Distribution Today fflDBANK Weather Mr H I * * * taavmtar* M, H to * twtgbt. Werteriy windf U to U 17,650 HONDAYTHKUOHrtlMr-ttT.UH IUUM <UUy. Itultt Uucun fndo. laeonl Clm Poiuj« •tM U H ^ B ] J „ M j m o l UUltoi Olllcn. SH I -0010 RED BANK, N. J., MONDAY, JUNE 26, 1961 Need Amendment 6' TaxingRights Limit Asked WASHINGTON (AP - Despite his resolution he will offer it as concessions granted by New York an amendment to another tax State, Sen. Clifford P. Case, R- bill opposed by New Jersey mem * NJ, said today a constitutional hers of Congress which may come amendment is still needed to ban up for a Senate vote this year. states and cities from taxing the That bill, already approved by the House Ways and Means Comincomes of non-residents. mittee, would permit the federal A resolution he drafted for ingovernment to withhold city wage troduction in the Senate today taxes from the pay-checks of emwould provide for a constitutional ployees. It is sponsored by Rep amendment to limit the taxing William J. Green, Jr., D-Pa. rights of states and cities. It is aimed principally at New Force Vote ' York State and ^Philadelphia "In this fashion, we would have which levy wage or income taxes an opportunity to force a vote on New Jerseyans who work on the larger question," Case said within their borders. In a pre- of the tax on non-residents. pared Senate speech, Case said He said although New York now he held no illusions about pas- permits New Jerseyans the same deductions on its income tax that sage of the resolution. Thirty-four states, he said, inv it allows New Yorkers, Garden COLORS RETIRED — The Jersey Blues Guard retires the colors at ceremonies celepose income taxes on residents Staters working in New York are brating the 183d anniversary of the historic Battle of Monmouth at Old Tennent and non-residents and "it's doubt still subject to double taxation. Church grounds, yesterday. Leading the guard is Dr. (Col.) C . Malcolm B. Gilman, ful that these 34 states are going 'Double Taxation' of Middletown, who was the principal speaker at the event. The Revolutionary to give up, without a struggle, It is unfair because New Jerthir particular source of tax rev- seyans pay New York State in- War cannon shown here was fired by the Jersey Blues contingent. enue." come taxes on their New York earnings, in addition, they also Amendment Needed Three-fourths of the Legislatures P?y their full* share of the cost of all the states must ratify a of New Jersey's state and local governments," he said. "This is constitutional amendment. double taxation, no matter how Another Tax Bill Case said if the Senate judici- you look at it." ary committee fails to approve (See TAX, Page 2) Fought June 28, 1778 Battle of Monmouth Marked 7c PER COPY 35c PER WEEK BY CARRIER PAGE ONE Berlin Policy Gets Backing Of Governors Kennedy Support Pledged HONOLULU (AP)—Governors of both political parties pledged strong support today to President Kennedy in his dealing with the Russians on Berlin and other crisis areas. But Kennedy's domestic policies came in for sharp criticism TENNENT — The Monmouth The event was attended byj authentic Revolutionary War can- from some Republicans and a non and tolled an old bell, also a Democrat who was one of his Battlefield Association held cere- more than 100. early supporters for the 1960 monies at Old Tennent Church Francis Drake Wells, New Jer- war relic. grounds yesterday commemora- sey president of the Sons of the Dr. Gilman told of some of the presidential nomination, G o v , ting the 183d anniversary of the American Revolution, who died events of the battle in the war John Patterson of Alabama. Patterson kicked up some exlast week, was to have been the between British forces under Gen Battle of Monmouth. Sir Henry Clinton and the Ameri' citement on the outskirts of the Dr. C. Malcolm B. Gilman, of principal speaker. can forces led by Gen George 53d annual Governors' Confer- 1.I5TH ANNIVERSARY—Rtv. Harry A. Olson, left, pasAuthentic Cannon Middletown, president of the association, spoke on the history of After the program in the Washington, Charles Lee and ence by blasting what he called tor of Middletown Reformed Church, ihowt booklet the "childish" handling of the the battle, which was fought June church, the Jersey Blues guard 'Mad" Anthony Wayne. printed to mark the 125th anniversary of the congregaMATAWAN TOWNSHIP - The out the knowledge of any Levitt 28, 1778. fired three rounds in salute in an Worried that the French Dee "Freedom Riders" bus contro Planning Board will receive plans official. would "bottle up" his forces in versy by the