FERIANCEK CHAPLAIN: SUSAN EDWARDS CHAPLAIN: LANA MULHOLLAND ASST. DIRECTOR/SEC.: SUSAN EDWARDS MEMBERSHIP CHAIRMAN: JACK STICHA CHAPLAIN: DEWAYNE COLLINS 2014 NATIONAL AMERICAN LEGION COMMANDER SGT AT ARMS: DEWAYNE COLLINS SGT AT ARMS: ANN MAJERUS HISTORIAN: BRUCE SPILMAN FINANCE OFFICER: RICHARD STARK TREASURER: DOLLY ZITUR SERGEANT AT ARMS: DALE TOUGAS ADJUTANT: DAN BEDNAREK SECRETARY: DOLLY ZITUR ROAD CAPTAIN: GENE FRANCIS MICHAEL HELM PARLIAMENTARIAN: (OPEN) PARLIAMENTARIAN: OPEN TREASURER: BLAIR FRANCIS 2104 NATIONAL PRESIDENT HISTORIAN: (OPEN) HISTORIAN: OPEN LEGAL OFFICER: JOHN RABOIN EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: SERVICE OFFICER: BOB NELSON DEBBIE KRAKLAU EXECUTIVE BOARD: LANA MULHOLLAND 1 YEAR: JACK STICHA, TOM LEACH PAST PRESIDENT: JUDI HARTING 2 YEAR: OPEN, PAUL EDWARDS 3 YEAR: CHARLES EXTRAND, MATT KREBSBACH PAST COMMANDER: CHRIS SPIEKER JANET JEFFORD ELECTED AT NATIONAL AMERICAN LEGION CONVENTION IN CHARLOTTE, NC “THE COMMANDER” OCTOBER 2014 PAGE 2 POST 255 COMMANDER’S REPORT: Ed Spilman Time for the October newsletter. I would like to start off by thanking the volunteers at the club for Parking and Bingo at the CWC Fair, Sunday breakfast every month, and all who help out for the meals at the events at the Post. About fifteen to twenty people do most of the day to day, week to week volunteering each month. About fifty to seventy-five volunteered for the fair. Out of 800 plus members, this group donates a lot of hours. How about some of the other 700 plus members stepping up to volunteer for your Legion Post and help this group out? It sure would be nice to see some new faces in the volunteer group! Sorry I put it so bluntly, but it is true. Now let us go to some other things. The annual Pheasant Dinner is in October. Not sure of the date yet. To back up a little bit, I just found out a couple days ago that Governor Dayton declared September 16th “American Legion Day” in Minnesota-apparently not very well advertised. The Auxiliary’s 6th Annual Craft and Bake Sale is on Saturday, October 4th. Get your Christmas gifts early! Then we welcome a new season, autumn, on the 22nd of October. The Post Early Bird dinner is scheduled for October 16th for all paid up members. Fall Conference is October 23rd – 25th at the Casino in Mahnomen, for anybody that may want to attend. October is a beautiful month! Take a drive and see all the fall colors. Ed Spilman, Post 255 Commander (H) 1-218-562-4164 (C) 1-218-232-0318 AUXILIARY REPORT: Dolly Zitur Hi Auxiliary Members, With the cooler weather lately, it really looks like we are headed for Fall. We had our first meeting of this new auxiliary year in September and I was glad that so many members are interested in what's going on and did attend. Hopefully, we will see a lot more of you in the future. Remember, change your calendars and write down that our meetings ae now on the third Monday of each month, so plan on being there. Your help is so needed. October 20th is our Membership Dinner, Social Hour at 5:30 p.m. and dinner at 6:30 p.m., and we hope to see you there. As you know, with your dues paid up for this coming year, the meal is free. Our Girl State Citizens have been invited to attend and tell us all about their experiences. We are anxious to hear all about it. Also invited are the President of the American Legion Auxiliary and our 6th District President, so come on down and give them a