ST. BEDE CHURCH 36455 N. Wilson Road, Ingleside, IL 60041 January 25, 2015 • Third Sunday in Ordinary Time • Church website: Today’s Liturgy The Liturgy of the Word - Readings #1099 Processional Hymn: Gloria: Responsorial Psalm: Gospel Acclamation: 800 - Come And Follow Me 249 - Mass from Age to Age 38 - Teach Me Your Way 194 The Liturgy of the Eucharist Presentation Hymn: Holy: Mem. Acclamation: Great Amen: Lamb of God: Communion Hymn: Meditation Hymn: Recessional Hymn: 802 - I Will Choose Christ 253 255 257 259 795 - Take, O Take Me As I Am 804 - Here Am I 656 - Lead Me, Guide Me 2 — Third Sunday in Ordinary Time · January 25, 2015 From the Administrator, Fr. James Merold My Dear People, Catholic Schools Week Is Here! Well, actually it has been for generations. St. John Neumann was the Bishop of Philadelphia in the middle of the 19th century. He was the great promoter of parochial schools in our country. He himself was known for his holiness and his learning. His vision was that every Catholic child should be educated in the ways of the Lord in a Catholic school environment. The pope at the time stated that the purpose of Catholic education was to form Christ in the heart and soul of every person. This goal is not only praiseworthy; it stands at the heart of the very mission of Christ and His Church. We often refer to this mission as Evangelization. It is the reason the Church exists; it is the mission of St. Bede Parish community of faith. It is why we continually offer our prayers for the success of our work here. It is why we sacrifice greatly to support Catholic Education in all its forms. It is why we never waver in our dedication to make Christ known, loved, and adored here at St. Bede and beyond. It is why I was ordained to the priesthood in Christ’s Holy Catholic Church. It is why I continue to serve in the ministry of the Church. It is why I am here among you. It is why I stand at the altar each day to plead the one sacrifice of Christ and offer it to God the Father. It is also the reason we are Catholic and a part of the universal Church of Jesus Christ. Let us celebrate this Catholic Schools Week with renewed enthusiasm and dedication to further this mission of Jesus and His Church. Be an ambassador of our Catholic educational program in the community. Invite your neighbor to be a part of our school and its mission. Do everything you can to help form Christ in the heart and soul of everyone. To do anything less is to fail in our calling as servants of the Lord. In Christ, Father Jim Merold P.S. Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, February 18—just 24 days from now. Masses on Ash Wednesday will be at 6:30 AM, 8:15 AM, 12:00 Noon, and 6:45 PM. Ashes will be imposed during all Masses. St. Bede Church · Ingleside, IL — 3 Mass Intentions Please Pray for the sick and homebound of our parish... Dolores Allred David Barnes Marcia Beake Rich Becmer Barbara Bernardi Phil Bickford Reggie Bolan Eric Brown Patricia Bulauski Dolores Clausen Lynn Cook Bob Conway Mary Conway Joy Cortesi Theresa Dietz Everett Donarski Jerry Eisenhower Robert Fairman Pat Fernandez Brigid Finan Fr. Fitzpatrick Peri Freund Laurel Fritz Tanya G. Corinne General Deborah Glen Bernadette Haase Rosemarie Hadley Jorie Hamsin Linda Hausen Jeanette Hill Dan Jakes Frank Jiracek Frank Keenan Margaret King Ron Korytowski Bob Kramer Diane Labriola Tim LaCreta Debbie Laurie Charlee Lawson Patsy Leonard Don Manthei Sharon Marchetti Joyce Matthei Colleen Michaelson Jake Mosansky John Mueller Mary Ann Nelson Veronica Olson Joe Palkoner Sharon Palms Pat Pawlis Melissa Powell Mary Pejril Rosemary Ptak Kayla Radtke Lydia Reca Gretchen Renlund Daanish Rizwan Joan Roden Paul Roden J.J. Rodriguez Helen Rosing Julienne Scheibe Christine Schultz Bill Shafer Jerry Smith Scott G. Stafort Roger Swiss Ron Teufel Lenore Trausch (Schopper) Heather Van Daele Kindi Warren John Wells Elizabeth Wold William E. Wollmuth Florence Wrobel Virginia Zeifert Jason Zdon Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Saturday, January 24 5:00 PM Lucille Jankovsky, req. by George Jankovsky Elsie Ompoco, req. by Geraldine & Charmaine Sunday, January 25 7:00 AM People of