2013-2014 Children's Ministry Re~istra+ion Packet 7600 S.W. 104 Street Miami, Florida 33156 Phone: 305.667.0343 www.kendallchurch.org Pastor George Lutz Executive Director, Dr. Joy Galliford Children's Ministry Coordinator, Audra Handal License # CIIMD0541 About Kid's Day Out & Kid's Week Out Kid's Day Out and Kid's Week Out are community outreach opportunities for children to enjoy interacting with each other in a safe and loving environment. These programs are typically run when Miami-Dade County Public Schools are in recess or closed. Kid's Day Out and Kid's Week Out are both open from 8:00 am - 6:00 pm daily. The cost is $5.00 per hour for the hours used. There is NO registration fee for these programs. Our goal is to minister to the community as a whole, provide a nurturing childcare atmosphere, and exemplify Christ's love to all we encounter. Behavior Management The goal of our behavioral management environment so that all children can learn Through clear and consistent rules, teachers All staff will encourage children to take property, and cooperate with one another. policy is to establish and maintain a safe and positive and grow in a positive and trusting educational setting. will promote positive guidance and discipline techniques. responsibility for their own actions, respect people and Aggressive physical behavior toward staff or children is unacceptable. Staff will intervene immediately if a child becomes physically aggressive. Positive guidance, including encouraging positive behavior, will be the first technique for managing a challenging or disruptive child. In addition, staff may: • Separate the children involved • Immediately comfort the victim and care for any injuries • Notify parents or legal guardian of children involved in the incident • Complete an incident report to be signed by the parents or legal guardians of the children involved Staff are prohibited from using physical punishment, psychological abuse, humiliation, abusive language, or the withdrawal of food. Physical restraint will only be used if necessary to ensure a child's safety. A situation may arise when the child may need to be removed from an activity for a short period of time. If there is a situation that we are unable to resolve, we will contact you for your support. Should we be unable to mutually resolve any behavior issues, we reserve the right to remove your child from our preschool program to ensure the safety of all children and the staff. Source: Model Child Care Health Policies - American Academy of Pediatrics, Pennsylvania Chapter Medical Requirements Completed physical examination and immunization record forms (forms DH-3040 & DH-680) must be obtained from your child's doctor and be submitted prior to any activity that you child participates. Each time your child receives a new immunization, please bring an updated immunization record to the preschool office. School age children (kindergarten and older) are NOT required to submit these documents. Please note: KUMC is a nut-free facility. Quality child care offers healthy, social, and educational experiences under qualified supervision in a safe, nurturing, and stimulating environment. Children in these settings participate in daily, age-appropriate activities that help develop essential skills, build independence and instill self-respect. When evaluating the quality of a child care setting, the following indicators should be considered: Quality Caregivers Quality Environments ./ Are clean, safe, inviting, comfortable, and child-friendly. ./ Provide easy access to age-appropriate toys. ./ Display children's activities and creations. ./ Provide a safe and secure environment that fosters the growing independence of all children. J Are friendly and eager to care for children. Quality Activities J Accept family cultural and ethnicdifferences. ./ Are children initiated and teacher facilitated. J Are warm, understanding, encouraging, ./ Include social interchanges with all children. and responsive to each child's individual needs. JUse a pleasant tone of voice and freqently hold, cuddle, and talk to the children. JHeip children manage their behavior in a positive, constructive, and non-threatening manner. J Allow children to play alone or in small groups. To report suspected or actual cases of child abuse or neglect, please call the Florida Abuse Hotline at 1·800·962·2873. For additional information, please visit www.myf!orida.com/childcare or contact your local licensing office below: (305) 377-5494 ./ Are expressive including play, painting, drawing, story telling, music, dancing, and other varied activities. ./Include exercise and