One Island Family 2014 ANNUAL REPORTS Contents President’s Report 2 Minister’s Report 3 Treasurer’s Report 4 Team Reports: Fellowship 6 Education 7 Action 10 Worship 11 Proposed 2015 Budget 13 Nominating Committee Report 14 Page 1 PRESIDENT'S ANNUAL REPORT 2014 (prepared January 2015) It is with a sense of pride in our Congregation that I share this report with One Island Family. We are small, but we are mighty! My sincere thanks to this year's Board of Directors: Debbie Iwaskow, First VP; Ann Ewing, Second VP; Jim Smith, Treasurer; Thom Harris, Secretary; Diana Reif and Janet Whalen-Dunning, Directors-at-Large. Our Board has given their time tirelessly, as well as employing their talents to the greater good of the Congregation. Thanks as well to our Rev. Randy Becker and our Ministerial Intern, Kimberley Debus. Our Administrative function, the details that keep us running, are managed admirably and with an ever-ready smile by our terrific Administrator, Pete Peterson. I thank him for all he does to make our lives smoother and easier. A warm thanx to Nancy3Hoffman for her music and her smile! Our final staff member, Pam Flowers, Director of Children's RE, has done an incredible job. Ever setting a “UU example,” she has led our young folks through a year of challenging curriculum and community service projects. I thank Pam for all! It is important for me to bring to your attention that Jim Smith is stepping aside after multiple terms as Treasurer. As we described him in his nomination as our CFFK Unsung Hero this year, Jim “combines the qualities of humility and honesty with distinguished service to our One Island Family congregation.” He is a model of integrity and heart and a true friend to all. We will miss him at Board meetings and treasure our other times with him. Our structure (4 teams of EDUCATION, WORSHIP, FELLOWSHIP and ACTION) lends itself to working committees and task forces that tackle every imaginable area of congregational life. Those individual reports are included in this Annual Report. I thank also those members who have served on Ministerial Intern Search, Ministerial Intern Support, Finance and Nominating teams. The work is often demanding and the meetings important to the life of the Congregation—kudos to you! We ended our congregational life 12/29/2013 with a Dedication Ceremony for Adrian Otto Stucker, son of Bonnie Angermann and Gilles Stucker, and proud grandparents Clare and Bert Angermann. In 2014 we celebrated a very special Dedication Ceremony again: a Mother's Day to remember for Tami, naming Julia and Max Baeder (with father Larry) and Kristopher Giffin (with father Brian). Congratulations to all! I am ever mindful of all the talents, treasures, skills, and abilities that keep us going. The dedication, commitment and spirit of the members of One Island Family are true blessings. As we meet on January 25, 2015, may we count all of those blessings and forge a bright future together. Respectfully submitted, Joy Brown Taylor, President Page 2 MINISTER’S REPORT 2014 2014 was a year of transitions in my ministry – I completed full-time service to ONE ISLAND FAMILY at the end of July which also meant I completed full-time service in the Unitarian Universalist Association after 42 years of consecutive work in Parish and Religious Education Ministry. I transitioned to half-time with ONE ISLAND FAMILY as the congregation became a Teaching Congregation which meant that my primary duties were expanded to include supervision and counsel of our Ministerial Intern in addition to modified but continuing elements of preaching, pastoral care, education, and community outreach. As 2014 ends, the future of my half-time ministry will be decided in part pragmatically as we will not be a Teaching Congregation in 2015-2016, and philosophically as we explore together the realistic meanings of half-time ministry. It was my pleasure in 2014 to represent our faith tradition in the larger community by teaching World Religions at Florida Keys Community College, being President of the Interfaith Ministerial Alliance, and other presence moments on issues as diverse as Marriage Equality and Environmental Responsibility. For more details of my work throughout the year, I invite you to the click through to the collected monthly Minister’s Reports for 2014: Dr. Becker Page 3 Treasurer’s Report: Annual Meeting 25 January 2015 NET WORTH as of 12/31/2014: Our Net Worth at the end of the year 2014 was $446,073.22. This is an increase of $3,207.68 over 2013 as shown on the following page. The principal reasons were: (1) Increase in Bank of America checking account balance. (2) Receipt of Edith Fried’s bequest of $20,000. (3) Reduction in 2015 pledge payments made in 2014. INCOME vs EXPENSES in 2014: We