president's brother, tion to Rev. Milton-J. Hoffman, Reformed Church, East for the proposed sewer system The Albright firm had been inPhiladelphia, Gen Clinton with his Attorney Gen. Robert Kennedy. Millstone, at a special service- yesterday. for the 1,300-house Levitt project structed to investigate all facets 10,000 men headed for the British Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller of within two weeks, William J. of the sewer situation and likely fleet that was anchored off Sandy New York—who might be KenLevitt, Jr., informed the Register had contacted the borough as part nedy's Republican opponent for Hook. of a general survey check, he yesterday. The American forces, hearing the presidency in 1964—called for added. At the same time, Mr. Levitt of this move, cut him off just a moratorium on political criti confirmed that recent reports that The township's Planning Board outside Freehold - then known as cism of the administration's inthe firm was considering a tie-in declared Wednesday that it would Monmouth Courthouse-where the ternational moves. with the Matawan Borough sewer not approve any Levitt sewer now famous battle took place. Rockefeller told a news con system which was hooked into system, rather than construction A tour of the historic area fol- ference yesterday that Kennedy of an independent system, re- the borough system. (See CONFERENCE, Page 2) lowed the program. sulted from "a misunderstand- In the initial stages of planning ATLANTA (AP) — Is eating aid, but he estimates another FREEHOLD-A Freehold man upside down, pointed it to Ml • 250 cases of personjyvho already ing." for the project, the Levitt firm raw shellfish from unknown died yesterday in Fitkin Hos- stomach and squeezed the trigOn June 13, Albright and Frlel told the township board that it sources a little like playing Rus- have the disease will be traced pital, Neptune, as the result of a ger and safety catch together. Inc., Philadelphia, wrote to the would build and operate an inde- sian roulette? o the same source. self-inflicted bullet wound ' suf- He then slumped over, moaning, Borough Council inquiring into pendent system in th« township. Dr. Donald Henderson of the Shellfish harvested in a polluted' Oh.l'mshot!" fered the previous day, the possibility « t Levitt's project Mr. Levitt said yesterday that U. S. Communicable Disease Cen- area will clean themselves if put Patrolman Dark said it is not being hooked into the borough there has been no change from Harry Jennings, 161 Throckclean water for 24-48 hours, ter here made that oharge/But known where Mr. Jennings ob•ystem.' the original stand. morton St., was playing with a the U S. Surgeon general says Henderson said. The creatures Mr. Levitt yesterday identified The sewer engineering studies, it probably isn't as bad as some live by pumping water through .25 caliber automatic pistol in a tained the pistol. NEW BRUNSWICH (AP) - A 'ex., prior to assignment in the firm as engineering consult- he adde"d, are nearly complete people have pictured it. neighbor's kitchen wtien the ac The Freeman Funeral Home, themselves and extracting food group of neighborly young 'anganyika, Africa. ants for his company. He'said and will be presented to the local cident happened, according to Freehold, is fai charge of arHenderson, chief of the sur- rom it, and they will pump Americans; who would like noth- The Colombian project at Rut Patrolman Harry Dark, who in- rangements. the letter had been written to the board within two weeks or pos veillance section of the Epidemio- enough in th e course of a day ing better than to prove their ers is being administered by vestigated. At Perth Amboy, a threeMatawan Borough Council with- sibly even one week. logy Branch at the center, em- or two to remove any hepatitis neigbbortiness to our Colombian CARE, the organization that pro month-old boy suffocated Saturfriends, get into full swing to vides relief and rehabilitation The 45-year-old construction day in a fire which left four in phasized that not all clams and virus they might be carrying. oysters are contaminated. In fact Most states have regulations re- day as they begin work toward programs in distressed areas o worker reportedly said, "This the family and eight in another works just like a lemon squeez family homeless: the sea creatures aren't diseased, garding the harvesting of shell- fulfillment of President Kenne he world. Tlie trainees' 60-hour week is er," lo Mary Matthews and her The child, John Maher, 611 but they may be harvested in ish, but enforcement is difficult. dy's Peace Corps dream. brother-in-law, Benny