ST WILFRID’S SUNDAY SERVICE TIMES Sat 6:15pm 8:30am 10:30am 12:00pm 6:00pm 6:30pm Vigil Mass Quiet Mass Family Mass Liturgy of the Word for Children Sung Latin Mass EF Sung Vespers Benediction WEEKDAY SERVICE TIMES Monday 2nd February The Presentation of the Lord Mass at 8am, 12.10pm & 6pm EF Tuesday 3rd February Feria or St Anscar or St Blaise Mass at 12:10pm Wednesday 4th February Feria Mass at 12:10pm Thursday 5th February St Agatha Mass at 12:10pm Friday 6th February St Paul Miki & Companions Mass at 12:10pm Saturday 7th January Feria or Our Lady Mass at 10:00am at St Margaret Clitherow’s Shrine Mass at 12.10pm in Church CONFESSIONS Twenty minutes before Mass and Saturdays from 10:45am - 12:00 PRAYERS AND DEVOTIONS Rosary: Monday to Saturday after the 12:10 Mass SUNDAY 1st FEBRUARY 2015 Sunday Readings: Year B YORK FOURTH SUNDAY OF THE YEAR Weekday Readings: Year 1 Divine Office Week 4 YOUR PRAYERS ARE ASKED FOR… Ken Whitehead, Bridget Whitaker, Tamara Madej, Muriel Snape, Franca Tomasini-Snowdon, Rachel McHale, Sharon Gray, Connie van Donck, Ann Bamford, Anne Preston, Gordon Whittaker, Fr Gerry Hurst, Joe Hudson, Veronica Chadwick, Maureen Pearson, Jennifer Cairns, Joan Wilkinson, Anne Walsh, Chris Smith, Marilyn Johnson, Frances Cole, Elaine Brighton, Diane Lyons, Elsie Lyon, Tom Massey and; for the ill and their carers; for all who died recently, especially Kathleen Benn, Paul Jacinski, Craig Marshall, Jane McCarthy and for all those with anniversaries at this time. CANDLEMAS Monday is the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord or Candlemas. Apart from the usual Masses, there will be a Sung Mass in the Extraordinary Form with the Blessing of Candles at 6pm. On Thursday 5th at 10am St Wilfrid’s School will come to church to celebrate Candlemas with a Mass & Procession. Parishioners, especially parents, are welcome to come and join them. BLESSING OF SAINT BLAISE Tuesday is the Feast of St Blaise. We will have the traditional blessing of throats (a bit late for many of us!) after the 12.10pm Mass. THEOLOGY ON TAP The next meeting of Theology on Tap will take place in the Royal Oak in Goodramgate (not the Lamb and Lion) on Tuesday, 3rd February at 7pm. The topic will be the justice - or not - of war. Matthew Feldman will talk and lead the discussion. APPEAL IN CHURCH There will be a presentation and appeal after all Masses next weekend by Fr Richard Biggerstaff and Alvin Blossom of the St Barnabas Society which supports those who find themselves in financial difficulties as a result of becoming Catholics. TALENTS’ FUNDRAISING Those who accepted the Talents Challenge please return your envelopes to the Rectory, or one of the priests. To enable us to check off the returned envelopes please print your name. Thanks to all who have already returned their envelopes. ANOTHER CAFÉ WITH CAKES Chris and John Megone will be serving coffee and cakes for the Talents’ Fundraising after the 10.30am Mass on Sunday, 8th February. TALENTS’ WINE TASTING Marion Hall and Oonagh Donnelly are running a wine tasting evening at 7.30pm on Friday, 13th February in the Upper Room. The date is significant. The bad luck is that you will find out what you like just in time to give it up when Lent begins the following Wednesday! FRIDAY LENT LUNCHES Lent begins on Wednesday, 18th February. Details of extra services and groups will be announced next week but there is a list at the back of church for those willing to help with the Friday Lunches REGULAR MEETINGS AND GROUPS - FULL DETAILS ON THE WEBSITE • Evangelium/RCIA for those interested in the Catholic Faith. Wednesday at 7pm in the Upper Room. 4th February: The Holy Eucharist. EVERY WEEK • SVP for helping those with various difficulties especially loneliness or material deprivation. Mon - Sat from 11:30am to 12:00 Please see Angela Breffitt or Fr Richard if you would like to get involved. FORTNIGHTLY Thu from after Mass until 2pm • Legion of Mary for the spiritual formation in the spirit of Our Lady and practical and Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena: spiritual help to others. Tuesday at 2pm in the Upper Room. EVERY WEEK Wednesday after the Rosary • Young Adults’ Group (17-30) for prayer, growth in the faith, and social activities. Second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 7pm in the Upper Room. READINGS AT MASS NEXT WEEK • Theology on Tap a group meeting for a meal, a drink, a talk and discussion of faith and Job 7:1-4, 6-7; 1 Corinthians 9:16-19, religion. First Tuesdays at 7pm in the Royal Oak, Goodramgate. THIS WEEK 22-23; Mark 1:29-39 • Ascent a group for older people meets in the Upper Room at 12.45pm on the last Wednesday each month. MONTHLY • York Aquinas Reading Group to discover and discuss the teaching of St Thomas. Upper Room at 7.30pm on the third Friday of each month. EVERY MONTH Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament: ORATORY CLERGY Fr Richard Duffield Parish Priest Fr Nicholas Edmonds-Smith Br Adam Fairbairn OTHER PRIESTS IN THE PARISH Fr David Standen P-in-C, St Joseph’s Fr Mark Drew Pastoral Assistant: Ciarán O’Connell COLLECTIONS, GIFT AID AND STANDING ORDERS 24th/25th January. Loose Plate: £534.37; Gift Aid £97.20; Total £631.57. Thank you very much. PETERGATE HOUSE, 11, HIGH PETERGATE, YORK YO1 7EN 01904 624767 [email protected] The Diocese of Middlesbrough is a Registered Charity number 233748 The Oxford Oratory Trust is a Registered Charity number 1018455
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