ended the year 2014 with more expenses than operating income by $27,503.47 as shown in this Treasurer’s Report. Fortunately, our Unrestricted Reserve (Vanguard) investment fund appreciated by $9,299 to help offset the deficit. Similarly, $9303.06 had been carried-over from the 2013 budget for Developmental projects Other things to note from budget year 2014: (1) There were three transfers of $10,000 each ($30,000 total) from the Unrestricted Reserve (Vanguard) investment fund over the year. (2) We received our first “bequest”. It was $20,000 from the estate of Edith Fried, one of our founding members and past President. The bequest was deposited into the money-market account of our Unrestricted Reserve (Vanguard) investment fund. (3) The Developmental Projects (Music, Membership and Religious Education) in 2013 and 2014 were completed. Although the goal of increased membership was not achieved, it is believed that there were benefits credited to the effort. Jim Smith, Treasurer One Island Family Page 4 Additionally, One Island Family is the beneficiary of a permanent endowment held at the Community Foundation of the Florida Keys. The annual pay-out from this fund is reported as “CFFK Endowment” income on the following page. The principal may not be invaded. Page 5 TEAM REPORTS 2014 FELLOWSHIP Most everyone contributed to the Fellowship efforts this year! Our Board led the way by manning the Welcome Desk and assisting with every activity done in fellowship. Special thanx are due yet again to Cliff Saylor (and his ongoing assistants Ann Ewing and Udo Reif) for overseeing and organizing Hospitality after our services, as well as many lunches enjoyed by all. AND our constant kudos to the Flowers Family for all the assistance with set-ups and clean ups! A look back at 2014: our Annual Meeting kicked off the new year for us with Stone Soup and lively discussion. In February we held our Lobster Dinner (Deb Iwaskow and Thom Harris) and coordinated a creative forum to discuss a peace pole! March found us with our most successful Indoor Yard Sale ever (Deb Iwaskow and Diana Reif). April? An offsite TWIS at the Smiths and a wonderful onsite Seder (Connie Gilbert). Both a Vegetarian Dinner (Ann Ewing) and Annual Indoor Potluck Picnic (Rev. Randy and Joy Taylor) happened in May. Summer passed with our Annual First Day of Summer Ice Cream Social (Joy Taylor's clubhouse and pool), a welcoming Potluck for new Intern Minister Kimberley Debus in July (Joy Taylor's condo), and an August welcome picnic for Kimberley hosted by Rev. Randy at Ft. Zachary Taylor. We feted Kimberley again in Oct., hosted by the Ministerial Intern Support Team, in celebration of a significant birthday. On to the fall—and Divine Dining annual fundraiser this year (Joy Taylor). Kimberley led us in a Congregational Retreat—and also began a Potluck and a Movie series to meet monthly. Ann Ewing coordinated our community Thanksgiving Dinner. And our social year ended as last year: a Murder Mystery Party on New Year's Eve (Diana Reif and Joy Taylor) – this year written by Diana while she was away over the summer! Thank you to each and every one of our coordinators, contributors and worker bees!! submitted by Joy Brown Taylor Page 6 EDUCATION January 2014 Adult Education; 1-New Series- a journey through two thousand years of Unitarian Universalist history. 2-Dr. Becker teaching a Worlds Religions course at FKCC. Children's RE; 1-Monthly Youth Group scheduled to meet. 2-Incredible work by Pam Flowers Re Director and our UU Juniors! We (LKLeague of Women Voters) collected over 300 signatures right here in the lower key, many with your assistance and participation at various community events. Thank you so very much for getting involved in the effort and leading the way for our young people in a lesson in democracy.! Joy 3-Pam Flowers will continue into the New Year with a curriculum by Richard Kimball, " The New You The Creator". Other Programs; Senior Exercise, Mindful Meditation, Yoga February 2014 Adult Education; 1- The series; 'Long Strange Trip' a journey through two thousand years of Unitarian Universalist history will conclude this February 18th. It was a seven-part exploration of our heritage, narrated by Ron Cordes with images, info and humor. Book Group; The group met at Pam and Andrew Flower's home or shall I say 'Al's Diner' for burgers, root beer and a lively discussion surrounding Stephen King's novel "11/23/63". Children's RE; 1- Ongoing Youth Group gathering. 