the Parish 9:00 AM Angeline R. Ryba, req. by Mr. & Mrs. W. Dziedzic 11:00 AM Adele Pawelczyk, req. by husband Monday, January 26 — Ss. Timothy & Titus 8:15 AM Bob Vicicondi, req. by Chris Stochl Family Tuesday, January 27 8:15 AM Lucille Jankovsky, req. by George Jankovsky Wednesday, January 28 — St. Thomas Aquinas 8:15 AM Thomas Connors, req. by Marianne Working Thursday, January 29 8:15 AM Marvin Kuper, req. by Tom & Carol Flogel Friday, January 30 8:15 AM Barbara Kush, req. by Frank & Ann Wach Saturday, January 31 — St. John Bosco 8:15 AM LaVerne Jorgensen, req. by St. Bede Parish Family Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Saturday, January 31 5:00 PM Lucille Jankovsky, req. by George Jankovsky Mass of Thanksgiving for answered prayer, req. by Charmaine Go Sunday, February 1 7:00 AM Agnes Fidler, req. by Gerry Patryn 9:00 AM Adelia Hopp, req. by Theresa Dietz 11:00 AM People of the Parish …and for all whose names are written in our parish book of intentions. Please call the rectory at 847-587-2251 if you or your family member needs to be added to or removed from the prayer list. Readings for the Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 2 Tm 1:1-8 or Ti 1:1-5; Ps 96:1-3, 7-8a, 10; Mk 3:22-30 Heb 10:1-10; Ps 40:2, 4ab, 7-8a, 10, 11; Mk 3:31-35 Heb 10:11-18; Ps 110:1-4; Mk 4:1-20 Heb 10:19-25; Ps 24:1-6; Mk 4:21-25 Heb 10:32-39; Ps 37:3-6, 23-24, 39-40; Mk 4:26-34 Heb 11:1-2, 8-19; Lk 1:69-75; Mk 4:35-41 Dt 18:15-20; Ps 95:1-2, 6-9; 1 Cor 7:32-35; Mk 1:21-28 We pray for the repose of the souls of all those who have died. May They Rest in Peace. 4 — Third Sunday in Ordinary Time · January 25, 2015 Catholic Schools Week Is Here! Kick-off is Sunday January 25th Join us for an Open House at St. Bede School 10 AM - 1 PM on the 25th! St. Bede Church · Ingleside, IL — 5 VICARIATE WELCOME MASSES FOR ARCHBISHOP CUPICH Archbishop Blase Cupich has chosen to visit each of the Vicariates in our Archdiocese of Chicago for an initial area welcome Mass. Parishioners of all 25 parishes in our area of the Vicariate are invited to attend the Mass for our area, which will be on Thursday, February 5, 2015 at 7:00 PM, at St. Mary of Vernon Parish in Indian Creek. The parish is located at 236 US Highway 45 in Indian Creek (just west of Butterfield Road on Highway 45). Space, of course, is limited. As priests, deacons and parishioners from all the parishes within our three deaneries are invited. The host parish will do their best to accommodate those who come. So remember: there will be other occasions when the Archbishop will be visiting parishes in the future. If you have any questions, you are welcome to contact the hosting parish (847362-1005) or the Vicariate I office at 847-549-0160. Candlemas/St. Blaise Next weekend at all of our Masses, we will observe two special Liturgical celebrations. First, we will celebrate the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord in the temple when he was 40 days old. This day is also known as Candlemas Day—the day when we bless candles as a reminder that Jesus is our light. Blessed candles will be available after Mass for you to take home and use for your devotions. Also, we will remember St. Blaise, Bishop and Martyr, at our Masses. St. Blaise was the bishop of Sebaste in Armenia in the early 4th century. He is associated with the healing of throats. At the end of Mass you will have the opportunity to have your throat blessed through the intercession of St. Blaise. These two blessings remind us of the traditional use of sacramentals in our Church; they are signs of God’s provident care for all His children. For Your Information For Our Children If our school is closed due to weather conditions, there will NOT be an 8:15 AM Mass on that day. (The Mass Intention will be moved to the next available day.) This is to help insure that we are all safe on these days. Thank you. Beginning on Sunday, January 25 there will be Children’s Liturgy of the Word each Sunday during the 11:00 AM Mass. We are so pleased to offer this each week. 6 — Third Sunday in Ordinary Time · January 25, 2015 Sunday evening Mass is coming to St. Bede! Beginning February 22—The First Sunday of Lent—we