Big Warm Brainerd Welcome. Let's all be there so say “Hi” and “Welcome.” Remember to bring along your juniors, as they are welcome also. Our membership dinner is also a time to open up your wallet and help us raise money for the “Gift Shop” held at all the VA's in Minnesota. This is a special time when our hospitalized veterans can come in and pick our gifts for their family members, if they have any, which are then packed up and shipped out to their loved ones for Christmas. Help us, help these veterans, as it is a joy watching them pick out the gifts with them knowing that their family will be remembered. We have a number of chairmanships open, so I hope you will consider taking one of them. It's really nice to have our whole slate full and everyone working together with us. Our “Craft and Bake Sale” event will be held on October 4th and we're looking for a full house. Not sure if there are any tables left, but for a great breakfast and lunch, do stop in and check over what's going on and do help us raise some money for auxiliary. See you on October 20th for a great meal and a good time! ~Dolly Zitur, Unit 255 Secretary/Treasurer CHICKEN & CORN FEED REPORT: Well, after the corn ripened and the chickens got a little fatter, the Past Commanders’ Chicken and Corn Feed attendance was down some from past years. We want to express our “THANKS to all who attended.” We would like to “express our “THANKS” to Post 255 for the use of their facilities. As you well know, the greater share of our Fund Raiser goes to support Post 255. A special THANKS to Bud Sedlachek for furnishing the corn and Tim Aune for cooking the corn; we appreciate your help. We had a large number of Legionnaires and Auxiliary Members helping out this year, and we THANK YOU for your help-- corn pickers, huskers, table setters, cooks, servers, clean-up crew, ticket sellers-- the list could get longer--Don Hauck , Duane Berg, Chuck Extrand, Aubrey Fillbrandt, Roger Bierman, Buzz Bereuter, Dewayne Collins, Fred Fisher, Robert and Judi Harting, Richard and Betty Hayes, Wayne Hayes, Andrea Holmes, Viv Kope, Dee Severson, and Tom Swanson. Yvonne and I would like to express our “THANKS” for the cooperation we have received from the Past Commanders and all who attended these dinners through the years. ~Jay and Yvonne Beebe 2014 CAMP-O-REE REPORT: This is the time of the year when we again “THANK ALL” who have helped in getting the Camp-O-Ree ready for another year. We were down in numbers; however, we think we will do as well as last year. We will finalize everything and present a check at the Fall Conference to Wayne Gilbertson, our Legionville President. Our “THANKS” go out to all the workers we had in preparation in getting “The Legionville Learning Center” ready for the 2014 Camp-O-Ree. With your help in moving items and cleaning the Center it turned out looking very nice for the incoming Camp-O-Ree supporters. Again, our “THANKS” go out to all of the workers we had in getting ready for and working at the Camp-O-Ree. A special thanks to Pam Weiss for helping in getting our Gambling License and a doing an audit on gambling at the close of the Camp-O-Ree. Also, a special “Thanks” to all the workers: Duane Berg, Scott Broekemeir, Becky Olson, Jim Falconer, Tara Capes, Dee Severson, Karen Ferrari, Judi and Bob Harding, Dan Barto, Stacie and Dan Bednarek, DJ Weiss, Jerry “Chick” Lyscio, Gina Keehr, Roger and Eloise