2- OIF Youth Group members participated in the Annual MLK Breakfast. Other Programs; Fridays 5:30pm- Zen Meditation Tuesdays 5:30- Sangha in mindful meditation March 2014 1- Our Book Group met to discuss the novel "The Sisterhood" by Helen Bryan. Janet WhalenDunning aptly facilitated providing a visual display with corresponding questions which greatly benefitted all in attendance. Children's RE; 1- Youth Group met in February and saw the film "Chasing Ice" and decided to share the film with the congregation and larger community. It will be presented Sunday, March 23. 7pm What we are doing: 2- "The RE Program has been making moving sculptures, creating abstracts, learning to draw and continuing to meditate about being more confident in our creativity. We were asked to design the Earth Day 5k t-shirts for organizer Marci Rose.We are working on those designs this week." Submitted by; Pam Flowers, RE Director Other Programs; Zen Meditation, Sanga mindful meditation, Yoga April 2014 Adult Education 1- Our Book Group met with Key West's own Joanna Brady. Who discussed her process and personal experience in writing her novel, "The Women at the Light", a memorable experience ensued. The evening was hosted by Pam and Andrew Flowers which was creativity themed and welcoming. Children's RE 1- Youth Group to meet April 6. 2- Sunday RE Classes, Monthly Bayshore Manor visits, etc. Other Programs Page 7 1- Key West Mindful Meditation Sangha hosted a public talk April 22 with visiting teacher Brother Chan Huy. 2- Yoga 3- Senior Exercise Classes May 2014 Adult Education 1- Book Group met this month and discussed the novel "The Kitchen House". The group was well attended and we enjoyed some 'Southern Fare'.Children's RE 1- Sunday RE Classes, Monthly Bayshore Manor visits, etc. RE UPDATE May-Summer We have been really enjoying The New You the Creator by Richard Kimball. We collaborated with Ms. Janet to create a photo clip of the students learning about photography called "Seriously?!". Sebastian Flowers helped coordinate the technology with Ms. Janet and then, Mr. Jim, for his service. We worked on and completed many entries for the Earth Day 5K t-shirts and they have been turned in, a year in advance!! :) We have practiced our acting and directing skills by reading scripts of famous UU speeches . Last Sunday, we took surveys about our creativity and then used them to plan an individualized creative project. We had children making volcanoes, listening to jokes on a cd to become funnier, planning and drawing large poster-sized drawings, making plans for a time machine and portal, drawing islands and sculpting dinosaur and sharks out of clay! We plan on continuing the projects throughout the summer and encouraging the children to direct the creativity. Pam Flowers, Director of RE would like to hold a meeting in August after Kimberley Debus arrives to discuss next year's curriculum. Thanks to Debbie for the donations of a digital camera and arts and craft materials!!! Pam Flowers Other Programs Zen Mediation, Sanga in mindfulness meditation, Senior Exercise, Yoga June 2014 Adult Education 1- Book Group was scheduled to meet on May 28th to discuss 'Lake of Dreams' by Kim Edwards. Children's RE 1- Weekly RE Classes, more detailed updates will be submitted by Pam Flowers Director of RE as available. Other Programs 1- Zen Meditation, Sanga 2- Yoga 3- Senior Exercise Classes July 2014 Education Report Book Group; 1- June's book was, We are All Completely Beside Ourselves by Karen Joy Fowler. 2- July's read was, Goldfinch by Donna Tartt (WINNER OF THE PULITZER PRIZE) Children's RE; Update: Over the summer we have been continuing to be creative! Julia completed her very own robot with help from Sebastian! Max created a very challenging game using ping pong balls. He has also tried on the lab coat this summer and worked on several chemical reactions. He has made invisible ink, a volcano and a rubber ball. At present, we are learning about world hunger and are brainstorming ways we can help end world hunger. Upcoming: At the RE Meeting on August 3rd, we will be discussing curriculum, the kick off party and volunteering opportunities among other things. We are talking about using the Justice UU the Creator curriculum by Richard Kimball. We would like to see the children become more interested in social justice issues of their choosing. We are planning a Kick Off party on the 13th of September and we will begin the new curriculum the 14th of September. Submitted by,Pam Flowers Other Programs; Sangha- In mindful mediation, Senior Exercise, Yoga September 2014 Adult Education: 1- Book group choice for Sept. is the novel, Flight Behavior by Barbara Kingsolver, Pam Flowers to facilitate. 2- Rev. Randy began hosting a discussion series, Tea at Three. Where sharing tea and thoughts relating to various issues of today will be explored Children's RE: 1- A meeting was held Sunday, September 7, where ideas for curriculum and the kick off party were discussed. A smart new poster was created to showcase OIF's Religious Education, Children & Youth programs. 