CITY COUNCIL ATHENA CITY NEWSLETTER 2014 John Shafer, Mayor Rebecca Schroeder, PLEASE DRIVE CAREFULLY: With summer comes children on bikes, skateboards and on foot. Please slow down and watch Comm. of Parks Chet Sater, Comm. of Fire Services Carol Speed, Comm. of Public Works LaVerne Mitchell, Comm. of Administration Deborah Hayward, Comm. of Library John Shafer, Comm. of Police Services: carefully at intersections for those that might not be watching for you. AUGUST MEETINGS All meetings are at City Hall unless otherwise indicated. Livestock Commission Tuesday 5th @ 5:30 pm Library Board Monday, 14th @ 7pm Planning Commission ***** Wednesday, 13th @ 6:30 pm CITY HALL HOURS HARVEST TIME! Wheat harvest has started which means an increase in truck and big equipment traffic. Please drive carefully! CITY PHONE NUMBERS City Hall 566-3862 City Shop 566-0228 Library 566-2470 Who: children ages toddler through completed 7th grade (children 6 or under must be accompanied by an adult.) What: Pool Party! FREE! Where: Athena City Park When: August 18th 10:00am-noon One known fact: there will be CAKE. City Council Meeting Monday – Friday 8am - 5pm (open during lunch) Closed all legal holidays LIBRARY NEWS The Athena Public Library is 100 years old and is celebrating with two CENTENNIAL BIRTHDAY PARTIES! Thursday, 14th @ 6:30 pm Cemetery Meeting Tuesday, 19th @ 5:30 pm ABC Children's Ministries Preschool Registration, the After School Program Registration and Open House will be Monday, August 18th from 6:00-8:00 pm. Preschool is for those children who are 3 years old or 4 years old. The After School Program is for Kindergarten through 6th grade. Come register your child, meet the teachers and the director, and enjoy some refreshments. 523 E High Street, Athena, .Any questions, please call Sharon McDowell, Director. 541-566-2229 Who: teens (incoming freshman to age 19) What: Party! Movie, X-Box, Wii, and more Where: Athena Public Library When: Fri. August 15 @ 7-10pm One known fact: Computers are available for gaming. Beginning Monday, August 4, @ 12:30, students are invited to the Athena Public Library Mon.-Thurs. to listen to a story. Volunteer, Samantha Ford, will read aloud for a half hour. Students will follow the story to the end. The new school-year is just around the corner; remember to read to your children…or let us do it for a few weeks! SUMMER CRIME PREVENTION Summer brings warmer weather, longer days and unfortunately, an increase in burglaries. You can exercise diligence to reduce or eliminate the occurrence of these crimes. Keep vehicles locked with windows up when parked at home. Remove all valuables. Emergency 911 Avoid Home Improvement scams. Beware of anyone offering to perform unscheduled home Non-Emergency Sheriff repair or asking to gain entry into your house. Keep doors closed and locked. Dispatch 541-966-3651 Vacation plans? Have a trusted neighbor or friend pick up your mail and newspapers. Set City Police 566-0944 your home alarm. Set inside lights on timer. Leave a contact number in case of an emergency with a neighbor or friend. LET’S BE SAFE! Ambulance Calls: JULY 2014 NO INFO AVAILABLE FIRE SEASON IS DECLARED During Fire Season: Burning Permits are required on all private forest and range lands within the Northeast Forest Protection District for Oregon. Contact your local ODF office to acquire a burning permit. Landowners who conducted burning of slash piles last fall and this past spring are encouraged to check these piles and ensure that they are completely out and all heat is gone. It is not uncommon for recently burned slash piles to have heat remaining for several months. Campfires must be DEAD OUT! Recreationists are reminded that campfires need to be attended and fully extinguished before being left. Get permission from landowner prior to starting a campfire. Page 2 ATHENA CITY NEWSLETTER 2014 MINUTES OF THE JULY 10, 2014 REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATHENA CITY COUNCIL Attendance: Mayor John Shafer called the regular meeting of the Athena City Council to order at 6:30 pm in the City’s community room. Mayor Shafer asked Recorder Nancy Parker to take roll. Councilors Deborah Hayward, LaVerne Mitchell, and Rebecca Schroeder were present. Councilors Chet Sater and Carol Speed were excused. Sergeant Erik Palmer, Recorder Parker and four guests were also in attendance. Mayor Shafer led everyone in the Pledge of Allegiance. Business from the Public: Jan Reitz and Holly Mays presented information on the East Umatilla County Health District. They discussed the financial state of the District, the local option levy that will be on the November ballot, and how the levy will not impact residences of the City. They also discussed long range plans for the Health District. Planning Commission: Commissioner Helen Miller reported two building permits were approved. Permit #2014-05 for Wayne & Ruth Kostur to pour a cement pad for a fifth wheel and in five to seven years build a home on the lot. Permit # 2014-06 was for a tax lot split for Dean Bebb. He currently has a double lot so will still meet all setback and square footage requirements. Consent Agenda: Councilor Mitchell moved and Councilor Schroeder seconded a motion to approve the minutes of the 6/12/14 regular meeting, the 6/12/14 final budget hearing minutes, the financial statements and bills. Motion passed 3-0. Actionable/Discussion Items: Councilor Schroeder moved and Mitchell seconded a motion to allow Kasey Cleveland to serve alcohol in the park at a wedding rehearsal dinner. Motion carried 3-0. Councilor Hayward moved and Mitchell seconded a motion to adopt Ordinance #1060, a franchise agreement with LightSpeed Networks, Inc., dba LSN. Motion passed 3-0. Old Business: None New Business: Councilor Mitchell made a motion the City obtains credit cards for employees to use for City purchases. The motion was seconded by Schroeder and approved 3-0. During discussion it was agreed all employees who are issued credit cards will be required to sign a statement of use. Business from the Departments: Police: Hodaka Days was a resounding success! Library: Librarian Carrie Bremer requested permission to hold a pool birthday party on August 18 th, from 10-12 for library patrons. These events are part of the libraries 100 th Birthday celebration. She also requested an evening swim party for teenagers. As Councilor for Parks & Recreation, Rebecca Schroeder approved the request. Public Works: Water rationing is in effect until further notice. City wells are 15 ft. lower than his time last year, so please use water wisely. Paving of Lincoln Street will be done in September. Councilor Report: Mayor Shafer thanked the police department for their extra hours and patrols around the city. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 7:29 pm. The next regular council meeting will be August 14, 2014 @ 6:30 pm in the Athena City Hall meeting room. *Minutes are subject to council approval, any corrections or additions will appear in the next newsletter. Page 3 CITY OF ATHENA AUGUST 2014 CITY MAIL When mailing your water bill payments or any other correspondence to the City of Athena, please be sure to use our PO Box address and not the physical address. We have had some payments returned to senders recently. LAWN WATERING The hot days of August are upon us and all citizens are requested to start watering on “ODD” and “EVEN” days. If your house number is an ODD number, please water on the ODD numbered days of the week. If your house number is an EVEN number, water on the EVEN numbered days of the week. *** ATTENTION ALL CITIZENS *** CITY APPRECIATES YOUR EFFORTS TO CUT BACK ON OUTSIDE WATER USE (Watering early in the morning or in the evening reduces evaporation) Requested by the Public Works Department of the City of Athena CALEDONIAN THANK YOU’S! Caledonian Games, 2014: We had a wonderful Games. Thanks to all our Guardians, advertisers, sponsors, competitors, clansmen, volunteers, committee members and guests. Despite the heat, it was a terrific time. We had good luck and everyone took care of themselves. The kick-off on Friday was sensational. We had popcorn and a movie----Brigadoon. The movie was made in 1955 starring Gene Kelly and Cyd Charisse.and it was enchanting. Everyone loved the free movie under the stars! See all our pictures at Athena Caledonian Games Facebook. We had good music, sport,Highland dancing, Gene Kelly, a knight, friends and a story or two under the trees. Thanks to all, Sue SENIOR CONNECTIONS Senior Connections will be going to the Sage Center in Boardman on Thursday, August 14. Fee is $3.00, please bring money for lunch also. We will leave the Athena Baptist Church at 9 am. For more information call Mary McGill at 566-0369, Dan Cogswell at 566-3623, or Doris McMillan at 566-3394. Open to all seniors over 60 years of age!! ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Athena City Pool News… Enjoy the “hot” month of August at the Athena pool. Pool hours are Mon. thru Sun. Open Swim 1-5 p.m.; Family swim 5-6 p.m. Mon. thru Sat.; Night Swim every Wednesday, 7-8 p.m. for Open swim and 8-9 p.m. for those 13 years old and older. A BIG THANK YOU to Pool Manager Riley Faircloth; Head Lifeguard Rawley Faircloth, and Lifeguards Madison Carlin, Betsy West, Jimmy Patrick and Linton McAllister. They have all done a terrific job and they have made the pool an enjoyable place to be this summer. Page 4 City of Athena 2013 ORDINANCE NO. 310 LIBRARY The Athena Public Library is looking for volunteers for 1-2 hours per week. Cleaning, shelving books, window washing, and various other duties. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Carrie Bremer at the Library at 541-566-2470. YARD OF THE MONTH Congrats to Lee and Jamie Duckett 550 N Hunt AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE PUBLIC WORK’S COMMISSIONER TO ISSUE DIRECTIVES RESTRICTING THE USE OF WATER DURING CRITICAL PERIODS; SETTING FORTH THE MANNER OF GIVING NOTICE OF SUCH RESTRICTIONS; PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION THEREOF. The City of Athena, Oregon ordains as follows: Section 1. Whereas, the water supply of the City of Athena becomes impaired from time to time, the public work’s commissioner of the city is hereby authorized to issue directives restricting the usage of water by all persons receiving water from the municipal water supply system during periods when the water supply becomes critical. Section 2. The said public work’s commissioner shall determine critical supply periods using reasonable guidelines such as the water table level, the supply to the city reservoirs and such other factors as he may, in his judgment, determine to be necessary. Section 3. The public work’s commissioner shall give notice of restrictions imposed by him by posting a copy of the same on the municipal bulletin board located on Main Street and by having a copy thereof delivered to each place within or without the city where there is a hookup to the city water line. Such notice shall set forth the hours and manner in which water may be used during such critical period. Section 4. Any person violating said restriction shall be given a citation for the first offense. Any person found guilty of a second or subsequent violation shall be subject to a fine set by fee schedule for each violation. Each day in which the restrictions are violated shall constitute a separate offense. City of Athena PO Box 686 Athena, OR 97813 Athena City Hall 302 E Currant PO Box 686 Athena, Or 97813 AUGUST 2014 Phone (541) 566-3862 Fax NEWSLETTER (541) 566-2781 E-mail [email protected] Ceud Mile Failt (100,000 Welcomes) ATHENA BOXHOLDER ATHENA OR 97813 CITY NEWSLETTER Is published monthly by the CITY OF ATHENA Editors: Nancy Parker: [email protected] and Michelle Fox [email protected] reserve the right to edit for content and space. Original articles from this publication may be reprinted with proper acknowledgment.
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