Fitzpatrick Charles St., youngest of three polluted water, he said. More than 80 trainees set out broken up in this manner: Sanitary Programs on a rugged eight-week framing Latin American and Colombia in her kitchen at 163 Throckmor- sons of Mr, and Mrs. Harold N, This year, more than 350 cases Surgeon General Luther t . period which will keep them go- history, culture, economics and ton St. Maher, was dead on arrival at of infectious hepatitis in southern RUMSON — A plan to destroy information from the applicant New England, New York, New Terry has defended the state ing at a strenuous pace for 60 politics, 10 hours; languagi According to the neighbors Perth Amboy General Hospital. sanitary control programs. The the River House Inn on Bingham concerning provisions for off' Jersey, Alabama and Mississippi study, 16 hours; American his- Mr. Jennings removed a clip The fire broke out in the attic hours a week. Ave.—where a hotel has stood street parking, entrance and ex- have been traced to eating con- 'ublic Health Service reviews the Among those starting the train- ory, foreign policy govern containing seven bullets and and routed the Maher family programs and publishes a list of -for more than 100 years—and re- its on the new building and the taminated clams and oysters. ing program is John W. Kuhns, ment, economic life and socia placed it on the table where Mr from their second floor apartinterstate clam shippers who have 22, of 1071 Middlesex Rd., Maia problems, six hours; commun.t Fitzpalrick was having breakfast ment aad another family from place it with a new hotel is now number of employees planned been certified by the states. The New York Area being studied by the Zoning for the staff. wan. He receives a degree in development and related techni Mr. Jennings turned the weapon the first floor, Board of Adjustment. The building is in an R-6 zone The biggest current outbreak list is revised 22 times a year. meohanioal engineering from the cal problems, nine hours; physi Both Henderson and Terry have The board has adjourned its where hotels are permitted after is in the New York area, where University of Southern Califor- cal training and condition, seven hours; testing, two hours; schedhearing on the proposal until the board approves all health and 250 cases of hepatitis have been emphasized that only raw shell- nia. fish have been involved in the traced to a polluted clam bed July 19. safety plans. By Aug. 17, 64 of the trainees uled study, 10 hours. cases analyzed so far. There are Benedict R. Nicosia, Red Bank According to a History of Rum in Raritan Bay, off the New Jerwill be selected for assignment The objectives of the training indications that the intense and to Colombia, where they wil program are as follows: attorney who represented owner son published in 1944 by the sey Coast, Henderson said. prolonged heat needed to produce Martin. Walsh at the board's Rumson Historical Committee, _ The clam bed has been closed scatter throughout the country 1. To insure a basic readini hearing last week, said the hotel named the Port Washing- for nearly two months, but the clam chowder or oyster stew kills to teaoh'people in small villages ami speaking knowledge of Spanplanned new structure will be a ton Pavilion Hotel was built on job of tracing the disease con- he hepatitis virus, Henderson what fc do in building roads .sh, W1LDWOOD (AP) - Marilyn and Mrs. W. Haufler is a 14-room hotel of Colonial design the same site in 1845. schools, small farm buildings and 2. To provide a basic knowl tinues. The number of new cases said Westfield High edge of Latin America and Co Haufler is 13 years old, 5-7, 128 graduate with a restaurant and a cock- A freight dock for steamboa of hepatitis in the Northeast has But steamed clams, which in sanitation facilities. tombia. pounds and 37-25-37. School. She is a sophomore at tail lounge. Another Group traffic was also built nearby in fallen off since the Raritan Bay comparison are barely warmed, The board is seeking detailed the same year. the Colombia-bound 3. To deepen capacities for in- And she's "Miss New Jersey" the University of North Caroclam bed was closed, Henderson may carry the disease, he While lina Women's College. warned. Fried clams are an un- group trains here at Rutgers :erpreting United States atti- of 1961. known quantity, but none of the University, another group will be udes, history and problems as The blue-eyed blonde from In Friday night's opening they relate to other peoples. cases studied this year has been learning its lessons Texas Watchung won the coveted title competition, she took