. 3114Cfl'( 3114Cfd-21,Cfl)MCflldl CflT Cfl14~M4 ~ OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF INCOME TAX - 21, KOLKATA m, 9cft ~, ~ ~ 3rcI'ir, i11R!.~~I, 169, V. ~. ~. ~ 9 TH "')~"'1t11-14. FLOOR, C.R.B., BAMBOO VILLA, 169, A. J. C. BOSE ROAD, KOLKATA-14. Tel: (033)22866092, Fax: 22849617 ~O CIT-21IKOLlOV/2014-15/ g ~ 1 ~ - 09-01-2015 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Sealed quotations are invited by the Commissioner of Income-Tax, Kolkata-21 from bona fide, reliable and resourceful vendor for hiring of three vehicles in the category of mid-size vehicles for operational purpose from recognized tour operators/vendor/suppliers subject to terms & conditions as under: 1. Hiring charges will be paid on 'No Work No Pay' basis. 2. Car will be hired as per requirement of the office and on one year term. 3. The vehicle should be in good condition. If the vehicle is not in proper usable condition, the same shall not be hired. 4. Driver (having updated driving license) and fuel will be provided by the Contractor. S. All repairs & maintenance costs will be borne by the Contractor. 6. On'selection, the Contractor has to enter into written agreement with the Department as per terms & condition laid down ,alongwith an Undertaking, a copy of which may be obtained upon submitting written request to the ITO HQ-21,Kolkata, 9TH FLOOR, ROOM NO.17,CRB BUILDING, 'BAMBOO VILLA", KOLKATA700014. 7. Separate quotations of Technical Bids and Financial Bids should be submitted: combined bid documents will not be entertained and will be treated as invalid bids. Technical bids will be opened first and upon qualifying,the corresponding financial bids only shall be taken for consideration. ~ ~~ ~r \ /· · l ' , ~'1G~ff HEMANT SAMDARSHI ~~~.)-21,q;~ I. T.O. (Hqrs.)-21 . Kolka,. 2 > '") 8. 'Earnest Money -Deposit' [EMD] in the form of DemandlDraft/Banker's Cheque in favour of Zonal Accounts Officer, CBDT payable at Kolkata has to be given of an amount of Rs. 30,000/(Refundable if the bid is not successful), proof of which is to be attached at the time of submitting sealed quotations. There will no exception to it. Quotations/bids not accompanied with EMD proof will be treated as Invalid bids. 9. Right of rejection of any offer is reserved with the authority. 10. In case the agreement is cancelled due to any default of the applicant contractor, the Earnest Money Deposit will be fortieted. 11. Quotations must be submitted by 22ND of January, 2015 upto 04-00 PM, in the Office of the ITO HQ-21,Kolkata, 9TH FLOOR, ROOM NO.17,CRB BUILDING, 'BAMBOO VILLA", KOLKATA -14, 12. Quotations will be ope~ed on 27TH January 2015 at 3.00 pm, Room no. 18, 9th floor, CRB BUILDING, 'BAMBOO VILLA", KOLKATA -14. Bidders (one member) may be present at the time of opening the bids. Copy of Terms & Conditions may be obtained upon submitting written request to the ITO HQ-21, Kolkata, 9TH FLOOR, ROOM NO.17,CRB BUILDING, 'BAMBOO VILLA", KOLKATA -14. /Y'#~ Date: 09-01-2015 NOTICE BOARD (HEMANT SAMDARSHI) ITO HQRS-21, KOLKATA. FOR CIT-21, KOLKATA. ~ 4-1 ~l 'ffJ1c01f HEMANT SAMDAHSHl ~ Qj'ftr<firt't CJ;~~L)-21, Ql17-r;M,i! I. T,O. (Hqrs.)-21, K.olkalfi Page 1 of 8 TERMS & CONDITIONS FOR SUPPLY OF ‘OPERATIONAL VEHICLES’ Sealed quotations complete in all respect are invited by the Commissioner of Income-Tax, Kolkata-21 from bona fide, reliable and resourceful vendor for hiring of 3 (Three) ‘Operational vehicles ‘ on monthly hiring basis as per following terms & conditions. 1. The vehicles are proposed to be hired for an initial period of 12 (TWELVE) months with the option of extending it for a further period at the discretion of the Commissioner of income-tax, Kolkata-21 on the same terms and conditions. 2. The Three ‘operational vehicles’ must be mid-sized vehicles each.The vehicles offered should be in excellent condition and the colour of the vehicle should be preferably white and should be of the following categories :Mid-size vehicles a) Ertiga b) Dzire/ Manza 3. The vehicles, as on date, should not be more than 2 years old. 4. The vehicles, as on date, should be owned by the applicant contractor. 5. The applicant vendor should have the experience of running of vehicles on hiring basis for at least 3 years . 6. The Applicant Contractor should have a reputed client list. The client list should be submitted in support of the same. 7. The approved vehicles must be deployed for use in the Department . 8. The Vehicles shall carry proper Registration Certificate, Road Tax Certificate, Certificate of Insurance Policy, Emission Test Certificate etc., in original at all times. 9. The vehicles should be registered as public service vehicle (commercial vehicle) with the competent authorities of the State Government. Page 2 of 8 10. The vehicles shall be at the disposal of the assigned user throughout the period of agreement, 24 hours, 7 days a week.On occasions ,depending on the requirements of the Department, outstation trips will have to be undertaken which will be considered in the running mentioned at clause No. 21. Any refusal to duty will result in the cancellation of the contract. 11. The applicant Contractor will not utilize the vehicle during the entire period if contract for any purpose whatsoever even if the vehicle is not being used by the Departmental Officers.The vehicle will be equipped with all necessary tools and other equipments, including fire extinguisher, umbrella and emergency medical kit. 12. A daily record indicating time and mileage for each vehicle is to be maintained in a log book and entries therein must be certified by the user. The logbook shall have the main meter reading and not the net-kms run daily by the vehicle. 