X St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Roman Catholic Church UCHARISTIA February, 2015 Vol. 21/2 522 East Flournoy Lucas Road Shreveport, Louisiana 71115 (318) 798-1887 Reverend Philip F. Michiels, Pastor Dear Parishioners: It is with regret that I announce the retirement of our Director of Music, Carole Moon, effective this coming February 1. Her ministry has impacted lives throughout our diocese since 1980, serving at Holy Rosary, St. Catherine, St. Jude parishes and our parish. Carole has been Director of Music at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton since July, 1999. Over these many years of fruitful ministry, Carole has identified and nurtured the musical gifts of musicians of every age, both adults and children. Our Adult Choir, instrumentalists, children’s choirs and orchestra are marvelous examples of her long term commitment to the parish. This is especially true of the many youth whom continue to share their gifts with the Church as they have grown into adulthood. Her leadership of our choir, cantors, and musicians has brought a heightened sense of prayerfulness and beauty to our liturgical worship, especially during our celebrations of the Triduum and Christmas each year. She has shared her talents with generosity at countless events both in the parish and throughout the diocese. Each year, Carole has coordinated the musical portion of our annual Feast Day and Summer Social celebrations which highlights and celebrates the musical gifts that are in our midst. We wish Carole, her husband Phil, and her entire family all the best as they embark on this next phase of their journey. May God bless her and the music ministry in our parish. We will have a reception honoring Carole in the Burleigh Center after the 11 am Mass on February 1. I hope that you will join me in expressing our appreciation to Carole for her ministry in our parish and in the Diocese of Shreveport. Yours in Christ, Fr. Phil LENT 2015 at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton LENT BEGINS WITH ASH WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18 MASSES: 7 am, 6:30 pm LENTEN DAILY MASSES 7:30 am, MON/WED, Burleigh Center Chapel 9:30 am, 1st & 3rd MONDAYS, Live Oak 9:30 am, 1st & 3rd TUESDAYS, The Glen 9:30 am, 2nd TUESDAY, Azalea Estates STATIONS OF THE CROSS 5:30 pm FRIDAYS OF LENT LENTEN FISH FRY 6 pm, sponsored by our Knights of Columbus in the Burleigh Center; Take outs available PARISH COMMUNAL PENANCE SERVICE TUESDAY, March 24, 6:30 pm (8 priests-confessors available) FIND A MINISTRY OR OUTREACH Example: collect items for Operation Support Our Troops or St. Vincent de Paul; help with the Meals for the Homeless; visit the Shreveport Rescue Mission or a nursing home JOIN A FELLOWSHIP GROUP TO ENRICH YOUR LENTEN EXPERIENCE Contact the church office to find the group that is right for you Thank You! St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Feast Day Celebration: Thanks to everyone who helped with the meal at our St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Feast Day Celebration, especially our hard-working Knights of Columbus under the leadership of Grand Knight Eduardo Gonzalez Toledo. Chef Peter Hawboldt prepared a delicious feast for all to enjoy. Mary Guy coordinated our kitchen volunteers. Carole Moon coordinated the music. Thanks everyone! PRAYER INTENTIONS Charlotte Spencer (aunt of Deacon Homer Tucker); Robert Roden (brother of Anne Duzan); Betty Sue Painter (mother of Teresa Lynch); Leo Hack; Margaret Richter (mother of Father David Richter); Father David Richter; Eric Millen (son of Roy & Camille Millen); Holly Loftin (daughter of Gary & Marianne Loftin) Rev. Philip F. Michiels, Pastor Jack Lynch, Deacon Homer Tucker, Deacon Mike Whitehead, Deacon Cathy Cobb, Director of Faith Formation & Outreach Elana Davidson, Faith Formation Assistant Kristy Dye, Director, Mother's Day Out (797-7087) Carole Moon, Director of Liturgy Anna Provenza, Secretary/Ministries Mike Whitehead, RCIA Kevin McCarthy, Pastoral Council/Joe Miciotto, Finance Council ADDRESS: 522 E. Flournoy Lucas Rd., Shreveport, LA 71115-3802 TEL 798-1887/ FAX 797-7302/ OFC HRS 8:30-4:30 Mo-Fr Please pray for our sick who are listed on our prayer wall. e-mail: [email protected] website: www.seasShreveport.com SACRAMENTS/LITURGY/DEVOTIONS MASS: Saturday: 4 pm Sunday: 8:15 am, 11 am (Nursery: under 3 yrs), 5 pm Holy Days: 7am & 6:30 pm DAILY MASS Monday & Wednesday, 7:30 am, Burleigh Center Chapel 1st & 3rd Monday, 9:30 am, Live Oak 1st & 3rd Tuesday, 9:30 am, The Glen 2nd Tuesday, 9:30 am, Azalea Estates ADORATION: 1st Friday, 8 am – 5 pm in the Chapel RECONCILIATION: 3 pm Saturday & by appointment RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION, Sunday, 