The Northminster Press February 2015 A Publication of NORTHMINSTER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH New Beginnings starts this month! Make a difference in the new NPC! Small groups will begin meeting for 6 weeks. This is a 6 time commitment only and you have the choice of any day and place starting on February 12th. The following is the schedule: Sundays at 11:30am starting Feb. 15, facilitators: Blasettis at NPC Mondays at 7pm starting February 23, facilitators: Hunters at their home (Chino Hills) Tuesdays at 7pm starting February 17, facilitators: Sassamans at their home (DB) Wednesdays at 6:30pm starting February 25, facilitators: Mark Agars, Ward Palmer at NPC Thursdays at 7pm starting February 12, facilitators: Lyons Smith at their home (DB) All meetings are only 1 1/2 hours—promise! Childcare is available on Sundays & Wednesdays. This is the last phase of the assessment done last October and it is important to hear your voice. Copies of the Assessment Book will be available to everyone in the small groups. Please sign up asap after Worship or contact the office at (909)861-4715. Pastor’s Peace If you are familiar with the Exodus story of the Old Testament (the Hebrew Scriptures), you’ll remember that the Israelites wandered in the wilderness for forty years before they arrived in the Promised Land. Leaving Egypt was not easy even though they had lived as slaves. Often they complained and wished to go back to the difficulties they knew rather than face an unknown future. (Listen to Keith Green’s “So You Wanna Go Back to Egypt” for a more lighthearted version on YouTube: v=1JwaxlykgGU ) Though our church has not been lost in the wilderness for forty years, we’ve experienced the difficulties and anxieties in recent years of feeling lost in the wilderness. In my dissertation studies I encountered church consultants who referred to the current situation faced by the mainline church as a “wilderness period” or “in-between times.” We know that we cannot go back to the way things were. The world and the times we live in have changed drastically. Just as God was leading these Israelites to a new day by going forward, God is calling us to do the same. I think we have now come to the place where we know that the only way to follow where God leads is to move forward into something new. (Cont’d on page 9) 1 Sunday, February 1 – Communion 4th Sunday After Epiphany Mark 1:21-28 Theme: Jesus’ authoritative word over an unclean spirit shows his desire to relieve human illness and suffering. As Christ’s disciples we work with him to do the same. Upcoming Events New Beginnings pg. 1 John Denver Tribute Concert pg. 3 Food Drive, Feb. 1 pg. 10 Birthdays & Anniversaries pg. 10 Sunday, February 8 5th Sunday After Epiphany Mark 1:29-39 Theme: Jesus healed, prayed and proclaimed. This is still our ministry – to continue the ministries of Jesus the Christ. Calendar link pg. 12 Children’s News pg. 4 Choir News pg. 2 Financials pg. 7 & 8 Pastor’s Peace pg. 1 Sunday, February 15 - EPIC Transfiguration Sunday Mark 9:2-9 Theme: Jesus has come to be the definitive expression of God’s love reaching out to all. Staff info pg. 12 Worship pg. 2 Youth News pgs. 5 & 6 February 18 - Ash Wednesday @ 7:00pm Imposition of Ashes Before worship a Simple Supper @ 5:45 Begin offerings for One Great Hour of Sharing Choir News S THE SIX-WEEK CHOIR SPECIAL rehearsals begin on Thursday, February 19 (the day after Ash Wednesday). Rehearsals begin promptly at 7 p.m. in the Sanctuary and last for one hour for the first 3 weeks, then for an hour-and-a-half for the remaining rehearsals. The last rehearsal is Wednesday, April 1. Plan to sing with us on Palm Sunday (March 29), Maundy Thursday (April 2 ), and Easter Sunday (April 5). Questions? Contact Linda Nason at [email protected]. Sunday, February 22 1st Sunday in Lent “The Mark of a Disciple” Luke 15 Theme: Three stories of the lost being found. A disciple knows that he/she is lost until found. Something worth celebrating! Sunday, March 1 – Communion (in pews) 2nd Sunday in Lent “The Mark of a Disciple: Gratitude” Luke 17:11-19 Theme: Only one of 10 lepers returned to thank Jesus for healing his disease. NEW STOLES FOR WORSHIP LEADERS Have you noticed the lovely stoles that the worship leaders are now wearing on Sunday mornings? We want to express our sincere thanks to Lisa Stebe for giving of her time and talent to make these beautiful additions to our worship service. We're all very grateful for your thoughtful and generous gifts, Lisa. ASH WEDNESDAY IS FEB. 18TH Join us for a simple supper at 5:45pm and Worship at 7pm. 2 ! a e d i ift g s ’ e ntin A Vale Saturday, February 7 7:00 pm Tickets $20 Purchase online: or in the office Mon.