Sunday, February 1, 2015 MURRAY STREET BAPTIST CHURCH The Church with Heart in the Heart of the City 175 Murray St. Peterborough, ON K9H 2S7 705-745-4376 (phone & fax) or 705-745-4744 [email protected] Twitter: @murraystbaptist Find Us on Facebook – Follow Us on Twitter Senior Minister: Rev. Dale R. Soble Director of Music: Nola Wilson Minister to Seniors: Rev. Evelyn Moore Outreach Worker: Casey O. Watson Canadian Baptists of Ontario and Quebec SUNDAY @ MURRAY STREET February 1, 2015 8:00 am Breakfast Church 10:30 am Worship The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Psalm 19:1 NIV (Daily Wisdom NIV) Entering Into Worship Welcome Invitation to Worship Prayer *Hymn: For the Beauty of the Earth #793 Greeting Time Hearing and Engaging God’s Word Time with Young Worshipers Scripture: Colossians 3: 18 - 4:1 Anthem: In Memory of You Sermon: Christian Households Choir Rev. Dale Soble Responding to God’s Presence *Congregational Response in Song: A Christian Home #451 I Will Bless Thee O Lord vs.1 #174 O Love that Will Not Let Me Go #606 Announcements Our Gifts, Tithes and Offerings: Offertory *Presentation of Offering & Prayer: Congregational Prayers & The Lord’s Prayer The Fellowship of the Lord’s Table *Hymn of Gathering: Invitation to the Table Prayer Communion Blessed and Sent *Closing Song: Lord, We Thank Thee for the Pleasure Benediction Choral Amen * If able, please stand where indicated. If you would like Intercessory Prayer following the service, please speak to Rev. Soble, Casey Watson, Rev. Moore, or a deacon. They’d be happy to help. W e warmly welcome you to Murray Street Baptist Church this morning. If this is your first visit, please sign one of our Guest Books (in Webb Hall or the narthex). Please join us in Webb Hall for light refreshments following worship. Rev. Soble is looking for 4 or 5 homes to act as hospitality sites for Ash Wednesday, February 18 at 7:00 p.m. Hosts would provide coffee, tea and dessert for about 8 to 10 people. Each site will be given a small Lenten study booklet for some small group discussion (about half an hour to 3/4 of time.) Each group can choose how to work through the booklet. The congregation will sign up for whatever group they would like. Please speak to Rev. Soble ASAP if you can be a host home. Benevolent Fund: Your support of this fund enables the Deacons and Pastoral Staff to meet emergency needs of members of our church family. Often this ministry extends beyond our membership. Contributions are made to the Benevolent Fund on Communion Sundays. Envelopes are in the pews, or mark your regular offering envelope. CHURCH FAMILY NEWS: ; In Hospital: Carly Cameron ( Recovering at home: Debbie Wombwell, Lyn Draper Happy Birthday to Tom Gould (5th), Shirley Nicholls (6th) ! Congratulations & Best Wishes to Holly Carr and Shaun Wilson, who were married at MSBC yesterday. We wish them well for the future. (Attn Baptist Women: If you wish to sign a card for them, please see Gerry Crown after the service.) j Many thanks for all your prayers, cards, phone calls and food at the time of Ray’s passing and for the cozy comfort shawl given to me at my recent stay in hospital. All was much appreciated. I’ve bene blessed by church friends. Thanks so much. Margery Johnson (Editor’s Note: CD’s of Ray’s Funeral are available in church office if you missed it.) To my MSBC family, thank you for all the prayers, caring thoughts and beautiful cards of encouragement during my hospital stay and convalescence. I am pleased to report that I am now cancer free and it’s just a matter of healing and getting my strength back. Praise God for your prayers and His many blessings! Lyn Draper • You will find your copy of the 2015 Church Directory in