coordination development. ./Include free play and organized activities. ./ Include opportunities for all children to read, be creative, explore, and problem-solve. J Are attentive to and interact with the children. JProvide stimulating, interesting, and educational activities. JOemonstrate knowledge of social and emotional needs and developmental tasks for all children. JCommunicate with parents. CF/PI175·24,10/2007 This brochure was created by the Department of Children and Families, Child Care Program Office pursuant to s. 402.3125(5), F.S., Parent's Role This child care facility is licensed according to the minimum licensure standards included in section 402.305, Florida Statutes (F.S.), and Chapter 65C-22, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.). . C11 MD0541 License Number: _ License Issued on 09/..0J.. 3 J4 License Expires on 09 /1 Q For more information regarding the compliance history of this child care provider, please visit: www.myflorida.com/childcare. Every licensed child care facility must meet the minimum state child care licensing standards pursuant to s. 402.305, F.S., and ch. 65C-22, F.A.C.,which include, but are not limited to, the following: General Requirements "'Valid license posted for parents to see. ./' Provide parents with written disciplinary practices used by the facility. ./' Provide access to the facility during normal hours of operation. Physical Environment ./' Emergency procedures that include: • Posting Florida Abuse Hotline number along with other emergency numbers. • Staff trained in first aid and Infant/Child CPR on the premises at all times . ./' Maintain sufficient usable indoor floor space for playing, working, and napping. • Fully stocked first aid kit. ./' Provide space that is clean and free of litter and other hazards. • A working fire extinguisher and documented monthly fire drills with children and staff. ./'Maintain sufficient lighting and inside temperatures. ./' Equip with age and developmentally appropriate toys. ./' Provide appropriate bathroom facilities and other furnishings. ./'Provide isolation area for children who become ill. .I Medication and hazardous materials are inaccessible and out of children's reach. Food and Nutrition ./' Post a meal and snack menu that provides daily nutritional needs of the children (if meals are provided). Training Requirements ./' Maintain accurate records that include: • Medication records. ./'10-hour in-service training annually. • Enrollment information. ./'0.5 continuing education unit of approved training or 5 clock hours of training in early literacy and language development. • Personnel records. .lMaintain appropriate transportation vehicles (if transportation is provided). ./'Director Credential for all facility directors. ./'Communicate with the caregiver. ./'Participate in special activities, meetings, and conferences . ./' Arrange alternate care for their child when they are sick. ./' 40-hour introductory child care training. 1:4 1:6 1:11 1:15 1:20 1:25 .I Know the facility's policies and procedures . .lTalk to their child about their daily experiences in child care . .lMaintain Under1yr. old 1 yr. old 2 yrs. old 3 yrs. old 4 yrs. old 5 yrs. old & older .I Inquire about the qualifications and experience of child care staff, as well as staff longevity. • Children's health exam/immunization record. .I All staff appropriately screened. minimum staff-to-child ratios: .lFamiliarize themselves with the child care standards used to license the child care facility. .lVisit and observe the facility. Record Keeping ./'Practice proper hand washing, toileting, and diapering activities. The parent's role in quality child care is vital to it's success. In partnering with the caregiver to achieve this goal, parents should: • Daily attendance. • Accidents and incidents. • Parental permission for field trips and administration of medications. To report non-compllance with slate licensing standards, please contact your local licensing office. What is the influenza (flu) virus7 Influenza ("the flu") is caused by a virus which infects the nose, throat, and lungs. According to the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDCl.the flu is more dangerous than the common cold for children. Unlike the common cold, the flu can cause severe illness and life threatening complications in many people. Children under 5 who have the flu commonly need medical care. Severe flu complications are most common in children younger than 2 years old. Flu season can begin as early as October and last as late as May. How can I tell if my child has a cold, or the flu7 Most people with the flu feel tired and have