Weaflter Distribution Tuday 22,375 7 MM. tamperatort t», With MOM rain likely today. High today and tomorrow la.the 4 t i / Slow clearing tonight. Fair tomorrow and Friday. Jee Weather, Page 2. VOX ft"? w n l a * VUL,. 8 3 , JNU. ISO l«»u»4 d«liy, Mondty twoujii TrUix. Biccnd CUM Pwt»j« p«li «t B«4 Bink u d U Addition lUlUng OUIOM; DIAL SH 1-0010 RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 1963 17 Dead In Floods In South HARLAN, Ky. (AP) - Watei rationing begins in Harlan, Ky., today as devastating floods and deadly tornadoes left more than 30,000 persons homeless in the South and property damage in the millions. Seventeen persons were deai and six others missing. Twelvi of the deaths were attributed floods, and five to tornadoes, A flash flood—one of several caused by torrential rain — knocked out the pumping station . a t Harlan about noon yesterday, leaving the city and outlying communities without water. Civil Defense director Bi Haight made arrangements truck water from fresh wells or a hillside and from a soft drink plant at nearby Baxter if the plant could distill river water for drinking. 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE McClintock Says He'll Testify, If Requested LONG BRANCH Mayor Bristling from the mayor's de- police department be assigned to meetings stretch out too long. A Thomas L. McClintock announced fection from the adopted rules, supervise. b t of people get up and talk a last night he will submit to ques- Councilman Julius Tomaini said: Whichever officer is assigned lot and say absolutely nothing." '.ions under oath when the hear- "Mayor, you're a cutie. You also will be charged with deliv- Ten of the Bowen critics were ling on suspended City Manager agreed to go along with these ery of whatever tapes Mr. Frank- regular speakers and generally Richard J. Bowen resumes Fri- rules." When Mr. McClintock el chooses to replay at the hear- reviewed past complaints and day "if invited to do so." commented on the Saturday said he had reservations on the ing. Thus the mayor broke from a particular item, Mr. Tomaini 3. Seventeen speakers from hearing. set of ground rules adopted last charged "you agreed to all of the audience — like everyone else Salvatore Grasso, president of week by a majority of council the rules." cut off by the 'ground rules' the Municipal Employes Associand supposedly to be obeyed by from speaking at the Bowen ation, however, brought soma The Bowen issue dominated all councilmen. hearing — took the opportunity cold drama into the fray. Ha the meeting. These were some A to give their views at the regular quoted the mayor as having TORNADO DAMAGE—The Logan, W. Va., High School, left, is surrounded by waters the mayor said he was deeply of the highlights: council meeting. promised, in his 1961 campaign, of tha flooding Guyandotte River at rampaging stream neared its crest. Tha bridges concerned about the rule which 1. Council officially agreed to Of these, 12 denounced the that no employees would lose prevents councilmen from being resume the hearing, which suspended manager, four upheld their jobs except for cause, and at upper right span siream bed, but go nowhere, ending in high wafer. (AP Photo) questioned by Bowen and his at- opened Saturday with a 514 hour him, and one was neutral. after' hearings. He put this session before a crowd that The latter, Mrs. Terry Toma- against the background that Mr. torney, Charles Frankel. Mr. Frankel submitted a letter started at 600 and dropped to sulo, 22 Avery Ave., who has at- Bowen had cut 10 men from the to council asking it to revise this about 100, this Friday at 7 p.m, tended every meeting for 19 public works department for rule and several others. He in- at the Morris Avenue Junior months, said proof of the com- economy reasons. cluded those which ban presen- High School auditorium. plaints about Bowen should be Schools were closed in Harlar tation of evidence or witnesses 2. Council directed that. if Mr. brought out so that open-minded "These men have 35 children County and gasoline was limitec against the manager and which Frankel carries through with his people could make a decision. . . . . one has nine children. They to emergency vehicles only. Man> went along with your promises bar people in the audience from announced intention of reviewing She added: persons were trying to clean u] RARTTAN TOWNSHIP - M e m March 18 at 8 p.m. in the high About 80 seniors will graduati speaking. But it got no action, tape recordings of past meetings, "These comments from the and now they are on relief. the slime arid mud. not even discussion. that an upper grade officer of the public should be limited. The "Why did you make these An elderly miner said tne flooc bers of the Board <rf Education school has been set for public this June. promises? Tell me what I can TJhe board proposes to amortizi water came as a surprise and; local school officials are hearing on the proposal. tell these men. I'm embar"Lordy, we didn't hear no noise looking forward with anticipation Mr. Corbliss stressed that thi the bond issue with principa rassed. What provision are you to the March 26 referendum on soundness of the program hai payments of $65,000 • during thi but here we are back in this making to put any of them back the $1,950,000 school construction been confirmed by the statf years 1965 through 1971; $125,001 mess again." to work?" program. agencies and the forecast of stu- during, the years 1972-75, anc He was one of those who weni dent enrollment justifies the $120,000 from 1976 to maturity ii The mayor said no answer During a special press conferthrough the 1957 flood which 1983. The interest rate is estl need. could be given until alter the city caused five deaths and more ence last night, board president The proposed high school ad- mated at 4 per cent. budget is adopted tomorrow Robert J. Corbliss called it "a than $50 million in damages. The increase in payments dition is expected to double thi LONG BRANCH - Acting City hall, and Mayor Thomas L. Mc- from a scrap book, which he said night. Mr. Grasso said he would The Red Cross opened disastei turning point" for the education- present 720-student capacity am 1972 is brought about because thi Manager John 0. Jones, who Clintock, gavellng unheeded for belonged to the city and con- bring up the same questions at headquarters in Huntington, W, al system, and a "challenge" to carry through to the anticipated bonds on previous building proavoided attending the open hear- order as barbs and taunts filled tained clippings from newspapers the next regular meeting, March Va., to direct work in flood' local residents to decide whether peak enrollment years of 1969-73. grams will have matured at thai ing last Saturday on the ouster the chamber from both sides of dating back to July 1, 1961, when 26. stricken sections of Kentucky, they want to keep pace with the time. of Manager Richard J. Bowen, the council rail. council-manager government be- Mrs. Betty Yancey, Belmont mounting enrollments or return During this period some "comWest Virginia and Virginia. Mr. Corbliss said he could not got caught in the backwash last It wound up as a test of integ- gan. He was trying to show the Ave., brought the name of forpression" is foreseen. Southeastern Area Red Cros; to the double session problems of The elementary system is ex- forecast the effect on the taj night. rity between the acting city man- city had gained a bad public mer Mayor Paul Kieraan into workers helped cope with condi former years. pected to face a drastic shortagi rate because its first impact will It grew out of an inconsequen- ager and the man whose chair image, not because of him, but the controversy. She said that Mr. Corbliss said the results of tions created by widely scatte of roOms near 1967 and Mr. not be felt until 1965. Mr. Kiernan, having been elected tial Ssrangue between Milton he now fills, and concerns only a because of the council itself. ed tornadoes and some flooding the referendum wjll be a Clear Corbliss said he can see the need The board president stressed one year, among several success"How did he get the scrapIn portions of Mississippi, Ala indication as to whether the ma- for "at least one more school." Chat the high.school and the,ele- Garr, 298 Poole Ave., a regular scrapbook. Instigator of arguments at city Mr. Bowen, on Saturday, read book?," Mr. Garr demanded to ful campaigns here, had the high jority of the people will "sacribama and Tennessee. Board member Robert Morris mentary system will not vote but was spurned by, other fice" for the good of.the school know. The Red Cross said the twist predicted the school system reaching the point of '.'overcommissioners for selection as system. ; ers affected at least 58 families The mayor didn't think the mayor. She said Mr. Kiernan could again approach complete building." in Mississippi, 510 in Alabam: The board is seeking approval double sessions in five years U He called the proposed buildinj question pertinent and tried to accepted the decision without and 472 in Tennessee. The to to construct two 12-room elemen- no building program Is under- program minimal and reportec move along. Mr. Garr pressed quarrel. nado deaths occurred in thos tary schools, each with a multi- taken, ' the state had suggested a broad the point. So did a dozen or so "What makes Mr. Bowen think states Monday. purpose room, and a new 27-room R. Thomas Jannarone, superin- er building program, one thai he can't be fired?" she asked. wing on the high school. Bowen critics in the audience. She noted that one newspaper Major damage in Kentucky was tendent of schools, reported the would include library and othei caused by the flooding Big San- Approval . has been received student population has a yearly facilities in the elementarj Councilwoman Lucy Wilson recently published pictures of dy, Cumberland and Kentuckj from tfte State Department of net increase of approximately schools. thought she had an explanation, Mr. Bowen and his wife and their Rivers. The swirling waters Education on the plans, and the 500 pupils without any new hous- It was stressed that the pro FREEHOLD — The defense rested its case.yesterday in but it wasn't helpful. Councilmen !ive children. She suggested forced more than 25,000 person; state Division of Local Govern- ing developments and it will be gram is being offered as a com- Monmouth SCounty Court after accused murderer Rafael Soto Vincent Ronca, Julius A. Tomai- other papers publish pictures of to flee their homes, Archefel, 32, of 16 Elizabeth St., Keyport, refused to re-enact ni and Walton Fisher joined the the families of tha 10 city workment has given approval for the several years before an equally plete package because of the pos the killing episode with his attorney, Walter Fox of Asbury clamor: "How did he get the ers who lost their jobs. Lt. Gov. Wilson W. Wyatt asked district to exceed its debt limit large class is graduated from thi stbility of belter bids from con Park. President Kennedy to designate to finance the project. high' school. tractors on » larger program. book?" Among the Bowen supporters, 1 20 mountain counties as disastei Judge E l v t n R . Simmill will charge, the Jury this morning Mr. Corbliss termed it " a •«> Mr. Jones was out of the room David Herman, 445 Prospect areas. Helicopters were used and call for a verdict. First Assistant Prosecutor Solomon at the time and was called in be- Ave., news director ol Radio ordinated program," one whlc ferry food into isolated communitook into consideration the entiri Lautman has asked for a conviction in the, second degree. cause the book was supposed to Station WHTG, said he wanted ties while refugees were quartei system, kindergarten througl The state's witnesses have said the fatal knifing outside a be in the city manager's custody. to combat the statement by. a ed In public • buildings, school: high school. Keyport tavern Nov. 21, 1962, was-in a1 rage.of fury* He said he didn't know the an- councilman that Mr. Bowen had courthouses or moved in wit . Killed was Robert Burnham;-41',.of'.9l Gulfstream Dr., swer. The scrapbook, he said, bad press relations. He said, "We would be defeatrelatives. ng our basic purpose if we didn'l The state contends he was slain'while trying to suppress "is in the attic (of city hall an- The newsman said the managhive such a system." Archefel, who had been arguing with patrons in the bar. nex), it was there the day before er's relations were of the finest, TRENTON (AP)-Gov., Richard would get 10 per cent for admiMr. Fox, whose client declared he stabbed Mr. Burnham yesterday • and I have the only and declared Mr. Bowen regularJ. Hughes was on record today stratlve costs. with a scout penknife in self defense, asked Archefel to repron support of a 10-cent tax on The 90 per cent would be dise MCCLINTOCK, Page 2) (See SCRAPBOOK, Page 2) duce the incident step by step before the jury. each dollar of the admission tributed under a formula based The attorney planned to have Archefel fall to the ground, charge at New Jersey race on attendance at a race track on RED BANK — The Zoning allegedly under the weight of his attacker, whose role the a given day. If 20,000 or more at- Board of Adjustment tonight tracks. lawyer would take, and with the other man on top of him A bill providing for the increase tend, the county and municipali- will,hear the application from pull the knife from his pocket, open it and stab the aggressor was passed by the state assem- ties split 45,45. For smaller at- the U. S. Post Office Depart in the lower left side with a sweeping motion. bly Monday. Hughes told a news tendance totals, the county-munici ment Involving the construction MILLSTONE TOWNSHIP Archefel, who was questioned through an interpreter beconference Tuesday he hoped the parity share would varyat each 35-year-old man was killed anc of a new post office on Broad cause of a limited knowledge of English, replied in Spanish: RED BANK - Holmdel, Eaton- tion) districts were written off senate would soon follow suit. track. his 12-year-old daughter wounded St. "I have gone quite far in this case. I will not lose my town and Shrewsbury School dis- the board's accounts receivable. A general admission ticket to when a visitor sprayed theii The tax is designed to reimburse The new building Is tentativeself respect and allow him to lay on top of me." tricts will receive no refunds of The two districts had declined home with bullets shortly aftei counties and municipalities where flat tracks now costs $2; a club- ly set to be. built on property Before proposing that Archefel repeat the death act in court, tuition overpayments made to to pay extra 1958-59 tuition the state's three flat tracks and house ticket, $4. The standard ad- adjacent to the J. H. Kelly 11:15 last night. Mr. Fox, with the aid of another man, went through the steps the Red Bank Board of Educa- charges after it was discovered Sammy Jones of Sweeiman'i one harness track are located for mission price at Freehold harness Company building at Broad St. in an ante room during the luncheon recess. tion during the 1958-59 school the actual pupil costs that year La. was pronounced dead by Dr. extra police and road maintenance track is $1.20. at Harding Rd. The lawyer also demonstrated for the jury how quickly the were $550.29, up $40.28 from the year. Harry L. Harwood, assistant required during the racing jea- Hughes said the increase would The new pint office would penknife used in the slaying could be opened, drawing it from Holmdel, be of particular benefit to Cam- have access to the rear by way Following the advice of its at- previous estimate. >n. county physician, who said his pocket and opening one of several blades in a flash. torney, Theodore D. Parsons, the Eatontown and Shrewsbury, howdied of a stomach gunshol C o u n t i e s and municipalities den County and Cherry Hill Town- of Hudson Ave., a residential Leo Weinstein of Matawan is associate defense counsel. board agreed not to make the re- ever, paid the extra charges, but, would divide 90 per cent of ad- ship where Garden State Park i: zone. The Broad St. portion of wound. funds, which would have totaled following Mr. Raubinger's ruling, Miss Barbara Jean Jones suf- ditional revenues and the state located. the site Is in a commercial $10,774. The Shrewsbury district requested the board to make a fered a bullet wound in the right zone. The proposed site laywould have received $5,343; refund of the overpayments. arm. She was reported in fair out has been compared to that 1981-62 Returns Eatontown, $4,249, and Holmdel, condition this morning in Fitkin of the New Jersey Bell TeleUnder a ruling of 1958, which $1,176. Hospital, Neptune. phone Co. building, which is In his opinion, Mr. Parsons first affected the 1959-60 school located a few lots south of the State police have arrested pointed out there exists no state year, the state declared that repost office site. Plummer Douglas, 40, of Liberty MARLBORO — The Planning i The proposed four develop- statute or legal precedent which ceiving districts were permitted Ave., Hightstown, who, they said, Board last night scheduled pub-1 merits are: (1) Village Homes, authorizes the return ol the dis- t 0 s e e k adjusted payments if acadmitted the shooting. NEW SHREWSBURY — The it can adopt by a unanimous tual school costs were discovered lie hearings for four proposed owned by Brook Estates, Inc., puted funds. Douglas apparently visited thi Tinton Falls Sdwols Board of vote. to have risen. subdivisions with building lots to- Rt. 35, Neptune, for a 538-lot deJones home to see Mrs. Edna Education last night debated "The youngsters are very inRaubinger's Ruling Last night, the board agreed to taling 1,268 for their regular velopment on a 300-acre site on Mae Frazer, who was staying whether to adopt a book entitled terested in learning more on this Rt. 79 and School Road West; In January, Frederick M. Rau- refund to five sending district* meeting of April 9. there. Police said an argumen What You Should Know About subject,", he said. binger, state education commisabove $11,000 in over-charged tuiThe developments would be on (2) Brook Estates, owned by the broke out and Douglas produced Communism and Why" by Mat- At the same meeting, the sioner, denied the board the right tions for the 1961-62 school year. half-acre lots, but no indication same firm, for a 229-lot developa gun and began firing. thew Mestrovic, Ph.D., as an board approved a dual shelterto charge sending school districts ! was outlined on the proposed ment on a 150-acre site between the difference between an esti- The tuition charged, based on Douglas had been arrested Sun- eighth grade text. dispersal plan for school children estimates, was $769 per student. RED BANK —Dr. Herman O. plots what provisions would be Rt. 520 and Rt, 79; (3) Canadian mated pupil tuition set in adday and charged with assaulting They decided to refer Hie mat- in case of disaster. Actual costs were subsequently Mrs. Frazer. He was convicted ter to the education committee The plan presented a detailed Wiley, 326 Shrewsbury Ave., and made to supply water and sewer Woods, owned by U. S. Homes vance of the school year and the set by the state Department of and sentenced to 15 days in the For further study before taking method for taking or sending all Samuel A. Carotenuto, 29 Buena services. Board member Law t and Development Corp., Brick actual costs determined the folEducation at $751.21, up $17.79. Township, for a 464-Iot developrence Youngman pointed out that PI., last night were sworn into Monmouth County Jail, but was iny action. children home from the three The refunds will go to Shrewsment on a. 297-acre tract near lowing year. three-year terms on the Board of whether individual wells and sepreleased when he raised money bury, Little Silver, Holmdel, Superintendent of s c h o o l s schools here, if there were time Education. to pay his fine. tic tanks, or water and sewer Rt. 9, Gordon's Corner, Tennent The board did not appeal the to send them home. The plan and Church Rds,; (4) Oakwood decision, and last night the $21,- Eatontown, New Shrewsbury and He will be arraigned today be- George A. Malone said that Involves buses, ready at the Dr. Wiley, the board's vice iystems would be installed does Village, for a 35-lot development 602.17 in extra, tuition charges Shrewsbury Township. The last fore Magistrate Isadore I. Zlotkin eighth grade students are seek- school, and in some cases to be ^resident, and Mr. Carotenuto, lot necessarily have to be Inon a site located on Rt. 520 in anticipated from Little Silver and three named communities now ing further Information on compersonnel committee chairman, licated at this time, but would Investigator Peter Dunn of the driven by teachers, for those who the Pleasant Valley section. Shrewsbury Township (Tinton comprise the Monmouth Regionmunism, their curiosity stimuTennent state police barracks is ere re-elected in the school be hefore any building permit is 7 live far from school. Others ails> Schools Board of Educa- al High School district. lated by what they read in the Issued. In charge of the investigation. ilections last month. would walk. Board chairman Frank Rappa newspaper and by references in The seat of incumbent James The longest walk for children said that if all legal requiresocial studies texts. in the Sycamore and Swimming . Ilch, 95 Locust Ave., is being ments are not completed by the Teeters Disapproves River Schools would be about a contested by Donald D. Devine, April date, the hearing would bo He said, that this book, a pub- mile, or interms of time about 25 93 South St. who lost by two postponed. votes in his bid for election. lication of Scholastic Magazines, minutes. Page Murry Liberman, Deal builder, (Special to the Register) is adapted from a series of arti- The longest walk for pupils in Frederick M. Raubinger, comAdam and Eve ...: ,...11 NEW YORK — Mrs. Bessie who heads the Brook Estates FAIR HAVEN - It appears it meeting time may be set by tocles in' that magazine, planned the.Tinton Falls School would be missioner of education, is exAllen-Scott _ 5 pected to rule this week on the Layton of 395 Hampton Ave., firm, has revealed that the 538- will be another two weeks before morrow night, he said. 'or upper grade students, about a mile aqd a half. Amusements . _ 14 dispute following a recount of Hie Long Branch, appeared in Crim- home project is located oi Mrs. Miriam I. Harris said she Shelter-Dispersal Plan Jim Bishop ..." 6 Joceda Farm nwned by Pierre residents here get a clearer pic- The budget was defeated Feb. iad read the book, found it use- Many mothers will aid such an ballots held March 1 in Freehold. inal Court here Monday to sign Bridge 2S D. VanMatcr. The 229-lot devel- ture of their property tax bite 26 after the board reduced its 'ul and factual, and endorsed it. evacuation system, it was re- The board last night offered a a complaint against a Brooklyn first appropriation by $5,050 to John Chamberlain S opment is located in the neigh- for 1963. man, who allegedly snatched her Dr. D. Robert Teeters said, ported, by stationing themselves $4,800 contract to Mrs. Judith C. borhood of the American Legion The estimated tax rate still re- $410,535. The current expense Classified 22 however, that he disapproved of at strategic _spots along the way Cowburn of Eatontown to be an mrse. home. Mr. Liberman previously mains up in the.airiin spite of appropriation was set at $403,735;] Comics 23 ihe book because, he maintained, and urging children along toward auxiliary teacher in the elemen- Police said the victim was said he would discuss the grant- the fact that the tax levy for the the capital outlay, unchanged, Crossword Puzzle 23 alking near New York's Colisefails to make a sufficient distary schools. Mrs. Cowburn is ing of concessions to the town- Rumson-Fair Haven Regional totaled $6,800. Editorials _ 6 inction between the Communist ome. m at Columbus Cirlce Sunday graduate of State University ship such as water and sanitary High School has been established. Councils here and In Rumson 1 Hcrblock ...: 6 >arty and the ordinary people in The shelter plan, for use in •hen* the suspect grabbed the College, Potsdam, N. Y., and Movie Timetable 14 he Soviet Union and other Com- ase there should be insufficient has had one year's teaching ex- landbag, suspended from her left sewer facilities "even though the Borough Council and the Board Monday agreed the high school time to send children home, Inminimum lot size would remain of Education are getting ready to tax levy would be $556,482 down Obituaries 2 perience. The contract term be- irm, and fled. He was collared the same. luntst countries. volves seeking "the safest porsettle ,,the 1963-64 elementary $41,175 from the regional board's Sylvia Porter 6 y a nearby policeman. gins March 15. "There is a big difference be- tions" of each building. school tax levy which, like the first budget plan Lhat required a Television 14 The purse contained $21 and Robert H. Winerman, president ween anti-Communist feeling Board members agreed chat A moment of silence at the regional proposal, was twice de- $597,657 levy. Sports 20-21 : personal papers, police said. of the U. S. Homes firm, said no ind anti-Russian feeling," he the greatest danger" to either board's meeting last night was feated at school elections' last On Feb. 25, when the munlcl-' Stock Market 3 said, "This book conveys the plan would be parents who, offered in memory of the late Arraigned on a grand larceny definite plans have been made month. pal budget was adopted, the Iota! Successful Investing 3 dea that we should consider against all instructions, might Mrs. Orville L. Evans, who died harge before Judge Ludwig on whether to install a central Philip H. Roy, president of the tax rate was estimated at $3.56, Women's News 1H1 very Russian a mortal enemy." come to the schools to get their in Fallbrook, Calif., recently. Giowa was the defendant; Perry water and sewer system. local Board of Education, said up three cents over the 1962 rate. Double Discount Shoes children. Pupils' Interest Mrs. Evans, the former Miss . King, 28. All plans for water and sewer last night he is hopeful board and A breakdown set the local school Second • Avenue off Main St., Mr. Malone suggested that, by A "dry run" of the dispersal Margaret Thompson, taught In Lobster- Shanty Restaurant facilities would have to be sub- council could meet over the tax at $1.43; regional tax at 92 Bradley Beach. Grand opening larching'for other material, the plan will be carried out shortly, Red Bank schools from 1925 to King Crab Saute tonight. Point mitted to the township munici- weekend to consult on the cents; county, 54 cents, and muMonday, March 18.—Adv. board may be able to find a text Mr. Malone said. 1957. ' Pleasant Beach,—Adv. pal authority for approval, school's defeated budget. ~The nicipaT purposes at 67 cents. Question by School Board Will the People 'Sacrifice?' Scrapbook Causes Scrap Much Ado About Nothing, Or Is It Something? Says 'No' to Bid To Re-enact Death Race Track Bite Hughes Favors Tax on Admissions Man Killed In Shooting At Home Variance Sough By Post Office On Overpayments of Tuition Communism Book Stirs Board Debate Index Board Won HRefund Plan 1,266 Houses Marlboro Board Sets Hearings Two Seated On Board Of Education Signs Complaint In Purse-Snatch Tax Rate Uncertain School Budget Decision Due 2—Wed., 'March. 13, 1963 RED BANK REGISTER National, World News^in Brief Deaths Property Tax $eform Road Show Gain Obituaries Hughes to Seek Grossl Conference JAMES P. McGRAtL Sft. ; CAHUX RJgNTOtf - Traffic tealttiet in New Jersey so far this year HIGHLANDS — Janes P. M e RH9 BANK - Gerald CahlU,' hive gone ov«r the l«*J « | - Grail, ST., 76, of 43 Second St. died Mond»y in ftivercrest ' th County's died suddenly Sunday wJiile va-Nursing Home, Chapin Ave. TRENTON (AP)-40v. Rlchart meat Tuesday thtt a colftprorml* tSrbssI and Staatt Majority ares, and cationing in West Paid Beaoh, where he had been a patient 22 J. H Hughet sayi ha plant to .«*• to salvage tn» l l th law'* ' reQttirerotnt l t Leader Charles W. Saft&ntn Jr., ^ KnOWfl fib* ftCuOtl. fer with Senate Minorityy Leader that businessmen and farmers file R-Cape May, have said they would Attorney Gen. Arthur J. Sills Fla. months, From the Wire* of The Associated Preu Anthony J. Gross!, D-Passaic, be-tax returns on their machinery introduce s separate bill next said that as of last Sunday at *Mr7MoGrail was born in Pitts- Mr. Cahill was formerly of Vetore charting his next step on the and equipment got sidetracked-in Monday requiring the filing of re- midnight, 140 death* had been burgii, Pa,, and had Uved here ro'Beach, Fla. He was born in SOVIET TROOPS IN CANADA reported in the Mat*,Urn year, tt years. He wts a retired paint- Philadelphia, son of the late Mr. state's property w the '' turns. ' controversial t i l t ttw h senate. ate ' t U. S. sources-said today Soviet troops are leaving Cuba »t He said he thought legislative Oil his t?50 million bond ts- That compares with 133 at the and had been employed by and Mrs. Thomas Cahill and was relatively slow pace with only two days to go (or Premier KJirusl reform laws. The senate, bowing to the wish leaders of both parties had agreed sue, ._. the governor _ ... MM he would s u m .. tfmi a w a r etrlltr, ht __ tht „ „ U.S. „,„, It Ft+t married to the late Johanna Aev t6 honor hit ptedge to President Kennedy thtt "seven bi Shanahan. off businessmen, voted Monday the law would be postponed bit rathtr set the Mtlr* ptQMitl dt* MonBKWth, In that period, t k m Monmouth. thousand" would depart by mid-March. In Moscow, th« Commu- es lo postpone a tax assessment r»- an amendment would be ticked feattd lit a referendum than hive w m It deaths tach year. A World War I veteran, tit had Mr. a w l l was retired after a tlst tarty newspaper Pravda said the fourth ship tarrying spe- form law for a third straight on to still require farmers and only part ot tt approved. career as a mechanical engineer cialists who had been training Cubans in "powerful, up-to-da year. Gross! was one ot five seta- businessmen to file tax rtturhs, Hugh** proposed the bond ti* MRS. EDWARD L. IUTIW) served in tbt A m y » ytar*. dealing with Mgh explosivM. Soviet military teChnlijues" sailed tor home Sunday. It did nc ators who opposed postponement, to help the state find Out the' ef- got Jan. 38 U t mtanl of pro- UNION BEACH - Mrs. VKill Mr. McQratl w u • Surviving are thrte sons, Gersay how many were in Sunday's contingent or how many have The postponement bill is now fects of the law. A. Suttt*. ST, or Ml ITatoa k<n, cant el Our I**y«t Perpetual ald Cahill, Jr., of New ShrewsvUJIng a tiVfytUT Capltaf C left altogether. This is the first time any such departure story in the assembly where It facts The senate, however, voted the U60 program fw iltstltut *•< S l In BTOwMd Meitutkmt, high. «*d l a s appeared in the Soviet press, indicating the beginning of an uncertain fate. tal, Holt/mod, pottponement without the Cortj>r6> *tyi, * "" _ „ and lntmt^., a p u t prtsMNit ot the L. 1., and Norbert cahill "at Anainttpagatida build-up. y CIW, ttuw tt Hughet professed disappoint- mile. Ing state school lid without the Born In J e mWl ~,. — .._heim, Calif.; two daughters, Mrs. Sit M need for a broad-bastd tax. Hie the daughter of tht Tat* Edward WASHINGTON - A Itous* antitrust subcommittee, eyeing the ld be finanted by »nd Hajgerty Sutt bond issue would financed fcy Mid Anna Hatterty Suttoo. Shi and Miss Imogen* Cahill MJtWtwU, and a n*st decline of "toe-to-toe" newspaper competition in U. S. cities, behture tolls 6t tk» New Jwsty nl4 lived htrt SI " y«rs. t a M Astwry Part of New York Cityi 15 grandgins a month of hearings today aimed at finding out the cause Surviving a n her hatband, EdTurnpike. children, and 19 g^ea^gr«BdchilChapter ot the Wnbled AmeriMore than 40 witnesses, representing the government, publishers wirdd L. L Sutton; Stt two sons, FranP ttren. can Veterans, editors, business managers, advertising executives and unions will cis MltkeJI and Edward L. SutServices will be Friday at 10 tie called during the inquiry, the most intensive study of new: ton, Jr., and a daughter, Mrs. Survlvirtt are his wife, Mm. a.m. in the Catholic Church of Aftfi& wwth McCfwii ftv% •Ons. media Congress hai ever undertaken. Viola Stoppltlksill o f this the Nativity, Philadelphia. Local (Continued) ATLANTIC HIGHLAMKS-Bor- tarn would be reduced $2,837 #«tter I. McOratt ot Wttot arrangements are* under the ditour sister*, Mrs. Harry ough Council last night introPark, Middletown, Jamw P. Mefrom $9i,i»6 to $M,559. WASHINGTON — President Kennedy laid today the economy key w It must still be thtre." fer tt teaaeck, Mrs. Grace Mack rection Of the John E. Day Fuwill face "downturn and disaster" it Congress rejects proposed duced an amendment to the mu- no objections w e n raised at But how could tt be when Mr. and Mrs. Lillian MuMtck, both Grail of Uttte Egg Harbor, John neral Home, here. nicipal budget calling for a 41A; McOraU «t Yonkers, N. Y., last night'e public hearing on the tax cuts, slashes the budget and puts a tight lid on the national Bowwi had read from It Sahir- ot Vest' New York, and Mrs. MS. WILLIAM SODEN debt, In a significant attempt to broaden current debate over Cent decrease in the over-all tax proposed spending schedule. dayt Blanche McCoMigsn of Jersey rtantis P. McOnll ot Interrate. However, the governing body, by economic polity, Kennedy argued that tax cuts alone cannot InThere was no satisfactory an- a t y ; a brother, Edward tie* laktn and Martin D. McGrall of LONG BRANCH -"Mrs. Ethel Rivmfde Helens; three daughAuditor Herbert A. Borough H. Sotted, 8S, of 23 Fifth Ave. law, deferred budget adoption, «wer. But d«Hn| U intermission gerty, Jr., <rf RutturtbrtL and sure th» success «t his ideas tor Juicing up the economy, H< terj, MR, Elllne Dempsty, Mrs. aiefl vestertay In Monmouth Medsaid It ttlso is important to avoid "tn unrealistic debt telling or Carusoe said the decrease is one pending a public hearing on tnt« few imnutes l»t«r, a itportef proposed amendment, Kchedulsd called Mr. Bttfen and asked the Day's Funeral Home, Keyport, Pauline Hc-miak and Mrs. Ann fee.] center. budget cut." Wrong decisions in these three policy treat would, of the largest in the county. dt this place-, Born in Clarksburg/Mrs. Soden lie said, "spell downturn and disaster for the American economy The estimated tax rate for 19(3for March 416. question. is tn charge of arrangements. would be |3.19 per $100 assessed Council held over for further ildren, and three «reat-resided here » years. She was a s 1 whole." "Mr, Jones gave it to tat," he valuation under the proposed study four bids tor renovations tM 'I had asked the mayor to grandchildren. the daughter of the late William FRANK CILLO SR. WASHINGTON - Discovery of two hew strains of influtna budget amendment, as compared and addition* to the borough wa- get it for me so I could have MILLSTONE TOWNSHIP - •Hie foncrtl i»ill be Frtday at Angujtus and Aimie C. Ely Britter plant. vtnis-wit.h all indication* that (me «t them was largely mpoasibli to the 1962 rate of {3.60. use of the clippings without hav- Frank Cillo, ST., 80, ot Holmeson- 9 a n . from the John P. Condon t^, Bidders tor this winter's widespread flu epidemics—was disclosed today The budget as amended would ing to dig back through 18 ImUystown Rd. died yesterday U Funeral Home, Atlantic High- Mrs. Soden was a retired civil lands, to Our Lwiy «t Perpetual service employee, having worked The new strains were identified too late for this season's vaccim be reduced from an original to- BMfers were Layne New York, months of newspapers, but I was Mercer Hospital, Trenton. to include extra guards against then, It was learned. One it tal of $404,013 to $390,204. Inc., Linden, $12»,8TJ; Hrie J toM the book couldn't be found. Mr. Cillo was born in Italy. Help CTiurt* where a High at Fort Monmouth. She was a Requiem Mass will to ottered by member of Simpson Methodist new and potent lorm of the Asian flu virus which tint appeared The amount to be raised tor Matotiey Co., Rumsoti, lltt.tSi; "I was in th« early last He was a communicant of St at 9:38clMlrch> h e r 6 | M d , m 6 m b s r o { In 1957. And tfjis new (train it the One held mainly responsible taxation is set at $135,752, a de- Remsco Associates, Mauwan, week, •went to Mr, Jones1 office John's Catholic Cfanrch, Alleno \ * t * . Burial win be » Mt. Mt W i for f tor * i s year's outbreak of flu—with the available vaccine havtn( crease Of $5,834. Women's Society $121,000; and HiQer-Skogtano', and asked him for the book. He town. christtan M c ( , , only limited power against it, Public Health Service doctors told As' proposed originally, the Hi!!sd«l«, $124,550. said he hadn't been able to find Surviving are his wife, Mrs. OUvet Cemetery, Middletown. spending schedule would have res reporter. Mrs. Soden was the widow of 3 «• « *«88«st«i we look In the Angelina OUlo; three sons, PeCLARENCE 1. MOUNT quired a tax levy of $151,591 — The firm of Arttheimer, Jeske attic. He went up with me and ter Oik) and James Cillo of KEYPORT-darence J. Mount, William C. Soden. Shs is surand Arnheimer, Summit, consulthike of {16,000. SEOUL, Korea — A roundup of persons accused of plottini ing engineers, had estimated the * e found it on a ehett marked Holmeson, and Frank Cillo, St., 75, of 2M First St. died yester- vived by two' daughters, Miss of Ukehunt; and six daughters, Dorothy Soden and Mrs. Edto overthrow South Korea's military government has netted 31 The amended spending sohed- project to cost •etty manager.1 day la lhe Brookdaie Kurslfig win Nilson, both ot this place; persons to far, including three officers tota held key posts in ttu ule breakdown: "I toM him ! would like to bor- Mrs. June Guarino ot long Home. Hatlet. three . sisters, Mrs. Edgar A. regime. Officials today reported the arrest of 10 more persons, Municipal purpose las, 87 row It, promised 1 would return Branch, Mrs. Carol Cancro Ot Including Marine Maj. Gen. Kim Yoon-Kun. He resigned from cents, a five cent decrease; re- The governing body adopted an it exactly as it was, and he said New York City, Mrs. Helen Raw- Born here, he was the son of West, Mrs. Stanley Green and the late Joseph and Lavinia Miss Minette Britten, all of this the ruling Junta last month after serving as chairman of the Po gional school tax, $1.23, down 28 ordinance vacating a portion of 'go ahead" lt was s i m p l e as lings of Rutherford, Mrs. R Maita of Jersey City, and Misses Cokelet Mount. place, and two grandchildren. eign Affairs-Defense Subcommittee. Among those arrested on Men' cents; local school tax, ff cents, Simpson Ave. that." Surviving art Ms wife, Mrs. down seven cents, and county g day were reMred Marine It. Cen. Kim Dong-Ha, a former juntt Services will be tomorrow at Advised of this explanation, Catherine Cillo and Died Cillo, In other business, council: t E tax, 52 cents, down one cent. Margaret Emerick Mount; three 1 p.m. in the John W. Flock member, end Army Lt Gen. Park Im-Hnng, who was constructioi Authorized the local police de- Mr. Jones told the same report- both at home. Dtwn 11 Fer Cent The W. H. Freeman aad Soa dnnjoters, Mrs. William Goble of Funeral Home, here. Burial will minister until his arrest. partment to proceed with the sale er; When introduced last month, ot a dozen abandoned c a n that "I didnt give* Mm any book. Funeral Home, fteetttld, is b Union Beach, Mrs. Stanley Drwil be in Maplewood Cemetery, Freethe municipal purpose tax rate ot Matawan and Mrs. John Cal* hold. have been (owed 0 0 borough He had a scrapbook under Us CHICAGO — Railroad management and onion representatives andra ot Beltord; a sister, Mrs. streets. appeared to be far apart on ground rules for negotiations today called for a seven-cent hike. arm when he came in the office. MRS. JUUAWA GUNSKI OHva MoTflvaine tfl South Am- MRS. MARGARET E. MABIE • s they meet In a new attempt tn reach agreement In their long tinder the budget amendment, Borough Attorney Henry J, Sa- We went upstairs to look far HOLMDEL - Mrs. Julitnnft boy, and seven gianudtiklien. MIDDLETOWN TOWNSHIP and crucial dispute over work roles. Each side said it is hopeful the local purpose tax is down ling saifl proceeds of the tale another book and couldn't find Glinskl, IS, of Rt. U died yesterThe funeral will be Friday at jjrs. Margaret E. MaWe, «1, of would go to the policemen's re- it. He !eft with the same hot* he of agreement on the issues but neither would go so far as to pre- 5 per cent, day afternoon ia the Holradel II a.». In the Bedle Faaeralas Navesink River Rd. died The budget amendment would tirement fund. dict a successful outcome of the talks. The principal issue concame with." Nursing Home. Shs "was the wid-Hume, .here, with Rev. John Tuesday in the Ivy House Nursfronting the negotiators is the jobs of some 65,600 trainmen and reduce general appropriations for Directed the borough building Then, back to Mr. Bowen: Sharpe, pastor *t the Reformed ^ H o m e ^ ow of Alexander Glinskl. yard, workers—Including 40,000 firemenr-which the railroads seel municipal purposes $5,01)0 from and police committees to inspect "This Is utter nonsense, .There $M0,«45 to $305,«45. four local properties on Bay Ave., was only one book with -clippings. Mrs. Glimki wai bora in Po- a«nrchr«O«daHng. Borlal will She was the widow of Frank to eliminate as unnecessary. land She Wak a comrauniamt of be In Grees Grove, Cemetery, Mabie. She had lived here 50 R also provides for withdraw- South Ave., at the northern end al ot $115,491) from surplus,' re- of First Ave. «ad behind Fire- tf I already ted lt, why would St. Gabriel's Catholic Church, Matawan. years. ' I be up there asking tor It? WASHINGTON — Secretary of the Navy Fred Korth said tpdaj ther than 9110.000, and increases men's Memorial Field for recomBradevett. Mrs, Mabie was born in Irehe recommended the General Dynamics Corp. version of the TFX by $10,000 the anticipated reve- mendations for possible condem- There h another scrap book, but ROB£ST STE1NMANN daughter ot the late John It doesn't have anything in It and Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. ATUNTIC HiGHLANDS-Rob- land, fighter plane without any dictation from Secretary of Defense nue from gross receipt taxes. nation. ^ Eliza Jane Johnston. She it Is In Mr. Jones' own office Otto Winter of Union Beach, and Robert S. McNamnra or any political or industrial influence. KwtJi The capital improvement acSt f* S?5!L J 7g> £to S ^ ! S i aMenaed Trinity Episcopal of director ot public works." gt told the Associated Press he decided against the rival Boeing Co. count would be reduced from Ave. d M Monday Riverview ch B r e h i R e 4 Bank andwas a Meanwhile, Mr. Jones had The funeral mil be Friday at 8 Hospital. proposal for an advanced all purpose Navy-Air Force fighter be- $25,000 W $M,0M. «* a * Woodmen's Circle, brought Into the) council chamber t-m. froa the Higgini Manorial Bom in New 'Vorfc City, he had member cause that proposal fell short On two basic points, one Of them The reserve for uncnllected j ^ realistic cost estimates. "It was not dictated," Korth caid in an scrapbook which contained Home, Freehold, to St. Gabriel's lived here 3S years. Church where a Requiem Mass Surviving are a nephew, WilInterview. "It was a decision that Secretary of the Air Force nothing. will be offered ty the pastor. He was a «tirefl corporatlOB o ^ , of OutteRberg, Eugene Zuckert and T made jointly and independently and then r ., . . and two nieces, Mrs. Earl De»* made our recommendation to McNamara." Bowtn comaeat, Mr. 4oae» aaUu O'clock. Burial Will b« in S t Ga- Swrvwing sister, Mrs. . are a M M t e l rf RivM Mrs. ,"Thi* Js the bosk I Was talk- briel's Cemetery. Louise Worft ot this place and UrUe saver. NEW SHREWSBURY — The ing about. It has nothing in it." leveral nieces aad nephews. Services will be held Friday at GUARAHHU SERVICES Tinton Falh School Board -of Ed' Reminded he had told council Tba. funeral will be tomorrow 11 a.m. at the Adams Memorial New Jersey—Cloudy wifli perticathn last night adopted a he had seen a acrapbot* in the LONG BRANCH - Services for at t p.m. ia the Postea Funeral Home, with Rev. Canon Charles iods of rain today, high in the salary guide for the coming year attic and that no «ne could have Thomas Don Guaraada. IS, *t Home here. 40s in the northwest to the midfound dead in at 11 a.m. i NEW SHREWSBURY — Ed- which increases starting Salaries removed It because lie had the 145 Morris 50s in the southeast. Clearing wand C. Bennett ft Sen, Beltord, by tioo, and maximum salaries only key, and thtt the empty bis car Sunday, will be Friday tery, Flushing, N. Y. RIVERVIEW View Cemetery. tonight,' low in the 20s in the won a contract last night far by $200. book had been brought front his at 2:10 p.m. in (he Damiano FuRed Buik northwest to Mr. and Mrs. Viaeent Retail paving and cutting at the Swim- One cttp is added to make a own office, he said: neral Home, here, with Rev. RobMERRIS SERVICES ' the low 30s in 02B Eatoncrest Dr., Ealontown ming River School grounds for 16-step guide. "I guess I was mixed up. This ert Bonham of the First Pres- RED BANK — Services for RANLET, JAMES ot RPD 1. Mlrtinithe southeast. laughter, yesterday. M. J., ttormetlj> of Btatffll ZtlnK). $2,374. • The teacher with a bachelor's is the. book. _I meant and it was byterian Church officiating. Bins Mrs. Alice A. Merris of Throck- viltt, On Hutch li. 1M3. Devotee l«htr ot Thursday fair, Mr. and Mrs. Gany Benson, This was the tow bid from six degree wlU start at $»,M0, and in my office. ial will be in Woodbine Cemetery, motion Ave., who died Monday Hrs. Gdnft 8trachan, David J., Jftmei, high in the 40s Cnoll Ter, Hjzlet, eon, yester- local bidders. Edward, Robert and Mrt. Marion eelfcould work op in 15 more years "Look, this is all about coth- Oceanport. hi her home, <will be tomorrow km, ol wuuam, Davia, Jtct, . Marine ill. Chlrte* and Mm. Ortcs lay. -,-, ' Falls Schools to $7,200. The first year's in- ing. Who carcsT" The Traton Mr. Gnaranda died Some time at 8:% e m . from the John E. survived by 14 rrondchll. Cape May to Board of Education also ap- cremeat is H<K). The salary goes And that was U » end <rf that- alter leaving tils horn* Saturday Day Funeral Home, here, and at SSiT Sna Block Island- Mr. and Mrs. Peter Jewell, Winds mostly 73A Forest Ave., Keansburg, proved apending $175 to have vp «0O in each ot the next six, unless It becomes another chap-night trf a .52 calfttt rffle briBetS a.m. to S t lames landscape architect Andrew J. years, aad after that increases ter in the Bbwen hearing slated wound. Police ssMl he apparently Church. Burial win be in Mt. Kills, suten ItWid. Servlcet will be easterly 10 to on, yesterday. conducted 6n Frldiy, March IS at 9 by $150 « year until the maximum to resume Friday night took his own Bfe. OHvet Cemetery, MMffletown. fc.ni. linement MBntvlan Cemetery. IS knots today Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Granil laonand of Bettord draw up a is reached. comprehensive planting plan for 325 New Ocean Ave., Ion; s h i t t i n g to The scale for a teacher with a the lohboi grounds. northerly 15 to ranch, son, yesterday. This plan will be used u a master's degree or the equivalent MONMOUTH ME0>|CAL 20 knots this evening etna workguide to immediate and future goes from $5,000 to $7,500 b y | CENTER ing (pto north to northwest on stagts indentical with those o n | planting there. TmirSday. Cloudy with periods Long Branch of rain today followed by clear- Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bruhn The board also. approved an the bachelor's degree guide. Ing tonight and fair Thursday. Craig PI., New Monmouth, expenditure of $1,990 for stage At the tame meeting, the board and window curtains at the accepted a report from the cu-u Visibility near one mile this morn- m, yesterday. perintendent, George A. MaloneJ ing, improving to three to five Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Olden, 2: Swimming River School. 13 MAIN ST. miles this afternoon and over five ank St., Red Bank, daughter Board secretary Louis A. Stein. on criteria lor the selection oil] muller reported that when tihese teachers. It was referred to ths miles this evening. iterday. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Robertson, xpendltures have been made, personnel committee for studyij SH 1-5292 7414350 13 Mechanic St., Red Bank, Km, about $7,000 will be left from the with a view toward adopting itH TIDES $2M,W» bond issue for the addi as board policy. •esterday. Sandy Hook Mr. and Mrs. Charles Morro, tion to the school. A portion of will pirobably be used for Today—High 10:01 p.m. and Forrest Ave., Keansburg, this planting at the school. low 4 p.m. Tomorrow — High wghter, yesterday. 10:10 a.m. and 10:37 p.m. and Whatever is left out of this, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Bak- after any last minute purchase, (Continued) low 4:17 a.m. and 4:29 p.m. 100 Navesink Ave., Highlands, may be transferred into the cur-ly attempted to cover up for the II For Red Bank and Rumsan jn, yesterday. rent operating account, he said. council «n stories which hadII bridge, add two hours; Sea Bright, deduct 10 minutes; Long Mr. aod Mrs. George Wester- He pointea out that in the past, mMe embarrassing heattinet for elt, 35 Shore, Haven Rd., Hat Branch, deduct 15 minutes; Highwith new school construction, the the city. t, daughter, yesterday. lands bridge, add 40 minutes. board has always been left vrith On the question of whether Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Migllore, some final work which had to Bowen li»d created offidal dis-|| Hudson Ave., Red Bank, be paid for in tihe next year's harmony, Mr. Herman said: aughter, yesterday. capital outlay. The Swimming "When a great conductor]! Mr. and Mrs. John R. Connet, River addition, tjhough, will not stanfe before interior musicians,]] Cloverdale Cir., New Shrews- call for new capital outlay, hww- Uiere may not be harmony. But| ury, son, yesterday. ever small, in next year's budg- do we get rM ot Wie conductor or j Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Latham, et, according to figures presented get better musicians?" I i3 White St., Shrewsbury, son, last night. William J. Fottana, J12 Uncoln londay. Mr. Stelnmuller also reported Ave., also making hil first Bp-I| Mr. and Mrs. Howard Demi, hat this year's payment of pearatice as a speaker at a counTRENTON (AP) — The State 54 Main St., Oceanport, daugh •ral aid funds, to amount" to cil meeting, urged that Uie reaCivil Service Commission has up- >r, Friday. ibout $72,000, reflect an advan- sons offered tor dismissing the I PATTERSON ARMY held the dismissal of Thomas age sought when this district re- manager be tacked up at theli Fort Monmouth Miko from the Passaic police fionalized last year: An increase hearing. force. 'FC and Mrs. Claude E. Wesi A albout $23,000 over what would "I found myself completely! SWIFT'S PREMIUM—AGED AND SEASONED i North Broadway, L o n ave been paid to schools here amaied," said the Fort Mon-I Miko, of 98 President St., PasRJU.Y TRIMMED ranch, son, Monday. mouth civilian engineer, " . . . we 1 operating as a local district. Sale, wax fired five weeks after he joined the force for conduct PFC and Mrs. Daniel C. Moel- Under other business the were conducting an impeachment| OUf TO ORDER 15 Crawford St., Shrewsbury hearing of our highest admJnit-j ward: contrary to good order and dis— Voted to advertise for bids trative official.., however at nort cipline and assault on a citizen. 'ownship, son, Monday. point were the charges further j A girl friend filed a complaint PRESBYTERIAN MEDICAL for supply purchases; CENTER — Added the name of Mrs. Mary developed . . , What was the evithat he had punched, choked her had Mr. Bowetijl New York Sue Wittenmayw of this borough dence! and pulled her hair in her apartthe list of approved sirbstt done? ment following a night of drink- Dr. and Mrs. Edwin D. Bran"Mow can I, citizen, pass II ing and dancing. Neighbors ime, Jr., 295 Sunset Ave., Engle- utes; M>d, daughter, Tuesday. called police. — Voted to close schools at judgment on the capabilities of 11 p.m. during the week el March my elected and appointed officiMiko described the incident as ST. PATRICK'S DANCE 29 for f parent-teacher h confer- als? . . . At this rate I will never I • lover's quarrel. The woman KEANSBURG — The Ancient 5-29 ences; know. later withdrew the complaint. rder of Hibernians will hold its — Approved a contract with "Does the cifen ot Long Civil Service Commissioner rath annual St. Patrick's Day William G. Dowd Jr., turned ance Saturday at 8 p.m. in the he Petersen System, Inc., for Branch no longer have the right)) 1,372, for materials »nd edvis- to face Ms accusers, and offer Ij down MBto's appeal on grounds lab's hall at 121 Main St. The >ry service for teaching hand- eviaence l« his detente? If we that his dismissal was in the still respect individual rights, best interest of the police depart- rogram will feature dance bands writing; and every floor oT the building to • Voted to pay a Back tuition then it must be that Mr. Bowen ment.1 commodate those interested ii bill of $4,601.57 to Red Bank for is not a efflten. Only thus can|| "The position of patrolman is ish and American dancing. the 1960*1 year. This bill ts con-we deny him his moral rights." EcoMnrieat • n exemplary one that comsidenibly smaller than the first mands respect," Dowd s a i d , Cossacks sought refuge in 1855 bill submitted, which was" dis- Buying or Belling? Us* t h e | BACON "But it also demands exemplary, 'hen Tsar Nicholas I banned allowed by the ctate Board of Register Classified for quick conduct from the patrolman." ' elr beards. Education. 6ults.