Bierman, May Fort, Lori Guin, Sherrie Bauch, Jerry and Bonnie Johnson, Terry Morgan, and Erica Bybee. We would also like to “THANK” Roy Krueger” for the support we received from him. We had a large number of comments from the Campers on how nice the inside looked. We could not have made it looking great on the inside without all your help. Yvonne and I “THANK ALL OF YOU.” ~Jay Beebe, 2014 Camp-O-Ree Chairman American Legion COMMANDER: Volume XIV, Issue 10: The Brainerd Published monthly by Carl Sydney Hanson Post 255, Unit 255 and SAL 255 as a free service to our members. Advertising inquiries, change of address and any input can be submitted to: American Legion Post 255, 708 Front Street, Brainerd, MN 56401. *Deadline for articles is on or about the 15th of each month prior to the issue month. EDITOR: Susanne Fussy ([email protected]) *TO PLACE AN AD, CONTACT: TOM SWANSON (218-829-1151) or DUANE BERKNER (218-828-5074) Submissions for publication may be dropped off at the Legion (Attn: Commander Editor) or e-mailed to [email protected] “THE COMMANDER” OCTOBER 2014 PAGE 3 PARTICIPATORY MEMBERSHIP Part Two (the rant continues) An editorial by Paul Edwards I wasn’t going to write anything else on this topic until I saw the attendance at the September membership meeting. I saw, and while I acknowledge that there were 3 faces there that I am not used to seeing, the increase is not nearly enough. I cannot understand why an organization of 800 members allows just 16 people to make all the decisions that affect the organization. Don’t any of the members have ideas? Don’t any of the members have opinions about how the Legion Post should be functioning? Don’t you care what the Legion Post is doing with the dues you pay and the profits from club operations and gambling? The only way you have a say in what goes on is to come to the membership meetings. While at the Executive Board meetings only the officers and board members have a vote, everybody has a voice. At a general membership meeting, all post members have a voice and a vote. Unless you express your idea or opinion where it counts, as in at one of the monthly meetings, your idea or opinion is just noise in the bar. Personally, I have a higher opinion of my ideas and opinions than that. I want them heard and I want them to matter. You remember that last month, I asked about a guy named Adrian Peterson and what would happen if he did not participate. [In the home opener game], he did not participate. What happened? YOU are an important part of this Legion Post. YOUR ideas and opinions are important and valuable. YOUR past service to the country and to the Legion is appreciated. YOU have knowledge and wisdom, however slight you might it is. Please stop depriving us of YOUR company, your ideas, your opinions, your wisdom and your knowledge. I ask the question again, “Where is everybody?” More importantly, “WHERE ARE YOU?” COLOR GUARD REPORT: Bob Voels Post 255 Honor Guard provided military funeral services for the following: 8/22/14 ANDY L. PETERSON EVERGREEN CEMETERY 11 LEGION GUARD 6 VFW GUARD 2 NATIONAL GUARD HEADS UP! 6th Annual AUXILIARY CRAFT & BAKE SALE Saturday, October 4th 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tables $20 Crafters: Call Darlene Swedin for information! POST EARLY BIRD MEMBERSHIP DINNER AUXILIARY MEMBERSHIP DINNER THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16 5:30 P.M. MONDAY, OCTOBER 20 5:30 P.M. SOCIAL HOUR 6:30 P.M. DINNER *FREE FOR PAID UP POST MEMBERS. **DUES PAYABLE AT THE DOOR. *FREE FOR PAID UP AUXILIARY MEMBERS **DUES PAYABLE AT DOOR DONATIONS ACCEPTED FOR VETERANS GIFT SHOP THE PAST COMMANDERS will hold their quarterly dinner meeting on Wednesday October 22, 2014 at the Brainerd American Legion. Social begins at 5:00 p.m. followed by a steak dinner at 6:00 p.m. Regular business meeting will follow to include election of officers. See you there! 