9:30 am INFANT BAPTISM: usually at Mass; preparation necessary MARRIAGE: Six months notice needed for preparation. CHOIR rehearsal 1st We 6:30 pm/Su 9:45am YOUTH ACTIVITIES G.I.F.T. RELIGIOUS ED: Sundays 9:30am (4 yrs – 8th grade) CHILDREN’S CHOIR: Mondays, 5:15 pm MS & HS YOUTH GROUPS: Regular Gatherings (see Youth Page) BOY SCOUTS: Mondays, 7pm MOTHER’S DAY OUT: Mon, Wed & Fri, 9am-2pm PARISH FELLOWSHIPS ADULT SCRIPTURE STUDY, Sundays, 9:30 am KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS, 1st Monday, 7 pm DINNER CLUB usually last Sat. of the month OUR LADY’S LADIES EVENING CIRCLE, 2nd Wednesday, 6 pm ST VINCENT de PAUL SOC, Mo 6:30 pm (Feed My Lambs 1st Su) ST. ANNE’S DAY CIRCLE, 1st Thursday, 10 am YOUNG AT HEART SENIORS GROUP, 4th Monday, 7 pm NEIGHBORHOOD FELLOWSHIPS Ellerbe Road, monthly meetings, 6:45 pm Youree, 3rd Thursday, 6:30 pm ST. ELIZABETH ANN SETON PRAYS FOR THOSE SERVING OUR COUNTRY: especially: Linden Adams, Dennis, Peter & Timothy Banks, Michael Bargmann, Oscar & Tina Betancourt, Marc Bradle, Jeffrey Bragg, Rodney Brown, Terry Christiansen, Mark Church, Kenneth & Trisha Cobb, John Michael Cockerham, Jack Delo, Todd Derrick, Michael Farley, Nicholas Godfrey, Randy Green, William, Diana & Waverly Hock, David Hume, David Jeansonne, Melanie Jones, Chuck Kelly, Tiffany Krebsbach, Aaron & Joe LeBlanc, Andrew Ligon, Alex & Jessica Luyando, Janeen Mathies, Scott Maytan, Somer McFarlain, Jay Mitchell, Sean Murphy, Robert Nordberg, Chris Occhiuzzo, Mitch Rambin, TJ Remedes, Joseph Roe, Dana Romero, Tyler Sheets, Beau Skonieczny, Ben Smith, Bradley Stevens, Matthew Titus, Joseph Torma, M. T. Turner, Danny Vento, Zachary Walsh, Scott Wilson, Jonathan Wyche, Josh Yarbrough, Dennis Zabka Mission Statement of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church We gather in praise and worship of the Father, called by our baptism in Christ and living in His Spirit. We become the Body of Christ, sent forth to embody the universal mission of the Catholic Church. Our Christian life calls us to challenge and support persons in their efforts to love and serve the Lord through abiding love of one another, to share joyfully His Word and Sacrament, and to heal and witness the love and peace of His kingdom through generous outreach and selfless service to all, especially the least among us. 2 St. Elizabeth Ann Seton is now on Facebook. Search for St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church – Shreveport. Be sure to Like us! What’s Up Elsewhere What’s Up in the Parish St. Catherine’s St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry continues to operate, and is in need of volunteers. Call Martha Pasquier, 925-6418, for more info. Bishop Michael Duca’s 5th Annual Pro-Life Banquet Witness for Life March 11 at the Bossier Civic Center. Father Jonathan Morris is the keynote speaker. Banquet begins at 6:30 pm. There will be informational booths, entertainment, and book signing opportunity with Father Morris before the Banquet. Doors open at 5 pm. Tickets are $60. For more information contact [email protected]. If you are interested in taking a spiritual retreat, there is a Men's ACTS retreat on March 6-8 and a Women's ACTS retreat on April 17-19. During the retreat weekend, the focus is on Adoration, Community, Theology and Service, hence ACTS. If you have questions or would like an application, contact Cameron Dean, 734-8848, [email protected] Sunday Scripture study group meets at 9:30 am in the Burleigh Center. All are welcome! St. Vincent de Paul meets Mondays, 6:30 pm in the 7th grade building; for more info contact Carl Bigner, 865-5808. Alcoholics Anonymous meets Tuesdays 8 pm in the Library Building; for more info contact Bob, 393-1400. Wednesday morning Bible Study at 9:30 in the Burleigh Center. All are welcome. For more info contact Cathy Cobb. Yarn Angels meet Wednesdays, 1-3 pm in the Burleigh Center; they make hats and lap blankets for those in need. Yarn or monetary donations are gratefully accepted. If you want to knit for charity and don’t know how to crochet or knit, they will teach you. All are welcome! For more info contact Marie Vallillo, 797-9582. Knights of Columbus meet Mon., Feb. 2, 6:30 pm to pray the rosary; 7 pm for the meeting in the Burleigh Center; . For more info contact Eduardo Gonzalez Toledo, 797-6067. St. Anne's Circle, a group of our church's service-minded ladies, will meet on Thur., Feb. 5, at 10 am in the Burleigh Center. We are happy to receive new members at any time during the year, and would be pleased for you to come to our meeting and try out our group of ladies! If you would like more information about St. Anne's Circle, please call Kathy Cobb at 455-9172 or email her at [email