SERVICE TIMES AND MASS INTENTIONS CATHEDRAL Sunday 25 January THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME (B) 8.00 a.m. Cathedral Alf and Margaret Smith R.I.P. 9.30 a.m. Cathedral Deceased members of the Daly Family 11.30 a.m. Cathedral John O’Donnell R.I.P. 6.30 p.m. Cathedral Intentions of Dennis Furlong Monday Ss Timothy and Titus 26 January 9.15 a.m. Cathedral Tuesday 27 January 9.15 a.m. Cathedral Intentions of Kathleen Ward Intentions of Joan and Bob Scully CATHEDRAL OF ST MARY AND ST HELEN, BRENTWOOD HOLY CROSS AND ALL SAINTS, WARLEY Father Martin Boland ~ Father Mark Reilly Deacon Paul Conrad ~ Deacon Quentin Hall Email: [email protected] Website: Clergy House: 01277 265235 Deacon Paul: 01277 810321 ~ Deacon Quentin: 01277 200925 Readings for next Sunday: Deuteronomy 18:15-20, 1 Corinthians 7:32-35; Mark 1:21-28 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Wednesday 28 January St Thomas Aquinas 9.15 a.m. Cathedral Colm O’Sullivan R.I.P. Thursday 29 January 9.15 a.m. 5.30 p.m. Cathedral Grange Paddy Hourihan R.I.P. Sr Anastasia OSU R.I.P. Friday 30 January 9.15 a.m. Cathedral Intentions of Sr Carmel Kidd Saturday 31 January St John Bosco 9.15 a.m. Cathedral Gina and Pierino Cavellini R.I.P. 11.00 a.m.–12 noon: Sacrament of Reconciliation Sunday 1 February FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME (B) Education Sunday 8.00 a.m. Cathedral Intentions of Geraldine and Duncan O’Shea 9.30 a.m. Cathedral Eileen Lingard R.I.P. 11.30 a.m. Cathedral Tony Deed R.I.P. 6.30 p.m. Cathedral Parvan Kazemi R.I.P. The Brentwood Diocesan Trust – Registered Charity No. 234092 THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME (B) 25th January 2015 COFFEE after the 9.30 a.m. Mass today will be hosted by the Scouts while next Sunday will be hosted by the Youth Group. Why not pop along and join us for a cuppa? THANK YOU for the collection on the 18th January: £3,042.13 of which £2,033.93 was gift aided. Holy Cross £441.90 (Gift Aid £278.00). Many thanks also for the second collection for Pax Christi: £471.83 (Cathedral) and £83.38 (Warley). BBC BROADCAST - On Sunday 8th February BBC Radio 4 will broadcast live our 8.00 a.m. Mass. Their Sunday Worship programme has over a million listeners. This is a real opportunity for the Cathedral parish to reach out to the wider community. Please put this date in your diary and make a very special effort to come along. Because this is being broadcast live, if you bring babies or children to this Mass, please sit on the toilet side of the Cathedral where there is quick and easy access to the Upper Room if you need to use it. THERE WILL BE A RETIRING COLLECTION TODAY FOR MARIA RATSCHITZ – please give as generously as you are able for our twinned parish. WE WELCOME INTO OUR PARISH COMMUNITY Lucas Santiago Souza, Jacob Spencer Irons and Sebastian Perera who will be baptised this weekend. Please remember Lucas, Jacob and Sebastian and their families especially in your prayers today. 250 CLUB RENEWAL – RENEWALS ARE DUE NOW: For those paying by standing order either monthly or annually, no action is required. If you pay in one annual instalment by cash, cheque or direct debit, this will be due by 31st January please. If I already have your email address I will forward a renewal form to you in this way. Alternatively, renewal/new forms are available in the narthex, on the Parish website, by email or, if you are unable to collect one from the church, please contact me and I will arrange to send one to you. New and renewal forms along with payment can be returned to Clergy House. Joanna Murphy Tel 230675 / 07734 733417 or: [email protected]. ALTAR SERVERS: The National Mass for Altar Servers at Westminster Cathedral on Saturday 14th February at 2.30 p.m. is open to all altar servers from our parish. Parents (to help) and families are again welcome to attend. Many of our servers have attended this celebration in the past; I hope we can take a group again this year. The good news is that Bishop Alan Williams will be the main celebrant; let us give him our support. For further details, please ring Eddie on 222960. WELCOME TO THE PARISH COMMUNITY: We welcome Mo Ruston as the new parish secretary and pray