RAAFA Cairns Branch 2015 Program

Royal Australian Air Force Association
Queensland Division Cairns Branch
Website: www.raafacairns.com
E-Mail Address: [email protected]
Treasurer/Vice President
Mr David Goggin.
Mr Tony Diakos.
Mr Neil J Howard.
Phone: 0437231645 Phone: 0418772329 Phone: 0740552743
Assistant /Treasurer
Mr Kevin Hogan.
Phone: 0740 531 861
January - Meeting
Sunday 18th Club T/Shirts (3rd Sunday due to Long Weekend following 25 and 26) General Meeting upstairs
front hall RSL 1030hrs for morning tea before meeting starting at 1100hrs.
Monday 26th January 2015 Australia Day.
February - Social
Wednesday 11th Casual Dress Edge hill Tavern lunch – meet at 1200hrs.
February - Meeting
Sunday 22nd Club T/Shirts General Meeting upstairs front hall RSL 1030hrs for morning tea before meeting
starting at 1100hrs.
March – Meeting – AGM and RAAF Birthday
Sunday 29th (5th Sunday) Casual Dress Meet downstairs 1015hrs for Wreath Placing Please wear medals.
Annual General Meeting upstairs front hall RSL at 1100hrs - followed by RAAF Birthday luncheon.
April - ANZAC Day
Saturday 25th Please turn up to March wearing medals full size “NOT Miniatures”.
April - Meeting
Sunday 26th Club T/Shirts Meeting at 104 Squadron starting at 1100hrs, followed by chicken & ham
luncheon. Cost $7.00. Please bring a plate.
May - Social
Wednesday 13th Casual Dress at the TAFE Tropic Restaurant for lunch – meet at 1200hrs.
May - Meeting
Sunday 24th Club T/Shirts General Meeting upstairs front hall RSL 1030hrs for morning tea before meeting
starting at 1100hrs.
June - Social
Wednesday 10th Casual Dress Balaclava Grasser’s Restaurant Lunch – meet at 1200hrs.
June - Meeting
Sunday 28th Club T/Shirts Meeting at 104 Squadron starting at 1100hrs followed by chicken & ham
luncheon. Cost $7.00. Please bring a plate.
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July - Social
Wednesday 8th Brothers Lunch Meet at 1130hrs
July - Meeting
Sunday 26th Club T/Shirts General Meeting upstairs front hall RSL 1030hrs for morning tea before meeting
starting at 1100hrs.
August - VP Day
Sunday 16th at Rocky Creek by 0900hrs Medals to be worn.
August - Vietnam Veterans Day – Battle of Long Tan
Tuesday 18th August 2015 Vietnam Veterans Day & Long Tan Day.
August - Meeting
Sunday 23rd Club T/Shirts Meeting at 104 Squadron starting at 1100hrs followed by chicken & ham
luncheon. Cost $7.00. Please bring a plate.
September - Meeting
Sunday 13th (Second Sunday) Casual Dress and Medals to be worn Meet downstairs at 1030hrs for Wreath
placing. General meeting upstairs front hall RSL 1100hrs, followed by Battle of Britain and Battle for
Australia Commemorative Luncheon.
October - Social
Wednesday 14th Casual Dress Lunch Dunwoody’s on Sheridan Street Meet at 1200hrs.
October - Meeting
Sunday 25th Club T/Shirts Meeting at 104 Squadron starting at 1100hrs followed by chicken & ham
luncheon. Cost $7.00. Please bring a plate.
November - Remembrance Day
Wednesday 11th Remembrance Day 1015hrs Wreath placing during the ceremony at the Cenotaph
Esplanade – Medals to be worn.
November - Meeting
Sunday 22nd Neat Casual Dress Optional or RAAFA T/Shirt Meeting at 104 Squadron starting at 1100hrs.
Followed by Annual Christmas Party. Lunch will be funded by the Branch, but please bring a salad or
similar to share. Don’t forget to pay your subs for 2016.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This Year 2015, 104 Squadron pass-out parade TBA.
December - Date TBA
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