-Advertl#emeM. n 41-Cent Tax Cut Called Biggest in the County Scrapbook mm Weather Salary Guide Is Adopted Bennett Gets By Board Paying Job 4t School MONMOUTH MIA TS 110 MONMOUTH ST. USD BANK BRANCH AVENUE LITTLE SILVER EATONTOWN t l 2-0743 McClintock OLD FASHIONED - BONELESS BRISKET - ALL CUTS g^ CORNED BEEF 6 9 LEAN-TEMDER lean - Mrtty Firing Of Patrolman Is Upheld Jf SPARE CHUCK RIBS ROAST PAN HEADY 5-& Ib. S b e FOWL C c Ib SIRLOIN T-BONE LEAN—RIB SIDE III Um.Fresh Ground CHUCK CHOP 49 49 49 69 IC c Ib G Ib STEAK89 LOIN of PORK 00 39 Short Ribs OP BEEF RED BANK REGISTER SuccessfulInvesting IOIOU6H OF MONMOUTM , Volatile Science Shares May Upset Riviera Flans By ROGER E. SPEAR UtIIOM WeA, March 13, • 1963-3 1MCH CptlNTY, NiV JIMEY ZONING MAP R-8 K - l KSBEXTUL ZONE B-l H M W K U L 2 M E B-Z C0HHERCUL 20HC 8 - 3 OMMEIICUL ZOMC LKHT MOUSTRUU.'ZOW M-Z HEAVY INBOSTHuU. ZONE Q,—"I'm 60 years of age. I in- here is entirely disproportionate, tend to retire in five y e a n and For diversification, I would set spend half of each year on the350 shares of Magnavox and pu Italian Riviera. I own 300 Dynam- the proceeds into American Cyai ics Corp of America, 25 Fair- amid and Frlto-Lay. And I en' child Camera, you the Riviera. 50 Litton, 550 Q.—"Some time ago, you a< Magnavox, 50 vised a reader to switch his stocl M i n n e a p-from a balanced fund to th olis Honeywell, stock fund of the same company 150 Penick & Would you explain the different Ford, 50 Zenith. between the balanced fund anc I would appre- the stock fund and why you pre ciate your com- fer the latter?" HAPPY TASK — Keyport Borough Cleric Mrs. Adelaide ments." H. B. Crammer, tits at desk in borough hall occupied by her R. G. A.—I don't necessarily. for 39 years. After July I, \he will retire from public A . - at is In the. instance to which yo Roger E . Spear very pleasant refer, the reader needed growti service. to hear from a man who hasover a period of time, which 9 made definite and attractive plans more readily attainable throu, for his retirement and obviously a stock fund than through a ba) anced fund. The former placet is going to fulfill them. , My main criticism of your list its money almost entirely in' com KEYPORT — "There has nevei since she married Richard Crammon stocks, which will push th< been a day that I didn't want to mer. He was a local blacksmith Is that it i s too strongly represented In science stocks, many of fund shares up in a strong mar come to work — I've enjoyed at the time,-as was his father mull In before him. which are very volatile. Because ket. Unfortunately for many stod every minute of it." I think the present price level fund holders, these shares ca Those were the words of Mrs, Later he was employed by the UNION BEACH ZONING MAP —New zone code, which Planning Board expects to submit to Union Beach Boris too high, I advise you to sell mova down in a bad market, Adelaide B. Crammer, .borough local Board of Education and as ough Council next month, would contain zones as shown on this official map. B-l, B-2 and B-3 are commercial your Fairchild Camera, Litton, was clearly demonstrated la clerk here for the past 39 years. a special police officer. and Zenith — and re-invest in year. On Monday night she announced The couple had one daughter zones; M-l is for light industry and M-2 for heavy industry. All other property, the R-8 lone, is residential, with American Express. A balanced fund is a moi that she will retire July 1. Who now lives in New Brunswick, minimum lot lize of 7,500 square feet. Large (210-acre) section at upper left is East (Conaiconlc) Point. Mrs. Crammer, who came here Bora in Washington, N.J., Mrs, I like Magnavox as a growth stable investment, since norma as a bride 42 years ago, hasCrammer was educated in Newsituation, but your commitment a substantial proportion of money is invested in bonds a n served under eight mayors, some ton and graduated from Newton mitted in Zone B-2, except that minimum lot size of three acres preferred stocks, which tend of them Republican, some Demo- High School. She attended additional requirements such as is recommended by the board. vary little in price. Balance crats. business college in Easton, Pa. larger parking areas would have M-2 Heavy Industry - the Natco funds usually trade within a nai "Keyport is politically minded, Borough officials Monday night to be met. The B-2 Commerical tract bordered by Franklin Ave., row range over a period of time ffcd they jplay politics heretothe spoke glowingly of the borough Zone provides for lot size min- Rt. 36, Thorns Creek, and the (Mr. Spear connot answer al hilt," she declared. clerk's 39 years of service to the imum of 10,000 square feet. bay. In addition to'uses permail personally but will answe "But "in spite of the politica! town. TJiey all agreed that it B-3 Commerical - the East mitted in Zone M-l Light Inall questions possible in his cc differences, I have no unpleasanl won't be the same without her UNION BEACH - The Plan- by the east side of Unicn Ave, Conasconk Point tract bordered dustry, more basic heavy inumn). memories. I have always bee at the council table next year. ning Board's part in a one-year and by Shore R d . a n d fron by Chingarora Creek and Raritan dustrial uses which meet certain treated well b y everyone I'v< zoning project came to an endLorillard Ave. south to Cam- Bay, a-d also that land bordered standards would be allowed. A rVODOLETOWN - The Board worked wifli through the years." bridge Ave. by Dock St. and Front St, to minimum lot area of five acres of Education will receive bids here last night, and only three- Typical of the types of busi- Second St. over to Florence Ave. is recommended. Mrs. Crammer was also welApril 3 for the construction of a residents, out of a population of fare director here for six years. nesses permitted in this zone are and In addition, the land During the public discussion of nine-room addition to the LinAny Changes? almost 6,000, were on hand to retail stores such as food, drug bordered by Spruce St.," south the Zoning Board proposals, croft Elementary School. Changes in Keyport over thi and hardware and service stores to Flat Creek and from Third former Councilmen Maurice Oaksee its completion, H e board authorized its secyears? such as dry cleaning, barber and St., to the Bay. ley and Philip J. Cassidy obDespite the disappointing turnretary to advertise for bids after beauty shops. A minimum lot "Not many," the borough clerk out, members of the Planning size of 4,000 square feet is The B-3 Commercial Zone jected, respectively, to the zonreceiving word that the state answered. / ing classification for the East would be exactly like the B-2 Board and Zoning Board indi- recommended for this zone. Department of Education had ap- NEW YORK (AP) - Tobacco "Keyport kind of stands Mil: MATAWAN - The Board o Zone, with the exception that Point tract and. to the creation proved the plans for the addi- and steels paced another mode: It's been a quiet sort of town Fire Officers last night informed cated they will recommend the B-2 Commercial'- land on Rt. the type of commercial uses of the B-l commercial zone out tion. ate stock market rise yesterdaj with not much room to expand. Borough Council that it disap- adoption of a new zone code 36 from Seagate Ave. to thewould be expanded to include of a former residential area. at next month's meeting of This project and a similar size Trading continued slow. But I believe the master pla proves dead-end streets and Natco Tract and to extend north hotels, motels, etc. After expressing ' her disapaddition to tin Middletown Vil- It was the fourth straight ses and the new apartments comin, turnabouts in builder' Howard Borough Council. on the east side of Union Ave. lage School will wrap up a $3.75 sion hi which more stocks ad in may help it to change am Siegel's proposed Danamar de- The new zoning map provides to Aumack Ave., then easterly M-l Light Industry - land pointment at the small turnout,, bordered by Florence Ave. and Mrs. Jayne Ellis, chairman of million building program started vanced than declined. progress. velopment off New Brunswick for six zones, as follows: to the East Creek. Also included the Jersey Central Railroad. This the Planning Board, pointed out by the board back in 1959. Ave. is land bordered by Stone Road "With <he apartments, Keyport All residential zones will.be area would be restricted to light that "in any activity such as The Middletown Village project Prices were mixed early in tt can grow up, instead of out. The subdivision recently was designated R-8, with a minimum and Poole Ave. industrial uses, such as ware- this, it is impossible to satisfy day, but assumed a mild uptren Is expected to start shortly. The same type of business per- houses, laboratories and fabrica- all of the people. However, w e following a rally by the tobacco They'll bring new people, new approved by t h e Planning lot size of 7,500 square feet. Cost of (he Middletown project The tobaccos-advanced on new ideas,, trade for the businessmen, Board. Its vaiairman, Angello B-l Commercial-land bordered mitted in Zone B-l would be per-tion of light machine parts. A tried to do the best w e could." Is approximately $173,000. Offi- that the American Medical A and ratables. I'm very happy to tomasello," voted against it. cials estimated the cost of thesociation has decided to drop see them, coming here," she The fire oficers also stated tha Lincroft School to b e about the proposed year-long study of th beamed. .. . . • the department is not satisfied tame as the Middletown project. possible relationship between di: . . 'Make Room' with water pressure in new hous1 T h e board agreed to reconsid- ease and the use of tobacco. Though she "hates'- the ideing developments. er the location of high school of retiring, ("I almost criec Take Steps graduation ceremonies this year. Tobacco stocks, although the when I announced it the other The ceremony i s set for June have been responding in recent night") Mrs. Crammer believes Mayor Jotoi W. Applegate said sessions to selective investment Do we attach too much signifi- examinations and therefore is the techniques can set the stage for council hopes to take steps this 19. demand, have been laboring un- "we all have to quit sometime year to increase water pressure best route to better grades in a comeback. cance to grades? Parents Object and make room for younger peoRED BANK - The 14th annual the handicap that this stud; in the borough. the course. „ The board had decided to hold der ple." •/• high school mathematics contest Often I'm asked "Shouldn't ma- Good grades depend on read- Whether the drop in grades ocnight result in unfavorable pul Borough Attorney Edward W. the ceremony in the high school licity. 'For me, working has been will be given to 21 seniors from jor emphasis be on learning, ing, listening and organization of curs at junior high, senior high _ Currie reported that council i s or college level, the warning gymnasium. Several parents of od, especially since my husRed Bank Catholic High School rather than grades?" knowledge. Just because high should be heeded and immediate senior students appeared before Buying came into the grou band died five years ago. But acting on a complaint by Milton tomorrow. briskly enough to place three ti F. Stevenson, president of Mata Well, . t r u e Bradea t«nuire something more steps taken to bolster sagging ths board asking that'the affair now I look forward to relaxing wan Bank. In 1962, 170,000 students from ' learning is a from you is ho argument against learning skills. be held outside weather per- bacco stocks among the 15 mo: and traveling." high schools throughout the conactive issues. difficult thing their importance. Here are some This reformation will not come mitting. "I've been to Bermuda, Flori Mr. Stevenson has asked that to measure specific skills involved: about automatically. It isn't just This has been the practice for Steels came along with modei da and Canada, and next year, I the one-way-street traffic direc tinental and extra-territorial Unitate gains, responding belatedl; tion on Church St., between ed States and Canada took part bjt since some —The ability to read, under- a matter of trying harder, 11 years. plan to go to Europe," she anBroad and Main Sts., be reversed in this examination contest, sponm e a s u r e of stand and follow directions grades indicate the flaw.lii Officials said that in past years, to reports of mounting orders ani nounced. since traffic now is being di sored jointly by the Mathematisuccess in (Once established, this process faulty learning habits. inclement weather forced post- production. These stocks had Mrs. Crammer has lived in the cal Association of America am school is essen- becomes a habit essential for pro- Unless you find out how to ponement of the ceremony which absorb some "sell" advisorie ime house, at 65 Broad St. verted from the business district. tial, g r a d e s motion on many jobs.) Mr. Currie said .council has in-the Society of Actuaries. resulted in extra work and re-Monday but they digested "thesi learn more efficiently and put well enough to move ahead will seem to be Che —Skill in taking tests. (An in-your know-how into practice, you formally asked the state Motor The purpose of the contest is arrangement of plans for the afPlywood was actively traded and fair unanimity. , b e s t answer creasingly worthwhile ability in will drift further downward in Bureau if i t vrould approve the to develop scholarship and infair. up % Katz Drug rose %, Gulton we have come present day society.) grades until plans for college, terest in mathematics, to enrich On this basis,' the board de- The rest of the market pei Industries 1%, and Stelma \- change. Dr. Nason up with so far. —Handwriting skill and the or even high school graduation, cided to schedule the ceremony formed pretty much as it has fc Kratter lost %, Creole Petrole- When council originally made and supplement daily classroom the past several days, jogging the street one-way, it was done instruction, and to show that se- For one thing, teachers are ability to recite. (Everyone must be abandoned. for the gym. um %, and Flying Tiger y4. illegally — without state approv- lective problem-solving can be "forced" to give some attention realizes the necessity of com- If an improved study technique The board agreed after hearing the upside on balance, with i Corporate bonds had a slightly vestment demand just enough al. Councilmen said at the time to every child in the class by themunication.) approach proves Ineffective, look parents to restudy the situation. higher edge. U. S. government they knew it was illegal, but that used not ony in learning mathe- very fact that grades ultimately —Getting along with teachers, for another source of difficulty. outweigh selling. matics but also in formulation Graduation ceremonies for the bonds were mostly unchanged. the measure was "temporary.' must be assigned. co-operation and appearance, Sometimes the cause i s physical Thorne and Thompson Intermedi- Volume continued low at 3. and solving problems. Yesterday's closing stocks: That was more than a year ago. (These are assets in any field of or psychological and, in these ate Schools will be held June 17million shares compared wil Measure of Your Mastery Those taking the examination ACF tnd 82H II-T-E Okt Brit 15 3.17 million Monday. The governing body received endeavor.) cases, professional help is and 18, respectively. are: Philip Apruzzi, Joseph Chap- Of course grades can be Ailami Ex 25K I Johns U l n u rom the Planning Board a proThe Dow Jones industrial avei The board Wred the following Air Prod 61? ski, Geraldine Chierchio, Thomas measure of learning. I attempt Improving all these skills, needed. JoneB Jk . L Air Reduc posed ordinance regulating inage gained 1.18 at 675.20. which are the elements upon Your grades, when achieved new teachers for the 1963-1964 Joy Mfg Alleg Cp stallation, size and location of allCullen. Raymond Fasano, Donald to make students see the easiest which you are graded is prepaia- through true learning, are a The rails steadied and nudged AUtg Lad 31H Kalaer Al school year: Fitzpatrick, Thomas Flynn, Rob- way to get a high grade in a Alleg Pw SO types of signs in the borough Kennecott ahead on balance. Analysts havt tion for a successful life. legitimate goal and deserve all Edward W. Barnes, Woodbury, Allied en u The proposal was taken under ert Froese, Sandra Heberer, course is to learn and understand Chil 16 U Koppera Value as a Warning the emphasis they are receiving. intermediate grades, $5,400; Miss been worrying about the fai Allli : >» s'lbiect material James Iazzetta and James Kelly. Alcoa am Kreage, S3 advisement. Grades also serve as an alarm that rail shares have Janet L. Bol, Cliffwood, eleAm Alrlin 1S>,4 Kroger Also, Robert Kraybill, Thomas Progressive organization of bell. A substantial drop in (You may obtain a copy of Dr. Brk Sh 54 Accept Resignation mentary, $4,800; Miss Beverly while industrials have been a Am Lehlgh CAM Am Can Council accepted She g Lalli, Robert Marko, Carol Oc- knowledge (true learning) makes grades usually indicates that ear- Nason's "You Can Get Better 52% Leh Port C Britt, this place, primary, $4,- vancing, looking upon this as a: Am Cyan 2114 MFdy tion of Mrs. Vincena Dietz, chiogrosso, Claire Rocco, Robert further learning in the same field ier good grades were achieved rades" booklet by sending $1 Leh Val Ind 800; and Miss Patricia Ann Bru- ill omen for the market's tecl Am 20Am Mot LOF Glaaa 63 clerk in the borough' clerks' of- Ruggierio, Paul Schissler, John possible. This organization forms without true learning. In these to "Better Grades," Box 2160, Am Smelt no, Shrewsbury, primary, $4,800. nical position. Am Std 1_3 % Lib HeN*L ice. Mrs. Dietz i s moving out Sidwa, Donald Smith and Robert the best preparation for taking cases a redneck of your study General Post Office, New York.) New Teachers The Associated Press averagi Am Tel Tel 121 Llgf * MJ Vazquez. Tob 31H of town. Also: Miss Judith E . Fitzger- of 80 stocks rose .4 to 258.0 wi Am Am Vlscon " " • Litton Ind The governing body asked resi- For contest purposes, the UnitIno Lukeci SU ald. Hailet, high school English, industrials up ,7, rails up . Amp Anaconda Mack Trk dents to support proposed Btl ed States and Canada are divid$4,800; Mrs. Mary Jane Fournier, and utilities unchanged. Armco Stl Marath Oil A-97 introduced recently in theed into 10 regions. Separate Colts Neck, elementary, $4,800; Of 1,278 issues traded, 590 a Armour ArmBJ Ck Martin M tate legislature by Assemblyman awards will be given to winning Miss Janet Gillen, Long Branch vanced and 420 declined. Nev Ash! OH Merck . Clifton T. Barkalow. students in each region. A pin art. $4,800; Miss Mary Elaine highs for 1962-63 totaled 18. Then Atchiaon MOM Atl ReUif AVco Corp The bill would change the will also be presented to the Ronca, Long Branch, music, $4,' were two new lows. Minn M i l l Bibcock W Mo Pac A method of fixing the share of highest student in each high 800; Miss Kathleen Restivo, Eleven of the 15 most activ Bald Lima. Mont Ward Bait & Oh dhool operating costs among school. Ths examination will be MATAWAN - The tax rate county tax, 44 cents, no change, He noted, however, that the Rumson, social studies, $4,800; stocks advanced and four d Bayuk Clg 13 i Nat Bisc N Ca»h Reg municipalities • comprising a re- marked by the school, and the Bell Ic How 23 ii Miss" Beverly G. Sadler, Red dined. change will mean a reduction of will be increased an estimated and municipal purpose tax, 75 Bendlz Slii Nat Dairy gional school district. Bank, high school English, $4,800; Sunray DX Oil returned to th Beth Steel about $90,000 in the over-all Nat Distill three highest average winners 39 cents per $100 assessed valua- cents, up seven cents. N»t Oypa II', Boeing Mrs. Barbara Tector, Wood- top of the most active list, risini Borden The bill changes the standard will be sent to the contest comBorough Auditor Benjamin amount to be raised by taxation. Nat Steel 3G% tion this year. bridge, art, $4,800; Miss Joyce 1'/, to 33 on 116,500 shares. Se Borg Warn for apportionment of appropriaNY Central nil Litwin noted that municipal budg $34,500 For Roads mittee. Nla M Pw <8>i tions to b s raised for the regionBrunawk Borough Council last night et account increases over last The new budget features a Wocaleski, this place, elemen- ond was Lionel, up i/J at No Am Av Buckeye* Fl BOH In New Jersey, this committee adopted Nor Pac its 1963 municipal budgBuloya district from that based on year do not reflect a true com$34,500 capital outlay appropriatary, $4,800; John S. Jones, Long 84,700 shares. Third was Ameri Bucy Erie is made up of Dr. P. Starke, forNwjt Alrlln' K'i Norwich Ph 38 »i 'average daily enrollment" to mer head of the Mathematics et totaling $558,837, an increase parative picture, because this tion for stage one of a three-year Ind Branch, high school social can Tobacco, up 1% at 31%. Burl Ontl) Mar HV4 "the number of pupils enrolled lass. JI of $148,145, showing this breakyear the borough changes ils $120,000 road improvement prostudies', $5,800; Miss Martha A. Next came Reynolds Tobaccc later Trac Owens 111 Gl rawon the last day" of Septeittber of Department at Rutgers, TSU; Ar- down in .the rate: Pan A W Air 28% method of raising soliool taxes gram. lelanese Long, Wood Ridge, primary, $5,- up 1% at 43, and Getty Oil, u Ches thur Collard, head of mathemat37',* the current school year." 4 Oh » Param Plct from a fiscal to calendar basis, School tax, $1.89, up 32 cents; Vt at 21%. Other budget accounts: police Penney, JC 200; Mrs. Regina Pickover, this Chryaler ics at Hackensack High School; Cltlca Bv e3ii Pa P w i L t salaries, $56,494, up $9,500, for place, elementary, $5,800; Mrs The most active in Its group, Coca Frank Brooks, Jr., of the Mutual Pa HR , Cola IS 14 Pepsi Cola Tolg Pal (914 hiring of two additional policeV. S. Steel, was sixth in the Diane Sprung/this place, eleBenefit Life Insurance Company; National Human Relations Award Perkln Elm 4214 !olum Qafl men; $27,200 in ,the regular mentary, $5,500, and Miss Patri- rank of volume leaders, risin, Coml SO>1 Bol Pllser Janet Dunning, head of matheof the National Conference of M'i Edil Phil El street maintenance account, up cia Kenton, West Long Branch, % to 45%. Bethlehem gained >/t Con matics at Ramapo Regional High 19 Christians and Jews. Cont Can Phlll Pet $1,500; street lighting, $14,000, Republic Steel yt, Jones social studies, $4,800. loop Bea Pit Bleel Ichool, and George Charlin, exCorn Pd Pub Sv E 4 0 T2>i The National Award Dinner, up $3,300, and parks and lakes, 2814 Registration days for kinder- Laughlin y2, and Youngstown Corning O jfficio member. Pullman 30T1 held at the Hotel DuPont in $3,100, up $1,600. Irn Zell i Pure Oil garten students will be held May .Sheet V/t. 6Hi Iruc Stl 19'i RCA Wilmington, Del., recently was Also, public library, $7,000, up 25 l i 16 and 17 and again Aug. 15 Lorillard, up 1 at 46%, waCurtlaa Wr 2 % Raytheon attended by more than 400 per-$2,000; improvements to fire nee re Reading Co and 19. the next most active tobacco Del & Hud Repub Stl sons and was judged to be thealarm system, $3,000, up $2,000; OCEANPORT— Alfred W. DeDent Sup Revlon Hours for the May dates are Liggett & Myers gained, 1% Doug Alro Reyn Met most successful in the history of fund for future purchase of new Santis has been appointed chairBoeing, off % continued unce Dow Chem Rev Tob 43 2 to 4 p.m. the N.C.C.J. in Delaware. Dreai Ind Ron Fulton Mil man of Historymobile Day in fire truck, $5,000; debt service, Hours for the August dates are tain as Defense Secretary Rober Du Pont St Joa Lead NEW SHREWSBURY — Anne, The main speaker at the din-$14,332, down $420; water utility, Lt Bt lleg Pap 3014 Oceanport by Mrs. Richard H. 9 a.m. to noon and 1 p.m. toMcNatnara was reported inves Duq Wormley, 28, of 6 Central Ave., Eaat Air L Seara Roeb 79 Topham, chairman of the local ner, Sen. Kenneth B. Keating, $57,847, up $2,400, and sewer (gating further to see wha aat Kod MM Slicll oil 3 p.m. M<i Red Bank, was charged with Tercentenary Committee. • Sinclair (R-N.Y.), joined Gov. Elbert Car- utility, $24,461, up $14,470. End John should be done about Boeing Brio careless driving following a twoBmlth. AO Lack vel and Senators John Williams The amount to be withdrawn The Historymobile will visit the car accident on Springdale Ave. multi - million - dollar Dyna- Firestone Socony Sou Pae 'In Pw and J. Caleb Boggs, all of Dela- from surplus is $75,000, leaving borough April 4. It will be open toar space glider project. Sou Ry 'la P&L ware, in honoring Mr. Smith. from 10 a.m. until 8 p.m. at the esterday morning. A hearing is Sperry Rd $15,000 in the account. Last year, Ford, in Its annual report, wai Food Fair scheduled for March 25. Std Brand Cp Oceanport Grammar School. NEW YORK (APMUSDA) - said to expect another satisfa TUC Mr. Smith, mayor of Lewes, $50,000 was withdrawn. Std Oil Cal •ord Mot State police at the Shrewsbury Std Oil NJ 62«i Oarretl The "State museum on wheels" Wholesale egg offerings barely ory year and this stock was th Gen Accept Del., was cited for his partici- The reserve for uncollected Studebaker *\ will leave Trenton April I for Barracks said she was the drivadequate on large; short on me-most active in its group, rising Gen Cigar ti Texaco exaco pation in Radio Free Europe dur- taxes is set at $63,237 (based on 51"! the Cherry Blossom Festival in er of a car which crashed into Gen Dynam 26 ti Tex G Prod diums and adequate on smalls. VS to a%. Chrysler rose % andGen Slice ing the last three years. collections of 92 per cent), an 14'i 74 ti Tex G Sill 30'^ Washington, D.C., then to Ocean' the rear of an auto driven by TextronDemand fairly good yesterday. Genera) Motors. '/£ while Amerl Gen Frla Mr. Smith, son of the late J.increase of $4,236. 22 Motora $2% Tldewat Oil Bernice Person, 31, of 72 Pear port which is the only town lo can ^Motors dropped y and Stude• Whites: extras (47 lbs. min.) 46>, Howard Smith, is also president Most objections during tha pubGen Pub Ut 33H Trinnamer t 10S',i liave the display in the area until St. O Tel * El S5 Un Carbide of Fish Products Companies at lic hearing centered around bad 4041%; extras medium (40 lbs"•aker closed unchanged. 34 «l Gen Tire 23ft Un Pac later in the year. 31 Unit Alro A passenger In the Person veLewes, Del., and Tuckcrlon. average) 37-38; top quality (47 Du Pont gained 1%, Radl< Mlletta road conditions resulting from inAid ll»l United Cp 1!! During the next two years, the licle, Ruth Wallace, 33, of 110 lbs: min.) 40^-43^; mediums (41 Corp. %, Houston Lighting 1, andGlen Present at the dinner honoring stallation of sewer mains. loodrlch 4«ii U8 Llnei 42ti US Plywd Mr. Smith were Mrs. Otis Smith, William Tierney, former Planlbs. average) 37J4-39VS; smalls International Packing 1, 5!',4 illstorymoblle will travel through"- ipringdale Ave., this place, comJrace Co 39% US Rub 41 ti rat the state. ilained of a whiplash Injury and (.Ti UH Smelt Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Cubbage and ning Board chairman, criticized (36 lbs. average) 32-33; peewees U. S. Smelting lost 1>4, Con-Qt AAP 7Hi US 8teel 3514 Otis H. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence I. the fee payment schedule for the 41", •Mr. DeSantis said the History- mid sho would «eek treatment 28-27. . • • - . . . solidated Natural Gas 1, IBM Greyhound sulf on K% Van At Stl 3!'/, Walworth [amm Pap 32 mobile will be the first of many ram her own physician, state po- BELFORD — Otis H. Smith, Clarke. Both Mrs. Cubbage and building' inspector, and noted , Browns: extras (47 lbs. min.)ind Cleveland Electric V/t. lerc PnT (1% Wn Un Tel events to be sponsored by theIce said. Mrs. Clarke are sisters of Mr.that the budget lists only (1,500 13»i Warn B Pic 42-43; top quality (47 lbs. min.) Prices' were mixed on the III Cent Weitg El 3JH Oceanport Tercentenary Com- Ths Wormley vehicle had to be director of J. Howard Smith, Smith. Harry Krlegel and Dr. nt lia Men (09 in anticipated revenue for build4345; mediums (41 lbs. average) American Stock Exchange. Vol nt 45!, Harv Slit White Mot mittee In preparing (or the 1964towed from the scene. Trooper Inc., local menhaden fishing I. William Lane of the local com ing permits. Nick SS'4 Woolwth 3840; smalls (36 lbs. average) ume was 840,000 shares compared nt Paper it'i Vngat BhiT pany were also in attendance." with 910,000" Monday. Genera William Connolly investigated. ; company, has received the 1963 Zenith R 32&-33W; peewees '28-27. 5>u elebratlon. He termed this "outrageous." Ends 39 Years Service Planners Sanction New Zoning Code To Receive School Bids 3 Market Rise Is Described As Moderate Firemen Nix Street Plan For Siegel 21 at RBCH Nason on Education Entered In Grades Still Math Contest the Best Measure Council Adopts Municipal Budget 3 9 Cents Boro Tax Rate Hike »'•_ Oceanport National Award Unit Names DeSantis Cars Collide,In New Shrewsbury Egg Market • • • ! • . • • . ' ' 4 - W e d , Much 13, 1963 Postponement Is Requested By Skowron RED SA?fK REGISTER Belford fk U F i c * tod ttmHf, R»ri- Mrs, DivJd FifiJtysw), Sherman Druje ^A Jeffrey Infa, Kaihy The 10th birttaiy of Nancy and Mr«. Curtis W. Clayton of named neighborhood * n Township, Ave,, cel«br»t*d Uf fixtb With. a*t Ricky FJunegan, Catherine 10'lttrm daughter of Mr. and FrtehoM, with other members of ind Mn. Mildred Kxleer organizjr. Mn. Mary Q'Gr»dy, Cijurch day March 8 at a family party. Murray, Cheryl Wttdt,- Thomas Mrs. Eugene O'Kftra, Neil Ave., her family. St., will be hostess at the next Sgt. and Mrs. Richard BurgtM Present were James FlHtayson Pttllipi, Bert Maxim, Deborah) was celebrated March 7. Present and son, Richard, of VJctorvllto, and Jerry Crutchfield of Brook-Ann-Kaylor, Lee AMJ Mehler and were Qfldy and Ellen Bober, A family party »jas held March meeting. Calif., spent part of last week lyn. ' John Drury. . ' Carol Vacula, Laruine Newman, 8 f.or the Hth birthday of Arthur with Mr. and Mrs. William SkillLynn and Barbara Liebewitz, Glass, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Girl Scout Troop 389 will hold a St. Patrick's dance and party man of Center Ave. They left A combined party to celebrate A family dinner In the 'Dutch Ruth Shaffer, and Joyce and Glass, Claremont Ave. in the Methodist Church hall Sunday for England where Sgt. the seventh birthday of Patricia Oven Restaurant, Highlands, was Glen O'Hara. Mrs. James Larsen was re- March 16 to complete their dancBurgess will be stationed at an Brower and the sixth birthday of heltt March 8 for Robert Antton— Air Force base. Charles Brower, children of Mr. en, son of Mr. and Mrs, Relno Mrs. Lillian Clayton, Hopping cently reappointed chairman of ing badge. Mrs. Mildred Kaiser and Mrs. Charles Brower, 7th St.,Anttonen, Leonardville Rd. He Rd., celebrated her 88th birthday the Girl Scout Neighborhood, Bel and Mrs. Barbara Louellen are March 10 at the home of Mr. ford. Mrs. Robert Simon was co-leaders of the troop. Alan Finlayson, son of Mr. land was held March 9. Guests were'was 15 years old. An "Everybody's" birthday party was held by the Women's Republican Club March 7 in the Methodist church hall. A crazy hat party and Candidate's Night HILLSDALE (AP) B i l l will be held at the next meeting. (Moose) Skowron, former New York Yankees baseball star now A party (or the fourth birthday with the Los Angeles Dodgers, of Paul DeNicola, son of Mr. and is seeking postponement of a Mrs. Peter DeNicola, Oceanview court hearing scheduled for to- Ave., was held March 7, Guests morrow on charges brought after included Michael Schmidt, LeuSkowron returned home for evi- Ann and Shelly Aquilla, Victor Butura and John and Peter Dedence for a divorce. Skowron's attorney, Anthony Nicola. Rathe of Hackensack, said he would ask for an adjournment. Mrs. Marie Himilryck, Walling "It's almost impossible for Moose Ave. entertained the members of to return from Florida again the St. Clement's Guild March 6. Thursday for the hearing," Rathe Mrs. Wilson Miller. Church St., said. will be hostess at the next meetBenjamin E. Lucchi, Hacken- ing. sack lawyer representing Mrs. Mrs. Norman Sickles won the Skowron, said, however, that meeting prize at the Six Pense "this thing should be cleared .up Club meeting March 7. Mrs. •"fast." Charles Rooney entertained the Mrs. Skowron has charged her member at her home. husband with simple assault and battery. Skowron has charged Richard Isaksen, son of Mr. his wife, Virginia, 29, with crimi- and Mrs. Richard Isaksen, Main St., celebrated his seventh birthnal adultery. day March 8. Present were Mr.' They both filed the charges and Mrs. Charles Cadmus, Mrs. early Sunday after Skowron had Kaspera Isaksen, Mr. and Mrs. returned from Florida and, acLeonard Kotch and children, Jancompanied by a private detecice and Kenneth, and Ruth Ann. tive, entered his house. The baseDavid and Edward Isaksen. ball player told police he found Robert S. Jenco, 23, of 27 Wood- Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Mehler 5+raintd Chopptd field La., Saddle River, In the entertained at a party In observhouse with Mrs. Skowron. Skow- ance of the sixth birthday of ron, 31, also charged Jenco with their daughter, Ellen, March 10. Attending were Mrs. Agnes Lacriminal adultery. Face, Mr. and Mrs. William MuzThe private detective, Matthew zio, Lakewood; Mr. and Mrs. Donohue of 24 Elizabeth St., Rutherford, also was charged with simple assault and battery by Mrs. Skowron. C c l l i j . Ipf. I O R M Q Mrs. Skowron filed for divorce oi. bet. ' last July and. asked for support for herself and the couple's two sons, ages 6 and 10. She claimed extreme cruelty and said her fmporitct P*rmt«n husband constantly accused her of infidelity.' R«di-M!» FUvored Skowron filed a counter-petition in September, charging his wife with extreme cruelty and adultery. He named two correspondents in. his petition, James Rapp, identified as a singer, and Joseph Patti, Sr., with no further identification. Skowron asked for custody of lib. J the boys and for a judgment of $12,000 which he said he loaned to his wife to start the La Boheme beauty shop she operates in Ramsey. Mrs. S k o w r o n claimed the $12,000 was a gift in a reply to her husband's petition. 71/4 fluid « I B et.jtr " ' The couple were estranged but "had been living under the same roof," Rathe said. Robert R. Barrett Beech-Nut Baby Foods ^ S S 1 ROUND ROAST 10 "99° 6 "89° Barrett Due ToMakeTalk Tomato Juiee Cocktail 'Super-Right" NATURALLY AQEt> Grain-Fed Beef! NO FAT ADDED m " • : • : Colonna Grated Cheese *«• 41« BtMlats TOP SIRLOIN ROAST is 25< Binillti Bread Crumbs La Choy Chinese Dinner 49° Heinz Sweet Gherkins Scholarship Program Is Announced LITTLE SILVER - Robert R. Barrett, president of Barrett and Crain, Inc., realtors of Westfield and Mountainside,,will address a luncheon meeting of the Monmouth County Multiple Listing Associates in the Willowbrook Tuesday, March 28.-. Mr. Barrett is well known as an author and lecturer on real estate matters and his talk here is designed to show members of the association how*'service to clients may,be, increased through multiple listing services.. He is a graduate of the 'University of Virginia and a director of the New Jersey Association of Real Estate Boards. French's Mashed Potatoes c 75 C Ib. #00 Extra Coupon and Purchase of Boneless 8 9 TOP ROUND ROAST 79' ib. Front tnt* Pramlum—Brown'H'Sarva Expires Sat., Mar. 16th, Limit ono p«r Adult Custome BrisketBeef - 9 9 i 7 9 c Swift's Sausage ; 5 5 C Top Round Steak 89be Veal Cubed Steaks 99° 95 cBacon End Slices Top Sirloin Steak London Broil Top Round 45C M A I N E POTATOES 99< Sausage Meat S ; 3 9 ' Parade Info A&P For This St. Patrick's Day Value! 'Super-Rigfcf Quality-BOllEIESS BRISKET Front Gits CORNED BEEF : E 59 Ib. Exclusive? 6hly A&P rias Super-Right Corned Beef . . . . the belt! Priced only at advertised ! l t ' i specially cured, low In wihfr content, high in flavor and quality! Ib New Green Cabbage V Ann Page Mustard • n. 25;89< U. S. Ho. 1 Grade " A " Sfee Broccoli Mushrooms Sweet Corn Red Apples Young, Tindtr c '"'"' Uncle Ben's I BONELESS-BOTTOM isis I3 e SnowWliit. Goldtn 3"25 C DELICIOUS Wiilarn Tender Pascal Celery Avocado Pears A LONG BRANCH - A new Crisp Am scholarship program in conjuncFine Quality Ideal for •ach tion with the third annual adMoney-Saving Values . . . vanced science Seminar in maI Ib. 12 boi rine biology to be offered at the boi Long Branch Summer High School has been announced by »&P Brand officials of the summer session. 7oi. This will be the first year that cam the full tuition scholarships will l i b . be offered to the seminar which RED CHEEK Dallverad Frash Dally—Jane Parkar Whit, « pig. A C Q is being conducted for high school cans students who have achieved honAuort.d of 4 0 0 * " ors in their science studies. The program provides opporGREEN 6IANT lib. tunities for interested students to Kitchen Sliced cans study marine forms and functions, to learn how to use marine exploration equipment, to Giant A oz. cam e Whit, or Color.d learn various classification systems, and to gain a well-rounded 2-ply lib. Nabiico knowledge and practical under- ATLANTIC CITY (AP) -Plant atanding of marine life and prob- pests still exact annual losses to the American economy of more r 0 I Ib. lems. Suninlnt Fancy WhiU than $10 million despite a cenRollo E. Galbraith, biology in- tury of efforts to control them, American 1 ControlUd Sudi structor at Long Branch High an expert says. 21b. School, and a leading high school SAUCE i«r D. R. Shepherd, associate direc1 Sox. authority on marine biology, will tor of the Plant Pest Control Di> Parlor coordinate the course. vision of the U. S. Department of C pint Dr. Lionel A. Walford, marine Agriculture, addressed a joint fcoti. biologist and former chief of the meeting of the American MosC RHUATHIA MlV Dunc«n Hin« I6'/^°X<AQQ fishery Biology Branch, United quito Control Association and the " i w W H I f J IHIA Double Fudge pkg. ^ l * boh. r States Fish and Wildlife Service, New Jersey Mosquito Extermis c who is director of the national nation Association. Atlantic" Marine Laboratory at Shepherd said that with the 3lb 7 Dtt I pt. 6(1. Borax ARM i HAMMER 79C 4IOOihn»l|o Cap'n John's Sandy Hook, has arranged for human population "increasing at oz. plattic B U I fl A All Purpoia Clttntr ei pig. * • members of his staff to serve as a staggering rate we not only Quick-Frozen q c Bonnia Fluff Cap'n John's Box. | consultants and lecturers for the can't let our guard down, we high school group. Quick-Frozen pig. * must increase our efforts to reIn addition to the permanent duce these losses." Dairy Values! Frozen Food Buys! P£< staff, marine biologists and re- He defended the use of pestiFor diih*i »nd fini fabrlci lated personnel from throughout cides in the attack on plant pests, Twinf.il • 12.25 01. f the country visit the Marine Lab-saying that a controversy arising 1 lb Mf nd«d fogathtr * pkgs. oratory each summer, and will from the possible harmful effects be available as lecturers, of pesticides on wild life had llfIfih OIlftAttA Mindeviljt—Importid 4 oz. 1 AQ M ri The seminar is open to students been exaggerated by publicity. who have completed a course in The meeting was the opening B f l n biology at the high school level, one of a four day get-together. Buy 3 . t r.gul.r lir prict.. prict... T who have achieved an average About 700 persons are attending, G . f H o for r W it e mark, of B or better, and who some 200 of them from New Jerhave the recommendation of their sey. h A "9 1 science instructor. Students in •tei ' YourChoice any public, parochial, or private school in the area, or those visitGal SO Exira Plaid Stamps with piirahasa ol Qet 25 Extra Plaid Stamps with purchase ol ing the area for the summer period are eligible to apply. Crab Meat w"l'"'IJ 4 L " 7 O C Applications for scholarship asD 25 Extra Plaid Stamps with purohue ol sistance must be received by the e flat 25 Exira Plaid Stamps with purohau of Bat 25 Extra Plaid Stamps with punhasa ol Summer High School Director by l April 15. or Uv.r Classes will be conducted Mon- TRENTON (AP) - A new 25 Extra Plaid Stamps with purchase el 100 Emlopss Plus 125 Shsits day through Friday, July 8 variety of dahlia will be named C through Aug. 16. . Enriched—Sliced "New Jcrsey-300," the TercenMb. tenary Advisory Arbor and GarIcevet Ragularly 1.59* Special This Waak den Committee has announced. MARINE PROMOTED Choice of 4 Fltvon 50 Extra Plaid Stamps with purahast of CLIFFWOOD BEACH - Don- The prize winning dahlia, C ald R. Bridgeman, son of Mrs. which must be an undisseminated c cont. William Bridgeman, 195 Hilltop seedling developed in New Jer°>lui Faderal Tax Blvd., and the late Mr. Bridge- sey, will be selected at the 1963 man, has been promoted to Pri-annual dahlia show at the Civic All Tobacco Products, Fresh Milk and Alicoholic Beverages exempt from Plaid Stanip offer. Prices-effective through Sat., March 16th in vate First Class in the U. S. Ma-Auditorium in Paramus in Seprine Corps. tember, the committee said. Super Markets and Self Service Stores only. He is stationed at Henderson The winner will be grown in Rout* 35 Newman Springs Rd. at Shrewsbury Ave. Route 35 507 Prospect Ave. 121 Menmouth St. Hall, Arlington, Va., and is at- quantity during 1964 by exhibiMonday thru Thursday. '111 9 P. M. Monday. thru Thursday. 'til 9 P. M. , Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 'til 9 P. ; Popular Brands Beer and Ale . tached to Headquarter Battalion, tion dahlia growers and will be Complete Liquor Department Fridays 'til 10 P. M. Fridays 'UI 10 P. M. ', Fridays 'til 10 P. M. Washington, DC. He completed featured at the tercentenary pa- Open Thursdayj '111 S P. M. Monday thru Thursday 'til 8 P. M. Sundays 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. his boot training at Parrls Is- vilion of the 1964 World's Fair in Fridays 'til 10 P. M. Fridays Mil 10 P. M. Sundays 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Sundays 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. DEAL land, S.C., and his artillery train New York and at the golden anPORT MONMOUTH | K E A N S B U R G ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS RARITAN TOWNSHIP ing at Camp Lejeune, N. C. niversary exhibit of the Ameri282 Norwood Ave. Highway 36 Highway 3 6 8 0 First Avenue Route 36 . can Dahlia Society in New York Popular Brands Beer and Ale Monday thru Thursday '111 a P. M. Sell Service Store Tuesday, Wednesday. Thursday 'til S P. M. Complete Liquor Department Buying or selling? Use the In 1064. Sundays 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. C M . . , . «n M •» M ' • „ • „ ' • Monday thru Thursday 'Ol 9 P. M. Register Classified for quick re- New Jersey is celebrating its F r l d a y s t u 1 0 P< M> Monday thru Thursday 'ill t P. M. Open Friday to 9 P. M. Sunday* 9 A. M. to « P. M. Fridays 'til 10 P. M. 300th anniversary in 1964. sults.—Advertisement. Fridays '111 10 P. IML Sundays 9 A. M. to 6 P, M. ( No Meat Department Fildays'tU 10 P. M. Sundays 9 A. M. to 6 P. M $10 Million Cost Laid To Plant Pests Converted Rice A&P's GROCERY BUYS I 49° Scotties Facial Tissue Soft-Weve Toilet Tissue 2 r°ii. 2 5 Fluffy All Kleenex Paper Towels D O L E ' S PINEAPPLE JUICE 3 7 9 APPLE SAUCE GREEN BEANS 6 79 2 39 Nib lets Corn E 3 i: 4 9 ' Sweet Peas luncheon Meat 39C FigNewtons Oatmeal Cookies \Z &' i ^ * Dutch Almond Crunch *»* ' ^ M Vermont Maid Syrup • * # ^31« Layer Cake Mixes ^z^" 1 S 3 9 Fleischmann Margarine ,«t Z^ Beacon Floor Wax ;:'89 37 C Krispy Crackers Lipton's Tea Bags Nestle Decaf No-CalBeverages ^ « » 2 Cott Beverages Z'^Z',- 2 Kitchen Charm Wax Paper Fels Liquid ^ Fabric Softener Tercentenary Dahlia Due For State s Cream Cheese ' V ' 5 H I £ 21e Cottage Cheese £& £ » Fresh Milk J2& J ^ M 53 & $2° Green Beans ZS. 5 £ Green Peas ^-> ^ Baby Lima Beans °'-> ^ 49° Banquet Dinners " I; ' ' ^ f l « French Toast w* 2 ^ 43 French Fries^r/c^,. 3 £ 35« •*?>*«• Maine Sardines v«ta»B«»d. 2 Mueller Elbow Macaroni 2 Star-Kist Tuna Harris Crab Meat Red^Cross Marvel Ice Cream LITTLE SILVER 47' Bread Crumbs River Brand Brown Rice Tartar Sauce J£% *«|9e —Lenten Seafood Values— Breaded Shrimp S & £ ^ 8 9 « Scallop Dinner c "'nJ-ohn'1 Fresh Flounder Fillet , White Shrimp Jane Parker Baked Foods'. PEACH or PINEAPPLE PIE Plain Danish Ring 3 9 Starlike Stationery Marvel White Bread 8 39C FROSTED BALL DOHUTS Swiss Cheese Il 6 9 f SUPPORT RED BANK Hot Cross Buns Tomato Soup 85C 3 Shrimp Dinner Italian Romano ^^ 69° Sharp American " t f ^ l . " W° 4l , Red Heart Dog Food 3 * til" White Tuna 69' Trend Sweetheart Soap Lenten Values .' • Oval Waste Basket'!» GOLDEN LOAF CAKE 4 5 59 ADORN HAIR SPRAY EATONTOWN SHREWSBURY Footed Candy Jar 7 9 CLIFFWOOD 8oi «« bom the tXS, Ot this Utmm&txu AHw-Scott Report: Babysitter Acts On Plan in Explosion The Kobbs; l'/2-$tory frame, RED BANK REGISTER - Werf., March 13, 1963--5 Shorn* w « rodf.«d off iU.founda4 W , p p y twotions by the blest, which ripped Front of the house, but was untMrds-4575 mfiUon-rhM been la turned on a light switcfc, « , # M t out several walls. They are stay- sure if this was the cause of the hook the house and sparks and the ye.r* of rAt. Kennedy administration. ing at his parents' home Insxplosion. The break was re-lames leaped ped at the.girl!"?'1 ^ PUT AND TAKB-Amaztagly, Staten Island. Reflecting on the terrlfyFiJg acpaired and an investigation conBy Robert S. Allen and Paul Scott this hasn't had the slightest ef;ident, Mariann said, "I'll never tinued. The Kobbs called gas comWASHINGTON — Hundreds of millions of dol- fect in deterring Nasser from pany inspectors three times last Mariann was watching televi- )aby-slt again. It ]ust raakei NEW BRUNSWICK (AP) - thing like this happens, grab the Friday and Saturday because of ion in the basement while the ™u feel like something you don't seizing U.S. property. ' lars of U. S. economic aid in the past several years In a recent grab of business Mariann Matulevich. did Just children right away." 1 1 strong gas odors. But they could baby slept upstairs. When she ant to go through again. ' are the keystone of Gamal Nasser's steadily accelerat- snterprises, he nationalized more what she had rehearsed In her'. Kobb's comment was: She not find any gas leaks. ing use of ruthless armed force, explosive propaganda :han a hundred, shipping and mind when en explosion and thought more of the baby than Yesterday the Public Service tevedore companies, among them flash fire struck the house where and covert machinations to, make himself ruler of aAmerican owned firms. As yet,she was baby-sitting with a 3-she did of herself. . .the most Electric and Gas Co. found a wonderful thing I've ever heard Nasser has made no move to payrnonth-old boy Monday night. farflung socialistic pan-Arab empire. six-inch break in a gas main in of." compensation. The kerchief over her curls Since President Kennedy has been in office, upThis extraordinary backstage a f i a m e a n d herslacks singed, wards of $575 million in economic aid has been ladled ituation is now under careful the 16-year-old high school out to the Soviet-armed, U. S.-fed Egyptian dictator. congressional scrutiny. Influental junior fought her way upstairs To Out Factd With Annoying and Embarrassing Bills i More than two thirds of this vast assistance has leaders in the Senate and House from the basement through re digging into this matter in tumbled furniture and debris. been in surplus farm prodWEST KEANSBURG preparation for public action. The crib had been knocked to to undertake numerous domestic ucts nominally sold to projects that otherwise would not Rep. Otto Passman, D-La., the other side of the room' but WATER COMPANY IS A BUSINESS-LIKE WAY TO HANDLE THEM chairman of the Foreign Aid ApNasser for Egyptian curhave been posthe baby, Kenneth Kottb, was unpropriations subcommittee, is W e will gather all or part of your overdue bills and time payment sible; (2) to li rency. TKat has > benefited telling committeemen he plans to harmed... Cradling the bawling hereby serves notice balances into 1 B I L L . . . a l o a n at this office...in any total amount n a n c e h i s oppose further aid to Nasser. baby in her arms, she ran outhim directly and weightily up to $500. Instead of having several payments to make this will grandiose side. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Passman is indicating he is' conthat the annual spring to two ways; With these countergive you ONLY I Bill...in 1 Place. And, we will do our best t o pire aspirations sidering writing such a ban into Sylvester Matulevich, met her in part funds he has been able (1) make this 1 payment as little as half • or less than half • the total and conspira- the foreign aid bill. the street. The Matulevich famiflushing of water hydrants payments you now have to make. cies. ly lives at 10 Wilcox Rd., across Congressional leaders also have Included the street from the Kobb home. will take place during been informed that Ambassador •mount al Manthly >ariMitls tors LIFE INSURANCE these are NasIt 11 John Badeau has cabled warning After hospital treatment for tit M M H I I Mltltill Mental Miataa can be placed on ser's large irst-degree face and hand burns, from Cairo that Nasser is futhe period of armed i n t e r ALL LOANS at | 6.97 * 9.75 $11.15 riously attempting to overthrow Mariann returned to a tearful 200 13.93 19.50 36.31 vention in YeGroup Insurance Rate* but joyous reunion with the boy'i the pro-Western governments of 300 lie,7? 20.90 29.2S 54,46 MARCH 18 THRU 31, 1963 Allen men; his murIt proUcts witi and family Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Turkey. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard 400 21.94 27.47 38.59 72.14 in cast of tht borrowtri derous plots to overthrow the pro- Badeau is understood to have Kobb. MO 26.77 33.69 47.62 M.S3 natural or iccldintal death Western governments of Saudi advised Secretary'of Stats Rusk inclusive from . Moitlhl; charm: : 4 * . on balances to ISM ana !4» from 1100 to l»». Mariann explained; "usually Arabia and Jordan; intrigues that Nasser agents are conspirwhen my girl friend and I are LOANS or FINANCING IN ANT AMOUNT 10:30 P. M. lo 3:30 A. M. $25t*$500 with dissident military elements ing with lower echelon Turkish talking, we would say if somein Turkey, and maintaining closi officers who allegedly are ties with Fidel Castro and exaroused over the Kennedy adminAIRMAN PROMOTED pantiing trade t? istration's decision to withdraw between their C O M P A N Y <*.N*74J.7».M4.a»«-»JS intermediate range ballistic mis- WESTOVER AFB, Mass.-John countries. J. Shaeffer, 3d, 1 Maple Ave., siles from that country. OFFICES CONVENIENT TO YOUR HONE OK WORK T h e thousThese nuclear-armed missiles Keansburg, N. J., has been proNew BELL M I D D L E T O W N OFFICE . 671 H I WAY 33 ands of ground were positioned so as to destroy moted to airman first class in 1709 UNION AVE. and air troops Russia's great Baku oil fields. the Air Force. Airman Shaeffer MODEL' J»4«-A $1.00 Nasser has in, MDJJrIK FMEHOID / J v ITUHTIC KICHlaNOI lONtMANCH The dissident Turkish officers is an administrative specialist asIrUaldMk sola lor central of- Yemen are he-1 HAZLET, Nl-W JERSEY 77IH0MST. ] I E . MAIN IT. tJX, HIWM M u M i U V f . 103 MOAOWAY are reported to view the IRBM signed to the 99th Field Maifliflct uift. Indicates postage for ing fed food obVrt-iSHMOM T l L H O t t W O f c E ^ T l t . l » f - U M T.I.;M2-U14 tenance Squadron here. A gradremoval as evidence of U.S. deair mail to 8 ox., first class, and tained from the tatONTOWNi 22 MAIN ST., urmr llWIt ST. . Tali LI 1-440O termination to disengage from uate of Middletown High School, mwchandli* to Z lbs. U. S. in the Turkey. Playing strongly on this he is the son of Mr. and Mrs. tfaVIMg Ml mCmmOWH • MI«Ct« . aUPOUMX . OCt/IN COUWTIII form of ecobelief Nasser is urging a coup William Van Wagner. nomic aid. Scott and an alliance with him in These Egyptian forces are fight- "mighty Moslem socialist bloc." ing with Russian weapons and In Ambassador Badeau's foreeating American rations. boding opinion, Nasser is drivIn Egypt there would be wide ing hard to make himself the spread hunger and .Nasser's re dominant figure in the Middle gime shaky and insecure but foi East in the next 'U months. the huge stocks of U. S. agricul James Magellas, head of the tural supplies he has obtains U.S. Aid Mission in Yemen, is in from the Kennedy administration Washington for consultations. He Brown Last fiscal year they reached favors a small amount of ecorecord high of more than $22! nomic aid, chiefly food, for YeToast Green million. That startling total wi men, but only under the strictest i Brakes probably be exceeded in the cur- control to ensure it will go to the rent fiscal year. I alignment I repairs needy masses and not Nasser's > Seat cover So far, some $200 million i Egyptian troops that are keeping such aid has been dished out ti the so-called revolutionary junta Nasser, and informed officials in power. are privately indicating the totai Although the U.S.' has recogwill top J225 million by July. nized this regime, President Kennedy still has not named an Am These immense stocks of vital food supplies are not the only bassador to Yemen, there ha U.S. economic aid the Egyptian been no explanation for the delay. dictator is getting. While the late Secretary of In response to urgent pleas State John Foster Dulles balked from Saudi Arabia and Jordan, a at financing the giant Aswan squadron of ' five destroyers i: dam, the Kennedy administration now patroling the Red Sea as a recently gave Nasser a $30 mil-"show of U.S. force" and prelion loan to build a power plant sumably a warning to Nasser. in Cairo. Other large loans and But in congressional quarters it credits are $34.5 million for diesel is definitely known that the Preslocomotives, $17 million for grain ident and his advisers still have handling facilities, $7 million for no fixed policy on what should be 241 Highway 35, Eatontown an industrial bank, $6 million for done in the event the restless and Jail Sooth of Ealontoirn Clrclo a bagasse plant. ambitious Egyptian dictator atOPEN D.«.1I.V »:30 la t:30 640x15 tube-type, plus tax and any 2 old tires in trade Since 1952, Nasser has obtained tacks Saudi Arabia or causes an SAT. 1:311 la 8:30 TUIMICM TtibtUit Tub«-typt upheaval in Jordan. $892,834,000 in economic aid, Call 542-2020 670 x IS 2 far 18.18 670 x 15 2 for 21.88 750 x 14 1 for 21.88 60fi x IS 2 for 20.88 loans, credits and surplus food So far as the White House and 710 x 15 2 for 22.