9/9/14 JOHN A. JANOWIAK 9 LEGION GUARD 6 VFW GUARD 2 NATIONAL GUARD 9/12/14 ROBERT L. OSBORNE CREMATION 6 LEGION GUARD 9VFW GUARD 2 NATIONAL GUARD *We are looking for more members to join the Brainerd Legion Color Guard. If you are interested in joining us, contact Ron Holloway at 218-820-3631 (c). You may leave a message with your name and telephone number. ~Bob Voels OUR HEARTFELT SYMPATHY TO THE FAMILIES OF OUR DEPARTED COMRADES: •ROBERT L. OSBORNE SUNDAYS: 1 p.m. *Kitchen Open 12:30 – 4:30 P.M. TUESDAYS: 6 – 9 P.M. Cook’s Choice: 4 – 8:30 p.m. MEAT RAFFLES FRIDAYS AT 5:30 p.m. *Rada Knives on sale first Friday each month! OCTOBER 2014 CLUB BREAKFASTS LEGION CLUB HOURS Elks: Sunday, Oct. 5 MONDAY - THURSDAY 11 A.M. – 8 P.M. FRIDAY 11 A.M. – 10 P.M. SATURDAY 2 P.M. – 8 P.M. SUNDAY 12 P.M. – 6 P.M. Eagles: Sunday, Oct. 12 VFW: Sunday, Oct. 19 Legion: Sunday, Oct. 26 “THE COMMANDER” OCTOBER 2014 PAGE 4 GAMBLING REPORT: Paul Edwards GAMBLING REPORT FOR AUGUST 2014 Gross Receipts from all sources Cost of Prizes Paid Net Receipts from all sources $93,281.00 $77,550.00 $15,731.00 Club Pulltabs Gross receipts Club Pulltabs Prizes Paid Club Pull Tabs Net income Club Sunday Bingo Gross Receipts Club Sunday Bingo Prizes Paid Club Sunday Bingo Net income Club Tuesday Bingo Gross Receipts Club Tuesday Bingo Prizes Paid Club Tuesday Bingo Net income Club Meat Raffle Gross Receipts Club Meat Raffle Prizes Cost Club Meat Raffle Net income Yesterday's Gone Pulltabs Gross Receipts Yesterday's Gone Pulltabs Prizes Paid Yesterday's Gone Pulltabs Net Income $55,866.00 $46,716.00 $9,150.00 $5,771.00 $4,335.00 $1,436.00 $1,394.00 $1,273.00 $121.00 $1,436.00 $725.00 $711.00 $28,814.00 $24,501.00 $4,313.00 CHARITABLE CONTRIBUTIONS DURING AUGUST 2014 ALR Legacy Scholarship Fund $250.00 Eagles Healing Nest/Wounded Warrior Ride $250.00 GREETINGS FROM THE GAMBLING OFFICE: I am going to start by sending out a big THANK YOU to all in the organization who help make our charitable gambling efforts a success. This is for both the paid and volunteer workers. To Jim and Sarge, for their work with the Meat Raffle on Fridays. To Tadina and Josh who do excellent work with our Bingo efforts. To Sue Edwards for answering the call whenever I need help. To Tara, my Assistant Gambling Manager for her hard work keeping us moving forward. And one more “thank you” to all the folks who helped out with Fair Bingo. Having said that, I will mention that we need more volunteers, especially for the Friday night Meat Raffle. We currently have only two teams to cover every week and I don’t want to burn them out. If you would like to come and have some fun for a couple of hours on Friday evenings, let us know. It is fun and you will be allowed to clown around, at least a little. Don’t worry about lack of experience; we will have you work with someone for a time or two to learn the paperwork and the procedures. After that, it is all fun. Our