– Fri. 9-am-12:30pm Info: 909-861-4715 Northminster Presbyterian Church 400 Rancheria Road Diamond Bar Proceeds to the NPC Choir Scholarship Fund 3 Children’s News: SEARCH FOR A CHILDREN’S CHRISTIAN EDUCATION DIRECTOR IS UNDERWAY Session has approved the hiring team for the staff position to lead Children’s Ministries. The team includes: Jillian Ecker (Elder of Children’s and Youth Christian Education), Mitzie Bailey (Chair of the Children’s CE Ministry Team), Jenifer Ford, Lauren Aranda, Terry Aaland, Ward Palmer, and Pastor Bob Stebe. This team is tasked with assessing the needs, creating a job description, and hiring a person capable of filling the position. Please pray for this team and help out where you can. CHILDREN’S MINISTRY PROGRAMS Despite not having a staff member in charge of Children’s Ministries, NPC has much to offer the Children who grace our campus, including: Childcare Our Childcare Center is staffed by Ms. Madeleine and a host of volunteers who help keep your infant/ toddler/pre-preschool child engaged with age appropriate toys and lessons while parents attend Worship. Sunday School For children in Preschool-Kindergarten, we offer an age appropriate curriculum put out by our denomination (PCUSA) that includes a bible lesson, craft, and lots of fun. For children in 1st-5th grade, we offer an age appropriate curriculum which is synced with the primary scripture being discussed in worship. This curriculum usually includes a bible lesson, along with an activity and a type of response. Homework Club Homework Club is a safe place for children and youth to complete homework on Wednesday afternoons from 3-5pm. Along with a snack, children and youth are provided with space, materials, and adult peers to help them complete their homework. Start cleaning out your closets! The Goodwill Drive Fundraiser is Saturday March 7th. More info to follow next month! All proceeds shared between NPC and Diamond Bar Community Preschool. 4 Souper Bowl of Caring Feb. 1, Super Bowl Sunday!! The Souper Bowl of Caring is a national youth movement that feeds those who are hungry by taking a collection of food and money on Super Bowl Sunday. Collections at NPC will go to Inland Valley Hope Partners, a faith-based nonprofit organization, who through their four food pantries, emergency housing shelter and supportive services, offers hope to people in crisis; empowering them to break cycles of poverty and despair. SUPER BOWL PARTY Come watch the Seahawks and the Patriots square off in Super Bowl 49. Along with a great game, we’ll have food and games (like Commercial Bingo). The Loors (22844 Mountain Laurel Way, Diamond Bar 91765) are opening their home for us to watch the game together. Please bring a food item to share (see sign up sheet). Join us for our annual Super Bowl party and feel free to invite a friend. Looking for a place for your child(ren) to do homework? Wanting your child(ren) to get a little extra help? Homework Club is the place for your child(ren). We have adult peers who create a safe environment conducive to doing homework and provide supervision and help on Wednesdays from 35pm in the Dash. We also have a snack, computers/printers, supplies, and recreation (when they finish their homework). Bring your child(ren) on by to Homework Club on any Wednesday afternoon and feel free to invite a neighbor or friend. YOUTH BIBLE STUDY Our Youth Bible Study meets on Wednesday nights from 5:45-7:30pm in the dash. Along with a meal and some fun games, we’ll explore the sayings of Jesus in an intimate, faith building environment. Join us on Wednesday nights. 5 30 Hour Famine February 27-28 Invite a friend to join us for this life changing experience February 27th-28th. We’ll educate ourselves about hunger, experience hunger (by not eating for 30 straight hours), and raise funds to help those who experience hunger everyday. More information to follow. YOUTH GROUP MEETINGS Our weekly youth group meetings are on Sundays after worship until 1pm. We’ll share some food, a scripture lesson, fun, and stories as we grow in our faith and our relationships with each other. Join us for youth group and invite a friend. 