(8 710 x IS 2 (or 25.88 800 x 14 2 for 2S.I8 650 x 13 2 for 24.11 State Department are concerned, 850 x 14 2 for 29.88 760 x 15 2 for 26.18 760 x 1 5 _ 2 far 29.88 decisions on. this are still "under ! before you buy or build, see . . . AH prieca plat tax and anj 2 old tirci in trade. consideration." The Joint Chiefs of Staff have complete contingency plans. These call for the use of Marines, Air and other forces to be rushed to these allied countries. But "TWO OFFICES TO SERVE YOU" while the military are ready for instant action, the orders must MAIN OFFICE Branch Office come from the President—and he apparently still hasn'.t made up 874 Highway 35 Atlantic Highlands his mind. (Five Corners) 33 First Avenue PLAYING BOTH SIDES-While MIDDLETOWN 640x15 tube-type, pluc tax and any 2 old tires In trad* Brazil's Finance, Minister Dantas TuotteM Tuboleti 291-0100 OS 1-2400 Tubt-ryp* is in Washington trying to 600 x 13 2 for 25.88 750 i 14 2 for 26.88 670 x IS 2 for 26.8S 670 x 15 2 for 23.8B wheedle another $500 million in 650 x 13 2 for 29.88 710 x IS 2 (or 30.88 800 i 14 2 for 30.88 710 x 15 2 for 27.88 desperately needed financial aid, 760 x 15 2 for 31.88 760 x 15 2 for 34.88 850 x 14 2 for 34.88 his government has concluded All prices pins lax and my 2 old tires in trade. negotiations with Russia on a trade agreement aimed at doubling business between them. Last A l l brand new, first quality tires—no seconds or blemishes year it amounted to $80 million. Made with 100% Da Pont nylon cord—stronger than the c6rd used in the original equipment In addition, Brazil has started of moil 1963 can. Broad, 6-ribbed tread deiign, ridged outer JFOOTM and angled inner discussions with Poland, Hunlor itrenglh. gary, Bulgaria and Yugoslavia •AH tires guaranteed against road hatardi «nth >» glass rats, curb bnuset and impart breaks, on trade agreements. The Rusencountered nnder normal driving conditions and traveling an average ol 1,000 miles per month. sian pactwon't'be announced unTirei will be.replaced or repaired at the discretion of Bamberger'a. Replacements prorated, againrt til after Dantas' talks in Washthese selling prices, for time nsed. ington . . . Polish Communist leaders who recently were in Moscow are relating a strange report. According to them Khrushchev may "retire" next year when he reaches 70. The Poles say Khrushchev will not give up power, but will step out of the limelight while retaining a firm hold on the reins. His purpose, according to this account, is to RUST-RESISTANT BRAKES SHOCK install his successor firmly in For convivial Quaffery as well as epiCOMPLETE control in order to avert a deadly MUFFLERS curean Cookery, Gentlemen and RELINED ON Kremlin struggle after KhrushABSORBERS WHEEL Gentlewomen are frequenting; the new chev dies. 1 • - • ' / • • * ' - i ' ILS.'Aid to Nasser PUBLIC NOTICE CONSOLIDATION HANSON POSTAL SCALES with new rates BELL FINANCE WEST KEANSBURG 6 WATER COMPANY BAMBERGER'S MONMOUTH DRIVE-IN AUTO CENTER GIVES YOU COMPLETE ONE-STOP SERVICE WHILE YOU SHOP Studio Couch IAMBERGER ADJACENT EATONTOWN CIRCLE 49.95 Nylon tire sale THE RAILROAD WAREHOUSE BLACKWALLS WITH 24-MONTH GUARANTir 2 for 15.88 OUTLET MARINE VIEW WHITIWALLS WITH 24-MONTH GUARAIITII SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION 2 for 19.88 THE JOCUND CIRCLE AT THE Horn& Musket Tavern HORN AND MUSKET TAVERN at the Molly Pitcher Inn. Here Victuals are prepar'd to empassion even the most jaded Palate. And for ye who wish your Portions as Potions, choice •Wines, Brews, Liquors and Concoctions are plentifully and pridefully poured from 10 A.M. 'till 2'A.Mi We are open to serve you food from 7 A.M. 'till 1«A.M. Plan to See Passion Play Let m Welcome YOU to our jocund Circle of Friends and Patrona, n l i t * mi n • FOR MOST ALL 4 AMERICAN CARS WHEELS BRAKE with 15,000-mile guarantee* ADJUSTMENT 3.99 12.95 Fully guaranteed for the life of your cart ALIGNMENT AND Car Trsi Btudebaker '47-'M. Chevrolet '*'-'*"* CheTrolet '*«-'fl Fontlae '53-'5 Olda 'sl-'Sfi Bulck _'S3-'5r> Bulck '49-'SS. Cadillac <fronl>_'52-'5& Cadillac (rear) '52-'5l> 6.95 M«ael . Champion . RED BANK — Members of the Each Catholic Young Adult Club of Installed Northern Monmouth County will attend the Passion Play being Precision-engineered to For most American can presented by the CYAC at Black• Correct camber and castei give a new, aafcr ride. wood Sunday, March 31. Ford 'M-'59 • Inspect toe-in and tot-out • Only new, bonded The Red Bank area group will All work performed by brake linings are used • Inspect and adjust steerinj leave St, Anthony's Catholic Plymouth _'42-'5B • We bleed and adjust • Adjust brakes factory-trained experts. Church here that day at 12.30 tPullT gwratueed aKMfttt [uanvifacuirer » defect* {or full contact p.m. and will return at 9 p.m. • Inspect hydraulic line* Installation available at for the lifetime of your car—free repltcemmt. The club also has announced • Check lines and masDuals and convrrtlbleK slight]; higher. Till t»TH • Inspect wheel cylinders nominal charge. schedule for six other activifor rnosl cir» »IM Mnilsblff at low price*. ter cylinders for leaks Installation arallable at nominal ehartTt. ties: Stations of the Cross, St. This service ovailabla from *FYM relmlng If brikPK fan Joseph's Catholic Church, Key10 A . M . to 5:45 P.M. only within IS.000 mllei of lob. port, Friday at 8 p.m; St. Patl?*>t Kt Menlo Park) rick's Day get-together, bowling, Harmony Bowl, Middletown, Sunday at 7 p.m.; Glee Club meeting, USO Building, Long Branch, Monday at 8 p.m.; newspaper meeting, 45 Virginia Ter., Call KEIIogg 1-24(10, OSborne 1-2500 or write on llres. Free delivery wllhin our delivery area. (Except C.O.D.'s, add 50c). Bamberger's Drlvcln Auto Center (Dcpt. 14S, 144) Adjacent to Bamberger's at the Eatontown Circle, Monmouth. And atParamm, Menlo Park, Newark, Plalnilcld and Route 22 irk Springfield. Middletown, Tuesday, at 8 p.m.; Discussion Club, a continuation Bamberger'i Drive-In Auto Center* at Monmouth, Paramus, Menlo Park, Newark, Plalnfleld open at 8:30 A. M.; Springfield open at 10 A. M. . of talks on the catechism, St. AnBUY WITH NO DOWN PAYMENT, TAKE UP TO 18 MONTHS TO PAY WITH A BAMBERGER HOMEMAKER'S CREDIT ACCOUNT thony's Church, Wednesday at 8 p.m., and ice skating, Asbury p at. 8:30 • a trays to Advertise m l he Ke^ster^* Casino BAMBERGER'S MONMOUTH OPEN MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY TILL 9:30 P. M. SATURDAY TILL 6 » • • • » . ' ' . . . • 1 . . . Ked 4M fef* fe ftrM. ft* But. N. J. JIM BISHOP: Kegister Some 'Manly' Established H7» by John R Cook and H w y d a y Pobllshed by I b t Red Bank Register Incorporated There was mush under Ernest Hemingway's armor-' plate. He was a tough man on a typewriter and hft could drink tough and talk tough,., but behind the Thomai J. Bly whiskers and the steel-rimmed spectacles was a lone?" Wnil»m F. Saridford and Arthur Z. Kamln Frank W. Harbour Auoelui Editor! Itldaittnm Btuwu Mir. ly sentimentalist Sixteen years ago, Mark Hellinger Member ol the Asaociated Preu died and, shortly before the end, Hen£ n » AuocMUt rrui u •otttiM ncmiiviij to t l i HM tu ripnblteuleo « Hi Hi Ixu u n t*ttU4 It UUa ••wipipar u wtli u ill t r MM dUpuefiu. ingway wrote a tough-guy note to his friend. . * Member of American Newspaper Publishers Association Member Audit Bureau of Circulation I have it It is two-pages singleOAi 1U1 Btnk fUxtitsr uium*i no financial r«ipanilbtmt«i for typdgnDtileaJ «nt)n Is AdTirtlnmnlfl. but spaced and some of the things one maiir «1U rtprlat wttnout cnars*. that part ol an advtrtUemcot It. wblcii th« typoiraphloal error oeeura. Adrirtimri irtu H u n ooUfr tl» n u i n i n i imnudlatelr ol anr «rror win en mar occur. might write to another cannot be published, but, underneath the kidding is a Thlt uwiMpir MtiimM no ruponilblllttti (or •uteminu si opinion* a Utlira from IU num. sentimental warning to a pal. Hellinger; U monitu—Illft hm than 1 mot P«t month tl.&o • n m t h * - * HO p Prlcn 10 4dvtnci Sinfli copy by mall. 10 e m u > mMth»-ril.U 1 t u a 480 oopr at wuaur, I t n t i a one-time Broadway columnist and a BISHOP Hollywood producer, had a working arWEDNESDAY, MARCH 13. 1963 rangement with Hemingway to turn some of the author's books into motion pictures. "Dear Mark:" the letter says, In part, "Only thing, Dyna-Soar and Gemini that spooks me is you over-working. Don't do it, damn it Over working, over drinking, over anything, o m > Another major Air Force project RS70 reconnaissance-strike plane and working is the worst The others are self-liquidating. may be headed for the scrap heap— the bomber-launched Skybolt missile. In over-drinking, the liver turns on you and tromples and with it millions of dollars of taxWe know that in these days of you with those hobnails. But that over-working. Lay payers' good money. rapidly advancing military systems a off that over-working papa. We're talking about the manned project can become obsolete from "I can see how you'd look as a corpse. Wonderful the time it is on the drawing board space glider called Dyna-Soar. in a black shirt. But hell pappy, it won't be the same as having you around making just enough and not too Secretary of Defense Robert S. to the time it is ready for production. many of those pictures. And when that old dirt lands McNamara reportedly has strong But taxpayers seriously wonder, on the box, no matter how expensive, you are dead doubts whether the space glider pro- and justifiably so, how much duplifor a long time and from my laboratory experiments I gram is worth the additional $500 cation there is among many military can promise you pappy there isn't any heaven and million it would take td complete it. projects. If McNamara is right that there isn't any hell and you don't have any fun when Millions of dollars already have gone the Dyna-Soar and the Gemini projyou are dead. Even if they cremate you. into bringing the Dyna-Soar to its ects are similar—imagine the time, "When are you going to have Naked City dans le. cans, en los boites, en Iatas as we polyglots (polygotry effort, and money wasted in thi present state. is still freely practiced in remote districts of Utah hut area. Better co-ordination, at an earand his scientists McNamara only in the same family) say? Hay any chance de faire apparently believe the Dyna-Soar lier stage in the life of the projects shipper aux Sun Valley (Valle del Sol) Idaho? DrinkaYowr Moneys Worth; would duplicate work to be done by would have saved the American peomos un poco. Hay eleven saloons (bars) todos con 1B the National Aeronautics and Spaceple millions of dollars. gambling. REFRESHING EXPERIENCE The secretary of defense is doing "Walkeremos media milla. Put you in shape. Every Administration's two-man Gemini 17 Edison Ave. fifty yards in roadwork stop en saloon all drinks in By SYLVIA PORTER orbital flights. Gemini, in which the a service by suggesting such projects New Shrewsbury, N, J. Ketchum on the house until ten A.M. Bad house in HalAir Force has a minor share, is as Dyna-Soar be halted before addiDuring the final four fiscal years of the Eisenhow- To the Editor: (Dist 12 miles. Somebody else drive). Poor old said to be closer to flight than is tional millions of dollars are wasted er Administration—1958 through 1961—the federal The Mayor and Council of New ley Shrewsbury have just completed papa (me) raised with most of the croupiers. Switch on them. If his information is cor-government piled up three budget deficits and the $12.4 an unusual assignment. ConductDyna-Soar. own dice at crap table. The Afr Force, of course, intends rect, then he should stick to his gum billion deficit of 1959 stands as of now as the largest ing a,quasi judicial hearing on , : , , An Offer and Invitation charges brought by the chief of to battle for the project. It contends —regardless of any pressure by anpeacetime deficit in our entire history. .:'Jhaye to do le writing but would lay off couple' police against one of the patrolNot one of those deficits was pre-men, they wire required to actof days toffee Naked City and get my partner in shape. there is no comparison between the individual service. dicted in advance by President Eisen- as judge and Jury. Such a situa- Want to get that picture of you in that expensive box But we deplore the advanced two projects and plans to support tion rarely occurs in the carters hower. of men elected to council and out of my mind. Better come out, Mark. If can't make arguments to present to McNamara. stages a project is permitted to In fact, in each of his original budg- there is therefore very little In world premiere of picture am prepared to state without Already scrapped have been two achieve—before someone suddenly et messages, Eisenhower forecast a sur- their experience which prepares seeing it or never seeing it If you insist and have any them for such a challenge. Too, plus, and in that famous year of 1959 other big Air Force projects—the, realizes it has gone far enough. there is no one on the Newdoubts on it is greatest picture since Birth of a Nation his original estimate was a half-billion Shrewsbury Council with legal then come out for Xmas. (Note: Heliinger died Dec. 21). dollar surplus. In only a few months, training. "Will have a lot of work under belt and be in good I was an observer of the ol higher than projected'spending, plus These Days; entire trial. It aeems to me thai shape to get you in shape. We could do something Porter disappointing, tax take resulting from the people of New Shrewsbury sort of the reverse of Bill Brown's or Muldoon's. 9 the sluggish growth of profits and paychecks switched should be very proud of the A.M. Commence le drinking. 11 AM. Down hill racing manner in which this trial was that modest "surplus" into a massive deficit. conducted. The dignity of the on wild horses. 12:30 Walk from the stables to the In his first two fiscal years—1962 and 1963— By JOHN CHAMBERLAIN hearing, the control exercised by Ram (bar). 1:30 P.M. Heavy lunch. Afternoon: sleep. Kennedy also originally predicted surpluses which Mayor Lemon, the scrupulous at"5 P.M. The tables. 7:30 P.M. Visit bam 3:30 P.M. You come into a town, as I did way, I reflected nonetheless that on the desert. You could always ended up as deficits. (The new estimate for this year tention paid to the rights of the Dinner in bed. Movie: Fight to the death between midwitnesses, all combined to ascount on getting a ride. Later Into Norfolk; Va., last week, and I wouldn't have picked up ending July 1 Is a deficit of $8.8 billion.) sure a climate which guaranteed gets. 0300: Garroting of gamblers. Dragging of gamyou find it concerned not with stranger even it I had had four 1 hitchhiked all over California, , Now for the first time in his tenure of office, Ken absolute impartiality. blers through streets behind wild horses. 0430: Hanging problem^ of world Import but empty seats. It's been a long through the San Joaquin Valley In an era when "politicians" of psychoanalysts. 0600: Free electric shocks. O730: with -an immediately localized time now since I have accom- and up into the great national nedy not only has dared to "plan" a whopping defici parks of Sequoia and Yosemtte, usually spoken of In derogacase of rape modated a hitchhiker. of $11.9 billion for 1964 but also has dared to forecas are tory terms, It was a very refresh- Breakfast with imported beers. 0800: Drinking and murder, Why? Because of the repellent People were not afraid of hitch' it openly and to defend it as sound polity under today's ing experience to observe these (friendly). • ^ cases I have heard about ol hikers then, for insofar as there This Is evil men conduct themselves under "We could organize some sort of health schedule the form that hitchhikers who have robbed an was a criminal element in hobo- economic conditions. very trying circumstances in such strikes homi even murdered their benefactors dom it was still riding the rods like that for Christmas. So long old partner. Take care Daring this is indeed, for by so doing Kennedy has an exemplary manner. at everybody. A couple of years ago there wer of the freight trains. The automobile roads have only recently focused the nation's attention as never before on the of yourself kid. Really. I was truly worried about you Very truly yours, The partial stories of particular stretches o been spoiled for innocent hitch- size of our deficits and the almost unbroken record of and I hope you will take care. Dying is the one thing lar rape and road In Utah and New Mexico Richard I. Morris hikers by a vicious element that murder thai where the robbing and raping we can't remedy and true. red ink in recent decades. By defending the 1964 deficit, recognizes no obligation to anyhad Norfolk in and killing of generous ca one who Is kind enough to accom- he has horrified financial traditionalists and offended "Sorry you couldn't come down here (Note: HaWONDERFUL COVERAGE an uproar was drivers and their families was anmodate a stranger by giving him almost weekly occurrence. many who were eloquently' urging tax reduction before Haxlet, N. J, vana), but know what you must have been up against "~ an extraoi a lift. A Safecracker la Preferable To the Editor: in N.Y. Your pal, Ernie." Chamberlain repellent arny For a safecracker one might they saw the budget and details of his tax program. crime. A 14-year-old girl had As I drove out of Norfolk think' have sympathy. The safecracker As a document, the letter is unimportant It's a This deficit picture, even more than the hodge- We, the members of the Woman's Club of Raritan Township, pinned a notice in a laundromat ing about the inhumanity of any-does not betray generosity. I letter from one friend to another. The tone is rough, podge of tax reforms he presented with his tax reducwish to express our sincere apthat she wanted babysitting Jobs, body who would repay kindness he plans a bank robbery, he mus y, tion proposals, has hardened opposition to tax reduc preciation for the wonderful but the worry is genuine. These two were not destined This gave a 23-year-old sailor and generosity with a revolting pit skill against g intricate coverage you have given to ourto live long. Each felt the bony finger on his shoulder. with a wife and 16-month-old son assault, I thought back to my locks, strong steell doors, and tion, rallied his opponents, split his supporters. club activities during the past a gruesome Idea. He called th own young days as a hitchhiker electrified burglar alarm sysHellinger had sustained two heart attacks and, in Club Let's be honest about this deficit picture. Let's at year. 14-year-old's home, said hi That was In 1920 and 1921, when tems. With the safecracker it is 21, he said: "How old is old?' . the automobile age wai Just getleast face some obvious facts, even if we don't approve needed a babysitter for the night Sincerely, strength against strength, with no —and then, after driving her offting into Its stride. I was work- quarter given or asked. I could of the facts. He was 44, and, although I did not know it when Mrs. John Coughlin Into a marsh, proceeded to as- ing in California in aa orange wish him an easy sentence, with Corresponding Secretary he a9ked the question, he had 70 days left Hemingway (1) A first obvious point is that there's no chance packing house, and **ene tault and kill her. time off for good behavior. g still had a number of years to go, but he was obsessed had any time free I used to hitch- B t h would ld take of avoiding a budget deficit in. the year to begin this This is the sort of crime that hike from Claremont, near Los But man who with death and he wrote it to death. Hellinger kept his criminal advantage of ah adolessummer—none at all. On the one side, despite the Is making our society a ghastly Angeles, down to Palm Springs Labor, Management cent babysitter or a kindly midone to live in. Not only is it final appointment at Cedars of Lebanon Hospital, tough talk Congress won't be willing to slash governdle-aged car driver should get Program Held at School growling: "I hope you doctors know what the hell hideous in itself, but it strike the book thrown at him to the ment outgo to the point where projected government directly at all ease in social refull extent permitted by the law.income would match i t Moreover, were Congress to LONG BRANCH — The third you're doing." , lations. It poisons the milk of annual program sponsored by the human kindness at its source, Then curtains. Hemingway kept his appointment wield the "meat ax," it would knock the • props out Institute of Management and Lamakes everybody distrustful ol from under our economy, send us into a slump which bor Relations at Rutgers Univer- at dawn. He had undertaken a long drive^home from everyone else, and condemn! would shrink the tax take to the point where the newsity for students at' Long Branch a clinic. His spirits dragged. In bed, sometimes, dads people to staying home and gazHigh School was held this week. ing at the wall. deficit really could blow the lid off our economy. On The program featured class- thoughts chase each other in a carousel of doom. Th» One real good that could rethe other side, Congress certainly isn't going to raise room talks by Charles E. Le- author got up, went downstairs, and shot himself. Preys on Best Impulses sult from the current exhibitionFever, personnel manager, BamThe institution of the babysitter The letter was long forgotten. The manly kidding ist interest In "forced marches" federal taxes this year. We're already bending under bergers-Monmouth; Peter Argy was, in its origins, a happy rewould bs Hie rediscovery by thethe federal burden and increasing state, local and sowas over . . . 'is, personnel administrator, and sponse to a great need. People average American of the many cial security taxes are adding to our load right now. William Cleveland, assistant to can't get servants any more, and W. HARRY PENNINGTON. President M. HAROLD KELLY, General Manager JAMES 3. HOGAN. Editor 'Unplanned' Budget Deficits LETTERS Souring the Milk of Human Kindness Heafth Hints young couples often work in towns that are far distant from their parents and other relatives If they are to have any social mobility they must have access to babysitters in default of grandma or a live-in cook. The baby sitters, teenage girls for the most part, take jobs because they offer pleasant ways of making little money. Usually the privilege of raiding the refrigerator and watching television goes along with the work. The whole business comes under the heading of fun as well as being a gratefully received service. Now, the man who would take advantage of the innocent Institution of babysitting to carry out a rape and murder is preying on the best impulses of human beings. Unfortunately, the contemporary world seems to be breedIng more and more of this type of utterly depraved monster. While I was driving out of Norfolk, I noticed that many sailors Were trying to thumb rides. They weren't being picked up. Though my own car was stuffed and I wouldn't have been able to take along an extra passenger any- Wed, March 13, 1963 pleasures and benefits of walking. the president, Electronics AsThere is little doubt that walking (2) A second obvious point is that by presenting sociates; Harold Ladd, industrial is the most natural and normal his tax reduction package along with a huge Budget relations manager, Bendlx Corp.; form of bodily exercise. When Stanley Godlesky, committeeman properly indulged by someone deficit, Kennedy has invited critics of government and editor, local union paper, who moves with healthy vigor— spending to a Roman holiday. Moves now must be Local 980, United Auto Workers, and not as though he drifted on made to control the budget and surely there is room Ford Motor Co., Metuchen, and the currents of an inconstant wind Robert Richardson, Local 981 —walking calls most skeletal mus- for some cuts. Although the cuts chosen may be risky, United Auto Workers, Edison. cles into play and stimulates the the risks should be taken if the alternatives are either The. Long Branch seniors, in circulatory and respiratory syi- no tax reduction worth the name or spending control. addition to the individual daistems. (3) A third obvious point is that with or without room discussions, also saw an Walking Is good for you even Institute film, "Let's Arbitrate." psychologically, because it sub- a tax cut, the deficit originally projected for 1964 could The purpose of the program, tly resores your confidence in turn out to be conservative. Look at this record and which was co-ordinated at the your ability to go forward unhigh school by Martha Taylor, der your 6wn power, it changes you'll see why Kennedy well may be about to take chairman of trie Social Studies your phantasms, imparts new over from Eisenhower the dubious distinction of run-Department, is to supplement the knowledge acquired through ob- ning up the largest peacetime deficit in our history student's study units on manageservation, and gets you where ment and labor relations by in(in billions): you want to be. iting representatives of both Original budget Way it turned For solo thinking or compan- fear ending management and labor into the ionable conversation, walking af- une 30 estimate Out classroom. It is expected that fords a privacy that Is secure 1958 .... $1.8 surplus .'. $2.8 deficit students will not only gain furthagainst the phone, the radio, teleer insight into current problems, [959 $ .5 surplus $12.4 deficit but that some of the misconcepvision, or other people. The pace of walking acts as a I960 $ .1 surplus $1.2 surplus tions regarding the objectives and governor on the racing engine of 961 :. $4.2 surplus $3.9 deficit activities of trade unions and contemporary living. "It maketh management will be cleared :...... $1.5 surplus $6.4 deficit away, school officials said. the blood to flow and the mind 962 to function." Try jt soon and in- 963 $ .5 surplus $8.8 deficit dulge it often, It may do wonders Some of the olive trees brought 964 • • # • • $i:i.9 deficit ........;. for you, In body and spirit. to California by the Spaniards t l Michael S. Newjohn, M.D. (Continued on Page 8) early as 1769 are still alive. "This must be where1 they held disarmament conferences In oncfent times1." ' : You get the BEST BUYS at Acme! Your Family Deserves the Best-Get Famous Lancaster Brand Meat! Visit Your Nearby Acme and See for Yourself Why Everyone Is Saying "Meet Me At the Acme" Lancaster Brand (Bone-1 n) CHUCK ROAST.38 RIB ROAST Lancaster Brand - $2.75 value for $1.79! Save 96c! 3 lbs. Ground Beef ' OVEN READY Regularly 59c Ib. ib. 65c Regular Style Completely Hew POPULAR mCHWCS ilwfraterf C O R N E D HOME HANDYMAN VOLUME 3 Apple or Dutch Apple label CREAM n p,.„. Ai Q c PIE2 i CHEESE * " " * 7 Chiffon Cake 59c Chocolate |b. _ Swiss Cheese S 43' Sharp Cheese St. Patricks KRAFT CRACKER BARREL ^ # C M i l 59 IDEAL COFFEE IDEAL TUNA TOMATO S O W 3a FREE120S&H Green Stamp Coupon in Each Can pkgs. BAYER ASPIRIN bottle of 100 CANDY ft M&M Chocolates Plain Peanuf (hot. Almond Frull Chewles your choice 4V.-II. PH. $4 - $/|57 10-oi.) or Fig Newtoni size of 24 Lux Flakes '^ Surf2 ^!25(K 62c S?'29e FAIR HAVEN—576 River Rd. ONION llolon SOUP MIX Sunshine Hydrox Dim S&H Green Stamps * Redeem 50-Slomp Coupon With Purchase of $5.00 or More * Redeem TOO-Stomp Coupon With Purchase of $10.00 or More * Redeem Both Coupons With Purchase of $15.00 or More O m Coupon por Shopping Family. Expires Saturday, March 16, 1963 29' FREE! 100 S&H ° S with purchase of $10.00 or mor« Except Fluid Milk and Cigarette* Name_ Address. Ono Coupon por Shopping Family. Expire* Saturday, March 16, 1963 Red Sockcye ICY POINT ICE Uncle Ben's " Uncle Ben's r"«X£ Kraft Mayonnaise 801. «>n 5 5 c 16-01. tan 3 9 C Golden FLUFFO 3-lb. can / JC 29c «>• 35c »'-'-«• 36c Whlti 1 12-01. 2-I1.3K ' pkjl. BIVEB " I " BHAHO 4* Gleem Toothpaste 14-01. 21c »»,. iit lube K'69c 5-oz. 4-n. ]>t W l lube 69ctb?B3c 3 NEW VEE-FORM MODESS $2.57 FREE! ISO Salmon :';-60c Shampoo LlIt " c""' 9'/i-ot. 4ft1 Swanson'^ro,',;;, :," 101i-'ll. 1 1 , Krefchmer , £ " ( ' „ ].r0 1 J ' C Peanuls " I T l " i : ; - 65c Breeze -4Se 81c 43c Imported 3»-19' 2 <>< 2 9 ,39. M ; 45c INSTANT COFFEE L i t l n crimi Lotion LESSER QUANTITIES A T REGULAR PRICE »• 15c cello ' 20 lb t ;i- 69c Jt<%( Ot# I . . . . . Oil Konli JUI16 PRUNE . TOMATO ' PASTE 29 5 TOILETRIES Margarine Plllsbury Flour N U C O A MARGARINE <= 2 FRANCO AMERICAN h e 4 tm W Regular 73c Peter Pan \X 2 Off 1114-11. i Ikl' PIZZARETTES " Spaghetti & Cheese active" ALL i4-oi. Romon *WW PROGRESSO F 6 STRONG HEART 6 XED BANK—170 Broad St. WHITING Tiny TATERS 2;rs;49c BBC mm T E T L E Y TEA BAGS Tablets FLOUNDER FILLET Blrdseye 15V4 or. FLUFFY ALL SILVER DUST pkg. 35c 7 ; 81c Je OH RINSO BLUE 12-01. r67c LUX LIQUID ':35c:i62c PAH-REOI ,o.«. B Q t 4 CUT-RITE ';:; 63c T 89c 33c 2. 1601 TUNA NOODLES IDEAL MIXED C pkgs. 19-01. pkg. FRIED CLAMS AUCIIC SEAL VEGETABLES 7V4-O*. pk9i. DETEROENr STOIIFFEfl'S FROZEN FOOD DEL MONTE rr 10 89 C WAX 95 CAMPBELLS PAPER KRAFT W"«R rsz 4 C 3 2 95 CAMPBELLS c 2 12-oz. J f l Q C FRANCONOODLES ( 59 AMERICAN LIBBY'S CORN LIBBY'S PEAS LIQUID HOWARD JOHHSON'I Serva Corned Beef and Cabbage Ac is 1 9 HDLLOWAV HOUSE ;iV"'49c SALISBURY STEAK FRIED CHICKEN GREEN CABBAGE B A N A N A S G«tr SEEDLESS GRAPES IDEAL COFFEE 2 FROSTED FOOD FEATURES! SWANSON'5 ASPARAGUS 33 tmtmMmmmmmimmm Coffee K K ^ C Ib. can Acme's Lenten Values! SWORDFISH STEAK lb- 6 3 C lb HALIBUT STEAK - 69C Tender Green Spears Coffee Layer Cake 99c 125-ffc rail DISHWASHER ALL _ You Never Hod It So Fresh! MAXWELL HOUSE Iceo *'jk KETCHUP Lancaster Brand Boneless Brisket CROSS-RIB ROAST <u; 79 CHUCK STEAKS % 49 SHORT RIBS L r ; r >b49 c CHICKEN LEGS, BREASTS 49C LANGS PIZZA PIES 59 BAKERY DAIRY HEINZ $|79 Special combination offer Sovee 48c on Meat, Soe 48c on Pan. Totol Saving 9£c TURKEYS 35 Buy a book a week. 1,001 ways to save money! 16 money saving books! — S T I L l TIME TO GiT . Irriporttd Switjerlond Sliced 50c LANCASTER BRAND "OVEN READY" HOWONSAU 3c off 2-pc. Broiling Pan ||j. FIRST G U T * (L1O.HTLY HIQHEB ENCYCLOPEDIA & GUIDE Bordens BROIL-WELL—reg. 98c 2 o^Vi 67c 89c 20c Off Pkg. of 36 LINCROFT^Newman Springs Rd. af Hurley Lane glarit HANDYANDY bn. 69c regular O i l , LUX TOILET SOAP 3 cabai J l C LUX BATH SOAP 2-r 31c OC-, ' LIFEBUOY SOAP 3 regular taktl O 3 C LIFEBUOY SOAP 4 cakfi J 3 C LIQUID ALL K.73c WEST LONG BRANCH—Rt. 36 and Broadway 8 - W « L , M«cl> 13. 1963 ' RED BA^KBJECISTE^ . New Monmouth POOH MAN'S PHILOSOPHER Americans Spending More Than Ever By HAL BOYLE church tuU Friday. MM. William Mrs. Donald Tifcudy celebrated) MM, Milton Carrot! wai jgveflj • Feather* & program chairman. hi« birthday Saturday, • u g ^ tjjower •Owrsday. Jby Williim Feathers will be toastJMIllbrook Bridge Club «t the master. Mr. and Mrs. George Ross and home of Mrs. Kenneth Norton, m> I * r\ • Sylvia Porter y Tree a r m Rfl< Tree rFarm Rd.Attei AtteniJfamily Millbrook Dr s p e n•~t P e nry !a" ' '< (Continued) King of Kings Lutheran Church A movie party in Atlantic 8 were Mrs. FFred J Valentin, iea (4) A fourth obvious point is that if our economy will celebrate its third anniver- Highlands was given for Fred Thursday with Mr. and Mrs M T ° , ! f L v? ^Mrs.% sary by holding a dinner in theHall, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Martin Kelly of Hoboken. Missjward Poioghan, Mrs. Arthur does gain new power and does start moving strongly Hall, Claridge Dr.. for his Ilth Valarie Ross, this place, cele-jCoughlln, Mrs. Willard Thompson The Sanitary Aristocrat—He birthday Saturday. Present were brated her birthday there thati and M r s ' A1 Wood - M r s ' Valeri- ahead from this plateau, the tax take from paychecks brings a lunch in a picnic hamper John Haag, Lee Longchamp, dday. tin. Lone Oak Rd., will be hostess and profits can in a "few years finally balance a budget av at the next meeting. that would feed a starving troop Richard Hartman, Joel Kaplan, kept under control. The goal to which the nation agreed of Girl Scouts. Alter finishing the and Peter Swanson. Relatives were present for a Miss Jeanne Pankenier, daugh with remarkable unanimity as the year began was caviar, he dips his hands in the birthday celebration last Wednes- ter ter of of Mr. Mr. and and Mrs. Richard H. water fountain before going on to An informal Mrs. Richard H. , . ... . . .. , . i,,«finn in NEW YORK (AP)-The custom The Mechanical Gourmet—He the fried chicken. day> a t t h e h m e M r an d Pankenier, Park Ave., celebrated across-the-board, solid, substantial tax reduction in irthda T Gerald ° ° ' . Francis Corley for their her 18th birthday Saturday. Presoj bringing one's lunch to work is has a slot machine appetite. He The Waif—"I got up so late this Cahill, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gerent were Mr. and Mrs. John See- 1963 to stimulate business investment and consumer no longer confined to the blue col- eats whatever his nickels and morning my wife didn't have time ald Cahill, Saturday. Present daughter Virginia, who was 3. dorff, Jersey City; Mr. and Mrs. spending and thus speed our growth. If we permit this dimes will fetch—chocolate milk to fix me anything," he murmurs lar class. As a matter of fact the average canned soup, candy bars. At the as he strolls from table to table, were David Adolphsen, Robert Lawrence G. O'Connor, son ol Henry Meyer, Clark Township; blue colllar worker is so busy end of the luncheon hour he is borrowing a piece of corned beef McPherson and Kurt Dunzello. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence O'Con- Mr. and Mrs. Edward Murphy goal to be obscured and postponed, we harm only nor, was baptized Sunday in St. and family Long Island, and earning overtime, he can hardly begging everyone in sight to give sandwich here, half an apple core , afford to waste his youth in eat-him change for a half buck so hethere. Actually, he's putting his 1 Mr. and Mrs. Donald Tshudy Mary's Catholic Church. Soon' Richard and William Pankenier. ourselves. can play the machines some more money into common stocks and and family, Aberdeen Ter., visit- sors were Mr. and Mrs. Georgei ing, f The white collar employe is If he can't eat what comes out, hopes to be able to retire by the ed Mr. and Mrs. Harold Tshudy Kyle of Jersey City. There were] It pays to advertise in the Red iBank Register.—Advertisement. of Lancaster, Pa. last weekend. I guests present. quite another "matter. He can he lights it up and smokes it. age of 50. hardly afford to l » e unless he brings his lunch to work. There was a time when his white collar was a status symbol. Now it is just a badge of indoor serfhood. Anyway, for one reason or another, the average office locker room is crowded now at lunch time with fodder chompers. Among them you are sure to find these typical characters: The Inheritor—All he ever has to eat is what is left over in the refrigerator from the day before. If it's a lamb stew he warms it up by carrying it to work in a plastic bag in his pocket. The Classicist—On Monday, Wednesday and Friday he brings in baloney sandwiches; on Tuesday and Thursday he brings >n liverwurst sandwiches. The male members of his family have subsisted on this midday fare since the invention of bread. The Intellectual—He nips on ( canapes his wife saved from the 'last literary to-do, and $jps from a small carafe of cheap but adeSPRIISG THAW ON FROZEN quate red wine from a small but sensitive vineyard on the north SHOP-SITEslope of a name vineyard in BurSILVER SKILLET gundy where an unknown poet once died climbing uphill. Between bites and sips he reads from a volume of Proust in the CM Otill original Proust. ' M»ed Ve«et«Ue*. W CmMamm, tO-*t The Trader—This nomad of the locker room wanders the area ofYOI» CHOKf ShopKtt fering to exchange an extra slab of his mother-in-law's meat loaf for any dessert you have, partial Red Pock u adv. over WJRZ Comstock Apple 23-oz., Chary 22-ox. Urly if it is cheesecake. BOYLE It Pays to Advertise in The Register THRIFTY GROCERY ITEMS! VEGETA ***** CORNED BEEF HASH £77' SNIDERS CATSUP 5 „ . PURPLE PLUMS >— 4 Bowl Sets Tomatoes Tops In Flattery SHOP-RITE 16-oz. $ 1 pkgs. * I Cod Fillets Cr«n Giant Nibl.li. Mexi M"" Aunt Fanny Pecan Twirls O 3 3 ?£ l Kr-appU-Graorfruit CRISCOOIL Tomato Paste 10 S'l TOMATOES 10-OI. Shop-Rite Vac. Pack Whoh Kernel Com 12-ox. pkgs. Mrs. Paul's Fish Cakes or Fish Sticks Dinners * • * « . «$ - M K I I i l i Progretio or Pop* Imported Italian Birds Eye Frozen Sweet Peas - Knorr Soups 7-oz. J pkgs." t 23* Pie filling > Kleenex Table KOTEX Corn 4- Convenient, , BuitoniorConlacBna Imported Italian Appian Way ™ 55 C A i^$f •" " Pizza Mix Progreuo or Mandn! Soarted Peppers Bounty Be«f or Chicken '•'••$119 Stew -"•"-*" 2 ft 45* Napkins Potato - Cabbage • Cheese Mrs.T'sPierogies Salad Oil 2-89' pkgs. Banquet Tuna Pies CHICKEN OFTHE SEA Shop-Rite or STAR-KIST Fish Sticks SHOP-RITE Fresh Frozen SOLID PACK, WHITE ORANGE JUICE 5 TUNA 6-oz. cant Shop-Rite Shrimp-Flounder-Scallop 2 Fish Dinners 10-oz. $ 1 pkgs, * I WHY Poly Bag 16-oz. Pkg. Sea Scallops PAY MORE? Wakeflcld So feminine, so flattering to your face — make a veil hat to wear the year 'round. It's easy as A-B-C to whip up a veil hat — light on your hairdo and budget. Pattern 729: directions 6 styles with flower, ribbon, fabric trim. Thirty-five cents in coins for this pattern — add 15 cents for each pattern for first-class mailing and special handling. Send to Laura Wheeler, The Red Bank Register, Needlecraft Dept., P. 0. Box 161, Old Chelsea Station, New York 11, N. Y. Print plainly pattern number, name, address and zone. NEWEST RAGE-SMOCKED accessories plus 208 exciting needlecraft designs in our new 1963 Needlecraft Catalog — just out! Fashions, furnishings to crochet, knit, sew, weave, embroider, quilt. Plus free pattern. Send twenty five cents now. Crab Meat Shop-Rite or Little Chef tt-SIZE CANS Pizza Downyflake 3 fe fe Waffles SAVE 50' WITH THESE COUPONS COUPON SAVINGS f : Shop-Rite Garden Sweet PEAS 2 19 YOU WILL PAY OUR LOW, LOW SALE PRICE OF JUST 29c FOR TWO 16-OZ. CANS A N D RECEIVE A 10c REFUND AT CONCLUSION OF CHECKOUT. Coupon Expires: Saturday Night, Morch 16,1963. Coupon Limit: One Per Family, _. Coupon Avoitable: Any Shop-Rite Supermarket -KcK. where item is available. k Coupon Redeemed: Only on purchase of item lilted, Shop-Rite Vegetarian or c Pork & Beans »r 10 2 i.157' Star Kiit. Chicken of the Sea Solid Pack 3 ™t$1 White Tuna Shop-Rite (Quart Jar) \ Coffee " MAYONNAISE 19 Sugar Shop-Rite Vac. Pk. White Whole I 20 5 £ 55* Shop-Rite California Tomato Paste SHOP-RITE Betty Crocker, Devils, Dark Chocolate, 4c off C House ia* I 40c OH Jumbo Convenient 1 f 8 ;.-> 1 « 9( 24*. •ri. Handy Shop-Rite LOG CABIN BUTTER or PLAIN PLAIN 24-oz. bottle 55' U-n. 29* Cleanser Vanity Fair 3 Ply Facial Tissues 2^-43' Holland House AH Purpota Coffee FRUIT COCKTAIL toward the purchaw of any dozen freih THIS COUPON WORTH 2 I 1" Kernel Corn COUPON SAVINGS ]f I'M A LAMB WITH THE POWER OF A LION I'm 0. Howie Hustles, the' powerful Register Classified Ad. I'm email but I accomplish mighty big tilings. For example, I find ouyers in a hurry for the good ••ports equipment you no longer ise. And, the cash they pay you means more of the things you will use and enjoy. Dial SH 1-0010 today and giye Jie courteous Ad Writer who answers your list. $ National Brand YOU WILL PAY OUR LOW, LOW SALE PRICE OF JUST 39c per quart jar A N D RECEIVE A 2Oc REFUND AT CONCLUSION OF CHECKOUT. Coupon Expires: Saturday flight, March 16, 1963. Coupon Limiti One Per Family. Coupon Available: Any Shop.Rile Supermarket PRR where item is available. Coupon Redeemed: Only on purchase of item lis Duncan Hinei, Devil Fudoe, Fudoe, Marbte, Shop-Rite Malted Milk Balb Maxwell Home rig./drip COUPON SAVINGS f SMtV-Rife Grape-Punch Orange Aliorted Flavors Shop-Rite line, wide or medium Noodles FRUIT DRINKS Cake Mixes v1:,1'.; w,33* JELL-0 INSTANT COFFEE Maxwell 'j£ S f lS09 Cake Mixes;::; H..29 - *1 » AD Detergent C ' l " WESSON O i l CRISCO OIL 39 Candy EGGS Coupon Good Al: i Any Shop-Rile Super Market B SILVER DUST BLUE wh«r« Htm h avallabU Coupon limiti One Per family. Coupon Expires: March lrS, 1963. Coupon Redeemed: Only on item lilted. giant box \ AJAX CLEANSER 2c OFF! 2 14-QI.' cans ' AJAX LIQUID 13c OFF! 28-oz. can CASHMERE BOUQUET reg. I Free 4 pk. 29' FAB 8e OFF! giant box tueBjgo UR? YOU'W bound to takejwl, *t*mped * m e t o p e to Mary Add to this total the Ins Insur- something o f - a gunbte whetherlFeeley in care of this paper, the you p yon pay y annually, annitfJJy, and the ance costs alter the house if' all you sell and rent, or stay where will try to answer your question you arc, But a t least, If you personally.) yourei Hew do these two s u m s - a p a r t - take a good look at the figures ment home—compare, on" a year- I've suggested, you'll be able to HE BLEW HIS STACK weigh the savings you could exly basis? TAMPA, Fla. (AP)-An Argen pect to build up by the time your house and move into an aparMrom indecision. Do this: go out When your mortgage and your By MARY FEELEY tine ship capptain, twice hauled husband is retired. JFHA loan a r e paid off, you'll be Consultant In Money Management ment. My husband does not wantjand look around at apartments in a $50 figuring only in terms of main- Sometimes this matter of sell- into police court on charges of •to pay rent: —-'- he '-- feels ' - - I - that 'I--* the H._l. ten to • „ $70 «7I> a „ month m n . l h range— ronoo Dear Miss Feeley; |$70 the very tops, since you tenance, insurance, taxes, utili- ing or not selling the home is as blowing soot onto Davis Island, house is an investment. We are a couple, age 56, and should think in terms of living on ties. If that sums amounts to much a psychological problem as gave Tampa a maritime bronx my husband will retire in nine He is not a handyman and any that $275 a month pengjon. Esti- more than the yearly rental of a financial one. II your husband cheer as he departed the last work must include labor costs. We years from the Postal Service mate the cost of utiMgfe if you an apartment, plus utilities, the1 is dead set against it, it may with a pension of $275 a month. have no savings to speak of, andi rent. Then jot down the estimatedjapartment would seem to be the be his heart rather than his head time. if we continue to put the money! that's doing the arguing. Better Smarting under two heavy His annual net pay is 54,619. into the house, we will not be| annual cost of apartment-living, better bargain. fines, the captain let loose his We owe $1,794 on our house, plus able to save anything because we1 on the basis of your survey. Of course, if your husband give that due consideration. No ire as he passed through the ship $1,750 FHA lor remodeling, The live in a good neighborhood Now put down on paper the could or would do part of the re- apartment is going to be much of channel close by the island, a house is old and still neeeds a where appearances must be kept estimated cost of that new roof pairs on your home, that Would a home if unhappiness moves in well-to-do residential area. He great deal of work, including a U bring down maintenance costs with the furniture. your house needs, and all other |considerably. It's entirely possi- It may be, too, that after re- blew his stacks. new roof. Our total payments are Prepairs you can reasonably fore-l ble, too, that a home in a good tirement your husband will de- Since the vessel was under way $104.87 a . month. Utilities run Can you advise .us? Mrs. D. C , St. Paul, Minn. see, with labor costs included. neighborhood could increase in velop unsuspected handyman tal- and headed for open sea, there about $46 a month. Our car is seven years old and paid for. was no way to make a third arTalk to a contractor or other ex- value. But then real estate taxes ents. It has happened. Dear Mrs. C : may well increase, too. And viho rest. But police are patiently We have no dependents or close A little action is usually good pert on repairs, rather than just relatives. I feel we should sell the'medicine when you're suffering guessing on upcoming expenses, can say how much rents may (If you will send a self-address- awaiting his return. live Within Yonr Inc6me Giving Up Your Home? Down to MEAT PRICES CUT TO THE BONE! RED BANK REGISTER ,W«a, March 13, 1 9 6 3 - 9 tkm points out that in addition to a series of some 50 specific recommendations for increasing efficiency or economical operation in many areas, the committee Prepared by N. J. Taxpayers also outlined a blueprint to guide Association, 143 E. State St.. further study and review of State Trenton 8 N. J. government. The committee declared: "The unchanging recipe for ef- 'There is a strict and constant responsibility upon State governficiency and economy is for the people to be alert to the prod- ment officials to mount a susucts as well as to the expendi- tained effort—on the widest scale tures of their government, and and of the deepest penetration— for them to insist upon high to search for and promote efstandards of prudence and com- ficiency and economy." petence in the spending of their Such effort, the committee indicated, should help brii^ about money." a continuing search for modern, This advice is quoted from the efficient and businesslike operarecent report of Governor tion in government. Hughes' Committee on Efficiency and Economy in Government. In Through a program of evalucalling it to public attention, the atio.i of present services, it was New Jersey Taxpayers Associa- pointed out, the State could: —develop techniques to measure and compare yields as well a.- costs of State government activities and services; —provide for "alternatives, substitutions and priorities" in programs; —review established programs to prevent costly duplication and conflict: —provide ior "hardheaded evaluation" of research, demonstration and experimental programs as they progress; —achieve efficient organizational apparatus and patterns. Among other findings summarized in the 30-page report, the Governor's Committee: —pointed to the possibilities of measuring and increasing the productivity of government much in the way this is achieved in various service industries; —suggested modern means of achieving maximum use of gov ernment supplies, equipment, buildings and space; —urged officials and staffs be Earth Dairy Bargains alerted to the application of new concepts and technology in such fields as automation, data processing and transmission, and in management planning and con| trol systems. Said the report: State Government officials and itaffs must be equipped with the :apability to understand these deelopments, to study their appli:ability in their operations and introduce them for most ef'ective service and economy." * KNOW YOUR GOVERNMENT MARGARINE siii|iipii Shop-Rite Swiss 49* American Slices Shop-Rite Super Sharp Cheddar Pure-Maid A 37* 2 $,29* Orange Juice Dannon Vegetable Salad 5cOffl Yogurt Shop-Rite White - Colored Individual Wrapped American Slices " ^ 2 9 * Shop-Rite Finland Swiss Slices % Fleischman's Margarine ~ j SHOP-RITE CHEESE SPREAD a Q X Top Quatty Young Steer Bnf Chuck Steaks *49 Short Cut Well Trimmed Rib Steaks RnutorSt,!* Rib Roast Ov«nReody LOBSTER TAILS ' 69e '. Rib Roast Cooked Breaded Heat & Serve Flounder Spare Ribs Rib Roast A RealTreat CHOICE DELI SELECTIONS 9 Newport Roast **V Freih & Lean A REAL TREAT 4-6 ox Ground Chuck SHOP-RITE *69 e BACON jHotopSweet Italian Italian Sausage *> 69* HALIBUT STEAKS 69 SWORDFISHSTEAKS 69: Cooked Bmdded Heat & Serve TASTY 39' Ttnd*rCourrtry Style 2 - 69 HntCuts FOR LENTEN MENUS!' Bone In Well Trirrmwd Pork Cutlet DELICIOUS n49c Canned »33* Chunk Bologna & 'Tatty bid Cut Tatty Center Cut Port Rooiti or Pork Chops Pork Chops 49 fc79c Scallops C Hormel Ham 8 L '5 " Ib Liverwurst Unox Imported 3,t s 2' 9 5 Canned Ham All Beef-All Meat Franks SH0P RITE - £55* Store Sliced lb Boiled Ham P E P P E R S Extra Fancy Large FLORIDA SWEET RED Ib. 1 7 C C A R R O T S 99= Sugar Coated Bakery Prices STEP INTO SHOP-RITE'S GARDEN ROOM! STRAWBERRIES 55* PINT Tender'" 29 GOLD-MARBLE GOURMET POUND CAKE la stalk 1 5 C C A B B A G E Fresh Green 2 lbs. O 7 C Burry's Ib. T C PEARS Sweet, Juicy Anjou Where's it going to end? As pointed out in recent statements of the New J ersey Taxpayers Association: "Taxpayers must determine how much government they want :o buy—and pay for. The problem is as simple—and as difficult —as that." 2 i 59' 2 celo 2 5 C T O M A T O E S Firm Ripe 2 ctns 2 9 C C E L E R Y Crisp Pascal The New Jersey taxpayer is lot likely to experience that "unanted" feeling this year. As spending budgets are turned n at the various levels of government, it appears that the 1963 taxpayer will be more sought afti r than the top candidate on the FBI's list of the "10 most wanted men." Each day's headlines tell of igger spending programs in the school districts and at the muicipal and county levels of govmment—toward which local taxlayers will be expected to contribute handsomely. Last year total costs of local government in New Jersey went well Over a billion dollars. This year they again are expected to reach new highs. The budget hews is also of the •ecord-breaking variety at the state and federal levels of government. The governor's budget—proposing to spend an all-time high of 1547 million—was transmitted to he Legislature with the thought hat this merely will keep the Hate's "head above the water" as it prepares "boldly to come o grips with its future." Broad based taxes and a $750 million bond issue are among means sug;ested to meet the latter challenge. And, despite all the Washington talk of tax reduction, the news is no better at the federal level of government. True, the President's nea'r-$I00 billion budget message to Congress contemilates reduction of income tax ates. However, the resultant $12 lillion "planned" deficit threatens to add further to the public lebt and pile higher the mortgage on the taxpayers' fuure. And, speaking of mortgages, federal tax adjustments also are :ontemplated which would cut credits now allowed Federal taxjayers for interest on their home mortgages, local taxes and other :ax-deductible costs. This was the utlook in Washington as both wage earner and empoyer upped heir federal Social Security tax >ayments effective the first of the fear—the ninth Social Security ate increase in the last 14 years. Raisin Cookies 4 ^ s l Weston Animal Zoo, Vanilla Wafers, SHOP-RITE MIDDLETOWN SHOP-RITE NEW SHREWSBURY - - • - Route 35 and New Monmouth Road , y Located in Atlantic Supcrama Discount Store PRAISE IOCOFFI 3Z3V ALL Condensed 49-oz, box HANDY ANDY •16-oz. bot. SPRY 2c 0FF1 lb. can * LIQUID ALL Ginger Snaps Graham Crackers X- 33C Sunshine 63* ll Hydrox ^ Kcebler Chocolate Fudge Sandwich Cookies JOY IOCOFFI gaint ; can 5 , £ *1 Nabisco 12-oz. con "^ CHEER 3c OFFI 28 C box r ) Q c large SURE 'N I MAKE EVERYTHING COME UP SHAMROCKS FOR YOU You don't need the luck of the Irish, as long as you have me. I'm O. Howie Hustles, the powerful Register Classified Ad that brings you plenty of the "green" you want. When it comes to getting extra money for the good household items you're no longer using, I go straight to cash buyers faster than any Leprechaun. Make a list of the things you want to sell and dial SH 1-0010 today. I'm the fast, easy, inexpensive way to better living. , M*rca 13, 196? Professor Adam and Eve Addresses Papa's Garden Club BEP BANK REGISTER Middletown Woman's Club Sale of Books Benefits Clubs Library Fund MIDDLETOWN — A used book •ale sponsored by the literature department was held at a meeting of the Woman's Club ol Middletown last week in Leeds Hall. Proceeds will benefit the club's library fund. Books not sold will be donated to the Middletown Village School for sale at the school's annual bazar in May. Mrs. Alfred Townley of the Form New Auxiliary RUMSON— The Greater Red Bank Auxiliary to the Home for the Chronic Sick. Long Branch, was chartered Monday at a meeting in Congregation Bnai Israel. Mrs. Moe C. Giller, public relations director of the home, explained the institution's program. The home is a non-sectarian, non-profit organization dedicated to the care of chronically ill adults from all parts of the state. Patients are accepted whether or not they are able to pay. Mrs. Giller discussed the need of expanding the Institution and reported there are more than 100 applications on hand. She said in the state of New Jersey there are more than 360,000 chronically ill persons from 18 years of age and up who are in dire need of institutional care and rehabilitation of the type given in the Home of Chronic Sick. Mrs. Arthur Smalback, 43 Spring Ter., Red Bank, was appointed Chairman. A membership tea will take place at the end of March or the first week in April. The charter will be kept open until after this event. Signing the charter Monday were Mrs. Louis Drazin, Mrs. Benjamin Ashin, Mrs. Gilbert Rosenthal, Mrs. Nathan Josell, Mrs. Milton Abramoff, Mrs. Bernard Ross, Mrs. Morton Winer, Mrs. Moe Newman, Mrs. Al Fink, Mrs. Smalbach, Mrs. Wil- To Sponsor Dance liam Blrnberg and Mrs. Martin PORT MONMOUTH — Mrs. Warschauer. M. J. Lynch and Mrs. Charles Carroll are chairmen of a St. SURFACE YARNS Patrick's Day dance sponsored "Surface yarns" and "face by the Ladies Auxiliary of Midyarns" are both terms describing dletown Elks Lodge to be held the most important part of your Saturday at 9 p.m. in the lodge carpet — the part you see and; mme, Main St. walk on. To choose good quality, Mrs. Sydney F. Reiser is in' select a carpet with the greatest charge of tickets, "Refreshments density and closeness of con- will be ser«%d ana the Sky Liners struction in the pile surface. orchestra will play for dancing. THERE'S NO CHARGE FOR SERVICE AT STERLING ., But It Makes a Million-Dollar Difference in Your Satisfaction! FURNITORC 149 Broad St., Red Bank, N. J. SH 7-4400 W A.M. to t P.M. Hoi. a.