SERVICE TIMES AND MASS INTENTIONS CATHEDRAL Sunday 12 October TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME (A) 8.00 a.m. Cathedral John Sheehan R.I.P. 9.30 a.m. Cathedral Brendan and Peg Daly R.I.P. 11.30 a.m. Cathedral Special Intention (AR) 6.30 p.m. Cathedral May and Dudley Ball R.I.P. Monday 13 October 9.15 a.m. Cathedral Janet Kelly R.I.P. Tuesday 14 October 9.15 a.m. Cathedral Peter Pompilii R.I.P. Wednesday 15 October St Theresa of Jesus 9.15 a.m. Cathedral Jack Connaughton R.I.P. Thursday 16 October 9.15 a.m. 5.30 p.m. Sister Lucy O’Reilly OSF R.I.P. Elizabeth Parry R.I.P. Friday 17 October St Ignatius of Anthioch 9.15 a.m. Cathedral Seamus Kenny R.I.P. Saturday 18 October ST LUKE 9.15 a.m. Cathedral Tony Deed R.I.P. 11.00 a.m.–12 noon: Sacrament of Reconciliation Sunday 19 October Cathedral Grange CATHEDRAL OF ST MARY AND ST HELEN, BRENTWOOD HOLY CROSS AND ALL SAINTS, WARLEY Father Martin Boland ~ Father Mark Reilly Deacon Paul Conrad ~ Deacon Quentin Hall Email: [email protected] Website: Clergy House: 01277 265235 Deacon Paul: 01277 810321 ~ Deacon Quentin: 01277 200925 Readings for next Sundays Isaiah 45:1,4-6; Thessalonians 1:1-5; Matthew 22:15-21 TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME (A) 12th October 2014 TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME (A) 8.00 a.m. Cathedral Intentions of Jodie and Brendan Lane 9.30 a.m. Cathedral Carol O’Brien R.I.P. 11.30 a.m. Cathedral Antoine Tu Kwee Tong and George ah tong Fong San Pin R.I.P. 6.30 p.m. Cathedral People of the Parish The Brentwood Diocesan Trust – Registered Charity No. 234092 HOLY HOUR THIS AFTERNOON, 12th October, we will be having our Holy Hour in the Cathedral from 5.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m. As a new feature of the Holy Hour, we encourage all parishioners to place their prayers and petitions in the box situated in the narthex, and at the Holy Hour itself we will bring these prayers and petitions before the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. Our Holy Hour will include silent adoration, music and scripture readings. Please come along and give some time in prayer to the Lord. COFFEE after the 9.30 a.m. Mass today will be hosted by the Rainbows whilst next Sunday will be the turn of the Scouts. WE WELCOME INTO OUR PARISH COMMUNITY Angelina Li Ming Cheung Tung, William Wang Ming Cheung Tung and Konnie Ava-Mai Appleton who will be baptised in the Cathedral this weekend. Please remember the children and their families especially in your prayers today. CHORAL VESPERS will be sung in the Cathedral on Wednesday at 6.30 p.m. (and every Wednesday in term time). Everyone most welcome. SERVING AT THE ALTAR- AN INVITATION TO GIRLS AND BOYS: The role of Altar Servers is of great value to our parish and is a commitment, not only for the server but also for the family, because the Servers’ Rota covers all Sunday Masses, and not necessarily the one you regularly attend. We therefore invite all young people over the age of 9 years to consider this tremendous work of service to our parish. If you would like further details, please contact Father Martin, Father Mark or Eddie Wadsworth (222960), our Parish M.C. A six week training course will start on Saturday mornings very soon. ANNUAL PARISH MEETING takes place at 8.00 p.m. on Wednesday (15th) in the parish hall. Please do make a special effort to come along as this is your opportunity to review what has happened in the parish in the past year and any plans for the future. This will be preceded by our usual Parish Council Meeting so if there is anything concerning the life of the Cathedral parish that you would like to be considered for discussion at this meeting, then please send it in writing to the chair of the Parish Council, Dr Graham Hillman, via Clergy House or to [email protected] THANK YOU for the collection on the 5th October: £3,001.25 of which £2,031.78 was gift aided. Holy Cross: £436.47 (Gift Aid: £236.98). Presentation of the Gifts “The Procession with the Gifts is a powerful expression of the assembly’s participation in the Eucharist and in the social mission of the Church….The Procession with the Gifts expresses our eager willingness to enter into the “holy exchange” with God: “accept the offerings you have