FEBRUARY 2015 Mission Lutheran Church The Mission Bell Our Lenten journey will begin on Wednesday, February 18 with our Ash Wednesday Service at 7pm. Then for the next five Wednesdays we will gather at 6:15 in Mission Hall for a light dinner, followed at 7:00 by a brief service. In the past, various groups and individuals have offered to host our dinners by providing a variety of soups, chili, or some light meal and dessert. We will have boards on the patio for volunteers to sign up to host one or more dinners on Wednesdays through March 25th. Invite your friends or small group to host an evening, it’s a lot of fun. Please contact Carol Karlson [email protected] or the church office with questions, 831-8820. I NS I DE T HIS ISS U E: From The Pastor 2 Benevolence 3 Music Ministry 4 Summer Camps 5 Youth News 6 Troop 772 Pancake Breakfast Men of Mission Rummage Sale 7 Book Discussion Group OK.Com 8 Mission Lutheran School 9 February Birthdays Thank You! 10 February Calendar 11 The Mission Bell From the Pastor Mission: Go! After months of discernment and meetings the congregation affirmed the recommendation of the Project Next team and the Church Council that our new direction will be called ‘Mission: Go!”. Mission: Go! will be one mission with three emphasis: World, Community and Congregation. Now that Mission Within Reach has ended, all money given during the three year campaign that ended June 1 will be kept in the Mission Within Reach account and distributed accordingly. Dollars given to Mission: Go! will be divided: World 40%; Community 40%; and Congregation 20%. Like Mission Within Reach, all of these dollars will be used to expand our outreach and will not be used to support the regular ministries and expenses of the congregation. It is important that we support our foundation of ministry through the regular giving, but our goal is to raise $250,000 a year to reach outside the church. Imagine how many lives will be changed through Jesus Christ if we can accomplish that goal! There are many questions to be answered and a team has already begun working on those so we can put our mission into action as soon as possible. Stay tuned. I also want you to know that “Changing Lives Through Jesus Christ” is no longer just a mission statement or slogan, it is a reality for many. I received a letter from an adolescent girl in the congregation thanking Mission Lutheran for making a difference in her life. I have her permission to quote a part of her letter here. I chose not to change the spelling and grammar. “I always thank God for blessing me with Mission Luthren. Every person their made me happy and I even learned things, that I thought sucked. For example, when people told me about others that are starving, dying or even the ones who needed special care, I thought well that stinks for them. I was so caught up in what I didn’t have, and ignored, didn’t even have a care for those people. Thanks to all of your help, I understand that I am very blessed to have all the stuff I have. Mission with in reach, the free wheel chair mission, I should have been more involved in that. Hold on, the world hasn’t ended, so right now I can still make a change, cause I was born to be somebody. Thanks to Mission Lutheran, you all inspired me to Believe in myself. Thank you all very much for Believing in me….” Like this girl we all have so much to be thankful for. God’s love has come and continues to come to us in so many ways. But we need to remember that Jesus didn’t just say come to me, he also said we were to go into all world and spread that love. Blessed to be a blessing. Pastor Bill FEBRUARY 2015 Changing Lives…. “We would like to thank all of you at Mission Lutheran Church for partnering with South county Outreach to prevent hunger and homelessness. YOU MAKE A DIFFERENCE!” Mission Lutheran donated $3,000 and 2564 pounds of food in 2014. You are definitely making a difference! “We would also like to thank you for the Christmas Trees that helped to give so many of our families a very special Christmas.” South County Outreach At four years old, Menzi from Swaziland cannot walk or talk and his neck is not strong enough to support his head, but that