experiment with Tuesday Bingo is going pretty well. We are able to pay for the prizes won out of income from the evening. I am sincerely hoping attendance will pick up as the cold weather returns to the Northland and people come off the lakes and away from their summer activities. Our current plans are to let Tuesday Bingo continue at least through February before we declare the event to be a success. Please spread the word. We need more players. The Charitable Gambling operations in the club belong to the members of the Brainerd Legion Family. You, the members of the family, have good ideas. Please share them with us. If you have an idea to improve our Bingo operation, an idea for a fun raffle, or an idea for a fun event, please send me an email to [email protected], or the office email at [email protected]. If you are “old school”, you can also just drop a note in the gambling mailbox in the office. ~Paul Edwards, Gambling Manager BRAINERD CHAPTER LEGION RIDERS REPORT At the chapter meeting on September 17th, nominations were made for the November elections. The current slate of officers was nominated for a second term of office with the exception of Gene Francis, the current Road Captain and Bruce Spilman, the current Chapter Historian. Gene expressed doubt in his ability to serve due to his on-going health issues. Bruce elected to step down due to the distance he has to travel to get to meetings. The chapter decided that in light of the excellent job that Gene has done and due to the Minnesota riding season drawing to a close, the Road Captain position would be held open until Gene can resume the duties or we have to start planning rides again in the Spring. When we initially elected officers, we did not have enough members to fill all the positions and the chapter decided to combine the duties of Road Captain and Safety Officer. Since we now have enough people, the chapter decided to separate the duties. Steve Eide was nominated to the position of Safety Officer. Bev Bosch was nominated to the position of Chapter Historian. Thank you to Jim Mark for serving as Nomination Chairman. COMING EVENTS: October 3: Gold Star Parents event at Craguns October 15: Chapter meeting (guest speaker from the state motorcycle skills training group) October 26: Legion breakfast November 19: Chapter Officer elections November 23: Legion Breakfast *Watch emails and the Facebook page for impromptu rides and events. We also have our weekly dinner socials. I reported last month that the stated fundraising goal for the 2014 Legion Rider Legacy Scholarship Fund Ride was $55,000 for the 5th year of the ride. When Sue and I left the Coon Rapids Legion Post, the end point of the ride, the total was $68,974. I knew it would go higher because they were still counting money from a silent auction and there were several posts in the state that had not yet donated. The donations were transported to the National American Legion Convention and tallied there. The contributions from all of the departments in the country totaled more than $1 million. And how did Minnesota do? Our grand total was higher than any other state in the union with a donation of $87400. WELL DONE MINNESOTA!!! ~Paul Edwards, Brainerd ALR Chapter Director THANKS TO THESE GREAT VOLUNTEERS! DONATIONS TO CLUB: *We are sincerely grateful to all individuals who help the club with donations, large or small! SUNDAY BINGO: All the ladies who