fever, headache, dry cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, and sore muscles. Some people, especially children, may also have stomach problems and diarrhea. Because the flu and colds have similar symptoms, it can be difficult to tell the difference between them based on symptoms alone. In general, the flu is worse than the common cold, and symptoms such as fever, body aches, extreme tiredness, and dry cough are more common and intense. People with colds are more likely to have a runny or stuffy nose. Colds generally do not result in serious health problems, such as pneumonia, bacterial infections, or hospitalizations. For additional information, please visit www.myflorida.com(childcare or contact your local licensing office below: CF/PI 175-70, June 2009 This brochure was created by the Department of Children and Families in consultation with the Department of Health. During the 2009 legislative session, a new law was passed that requires child care facilities, family day care homes and large family child care homes provide parents with information detailing the causes, symptoms, and transmission of the influenza virus (the flu) every year during August and September. What can I do to prevent the spread of germs? Consult your doctor and make sure your child gets plenty of rest and drinks a lot of fluids. Never give aspirin or medicine that has aspirin in it to children or teenagers who may have the flu. The main way that the flu spreads is in respiratory droplets from coughing and sneezing. This can happen when droplets from a cough or sneeze of an infected person are propelled through the air and infect someone nearby. Though much less frequent. the flu may also spread through indirect contact with contaminated hands and articles soiled with nose and throat secretions. To prevent the spread of germs: • Wash hands often with soap ~_ and water. ~, • Cover mouth/nose during coughs and sneezes. If you don't have a tissue, cough or sneeze into your upper sleeve, not your hands. • Limit contact with people who show signs of illness. • Keep hands away from the face. Germs are often spread when a person touches something that is contaminated with germs and then touches his or / her eyes, nose, or mouth. .. ------- My signature below verifies receipt of the brochure on Influenza Virus, The Flu, A Guide to Parents: Name: What should I do if my child gets sick? _ I CALL OR TAKE YOUR CHILD TO A DOCTOR RIGHT AWAY IF YOUR CHILD: I .Has a high fever or fever that lasts a long time • Has trouble breathing or breathes fast I .Has skin that looks blue • Is not drinking enough I .Seems confused, will not wake up, does not 1 I I I want to be held, or has seizures (uncontrolled shaking) Gets better but then worse again • Has other conditions (like heart or lung disease, diabetes) that get worse Child's Name: _ Date Received: _ I. I Signature:. _ I I --------- Please complete and return this portion of the brochure to your child care provider, in order for them to maintain it in their records. ·.10•••••••• .. , ••••••• :t""""'- -, , \ I I ...•. How can I protect my child from the flu? 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 A flu vaccine is the best way to protect against the flu. Because the flu virus changes year to year, annual vaccination against the flu is recommended. The CDC recommends that all children from the ages of 6 months up to their 19th birthday receive a flu vaccine every fall or winter (children receiving a vaccine for the first time require two doses). You also can protect your child by receiving a flu vaccine yourself. ----------- When should my child stay home from child care? A person may be contagious and able to spread the virus from 1 day before showing symptoms to up to 5 days after getting sick. The time frame could be longer in children and in people who don't fight diseasewell (people with weakened immune systems). When sick, your child should stay at home to rest and to avoid giving the flu to other children and should not return to child care or other group setting until his or her temperature has been normal and has been sign and symptom free for a period of 24 hours. IFor additional helpful information about the dangers of the flu and how to protect I I your child, visit: http://www.cdc.gov/tlu/ or http://www.immunizetlorida.org/ I ----------~ Ch.ild:re:n's Reg:ist.n3.tio:n. Forr.n Child's Information: CHILD'S FIRST / MIDDLE / LAST NAME NICKNAME ADDRESS MALEIFEMALE DATE OF BIRTH AGE I CITY I STATE I ZIP Family Information: MOTHER'S NAME FATHER'S NAME HOME PHONE HOME PHONE ADDRESS ADDRESS / CITY / STATE / ZIP I CITY I STATE / ZIP CELL PHONE