13. Dedicated vehicles and drivers having valid driving license and sufficient experience, exposure and familiarity with city roads must be provided. Dedicated vehicles and drivers are not to be changed without prior approval of the user/hiring authority. Change of drivers will be allowed only in exceptional circumstances.Any change in the designated driver should be intimated to the concerned officer 24 hours before such change is affected. The driver should possess Transport License, with a minimum experience of 3 years and their antecedents should be duly verified by police authorities, at the instance of the contractor before sending on duty. The driver should have transport vehiclelicenses for driving passenger vehicles on hire. 14. Driver should be well versed in hindi & local language and with the roads and the places in Kolkata City & its suburbs and have experience in city and its suburb driving. 15. The drivers will observe all the etiquette and protocol while on duty. He will be neatly dressed, and carry a mobile phone in working condition, for which no separate payment shall be made by the Department. 16. The vehicle shall have a display board (not painted on body) “INCOME TAX DEPTT MIN OF FINANCE “ in front and back of the vehicle at all times,cost is to be borne by the contractor. 17. TDS will be deducted as per I.T.Act,1961, while making payment to the contractor. Page 3 of 8 18. A consolidated bill for the whole month will be submitted after completion of the month for payment.The hire charges will include monthly salary of driver, repairs and maintenance of vehicle, insurance, petrol/diesel, oil and all other incidental expenses including all taxes, penalty, fine, etc.All legal obligations in respect of the vehicle i.e., Road Tax, RTO permissions etc. and the dirver i.e., minimum wage, social security etc. will be the responsibility of the contractor. The parking fee if any, required in the office or during tour will be paid by the department on actual basis in addition to the monthly charges. 19. The contractor shall make immediate alternative arrangement in case the vehicle is not available for use e.g. in the case of breakdown of the vehicle or absence of the driver etc. In case of failure to provide for alternative suitable vehicle, hire charges on pro-rata basis shall be deducted from the monthly hire charges. If any vehicle does not report on time/does not report for duty at all, the user will have a right to hire a vehicle from the market and the additional cost incurred in this respect will be borne by the contractor. 20. In case of any accident, all the claims,damages, compensation etc. arising out of it shall be met by the vendor. The contractor will be responsible for any loss/damage to property or life because of negligence of driver or poor maintenance of vehicle or due to an accident or for any other reason including legal violation. The department and or the Incharge Officer will not be responsible for any such loss, claims, damages, compensation etc. 21. Hire charges will be paid for use of the vehicle for the whole month upto maximum 2000 K.M per month. Any unutilized kms. is to be carried forward and set off in the succeeding months. The vehicle will be parked at the place as desired by the officer in charge of the vehicle. The vehicle will remain in possession of the Department during the entire period of contract. 22. The agreement between the Department and Contractor can be cancelled with a notice period of 60 days on either side. The agreement may be renewed for a further period as mutually agreed upon, subject to satisfactory performance. 23. Payment shall be made on presentation of the bill and observation of necessary formalities. The bills for running of the vehicles along with the log books duly authenticated by the user and completed in all respects must be submitted in the offices of the users within five working days of the month following the end of the month. Page 4 of 8 24. A penalty per day per vehicle may be levied if any vehicle fails to meet the terms and conditions prescribed hereinabove on any day. However, in case of frequent violations of the terms and conditions, the agreement is liable to be cancelled forthwith without any notice. The penalty for some of the defaults is as under: i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) Late Reporting Rs. 500/-per instance Non-reporting Rs. 1000/-per instance Poor maintenance of vehicles Rs. 5000/-per instance Change of drivers withoutPermissionRs. 1000/- per instance Refusal of duties Rs. 1000/- per instance Vehicle kept unclean Rs. 1000/- per instance 25. The rate should be specified (inclusive of Service Tax) for 2000 kms. The charges for additional distance after 2000 km per month should also be specified in the rate. 26. The liability of the Department is limited to the contract value only, in all circumstances. The liability if any, arises due to the vehicle, to any person,will be the responsibility and paid by the contractor. 27. Notwithstanding anything contained above, the Department reserves the right to cancel the agreement on non-fulfilment of any of the above terms and conditions after giving fifteen days notice. 28. Any matter during the period of this agreement, which has not been specifically covered by these terms and conditions, shall be decided upon by the Department whose decision shall be final and conclusive. 29. The contractor and the driver shall be bound to carry out the instructions of the user to whom the vehicle will be assigned as well as the Officers posted in the Headquarters. 