#2015142703 (Ral) *201 5142708 (Fri) * 2015142710 (Fri 4·6) #2015 142709 (Sat) *20 15142711 (Sat 4-6) JUDGING PROGRAM BACK TO BACK SPECIALTY SHOWS, SWEEPSTAKES & OBEDIENCE TRIALS For Golden Retrievers Only - Unbenched . Indoors LONG ISLAND GOLDEN RETRIEVER CLUB, INC. (Licensed by the American Kennel Club) SHOW HOURS: 5:00 P.M . . 10:00 P.M. (Thursday) SHOW HOU RS: 7:00 A.M . . 5:00 P.M. (F;riday & Saturday) Long Island Golden Retriever Club, In c. Agility, Breed, Field, j/ Obedience & Rally Since 1962 DOGGIE "U" Kg ACADEMY ***NEW LOCATION*** 1515 D 51h Induslrial Court, Bay Shore, NY 11706 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2015 ·RALLY ONLY-6:00 PM FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 2015 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2015 UGRC reserves the right to ask any exhibitor to remove a dog exhibiting symptons of 8 communicable disease from the premises PLEASE NOTE Due to decreased demand , there will NOT be an ovemight security guard and dogs may NOT be left in the building overnight Thursday or Fnday evenings. Services and Equipment Furnished by Jim 'l(au 'Dog Snows, Ltd. P. O. Box 6898 • Reading, PA 19610 • (610) 376-1880 24 Hour Fax Service. (610) 376-4939 www.raudC?gshows.com Overnight and Express Deliveries 235 South Second Avenue, West Reading, PA 19611 American Kennel Club Annually Licensed Superintendents Kathleen Berkheimer Kristen Shiller Ed Smizer AI Staudt, Jr. Kitty Burke Wayne Hallard Kathy Hague Joan Rau Phyllis Kraft Lorraine Schauer *N EW lOCATION * ROUTES TO THE SHOW Doggie U Kg Academy, 151 5 0 5th Industrial Court, Bay Shore, NY 11706 From the West: Southern State Parkway to Exit 42. Make left on 5th Avenue, make first left at McDonald's to No. Spur Drive . Make first right at 5th Industrial Court, Proceed to 1515 0 on left. From the East: Long Island Expressway to Exit 53S - Sagfikos Pk'W)' - Exit on left at Southern Slate Pa rkway East. Exit immediately at Exit 42, 5th Avenue. Make left on 5th Avenue, make first left at McDonald's to No. Spur Drive. Make first right at 5th Industrial Court, proceed to 15t50 on left. ACCOMMODATIONS Upsky (formerly Sheraton), 110 Vanderbilt Motor Parkway, Smithtown. NY 11787 Dogs welcome in crates. $99.00 per night. (631) 23 1-1100 The Clarion (Formerly Holiday Inn), 3845 Veterans Memorial H'W)' (Rt 454) Ronkonkoma, NY 1177g (631) 585-9500 Dogs welcome in crates . $89.00 per nighl. TONY, THE EDGE MAN, WILL BE AVAILABLE ON SATURDAY FOR SHARPENING VETERINARIAN (ON CALL) Veterinary Medical Center 75 Sunrise Highway West Islip, NY 11795 (631) 587-0800 Only the Official Photographer may take win pictures 2 PROGRAM OF JUDGING THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2015 7 - 6-9 mas Puppy Bitches 4 - 9-12 mas Puppy Bitches 7 - 12-18 mas Bitches 2 - Bred-by·Exhibitor Bitches 3 - American·bred Bitches 7 - Open Bitches - Winners Bitches 2 - Veteran Dogs 8 -10 yrs 1 - Veteran Dog 10+ yrs 1 - Veteran Bitch 8·10 yrs 1 - Hunting Dogs 12 - B.O. B. Competition (10·2) - Best Puppy - Best Veteran RING ONE - Rally Miss lynn Currie 38 Hedgerow Lane Commack. NY 11725 JUOGE: 6:00 P.M. - RAllY Wa lk Thru 6:15 P.M. 7 1 10 3 7 - Excellent "S" 900-906 Excellent "A" 800 Advanced "S' 600-609 Advanced ' A" 400-402 Noyice ' S" 200-203, 205-207 28 Total Dogs 67 Total Dogs FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13,2015 JUDGE: RING ONE - SWEEPSTAKES JUDGE: 9:00 A .M. 6 - Utility 10:00 A.M. 3 - Utility 10:30 A .M. 7 - Open 11 :30 A .M. 2 - Open Mrs. Corinne Miklos 2300 Elm Drive Ford City, PA 16226 9 :00 A.M. 17 - Golden Retriever Sweepstakes 14 - Puppy 1 - 6-9 mas puppy dog 1 - 9-12 mas puppy dog 2 - 12-15 mos dogs 4 - 6·9 mos puppy bitches 2 - 9-12 mos puppy bitches 3· 12· 15 mos bitches 1 - 15-18 mos bitches Best in Puppy Sweepstakes Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Puppy Sweepstakes 3 - Veteran 1 - Veleran Dog 8-10 yrs 1 - Veteran Dog 10+ yrs 1 - Veleran Bitch 8-'0 yrs Best in Veteran Sweepstakes Best 01 Opposite Sex to Best in Veteran Sweepstakes Class ' S" 305·310 Class "A" 258, 260-261 Class "B' 201 · 202, 204·208 Class "A" 134- 135 11 ,45 A.M. 3 - Novice Class "B' 70-72 To Follow 2 - Beginner Novice "S " 951-952 23 Total Dogs Judges will take a luncheon break at their discretion There are 85 dogs in this show with of 107 entries plus 28 rally entdes. 