doesn’t stop him from smiling every time he hears his parents’ voice. He is the youngest of four children and the only one with health issues. Menzi’s parents have tried to help their child in a variety of ways, including traveling nearly 100 miles to see a doctor in the hopes that they would be able to improve the quality of his daily life. When they heard about The Luke Commission’s partnership with Free Wheelchair Mission, they knew they had found an answer that would ease their concerns for their son. Menzi was able to receive his very own GEN_2 wheelchair and his happiness was apparent to everyone around him. Now he will be able to spend more quality time with his siblings and interact with them while they play. “He will be so happy to be with them,” his mother lovingly noted. Thank you for changing lives every day through the gift of mobility. Thank you for helping recipients like Menzi, to continue to smile and for providing them with hope for a better tomorrow. Blessings, Don Schoendorfer The Mission Bell Music Ministry and Creative Arts Lent—Already?? Yes, it’s true. Ash Wednesday is Feb. 18 so we are beginning to work on music for Lent and Holy Week. The Chancel Choir is going to begin work on a Tenebrae service for Good Friday called “Shadows”. This “service of darkness” focuses on the seven episodes in the passion and death of our Lord which includes choral music accompanied by a string quartet as well as scripture and responsive readings. If you would be interested in joining the choir for this work or any of the services during Holy Week, please contact Deb McGowan ([email protected]). Casting Call for upcoming dinner theater! We are in the beginning stages of planning a dinner theater production for Saturday, May 30. The proceeds from the evening will be going to help our youth go to Detroit for the ELCA Youth Gathering this summer, but the main goal of the evening is to just have fun! If you are interested in participating in this fun event, please contact Deb McGowan or Gregory Braccio. Characters welcome!! “Connect” Youth Worship Arts Our Connect ministry is having a great time getting “connected” with each other and our church! Some of our upcoming projects include a “Good News” broadcast, children’s chat skits, singing, a string quartet and the list goes on. Many of the youth are also assisting with worship as communion assistants, sound room assistants, ushers and readers. Studies have shown that the participation of youth in worship will enable them to grow in faith and in their commitment to God and to the church. They have already shown their commitment in a variety of ways, but through Connect we hope to give them even more opportunities to become active participants in the worship service and to help them grown in their faith and leadership skills. It is fun to see their enthusiasm and dedication to this ministry! FEBRUARY 2015 SUMMER CAMP OPPORTUNITIES Registration begins Easter Sunday, April 5th! CONFIRMATION CAMP June 21-26 $385 All students currently in grades 7 or 8 are welcome to attend. Luther Glen is nestled in the heart of apple country in Oak Glen and focuses on experiential faith formation with lots of fast pace activities, worship, study, recreation and fun. CLUB 56 CAMP July 5—10 $325 All students currently in grades 4, 5, or 6 are welcome to attend. Angeles Crest is located in the San Gabriel Mountains and has many fun activities including: canoeing, paintball target range, basketball, sand volleyball, digglers, archery, a climbing wall, trampoline, hiking trails, zip Line, game room and "The Hut." RAZ-MA-TAZZ MUSIC CAMP July 20—24 $105 All students entering 1st-entering 8th grade in the Fall of 2015 are welcome. Raz-ma-tazz is held on our church campus and is an exciting adventure in music using singing, dance, voice, and handbells/chimes each day 9:00-12:30. No musical experience required! Extended day activities will be available (12:30-4:00). VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL August 10-14 $60 All children age 4—6th grade are welcome to attend. Vacation Bible school (VBS) is a week-long summer camp from 9:00-noon, where children have the opportunity to explore the