JUDGING PROGRAM No crating before 6:30 AM Sunday Bring your own chairs. LEHIGH VALLEY KENNEL CLUB Presents 38th ANNUAL ULTIMATE MATCH SHOW SUNDAY, JANUARY 25, 2015 AKC SANCTIONED Agricultural Hall, 302 N. 17th Street, Allentown, PA 18104 Ultimate Match Show, Vendor Booths, Health Clinics PRIZES: $100 Best In Match; $50 Best Puppy in Match ; $50 Best Adult in Match; $25 Best Veteran; $25 Best Junior $50 High in Trial Obedience DOGS WtTH MAJOR WtNS NOT ELIGIBLE NOTE: ALL EVENTS ARE PRE-ENTRY ONLY (NO ENTRIES DAY OF SHOW) "SPONSORED BY WYSONG" A Portion of the Proceeds from this Show will be donated to Local Public Service Organizations. Services and Equipment Furnished by Jim '/(au '1)og Snows, Lttf. P. O. Box 6898 • Reading, PA 19610 • (610) 376-1880 24 Hour Fax Service • (610) 376-4939 _.raudoqahows.com Overnight and Express Deliveries 235 South Second Avenue, West Reading, PA 19611 American Kennel Club Annually Licensed Superintendents Kathk!en Berkheimef Kristen Shll~ Ed Smizer AI Staudt. Jr. Kitty Burke Kathy Hague Phyllis Kraft Wayne Hallard Joan Rau Lorraine Schauer Bring your own chairs. Doors open to public at 8:00 AM Sunday Exhibitors - No crating before 6:30 AM Sunday SHOW COMMITTEE Peter A. Benson Patricia Temarantz-Mickowski Yvette T. Thomas Match Show Co-Chair .......... . _• Eastem Stewards Club, Inc. Match Show Stewards . .. ... Patricia Temarantz-Mickowski ObediencelRally Chairperson Lydia Miller Obedience Chief Steward . .. Allentown Dog Training Club ObedienceJRally Stewards . . .. Tom Kalavoda Grounds Chair . . .... ... .. • • Fran Jarvis Health Clinics Barbara Dunkling Hospitality .. Jim Aenlzheimer Public Education Denice Van Driesen & Rosemary Shaffer Trophies Cindy Meyer Vendor Chair For information call LVKC at (610) 691-5790 or see us on the web at W'NW.LVKC .org Event Chairs Due to the popularity of this event, concession space is limited. Contact: Cindy Meyer E-Mail: [email protected] ADMISSION SUNDAY: $7.00 Per Person Children under 12 FREE Exhibitors witt be admitted free upon presentation of Superintendenl's ID Entry Stub. Doors open to the public at 8:00 A.M . "NO admission fee for Health Clinics - See Page 8 ACCOMMODAnONS (Please Check Pet Policy) Ramada Inn Allento.........vwhitehall, 1500 MacArthur Rd. , Whitehall, PA 18052 Comfort Suites, 319 1 Highfield Dr., Bethlehem, PA 18020 Howard Johnson, 3220 Hamilton B lvd., Allentown, PA Red Roof Inn, 1846 Catasauqua Rd., Allentown, PA Holiday Inn, 7736 Catasauqua Rd ., Allentown, PA Best Westem Lehigh Valley, 300 Gateway Dr. , Bethlehem, PA 610-439-1037 610-865-6300 610-439-4000 610-264-5404 610-391-1000 610-866·5800 NO DOGS Best Westem, 5630 Tilghman St. , Allentown, PA Comfort Inn, 7625 Imperial Way, Hamilton Blvd., Allentown , PA Super 8, 1003 Airport Ad ., Allentown, PA Days Hotel,m 3400 Airport Ad., Allentown, PA 610·530-5545 610-437-9100 610-434-9550 610-266-1000 DlREcnONS TO THE SHOW GROUNDS From PA Turnpike: Northeast Extension to Allentown (Lehigh Valley Exit). East on At. 22 to 15th Street Exit. South on 15th Street to Liberty Street. Aighton Liberty Street, 4 1/2 Blocks to 2nd Fairgrounds Entrance. From At. 309: North or South to Allentown. Take At. 22 East and Proceed