Due Date Calendar 2014-2015

2014-2015 Calendar for Council Financial Officers
Paperwork and/or money must be received by the appropriate Thirty-Third District PTA financial officer* on or before the
due dates listed below. Be sure to read page two for important tax information.
*Money is sent to the financial secretary, budgets are sent to the budget & finance chairman, council audits are sent
to the auditor, and required financial forms are sent to the treasurer. All items are to be sent to the Thirty-Third District
PTA office at PO Box 1235, Lakewood, California 90714 or turned in at a Presidents/Executive Board Meeting.
August, 2014
15th - Friday
District Executive Board Orientation reservations due in the district office
September, 2014
10th - Wednesday (Council Presidents Meeting)
2013 Council & Unit Tax Returns and RRF-1 forms due to the district treasurer (unless extension filed)
22nd - Monday (Executive Board Meeting)
Council Financial Workshop reservations due in the district office
Fall Officers Training reservations due in the district office
District Legislation Conference reservations due in the district office
27th - Saturday
Council Financial Workshop at the district office, 9:30 a.m.
October, 2014
15th – Wednesday (Council Presidents Meeting)
Council 2014 - 2015 Budgets due to the district budget & finance director
Council & Unit Year End Audits due to the district auditor
Council & Unit Tax Returns and RRF-1 forms due to the district treasurer (if filed extension)
21st – Thursday
Membership Dues ($4.00 per capita) due in the district office in order to qualify for the State
“Ready, Set… Remit” award (minimum 30 members)
27th - Monday (Executive Board Meeting)
Presidents & Administrators Conference reservations due in the district office
November, 2014
15th - Friday
Membership Dues - ($4.00 per capita) minimum 15 memberships must be turned in to the district office to remain
in good standing
Council & Unit Form 8868, Application for 2nd Extension to File Tax Return due in the district office
25th - Monday (Executive Board Meeting)
Youth Camp Donations due to the district financial secretary
December 2014
10th – Wednesday (Council Presidents Meeting)
Insurance Premiums due in the district office. The premium cost will be announced to council presidents and
treasurers in advance. If premiums are not paid on time a $25.00 late fee will be assessed by the State PTA.
January, 2015
14th - Wednesday (Council Presidents Meeting)
Membership Dues ($4.00 per capita) must be turned in to the district office to qualify for the “Teachers Matter,
Members Matter” award. Units must mail the applications directly to the State PTA office to arrive by 1-31-15.
Mid-Winter Conference reservations due in the district office
Sacramento Safari registration forms and money due in the district office
Workers Compensation Forms due - One copy for the council and one copy for each unit are due to the district
treasurer. Units/councils paying more than $1,000 to employees must also pay insurance surcharge at same
26th – Monday (Executive Board Meeting)
“Teen Scene” Middle & High School Conference reservations due in the district office
February, 2015
11th - Wednesday (Council Presidents Meeting)
Diversity & Inclusion Conference reservations due in the district office
23rd - Monday (Executive Board Meeting)
Founders Day Donations received are due to the district financial secretary
Council & Unit Mid-Year Audits due to the district auditor
March, 2015
1st – Sunday
Membership Dues ($4.00 per capita) must be turned in to the district office to qualify for any recognition at
24th - Monday (Executive Board Meeting)
April, 2015
8th - Monday (Executive Board Meeting)
Annual Meeting reservations due in the district office
20th - Monday (Executive Board Meeting)
Council & Unit End of Fiscal Year Audits due to the district auditor
Treasurer’s Annual Reports due in the district treasurer (1 copy of council and 1 copy of each unit’s reports)
May, 2015
13th – Wednesday (Council Presidents Meeting)
Spring Officers Training reservations due in the district office
18th - Monday (Executive Board Meeting)
Founders Day Donations are due to the financial secretary. This is the final deadline for the 2014/2015
contribution. One-fourth of the total amount is returned to district by the California State PTA for leadership
training. Money received after this date will be credited towards 2015/2016.
June, 2015
10th – Wednesday (Council Presidents Meeting)
Membership Dues ($4.00 per capita) must be turned in to the district office for State PTA year-end awards
If any unit or council submits two non-sufficient fund checks in a fiscal year, the district will require future payments to be by
2014 Federal Tax Return - Internal Revenue Service form 990-N (e-Postcard) must be filed electronically by all units and councils
with gross receipts normally less than or equal to $50,000; IRS form 990EZ must be filed by units and councils with gross receipts
more than $50,000 and less than $200,000; IRS form 990 must be filed by units and councils with gross receipts of $200,000 or
more. These forms may be filed any time after the close of the fiscal year (February 28 ), but must be received by the IRS no
later than July 15 . Apply for a 3-month extension, Form 8868, if you will not be able to make the July 15 deadline. If you
received a 3-month extension and will not be able to make the October 15 deadline, apply for an additional 3-month extension.
2014 State Tax Return - California State Franchise Tax Board form 199N must be filed electronically by all units and councils with
gross receipts equal to or less than $50,000 or form 199 with gross receipts greater than $50,000. These forms may be filed any
time after the close of the fiscal year (February 28 ), but must be received by the California State Franchise Tax Board no
later than July 15 or by the extension date.
RRF-1 Forms – All councils and units must have a valid charitable trust (CT) number must file an annual registration renewal
form with the California Attorney General/Registry of Charitable Trusts. These forms may be filed any time after the close of the
fiscal year (February 28 ), but must be received by the California Attorney General/Registry of Charitable Trusts no later
than July 15 or by the extension date.
California Secretary of State SI-100 (Statement of Information) Forms – All incorporated councils and units must file a SI-100
form and the $20 filing fee with the California Secretary of State every other year, during the applicable filing period, which is in the
calendar month during which the initial Articles of Incorporation were filed and the immediately preceding five calendar months.
Councils and units incorporated in odd-numbered years must file the SI-100 in odd-numbered years. Councils and units
incorporated in even-numbered years must file the SI-100 in even-numbered years. NOTE: This form MUST be filed biennially
(every other year) even if a notice to file is not received. The Secretary of State may not send a reminder of the filing due
PTA DIRECTLY. Refer your questions to the district treasurer.
REMEMBER - Non-profit organizations may not have to pay taxes, but they DO HAVE TO PAY FINES for not following the rules
and regulations. Send a copy of all completed tax returns, RRF-1 forms, and SI-100 forms to Thirty-Third District PTA and to the
council treasurer.
Mail all tax returns and government agency required forms via “Certified Mail - Return Receipt Requested.” This is the
only proof you have that filing requirements have been met by specified due dates.