Bible in fun and interactive ways. The lessons reinforce learning about Jesus through Bible stories, music, games, arts and missions. The Mission Bell Youth News Rites of Passage Course for Boys & Girls Ages 10-12 years old Acolyte Training Topics include: Sunday, Feb. 8th 11:00am in the Sanctuary All youth in grades 5 -12 welcome. Puberty Hygiene Nutrition Hormones A fun and interactive course that Social Media prepares tweens for adolescence. Meets Peer Pressure on Sundays from 4-6:30pm Self Esteem 3/8, 3/15, 3/22, 3/29 Reproduction Register online today at: Biblical POV www.birdsnbeesconnection.com Club 56 Be an acolyte and become an active participant in worship! Jr. High / Confirmation Students in 5th/6th grade meet for Bible study during the 2nd service every week with a fun fellowship activity once a month. 10 youth and 2 adult volunteer chaperones are attending Forest Home Winter Camp February 6-8th for a weekend filled with fun, faith, and snow! We pray blessings on your camp experience. Ice Skating! Sunday, Feb. 8th 11:30—2:30 pm $10 / includes lunch Friends welcome! ELCA NATIONAL YOUTH GATHERING Detroit, July 11-19, 2015 FEBRUARY MONTHLY MIXER UPDATE for parents & students attending Gathering Sunday, Feb. 22 11:15-noon Room 203 Sunday, 2/22 2:00-4:30pm We are hosting our Lutheran friends at MLC for food, faith, fellowship, and fun! FEBRUARY 2015 Scout Sunday, February 8th—Troop 772 Pancake Breakfast Our Scout Troop continues to grow and strengthen it’s relationship with Mission. Please come to support our Boy Scouts as they take a moment to celebrate with us and thank us for our support. Please thank our scouts and leaders for their service to MLC. Mission Hall A & B Following both services! Men of Mission Annual Rummage Sale—Sat., Feb 14th 7am-Noon It’s that time again, a chance to clean your closets, house and garage, and to benefit Mission Lutheran and our community! The Men of Mission will host their annual Rummage Sale from 7 am—noon on Saturday, February 14th. Your donations of clothing, household goods, and working electronics, can be just the thing that your neighbor needs. Proceeds from previous rummage sales have been used by the Men of Mission to purchase audiovisual equipment, a portion of the window shade in Mission Hall, and even our church van! Start your spring cleaning a little early this year and bring your things to donate to Mission Hall beginning Sunday, February 8th, or any time the week before the sale. If you have heavy items to donate please contact Glen Fouret at home at 240-8514. Many thanks in advance to the Men of Mission, Glen Fouret, and our Boy Scout Troop 772 for their hard work on this endeavor! The Mission Bell Book Discussion Group: On February 21 (Saturday) we will be discussing Kate Alcott's The Daring Ladies of Lowell. Alcott tells the story of Alice Barrow, a young woman who moves to the town of Lowell, Massachusetts and joins the life of the mill girls in order to get away from life on the family farm. While there, she meets and befriends Lovey Cornell, another mill girl, and quickly finds herself swept up in the struggle for safer working conditions, having been appointed as the spokesperson for the girls after a run-in with the Fiske family, who runs the mill where Alice, Lovey, and most of the local girls work. When Lovey is found murdered by a local preacher, however, Alice soon finds herself taking up the fight to clear her friend's name as well. Please join us at 9:30 am in Room 201. OK.com Monday February 9, 11:30 Mission Hall A&B Our speaker will be Dan Heidelberger from Thrivent. He will tell us about Thrivent Action Teams and how members can use them for fundraising or community service. Please join us for a soup and cornbread lunch with a Valentine surprise for dessert. A freewill offering will be taken. Please join us! FEBRUARY 2015 February’s School Spotlight Fall 2015 registration is underway! Mission Lutheran members have priority so if you are interested, please pick up a registration packet either in the church or school office. Packets are due back to the school office no later than February 12th. We open up registration to the public on Thursday, February 