as Above . From Rt_ 22: Take At. 22 to 15th Street Exit (West from ABE Airport) and Proceed as Above. From Rt. 18: East or West to Route 22. Proceed as above . STEWARDS Obedience Stewards will be provided by The Allentown Dog Training Club Conformation Stewards provided by Eastem Stewards Club, Inc. OFACIAL PHOTOGRAPHER Rob Gerrity RV PARKING AVs must be self contained. E-Mail: Yvette Thomas at thomasy4411 @yahoo.com for information 2 PROGRAM OF JUDGING Sunday, January 25, 2015 RING THREE JUDGE : Pamela Mohr 10:00 A.M. 23 - Hound Group 22- Puppy Sweepstakes 5· 3·6 mos. Puppy Dogs 3· 6-9 mos. Puppy Dogs 1- 9-12 mos. Puppy Dogs 7- 3-6 mos. Puppy Bitches 5· 6·9 mos. Puppy Bitches 1· 9-12 mos. Puppy Bitches ,. Veteran Sweepstakes 1- Veteran Dogs 7-10 yrs Sweepstakes RING ONE JUDGE: Amy Kutcher 9:00A.M. 27 · Herding G roup 24- Puppy Sweepstakes 3- 3-6 mos. Puppy DogS 3- 6-9 mos. Puppy Dogs 4- 9-12 mos. Puppy Dogs 6- 3-6 mos. Puppy Bitches 6- 6 -9 mos. Puppy Bitches 2- 9-12 mos. Puppt Bitches 3- Veleran Sweepstakes 1- Veteran Dogs 10 yrs & over 1- Veteran Bitch 7- 10 yrs 1- Veteran Bitches 10 yrs & over 23 Total Dogs RING FOUR JUDGE: Mike Marion 9:00 A.M. 24 • Working Group 24- Puppy Sweepstake s 6- 3-6 mos. Puppy Dogs 9- 6-9 mos. Puppy Dogs 2- 9- 12 mos. Puppy Dogs 2· 3·6 mos. Puppy Bitches 4· 6-9 mos. Puppy Bitches 1- 9·12 mos. Puppy Bitches 27 T otal Dogs RING TWO JUDGE: Diane Ondo 9 :00 A.M. 11 - Terrier Group 11 - Puppy Sweepstakes 3- 3-6 mos. Puppy Dogs 2- 6 -9 mos. Puppy Dogs ,- 9-12 mos. Puppy Dogs 1- 3-6 mos. Puppy Bitches 3- 6-9 mos. Puppy Bitches 1- 9-1 2 mos. Puppy Bitches 24 Total Dogs RING FIVE JUDGE: Gerry Dalakian 9:ooA.M_ 25· Sporti ng Group 23· Puppy Sweepstakes 1- 3-6 mos. Puppy Dogs 8- 6·9 mos. Puppy Dogs 6· 9· 12 mos. Puppy Dogs 3- 3-6 mos. Puppy Bitches 7- 6-9 mos. Puppy Bitches 2· Veteran Sweepstakes 1- Vete ran Dog 7-10 yrs 1· Veteran Bitch 10 yrs & older 11 Total Dogs RINGlWO JUOGE: Hal Perry 10:00 A.M. 19 - Toy Group 18- Puppy Sweepstakes 5- 3-6 mos. Puppy Dogs ,. 6-9 mos. Puppy Dogs , . 9-12 mos. Puppy Dogs 6- 3-6 mos. Puppy Bitches 3- 6-9 mos. Puppy Bitc hes 2- 9-12 mos. Puppy Bitches 1- Vetera n Sweepstakes 1- Veteran Dogs 7-10 yrs 25 Total Dogs RING FIVE JUDGE : Dr. Howard Spey Immediately Following all Sweepstakes Judging - Best in Sweepstakes 19 Total Dogs JUDGE: RING THREE Denice Garber THERE ARE 148 DOGS IN THIS SHOW WITH A TOTAL ENTRY OF 148 ENTRIES 9,OOA.M. 19 - Non-Sporting Group 18- Puppy Sweepstakes 6- 3·6 mos. Puppy Dogs 3- 6·9 mos. Puppy Dogs 2- 3-6 mos. Puppy Bitches 7- 6-9 mos. Puppy Bitches 1- 9-12 mos. Puppy Bitches , . Veteran Sweepstakes 1· Veteran Dog 7-10 yrs. 19 Total Dogs 3 RING THREE - NON-SPORTING GROUP JUDGE: Ellen Kennedy SUNDAY, JANUARY 25, 2015 Ultimate Match 1:00 P.M. 33 - Non-Sporting Group 3 - Boston Terrier 1 - Bulldog 3 - Chinese Shar-Pel 8 - ChowChow 2 - Dalmatian 2 - French Bulldogs 2 - Keeshonden 4 • Lhasa Apso 1 - Poodle (Miniature) 2 - Poodle (Standard) 4 - Tibetan Terrier RING ONE · HERDING GROUP JUDGE: Celia Hoffman 1:00 P.M. 47· Herding 8 1 1 5 1 4 4 • Australian Shepherd Bearded Collies Belgian SheepdOgs BolNier des Flanders Briard Cardigan Welsh Corgis Collies (Rough) 3 - Collies (Smooth) 3 