30. While computing the amount payable as per clause 21 above, on account of extra Kms over and above agreed Kms per month i.e. 2000 Kms, per vehicle for one or more vehicle or vehicles,The unused kilometre of the month will be carried forward to the next month in addition to fixed kilometer for the month. Page 5 of 8 31. The contractor should give his service tax number and the rate is to be quoted giving specific undertaking whether the rate is inclusive of service tax or not and whether the Contractor is a registered service tax person or not. No change in service tax imposition will be entertained, if not specified in the rate contracts. 32. Parking charges & toll taxes will be reimbursed on actual basis after every journey.If the vehicle travels beyond West Bengal the relevant taxes of other state will be reimbrused. 33. In case of any dispute, the jurisdiction of Calcutta Courts shall apply. 34. The Applicant Contractor should own the vehicles at the time of making the contract or at the time of making application an evidence is to be filed that he has already applied for the vehicle, or an undertaking that he will buy the vehicle within 15 days. 35. The night charges will be payable @ Rs.150/- per night after 11:00 P.M. Extra charges for outstation halt will be payable on outstation visits. 36. The vehicle provided will be an authorised vehicle to be given to the Department on hire for commercial purposes and any lapse on this issue will be the entire responsibility of the service provider. 37. The vehicle will be replaced with in 3 years with a new vehicle, if the agreement is not terminated in between. 38. The ‘ Earnest Money Deposit’ [EMD] in the form of Demand/Draft/Banker’s Cheque in favour of Zonal Accounts Officer, CBDT payable at Kolkata has to be given of an amount of Rs. 30,000/- ( Refundable if the bid is not successful ),proof of which is to be attached at the time of submitting sealed quotations. There will no exception to it. Quotations/bids not accompanied with EMD proof will be treated as Invalid bids. Page 6 of 8 39. The Technical Bid should be as per table below: i) Name and address with telephone number of the vendor, i.e. the applicant contractor Permanent Account Number Proof of Years of experience in running vehicle . No of Vehicles being offered for hiring Proof of ownership of vehicle Proof of Earnest Money Deposit-DD/Banker,s Cheque Copy of Registration Certificate, Road Tax Certificate & Insurance certificate. In case new vehicle has been booked, copy of reciept of the same. ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) 40. The financial bid should be as per table below: The specification and maximum monthly hire charge for midsized ‘operational vehicle’as per following table: Sl. Make/ No. Model/YEAR Rate(Rs.)* Rate for addl km/hour * The rates are inclusive of Service Tax The rates will be monthly hire charges and may be given as per each type of vehile. The rate of service tax and amount will be quoted separately and in addition to service charges, if any. The service tax and amount will be paid only if it has been paid by the service provider and will produce proof of it being deposited as and when required by Inchrage Officer/ Range Officer. 41. In case the agreement is cancelled due to any default of the applicant contractor, the Earnest Money Deposit will be forfieted. Page 7 of 8 CODE OF CONDUCT OF DRIVER The applicant contractor should ensure trhat the drivers follow correct conduct at all times as enumerated below: 1. The driver will be in uniform. 2. The driver will be neat and clean with proper turnout. 3. He will report for duty at the specified time given by the officer. 4. He will keep the car neat & clean before the commencement of the duty & carry out daily inspection of the same. 5. The driver will be provided a mobile phone with two way conversation facility available. But he will not use the phone while driving and in the presence of the officer unless he is instructed to do so. 6. He will open/close the door of the car and officer is getting in / out of the car. 7. He will maintain daily log book of the car. 8. He will maintain repair/defect register for the car. 9. He will take permission from the officer to take the car to workshop, if required. 10. The driver will not leave the vehicle unattended in public places. 11. He will install/remove the flag from the car when the officer is in the car/not in the car and keep the flag post covered. 12. He will not be absent from the duty without prior permission of the officer. 13. He will be responsible for maintaining all the necessary documents required by the registering/traffic police in vehicle. 14. He shall strictly follow all the traffic rules and regulation and never over speed, besides the car will be parked in the area earmarked for the same. Page 8 of 8 UNDERTAKING I, Shri ___________________________ s/o Shri ___________________________ Proprietor/Partner/ Director of M/s _______________________________________ do hereby certify that all the terms and conditions mentoined from Sl. No. 1 to Sl. no 40 are acceptable to me and understand that any violation of the same will result in the termination of the contract. [ signature ] Name & stamp. Quotations must be submitted by 22ND of January , 2015 upto 04-00 PM, in the Office of the ITO HQ-21,Kolkata, 9TH FLOOR, ROOM NO.17 ,CRB BUILDING, ‘BAMBOOVILLA”, KOLKATA -14. Quotations will be opened on 27th January 2015 at 3.00 pm, Room no. 18, 9th floor, CRB BUILDING, ‘BAMBOO VILLA”, KOLKATA -14. Bidders (one member) may be present at the time of opening the bids. Date : Place : Kolkata ITO HQ – 21 FOR FOR CIT 21, KOLKATA.
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