™ rrl. I A.M. to « F.M. SMnrdvi. ARE NEW SHREWSBURY- Professor ' Roy DeBoer of Rutgers University was guest speaker at a meeting Thursday of the New Shrewsbury Garden Club in the Swimming River School. Avon Woman's Club was guest speaker. She spoke on a recent trip to the northwestern part of the United States. A motion to increase the club membership from 50 to 75, with a point system in effect to qualify was presented to the group. The issue will be voted on at the April meeting. The club will again sponsor a Middletown High School student to the Douglass College Citizenship Institute in June. Mrs. Nicholas D'Anthony, m e m b e r s h i p chairman, announced that Mrs. Frederick Koenig has been accepted as a new member. Mrs. D'Anthony also introduced guests, Mrs. Louis C. Brown, Mrs. Thomas E. Conlin and Mrs. Earl Compton. The art /department will meet Monday at 8 p.m. in the home of Mrs. Edson Conger, Heron Rd. Mrs. James Sheean will demonstrate the beginning of a portrait. The welfare department will continue to make cancer dressings at a meeting of the group March 20 at 10 a.m. in the home of Mrs. Merton Morse, Southview Ter. The newly-formed music group, under the direction of Mrs. Donald Babcock and Mrs. Thomas Phillips, will participate In the Fifth District Music Festival at the Point Pleasant Woman's Club April 2. Members and guests of the garden department will attend the Philadelphia Flower Show today. The department will meet March 26 at 2 p.m. in the home of Mrs. Edwin Stanley, Hartshorne PI. Mrs. Harold Hannigan, Butler La., will be hostess to the literature department March 28 at 8 p.m. in her home. Hostesses for the afternoon were Mrs. Albert Johnson, Mrs. Anthony Fiala, Mrs. Kenneth Barthold and Mrs. Paul Smith. Department reports and entertainment by the music group will be presented at a meeting of the club April 4 at 1 p.m. in Leeds Hall, Kings Hwy. ... LENTEN MEALS A PROBLEM? Plaint STAGE SETTING for the Monmouth Civic Chorus production of Gilbert and Sullivan's "lolanthe" is inspected by stage director Allan Wallace, left; Mrs. Robert Earis, assistant, and John Pe+racca, designer of the set. Two performances of the operetta are set for May I I and 12. 'Backstage Stars' Important In Production of lolanthe' LITTLE SILVER- Time and talent are combined in a trio of non-singing members*.of the Monmouth Civic Chorus working on the forthcoming production of Gilbert and Sullivan's "lolanthe." Allan Wallace, Atlantic Highlands, is stage director for the operetta, which will be presented May 11 at 8:30 p.m., and May 12 at 3 p.m. in the RumsonFair Haven Regional High School. Assistant director is Mrs. Robert Earle, Atlantic Highlands, and John Petracca, Middletown, is stage set designer. Mr. Wallace, a familiar figure to chorus members, has directed "The Gondoliers," "Patience" and "The M i k a d o . " He has worked in radio and as a television director, and is vice president in charge of sales and production for a firm which specializes in producing television com1 mercials. Mrs. Earle is a veteran of the Civic Chrous. She lends her Duo to Play at College talents to stage direction and choreography. She received her early training at the Grand Central School of Art in New York and has been active In Monmouth Players, directing several of its productions. Mr. Petracca, formerly of Jersey City and a newcomer to the chorus, is an illustrator for The New Jersey Bell Telephone Company. He designed the stage set for "lolanthe" in. addition to designing advertising posters and other promotional materials for the local production. He is a graduate of Cooper Union and the Art Students League. Other members serving as committee chairmen in addition to singing in the operetta are Ed Hinkelman, Navesink, conductor; Richard Westee, New Shrewsbury; Fred Louden, Freehold, financial secretary; Mrs. George Giffin, Fair Haven, publicity; Mrs. Gibb Oram, Little Silver, program; Sam Harvey, Fair Haven, costumes; William Nielsen, Rumson, scenery, and Mrs. Polly MacLean, , Faif Haveh:laccompai4fst? '*'-M& ' Raritan Club Nominates New Slate John Corigliano' and Heida Hermanns WEST LONG BRANCH — The Chamber Music Society of the Moijimouth Arts Foundation will feature the violin and1 piano duo of John Gorigliano and Heida Hermanns for their second program of the season on Tuesday. The concert will again be presented in the Pollack Auditorium of Monmouth College, with the curtain time at 8:30 p.m. Tickets are available from Mrs. Jerry Dressner, treasurer, 35 Fairway Ave., West Long Branch. The Corigliano-Hermanns duo is being pre, sented for the first time in Monmouth County. Their program Tuesday will include "Sonata in A Major" by Mozart, "Sonata in D Major" by Prokofieff, "Poeme Mystique" by Bloch and "Sonata in E Flat Major" by Richard Strauss. Mr. Corigliano has been concertmaster of the New York Philharmonic 'Orchestra since 1943. Miss Hermanns has appeared as a soloist in major European cities. RARITAN TOWNSHIP A slate of officers for the 1563-64 club year was presented jit meeting of the WSman's -Club d r fasV'week • in St. Mary's Episcopal Church' Hall, Keyport. Nominated as officers for the new club year were Mrs. Earnest Fred Foster, president; Mrs. A. W.- Norris, first vice president; Mrs. Maurice Lynch, second\vice president; Mrs. Frank Turock, recording secretary; Mrs. Frank Lanzara, corresponding secretary, and Mrs. Donald Christie, treasurer. Election of officers will tak place at the April meeting. Serving on the nominating committee were Mrs. Alwyn C. Dodge, Mrs. George Carr, Mrs. Nicholas Kroeper, Mrs. Robert J. Corbliss and Mrs. Eric Rosengren. The committee will also servi as tellers to count the election ballots. Final plans have been completed for the annual luncheon and fashion show to be held April 20 in Shadowbrook, Shrewsbury. Fashions will be by the Belmar Fashion Corner. (Do you have a pe.rsonal again and I can hardly see her question or problem? Send it to nose she's so covered up. Is Adam or Eve Lowell or both, this fair? No Eskimo. as you prefer. For a personal, Dear No Eskimo: unpublished reply, enclose a stamped, self-addressed enDon't cry in your beer, wmvelope. Mail to Adam & Eve, mer's quite near. c/o of The Register.) Eve. Professor DeBoer, who teaches at the Rutgers School of Agri DEAR ADAM AND EVE: culture, and the School of • Land- DEAR ADAM AND EVE: scape and Design, spoke on Land- My daughter is engaged to be I'm 15 years old and engaged scaping and illustrated his talk married next month and as the to be married when I'm .16. My with color slides. father of the bride-to-be I am fiance is in the Air Force. We jolted at the expense of the whole love each other very much, but Mrs. James Feehan read the thing, Why should I have to pay he doesn't seem to understand first revision of the constitution the lion's share of he wedding that I am being true to him. or the club. This will be voted costs? J t seems to me only fair What can I do to make him bqon next month. that the.groom (and his family) lieve me? I've tried everything A lecture on Japanese ar- should pay most of it, since he is I can think of. rangements will be given Apri getting a wife and he is the Worried Girl. 23 by Mrs. Mary' Murphy, Scotch suitor. I love my daughter and Dear Worried Girl: • Plains, a member of Ikebana Want her to be happy, and my and State Judge Council, at 8:30 wife says I must bow to tradition, ' Give him much more time to p.ni. in the Swimming River but gol hang it, this hurts! Do learn what trust and confidence School. The lecture is open to you think it would be sensible for mean in any serious relationthe jHiblic, Mrs. Arthur B. Law- me to have a quiet little talk with ship; meanwhile postpone the: rence, is chairman of arrange- the groom's pop and suggest we marriage and perhaps the en-; gagement. He has been acting split costs even-Stephen? ments and tickets. immaturely because he is imShare Alike. mature and, at 15, you have Hostesses were Mrs. Gilbert Dear Share Alike: Blair, Mrs. Feehan and Mrs. plenty of time to learn a lot Certainly, providing you're al- more about life before making Lester Rigby. Mrs. Rigby made the table arrangement in a St. so prepared to share equally that great big decision. the groom's expenses after Patrick's Day theme. Adam and Eve. marriage. The club will hold a plant sale Adam. DEAR ADAM AND EVE: May 11 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Monmouth County National Now, really. Why an this utDEAR EVE: Bank, Newman Springs Rd., Red terly confused gibberish about My wife is 27 years old and Bank. ean women and their alvery pretty. During the bitter superioc skills and natural cold she wore so many clothes inclination' towards housekeepRUMMAGE SALE in and out of the house that I ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — A could hardly tell whether I was ing? As an ex-German houserummage sale sponsored by the living with a woman or a grizzly wife myself, I've had it. We are American Legion Auxiliary, San bear. But then we decided to go supposed to be gentle, tidy, undy Hook Bay Unit, will take place to Miami Beach for a week and complaining, undemanding;, in Friday from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 while there she wore such short short, perfectly domesticated. p.m. in a vacant store at 105 shorts — lavender — that all the This is just as erroneous as the other predisposition we are often First Ave. Chairman is Mrs. Cal- wolves along the seashore accused of — that of luring away vin Steitz. whistled. Now we're back north and snatching up any male. Sorority Presents For Scholarship Fund The truth is that at the lowest income levels in Europe there exists such a sheer fight for dayto-day survival that girl Immigrants from such families could never make the grade as efficient "ladies of the house" in even the remotest Ozarks log cabin. You just can't transplant a bean and expect it to bloom as an orchid. I say, U.S. housewives should stop harboring guilt feelings about not doing enough housework and not fussing enough over husband and kids. None of the cream, puffs In the European middle and upper classes could hold a candle to the U.S. housewife's maddening schedule... Ex-European WANAMASSA - The Teacher in the education of the handiTraining Scholarship Fund of the capped. Her talk was illustrated North Jersey Shore Association with a film, "So the Deaf May of the Hard of Hearing received Hear." a boost of $100 from Beta Chi Mrs. Dallago, who is forming Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi. a new chapter of Beta Sigma -The sorority met Monday here Phi, introduced eight prospective in the home of Mrs. Albert Dal- members of the Asbury Park lago, 1118 Brower Blvd, where chapter. She stated that a charter Mrs. Robert McLaughlin, Mid- is being forwarded by the Interdletown, vice president, substitut- national office in Kansas City. ing for the president, Mrs. Milton1 Mrs. George Harrison, LinO. Brown, New Monmouth, made croft, announced the sororitythe; thuti annual fund presenta- sponsored spelling bee for school BrCAI BRTTH OFFICER tion to Mrs. Donald Lynch, a! children will be held April 3 at teacher associated with the Long1 B. p.m. in Thompson School, Lin- HAZLET-Mrs. Victor Miller, 48 Stanford Dr., will be installed Branch association. croft. A plaque will be presented as one of three vice presidents Mrs. Lynch, who was guest to, the winning school and the of the Northern New Jersey receive Council of Bnai Brith Women speaker, discussed types of hear- three finalists will ing deficiences and stressed the medals. tomorrow in the Essex House, importance of early discovery— Mrs. Edward Meehan,' chair- Newark. The council is comespecially in children. She stated man of ways and means, re- prised of 35 chapters with a teacheri for the deaf and hard ported the sale of candy being combined membership of neatly of hearing are vitally needed conducted by members will close 6,000. and that the contribution by the April 8. sorority will be used to t r a i n Mrs. Emmet Cherne, 71 Libby teachers at schools in Trenton PI., New Monmouth, will be or Newark, enabling them to ashostess at the next meeting sume their proper roles locally April 25 at 8:15 p m . for . . . • Draperies • Slipcovers • Bedspreads • Curtains • Shades • Blinds Complete Installation Service SHOP-AT-HOME-SERVICE 747-4422 468 Broad St., Shrewsbury Dally9to5:J8 Fri. >tU S j THE FINNAN HADDIE COVE will serve you fully cooked FREEZER SPECIAL CONTRIBUTION of $100 it made by Mrs. Robert M e Laughlin, right, Middlttown vice president of Beta Chi Chapter, Beta Sigma Phi, to teacher Mrs. Donald Lynch for th« North Jersey Shore Association of the Hard of Hearing and Deaf teacher training scholarship fund. This i i the third year the sorority has aided the fund. "HOT" Fresh Filet from Boston HINDQUARTER Strong Yet Safe-Gives Hours of CwtfinuousRelief Irom Minor CALL 741-6460 OF BEEF 65 Buy it by the pound or individual dinners. Dinners include: Salad, French Fries, Sauce. WIMS FISH . . . . . . . . 1.00 Reduces swelling ^ and inflammation so it's easier to move afflicted limbs again SCALLOPS . . . 1.20 SHRIMP 1.50 COMBO 1.75 SPECIAL-FRIDAY SHRIMP SALAD-SPECIAL Time was. the pump took cover completely, but the new spring view shows you right through. New, too, THE FINNAN HADDIE COVE 102 SHREWSBURY AVE. the matte calf stripping of black patent uppers. Expensive shoeniansliip modestly priced. RED BANK (One Block from Railroad Slatlon—Next to Post Office) MONMOUTH CENTER,-EATONTOWN MAIL ORDERS, add 35{ poitagc. (Added pmtqX charga on C.O.D.'t) .* No cure us yet has been found for arthritis. But medical research has established tfaat the strong yet tale medication in Anacin* gives houri of relief from arthritis' minor pains— even such chronic pain arising; from deep in joints. It has also bran found an ingredient in Anacin has a special anti-inflammatory action that helps reduce swelling and inflammation—a basic cause o( arthritis suffering. In minutes-pain is relieved so it's easier to move around and this helps keep joints from 'locking' or 'stiffening.' Anacin Tablets are like a doctor's prescription. That ta, a combination ol ingredients. Anacin contains (he pain reliever doctors recommend the moat, plus an extra ingredient not found in leading aspirins or buffered aspirins. Take ai directed. c III which Includes: STEAKS Sirloin and Porterhouse Round, Cube and Sandwich ROASTS Eye Round, Bottom Round, Top Round, Top Sirloin, Chop Round CUT, WRAPPED DELIVERED FREE *S MEAT MARKET 32 W. Front St., Ktyport CO 4-9807 f FREE PARKING AT REAR OF STORE J Wei, March 13, 196S-11 RED BANK REGISTER 'Good Citizens' Named Around Monmouth DAR Unit Honors Seniors Budget Problem! RUMSON - BUW teuton In Towashlp MUh School bul wai Tie T**er Meyers. high schools In this area h benched recently because of a The SayrevOle contender, Miss beeai aamed tor flood ClUtea back injury suffered :n a basket- KvriatkOttki. U prHidtnt Of the b a a e d for fld C By MflLLI HRUSKA It's parties, parties, parties, everywhere. Dinner parties, cocktail parties, luncheon parties* breakfas1 parties, supper parties. Each one irresistible for one reason or another, so the problem Of the moment is budgeting time for routine chores and obligations to insure leisure for parties. Walter and Harriet Reade of Middletown enter' tained for cocktails at their lovely home on Naveslnk River Rd. The party was a Mortons, Betty Hlnton, benefit for the Monmouth Mrs. C. Douglas Hoyt Award) by the Monmouth Chapter, Daughters of the Amtrican Revolution.. The eight girls, who are eligible tor the DAR State flood Citizen Sward, will be entertained at tha DAR spria| eoalerence tomorrow la Trenton. They will be pretented to Qov. Richard J. Kughei and tha DAR atau reteot, Mrs. John K. Haley. They also will be futsta oa a tour ot the Capitol and the Did Barracks. Dr. and and the College L i b r a r y Fund. E. _. Joseph r Sctitrtn, the Ray Among the 50 or more KaUenbergsrs, the Norris Wooi ball game, Sat lives at 1 » Bethay RO., Huiet. Miss Dusinberre, who stands first In her graduating d i s s at Rumson-Filr Haven, hai been accepted at Waiiailey college. She it editor of the yearbook, treasurer of Student Council ind a member of the dramatic club, Student Council, feature editor of the yearbook and a member of the National Honor Society and the Color Guard. Mils Kurtz, the candidate from South Amboy, It alto president ot the Student Council in her school and captain of the Vanity Cheerleaders. -List Shrewsbury Aides In Red Cross Drive 'DramaDay1 In Eatontowh EATONTOWN - The Drama Festival ot tha New Jersey State Federation of Women's Clubs lor the Fifth District will be held Tuesday in the Monmouth Shopping Center Civic Auditorium, The program will begin at 1:43 i.m. . Four plays will be presented at tht festival which is held for the benefit of the Douglass College Scholarship Fund. Mrj. Robert S. Lockwood, Fifth District c h a i r m a n , said tickets are available from all the women'i clubs In the district, or may be purchased at tht door. In the morning, the Woman's Club of Red Bank will preitnt Florence Unlimited" and the Woman's Club ot Lincroft will present "Bury tha Dead." In the afternoon, the Evening Department of the Woman's Club ot Red Bank will offer "Devil on Stilts" and the Red Oak Woman's Club of Wall Township will give a performance of "Overtures." l i t e local Good Cutsets are ruffs tod the Stanley btMgrent, Audrey Karieae, Keyport High Fair Haven; Dr. and Mrs. John School; Carole Domlaick, MitaMrs. Edwin R. Reed, Mrs. Fran L. SniUler, the Royal Gibsons, M T I M D T M A S U I H of Rmn.d I W t h o o d of Mar, wan Regional High School; Mary SHREWSBURY - Mrs. Rlcn- CM Strelch, Mrs. William Carlie, the John 0 , Tetters, the Alston Lee Hemhauter, Middletown Beekmans and Dr. and Mrs. Aa- mouth County, Mn. William S, Hertman, Deal, lift, ttirnt Township High School; Jane Isa ard S. Lees, chairman ot tht Mrs. Thomas LoPrtstt, Mrs. ron Hoyt, Rumson; the Joseph T, *m ih» frovp't book tUlnanefel reports which was to be! Mailow, Red Bank High American Red Ccost Fund Cam- Thomas Farrtli, Mr«. Carl Kantpalgn here, has announced (he mire, Mrs. John E. Attridge, Mrs. Gausses and the Reid Harrisons, her keeping for mora than IS yean, to th» new treasurer, School; Rose Ann lataatt, Rari- names of the following volunteers Solomon ROdack and Mrs, StanShrewsbury! the Henry Runyons taa Township High School; Lynn who wil assist In the borough ley I. Brow*. and the Malcolm Austins, Locust; Mn. William S. Hoon of Colti Neck. Wheeler Duataoette, Rnmtott- ctmptlgn: Mrs. Keith F. the George Piersoto and the J. W. Also, Mrs. Victor J. Witek, Mrs. Fair Haven Regteasl High Mrs. Michael A. Slovak, Van Vtecks, Jr., UtUe Stiver; the School! Marianne Kwlstkowskl, Frederick C Bruno, Mn. Roy Edward Patterson, Mrs. William Allan Ahlstroms, Oceanport, and War Memorial High School; S a y N. Koenie, Mrs. John R. Figaro, Onderdonck, Mrs. H. E. Coonce, State Police Capt. and Mrs. revttie, sad Cynthia Kurts, HO. Mrs. Arthur Eckstein, Mrs. Miss Marilyn Daggett, Miss Miu Howard Larnbertson, B e a c Hoffman High School, S o u t h James T. DolaiWr,, Mts. w . R. reen Daggett, Mrs. Arthur L. Havtn. FADING VS. SOILING Anboy. Baldinger, Mrs. Patrick J. Glenn, Mrs. Richard Rlttenberg, Richard Ames of Rumson tad D'Alola, Mrs. Chatter W. Minton, Mrs. David R- Caplan, Mrs. How- Don't mistake toiled carpet for The Keyport W | h School eandl his orchestra Who are commandMrs. Albert J, James, Mrs. Rob-ard Reed, Mrs. Stephen J. B»r- faded carpet. Today'i carpets do ing a following locally will ap- LITTLE SILVER — Mrs. Wil-because there are areas of the date, Miss Kariene, resides at ert A. Boyatm, Mrs. Leo Ketter. fl'ot lade easily, but after a time pear again at Mayer's Inn, Rum-liam O. Herman, Deal, retired county which have not as yet 307 Main St., Keyport. Sh» Is S Mrs. PWlllp L. Morris, Mrs. Wil-tosh, Mrs. Thomas C. Schneider, atmospheric soil can dull colors, Mrs. Orrtde V«a Vliet, Mrs. Wil giving a "faded" effect. Thorough member of tha Honor Society, soo, late Sunday afternoon. K as treasurer of the Planned been solicited. Ftotare Teachers of America, the liam 3. Conaell and Mrs. John liam S. Davts, Jr., Mrs. Thomas cleaning usually restores the true will be a "wearin' of the green" NiM and Grace VuyosevU* en- party, with corned beef and cab-Parenthood of Monmouth County Planned Parenthood w i t ) b« Kcjrattes and the Concert and J. Baiter, Jr. Wlnslow and Richard S. Lees. color at once. tertained at cocktails at 5 p.m. bage and all the trimmings. Abo, Mrs. E. w . LaMnon after serving more than 25 years one of the exhibitors at the sixth Marching Band. Sunday followed by dinner at annual conference of the Wel- Miss Oomiaick is a caatritader nlere, Mrs. H. Bruce Montgotnin that office. tight and a musicals later. The fare Council of Monmouth County at Matawaa Regional, a mem-ery. Mrs. Cearge McFarltne, The organitatlon honored Mrs. scene was their big and beautiMAKE A NOTI TO SU THI ber of the yearbook staff, Mrs. Victor A. OosentiM, Mrs. Herrman with luncheoB, pr*- to be held April 16 at Spring library Chib a i d Student Coua- Joseph J. Laurino, Mrs. Jick ful-house overlooking the river-in sented her a >Id charm aad Lake Golf and Country Club. Fair Haven. Guests included cfl. She residea at US Fairfield Connon, Mrs. Clotilda HoM, Mrs. IN DOWNTOWN RED BANK - OUR ONLY STORE Kenyon Hopkins oi Backbone LONG BRANCH—The Cosmo- read into its minutes a tetter of The group will meet again Way, Rtsnort John J. Ktlly, Mrs. Edward F. Hill Farm, Clarksburg, interna- politan Associates will give a appreciation at Friday'* meetNat Associated with any other Decorator Webb, Mrs. Joseph A. Canale, MiddlerowB Township's G o o d April U in die clinic o t SeweU tionalrJHatown composer and ar- party for patients in Cottage 0 ing held in the home of Mrs. SptcUUtiat In • Distinctive Gifts Mrs. Edward GoMsttm, Mrs. amen, Miss RemhaBser, is ranger and musical director; at Marlboro State Hospital Satur- Henry S. Germond, 111 Point Rd. Ave. Mrs. Duane will review • Ui*a«»Batti James Wilcoxen, Jr., Mrs. Paul presideat of the qadeat Council Mrs. William S. Hoon of Colts various methods ot birth control Steve Andrews, Jean Reed «nd day. and also of the American Fi«M C. Dobrosky, Mrs. Atphonso A. • Closet •Bedroom Neck was elected new treasurer. tydia Hunting, "Fair Haven; Paul ' Entertainment will be pre- Two new board members wel- approved by the Planned Par- Service Ctub, and ec-eaptaia of Tomaino, Frank Macitwia and MC.! • Custom Table Pads and Mary Smith, Atlantic Highsented by Mrs. James F a g a n, comed by Mrs. John C. Rfpley, eattood Medical Advisory Com- the Varsity Cheerleaders. Aa Mrs. Leonard Messier. gHUUVHild lands; the Samuel Stella Smiths, Little Silver; Mrs. Alfred Bales Colts Neck, president, wer« Mrs. mittee of which Dr. D o u | l u Bast Keaasbttrg resident, the Other* are Mrs. Albert S. Monmouth Beach; the Robert M Bread S t , Red Bask tracci, Fords; Mrs. Frank Nine Walter E. Ingram, Jr., tittle Payne Is the local chsirrnaa. lives at 24 Vineyard Ave. White, Jr., M n . W. .W. KMnig, Goodmans, Navesink, and Steve Oceanport, and Mrs. Neal Green, Silver, and Mrs. Harry Kienzle, Red Bank High School's candi Mrs. George M Kuha, Mrs. Rich Phone 741-2846 and Virgie Nester, Ideal Beach. Long Branch. date. Miss Masfcw, It editor-in- ard C Devine. Mrs. Edward F. Shrewsbury. Members of a nominating com RELIGIOUS TALK chief ot tht school newspaper, Kolar, Mrs, A. F. Schweert, Mrs Ed Brenaan oi Octaaport and mittee appointed at a recenl Mrs. Frank Duane of Asbury RED BANK - Mr. and Mrs. recording secretary of the Stu- Willian Schindler, M n . Francis Monmouth Park Jockey Club ar- meeting here in the Knights ol Park, executive director, re- Harvey E. Parry of 119 Manor dent Council and president ot the E. Nevua, Mrs. Robert Otten, rived home from an extended Columbus Hall are Mrs. Charle ported a total of 149 patients D r . will entertain the Men's Club National Honor Society. She also vacation in Florida last week. He Isgate, OakJrarst; Mrs. Nine, and attended the 20 monthly'clinics of the Methodist Church with a sings with the Chortlettes, tnu •aid he came hoo» for "a rest." Frank Torchia, Long held throughout the courtly. Mrs. lecture and slides on the topic, all-girl vocal group at the school. [[ But he is not doing much rest- Branch. Duane also reported on a receat "Places ot Worship at Home aaf She lives at 116 Samara1 Dr., I] fog. He dined at the Voisin in ihe group will hold its annual talk she gave to the senior class Abroad" at a dinner meeting Shrewsbury. U New York Saturday with Sonny luncheon May 4 in Joseph' of student nurses of the MonMitt Infante is captain nl then starting in the church at T p Werttin, Bberon; H. D. (Pall Restaurant, Mrs. Torchia i mouth Medical School of NursVarsUy Cheerleaders of RaiitaaU tomorrow, Man Cigarettes) Hahn ot New chairman. ing. A film "Human ReproducYork, and the famous and intion," also was shown. P e t e r Moody, MiddletowB, assistant di imitable Alfred Hitchcock of Music Program rector, noted that there is in movie and TV circles. Also creased interest in the pill present was the young and beau- For Opera Guild Enovid which has been approved tiful star of Hitchcock's new pic- DEAL—The Monmouth Opera by the Planned Parenthood Fedture, "The Birds", which, by the Guild will meet March 21 at 1:30 way, is a weirdie to end all p.m. in the home of Mrs. Walter eration of America and is available through the local Planned weirdies. Cohen, 70i Deal Esplanade. Parenthood Center, Asbury Park. The first act of "Hansel an "Romanoff and Juliet," the Gretel" will be presented follow- The response to the campaign Peter Ustinov hat play, opens to- ing the meeting with Mary Tro drive for 1163 currntly under OUR A N N U A L morrow night at the Wagonwheel dell of Shark River, soprano, and Playhouse, Middletown. It will Marion Koempel of Neptune, mez- way iJ "gratifying," according Sprightly new collection of ladies' r«in-*Mn« play this weekend and next week- zo soprano, as soloists. They to Mrs. Harry Pujals, Rumson, coats ready right now in J . Kridel's Corner end. This is your chance to see will be accompanied by Mrs. chairman. She stated the drive a truly professional production Catherine Choras, Long Branch. will continue for several weeks with talented players without having to travel to New York. The cast includes Bob Clarke, Hazlet; Jack de Genito, Leonardo; Allen Leatherman, Red Bank; Ken Woodcock, Long Branch; Paul Savonen, Anne Mallory, Jim Gwynn, Dr. Barry Orabelle and Bob Faust, Middletown; Lee Bedle, Matawan; Yvonne George, Colts Neck; Emi Hemlefo, Rumson and Mike Goldman, Shrewsbury. Helen Fredertckson of Little Silver is director and Jack Dempsey of Middletown is producer. luttts prtaent were Freeholder Marcus Daly, Unttth; Robert Beakatn, director of college reiHtoni at Monmouth; the Dale B. Ota*, Reuben Taylor and'the Daniel U Mortes. little Silver; Mayor and Mrs. Peter deK. Dutinbem, Jr., and Milton Vrwknd, Pair Haven; the Lloyd Christiansens, the Marvin Brod•rs, Mr. and MM. Arthur Erro* and Hugh Alessandrwiis, Rianeon; "PeteV (Charles B.) and Gladys Cubbage and Woodrow Bowne, Middletown; Virginia Melniker, the Jos*!* Shotels and Or. and Mrs. A. D. Ajelto, Deal, and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lees, Shrewftttry. Planned Parenthood Honors Retiring Aide Cosmopolitans To Give Party BEAUTIFUL NEW SHERMAH'S UyUUf 1113 THIRD AVE., SPRING LAKE, N. J. A Sale You Cannot Afford to Miss! GIVE-AWAY SALE Starts THURS., MARCH 14 - 10:00 A M 3 Days Only Mar. 14,15,16 . . . Open 10 to 5 "Universal Spring" will be waiting for you at the Deal Golf «nd Country Club March 28 at 12:30 p.m. The luncheon and fashion show is being sponsored by the Family and Children's Service of MonmouBi County. Mrs. Wilton Ryan of Fair Haven Is chairman of tMs always lovely, always elegant party. Her commute* Includes Mrs. Gordon Montgomery, New Shrewsbury; Mrs. John G. Stewart, Mrs. F. Don Chapin and Mrs. Alfred Beck, Jr., Rumson, and Mrs. Mark Allison and Mrs. Ernest Thompson, Fair Haven. Fashions from ail nations wiU be exhibited by Bamfoerger'sMonmouth. The Robert M. Rookes of Shrewsbury entertained at cocktails at home preceding the Shrewsbury Ysoht Club's midwinter dinner dance at Crystal Brook Inn, Eatontown. Among (he nearly 60 guests were Commodore and Mrs. Andrew Ward, Ray and Alice Fertig, the Bill Tumultys, the Walter at our SPRING LAKE STORE ONLY! Amazing Values! Custom Reupholstery Sale! Chairs from$42 Sofas from *84 Price includes fabrics and labor regardless of siie, style or condition DEPENDABLE Check Our TVS APPLIANCE SERVICE 10-Point Plan TV RENTALS Week—Month—Season 14 Y u r i of Honorable Service In the Slrart Area SCIALFA TV & Appliance Co. 1. Furnifure stripped to bare frame 2. Super taglen construction .• 3. Frames tightened, metal-braced, recfoweled 4. Spring cushions CA 9-0200 Again FREDERICK'S brings you a hbubuS sale t>[ COATS, SUITS, DRESSES, SPORTSWEAR, MILLINERY, ind ACCESSORIES at exciting bargain prices! This merchandise was telling at regular prices in our MONTCLAIR store just last week! We have cut the original prices of this stock to the "bone" to make this tremendous disposal sale possible. , You'll find it hard to resist buying at these low, low bargain prices! WINTER • CRUISE * SPRING Coats • Suits - Dresses • Sportswear Blouses • Millinery • Accessories A Special Group of Long and Short EVENING DRESSES $10, $15, $20 Values to $89.95 Cash Only—All Sales Final—No C.O.D/s Shop Early for Best Selections You Won't Be Disappointed 5. Down *dded as nesded 6. Frames polished 7. Springs re-t*t and re-tistl, USE YOUR CHARGE ACCOUNT OR DEFERRED PAYMENT PLAN replaced whera needed NIW 8. Beautiful dscorator fabric* 9. New covers, all hand-tailored $20 10. No extra charge for barrel, fan, . $38 SPRING - $48 SUITS VALUES 59.95 to 8125 pillow or channel backs COMPANY 707 BROADWAY WEST LONG BRANCH Gl 9, KE 1, Ml) 1, PR 4, S, ii,CA DIAL PR S.4000 CH 4, Dl 1 & 9, FO 3 & 4.CA 3. TW 2 A 9 . . . DIAL TW 2-4000 SH 1 & 7 , RU f , $ 6 2, H O I DIAL LI 2-4000 WE «, OL 7, SW 1, 793, or^CO 4, t o * (Call Operator) WX 3737 Amazing Values! STEINBACH'S UPHOLSTERY SERVICE Jicrf Bank ani Asburf Park Aiiuir MK ssa s a M SPRING LAKE STORE ONLY! 1113. 3rd AVENUE 12—W«L, Mudh 13, 1963 EED BANK REGISTER DENNIS THE MENACE By HankKetdwm Boro Budget Of $294,222 Is Adopted tlon to the $127,510,03 for rounici-lccwnty tutu, down $! ,070.33. pal purposes, ..this includes1 $45,552 The tax rate breaks down as for local .schools, 4own $1,317; follows: 44 cent* for local schools, NI.260.72 .for the regional school, down one'cpat; 40 cents for the down *5,4S1.44; and $4$se38 ffor regional school, down five cents; SEA BRIGHT — Borough Coua cil Monday night adopted without abjection a $294,222.03 municipal purposes, (18,767.89 more than budget for 1963. ITie budget will require a 12-cent hike In the tax rate. 4* cents-for county tenet, equal budget provided $500 for the pay- ment fufld includes $U,"800 - w " cumulated over -several y«*n • to J962, and $1.23 for local pur- ment of interest on notes" for "tfce sea wall reconstruction, if the toward the $16,400 down payment poses, up 18 cents. Jose{*i X. Seaman, Perth Am- notes are issued prior to the salt the project will requir* this yeir> ; boy borough auditor, ' said the of bonds. The capital improve- he said. REPORT FROM MOTOR TREND EXPERTS ON THE '63 RAMBLERS: one upon every other car The budget will require .a tax evy of {127,510.03 for municipal last year. The lion's share of the increased $16,344.89, is in the reserve for uncbllected taxes which totals $65,314.53 this year. The eserve appropriation ,- which equals about 50 per cent of the total municipal appropriation • is based on a 76 per cent tax collection last year. The total general appropriation for municipal p u r p o s e s is .228,907.50—$977 less than last year. Surplus appropriated is $22,000 - $23,000 lesi than last year. The total amount to be raised In taxes for all purposes is $264,265.13 - an i n c r e a s e of ilO,889.12 over last year. In addi- 6EE,MM8»frVfteetgORA&ft'/< €tf£ A S A €000 UTTLE S0U>IB& A Study in Defeat mbler A tiencan 440 Convertible. Power top, sta Twin-Stick Floor Shift with Instant Overtake Settle Hospital Suit for FREEHOLD — The. Superior Court suit concluded last week against Fitkin Hospital and two doctors by the husband of a Roosevelt woman who died In the By RICHARD K. O'MAIXEY wanted to make it stand still hospital during surgery was setPARIS (AP)—The terrorist Se» They could not realize that when tled tor $500, it was disclosed Monday. cret Army Organization of France the first band of rebels raced oui Is a product of humiliation, frus- of the Aures Mountains in 1954 The consideration accepted by Algeria already was lost. Samuel Weinberger, of JO Farm tration and defeat. Its seeds were sown in the rice De Gaulle, with his eye sharply La., Roosevelt, in the death of paddies of Indochina, where theupon the march of events, realized his wife, Minnie, on Feb. 8, 1960, little brown men of the Commu- the hard fact of Algerian inde- was disclosed as Superior Court nist Viet Minh triumphed. It was pendence and said so. "The men Judge Gene R. Mariano certified nurtured in the humiliating disas- whd created the secret army the figure in connection with ter of the Suez venture. It flow- heard him with astonishment and another legal facet of the case. Previously, the amount j f setered bloodily in the red soil of rage. Algeria. So, in April 1961. the secrel lement had been withheld. These items of history are re- army became an organization The suit was against the hospisponsible, too, for attracting to with a name and an aim. tal and Drs. Robert A. MacIts ranks names once venerable It was In that month that Gen Kenzie, surgeon, and Emerson in the proud military history of Raoul Salan, France's most deco- S. Haines, anesthetist, both of France. These men believe that rated soldier, led the disastrous Interlaken. The hospital contribthey are the patriots and Presi- putsch of the generals in Algiers utes $250 and each of the docdent Charles de Gaulle the traitor. which crumpled'in four days. Two tors, $125. For them, Algeria was the last generals became prisoners. Air straw. They had seen their armies force Gen. Maurice Challe quick- There's no Trick to Having Exdefeated and thwarted elsewhere ly gave himself up. On May 6, tra Cash. You Get it Fast When and they were determined to keep Gen. Andre Zeller surrendered. You Use The Register Classified. Algeria French by any means. Salan and Gen. Edfond Jouhaud —Advertisement. History had passed them by, but fled Algiers in a truck loaded with in their fanatic determination they paratroopers. Eammer'63 Carofthe Year France's Terrorist Organization From then until independence came to Algeria trie secret army and its killers swaggered bloodily through that land. They established networks in France and the roar of plastic bombs shattered the calm of Paris and of other cities. They were exploded in FAIR HAVEN — Conscious of warning, in retribution and in Its heritage, Borough Council savage blackmail to obtain funds Monday night agreed to buy a One by one the secret army new police car to be painted blue leaders are being picked off. Gen. and bear the borough's new of- Paul Gardy, the last secret army ficial seal. high officer, is still a fugitive. The replacement vehicle will Tough, wiry Col. Yves Godard, be bought for $1,768 from Mount- former intelligence chief of AlEnglish Sales Co,, Red Bank, in- giers, has not been heard of foi months. Some say he Is dead. Col. cluding a trade-in allowance.' Councilman John C. Damico Antoine Argoud was netted in a said the blue car would carry the bizarre operation less than two gold seal that was derived from weeks ago. the symbol of the 50th anniver- Today the two men whose sary Jubilee celebratipn held last names appear most as secret year. Subsequently C o u n c i l army chieftains are Col. Pierre made blue and gold the bor- Chateau-Jobert, who deserted the ough's official colors. army in January last year, and Mr. Damico credited Council- Capt. Rene Sergent, It is said that man Hadley S. King, Jr., with Sergent has taken over as terthe sugggtion the car follow the rorist director for France. i borougMTcolor scheme. The mystery man among those Other bids for the car were $1,927 offered by Kroll Motors, who head the resistance group is Long Branch, and $1,931.54 from Jacques Soustelle, brilliant former Circle Chevrolet Inc., Red Bank. Gaullist minister. His name has In addition, council agreed to almost dropped from the news buy a road maintenance oil dis but he may well be helping to ditributor for $2,595 from North rect activities from some-nearby Jersey Equipment Co., NewSrk. country. Other bids were submitted by dimming Co., Westfield, $2,660; L. B. Seeley & Co., Oakhurst, $3,816, and George C. Gilbert, Inc., Kingston, $4,960. A $330 contract with Fogging TRENTON (AP) — A bill to Unlimited, Red Bank, for one allow only one court attachment year's rodent control services at a time against a person's was approved. An expenditure wage was defeated in the New not to exceed $400 was approved Jersey Assembly Monday. for the testing of the audio sup- Twenty-one members of the lowplement to fire alarm system. er house voted against the measCouncil will seek bids return- ure^ 12 in favor. It needed 31 able March 25 for the construc- votes to pass. tion of sidewalks and curbing, Opponents contended that setand seeding and grading around ting a limit of one garnishment the new Borough Hall and Li-would invite fraud on the part brary, due to be occupied April of some debtors. 1. The bill was sponsored by MonA letter from the Sea Bright mouth County's three-member AsChamber of Commerce seeking sembly delegation. council's endorsement of a pro- Assemblyman Albert N. Beadposal that the Rumson-Sea leston, R-Monmouth, said it was Brighl bridge openings be regu- designed to protect honorable lated during the heavy traffic of debtors from "being bilked" of summer was referred to the po- too much of their wages at one lice committee. time. To Paint Police Car Boro Colors Donble-Salaty Brakes—self-adjusting, too-are, in effect, says Motor Trend, "two separate braking systems, one for front and one for rear wheels,"' 29.18 Miles Per Gallon—best mileage of any car in any class (for the 4th year in a row)-was scored by a Rambler American 440 with overdrive in the NASCAR Sanctioned Pure Oil Economy Test, first of three events in the 1963 Pure Oil Performance Trials. TWIN-BORO RAMBLER, INC. 131 E. Newman Springs Road, Red Bank, N. J. One up on every other car" is an exact quote from Motor Trend Magazine's experts after they, road-tested the '63 Rambler ^American 440" Convertible (pictured above) equipped with Twin-Stick Floor Shift, Rambler's exclusive sports-car option. Why don't you look at a Rambler? See how many other ways it's one up on the rest—with Deep-Dip rustproofing, Ceramic-Armored muffler and tailpipe, sparkling performance with proved economy, optional !Reclining Bucket Seats, a complete line of wagons, hardtops, convertible, sedans, including the lowest-priced U.S. car. See your Rambler dealer. FREE Car X-Ray Books can save you hundreds of dollars in buying a new car. Supply j limited. Hurry to your Rambler dealer! KEYPORT RAMBLER, INC. Highway 35, Keyporr, N. J . WINONEOFFIVE1963RAMBLERS:Opentoownarsof 59,'60,'61 Fords, Chevys.Plymouths,Falcons,Cbrvairs,Valiants.. .all Rambler owners. See your Rambler dealer for entry form! Offer limited to residents of Wisconsin,Nebraska, Florida, New Jersey, Connecticut. ! Everything a business could need... Pay Attachment Curb Bill Beaten GINGER By Gettermann HUNDREDS OF LISTINGS L I K E THESE I. Acetylene 2. Adds 3. Adhesives 4. Alloys 5. Aluminum 6. Abrasives 7. Air Compressors 8. Air Conditioning 9. Adding & Calculating Machines 10. Babbitt Metals 11. Bearings 12. Bolts & Nuts. 13. Boxes 14. Brass 15. Bronze 16. Burlap 17. Bags 18. Barrels & Drums 19. Belting—Mechanical 20. Building Maintenance 21. Burglar Alarm Systems 22. Blue Printing 23. Business Forms & Systems 24. Carbon 25. Chemicals 26. Copper 27. Centrifugal Castings 28. Clamps 29. Conveyors 30. Couplings 31. Computing Devices 32. Copying Machines & Supplies 33. Data Processing Service 34. Derricks 35. Designers 36. Dictating Machines & Supplies 37. Die Castings 38. Dowels 39. Drafting Equipment 40. Drills 41. Duplicating Machines 42. Electric Equipment 43. Electrodes 44. Electronic Devices 45. Elevators 46. Employment & Employment Agencies 47. Excelsior 48. Files & Rasps 49. Filters 50. Freight Forwarders 51. Furnaces—Industrial 52. Furniture 53. Fuses 54. Gauges 55. Gears 56. Glue 57. Graphite 58. Grinding Wheels 59. Guards —Machine, Window, etc. 60. Heat Treating Equipment 61. Hoists 62. Hose & Tubing 63. Hydraulic Machinery 64. Industrial Equipment & Supplies 65. Insulation Materials 66. Inter-Communication Equipment & Systems 67. Iron 68. Janitors'Supplies 69. Labeling Machinery 70. Lacquers 71. Laminated Products 72. Lathes 73. Lead 74. Leather 75. Lifts-Hydraulic 76. Lighting Fixtures 77. Lubricating Equipment 78. Machine Tools 79. Machinery 80. Magnets 81. Mailing Machines 82. Marking Machines 83. Material Handling Equipment. 84. Metal Stamping 85. Meters 86. Minerals 87. Mixing Machinery 88. Motors 89. Nickel 90. Numbering Machines 91. Office Furniture & Equiprnent 92. Office Supplies 93. Oils—Industrial 94. Packaging & Wrapping Machinery 95, Packing & Crating Materials 96. Paint 97. Paper 98. Partitions 99. Paving Contractors 100. Photo Copying Machines & Supplies 101. Pipe Cutting & Threading 102. Plating Equipment & Supplies 103. Presses-Power 104. Pumps 105. Radio Supplies & Parts-Whol. & Mfrs. 106. Rectifiers—Electric 107. Refrigeration—Commercial 108. Regulators 109. Relays 110. Rivets 111. Rubber Goods 112. Rust Removers & Preventives 113. Safety Equipment 114. Sales & Order Books 115. Sandpaper 116. Scales Sales & Service 117, Scientific Apparatus & Instruments 118. Screws 119. Seals 120. Sheet Metal Working Equipment 121. Shelving 122. Signs 123. Slllcones 124. Skylights 125. Smeltars 126. Smoke Stacks 127. Solvents 128. Sound Systems & Equipment 129. Spraying Equipment 130. Stamps-Metal 131. Stapling & Tacking Machines 132. Steel Distributors & Warehouses 133. Steel Strapping 134. Stenographic Machines & Supplies 135. Switches-Electric 136. Tables-Cutting & Work 137. Tabulating Cards 138. Tags 139. Tapes-Industrial 140. Tar Products 141. Thermostats 142. Timing Devices 143. Tools 144. Transformers 145. Truck Dealers 146. Trucks—Industrial 147. Tubing 148. Turbines 149. Typewriters 150. Ultrasonic Equipment & Supplies 151. Vacuum Equipment 152. Valves 153. Vials 154. Water Coolers 155. Welding Equipment 156. Window Cleaners 157. Wiping Cloths 15.8. Wire 159. X-Ray Apparatus 160. Zinc. .. .world's handiest book forpeople on the job \ Opt. 1M3frytMt«d ftowri Syrnlitaf • jwt. &w*$*fW~ 3**3 " I watch TV . . . I do my Homework . . . I watch TV . . . I do my homework . . . " Check the Yellow Pages first to find every supplier and service important to your business. For Quick Results "Use Our Want Ads Dial Home Deli SH 1-0010 DAY SH N i l 10 NIGHT 7c PER CO?Y WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 1963 SECTION TWO Coastal Protection No Decision Reached New Jersey On Ocean's Students News Briefs Subject for Discussion Tuesday ATLANTIC CITY — Represen- Maj. Gen, Robert G. MacDonBy The Associated Press atives of the U. S. Army Corps ell, deputy chief of engineers OCEAN TOWNSHIP - A date The township is a sending district NEWARK - Seven boys, the president of the beach eroEngineers will address the oldest 15, have been arrested for has not yet been set for a hear- to the high school. Mew Jersey Association of Free- ion board, will speak to the ing before the state commissioner The Asbury Park board origi- assaulting students at the South lolders Tuesday to explain the lathering, and Col, Milton M. of educart6n on the petition of the nally had asked that the township 17th Street School. The police jffects o<f new legislation on tfiletich and Col. Truman H. SetAsb ;ry Park Board of Educa- remove its freshman class begin- moved in after a parents' group, xiastal protection projects at the iffe will explain projects north tion to have Ocean Township ning this September; that the the Parent Education Committee ind south of Barnegat Inlet, reersey shore remove its freshman students Shore Regional High School, West charged that a "reign of terror' The conference was requested spectively. frorrt Asbury Park High School Long Branch, be named the re- existed at the school. School ofjy Sen. Clifford P. Case, R-N.J., Governor Riohard J. Hughes, this September, William Van ceiving district for the 1963 fresh- icials denied the charge. »nd will be attended by about en. Harrison A. Williams, Jr., Middlesworth, president of the ma;i class for two years and that 00 freeholders, mayors and mu- D-N.J., and H. Mat Adams, state township school board, said last Ocean Township educate its ninth TRENTON — Gov. Richard J. icipal officials from Monmouth, ommissioner of conservation graders in its own facilities be- Hughes has joined the state legnight. Ocean, Cape May, Middlesex, nd economic development, will slature in appealing to WashingA scheduled hearing date was ginning in September, 1964. Cumberland, Salem and Atlantic attend the session. canceled when the Asbury Park The amendment provides for ton to reconsider plans to, merge Counties. Sen. Case said the effects of ,., Board amended its original peti- the possibility that Shore Re- the Camden regional office of the he new beach protection law, tion, Mr. Van Middlesworth said. gional will not accept the pro- Internal Revenue Service with which he sponsored in Congress, posal, Mr. Van Middlesworth the IRS office in Newark. Hughes will be explained. The 1962 Case said, and asks that the township told newsman he had personally provides for increased federbe required to educate its fresh- appealed to the White House. "II al participation in four areas of men in its own school building just seems like the worst possible beach erosion work: beginning this September, if no time in history to close the ofThe federal share of the cost other arrangement is possible. fice," Hughes said, adding thai >f protecting publicly-owned or The local board wants to keep the proposal runs counter to a used beach front Is increased its students in Asbury Park High tempts to bolster the South JerOCEAN TOWNSHIP The rom one third to one half; reSchool until the opening of the sey economy. Board of Education expects to sponsibility for up to 70 per cent junior-senior high LONG BRANCH - A public $2,969,000 advertise for bids for construc- f public areas meeting the crihearing — at which the public school here, scheduled for Sep- TRENTON-The State Fish anc tion of its $2,969,000 junior-senior eria of public interest as well as Game Council has extended the can speak — will be held at City tember 1965. B O W I N G THE B i d B A S S — D a v i d Natelson of th» fourth grade in Marlcham Piacs high school next month, Ernest buffer zones to protect natural Hall tomorrow night on the 1963 The Asbury Park Board has muskrat trapping season from said that double sessions will be March 15 to March 31 to com- School, Little Silver, and Barbara Curchin, fourth grade pupil in that borough's Point Mearns, board vice president shore dune lines, is assumed; municipal budget. studies are to be made at federal necessary in city elementary pensate for freezing condition! Road School, males friends with Thomas 'Coleman, the bass player of the Buffalo Phil- said last night, But one pf the innovations, Work on the clearing of the expense rather than on a 50-50 schools in September unless the which has cut down the catch. promised by City Council to help harmonic Orchestra. They were introduced to him after yesterday's Young People's chool tract already has begun, basis, treating entire beaches as Ocean Township students are re- The council said that muskral residents understand the spendmoved. Their removal also harvests to date were only 10 to Concert, sponsored by the Monmoufh Arts Foundation. A b o u t 1,400 pupils in schools Mr. Mearns reported. The archi geographical entities without reing schedule more easily, aptects, Frederic Fessler and Rich- gard to municipal lines, and the would enable Asbury Park High 25 per cent of normal and trap from this area attended the concert. • • . . ' ' parently won't be available to the ard Boyken, will submit final corps Is given authority to unSchool to resume single sessions pers were faced with a serious people until the hearing, if then. drawings to the state Department dertake desirable small protecin 1964, according to the board. financial loss. Council directed, and the city of Education fof approval next ion and beach erosion project! office staff has prepared, a break week, he said. without specific authorization ATLANTIC C I T Y - R e v . Nea down of the ingredients of all Hie school is being built on a from Congress, C. Wilson of Washington, D. C. Hems lumped under general catetract of land adjoining the Ocean was unanimously elected to a ful gories. One resident asked at last Township Elementary School on four-year term as president night's meeting when the breakDow Ave. ,. the Columbia Union Conferenci down would be available to the HOLMDEL —Fire of undeterHenry Patterson, board attorof Seventh-Day Adventists. Thi public. mined origin damaged the inte- conference includes New Jersey, RED BANK — Area school bass viol player, said after the up a marked differences ii ney, is preparing the papers Acting City Manager John 0 rior of a vacant two-story frame necessary to start condemnation Ohio, Pennsylvania, Maryland, children — 22 busloads of them— concert. musical preference between thi Jones said it would be given out house on South Beers St. early proceedings against the owners Delaware, Virginia, West Vi heard the Buffalo Philharmonic "In fact they, were frightenlng- boys and the girls. on request as soon as authorized today. of four tracts of land behind the ginia and the District of Colum Orchestra yesterday at the Carl- ly quiet," he added. "We are TJie favorite of the girls wa: by the Council. The manager re- State police at the Keyport barbia. ton Theater in a concert spon- used to audiences that make so Tschaikovsky's "Marche Slav, Dow Avenue School which the minded Council that it was avail- racks reported that the fire apsored by the Music Advance- much noise you can't hear the with Wagner's "Flying Dutchman board seeks to acquire for the FREEHOLD - A suit by an able. But Council adjourned with parently started in the lower porhigh school, Mr. Meams said. WESTFIELD — Judge Leor ment Commitee of the Monmouth \ when you are tuning up." Overture" a close second an He said condemnation proceed Eatontown couple to recover out giving him authority to dis- tion of the home. Gerofsky has found Police Chiei Arts Foundation. An opinion poll taken as the scattered. vote for "The Magii $2,000 from a builder for alleged tribute copies. ngs will not delay the school Police said no one was injured. Christian F . Fritz ot Mountain breach of contract was dismissed "They were a marvelous 1,400 children filed from the Flute" by Mozart. Asked afterwards by reporters The house had been vacant about construction schedule, side guilty of aiding in the un- audience," Tom Coleman the theater in orderly lines turned yesterday by Monmouth County for copies, Mr. Jones said: The boys, to a man, said thei two years. The owner could not lawful disposition of a traffic The board has been interview Judge Edward J. Ascher. "You'll have to get an okay be identified up to press time t h i s favorite was Rossini's "Over- ing applicants for the post of high i t i c k e t i n W estfield a n d f i n e d h i m Judge Ascher ruled the case from the Council." And as he ture to William Tell." school principal, William Van out of court on motion by Robert , |$75. Gerofsky is a Somerset ipoke the Council members were morning. Both sexes agreed they hat Middlesworth, board president, There was no estimate of d a m ^ ^ V. Carton ot Asbury Park, atICount ud assi d here busily vacating City Hall oblivious enjoyed the concert. said. More interviews are slated torney for the builder, V&S Buildage. Police said the interior of| w i(Je a t t i c k e t 4 i x i n g hea to it all. Boys, to a Man the house was badly damaged. he added. ings. Fritz had admitted he hai ers, Inc., of Cranford. The boys said, "It was great." Firemen from the Holmdel, called the court clerk here ant Mr. and Mrs. George t . Maier The girls said, "It was jusl Hazlet and North Centerville Fire told him a friend had receivec Board of Ed Meetings of T Lake Dr., Eatontown, had lovely." The enthusiasm ol Companies answered the alarm. a ticket. Fritz said, howeve bath answers was unmistakeable, To Be Tape Recorded contracted with the builder for that he did not ask that the RED BANK — The Board bfpointed out that no decision OCEAN TOWNSHIP - Board construction of a $30,000 home at There wasn't a bored face in th ticket be changed. Tlie hearin Education last night failed to should be made until an examiof Education meetings here wil Holly Farm La. and Navesink whole big group. disclosed that the violation make up its mind about a request nation of survey drawings made be recorded on tape, William Van Ave., Rumson, April 3,1969. They question had been changed from from the Red Bank Civil Defense by CD authorities are reviewed. Mrs. Walter Johnson of Locus, placed a $3,000 deposit With the chairman of the MAF committee Middlesworth, president, said last According to another member, an illegal turn to a parking vioand Disaster Control Council that builder. FREEHOLD Mrs. Louise that sponsored the concert night. And last night's session Henry Stevensen, the key problation. the River Street School and high According to the Maiers, they MONMOUTH BEACH - Resi- Chamberlin, Blossom Cove Rd., praised the attitude of the youni was. school be designated disaster lem in the request is that the CD dents of this community appar- Middletown, has filed a neglili audience. The tapes are to help the board were entitled to reimbursement group would want to store food, if they were unable to sell their ently are satisfied with the 1963 gence suit in Superior Court PRINCETON — Sixteen visi shelters. She said that only one regret secretary, Marshall Conklin, con budget, which calls for an in- against Board member William Magee water and other materials in the table fact marred the occasion: firm his minutes of meetings own home and complete the puri the h driver di off a car in- ing Russian Orthodox churchmei school. The buildings lack sufchase by June 15, 1959. crease of five cents per $100 in volved in an accident fatal to were spared a confrontation will ficient space, and under the There were a good many alb- Mr. Van Middlesworth explained, When the deal fell through, the assessed valuation. No b o d y her husband, George, May 31, 80 pickets yesterday when offisences due to illness, as man and will be kept one month. Then terms of the agreement, the cials at Princeton Theological voiced an objection at last night's 1962. they will be destroyed, he said. builder put the house up for sale board would be responsible for as 14 in one class. public hearing. The suit, prepared by attorney Seminary took them out of Speer The Buffalo orchestra, con If any township resident would and disposed of it for $28,000. It any vandalism on the supplies, Library by the back way. The Mayor Sidney B. Johnson and Edmund J. Canzona of Red Bank, ducted by assistant conductoi prefer that his remarks to the returned $1,000 to the Maiers, he said. visitors are part of a larger group Commissioners Harold Peterson names Robert Burns. 