2- Kick-off party was held Sept. 13 to mark their upcoming season. 3- Children's RE has been decorating mannequins with painted handprints for a fundraiser for the Fantasy Fest King candidate, Shane Hall. Ultimately benefiting Aids Help. The mannequins have our OIF logo on the backs. 4- Children's RE is also going to take part in MCC's 'Cooking With Love' program. Our youth will help organize meals for the home-bound in Key West. This will be their first social outreach program this year. Other Programs: Sangha Mindful Mediation, Senior Exercise, Yoga October 2014 Adult Education Programs: 1- The Book Groups read for October is THE ABSOLUTELY TRUE DIARY OF A PART-TIME INDIAN, a novel by Sherman Alexie. To be facilitated by Joy Taylor. 2- The series Movies with Meaning had its kick off. 3- The Tea at Three series concluded. Children's RE: 1- Volunteer opportunities have been announced to our congregation. They included; Driving and/or helping with Cooking with Love. Teaching/helping out the last Sunday of the month in the RE room. Attending and/or assisting on Children's Day on October 26, 2014. Other Programs: Senior Exercise Classes, Mindful Mediation, Yoga November 2014 Adult Education; 1- Book Group to host local author Jane Newhagen, for an informal discussion related to her novel, "Sand Dollar". 2- Movies with Meaning series continues to meet monthly sharing in potluck, viewing/discussion of movies that speak to spiritual and religious matters. 3- Theology on Tap began meeting weekly, it'll be a time for spirited discussion, community and exploration. Children's RE; 1- Teen Night this month was slated for a fun night which included watching the "Rocky Horror Picture Show". 2- Children's RE participated in collecting donations in support of UNICEF. Other Programs; Adult Exercise, Mindful Mediation, Yoga December 2014 Adult Education; 1- Theology on Tap 2- Movies with Meaning Children's RE; 1- Ongoing Sunday classes. 2- Participating with MCC in the Cooking with Love program. 3- Teen night activities. Other Programs; Senior Exercise, Mindful Mediation, Yoga Submitted by, Debbie Iwaskow ACTION 2014 One Island Family Action Task Force Summary Some of the Highlights noted by the Action Task Force in 2014 (for things in our community and in our congregation that were important for One Island Family) ● In January, the Martin Luther King Scholarship Breakfast the MLK parade and celebration at the Cornish AME Church. ● In March Rev. Randy was honored at a City Commission meeting for his outstanding service to The Bahama Village Redevelopment Advisory Committee. ● A Seder at OIF April 16. ● The League of Women Voters held a Civics Lesson featuring State Attorney Catherine Vogel at OIF on May 20. ● July It was a great month for action! Joy and other members and friends, along with Kimberly, rallied in front of the courthouse in support of Judge Garcia’s ruling on marriage equality. Not only was Joy interviewed by Bill Becker on US1 Radio, also there was a TV piece on Miami 4 featuring Kimberley and, briefly, Joy. Way to go OIF!!! ● In early August, our entire professional staff (Pam, Kimberley, and Rev. Randy) attended a Marriage equality event, all sporting ONE ISLAND FAMILY shirts -- we were the only visible religious presence there. ● Rev. Randy was the moderator of the Searching Out Solutions public forum on Homelessness, sponsored by about a dozen local agencies. ● Theology on Tap – Mondays 6 PM at The Porch ● Movies with Meaning - Kimberley ● Community Garden – Ann Ewing ● Teen Nights ● Planning for CFFK Unsung Heroes luncheon (in Jan.), to honor Jim Smith for OIF ● Participation in Cooking with Love ● Thanksgiving Dinner at One Island Family ● Honoring the Homeless Celebration held Dec 19 at the KW Cemetery. Rev. Randy participated, many OIF members attended ● Candlelight labyrinth on the winter solstice ● participated in Children’s Day at Bayview Park. ● Per Rev. Randy: I think you probably didn't see a number of ways in which the activist side of the congregation is expressed. (I think often our presence in the community is of an activist nature, but it is not as visible as when we plan a specific event.) I was one of the panelists questioning candidates for the Republican primary for US Representative, and non-partisan candidates for school board and judicial positions at a Hometown PAC event. I also participated in the official opening ceremony of Nelson English and Willie Ward parks denoting a major improvement for not just Bahama Village but all of Key West. submitted by Diana Reif Page 10 WORSHIP ANNUAL REPORT January Dr. Becker lead 3 Sunday services. The January 12 presenter was Joe McKay whose topic was “Riding the Rainbow.” Janet