CELL PHONE WORK PHONE WORK PHONE HOME CIillRCH HOME CIillRCH E-MAIL ADDRESS E-MAIL ADDRESS Medical and Emergency Information: I hereby grant permission for the staff of this facility to contact the following medical personnel to obtain emergency medical care, if warranted. DOCTOR ADDRESS HOSPITAL PHONE / CITY I STATE I ZIP PREFERENCE Page lof3 Emergency Contacts: Your child will be released only to the custodial parent or legal guardian and the persons listed below. The following people will also be contacted and are authorized to remove the child from the facility in case of illness, accident or emergency, if for some reason the custodial parent or legal guardian cannot be reached. NAME NAME NAME RELATrONSHlP RELA TIONSHlP RELATIONSHlP CELL PHONE CELL PHONE CELL PHONE HOME PHONE HOME PHONE HOME PHONE WORK PHONE WORK PHONE WORK PHONE ADDRESS ADDRESS ADDRESS CITY/ST ATElZlP CITY/STATElZlP CITY/STATE/ZlP Consent for Photography: I consent to allow the taking of photos or videos of my child and/or me during program activities. Photos/videos may reveal my child's and/or my identity without any compensation paid to my child, to me or to others. All photos and videos may be used for educational and/or promotional purposes. Please mark one: ------------------------------------ DYes, I consent Page2of3 o No, I do not consent CONSENT AND RELEASE FORM I, the undersigned, as parent and/or legal guardian of (hereinafter referred to as "my child"), hereby consent to my child participating in any and all activities at Kendall United Methodist Church and assume all risks on behalf of my child associated with said activities. I hereby certify that my child is mentally, emotionally, and physically able and capable of participating in all activities. Ifmy child has any condition(s), which may be relevant to a physician in the event of an emergency, I may be reached at the telephone number listed below. If! cannot be reached, I hereby authorize an adult supervisor to contact 9-1-1 Emergency and authorize emergency and nonemergency medical technicians and health care providers to assess the condition of my child and render medical assistance and treatment as determined necessary by such medical technicians and health care providers I hereby agree that the Church shall be completely absolved, released, indemnified, and held harmless from any and all liability arising from or associated with any injury, death, obligation, liability, indebtedness, or other matter(s) of whatsoever kind concerning or otherwise involving my child's participation in all activities and/or any medical services arising therefrom. I expressly agree that this release, waiver, and indemnity agreement is intended to be broad and inclusive as permitted by the laws of the State of Florida, and that if any portion hereof is held to be invalid, it is agreed that the balance and all remaining terms shall, notwithstanding, continue to be in full legal force and effect. This release contains the entire agreement between the parties hereto and the terms of this release are contractual and not merely a recital. I HAVE CAREFULLY READ THE FOREGOING RELEASE, WAIVER AND INDEMNITY, KNOW THE CONTENTS THEREOF, AND I HEREBY SIGN THIS RELEASE, WAIVER AND INDENITY OF MY OWN VOLITION. I have been given an opportunity to discuss and review this document with an attorney of my choice, fully understand the contents contained herein, and, thus, this documents shall not be construed against the drafter hereof, or any parties hereto. This is a legally binding agreement which I have read and understand. ACTIVITIES THAT I DO NOT WANT MY CHILD TO PARTICIP ATE IN: TELEPHONE NUMBER WHERE I MAYBE REACHED IN AN EMERGENCY: Required Forms: 1) Consent and Release Form 2) Section 65C-22(2), F.A.C., requires a current physical record (Form 680 or 681) for children not enrolled examination in elementary 3) Section 402.3125(5), 4) "KNOW YOUR CHILD CARE FACILITY". Section 65C-22.006(4)c2., F.A.C., requires that parents be notified 5) F.D.C. requires practices (Form 3040) and immunization school. F.S., requires that parents receive a copy ofthe Child Care Facility Brochure, in writing of the disciplinary used by the child care facility. that you acknowledge receipt of the brochure, "INFLUENZA VIRUS, THE FLU, A GUIDE TO PARENTS". By signing below, you verify that you have received the above items and that all information on this registration form is complete and accurate. We look forward to caring for your child and getting to know your family. PARENT / GUARDIAN SIGNATURE ---------------------------------- DATE Page30f3
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