2 1 5 1 1 5 2 - German Shepherd Dogs Norwegian Buhund Old English Sheepdog Pembroke Welsh Corgis Puli Pyrenean Shephe rd Shetland Sheepdogs Spanish Water Dog 33 Total Oogs JUDGE: 41 - Hound Group 5 - A fghan Hound 1 - Beagle (13' ) 2· Beagle (13" 15' ) 3 - Bloodhound 3 - Borzoi 2 - Dachshund (Long) 3 - Dachshund (Wire) 2 . Ibizan Hound 1 . Irish Wolfhound 1 · PB GV 2 - Pharaoh Hound 9 • Rhodesian Ridgebacks 7 - Whippets 47 Tolal Dogs RING TWO - TERRIER GROUP Joan Church JUDGE: 1:00 P.M. 20 - Terrier Group 1 - Airedale Terriers 1 - American Staffordshire Terriers 1 - Bedlington Terriers 3 - Border Terriers 1 - Carin Terriers 5 - Nor.vich Terrier 1 - Rat Terrier 41 T otal Dogs 1 - Russell Terrier 2 - Skye Terriers 3 - Staffordshire Bull Terriers 1 - West Highland White Terriers JUDGE: RING FOUR - WORKING GROUP Allen Davis 1:00 P.M. 46 - Working Group 4 - Akitas 2 - Alaskan Malamute 5 - Bemese Mountain Oogs 6 - Boxers 1 • B ullmastiff 1 • Doberman Pinschers 2 - Dogue de Bordeaux 7 - Great Dane 1 - Great Swiss Mountain Dog 1 - Newfoundland 8 - Samoyed 8 • Siberian Huskies 20 Total Dogs JUDGE: RING THREE· HOUND GROUP Hal Perry 2:30 P.M. RING TWO - TOY GROUP Lisa Warren 2:15 P.M. 20 - Toy Group 2 • Brussels G riffons 2 • Cavalier King Charles Spaniels 2 . Chihuahua (Long Coat) 3 • Chinese Crested 1 • English Toy Spaniel (KC & R) 6 . Havanese 1 • Japanese Chin 1 • Pomeranian 2· Shih Tzu 46 Total Dogs 20 Total Dogs 4 SUNDAY, JANUARY 25, 2015 RING FOUR - JUNIOR SHOWMANSHIP JUDGE: Dominic OeBalsi 3:15 P.M. 11· Junior Showmanship 1- Novice Junior 3- Novice Intermediate 4- Open Intermediate 3- Open Senior JUDGE : RING SIX - OBEDIENCE Ms. Jeanne-Anne PoHchetti 9,00 A.M. 15 - Utility B 305-319 11 :15 A.M. 7 - Utility A 257-263 22 Total Dogs 11 Total Dogs RING SEVEN JUDGE: Ms. Debra Mayer-Petrusjanz 9:00A.M_ 14 • Open B 201-214 11:00 A.M. 10 - Open A 134-143 RING FIVE - SPORTING GROUP JUDGE : Gtenn Hoffman 1:00 P.M. 51 • Sporting Group 2 . Brittany 1 - Pointer 3 . Pointer (German Shorthaired) 1 • Retriever (Ches Bay) 7 . Retriever (Golden) 8 . Retriever (Labrador) 1 • Retriever (NSOn 2 - Setter (English) 3 - Setter (Gordon) 6 - Setter (Irish) 1 - Spaniel (Clumber) 1 - Spaniel (Cocker) Black 1 • Spaniel (Cocker) Ascob 3 . Spaniels (English Cocker) 1 - Spaniel (English Springer) 1 • Spaniels (Welsh Springer) 1 • Spinone Italiano 7 - Vizsla 1 - Weimaraner 24 Total Dogs RING EIGHT JUDGE : Ms. Carol McCarthy 9:00 A.M. 2 . Graduate Open 551-552 4 • Graduate Novice 501-504 10:00 A .M. 13 • Novice B 70-82 19 Total Dogs RING EIGHT JUDGE: Ms. Kay Sivel 11:30 A .M. 2 . Novice A 5-6 11:45 A.M. 1 • Veteran 651 To Follow 6 - Beginner Novice B 951 ·956 6 - Beginner Novice A 901 -006 51 Total Dogs RING FIVE Following all judging - Best Puppy in Match - Allen Davis • Best Adult in Match - Denice Van Dnesen - Best in Match - Frank DePaulo - Best Veteran - Frank DePaulo 15 Total Dogs RING NINE - RALLY JUDGE: Ms. Linda Krasley 9:00 A .M. Walk Thru 9:15 A.M. 3 - Excellent B 900-902 THERE ARE 258 OOGS IN THIS SHOW WITH 258 ENTRIES 9,45 A.M. 2 • Advanced B 600-601 2 - Advanced A 400-401 10:15 A .M. 7 - Novice B 200-206 3 • Novice A 5-7 17 Total Dogs Judges will take a luncheon break at their