protected] Beginners: Parents helping parents survive baby's first year. Come meet other parents from 3rd trimester to baby's 2nd birthday. Meetings are held in the nursery every other Sunday at 3:30pm. Jan. 25, Baby dress-up; Childcare available. Or join us on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ groups/babybeginners/; for more information, contact Rose Fiallos at 550-3684. Our Lady’s Ladies will meet Wed., Feb. 11, beginning with recitation of the rosary in the chapel at 6 and continuing in the Burleigh Center kitchen at 6:30 . Mary Ann Milligan, 564-1491. Card Day” sponsored by our Young at Heart, is Tues., Feb, 17, 10 am in the Burleigh Center. Bring your lunch. Get your group together and come for fun, fellowship and cards. For more info contact Ruth Saucier, 797-9876. Ellerbe Neighborhood Group will begin weekly meetings on Thursdays at 6:45 during Lent. Feb. 19 we will meet at the home of Larry and Bev Miller, and on Feb. 26 at the home of Kenny and Angie Goodwin. For information call Iris Poche' at 798-5833 or [email protected]. Youree Fellowship will join together for dinner and presentation on Thu., Feb. 19, at 6:30 pm in the Burleigh Center. RSVP Sheryl & James Sweeney, 798-0298. Everyone is invited. For more information contact Ann Weeks 7973757. "Young at Heart” meet Mon., Feb. 23, 7 pm in the Burleigh Center; For more info contact Ray Vallillo, 7979582. VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES ***Children’s Liturgy of the Word: Children’s Liturgy of the Word continues at the 11 am Mass. This ministry is designed to help young children to learn to listen, reflect and respond to God’s Word. Contact Cathy Cobb. ***Meals on Wheels delivery drivers needed; Contact Cathy Cobb for more information ***Hope for the Homeless: we are looking for volunteers to bake a casserole once a month for Hope House; Contact Cathy Cobb for more information ***Bereavement Committee: periodically bake a casserole and/or serve food after a funeral ; Contact Cathy Cobb for more information ***Environment Committee: enhances the surroundings of our church facility (plants/flowers/banners/art, etc.) to celebrate the liturgical seasons. Contact Kay Lee, 869-4413 ***Grace Home Hospice is seeking volunteers to help provide a meal at noon on the 3rd Friday of each month. For information, call Sandra Alexander 925-1661. ***Bulletin Mail Out help: If you have a little time on your hands, your help is needed for the monthly bulletin mail out preparation. Maybe an hour or two once every couple of months (or more if you can). And we will train you! If you are interested, please call Anna in the church office. 3 YOUTH MINISTRY Cathy Cobb, 798-1887, ext. 116 or [email protected] Mark Your Calendars: Graduation Banquet News!! High school seniors: The high school graduation banquet for graduating seniors and their families is Sunday, April 19 at 6 pm in the Burleigh Center following the 5 pm Mass. Our graduating seniors will be honored. RSVP by Sunday April 12 to Cathy Cobb. Felterman Scholarship application deadline: January 31, 2015. The $1000 Ernest Felterman scholarship is awarded annually through St. Elizabeth Ann Seton to a deserving graduating senior student. Anyone who might not be getting a lot of other scholarships and who would benefit from a helping hand to attend college is particularly encouraged to apply. Preference will be given to a student who has been involved in the parish. Forms located in bins outside Cathy Cobb’s office. All high school juniors/parents: Our juniors and their parents host the graduation banquet each year. You will be receiving information soon on how you can help. For now please mark your calendar to help at the banquet the evening of Sunday April 19. Your support is essential for this tradition to continue. Confirmation News: March 14, 9 am- 5 pm, Confirmation retreat (ends with 4 pm Mass) March 24, 6:30 pm, Lenten Penance Service April 19, 9:30 am, Rehearsal for Confirmation April 25, 4 pm Mass, Sacrament of Confirmation with Bishop Duca Souper Bowl of Caring: MS/HS volunteers are needed after all the Masses the weekend of Jan. 31/Feb. 1 to collect donations for St. Vincent de Paul on Super Bowl Sunday during the annual Souper Bowl of Caring. To sign up, contact Cathy Cobb in the church office. Movie Night: Our next Movie night for MS/HS youth will be Sunday February 8 from 6-8 pm. Our featured movie will be “Heaven is for Real.” For more information, contact Elana Davidson at 934-2895. [email protected]. . Winter Jam will be at Century Link Center in Bossier on Friday, Feb. 27 at 7 pm. Tickets are $10. All MS and HS students are welcome. For more information, contact Claire Bissell 286-7850, [email protected]. Confirmation