17 Total Dogs JUDGE: RING TWO Mr. Michael Mooney 26 Shetland Circle Reis tertown, MD 21136 RING ONE Mrs. Ruth Zi mme rman 1516 Stoney Run Drive Wilmington , DE 19803 10:00 A .M. 67 - Golden Retrievers 1 - 6-9 mas Puppy Dogs 3 - 9·12 mas Puppy Dogs 4 • 12·1 8 mas Dogs 1 - Novice Dogs 2 - Bred-by-Exhibitor Dogs 3 - American-bred Dogs 6· Open Dogs • Winners Dog 3 a total SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2015 7· 6·9 mas Puppy Bitches 6· 9 -12 mas Puppy Bitches 6- 12-18 mas Bitches 4- Bred-by-Exhibilor Bitches 3 - American-Bred Bitches 10- Open Bitches - Winners Bitches 1- Ve teran Dogs 8-10 yrs , - Ve teran Dog 10+ yrs 1- Ve teran Bitches 8- 10 yrs 1- Hunting Dog 12 - B.O.B . Competition (10-2) - Best Puppy - Best Veteran RING ONE - SWEEPSTAKES JUDGE: Ms. lisa Dunn P. O. Box 101 Sherbom, MA 01770 9:00 A.M. 18 - Golden Retriever Sweepstakes 16 - Puppy Sweepstakes 1 • 6·9 mos puppy dogs 1 • 9·12 mos puppy dogs 2·12·15 mos dogs 4 • 6·9 mas puppy bitches 4 • 9·12 mas puppy bitches 3 - 12-15 mos bitches 1 - 15-18 mos bitch Best in Puppy Sweepstakes Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Puppy Sweepstakes 70 Total Dogs JUDGE: 2 - Veteran Sweepstakes 1 - Veleran Dogs 10+ yrs 1 • Veteran Bitches 8-10 yrs Best in Veteran Sweepstakes RING TWO Mr. Michael Mooney 26 Shetland Circle Reistertown, MD 21136 9:00 A.M. 6 - Utility Class ' 9 " 305-310 10:00 A .M. Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Veteran Sweepstakes 4 - Utility Class ' A" 257. 259-261 10:45 A .M. 8 - Open Class ' B " 201-208 11:45 A .M. 20 Total Dogs 2 - Open Class "A" 134-1 35 To Follow 3 - Novice Class "B" 70-72 1 - Veteran 651 2 - Beginner Novice B 951-952 RING ONE JUDGE: Mrs. Jennifer Krawsczyn 38479 Spencer Road Pomeroy, OH 45769 10:00 A .M. 4-6 Mos Puppies Special Attraction 1 . Puppy 4-6 mas (0-1) 2 Tolal Dogs 26 Total Dogs Judges will take a luncheon break at their discretion. Following 4-6 mas Puppy Classes 70 - Golden Retrievers 1- 6·9 mas Puppy Dogs 3- 9· 12 mas Puppy Dogs 4- 12·18 mos Dogs 2· Bred-by·Exhibitor Dogs 3· American-bred Dogs 5- Open Dogs - Winne rs Dog THERE ARE 91 OOGS ENTERED IN THIS SHOW WITH A TOTAL OF 141 ENTRIES - NOTICE TO EXHIBITORS DOGS SHOULD ARRIVE 15 minutes prior to their scheduled time of judging . DOGS NOT REQUIRED for further judging will be excused. JUDGES WILL NOT WAIT FOR ANY DOG HOLDING UP A CLASS. Owners or agents alone are responsib le lor the presence of their dogs in the judging ring when their classes are called to be judged. The show-giving club and the superintendent have no obligation or responsibility for providing service through a public address system or stewards or runners for the purpose of calling or locating dogs that are not brought into the ring when required. ALL DOGS PRESENT must be held on leash or confined to their crates except when being judged or when in the exercising ring. CLASS CASH PRIZES will be paid in the ring to the person showing the dog. Claims for prize money must be made in the ring before the judging of tha t class is over, and the Superintendent to be advised at once. The Superintendent and Show-giving Club may disclaim any liability for cash prizes after the judging of the class is over. THE SHOW COMMrrTEEISUPERINTENDENT will use due care and diligence for the welfare of dogs and exhib itors, but will not be responsible fo r, nor assume any liability in the event of an accident or misfortune to either dogs or exhibitors participating in this show. THE SUPERINTENDENT OR CLUB WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE for the loss or damage to any dog exhibited, whether the re sult 01 accident or other causes. It is distinctly understood that every dog at this show is in the care and custody and control of his owner or handler during the entire time the dog is on the show p remises. 4
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