swimsuit Paso, 4. To provide a basic knowl- Saturday night in competition honors in a one-piece black suit, attributed to them. Western College in against 17 other girls in the an- Her talent specialty at the edge of community development as a significant technique of so- nual state Beauty pageant at two-day pageant was a comedy Wildwood High School. cial change. monologue, Her hobbies include 5. To provide a general knowl- As Miss New Jersey, she will swimming, bowling, horseback RARITAN TOWNSHIP - The program was approved by local than the "teacher-in-charge" desand reading. She is edge of technical specialities represent the state in the Miss riding TODAY'S PICKS IN-THE-MONEY Board of Education expects to voters Thursday, by a 5-1 mar- ignation, used heretofore. necessary for community im- America Contest at Atlantic City studying to become a teacher. SELECTIONS AT OCEANPORT start construction of the major gin. First runnerup honors went to provemenf, and when and where in September. The board accepted the resigBy DOTTIE GORMAN By SAM portion of its $650,000 school exIntern Program Miss Haufler, who entered the Catherine Magee, 19, of Mooresto call on teohnicai help. nations of two teachers, Jack pansion program • in the fall, At the board's Friday night Caroli, fifth grade, and Daniel S, To physically train and con- state pageant as Miss Union City, town, Miss Burlington County. Charles S, Hopla, secretary, told meeting, R. Thomas Jannarone Verniero, seventh grade. dition the volunteers and to give succeeds Miss Susan Barber, 20, Second runnerup was Patricia Lucky Orson Winning Effort The Register yesterday. Princess A. O. superintendent, was authorized New teachers hired for 1961-62 Words of Love Kravitz, 18, of Ocean City, Miss them guidance on problems of of Westfield Winning Effort Grand Duchess Mr. Hopla said that architect to start an intern program for were: Donald A. Luloff, Belmar, adjusting to a new environment. Marilyn, the daughter of Mr. Cape May County. Frederic Fessler, Hazlet will start the training of principals-to-be. for the eighth grade, at $5,750; Before Dark Before Dark this week with preparation of The "intern" designation wil Carl Heit, Perth Amboy, seventh Repress Grand-Dad Oaks Quick Income final building specifications. be used at Hazlet School and for grade, $5,750, and Mrs. Dorothy Repress The board probably will author- the classes held in St. John's Hamburger, Farmingdale, fourth Boiinas Girl Woodnah ize advertisement for bids some- Methodist Church building, rather grade, $4,400. Woodnah Royal Gavin Royal Gavin time next month, and receive Boiinas Girl New Clerk ; bids in August or September. Fernie May A. Hyer, Hazlet, was emCasend Has Priority Casend Noble Crown (entry) ployed as a clerk-typist in the Rateable The new 16-room elementary Ram Bam office of the board secretary, at a school, to be erected on the Pasalary of $2,600. Hasty Flirt Dee Maloney cific Park (high school) site, will Again n' Again Page Contracts totaling S754 were Hasty Flirt • have priority in the construction Amusements Dee Malone Silver Abbey 7 awarded for the construction of program. Target date for com Births I a storage room at West KeansWin's Faith Helvetian Lass pletion of this unit is September Bridge Whirl-To 14 burg School. North South Gal of next year. Sunny Chile Determined Lady Classified 15 It was announced that the The board also hopes to finish Comics 14 Township Committee will con Sky Clipper (entry)* Sky Clipper the six-room addition to Middle- Crossword Puzzle „ 14 struct a foot bridge from the Cedar Brook Right Smart Road School, and the four-room Editorials „ « Fulton PI. area in Lynn Manor, Right Smart Prince Orsini addition to Cove Road School at Herblock « across Flat Creek, so that chilIrish Eyes Lukewarm* the same time, but by September Kitty Kelly - 10 dren in that section of town will Lukewarm Irish Eyes of 1963 "at the latest." Movie Timetable 7 be able to walk to the new Cove Kay Phalanx Kay PhalanxBids for all three units will be Obituaries „ . 