Retreat: There will be a Confirmation retreat March 14 from 9 pm to 5 pm (we will conclude with the 4 pm Mass). Please note there will be no 8th grade GIFT on Sunday March 18 due to the retreat. For more information, please contact Amy Dean 455-0606, [email protected]. Sunday Morning High School Bible Study 9:30 am Sundays in the youth house with Elana and Brian Davidson, 934-2895, [email protected] ATTENTION MIDDLE SCHOOL PARENTS: Wednesday evening High School group 6:30 pm Wednesdays in the youth house with Amy Dean 4550606, [email protected] AND HIGH Parents, if you are not getting emails about these events, please contact me at [email protected] or 798-1887 to stay in the know! Some of these events are being organized after the bulletin deadline, so watch your email inbox for details! Interviews and discernment for a new youth minister continue. Please join me in praying for the youth of our parish and for strong leadership as we move forward. Contact me with any questions or concerns. Gratefully, Cathy Cobb, Director of Faith Formation and Outreach Stations of the Cross: We are looking for parent volunteers willing to lead our youth in Stations of the Cross on Friday March 17 at 5:30 pm. All resources will be provided. There will be a fish fry afterwards open to the entire parish. For more information please contact Cathy Cobb in the church office. Steubenville South: High School youth are invited to attend Steubenville South this summer, June 26-28, Cameron and Amy Dean will organize/chaperone. More information coming soon. For more information, go to http://steubenvillesouth.com/ or contact Amy Dean at 455-0606, [email protected] Facebook: 4 Join our Facebook group: St Elizabeth Ann Seton Youth Group RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Cathy Cobb, Director; 798-1887, ext. 116 or [email protected] Baptismal Prep January-February Calendar If you are expecting or if your baby has already been born and you are seeking baptism for your child, please call Cathy Cobb in the parish office to set up an appointment for a baptismal preparation session. Jan. 24 Jan. 25 Feb. 1 Feb. 8 Feb. 15 Feb. 22 ADULT FAITH FORMATION: Note: GIFT religious education classes begin promptly at 9:30 am! Sunday Morning Adult Bible Study: Our scripture study/ faith sharing group meets every Sunday at 9:30 am in the left side room of the Burleigh Center. Newcomers are welcome to all these offerings – you will find fellowship as well as plenty of coffee and Holy Angels cookies! Facilitator: Ajay Jawahar History of the Catholic Church (Part 1) The Church started with a handful of people in an upper room in Jerusalem and now is over a billion strong. How did this happen? Join us this fall as we return to the early years of the Church and explore its rich history- from the first Pentecost, through the spread of Christianity to Rome and beyond. Sundays at 9:30 am in the Burleigh Center center room; Contact Michelle Brown for more info [email protected] RCIA, Sundays, 9:30 am in Library Building. Facilitators: Deacon Mike Whitehead and Vicki Gorham Wednesday Morning Bible Study, 9:30 am in Burleigh Center. Facilitator: Cathy Cobb. Great Adventure Bible Study, 6:30 pm in the Burleigh Center: Come join us for a Catholic Bible study called The Great Adventure - Bible Timeline. It is the 1st in the three part foundational study with Jeff Cavins. Together, over 24 sessions, we will explore salvation history —from its beginning in Genesis through the coming of Christ and the establishment of the Catholic Church—you will see how God’s loving plan for humanity has unfolded, resulting in a greater love for God and a deeper appreciation for your faith. The cost is $50 and binders must be pre-ordered so don't wait any longer to get the adventure started! Deacon Jack Lynch will be facilitating. For more info or to sign up please contact Cameron Dean, 7348848, [email protected] Book of Psalms, 6:30 pm. in the Burleigh Center. For more info or to sign up please contact Cameron Dean, 7348848, [email protected] 2nd graders, mark your calendars: January 24 10 am, First Reconciliation May 3 May Crowning May 9 10 am, First Communion Retreat May 16 4 pm Mass, First Holy Communion Living the Eucharist Bishop Duca has selected Living the Eucharist as his choice for parishes in our diocese this Lent, and St. Elizabeth Ann Seton will participate! This Lenten spiritual renewal program provides us with opportunities to grow in our faith through learning more about the Eucharist, participating more actively in Sunday Mass, and living the Eucharist as disciples of Jesus. Groups will meet for six weeks during Lent. Participating in these activities is a great way to make Lent an enriching spiritual experience. You