help set up for Bingo. FRIDAY MEAT RAFFLES: Jim Falconer, “Sarge,” Susan Edwards. BREAKFAST BUFFET: (8/24/14) Ed Spilman, Dewayne Collins, Tom Swanson, Duane Berkner, Duane Berg, Blair Francis, Don Hauck, Jack Sticha, Susan Edwards, Paul Edwards, Roger Gonnerman, Kathleen, Mariko and Malia Hermerding, Ruth Unger, Amanda Unger, Delani Collins. KICHEN/EVENTS: Susan Edwards, Jack Sticha CHICKEN & CORN FEED: See article page 2. CAMPOREE: See article page 2. *CORRECTION! CWC FAIR PARKING: Unfortunately, in the list of CWC Fair Parking Volunteers printed in last month’s issue, Ed Spilman’s name was inadvertently missed. Thank you Ed for helping out with CWC Fair parking! Also, Don Ryan’s name was spelled incorrectly. Apologies to both! “COMMANDER” CIRCLE OF FRIENDS! Our sincere thanks to the following for their donations to “The Commander” Newsletter Circle of Friends: WE INVITE YOU TO JOIN THE 2014 CIRCLE OF FRIENDS: •Mary L. Andrews-Spilman •Bonnie & Philip Selisker •Nealna& Don Gylling •Helen & Tom Swanson •Ed Spilman •Charles F. Halsted •Alma Miller James & Minna Wallin •Lorraine Montgomery •Terry & Mary McCollough •Bob & Judi Harting •Charlie & Norma Extrand •Roman & Susanne Fussy •Jack Sticha •Larry & Catherine Hisman DID YOU KNOW? If every member gave just $5.00, we could pay for “The Commander” expenses for a full year! *ANOTHER WAY you can support “The Commander”: Put your loose change in the jar on the Pull Tab booth counter! “THE COMMANDER” OCTOBER 2014 PAGE 5 2014 FALL RENDEZVOUS Tom Swanson, Jack Sticha and Dewayne Collins Prepared a Prime Rib & Jumbo Shrimp dinner Photo Courtesy of Bonnie Bellos “Christmas Comes Early” to these lucky Rendezvous attendees! Photo Courtesy of Bonnie Bellos The Zelinske Ballroom was full for Rendezvous 2014. Photo Courtesy of Bonnie Bellos Mike Bellos and Faye Abrahamson with the Pat Abrahamson Memorial Rifle Photo Courtesy of Bonnie Bellos “THE COMMANDER” OCTOBER 2014 PAGE 6 Barbara Miller won 2 Big Kahunas at the Friday meat raffle and generously donated one back to raffle again! She couldn’t lose that night! Photo by Susanne Fussy Chuck Halsted also won a Big Kahuna! Photo by Susanne Fussy Sandi was a first time winner at the Friday night meat raffle! Photo by Susanne Fussy “Sarge” posed with his Big Kahuna and Assistant Gambling Manager Tara. Photo by Susanne Fussy COMMANDER CLASSIFIEDS 724 LAUREL ST. (218) 829-2849 BRAINERD MN 56401 FAX (218) 828-0589 [email protected] YOUR AD HERE! Call Tom Swanson 218-829-1151 Or duane berkner 218-828-5074 PERSONAL INJURY ATTORNEY • Auto Accidents •Free initial consultation US Air Force Academy Graduate – 1981 American Legion Post 255 Member 218•828•9211 (near Arby’s in Baxter) “WE HONOR VETERANS” “THE COMMANDER” OCTOBER 2014 PAGE 7 COMMANDER CLASSIFIEDS HALVORSON - JOHNSON FUNERAL & CREMATION CARE Real People. Real Compassion. --Directors— Casey Swantek, Jay Simon, Tim Taylor (Owner) Serving the Brainerd Area Since 1035 Expanding to Baxter in 2013 829-3581 • 1-877-729-3581 703 Oak Street, Brainerd • Thanking all who have and are Serving this Great Country of ours!!! J & M Printing, Inc. James E. & Minna Wallin 39 continuous years Post 255 Member [email protected] Helping you say goodbye. MILLS FLEET FARM HONORS AND SUPPORTS VETERANS AND LEGIONNAIRES OF CARL SYDNEY HANSON POST 255. We thank you for your Business and your Service! David L. Sabir, M.D. • Bradley L. Adams, O.D. • No Stitch