2015 Newcastle Regional Show th th 6 – 8 March HANDCRAFT SCHEDULE Entries Close 5 pm – Friday, 20th February 2015 2015 Newcastle Regional Show 6th – 8th March WELCOME We look forward to your participation and wish you well with your exhibits. HOW TO ENTER You can enter any competition in the Newcastle Regional Show by simply undertaking the following: Check the schedule thoroughly including the conditions or regulations, because part or all of the various schedules do change every year. For example note: Closing date for entries into each different section Inclusion of a stamped addressed envelope, if required Inclusion of sample materials or bar-codes, if required Size requirements for particular exhibits Complete your entry form and forward it together with the appropriate entry fee to: Newcastle A.H. & I. Association, PO Box 53, BROADMEADOW NSW 2292 -Or hand deliver to: th Newcastle Show Office, at Curly Road entrance of Newcastle Showground, Broadmeadow by 20 February, General Information: Entries must be set out on the appropriate entry form and be accompanied by the entry fee No late entries are accepted No refund of entry fees will be made Judging: All decisions of the judge/s will be final All exhibitors are requested to refrain from conversing with the judge/s during judging unless asked to do so. ENTRY TO THE SHOWGROUND Exhibitors wishing to enter the showground during the running of the Show will pay normal gate prices unless otherwise specified in this schedule, or if the exhibitor is a member of the Association. Vehicular access is permitted in the lead-up and following the Show, for the delivery and collection of exhibits. Vehicular access is permitted for animal exhibitors only during the Show MEMBERSHIP OF THE ASSOCIATION FOR 2015 Membership subscription is $25.00 Junior membership is $20.00 Members may also purchase additional tickets for guests at $15 and children at $10 each, which allows them unlimited entry. th Membership closes on 30 January, 2015 so please contact the Show Office to apply. AMATEURS ONLY Professional Classes Where Stated ENTRY FEE: $3.00, except where otherwise specified. CLOSING DATE FOR ENTRIES: 5.00 pm Friday 20th February 2015 NO LATE ENTRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED To Contact the Show Office Write: to the above postal address Phone: 02 4961 2085 Fax: 02 4961 6552 Email: [email protected] Web: www.newcastleshow.com.au ii NOTICE TO EXHIBITORS A RECEIPT FOR ENTRY FEES CAN BE COLLECTED WHEN ARTICLES ARE DELIVERED TO THE SHOWGROUND ( SEE BELOW). EXHIBIT NUMBERS WILL BE ATTACHED TO ARTICLES WHEN DELIVERED USING LACE PINS, SEWN ON, OR STUCK ON. (MATERIALS PROVIDED). EXHIBIT DELIVERY Articles will be accepted in the Handcrafts Pavilion under the main Grandstand, on Monday 2nd March 2015 between 8 am and 11 am. JUDGING Judging will commence on Monday 2nd March 2015 at 12 noon. EXHIBIT COLLECTION Articles are to be collected from the Handcraft Pavilion on Sunday 8th March 2015 between 5pm and 6pm or on Monday 9th March 2015 between 8 am and 10 am. Articles not collected that day will be available from the Show Office on Tuesday, 10th March. No responsibility will be taken for any articles not collected after these dates. Exhibitors MUST PRODUCE the ENTRY FEE RECEIPT when collecting exhibits, as proof of identity. The Society shall not be responsible in the event of any loss or damage to any exhibit howsoever arising, and in particular shall not be responsible if, through any negligent or wilful act on the part of any official or servant of the Society, or through theft, the exhibit is not restored in good order and condition to the exhibitor or any person claiming through the exhibitor at the close of the show. CRAFT REGULATIONS - CONDITIONS OF ENTRY 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. One entry form per exhibitor to be used. Please print name clearly. Exhibitors will be allowed no more than two (2) entries in any one class. Exhibitors should ensure that their entries are entered into the correct class. Each exhibit must be the work of the exhibitor and made within the previous 18 months. An exhibit cannot be entered in more than one class. The stewards reserve the right not to exhibit any work that is soiled or which has been previously exhibited at a Newcastle Regional Show. No factory-made goods are allowed. At the discretion of the judges, exhibits considered not up to an approved standard shall not be displayed. Should entries be so numerous that the available space is not sufficient to display all entries; the Committee reserves the right to choose the articles for display. The awarding of all prizes will be at the discretion of the judges. A judge may not award a 1st or 2nd place if he/she feels the exhibits do not meet the standard required to achieve a 1st or 2nd place. The judge’s decision will be final and no correspondence will be entered into. Exhibitor’s name must not be visible on any exhibit prior to judging. Any identifying name must be covered before exhibit is entered. Any article which is lined should have an opening in the lining so the judge may inspect the back of the work. This does not apply in a ‘mounted’ class. All framed works must be able to be hung and must have a short description of article. Every item must have a clearly identifiable description of the exhibit on the entry from. Patchwork, Appliqué and Quilting – a hanging sleeve is required on all quilts and wall hangings. A safety-pinned temporary sleeve is satisfactory. School children are urged to enter