are invited to participate in one of the following groups. ***Sunday mornings, 9:30 am. Burleigh Center Chapel – facilitators Ajay and Lisa Jawahar ***Wednesday mornings, 9:30 am, Burleigh Center (ladies group) – facilitator Cathy Cobb ***Thursday evenings, 6:45 pm (location TBA) – facilitator Iris Poche To sign up or for more information, sign up in the foyer or contact Cathy Cobb World Meeting of Families Groups from the Dioceses throughout Louisiana are making plans now to attend the World Meeting of Families with Pope Francis in Philadelphia September 22-28, 2015. Peter’s Way Tours is arranging details. For a flyer with more information on this exciting opportunity, please contact Cathy Cobb in the parish office or Cameron or Amy Dean [email protected] LSUS Catholic Student Union Bishop Michael G. Duca will preside at Ash Wednesday Mass at 11 am on February 18 on the 3rd floor of the LSUS Noel Memorial Library. A light, meatless lunch will be served. All are welcome! 10 am, First Reconciliation 9:30 am, GIFT 9:30 am, GIFT 9:30 am, GIFT 9:30 am, GIFT 9:30 am, GIFT 5 LITURGY Carole Moon, Director; 798-1887, extension 115 or [email protected] Special thanks to: the Environment Committee, Altar Servers, Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors, Ushers/ Greeters, Music Ministry, Nursery Workers, and all volunteers who made our Christmas Masses so beautiful. February Musical Notes Well done! ♫11 am Mass Music Ministry Practice: Sing a new song to the Lord, for He has done marvelous deeds. Psalm 98:1 ♫Saturday 4 pm Mass: If you are interested in joining the Contemporary Ensemble for the Saturday evening Mass, please contact Suzan Atkins through the church office or meet with her following the Saturday evening Mass. Rehearsal for the 4 pm ensemble is 2:45 pm on Saturday. All singers and instrumentalists are welcome! The Music Ministry for this Mass practices every Sunday morning at 9:45. This month our practice is Feb. 4, 6:30—8 pm. New members are welcome. Call Carole in the church office if you are interested in joining the music ministry. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament ♫Orchestra: Strings, woodwinds, brass and percussion; practice at 9:15 am on Sundays in the church. First Friday, February 6 8 am – 5 pm Chapel in the Burleigh Center ♫Cantors (High School & Adults) If you are interested in becoming a Cantor for Masses please call Carole in the office. Benediction is at 5 pm Sign up in the foyer ♫Children’s Choir Schedule ***Children’s Choir, grades1-5, meet in the church on Monday’s from 5:45-6:15 ***Youth Choir ,grades 6-8, meet in the church on Monday’s from 6:30-7:15 ***High School Choir meet Sunday at 4:00 and sing for the 5:00 Mass CALLING CATHOLICS HOME A special thanks to everyone who played or sang in our Feast day celebration. Thanks for sharing your musical gifts with our church family! This is a great time of year to become a member of the Music Ministry at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton. We are just beginning to practice for Lent and the Holy Triduum . Come join a group A six-week series entitled “Calling Catholics Home” is being offered every Wednesday beginning February 10, in the Parish Library at the Cathedral of St. John Berchmans from 6:30 pm to 8 pm. The sessions are for non-practicing Catholics who are seeking answers to questions about returning to the Church. If you know someone who has left the Church, please invite them to join us. For more information call Kathy Snelling, 562-3316, or www.callingcatholicshome.com. 6 WELCOME CUTTING UP AT CHURCH OUR NEW PARISHIONERS! Kathy Bouton John & Mary Gardner Meg McInnis BAPTIZED IN CHRIST Thomas Elliot Chafin, December 20, 2014 Henry Joseph Abreo, December 25, 2014 Mae Sumbera Schoolfield, December 27, 2014 We honor our college graduates: Caroline Cobb, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge SOUPER BOWL SUNDAY, January 31-February 1 Lent begins with Ash Wednesday on February 18. Mass times are 7 am & 6:30 pm We are on a mission to fight hunger and poverty. You can help. On January 31 & February 1, our youth will hold soup pots at our church doors on Souper Bowl Sunday. They will join young people in churches all across the country to collect money and canned goods for those who are hungry and hurting. Here at St. Elizabeth’s we collected $1700 for St. Vincent de Paul last year. All of the money and food items collected at St. Elizabeth’s will be donated to our St. Vincent de Paul. None of the money is sent to Souper Bowl headquarters. Organizers only ask that each Church report their collection so national totals can be determined and announced. Since the Souper Bowl of Caring became a national grassroots event in 1993, more