given us, that we in turn may receive the gift of yourself.” Celebrating the Mass, 180, Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales The procession with the gifts is a significant moment in our celebration of Mass. It is not about transporting the bread and wine from A to B. The procession with gifts is a sign of our desire to give ourselves, life and work, to God. The people who bring up the gifts process through the congregation, and bring with them the lives of every member of the congregation to the Eucharistic altar. If you are asked to present the gifts to the priest, please agree to do so with a generous heart and a willingness to participate in the liturgy. The ushers will explain exactly what you have to do. Bread and wine are “the work of human hands.” They symbolically represent all that sustains life (bread) and all that brings us joy (wine). It is these elements that Jesus chose to use and transform into His body and blood at the Last Supper, so that our human lives could share in his divine life. It’s important that those who bring up the gifts should have made their First Holy Communion. Why? Because those who bring up the gifts must be able to receive back those gifts in the form of the Body and Blood of Christ. They are taking part in a “holy exchange” and they represent the whole community in this exchange. “This humble and simple gesture is very significant: in the bread and wine that we bring to the altar, all creation is taken up by Christ the Redeemer to be transformed and presented to the Father. In this way we also bring to the altar all the pain and suffering of the world, in the certainty that everything has value in God’s eyes. God invites us to participate in bringing to fulfilment his handiwork, and in so doing, gives human labour its authentic meaning, since, through the celebration of the Eucharist, it is united to the redemptive sacrifice of Christ.” Pope emeritus Benedict XVI on the Procession with Gifts Saddle up for the annual race night, always a fun event for the whole family. This year we will be running a couple of special races for the kids - our jockeys. If you can’t attend then we have races and horses that you can sponsor, see us in the narthex after Mass. Tickets for the evening are £2.50 with the funds raised going to the Cathedral and Little Havens Hospice. Bring your own drinks and snacks. For more information call David on 07974 214843. FAST DAY ENVELOPES ARE AVAILABLE in the narthex and at Holy Cross, and we will take the collection for CAFOD Fast Day next weekend. LUNCHTIME MUSIC: On Wednesday (15th) at 1.00 pm we welcome once again Domenico Gioffre who will be giving the Lunchtime Organ Recital in the Cathedral. His programme will include music by Bach, Messiaen and Max Reger. Do pop in to the cathedral if you are free - you will be most welcome. Admission free – retiring collection. SILENT RETREAT at Sion Community from Friday 17th to Sunday 19th October, when we will explore the journey of the people of God through the desert and the lessons we can learn from them as we, ourselves, journey towards God. This silent retreat is an opportunity to step out of our daily routine and spend time with the Lord. Talks, Mass, prayer & quiet reflection form part of the weekend. For more information, please call Allegra on 215011 or email [email protected] / [email protected] FIRST HOLY COMMUNION: The next session for the children and their parents is on Saturday (18th) commencing with 9.15 a.m. Mass in the Cathedral. ST HELEN’S INFANTS SCHOOL OPEN MORNING (not suitable for young children) on Thursday, 23rd October at 9.30 a.m., for parents of children due to start school in September 2015. Presentation will start at 9.30 a.m. prompt but refreshments will be served from 9.15 a.m. (for this event the doors will not be open before 9.15 a.m.). Parking will be available at the school but NOT UNTIL 9.10 a.m. at the earliest. Walk around our school, enjoy a presentation by the Head Teacher and see the children working in the classrooms. For further information, please contact the school office on 215626. POLISH MASS IN THE CATHEDRAL: Everybody is welcome to attend the Polish Mass on Saturday, 25th October at 6.00 p.m. Serdecznie zapraszamy na Polska Msze Swieta, ktora