2015 Dates Here are some dates to put on your calendar for this year: February 1 - Souper Bowl, Super Bowl Party February 27-28 30 Hour Famine March 8 - Youth Auction March 20-22 - March Madness winter Retreat (@ Big Bear) April 5 - Easter Breakfast April 25 - Tapestry Tacky Prom (@ Calvary South Pasadena) June 15-19 - Middle School Mission Week June 22-26 - Vacation Bible School (tentative) July 5-11 - Jr High/LEAD Camp July 26-August 3 - High School Mission Trip 6 FINANCIALS ACTUAL THRU 12-31-14 RECEIPTS Pledges Other Income TOTAL RECEIPTS TOTAL EXPENSES $ 319,650.90 $ 60,337.32 $ 379,988.22 $ (373,190.78) TOTAL $ 6,797.44 SHARE THE VISION Building Fund Receipts PRESBYTERIAN SOLAR LOAN BALANCE PRESBYTERIAN BLDG LOAN BALANCE BUDGETED $ 316,000.00 $ 62,288.00 $ 378,288.00 $ (388,788.00) $ (10,500.00) $64,020.50 $73,478.09 $5,818.40 $6,797.44 transferred to Capital Reserve Fund PLEDGE UPDATE: Received so far: 84 pledges for $320,820 Cards are available in the Narthex and in the office if you have yet to pledge, or you can email your pledge to [email protected]. Thanks to all who have faithfully pledged for 2015. Per Capita Collection Please contribute to help defray the cost of our Shared Mission payment to Presbytery this year of $21,060. With 193 members, this works out to $109.12 per member. Your donation can be made at any time for 2015, and in any amount. Please write the words “Per Capita” or “Shared Mission” on your check memo line and drop your check in the offering plate or mail it to the church office. For more information, please contact Connie Modglin, Treasurer, at [email protected]. 2014 GIVING STATEMENTS for NPC pledgers and regular contributors are available in the Narthex. To ensure the deductibility of your church contributions, please do not file your 2014 income tax returns until you have received your NPC giving statement. We give thanks for those who are able through God’s grace to give so generously to the programs and mission here at NPC. Donate Online DO YOU PAY YOUR BILLS ONLINE? Add Northminster to your list! Please feel free to switch over to this secure format for your NPC donations. Did you know that you can donate to Northminster online? Check out and look for the DONATE button! 7 FINANCIALS CONGREGATIONAL MISSION GIVING 12/31/14 (BEYOND BUDGET) ALTERNATIVE GIFT MARKET $ 4,850.00 ANGEL INTERFAITH $ 651.00 BLANKETS+ PROGRAM $ 185.00 CHRISTMAS JOY $ 2,141.00 DEACONS FUND $ 5,881.25 HEALTHY WOMEN & FAMILIES $ 120.00 INLAND VALLEY HOPE PARTNERS $ 1,428.00 INLAND VALLEY HOPE HUNGER WALK* $ 1,345.99 GARTH MOLLER FUND $ 600.00 ONE GREAT HOUR OF SHARING $ 2,580.70 PEACE OFFERING $ 568.00 PENTECOST OFFERING $ 610.00 SOUPER BOWL $ 532.48 THANKSGIVING BASKETS $ 2,200.00 THIRTY HOUR FAMINE $ 379.00 VBS MISSION PROJECT $ 704.00 $ 24,776.42 *Remitted directly to Agency TOTAL 8 Pastor’s Peace (con’t from page 1) In Joshua 3 the story continues. The Israelites have reached the Jordan River with a new land, a Promised Land, on the other side. At verse 14 the writer continues: The people marched out from their tents to cross over the Jordan. The priests carrying the covenant chest were in front of the people. When the priests who were carrying the chest came to the Jordan, their feet touched the edge of the water. The Jordan had overflowed its banks completely, the way it does during the entire harvest season. But at that moment the water of the Jordan coming downstream stood still. … The water … was cut off completely. … all Israel crossed over on dry land, until the entire nation finished crossing over the Jordan. We are poised on the banks of our own Jordan to cross into a new day. It’s exciting to see where God is leading in this time of New Beginnings. It is also scary. Like the early Israelites the temptation is to go back, but God is not back there. Though we may not have all the answers or a guaranteed plan in place, our task is to trust. Trust the God who calls us to cross over to a new day. Let us step into the waters and discover the New Beginnings God has in store for us. Small Groups for New Beginnings begin this month. They are scheduled to accommodate as many as possible Sunday - Thursday, with child care on Sundays and Wednesdays. Small Group Leaders will be contacting you soon about your group’s dates and times. If you have not yet signed up, please do so soon. Questions – email, text or call me. Let us together follow God’s lead. Joy & Peace - ANNUAL CONGREGATIONAL MEETING, FEBRUARY 8TH! Please plan on staying a few minutes after Worship on Feb. 8th for this very important meeting. We will receive the 2015 Budget and the Annual Report, vote on the Pastor’s salary, and elect the nominees to the Nominating Committee. Red Cross Blood Drive Do you order from Now when you order through Amazon, NPC can benefit! Go to when you are ready to order. Select NPC as your charitable organization, and we will receive 0.5% of the purchase price of all eligible products. At NPC Feb. 13 & 27 1 p.m.