discretion There are 80 dogs in this show with a total of 80 entries plus 17 Rally Entries 5 The Lehigh Valley Kennel Club and organizers of the Canine Learning Experience assume no liability for the time or failure of appearance of any presentation or judging, although every reasonable effort will be made to comply with the schedules presented. ABSOLUTELY NO EX-PENS OR PUPPY PENS ALLOWED IN BUILDING. NO CRATING ALLOWED BEFORE 6:30 AM SUNDAY SPECIAL CRATING AREA FOR OBEDIENCE AND RALLY Doors open to public at 8:00 A.M. Sunday. NonCE TO ALL EXHIBITORS You are all aware of the difficulty in obtaining the use of adequate indoor facilities. Please respect this beautiful facility that we have been fortunate enough to obtain. Your cooperation will be greatly appreciated. Emergency Animal Clinic Service - Valley Central Veterinary Referral Service 210 Fullerton Avenue, Whilehall, PA 18052 (610) 435-1553 Our sincere thanks to the staff of the Allentown Agri-Plex for their help and cooperation in preplanning and on the day of the show. Celebrating 105 Years! Lehigh Valley Kennel Club 6 NOTICE TO EXHIBITORS DOGS MAY ARRIVE any time prior to their scheduled time of judging. DOGS NOT REQUIRED for further judging will be excused. JUDGES Will NOT WAIT FOR ANY DOG HOLDING UP A CLASS. Owners oragents alone are responsible for the presence of Iheirdogs in the judging ring when theircfasses are called to be judged . The Show-giving club and the Superintendent have no obligation or responsibifity for providing service through a public address system or stewards or runners for the purpose of calling or locating dogs that are not brought into the ring when required. ALL DOGS PRESENT must be held on leash or confined to their crates except when being judged or when in the exercising ring. CLASS CASH PRIZES will be paid in the ring to the person showing the dog. Claims for prize money must be made in the ring before the judging of that breed is over, and the Superintendent to be advised at once. The Superintendent and Show-giving Club may disclaim any liability for cash prizes after the judging of the breed is over. THE SHOW COMMITTEE/SUPERINTENDENT will use due care and diligence for the welfare of dogs and exhibitors, but will not be responsible for, nor assume any liability in the event of an accident or misfortune to either dogs or exhibitors participating in this show. NO PRIVATE EXERCISE OR PUppy PENS allowed in the building at any time. CRATES AND TABLES will nol be allowed in the aisles. Special places 'Nill be provided in the crate section for cleaning and preparation of dogs for exhibition. Grooming tables in excess of 24 x 36 inches will not be permitted. Tables must be folded when not in use. The grooming of dogs in areas other than the crate section is not permitted. NO GASOLINE OR DIESEL GENERATORS are permitted inside the building. Lehigh Valley Kennel Club and Organizers of the Canine Learning Experience assume no liability for the time or failure of appearance of any presentation or judging although every reasonable effort will be made to comply with the schedules herein contained Lehigh Valley Kennel Club and Organizers of the Canine Learning Experience are not