their exhibits in Junior Classes rather than Open Classes. Junior classes: The age of exhibitor should be clearly displayed on all entries (separate from name). Novice Class: Check wording and conditions for the one you are interested in. All exhibitors in Nursing Home, Hostel Residents and Disabled Sections please read notes carefully at beginning of sections. Front of Nursing Home entries to show name of exhibitor and Nursing Home. PRIZES AND AWARDS PRIZE CARDS: First and Second Place cards will be issued in accordance with the Judges’ Awards. PRIZES: First prize carries a medallion, second a card only. COMMENDED: These award cards may be recommended at the discretion of the Judge. SPECIAL AWARD RIBBONS: Will be awarded for 1st place where a special prize is listed in the schedule. SHOWCASE OF EXCELLENCE: The articles displayed in this showcase have been nominated by the Judges of each craft to be the best exhibit in that craft and have achieved a standard of excellence. An overall winner will be selected from the articles in this showcase for the prize of “GRAND CHAMPION HANDCRAFT EXHIBIT “& “JUNIOR GRAND CHAMPION HANDCRAFT EXHIBIT”. If an awarded article is too large to be accommodated within the Showcase of Excellence it will be displayed, with appropriate ribbons, with its class. GRAND CHAMPION HANDCRAFT EXHIBIT will receive a $100 cash prize, plus rosette, donated by the NEWCASTLE AH&I Assoc. JUNIOR GRAND CHAMPION HANDCRAFT EXHIBIT will receive a $50 cash prize, plus rosette, donated by the NEWCASTLE AH&I Assoc. iii EMBROIDERY WORK THE EMBROIDERERS’ GUILD NSW INC. (NEWCASTLE BRANCH) has donated a joining fee and one year’s membership for the Champion Exhibit in the Embroidery section (classes 1 – 9) THE SMOCKING ARTS GUILD OF NSW has donated one full year’s membership to the Newcastle Branch of the Smocking Arts Guild of NSW for the winner of Class 5. PINS AND THINGS has donated a $10 voucher for the best entry in Novice Section, (classes 7 & 8) M.E.G. (Machine Embroiderers’ Group, Broadmeadow) has donated a $20 prize to be known as the Barbara Robin Memorial Prize for the winner of Class No. 11 – Machine Embroidered Lace. Please Note: All framed works must be able to be hung. Work may be washed and pressed, but not spray starched. Class Number: 1 2 3 4 5 6 COUNTED THREAD WORK - any article, (e.g. Cross Stitch.) COUNTED THREAD WORK - any article, other than Cross Stitch (e.g. Hardanger). CREWEL / WOOL EMBROIDERY - any article. RAISED / THREE DIMENSIONAL EMBROIDERY - any article, such as Stumpwork, Needleweaving. SMOCKING - any article. EMBROIDERY - any article. Restricted to exhibitors over 70 years of age. Novice Classes 7-8: Open only to exhibitors who have not won a prize at a previous Newcastle Regional Show. 7 8 COUNTED THREADWORK - Novice Class, any article, e.g. Cross Stitch COUNTED THREAD WORK - Novice Class, any article other than Cross Stitch CREATIVE EMBROIDERY 9 EMBROIDERY WORK - any article, hand embroidered (predominantly), exhibitor's own design. MACHINE EMBROIDERY 10 EMBROIDERED QUILT – can be patchworked with embroidery 11 EMBROIDERED LACE – any article with machined lace eg. Handkerchief, doily, table cloth 12 ANY ARTICLE – machine embroidered not previously mentioned CALLIGRAPHY 13 14 15 16 CANVAS – framed or mounted PAPER – framed or mounted - Traditional PAPER – framed or mounted - Contemporary WEARABLE ART WITH LETTERING PATCHWORK, APPLIQUE AND QUILTING (ALL QUILTS MUST HAVE A SLEEVE OR LOOPS FOR HANGING.) NOVOCASTRIAN QUILTERS INCORPORATED has donated a full-year membership as a special award for the best judged exhibit selected from Classes17-21 Please Note: Group projects will not be accepted. Professionally machine quilted items will be accepted except where stated. Please indicate on entry form. Novice Class 17: Open only to exhibitors who have not won a prize at a previously judged show or a previous Newcastle Regional Show. Must not be professionally machine quilted. 17 PATCHWORK QUILT - Bed size, hand or machine pieced and hand or machine quilted. – Novice Class. Open Classes: 18 to 21 – Open to exhibitors who do not qualify for the Professional Class. 18 PATCHWORK QUILT - Bed size, hand or machine-pieced, and hand or machine-quilted. Appliqué and/or embroidery by machine accepted. 19 PATCHWORK QUILT – Bed size, hand or machine-pieced and hand or machine-quilted. Appliqué and/or embroidery by hand accepted. 20 WALL HANGING – Traditional or innovative. 21 PATCHWORK, APPLIQUE AND QUILTING, (any article other than a quilt.) Professional Class 22: Open to any person who owns, operates or conducts a quilt-related business or studio; or who teaches or sells completed quilts for profit. 22 BED QUILT – Professional Class. Hand or machine-pieced, hand or machine-quilted with some embellishment such as appliqué and/or embroidery. 1 LACEMAKING MRS. LYN HOWARD has donated the JANICE LEONARD MEMORIAL PRIZE, Cash prize of $50, for The Best Judged Article out of Classes 23 to 28 (incorporating Lace making, Needle Lace and Tatting). 23 HANDKERCHIEF - edged with bobbin lace, not less than 20 cm x 20 cm including lace. 24 SMALL MAT- made of bobbin lace, (linen centre allowed). 25 LACE ITEM - for personal or household use, not elsewhere specified. Novice Class 24: Open only to exhibitors who have not won a prize at a previous Newcastle Regional Show 26 LACE ITEM - Novice Class. NEEDLE LACE 27 ANY ITEM – Needle Lace TATTING 28 ANY ARTICLE – Tatting DRESSMAKING Please Note: The articles may have seams and hems machine-sewn, and decorative work may be done by hand or machine. 