State of Michigan DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BUREAU OF CHILDREN AND ADULT LICENSING RICK SNYDER MAURA D. CORRIGAN GOVERNOR DIRECTOR December 17, 2012 Mary Wilson 3150 Ridgemont Commerce Twp, MI 48382 RE: Registration #: DF630048168 Wilson, Mary 3150 Ridgemont Commerce Township, MI 48382 Dear Ms. Wilson: Your Family Child Care Home registration is renewed. It is valid only at your present address and is nontransferable. If you move, please notify us at least 30 days in advance. Attached is the Licensing Study Report for the above referenced facility. The study has determined substantial compliance with applicable licensing statutes and rules. You have submitted an acceptable written corrective action plan covering the violations cited in the report. Therefore, your registration is renewed. In order to assess and improve the quality of the licensing process, the Bureau of Child and Adult Licensing would appreciate your feedback. Please go to our website at and click on Licensing Inspection Questionnaire under "Contact Us" to complete a brief survey. Please review the enclosed documentation for accuracy and feel free to contact me with any questions. In the event that I am not available and you need to speak to someone immediately, please feel free to contact the local office at (248) 975-5053. P.O. BOX 30650 • LANSING, MICHIGAN 48909-8150 • (517) 335-6124 Per MCL 722.113g, this report and any related corrective action plans must be filed in your Licensing Notebook. Sincerely, Darlene Sandel, Licensing Consultant Bureau of Children and Adult Licensing Suite 1000 28 N. Saginaw Pontiac, MI 48342 (248) 860-3828 enclosure 2 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BUREAU OF CHILDREN AND ADULT LICENSING RENEWAL INSPECTION REPORT I. IDENTIFYING INFORMATION License #: DF630048168 Registrant Name: Mary Wilson Registrant Address: 3150 Ridgemont Commerce Twp, MI 48382 Registrant Telephone #: 248-360-9289 Administrator/Licensee Designee: N/A Name of Facility: Wilson, Mary Facility Address: 3150 Ridgemont Commerce Township, MI 48382 Facility Telephone #: (248) 360-9289 Original Issuance Date: 01/14/1989 Capacity: 6 Age Range: Ages Birth Thru 17 years 1 II. METHODS OF INSPECTION Date of On-site Inspection(s): 12/17/2012 No. of children enrolled in care No. of assistant caregivers employed No. of children present at time of inspection No. of assistant caregivers present at time of inspection Licensee present at time of inspection? No. of children interviewed/observed Persons Interviewed: No. of Records Reviewed 7 7 0 0 2 0 Yes 2 Licensee Assistant Caregivers Approved Child Use Space: lower level main room and sleeping area, main floor great room, den, and bedrooms (for sleeping only). Approved Variances - No Yes Description: n/a III. DESCRIPTION OF FINDINGS & CONCLUSIONS The following violations were noted during the inspection: R 400.1907 Children's records. (1) Prior to initial attendance, the caregiver shall obtain the following documents: (a) A completed child information card on a form provided by the department or a comparable substitute approved by the department. Seven of seven cards reviewed were incomplete. Missing items included complete employment, emergency contact, and physician information. R 400.1907 Children's records. (1) Prior to initial attendance, the caregiver shall obtain the 2 following documents: (b) A child in care statement/receipt using a form provided by the department and signed by the parent certifying the following: (i) Receipt of a written discipline policy. (ii) Condition of the child's health. (iii) Receipt of a copy of the family and group child care home rules. (iv) Agreement as to who will provide food for the child. (v) Acknowledgement that the assistant caregiver is 14 to 17 years of age, if applicable. (vi) Acknowledgement that firearms are on the premises, if applicable. (vii) If the child care home was built prior to 1978, then the caregiver shall inform the parents of each child in care and all assistant caregivers of the potential presence of lead-based paint or lead dust hazards, unless the caregiver maintains documentation from a lead testing professional that the home is lead safe. Ms. Wilson was using an outdated version of the Child in Care Statement. R 400.1932 Home maintenance and safety. (3) All steps, stairs, porches, and elevated structures to which children in care have access shall be protected to prevent falls and shall be free of ice and snow accumulation. The stairs to the main floor were not gated. R 400.1941 Heat-producing equipment. (2) Combustible materials and equipment shall not be stored within 4 feet of furnaces, other flame or heat-producing equipment, or fuel-fired water heaters. Combustible materials were stored within four feet of the furnace. Ms. Wilson lives in a single story home and both the main floor and basement are approved for use. At the time of the inspection, Ms. Wilson was only using the basement with the children in care. The home sits on a spacious lot, which is not fenced. The children play in and on 3 small plastic equipment and on the house deck, under Ms. Wilson’s supervision. There is a locked hot tub located in the yard, as well as a pool. The pool is an above ground pool that is partially submerged into the ground. It is completely fenced and decked. The gates are latched, which are opened from the interior pool area. Ms. Wilson stated her intent to install a wood or plexi-glass shield to the gates as an additional precaution. Children do not use in the pool, nor do they play in the decked and gated pool area. A corrective action plan was requested and approved on 12/17/2012. It is expected that the corrective action plan be implemented within the specified time frames as outlined in the approved plan. A follow-up evaluation may be made to verify compliance. Should the corrections not be implemented in the specified time, it may be necessary to reevaluate the status of your license. IV. RECOMMENDATION I recommend issuance of a certificate of registration to this child care family home (capacity 1-6). 12/17/2012 ________________________________________ Darlene Sandel Date Licensing Consultant 4
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