20, of BayUlrich Meyer, gave a secom board go unrecorded, "just let and contended It was entitled to and Raymond M. Tierney unan- side Dr., Highlands, and John F. invited to this country from th That the board, however, would concert last night, this time fo us know," the president said keep the $2,000 as the difference Soviet Union by the National imously voted to accept the budg- Rogers, also of Highlands. have to supply food and water for adults. "and we'll shut the recorder off.' between the actual sale price and the agreement with the Maiers. et that Mayor Johnson referred Mr. Chamberlin, 66, was a pas- Council of Churches. The Rus-| the students in any event, was sians have been touring the It was upheld. to as "conservative." MONMOUTH BEACH - "Open the point of member Charles senger in a car driven by his "The net increase of five cents wife on Rt. 36 at Navesink Ave., country in groups. The pickets season" on dogs gets under way Raynor. T h o m a s L Yaccarino of AsIn the total tax rate is caused Middletown, when it collided included 45 from Shelton Col- today as local police have been Under consideration Is a plan bury Park represented the lege in Ringwood, led by the by an increase of eight cents in with Mr. Rogers' car, being operMaiers, instructed by Mayor Sydney that the schools be designated college's acting president, Rev. the local d i s t r i c t school tax ated by Mr. Burns. B. Johnson to begin a crack- shelters only during periods when rate," explained Mayor Johnson. The state Motor Vehicle Divi- Arthur E. Steele, and 35 from down on unleashed or unlicensed occupied by students, for inGas Station Mishap The mayor also pointed out sion announced last week that it Faith Theological Seminary, El- dogs. stance, the summer holidays. Results in Award that the local purpose tax rate, had suspended Mr. Burns' license kins Park, Pa. Upon receiving complaints A second CD practical alert OCEAN TOWNSHIP - On the The board action followed the only portion of the budget for a year, effective March 5, on from irate citizens that dogs have plan drill will be held at 2 p,m recommendation of superinten furor raised here early lasl FREEHOLD—A consent Judgy controlled by the Board of Com- grounds that he had been care- TRENTON — Robert Roe of been pestering children on the April 25. The first drill, said to dent of schools, Edward German, month when the First B Baptist ment for $5,000 was entered by missioners, decreased from $1.53 less and had contributed to the Wayne Township, head of an en- way to school, Mayor Johnson be successful by school and CD the Board of Education last night Churoh, Asbury Park, distribute) Monmouth County Judge Edward to $1.52 since last year. cause of the accident. gineering firm, is being consid- decided it was time to enforce critics, was held Nov. 29, 1962 adopted a policy requiring .prior advertisements for a Bible class J. Asher yesterday for John ered for appointment as New local ordinances covering the sit- In other business last night, the board or school administration for children to students leaving Lomard, 114 Shrewsbury Ave., Jersey's conservation commis- uation. The Red Bank, in an auto accident board permitted Robert Dudley approval for all material, infor- the Wanamassa School. sioner. A source close to Gov. One ordinance prohibits dogs guidance counselor, to withdraw mation, letters, orsimilar matter Wanamassa Parent-Teacher As suit against Frank Arnone, proRichard J. Hughes said Roe is to be unleashed, and another his previously submitted resigna- earmarked for distribution to stu- sociation protested the distribu prietor of a service station at a leading prospect to succeed makes ,it mandatory for all dogs tion that was to have been ef- dents during the school day, Broad St. and White Rd., Shrewstion. Conservation Commissioner H. to be licensed. "I have instructed fective in June. Mr. Dudley said And such material can .be dis- The townsWp licensing agents bury. Mat Adams in Hughes' cabinet. the police to enforce these or- in his recent letter to the board tributed only by school personnel, and the parents of students will Mr. Lombard, represented by be informed of the board's policy Albert T. Berich of Red Bank, dinances strictly from now on," that the reasons that prompted Che board ruled. EAST ORANGE — Natasha the said Mayor Johnson, "and sum- his resignation, submitted in De- Children boarding or leaving at the beginning of each school contended he was standing near ;as pumps when a light pickup Tiger led an uneventful window- monses will be issued to owners cember, 1962, were no longer evi school buses are under the juris- year. diction of school officials, the The board emphasized that it truck driven by Mr. Arnone shopping safari along Central not complying with the code." dent. board noted, and the same regu- responsibility ends when Che chil- backed into him, causing injurAve. Monday. Her owner, James lations apply. dren leave school property, and es to his back and multiple conCusack, who usually keeps, the The school principals are au- urged parents to take the necyear-old tiger cub securely caged tihorized to call the township po- essary precautions to prevent! Robert V. Carton of Asbury in his pet shop at 425 Central lice to enforce the ruling, if nec- their children from accepting un- Park was attorney for Mr. ArAve., cleared the trip with police authorized material. 'none. essary, board members said. who sent along two squad cars To Request Bids For New School Budget Guide Ready—-But Not Available 22 Busloads of Children Hear Buffalo Philharmonic House Burns In Holmdel Builder Wins In Lawsuit On Contract CD Use of Schools Gets Study of Board No Objection To Borough's Files Lawsuit 1963 Budget In Fatal Crash Crackdown Ordered On Loose Dogs Letters 'Distribution At Schools Curbed At Wrong Board as an escort. They proved unnecessary, mild-mannered Natasha first got cold feet when leaving the pet shop and almost had to be dragged into the truck that carted her to a jeweler, where Cusack planned to buy her birthday (March 23) present. Once there, she sat on the sidewalk and gaped placidly at the crowd. In preparation for the jaunt, Natasha had her claws clipped and even downed tranquilizers. But even without tranquilizers she is tame, Cusack said, showing his fist between her jaws. Cusack imported Natasha from India, where he said she was raised in a private home almost from birth. She eats 10 pounds of meat daily and is not for sale. TREE PROGRAM — John H. Paraskevas, a member of the Middletown Shade Tree Commission, examines one of the many trees the commission is making available to residents under its tree planting program. Residents may purchase as many trees as they desire at a cost of $10 per tree. The commission will supervise the planting of the tree, with the homec-whSr being responsible for taking care of it. The commission is offering Hackberry, Norway and Sugarne Maple's, Pin Oaks and Plane tree Maples. Deadline for filing application for the trees is April I. . Firm's 'Use Permit' Is Delayed MARLBORO — An industrial Mr. Naidoff said other comfirm that appeared before the munities, especially in Ocean Planning Board last night re- County, are making efforts to questing a use permit to locate have the firm locate there, but in the industrial park was told il he said he would like to locate in would have to apply to the Board Monmouth County because he of Adjustment. makes his home here. Representatives of Bruce ProdTo Attempt Meeting ucts, Inc., Fair Haven, and of Mr. Naidoff said he spoke to Feist and Feist, Newark, requested permission to set up a township officials more than 10 plant to manufacture canvas days ago, and was informed that products in a 11,000 square foot he would have to appear before building on a 3.7.-acre tract off the Planning Board. He said time the Dutch Lane Rd. in the indus- was of the essence because he has his equipment on vans in trial park. New York City ready to be Board chairman Frank Rappa shipped. He said the plant could Informed them that it was in the be in operation in a matter of provence of the Zoning Board of days. Adjustment to grant such permission, and that 10 days' notice M. Phillips Van Mater, a memwould be necessary before a ber of the Board of Adjustment, said an effort would be made tomeeting could be held. PERFORMANCE CITED day to attempt to schedule a Says He Can't Walt MIDDLETOWN — William J. Samuel Naidoff, Middletown, meeting of the board before it? Gonska of 174 South Lake Dr. has president of the firm, said he regularly scheduled meeting of returned from Coronado, Calif., didn't feel his firm could wait April 2. where he was honored at the an- that long because it had federal Following the meeting, Gerald nual Rational Leaders Conference contracts to make raincoats, duf- A. Bauman, Jr., and Thurston of the Equitable Life Assurance fel bags, cartridge belts, and the Whitson, memberSiLof- the. townSociety for outstanding manage- like, and would have to be in ship Industrial Commission, atrial p2rformance last year. James operation very soon. tempted to set (up a meeting .of F. Oates, Jr., Equitable presi- He said his firm would employ the Board'ofAdjustmentfe quickdent, headed a group of society 50 persons at once, and more than ly qs.possibje. ' . . AN EARLY FLAG DAY — Coral-Raritan Civic Association yesterday presented Ameriofficials and top salesmen taking 100 before the end of the year. Also present at last night's part in. the business conference Mr. Naidoff said he would prob- meeting were Mayor Joseph A. can and troop flag* to Brownie Troop 121, Hazlet. Association is sponsor of troop. and presenting discussions, ad- ably "have to move out of the Lanzaro, Committeemen George During ceremony, left to right, Mrs. Richard Daegan, assistant leader; Diana Gain; Jressesand panels on recent de- township to somewhere where we E. Creevy and Walter S. Dunn, Mrs. Robert Cryan, association vice president; Suian Mueller, and Mrs. Dominick velopments In the insurance in- can get co-operation from munici and Board of Adjustment secreD'Agostino, troop leader. dustry. pal officials." tary William Meyer. March 13, 1963 ; HED BANK MGISTER TV Key Previews WAlCtV, WO*-TV WPOfcTV 12! 10 2-FiIro—Th» Emperor WalU -*• 1M8—fling Cnwby-75 Min. Ufc-Sertat 5-News 5—Sandy'i Hour—Children Tonight's top television shows 4—Your First Impression 7-Hlghway Patrol-Polict as previewed and selected by TV 7-Erale Ford-Variety <ey's staff of experts who attend B—Fireside Theater—Drama 9-Film—Tht Night of the Hunt- 4-News •Film—Operation Manhunt — ehearsals, watch screenings and II—Merry Mailman er — 1955 — Robert Mitchum 1954 - 90 Min. analyze scripts in New York and 13—Russian for Becianers SO Min. 7-News Hollywood. tl—Popeye—Cartoon* UtS J—Almanac Newsreel 2-News—H. Returner WEDNESDAY EVENINO 1:«S BEVERLY HILLWLUES. A I:M 4—Headline' gentle, broad spoof on tnobblsm, J—Starch For Tomorrow 7-Newi 7_Fttm-So You Won't Talk a an authority dlsoovera that •-Truth Or Coniequence* 11—Three Stooge* 1940 - Joe E. Brown he Ciampettt are a tint family, 8—Cartoons 3—News and Weather IJ-Whaf* New-Chllurea and way ahead of their tnooly 7-Father Knowi B « t . 1:35 1:11 leighbors next door. Kldi, par- •-Memory U n a - J o e Franklia 2-Film-HoUday Week - 1957 7-Weathw Icularly kids, will b» v u t l y 11-Rocky And Hit Friend* f:» 1 Hr., 45 Min. amused by the Uble manners- in 1J—Eastern Wlidom And Modern 7-Sport»-aow»r4 Coiell 4—13th Hour the dining room scene where the Life 1:45 1:21 Clampetts carry on just ai their 12:41 5-News 7—Ctaiul* Comment ancestors did. 9 p.m. CBS '2-Guidins LJfht-SerW 2:05 f:M 11—Merry Mailman—Children 4—Sermonette •-Local N m - G . PreMman BOB HOPE Bob'i first words J-Mlckey Mouw Club 3:20 i guest Frank Sinatra ire, 4-Newi 7-Newi -Film-Janie - 1944 - 1% im 'Good Evening, Jethro." (If you OLD FLAMI — Joanna .Moore giv« Fred MacMurrajr 11—Brave Stallion—Adventure Hrs. can't beat 'em, laugh with 'em, S—Women't Page new problem! in Welt Diwey's comedy, "Son of Rubber." 13—Profile: New J m e y teems to be Hope's motto for H u n It To Tht Girl* THURSDAY MORNING 1:41 Starring with MacMurray «r» N*ncy Olson, Keensn he Hillbillies and their rating.). 8—Cartoont 1:41 •-Weather Ong Frank Sinatra banters with 1—Aniwering Service—Fuel Wytm end Tommy Kirk. Robert Stevsnson directed the I—Preview* l:« [ope and sings "Call Me Irre- 11—Rimar Of Tht Jungle 5:80 Bill Welsh icreenplay, Buena Vl«ta releases. Starts 2—New*—R. Trout sponsible;" Edie Adams chats 13—Fun at One—Children 2-Give Ui This Day-Rellglon 4-New«—Huntley, Brinkley Friday at Eatontown Drive In, also at Carlton Theatre. d Introduces Hollywood Deb US 7—Focui On The New* tars; handsome Robert Coulet t-News 2-Newi ?:N Itll lings for the grownups and youth4—Sarmonette •-Death Valley Dayi ful Brenda Lee whlnei for the 3-Ai Tie World Tumi 1:00 S—Bourbon'Street Bttt FRETTf ALVA CELAURO appears as Sally O'M.llty, youngsters; while sklti on TV's J-Film-Whlsperlm Smith 2—College Of The Air—Amer7-Reberr-Weitern Speaks - 1 9 3 5 - 8 5 min. c«mpu» due [ockey, !n a whacky story about "Albert," psychiatric dramas and youthful icas Economy 9—Mwrytoon Circa* 4—Continental Classroom — a musically gifted robot, on "Dobi* Gillis" tonight on radio disc jockeys fill out the >-Star Aw) Story—Drama l l - N e w s - K . Kennedy 11-Global Zobel hour. (Color) •» p.m. NBC Phyiics 13—Ruislaa For Beginner* the CBS Televition Network (8:3O-°:0O p.m., ESTI. lJ-Spotlijht on Art 6:30 7(11 BELL TELEPHONE HOUR. H« 2—Sunrise Semester "I've given this some thought," By BOB THOMAS 2—Weather 'or sheer musical excitement, 4-Newi 4—Continental Classroom — he continued, "and I think Fox 11-Local News AP Movie-Television Writer 1:50 y/o arias by Leontyne Price from American Gov't. ought to hire me as dean of under7: IS HOLLYWOOD (AP)-One of the graduates for its new school. I /erdl's opera "II Trovatore" and 1J—Issue* and the Challenge 7:H 2—News—W. Cronkite 1 hazards of my job is an occasional 2:11 Erica Mortal's solo performance 1—News and Weather could work out a series of courses 7:25 isit from Clyde Mack, the cynical that would teach young men 4—Today—Hugh Downs in Bruch's "Concerto No. 1 for 2—Password—A. Ludden U-Weather flack. 7—Early Bird Cartoons 'iolin" finale recall the greats. 4-Merv Griffin-Variety J[everything they need to know to 7:M His cynicism is the source of [be movie executives. 7:« "or the lift and grace of waltzes; 7—Day in Court—Drama 2-CBS Reports 9—Mansions Of Man Mack's chronic unemployment as 5—Call To Prayer iy Strauss (Johann), Carol Law"For instance: 4-Virglnian-Wettern •hot breads," she continued. "It's i By CHARLES WITBECK press agent. Hence he has time "Press Relations 3D. Are col7:15 rence with an assist from Matt II—Divorce Court—Drama 7—Wagon Train HOLLYWOOD - "I've never my undoing." 2:l« :o make the newspaper rounds] S-Newi ilaltox, sings and dances her, 9—Film—The Bad and the Beauumnists people? Making a turkey been BO comfortable before" — So is gravy, pastry, etc. She way through a segment of charm. 13—Science Corner—Education and deliver his acid comments on ;eem like a hit through publicity, Uful-1»52—Kirk Douglas 7:S0 \ 2: IS the line troth Lerner and Loewe's likes all the things she shouldn't. For the pops contingent there are the Hollywood scene. 2 Hrs. 5—Columbia Lectures low to announce your severance •ong "I'm Glad I'm Not Young "I think you can gain weight on songs and songs from the tire- 7-News "I see 20th Century-Fox has an- rom the studio and make it seem 7-New* 11—Honeytnooners—Comedy Any More," seems to fit Shirley water," says Shirley as visions of less team of Steve Lawrence and nounced a program to train young »:00 ke a promotion. lJ-Earth And Mankind Booth of the NBC Thursday night food passed in her mind. Talking Eydie Gorme. Our only quarrel 2-Hqjise Party-Art LinkleNer executives for a career in thei "Story Conference 145. How to 2—Captain Kangaroo 8;0O was making it worse so we 7—Seven Keys "Hazel" series. movie business," he said. 5-Sandy Becker—Children w h y ask a pop singer to follow make suggestions to improve the 9-Filra-Four Wives — 1939 - 5—Danger Man—Adventure 'When you're older," says changed the subject. "Mmm-huh," I commented. 7—Tommy Seven—Cartoons 1 in artist like Leontyne Price? cript. How to avoid blame when 11—Bold Journey—Travel Next to food the therapeutic Priscilla Lane — 90 Min. Miss Booth, "it's nice to make "Makes sense," he added. "All our suggestions turn out bad. ;Color) 10 p.m. NBC 8: JO 13—Where Does It Come From? 13—Casals Master Class people comfortable. And that actress loves the ocean. Unlike1 he other industries do it. Fox has "Budget Economics 84B. Rela7 - Q . T. Hush 8:M other series which begin filming 2:51 sterns to be my job these days fired all its old executives, the t e s on the payroll and how to 8:45 "HOLLYWOOD: The Great 2-Dobie Gillis-Comedy on the stage and in this tele-; in the summer for the tall sea' tars." Great is the word for 13—Music Interlude ones whose initials don't start manage it. Areas of blame when 7-King And Odie 5—Call Mr. D-Mystery son, the Hazel crew takes a short 2:35 vision series — making people with Z. So why not train some, iroduction goes over budget: most of the screen stars on to1:50 7—Going My Way—Drama comfortable. Why, I had a maii|Vacation in the spring and shoots night's special, and great is the 4-News new ones?" cript trouble. Acts of God. Acts 11-Silentj Please 3-News next year's product until July. 5-News tell me I was the most theraI started typing my expense ac- >f Brando, etc." word for the show. Packed into a 13—Court Of Reason—Debate 9:00 Then Miss Booth goes to her peutic actress he'd seen. count. lostalglc hour are scenes from "Look, Clyde, I've got to get •:N 2—Life of Riley—Comedy "At first I didn't know how to summer home on Cape Cod. She films like "The Westerner," "It 2-To Tell The Truth his expense account—" 2-Beverly Hillbillies 4-Trouble With Father comes back to Hollywood In Sep4-Loretta Young—Drama take that. Now I'm rather proudi Happened One night," "Casablan"I haven't finished," he con4—Bob Hope 7—Funny Manns of it. I guess you can say I'm tember, comfortable, fit and a," "On the Waterfront," "In- 5—Doorway to Destiny inued. "I foresee this trend 5-Film-The Sea Wolf - 1941- 1—Operation Alphabet strong. 7-Queen For A Day nursing the world." lerit the Wind" and "Misfits;" weeping the other studios. Then John Garfield — 2 Hrs. 5:15 11-How To Marry A Millionaire RED BANK Salt Water Dunker Certainly Liz Taylor doesn't nd rare film clips of Rita Hay- 13-News e could have inter-studio athletU - M Squad-Police 9—News and Weather CARLTON— teel this way, but as Miss Booth "I'm a salt water dunker," she rorth leading a conga line of sail»3i0 Wilt. Disnej'i Bon ot Flublwr 2:00; es. Can't you see it? MGM vs. 1:15 9:25 puts it, Lii doesn't strike her as says. "I wouldn't give you five irs, George Bernard Shaw stroll»-.»; T:QO; 9-.W 'ox in a gin rummy match in the I—Dick Van Dyke—Comedy 5—News—Sandy Becker very comfortable person or a cents for fresh water. And I like ng along with Marion Davies, 13—Music Interlude LONG BRANCH recourt of Grauman's Chinese, 7—Our Man Higgins 3:29 9—Almanac Weather well-adjusted one either. BARONETsand that has some body to it." ful Brynher greeting the King croquet grudge match between 9—Surftide 8—Mystery 2—News Boeucclo Seventy 3:D0: 9:00: Carry Just Disappears Here is a woman with sound nd Queen of Siam, and Ingridj dCA and Desilu on Sam Gold11—Wanted: Dead Or Alive On Sercetnt 1:30: 7:30 I : SO Tie Lion 1-.SB; 9:15 2—Our Miss Brooks—Comedy IS—Art and Artists . i>yn's lawn. Miss Booth may look like an judgment and a good eye. No Bergman returning to the U. S. 27-Mlllionalre—Drama ASBURY PARK 4—Dr. Joyce Brothers ifter a ten-year exile. Fleeting +-Young Dr. Malone—Serial 10:00 even tempered person, but she wonder she's well-adjusted. LYRIC— $—Topper—Comedy 2—Armstrong Circle Theatre admits she isn't. "1 can be "You 1 get strength from thei ilghlights of stars in scenes from 5-Mr. District Attorney The Lion 7:15; 1:18 7—Gale Storm—Comedy 4—Bell Telephone Hour touchy," she says, "and when I •ocean," she added. "Just looking heir famous films include Kath- 7-Who Do Yon Trust? ST. JAMES1—Ed Alien—Exercise 7—Hollywood feel it coming on I disappear at It is reassuring. And the sound irine Hepburn, Spencer Tracy, 11-Best Of Groucho-Quit Bptclt! TNecaftt: Ctssluj Cluy vi. 3—Parlons Francaii II Douff Jone* Fight 7:30. Movies of It," she shook her head, "the Errol Flynn, Hedy Lamarr, 13—Television for Teachers 11—You Asked For It and take a nap. NEPTUNE CITY 13—World «t Thirteen 1:45 " 'I feel kinda jumpy this morn-1 sound of it makes you strong. Charles Bqyer and Marlene Die4:N NEPTUNE CITY4-News 11:10 ing,' I say, 'If you don't mind The only sound of water I don't trich. Special tribute is paid to 2-Secret Storm-Serial ST. JAMES Follow Ui« Bojt TrB; 9:30 13—Science Corner—Education 9—Danger Is My Business I'll go to my dressing room tor like is one from a dripping tau- Humphrey Bogart, Clark Gable, 4—Match Game A Walter Reade Theatre cet." loan Crawford, Bette Davis and 5—Felix and the Wizard 11—Steve Allen 10:M • while."' Asbury Park 13—Jan Casual "That saves exploding," she be- On the Cape, Miss Booth is con- ames Cagney, whose film ca- 7—American Bandstand 2—Talendar—Reasoner ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS Exclusive U:W lieves. "One thing I can't do and sidered an outlander, not a na- reers have a combined time span 9—Buccaneers 4—Say When—Art James ATLANT1CLarge Screen Telecast 2—News—D. Edwards Rapilllcui 7:00: 9:15: W«rrior» Five I don't want to do—and that is tive. Twenty more years maybe, of over 125 years. Two special 11—Bora The Clown S-Film-Navy Wife - 1935 - 8:25 Elimination 4—News-J. K. M. McCaffery to bawl people out on the set." but not yet. However, the na- eatures of this uniformly excel-i 13—Television for Teachers Claire Trevor — 85 Min. Heavyweight Fight HAZLET 5-News Miss Booth goes on the theory tives know she wants privacy and lent hour are a superbly edited 7—Susie 4:23 LOEWS DRIVE-IN7-News 9^-Film—Four Wives — 1939 •— C&rtoon 7:00: Operation Snatcfc 7:07; that nobody is unpleasant pur- leave her alone. The only people recap of Cagneys "tough guy • - N e w s 10:43; Dayi ol Wine 4 ROK« 9:00 9—Film—See 7:30 p.m. CASSIUS CLAY posely. The thing to do is keep who both Miss Booth are tourists portrayals," and a tragic newsClaude Rains — 9ft Min. 4:30 PERTH AMBOY 11-News your distance. She says she gets who barge right In. Some even reel account of Marilyn Monroe'si 2-Edgft Ot Night-Serial 1—Film—Captain Scarface—1953 MAJESTJC13—Professionally Speaking 90 Min. Jumpy when her subconscious walk right in the back door and brief but cyclonic reign as Hol- 4-^-Make Room For Daddy Dlamond He»4 2:15; 8:00; 8:35; Doc11:19 DOUG JONES bothers her after a night's dream. Shirley has to take a good hold lywood's "Golden Girl." Henry; ( - F e l i x And The Wizard 10: OS tor In Lovi 4:15; 7:50. 4—Weather—Tex Antome Fonda serves as host and adds. 7—Discovery '63—Children EDISON Direct from 3—Speaking of Speech "The only thing to do is to go on her temper. S-Film-Hotel Berlin — IMS —! MENU) PARK CINEMAMadison Square Garden •it in a cave and ride it out." In public she can seldom go dignity to the proceedings. 10 9—Chubby Jackson—Cartoons 10:20 Dlamond Head 2:00; 5:00; 7:20; 9:19. 1% Hrs. Tickets Now On Sale at 13—American. Economy 7-News Perhaps another form of ther- unobserved unless she keeps her p.m. ABC MONTCLAIR 7—News All Walter Reade Theatres 4:51 19:25 apy, which is really a hobby for mouth shut. But the familiar, CLA1R1DGE11-Steve Allen-Variety Orch. ft Bal. #.M-Loge 4-News Miss Booth, is knitting. The "Haz- husky, friendly voice always TONIGHT. Greer Garson, Li- 7—American Newsstand WonJorlul Woill O! Tl>» Brothel. 111 15 J—New York Metropolis el" set couH almost be called a cives her away and heads turn onel Hampton, Enrico, a singer 9—News 4-News 10:30 yarn factory. The ladies sit in No one else sounds like Shirley, with the romantic name of Adri-I 5:00 5-News 2—1 Love Lucy—Comedy directors' chairs and click those "It's senseless for me to ever anna del Mare, and a -ski demon- 2—Love That Bob—Comedy 11:29 4—Play Your Hunch needles at an alarming rate while go on 'What's My Line,'" she stration, round out Johnny Car- 4—News 2—Film—North West Mounted 7—Girl Talk-Virginia. Graham cameras grind away. Touch a jsays. "I've tried it three times, son's variety bill tonight. (Color) 7—Financial News Police — 1940 — Gary Cooper h 11:15 p.m. NBC. 10:45 9—Zooraraa friend on the "Hazel" crew and but the panel guesses me - 2 Hrs. 15 Min. W a y . I can't even disguise my 13—Parlons Francals II 11—Dick Tracy you might, get a sweater. 7_Film — Checkpoint — 1957 voice. I'm jus! stuck with It." 11:01 Weight Discipline CBS REPORTS. "Storm Over! 13—Once. Upon A Day—Children Anthony Steel — 1% Hrs. 5:05 2—McCoys—Comedy ihe Supreme Court (Part II): All this activity creates an ap11:31 7—1 Married loan—Comedy 4-Price Is Right PRIZE WINNERS The School Prayer. Case.' A petiUe. "I didn't have to worry 4—Johhny Carson 5:25 7—Jane Wyman—Drama 1 about weight until I got past HAZLET—Jessica O'Brien and fascinating and scrupulously fair 11—Rocky And His Friends 13-Reflections i3—Scienceland—Education 'LOADED 40," says Shirley, "Now I have Allen White, respectively, have' presentation of a momentous-de11:20 WITH cision of the Supreme Court on received gift certificates for $5 to use discipline. I try to conGerman language students at- 13—Spotlight on Art vince myself food is all mental and $10, as winners in the receni the separation of ohurch and tended the March 7 production 11:25 and it's a losing battle. All I "Valentine Poster" contest heldj late. Specifically covering the of Bertold Bretht's play "Gali- 5-News STARTS think of is freshly made bread." at Monmouth Shopping Center. recent case questioning the legalleo," also at the MoCarter Thea11:30 TONITE! ity of a short prayer in a New Both are members of the fourth She closed here eyes, took a ter. Andrew R. Camerota was 2—Pete and Gladys—Comedy York public school, narrator Eric the chaperon. deep breath. "Don't tell me about grade at Middle Road School. 4—Concentration—H. Downs Sevareid traces the origins of the NEW SHREWSBURY — The French students today are tak- 5—Romper Room civil suit and the initial disap- last of a series of March field ing in two plays by Jean Cocteau, 7—Yours For A Song pointments suffered by the plain- trips for students of Monmouth "Orphee" and "L'Apolloh d< 9—Playhouse 30 ;iffs in the lower courts. Once Regional High School will take SPECIAL Bellac," at the McCarter. These LI—Superman again, CBS Reports has made a place Saturday, March 30, when plays have been done in FrencI AFTER 11:40 igntfieant contribution on a Fred Caruso will take his class by the Treteau de Paris Theatre SCHOOL 13- -Speaking of Speech major and complex domestic is-1 to a matinee performance of the Company. George Weicz accom MATINEE ue — this one concerning funda New York Philharmonic Orches panied them. at msntal moral and religious val tra in Lincoln Center. Forty physical science students 3:30 ues. 7:30 p.m. CBS. Earlier in the month, two bus visited the Newman Springs Rd TODAY, loads of English students at water purification plant of MonFRED MACMURRAY THURS. & Fifty-five years ago, Theodore tended a performance of "Julius mouth Consolidated Water Co. to NANCY OLSON Roosevelt ordered Marine officers Caesar" at the McCarter Theatei see the process, first hand FRIDAY KEEN AN WYNN to prove their fitness by taking in Princeton. Peter K. Mills acGATES OPIN t;30-MOVIiS AT 7: J. Costaris was in Michael t«tm»«M«-ttm at. «u swi-mt MM cm 50-mile marches. companied them. charge. SHOWS TODAY JACK UE 2-3:50-7-9:15 SURVIVOR OFFERS STORY DAYSofWINE RARITAN TOWNSHIP - A] and ROSES" bert Kalme, a former Latvian un derground member, survivor ol ••^-"OPERATION SNATCH" Communist captivity, author, FREE IN-CU N»Tcitsr lecturer and now a teacher ai CHItPREN U r O T f l 2 fRK Raritan Township High School • STARTS FRIDAY • will discuss the topic "A Survivor —ALSO— Tells His Story — Education UnWALT der the Soviet Russians", at a DISNEY'S lecture sponsored by the ParentThe legend of Teacher Association Friday "LOBO" 8: IS p.m. in the high school cafeteria. Starring TONIGHT WONESOftY AFIZSNOON •;•••••- i * n * • ••• am Hollywood; Cynical Flack Shirley Booth Has Way to Get Along MOVIE TIMETABLE EXTRA TONITE North of Red Bonk WALTER READE Students Take Field Trips STEVE LAWRENCE and EYDIE GORME 110:00-11:00 LEONTYNE PRICE • ERICA MORINI In COLOR } And Special Guest CAROL LAWRENCE on NBC-TV With DONALD VOORHEES and the Bell Telephone Orchestra Presented by the Bell Telephone System CHANNEL SMORGASBORD EVERY WEDNESDAY ALL YOU CAN EAT! CHILDREN, TOO FUN! LEMMON • REMICK ATLANTIC Serving from 5 P. M. N O W - E V E . 7 and 8:30 HOTEL RCMSON IHYI 10 WATERMAN AVENUE, RUMSON PHONE 842-2000 Plus - "WARRIORS S" •luck •'DAM OF WINE ASU MUSES s i "Pai>»'« Delicate Condition" l.<, 1 "ll» Wonderful In be Youm" \Z1 William Holden "THE LION" 'BOCCACCIO 70" & Camay & Sergeant" »* Elect Massey Easter Program As Director Is Scheduled Of Gemmg's In Union Beach ASBURY PARK - A. Elmer Massey, president of the Steinbach-Goerke division of Genung's Inc., has been elected a director Of the Genung Corp. A. Elmer Massey UNION BEACH-At a recent meeting of the Recreation Corn mission, plans were made for a children's Easter program April 10. The "Battons" will perform at the show to be held in Memorial School at 8 p.m. The program, to be given for school children only will be held instead of the annual Easter parade. The commission said it canceled the annual Easter parade due to lack of interest in the borough, and scheduled the program for the children instead. Plans were also made for the Memorial Day parade to be held May 30. The parade will start at 2 p.m. at the water works building) It will proceed down Florence Ave., Front St. and Union Ave. to Morningside Ave., where it will end. The reviewing stand will be at the library, Invitations have been sent to local organizations asking them participate in the event. The commission, headed by Benjamin Young, chairman, will be in charge al arrangements f ° r the borough's state tercentenary celebration. Plans have been started to hold a three-day celebration in 1964. No date has been set. The Steinbaoh-Goerke division comprises Goerke's in Elizabeth and Plainfield and Steinbach's here and in Red Bank. Mr. Massey is a 'member of the board of directors of the First Merchants National Bank; > director and past president of the Asbury Park Chamber of Commerce; a director and treas urer of the Shore Area TMCA, and a member of the Rotary FAIR HAVEN - Mrs. Lola Mae Carson, 102 Jackson St., OrClub. ganization Democrat candidate for committeewoman in the sixth In October 1961, a volcanic district has withdrawn from the eruption on Tristan de Cunha primary election race, Island in the 1 South Atlantic Mrs. Carson had opposed Mrs. drove the 260 residents from Lois R. Howard, who with Wiltheir homes to England. liam B. Vincent, is seeking the committee post under the ReguNearly 70 per cent of Italy is lar Democrat ticket. covered by mountains—the Alps The "Organization"' candidates and Dolomites in the north and are under the leadership of forthe Appenines which run like a mer Major Milton Kosene; the Spine down to the south. "Regulars," John A. Flood Jr. Withdraws From F. Haven Contest BORROW *2200 REPAY 18 * A MONTH LA«GEK AMOUNTS AT PROPORTIONATE HATES Hem> Owners w i t h or without existing mortgages CONSOLIDATE YOUR BILLS INTO ONE LOW MONTHLY PAYMENT REPAYMENT SCHEDULE AMOUNT 15 YEARS $18.57 $2,200 25.32 ' 3,000 45.20 5,000 84.39 10,000 Get additional cash International Mortgage • Assoc. 22 Haddon Ave., Camden, N. J. In Red Bank Call SH 7-2662 Pupils Present Song Program SHREWSBURY-Nineteen pupils of Mrs. Dorothy Pawlak's sixth grade class in the Shrewsbury School last week presented an elaborate musical program, "Melody Park, U.S.A." A wide variety of popular songs, Irish lyrics and other numbers were presented in a manner similar to those of village park concerts. Some were sung as solos and others were presented by groups. Participating were Bernard ken, Barbara Cavanagh, Julius Christensen, Glenn Cook, Kath erlne Dorn, Bruce Greenwood, June Harrison, Douglass Keiper, Katherine McGuinness, Geoffrey McNally, Shirley Rubens, Paul Sadowsky, Alan Scher, Mary Sharp, Virginia Snyder, Catherine FLANNERY HONORED — Col. A. A. Gottlieb, right, commanding officer of the New Stirnweiss, Donna Villani, Kathleen Walker and James Wilcoxen. Jersey Sector Command, presents a Certificate of Achievement to Master Sgt. Roger F. Flannery, 34 Laurel Ave., Shrewsbury, a member of the 298th Army Security Agency Company, which trains at the U. S, Army Reserve Center, Fort Monmouth. At left is Capt. Arthur D. Cagney, Freehold, operations officer of the 298th. Sgt. Flannery is retiring from the Army after 20 years of service, both active and reserve. He works in the Freehold offico of the Bell Telephone Co. Middletown Contracts OKd Patricia Devany, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Devany, Normandy Ct., will leave this weekend to attend the beatification of Mother Seton in Rome, Italy. Patricia will be one of a group of students from St. Joseph's College in Emmitsburg, Md., who will attend the beatification and visit Rome. She will return March 21. ' Johnny Seaton Lench,*' son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred P. Lench, Swartzel Dr., celebrated his 13th birthday March 2 at a family dinner party In The Cobblestones Restaurant. By School Board OCEAN TOWNSHIP — Teachers' contracts totaling' $575,200 were approved by the Board of Education last night. The board also approved salaries for seven administrative personnel. The salaries, which reflect a 6 per cent increase, are: Edward German, superintendent °f schools, $12,500; Charles Grippoldi, supervisor of instruction, $9,855; Robert McK«e, guidance director, $19,014; Anthony Covino, principal, $10,550; John Rasp, principal, $9,175; Joseph Palaaa, principal, $9,440, and Marshall Recent house guest at the home C o n k l i n ' b o a r d s e c r e t a r * 56.050. of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Clay- Mrs. Stella Zelaites was named den, Holland Rd., was Mrs. Clay secretary to the principal of the den's mother, Mrs. Clare C. Ocean Township School for 'the Gers-t of Bradenton, Fla. Mrs. year ending June 30 at an annual Clayden entertained for her moth salary of $3,150, retroactive to er during her visit at a dessert March 1. She replaces a, secrecoffee. Guests included Mrs. tary who resigned. Betty Lane, Mrs. Mary Knight Mrs. Stella E. Ware's teaching and Mrs. Ernest Conte, all of Middletown. Ann Durfee, Linda Landis, Kathy Bahrenburg and Becky Johnson, [ Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Smith and all of Middletown, their children Maureen, Bobby and William are newcomers to Mr. and Mrs. l Thomas KenTwin Brook Dr. Mr. Smith is nedy, Blossom La. West, were reassociated with the Lily Tulip cent skiers in Londonderry.Vt., Corp. where they spent,a weekend skiing on Bromley and Magic Mts. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Melteer, With the Kennedys were Mr. and Lind Dr., were guests last week- Mrs. Philip Megna of New Monend at Mt. Airy Lodge in the mouth. Poconos. i The home of Mr. and Mrs. Diane O'Connell, daughter of Richard Herman, Volt PI., was Mr. and Mrs. Daniel O'Connell, the scene of a surprise anniverBlossom La. \Vest, recently cele- sary party in honor of Mr. and brated her eighth birthday at a Mrs. Lawrence Fuchs, also of party in her home. Gathering to :* PI. Guests included Mr. and help celebrate the event were Mrs. Sam Naidoff, Mr. and Mrs. Debbie Horlacher, Donna D'An- Robert Lefker and Mrs. Ben thony, Debbie Wood, Lynn Ralph, Sklar, all of Middletown. Brownies Get New Flag HAZLET — Mrs. Mae Cryan, vice president of the Coral-Raricontract was changed to give her tan Civic Association, has presented a flag to Brownie Troop credit for eight years of military 121. service. Her salary was in- The group was invested Feb. creased from $5,400 to $6,200. 5, with Mrs. Evelyn D'Agostino, In other business, the board leader, and Mrs. Gerry Deegan, named Melvin Worth deputy cus- co-leader. Members are Claudia Angelini, todian of school monies, and inSally Barton, Donna D'Agostino, structed the secretary to adver- Mary D'Agostino, Karen Deegan tise for bids for educational sup- Ann DeRosa, Donna Freyer, Diplies, returnable at the April ane Giess, Eileen Keating, Susan meeting. Mueller, Barbara Simmons, JoAn Sylvester, Gail Tomlinson According to Midas Muffler Karen Vairietti, Janet Van Clief safety engineers, your car should and Carole Vasquez. come to a complete stop in 80 Committee mothers present at feet at a speed of 25 miles an Tuesday's meeting in the Beers hour on wet or slick pavement Street School were Mrs, James Keating, Mrs. Raymond Van The Philippines now has a pop- Clief, Mrs. William Mueller, ulation of 27,500,000, an increase Mrs. George Tomlinson, Mrs. of more than 9,000,000 since the John Freyer, and Mrs. Helen end of the war. Sinklerls, publicity chairman. RED BANK REGISTER Wed., M*rch 13, 1963—15 Seven Blair Students To Begin Vacation David T, Brwstwv *on of Mr. and Mrs. David T. Brewsttr, Packer Ave., Rumson, is a freshman and a member of the junior varisty swimming team. John A. Hammond, son of Mr. and Mrs, Alden Hammond of Fair Haven is a member of the BLAIRSTOWN - Seven stu- senior class. ents from the Red Bank area at- George B. Comwell, son of E. ending Blair Academy, here will Allaire Cornwell of Little Silver, e on spring vacation from Sat- is a freshman and active on the freshman wrestling team. rday through April 1. Peter Tatem, son of Mr. and David Cameron Craver, son of Mrs. Leroy Tatem of 14 Center Mr. and Mrs. Harry S. Craver St., Red Bank, is a member of of Atlantic Highlands is a senior and member of the school's state Lhe class of 1954. George K. Robertshaw, son of championship wrestling team. Rev. Canon and Mrs. George A. Brian C. Combs, son of Dr. and Robertshaw of 9 Lincoln Ave., Mrs. Clarence C. Combs of EatRumson, is a sophomore and was ontown, is a freshman and will awarded a varsity letted in track. be a member of the golf team. HUFFMAN o O BOYLE PINE HOME FURNISHINGS and BROADLOOM Rt. 35 Circle, Eatontotvn—Liberty 2-1010 "I bank at First Merchants National 'cause it's easiest . , , one Hop takes care of all my hanking need*.* , % •uk * e Knit Aitmrr ruk • Ftlr RAT** • H.lmjel • Britl< Moc.ao.th Co»ntj'» i t j i . i . l > u k - a Xcara at Culbnu Mnfc* , Mtmbtr rtdtnl Dtpotit lararoM* Corp., Cooks Rings Around the Rest VICTORY MARKET RED BANK OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9 P. M. 31 W . FRONT ST., RED BANK DELIVERY TEL SH 7-0508 SI 3 7-1339 CHOICE SEASONED ALL CUTS - ONE PRICE A ^k Sirloin STEAK 6 9 BONELESS BRISKET or ROUND Corned BEEF London BROIL EYE ROUND CHOICE YOUNG CENTER CUT 79 89 Ib Automatically better because everything's under control Ib Ib PORK CHOPS Chockful O'Nirts ALL GRINDS COFFEE 5 9 Ib LARGE WHITE INDIAN RIVER FRESH Cauliflower ORANGES CARROTS 35 C HEAP' FOR 79 19 C INDIAN RIVER TENDER - FRESH GRAPEFRUIT Green Beans 5 The NEW Electric Range The NEW electric range guarantees precision control of every cooking function-boiling, broiling, baking, braising, frying and roasting—and does it automatically. On the new electric range, you simply set the dials to the right time and temperature and relax knowing that your meal will be done cookbook perfect, on time, just as you planned it. Automatic control means better food, too, because roasts won't shrink, cakes won't fall and since much less water is needed for surface cooking, vegetables retain their nourishing goodness and appetizing colors. Automatic—simply set the automatic timer and forget it — your oven meal will be ready on time as planned. Controlled — electric cooking provides exact temperature control, from low heat to high, for perfect cooking results time after time. Modern —beautiful, functional and streamlined in design. Cool—there's no open flame to heat up yourkitchen. Electric cooking puts all the heat where it's needed — into the bottom of pots and pans. Ovens are insulated on all six sides to retain heat. Clean — no soot, grime or fumes to dirty up your kitchen. Pots and pans stay bright and shining; walla stay cleaner Check these eight points of superiority with your Reddy Kilowatt Dealer during the March and April Range Sale. Fast—surface units heat up instantly—broilers and ovens heat up as fast as you can set the controls. Flameless—no open flame, no burners to get cut of adjustment, no pilot to be blown out Economical — the cost of cooking electrically is low — the average for a family of four is only |2.00 per month. There's a big range bargain waiting fpr you now — see your Reddy Kilowatt Dealer today FOR 29' . - * - • * ib AN INVESTOR-OWNED ELECTRIC COMPANY RED BANK REGISTER Reform Proposals Cover Wide Range Off Ikes Old Monmouth Dog Training Club. Inc. as the Senate cloture require- on the merits of legislation and to of committee slates in the party lem include tighter scheduling of CAMDEN (AP) — J. Sward By Congressional Quarterly caucuses without following the measures for committee and floor Johnson, Jr., son of the vice WASHINGTON - Recent pro- ment (two-thirds majority to permit committee chairmen or seniority rule ol thumb, election consideration, elimination of over- president of Johnson & Johnson, posals to reorganize Congress and limit debate) and the obstructive the majority leader to call up bills for votes after a limited of the committee chairman by lapping committee Jurisdictions has satisfied tyo income tax its procedures fall into six broad power of the House "Rules Committee thwart the will of the ma-time. In the second category the members of the committee, and hearings, electronic voting liens totaling almost $75,000. (A Non-Profir Organization) , areas: jority. The Rules Committee is are proposals to elect the mem-and an age limit of 70 {or chair- equipment to speed up roll calls The Internal Revenue Service Operation of the Senate and charged with fixing the rules bership of the Committee without ten. and quorum calls, elimination of said the liens filed against Mr. • MONMOUTH COUNTY'S LEADING House rules. following the seniority rule of Other proposals to reform com- non-germane debate and long Johnson were for J35.578.03-covunder which a bill or OBEDIENCE ASSOCIATION Congressional will be debated. But it frequently thumb, and to allow the majority Operation of speeches in the Senate, placing a ering the years 1957-58-59, and mittee procedures include unicommittees. holds back bills cleared by legis- leader to appoint the Committee form published committee rules time limit on consideration of a $39,421.40 for 1961. There are no Performance and ethical stand- lative committees, or demands chairman. Announces Our 14th Year of of procedure, joint hearings by measure by committees, and further tax liens outstanding ards of congressmen. changes in their substance. Other House rules changes pro- parallel and overlapping commit- establishing a summer vacation against him, the IRS. said. Workload of members and period. Mr. Johnson, who owns a home Critics on the other side, while posed in this area include grant- tees, elimination of overlapping Other proposals to ease the valued at (90,600 at Princeton, scheduling. jurisdictions, a time limit on con ing the minority more control of Operation of fiscal machinery. defending the filibuster and thetime in House debate and reduc- sideratlon of bills by a commit- workload include an increase in also has. had a foreclosure suit Operation of elective machin- Rules Committee, say that minor- ing the number of names needed tee, and reduction of the number Members staff allowance, delega- filed against him in the Chancery ity rights are often infringed in ery. on a petition to discharge any of names (currently 218) needed tion of .he job of appointing post- Division of Superior Court in Rules have two major pur- House debate, where the majority House committee from considera- on a petition to discharge a com' masters and approving service Mercer County. retains effective control of speakposes: tion of a measure from the cur-mittee from consideration of a academy candidates, delegation A California couple, Mr. and To permit effective expression ing time and recognition. According fo American Kennel Club Regulations of immigration and naturalization Mrs. Morton W. Lieberman, rent number of 218 (a majority bill. of the majority will of each Major proposals to change the of the House.) bills and small claims bills to in-claim in the suit that Mr. JohnPerformance, Ethics chamber and of Congress, and torole of the Rules Committee independent agencies, and delega son and his estranged wife, Barprotect the minority against ar- clude making it merely a sched- Major proposals to alter Senate Improper behavior of a few tion of constituent problems with bara, failed to fully repay a $36,debate rules include various ones Members of Congress has aggrauling committee and making it actions by bitrary and harmful the bureaucracy to an independent 500 indebtedness. an instrument of the majority to lower the votes needed to limit vated a situation where all Mem- constituent service agency. the majority, The Johnsons became involved y debate from two-thirds of those bers face difficult problems of leadership. In the first category i Fiscal Machinery in another sort of action last Critics on one side of the curgy present and voting to three-fifths, ethics. l f i The appropriations process is month when Mrs. Johnson shot rent debate say that such devices are proposals to forbid it to pass or to 51 Senators, or to a simple Wives and other relatives on currently fragmented. On many and wounded a private detective majority. They also include sugpayrolls are commonplace. Some- items, an authorization bill must who was taking part in a night gestions to limit individual times they make the best em- first be reported and passed in raid on her home, seeking dispeeches to three hours, require ployees; sometimes it is a finaneach chamber, and differences vorce evidence. She faces a that debate be germane to the cial necessity for hard-pressed reconciled through conference. technical charge of atrocious astopic under discussion, and elim- Congressmen; sometimes it is an Then an appropriations bill is re sault. Mrs. Johnson and others inate various practices by which abuse. ported and passed in each cham- involved have filed some 78 time can be spent in delaying deThe desire to have well-in- ber, and its differences recon- charges concerning the raid. bate on a motion. formed Members, familiar with ciled. Moreover, no co-ordinaFOR INFORMATION CALL: Committees world and domestic problems, tion is required between the va- The island of Luzon holds both MRS. ANITA W. LISSNER CRumson) 842-0371 Congress has delegated parts of collides with the opportunity for rious appropriations bills, and the Philippines' old capital, its power to standing committees, excessive spending of government no comprehensive attempt Manila, and the official new seat MISS LAURA HARDING (Holmdel) 946-4774 to which all bills are referred for money and time on unnecessary made to relate revenue to ex- of government at nearby Quezon supplements its well established penditure, or to establish a Con City. ' " study and recommendations. junkets. MOMMOUm • MIKCID • MISDUffX • OCIAM COUH1IIS gressional fiscal policy. Finally, These committees have the pow- Members' own financial inter"A Trained Dog Is a Better Dog" er to delay or expedite, approve ests are sometimes tied in, how-many think that Congress does George Washington and Thomas or obstruct enactment of legisla- ever indirectly, with matters un- an inadequate job of overseeing Jefferson advocated using the COMPANIONSHIP UTILITY tion. Members, once appointed der legislative review. And some expenditure of the billions it ap- metric system for measures in 1790. to committees, are not usually congressmen and their aides have propriates. with a dropped from them, but continue profited financially from inside Among the reforms proposed to serve and to build up "senior- information obtained on official are: creating a Joint Committee ity," the controlling factor in business. on the Budget which would decommittee organization. The Proposals to correct these velop a binding Legislative Budgmost senior member of the ma abuses include closer curbs on et; requiring the General Acjority side of the committee auto- trips at government expense, counting Office, an agent of Conmatically becomes its chairman, such as the ones instituted by thegress, to testify before Congresand seniority is usually followed House this year; creation of a sional committees on budget rein appointing subcommittee chair- code of ethics which would: re- quests by executive departments; W* invltt all iharritd and lingle men and woman who rtava a men. quire disclosure of major finan- increasing the staffs of the Apmtd or a i>» far mote monty to VISIT • WRITE • or TELEPHONE our nearest manager end letl him what your problem is. Critics say the seniority sys- cial interests and transactions in propriations Committees and reWe anure you he will da hit bett to help you. ROUTE 33 (Corlies Ave.) ROUTE 36 tern has put old, conservative commodities or stocks, forbid the quiring joint hearings; and setmembers in positions of too much use of confidential information ting over-all annual federal spendEAST KEANSBURG NEPTUNE CITY power. They say that as com for private purposes, require dis- ing limitations. mittee chairmen these men have closure of communications with Elective Machinery 1* Sit In the quiet and privacy of your own home, officv or Mon. & Tues, 9 a.m. ro 7 p.m. contracting or regulatory agen- The number of constituents a convenient telephone booth . . , ana: become despots, each with cies on matters under considera- represented by House members Wed. to Fri. 9 am. to 9 p.m. say own "empire." They TELEPHONE THE OFFICE NEAREST YOUR HOME OR WORK committee system hhas become tion by them and forbid outside varies greatly, creating inequities Sat. 9 to 7; Sun. 9 to 6 2« Tell us how much you want and when you want it. employment; and elimination of cumbersome with too many subin workloads and representation. 