29 ADULT’S DRESS OR OUTFIT. 30 CHILD'S DRESS- to suit 3-12 yr. old. 31 CHILD’S FANCY DRESS COSTUME – to suit 2 – 12 yr. old HEIRLOOM SEWING 32 HEIRLOOM SEWING - any article (must contain entredeaux) CANVASWORK/ NEEDLEPOINT (Tapestry Work) HUNTER VALLEY TAPESTRY GROUP INC. has donated a cash prize of $40 for the best judged overall Champion Tapestry Exhibit (Classes 33 to 40 inclusive). HUNTER VALLEY TAPESTRY GROUP INC. has donated a cash prize of $20 for the best exhibit in Class 38. HUNTER VALLEY TAPESTRY GROUP INC. has donated a 12 month membership for the best exhibit in the Novice Section (Classes 39, 40) Please Note: All framed works must be able to be hung. The maximum overall size is to be 90 cm x 75 cm (including frame) except where stated. Open Classes 33 to 38: Open to all exhibitors 33 CANVASWORK / NEEDLEPOINT - Open Class, minimum of six creative stitches (Continental/Tent stitch can be used, but not counted in the six creative stitches). 34 CANVASWORK / NEEDLEPOINT - Open Class, traditional tapestry worked in Continental/Tent Stitch. Some areas of petit point acceptable. 35 CANVASWORK / NEEDLEPOINT PICTURE - Open Class, exhibitors own design. (Photocopied or hand drawn own design acceptable). Any stitches other than wholly in petit point. 36 CANVASWORK / NEEDLEPOINT PICTURE – Open Class, worked from a chart, stencilled or painted design. Any stitches other than wholly in petit point. No size restriction. Please Note: All tapestries entered in this class will be judged, but not necessarily placed on display due to space constraints. 37 CANVASWORK / NEEDLEPOINT PICTURE - Open Class, in long stitch, worked from a chart, stencilled or painted design 38 CANVASWORK / NEEDLEPOINT PICTURE – restricted to exhibitors over 70 years of age. Novice Classes 39, 40: Open only to exhibitors who have not won a prize at a previous Newcastle Regional Show. 39 CANVASWORK / NEEDLEPOINT - Novice Class, traditional tapestry worked in Continental/Tent Stitch. Some areas of petit point acceptable. 40 CANVASWORK / NEEDLEPOINT - Novice Class, worked using any number of creative stitches. (Continental/Tent stitch may also be used). Professional Class 41: Open to any person who owns, operates or conducts a needlepoint (tapestry) business or studio, or who teaches or sells completed needlepoint (tapestry) work for profit. 41 CANVASWORK / NEEDLEPOINT - Professional Class, traditional or creative tapestry worked in any number of stitches. May be own design or commercial printed canvas - work must be framed ready for hanging. (Size requirements as above apply to this class). 2 HAND KNITTING (Wool, Wool Blend, Cotton, Synthetic, Silk, Bamboo, Alpaca) A cash prize of $40 to be known as The “Dorothy Payne Ash Prize” has been donated by LAURA ASH for the best judged exhibit in Class 55. HUNTER GROUP OF THE KNITTERS GUILD NSW INC has donated a prize of $50 for the best exhibitor in classes 42 to 56 (excluding class 55). HUNTER GROUP OF THE KNITTERS GUILD NSW INC has donated a prize of $40 for class 57 (Novice) PINS AND THINGS has donated a $20 voucher for the best exhibit selected from Classes 51, 52, 53. NOTE: FOR SOFT TOY ENTRIES SEE TOYS AND DRESSED DOLLS. 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 INFANTS OUTFIT - hand knitted in wool –any combination of 3 items. INFANT'S OUTFIT- hand knitted in synthetic – any combination of 3 items. INFANTS DRESS – hand knitted. BOY OR GIRL'S PULLOVER OR CARDIGAN - hand knitted. ADULT JUMPER OR CARDIGAN – hand knitted in 5 ply and under. ADULT JUMPER OR CARDIGAN – hand knitted in more than 5 ply. CREATIVE KNITTING OWN DESIGN – hand knitted, include graph or pattern. ANY ARTICLE HAND KNITTED IN TWO OR MORE COLOURS SOCKS – hand knitted HAND KNITTED ACCESSORIES e.g. bag, gloves, scarf, hat. HAND KNITTED HOME DECORATION e.g. cushion, coat hanger. HAND KNITTED NON-WEARABLE ARTICLE e.g. pot-pourri holder, lavender sachet, pot holder ANY OTHER HAND KNITTED ARTICLE CAPE, STOLE OR SHAWL - hand knitted in wool. ANY HAND KNITTED ARTICLE - restricted to exhibitors over 70 years of age. NOVICE CLASS – Any item – restricted to exhibitors who have not won a prize at a previous Newcastle Regional Show. MACHINE KNITTING st NEWCASTLE MACHINE KNITTERS have donated a cash prize of $120 (1 $15, 2 nd $10, commended $5 for classes 58,59,60 & 61) NSW MACHINE KNITTERS ASSOC have donated a cash prize of $50 for the Best Exhibit in Machine Knitting 58 59 60 61 BABY OR CHILD GARMENT OR SET ADULT GARMENT SHAWL, SCARF, WRAP OR SIMILAR ANY OTHER MACHINE KNITTED ARTICLE – including, but not limited to, socks, hats, tea cosy, gloves, cushion covers. ANY ARTICLE COMBINATION OF KNITTING AND CROCHET 62 ANY ARTICLE OF CREATIVE KNITTING AND CROCHET 63 ANY ARTICLE CROCHET (FINE CROCHET COTTON) PINS AND THINGS has donated a $20 voucher for the best entry in Class 64 A cash prize of $40, to be known as the “FRIENDS OF MARY CARD” has been donated by LAURA ASH for the best judged exhibit in Class 65 64 ANY CROCHET ARTICLE - not specified. Please attach label from cotton. 65 TRAY CLOTH OR DOILY – Novice Class. Please attach label from cotton. CROCHET (WOOL OR WOOL BLEND, KNITTING COTTON, ACRYLIC, SILK) 66 67 68 69 70 71 SET OF BABYWEAR - 3 pieces. Please attach label from yarn. SHAWL. Please attach label from yarn. KNEE RUG, AFGHAN OR BEDSPREAD. Please attach label from yarn. TUNISIAN CROCHET – any article. ANY ARTICLE - or garment not previously specified. Please attach label from yarn. ANY CROCHET ARTICLE - restricted to exhibitors over 70 years of age. Please attach label from yarn. 3 TOYS AND DRESSED DOLLS ALL CLOTHING MUST BE MADE BY THE EXHIBITOR, HAND OR MACHINE MADE. 72 DRESSED CHARACTER, PERIOD OR NATIONAL DOLL - Period, name of character or nationality portrayed must be attached. 