will offer Mass each Sunday at 4:30 PM. Invite your neighbors and friends to join us for worship each Sunday. We hope to offer inspiring homilies, lots of congregational singing, and a more informal approach to worship. Give it a try for Lent! Treasures from our Tradition As a result of the reforms of the Second Vatican Council, the Church has defined a new pastoral plan for your care whenever you struggle with illness. There are rites for children, a communal rite for celebration in the parish, forms of care for the sick at each stage and transition, and for the desperately ill. There is a much broader interpretation of who may be anointed, including not only the visibly ill, but those battling addiction, or the elderly coping with the frustrating aches and pains of aging. Children under seven are normally not anointed, since the oil is associated with reconciliation. (For the same reason, they do not receive ashes on Ash Wednesday.) However, children close to that age who have a serious illness often gain a deep level of spiritual insight and maturity, and may benefit from catechesis for the Eucharist. Once admitted to confirmation and/or Eucharist, a sick child should be anointed. It is a great strength of our present rite that a section is included with prayers tailored to the experience and understanding of a child. Considering our recent history of being fairly sparing with this sacrament, the generosity of celebration today is helping us to retrieve an essential part of our tradition of reverence for the sick. —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. 2014 Statement of Contribution Request If you wish to receive a record of your contributions for 2014, please provide the necessary information on the form below and place the completed form in the Sunday collection basket or mail it to the rectory and the statement will be mailed to you. Thank you very much for your support of St. Bede Parish. Name _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address _______________________________________________________________________________________________ City __________________________________________________________ State _________________ Zip _______________ St. Bede Church · Ingleside, IL — 7 8 — Third Sunday in Ordinary Time · January 25, 2015 Week at a Glance Monday, January 26 • Catholic Schools Week • 8th Grade Boys FVCC Basketball Tournament — 6:00 & 7:00 & 8:00 PM, Gym • Girl Scouts — 6:30 - 8:30 PM, Conference Room • Women’s Club Board Meeting — 7:00 PM, Conference Room Tuesday, January 27 • Catholic Schools Week • Staff Meeting — 5:30 PM, Conference Room • Bible Study — 6:30 - 7:30 PM, Knights’ House • Parish Pastoral Council Meeting — 7:00 PM, Conference Room • Boy Scout Troop 85 Meeting — 7:00 - 8:30 PM, Fitzpatrick Hall • Cub Scout Pack 111 Meeting — 7:00 - 8:00 PM, Coleman Hall Wednesday, January 28 • Catholic Schools Week • School Mass — 8:15 AM, Church • Religious Ed, 1st - 8th Grade — 6:30 - 8:00 PM, FFC • St. Vincent de Paul Meeting — 7:00 PM, Library Thursday, January 29 • Catholic Schools Week • 6th & 8th Grade Boys Basketball Games — 6:00 & 7:00 PM, Gym • St. Bede Choir Practice — 7:00 - 9:00 PM, Church Friday January 30 • Catholic Schools Week Sunday, February 1 • Religious Ed, 1st - 8th Grade — 9:30 - 10:40 AM, FFC • Children’s Liturgy during Mass — 11:00 AM Please donate your pop tabs! We have been collecting and donating to Ronald McDonald House for the benefit of families with children in local children’s hospitals for the past few years. This is an ongoing program so save them up and bring them in. Your pop tabs are translated into funds that allow families to stay close to their children in these hospitals. Please put them in a plastic bag and bring them to the school or RE office and we will box them up and deliver them to one of our local businesses. Thanks again for your donation. Please do not bring them to the church. Thank you. St. Bede Women’s Club The next meeting of the St. Bede Women’s Club will be Monday, February 2nd at 7:00 in the evening. To prepare for Lent, we will begin by gathering in the church to pray Mary’s Way of the Cross. There will be a short business meeting in Coleman Hall to finalize the Spring Tea. We will end the evening playing Bunco. Bunco is easy to learn and fun to play. All the women of the parish are invited to join us in prayer, fellowship, and fun. Club members with last names that begin with K through Q will set-up, clean up, and provide snacks, sweets, and door prizes. Families and the Gospel Third Sunday in Ordinary Time It must have been difficult for Zebedee to watch his sons walk away and follow Jesus. It was the end of ‘Zebedee and Sons Fishing, Inc.’ Our children were never ours. They are only on loan to us. We raise them to let them go. — by Bud Ozar Change Our Lives In today’s first reading, Jonah, sent by God to warn the people, storms through Nineveh, frightening the citizens out of their wits. It works! They repent before Jonah makes his way through a third of the city, and God sees “by their actions” how they have turned from evil. Then we hear Paul telling the Corinthians that “the world in its present form is passing away.” He calls for a change of heart. He stops short of telling them to set aside their everyday lives, but still he urges them—rather mysteriously—to live as though they aren’t doing the things they’re doing. Finally, Jesus stands on the shore and cries, “The kingdom of God is at hand!” The apostles-to-be abandon their nets and follow him. Thus in all the readings we hear an invitation to a radical and immediate change in our lives. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. St. Bede Church · Ingleside, IL — 9 Stewardship Updates Parish Stewardship Report An Update on St. Bede Efforts to Reduce the Debt: As of July 1, 2014 our parish indebtedness was $841,877.58. Of that amount, $452,596.16 was for the capital loan for the Faith Formation Center. Because the interest rate on the capital loan is 7.3% all monies we have received for debt reduction—including the $10,000 received as part of the Annual School Appeal—have been applied to that loan. As of Tuesday, January 20th the balance for the capital loan is at $417,863.86 which means our indebtedness over the last 7 months has been reduced by $34,732.30. Thank you to all who have supported this endeavor. (Please watch this space on the last Sunday of the month for continuing updates!) THANK YOU TO THOSE WHO HAVE BEEN ABLE TO RESPOND TO THE 2014 ANNUAL SCHOOL FUND APPEAL! As of January 20, 2015 the 2014 Annual School Fund Appeal has received $28,105. Thank you for your generosity! Weekend of January 17/18, 2014 10 via Give Central 219 envelopes Loose cash Sunday Collection Total: 2nd Collection: Latin America 2015 Fiscal Year (29 Sundays & Christmas) Average per Sunday is $9,268.15 2014 Fiscal Year (29 Sundays & Christmas) Average per Sunday is $9,202.53 $ $ $ $ 762.00 6,346.70 594.87 7,703.57 $ 875.00 $ 295,469.80 $ 301,869.39 THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONTINUING SUPPORT! Please Note: The “2nd collection” next Sunday is our monthly debt reduction collection. We will pass the basket twice. Please use the envelopes provided in your packets or write ‘Debt Reduction’ in the ‘Memo’ area of your check. Please be as generous as you are able. Thank you! Congratulations to Pat Weidner who won the January St. Bede School Raffle! REVISED GIVE CENTRAL PROCEDURES (If there are questions, please call 847-587-2251 between 9:00 AM and 4:00 PM, Monday through Thursday.) • • • • Go to and click on ‘Start Giving’; In the ‘Search for Charity’ box type ‘Ingleside’ and the St. Bede icon will pop up at the lower left side of the page; Double click on the St. Bede icon and click on one of the ways to support St. Bede or click on the ‘View More’ for other options; On the ‘Make a contribution’ page indicate the amount to be contributed, the first contribution date, the frequency of the contributions (weekly, monthly, etc.) and whether the contribution is ongoing or customized; then click on the ‘Add to Gift Basket’; • If you are giving for more than one purpose click on ‘Add More’; then click on ‘Check Out’. • You may opt to register or to make your payment as a ‘guest’; If you select to pay as a ‘Guest’ • Enter the requested demographic information – a valid email address