3* Right from the privacy of your home, office or telephone committees, does not have nepotism. Voting rights of soirie booth you can give ui enough information to apply for a enough expert staffing and is unWorkload, Scheduling uents are curtailed. Election loan and upon approval enable us to tet a definite lime for democratic. While the number of measures costs have increased greatly, you to come in and get the money. The Senate Government Opera- under consideration, the scope of largely due to television, Ways y to tions Committee disclosed in 19<Sl problems Congress has to con- raise campaigni i tt^ without h that Congress then had 303 com- sider and the number of con- using personarfundsior/becoming rf TEySPHONE • WRITE . o r VISIT s mittee, subcommittee, joint com- stituents have risen during the unduly beholden to large tontribmittee and select committee units. past few years, the number of utors are increasingly'difficult to COMPANY Defenders of the committee congressmen has not. Although find. Some critics say that House Lie. No.742'775-874*a78*935 system and seniority say it puts staffs and office space have in- terms are too short. leadership in the hands of the creased, demands have outpaced Proposed reforms include exOFFICES COKVEKIENT TO YOUR HOME OR WORK most experienced Members, and them. Longer sessions have de- tending direct primary elections NEW MIDDLETOWN OFFICE is the only logical organization, nied members normal family life, to states where they are not al673 HWY. 35, Lie. 962 TEL. OS 1-3111 without which there would be vacation time and opportunities ready In effect, increasing House to return home for politicking Members terms to three or four chaos." Across from Major proposals to reform the and other business. years, limiting the number of HOWARD JOHNSON'S seniority system include election Proposals to remedy this prob- consecutive terms which a Congressman may serve, financing campaigns with Government funds and putting limits on expenditures by contestants, creating more equitable Congressional districts and extending and assuring voting rights. WEEKLY CLASSES STARTING THURS. APRIL 4th Y. M. C. A.. RED BANK BEGINNERS ADVANCED News! ENROLL NOW! BELL FINANCE Loan Service LOAN OFFICE in MIDDLETOWN "ONE OF AMERICA'S GREATEST MEAT MARKETS" 1-VISIT LOAN PLAN OPEN 7 DAYS: \f nil •«.» tea H H ( R . . . ip*f — - ' - - .' i • i — il IT E IS KING! to $500 BELL FINANCE SWIFTS FARM FRESH, PAN-READY 6 In the open test that tearc'em apart...the Daytona 500 Ford durability conquered the field 1st,2nd.3rd4th.and 5th Keansburg The Guild of St. Mark's Episcopal Church will meet Thursday night with Mrs. William Saggau as hostess. Failure to keep to the right has been a fault with' many drivers. In January there were 16 such drivers on the New Jersey Turnpike. In addition, 16 were engaged, in unsafe movements of their vehicles such as switching from lane to lane, while 11 were driving vehicles which were overweight. NUMBER STARTED 12 W / i FORDS FINISHED POSITIONS 9 1,2,3,4,5, 10,11,17,2* 5 mHEVRoins 2 9,14 7 '63 PONTIACS 3 7,8, U 5 •63 PlYMOUTHS 3 6,18,23 2 •63 DODGES 0 t •63 CHRYSLER 0 Daytona is no "private" test arranged by a manufacturer to favor his car's strong points. It is open competition:-anyone can enter—and Ihe one thing that is proved by its searing 500 miles is just exactly how well a car hangs together. At Daytona, Florida, on February 24, five brand-new 1%3!4 Fords showed the world what durability means by sweeping the first five places. And that has never been equaled in Dayton.1 history I The box score at the left IPIU trie true story...car endurance that takes brutal punishment and comes back for more. No proving (•round can equal'this kind of torture, Daytona was a challenge we welcomed, a chance to prove in open competition the essenlial durability that makes possible the silence, the solid road-grip, the ease of and control, the balanced braking . MOTOR COMPANY If ITS FOBDBMIT, IT'S BUM FOR PERFORMAtlCL.TOffll PERFORIMICE MOUNT ENGLISH SALES COMPANY 90 Monmouth Street SHadyside 1-6000 Red Bank CENTER CUT CHOPS ^ CHOPS LOIN i . CHOPS SAVE 40c Ib. LEAN SLICED *<> BOILED HAM *39*1I I EXTRA LEAN BABY ft Qt\ SPARE Ib. O 7 I RIBS EXTRA LEAN SLICED BACON Ib. URE VEGETABLE gg A OLEO 1 0 ' LARD GENUINE SPRING RIB er SHOULDER LAMB CHOPS 59 PURE PRINT n SNOWHITE FRESH LOIN or RIB VEAL CHOPS Celebrate St. Patrick's Day-You'l! Love Good CORNED BEEF-and"Cabbage! KOSHER STYLE BONELESS BRISKET CORNED all the other things that go into Ford's concept of total performance. • These were the same 'b3'A Super Torque Fords that made styling history at their preview at Monaco, and which were recently announced at your Ford Dealer's. They're yours now; get behind the wheel and find out for yourself what totaf performance meansl roR in VFAKS TMf SY.MHOL . Of UEPINIMIIIC PftOOUClS * SWIFT'S CHOICE RIB CHARCOAL STEAKS PORK CHOP RIOT! COMPARE! The 50th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. William Snyder, Center Ave., was' recently marked at a party given by the New Point Comfort Fire Company, in the fire house. The couple received a gift from the members. Over 35 guests attended. Mr. Snyder is a former fire chief. BOX 8C0RE OF DURABILITY STAMINA AND PERFORMANCE AT DAYTONA. FEB.24.19G3 COMPARE! Two members of Intermediate Girl Scout Troop 192, sponsored by American Legion Post 273, recently won honors in a contest HOMEMADE, HOT or SWEET conducted by District Two BayITALIAN shore Division, of Monmouth Council of Girl Scouts. They were SAUSAGE Ib. Elizabeth Horan, first prize in the baking contest, and Kathyleen Donnelly, second prize in the art contest. Mrs. William Kurz is the scout leader. The American Legion post will hold its,annual birthday party Saturday | night, March 16, In the Legion jj home. ,~~ ~ r THICK CUTS WANT TO NET SOME EXTRA CASH? Whenever you want to snare some spare dolars, call on this old expert. I'm O. Howie Hustles, the fast action Red Bank Register Classified Ad. I've been netting extra cash for thousands and thousands for years and years and I've yet to see something I can't find a prospect for. To form a profitable partnership with medial SH 1-0010 today. 25c OFF LEAN GROUND BEEF Ib. PURE LEAN WITH THIS COUPON wara 50c OFF T o3-Jb. I Fowan §f GROUND CHUCK orp GROUND GROUND ROUND & Offer good thru Hal., March 111. WUIIH Delicious Tender ''•$ CUBED STEAKS CHUCK Ib. EXTRA LEAN GROUND RpUND STEAK 70* Ib. / Offpr Kood thru Sal., March le. w n n n M Tried effective thru Saturday. March 18. We renerve the tllht to limit ( Mot roponalliln for lynnlrnnlilcol rrrori. IVORY SOAP 4 ..,25c Pertortal She 1000 FREE Extra King Korn Stamps with the great Bonus Coupons below! SUPER | # MARKETS EFFECTIVE 1 FULL WEEK 58 LUCKY COUPLES WILL WIN A BIG millionaire's "Weekend at the Waldorf" THRU TUES., MARCH 19th, 1963 PLUS 4,500,000 KING KORN STAMPS GIVENAWAY! 4,558 PfflZBi NO PUKHASt NKtSSARV. fllffK 1ODAY! FREE-100-EXTRA KING KORN STAMPS $7.50 OR MORE CAMAY SOAP 2 <., 31c Baih Size CAMAY SOAP Regular 3 for 31C Size ZEST SOAP BAR Bath this coupon worth WITH THIS C O U P O N For A St. Patrick's Day host! Mild Cure-Boneless Size ZEST SOAP BAR 2,* 29c Regular Size A N D PURCHASE OF IVORY SOAP Excluding Fresh Milk and Cigarettes Medium limit 1 coupon per adult family Brisket Corned Beef "SIMPLY THIN CUT MoyfoirSM* Marfets THICK WONDERFUL" *• 6< • ' ' IVORY SOAP 2 „ 29c DOWNY FABRIC SOFTENER 45c 83c Largo FREE-100-EXTRA KING KORH STAMPS With Ihii couoon and purchaw of ANY SMOKED SAVE 20c LB. • ' 3 f.r 29c Size Thru Tuesday, March 19th, 1963 FREE-50-EXTRA KING XORN STAMPS With this coupon and purchase of 11b. or over Mayfair's Sliced > , Size Regular Size Giant SNO WHITE, MILK R D , YOUNG Size TIDE legs *Rumps o' Veal "SIMPLY Size FREE-50-EXTRA WONDERFUL" Save 20c Ib. ti'iat »Heetiv« tfiro Sat,, Mar. 16,1763. Klght la limit. Giant KING KORH STAMPS Wfth thi> coupon and purchcia of 1 LB. PKG. - 999 KOSHER Ib. 75c MR. CLEAN Giant Size IVORY FLAKES Regular t Size LAVA SOAP SHOULDER VEAL CHOPS 9 c Size "Simply ^ " " ^ ' ^ " S n o White, Milk Fed, Young—Save 20c Ib. Ib. RIB VEAL CHOPS LOIN VEAL CHOPS Simply " Wot>d»M"Sno White, Milk Fed, Young—Save 20c Ib. Ib. " FREE-50-EXTRA FREE-SO-EXTRA KIN6 KORN STAMPS With thii coupon and purchase o f 1 POUND PURE KING XORN STAMPS With thii coupon and Durchai» 10 POUND BAG S L Y WONDERFUL"—TOP WONDERFULT "SIMPLY CHOICE, FROM YOUNG WESTERN STEER TOP SIRLOIN ROAST * 89c IVORY LIQUID FREE-50-EXTRA Size 63c KING KORN STAMPS With thtt coupon and purchait of 2 POUND BAG JOY LIQUID King 87c Giant l FOR YOUR LENTEN MEALS FRESH HADDOCK FILLET ™ * » *• 49« FOR YOUR LENTEN MEALS ROASTING CHICKENS PAN READY WHITING • « . »<». *• 29« "&"££* 35c Regular Size DREFT Reg. Style Ib. "SIMPLY WONDERFUL"-PICK OF THE FLOCK, FRESH, PLUMP, MEATY 39* IVORY SNOW Regular Size "- ^ ^< MM ^. Young-save. 20c ib. ib. "Simply Wonderful"—King of the Oven Roasts—Save 2Oc Ib. O - * for BEEFBURGER SImply Wonderfu| sno h BONELESS VEAL STEW RIB ROAST ,b 4 Regular l h FREE-100-EXTRA KING KORN STAMPS With thl* coupon end purchas* of ANY SWIFT BUTTERBALL Size THRILL LIQUID Regular Size AMERICA'S FAVORITE -SAVE 6< DUZ SOAP Heinz Ketchup Canned Milk FREE-50-EXTRA FREE-50-EXTRA KING KORN STAMPS With Ihii coupon and curchon of . 15 oz. can of JET SPRAY KING KORN STAMPS With !h!» coupon and purchait of A 3 LB. BAG OF »««« 4 roUPMk 29« WHITE OR PINK BORDEN'S m or LINDEN HOUSE SAVE 12c CHEER Q far* f O *I fRESH FROZEN FREE-50-EXTRA FREE-50-EXTRA KING KORN STAMPS With thii coupon and curchai* of KING KORN STAMPS With thii couoon and purchaift of DELIGHTFULLY DIFFERENT FRESH FROZEN BARNEY'S STUFFED PEPPERS "»<<.. 29c BIRDS EYE CUT CORN 10 «z Pbe 6 <° 89* FRESH FROZEN — CHOPPED *>•••&39c GOURMET ANGEL FOOD RING "-49c BACON Mayfair's BIRDS EYE BROCCOLI RIVER VALLEY - Own—Tulip Fair—Hickory Smoked SLICED SAVE 10c FRESH, GREEN, L0N6, CRISP Cucumbers "°«7< RADISHES or SCALUONS ANGY t PERFECT F A C I N G ^ 6 Size Please Cut All «*«i« 25c SALVO Coupons Apart For Speedier Handling! Sessions ELECTRIC KITCHEN *i 1 0 * • * ' CASCADE Regular Size SPIC & SPAN Regular Size COMET CLOCK Regular 1 Size Afor MONEY-SAVING FAVORITES FROM OUR APPETIZER DEPARTMENT -°»17«= Imported for just one filled King Korn Stamp Saver Book < Circular white d i d with controlling numben • Eye pirating, tapered plaitic c a » 'OPEN SUN. 9* m t o 6 p« ROMANO CHEESE * 99c Wisconsin Provolone • Cordklamp hldu * x c w i cord • 89c • 1 y»of guoranta* • AworcW Oood HouwkMptna M Q | Pepperoni opecial oOflUS 30 EXTRA VAUO — IMPORTED DASH c 56 Newman Springs Rd. Red Bank, N. J. "«8< Size Jumbo • S W M P Mtond hand AXELROD — PINEAPPLE OR GARDEN SALAD GRUYERE CHEESE FLOUNDER OR SOLE FILLET »«•* 49« PASCAL CELERY ^ T ^ -^ 19= RED ROME BEAUTY APPLES 2 »• 29c HORMEL PURE LARD COTTAGE CHEESE ° ? " ° 6 ° 89c FRESH FROZEN FRESH TOMATOES , ,b. pk; 1.03 Queen A BAG OF 10 FRESH FROZEN REALEMON FRUIT PUNCHES ««•-. 10c ENGLISH MUFFINS PREMIUM DUZ Jumbo Size MAYFAIR FACIAL TISSUE b «°«» 6 " 1.00 • GOURMET 77c Size ) TIP TOP ORANGE DRINK A l l FLAVORS - OXYDOL Giant WHITEROSE VEGETABLES a K « £ S R - ' — 6 H . 0 0 F U R M A N ' S BEANS BuHerBeom'Pork *Beani'RedKidneyBean$ uimbo 40oz-can 4 f o r 1 0 0 TOILET TISSUE Size Giant Size my two 6 oz.pkgs. TULIP FAIR »IUE RIBBON 35c Regular KING KORN STAMPS Ib. 99c Fried Fish Cakes 4 for 25c Fancy Shrimp Croquettes Ib. 5?c Potato Knishes each 10c tod Mr. Mccarty ail of Vnton ton, JCeyport of Mrs. Loul* Gioss. Lorfllard Ave., last week, Besch. were Mr«. TbotttM Marotta, Mrs. Theodore Trembley, Sr., asd Mrs. Mr. and M M . Xpseph Vtmzi, at Dock St., are spending a three- Alice Haid, all of Union Beach. Todqy't lastams Mbror: home. month vacation in Platka, Fla. ASBURY PARK - Ate you now sons 72 or over can receive their proved, he added. Guests were Mrs. Alice Haid, The teachers will be In charge receiving retirement, survivor, or regardless Since other factors may affect Mrs. Marion Nixon and Mr. and security The Police Athletic; ttfcgue, of the program at the meeting disability insurance benefits from ot the amount of earnings. a person's right to receive social Mrs. Philip Cassidy, all of Union meeting last week, made plans of the Parent-Teacher Association social security? Individuals w h o , a r e receiving security benefits, Mr. Sandberg Beach. for a fund raising drive to start meeting, Tuesday night. Benjamin Sandberg, district benefits on a deceased wage Sunday. Proceeds from the drive manager of the Asbury Park so- earner's account must report the asks that all beneficiaries conleader and tvrirler uniforms. The cial security office, said today it following occurrences: • a spouse tact his office at 611 Heck St., The birthday of Mrs. Andrew Alexander G r a ' h a m Bell's if they have any question regard- McCarty, Prospect Ave., was will be used for football, cheeris the responsibility of persons father, Alexander Melville Bell, who remarries: a mother who no marked at a party in her home. group has accepted an invitation by SAM DAWSON receiving social security benefits longer has a child of the wage ing reporting responsibilities or Attending devised Visible Speech, a system were Mr. and Mrs. to march in the Loyalty Day p * requirements. to report promptly to the Social Davsoc which gave a symbol to each rade May 7 in Long Branch. earner in her care, or a child James Hagerty, Sr., and children, Security Administration any position taken by speed) organs NEW YORK (AP)-Americans tistics for February. At $20.3 bil change affecting payment ol who marries before reaching age It pays to advertise in the RedJames and Lois; Mrs. Katherin reproducing sound. Bank Register,—Advertisement, ine Kane, Mrs. Edna Llndsley Luncheon guests at Ye Cottage are spending more than ever. But lion, this set a record high for these benefits. 18, Mr. Sandberg said. you couldn't tell it from the job-any month. Americans spent 7 per cent more than a year ago for less figures. Some industries are increasing goods from the stores, even Watch for this sirlklng new output. Others are announcing though the rise from January was F1NAST (First NAtionalSTofW) plans for greatly increased spend- a slight 0.2 per cent. The monthly sign...smart as the stones it ing for modernization and new figure,' seasonally adjusted, has plants. But the number of new been above $20 billion since Noidentifies and soon to be jobs won't increase automatically vember. seen throughout the area. as it once would. • Durable goods sales is put a This is one of the dreariest as- $6.5 billion in February, an 8 pe pects of the final days of winter. cent gain over the like 1962 month. A brighter one, the spending fig- Nondurable goods sales at $13.8 ure, conies from retail sales sta- billion is a 6 per cent increase. Helping the rise in February was the growing inclination Americans to buy more on time. Outstanding installment credit has been gainins at an average rate of $500 million a month for som time. The total is approaching the $49-billion mark. Much of the increase in recent months is linked WASHINGTON (AP) - Rep. to the high total of auto sales. Florence P. Dwyer, R-N.J., says federal funds were used illegally Total industrial production has to train unemployed workers at remained slightly below the late GOOD THRU TUES., MAR. 19 Hagerstown, Md., for jobs in fall peak. But some industries are increasing output, notably steel. the Mack Truck plant there. The firm recently closed its For six weeks running, mills Plainfield, N.J., plant and opened have turned out more tonnage than the preceding period, That is a new one at Hagerstown. Mrs. Dwyer said the federal the longest climb in 18 months. It has pushed production to an government spent $50,000 for a worker retraining program at estimated 70 per cent of capacity. Hagerstown and some newly Some steel mills have fired up trained men obtained jobs.at the once idled furnaces. A few shut Mack plant. plants have started up again. "This is the kind of economic Some new facilities are coming piracy which many of us in Coir into use. This has led to recall of gress feared might be encouraged some laidDff steel workers, and in by the area redevelopment Act," a few cases to hiring new men. ««•« she said in letters to Secretary But through industry as a whole, of Labor W.Willard Wirtz and the prospects are less rosy for the »ONIUSS CROSS m Secretary of Commerce Luther jobless. Many manufacturers can Hodges. LIMIT ONE m ADUIT—ClOARmi!, TOBACCO, M B speed up production with the same nauos AND FRESH MILK EXEMPT M O M STAMP OFFEK «•• 5 5 c She asked both men for a re- number of workers they now have. port on the Hagerstown retraining Any spring spurt in total indusprogram which she said she trial production may well be acUSDA CHOICE would submit to the house bank- complished without the hiring ing committee. which accompanied such increases n the days before automation was V so widespread. SHORT RIBS And all the time the labor force «ET« (FIRST CUTS PRICED HIGHER) is increasing. The population explosion of the 1940s is bringing, year by year, more young men and women to the ranks of the job seekers. 18—Wed, March 13, 1 9 6 3 . RED BANK REGISTER Must Report SS Changes AM person* receiving retire- Persons receiving diwMllty la- TT»» M ment o r survivors benefit! mutt surance benefit* must report if XjJlWll report when they taow their their wWtttton b u fcajwwd K earning* w8l g o over $1,300 for they « m return to t w r f c o r » . , - . . -, the yesir, except persons age 12 they return t o work even If the Ave.,, w u .hostess last disabling condition hasn't ' • • -•*• im- a luncheon party In her or over for the entire year. Per- More on Life In the Office a great day for National Stores Illegal Use Of U.S. Funds Is Claimed • LOW LOW PRICES • FAMOUS *fy/GREEN STAMPS CHUCK STEAK GREEN STAMPS with the purchase off $7.50 or more SLICED BACON BONELESS BRISKET- BEEF ROAST CALIFORNIA ROAST SHOULDER STEAKS »•*««« FRANKFURTERS STEWING BEEF •«*««« BEEF FLANKEN GROUND CHUCK FANCY SCALLOPS «*'«» * FILLET OF HADDOCK «<»«» * NAAR SALADS 18 Selected For All-Shore Group Band USDA CHOICE * CORNED B E E F * "89c 49 THICK ^CUTS -69c * 59c ——Fresh Fruits & Vegetables RITZ CRACKERS MAZOLA CORN OIL DEL MONTE PEAS CAROLINA RICE BUITON11 SALE CRISP FRESH 12 oz. pkg. LONG BRANCH - Eighteen Times can look mighty prosperstudents of the Long Branch High ous if you study the production School Concert/ Band have been and sales figures. They can look selected to perform with the 1963much different if you concentrate All-Shore Conference Band, Dom- on the rising percentage of the FANCY RED RIPE inic E. Soriano, high school di- labor force out of work. FINE FOR SLICING rector of instrumental music has announced. The Long Branch musicians who won the honors in auditions EARLY conducted recently at Monmouth GARDEN Regional High School included three first chair selections: Leslie Asch, alto saxophone; Harvey Feldman, coronet, and Gerald FREEHOLD — A default judg Risden, trombone. LONG GRAIN Other Long Branch selections ment for $3,000 was entered by Superior Court Judge J. Edward were Jonathan Shutman, Evelyn Mehl, and Anne Shatkin, flute; Knight yesterday for Miss MarBuy 1 at rtg, price, g i t Flora Jean Mari, John Anastasio, garet Sheehan of 53 Pacific Ave. another for onfy 1c SEEDLESS M . 4A# Gloria Harris, and Anthony East Keansburg, in an auto acSPAGHETTI TWISTS 9> Greenwood, clarinet; Judy Zim- cident suit against Mr. and Mrs, URGE SHELLS, 8 ox. INDIAN RIVER • # w ^ 7f* merman, oboe; David Link, alto Donald E. Finger, formerly o saxophone; Mcl.vin Jones, bass West Keansburg; clarinet; Arthur Harris, trumpet; Neither of the defendants ap1 Ib. can Charles Maps, baritone horn; peared in court and their lawyer, DOXSEE Manhattan Richard Chasey and Albert Ott, William C. Lloyd of Keansburg, er N t w Cngfond trombone; and Keith Allaire, tym- said he has been unable to conpani. tact them. Seymour R. Kleinberg U. S . NO. 1 The 1963 All Shore Band Confer- of Keansburg represented Miss SIZE A ence concert will be held Tues- Sheehan. (Plmanlo, Ollv» Plmlnlo, Roliih or flnooppU C h u n ) day, April 2, at Wall Township The woman was a passenger High School. in a car operated by Mr. Finger, and owned by his wife, Ida., Oct 22, 1961, when it went out of control of Palmer Ave., East BEECH-NUT or GERBER STRAINED JUNIOR Keansburg, and struck a utility pole. She sued for personal inREG. or FRENCH C 9 oz. 10 oz. MATAWAN — A campaign juries and medical expenses. "YOB" GARDEN + committee was formed at a resize cent meeting of the executive CLAPPS JUNIOR STRAINED committee of the Matawan Township Democrat Club at the home of Henry E . Traphagen, Lloyd r Rd. t fc The committee will support the following candidates: For township committeemen, Norman E. Wood and Samuel Dilks; for MIDDLETOWN - Miss Ruth county executive committee, dis- A. Scattergood, a teacher and BIRDSEYE B oz. pkg. trict one, Samuel Canzano and elementary supervisor for 38 Mrs. Florence Guzzo; district years here, will retire June 30. two, Stanley Zduniak and Mrs. Miss Scattergood, a graduate FINAST Ethel Boyle; district three, Royce of the Newark Normal School, •* Wallis and Mrs. Helen Davis; dis- taught on the elementary level 1 pound VK BlE trict four, Mrs, Lena Minichino; from 1S2J5 until 1959. Mt cant . loaves s district five, Mrs. Edith Traphag- In 1959 she. was appointed to 3 Ib. 1 ot. < en, and district six, Leonard Mor- the post of elementary superEXTRA visor which she now holds. jzio and Mrs. Elsie Krimmel. H0WARD George Hausmann was named The board approved her plans PRICES EFFECTIVE TODAY THRU SAT, MAR. 16th at all N«w J i n . y , Ptail Riv.r, New Cily and Mlddletown JOHNSON GREEN STAMPS •torai. W f renrva th« right to limit quantities. Nont told for r«salo. for retirement, with regret. With Purchcii o l 1 Ib. Loot campaign manager. The board formally adopted its FINAST IRISH RAISIN BREAD salary guide for teachers for the French's Frtncfi'i 1963-1964. INSUN? POTATO EXTRA 8c O i l Lob.l The board raised its teacher 3 Ib. 1 o i . pkg. 70c Popular FovorH* GREEN STAMPS 1 pi- 6 oz. Si;o He salary guide by $200 on each step With Pimhoi. ot a 14 Of. in all categories. Thus teachers 1 Ib. B OZ. 3lb FINAST ANGEL CAKE will receive an average pay boost pkg. pkg. of $400. This is composed of the guide raise plus the annual $200 increment. The new salary guide provides With fr«« Cannon diih cloth or towtl Liquid Cltantr with Ammonia 3 Ib. 6 oz. pkg. 75c he following ranges: bachelor's Popular Dtlvrginr Mild Soap Flak.i For tablet 1 Ib. i a i . pkg. 35c 1 p>. 13 or. i n . 49 degree—$4,800 to $7,900; master's 21b. 13oz. O f 1 lb.3oz. 4 A « 15 OZ. A Q . degree—$5,000 to $8,400; and pkg. O l C pkg OJLQ pkg. 3 5 C lizs Or master's degree plus 32 credits— $5,200 to $8,900. Gets $3,000 In Default Judgment FINAST GRAPE JELLY FINAST PEANUT BUTTER KRAFT SWANKY SWIG 2 I " 69c •«•!« 27* CABBAGE CORNED BEEF 'n CABBAGE NATURAL PARTNERS GRAPEFRUIT POTATOES 10 53< FINAST RED SALAMON CLAM CHOWDER VERMONT MAID SYRUP »«.»-. 31« SUNSHINE VANILLA WAFERS » « * t t c Green Beans -Finast Bakery Treatsr SWEETHEART COFFEE CAKE Apple Pie ISofciROSs -Frozen Food Spedalsr Democrats Form Campaign Group TOMATOES Save More & More... tow Discount Prices! 1.00 BABY FOOD 6 79 10 89 To Retire After 38Year Career FARM HOUSE BABY FOOD 6 69 10 79 J f 3 9 * CREST TOOTHPASTE 8RS CHOCK FULL Of NUTS ™ "~KshS»ick$"~" MARTINSON'S COFFEE 2 75c MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE 2 63c Fillet of Flounderlb49 C SAVARIN COFFEE 2 67c Fish Stick I Z ! , ^ 49c KLEENEX i r 25c Fried Clams ' "' Swan Liquid All Condensed Apple Spice Donuls QUAKER OATS < < " -2»° 45c Cracked Wheat Bread H. 0. OATS CAMPBELL'S ^ 2 ALL DETERGENT All Fluffy POTATOES 39c Rinso Blue 66 69 BUNS PANCAKES 29c Silver Dust Surf Lux Flakes Handy Andy Swift's Meats ;, MARCH WINDS JUST MAKE ME WORK FASTER I'm 0 . H(»wie Hustles, the Register Classified Ad. Pardon me if I sound a little "windy" myself, but absolutely your test bet when it comes to finding cash buyers for the golf clubs, , tennis racquets, all the sports equipment you're no longer using any more. Gather these things together and dial SH' 1-0010 right now so you have the money you want, to buy something you'll really enjoy. Hoffman Set For Sea Duty LITTLE SILVER - William C. Hoffman, Jr. son of Mr. and Mrs. William C. Hoffman, 197 White Rd., is serving as a seaman aboard the attack aircraft carrier Independence, now at Norfolk Naval Shipyard, Va. The Independence is scheduled for a Caribbean cruise this spring and will make her fourth Mediterranean cruise in August. Lifebuoy Soap Lifebuoy Soap Regular Siz* Bath Silt b 3 ™ 35c 2 bari 33c OLD MASTERS EDITIONS OF THE In IS lecllom - with binder ioIyPtbte *.•!•*• 9fc 1 Also available by mail 2El•••?** £bk*****\i******* J.wl.hfuHlcpH.nS.cl.tyV.r.Ion $ 0 1 ? »CnptUtt£f -' ' 125c Praise Soap Lux Toilet Soap Lux Toilet Soap Regular Slz* Regular S i » Bath S i n Liquid Cleaner 1 pt. 12 c i . s i n 67c 2 bar, 3 | C 15 oi. « Q _ sizs O 7 * bo 2 ™ 29 C 3 bo" 3 | C All Liquid Spry Shortening 10c OH Lab.l 5c OH l a b t l «ii* O J C 31b. A f t V A can Olr - , Handy Andy RonzoniNo. 35 O IH>. 4 7 Elbow Macaroni m p^ 4 / 1 BED BAKK REGISTER DAILY CROSSWORD k lOtmetlogr KNottho W«L, March tf, 1963-19 By SAUNDBRS and OVERCARD SEE tX LATER, MR. ROPER/i WHAT 1OU HMD OUT, GOING OVER TO HAVE ANOTHER TALK WITH / MINE IS CiTDNe PRETTY ROLF LL'DOVlC' - J nrpa v m m v c n IMTU U M I wtmw ixmtOtt aoprano, Oataldto* STEVE ROPER a t lam- ft Drill •ergeant'a nimrt (STANCE CAlU-WPBOOF' W til PUT IT g f T LAW CALLS ' W T H H O U M * e W P O K I i THROUSHTO T j ROPER~BUTTIMS 15 *3UR ROOK SIR.' L NO CRIME TO GR5AS£ THE WHEELS JUSTICE A UTTtE/ m ; 7. Japanese Curing World War II I someTHE HANDS time! bad to open a safe without knowing the combination. There (Slrbn) East dealer was no sense In wildly trying one IX On 8.T0 North-South vulnerable number after another; the secret bonebick culttv&ta > NORTH was to read the enemy's mind I8.IbIedaer 38.Onewfco (land) J4.Ihtem«tton- ft. Sailor's practices The same principle applies to • S8.BywayoC <? A J 6 4 3 2 •1 language yoga man}; bridge hands. •bout O A 10 2 29. Hawaiian. J8.IndUn'i 41. Butt 16. Settled • A 5 game West opened this king of hearts WEST •helter (a debt) <2.Candlenut 33. Relieves EAST and declarer won in dummy and J 10 9 8 4 tree 35. Views 18. Queen ruffed a heart. He led a club to • K5 JO.lWtf* 44. Pronoun S6. Open-pie Mary, dummy's-ace, wincing at the bad V K Q 10 9 V 8 5 38. English 45. Brown la forona 33. Savory 0O853 break, and tried the spade ft 0 9 7 4 tbemin carriage 19. Sailor 38. Aviv, • Q762 + None 1 i Israel SOUTH 4 West won with the king of ST. To deaert: 4k A Q spades and got out safely by re. mll.il. it • 10 ' OKI 6 turning, a spade to the ace. South JO. Narrow • K J 1C19 84 3 inl«t:geol cashed the king of clubs and'gave li •LWeatera up a trump trick to the queen. East South Wot North 3 * 4* Pass 5 * exhibition li 14 !• Once more West got out safely, All Past 83.0emcarral % % this time by returning a trump. Opening lead — QIC lni 17 io i- 4 ii South 'eventually misguessed the Si.1 diamonds and lost a diamond i U V • abbr. The secret is to read West's trick. % % n a* Down one, all because South mind. West surely has a reason 40. Each: abbr. wildly tried one play after an- for his doubtful opening lead, *L Chetra • M II and South should be able to work other. 4S.LUt % that reason out. « . French. Vital Clue h is Mend DAILY QUESTION The opening lead is a vital % 4T.;Borrlflea ta clue. Why does West lead the Partner ope,ns with three 48. Charts king of hearts rather than a spades, and the next player bids »S to 49. Bearing spade? The heart lead might four hearts. You hold: Spades— seem attractive if West had K- K 5. Hearts-K Q 10 9. Diamond •/ DOWN Q-J, but he cannot have so solid —9 7 4. Clubs-ij 7 6 2. Wha' S. Back M a suit. The heart lead is doubt- do you say? ' * Blunder at best. 8. Final Answer: Pass. Since your part% fulClearly, the spade lead must ner has a very weak hand for seem even less attractive to West. his pre-emptive bid, the hand Hence West must have the king "belongs" to the opponents. Don't of spades, and South should not disturb them in a bad contrad YOUR GARDEN FREEHOLD — Tires are in rely on the spade finesse for his lest they find something better. THIS WEEK good supply in Monmouth County contract. For Shelnwold'a 36-page bookSouth's Best pliy is to refuse let, "A Pocket Guide to Bridge," By Garden Reporter storage garages. College ol Agriculture the first trick. We* switches to send 50c to Bridge Book, Red Tie Monmouth County Board Rutgers-The State Unia low club as his only safe exit. Bank Register, Box 3318, Grand of Freeholders niade this disversity, New Brunswick closure Monday in announcing South wins with the eight, leads Central Sta., New York 17, N. Y. it was withdrawing an announce- a club to dummy's ace, rulfs a It's hard to think of an Insect ment it would take bids for tires low heart, and cashes the king that ever won a popularity poll. for county vehicles March 20. of clubs. Now West is given his Even a honeybee is unwelcome "We have found," Freeholder trump trick. How does West get out now? at a picnic. Director Joseph C. Irwin, said, Any return sacrifices a trick, Many people not only don't like "that there is a goodly supply and South makes the contract. Insects; they don't even want to on hand and no need (or additalk about them. Or'hear about tional purchases at this lime," them. RARITAN TOWNSHIP - Tb Specialists at the Rutgers ColWESTERN ART Recreation Committee will relege of Agriculture who speak at TULSA, Okla. (AP)-Thomas ceive bids Saturday for ground gardening schools have gotten Gilcrease, an Oklahoma Indian repairs to Beers Street Playfield, used to the idea of a drop in who became a wealthy oil man. grading and fertilizing of the attendance when they complied one of the world's West KeanSburg Field, and prepen insect control talk. aration of a new baseball field largest collections of western Dear George: But the pesky bugs won't go American art—19.000 Indian arti My husband likes to gamble a the Maines tract. away Just because you wish they Wets, 80,000 books and docu- all the time. I have read there is iAjletter/willj be sent to th< would, and so a lively interest ments and more' than 4,000 paint a group for people like this. bard" of Education stating tha In Insects might just help make ings and sketches-*ow lodged ^ ^ y o u g i v e raB the n&roft of Beers Street Field is not in "tip your garden the envy of the in Gilcrease Museum here. top" condition, but that the high It? neighborhood. Mrs. N. school baseball team is welmen mite, which you probably Dear Mrs. N.: . To Know The Enemy comed to use it, Some members You have to know your enemy, knew all along, and he's fond of Well, aren't you sweet—most of the committee expressed conthough, before you can fight him. African violets, begonias and ivy. women would just nag. fell your cern as to the advisability of the Which brings us to today's top- These are bulletins to be read husband to knock on the back high school's use of the field due ic—a special offer at an unbe- at leisure and kept handy for door of Joe's Bar and Grill and to it's condition. lievably low price. College of Ag quick reference next spring and tell the man that George sent Township Committeeman Marriculture entomologists have ummer. him but he sure to cut before vin Olinsky said that the Beers Street Field will be regraded written a whole series of bulle- There are eight publications in every ddeal. l tins describing many troublesome the series and you can get any within the next 10 days if the garden insects and telling their of them from your county agri- Dear George: weather permits. life histories and food, habits. cultural agent or by sending a For seven months I have been Plans for i Mother and DaughDrawings in color show exact- card to Garden Reporter, College madly in love with a beautiful ter Night were discussed. ly what the insects look like, of Agriculture, New Brunswick. librarian but too shy to ask her Warren G. Roggeman, chairfrom egg to adult, and the kind for a date. I just keep going back man of the program committee By Number of damage they cause. Just order by number. "Insects to the library repeatedly and said a fashion show in which These bulletins do not tell how of Flowers'" is Bulletin 354; "In- checking out more and more he basic material for making a to control pests. That's a Job for sects of Evergreen Trees and books. Do you have a suggestion hat will be supplied to mother the spray calendars that Rutgers Shrubs," 321; Deciduous as to how best to break the ice? and daughter is'the most probpublishes frequently, revising Trees and Shrubs," 3,06; ". . . Shy able plan at this time. Mr. Roggeman also said the them as better control informa- Cucumbers; Melons, Pumpkins, Dear Shy: tion becomes available. Squashes," 23; ". . . Asparagus, You're just going to have to committee may make plans for But the bulletins most certainly Eggplants, Peppers, Potatoes, get up enough nerve to leave the a soap box derby in the townwill help you put your garden- Tomatoes," 295; "Corn and the! books in the library and check ship in the near future. ing on a firmer scientific base. Cabbage Family," 305; ". . .' the librarian out. Beans, Peas, Leafy Vegetables And Steneotarsonemus Two-Skirt Outfit Who knows but what with prac- and the Carrot Family," 296. There's no Trie* to Having Extice you can impress a neighbor Your 4-cent postcard is your tra Cash. You Get it Fast When by talking glibly about Stenotar- ticket to the wonderful world of You Use The Register Classified. sonemus pallidus? That's a cycla- garden insects. —Advertisement. •on* 8. star MICKEY MOUSE By WALT DISNEY • % /A Y/< % b m % THE PHANTOM By LEE FALK WAS HE REAUYTHE PHANTCM-? DIANA GONE SOQUICKLYWHAT/W3UT BABftBU NOW? HARPIY HAP A CHANCE . MUST GET BACK TO THE PEEP TO SAY GOODBYE-- jA. WO0D3-AND SEE WHAT CAN BE DONE. PTHAT-ER-STRONS-ARM) THE AIDEOFOARI'S GET J V)VOLE ON THE PiANE? r - T PARTy LEFT. Not Re-Tiring Plan Work On Raritan Play Fields MARK TRAIL By ED DODD W W C O N T VOU SIMMER DO,NN,*rail BL OU> MAID/ THANKS TO YOUR BUTTHEADEDNES5, SKIP WE'VE IJOST ABOUT HALF OURGRUBf NUBBIN By JIM BURNETT and GEORGE CRENSHAW I OIMMBIOUR 1 V ATTENTION.' J l POGO By WALT KELLY Printed Pattern HOMES FOR AMERICANS U22 *.: MARY WORTH By ALLEN SAVNDERS and KEN ERNST THEN THE REASOM ... „ . APPLY FOR ONE Of THE5E J0B5 IKNOW1T5OUKD5 ABSURD, MR5. WORTH, IN THE SHOPPING AREA WAS BUT IT WOUID BE LIKE THAT YOU'D-FACE TEMPTATION AN ALCOHOLIC HAVING EVERY DAY TO BUY THINGS, TO PAS5 A BAR THREE TIMES A DAY.' FOR INSTANCE, 6H0TE, LANCE J | WEU!«.H0W OFTEN IT HAPPENS THATA WORD l S 5TAPLER IS RIGHT NEXT DOOR "• WHICH ONE HAS JU5T 5POKEN FOPS t t f l M TO PAXTOK'S CEPAKTMEKt STORE'. [ PRINT-OR. IS USED ON TELEVI5I0H! THERE'S A REFEREUCE TO5HOIE,lANCEtf SrARERRIfittrHERElj RIVETS By GEORGE SIXTA ,. LOOK AT V M E ! MOW WA$J I 7O KNOW HB \ WAS WGA8W6W ELASTIC BAND?J FOLLOW WAT* KM?.'IF HIS ' HAT BLOWS OPFVi AND VOU 3Er IT, I HIS MOTHER 7 MIGHT GIVE US'SUMiWIM.I THIS FOUR-BEDROOM ranch can ta buitt en a 60-foot lot if zoning ptmlta. The kitchen is ctnlrally located, permlttlnt supervision of Indoor play in tha dining xotm (a low wall teparttea th» two room*) and of outdoor play on the tonaca. The carport can b» encloied for a i"»£o or family room mhould tha owner wlah. Herman H. York, 90-01161 St., Jamaica 31, N.Y. 4 tlintd Jftutat tot American* Plan HA27SY. It cmUtna 1,152 aquara feet of lirint tptde. Wear fashion's favorite overblouse with a slim skirt one day, flared skirt the next — so smart, figure-flattering. Printed Pattern 9005: Half Sizes '•'A, WA, 1654, 18'/4, 20'/4. 221/J. Sire 16)4 overblouse 1% yards, 33 inch; slim skirt 1% yards, F i f t y cents in coins for this pattern — add 15 cents for each pattern for lst-class mailing and special handling. Send to Marian Martin, Red Bank Register, Pattern Dept., 232 West 18th St,, New York 11, N. Y. Print plainly name, address with zone, size and style number. FREE OFFERI Coupon In Spring Pattern Catalog for one pattern free—any one you choose from 390 design ideas. Send 50 cents now for .Catalog. THE RYATTS By CAL ALLEY, v/amf/ XJREHCW ALREADY.'' 1 W^NTED'ttlOTOPlCK UP SOME NOTEBOOK F»P£R OMVOURWAY— CALL/; fH -vs. « So ' <3l Si Yanks to Televise Record 332 Games, Five in Spring RED BANK REGISTER 20-WeA, Mtrdk 13, 1963 Trades May Strengthen Baltimore; Assets Include Infield, Good Pitching Yankees' outstanding FORT LAUDERDALE - A rec- T h e ord 132-game television schedule broadcasting team will be augfor the 1963 baseball season was mented this year with the addiannounced Monday by the New tion of former Yankee infield York Yankees. The totaj is one star Jerry Coleman. The perover (he 1962 total and is ac- sonable Coleman joins veteran EDITOR'S NOTE — This is an- Sox. Two new coaches also are ed pitching but we feel that a bad arm but pitched in the counted for by five spring train- sportscasters Mel Allen, Red other in a series on the major on deck, Luke Appling and Hank we'll find It right here in camp." winter league at Clearwater and ing TV contests, the most ever Barber and Phil Rircutto in bringStill on deck are Pete Burn- did well. league teams. Others will follow Bauer. scheduled from Florida by the ing Yankee games, color and We feel like the trades side, Dick Hall and West Stock. The catching is unsettled al on this page daily. pre and post game shows to World Champions. strengthened this club," says Stu Miller, from the Giants, also though Dick Brown, acquired All 81 home games Will be tele- fans of the home area. Coltman Billy Hitchcock, beginning his could figure in the slab plan. from the Tigers, would be No By WALTER L. JOHNS vised as in the past, plus 46 has been in the radio broadcastsecond year as manager after Among the newcomers who 1 at the moment. There are six Central Press Sports Editor American League road games of ing field the last few years. The MIAMI, Fla. - Until mid-May some criticism had been leveled could make it this year are Dave catchers on the varsity roster the defending champions and the addition of a fourth announcer of last year the Baltimore against his performance last sea- McNatly, a 20-year-old left-hand- including Hobie, Landrith, forfive Florida exhibitions. All to the famed Yankee mike team er who was 15-11 with Elmira, merly with the Mets; Charley Orioles looked like a pennant son. games will be televised o v e r coincides with the addition of a contender which they were sup- "Our catching is in better and Steve Dalkowski, once do- Lau, with the Orioles last year station WPDC, Channel 11, New sponsor on the Yankee telecasts posed to be off their third-place shape now than it was," says scribed by ex-Oriole pilot Paul and John Orsino, acquired from and broadcasts. The Humble Oil York. Will. "Even though our pinching Richards as the fastest and hard- the Giants. Two bonus catchers, finish in 1961. and Refining Coo. (on behalf of The announced schedule is Esso products) will join with P. However, problems developed, was rated No. 1 last year it still est thrower he ever saw. Dalkow- Andy Etchebarren and Larry subject to revision and addition Ballantine & Sons of Newark, Including injuries to key players, wasn't as good as it could be. ski, 7-10 with Elmira, has been Haney, will be sent out. if key series later in the season N. J. (for Ballantine beer and Steve Barber got a once-a-week Barber had tliat Army stiijt, was bothered by wildness. Barber, who could be the ace prove desirable for telecasting. ale), and the R. J. Reynolds pass from the Army, and before out with illnes for awhile, Milt McNally, whose $80,000 bonus of the pitching staff, won four Pappa and Chuck Estrada had Road games will be televised Tobacco Co. (for Camel, Winston the campaign ended the club was the highest the Orioles ever of his first five starts last year, from all nine rival parks. All and Salem Cigarettes) in sponwound up in seventh place, 19 off years and we didn't have Rob- paid to a left-handed pitcher, the one he lost being to the in Roberts for a full year. nine games with the rival Cleve- soring the Yanks on TV and games out of first. came up late last September and Angels' Bo Belinsky in a nohitter, land Indians will be telecast radio in New York City. The Realizing that some changes "We know Pappas and Estrada in his only appearance hurled a but illness and the service stint back to the New York Metropoli- Atlantic Refining Co. will conhad to be made, club officials are better pitchers and if Mike two-hitter against the Kansas cut him down and he finished tan area, and there will be six tinue its co-sponsorship of the with 9-6. spent a busy winter, dealing and McConmick (acquired from the City Athletics. each from Baltimore and Boston Yankees on the "Home of dealing with five different clubs Giants) can come through for us Other pitchers being looked at The Oriole infield is much im and five each from Detroit and Champions" network (along with and coming up with a host of new he will help us tremendously. are Les Narurn, who was 12-4 proved with the homer-hitting Chicago. A pair of games will Ballantine and Reynolds). This faces, including Luis Aparicio and He's been throwing well in camp. with Rochester, and Billy Short, Jim Gentile at first, Jerry Adair be televised from Chavez Ravine will be the 17th consecutive year Al Smith from the Chicago White We're looking for some left-hand- also from Rochester. Short had moving back to second, Aparicio is Los Angeles. at short and the outstanding that Ballantine has been affiliIn addition to the TV schedule, ated with Yankee sponsorship. Brooks Robinson at third. the Yankees also will broadcast Bob Johnson, a .288 hitter with all 162 season home and road The record spring training teleWashington last year, will be games over radio station WCBS, vision schedule will get under worked at all infield positions and the pilot station of the Columbia way next Sunday, when the the outfield. Bob Saverine, who Broadcasting System. AH games Yankees play the National was at Rochester, will also be will be on WCBS AM (880 KC)League contenders, the Cincingiven a test in the infield. and FM (101.1 MC). The games nati Reds, at Tampa, Florida. The Oriole outfield ha$ Boog also will be broadcast over the Other spring exhibitions to be Powell, who hit 15 home runs 48-odd stations of the Yankees' televised back to New York will in 97 games in his first season last year; Jackie Brandt and Al 'Home of^Champions" radio net- be the Yankee-Los Angeles DodSmith, with Russ Snyder on deck. work comprising stations In New gers game from Ft. Lauderdale Rookies include Dave May, who York, Pennsylvania, Connecticut on Saturday night, March 23; the hit .379 for Salem, and Roger and- portions of Vermont a n d return engagement with the New York Mets at Ft. Lauderdale "on Sorenson, a .320 belter with Massachusetts. Sunday afternoon, March 24; the Wytheville. DENNIS LYNCH, ton of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lynch, game with the Chicago W h i t e Hitchcock is happy about 5 Monmouth Ave., Rumson, has been named to a second Sox from Sarasota on Sunday, jPoweU's first year and expects March 31 and the final spring a vast improvement. Of the 235- team post on the All-Ivy League teams announced today. tuneup with the Milwaukee Lynch, a 5-11 junior guard), is a former Red Bank Cathopound blaster he says: Braves from Ft. Lauderdale on "He's going to be a fine hitter. lic High School star. Sunday, April 7. The last four' He had a lot of pressure from Sunday games will be televised the press on him last year and at 1:30 p.m. (E5T) and the night he was hurt six different times game at 8:00 o'clock. He played in Puerto Rico this NEW BRUNSWICK - Diver winter and hit the baH good." Roy Nichols of Pialnfield will Radio station WCBS will carry About the only new approach lead a three-man Rutgers delega- ell spring training games on Us in camp here this spring is a tion to the Eastern Intercollegiate FM facilities and the weekend true and false quiz given to PRINCETON— Three seniors, Second-team selection include Swimming League championships games also on AM radio. In pitchers and outfielders with t one junior and one sophomore Cornell senior Jerry Kmmbein at Princeton this weekend. addition, WCBS will run a nightbull session held afterward. comprise the 1963 Coaches' All- of Larchmont, N. Y.; Yale Junior Nichols is the defending three- ly sports show with announcer NEXT-The Milwaukee Braves Ivy Basketball Team selected by Denny,Lynch of Rumson, N. J.; meter champion and will be at- Marry Glickman recreating the vote of the league's eight and three Pennsylvania seniors tempting to win the high board afternoon game and bringing coaches. Unanimous choices for —captain John Wideman of Pitts- event for the third consecutive fans other highlights from the the first unit were Yale junior burgh, Pa., Dave Robinson of time. He won on the one-meter Yankee camp. This program will Rick Kaminsky of Houston, Neptune, N. J., and Sid Amira board two years ago, but was run for the duration of the trainTexas, and Prinqeton sophomore of Brooklyn, N. Y. second on the low board last ing season from 7:35 to 8:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Bill Bradley of Crystal City, Mo. The two-team, squad includes year. Rounding out the select quintet seven seniors, two juniors and In addition to Nichols, Coach During the 1963 season, as la are three seniors — Cornell cap- one sophomore. This is the 37th Frank Elm has nominated Bill recent years, Yankee games will tain Jerry Szachara of Johnson official Ivy League Basketball Clark, Baltimore senior, and Lar-be telecast most weekend] to a RARITAN TOWNSHIP - Reg- City, N.Y.; Princeton captain Art Team to be elected by vote of ry Jones, Buffalo, N. Y., junior, selected group of station in Penn(PJwtoa by Prank KucMrthtPe) istration dates for the 1963 base- Hyland of Allentown, Pa.; and the coaches. Prior to 1926, the to participate in the three-day sylvania, New York state and ball season have been set by the Brown captain Gene Barth of selections were made by Ralph event, which will commence to- Connecticut The same successful format of telecasting virtually Raritan-Holmdel 8 to !5 League, Lake Forest, 111. Szachara re- Morgan of. Pennsylvania. morrow. Inc. Harry R. V/otfersberger, ceived first choise votes from FIRST TEAM Clark, who served as co-captain all weekend games (Friday league chairman, has announced all but one of the league's men- Rick Kaminsky (Jr) Yale of die Rutgers team (9-3) with nights, Saturdays and Sundays registration cards will be dis- tors, Hyiand was a first choice Bill Bradley (So) Princeton Nichols, will compete in the 200-plus Tuesday nights on the road) tributed in all schools and re- on five ballots and Barth on Jerry Szachara (Sr) Cornell yard butterfly and the 500-yard will be continued this ytar, in quests that a parent accompany four. Hyland, Kaminsky and Art Hyland (Sr) Princeton freestyle events. Jones will be addition to all Yankeee h o m e game:. Szachara were second-team Gene Barth (Sr) Brown each boy. entered in the backstroke. Boys in the 8 to 12 age group choices last year. SECOND TEAM Nichols competed the 1962-63 Announcer Rlzruto will be ASSOCIATED PRESS face-to-face with Heyman in thi Lansing will see the first appear- will register Saturday between In the balloting, coaches are Jerry Krumbein (Sr) Cornell dual-meet season unbeaten and missing from the. early spring An Individual battle between a first game of a' doubleheader to- ance of Mississippi State, t h e 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. at the Town not permited to vote for their Dave Robinson (Sr) Penn. lost only two meets in his three- broadcasts as he recuperates at morrow night at College Park, Southeastern Conference cham pair of AU-Atnerican aces-Barry Hall garage, and boys in the own men. Two points are John Wideman (Sr) Penn. year Rutgers career. pion, against Negro players. his New Jersey home after crush13 to 15 age group will register awarded for a first-team vote Denny Lynch (Jr) Yale Kramer of New York University Md. Clark holds Rutgers' marks in ing the four fingers on his right and Art Heyman of Duke-fea- Here's the second round sched- Loyola, its opponent, qualified the following Saturday, March and one point for a second-team Sid Amira (Sr) Penn. the butterfly (2:04.1), individual for the second round by over- 23, between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. vote. tures the second round of the ule: Honorable Mention: D a v i s hand in a snow blower accident NCAA's National Collegiate Bas- At College Park, Md. — NYU whelming Tennessee Tech, 111-42, at Town Hall, Middle Rd. HazBlaine (So) Dartmouth; Ray medley (2:15.6) and 500 (5:22.1). recently. He is expected at Ft. 18-3 vs. Duke 24-2; St. Joseph's Monday night. Jones is the Rutgers recordlet. ketball Tournament this weekend. Carazo (Jr) Pennsylvania; Jim Lauderdale during the last week Cleven (Sr) Columbia; F r a n holder in the backstroke, having Kramer, the 6-foot-4 whiz who Pa. 22-4 vs. West Virginia 22-7. In other first round games, At the league's last meeting NYU beat Pitt, 93-83; West VirAt East Lansing, Mich.-Bowlit was voted to increase the Briscoll (Jr) Brown; Neil Farb- covered the 200 yards in 2:13.8. of March. scored 37 points in a victory Moner (So) Columbia; D e n n y day night over Pittsburgh, comes ing Green 19-6 vs. Illinois 19-5 ginia downed Connecticut, 77-71; number of teams in the league Chicago Loyola 25-2 vs. Mississip- St. Joseph's edged Princeton, 82- from 33 to 36 by adding three Lynch (Sr) Harvard; Dave Schu pi State 21-5. 81 in overtime; Bowling Green new farm teams. Plans are unmacher (Jr) Yale; Marv Van At Lawrence, Kan.-Cincinnati beat Notre Dame, 77-72; Arizona der way to accommodate as Leeuwen (So) Cornell. 23-1 vs. Texas 19-6; Colorado 18-6 State nudged Utah State, 79-75, 'n many boys as playing facilities vs. Oklahoma City 19-9. overtime, and Oregon State won will allow. W L At Provo, Utah-Arizona State over Seattle, 70-66. It was announced the second 12 0 U. 25-2 vs. Big Six champion Winners of tomorrow night's annual bowling tournament to be St. Mary's TRENTON (AP) — The long pace, Cetchis is Rider's top re9 4 Stanford, 16-8 or UCLA, 19-7 to games gain the tournament quar- sponsored by the league will be St. Agnes 7 5 and the short of it — 6-foot 8 bounder and pulled down as be determined Tuesday night; ter-finals and clash Saturday at held March 30-31 at the Keyport- St. Ann's Holy Family 8 e Randy Getchis and 5-9 Jack many as 28 in one game. He also NEW MONMOUTH — St. San Francisco 17-8 vs. Oregon the same sites for semi-final Matawan Bowling Alleys. Cryan — are largely responsible has been impressive on defense. St. James .5 7 berths. The following prizes will be of- St. Catherine's Mary's captured its fourth con- State 20-7. for Rider College's rise from the Greenwood, seeing Getchis play .6 8 secutive Northern Monmoutih Eight of the nation's top ten, The semifinals and finals will fered in both the men's and worn Holy Cross basketball doldrums of recent for the first time last season, 3 9 County CYO League champion- teams in the final Associated be played at Lousville March en's grouping: first prize, a $100 St. Joseph's ...... . 0 1 1 TOTOWA — The New York years to a current 20-7 record noted he didn't have the endursavings bond; second prize, ship last week with a 38-33 vic- Press poll are competing, headed 22-23. Hawks remain on top in the East- and a berth in the NAIA tourna- ance necessary to go the full 40 bowling ball, bag and shoes; and RESULTS tory over St. Agnes, Atlantic High- by Cincinnati, seeking its third • minutes. ern Professional Bowling League, ment. tournament triumph in a row third prize, a $25 savings bond St. Agnes 58, Holy Cross 34 land, on the winners' court.. but their margin was shaved to Coach Bob Greenwood, in his Hoping to make his big man Additional prizes may be offered St Ann's, Keansfourg, aided St. Cincinnati is No. 1, followed in a mere game as they lost two to first year at Rider, guided the ever bigger. Greenwood introdepending upon the number of St. Ann's 71, St. James 50 Mary's -with a 74-23 win over order by Duke, Loyola of Chicago Broncos through a sputtering 5-5 duced him to isometric exercises, contestants. Application blanks St. Mary's 48, Holy Family 36 the Boston Indians Sunday. Holy Family that eliminated Holy and Arizona State. Mississipp Meanwhile, the Philadelphia start to 15 victories in their last in which an immovable object can be obtained from any memFamily's chances for the title. State is No. 6, Illinois No. 8, NYU ber of the league or at the bowl St. Catherine's 55, St. Joseph's 48 Patriot; chut out the Baltimore 17 games and the right to repre- is pushed or pulled against. The St. Maty's clinched the cham- No. 9 and Colorado No. 10. to move into a tie for sent NAIA District 31 in Kansas isometrics, plus a construction St. Agnes 49, Holy Family 34 Tigers ing alleys. pionship with an 11-0 record. The The Mideast regionals at Easl City, Mo., this week. job last summer, helped Getchis second place. champs have three remaining add 15 pounds to his once lean The Hawks have a 19-11 record Rider enjoyed its greatest hours Centers Jimmy games. while the Patriots and Indians in basketball between 1927-30 frame. Don Geary and Ray Riddell Ciol and Frank Szarnicki of the have 18-12 marks. when teams coached by the fa- Throughout the season, the big paced St. Mary's in Its title Atlantic City Sea Gulls will be In other matches Albany white- mous Clalr Bee compiled a 53-7 pivotman has worn two sets of clincher with 14 and 12 points, ankle weights and a set of chest washed Buffalo and, Washington record. ' LONG BRANCH - A reor- the tallest men on the court respectively. grabbed a pair from New Jer- Getchis, a 230-pound senior cen- weights off the court to build up Fit. Mary's (38> St. ArnM (33) ganization meeting of the Ed when the Jersey coast five ensey. P <1 F T ter from Clark, and Cryan, the his muscles. o 2F 12irtJ'7:nflr 1 1 3 Carleton Baseball League Is counters the Harlem Globetrot Ridden a0 0 0 ra*s!ciy Darwin Limmer of Albany was hometown backcourt ace, were His top scoring effort was 36 2 O 4 scheduled for the Long Branch Nenbllt ters in the Newark Armory 3 0 G Mfilllo 1 O 5 W»b«ter the high scorer with games of 216 Rider's 1-2 scoring punch all sea- points against Drexel In the Phila3 4 10 YMCA Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. Geary a 1 H OhospM Thursday night, March 21. and 279 for a 495 series. Joe son. Getchis averaged 17.4 from delphia Palestra. 5 4 14 Bremekampi 0 2 SiilMeMld 0 O O Synder Fninxl Ostroski of Philadelphia had 483 his pivot position and Cryan hit Cryan's background is a difo O 0 League commissioner Roland Ciol, a Perth Amboyite who 0 0 O Dubrosky "Red" Fierson will preside. Stan Niemiec of New Jersey 469 15.4 while doubling as playmak- ferent from Getchis' as are their Ch&nowlch 2 0 4 spent his college days at the Uni. Persons interested In enter- versify of West Virginia, is 6-10. and Pete Valenti of Boston 458. er. sizes. 12 3 33 37 < 35 m. Mury'i CYO 3 H 14 r—as ing a team for this year's Szarnicki, born in Akron, Ohio, Just three weeks of play re- Off to a late start In basket- Litle Jack was a three-sport .1 9 1 10—33 9t. Agnes C Y t schedule are urged to attend. and a star of the university of main In the EPBL with weekly ball, Getchis did not play in high performer at Trenton's Notre Offlclilj- —Powers, Kenneiv action at Gladiators Arena. This school and was cut from the Dame High, made All-State in the same name, is one inch shortweek's schedule shows New York freshman team during his first basketball his senior year and er than his teammate. They share (vs. Philadelphia, Boston vs. Balti- year at Rider. After two years of holds the Notre Dame scoring the center's duties in all Sea more, Albany vs. Buffalo and part-time duty, he blossomed In record with 1,194 points. Gulls' games. New Jersey vs. Washington. He broke in as a varsity perhis final season. Nat (Sweetwater) Clifton, back TODAY STANDINGS Besides leading the scaring former at Rider with an auspiwith the Globetrotters alter sevcious debut. In the opener against W AT ASBURY PARK CONVENTION HALL eral seasons in the National BasWest Chester, he scored with New York 19 ketball Association — he played LADIES DAY ' Central Jersey Group 2 four seconds left to give Rider Philadelphia 18 with the New York Knicks and a 12-70 victory. 7 p.m. — Rumson-F.H. vs. Piscataway Boston 18 Detroit Pistons — and Herschell Against Catholic University. 