73 SCULPTURED FABRIC DOLL. 74 DRESSED DOLL - knitted clothes. 75 DRESSED DOLL - not eligible for any other dressed doll classes. Should be dressed in hand-made not store bought clothes. 76 ONE SOFT TOY - other than a doll, any material. 77 ONE SOFT TOY - decorated. 78 CLOWN or RAG DOLL 79 ONE TEDDY BEAR - any material. Must be hand-made. 80 ONE SOFT TOY - Hand knitted or crocheted. 81 TOY OR DRESSED DOLL - restricted to exhibitors over 70 years of age 82 PORCELAIN DOLL 83 HAND MADE DOLL – other than in previous classes SPINNING AND WEAVING SECTION WEAVING NEWCASTLE SPINNERS AND WEAVERS GUILD INC has donated a cash prize of $50 to be known as THE ALICE FILSON MEMORIAL PRIZE for Weaving Excellence” for the Most Outstanding Exhibit in Weaving (Classes 84 to 88). Please note: All framed works must be able to be hung and must have short description of article. 84 HAND WEAVING - length of cloth in one continuous piece at least 2 m long, excluding fringe and/or heading and at least 40 cm wide. State end use. 85 HAND WEAVING - any garment made from a length of cloth, woven on any type of loom. 86 HAND WEAVING - plain weave incorporating colour or texture. 87 HAND WEAVING - woven wall hanging or banner 88 HAND WEAVING - one example of hand weaving, not elsewhere specified. State end use e.g. Tukidale Fleece floor rug. Novice Class 87: Open to exhibitors who have not won a prize at a previous Newcastle Regional Show. 89 HAND WEAVING - Novice Class. SPINNING NEWCASTLE SPINNERS AND WEAVERS GUILD INC has donated a $50 Cash prize, for “Spinning Excellence” for the Most Outstanding Exhibit in spinning (classes 90 to 95). EACH ITEM AND ARTICLE ENTERED MUST SUPPLY A NOTATED SAMPLE AND INDICATE FIBRE SOURCE AND YARN CONTENT INCLUDING THE PERCENTAGES IN BLENDS AND COMBINATIONS. 90 SPECIMEN OF HANDSPUN WOOL - 2 ply, not less than 50g dry weight, washed free of grease. State specific end use. 91 SPECIMEN OF INNOVATIVE PLIED YARN - using animal/or plant sources and processes including blends and combinations with wool, silk, alpaca, angora, bamboo, cotton, cellulose based staple acrylics, linen and ramie for example to be not less than 50g dry weight, washed. 92 ANY ARTICLE KNITTED FROM HANDSPUN WOOL - to be made entirely of hand spun wool. A 15 cm sample length of yarn must be attached to the entry. 93 ANY ARTICLE MADE FROM SUBSTANTIALLY HANDSPUN – including any innovative plied yarns and any technique. Novice Classes 94 – 95: Open to exhibitors who have not won a prize at any exhibition. 94 SPECIMEN OF HANDSPUN WOOL - plied, not less than 50g dry weight, washed free of grease. State specific end use. Novice Class 95 ANY ARTICLE MADE SUBSTANTIALLY FROM HANDSPUN WOOL - Any technique. A 15cm sample length of yarn must be attached to the entry. Novice Class. MOHAIR 96 SPECIMEN OF HAND-SPUN MOHAIR - 2 ply not less than 100g washed. 97 ANY ARTICLE- made from hand spun mohair. FELTING 98 ANY CREATIVE FREEFORM FIBRE ITEM – any technique incorporating handmade felting processes. 4 FIRED HAND PAINTED PORCELAIN MR. G.M. & MRS N. PURCELL of Woodville, have donated a perpetual trophy to be known as the “Purcell Family Award” for the Champion Judged Hand Painted Porcelain Exhibit. AUSTRALIAN PORCELAIN ARTISTS TEACHERS’ INC. NSW has donated a $50 cash prize for the Most Successful Exhibitor in Fired Hand Painted Porcelain. PORCELAIN ARTISTS’ ASSOCIATION - HUNTER VALLEY INC. has donated $160 cash to be awarded (1st $14, 2nd $6) for the Best Judged Exhibit in each Class 100 to 107 inclusive. AUSTRALASIAN PORCELAIN ART TEACHERS (NSW INC) has donated an Encouragement Award of $100 for classes 99 – 107 inclusive. EXHIBITORS SHOULD ENSURE THEY ARE ENTERED INTO THE CORRECT CLASS. AN EXHIBIT CANNOT BE ENTERED IN MORE THAN ONE CLASS Please Note: The awarding of Special Prizes is at the discretion of the judge, and the judge’s decision will be final and no correspondence will be entered into. Novice Class 99: Open only to exhibitors who have not won a prize at a previous Newcastle Regional Show. 99 HAND PAINTED PORCELAIN - Any article, any technique. – Novice Class. Open to all Painters: Class 100 to 107. 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 BIRDS / ANIMALS - any technique. AUSTRALIAN FLORA - any technique. FLOWERS EXCLUDING AUSTRALIAN - any technique. EUROPEAN - Any Technique. DECORATIVE TECHNIQUES. e.g.; lustre, enamels etc. - any technique. PEN WORK BROOCH, MEDALLION OR MINIATURE PIECE - any technique. MISCELLANEOUS e.g. portrait, landscape, fruit BEADING KATIE’S TREASURES has donated a gift voucher for $40 for the best overall exhibit in Beading as well as $15 gift vouchers for the winners of each class in Beading. 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 BEADED PICTURE WOVEN BEADED DOILIES AND COASTERS BEADED CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS BEADED JEWELLERY – woven design BEADED JEWELLERY – simple strung necklace or bracelet BEADED JEWELLERY – made with wire incorporating advanced techniques (more complicated than class 112) KNITTED BEADED ARTICLE. ANY OTHER ARTICLE MADE FROM OR DECORATED WITH BEADS FOLK ART EXPLANATION OF TERMS: TRADITIONAL includes - baroque, bauermalerei, hinderloopen, intarsia, naive, rosemaling, Russian floral etc. DECORATIVE includes - floral, boats, fairies, lace, teddies etc. Exhibitors should state on their entry the period of the piece and whether the exhibit is a copy, adaptation or an original design. 