that she will be very happy in her new role. Please note that the office hours when Mo is available are Monday – Friday, 8.30 a.m. - 2.30 p.m. A HUGE THANK YOU: I have been completely overwhelmed by the generosity of so many people - in your kind words, cards, and gifts on my retirement. As I said last Sunday, I have enjoyed almost every moment of my 23 years as parish secretary. Brentwood is a unique and vibrant parish. You have been blessed with very special clergy and they in turn have been blessed with very special parishioners. It has been a humbling experience for me to have been a part of so many people’s lives at both the good and the not so good times. I know that I have left the job in good hands and I know that you will give Mo the love and support you have given me over the years. ‘Thank you’ seems so inadequate, but what else can I say other that I will miss you all? Love, Lorna CHORAL VESPERS is celebrated in the Cathedral on Wednesdays at 6.30 p.m. (during term time). Everyone is most welcome. WELCOME MASS AND MEAL FOR NEW PARISHIONERS Are you new to the Cathedral parish? Have you or your family joined the parish during the past twelve months? If so, a sincere and warm welcome. We would like to invite you to a Mass beginning at 7.00 p.m., followed by a special meal, on Friday 6th February. If you would like to come to this Welcome Mass and meal, then please write your name(s) with an email/phone contact details on the sheet in the Cathedral narthex. SICK AND HOUSEBOUND PARISHIONERS: If you know anyone who is unable to come to Mass but would still like to receive Holy Communion in their home, please contact Clergy House so that we can put them on our list. THE ANOINTING OF THE SICK is available to anyone who is gravely ill or about to have an operation, so if you know someone who should receive this important sacrament then please speak to a member of the clergy or ring the parish office on 265235. THE BRENTWOOD CATHEDRAL CHARITY 2015: Last year, Brentwood Cathedral supported Little Haven's Children's Hospice and, through our social events, raised over £4,000 for the Hospice. It was a tremendous achievement. Thank you to everyone who nominated a charity that we might support in 2015. After much thought, Fr Martin has chosen The Medaille Trust. Pope Francis has denounced human trafficking as "an open wound on the body of contemporary society, a scourge upon the body of Christ. It is a crime against humanity." Working with the Medaille Trust, let us play our part in healing this wound. IF YOU ARE GOING TO VOLUNTEER for one of our Parish Groups (e.g. Youth Club, Children's Liturgy, Holy Communion) that involve children and/or vulnerable adults then you must obtain a DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) form from Clergy House or from our Safeguarding Rep Janet Pollitt on 01708 459128 or email [email protected]. If you are already a volunteer but do not have a Brentwood Diocese CRB or DBS form then please obtain an application pack from Clergy House as soon as possible. THE SICK:- Please pray for all our sick and housebound parishioners and friends, including Jean Allen, Brenda Baigrie, Leslie Black, Eileen Brook, Terry Callaghan, Roisin Cassels, Michael Clifford, Mary Connaughton, David, Rebecca Florendo, Ron Fuhr, Dennis Furlong, Mary Gilsenan, Mary Hayter, Sky David Harrington-Ellis, Eileen and Tom Horan, Jess, Billy Jones, Veronica Kelleher, Peggy Kerr, Stefan Krafcak, Brenda Luce, Anita McDonald-Liggins, Mary McLeod, Diarmid McMahon, Joanna McMahon, Dennis Menezes, Rene Morris, Barnie O’Driscoll, Kathleen O’Harte, Siobhan O’Leary, Michael Olejarczyk, Tony and Babs Page, Debbie and Brian Perrett, Jacque Quinlan, Pat Richardson, Pat Shaw, Robin Shenton, Daisy Simpson, Marie Stack, Sarah Storer, TCT, Donald Walker, Ray Williams, Louisa Whiteman, and all our sick in the Marillac, Mascalls Park, Brentwood Community, Queens, Nuffield and Hartswood Hospitals and St Francis Hospice. CATHEDRAL ANNIVERSARIES: Please remember the following, whose anniversaries occur at this time: Thomas Hennessy, Irene Fitzpatrick, Hannah Major, Margaret Talbot, Emily May Mansfield, Fr John Hibbert, Kathleen Henderson, Maisie Ramsay, Basil Browne, William