—7 p.m. 9 February Birthdays Peyton Blasetti Barbara Oldfield Megan Simmons Gayle Morris Ekolu Knopf III Jeanne Hatfield Janelle Willingham Wayne Hunter Christy Snyder Joseph Grady Gena Sizoo Ken Van Horn Celeste Stebe Zoey Aranda Hye Shin Lee 2/4 2/4 2/5 2/6 2/7 2/9 2/11 2/12 2/13 2/14 2/15 2/22 2/23 2/25 2/27 Richard & Silvia Bishop Paul & Debbie Ecker Gary & Anna Smith Duane & Jan DeLyser 2/1 2/17 2/24 2/28 Check out EPIC Worship! Feb.. 15th This worship service will be Experiential, Participatory, Image-driven, and Connective and will hopefully usher everyone into an experience with the divine. There is a team of 10+ people who are actively planning EPIC Worship, ensuring it will indeed be Epic! Bring a friend and enjoy EPIC Worship! The FOOD DRIVE is the 1st Sunday of each month. NPC supports Inland Valley Hope Partners food banks. Soups, rice, beans, boxed dinners, cereals, and pastas are good choices. We are also collecting plastic grocery bags. If you have a surplus, IVHP can use them! Please leave them with your food donation. The Deacons also accept cash and check donations so IVHP can purchase larger amounts of food. We now have a donation can in the shopping cart. Make checks payable to NPC with IVHP on the memo line. Inland Valley Hope Partners is requesting special items for their Beta Center and food banks. The following items are welcome: Manual can openers - many of the food recipients have no way to open the food that has been shared. Hygiene items - even partially used like lotions, shampoos, and the like. Office supplies - the various IVHP offices welcome any office supplies that are available. You may bring these items along with your canned food on the 1 st Sunday of the month. Thank you! 10 Winter Potluck February 22 after Worship Please join us for our annual Winter Potluck. Sign ups will be on the Patio beginning February 8th. Bring a dish that serves 12 and enjoy a hot breakfast and/or lunch. Any questions, call M.E. at (909)595-3977. CALLING ALL BAKERS AND CRAFTERS! Our youth group auction fundraiser is coming up soon in March. Will you kindly consider baking some treats or sewing a craft for our silent or live auction? For questions, please contact Cindy Regan at [email protected] or (909)465-1347. Save the date! NPC’s Youth Auction is March 8th. Can you help feed the hungry? “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in….” Mt 25:34-35 For a number of years The Patterson Family, along with Nancy Kozaria-Clark, have prepared and delivered dinner to the Inland Valley Hope Partners Homeless Shelter on the fourth Sunday of each month. Due to a change in Melanie Patterson’s work schedule, she will be unable to continue this ministry for the next 6 months. We are inviting volunteers to help us continue this mission. We leave from the church with the prepared food at 5:30 to arrive at the shelter and set up to eat at 6 p.m. Three to four people are needed each time. One person provides the main course, one provides a green salad and either a fruit salad or a fruit plate, and one person provides dessert and drinks. The fourth person helps with set up, or assists where needed. We share the meal with the residents and leave the food for other residents who will return from visiting family or from work. We plan enough food to feed 10 – 12 people. Nancy Clark (909) 342-4936 and Patty Hedrick (909) 861-1803 will be coordinating the dinners. Please consider donating your time and cooking talents for one of these Sundays: February 22, March 22, April 26, May 24, or June 28. 11 Northminster Presbyterian Church 400 Rancheria Road, Diamond Bar, CA 91765 (909) 861-4715 [email protected] Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9am-12:30pm Bob Stebe, Pastor Pat Williams, Parish Associate Marie Barna, Office Administrator Paul Knopf, Youth/Young Adults Connie Modglin, Treasurer Teruni Evans, Office Asst. Linda Nason, Music Dorothea Okada, Organist Nick Anziano, Lead Custodian Alex Gramajo, Custodian Madeleine Carmona, Childcare Access the church calendar. 8 Northminster Press Northminster Presbyterian Church 400 Rancheria Road Diamond Bar, CA 91765 Address Correction Requested 12 July 2014 February 2015
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