Cataract Surgery • Lens Implant Surgery • Laser Surgery • Glaucoma Specialists • Laser Vision Corrective Surgery (LASIK) • Corneal Transplants 2020 South 6th Street • Brainerd 218-829-2020 1-800-872-0005 NEW MEMBERS WELCOME! CONTACT PETE @ 218-746-3511 BRAINERD VFW POST 1647 WELCOMES OUR LEGION FRIENDS! Monday • Bar Bingo & Basket Food 6 p.m. Tuesday • $1 Tacos 5 – 7 p.m. Cribbage 6 p.m. *2 nd Tuesday each month • Meeting Night 7 p.m. Wednesday • $1 Sloppy Joes 5 – 7 p.m. & 500 Cards 6 p.m. Friday • Dinner • 5:30 – 7 p.m. rd 3 Sunday • Breakfast 8 a.m. – Noon, $6 OPEN 24 HOURS 14133 Edgewood Drive Baxter MN 56425 218•828•4601 OCT. 31, 2014 “THE COMMANDER” OCTOBER 2014 PAGE 8 COMMANDER CLASSIFIEDS 510 W Washington St Brainerd MN Hwy 371/County Rd 77 Nisswa MN “Thank you for your service!” *Military Discount Available! *BRAINERD AMERICAN LEGION APPRECIATES THE SUPPORT OF OUR ADVERTISERS! WE ASK THAT YOU SUPPORT THEM BY PATRONIZING THEIR BUSINESSES! *FRYER FOOD & HEGGIE’S PIZZA NOON TO 7 P.M. EVERY DAY! SUNDAY MONDAY OCTOBER 2014 5 HAPPY HOURS: 7. $3.50 BURGER BASKETS! 8 SPECIAL COOK’S CHOICE 4 – 8:30 P.M. $3.50 BURGER BASKETS! BINGO: 6 – 9 P.M. 20 8 a.m. to Noon Adults $7.50 • Kids $4 BAR BINGO 1 P.M. CLUB OPEN @ NOON *FOOD 12:30 – 4 P.M. 10 NOON TO 7 P.M. ₵ WINGETTES 35 EACH 15 SPECIAL COOK’S CHOICE 4 – 8:30 P.M. CLUB COMMITTEE MEETING 9:30 A.M. (All are welcome) IBEW 4 – 6 P.M. 40 ET 8: 7 P.M. 21 $3.50 BURGER BASKETS! TUPPERWARE MEETING 5 P.M. POST MEMBERSHIP MEETING 7 P.M. AUXILIARY MEMBERSHIP DINNER 5:30 SOCIAL 6:30 DINNER 27 IBEW 7 P.M. LEGION RIDERS MEETING 7 P.M. 22 NOON TO 7 P.M. ₵ WINGETTES 35 SPECIAL COOK’S CHOICE 4 – 8:30 P.M. BINGO: 6 – 9 P.M. 28 $3.50 BURGER BASKETS! 16 NOON TO 7 P.M. ₵ WINGETTES 35 AUXILIARY CRAFT AND BAKE SALE 9 A.M. – 3 P.M. OPEN 2 – 8 P.M. th 50 PETERSON ANNIVERSARY 2 – 6 P.M. FULL MENU 12 – 8 P.M. MEAT RAFFLE 5:30 p.m. CHICKEN ALFREDO DINNER 2 FOR $20 5:30 p.m. EARLY BIRD KARAOKE 7 P.M. MEMBERSHIP DINNER RAY’S PROMENADERS 5:30 P.M. 7 P.M. 18 23 25 NOON TO 7 P.M. ₵ WINGETTES 35 EACH 30 NOON TO 7 P.M. ₵ WINGETTES 35 17 NOON TO 7 P.M. ₵ WINGETTES 35 EACH PAST COMMANDERS 5 P.M. SOCIAL 6 P.M. DINNER 29 SPECIAL COOK’S CHOICE 4 – 8:30 P.M. OPEN 2 – 8 P.M. 11 FULL MENU 12 – 8 P.M. MEAT RAFFLE 5:30 p.m. RIB DINNER 2 FOR $20 5:30 p.m. MDAA MEETING 7 P.M. BINGO: 6 – 9 P.M. BAR BINGO BREAKFAST BUFFET 9 NOON TO 7 P.M. ₵ WINGETTES 35 SATURDAY 4 FULL MENU 12 – 8 P.M. MEAT RAFFLE 5:30 p.m. RIB EYE DINNER 2 FOR $20 5:30 p.m. POST EXECUTIBE COMMITTEE MEETING 7 P.M. 1 P.M. CLUB OPEN @ NOON *KITCHEN OPEN 12:30 – 4 P.M. 26 3 NOON TO 7 P.M. ₵ WINGETTES 35 EACH *KITCHEN OPEN DAILY 12 – 7 P.M. EXCEPT SATURDAY 13 COLUMBUS DAY 14 1 P.M. CLUB OPEN @ NOON *KITCHEN OPEN 12:30 – 4 P.M. 2 NOON TO 7 P.M. ₵ WINGETTES 35 FRIDAY MEAT RAFFLES: BAR BINGO 19 1 THURSDAY All Day, Every Day (at the bar) Fridays at 5:30 p.m. IBEW MEETING 6 P.M. 12 WEDNESDAY Monday – Friday: 4 – 6 p.m. 6 BAR BINGO 1 P.M. CLUB OPEN @ NOON *KITCHEN OPEN 12:30 – 4 P.M. TUESDAY $1 TAPS MONDAY – FRIDAY! NOON TO 7 P.M. ₵ WINGETTES 35 EACH 24 FULL MENU 12 – 8 P.M. MEAT RAFFLE 5:30 p.m. RIB EYE DINNER 2 FOR $20 5:30 p.m. 31 HALLOWEEN CLUB COMMITTEE MEETING 9:30 A.M. (All are welcome) FULL MENU 12 – 8 P.M. MEAT RAFFLE 5:30 p.m. WALLEYE DINNER 2 FOR $20 5:30 p.m. BINGO: 6 – 9 P.M. RAY’S PROMENADERS 7 P.M. OPEN 2 – 8 P.M. OPEN 2 – 8 P.M. DARKHOUSE BANQUET
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