Whalen-Dunning was coordinator. Nancy 3. Hoffman was hired as interim Music Director. The choirhas enjoyed working with her and the congregation has respondedpositively. February Our guest speaker this month was Geoff Kaufman. He sang, played guitar and spoke on the topic of Natural Reflections. He also included a tribute to Pete Seeger who recently passed away. Nancy 3. Hoffman continues to coordinate with Rev. Randy on topical songs for the choir. Both are constantly challenging and inspiring. March We were privileged to have Jim Key as our guest presenter on March 2. He is the Unitarian Universalist Association Moderator. He spoke on David and Goliath: Inspiration for Religious Liberals. Musically, we were treated one Sunday to dueling, no I mean duetting accordions played by Nancy 3 and Randy. Thank you. It was fun. And our new Intern-to-be, Kimberly Debus and her friend, Lindsey Nye, joined us on March 16. They sang a wonderful duet and helped out the choir with their terrific voices. It was great to meet them both. April Since the last report our Music Director, Nancy 3 coordinated a Music Service on March 23. The program included several vocal solos and a duet sung by members, as well as a piano solo by Julia Baeder and several violin pieces by guests Marci Rose and Mary Foster. May April 27 was an intergenerational service lead by Janet Whalen-Dunning on the topic of Don’t Take Yourself Too Seriously. The RE students had taken photos the week before which the older boys turned into a video. The younger children were a big help during the service and John Miller was our solo musician.The May 4 service was coordinated by Jim Smith who explored Decision Making. The other Sundays continued to be the outstanding work of our Rev. Randy. June In the short time since our last board meeting Rev. Randy has done his usual excellent job of leading our worship services. July On July 6 the congregation watched part of the GA service thanks to the technical assistance of the Flowers twins. Connie Gilbert coordinated a panel that discussed differences in Motherhood decisions on July 13. The following Sunday, John Miller examined some of the issues around the Separation of Church and State. And finally, on July 27, Rev Randy was back to talk about Boldly Going Where None of Us Has Gone Before. Page 11 August-September. We welcomed our first intern, Kimberley Debus, to the worship team. She and Randy alternated Sunday sermons in August and September. Kimberley’s topics included: Dancing at Lughnase, Thus Do We Covenant, Standing on Our Heads and Hell on Earth. Randy’s sermon titles were: Reflections on the Water, Standing on the Side of Life, Things on the Coffee Table. October Since our last board meeting, Randy conducted two services around the sermon titles of: Around the Edges; and In a Hectic World, a Quiet Place. Kimberly used the topic ideas of Days of Awe and The Art of Meaning for two creative services. And J.T. Thompson was a guest speaker for a service on Energy and Kharma. November This month Randy lead three services in a row. The titles were: Men Taking Responsibility, Rituals of the Heart, and Learning to Un-Learn. Kimberly’s most recent service centered around the topic, Eat More Pie. And after the service we did just that. We are all grateful that Nancy 3 Hoffman has returned to her post as Music Director and we have been enjoying her live music plus some lively choir numbers. December Since the last report Randy and Kimberly together presented a Thanksgiving service, The Table Where Rich People Sit. On November 30, Randy’s service featured Tales of the Bizarre – An Avent Exploration. The following week What to Expect When Expecting was Kimberly’s take on advent. To honor Hanukkah, Randy spoke on When All Seems Lost – A Service of Hope. submitted by Janet Whalen-Dunning page 12 Proposed 2015 Budget Proposed BUDGET for 2015: The Board recommends the proposed budget as shown in this Treasurer’s Report. Page 13 NOMINATING COMMITTEE CANDIDATES FOR BOARD POSITIONS After speaking with the persons involved, the Nominating Committee is happy to submit the following slate of candidates for the Board of Directors of One Island Family for 2015: 1st Vice President: Diana Reif (2 years) 2nd Vice President: Denise Obenauer-Kohnke (1 year) Secretary: Thom Harris (2 years) Treasurer: Ann Ewing (2 years) Director-at-Large: Audrey Waldman (2 years) Nominating Committee 2016 (all 1 year): Dave Arnold Stan Sack Cliff Saylor Existing Board members who have one more year left on their term: Joy Brown Taylor (President) Janet Whalen-Dunning (Director-at-Large) Respectfully submitted, Your Nominating Committee 2015 Dave Arnold Andrew Flowers Stan Sack Page 14
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