8:30 — Manasquan vs. Point Pleasant Baltimore 16 Turner, former University of NeCryan went 13 for 13 at the foul Albany 15 braska star, are the biggest ballline and set a Rider one season Buffalo 14 handlers on the Trotters' aggrerecord with 139 successful free TOMORROW AND FRIDAY New Jersey 10 gation. Each is 6-8. throws in the regular schedule. No Games Scheduled Washington 10 Other big men are Gayle Hatch, 6-6, and Paul Goodwin, 6-5, of the Sea Gulls, and James SATURDAY Tim Robinson, 6-514 and Mel. AT RUTGERS GYMNASIUM Davis, 6-5, of the Trotters. ASSOCIATED PRESS Game time is 8 p.m. Cab CalloCentral Jersey Group 1 W L TPIs. way and Peg Leg Bates will 1 p.m. — Henry Hudson vs. Hoffman (South Amboy) \ • Breakfast $1.25 '! GRAPPLE FOR HAWKS IK TOURNEY — ^ a n k Nyberg, Toronto 33 21 10 76 'eature the entertainment durCentral Jersey Group 2 I • Lunch $1.00 , 30 18 16 76 laff, and Barney Janith, both product; of Union High Chicago ng the half time period. • 27 18 19 73 2:30 p.m. — Rumson-Piscataway winner vs., School, will represent Monmouth College in the National Montreal • Dinner $1.50 .27 24 13 67 Thirteen different trotters were Association of Intercollegiate Athletics' wrestling tourna- Detroit Manasquan-Pt. Pleasant winner,, New York 20 34 11 51 :imed in two minutes or better : 14 38 15 43 for the mile in Americ- ,'r '!)62. ment slated tomorrow through Saturday at Bloomsburg Boston "Before Joe trained him 17-2S E. River Rd. Rumson Tliose over 3-yearr"' Su State (Pa.) College. Monmouth College, coached by YESTERDAY'S GAMES AT NEPTUNE HIGH SCHOOL as a hunting dog he used Mac Lad, an S-y No games scheduled Art Oberg, just completed i l l initial intercollegiate South Jersey Parochial B Open Dally 7 A.M.-l A.M. and Ordeal, an 1 / TODAY'S GAMES to be with a circus!" season. 8 p.m. — St. Rose vs. Holy Spirit (Atlantic City) Zealand mare. No games scheduled it Dennis Lynch Draws 2d Team All-Ivy Loop Honors Rutgers' Nichols Out to Defend Diving Crown Raritan-Holmdel to 15 League Registration Set Kramer-Heyman Battle Seen AsN. Y. U. Tangles With Duke Monmouth Co. North. Division CYO Cage Loop St. Mary's Five Clinches CYO Basketball Title Hawks' Lead Cut in Pro Alley League Mutt and Jeff Combination Starring for Rider Quintet Trotters Face Height Deficit In Newark Tilt Carleton Loop Meeting Slated NJSIAA Schedule NHL Standings REMEMBER! ALL YOU CAN EAT! PAT'S COCKTAIL LOUNGE BOWLING Duke Johnson Policeman Wi Incinerator AP News ard Om Tonight's $2FREEHOLD ' 750 A—wDet. Sgt. Mar- iPlan to Get vin Fowler of 44 Maple Ave., EaDigest tontown, was awarded $2,750 by a More Study Garden Card jury before Superior Court Judge National NEW YORK- David "Duke' Gene R. Mariano yesterday in IttD JJA.SK REGISTER. Wed., M w ) . 13, 1963-21 LONG BRANCH - City Coun- The floods and tornadoes in the AIRPORT PLAZA 810 " Y " BOWLING LEAGUE Johnson, Red Bank, will meet an auto accident suit. cil tabled last night (or mure W L LOOK B r a n c h South leave 17 persons known Ray Patterson, younger brother Sgl. Fowler's auto was the P . I . I . School &t 27 A DIVISION study a proposal that a profesSportsmen M 27 W L of ex-heavyweight champion middle vehicle in a three-car sional study be made to deter- dead, more than 30,000 homeless Teacher's-Scotchmen .. 49 29 Tenser*! Shoes -..49 23 Tom's Ford Inc. ™ _ 4Bft 291& J e r r y Yankow's ~ 43 2 9 Floyd Patterson, in a four-round traffic pileup on Rt. 35, Eaton- mine whether the city incinera and property damage in the milMagnolia Inn —_. 45 3"* Top H a t C l e a n e r s 3B 34 preliminary bout on tonight's town, March 18, 1961. He sued tor on Jolirie1 Ave. is worthy of Becker Realty My, 35!i Branch Fuel „ 37 3 5 lions. Water rationing begins in The Jokers 41 37 Union Distributors _ .-._ M 38 closed circuit TV boxing card tot injuries and damages, claim- rehabilitating and putting back Harlan, Ky. Baronet Realty _.^.—__jl 40 Nit's Jewelers 33. 39 Plaza Lanes J&l 41 Ace Drugs .27 45 which features the Cassius Clay- ing negligence—and the jury to general use. Washington Hilltop Cllles Service .3554 42! S. P . Harris .._ -.27 45 Doug Jones 10-round heavyweight agreed—by Herbert J. Gaestel Mlddletown Gen. Tire 33 45 200 Club — Marty Grossman 205, Acting City Manager John 0. Port Monmouth First Aid ...28 60 Jerry Yankow 202, 208, Ken Bret scrap^ 1410 Mossbank Rd., Point Pleas Jones said a survey will cost Secretary of the Navy Fred tskevlew • Five 2i<i 6354 203, Charlie QlEUter 206, Hal Lubltl Korth says his recommendations Johnson, 22, carries a 13-3-1 ant, driver of the third car. 2Urltan Township Phar. 22 68 212, Dzzle Gnesln 201. High Team Game — Teacher's B DIVISION professional record into tonight's Russell Long, 1926 , Centra' upwards of $1,500. The Monmouth on the controversial TFX fighter Scotchmen 1,028, W L, Park Race Track wants to buy plane contract were made withHigh Team Three-Qaroe — Teacher's, Altberj Printers —45 27 Madison Square Garden prelim Ave., West Belmar, and his wife the plant but eliminate the buildScotchmen 2,781. Monmouth Petroleum 40 32 It will be Patterson's pro debut Shirley, driver and owner, r& Ing which is regarded as a poten out any dictation from Secretary High lnd. Three-Qame« — F, Presti Coast Tire .._.. 3B 34 Teacner's-Scotchmen 672. Lister Bportiwear 3514 3614 Johnson, a product of the [Spectively, of the first car, was of Defense Robert S. McNamara. High lnd. Game — r . Preill 2(8. Kroll Motors 35 37 tial nuisance to track patrons Korth says no political or indus200 Club — Q. Tomllnaon 202, E . Ser\aA! Pe.p t r 34% 37Shore Boys Club «nd coach not part of the suit on trial. Litl Hermanson 201, &. Oray 200, L. Paeano Shore Building .32 40 Adrian Bailey, Red Bank, de- igation in which they were in- The council also put off deci- trial influence figured in his deci200, J. Campanelll 200, B. Kullebrj Broadway Agency 27 45 sion whether to authorize pur- sions. 203, P. SlllKlerls 232, T. Brlndley 226, 200 Club — Bernle Mlntz 204, 200, cisioned Ted Williams in a four- volved was settled previously. H Clark 224, F . Doran 208, B. Joe Scher 201. Willie Katz 205, Lefly round bout last month at State1 chase of an $8.000-to-$9,000 busi- Scientists disclose the discovSchwelckert 207, W. Flnlt 201, G Lerner 210, 505, 8y Weln 214. George M. Chamlin of Wesl Townley 203. Garden, Union City, in his last Long Branch represented Sgt ness machine to give the finance ery of two new strains of influenAVERAGES IlED BANK FRIDAY NIGHT department maximum control in za virus. There are indication bout. O. Ave WOMEN'S LEAGUE Fowler. Ralph W. Campbell of purchase accounting. F. Doran 57 181.18 Red Bank Recreation that one of the strains i s largely Asbury Park represented Mr. C, ShortC 60 J77.63 W L B. Hermanson 72 J77.60 Globe Petroleum 53 25 Council did adopt a new, sup-responsible . for this winter's Gaestel. B. FrelwaW .78 177.65 Crates Beverageji . toViJ32" posedly more efficient bookkeep- widespread flu wave. O. Fagano 78 177.19 Mld's Beauty Shop „ 41 /i 36' NEAR PERFECT — Exhibiting near perfect form, John F . Presti .72 J76.63 Batonlown Radio & TV ...36 42 International ing system upon which the cur P. Durkln _ —.72 176.69 Walt k Leo's Chevron Sta.. ..30"i 47(4 J7",i 50(1 rent proposed budget has been U.S. sources say Russian troops Balfanz of Minneapolis, Minn., flashes past judges Stand N. AdUCato 78 176.39 Red Bank Cleaners J. Bethel ...78 175.69 500 Series — Evelyn Henderson 541 drawn and which can be accom- are leaving Cuba at a relatively on his, way to 250-leap in the U. S. Olympic trials at C. Plrozzl .71 175.33 Dot Naclerlo 529, Lois Cook 526. B. Bacbmantl .75 175.4 modated to the machine under slow pace. Moscow says a fourth WEST LONG BRANCH - The Suicide Hill, Ishpeming, Mich. Balfanz was named by H. Schuraoclc 68 173.63 SVCAtlOKE FRIDAY WOMEN'S consideration. C. Harris 67 172.42 •» ~ W L Monmouth College varsity bowlship with troops aboard sailed ...48 27 B. Schwelckert 8 171.20 Am. Int'l Bowl. Corp coach Art Tokle as one of his two choices for the 1964 New Parking Rule Sunday but doesn't say how many _.._.47 28 ing team moved with'in one half K. Hoehn 78 .171.6 Little Silver Cleaners 1st Merchants Nat'l Bank _:.45!4 29? game of the first division in the B. Hsgen _.~ .'.71 171.5 171.5 U. S. Olympic team. have gone home. In other business, council: Baymon's Linoleum 42 33 C. Rossi •„..„.:„..-.. _. 66 170.3 39 36 Eastern Intercollegiate Bowling T. Brlndley 7S 170.30 Olobe Petroleum 1. Adopted an ordinance ex; 37'/, 3Vi T Tese -~-~— 77 1S9.48 sycamore L»ne» ; Conference last Sunday by downFREEHOLD — Representatives tending meter control for curbJ36V, 39V T. Carhuff _.J3 169.29 Al'a Mobil Servloenter 33i4 4 H ing Stevens Tech., two games to P. Schwelckert .78 168.54 Mikes Toy Center ....29 46 one in a match held at thefrom 13 municipalities attended side parking on Brighton Avenue J. Kudrick ..71 158.40 Shrewsbury Pharmacy a meeting sponsored by the from the present 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. .18 57 F. SinkleiH ,..78 168.33 Majestic Amusements 600 Series — Sue Caren 517. Bar!, C Townley — ' 75 168.2 * Bowl-o-tnat Lanes in Newark. county Shade Tree Commission schedule to 24 hours a day. H. d a r k 60 167.5! Chrlsler 514, Wllma DeFailo 510, Emy Menzsopane 508, J a y Bruno 502. The Hawk keglers, who are in at the Hall of Records here last I* Rlccltelli _ _.. 74 167.4 180 Club — Dot Dunn 207. - Sue 2. Revised applications for fedB. DIHer „ 67 166.36 their first year of organized parnight. E. Lopez 78 166.13 Caren 185 4 190, Barb Christer 187, eral aid, under the Accelerated G. Moench , 7G 164.52 Jay Bruno 1B0, Wllma DeFazio 189, ticipation, brought their over-all William B. Duryee, member o. Jackie Bruno 183, Lois Kroeck 180. G. Melody ~ 75 164.2, Public Works Program, for con- Hawk Bowlers Post 2-1 Victory Shade Tree Woes Heard By County OPEN EVERY NIGHT 'TIL 6. INCL. SATURDAYS Bel the BEST TIRE BEMIH TOWN darim our TIRE nays record to 35-34 with their victory the commission and chairman F. Ross .. -...75 164.8 1 MIDDLETOWN MERCHANTS E. Reacorl . 67 163.6S over the Engineers of Stevens, of the Agricultural Subcommittee struction of a bandstand, tennis E. Janls ...74 163.62 W L courts, and parking facilities, at The scores of the games were: B. Atilers __i 65 163.16 Suburban Pharmacy of the Monmouth County Plan ........45 24 J. Donahue .78 163.1 Holmdel Liquor .44 25 Monmouth. 861, 819, 866; Stevens: ning Board, pointed out that the the former stadium site, Ocean p . Btahl . 75 163.0 Hyneman Gulf 41 28 J. I-ongo - .75 162.2 Monmouth Electric ..._, .41 28 799, 833, 813. Team captain John problem of trimming trees Ave. and South Broadway; and J. Seber * .69 161.41 O'Dell Plumbing 39 30 for construction of a new Board; 161.26 Mlddletown Lanes J. Campanelll 78 39 30 Gauvreau lead the Hawk bowl- around power lines is a constan S BfoVRCO — •—• — — 68 160.21 Samuelson Const. /..38 31 ers with a 559 series. problem to shade tree commis- walk atop the surface of the 160.18 Volkland Towing Ser. J . Arendt SI XI 37 160.12 John Day Funeral D. Madeira -.65 .32 37 There are 18 games left in sions, but that we are getting existing Ocean Ave. roadbed 160.11 J 4 W Dry Wall Contr. D. Hoehn .78 so 38 about two miles between Sea 160.7 Marlno'a Atlantic B. Alexander : 72 , 29 40 regular League play. Besides be- the cooperation of the Jersey View and Brighton Aves. W. Pink .65 159.63 BunteJlback .:. __y.; 19 60 ing only one half game out ofCentral Power and Light Co. in Al D'Amlco, Store Manager B. Dolaon 71 159.16 200 Club — Tom Oattney 242, S. J. Previously the city had asked * the first division, Monmouth is this project." A. KMKlm „ .63 158.46. W»sel 201, Nick Mullaney 206, Hank B. Brennan ...£9 158.2 Yarachuk 207, Nick Bama 201. Tom for a 75 percent grant for the only two and one half games Representatives of the company 158.18 Daeoitlno 202, H a y Woodrough 201, P . Raynor 60 J. Draewleckl 6S 157.45 Richard Boehlmer 204. Bemle Ores- from fourth place. The league pledged their co-operation with estimated $99,000 and $220,700 157.35 clone 212. Cora. Wolverton 220. EdB. Rosa .60 shade tree commissions projects, respectively. New bids 152.23 ward Ollelz 217, Nell Richardson 218, is currently being led by Fair- local B. KIUKCS 58 F. Mitchell ...73 157.20 Bob Hyneman 204, Albert Leo 206. had to be made because a 50 perleigh Dickinson of Rutherford. wherever possible, he said: 157.1 B. Bwinarskl 72 HARMONY THURSDAY NIQHT O. Brunelle - - —.65 156.25 Monmouth will bowl again on Edward Hanlon, representative cent ceiling existing for grants in BUSINESS MEN'S 156.8 J. Kuhl 57 W Sunday against Upsala College of the Red Bank commission, re- this area. M. DeGennaro 57 155.53 —1'« B a r b e r Shop -.47 31 154.56 D. Sicks .!_....63 ported that in his community 3. Granted a zoning variance .46 32 at the Newark Lanes. 154.11 E d d i e ' s B a r b e r Shop G. Tomllnson 78 _.441i 33V4 trees are being staked to 'theto the West End Casino, Inc., 153.39 K o c h ' l Ftorlsl _ . . G. Krebs BS G. E . Scholes 42 3S 151.11 X>. O'Brien . 66 ground to prevent vandalism. He 717 Ocean Ave., to modernize thejl 41 37 140.25 Perpetual Monument F . Qlovla 60 Pan-Ams 4 1 37 147.31 reported that the community front of its pavilion, replace 16 J. Zinc 78 Mlddletown Delicatessen 40 38 I* Herman . 75 145.2! M. T . T. Maion 40 38 has budgeted $2,000 this year cabanas, add a laundry room, 145.23 Jack's Inn V. Filed - - 6' 5 .39 39 9 139.49 and received $1,000 from the add a utility room, and refurbish V. Cernun ••• Bros. Taverni^4..i^*18:. 40 130.4! Lawton B. Bchwelkert 60 G 4 W Lumber » n i37, 1 . ,41 NEW YORK>(AP) •* Having county last year. f He reported the kitchen. Less Thin H ' Bee Auto Repairs _.--_..!3« ' 42 183.19 Jay W. Oso'wskl 27 Emmons Market ^...i ^w:3V • 43 sold out Madison Square Gar. that two years ago' the commun 4. Tabled a variance request 174.8 J. Pocaijl . 12 Abbott * Lester .:—._.,.,3J!i 4t(4 den with his one-man ballyhoo ity had to remove quite a number 171.8 American B. Ward W far the Colony Surf Club, Inc., Letlon ...i..J...-.33 45 167.25 Casey's Real D Hunt «. • 47 campaign, Casilus Clay took of "dangerous trees." Estate ...... 31 47 p 787 Ocean Ave. for more study. F. Van Pelt - « ' 162.27 things easy yesterday. 160.26 G. Valanzaiio V ATLANTIC HIr.llI.AM)S :i A report from Atlantic High, The corporation wants to build B. Kullberg « 159.25 BUSINESSMEN'S.. . A friend called him at his 35 159.13 lands noted that vandalism is sjx classroom units for a day R. Hohtnsee - W L I S M Brook's Insurance hotel room add asked him, problem there. T. Page 20 40 39 camp, relocate 20 bathhouses, 167.7 Ed's Auto J. Forse , •« -.38 31 "Are you resting your old 166.5 Crate's Beverage Neal Munch, a county shade and build a children's wading R. Oray - 5 . 38 31 1541 Julian's 15 21 E. Petit 18 bones?" .35 34 18 tree member, as well as Free- pool. 153.15 Brile'l Cleaners J. Martini « 35 MONTH MONTH 153.3 Geo. Koeppel ft Son ..: ..-.34 MONTH "No," replied Cassius. "I'm hold Borough member, reported 5. Granted a variance to James J. P Pestano t a n .. ° 32 37 153.1) Roil Hazard Mbani B. W Wagner _, .. 3 ludRusnl Mccue's Plumbing —.32 37resting my mouth." that the borough would begin a and Rhoda Peters, 805 Ocean M M Siegfried's Hardware A. Thomson 27 42 Eouutn 146.3 200 Club - N. MacLaurhlln J10; J, F. Short Knew program of beautifying the apAVe., to permit construction of a 144.6 Rathbum 200; A, Range 210; T. FranK. Prezlosl , 139.16 clsconl 234. J. McKay 212. W. Batterly T. Chevalier ... pearance of the entrances to the swimming pool on their property .2" 135.22 201. o . Shlnn 201. 213: B. Conzen 201: NYLONAIRE T>. Jrmsneau CHAMPION NYLON SftFEIY CHAMPION NYLON 51 community. 135.0 211; T. Garrison 211. w . Hladun 221, east of Ocean Ave. B. Clayton' 12 IJT.4 W. Devereaux 203, 11. Rubley-258, D . L. Moon ._; At the conclusion of the dis 9 Marchettl J46, J . Flynn 202, D. Worth cussion, Mr. Munch showed 202. B O t Y N A M E SOCIETY BCHYUNG Plus lax and Plus tax and • LEAGUE slides portraying problems WOMEN'S COMMCMTV CHURCH Plus tax and Sbor« L s n e i tiro oil your car LEAGUE ecappable Tire created by conflicts between the American Division tire offyourca Sycamore Lanes W 1, light companies and local com6.70-15, Tube-type, Blnxkwull 6.70-15, Tube-type. Blackmail W L 6.7O-I5. Tube-type, Blaclcwall St. |i| i SJJi St. Dents Dents 52 Red Bank Methodist 2 _ /48 27 missions. Star of the Sea _ 4!H4 46 29 St. Rose-Lima 1 49 26 Shrewsbury Presbyterian MfDDLETOWN Police reMunicipalities represented at L. s . Embury a m n o d i i t .43 32 TUBELESS TUBELESS TUBELESS St. Rose 2 « Trinity Episcopal 43 32 ported today that a 58-year-old St. JeromB 1 47. 6.70-15 or 6,70-15 or Plus tax 6.70-15 o r « 8a.t« Anthony .40 36 Hillside area woman, desponden the meeting were Colts Neck, St. James 1 *' Red Bank Methodist 1 ..J36 39 Atlantic Highlands, Red Bank, 7.90-14 7.S0-14 Holy Spirit 2 « and tire oft 7.50-14 * end lire oil Congregation Betli Shalom ....36 39 over ill health, apparently hung Rumson, Raritan Township, Freeand Holy Trinity 2 —.40 Blackwall Blackwall Blackwall your car Saint J i m e s 2 _..—"B 40 FREEHOLD — A Little Silver your car Ho!v Trinity 1 — ....—......38 Buvnnpable Tire Pair Haven Nativity ...33 42 herself yesterday in her home. hold, Freehold Township, Little woman, who says she was St ' c u h a r t e a ~... MH Saint James 1 —38 42 Police said the body of Mrs Tubeless WHIIEWALLS $ 3 MORE WHITEWALLS $3 MORE Holy Spirit 4 36 WHITEWAIXS $4 MORE Silver, Manalapan, Neptune, AlRed Bank Presbyterian 2 30 45 Bt. Anthony M tackled and thrown to the ground Bank Presbyterian 1 ...JZI 48 Mary Ogden, 57, of Seventh Ave. lentown, Asbury Park and FarmHoly Spirit 3 ' 1 JJ Red ISO oames — Jean Horton 137, F.ef by a 4-year-old boy while babyBt. Rose 1 -.._. ' 2 53 was found by her husband in eingdale. 180. High scores — James Convery (St. Brophy sitting, brought suit for injuries SOO Serits — Helen Brmey 173, 194, spare room of the couple's apart Denial 226. 211. 233—«70: Bdw. 170-807; and expenses yesterday in the YuiOial: (Holy Bp. 21 234. 197, 1 8 9 ment. elO; Steve Bhedlack (St. Denli ) 211 Monmouth County Court. EL.M LANE BOWI.ERETTES 177, 210—608. „. Police said the woman had 200 Club — Anthony Ambroslno 222, Elm Lanes Mrs. Eunice N.. Gu z y, taken the sash from a bathrobe, Byd. DelNejro 219, Jos. Messtr 210, W Queens Dr., Little Silver, and her Wra. Walker 216. 214. Jos. Homlck 2H Weit End Cleaners .45 tied it around her neck and then Every new Firestone tire it Henry Btelnes 212, Henry Cnle««lo 208 Harold's Radio A Etec .39 husband, Lt. Col. Stephen Guzy, Ray Shalloo 202, 204. Anth. De8tetano Professional Pharmacy attached it to ornamental wood.32 GUARANTEED 203, John Loboda 203, Robt. Perry Eat-N-Donuts filed suit through attorney Thom314 work surrounding a mirror on 202. Jos. Kerkes 200, Wm. McMahon Natural das Appliance I. Against defects in workmanMV, as F. Shebell of Asbury Park, 200 ship anil materials for the top of a dresser. Perry's Bowling Supply ..27 50c Pkg. National Dlvlllon life of the original tread. Sorield Service Station .26',i against Mr. and Mrs. Herbert According to police, the woman W Monmouth Queens -Slli 2. Against normal rood hazards iandel of 52 Winding Way, Little SL Leo 1 <2 Burpeeana stood on a stool, bent, relaxed ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS WOMENS (except repairable punctures) Bt. Dorothea « Silver, and the boy, Carl. COMMERCIAL encountered in everyday St. Jerome 2 41 OCEAN TOWNSHIP - A trac• W L her legs and hung herself. passenger car use for tho GIANT St. Michael 2 •« The suit said Mrs. Guzy had Grand Plata ..£1 50 She was pronounced dead by tor-trailer truck crashed into the number of months specified, Holy Spirit 1 " Dwlshts 4» 32 been engaged as a babysitter Mount Carmel •••'• Replacements prorated on tread Dr. RJBert S. McTague. rear of an Army pick-up truck Parkway Shell - . 4 7 34 ZINNIAS St. Michael 1 35 wear and based on list prices White Crystal 43 38 Police said the husband found stopped for a traffic light at Rt.June 3, 1961, and that while walkSt. Jerome 3 M' current at time of adjustment. Tumens ...42 39 ing with then 15-monthold PrisBt. Rose-Lima 2 M the body about 4 p.m. It was AtUntlo Recreation 41'.1 3!)'.4 135 and Sunset Ave. yesterday St. R o « 3 23 No Cost or Obligation Ilomeo's ..._ .-39 42 estimated that the woman n a cilia Gandel in her arms, to quiet St.' Gabriel 18 d morning, police said. Atlantic Hardware 38Vi 42 High scrores — Wm. Coleman (Holy Caruso crying spell, she was tackled Esso 38 42 been dead since noon. in. t l 19«. 199. 20S-605. The tractor-trailer owned by Al— -2W K'i by Carl. She suffered injuries to 200 Club — Pele Avallone 217, John Atlantic Bakery —3314 4614 According to police, this was ia P. Thompson of 170 LongVlzlnho • 206. Ralph Llone !03, John Ocean View Bar ...-..; her head and body, the suit asJulians . - . 3 0 49 the third attempt by the woman Homllsh 201. wood Ave., Middletown, was JUST C< ALL serts. to take her own life. driven by William Becker of 24 WONMOUTH COUNTY CATHOLIC SAY... There was no evidence of foulSherman Ave., West L o n g Negligence is charged In alHarmony Bowl ^ TIRES L legedly not providing adequate play, police said. 31'4 Branch, police said. They identiEayihore CaUi, Men 1 .461S TAKE MONTHS TO PAY MOUNTED C. W. V. -f~ 45 33 Dr. Harry L. Harwood, assist- fied the driver of the Army vehi- safeguards so that the incident, Bt. Ann's 1 -XZ 44 '4 33 >4 ant county physician, is expected cle as Warren J. Whiting of 25would not have occurred. St. Catherine's 2 ...C.. -...44'« 33'i St. Benedict's 3 ...-..: 4414 33H to give a ruling later today. Bt. Joseph'! <3H KANSAS CITY (AP)— Gerald Mrs. Ogden is survived by her Center St., Rumson. Bt. Mary's 2 -..-Wi 36 Ellington's 30 points paced ninth- husband, Roman Ogden, and a Whiting and a passenger, RichHoly Family 2 42 St. Mary's 1 « seeded Carson-Newman of Jef-sister, Mrs. Helen Comms, both ard Wolinsky of 379 Pacific St., 37 St. Ann's 3 *' Long Branch, complained of inSt. Agnes 1 *0'« 37H ferson City, Tenn., to an 83-57 of this place. Bt. Agnes 2 «»i juries and said they would seek victory over Rider College of Holy family 1 _ <" Born in Newark, she had lived treatment from their physicians, Trenton, N.J., in the opening St. .James 2 ...*" here four months. fit. James I «> according to police. game of second day play in the St. Benedict's 1 -3811 The Posten FUneral Home, At40' week-long National IntercollegiBayihore Cath. Men 3 3R Patrtflman Donald Dispango is Bayshoro K H C 1 ...JS'S lantic Highlands, is in charge of ate NAIA Basketball Tournament investigating. St. Ann's 2 "'S ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS arrangements. Bavshore Cath. Men 2 13H 4 yesterday. Mayor Russell W. Morgan last Holy Pamllv 2 _ J3 35 Bt. Benedict'! 2 MH 4BH Three more day games and night urged local residents to atRt. Catherine's 1 .... _...J7'4 four night conclude first round tend a meeting Saturday at 10 61 BavBrrore K ol C 1 27 w. fflO Series — Ed Moore in. 220. 1»3play and cut the starting field of a.m. in borough hall to discuss -643: Pete Brady 189. 234, 191-814: 32 teams to 16. the state Highway Department's Pr-t Muresca 107. 186. 221—604.. 200 Club — Ed Moore 241. 220. Pete Ellington poured 23 points proposed diialization of Rt. 36 Brady 234. J o h i Waldmnnn t?32, P a t Marceaca 221, Wait O»t>wsW Ml. R'i«s through the hoop in the first from First Ave. to the Highlands Ptroupe 221, Bob Strauch 719, 2nn. NEW SHREWSflURY-Stephen bridge, and the installation of a Duke- Sweenev 215. Opo Bossa 212. half as Carson-Newman, left the Hot) Eckert 5 " , Bob Fimlletll 211. court-with a 42-24 lead at interWolosonovich, Linden, today pre- 32-inch concrete barrier along the Bill Klrgan 20B. Rav J a n o k o 201!. 2f>6, Joe Madiiskl 20?. J o ° Bertoncln mission. sented violin concerts at Swim- strip. 201, Gco. DeStelano 201, Kon o w l ! RED BANK The Planning ming River and Sycamore "We want to hear1 the public's 201. Bob HohmMt 201. "W0. Tom Hlg Doug Enures was high for Board last night, agreed to gins 200,* J i m Malley 200. Rider with 17 points. Schools. iews on the proposal, and perchange its meeting night to the Mr. Wolosonovich, a graduate haps get some ideas in preparaLINCROFT RECREATION WOMEN'S fourth Tuesday of each month. Mlddletown Lanes of the Juilliard Schoql of Music tion for the state's hearing on Previously meetings have been Holmdel Esio 40 28 in New York City, was formerly the project," the mayor said. Frank'* Barber Shop 39 33 on the second Tuesday. The sesassociated with the Rochester The Highway Department has Brlgadoon H> 33 sions begin at 8 p.m. Unorort Inn .... - 3714 34 'hilharmonic Orchestra. He prescheduled a formal hearing on Keanibg.Mld. Nat'l Bank ...-.30 36 The board last night discussed Wasserman's .... —-M 3" LANGHORNE, Pa. - The 1963 possible revisions in the sign or- sents violin concerts and makjs the proposal March 26 in HighBrlnk'B Klne Meats - .55 37 talks about composers and their lands borough hall. Llncrort Oulf 33 39 Heavy-duty rubber mats in Llncroft Esso -32S4 39 drag race season starts at Lang- dinance. The existing ordinance, Both governing bodies have inLincroft Pharmacy .... ....20 46 horne Speedway Sunday. The St. 83 well as a suggested version works, especially for children. choice of colors. 500 Scries — Dot Penny 149. 182, dicated opposition to the state's Patrick's Day opening will raise contained in the new master 1T1-502; 154. 102, 181-627: 208, 155, addition, petitions plan. In Buying or selling? Use the 1»5—618; 200, 150, HO—600: P e c Bud-the curtain on many innovations, plan, were examined. The review long 188, 151, ITS—517; Alice Aizman Register Classified for quick re- against the proposal are being 197. 151. 174—525. both physical and procedural, all was initiated at t i e request of circulated in both towns. iults.—Advertisement. 180 Club — Dot Penny 199, 192, 189, ZOO. 185, 200: Allen Aszman 201, 185, designed to streamline the com- Borough Council. SEE US U7. 107, 191: Eleanor Menzzopane U7, petition program. The board referred a major 193, 187, 185 i P e e Budlong 200, 1M. FOR TIRES 188; Bobble I/awrence 211. 189; HueThe 1963 classifying system will subdivision affecting the properDlaa 185, IBS; Carolyn Benson 186. Warc-lla Oaasldy 197, Virginia Wolf offer 21 different classes of stock ty of the late Mrs. Viola Jardine, 180, Wllma Allen 188, Marge VanPelt car competition, seven classes of Alston Ct., to the borough engp 1S5, Mary Hopkins 190. where your dollar buys MILES more sports car competition and 17 neer with requests to examine Current IIOMDEL Mtfrs MSAfiUE modified and dragster classes. the maps for conformity to the Airport Plain Lanes Registration of cars will com- zoning and planning codes and Dividend A. Montone sanitary Service 00V4 Jlayshore Hardware ...a.. 53 mence at 9:30 a.m. Sunday, time recommending if new houses on Per Annum hilltop ClUea Service M\4 trials will get under way at noon, the property should be tied to the ' 1 DOWN Haxlet Bwcet Shop 5114 Keyport Wine * Liquor .- 60 and the round robin of drag races sanitary sewer system. .airport Plaaa Lanes —48',i will start at 2 p.m. and continue The maps were resubmitted by " | A WEEK »wlngton Tllo - 44 Crate's B e v e r a g e s ; ..._:..:...4SMi until one over-all stock Car win- the applicant, Thomas V. Jar^rmBlrong 3 ner and one over-all modified dine, Rumson, after revisions .Uonmouth Sign Co 38 1000 Asbury Ave. Asbury Pork I 200 Club — P a l m e r neth.»n 211. winner have survived the comwere made which show topoRoBcr Donnells' 235, M o e Sasao 211, Long Branch • Keyport • Holmdel PR 5.8700 Walter Ertl Mil, Ralph Sarno 21S, petition for top eliminator honors graphical changes and proposed O&khurst • Middletown ' Sal Vlacual 2(1),. B e n D e R I l l 201, B eof n the day. slorni slswers. Donaruna 201. Cassius Rests Weary Mouth Woman, 58, Is Described As Suicide Babysitter Says Boy Tackled Her 9" $-•!-• 7 5 15™ Trailer Hits Truck At Traffic Light Rider Whipped In Tournament Discussion On Rt. 36 Plan Asked Front and Rear Car Floor Plan Board New? Has a New Shrewsbury Meeting Date MAT Set Drag Races Open Sunday SAVE AND EARN 4 ff*# STORES Maple Ave. at White St., Red Bank—SH 7-5700 I 1\ O. Howie Huskies /..The Register Classified Ad S a y s . . . ' W * Get Acquainted"' During NATIONAL WANTAD MARCH 10 thru RED BANK REGISTER 22—Wed., March 13, 1963 1931 ANNOUNCEMENTS AUTOS & TRUCKS GMC p a n e l t r u c k , (ISO SU 1-7587 MOBILE HOMES one ton, 1959 MERCURY — Four-door hardtop LOST AND FOUND LOST — Lady's gold wTlBlwatch. posslbly on Asbury Park-New York bus line March fi. lnsrripllon on back. Reward. C»1I 741C234. BLUE LADVR WALLET Initials J.C, Lost Mlddletnwn Shopping Center Call O8 1-33O0. Reward. TRAVEL . TRANSPORTATION Full power. Call OS 1-2706 1S62 RAMBLER CUSTOM CONVERTIBLE — lied, like new. low iiilleaK*. manual shift. Original cost. J2.800. sell fur Slfist), or laku civcr payments. 7874B33, 5-7 p.m. week days. BUSINESS NOTICES CHARLES HOWER — Mason Col tractor. No lob too •mall. BH 7-447* SH 1-0172. MOBILE HOMES Used • 1D% down New • 7-year financing P.OBBIN8VILLE TRAILER SALES. INC. Routs 130 RoHbtnivlili, N. J JU 7-1320 A-l QUALITY TV SERVICE Expert repairs OD all makes Specialist jn color. Call 842-3285 T. WALLING * SON — General CO tractor, masonry, painting, all repalri Free estimate, 787-1218. WANTED-AUTOMOTIVE INCOME TAX RETURNS prepared qualified accountant. Call 29MB00 PR 66199. LAWN MAINTENANCE — Groum leaned. Call after 6 p.m. BH 7-0873 1955 CHEVROLET IMPALA — Four TOM'S FORD INC. floor hardtop. Red and white, radio, nil dealer. Show room condttlon. Foil WE PAY CASH FOR USED CARS ew white wall tires. 23,000 mllea, I Main St. 1.0 6-1500 Matawan IWS-7S2?. < 150 yds. from Matawan RR Station! WANTED — Car pool drivers. Man- '961 OLDSMOB1LE CONVERTIBLE — hattan fl a.m. to 5 n.m. Call White, power steering and brakes. Rei CO 4-8S60 and white leather Interior, tmmaculati imlltlon. Private owner. Call 532-2185, H-i p.m. AUTOMOTIVE •1958 OLDSMORILE S8 — Convertible, white, new white top, good condition, AUTOS & TRUCKS 842-2113. U99 FORD RANCH WAGON - Oreen, PLYMOUTH, 1957 Dodge, both automatic transmission, heater. Good U58 r condition. 1950. SU I-«324 or EH 7- "•7.)il. Call evenings and mornings. 7870192. 4886. 185J PLYMOUTH STATION WAGON, 11)58 P0NT1AC CHIEFTAIN Nine, passenger. Automatic transmis- door good condition. $875. alon, radio and heater. Excellent condiSH 1-643I tion. SH 7-9569. .958 VOLKSWACEN — Radio, heater A-l condition, private, owner. $650. Call 291-1609. HOUSES FOR SALE BONGARZONE'S 25TH YEAR landscape design, gardening and la' BOATS A N D ACCESSORIES maintenance. Call LI 2-0718 for (r Illustrated planting guide, BONGA1 17' GUY LOMBARDO Fiberglu boat. ZONE'S LANDSCAPE NURSERY, Wi; 50 h.p. Evinrude electric and acces- side Rd., New Shrewsbury. Ties. 291-2607. DRYERS VENTED — Gas or electrl K< MIIN Any ooai you wud .. Eliminate heat, lint and moisture. O nwn; U w bank rates. Fin uncle g ar- day service. 741-3227 or PR 5-5784. range menu completed la one call at HOUSE MOVING and raising. Gene any o( our offices. THE MONUOUTH contractor. work. Complete Jol GOUNTV NATIONAL BANK. 8H " Call day orMason night, 787.0626. 1000 INCOME TAX RETURNS IMS 10b LYMAN 100 h.p. Gray Pick up and deliver. Fifteen yeai marine. This boat Is fully equipped, experience. *f-10 p.m. .SH 1-1466. excellent condition. Jiust sell. 787-2273, FALCO BROS — Complete auto or 787-1666. truck repairs. Generator and regul: HAULING to 85'. boat repara on any repairs. Ignition tune ups, complei type of vessel. Flying bridges, galley auto and truck re-wlrlng. WE Wlf units dinettes Installed. Free estimates, BEAT ALL PRICES ANYWHERE, Al 24 hour service. FLOYD CLAYTON WORK FULLY GUARANTEED. 26 SHIP YARD. Inc., 16 Bay Ave., High- 8322. 1958 KARMANN GHIA — Excellenl condition. $995. Call after 5. " lands. SH 7-5626 ^, LAWN MAINTENANCE — IilKht hi ROWBOATS — Two, large, high aides, Ing, painting, odd jobs. Reasons a s . Call anytime 787-4661. 1960 RENAULT DAUPHINE — Pour- good condition; also 3.6 outboard door. Clean within and oul. One own-motor. 787-6174. er. New Flrcntonp llrpfl. good buy. Gas saver. 35 mll'-s t:> the gallon. Price la 22' TROJAN — 109 Grey. 80 houts. [lead, sink, life preservers, compass, reasonable. 842-20fifl. DOMENICO PRIMERANO — Carpi ter, contractor. All kinds of carpenl work. (Iterations. SH 1-C763. top condition. Ready to go. S1.350. 671INCOME TAX RETURNS prepared IB60 '.- TON CHEVROLET — Panel 3O50. 'our home or mine. 25 years expei truck. Excellent condition. Call MAB 8' PLYWOOD PRAM — And 1982 3.6 nee. J. Murtha 747-5759. COMPANY. 924 Sprlngwood Ave., As- h.p. Scott motor. Excellent condition. liury Park. Prt 4-1774. CARPENTRY — Alterations, addition: Will sell separately. CA 2-1690. LOWEST PRICES ANYWHERE! ONE YEAR WARRANTY* •'eBCorvalr Coupe, Ilk* new ••IJ Ca«vy 4-dr. •'tl ilcmii, like r e v 'S3 Nova (-dr. sea. '63 Founwheel dr. pick-up "81 Impala convertible •'90 Cadillac 62 4dr. Hardtop black •'WChtvy 9-pass. Wagon "SO Impala ConverUbla •'SO Valiant 4-dr. ••«0 Ch«vy Bel Air 2-dr. ••80 Corvalr 700 Coupe, "60 Dodge Dart 4-dr. "8» Chevy Impala Hdtp. • ' » Chevy %-ton panel •'59 Old! SI Hardtop •'59 Chevy Impala, Convertible "5» Chivy Impala 4-dr. •'SB Ford Falrlane, 8-cyl. "59 Plymouth Wagon •'59 Fold Squire, 9-pasi. "58 Fold Oalaxlt 2-dr. •'59 Cfcevy Conv., like new "59 Chivy 2-dr. •'58 Chivy Wagon, two-tone •56 Fold Convertible •54 Ford Victoria Hdtp. '55 caclllao 62 Coupe MOldl 9S Sedan QUICK BALX "95 Blep-In Van J595 'M Plymouth Wagon H93 •tfFoii Wagon 4395 '5S Cnevy Wagon, needs work..J395 '5T Plymouth 2-dr. l^ct 'M Chevy l&-ton panel 3395 •S3 Ford Wagon 8-cyl., auto. .-4395 '5« Plymouth S190 'M Gbavy .. 1195 1954 CHEVROLET—With Nice shflpe, $155. Call SH 7-9624 LINCOLN — 1!)6H, two-iloor hardtop, full power, exceptionally line condition. CO 4-4578 after 6 p.m. week days, B&tuidRy all day. EMPLOYMENT MARINE SUPPLIES- * Everything for the Boatman. New Jer1962 HII-LMAN — Four-door sedan, sey's largest marine supply house. white. Fully equipped, radio, InstruEvlnrude Sales and Service nON, 120 Monmouth St., Red Bank. 842-0300. PftlnunR In and out. THIS WEEKEND AT CIRCLE — BIS • BIG SALE 1949 CHEVROLET — Good condition, 550. 946-4822 running I9B1 WILLIS J E E P — Six cylinder ith 7' snow plow. Call SH 1-1433 or SH 7-3234. "'aper FLOWER AUTOS & TRUCKS EXPERIENCED CLERK TYPIST Familiar with mlmeOKraph and sten ells. Red Bank area. Write "B.D." Box 511. Red Bank. AUTOS & TRUCKS EXPERIENCED WAITRESSES — Ap ply in person. SHORE POINT IN? Hwy. 35 Hazlet. MOTHERS — Part-time work, full time pay, demonstrating new produci thren evenings a week. No dellverlni collecting, investment. SH 7-0319. Convertible, radio, heater, whitewalls. PS, V-8 with Fordomatic. NO MONEY DOWN . BUDGET TERMS | | '61 CORVAIR Monza, radio, heater, Powerglide transmission. '62 Chevrolet $1895 '61 Falcon •(•dr. Bel Air Sedan, Silver Blue finish and matching Blue Interior. This car Is equipped with radio, heater and w/w tires, Just ready Two- dr. Bfdan, fully equipped, black finish. An automobile that, you will be to give you the best. •60 CHEVROLET '62 Chev. 2 * Bel Air, 4-dr., radio, $2195 A beautiful belRe Nova converilble with dark interior, features automatic, radio, heater. This beauty la priced to cell quickly. heater, power steering, 6-cyl., Powerglide. '61 Just a partial listing. Ford $1295 Fairlane 500. 4-dr. sedan. Fully equipped. Luxury and value are combined In this gleaming white beauty. 1 : $1295 CONCERN haj opening; NURSERY SCHOOL TEACHER — Fo September. State age, marital atatui training, experience, and salary ex pected for H day session. "A.U., Jox 511. Red Bank. $2295 "PI" Holiday Sedan. Impressive tan finish with 2tone tan Interior. Full power. Your closf.it Inspection Is Invited on this desirable mode). "60 Ford NATIONAL = for women to work part-time in newl: opened Red Bank oTflce, 9:30 to 12:31 i. or 6 to 9 p.m. Experience not necessary, age no barrier. Call Mr. Jomo Thursday and Friday. 9 tq a.m. or 6 to 9 p.m. 842-0133. proud to drive and own. '61 Olds TELEPHONE SOLICITORS — $1.25 pel hour plus commission. Company representative will Interview 1-2:30 p.m. Thursday, March 14, New Jersey Stat Employment, 48 East Front St., Ret Bank. DEALERSHIP OPEN — Representln Fresh Silks, Inc. Guaranteed menu1 women's and children*!! fashion ap parel. No Investment, collections or de liveries. Call CO 4-B637, 10-12 a.m. 4-5 p.m. SALESWOMEN AND CASHIERS— Ful $995 Falrlane 2-dr. Sedan. Immaculate white finish with beautiful Blue interior, Fully Equipped. Thla car la low priced and ready to roll. or part-time. Apply Mr. Weiss, LERNER SHOPS. MONMOUTH SHOPPING IENTER, Eatontown. Follow Your Friendi to Many Other Top Quality Cars to Choose From CIRCLE Open Daily 9 "til 9 P. M., Saturday 'til 6 P. M. FREE CHEVROLET CO. 325 Maple Are., Red Bank SH 1-3130 = 363 MAPLE AVE. * RED BANK * SH 1-5255= Wheel Alignment check and. brakes relined on all 4 wheels. CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY NOW $ A HANDY GUIDE OF BUSINESS SERVICES TO SUIT YOUR M A N Y NEEDS! Adding Machines — Typewriters Cesspool Cleaning Painting and Decorating ADDING MACHINES — Typewriters sold, rented, repaired. Serplco's HU Monmouttl St.. Red Bank. SH 7-0485. SEPTIC TANKS, rtry wells serviced. LoechinR Held nfldecl. Hackhoo work. C. H. Wilson. SH I-J8I6. TOM SLATE — Pnlnttng mid Deco^ atlng. General Contracting, fully Insured. Twenty years experience Fren estimates. SH 1-0101 after 6 p.m. Electrical Contracting PA1NTINO AND PAPER HA.VGING- TOT a good clean lob, reasonable. CO.MMKRCIAL anil residential n-|r- Call SH 7-3491, Ed Zlnser. Old Dolls. Runs. Jewelry, cut class, Inp New construction, remodeling, furniture. Civil War bonks. Appraisals altcra ,tina; adrnuatf service Inslnllamad«. GUtnan, s t l 7-1141. UoTin uncl lipallug. Gaydlck Electric. PIANOS—ORGANS Tuned — Repaired — Begulated Raymond Bosworth BH 1-7S53 FINISHED BASEMENTS, rerao.lelIn,,, piuinbink'. electric wiring, masonry anil piunlltig. For tree estlmale cull SH 7-1S72 Plumbing and Heating WORKING MAN'S contractor—Alterations Additions. palntlnR, mnsmiry, BUILDER ~ New homes, room additions, bstsement and attic ruoms. kltcbtnB. c a n f e , repairs and alter atlona, Herbert Elgenrauch. SH 1-62U1. k. 1. PIOONE — Ceiamlc till contractor for quality, price, and prompt nrvlce. Prte ••timaU. Call I9M120 or U1-M77. . LOUIS CAE9AN, — Painter, decorator, paperhancer. -5 yenrs eipfrlence. « Chapln Ave. 811 1.1701 alter 6 p.m. ONLY 19.95 Installed For Most Popular C a n . 1. Only new, bonded brake linings are used. for full contact Home Improvements EXPIHT PAINTING and body re- and nil those little lobs. Sventngs LO pair. Moderate prices. McCarthy «17l4 ChsvrolBt, Atlantic Highlands. 291-0305 Lawn Mower Repairs Auto and Truck Rental ALL KINDS OF LAWN IIOWBKSAVIS—Rent -a new car or truck Ljaw Hand and circular saws, sharpened, rites. Maple Ave.. Red Bank. SU 7- repaired. Free pick up. 291-2437. 0308. PH 4-8214. Dally 7 a.m.-10 p.m. Painting and Decorating Building Contractor Reg. $35.00 — 2. W e bleed and adjust Piano—Organ Tuning 767-M03. • Appliance Repalra fer, experlended boat painter." ploy Clayton Ship Yard. In'el 16 Bay Avi Highlands. KEEGAN'S 2t Hour Service. All tieatlng lorvlccd. SH 7-1627. SH 1-7B75. 3. Check lines and master cylinder for leaks LIMITED OFFER units Roofing, Siding and Insulation ALUMINUM SIDING — 14 colors, one week delivery, low low prices, free estimates. PnOWN'S. 32 Broad St., Red Bank. SH 1-7500. Insulation A Sklmg Corp Certified Johns-Manvlllt contractor. PR 6-8407 or Adam Ltnzmayer 291-OJO2. Get thii special d«al at F&H MOTORS Our OLSUN CO. INC.-Roofing. <>Jldlrg * Insulation. Installed and guaranteed tot 10 years. PR 50705 20] 084(1. L H. H1LI, — Pamler .Interior and exterior. No Joh too large or too sma'l. Very reasonable. Call 747.9S3Q. Tel. Answering Service CARL a JONKS Palnllns and decornttnf. Full insurance coverage. Far tree estimate call 7t7,3Oil. LET US BE your secretary. No need to miss calls. 24 hour answering irvlc*. SH I-470O. mechanics are factory trained. Hwy. 35, Eatonfown LI 2-1 M l FOUR A N D FIVE ROOM APARTMENTS SUPERIOR MANAGEMENT — QUIET , PRIVATE STREET IN FINEST ESTATE SECTION UNITS START AT $140 PER M O N T H FULL D I N I N G ROOMS AIR-CONDITIONING 12' REFRIGERATORS KITCHEN EXHAUST FANS INDIVIDUAL THERMOSTATS STORAGE ROOMS OCEAN NEARBY RIVER NEARBY SHOPPING NEARBY MODEL 0 P E N 7 DAYS PHILIP J. BOWERS & CO. SINCE 1894 RED BANK, N. J . 60 WHITE ST. HOME IMPROVEMENTS — Rooting and siding. Finished rooms, small Jobs. 74J-7200 741-1900 747-5424 741-2109. • HANDY MAN with pick-up truck, see] Directions: Broad St., Red B u k , turn c u t *t MonmouUi County Bank* dally or weekly work. Also cleans cellars, garages, yards, attics. 8H 7-2357 Wallace fit. to McLnren St., ri|bt on WilUun fit. to model •.ptrtmtnt. OAnPENTER — Eight years experl ence, wood and power machine, 2294745 FOR SALE FOR SALE , FINANCIAL SALE Pick up and Pay UNPAID BALANCE ONLY ON 7 Alcoa Aluminum Gutters BRAND NEW IniUMed by experti. Fret citlm&tef. Three Room Outfits BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES PHILIP J. BOWERS & CO. Purchased . . . Stored . . . And Never Delivered! OUR «8TH YEAR oilers complete well rounded .Real Estate service. Selling. , leasing, homes, apartment!, (sad and commercial properties. Red Bank and Uc-nmouth County are: DIAL 741-7200 OUTFIT #84631 "KELLY" Moderne—Orignally 5498 Unpaid Balance $296 Terms-$3 Weekly LUNCH TRUCK fully equipped. 1956 ectric v e ndin p , el electr ^^i Io Ion Ford p pickup, 14 Smltl tk A Ice cream, truck. Apply 9-12, 14 P)., across from K, Keansburg Schoo OUTFIT #92641 "ELLIS" Danish—Originally $785 Unpaid Balance $483 A Terms-J5 Weekly PHILIP J., BOWERS & CO. WALTER 8. OVERTON IUa; E m t i Since 1651 White St. Red Ban1 MORTGAGES CA 2-8700 PR 4.J220 DEBT FREE. . . N O W HOMEOWNERS ONLY OUTFIT #76320 "OTTO" Colonial—Originally $621 Unpaid Balance $392 Terms—$4 Weekly And More—Lots More . . . Save on Individual Rooms also PROWN'S X Broad St. SH 1-75(0 Red Bank HOTPOINT AUTOMATIC WASHER — Two-speed. Excellent condition. Call SH 1-2H4 TWO AIR . CONDITIONERS — Kllchen set, six chairs; maple bed, spring, matU e n . 261-1063 alter 6:30. CASTRO CONVERTIBLE - Sleeps two. lounge chair. Bom slip covered in good condition. 160. CA 2-79(3. BEAUTIFUL USED LIVING ROOK FURNITURE — Good coalition, priced to sell. S42-3B3S, MODERN BLEACHED blond mahogany bedroom suite. Full size ted, chest, vanity, dresser. SH 7-1498. r i raWrtlTKKS, AOlUNCi mictunes. Ail makes new or used. O u u u M e d . Loir u J2A Serplco's, i n llonmoutli St Next to theater. S B T-M8&. MACHINERY FOR SALE BANTAM TRACTOR _ Three h.p. Gang mowera and anow plow. Call MERCHANDISE WANTED WANTED USBU ORIENTAL RUOS CHUOCSS AND PERSIAN FRISDUAN 0ALLBRLE8 4-3143 E v e n m i . CA 37481 WAREHOUSE DEPT. LARGE FISH GRINDER — 7-U East Front St. Reasonable CA 34490 MOHTGAGE CORP. Keyport, New Jersey State Licensed Brokers PLEASE — Pianos in good condition Home Office . . . 203 Washington St. needed for patient* at Marlboro HospiFree Delivery Free Storage Newark tal. Donation appreciated or will pay price. Call Mrs. Cogan, 8-1 Open Thursday and Friday nominal p.m. Except Wednesday, SH 7*82:'. 9 A.M to 9 P.M. OLD FURNITURE - Antiques, china.' other days 9 to S glassware, a n object! and bric-a-brac, immediate cash for anything and everyCAU- DAY OR NIGHT For Information — CO 4-3020 Otolj i^Ru«cli'«, 25 East Front S t . HOHEOWNKR6 NEKD MONEY? Your credit Is good. First and second mortgages, SH M344 or FO 3-269L TftAUf! IN your old turaimrs wltb no dawa payment and I t t • new parlor or dlotni room let n lait prices, Wll S7-9610. Ham L*tt Purniturt l a c , HW7 S3. EXPERIENCED — Body man wante Ulddlstown. 8H 1-3313, opin •rtnl BEAUTIFUL AKC German shepherd uil B p. no. Apply at BURDGtf'S GARAGE, 59' pups, excellent temperament S5O and FOR SALE iranch Ave., Little Silver. ^UUNUUlUZINa KQUiPMENT — Foiup. Call 787-6340. rent or a≤ 1TC» delivery BouUa J e ^AKC GERMAN SHEPHERD FUPP1B8 VCCOUNTANT — Decree, to train fo sey SURGICAL SH 1-2811. latlonal organization, ' advancement — Nine weeks old. Innoculated. 2U-14U .'1AN0S — Save (100 or more oft 111 LUMINUU COMBINATION DOORS JOAN ANALYSIS $7,00 Two glass Inserts, one screen, weath. price, brand new 8S nol« consols piMINIATURE POODLE PUPPIES 5AEJSSMEN - Oegreo prpferrfrt Opei erslrlpped, complete. Read to hans. anos. 10-year guarantee. Come see, AKC — Call 'O0L AND DIE MAKER—Machlnis Nothing extra to buy. Call today, save. Rent, option to buy. Tenter's CA 8-1720 Music Store. 306 Mam 8t_, Lakewoofl, •DWAR.DS EMPLOYMENT AGENC ASSORTED TROPICAL FISH — For Broad St. Red Ban 1 A W K WE HELP YOU Installation Optional SHORT ORDER COOK — kxcellen Select the correct curtain rods. There EXPERT AMD PROFE8SI0NAI- POOposition for right person. Steady yearire ail kinds. Klrsch rods In a larcei DLE CUPPINGS — Toys and mlfilaund emploympnl. Good salary and enelitn. ilunt apply In person only. Do 32 Broad St. Red Bank SU 1-1(00 variety. Call BH 1-7S00 now. Get last turen, $6, •tandards, IS. Bath Included. mt phone. HOWARD JOHNSON'S RES- ASBESTOS BOAIiD—<A Inch thick, to: delivery. SH 7-3928. 'AURANT, Rt. 35, MIddletown. ehind stoves and other firs rnabl^ MINIATURE POODLES — AKC, beauPROWN'S EXPERIENCED BOAT YARD HELP ievlces. Durable and llreprool. 24" tiful Jet black puppies, excellent breedRed Bank Ing. 'ANTED — Sandy Hook Bay Marina. :48". II 36 each. 48"x48". 12 each. I) Reasonable. CO 401»3. our bargain basement RED BANK 1721450. ^MATIAN (Coach> PUPS - Pure LUMBER. 9 Wall St.. Red Bank. Foam Rubber and Polvloam. J1.0O bai. bred. Wonderful pets for children. And GRAY METAL olllce desk with swivel Foamirt, Hwy. 3i, Ettontown. U 3-Mll good watch dogs. Phone CA 9-1573. MEN PART-TIME chair. Very good condition. Call 291 WK BUS AND SKLX anytbins arid GOLDEN RETRIEVER PUPPIES — Janitorial work in office buildings, Ml' 1565. Iletown-Red Bank area, four noun everythine. Oiv« tn« nlcheit prices. Females, AKC, champion stock, paper light, five nights a week. Must hav ACCORDION — Uclas. 120 bass, black Call WlUlim Lett Furniture, Inc., Hwj. trained, shots. SO 2-8310. iwn car and birth or baptismal ce and white with nine treble shifts, and 5 MIddletown SH 1-3213. Open er«SEE OUR NEW ASSORTMENT ot arTlcate. Paid holidays and vacation hrce bass shirts. (255. Call 251-0535. Bs till g p.m. tificial plants for aquariums. Colorful [ntervlew Saturday, 9 to 12 noon, HAR iTICKLEY HARVEST TABLE - Finand non-loxlc. KEYPORT PET 8UPt,IONY BOWL. Rt. 35, MIddletown. N BIG PAINT DISCOUNTS PL1E8, Hwy. 35. Clllfwood. LO 6-5560. JTHER TIME OR DAY. NO PHOME est cherry wood. 6' long:, two drop leaves each 11", center section 24". ALLS. Table pads and table doth ilao avalV 1500 dtcoraAor colots. Special: Kal. PART BASSET HOUND PUPPIES — UTTER — Experience!, in ladies able. Ktcellent condition. BH 7-4062 •vhitfi H.9S. Lattx white ^.49. Wall- Call paper discounts. S 4 H Starnpa. OS 1-0828 rear. Steady work all year. Excelled rter 3 p.m. alary and working conditions. 3!>J "Rainbow" TV & Hardware VTiarburton St.. Long Branch, 222-0375. HAMMOND across Acme lot> Broad Red Bank itEN WANTED — Full-time days. Meaaant surroundings. Call In person, ORGAN. STUDIO KITCHEN TABLE-SIx chairs, formica APARTMENTS 3S 1 -0925, MCDONALD'S. Hwy. " p, best ofttr. 1 Branch Ave., Red OF ASBURY PARK Jiddletowr. Bank. RED BANK-3'i and five-room apartUSED ORGANS HAN — Sniarlcd, J90 to start, ac JR-20 Tone Cabinet ..._ -JJ2S. DINETTE SETS at lowest prices. Also ments. Available now and March' 1. to 35. MiiBt be well spoken, wor! HaUet A Davis Spinet Flano 485. Kitchen chain recovered, MONMOUTH MOLLX PJTCHER VILLAGE, B r a n d :otiatstn o( checking orders in Inca Hammond ExLravolce Organ (new) 495. DINETTE CO., 116 Wonmbuth 81., Redand Madison Aves., 3H 1-9115. irefl. Car necessary. Call 442-4539. _____ Hammond Chord Organ S-6 — 595. Bank. SH 1-8833. LONG BRANCH — Furnished apartConn Spinet Organ _ 695. IASY top loader, spin-dry washer. ;ents. Four rooms and bath. Heat LATHE HANDS Lowrey Spinet Organ 750. Reasonable DRILL PRESS OPERATORS oHers accepted. W 2- net water supplied. CA 8-1953. Baldwin Spinet Organ 750. PUNCH PRESS OPERATORS 3725. WO ROOMS FURNISHED - All utlllHammond M-3 Spinet Organ 79S LAB TECHNICIAN TRAINEES es, parlilng space. 83 Shrewsbury TESTER TRAINEES SALES AND SERVICE PAINT & WALLPAPER RIOT \ve., Red Bank. . , 7e have many openings for youn, REKTAL AND INSTRUCTION Wallpaper 50% oir. Gal Latex psint In THREE-KOOX unfurnished apartmenta. len who are mechanically Inclined fo; Open Daily Till 9 — Saturday Till 5:30 white and colors JS.95. Oal. turpentine Excellent location, Atlantic Highlands. icse trainee positions. 69c. 6' aluminum stepladder $9.05. D (84 to 189, all utilities. 291-14&. ACE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY COOKMAN AVE. AND MAW ST. nylon brush &»c. Professional know how 12 Broad SH 7-34Q4 Red Bank PR 5-9300 jervlce quality and low, low prices at •HNEE ROOMS — Balh. first floor, will decorate to suit. Phone LIVING ON A PENSION? Could yo 'ACTORY CLEARANCE SALE—Men' SH 7-4365 it* up tr» ;5O n werlc for just a. ft>w socks, bargain KLARIN'S prices. MONMOUTH jura easy work? Choose your owi HOSIERY MILLS, 457 Broad St., 26 Monmoulh St. SH 7-3838 Red Bank _'HRBE ROOMS FURNISHED - utililours. Call Mr. Smock, OS 1-205G, 7Shrewsbury, Mon.-Frl., 8 a.m.-4 |).m ses, parking, adults, no pets, Phone) ELECTRIC RANGE — (2". $25. Also 141-2688 after 5 or weekends. WESTINGHOUSE REFRIGERATOR — 100 amp,, batlery charger. 6 and 12 Ol'NG MAN WANTED — To help 01 FOUR-ROOM unfurnished apartment, excellent condition, J75. Play, >lt. Reasonable. Phone 787-3770. irm, no experience necessary. Tele Two-door, II utilities. Call 767-2127 after 4:30 pen, 58. Call 787-3438. lone SH 7-1300 or OS 1-2070. LAWSON ARM CHAIR with two slip- i.m. IONR0E ELECTRIC CALCULATOR— covers, 515; droplcaf table. (0x6«, *25; ANAGER — To malntHin pasteurlcWEST RED BANK — Furnished, three ighest offer. »val collee table, (lass top. M5: &«»• IE nf dairy farm oncratlon Hiph eE table, $15; old liquor cabinet, |15 room*, couple only. Inquire at 282 South IDVVARDS EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Bridge Ave.. Red BanK. SH 7-O4T7. jr best otfer. Call SH 7-1641. Bronrt St. Red Bark TV HI Fl DISCOUNTS RED BANK — l',i room apartment. LIKE NEW Black leather sola, Centraly located. SH 7-0205. A.M. and »3S. evenings. HELP WANTED-Male - Female 3" portable $189.95, yours $139.1)5, converts Into bed. 671-3052 iterro HI Fl console, haa AM/FM 'IV•B ROOM ' APARTMENT Port BAKB EMPLOYMENT AQKNUX radio, $220.05 reduced S1TO.9& Big AUTOMATIC CLOTHES WASHER — Monmouth. Call oood condition. Call alter 6. uallfied Peraonnef For Quality Order .rade-in. Easy term*. SH 1-7008. 787-1144 SH 1-2411 10 B*-oad Iy>ng Branch CA 2-474' 'IVE ROOM UNFURNISHED APART. "Rainbow" TV & Hardware 1DDLE AOBP COUPLE — Tf> nhfire VENETIAN BLINDS « MENT. Heat,.lights, water. Adults only. line with Bemi-lnvfllld lady. Husband across Acme lot) Broad Red Bank 11 Sizes 17" to 36" wide. 64" 10 Phone LI 2-1735. my work out. Stntr a CP nnd referOUTH BED — While, two chest! ices. Writp "A.J." Box 511, Tied BanK. UNFURN18HED — 4!i room modern irawera, black hutch. Call anytime. apartment In fine section. 6 Third IH 1-8275. Ave. Atlantic Highlands. 291-9237. HELP WANTED-FEMALE PROWN'S HX-P1ECE MAPLE PAIILOR SET — BH 1-7S00 ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — First floor, tjed Bans 165. Call before 5. three large unfurnished rooms. (90 in. 787-9640 MATTRESjsBB eluding utilities. 291-0807. Foam Rubber SPECIAL PRICE — For month of FIVE-ROOM APARTMENT — FurWln-Full-Queen-KIng sizes. FounattMarch. Combination storm windows And nished or unfurnished. All utilities sup. iloar. Call now, day or night, 787- Iwy, 35, Eatontown. LI 2-0177. piled. 140 Shrewsbury Ave., Red Bank. NBfl. United 8. Silverrioor Co. ALNUT SPINET PIANO — Exeellenl No calls please. mndlUon. Write "AF", Box 511, HedLEONARDO — 3(4 rooms, p r i v a t e , S W I M M I N G POOLS bath, entrance, all utilities furnished. JESTINOHOUSB DRYPR — J10. Pesk Business couple. 2D1-0317 afler S. AND' SUPPLIES ( 5; living room chairs, lamps, ma•re-season prices on above and" be- tioKflny tables. Chinese cabinet, two 'ERRACE APARTMENT—Five rooms, jw ground poola find accessories. 100% bars, gilt mirror, French doors, oak irst floor, rent $130. Immediate occu* Quality department store. Inancing. Trained nervlce department. dlnlnc table nnd chairs, drapes. Very lancy. SH 1-4850. ?ree delivery. RIVER reasonable. SH 1-1501. IEA BRIGHT — Unfurnished five-room Must have thorough experi- POOL. SALE3. LI SWIMMING 2-1777, Hwy. 3JS, Eaipartment. Heat and hot water, spaon town, li mile louih ot Monmouth IACRIFICE — Beautinil new 21-plece ilous, reasonable. 842-0525. let o( heavy duly waterless cookware. ence in all phases of personnel Ihopplng Center. Sacrifice, S13. Will deliver. 548-63M. HIGHLANDS — Three rooms furnished, >ESKd — $13 up. i^l lea, chain, ill Improvements. S55. Call management. LdtUng tnachioet, typewrttert mnauu 872.1OS3 SHOP BY PHONE ind cifietric, offlc* equipment, etc. STUDIO APARTMENT — Beautifully ree quick dally delivery In Red Bank als prices. New or uica. AAC Oeik Send complete resume to : Co. R1..35. OakliuraL KB 1-3900. irea. Outlying districts Wednesdays situated and nicely lurnlihed. Private md Saturdays. Discount p r I c • I . entrance, CA 2-9191. ANTIQUE SHOP — Marble top waah- 'ROVTO'B, 33 Broad S t . BH 1-7HQ0. RED BANK — Two furnished apartM. A. SLOVAK lUtiu) *26i ..early nine cheats, house D DOUBLE O AA VERHEAD OARAGE DOOR ments, three rooms; 2% rooms. A11 ihutten, etc. 117 M&in St., Port Mon- OV utilities Included. SH 7-5320 after 11:30 T k and d (Ittlno. ( I t t l o |4B. |4B nouth. • • — Track weekends. 1EKRIGERATOR — Apartment size, reezer toi» Two ahotgunn. Bet of golf ALTENBURG PIANO HOUSE THREE ROOMS and balh, furnished. , Red ridge . unities Included, 1(0 Bi lubs. TV tube tester with cue. Buy, I anyihlnc 787-6174. ent A Piano $12 par Month lank after 5. UNABE MAHONHAMljN, IOHMIR /I8IT OUR ELECTRONIC BARGAIN ABLE — First come, flrnt served. ABLE-NELSON. EVBRBTT BTBCK (Mote Classified Ads ASBURY PARK . Beat ansortnifnt of electronic parti ^lcman'Av*. k Main Vui Asbury JPk. On The Next Page) Open dally till D Bsj. till ( I N i n th» short. DISCOUNT Er*ECTRONCS, 60 Birch Ave., Little Sliver. nt Mm estimates GENERAL HOUSEWOHKER — Slee] MR. SOFTEE In, 514 days. 'IREPLACE SCREENS repaired and :ntervlewlng drlver-salesmen. Oppo O8 1-1302 lade to order. Bright Acre, SH 7-555J. .unity for excellent earnings and fl Bright Store, SH 7-22I2. :uie with world's largest sotF Ice creai GENERAL OFFICE WORK LAWN MAINTENANCE Cleaning 'yplng and shorthand required. N< store on wheels. Call for appolntmet CO <-13O9. ' tnd, etc. anil landscaping. Full in- lookkeeplng. For interview call CO lurance coverage. 