Bald Knob High School 901 North Hickory Bald Knob, AR 72010 Request for Proposal for Network Switches E-Rate Year (2015-2016) I. OVERVIEW A. Introduction and Purpose Bald Knob Public Schools (“District”) is seeking proposals from qualified authorized resellers (“Service Provider”) for the acquisition, installation, and configuration of managed gigabit switches for its high school building as eligible under the Universal Service School and Libraries (SLD) Eligible Services List and subsequent rulings. B. Proposal Response Requirements Because the service(s) and/or equipment specified in this RFP are being submitted to the Schools and Libraries Division (SLD) of the FCC as part of “ERate” Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) discount eligibility, all posting and response procedure must satisfy SLD E-Rate Submission requirements (per instructions and rulings posted at, Arkansas State requirements, local and District requirements. These requirements include, but are not limited to: • • • • • • • • The proposal must NOT require the purchase or acquisition of additional hardware, software or service outside the scope of the proposal or by any third-party vendor. The cost and description of all services, hardware, software and related components, where available should be clearly identified on the response. The response must also clearly state the permanent SLD Service Provider Identification Number (SPIN) for the provider of proposed services. The District expects each Service Provider to make themselves thoroughly familiar with any rules or regulations regarding the E-Rate program. All contracts entered into as a result of the posting of the District 470 Form will be contingent upon the specific funding of the FRN at the E-Rate discount percentage rate on the Form 471. Prospective Service Providers will be required to submit three references with at least one being a K-12 district. All prices or notations must be typed or written in ink. Quote on each item separately. Prices should be stated based on quantities/units specified on this request for proposal. Include Part #’s and Descriptions for each item. C. Financing and Funding Portions of this project are subject to E-Rate funding availability and contingent upon such E-Rate funding commitment and approval. The District shall reserve the right to modify site quantities depending upon available funding and discount approvals. Pursuant to E-Rate discount requirements, the Service Provider must meet all of the necessary eligibility requirements, at Service Provider’s expense, to receive reimbursement funding from the Universal Service Fund per Section 254 of the Telecommunication Act of 1996 and subsequent Universal Service Order including all reconsiderations through FCC 97-420, CC Dkt Nos. 96-45, 96-262, 94-1, 92-213, 95-72. II. GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS A. Contact Information Name: Tammi Dantoni Title: Technology/E-Rate Coordinator Voice: (501) 724-3273 ext 108 E-Mail: [email protected] Address: 103 West Park Ave, Bald Knob AR 72010 B. Proposal Submittal The Service Provider must submit their proposal to the contact person and the address listed above by hand delivery, UPS, or FedEx. All quotes must be received on or before 3 o’clock p.m., February 20, 2015. Late arrivals will be rejected. Bald Knob Public Schools is not responsible for delays of any commercial carrier or delays incurred by the respondents. Oral, telephone, FAX, or e-mail bids will not be considered. Prices quoted shall include cost of equipment, all applicable taxes and shipping costs, labor, and configuration. All equipment included in Service Provider’s proposal must be new equipment purchased from an authorized reseller and must have at minimum a 1-year manufacturer warranty. No grey market, third party, refurbished, or used equipment will be considered. Prices quoted in the Service Provider’s response will remain in effect for a period of (12) months from the time of the contract signing. All questions should be directed to contact listed above. III. DESCRIPTION of SERVICES A. Scope of Work This is to be a turn-key project consisting of uninstallation of old equipment, installation of new equipment in existing racks, configuration and integration of those items into the existing network. B. Equipment 1. The District has standardized Cisco switches to manage multiple VLans using multiple IDF closets throughout the district. Items listed in the section below are the preferred same equipment models as currently in place throughout the District’s network; however, the District will entertain proposed solutions from other manufacturers. It is the Service Provider’s responsibility and obligation to provide documentation and other evidence that a non-Cisco product is functionally equivalent or better, and can be managed via the District’s existing GUI and CLI programming, as well as utilize the same commands and configurations as used on existing Cisco equipment. 2. The District is seeking a total of 12 network switches for Bald Knob High School. See the attached diagram for locations of existing switches. The following are details and preferred models: a.) Room 239 (North Server Room) - need 129 ports and 4 fiber interfaces 2x 2960X-48FPS-L 1x 2960X-48TS-L b.) Room 282 (TCC closet) - need 128 ports and 1 fiber interface 1x 2960X-48FPS-L 2x 2960X-48TS-L c.) Room 208 (East hall) – need 48 ports and 1 fiber interface 1x 2960X-48TS-L d.) Coaches’ office (Gym) – need 8 ports and 1 fiber interface 1x 2960CX-8PC-L e.) Rooms 224, 225, 226, 227 (South hall) – need 24 ports each switch 4x 2960X-24TS-L f.) 7x fiber connectors and fiber patch cables C. Reseller Requirement The successful Service Provider must provide equipment as an authorized or certified reseller in accordance with such definition as stated by Cisco or equivalent equipment manufacturer. V. EVALUATION CRITERIA A. Price will be the most heavily weighted factor in selecting the awarded vendor. Other evaluation criteria may include, but are not limited to: References, past experience with applicant, understanding of needs, past successful E-Rate experience, and completeness of response. B. The District reserves the right to award a contract to the most qualified service provider according to the E-Rate recommended weighted average method.
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