27th, so please tell your friends and neighbors! We have a busy month ahead with lots of activities for our families. We start the month off with Fall and Summer 2015 registration, parent-teacher conferences, and an evening with Chancy/Bruce for a “Kindergarten Readiness Workshop”. We will celebrate the season with Valentines parties and all kinds of “LOVE” activities, literature and art. In February we will be highlighting our units on “Friendship & Valentines”, “Love One Another”, “Fruits of the Spirit” and “All God’s Creatures”. Our spiritual theme for the month is: “Lessons of Trust” and the scripture is “Trust in the Lord with all your Heart”. Proverbs 3:4. We feel so blessed to be a ministry of Mission Lutheran church and are delighted to see God’s hand working here. There is so much to be thankful for and to look forward to! We thank all of you who faithfully keep us in your prayers. May God’s LOVE surround you today and always. HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY In His Love, Cathy & Staff The Mission Bell FEBRUARY BIRTHDAYS 2/1 Sean Colson 2/15 Sean Malek 2/2 Marv Kimble 2/16 Maggie Bradfield 2/2 Bernard Wagener 2/16 Corbin Smith 2/3 Jean Kimble 2/17 Jessica Lang 2/4 Fran Davis 2/18 Dave Velasquez 2/4 Ena Simpson 2/18 Judy Braccio 2/4 Annaliese Muth 2/18 Danielle Halphide 2/5 Kylie Olson 2/19 Kami Snyder 2/6 Sean Keene 2/20 Kirsten Blair 2/6 Loraine Corona 2/21 Hope Miller 2/9 John Dunne 2/23 Steve Manley 2/9 Barb Kalianov 2/24 Karlyn Gunderson 2/10 Ann Skattum 2/25 Sophie Sadler 2/11 Al Emery 2/26 Hanna Dougherty 2/11 Jessi Colon 1/26 Sandy Boylan 2/11 Hunter Dodd 2/28 Melea Nelson 2/12 Marie Nelson 2/13 Marv Gunderson To My Church Family Members, Thank you to all those who visited me, sent me cards, telephoned me, and gave me your special concerns and prayers during my recent hospital stay and surgery. You all made my recovery much more endurable knowing that I had so many of you praying for me. God bless you all. Ray Strauch Have you noticed how much brighter and clearer the words and images are on the screen on Sunday mornings? A special thank you to Steve and Sue Perry who saw a need and took care of it! Through their generosity, we were able to purchase the new projector as well as new software and laptop. The projector is making a huge difference and the possibilities with the new software are endless! Also thank you to Glen, Darren and Kevin Fouret for constructing the new platform for the projector and mounting it. Thank you for donating your time and talents on so many occasions to help us get things done around here! Senior Exercise-Rm. 214 OK.Com-MH A&B Church Council Mtg.-Rm. 201 Troop 772 Scout Mtg.-MH Praise Ringers-Rm. 214 Senior Exercise-Rm. 214 Troop 772 Scout Mtg.-MH Praise Ringers-Rm. 214 Monday 2 Sunday 1 9 10:00 am 6:30 pm 7:00 pm 8 23 Senior Exercise-Rm. 214 Troop 772 Scout Mtg.-MH Praise Ringers-Rm. 214 10:00 am Senior Exercise Group 6:30 pm Troop 772 Scout Mtg.-MH 7:00 pm Praise Ringers-Rm. 214 16 10:00 am 11:30 am 6:30 pm 6:30 pm 7:00 pm 15 8:30 am 10:00 am 10:00 am 22 10:00 am 5:00 pm 7:00 pm 4:00 pm 8:30 am Liturgical Worship Service 9:30 am Prayer Group-Rm. 201 10:00 am Praise and Worship service 10:00 am Sunday School following Children’s Chat 11:15 am Youth Gathering Update Mtg Rm. 203 2:00 pm Youth Gathering Mixer-MH 4:00 pm Stephen Ministry-Rm. 201 Liturgical Worship Service Praise and Worship Service Sunday School following Children’s Chat Stephen Ministry-Rm. 203 8:30 am Liturgical Worship Service 9:30 am Prayer Group-Rm. 201 10:00 am Praise and Worship Service 10:00 am Sunday School following Children’s Chat 11:00 am Acolyte Training-Sanctuary 11:30 am Club 56-Ice Skating Offsite 4:00 pm Stephen Ministry-rm. 203 8:30 am Liturgical Worship Service 10:00 am Praise and Worship Service 10:00 am Sunday School following Children’s Chat 11:15 am Stephen Ministry Supervision Rm. 201 1:30 pm Super Bowl Party-Offsite FEBRUARY 2015 3 Tuesday 9:30 am Writing for Seniors-203 4:00 pm Singers Company-Rm. 205 6:30 pm Finance Ministry Mtg.Downstairs Confer. Rm. Alpha Marriage-MH 6:30 pm 10 9:30 am Writing for Seniors-203 9:30 am Lydia Circle-Rm. 201 4:00 pm Singers Company-Rm. 205 6:00 pm Alpha Marriage-MH 17 9:30 am Writing for Seniors-203 4:00 pm Singers Company-Rm. 205 6:00 pm Alpha Marriage-MH . 