2 Road School. The walkway will •Best bet taken at the same time, Mr. Old Times ( permit the board to trim its READY TO ROLL — A (75,000 road repair and improvement program is planned in Hopla said, if final state approv- Sylvia Porter < transportation budget in 1961-62 Late Scratches Matawan Township which has increased its road department "fleet" by the purals are received at the same Radio-Television t Stephen N. Patterson, board time. TRACK: Clear and fast chase of two new, vehicles. Here, Mayor Peter J. Waters, left, receives keys to new Social ...1W1 vice president, said it is expected 1 — Kandy King, Rustless, Cosmic Sucre, Principia A 10-year bond issue for the George Sokolsky « the Cove school will be completed tractor from dealer Anthony Granata, Hazlet, as Oommitteeman Sigmund V, KewaU 2 —Minnie C, Ivy Leaguer, Inablaze, Brandy B Carntva! Tonight Sports 1MJ by September "in spite of all 4 —Prince Okapi, Fort Quill, Donnie Dec ilci and Edwin Hodgson, right, street superintendent, look on. At left is the newly, Middletown Shopping Center. Successful Investing I the vandalism which has been 6 —Tessie T..,Jenniferstar, Tobette, O'Senorita ericted $4,600 ifeel fabricated township garage. —Advertisement W. S. WWte I going on there." 7 —Beau Admiral, Vox Pop Board to Get Plan for Sewers Surgeon General Says:" Man Fatally Shot Toying With Pistol All Clams, Oysters Not Contaminated Rugged Training Peace Corps Worfc/.'StarU Today New Hotel Proposal Goes to Rumson Board WatchungGirlWins Miss New Jersey Title Raritan Twp. School Program Start Construction This Fall Monmouth Park 1 2 3 Index 8 Red Bank Man Drowns In Creek J-Moadiy, lone 26, 1961 BED BANK REGISTER Hold Pair In Track, Car Theft Hold Youth In Gas Theft From Pump New Jenny ^ Today, . m a t OBITUARIES wiA ch«»e» of a. tew thttaAsnbowitn fai the afternoon over tb* northwest porMRS. WILLIAM K. STRACENER tions. Tomorrow partly cloudy SAMUEL D. LAYER and a little warmer, LONG BRANCH -r Samuel D. LITTLE SiLVER-Mra. Reba MORGAN — A 23-year-old TIDES D. Strwemr, wife ot Wtittam HRed Bank resident drowned Fri- Uy«r, S3, 38 Washington S t , Stncaner. (Sandy Hook) CT.SUverttn Ave.,: died died yesterday at Us home. day in Cheesequake Creek here. Today-High yesterday in Riverview Hospital, RED BANK—Two Staten Island MILLSTONE TOWNSHIP — An The Matawan Township First Bom in Haiumonton, Mr. Lay6:04 p.m., low Red Bank. " youths who admitted stealing a 8-year-old Freehold youth was Aid Squad found the body of Nell er was Ihe son of Charles A. and 12: M p.mii Chevrolet Station Wagon from arrested last night on a charge Bom In Westfield, Mrs. SfaaceFeraandes, 23, of 58 Spring S t , Ltvinhi DIM Layer. He had lived Tuesday — Circle Chevrolet Co., 325 Maple of stealing gasoline from a priner was the daughter of the late after carrying out grappling op- here SB yean. • High 6:26 a.m. Ave., last night, and a truck from vat« pomp after the property ownGeorge L. and Retwoc* H. Pelaerations for eight hours. Mr. Layer had been employed and 6:52 p.m., Schweitzer Construction Co., Rt. er had peppered the alleged tow, , Dr. William Wilentz, Middleby the Central Railroad of New low 0:30 a.m 35, Middletown. were apprehend- thief's oar with five blasts from She w u . i member of tin First sex County physician, said the Jersey for more than $0 years. and 12:34 p.m. ed early today by Mantoloking • shotgun. Baptist Chinch, Red Bank. death was caused by accidental He retired la 1947 as chief dis- Betides her husband, * e Is (For Red police. ; Robert Johnson of 132 Court drowning, patcher. Bank and Rumsurvived by a daughter, Miss According to Police Chief St, Freehold, was seized by State Police said Mr. Feraandes was Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Becky J. Stracener, and a son son bridge,1 add George H. Clayton, the youths Police from Tennent Barracks on testing a racing motor on a boat two hours; Sea Bright, deduct 10 Musetta Woolley Layer, at home; WlUtam H. Stracener, Jr., both were picked up in Mantoloking Rt. 33. with two friends, Mr. and Mrs. two daughters. Miss Geneva D. at home, and a sister, Unt H. Branch, deduct 15 Troopers William Gray and minutes. on a motor vehicle charge. Ronald Zuback, Laurence Harminutes: Highlands bridge, add Layer of this place, and Mrs. G. M Fischer of Westfield. Robert Conover said the shots He said the pair admitted bor, who were in another boat. Bertha Dwnatteo of DuneUen; Services will be heW at 2 p.m. stealing a truck from the con- smashed the rear window of the 40 minutes.) The couple called the police two brothers, Charles W. Layer Wednesday at the Adams Mestruction firm in Middletown af- car and punctured a tire. The CHICAGO (AP) — Heavy rains, after Mr. Fernanda disappeared and Henry C. Layer, both ol morial Home, Red Bank. Rev. whipped by winds estimated up ter they ransacked the firm's driver escaped injury. in hU craft around a. bend So the Hammonton; five sisters, Mrs. Stanley Mugaidge, pastor of the Robert Paasch of Bergen Mill: to 75 miles, moved through cenoffice. creek and.Us motor failed. They Elizabeth GaJigne, Mrs. Mary FIr3 ^ Baptist Church, will off iChief Clayton said the track Rd., Millstone Township, who tral