is required; • Click on the payment mode (credit card or electronic check) you want to use and fill in the requested information; • Check the box that states that you agree with Give Central’s Terms and Conditions and click on the ‘Confirm Payment’ box. If you select to register as a ‘new user’ • Enter the requested demographic information and then the payment information. • Press the ‘Register and Confirm Gift’ box. 10 — Third Sunday in Ordinary Time · January 25, 2015 CRHP! (Christ Renews His Parish) WOMEN of St. Bede save the date! There will be another uplifting, fun, and relaxing CRHP Women’s Spiritual Retreat on the weekend of October 24 & 25, 2015 at St. Bede Faith Formation Center. The cost is free and spending the night is encouraged but not required. Call Jane at the rectory at 847-587-2251 and ask to be included or email Gloria at [email protected] to register or for more information. Proclaiming the Word - LECTOR TRAINING WORKSHOPS Questions? Contact Mandy Dillon at [email protected] or Marie Paul at [email protected] Lectors have a critical role in the celebration of the Mass. Since lectors proclaim not just any word, but the Word of God, it is essential that they develop the skills required to communicate God’s message competently. Through the use of voice, eye contact and personal presence, lectors help God’s Word come alive for the assembly. This training will provide the skills and self-confidence needed for those who wish to become lectors in their own parish or for any lector who would like a “refresher” course. To register for one of the sessions below, please contact the listed “Parish Contact”: Saturday, February 21, 2015 Our Lady of the Wayside, 434 W. Park St., Arlington Heights 847-253-5353 – Mandy Dillon Hospitality at 8:30 am, Presentation 9:00 a.m. – Noon Saturday, March 7, 2015 St. Thomas Becket, 1321 N. Burning Bush Ln., Mt. Prospect 847-827-9220 – Liz Mika Hospitality at 8:30 am, Presentation 9:00 a.m. – Noon Saturday, April 18, 2015 Church of the Holy Spirit, 1451 W. Bode Rd., Schaumburg 847-882-7580 – Rosi Viquez Hospitality at 8:30 am, Presentation 9:00 a.m. – Noon St. Bede Church · Ingleside, IL — 11 Eucharistic Minister Workshops These free workshops will offer the education and training needed to become a mandated Eucharistic Minister (EM). Questions? Contact Mandy Dillon at [email protected] or Marie Paul at [email protected] This workshop preparation session will focus on: • • • • • • The Ministry of Eucharist: Our Baptismal Call to Ministry A Theology of Eucharist as celebrated in the Roman Catholic Tradition Rooted in scripture and the early Church, through the Second Vatican Council Historical aspects of our celebration of Eucharist in practice and devotion Review of the Liturgy of the Eucharist and how our ministry as EM’s ‘fits’ Questions and Answers To register for one of the sessions below, please contact the listed “Parish Contact”: Saturday, February 21, 2015 Our Lady of the Wayside, 434 W. Park St., Arlington Heights 847-253-5353 – Mandy Dillon Hospitality at 8:30 am, Presentation 9:00 a.m. – Noon Saturday, March 7, 2015 St. Thomas Becket, 1321 N. Burning Bush Ln., Mt. Prospect 847-827-9220 – Liz Mika Hospitality at 8:30 am, Presentation 9:00 a.m. – Noon Saturday, April 18, 2015 Church of the Holy Spirit, 1451 W. Bode Rd., Schaumburg 847-882-7580 – Rosi Viquez Hospitality at 8:30 am, Presentation 9:00 a.m. – Noon A follow up session will take place in your parish that will include a practicum on the particular practices for distribution of the Eucharist. This training meets the Archdiocesan requirements for mandation or remandation. St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry Parishioners! If you know of any individual, family or friend who is in need of food, please have them contact the St. Bede Society of St. Vincent de Paul at 224-360-2562. All information is kept confidential. Also, we welcome them to attend our community dinner in Coleman Hall (church basement) on the 3rd Sunday of every month. The doors open at 3:30 PM and the dinner is from 4:00 - 5:30 PM. Our current Food Pantry needs: Instant Oatmeal, Pancake Syrup, Canned Chicken Just a reminder that