odbedzie sie w Katedrze w Brentwood w sobote 25.10.14 o godz.18:00. THE SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: If you wish to have your child baptised in the Cathedral or Holy Cross you will first need to attend a meeting with Father Martin. The next one takes place at 5.00 p.m. on Sunday, 19th October in the Parish Hall, and will last for about an hour. Please contact the parish secretary, Lorna Harper, at Clergy House on 265235 to book. Subsequently parents will need to attend a two-session course and the next one takes place in the Parish Hall at 8.00 p.m. on the 20th and 27th October. We are happy to welcome prospective parents to attend both Father Martin’s meeting and the preparation course before your baby is born. SCHOOL APPLICATION FORMS: Father Martin will be signing school forms at Clergy House for PRIMARY SCHOOLS ONLY on Wednesdays 5th and 6th November from 6.00 p.m. to 8.00 p.m. He will not sign forms outside these times. Please bring a copy of your child’s baptismal certificate with you. PLEASE READ ALL FORMS CAREFULLY AS YOU MAY NEED FATHER MARTIN’S SIGNATURE ON MORE THAN ONE! SICK AND HOUSEBOUND PARISHIONERS: If you know anyone who is unable to come to Mass but would still like to receive Holy Communion in their home, please contact Clergy House so that we can put them on our list. THE ANOINTING OF THE SICK is available to anyone who is gravely ill or about to have an operation, so if you know someone who should receive this important sacrament then please speak to a member of the clergy or ring the parish office on 265235. THE SICK:- Please pray for all our sick and housebound parishioners and friends, including Jean Allen, Alec Boddy, Joy Breslin, Eileen Brook, Joe Brown, Terry Callaghan, Roisin Cassels, Iris Clarke, Curtis, Kyle and Nathan Coe, Mary Connaughton Marie Cooper, Karen Cox, Bernadette Dawson, Sylvia Dean, Donald DeCruz, Andrea D'souza, Eileen Duffy, Tony Evans, Rebecca Florendo, Dennis Filler, Jean French, Dennis Furlong, Heather Gash, Ged Gilligan, Mary Gilsenan, John Hall, Mary Hayter, Sky David Harrington-Ellis, Eileen and Tom Horan, Martin Holt, Sr Margaret-Mary Hughes OSU, Ann Hurcombe, Antoin Hurcombe, Jess, Peter Jolly, Rev. Peter Judd, Veronica Kelleher, Peggy Kerr, Tony Kidd, Stefan Krafcak, Wanda Kwiatek, Eileen Lingard, Lisa, Pat Lynch, Tony McCoy, Ann Mallon, Chloe Mansell, Mary McLeod, Dennis Menezes, John Mansworth, Tony Marsh, Pat McCarthy, Bernadette McGuinness, Rene Morris, Alison Moss, Eliane Moss, Francella Naughton, Kathleen O’Harte, Siobhan O’Leary, Debbie and Brian Perrett, Jacque Quinlan, Maureen Quinn, Ann Reader, Pat Richardson, Mary Rodgers, Anne Rowe, Maureen Sage, Pat Shaw, Robin Shenton, Daisy Simpson, Catherine Smith, Sarah Storer, Mano Subrayan, Keith Talbot, Peter Tetlow, Roger Tilley, Mario Tinenti, TCT, Margaret Mary Toal, Sylvia Vaughan, Christine Vinsessa, Louisa Whiteman, Abigail Witchalls, Preston Wood, John Wright and all our sick in the Marillac, Mascalls Park, Brentwood Community, Queens, Nuffield and Hartswood Hospitals and St Francis Hospice. CATHEDRAL ANNIVERSARIES: Please remember the following, whose anniversaries occur at this time. Annie Maria Rowe, Frank Millett, Margaret Kenny, Sarah Clements, Carol Fuilbrook, Sheila Stanford, Brigid Norah Regan, Joanna Stewart, Martin Tuohy, Michael McElligott, Hubert John Burrows, Norah Regan, Frank Murphy, Julia Downes, Charles Synott, Betty Jeffries, Emile Dafont, Matthew Allen, Gary Foster, Celestine Slater, Thomas Carey, Valerie Lee, John Plummer, Winifred Holean, Harriett McDermott, Pat Bourdon, Harold Cross, Annie Stretch, Harry Whitty, Bernard Simmons, Albert Ruscoe, Esther Jüdd, Tommy Dillon, Ronald Wyatt, John Walsh, John Sole, Florence Millett, Robert Patrick Griffin, Eileen Spinks and Martin Davy.a VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES AT THE MARILLAC: Do you enjoy board games, baking or craft? Would you like to share your hobby (and a couple of hours each week) with our residents? We are looking for friendly, willing volunteers to help our Activities Team on Mondays with Board Games, on Tuesdays with Cookery and on Wednesdays with Art and Craft. These activities run from 10am to 12 noon. We would also love to hear from anyone who would like to come and