8H 1-2^84 after 8 3022; ask for Mr. Arthur. FIELD FUR >.m. and all day Saturday. MEN-r-(FOUR) NITURE. Keyport. Clean cut, neat appearing, betweei LNCOMffi TAX RETURNS—Individuals, 20 and 40 years of age, to work itnall Dullness. BARB SERVICES, 310 SALESGIRLS — Experienced preferrei local area, Must be able to gel 3dwy,, CA 9-3500. Long Branch. Sylvette'a children's department, Mid lions on S!»5 per week for the fir. NCOME TAX RETURNS prepared, at dletown Shopping Center. See Mr jonth. Joos are permsnent. No ex'our homo or business. Green, Friday or Saturday. }erlence receasary. Report to Trtv IH 7-2662 Mu 1-O0U toom at The Molly Pitcher Inn, Red HO ME MAKER — Experience nece* Jank, TliurBday, March 14 at 2 p.m. .NCOME TAX RETURNS — Buslneiaj isary. Must love children. Tak _: Individual. Established twelve years! charge of modern home, four dill ih&rp. In this area. Margery Trovato, trading I dren, Tor two months, mother ill. as Reliable Tax Service Call 67M2S9 must sleep in. Salary open. Call 566' IBRVICE STATION ATTENDANT — or appointment. ________ 7360. xperlenced. Married. Wilh references. Free '61 FORD. Auto Body Repair Ilotmdel, N. J. (near Hed Bank) Everett Rd.-Crawtord's Comer Rd. MEN WANTED for career opportunit Ln professional real estate counsel In COUNTTEIt GIRL — 40-hour wtek. nights, permanent. Windsor 5 & 1 179 Newman Spring! Rd., Shrewsbui hanging-remodeling. OK USED CARS!— APPLIANCE REPAIR and Installation. ResidfnllEl and commercial vvlrInt. Allen Electric 8H 7-0812. BELL TELEPHONE LABORATORIES MANOR EAST NEW SITUATIONS WANTED, Male An Equal Opportunity Erafcloyw 1957 DODGE SUBURBAN WAGON — 5109 firm. Call SH 1-1901 1962 FOUR-DOOR AMERICAN RAMBLER STATION WAGON — Excellent condition. Call 8)2-2850. VEUCREEN landscaping, planting, ROOKKEEPER-GENERAL CLERK — 1058 8TUPBBAKER STATION WAGON pruning, sodding and lawn mainte- Reply stating experience and sala: — Conventional slx-cyllnder, 5150. Call nance. F. Intermesoli and V. Wells, expected. PO Box 952. Red Bank. proprietors. Call 787-32)0 or 542-0911. 787-4965.' NOW GOING ON. Antiques Wanted APPL.Y OR PHONE MON.-FRI. 9 A.M. to 3 P.M. MR. D. A. BAILEY, M9-6420 APARTMENTS APARTMENTS ASSEMBLERS & WIREMEN MEN 1961 RAMBLER STATION WAGON — Four-door, six-cylinder, standard transmission, fully air conditioned, owner must sacrifice, excellent condition, | 11,395, LI 2-3109. 1959 OLDSMOBILE - Tan ftnd white, four-door hardtop, 88 Holiday sports icdnn. Call 201-2(1(12. HELP WANTED-Male - Femtli AC* BHPLOYUillCl AQENCY manager HUh s)v«ry older A appUctnt our sptct<y. BH 7-3(1 CLERK-TYPIST • *65 12 Broad St.. Red Bank TYPIST — 65 words a mlml« M5 EDWAflDS EMPLOYMENT AQENC IBM 024 OPERATOR »65 Extcullve-Salei-Otllce-Domejllo BURROUGHS MACHINE OPERATOR Sincerity and ability wltn h i m I U I C High Broad St. SH 1-0971 Red Bin! BOOKKEEPER J100. BOOKKEEPER-TRAINEE $65 PART-TIME TYPIST — Evening hours. EDWARDS EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Several nights a week. Teletype ex60 Broad St. " " perience . very helpful. Call BH 1-009! WOMAN WANTED — For general between 5 and\6 p.m. Housekeeping. On farm (or couple. Tele- PIANO TEACHER — Good ichedtlli phone EH 1.1309 or OS 1-2010. MUSIC TOWN FILE CLERK-TYPIST — Permanent position, five-day week. SH 1-430O SITUATIONS WANTED, Female BABYSITTER wanted from 1:30 ur'B p.m.. In my home. 12ft weeta. Inquire WASHING AND IRONINO — Done my home or yours. 36 Salem PI., CHIfwood. SH 7-3?»4 TYPING — Done at home, thoroughly HELP WANTE&-MALE experienced, reliable. Will pick up. CO 4-45(7. BABY SITTING — Winled by m u u n omAn. Call 291-0698 RELIABLE WOMAN wishes to care lot pre-schoot children In my home. 7873659 after 4. MEDICAL ASSISTANT In doctor'B dentist's olllce, Presentame. age 20, two years pre-med college background. SH 1-8406 alter 0 p.nl^ 2-5 years commercial wiring WOMAN WANTB — Position full experience on aasembly and part-time, supervisory capacity. rec«P' wiring ol electronics cirUonlst, sales, experienced In the buildcuits. Must be able to work ing and development trade. No domesfrom schematics m d wiring diagrams. tic. Write "A.L.," Box 511, Red Bant. ARRANGER ments, whitewalls, etc. Like a new throughout Middlesex and Monmout THE BOATMAN'S SHOP car. Asking $1,400 or nearest offer. Call 24 Wharf Ave. SH 1-5780. Red Bank. Somfi experience needed: Fart-tl: Counties. Applicants must ba at leas after 6 p.m. 542-0546. 21 years of age, neat, personable am Open Sundays and Holidays 9 am-1 pm ftemonstrailom. Salary plus 'bonus, terviewa, Saturday, March 16, betwe< desirous of attaining greater f inane J a 1954 BU1CK HARDTOP — Good con- SMITH-VALSPAR MARINE PAINT at noon &nd 3 p.m. and professional status. No experlem dition. Call after 5 p.m. ilg discounts. KLARIN'S, 26 Monmouth FAMILY CIRCLE STORES necessary. Financial assistance aval 787-5753 St... Red Bank. 811 7-3838. Rt. 36 Keyport, N. al>! e wh He we train you. Full hqi pitallzatlon plus fringe benefits. Exce I960 THUNDERBIRD — Ice blue, full THOMPSON SEACOASTER — 16' with 4 VON SEiXS ITSELF—Fun or pai lent opportunity Tor advancement wit power, excellent condition throughout. heavy duty trailer and 40 h.p. Evln- dme. Several territories upeo ft rapidly expanding firm. Remembe rude. electric starter and generator. women Interested In having a goo J2.100. Cnl! 229-0750 alter 5 p.m. Navy top, boat cover, over sized gaf Heady Income. Experience unnecei career minded men only! For Inti lew call Mr. Cuevas, OS 1-2531. 1961 COMET — Delux. two-door st-dnn, tank and many extras. Excellent. con- aary. SH 1-4343 or write. Mr*. Mnrgi automatic, fully equipped, whitewalls. dition. Priced for immediate sale. SHOO. ret Gulotta, P. O. Box ISO, Red Ban! 9000 miles. Will sacrifice. LI 2-3636 Call 842-1886 after 6:30 p.m.. or weekends. MEDICAL SECRETARY — Matu alter 5 p.m. experienced, good salary. VVri Janitorial work in office buildings, M die town-Red Bank area, eight houi 1M3 MONZA COUPE CORVAIR—Fully 1«' SKIFF — 100 h.p. Gray Marine In- B.M.," Box Ml, Hed Bank. board engine. 14' Flberglas hull. KE 1a night, five nights a week, Must ha equipped. $1,995 or take over pay EXPERIENCED OPERATORS 0994. own car and birth or baptismal cei menu. 2(4-8162 after'6 p.m. WANTED — On dresses and gull tlflcatc Paid holidays and vacation MERCURY — 15 h.p. A-l condition. Will pay good salary. 787-0516. Interview Saturday, 9-12 noon, HAS 1957 DODGE — Four-door, eight cylin- $165. 15Va' open boat with outboard der. Best . offer. well. ?125. Must sell, have larger boat CHOCOLATE DIPPER — Part-tlmi MONY BQWL,. Rt. 35, Middletow NO' OTHER .TIM# Ok I)AY. , N New shop. R e i Bank area. Call SH CO 4-1090 (H2-2675 after 7 p.m. "HONE C A U £ H12. 1058 EDSEL — Two-door hardtop. CfRECEPTIONIST — Secretarial abillt; A FIVE FIGURE' INCOME E A S 1 L latlon. Fully automatic. Full price. BUSINESS NOTICES Tor doctor'a office. Experience pr< J / R N E D -*- foe.a heat, •ambitioxu am 5495. SINCLAIR STATION, 120 Monferred: Write Box 728, Red Bank. aggressive real estate salesman. Ei mouth St., Red Bank. B42-O3O0. perlence not necessary. THE BSR< COUNTER GIRL — Experience nei AGENCY., Sllddletown, OS M000. Home Decorating Service 1953 PONTIAC — Four-door. Hydracasary. Call matlc. Full price, *125. SINCLAIR STA- U> 6-0J57 WANTED EXPERIENCED boat built SH 1-3M0 CO 1-1717 1 SAVE , power-glide. free estimates. Call day or night, 26' CABIN HULL — Two bunks, head. 0626. Call SH 1-9184 BLITZ KRAFT — What Is It? Loads or racing fun. Only S659 complete. HELP WAMTED-FEMALE Call PR 4-3878 after 6 p.m. HELP WANTED-FEMALE SECRETARY—To personnel $1,000 - $10,000 UP TO 7 YRS. TO PAY BONDED REPRESENTATIVES EMPIRE JERSEY FIELD FURNITURE CA 2-8700 PR 4-1220 PETS & LIVESTOCK MERCHANDISE SALE $23.88 S i ZSS PROWN"S " REAL ESTATE FOR RENT 2 for $5 PERSONNEL DIRECTOR STEINBACH COMPANY • • • • ' " > • APAsmmm HOUSES SOK SALE "fromrtima occupaocr. Hear WHETHER YOU UK Hut .loom*. Atalf Hut, hot w u t f tunYOUR HOUSE'. 4a«oi»t«A, Asula BOUSES FOR SALE ' IMTfftfOft DECORATOR - LEGAL NOTICE- and Hong Kong Wed,, Much 13, 1963—23 BED BANK REGISTER Book Pirates Walk the Plank Wbo*a aUo a m**** crt&amaa, J tfont over (bit attractive, fin* tw< •tory l u d Bask btfme. W«wJ« cann e -f de»crlb H bri de»crlbe H. R&o R&omi *r» I Ivge, briiHt « and aunny, tutranet porch, living CHARUerWlMM^iN/'ruinllft v : room, arepjace. dinLag rotm. modern FRAME 1. ROM and JOAN P. KOM, kitchen, powdar room on tint nooi Defanoanls By G. K. HODENFIELD payment of royalties to either the Colony, does belong to the UCC. Hong Kong, as a British Crown on t h i l o e k t . . . By virtue of a writ of alaeuthm Threa> bediixinu, dxevslng room, bat AP Education Writer author or the original publishers, However, the grievance proced- few pirated books now are bttng TWO 8MALL furnished apartment*;' on second. L*uadry, (till dry baw t i e abovt stated action to me d reeled, I shall upose tor sala at trab with w*t«r . . . Idealforcouples, % block from bus In tnent, stotag« att^e, tvo-oar garagt By staying out of the UCC, the ure Is so costly and so emeshed shipped directly from Formosa Rumaut. Rant 170 and ISO with utlllNow hetttnf fyitem. ntw wiring, ne lie vendue. at the Court House WASHINGTON (AP) Thos lles.uPrione IU-&M. If n . answer, « « . kitchen. Bug near by. V*w minut the Borough ot TreMoid, County Republic ot China insures that its in red tape that few U. S. pub- to the United States. long , . . MonmouUi, New Jeraey, on Honda; book pirates in Formosa uii J18O. • • wtllt to shopping centtr. A terrl students can buy books which lishers bothered to protest. the am day of April, IMS, at One of the exhibits on Long'* buy at 121,500. TWO-ROOM apartment completely furo'clock, P, M. Prevailing Time. Hong Kong are walking the ecc otherwise would be much too exor strong , , , Long said the Formosan pub- desk provides a good example ot nished private kitchen, wlvat* bath, All the defendants' right, Utle and nomic plank. THE all utilities Included, Mwly <Ue*fat«4. Interest, If any. In and to the followpensive. Ushers may be sending their a pirated book. . # e a Bright Badminton and Squash Rac- you'll warm to Teehbullt'i award vl Slowly but—It hopes—surely ouet Club. 842'UOO. In March, 1960, the Chiang Kai- plates to Hong Kong for printing It is the novel, "The Leopard," All that tract or parcel of land an ning oontsimjtorafy dtslgns. And the U. S. Bureau j>f Customs premises, hereinafter psrtlcularly d< THRSE-ROOM unfurnished apartment odds art gooo. that wt e i n build y Shek government responded to there, (hey may have shipped by Guiseppe di Lampedusa. The REA1.TORI scribed, situate, lying and being Brldgl Ave.. Red Bank. Heat and watte on* (eustom-dcllgntd In all but prl n &. Front Si.. KM B u s the Township or Raman, In tha Cou choking off a once-thriving trad pressure by the U, S. State De- large quantities of books them- Formosan publisher reproduced supplied. CIO month. Available March ly of MonmouUi, and State of Ne' in college textbooks, copyrighted thanks to Techbullt'i lamous modul PHONE FOB CATALOO 1?. Call Joe. 7<1»1»1. partment «nd banned the ship- selves to Hong Kong before the it exactly, including the notation Jersey, and designated as Jjai 126 ti eonstraettoi)) to meet ail your BPI'.INaVIEW GARDENS Block o . as shown and laid dewn 01 in this country but reproduced ment of pirated books from For- government ban, or the enlire that it was "printed in the United SH 1-8700 S83 8[rrln| St. Red Bank qulreraents. map entitled: "Map or Section Two abroad and sold here at a frac mosa to the United States. process of photographing and States." And—delicious irony— Immediate and (utura occupancy. Four Garden Parkway Homes, Inc., Ran *nd five, r«ro<b«dre»m apartments. Spatan Township, MonmouUi County, Nev tion of the regular price. Almost immediately, the ship-1 printing may now be done in "all rights reserved, including the clous rooms, clOMtS and baths, comJsrwy. goals V = JO', DecemW 11 10 As recently as last June th ments of such books from Hong Hong Kong. plete kltchcm. For apeolntmlnt pl«u M." Wtf in the Monmouth Count right to reproduce this book or can IH 1-67TZ. COUNTRY R A N C H !•«'» Office August 11, 16S6 In Cr trade in pirated books posed Kong to this country increased. In any event, he said, only a portions thereof, In any form." 4231. yOTJR SPACIOUS ROOMS, bath, newl Being also known snd deslgnsted a major threat to the multi-million decorated, All ulllltlei IrmMerl. In betutVul Holmdel. three bedroom gyearaore Drive, Rarltan T?wn«Wi dollar U. S. publishing industry Klvenlde Av«., R«J Bans. Couple pra2H bsiUis, szpsnslon attic, 10 yeti II of appreciation from Chris Pelle- this year at Eatontown, Freehold, lerre4.'B10 per month. old, almort tarts sciei. Asking lil.W (Hazlst), Hew Jeraey. The appreilmats amount of thi Judl ot dollars in potential royalties, jrinelli, president of the Kiwanis Keyport, Manasquan and Sea U N F f R H l g H D , iv«-bidrwm w a n . AUTHORttBD BUILDiat FOR ment to be satisfied by said sate "Gray's Anatomy," a star, xnent. Individual heat control, niarlne PHILIP J. BOWERS & CO. l i e aum of 5200.00 togehtar with th Club. A check was also presented Bright. 'TBCHBUILT" view, swimming pool on the premises. costs of this sale. ard reference work for America; WALTER 8. OVEP.TON Private estate. Adults only., no p«tt. to Mrs. John Beebe, 4-H leader, Dated November 8 1W2 Instructor* will be Chiefs HenAvalUbU April 1. Call 872-1913. medical students, could be pui DIAL 741-7200 «».,„ J ° » B P » *• aHAITO, Sheriff. to be used for the continuance ry Schoettley, Newark, on pumpg Philip J. Blsnda, Jr.-, Atty. *WO-THREE ROOM APARTMENTSItEAI, XtTATS SINCE ISM chased for $2.50, instead of thi March 13, 20, i t . April i H I . of 4-H Education. This week the Furnlihed or unfurnished. All utllltlei and relays,, and Domenlc Cardll60 WhIU K. R t i Bir regular $17.50. Fermi's "Nucleai pO montli. Call 291-M37. program will be in honor of Girl ,ia> j e r S e y City, ga» masks, and Physics," regularly $3.50 in co NOTICK nEDBANK—Three rooms unfurnished, Scout week. Leaders of the local Deputy Chiefs Joseph Drew, Take notice that THE COLTJMBU Bath. All utilities, good location, 1 NEW BRUNSWICK (AP) - Girl pScout troop C1.UB OF RSD BANK, NEW JEBSE lege bookstores, was available f( Oakland It. UI-30M. will1 attend as Newark, ladders and rescue, " J h»s applied to the Mayor and Coun $1.25 Encyclopedias normal New Jersey has "certain people " ' • ' — • * PRICE JUST REDUCED Aiai 'EiUU and Inturtnct lasoNABDOUnfurnished tour rooms, of 1the Borouih ol Fair Haven for ;uests. James Mulligan, Jersey City, costing several hundred dolla: who are higher yp in the so•nlnporch, pay (rwn utilities, all Im! *-H 0 *"" '"' »»mlsse situated Corner of Crawford'! Comer Rd. Two-story OotonlsJ on Quiet street, m provemenU. aflalta. I81-01P1. m T TMTi Street, rut Haven, Ki could be purchased for less tha tools and equipment, and Theovement to schools, tr&nsport&tlor Jersey. ey called underworld." says Stat and Rob*rti Rd. JJ!ONAJUX» — Two rooms, fcatn. furdore McLachlen, Montclair, hoiei shoppLrtK oentsr. intludes thr*t bed The names and residences o« Ui $50. Attorney Gen. Arthur J. Sills HOLMDEL nished or unfurnished, tor business rooms. or» b»lh, rnodsrn kltehtn wi Oifleerft and Truateei of THE <X and nozzles. Each will rotate ooupk. 2V1-1M4 alter • p.m. dlstiwuhcr, dlnlnx room plus den LUMBU8 OLUB OF fiED BANK? NE "But whether they are a syndi President of MIT family room. Full bassmsnt aad ell JBIWEr a a follows: fl among the five locations', Ons TWO LARQE ROOMS 946-8383 are aa sewers. Now priced it f i l m O7I oate, or organized in any way, On one Midwestern campus Furnished, full bath, private entrance. down to quiuhed buyer and appro: •Antlio OrlUI, tM BraJch Avenue, UI session each week it planned at C>» CO (-494T. Imately fU8 ptr mortUt O U now. alone the pirated books sold a can't answer," he added. each place. NAVESLNK ASB00U1W, 11KAUTOW lie Silver, N. J., PtMiaent TWIN QABUG APARTMENTS — S» Mr. Sills, who spoke on thi rate of $600 a week. KSi Hwy. 99, Mlddletown. OS 1<«JO«. Josaph p, Arabraslno. 3AS Prosper Itlverildt Ave,, Red Bank. Pour-room BEST IN RED BANK Aysnue. Littl. tiliii. New Jer»j UEMBDR MULTIPLE LISTING Rutgers University Forum, said: LONG BRANCH — The Mon- Monmouth Fire College il u t unfurnished apartment. HBO per month. Perhaps the unkindest cut o VJce President 8H 1-33M Colonial. V«ty convenient arei. N "We do have some 'people In mouth County Firemen's Associa- up to give volunteer fireman lesall was administered on the cam leorf• Wlsmar. 10a Manor Drive. K Modern living room und Hi A T O N T O I O O p l T e apartmei UNFURNISHED —THree rooms an crowded, Bank, New Jeraey, Becretary tour rooms. Can Mrs. Janda. IA dining room, kltohan, 17' p u pus ot the Massachusetts Institu the gambling world who are tion, meeting here, ha* decided sons on the latest methods that bath, heat, hot water supplied. Busi- pisxe, Joa«ph K«ain. 23 CreUvlew Drlv use. t>reatfut room, thna »xtr» lar ness couple preferred. 291-0531. 89 dto, above tiie others and act as boss that spring sessions of the Mon- have proved lucceuful In firt Had Bant, N. J., Treasurer of Technology (MIT). bedrooms, Jine bath, ftlio powdtr root Ocean Blfd.. Atlantic Hlthlandi. Trustees LONG BRANCH — UTtnt room, dlnlni msenumt, rlajrroora, JMUIO, faraf fighting. Student agents for a Formos es in particular gambling areas." mouth Fire College will be held Extra well-built horn* on Mtremel room, modern OE Kltonen, d*n ani Offleers above. The attorney general said h attractive, lot VERY COUFORTABLi hill full bath on first floor. Second flooi Robwt Dudley, « » Hance Road, Fa publisher took orders for the texi COMMERCIAL RENTALS Haven. New Jersey, Trustee Four bedrooms and full bith. Coul Price J26.900. bo converted to two-famlljr homa. ^ William Tluyer, 10 Third street, Rui book, "Electromagnetic Theory was opposed to the use of wireOROWBU4 AQKNCY, Reanor son, New Jeraey, Trusts* U X. Front Bt, RmX Bank BH 1- agents. 694 Irvine ft., Long Sranc: by Julius Adams Stratton. Thi tapping to obtain evidence bul John Tlllelll. J75 Everett Road, R C3A 2-9130. Bardt, New Jersey, Trustee RED BANK HOUJC — Szetllcot Ioc quoted price was $2.50, compare! that only one oi the state's 21 I l eB Uon, 14x21 Uving room, 10x16 dinl: LINCROFT — Split level. Thres bsd *. E .i "' Mlnogue, S Nlles Avenu county prosecutors agreed with with the bookstore price of $12. Mlddlatown, N. J., Trustee room, fireplace, four bedroorai, ti rooms, large recreation room. Aval] Attractive Southern Colonial. New bLth m 'HMAdnK IITMO him. The one, he said, is Som able May 1. Assume FHA mortug Eugene Carrol, «07 Prospect Avenu The author. Dr. Stratton, als< Little Silver, New Jersey, Trustee with n.iD down. Total prlee tlT.iOO bi-level business building 2000 erset County's Arthur Meredith. Oerald McDonald, l«» Crestvlaw Drlv happens to be the president NO AOBNT8. H7-1O3B. feet, Highway 36, Atlantic High Red Banl, N. J,, Trustee "I do believe it may be a lit WANAUA8SA — Tour-bedrooms 1! Objections if any should tie msd< MIT. lands-Leonardo.* Suitable for ofbaths spilt. living room, wait-to nmaduuelr in writing lo Boy W tie more expensive to got th fices, retail outlet, salesroom. wall carpet, dining room, kitchen* rei Now, through t little know S li&dct. V\, Red B ! Pair Haven, New Jersey. evidence against certain Individnation room, •.ttadiQd gtragt, utllli law, the Customs Bureau is blocJi TUB room, baseboard bot water heat, SH 7-OGOT TUB COLUMBUS COLUMBUS CLUB 30-CAR PARKING ua1s without wiretapping," Mr. OP RED BANK, storms and screens. Patio, city sewers. Uembfr MulUpl* Ustlng Ing Importation of such books. NEW JERSEY, $250 monthly Include, all utilities, 117,900, 154% G I morttaie. Call ownei SIHs said, "But I don't lilce th J90 Third Street The law says that books copy rOUR-YEAR-OL0 COLONIAL — Foi T74-01H9, idea of a police officer listening roomy btdrooms, V,k balhi, ipacloi NEW RANCH — W lor.(. threa bed March u, righted by «n American citizen living room, duiinj room, modei rooms, large) Uvtng room, good locato anything and everything that' or a person domiciled In the kitchen. Baseoavot and ktUchid g tion, 113,1100. CAUaTrB AOENCY, B going on everywhere." rak«. Walking dUtanca to bus, icbooi 1-U7 Real Estate United States, may not be Im and ibopplng. $l».»0. s«« it today Mr, Hwy »• Maalet. CO iaui SBEKirril BAUB Mr. Sills also said he thought UOL8TON WATS.RBUR7 Ht<ort. TMO-FAH1L.1 HOUSE — Near ghrewl ported from abroad. 'Leonardo State Hwy 36 WMt rront Bt,. Rtd Bank. BH T-3flOO, bury River development, Long Brand the county prosecutors were do291-2100 IV, roomi, path, Bva rooms, ba Customs agents, particularly or ing everything possible in supTHBIK - MOrtOOM co-operative, 178 Oas beat, two-car garage, bot WrsJO 30 yean in tbe Bayshore the West Coast, are concentrat pressing bookies and number, Nice shrubbery. Write "A.M.", 8 tnonUi taoludei fa*, electric, w*l 511. Red Bank. Deposit requlrad. Ttrma arrann SOCIATION OP IA8T FATKRSON ing on packages from Formosa Oilldren welcome., U 1-37W, a Corporation of the Stale o and Hong Kong which appear t rackets. "But the only way to MATAWAN — RancH, three bedroom; N. J..Jeraey, Plaintiff vs: CARL HEN come to grips with this particuOFFICE SPACE RE1J BANK HOMB—Just off Broa large kitchen, large garage, all uutlttei New RY LAWBON, U 111 et al, Defenda contain books. Any books seize< lar problem is to get the support Seven roorni, two baths, flreplaci I14.JQ0. STERUNO McCANN, R e "Heat furnished, will redecorate to smi SL By virtue ef a writ of elocution In excellent condition, Quit Bstate, 253 Broad St., Kfjport. CO your requlrnenti. Bast' location, will mnporch. under the law are destroyed the above stated action to me d Walking distance to ahopplnj 1371. of the ohiefs of police of the .sub-divide If necessary. Be* and com-ttreet. reeled, I aball expose for sale at pu ichooli and trains. 117.850. Call us finds top-notch •mploy"We think we have this thin various municipalities, boroughs pare. 8H M10O. • VAIL HOHK8 » Four-room co-opers lie vendus, at tha Court 'House day. ROLSTON WATBRBURY, Re the Borough ot Freehold, County 1. live bungalow. Small down payment choked off," said George Long o! L O D G E ROOM for rent. Center. of ton, 16 W. Vront. St., Bad Banl and townships," he added. •es and uses Classified Monmouth. New Jersey, on Honda te».M> per month. Includes all utllltl town. Could ha uses also tor office 8H 7-3500. the Customs Bureau in an Inter"J 2-3357. •pace. Approximately ],40O so. ft. Writ S*.'." $ay o l A p r "Time. ' 1 M 3 ' • ' ' °'<So' ads to tell his product RUUSON RIVERVIBW — 214 yP. « ; PreTaillng ffcODCtyBol 511, Bed Bank. view. LINCROFT—Owner transferred. Tarn old ranch, Immaculate xx>*hdltion. Thre< Dedroom ranch.,ft:'acre.. -4H% ( ALL thai tract or parcel or lain btdrooma, tile bath, yrtft boai mortgage. Full basement, carpetlni iltuste. lying and being. In the Tow or even the equipment 'We won't know for sure unt STORES pegged floors. Walking^ distance ship ot Rarltan, in the County of Mj Immedlau ocAjpiKtv-'MtclnE 510.5ft Kathleen Lennert, daughter of While St. — Beit location, tedecara. ocean, ichoots, churahfft' jtnd ihd. mouth. In the State' or New Jersey spring, when the college student: he no longer needs or tlon computed, small or larje space to Only $16,000. Call tor' •ppolntmen SH 7-3S30. BBINO ^11 of Lot number « - ai placevtheir orders for fall deliv Mr, and Mrs. Andrew Lennert, ROLSTON-WATEBBURT, JUaltora, 1 MIDDLETOWN -fw Asjiunae mortgage1 shown on map entitled: "Revised Mai suit your requirement. SH T-110O, usei. ery. And we can't be sure thi Parkview Ter., celebrated her West Front St., Red flank. 8H 7-35OC Four bedrootils, .xecreauon room. I ot l o u 3T to 48 Showing Easomer.ts OFFICE SPACE In Tuller Bttlldln wall-to-wali carpeting and lot San Fernando Park" Rariun Tow ninth birthday Friday at 'available Phone during business hours. FIAZLKT - Sacrifice. T h » t btdroon baths, or extras. £xcelle>t condition. Occup ship, Wonrnouui County, New Jerae books aren't being sent to som •plit, mult sell or rent «H T-WO. In one week. '$2,700 down. Must \] dated November 10, 13S6. Craig Vlnne other country first, for trans- French dinner party at home. 767-6892 O3 1-1878. ,• • : tan, Kngln«er.A Surveyor, filed In thi The guests, who attend St. Leo's 6,000 Sq. Ft. COWS NBCK -•»• HOLMPIL Monmouth County clerk's Office < shipment here." RUMSON — River rights lat boatlj April 3. D. Roche Agency Factory space for rent. Ground Poor », 1«8T In Case 60 Hie It. Until the government cracke Catholic School in Lincroft, are This four-year old, three-bedroom ran Long Bridge Rd.. Colts Neck truck loading platform. Excellent conSUBJECT to Ihe ten foot wide dral has fireplace In living room, dindn age easement running across the real down, the trade in pirated books taking third grade French. At946-1955 dition and location. SH 7-110O. urea, modern kitchen. Mled bath, cfti the above premises, and subject tending were Roseanne Onorato, STORE FOR RENT — Natt to Maytalr THREE-BEDROOM ranch style hous< porL Big back yard and low taxps. ot restrictions and easements of recon was most profitable. Super Market, Nowman Springs Rd., Large den. Appi«brook II, 209 Html Asking 117.500. McALISTER AOENCT. if sny. Barbara Albert, Jan Stewart 10B ifut River Rd., Rumson. 8l21kB< Ionian Dr., Hlddletomi. Red Bank. Cill days IH 1-M9& eve. Production Costs Belnf commonly known and deal Karen Colao, Nina Ward, Peggy nlngs SH 1-5013. . MIDDLETOWN — Colonial split-level nated aa Ho. 36 Craig Btreet, Rar 13,500 PRICES REDUCTION The book pirates keep their McDonald, Patty Reale, Mary Well-shrubbed, U acre with trees, foui tan Township, New Jersey. SO'xJO' STORE In five store unit on Owner means business and Is tot Hwy 35, Mlddtetown, one mile north to sell, even If at » sacrifice, th! bedrooms, Wt baths, large recreatio Tbe approximate amount ot the lud production costs to a minimum Frances Budjik of Lincroft, Cinof Reil Bank. Suitable for professional three-bedroom, large center hall au room, wall-to-wall carpeting. Baaemenl ment to be satisfied by said sale by photographing the pages dy Persson of River Plaza, Linfee* commercial use. SH T-373& thentlo colonial with 24" living room, Urge patlo-porch. many extras. Ca: Ihe sum of 114,000.00 together wlUi llv the original work and print^g da Resca of Middletown and JiN native stone fireplace, dining room, assume OI mortgage. S21.90O. o a M5 costs of this sala. heated sun room, all electric kltch Dated February u. tK3 hem on high-speed offset press RSTI1UBK — Owner will sacrifice ne' HOUSES FOR RENT with rafrlteratof, freezer, dlabvasric two-bedroom house, . completely fu Madigan of New Shrewsbury. JOSEPH A. SHAFTO, Sheriff. 'finds t h * Classified ads full basement, four-room guest cotta »s. They use an Inferior grade ol Samuel Sleber, Mty. nlabed In Pompano Beach, Florid KANY FURBISHED and unfurnished rented will more than' pay the loi Stores, March 6, U, 20, n « e . locally-produced paper. Their la churches, etc. $2,000 cash. I taxes. River rights add to this al offer a convenient way rentals In all sizes and prices. Ella month Includes tales. Homesick. Wri Mrs. Jack Fowler of Spring Wiltshire Arency Realtors, 1180 Ocean traction. Call for further details GLAZ bor costs are as low as $10 pel B.E". Box 911. Red Bank. in: Ave.. Sea Bright. N. J. 842-WXH. Open BROOK AGENCY. Realtors, Ave. to get extra cash by sellGarden Rd. has returned home SHEBIFF'.N SALE employee per month. Two Elvers. Rumsoiu. 842.1700. seven days. • RED BANK — Income property. Wesl from Riverview Hospital where side. Two apartments. Can ba seen b SuriUUOB CODKT UP NEW IEWUC' ing such things as appliOCEAN QROVK — Tfeuly. swan REDUCED UtMO — Subutb&n »r Nationalist China on Formos; CHANI'BBV nrvisiorf rooms, two baths, hot water heat, flexl. Mid diet own. 107 Murphy Rd. Gorged appointment. SH 1-S243. she was a surgical patient. does not belong to the Universa MONMOUTH OOBNTV split home includes three large bei ances, furniture, etc., ble two apartments. PR B-4780. MtnDLETOWN—Three-bedroom rancl Docket Ne. P 437S-S1 rooms, den or. fourth bedroom, 1^ NOT A DEVELOPMENT, formal dli ' J95 to S125 Per Month baths, recreation room, formal dinln Inir. unusual brick fireplace, * science CARTERKT BAVINOS AND LOA Copyright Convention. Thus, the that she no longer has Mr. and Mrs. Charles Toop THE BERQ AOENCX room, center'ball entrance, 25' livi kitchen, full basement with recreation ASSOCIATION, a corporation ot New is nothing to prevent a Formos Kt. 35 UlddletowQ room with eaVhedral ceiling, sto room and 'workshop, built-in garage. Jeraey. Plaintiff v s : JAMEi A LACY, publisher from reproducing an; Phalanx Rd., have returned from us* for. windows and screens, finished bast S70O down to qualified buyer. $17,800. et ale., Defendants oa t-iooe 1 By virtue ot a writ of siacutlon In book printed «nd copyrightei Florida, where they spent bar. 40 semi circular pttu SNYDER REALTORS. Five Corners, WIDE SELECTION OF RENTALS — ment, he above slated action to me directed, Mlddletown. OS 1-2SM. Furnished and unfurnished. Immedl. Lot 220x185. $23,500. Call owner. OS . shall eipose Ear sale at public ven- abroad, and selling It withou month on vacation. They visited ate occupancy. Samuel Telcher Agency 2|1«. Principal! only. _ _ _ IMMACULATE — Today's best bu lue, at the Court House In the Borough their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. LesOceanport Ave., Oceanport. Call or dial COLONIAL MINDED? See tola home; Rpacloua nine-roam home, four bed f Freehold, County of Monmouth, New LI 2-35M or U 2-J501. three-bedroom ranch with old fash rooms, two tiled baths, separate dl ter Emery at Fort Myers and Jersey, on Monday the 1st day of LEGAL. NOTICE BEAUTIFUL FOUR-ROOM HOUSE •— loned relaxing room featuring beame< Ing room, living room with Colonl April, 1M3. at I o'clock, P. M, Pre spent a week there during Edison celling and New England fireplace Ireplace. Deluxe electric kltche vailing Time. . Adults only, no pets. NOTICE Full dining room, modern eat-in kltcb breakfast room. 17x24 knotty pine Jam ALL that tract or parcel of land, CO 4-9716 Week. They also stopped at West en, oversized garage, 1% baths, tul Uy room, work shop area, encloae< iltuate. lying and being In the TownK>NO BRANCH — Three-bedroom spll dry basement and gas lit lamp. Lota 0 porch, hot water oil heat, attached ship of MlddleUwrn, In the County of * » OBMNANOE AUTHOTUZtNO TH Palm Beach. . Toms River, two-oedroom ranch, w a extra*. Asking J2G.500. LAWLX' m i l . Nice Irees, on Wide deep plot lonmouth and la the BtAte of New amassa, three bedrooms, LI MSM. AG-ENCY Itealtorn, 100 Hwy. S3. Re transferred owner asking tM.SOO. EL Jersey: raoPRLMjNQ T H I SUM OF | 1 » ( Known and designated as lot (Ml William Toop, son of Mr. and UrJFUR.'-nflHIJD — Seven-room home tank. SH 1-6262. WOOD A. ARMSTRONG AOENCY, tii (reeshaddd plot Three bedrooms, LITTLE SILVER — Cozy four-root Realtor. S55 Prospect Ave., Little Bl nlnety-tlvs, on map enutled "Mas ot B I IT ORDAINED by the Mayo: Mrs. Charles Toop, who has been Country Club Estates, Red Bank. New and Council of the Borough of Ne .l!.j baths, family room, carport. J140 bungalow, modern convenience*]. Suit var. BH 1-4500. * Jeraey, properly ol Shrewsbury River Shrewsbury: nonth. year's lease, available April 1. in New Zealand for a year, has tor senior citizen or builne $11,000 , Holding Company, Red Bank, New Jer 1. That purchase be made i ELWOOD A. ARMSTRONG AGENCY, abte couple. 100x120' lot. High. dry. u TVo-atory older home on comer loci sey, drawn by Oeorge D. Cooper, clvl a Section truck and necessary equipment an received his masters Mason deRealtor. SH 1-4300. finds tenants for hfs beautifully landscaped. Priced 19,000. tlon In Ulrtdletown. Two-car garag engineer dated January ' 19, IMS," approfjrletlne; the sum of 11550 out < No brokers. Call LI 2-4256. tull. dry basement, plaster walls. Thr< which map Is duly filed In the Mon. laptta! Improvement provided for In gree. Tomorrow, he is leaving apartment, his houi* or bedrooms, two baths. Low tsxei mouth County Clerk's Office as Cai oudiet or burlaeta previously sdopte<l. for Australia, where he expects WANTED TO RENT FAIR HAVEN — Four-bed room Cap SHOREWAY INC. Hwy. S No. 70. SecUon 2. This ordinance shall tak Coil Colonial In excellent location Holmntl (oil REALTY, Union Ave.) CO t-wia. h* may •van sail propBEING lot no. m on the mas ol effect upon Us pasiaie and publlcatlo to stay for awhile. living room with Iireplace, dinm, OETT1NO MORE AMD MORB PROS Club Estates In th* tax mat according to law. PECT8 — For . three-bedroom rental oom, large kitchen, breakfast room SHREWSBURY — Four double exr* Country erty through far reachPUBLIC NOTJOJ; homes. List any rental for fast action. ind finished recreation room, Tn sure bedrooms, W, balh«. four yes of Ulcidletown Township. BEING known and designated as Tha brefolni ordinance wss IntroThe Llncroft-Everett PTA exec' MATTHEW ].. OIL!, AGENCT. Tl< R t jaths. enclosed porch. Impeccable co old. Close to fort and good school ing Classified Ads. [ I tlon. Larga land* cape d lot. Tran run basement, garage, modern kitchf West Wilson circle, Mlddlttown, Moo- duced ami passed first reading at 35 Mlcldlelown. OS 1-3200. renter meeting of the Mayor an utive Board is holding a meeting erred owner asking J25.500. REDDE Intercom. By owner. $18,000. 741-531 mouth County, New Jersey. Subject to restrictions ana ease- xuncll ot the Borouah of New Shrew, AGENCY, Realtors, 301 Maple Ave. DON'T DREAM menti of record, If any, zoning and hury held on March 7, 1963 and sal tomorrow at Lincroft Elementary corner Bergen PL, Red Bank. 3H 1 FURNISHED ROOMS municipal ordinances, and such facti ordinance will be further considers School. A regular membership 9100. Member Multiple Listing. Call 0 TMa Is not the TajHahll. It la tome you can afford. Good size Uvln as an accurate survey and Mamma- or final passage at a regular mee TWO F1TRNIBBED ROOMS — Newly write for a complete brochure. Ing ol said governing body to be hH meeting will be held March 26. room with wood-burning fireplace, H: Ion of the premises would disclose; decorated. ParKing space. Call 1D63, at 8:19 P.M. at th VTTRACTIVE CAPE COD ON ELE-12 up-to-date mtchen. two finished bed Together with all futures now at- on April 4, School, SH 7-3724 New Shrewabun VATED ACRE PLUS. Country location, rooms, room tor two more, tlte bath lathed to or used in connection wit Bycamore Jersey, «t which tlrna and plac NIOELY FURNISHED — Room. Neai five minutes to Mlddletown station. rood neighborhood, W00 down. Low Jie aforementioned premises and an New The Lincroft Newcomers Olub all persons desiring to be heard then transportation, shopping, Red Bank. SH Paneled living room, beamed celling, monthly payments subject lo FHA ap lousehold appliances. m will be given full opportunity. will hold a ladies luncheon and fireplace, pegged 'floor, dining room nroval. Down to tarth price of 512.900 7-0045 after S p.m. The approximate amount of the Judgwllh a view, ent-ln Icltchen, two bed-WALKER & WALKER. Realtors. Hwy, ment to be aatlelferi by said sale II IIIIIIIIIMIHIll JEROME B. REED, spring fashion show Saturday at SINGLE ROOMS — Clean and com-rooms, tiled bath. Two bedrooms, > 35. 1000 feet smith of Lily-Tulip Co., ihe sum of IM.1BO.O0 together with th Borough Cler. Crystal Brook Inn. Fashion will fortable. Reasonable rates. Oentleman iiiitiitiiiiiiiiiim tip, .basement HDt water bas< Mlddletown. PHOME SU-3311. Mulllpli costs of this sale. Msrch 13 J8.5 preferred. 81 Wallace Bt 8H 15391. bath board heat, attached garage. Fenced Listings and trade-ins. Open 7 days JI••!••••••••!•••••••••• Dated February 14. 1963 be by Flora. ••••I•••«••••••••••••••• FURNI8HED ROOMS — For gentle- In play yard, patio. $21500. LAW FOUR BEDROOMS — NBED SPACE JOSEPH A. SHAFTO, Sheriff. •••••••••••••••••••••III rjifl-i. $8 per week and up. 21B Branch. RENCE J. BCHILUNa, REALTOR. 1( Here Is an attractive slT-yenr oil Levy. McCloskey. Schleslnger 131 11•••••«••••••••••••••••• Spring Street. Red Bank. SH T-41J1 yon Aye., Long Branch. CA 2-9783. •^••••••••••••••••••"* SHERIFFS SALE ft Tlschler, Attys. •anch home with tull dry basemen March 6, 13, 20, 27 Miss Mary Jane Gialanella and IliPKRIOIt COURT OF NKW JERSEY 1914. LARGE ~ Comfortable room on quiet CALIFORNIA RANCH — ANXIOUS ittached garage, sheltered entranci I-AW IUVIS1OT4 Miss Kathleen Warneker spent FOR QUICK SALE dead-end street In Fair Haven, call wo baths and aluminum storm win MONMOUTH COUNTY Three bedrooms, large eat-In kltchei lows. Nice neighborhood convenient tc after 5 p.m. SH 1-9204. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS last weekend at Killington, Vt. finds that boat anrJ fishDocket No. I,-llL»80-6l living room, full basement, storm wi everything. Owner SHIsalsslppI bound. Sealed Proposals will be received b dows, screens and storm doors. Net Full price $M.»oa This could he thi MANZO CONTRACTING CO., INC where they went skiing. the Borough Council of the Borough ol ing equipment he's been REAL ESTATE FOR SALE public and parochial schools. WALKEI one you've been waiting for. RUSSEL1 Fair Haven, in the County of Mon- Plaintiff VB: JAMBS HUNDLEY, De ft WALKER, Realtors. Hwy. 33, 1(XK it. BORUB Realtors. 600 River Rd. [end ant looking for or sells his feel aouth of Llly-Tullp Co.. Middle ?alr Havtn. BH 7-4531. Member Mulll mouth, snd State of New Jeraey, al By virtu* of a writ of execution (. HOUSES FOR SALE Mr. and Mrs. Leon Rosen, NewIts meeting place. In the Fire House, the abova stated action to me dl own. PHONE 671-3311. Multiple Lilt lie Listing Service. River Road, Fair Haven. N. J.. al reeled, I ahall expose lor aale at pub man Springs Rd., attended a dint Ings and trade-Ins. Open 7 days. golf clubs, shotgun or WATERFRONT ;30 p.™., March 25th, 1863. tor thi jINCROFT — Seven acres, four bed at the Court House it DIRECT SALE, ONE PRICE ONLY— ooms, family room, modern kitchen, construction or Bite Work >t the Bor --" vendue, Borough of Freehold, County o ner at the Lambs Club in New It you can if ford between (65,000 and $13,500. bowling equipment with End. Dutch Colonial newly lining area, spacious living room. Ex- ugh Hall and Library, all In accord Monmouth, New Jemy, on Monday tht $70,000 for a real good river-water IT ont painted, West York City last Saturday. The dinrooms, oil hot watei :ellent farming. SH 1-2811. ince with plans and speclflcatlona 18th dny ot March, 1983, al 2 o'clock, home with loadi of extras, call Joe lest, full seven result producing Classicellar, garage and playhoui* herefor on [lie in the offlce of the ner was in honor of movie star P. M. Prevailing Time. Mulligan, in rear, porch and patio, fine ntlghbnr 'AIR HAVEN RIVER OAKS — Thru Sorough Clerk. All the dei>ndtnt's right, Utle am 'oan Crawford. fied ads. ' CROWELL AGENCY, Realtori lood. Walking distance to beach, sta- tearooms Colonial, large wooded lot Sealed proposals will be received en Intereat, If any. In and (o the follow >en and screened porch. 1 4 baths. 41 E. Front St., Red Bank BH 1-4030 lon. schools, New York bus. call CA the rollowlng work: Ing: Principals only. $30.000. 8H 1-1893. Multiple Listing Service 7523 before & a.m. or after 3. Site Work BEGINNING at a point on the we it Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kay, LeedsBorough Hall and Library ;ly tldft ot LelgMon Avenue, which Borough of Fair Haven, N. J. •aid point is diltant 221.33 feet south- ille Dr., gave a birthday party LOTS AND ACERAGE II In accordance with the aforesaid erly from the point ol Intersection < and aptoiticatlons. ' the loutherly iide or Went 8i<!( Thursday for tfteir daughter MarATERFItONT ACRE—Wooded, none )lans Bidders shall submit their estimate /emu and tlie wpnterly Mcln o residential, on dredged South Shrews Proposal Forms which will be fur- selghton Avenue and from thence ( l | sha who was 7. It was a supper bury. S8.300. Write Itrs. E. Edmund, in la all bidders by the Borough South a denrfsn 11 m.nuteB Wesl Si party with a show by the Little The Register Classified" Ads find lost pets, sell ears,. BS Kings Highway East, Hnddontleld, ilanpd Herk. feet to a point; thence <2> north 81 Theater Puppeteers, Gucsls were Plans and Specifications may be ob- legree., 33 mlnutci Weit 150 feet to i houses and acreage, and tell you vyhare to find a ned at the Oftlce of the Borough point* thence Ol north 3 dcgreoi ] Debra Kay, Chrissie Bertram, frk. 601 Rlrer Road, Fair Haven mlnutei East 30 feet to a point; thenci HEAL ESTATfe WANTED (4) louth 8fl degreei 36 minutes Eaa Nancy Bentsen, Dianna and Nanreliable firm to do those needed house repairs. All bide must ba submitted in sealed 150 feet to point or plact ot BEGIN :y Dtibel, Leigh and Scott Ford, envelope bearing on the outelde the NING. LIST YOUR HOME of the bidder and his address IUG8ERVINQ to the granton, thel Susan Heidt, Matty Hoie, Joanne Ith ui for prompt tervlce. Memhei lame If forwarded by mall, the sealed en ielr« tnd assigns, perpetual cane men {aney, Kim Kelly, Donald Neil, "ultiple Listing Service. R0L9T0N 'elope the proposal and >r right of way for the purpose o ATERBURY. Reftltora iince 1925. 1« narked containing as directed above,' must be nireas rind egresi to the garage ovei Roseanne Palumbo, Lauren StarYou'll find that Register Classified Ads reach many V. Front St., Red Bank. 8H 7-3SDO. inclosed In another envelope addressed :he following deaeribel premlBen, BKaiNNlNQ tt the northeast cor- rett, Lisa VanDorn, Laurie and OUR HOMfi WANTKU - Why lint LS specified In the Proposal Form, prospective buyers and sellers . . . are result-producIth ui? Wi aiWertlM eitBniively li md nvisl be lent by registered mall.) er of the above rieRcrlbed lot anrl Thomas Varian and Patty WalkEach Md must be accompanied by rom ihence (1) gouth 3 degrees 11 ho newipapttrt, radio tnd publish i atilox for home taekert. W» trt mem- ash, by the certified check of the limit PI Wont fl.ft feet to a polnl thence ing , . . and inexpensive tool Call today and place e n of tha TWR, t national real estate ildder, or by a bid bond, duly exe- 2) North it degrees V> minutes Went eferrai lervlce. W« art "Horn* Trad :uted by Ihe bidder as principal and OS feet toftpoint; thence (3) north your Classified A d . degree* 11 minutes East fl.fi feet srs" — two olficeri, U full time salei laving as surety a Company approved Lincroft-Holmdel Kiwanis Club people. Call WALKER A WALKER, ly the Borough of Fair Haven, In an •* a point tnence (4) south 80 delealton Membati Red Bank Area mount not less than ten per cent reea 35 mlnutei East IDS feet to ield a dinner meeting Wednesifultlpls Listing Service, Shrnwibury. 10%) of the amount o[ the base bill. Dint of beginning, I*our-year-old brick and shingle house On over an acre of I 1-5313 and Ulddlfltown, OS 1-2128. nd made payable to the Borough of TOOETHEH with an easement to tin iay night at Lincroft Inn. Miss ground, sloping down to brook in fear. Twenty-eight foot ^lr Haven, N. J. Such cash, checks, rnnteea, their htin and assigns to lharon Stewart, Colts Neck, a VE NEED GOOD HOMES for aerloua Mil bonds will t>e relurntu to all purpoift of ing re us and egrcn* t u living room, dining room, kitchen, with built-in gas range myen, The powitra Agency, nealtorn. ixcept the three lowest formal bid- is garage over the following deacrlhed epresentative of the Lincroit 4-H E. Froht S t . Red Bank. BH l-8tO0. len within three days after the for- ie and dishwasher. Three bedrooms; master bedroom air-conremtsu; lal opening ol bids, and the remainBEGINNING al the northeasterly iub, was guest speaker. Miss ditioned. Two tiled baths. Large basement opens onto IR cash, checks or Ud bonds will tip trner of premises .herein conveyed ;tewart is a 17-year-old high planned patio in rear. Washer and dryer included. Two-car iturned to the three lowest bidders » In* granteei and from tlipncp 111 Ithln eight hours alter Ihe Boroimh .5 Jeet to a point; thenr* (2) north chool student. Miss Stewart garage, hardtop driveway. Excellent financing available. id accepted bidder have executed the deRreefl 35 mlntitei Went 100 feet mentioned that some of her sew$31,600 ntracl. or II no enntract has brim A point thence (3) south 3 degrees executed, within 4S days after the minutes West 1.5 feet to point; ing accomplishments, along with te of the opening of bids, upon <le- lenct (4) south 89 degraci 35 minutes SEE A N Y MEMBER OF THE land of the bidder at any time there- Cant 105 feet to point or piacs of hose of other members, were rter ao long u he hie not l>e*n noli- JKalNNINO. ihown in a 4-H week display in d of the acceptance e>f his bid. "Where People In All Walks Of Life M e . t " BEING commonly known and dealgThe Borough Council reserves the ited as No. 260 Lefghton Avenue, ilontgomery Ward's window in ght to reject sny and all bids, waive [cii Bank, New Jeraey. donmouth Shopping Center, Eaiy informalities and award contracts Th« approximate amount of lh« Judgmay be deemed best for Ihe In. ient to he Bfttlslft!i) by said sale !• the mtown. At the completion of t est o( the Korollgh o! Fan Haven. im of .MfW.OO togehier wllh tht costs er talk, she received a standing By order ol the Borough Council. f thla aale. SH I -0010 OS 1-0525 SH 1-1110 Evenings vation 'rom the entira audience, Ll«t»d on p a g t 168 of th« Yellow Page Directory BOY W. NELSON. EHltd January 29, 1M3 , • .. Borough Clerk, leuier, Heuser A ptMftio, Jkttys. was awarded a certificate b. 30, 27, March «. 1J |T3.t» :e.reh 1) * IIT.U Mnar*' DOWSTRA AGENC PLANS AVAILABLE FOR INSPECTIONl BUILT ON YOUR LOT OR OURSI Sills Says State Has Crime Aces STANLEY STILLWELL Fire College Plans Made RENT! REGISTER CLASSIFIED ADS Schanck Agency Serve People in All Walks of Life! BOWTELL THE BUSINESSMAN Lincroit THE HOUSEWIFE THE LANDLORD THE SPORTSMAN HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE OAK HILL, Middletown RED BANK AREA MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE For Fast Results Use The Register Classified REGISTER CLASSIFIED ADS 40 BROAD ST. RED BANK 24_W«L, March 13, $53 \ RED. BANK REGISTER ALUMINUM AWNINGS GET OUR NEW. LOW 1963 PRICES FREE ESTIMATES ASK ABOUT OUR ALUMINUM SIDING INSTALLATIONS » BUDGET TERMS • FREE DELIVERY Dally & Saturday S A.M.-5:30 P.M. Wed. and Frl. 'til 9 P.M. "Between Yanko's & Remsllles" /JJJ| l U W I l o had -ewM/tmuji SHadyside 1-7500 Red Bank OPEN 3 DAYS Than, and Fri. 10 A.M. 'til 9 P.M.; Sat. 'til 6 P.M. BARGAINLAND COMPLETE STORE BUYERS H-A MAIN STREET IX 1-9747 I mile North nf Eatnntotvn Circle • EATONTOWN In The Center at Katontuivn SELLING OUTOUR WAREHOUSE - LADIES' FASHION STYLED HEELS - MID HEELS and FLATS "Rivani," "FraMagini," "Andre," "Italian Modes" - some "B Brown" styles. 3 00 ' bell Ave., Port Monmouth paid Making up this amount are cona fine for traveling 46 mph in a tributions, $301, interest charges, 40-mile zone; Catherine McGow- $557, tax payments, $529, and an, Johnson La., Keansburg, foi medical costs, $359. driving 41 mph in a 35-mile zone For those with family incomes P. Bruce Barerra, Harrison Ave. as high as $12,500 the normal driving 47 mph.in a 40-mile zone deduction is considerably greater, and Harry M. Hetrick, Wexford $2,138. It consists of $385 in conPa., 49 mph in a 40-mile zone. tributions, $630 in Interest, $670 Magistrate Whitney Crowel in taxes and $453 in medical exfined Warren Wyckoff, Main St. penses. Keyport $10 for the overdue in- The Treasury Department spection of his car and James warns, however, against using Paddack, Reynolds Ave., Eaton these standards as absolute town, .$10, for failing to keep guides. It points out that a taxright. • payer might be assessed an adTwenty other traffic summons- ditional amount in taxes even if es were processed through the his deductions are average, if he violations bureau here over the couldn't produce proof. past week. On the other hand, deductions of larger size may be safely STANDING ON THE RIM claimed if properly substantiated. GRAND CANYON, Ariz. (AP)— The Grand Canyon had a record 1,446,453 visitors during 1962. Records show that 20,052,521 per sons have visited the canyon since its establishment as a na tional park in 1919. by Michael A. Petti, M.D. IF YOU HAVE GALLSTONES, • POES THIS ALWAYS MEAN YOU'LL HAVE GALL BLAPPER. ATTACKS ? None Higher OO None Higher Values to 7.99 FUa) BEGORRAH! . , . even the Irish are singing praises to the wonderful food served at the Caramel Sweet Shop! Come in and see {or yourself, you'll be pleased with our thrifty prices as well as our generous portions. G RAMAN'S VACUUM AND APPLIANCE PARTS CO. 54 MONMOUTH STREET, RED BANK, N. J . PHONE SH 7-5623 AUTHORIZED HOOVER—SALES AND SERVICE NEW AND REBUILT CLEANERS • REPAIRS ON • GE - HOOVER - ELECTROLUX, etc. IRONS VACUUMS TOASTERS PERCOLATORS MIXERS, etc. Lunch & Dinner Specials THURSDAY: BAKED VIRGINIA HAM, pineapple sauce, potatoes, vegetable, coffee, dessert FRIDAY: FILET OF FLOUNDER, tartar sauce, mashed potatoes, vegetable, coffee, dessert SATURDAY: ROAST CHICKEN, dressing, mashed potatoes, vegetable, 'coffee, dessert Served 11 A.M. to 7 PM. Try our home made pies and apple cobbler with lemon sauct PARTS FOR VACUUMS WASHERS DRYERS IRONS RANGES TOASTERS M!XER$ LAMPS, etc. CARAMEL SWEET SHOPPE RED BANK H9 IROAD ST. Costs >o More a PAINT NOW.. SO YOU CAN PLAY LATER TODAY THURSDAY and FRIDAY t : - There's Summer frun Ahead . . . Have Time for Your Favorite Sport Once Over Does It!... Guaranteed to Cover Any Color FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SELECTION LADIES' HEELS CHILDREN'S SHOES 2 SloctDU Dry dewing;- t»ua*y Four Fined For Speeding Sizes 4-10 AAA-B Values to $18.95 NONE HIGHER 2 and look lovelier too! CALL TODAY deductions? More closely than be- In that case, the entire report fore, according to information may be set aside for a thorough trickling out of the Treasury De- review and the taxpayer called partment. Up-to-date electron^ upon to support his claims with computers and a larger staff ol proper records. examiners will make it possible. What are these critical amounts With .approximately 25 million that may not be exceeded with taxpayers itemizing their deduc- impunity? The totals, as they tions, the government has comconcern Monmouth County and piled tables to show the average other communities, are detailed amounts that are claimed in each by the Commerce Clearing House, income bracket. which reports on matters of tax and business law. Its figures are based on Treasury Department findings. For the javerage Monmouth County family, whose gross income is approximately $9,331 a © Kfat Fnfana Srndittb,toe,1968. Worldrightsrewrved. SHREWSBURY - Four motor- year, according to the most reists each paid $15 fines, yester- cent data, the deductions should not be more than $1,750 to conday for speeding here. Lester G. Nelson, Jr., Camp- form to the national. HEALTH CAPSULES THURSDAY 10 A. M. SELECTION 00 CLEAN RUGS LAST LONGER You Can Count on I LADIES' SHOE STOCK ALL ByBWc 1 sweezep Sw INTO HOT; Choose from a variety of styles and colors in maintenance-free permanent finish. 32 Broad St. fVE* HAPrtN T0 YOU? (Special to The Register) When a normal amount is listed NEW YORK — How do income in a return, the chances are that ' UNCOMFORTABLE CLOTHES tax deductions claimed by Mon- it will go through without bejnouth County residents compare ing questioned. However, when with the amounts claimed by tax- it is higher than usual for a particular income, It is lively to be payers in other areas? How closely will, returns bi caught by the gimlet eye of an scanned this year for excessive examiner. WINDOWS - PATIOS - DOORS u Tax Deductions Average 1,750 in Monmouth NO. THE MERE PRESENCE OP A GALLSTONE ON A N X-RAY POES NOT NECESSARILY MEAN THAT T H A T STONE WILL CAUSE P A I N . • •TOMORROW: SAFE FREEZING. EVEN BLACK—IN JUST O N E COAT Regular $6.50 Odorless Latex Paint H«illh CaplulM givti halplul information. .IHinotint«m)«dlob»of«di«noiticnltwi Save ONE COAT SNOWHITE Gallon House Paint Save One-Coat Interior Latex GUARANTEE A.99 1.99 JO Needs no thinning. Just open the c a n it's ready to apply with roller or brush. And there's no odor. So you can paint in any weather, even with windows tightly closed. Dries hard and smooth in a mere 20 minutes—just about the time it takes to clean your hands and tools with ordinary soap and water. Sound good? It is! gaL • Covers Any Color CHARGE IT • Leaves No Brush Marks • Mildew Resistant on Sears Revolving Charge • Self Cleaning VOLKSWACtN OF AHEKICA, INC. Seems that everybody wants to drive our station wagon. Why? Is it the three 5-(oot-seals? They hold the regular driver plus 9 Junior drivers. Or 7 more adulls. Is it becajse the back seals are removable? Or because the side doors Open 4 [eel wide? Slide a seat out and you can slide in a made-up crib. Take both seats out and you've got room (or a full-length bed. Is it because the Volkswagen gives you more usable space than the biggest conventional wagon, and yet is a good A feel shorter? It fits neatly into parking spots Ihs big boys have to pass by. Is it the legendary Volkswagen mileage? The rear-engine traction? Is it the sunroof? It's also a moonroof. A rainroof, too. When the sky looks threatening, just slide the roof shut. It's windproof. Waterproof. Is it the 23 windows to look out of? Your guess is as good as ours. Why not come in and see why. For yourself. Shrewsbury Motors. Inc. SHREWSBURY AVENUE SHREWSBURY 5-ft Stepladdcrs Have Steel Steps Regular $8.39 Sean" Price Wood ladder has steel In the steps and bracing, where it counts! Extra sturdy. s Save your bedsheets! Here is a cheaper, more efficient way. Big 9xl2-ft. size. Reusable. OO* Shop at Sears and Save Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back Three 9-inch Wide Roller Covers Gallon of Master Mixed Tirpolene Polyethylene Dropcloths Regular $1.29 77* Loves paint-stained hands and1 tools! Excellent for jll-paint thinning, too. SEARS Highly absorbent D y n e l mod-acrylic "drinks up" paint, rolls It on smooth and easy. Sears Price 1, Complete 9-inch Roller Sets Regular $3.49 244 Includes roller, p 1 a 111 e > handle, extra-big tray . . . Helps you paint like professionals. STPRE HOURS: 36 WHITE ST. Open Daily 9 A.M.-5:30 P.M. RED BANK Tel. SH 7-270O Wed. and Fri. 9 A.M. - 9 P.M.
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