than $33 million has gone to help those in need. Please support the youth of our church in this effort to “love our neighbors” by dropping your dollar and/or a canned good in the soup pot as you leave church on Souper Bowl Sunday (and Saturday). It’s a simple, yet significant act of caring for others. Those who need help may not know that you cared, but God will. And our young people are developing hearts for giving that can last a lifetime. Please support their efforts. Note: This event replaces the usual Feed My Lambs collection. SPECIAL NEEDS: CANNED MEAT MUFFIN MIXES CANNED FRUIT (no sugar) PEANUT BUTTER CANNED SPAGHETTI SAUCE HEARTY SOUPS Living Christ in Your Marriage A Day of Adult Formation in Your Marriage Covenant in Christ Saturday, February 28 in the Burleigh Center Begins at 9 am, concludes with 4 pm Vigil Mass Registration $40 per couple, deadline is February 23. Contact Anna Provenza to register, 798-1887, [email protected] Scholarships available; nursery is available, but preregistration is required. Together we will— Deepen our adult theological reflection skills on the remarkable covenant of Christian marriage Focus our hopes, dreams, even worries on Christ, the source of life and true growth in marriage Learn how our lived experience of marriage is nurtured through the Church’s foundational teachings on the sacrament Develop our spirituality around marriage as a vocation, a way of living fully the concrete realities of our lives for each other and others Presenter and Facilitator—Jim Schellman Vice President for Mission at Our Lady of Lourdes Regional Medical Center in Lafayette, LA Former Executive Director of the North American 7 Forum on the Catechumenate for 15 years CHRISTIAN INITIATION: THE RITE OF SENDING This year is starting to zoom by in a hurry. Here we are in February. And, this year, February marks the beginning of Lent. Ash Wednesday is Feb. 18 and we know what that means –– six weeks of Lent leading to the Triduum in early April. If Lent is in February, then the Rite of Sending and the Rite of Election can’t be far behind. It will mark another milestone in the journey of faith for the women and men coming into our church each year through our Christian Initiation process. The Rite of Sending will be held at the 8:15 Mass on the first Sunday of Lent (Feb. 22), and the Rite of Election will be that same afternoon at the Cathedral of St. John Berchmans. The Rite of Sending is just was it sounds like –– sending forth our Catechumen and Candidates to the Cathedral for the Rite of Election to be received by Bishop Duca. In The Rite of Sending, our catechumen and candidates are not alone. They have their sponsor, as well as their church family supporting them. In the Rite of Election, they are saying “yes” to continuing their journey toward full communion with the church. The Rite of Election is so special because every adult coming into the church at Easter gathers on the same day to acknowledge their commitment to move forward in the process to become Catholic. That’s every adult everywhere in the world. For the Christian Initiation team, it’s a rewarding time, as well, because we are so blessed to experience the journey of our catechumen and candidates. It’s great to see their conversion by deepening their faith in Christ. As these women and men move through our process, please keep in mind that it’s never too late to begin your journey. We are a year-round process, so if you are ready to begin your journey, just come to one of our sessions on Sunday at 9:30 am in the Library House behind the Burleigh Center. This is a glorious time of year in our church, and we look forward to continuing our journey together in Christ. Deacon Mike Whitehead, Christian Initiation Coordinator SECOND COLLECTIONS FOR FEBRUARY Aid to the Church in Central and Easter Europe, February 14-15 Black and Indian Missions, February 21-22 Please be generous Enroll in St. Elizabeth Ann Seton’s Automatic Withdrawal Program for contributions It’s easy! The Automatic Withdrawal Program is a complement to our existing envelope contribution program. It allows St. Elizabeth Ann Seton to offer parishioners a safe and secure option to schedule financial contributions. Parishioners will love the control they have over their donations: determining when and where and how much they contribute to various funds. Pick up the necessary form from the church office. WILLS INCLUDE ST. ELIZABETH ANN SETON IN YOUR WILL OR ESTATE PLAN IF YOU OR SOMEONE YOU KNOW IS INTERESTED IN LEARNING MORE ABOUT THE CATHOLIC FAITH, Bequests to the Congregation of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Roman Catholic Church make it possible to undertake special projects and new initiatives that our regular income and annual gifts cannot cover. Every gift, large or small, helps to put St. Elizabeth Ann Seton on a firm financial footing for the future. PLEASE CONTACT DEACON MIKE WHITEHEAD, 525-7705 CATHY COBB, 798-1887. 