ST WILFRID’S SUNDAY SERVICE TIMES Sat 6:15pm 8:30am 10:30am 12:00pm 6:00pm 6:30pm Vigil Mass Quiet Mass Family Mass Liturgy of the Word for Children Sung Latin Mass EF Sung Vespers Benediction WEEKDAY SERVICE TIMES Monday 9th March Feria (St Frances of Rome) Mass at 8am & 12.10pm Tuesday 10th March Feria Mass at 12:10pm Wednesday 11th March Feria Mass at 12:10pm Thursday 12th March Feria Mass at 12:10pm Friday 13th March Feria Mass at 12:10pm Saturday 14th March Feria Mass at 10:00am at St Margaret Clitherow’s Shrine Mass at 12.10pm in Church CONFESSIONS Twenty minutes before Mass and Saturdays from 10:45am - 12:00 PRAYERS AND DEVOTIONS Rosary: Monday to Saturday after the 12:10 Mass Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament: Mon - Sat from 11:30am to 12:00 SUNDAY 8th MARCH 2015 Sunday Readings: Year B YORK THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT Weekday Readings: Year 1 Divine Office Week 3 YOUR PRAYERS ARE ASKED FOR… Bridget & Noel Crompton, Ken Whitehead, Bridget Whitaker, Tamara Madej, Muriel Snape, Franca Tomasini-Snowdon, Rachel McHale, Sharon Gray, Connie van Donck, Ann Bamford, Anne Preston, Gordon Whittaker, Fr Gerry Hurst, Joe Hudson, Veronica Chadwick, Elsie Lyon, Maureen Pearson, Jennifer Cairns, Joan Wilkinson, Anne Walsh, Chris Smith, Marilyn Johnson, Frances Cole, Elaine Brighton, Diane Lyons, and Tom Massey; for the ill and their carers; for all who died recently, and for all those with anniversaries at this time. VISITING PRIEST We welcome Fr Gregory Mitchell, Provost of the Oratory of Port Elizabeth, South Africa who will be staying with us this weekend. LENTEN SERMONS FOR ST WILFRID’S AND ST JOSEPH’S On Thursday at 6pm we will have the fourth of our Lenten Sermons on the Characters of the Passion followed by Adoration and Benediction. This week’s sermon will be at St Wilfrid’s. We have another guest speaker, Fr Ray Matus Cong.Orat, superior of the Oratory in formation in Manchester. His topic will be St Mary Magdalen. Please support our visiting speaker. STATIONS OF THE CROSS AND FRIDAY LENT LUNCHES On Fridays throughout Lent there will be Stations of the Cross in church at 11.30am. After the 12.10 Mass there will be a Lent Lunch for CAFOD and Aid to the Church in Need. BISHOPS’ GENERAL ELECTION LETTER There is a letter from all the Bishops of England and Wales about the importance of voting in the General Election and the issues that are of concern to the Church. Please take one home to read. PILGRIMAGE TO KNOCK A Pilgrimage to Knock is proposed from 17th - 21st August. If you are interested please contact Liz on 656497 in the evenings. SAINT PATRICK’S DAY There will be a Mass concelebrated by the priests of York at 12 noon on 17th March at St George’s. This will be followed by refreshments, lively music and good craic at the Tramways Club (£3). VOLUNTEERS NEEDED TO HELP WITH CATHOLIC SCHOOLS’ FOOTBALL TOURNAMENT This will be in Hull on Saturday, May 9th. The organisers are urgently looking for volunteers to ensure the event continues. If anybody can offer their help on the day (car parking, water stewards, etc.) or with longer term planning (sorting the fixtures, making the programme, etc.) please can you let Dan Jones know and he will pass your details on. [email protected] A DAY WITH MARY On Saturday, 14th March, we will welcome pilgrims from all over the country for a Day with Mary to be held in our church. Apart from the usual Masses there will be an extra Mass at 10.45am and the rosary, adoration and other devotions throughout the day. Please take a flier for full details. REQUIEM MASS FOR KING RICHARD III There will be a Requiem Mass for King Richard III on Thursday 26th March at 7pm in St Wilfrid’s Church after the events in York Minster. The celebrant will be Rt Rev. Terence Drainey, Bishop of Middlesbrough and Fr Richard will preach. The Mass will be in English with the Latin Plainchant familiar to King Richard sung by the choir. Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena: REGULAR MEETINGS AND GROUPS - FULL DETAILS ON THE WEBSITE • Evangelium/RCIA for those interested in the Catholic Faith. Wednesday at 7pm in the Wednesday after the Rosary READINGS AT MASS NEXT WEEK 2 Chronicles 36:14-16,19-23; Ephesians 2:4-10; John 3:14-21 • • Upper Room. This week: Moral Action. WEEKLY SVP for helping those with various difficulties especially loneliness or material deprivation. Please see Angela Breffitt or Fr Richard if you would like to get involved. FORTNIGHTLY Legion of Mary for the spiritual formation in the spirit of Our Lady and practical and spiritual help to others. Tuesday at 2pm in the Upper Room. WEEKLY COLLECTIONS, GIFT AID AND STANDING ORDERS 28th Feb/1st March. Loose Plate: £693.75; Gift Aid £66; Total £759.75. CAFOD £255.42 Thank you very much. ORATORY CLERGY Fr Richard Duffield Parish Priest Fr Nicholas Edmonds-Smith Br Adam Fairbairn OTHER PRIESTS IN THE PARISH Fr David Standen P-in-C, St Joseph’s Fr Mark Drew Pastoral Assistant: Ciarán O’Connell YORK NEWMAN CIRCLE The next meeting is on Monday, 16th March at 7.30 at the Bar Convent. Fr Richard will speak on Blessed John Henry Newman’s Teaching on Prayer. PETERGATE HOUSE, 11, HIGH PETERGATE, YORK YO1 7EN 01904 624767 [email protected] The Diocese of Middlesbrough is a Registered Charity number 233748 The Oxford Oratory Trust is a Registered Charity number 1018455
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