play our piano (occasionally or regularly) so we can sing along or just listen. All our volunteers make a real difference to our residents’ lives – and you will be assured of a warm welcome! If you would like to find out more, please contact Amanda on 220276 or email [email protected] STUDY DAY ON RELATIONS BETWEEN CATHOLICS AND JEWS: The Diocesan Commission for Evangelisation and Formation invites you to an Ecumenical Study Day on the subject of Milestones in Modern Jewish Catholic Relations on Saturday, 25th October from 10.30 a.m. to 3.00 p.m. in the Parish Hall. The Day will be led by Sr Margaret Shepherd of the Sisters of our Lady of Sion, who is an expert in the field. To book: [email protected] or by phoning 265289. There is no charge and a light buffet lunch is provided THE ESSEX RECUSANT SOCIETY (Brentwood Diocesan Historical Society) will meet next on Saturday, 25th October at 2.30 p.m. at The Grange, 93 Queens Road. To mark the 400th anniversary of Heythrop College, Michael Walsh will give a talk From Louvain to Kensington: An English Jesuit seminary on the Move. All are welcome. Further info from Miss Isobel Parks on 01268 289678. VOCATIONS EVENING: FRIDAY 7TH NOVEMBER: The Vocations Evenings are for you if you are aged 17-35, and considering where and how God is calling you. There is a particular focus on vocation to Priesthood and Religious Life and the group is open to all, women and men. The format of our November evening will focus around a new DVD about Holy Orders with some insights from Father Stephen Wang, Chaplain to London University. We’ll watch that together and chat about it afterwards, then have a fish and chip supper and a time of prayer. The evening takes place in Brentwood from about 7.30 p.m. to 9.15 p.m. and you can get more details from the Vocations Director, Fr Dominic, on 01268 281732 or [email protected] CLEANER/MIDDAY ASSISTANT VACANCY at The Ursuline Preparatory School in Warley. Mondays to Fridays, term time only: 8.00 a.m. to 1.30 p.m., with a generous holiday allowance. Please contact Mrs. P. Wilson, Headteacher, on 227152 or email [email protected], if interested. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WARLEY NEWS GARDEN VOLUNTEERS: Many thanks to the valiant gentlemen who responded the last week’s call for help with the Presbytery garden. Antony, Simon, Dennis, Brian, Norbert and Arthur did stirling work and the whole area is such much brighter and lighter. Antony made five trips to the tip on Monday removing all the debris! Thanks too to Breda who cleared out all the gullies round the garages. We hope to arrange to have another go at the garden soon. If anyone would like to help next time and be notified of the date please ring 233302 and leave a message. BAZAAR – 29th and 30th NOVEMBER: Thank you also to those who have volunteered help with the Bazaar. We will have a short meeting in the hall on Sunday at 12 noon to discuss the plans, if you can’t make the meeting ring Antony on 07525 364764. In the meantime please bring your goodies for sale, bottles for the bottle stall, and start baking those cakes. We will have a Bric-aBrac and Jewellery stall (Lyn), Plant Stall (Simon), Toy Stall and Face Painting (Lea), Cake Stall (Shirley), Bottle Stall (Brian), Big Christmas Raffle (Moira). If you have an idea for a stall or can help in any other way please ring Antony on the above number. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MASS TIMES AND INTENTIONS Saturday 11 October Sunday 12 October TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME (A) 6.30 p.m. Holy Cross Michael Burns R.I.P. 10.00 a.m. Marillac Mary Lally R.I.P. 11.00 a.m. Holy Cross Nick Jennings R.I.P. Saturday 18 October Sunday 19 October TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME (A) 6.30 p.m. Holy Cross Sonia Crawford Amthor R.I.P. 10.00 a.m. Marillac Eddie Brennan R.I.P. 11.00 a.m. Holy Cross Chrissie Ely R.I.P. WARLEY ANNIVERSARIES: Please remember the following, whose anniversaries occur at this time. John Joseph Kelly, Agnes Chapman, Sr. Louise Aherne, Clare Farrell, Gertrude Misselbrook, Francis Redhill, Helen Sparrow, Ernie Twinn, Albert William Hillman, Clarice Joly, Gladys McNamara, and Ernest John Soce.
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