your mailbox today. Please make the following changes to it: Wes Hynd - add Mrs. Nadine Hynd Tiffany Lobb - postal code is K9H 5N1, not 5W1 Doug & Helen Markwick - address should read 654, not 65 Casey & Debra Watson - remove phone no. 705-874-8403 Debbie Wombwell - correct email address is [email protected] not [email protected]. • The latest edition of Canadian Baptist Ministries PRAYERline is posted in Webb Hall. NEEDED: Ushers are needed for our Sunday services and other special occasions. Please consider volunteering for this ministry and speak to Rev. Soble or Sharron Hatton if you’d like to help. Thanks in advance for your service. Praying Together: Praying Together is an opportunity for those interested in praying for our church and for others who have concerns that need prayer. All are welcome to gather on Wednesdays at 11:00 a.m. in the Quiet Room. Nursery & Toddlers Schedule Today: Tracey & Tristan Wilkinson Feb. 8: Debbie McCulloch -2- Murray Street Events • Saturday, Feb. 7 @ 7 pm: Ptbo. Medical Brigade Drug Packing night in Webb Hall. The Brigade will be in the Philippines from February 13 - March 2. Let’s remember to pray for them! • Tuesday, February 10 @ 12 noon: OASIS Pot Luck Luncheon and A Time of Sharing Acts of Kindness You’ve Experienced. • Tuesday, Feb. 17 @ 1:30 pm: Baptist Women’s Great Cdn. Bible Study led by Prue Watts. Proceeds to Congolese women. • Sunday, February 22, 2015: Congregational Meeting following the worship service. Feed the Hungry: Thanks so much for your provisions for our roast pork dinner. The diners were most appreciative. There were 55 served plus 5 diners to whom Myrna & Colin Greer supplied a complete supper. To my 10 wonderful hard-working helpers I say thanks. Our next meal is on Sunday, Feb. 22nd. Evelyn Moore JAVA JIVE performs at the NEXICOM STUDIO at Showplace today at 2:00 p.m., in support of the Friends of Honduran Children’s Education Scholarship Fund. Tickets: $25 each, at Showplace box office, 705-7427089 or Gilmour’s Got Talent! The Gilmour Worship Committee presents The 3rd Annual Talent Show on Saturday, March 14 @ 7 pm. Cost:$5 per person. Desserts & Beverages to follow – proceeds to mission trip to Bolivia. See poster in Webb Hall for details. Community Groups Using Our Facilities Alternatives Community Program Services, ALS Society, Bereaved Families of Ontario, Downtown Youth Space program, FourCast Housing Drop-In, Lighthouse Drop-In, NA meeting, PCCHU, PRHC Peer Support Group, Peterborough Singers, Tai Chi classes, Warming Room. WEEKLY MSBC EVENTS MONDAY February 2 9:30 am: Heart to Heart Bible Study TUESDAY February 3 9:15-11 am: The Closet (women) 10:00 am: Staff Meeting 1-4:00 pm: Watercolour Art Class 6:30 pm: Beavers & Cubs: Great Murray St. Kub Kar & Beaver Buggy Rally - Spectators Welcome WEDNESDAY February 4 11:00 am: Praying Together in the Quiet Room 1:00 pm: Bible Study with Rev. Soble THURSDAY February 5 10-11:00 am: The Closet (men) 6:30 pm: Scouts SATURDAY February 7 7:00 pm: Ptbo. Medical Brigade Drug Packing Night - Webb Hall SUNDAY February 8 8-9:00 am: Breakfast Church 10:30 am: Worship. Rev. Dale Soble preaching. Sermon: Last Words. Scripture: Colossians 4: 2 - 18. 12-1:00 pm: Handbell Choir practice -3- Muffin Party & Quality Used Clothing Sale Red Hat Table Thursday, February 12 10:30 am - 1 pm Muffins, Tea and Coffee - $4 Murray Street Baptist Church Proceeds to Outreach Ministries SPRING CLEANING EARLY Good quality used - or new - clothing and shoes are needed for the Muffin Party & Clothing Sale on Feb. 12. Donations will be accepted up to & including Wed. Feb. 11. Thank you in advance for your generosity. The Closet Committee -4-
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