here - Master in Mechanical Engineering

Topics of this issue
1. This month‘s topics
2. Our donation – „Save the
3. 2015 Soccer Cup
4. Bye bye, Marina!
5. Welcome, Katharina!
This month‘s topics
The Master Office has a broad variety of
different topics to present to you in the month
of January. First, we would like to let you know
about our Christmas donation to “Save the
Children” (2). The 2015 Soccer Cup is also
approaching, and we are in the middle of
preparations for it (3)! This month is also very
eventful for our team: one member is sadly
leaving, and another one is joining us (4&5).
We would also like to prepare you for the
things to come – the crazy Karneval season
(6)! One of our students tells his story of a
German family Christmas stay (7) and last but
not least, we would like to inform about our
broad range of programmes in 2015 (8).
2015 Soccer Cup
Our International Academy Team, Intackers United,
again plans to participate in the RWTH Hallenfußball
Cup (Soccer Cup) this year. We are already in the
middle of preparations for our creative application!
What we want to do? …Win the tournament with our
excellent international soccer team! 
How you can help? … Come to the 2015 RWTH
Hallenfußball Cup! Bring your friends and fellow
students and cheer for us!
Save the date: March 28, 2015
Place: Sporthalle Königshügel
6. Karneval – Alaaf!
7. German Family Stay
8. Our Programmes 2015
9. Upcoming Events
Our donation – „Save the Children“
We are very happy to announce the final sum
of our donation to the organization “Save the
Children” for fighting against ebola. We
collected money at our Christmas Celebrations
event last December and after International
Academy doubled the amount, we could
donate a total of 326€! Thanks to everyone
who participated in helping people that do not
have as much as we do! 
RWTH International Academy Master Office | Kackertstraße 9 | 52072 Aachen | |
Topics of this issue
Bye bye, Marina!
1. This month‘s topics
2. Our donation – „Save
the children“
3. 2015 Soccer Cup
4. Bye bye, Marina!
5. Welcome, Katharina!
6. Karneval – Alaaf!
7. German Family Stay
8. Our Programmes 2015
9. Upcoming Events
The long-time student assistant Marina Ardatova, who
belonged to our “little family” since March 2012, is
leaving International Academy this month.
She has just finished her Master’s thesis and is looking
forward to a new and exciting chapter in her life: An
internship position in a renowned market research
institution in Nuremberg, Bavaria.
There is no doubt that the team will miss her a lot.
Nevertheless, we wish her all the best for her future
career, personal life and health. And because out of sight
is never out of mind - let’s stay in touch!
Welcome, Katharina!
“Dear Students,
I would like to introduce myself to you as the newest
member of the RWTH International Academy. I will be
part of the International Student Programmes team and
responsible for the coordination of the M.Sc. Textile
Engineering. During my study abroad semester in
Australia I enjoyed being together with students from all
over the world and I was so thankful for the support
given by the international office there. That was when I
realized that I would want to work in an international
environment taking care of international students after
finishing my studies at RWTH Aachen. When I returned
form Australia, I first started working in the International
Office of the FH Aachen University of Applied Sciences
where I took care of the exchange students. As a
graduate from RWTH Aachen, I am proud and happy to
be a member of the IntAc now and really looking
forward to getting to know all of you! Kind Regards,
Katharina (Programme Manager Textile Eng.)”
RWTH International Academy Master Office | Kackertstraße 9 | 52072 Aachen | |
Topics of this issue
1. This month‘s topics
2. Our donation – „Save
the children“
3. 2015 Soccer Cup
4. Bye bye, Marina!
5. Welcome, Katharina!
Karneval – Alaaf!
Karneval is famous for celebrations such as parades and
costume balls. Cologne, Düsseldorf and Mainz are held in
the public media to be Germany's three carnival
"strongholds," but carnival celebrations are also
widespread elsewhere in the Rhineland, in places such as
The culmination of the carnival around Rosenmontag is
considered to be the "fifth season of the year". Clubs
organize "sessions" which are show events called Sitzung
with club members or invited guests performing dance,
comedy and songs in costumes. Many cities have a
Carnival prince and princess or a so-called Dreigestirn
(“triumvirate”) every year.
The main event is the street carnival that takes place in
the period between the Thursday before Ash Wednesday
and Ash Wednesday. Carnival Thursday is called
Altweiber (Old women day) or Wieverfastelovend (The
women's day). In many places "wild" women cut men's
ties wherever they get hold of them. On the following
days, there are parades in the street organized by the
local carnival clubs.
The highlight of the carnival period however is Rose
Monday (Rosenmontag). Although it is not an official
holiday in the Rhineland, in practice most public life
comes to a halt. The biggest parades are on the famous
Rosenmontagsumzug (Rose Monday Parade). During
these events, many people celebrate in the streets, even
if temperatures are low, most of them dressed up in
costumes. The term “Alaaf” probably means “über alles”
– “above everything” – and is used as a salutation.
6. Karneval – Alaaf!
7. German Family Stay
8. Our Programmes 2015
9. Upcoming Events
RWTH International Academy Master Office | Kackertstraße 9 | 52072 Aachen | |
Topics of this issue
German Family Stay
Looking for a Master‘s or Summer School programme?
Check out our 2015 programmes!
1. This month‘s topics
2. Our donation – „Save
the children“
Master‘s Courses
3. 2015 Soccer Cup
4. Bye bye, Marina!
5. Welcome, Katharina!
6. Karneval – Alaaf!
7. German Family Stay
8. Our Programmes 2015
9. Upcoming Events
Our Programmes 2015
One of our students, Justin George Mattam (MME 2014),
shared his Christmas homestay experience organized by
Experiment e.V. with us. Justin’s whole story and more
info here:
“[…] I must say that this was one of the best decisions I
made. […] This was also my first international experience
and I was very fortunate to have the Hazebrouck family
as my host. It was a real pleasure to be with them. What
surprised me even more was their warmth and kindness
they extended. They made every effort to ensure I was
comfortable at every moment of my stay. […] I was truly
overwhelmed by their hospitality. Moreover we
exchanged a lot of discussions and thoughts about our
cultures and traditions. […] Last but not the least the
family has become my best friends and also gave me the
confidence to speak in Deutsch. I am definitely going to
miss them but nonetheless this ephemeral experience is
going to be ever lasting. […]”
Deadline: March 1
Computer Aided Conception and Production
Management and Engineering in Production Systems
Management and Engineering in Electrical Power Systems
Production Systems Engineering
Textile Engineering
Summer Schools
Deadline: May 1
Automotive and Mobility Studies (June 15-26, 2015)
Automation and Simulation (July 13-31, 2015)
Upcoming Events:
 03 Feburary
RWTH Hochschulsportshow
 06 February
Last Day of Lectures
 12 Feb – 16 Feb
Karneval Days
 25 Feb
Workshop „Finding a job
in 60 days“
RWTH International Academy Master Office | Kackertstraße 9 | 52072 Aachen | |