the needy in our community depend on your donations. The St. Vincent de Paul poor boxes are located at the exits of the church. Thank you! 12 — Third Sunday in Ordinary Time · January 25, 2015 Liturgical Ministry Schedule for January 31/February 1 4 PM Confessions 5:00 PM Presiders Fr. Fitzpatrick Fr. Kinn Lectors Eucharistic Ministers J. Hebein M. Young J. Lukemeyer - Captain, C. Rice, M. Sink, S. Sink, K. Urzedowski, L. Benes, B. Erber - Alternate 7:00 AM Fr. Merold A. Curran B. Obenauf W. Schumacher - Captain, L. Smith, L. Urbanski, J. Vogt, E. Wollmuth, E. Zeifert, C. Bartz - Alternate 9:00 AM Fr. Merold H. Placuszok S. Klapperich B. Meudt - Captain, E. Portalski, B. Ratajczyk, D. Redmond, D. Smith, J. Stangel, F. Wach - Alternate 11:00 AM Fr. Merold B. Kling J. Bieschke P. Blencoe - Captain, B. Tilli, P. Vavrina, L. Wojcikowski, M. Buckley, B. Kling, F. Loffredo - Alternate Mass Ministers of Care Schedule for January/February Paradise Park Lakeland Apartments Jan 30 Feb 6 Feb 13 Feb 20 Feb 27 Jan 25 Feb 1 Feb 8 Feb 15 Feb 22 John Bieschke Gregg Zeifert Ann & Frank Wach Ed Portalski John Bieschke John Bieschke Gregg Zeifert Bill & Mary Lou Obenauf Sandra Prez Ed Portalski Meat Raffle at Four Coyne’s Grill & Bar Tickets are 4/$1.00 Come and take a chance on winning your choice of meat every Saturday at 2:00 PM at Four Coyne Grill & Bar in Round Lake. All proceeds are donated to St. Bede by one of our parishioners, Tom Coyne. New Parishioner Registration or Change of Address Place in the collection basket to receive a registration form. You are registered when that form is returned to us. If you are changing your address, check here Name _________________________________________ Address ________________________________________ Winner is selected each Saturday at 2:00 PM and given the choice to choose from steaks, roasts, chops, ribs and/or chicken. Also, after the meat raffle there is a drawing for 2 free drinks. All are invited to stop by for some good times, food and a chance to win from a selection of great meats. City ________________________ Zip ________________ Apt. # ________ Phone # __________________________ Teach me your ways, O Lord. Four Coyne’s Grill & Bar 302 Nippersink Road, Round Lake 847-740-3742 (Psalm 25) St. Bede Parish Mission Statement “St. Bede Catholic Church is a welcoming spiritual community where sacraments, education and evangelization lead us to Jesus Christ.” Pastoral Staff Rev. James Merold, Administrator ([email protected]) Rev. John F. Krebs, Pastor Emeritus Rev. Robert J. Fitzpatrick, Pastor Emeritus Rev. James W. Kinn, Weekend Assistant Phil Bertolani, Deacon (Holly) Jack McMahon, Retired Deacon (Marge) Larry Spohr, Deacon (Fran), Pastoral Minister Gregg Zeifert, Deacon (Eileen) Loretta Jelinek Lieske, Music Director Niki Warden, Youth Ministry Coordinator Mark & Louise Wolski, Youth Ministry Coordinators Parish Office Staff Fred Konopasek, Business Manager Elaine Kavanaugh, Parish/School Bookkeeper Jane Nischan, Administrative Assistant Parish Office: 847-587-2251/Parish Fax: 847-973-1765 St. Bede School & Religious Education 36399 N. Wilson Road, Ingleside, IL 60041 Charlie Pinto, Principal School Office: 847-587-5541/School Fax: 847-587-2713 Mark Buckley, Director of Religious Education Mary Richards, Religious Ed Administrative Assistant Religious Education Office: 847-587-2301 Weekly Mass Schedule Monday thru Saturday: 8:15 AM Saturday Evening: 5:00 PM Sunday Morning: 7:00, 9:00 & 11:00 AM Holy Day Masses As scheduled in the Bulletin. Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday: 4:00 to 4:30 PM in the Church. Baptisms Second & Fourth Sundays of the month at 12:30 PM. Registration is necessary by phone or at the Rectory. Preparatory instruction for parents is required. Marriages Call the rectory at least 4 months in advance. Communion for Homebound Call the rectory at 847-587-2251. New to the Parish? Welcome to St. Bede Please call parish office to register yourself and/or your family. Parish Pastoral Council: Bob Fesus, President Market Day, Audrey Mathis: 847-587-7251 Web Address: Parish Email Address: [email protected]
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