responsible for typographical errors. An administrative fee of $2.00 will be withheld from all refunds for entries cancelled prior to the closing of entries. To find out about any AKC event cancellations call the AKC Event Cancellation Hotline 877-252-3229. Exhibitors should follow their veterinarians' recommendation to assure their dogs are free of internal and external parasites, any communicable diseases and have appropriate vaccinations. Effective January 1, 2009 ~ Refund and Cash award checks are void after 180 days and will NOT be re-issued. Joan Church Gem Dalakian . .. . . . . Allen Davis Frank DePaulo . ..... . Dominic DiBalsi Denice Garber . . ..... Celia Hoffman Glenn Hoffman Ellen Kennedy Linda Krasley .. ...... Amy Kutcher Carol McCarthy Mike Marion. Pamela Mohr . Debra Moyer-Petrusjanz Diane Ondo. . . ..... Harold E. Perry (Hal) . . Jeanne-Anne Polichetti Kay Sivel Dr. Howard Spey Denice Van Dreisen Lisa Warren Ultimate Match Show ....................... 2817 Farmstead Drive , Easton , PA 18040 83 Oak Grove, Flemington, NJ 08822 .. •. 630 Batt Switch Road, Pen Argyl, PA 18072 . . •. . .. .. . .... 6082 Hausman Road, Germansville, PA 18053 141 Andover Place, Robbinsville, NJ 08691 .. •. . . . . . . . . . .. 676 State Rt. 12, Flemington, NJ 08822 237 East Moorestown Road, Wind Gap, PA 18091 237 East Moorestown Road, Wind Gap, PA 18091 3919 Henry Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19129 . 1129 Webster Avenue, Allentown , PA 18103 . .. 915 Oak Hit! Road, Lewisberry , PA 17339 534 Wieders Lane, Emmaus, PA 18049 523 County Road 579, Milford, NJ 08848 40 Shippen Ridge, Oxford, NJ 07863 106 Quill Court, Drums, PA 18222 .. ............• . 661 Dori Lane, Stowe, PA 19464 . . .... • . 43 Maple Place, Keyport, NJ 07735 821 Horsham Road, Horsham, PA 19044 . .. . . . 1995 Miller Road, Pennsburg , PA 18703 80 Potterstown Road, Lebanon , NJ 08858 .. 4157 Durham Road, Ottsville, PA 18942 P. O. Box 923, Fogelsville, PA 18051 7 Health Clinics 2015 Lehigh Valley Kennel Club Ultimate Match Show Sunday, January 25th, 2015 BAER Dr. Ell is Loew DVM 9:30am - 3:00pm $50 first dog. $40 each additional dog with same owner "Saturday only Cardiology Dr. Megan King VMD Dept. ACVIM (Cardiology) Board certified cardiologist at Tri Vet Cardiology 9:30am - 3:00pm $45 Ausculation, $245 Echo Doppler *Saturdayonly CERF/Eye Exam Dr. Gustavo Aguirre VMD , Ph.D. Professor of Medical Genetics and Ophthalmology Section of Ophthalmology School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Pennsylvania 9:00am - 5:00pm $37 per dog (CERF and Non CERF) $39 per dog (Special CERF) "Saturday & Sunday Hematology Clinic Dr. Gus Schwabe DVM 9:00am - 3:00pm $40 plus cost of test "Saturday & Sunday APPOINTMENTS ONLY - Contact Fran Jarvis from 1:OOpm to 8:00pm 610-867-7796" Payment with Check or Cash *No admission required for health clinics To find out about any AKC event cancellations call the AKC Event Cancellation Hotline 877-252-3229. Exhibitors should lollow their veterinarians' recommendation to assure their dogs are free of internal and external parasites, any communicable diseases and have appropriate vaccinations. 8
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