4th sunday - Camborne and Redruth

Roman Catholic Diocese of Plymouth
Sunday 1st February 2015 (4th Sunday)
Entrance Antiphon
Psalm 105: 47
Save us, O Lord our God!
And gather us from the nations,
to give thanks to your holy name,
and make it our glory to praise you.
Robin Carter
First Reading
Deuteronomy 18:15-20
Psalm 94:1-2,6-9
Parish of Our Lady of All Nations
Camborne & Redruth
Parish Priest
St John the Baptist Camborne
Fr Christopher Findlay-Wilson
The Assumption Redruth
The Presbytery, 15 Trevu Road Camborne TR14 7AE
Tel. 01209 713143 website: camborne-redruth-parish.org
Deacons: Rev. Robin Carter, Rev. Adrian Dyer & Rev. Peter Gahan (retired)
Sisters of St Joseph of Annecy: Tel. 01209 215806
Parish Secretary: Mrs Kimberley Bambrough
Safeguarding: Mrs Ewa Taylor
Response: O that today you would listen to his voice! ‘Harden not your hearts.’
Come, ring out our joy to the Lord;
hail the rock who saves us.
Let us come before him, giving thanks,
with songs let us hail the Lord.
Come in; let us bow and bend low;
let us kneel before the God who made us:
for he is our God and we
the people who belong to his pasture,
the flock that is led by his hand.
O that today you would listen to his voice!
‘Harden not your hearts as at Meribah,
as on that day at Massah in the desert
when your fathers put me to the test;
when they tried me, though they saw my work.’
Second Reading
1st February 2015
Fourth Sunday
Education Sunday
O that today ….
Sunday Mass Times:
Camborne: 9.30am & 6pm
Redruth: 11.00am
Mon. 2nd
O that today ….
O that today ….
Camborne: Sat. 10.30am Sun. 5.30pm
Redruth: Sat. 4.00pm
- No Mass today Redruth Mass 7pm Mass St Blaise
Wed. 4th
Camborne 10am Mass
2pm rosary group in convent
Thu. 5th
Camborne 12noon Mass St Michael's school
Camborne 7pm Holy hour 6pm St Agatha
RCIA 7.45pm in presbytery
1 Corinthians 7:32-35
Gospel Acclamation
Matthew 11:25
Alleluia, alleluia! Blessed are you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, for revealing the
mysteries of the kingdom to mere children. Alleluia!
Redruth Mass 8am St Paul Miki
Camborne 10am Mass
Mark 1:21-28
Communion Antiphon Psalm 30: 17-18
Let your face shine on your servant.
Save me in your merciful love.
O Lord, let me never be put to shame, for I call on you.
Please send all notices for the Newsletter to Father Chris by Wed. evening
01209 713143 or
[email protected]
St John’s Catholic Primary School
Trevu Road, Camborne Tel. 01209 713944
St Michael’s Catholic Secondary School
Trevu Road, Camborne Tel. 01209 718997
Plymouth Diocesan Trust (registered charity number 213227)
Mass intentions
Sunday: 9.30am: Parish; 11am: Fr Derrick Maitland SJ RIP 6pm: Holy Souls
Tuesday: Maureen Hawke RIP
Wednesday: Richard Findlay-Wilson RIP
Thursday: George Blake
Friday: Catherine Roberts RIP
Saturday: Hughes
St John's
Please pray for those who are sick:
Jean Ash, Philip Billing, Tracia Bradley, Doreen Leonard, Thyra Martin, Judith
Milton, William O’Mullane, Mary Müller, Jozefa Olinkiewicz, Emily Pascoe, Geoff
Penn, Dorothy Sykes, Ann Sykes, Nelly Taylor, Ros Fuca, Sr Ursula and Eileen
Readers for Sunday 8th February (5th Sunday in Ordinary Time)
Mary Gahan & Joyce Sanderson
Eirwen Carter & Karena Hanson
Louise Northern
Second collections
Today: Catholic Education Service
Next Sunday 8th Feb: Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes
First Communions enrolment mass: Sunday 8th Feb 9.30am, Camborne
We ask all First Communion parents to bring their children to that one mass
next Sunday.
Lenten Study Groups?
We are thinking about having weekly meetings for prayer and study in different
homes across the parish during Lent this year. If you are interested and would
be happy for other parishioners to meet in your home, please do let us now.
Pilgrimage to Medjugorje 3rd October
As there has been no definitive judgment of the Church on its supernatural
status to date, we can only organise an unofficial pilgrimage. Maggie Thompson
is looking into it as some have expressed interest. Flights would be from Bristol;
cost around £550. Again, let us know ASAP if you might be interested.
Fr Derrick Maitland SJ RIP
Bernard has provided a little information
about his brother:
Born in Gibraltar 31.10.24
Educated at St Joseph's College, Beulah Hill
Royal Air Force 1941-1949
Entered the Society of Jesus 7.09.51
Pastoral ministry in Guyana 1963-2007
Founder member of the Corpus Christi
Jesuit Community, Boscombe where he died 12.01.15
May he rest in peace.
His words: "The essence of being a good Jesuit is the love of Jesus"
A wonderful opportunity in Headship for an outstanding Catholic Teacher
Start date: September 2015
Group 2 Salary range: L13-L19 NOR 143
(Assistance available with relocation expenses)
We have a lively and enthusiastic staff supporting polite, responsive pupils.
We need a stimulating leader with experience of effective senior
management, a communicator, an organiser and a lover of the Catholic
Church and its teaching.
You will be supported by an active Governing Body, in the heart of our local
parish community and surrounded by the stunning Cornish countryside.
Our school is a member of Plymouth CAST and benefits from the security
provided within a network of 35 Diocesan schools. As well as working closely
with the CAST Area Advisor, a comprehensive Head Teacher induction
programme will ease the successful candidate into understanding the ways of
the South West.
Visits to the school are most welcome. To arrange a visit or to request an
application pack contact Sharon Langley on 01209 713944
or [email protected].
Closing date Wednesday 11th February 2015.
Interviews Monday 9th March and Tuesday 10th March 2015