116 DECORATIVE FOLK ART- Open Class – any article. 117 AUSTRALIANA SCENES - Open Class including flora, fauna and scenes. Novice Class: Open only to exhibitors who have been painting for two years or less. 118 FOLK ART – any article – Novice Class PAPER TOLE 119 PAPER TOLE - Novice Class - open only to exhibitors in their first 18 months of Paper Tole. 120 PAPER TOLE - Hobbyist Class - open only to exhibitors who have been doing Paper Tole for more than 18 months, but not professionally. 121 PAPER TOLE - Professional Class - open only to exhibitors who teach, have taught, hold a teaching certificate or have sold finished Paper Tole. 122 FEATHERING AND FURRING - Open Class - any Paper Tole containing an animal or bird which has been feathered or furred. 5 WOODTURNING WOODTURNERS OF THE HUNTER CO-OP LTD has donated cash prizes of $120 and $80 for the overall 1st and 2nd place in the Woodturning Classes from 123 to 129 WOODTURNERS OF THE HUNTER CO-OP LTD has also donated a cash prize of $60 for 1st place and $40 for 2nd place for Class 130 (Novice Class). 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 WOODTURNING - bowls or platters. WOODTURNING - turned item with lid. WOODTURNING - vessels and enclosed forms. WOODTURNING – segmented turning. WOODTURNING - clocks, weather instruments etc. WOODTURNING – any article with spindle turning. WOODTURNING - any article other than the above. Novice Class: 130 - Open only to exhibitors who have been woodturning for less than (2) two years. 130 WOODTURNING - Novice Class, any wood turned article. WOODWORKING st WOODTURNERS OF THE HUNTER CO-OP LTD has donated cash prizes of $60 and $40 for the overall 1 and 2 131 WOODWORKING – any article MARQUETRY Please Note: All marquetry must have been completed within the last 12 months. 132 ANY WOOD ARTICLE – being of marquetry. INTARSIA Please Note: All intarsia must have been completed within the last 12 months. 133 ANY WOOD ARTICLE – being of intarsia MOSAIC 134 MOSAIC – Outdoor piece 135 MOSAIC – Indoor piece MISCELLANEOUS CRAFTS SCRAP NEEDS has donated a $25 voucher to the best exhibit in Class 145 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 JEWELLERY - hand made, any article. COTTAGE CRAFT - any article, (fabric covered cardboard, mounted article, etc.). PARCHMENT CRAFT - Article, framed or unframed. Maximum size 35 cm x 35 cm (including frame). LEATHERWORK - any article. FABRIC PAINTING - any article. WEARABLE ART - any item of clothing, decorated artistically, made using recycled fabrics. HAND PAINTED GLASS - any article. SCRAPBOOKING - any article HOBBY CERAMICS - hobbyist class, any technique. CARD MAKING ANY OTHER ARTICLE 6 nd place in Class 131 NURSING HOME RESIDENTS’ SECTION ENTRY FEE: $1.00 PER ITEM ENTERED All entries in this section need a slip stating any disability and the age of the entrant attached to the article. This slip will be destroyed immediately after judging and will not be displayed with exhibits. Confidentiality will be maintained by Show Committee Members. CLASSES 147 TO 158 ARE RESTRICTED TO NURSING HOME RESIDENTS ONLY. PLEASE STATE ON ENTRY FORM AND ARTICLE: NAME OF EXHIBITOR AND NAME OF NURSING HOME. First Prize: Medallion Medallion will be awarded to Nursing Home for Group Projects. Exhibitors should ensure that they are entered into the correct class. Please Note: All framed works must be able to be hung and must include a short description of article. Front of entries to show name of exhibitor and Nursing Home. 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 ARTWORK - Nursing Home Resident (using paint, pen, crayon). PAPER CRAFT- Nursing Home Resident (any article, any method). COATHANGER - Nursing Home Resident (any material any method). TAPESTRY / EMBROIDERY - Nursing Home Resident (any article using tapestry stitches or cross stitch). TOY / DOLL - Nursing Home Resident (any material, any method). HAND KNITTED ARTICLE – Nursing Home Resident (not coat hangers, toys or dolls). NOVELTY ITEM - Nursing Home Resident (any material, any method.) WALL HANGING - Individual project - Nursing Home Resident. Maximum size - 1 m x 0.5 m (any material, any method). WALL HANGING - Group project - Nursing Home Residents. Maximum size - 1 m x 0.5 m (any material, any method). CROCHETED ARTICLE - Nursing Home Resident (any material, not coat hangers, toys or dolls). NOVELTY ITEM - Group Project - Nursing Home Residents - restricted to people with dementia (any material, any method). NOVELTY ITEM - Individual Project - Nursing Home Resident - restricted to people with dementia (any material, any method). HOSTEL RESIDENTS’ SECTION ENTRY FEE: $1.00 PER ITEM ENTERED All entries in this section to have a slip stating any disability and the age of the entrant attached to the article. This slip will be destroyed immediately after judging and will not be displayed with exhibits. Confidentiality will be maintained by Show Committee Members. CLASSES 159 TO 168 ARE RESTRICTED TO HOSTEL RESIDENTS ONLY. PLEASE STATE ON ENTRY FORM AND ARTICLE: NAME OF EXHIBITOR AND NAME OF HOSTEL. First Prize: Medallion Medallion will be awarded to Hostel for Group Projects. Exhibitors should ensure that they are entered into the correct class. Please Note: All framed works must be able to be hung and must have short description of article. 