Cunningham, Patricia Jackson, Margaret Mary Hicks, Mary Quinn, Lydia Caperoe, Catherine Andrew-Kean, John Bridge, Sister Anne White, June Hickman, Timothy Turner, Bishop Patrick Casey, Bill Brennan, Vicki Barrett, Margaret Sims, Mary Ridgewell, Anne Wilson, Michael Sherlock, Desmond MacCarthy, Alice Connolly, Ellen Simmons, Maria Watson, Kathleen Hawes, Michael Asleen, Alice Crisp, Peter Frith, Florence Ashdown, Mary Olivia Jarmin, Doris Webb, Sister Augustine OSU, Olive Gallacher, Lynette O’Leary, Mary Doolan, Edward Giles, Christopher Winberg, William Gilsenan, Kathleen Dynes, Philomena Kenneally, Eddie Carolan, William O’Connell, Mary Brooks, Ellen Barrett, Elizabeth Smith, William Stephenson and Sister Paul OSU. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THOMAS MERTON -restless pilgrim - 31st January is the centenary of Thomas Merton’s birth. To mark this occasion Father Brian O’Shea, parish priest of St Thomas of Canterbury, Grays will give a talk on Monday (26th) at 7.30pm Cathedral Conference Centre. For further information please contact the Adult Religious office on 265255 or are&[email protected] THE CAMPION SCHOOL QUIZ NIGHT will be held on Saturday 7th February at 7.30 p.m. Tables of 10 people, £5.00 per person (to raise money for the new multimedia system). Please email [email protected] for further information or to book a table. ESSEX RECUSANT SOCIETY: The next meeting will be held on Saturday 7th February at 2.30 p.m. at The Grange. There will be a presentation at the meeting on "Mercy in World War One". This is about the work of the Sisters of Mercy in the First World War. For further information please contact Sister Isobel Parks OSU on 07962 138287. BRENTWOOD CATHOLIC CHILDREN’S SOCIETY is holding its annual Valentine’s Gala Dinner at Stockbrook Golf and Country Club, Billericay on Friday 13th February. Tickets for this Black-Tie event are £50 per person to include a drinks reception, meal and dancing. Places are limited and we would recommend you book early in order to secure your tickets. Please contact Julie Abbott on 01268 784544 / 07912 277413 or [email protected] DIOCESAN CELEBRATION OF OUR LADY OF LOURDES: Please join Bishop Alan and parishioners from across the Diocese at Brentwood Cathedral at 3.00 p.m. on Sunday 15th February, for Mass to celebrate one of the Patrons of Brentwood Diocese, in the week of the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes and World Day of Prayer for the Sick. Many hundreds take part in our Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes each year – Cathy O’Connor, the pilgrimage administrator, will be on hand to answer any queries you have, and the Brentwood Catholic Youth Service will also be assisting, just as they do in Lourdes. This special celebration will include candles blessed in Lourdes, and everyone is very welcome. There will be refreshments after the Mass. For more information about the annual Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes please visit or call Cathy on 01206 501146. ECUMENICAL STUDY DAY ON THE HOLY LAND: The next Ecumenical Study Day organised by the Commission for Evangelisation and Formation will be entitled ‘Jerusalem: the Spiritual Heart of the World: Recognition and Responsibility for the Holy Land’. It will be given by Della Shenton, who has led bespoke, reflective pilgrimages to Israel, Palestine and Jordan over the last nine years. Della will explore the place of Jerusalem in Jewish thought and in our Christian faith, and consider how we can move from faiths in conflict to lasting peace. The Study Day will take place on Saturday 7th March from 10.30 a.m. until 3.00 p.m. at Brentwood Cathedral Hall. Please book your place by email to [email protected] or by phoning 265289. There is no charge and a light buffet lunch is provided. PILGRIMAGE OPPORTUNITIES: Medjugorje - departing 1st April with British Airways, 7 nights Half Board accommodation, guide and transfers for £499. Or join 50,000 young people for the Medjugorje Youth Festival departing 30th July. For further details, contact Jonathan on 02032 892627. WARLEY ANNIVERSARIES: Please remember the following, whose anniversaries occur at this time: Alice Monaghan, Helen Monaghan, Margaret