READ MORE - Phoenix Curb Machines

Vision Accomplished: How Phoenix Curb
Machines Transform Contractor Sales and Profits
Stuart Johnson
President, Phoenix Curb Machines
Stu Johnson has been in construction and manufacturing-related industries
for more than 30 years. He has owned, managed, and operated real estate
development and home building businesses, directed operations for industrial
tool manufacturers and built marketing, sales and distribution businesses.
Johnson’s experience with residential development showed him how costly hand-forming curb and
sidewalk was. Building a team with Ed Taylor and experienced professionals was the launching point for
Phoenix Curb Machines. Transforming the concrete curbing industry with innovation is the mission.
Call him the “Edison of Curb Machines.”
Nearly every innovation in automated
curb-making, from their invention more
than 40 years ago through today’s latest
groundbreaking advances, can be traced to
a single engineering genius: Ed Taylor.
Today Ed has teamed-up with Phoenix Curb
Machines to offer contractors a new breed
of curb machines that are:
• Easily transported by a standard one-ton
pick-up truck and trailer
• Easily setup at the jobsite; easily cleaned
and loaded when finished
• Easily operated to deliver great, highly
profitable curbing fast
Ed’s three signature machines—the Phoenix
3300 Slipform Curber, PCM 6500, and top
of the line PCM 7500—have rewritten the
book on automated curb-making. Here’s
what Stu Johnson, president and principal
of Phoenix Curb Machines, says about the
breakthrough curbers:
? There are several companies that
manufacture curb machines, some even
bearing Ed Taylor’s imprint. What makes
Phoenix Curb Machines different?
Four years ago a group of us got together with Ed
for the sole purpose of taking his best ideas to the
next level. Ed has a very clear vision of what his
fellow contractors wanted—curb machines that
were easy to move from jobsite to jobsite, set up
quickly, and delivers quality curb work fast. So,
we banded together and created Phoenix Curb
Machines to help Ed realize that vision.
What are contractors saying?
The word is quickly getting out. We have many
very happy customers. For example, Guillermo
Siller of HESI Construction in San Antonio, Texas,
expanded his concrete specialty services with our
PCM 3300. He says, “Ease of transport and ease
of use is what we needed. We move this machine
with a pickup truck, set up in under an hour and
cleanup even faster…and the curbs look great! The
PCM 3300 truly delivers.” He told us the machine
paid for itself within nine months. He claims to
net about $8 a linear foot and has poured over
20,000 linear feet this year. He’s delighted with
his 3300 and says he is coming to the 2015 World
of Concrete to buy the PCM 3300’s big brother, the
PCM 7500.
Produced by Hanley Wood Strategic Marketing Services Group
This is exactly the vision Ed had for our curb
machines. They’re not just a better product, they’re
transformative. We’re changing the way concrete
contractors go to business. Our customers are
making more money using our curbing machines.
It’s a lot of fun to be a part of this.
? What options do contractors have when
considering your curb machines?
Our PCM 3300 is designed as an entry-level
machine or, for larger curbing contractors for
light-duty or limited-access curb work. Most lease
the machines. The PCM 7500 and PCM 6500 do
just about everything the giant curbing machines
do but at about two-thirds the price. They pour
at up to 50 feet/minute. The difference between
the PCM 7500 and PCM 6500 is the patented
curbside trimming auger on the PCM 7500.
All of our machines are simple to operate. Even
so, each one includes days of personal, expert
instruction. We’re introducing a number of
exciting new innovations for 2015. Watch for more
details at the 2015 World of Concrete.
How should contractors learn more?
Visit our website at
Or, better yet, just give us a call at 888.443.6390.
We can arrange for you to go to see one of our
machines in action, explain how to buy or lease,
and answer any other questions.
To Learn More
Email [email protected]