8 HOPE for the Homeless Thanks to everyone who has helped prepare meals for the homeless clients of the HOPE Connections. The 3rd Wednesday of each month, our volunteers deliver a nutritious meal, fresh baked brownies, and a refreshing beverage to 70+ clients. Volunteers from 13 area churches are collaborating to ensure that these meals are delivered every weeknight of the month to the HOPE House. Our next scheduled meal delivery day is Wednesday, February 18, which is also Ash Wednesday. May God continue to bless this ministry and our clients. For more information, contact Cathy Cobb. CATHOLIC CHARITIES All donations are most gratefully accepted, however, this month we are most in need of: DIAPERS, SIZES , NB, 3, 4, 5, 6 ENFAMIL PREMIUM BABY FORMULA BABY BOTTLES, BOTTLE BRUSHES, PACIFIERS TOILETRIES: BABY WIPES, LOTION, BODY WASH, SHAMPOO, DIAPER RASH OINTMENT TOOTHPASTE, TOOTHBRUSHES SOCKS, SHOES BOYS & GIRLS, M, L; AGES 3-4 FREE STANDING HIGH CHAIRS MONETARY DONATIONS It's Chicken Dinner Time - 2015 BSA TROOP 10 23RD ANNUAL CHICKEN DINNER FUND RAISER Boy Scout Troop 10 of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton will be having their 22nd Annual Chicken Dinner Fund Raiser on Saturday, March 8. We will be at the Portico Shopping Center near Porter’s Cleaners on the east side of Youree Drive. The dinners will be available for pickup from 10 am until 5 pm. Troop members will be selling $6 tickets for either personal or donation dinners after all the Masses on February 14 & 15. Dinners can be purchased throughout the day of the event. This is the only fund raiser we have for the troop. The funds we get from the dinners will help finance the troop’s activities and equipment for the upcoming year. Each year with the help the Shreveport community our troop has donated dinners to St. Vincent DePaul, Providence House, Holy Angels and Christian Services. Last year the troop had close to 500 dinner donations. Dinners: ½ Char Broiled Chicken Home made BBQ Beans A slice of Texas Toast and a bag of chips, all for only $6 If anyone has any questions about purchasing tickets in advance or making any donations they can contact: Scoutmaster Charles Williamson, 673-5724 or 798-7015 9 SVdP December Report Card: The Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SVdP) at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church has been helping those in need with your help including: purchased 16 hams, sugar and cereal for the Hospitality House Christmas dinner and out-of-school breakfast program for children; paid 3 electric bills for 3 separate families facing temporary unemployment and unexpected medical bills; paid rent for family dealing with multiple unforeseen expenses; provided food baskets for 8 separate households; and assisted another SVdP conference with very large water bill due to water line leak. SVdP does not provide toys for Christmas, but we do provide ongoing essential housing, clothing, food, and heating assistance. We do contact our clients and provide information (with their approval) to those who wish to “sponsor” a family with children to purchase toys and other seasonal gifts including food and clothing. We referred several such families to Our Lady’s Ladies, St. Anne’s, Just Faith and private sponsors. Their generosity was everything (and more) than we have come to expect from parishioners!! Call Carl Bigner, SVdP President at 865-5808 for more information. WORLD MARRIAGE DAY FEBRUARY 8, 2015 As we celebrate the examples of happy married life, we especially honor those who have made "special" anniversaries in 2015 (5, 10, 15, etc., and any anniversary over 50 years). Please sign the sheet in the foyer or telephone the office if you are one of these. Help us perpetuate this most fundamental sacrifice of love. DIOCESAN POSITION OPENING Principal, 2015-16 School Year St. Joseph Catholic School is seeking applications for the position of principal. Applicants must possess a master’s degree with a minimum of 18 hours in administration/supervision, and have 5 years educational experience with supervisory duties. Those interested should submit a resume via email to [email protected], Sr. Carol Shively, OSU, Superintendent, Diocese of Shreveport, 3500 Fairfield Avenue, Shreveport, 71104 by February 6, 2015. Diocese of Shreveport Catholic Schools SAINT OF THE MONTH ST. GABRIEL OF OUR LADY OF SORROWS FEAST DAY: FEBRUARY 28 Cathedral of St. John Berchmans Catholic School Mrs. Jo Cazes, Principal 221-6005 Francis was born on March 