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 ARTWORK - Hostel Resident (using paint, pen, crayon). PAPER CRAFT - Hostel Resident (any article, any method). COATHANGER - Hostel Resident (any material, any method). TAPESTRY / EMBROIDERY- Hostel Resident (any article, using tapestry stitches or cross stitch). TOY / DOLL - Hostel Resident (any material, any method). NOVELTY ITEM - Hostel Resident (any material, any method, not coat hangers, toys or dolls). WALL HANGING - Individual project -Hostel Resident. Maximum size - 1 m x 0.5 m (any material, any method). WALL HANGING - Group project - Hostel Residents. Maximum size - 1 m x 0.5 m (any material, any method). KNITTED ARTICLE - Hostel Resident (any material, not coat hangers, toys or dolls). CROCHETED ARTICLE - Hostel Resident (any material, not coat hangers, toys or dolls). DISABLED SECTION (For those not living in a Home / Hostel) ENTRY FEE: $1.00 PER ITEM ENTERED ACCESS INDUSTRIES FOR THE DISABLED SOCIAL CLUB has donated a $50 cash prize for the Best Exhibit from all Disabled Section Classes. All entries in this section to have a slip stating any disability and the age of the entrant attached to the article. This slip will be destroyed immediately after judging and will not be displayed with exhibits. Confidentiality will be maintained by Show Committee Members. This section is restricted to DISABLED PERSONS e.g. stroke, visually impaired, M.S., injury from accident, amputee, brain related disorder etc. First Prize: Medallion 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 PAPER CRAFT- Disabled Section (any article, any method). COATHANGER - Disabled Section (any material, any method). WOODCRAFT- Disabled Section (any article, may incorporate tiles & wood burning). TAPESTRY/EMBROIDERY - Disabled Section (any article using tapestry stitches or cross stitch). TOY / DOLL - Disabled Section (any material, any method). NOVELTY ITEM - Disabled Section (any material, any method, not coat hangers, toys or dolls). WALL HANGING - Group project - Disabled Section. Maximum size - 1 m x 0.5 m (any material, any method). CROCHETED ARTICLE - Disabled Section (any material, not coat hangers, toys or dolls). KNITTING – Disabled Section (any article, not coat hangers, toys or dolls). 7 SPECIAL CLASSES FOR JUNIORS 10 YEARS & UNDER Junior Exhibitors are allowed two entries in any one class The age of the exhibitor is calculated as being the exhibitor’s age at time of final closing date of entries, i.e. 20/2/2015 ENTRY FEE: $2.00. First Prize: Medallion NOVOCASTRIAN QUILTERS INC., has donated a basket of fabric for the judge’s choice of best article from classes 179, 191 and 204 inclusive KATIE’S TREASURES has donated a gift voucher of $15 for the winning exhibit in Class 182 SPOTLIGHT has donated $10 gift cards totalling $160 to be distributed over the three Junior Classes. SCRAP NEEDS has donated a $25 gift voucher the best exhibit in Class 187 HUNTER GROUP OF THE KNITTERS’ GUILD NSW INC., has donated a cash prize of $20 for the best entry in Class 184 An overall winner will be selected from exhibits in Classes 178 to 215 for the prize, JUNIOR GRAND CHAMPION EXHIBIT. A cash prize of $50 plus rosette, donated by the NEWCASTLE A H &I ASSOCIATION accompanies this award. 178 EMBROIDERY – Hand Embroidered article from own design or design from book or magazine. Junior to 10 years 179 PATCHWORK, APPLIQUE AND QUILTING – Any quilted article e.g. bed or cot quilt, wall hanging, table runner, bag, cushion. May be hand or machine pieced and hand or machine quilted or tied. Junior to 10 years 180 SURFACE/CREATIVE STITCHERY - to 10 years (any article). 181 COUNTED THREADWORK - to 10 years (any article, such as cross stitch, hardanger, drawn thread). 182 ANY BEADED ARTICLE - to 10 years. 183 MOSAIC – any article - to 10 years 184 HAND KNITTING – any article to 10 years 185 WEARABLE ART WITH LETTERING – to 10 years 186 RAG DOLL OR TOY – to 10 years 187 CARDMAKING – Junior to 10 years 188 ANY OTHER ARTICLE – to 10 years (please briefly describe the article on entry form) 189 WOODWORKING – any wood article SPECIAL CLASSES FOR JUNIORS 11 TO 14 YEARS Junior Exhibitors are allowed two entries in any one class The age of the exhibitor is calculated as being the exhibitor’s age at time of final closing date of entries, i.e. 20/2/2015 ENTRY FEE: $2.00. First Prize: Medallion NOVOCASTRIAN QUILTERS INC has donated a basket of fabric for the judge’s choice of best article from classes 179, 191 & 204 inclusive KATIE’S TREASURES has donated a gift voucher of $15 for the winning exhibit in Class 194 HUNTER GROUP OF THE KNITTERS’ GUILD NSW INC. has donated a cash prize of $30 for the best entry in class 196. SPOTLIGHT has donated $10 gift cards totalling $160 to be distributed over the 3 Junior Classes. SCRAP NEEDS has donated a $25 gift voucher for the best exhibit in Class 199. An overall winner will be selected from exhibits in Classes 178 to 215 for the prize JUNIOR GRAND CHAMPION EXHIBIT. A cash prize of $50 plus rosette, donated by the NEWCASTLE A H &I ASSOCIATION accompanies this award. 190 EMBROIDERY – hand embroidered article from own design or design from book or magazine. 11 to 14 years 191 PATCHWORK, APPLIQUE AND QUILTING – any quilted article e.g. bed or cot quilt, wall hanging, table runner, bag, cushion. May be hand or machine pieced and hand or machine quilted or tied. 11 to 14 years 192 SURFACE/CREATIVE STITCHERY – (any article) 11 to 14 years 193 COUNTED THREADWORK – (any article, such as cross stitch, hardanger, drawn thread). 11 to 14 years 194 ANY BEADED ARTICLE – 11 to 14 years 195 MOSAIC – any article – 11 to 14 years 196 HAND KNITTING – any article. 