24 9:30 am Writing for Seniors-Rm. 203 4:00 pm Singers Company-Rm. 205 6:00 pm Alpha Marriage-MH 4 Men’s Bible Study-Rm. 201 Pastor’s Bible Study-Rm. 203 Sing and Shout-Rm. 214 Kidz Praise-Rm. 214 Kids of the Kingdom-rm. 214 Confirmation Class-Rm. 203 Youth Worship Arts-Rm. 214 Pastor’s Bible Study-Rm. 203 Wednesday 6:30 am 10:00 am 3:30 pm 4:00 pm 4:30 pm 4:30 pm 5:45 pm 6:30 pm 5 MOD Squad-MH-A Writing for Seniors-Rm. 203 Senior Exercise Grp Rm. 214 Praise Band-Sanctuary Cub Scout Mtg.-MH-C Cub Scout Mtg.-MH-A Chancel Choir– Rm. 214 Thursday 8:30 am 9:30 am 10:00 am 5:00 pm 5:30 pm 6:30 pm 7:00 pm 12 9:30 am Writing for Seniors-Rm. 203 10:00 am Senior Exercise Grp Rm. 214 1:00 pm Life Touch Pictures Taken Rm. 205 5:00 pm Praise Band-Sanctuary 7:00 pm Chancel Choir– Rm. 214 11 6:30 am Men’s Bible Study-Rm. 201 10:00 am Pastor’s Bible Study-Rm. 203 1:00 pm Life Touch Pictures TakenRoom 205 Sing and Shout-Rm. 214 Kidz Praise-Rm. 214 Kids of the Kingdom-rm. 214 Confirmation Class-Rm. 203 Youth Worship Arts-Rm. 214 Pastor’s Bible Study-Rm. 203 9:00 am Pastor’s Conference Mtg.Rm. 201 9:30 am Writing for Seniors-Rm. 203 10:00 am Senior Exercise Grp Rm. 214 5:00 pm Praise Band-Sanctuary 6:00 pm Cub Scout Mtg.-MH 7:00 pm Chancel Choir– Rm. 214 25 18 3:30 pm 4:00 pm 4:30 pm 4:30 pm 5:45 pm 6:30 pm Men’s Bible Study-Rm. 201 Pastor’s Bible Study-Rm. 203 Sing and Shout-Rm. 214 Kidz Praise-Rm. 214 Kids of the Kingdom-rm. 214 Confirmation Class-Rm. 203 Youth Worship Arts-Rm. 214 Ash Wednesday Service 9:30 am 10:00 am 5:00 pm 7:00 pm 26 19 6:30 am 10:00 am 3:30 pm 4:00 pm 4:30 pm 4:30 pm 5:45 pm 7:00 pm Men’s Bible Study-Rm. 201 Pastor’s Bible Study-Rm. 203 Sing and Shout-Rm. 214 Kidz Praise-Rm. 214 Kids of the Kingdom-rm. 214 Confirmation Class-Rm. 203 Youth Worship Arts-Rm. 214 Lenten Soup Supper-MH Lenten Service Writing for Seniors-Rm. 203 Senior Exercise Group Praise Band-Sanctuary Chancel Choir-Rm. 214 6:30 am 10:00 am 3:30 pm 4:00 pm 4:30 pm 4:30 pm 5:45 pm 6:15 pm 7:00 pm 2015 Men of MissionRummage Sale-MH Life Touch Picture Rm. 205 Life Touch Picture Rm. 205 Saturday 7 Friday 6 28 9:30 am Book Discussion Rm. 201 21 10:00 am 7:00 am 14 10:00 am School Closed Al-Anon-Room 203 AA– Rm. 203 Life Touch Pictures Rm. 205 12:00 pm Life Touch Pictures Rm. 205 12:30 pm Al-Anon-Room 203 2:00 pm Jr. High Leave for Camp AA– Rm. 203 7:30 pm 13 12:30 pm 7:30 pm 12:00 pm 20 Al-Anon-Room 203 Girls Support Network-MH A&B AA– MH-Rm. 203 12:30 pm 6:00 pm 7:30 pm Al-Anon-Room 203 AA– MH-Rm. 203 27 12:30 pm 7:30 pm The Mission Bell Return Service Requested Phone: (949) 831-8820 Fax: (949) 831-6343 E-mail: [email protected] We are on the web! NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID LAGUNA NIGUEL CALIFORNIA PERMIT NO. 121 24360 Yosemite Rd. Laguna Niguel, CA 92677 www.missionlutheranchurch.com Our Mission: Changing Lives Through Jesus Christ S U N D A Y WO R SH IP S C H E D U L E Pastor: Bill Snyder, Ext. 203 E-mail: [email protected] Director of Christian Education: Jamie Beaudry, Ext. 200 Director of Music Ministry: Debbie McGowan, Ext. 202 8 : 30 LI T U R G I C A L W O RS H IP S E R VI C E 1 0 : 0 0 C O NT E MP O RA R Y W O R SH IP S E RV I C E Chi l dr en ar e i nvi t ed to j oi n us f or Sunday S chool at t he 10: 00 am ser vi ce, f ol l owi ng Chi l dr en’ s Chat , a pr ogr a m f or chi l dr en ages pr eschool t hr ough 6t h gr ade. Co mmuni on i s shar ed ever y Sunda y at t he 8: 30 a m Ser vi ce and t he f i r st and t hir d Sundays of each mont h at our 10: 00 am Ser vi ce. Office Manager: Jody Meager, Ext. 205 Communications Gregory Braccio, Preschool Director: Cathy Estanislau, Ext. 211 Direct: (949) 643-8311 C O N T A C T US T he Missi on Bel l i s a mont hl y newsl et t er f or Mi ssi on Lut her an Chur ch, a me mber of t he Paci f i ca Synod of t he Evan gel i cal Lut her an Chur ch i n Amer i ca. Newsl et t er art i cles are due t o t he edi t or by t he 2 0 t h of t he m on t h f or i ncl usi on i n t he next mont h’ s i ssue. E d i t or : J ody Meager
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