1, 1838 in Italy to a large family of professionals. Losing his mother at age four, he was educated by the Jesuits. Having been cured twice of serious illnesses, Francis felt a calling to the religious life. However, the Jesuits said no due to the fact that he was not yet seventeen. He was finally accepted by the Passionists and given the name Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows. His life at the monastery was not exceptional, although he followed the Passionist Rule perfectly. It is said he was popular and cheerful, and faithful in little things. He was known for his great devotion to the sorrows of the Virgin Mary. Gabriel died in Italy from tuberculosis on February 27, 1862 at the age of twenty four. He was beatified on May 31, 1908 in Rome, Italy by Pope Pius X; and, was canonized May 13 1920, in Rome, Italy by Pope Benedict XV. St. Gabriel’s major shrine is San Gabriele, Teramo, Abruzzsi. His attributes are a Passionist Habit and Sign. His patronages include: students, youth, clerics, and seminarians. Karen Tucker, Lay Ecclesial Minister St. Joseph School 865-3585 Loyola College Prep Mr. John LeBlanc, Principal 221-2675 ST. JOSEPH CATHOLIC SCHOOL: f you are the parent or grandparent of a young child, in search of quality education surrounded by faith, St. Joseph Catholic School would love to meet you! Students enrolling in K3 must be three years old and potty-trained by October 1, 2015; students enrolling in K4 must be four years old by Oct. 1, 2015; and students enrolling in K5 must be five years old by Oct. 1, 2015. Come tour our campus, and experience the SJS difference! St. Joseph Catholic School 2015 - 2016 Registration schedule: Current Families: Jan. 16 – 24 Parishioners: Jan. 25 – 30 Open Registration: Feb. 2 Open House dates: Sunday, January 25: 10:30 am - 3 pm Tuesday, January 27: 9 am - 2 pm Thursday, January 29: Noon - 2 pm St. Elizabeth Ann Seton SUPPORTS OUR TROOPS Easter shipment: pack date Saturday, February 28 Good items to collect: Valentine candy (all types purchased as after Valentine's Day sale items) Pringles potato chips Granola bars snack crackers beef jerky (NO pork) unmedicated eye drops Ziploc baggies-qt & gal size (for use in sand storms) non-aerosol sunscreen dust-masks (found in hardware stores) band aids Easter cards and/or spring artwork made by children notes/letters of appreciation & encouragement monetary donations (checks made out to OSOT, Inc) KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS SPONSORED BLOOD DRIVE & PANCAKE BREAKFAST SUNDAY, JANUARY 25, 9 AM Vocation View Deadline for items to be placed in SEAS collection bin is Friday, Feb. 27. For more info, contact Shirley Olivieri-Mathies via email [email protected] or phone 219-7488. On behalf of deployed military and their families, thanks for your ongoing support of this project. We are encouraged to listen to Jesus, the Beloved Son of God. Take time to listen in prayer. What do you hear Jesus saying to you? 10 Mass Sat. Vigil 4pm; Sun. 8:15am, 11am, 5pm Sundays: 9:30am, GIFT, Religious Educations Sessions, RCIA REGULAR EVENTS 8 World Marriage Day 1 Souper Bowl of Caring Noon, Reception honoring Carole Moon Sun 22 First Sunday of Lent 8:15 am, Rite of Sending 15 Boy Scout Chicken Dinner Ticket Sales 6:30 pm, SVDP 7 pm, Young at Heart 5:15 pm, Children’s Choir 23 6:30 pm, SVDP 5:15 pm, Children’s Choir 16 6:30 pm, SVDP 5:15 pm, Children’s Choir 9 6:30 pm, SVDP 7 pm, Knights of Columbus 5:15 pm, Children’s Choir 2 Mon 24 6:30 pm, Bible Study 8 pm, AA 17 10 am, Card Day 6:30 pm, Bible Study 8 pm, AA 10 6:30 pm, Bible Study 8 pm, AA 3 6:30 pm, Bible Study 8 pm, AA Tue Wed 25 9:30 am, Bible Study 1 pm, Yarn Angels 7 am, 6:30 pm 9:30 am, Bible Study 1 pm, Yarn Angels Meals for Homeless Ash Wednesday Masses: 18 11 9:30 am, Bible Study 1 pm, Yarn Angels 6 pm, Our Lady’s Ladies 4 9:30 am, Bible Study 1 pm, Yarn Angels 6:30 pm, Choir Practice Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays, 9 am—2 pm, Mother’s Day Out 6:30 pm, Bible Study 6:45 pm, Ellerbe 26 6:30 pm, Bible Study 6:30 pm, Youree 6:45 pm, Ellerbe 19 6:30 pm, Bible Study 12 5 10 am, St. Anne’s 6:30 pm, Bible Study Thu 27 5:30 pm, Stations of the Cross w/fish fry 20 5:30 pm, Stations of the Cross w/fish fry 13 6 8 am, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Fri Sat 28 9 am, Marriage Retreat 21 RCIA retreat 14 7 COMING UP IN MARCH 8, 6 pm, Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick 15-17, Annual Parish Retreat 24, 6:30 pm, Lenten Penance Service St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Calendar of Events, February, 2015 Sundays, 9:30 am & Wednesdays, 6:30 pm, HS Youth Bible Study @ Youth House 11
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