LANDSCAPE Faith Advocacy Days in CO & NM Bulletin inserts for Lent to be provided The NM Advocacy Day will be in Santa Fe, NM, on February 10. Contact Lutheran Advocacy Ministry-NM at 505-984-8005 or [email protected] to make reservations. Info at The deadline for reservations is February 5. The CO Advocacy Day in Denver will take place at Bethany Lutheran Church on Monday, February 16. Email [email protected] for more information or visit A series of bulletin inserts will be provided for each congregation prior to the start of Lent, to highlight how we are “Better Together” as the Rocky Mountain Synod, ELCA. Please reproduce those in your bulletins and newsletters. Peace in Christ church receives $72,000 donation The people of Peace in Christ, Elizabeth, CO, are overjoyed to receive an anonymous donation for the purpose of paying off the church’s mortgage. We share in their joy at the wondrous generosity of this special gift of $72,000! Video contest: “Better Together” Winning videos will be featured in Salt Lake City, May 1-3 A video contest for the Rocky Mountain Synod Assembly under the theme, “Our Life Together,” invites creative entries! We look forward to showing the winning videos in Salt Lake City, May 1-3, 2015. February 15 is deadline for leader & congregation reports The videos are to use the exact script below, to emphasize how we are “better together” when we are connected with one another. The challenge is to make the script come alive! Video entries are to be uploaded to YouTube, and a link provided to Kent Mueller by April 15. Send your link to [email protected]. Use this script: Synod means Church: Better Together Every year each rostered leader submits a report to Bishop Gonia, and each congregation submits a report that includes attendance and financial information. The deadline is February 15 as usual. A link to easily find the reports is posted on the homepage at As the ELCA Rocky Mountain Synod, We are Church: Better Together From the wilds of Wyoming Through the Great Salt Lake Valley Across Colorado’s mountains, Front Range, and Eastern Plains Throughout the Land of Enchantment To the El Paso banks of the Rio Grande “Like” us on Facebook We are Church: Better Together We are passionate about God’s love in Jesus Love that is boundless Love that meets you where you are Love that anchors you in a messy world Love that frees you to make the world a better place Together we are a both/and church in an either/or world One of the ways we stay connected is through sharing photos and stories on the Rocky Mountain Synod Facebook page. Go to rmselca to stay connected! We are Church: Better Together We grow together We struggle together We explore together We share together We celebrate together Being church together allows us to make things happen that we could never do on our own As the ELCA Rocky Mountain Synod We are Church: Better Together FEBRUARY 2015 What is an RMS “Conference?” Each synod in the ELCA is divided into smaller areas When the Rocky Mountain Synod covers a geographic area of more than 400,000 square miles, it’s impossible for every congregation to be in relationship with all of the others. The Rocky Mountain Synod is divided into ten Conferences to encourage connectedness and ministry together in each smaller geographic area. Even that isn’t easy, though, since two of our Conferences are entire states: Utah and Wyoming! Most synods are smaller than these Conferences in the RMS. Each Conference is headed up by a Conference Dean who is a pastor in that area. The Dean takes responsibility for keeping in touch with each congregation, communicating about events and initiatives, and checking in with rostered leaders who may be ill or facing other challenges. All of the Deans meet with Bishop Gonia every month in a WebEx videoconference. We are grateful for our Deans who go “above and beyond” to serve their Conference. This year, the Deans will meet in a retreat for the first time ever, from February 2-4, at the Office of the Bishop in Denver. Below is the list of Conferences and Deans. Border Conference Jerry Reynolds (Trinity – Las Cruces) Boulder/Broomfield Conference Pastor Steve Berke (First - Longmont) Metro East Conference Pastor Caitlin Trussell (Augustana - Denver) Metro South Conference Pastor Dave Risendal (St. Peter - Greenwood Village) Metro / Mountain West Conference – CO DEANS MOUNTAIN WEST: Pastor Brian Bergum (Lord of the Valley - Granby) METRO WEST: Pastor Penni Walsh (St. John's - Thornton) North Colorado Conference Pastor Sonja Pancoast (Zion - Loveland) North New Mexico Conference – CO DEANS Pastor Pat Holman (St. Paul - Albuquerque) Pastor Michael Bastian (Community of Joy - Rio Rancho) Southeast Colorado Conference Pastor Robert Kippley (Shepherd of the Hills - Cañon City) Utah Conference Pastor Jeff Beebe (Our Savior's - Salt Lake City) Wyoming Conference Pastor Brenda Frelsi (Grace – Casper) Roster Changes OCTOBER 2014 The Rev. LaVonne Johnson-Holt from candidacy to Pastor St. Mark Lutheran Church, Roswell, NM 10/1/2014 The Rev. Paul Everett from Pastor Ascension Lutheran Church, Cheyenne, WY to retired 10/1/2014 The Rev. James W. Wiberg Pastor retired from Eastern Washington-Idaho Synod to Rocky Mountain Synod 10/7/2014 The Rev. Sarah Anderson from Pastor Epiphany Lutheran Church, Denver, CO to Minneapolis Area Synod 10/21/2014 The Rev. Jonathan Hundt from Pastor Peace Lutheran Church, El Paso, TX to continued disability 10/31/2014 NOVEMBER 2014 The Rev. John Michael “Jack” Schmidt from Pastor retired to Deceased 11/4/2014 The Rev. Stephen Ingram from Pastor retired to Deceased 11/5/2014 The Rev. James Hytjan from On Leave From Call to Interim Pastor Mount Calvary Lutheran Church, Colorado Springs, CO 11/9/2014 The Rev. Jeanne Madsen from Interim Pastor Lutheran Church of the Holy Spirit, Centennial, CO to Nebraska Synod 11/17/2014 The Rev. Kevin Meyer from Pastor Bethel Lutheran Church, Windsor, CO to On Leave From Call 11/23/2014 The Rev. Christopher Heller from Northern Illinois Synod to Pastor Messiah Lutheran Church, Albuquerque, NM 11/30/2014 DECEMBER 2014 The Rev. Debra Engquist from On Leave From Call to Interim Associate Pastor Bethany Lutheran Church, Cherry Hills Village 12/3/2014 The Rev. Ruth Ann Loughry from Pastor Bethany Lutheran Church, Cherry Hills Village, CO to Pastor King of Glory Lutheran Church, Loveland, CO 12/13/2014 Assembly Deadlines Information about the 2015 Assembly will be posted at as it is ready, including nomination and resolution forms as well as online registration. You will also find information about the allotment of voting members. Every congregation brings their rostered leader/s and two lay voting members (one male and one female). Large congregations bring additional lay voting members. Please note this series of deadlines as we prepare for the 2015 Rocky Mountain Synod Assembly, May 1-3 in Salt Lake City: FEBRUARY 10: deadline for plenary time requests, workshops, display requests, and ministry booklet reservations MARCH 5: deadline for ministry booklet submissions MARCH 6 : deadline for nominations and resolutions MARCH 27: assembly registration deadline and hotel deadline (note that you will make your own hotel reservations) The Office of the Bishop of the Rocky Mountain Synod, ELCA, is located on the campus of the new RMS Lutheran Center, 7375 Samuel Drive, Denver, CO 80221. General email is [email protected]. Website is Facebook is An electronic .pdf of this LANDSCAPE newsletter is posted at
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