11 to 14 years 197 WEARABLE ART WITH LETTERING – 11 to 14 years 198 RAG DOLL OR TOY –11 to 14 years 199 CARDMAKING –11 to 14 years 200 ANY OTHER ARTICLE – 11 to 14 years (please specify on entry form what article is). 201 DRESSMAKING – garment or fancy dress costume. 202 WOODWORKING – any wood article 8 SPECIAL CLASSES FOR JUNIORS 15 TO 18 YEARS Exhibitors are allowed two entries in any one class The age of the exhibitor is calculated as being the exhibitor’s age at time of final closing date of entries i.e. 20/2/2015 ENTRY FEE: $2.00. First Prize: Medallion Junior NOVOCASTRIAN QUILTERS’ INC. has donated a basket of fabric for the judge’s choice of best article from classes 179, 191 & 204 inclusive KATIE’S TREASURES has donated a gift voucher of $15 for the winning exhibit in Class 209. SPOTLIGHT has donated $10 gift cards totalling $160 to be distributed over the 3 Junior Classes. SCRAP NEEDS has donated a $25 gift voucher for the best exhibit in Class 208 An overall winner will be selected from exhibits in Classes 178 to 215 for the prize JUNIOR GRAND CHAMPION EXHIBIT. A cash prize of $50 plus rosette, donated by the NEWCASTLE A H & I ASSOCIATION accompanies this award. 203 EMBROIDERY – hand embroidered article from own design or design from book or magazine. 15 to 18 years 204 PATCHWORK, APPLIQUE AND QUILTING – any quilted article. E.g. bed or cot quilts wall hanging, table runner, bag, and cushion. May be hand or machined pieced and hand or machine quilted. 15 to 18 years 205 CREATIVE NEEDLEWORK - (one article of patchwork, appliqué, quilting or combination). 15 to 18 years 206 COUNTED THREADWORK - (cross stitch, hardanger, drawn thread). 15 to 18 years 207 RAG DOLL OR TOY - 15 to 18 years 208 CARDMAKING - 15 to 18 years 209 ANY BEADED ARTICLE -15 to 18 years 210 MOSAIC, any article – 15 to 18 years 211 HAND KNITTING – any article. 15 to 18 years 212 WEARABLE ART WITH LETTERING – 15 to 18 years 213 ANY OTHER ARTICLE (please specify type of article on entry form) 15 to 18 years 214 DRESSMAKING – any garment or fancy dress costume 215 WOODWORKING – any wood article OUR SPECIAL THANKS TO THE FOLLOWING HANDCRAFT DONORS Access Industries for the Disabled Social Club Laura Ash Australian Porcelain Artists Teachers Inc. NSW Australasian Porcelain Art Teachers (NSW Inc) The Embroiderers’ Guild NSW Inc. Newcastle Branch Lyn Howard Hunter Valley Tapestry Group Inc. Katie’s Treasures Knitters Guild NSW Inc. Hunter Group Machine Embroiderers Group, Broadmeadow Newcastle A. H. &I. Association Newcastle Machine Knitters Assoc Newcastle Spinners and Weavers Guild Inc.(Alice Filson Memorial Prize) New South Wales Machine Knitters Assoc Novocastrian Quilters Inc. Pins & Things Porcelain Artists’ Association, Hunter Valley Inc. Mr. & Mrs. N. Purcell Smocking Arts Guild of NSW Scrap Needs Spotlight Woodturners of the Hunter Co-Op Ltd 9 Office use only Receipt No: 2015 NEWCASTLE REGIONAL SHOW HANDCRAFT ENTRY FORM Please Note: If two entries are entered in the same class, please list separately and give a description of each item. CLASS CATEGORY NO. 3 Embroidery DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF EXHIBIT ENTRY FEE Example Only Pale green hardanger cushion TOTAL $ GST STATUS - I verify that I enter on the following basis: A recreational basis In the course of my business and my ABN number is................................................ ~~~~~~ To the Secretary Manager - Subject to the Rules, By-laws and Regulations of the Association, which are hereby deemed included herein as if inserted at full length, I the undersigned, make the above entries for the forthcoming Newcastle Regional Show, the same being my bona-fide property and enclose herewith the sum of $.................., being the full amount of Entry Fees due. Print Name:.................................................................................... Date of Birth (Junior Entrants only) …………/………/……………… Full Address: .......................................................................................................................Postcode: .......................... Home/Work Phone: ....................................................Mobile Phone:………………….………………..… Email Address:…………………………………………………………………………….. Please add me to the email list for future schedules and information. (thanks for helping the environment) Signed: ......................................................................... Date:................................................. **Make sure you enclose your WAIVER form with your entry form. AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES COUNCIL OF NSW INC. PARENTAL INDEMNITY AND WAIVER RISK WARNING The Agricultural Societies Council of New South Wales advises that the participation, including passive participation, in events or activities at an agricultural show contains elements of risk, both obvious and inherent. The risks involved may result in property damage and/or personal injury including death. 1. I, the undersigned acknowledge, agree, and understand that participation, including passive participation, in events and activities at this, or at any show contains an element of risk of injury. 2. I. the undersigned acknowledge, agree, and understand that the risk warning at the top of this form constitutes a ‘risk warning’ for the purpose of Division 5 of the Civil Liability Act 2002 (NSW). 3. I understand that by participating in this show,…………………………………….(name of minor) may become exposed to the risk of injury, and I consent to the participation. 