Daly, James Sullivan, John Coburn, Fr. Gerard Ellis, Elizabeth Ann Stack, William Gilsenan, Fr. Joseph Touhey and Canon William Toft. HOLY COMMUNION - Communion dress and accessories sale on Saturday 7th February, 11.00 a.m. -1.30 p.m. at St Augustine's Church, Beardsley Drive, Chelmsford CM1 6GQ. For more information, please contact Pat on 07968 314995. PLEASE NOTE that there will be no 11.00 a.m. Mass at Holy Cross on Sunday 1st February. ST HELEN’S PRE-SCHOOL: Following its recent ‘good’ grading by Ofsted, St Helen’s Pre-School has limited vacancies for free funding for 3-4 year olds. There is also funding available for 2 year olds who meet certain criteria. Please call in or telephone 265293 for further details. ST PETER’S CATHOLIC PRIMARY SCHOOL - The governors wish to appoint an experienced, high calibre primary classroom practitioner for a middle leadership role. The successful candidate will lead a core subject and will promote high standards in all aspects of school life. This post will provide an opportunity for an aspiring leader to influence the practice of others in exciting opportunities arising from the school’s status as a Teaching School. This appointment will be subject to satisfactory references, medical clearance and an enhanced CRB check. The deadline for applications is Monday 2 February (noon) with interviews on 11 February. For further details, please call 653770. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WARLEY NEWS MASS TIMES AND INTENTIONS HOLY CROSS AND MARILLAC Saturday 24 January Sunday 25 January Monday 26 January THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME (B) 6.30 p.m. Holy Cross Eddie Wiley R.I.P. 10.00 a.m. Marillac Intentions of the Corr Family 11.00 a.m. Holy Cross NO MASS TODAY 10.30am Holy Cross Friday 30 January Funeral Service for Anna Paffett 10.30am Holy Cross Funeral Service for Madge Baker Saturday 31 January Sunday 1 February FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME (B) 6.30 p.m. Holy Cross People of the Parish 10.00 a.m. Marillac Martin Davis R.I.P. 11.00 a.m. Holy Cross NO MASS TODAY ST PETER’S HALL BOOKINGS: Please phone Breda Bower on 226852 or email her at [email protected] HOLY CROSS PARISH: As the numbers of priests in active ministry decrease, so the demands on the remaining priests increase and all parish communities are affected. At the same time, the size, age profile and shape of our parishes are changing. Given these realities, we are having to find creative ways to provide for the mission of the Church in rapidly changing circumstances. This is both challenging and a moment of graced renewal for the Church. Pretending that these changes aren't happening or that they won't affect us is no longer a tenable position to hold. Guided by the Holy Spirit and trusting in God's will, all communities are now having to manage these changes and plan for the future. Holy Cross parish has experienced these changes directly and especially in recent months when the Sunday Mass has had to be cancelled on occasions. Fr Martin now wants to hear your ideas and views about Holy Cross parish. How should Holy Cross respond to the changing circumstances facing the Church and society? How would you describe Holy Cross parish? What kind of community do you envisage Holy Cross becoming in the next five years? Do you think there might need to be changes - if so, what might they be? What would you concentrate on so that the parish develops into a living, vibrant Eucharistic community? Do you think the linking of Holy Cross with the Cathedral parish has been a success? How do you think that the communities who attend the Masses on a Saturday evening and Sunday morning relate to each other? How would you provide for the sacramental needs of the community? How would you provide for the catechetical needs of those who are preparing for baptism, confirmation, First Holy Communion, marriage and reception into the Church? How would the two priests who serve the Cathedral and Holy Cross parish be best used? Please write to Fr Martin with your observations and ideas or alternatively, make an appointment to see him by Friday 13 February.
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