4. I, the undersigned assert that the above named minor voluntarily consents to participation in this show. 5. I, the undersigned acknowledge the risk referred to above and agree to waive any and all rights that I, the above named minor, or any other person, may have against the Newcastle Regional Show in relation to any loss or injury (including death) that is suffered by the above named minor as a result of participation in this show. 6. The undersigned must continually indemnify the Newcastle Regional Show on a full indemnity basis against any claim or proceeding that is made, threatened or commenced, and any liability, loss, including consequential loss, and loss of profits, damage or expense (including legal costs on a full indemnity basis) that the Newcastle Regional Show incurs or suffers, as a direct or indirect result of the above named minor’s participation in any event held by the Newcastle Regional Show. I have read this form and acknowledge and agree with its contents, I have made any further enquiries which I feel are necessary or desirable and fully understand the risks involved in this activity I, ……………………………………………… of ……………………..……………………..………………………… ………………………………………………am the parent/guardian of …………….……..………………………… Name: .............................................................................................................................................................. Address: .......................................................................................................... Postcode: .............................. Signature: ........................................................................................................................................................ Date: ................................................................................................................................................................ Signed for and on behalf of The Newcastle Regional Show. Name: ............................................................................................................................................................. Signature: ........................................................................................................................................................ Date: ............................................................................................................................................................... 2 AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES COUNCIL OF NSW INC. ADULT INDEMNITY AND WAIVER RISK WARNING The Agricultural Societies Council of New South Wales advises that the participation, including passive participation, in events or activities at an agricultural show contains elements of risk, both obvious and inherent. The risks involved may result in property damage and/or personal injury including death. 1. I, the undersigned acknowledge, agree, and understand that participation, including passive participation, in events and activities at this, or at any show contains an element of risk of injury and I agree that I undertake any such risk voluntarily of my own free will and at my own risk. 2. I. the undersigned acknowledge, agree, and understand that the risk warning at the top of this form constitutes a ‘risk warning’ for the purpose of Division 5 of the Civil Liability Act 2002 (NSW). 3. I the undersigned acknowledge the risk referred to above and agree to waive any and all rights that I, or any other person claiming through me, may have against the Newcastle Regional Show in relation to any loss or injury (including death) that is suffered by me as a result of my participation in this show. 4. The undersigned must continually indemnify the Newcastle Regional Show on a full indemnity basis against any claim or proceeding that is made, threatened or commenced, and any liability, loss, (including consequential loss, and loss of profits), damage or expense (including legal costs on a full indemnity basis) that the Newcastle Regional Show incurs or suffers, as a direct or indirect result of the undersigned’s participation in any event held by the Newcastle Regional Show. I have read this form and acknowledge and agree with its contents, I have made any further enquiries which I feel are necessary or desirable and fully understand the risks involved in this activity Name: .............................................................................................................................................................. Address: .......................................................................................................... Postcode: .............................. Signature: ........................................................................................................................................................ Date: ................................................................................................................................................................ Signed for and on behalf of The Newcastle Regional Show. Name: ............................................................................................................................................................. Signature: ........................................................................................................................................................ Date: ...............................................................................................................................................................
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