Oklahoma today, but else said they called to him but heard King and Miss Elsie Layer, aU ,ate.BuA1al.w1H b» In Fair View wa* abandoned on Riverside Ave. fired the shots, said he has been where precipitation was limited no reply. ' , • . of Hammonton, Mm. Nama Har- Cemetery, MdddietMn. The chief said the youths then staying up nights for the last mostly to showers and thunderThe creek was reported to b« ris of Salem and Mrs. Nettie entered the Circle showrooms, week trying to nab the person showers. fog-bound at the time of the *c- Stanistreet of Daytona Beach, MRS. WILLIAM H. HORNBY broke into several vending ma- who had been pilfering gas from The week-end torrential downpours ceased in Texas, but an- GOVERNOR'S MOTHER — Mr*. Sophie Meyner, mother cident, which police said hap- Fta., and one grandchild. chines and then took a station his pump for weeks. HAZLET — Mrs. Katlt Mae wagon valued at $3,631. The pair He said he saw Johnson drive other rainstorm, accompanied by of Gov. Robert B. Meyner, celebrates her birthday with pened In the vicinity ot the New Services wilt be held at 1 p.m, Hornby, ^m 40, of 50 Parkview Ter., took $3 from the machines. York and Long Branch Railroad Tuesday at the John W. Flocfc died yesterday in the Clara Mass into his yard, break a lock at hail and damaging winds, struck Chief Clayton said the pair the pump and start to draw gas Carnegie, Okla., approximately 55 luncheon and birthday calct- at Monmeuth Park Club- and Garden State Parkway Funeral Home, here. Rev. Court- Hospital, Belleville. have been turned over to county into his car. Mr. Paasch said miles west of Oklahoma City. houie. She visited the track Friday where the seventh ney Haywood, of S t Luke's Mrs. Hornby was born at DarJuvenile authorities. he confronted Johnson and fired Charlotte, N. C , got 1.30 Inch- race was named "The Birthday" in her honor. Mrs. MeyThe boat was found in good Methodist Church, wffl officiate. lington, S. C , daughter of Ernwhen the suspect jumped In his es of rain and Annapolis, Md. condition after it was recovered Burial win bo In Woodbine Cem- est Anderson and the late Emily n*r declined to t«(l her age. 1.02 inches, in six hours. car and drove oft. by the state police and Bayshore etery, Oceanport. King Anderson. She lived here emperaturesranged from 103 diving teams, New Jersey Mafive years and had bees emat Blythe. Calif., to a low o! 46 rine Service and Coast Guard. MRS. ELIZABETH E. THOMAS ployed by the Lionel Train Corat Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. Read Mr. Feraandes was a native of poration. She belonged to Local ings from the 70s Into the 90s Long Branch and a son of Mr. LITTLE SILVER-Mrs. Eliza International Union of Elecbeta E. Thomas, 80, 7 Manson *30. were common in. the Far West. anfl Mrs. Samuel Feraandes, 616 trical, Radio and Machine WorkPI., Little Silver, died yesterThe mercury read generally from Conover St., there. day in Riverview Hospital, Red ers, CIO. the 50s to the Cos in the north to He was employed as an auto Bank. Riverview ASSOCIATED PRESS Besides her father, Mrs. Hornthe 70s In the extreme south. It trimmer in Red Bank. FREDERIOCNMd. (AP) was around the 100-mark in the Mr. and Mrs. John Calandra, JERSEY CITY-RusseU George Also surviving are hit wife, She was bora in England and by is survived by her husband, 550 Mackey Ave., Belford, daugh- Wolf, East Orange,. has been William R. Hornby; two sons, Delegates from 11 eastern sea- ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - A desert southwest. had lived here most of her life. board states and the District $65,000 raciag yawl missing since Some early morning reports: ter, Friday. convicted of the holdup-murder Mrs. Grace Charles Feraandes, Surviving are her husband, John William and Michael, and a daughter, Katherine, all at home, . of Colombia were told yester- last Monday from Long Island, Dallas 68, cloudy; Boston 63, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tilton, 35 of a Union City dentist and sen- at home, and two sisters, Misses day the word "junior" has been was found over the weekend, clear; San Francisco 55, clear; Viola Ave., Leonardo, daughter, tenced to life in prison. The Lucille and Mary Ann Feraan- Edward Thomas; a daughter, and three brothers and three-sisMrs. Charles D. Mills, with ters, Carl, Ernest, Joseph, Loudropped from all Red Cross or- moored hi the municipal harboi Chicago 60, partly cloudy; Atlan- Friday. verdict was returned by a Hud- des, both of Long Branch. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Hanson Services will be held at 9:30 whom the couple made their ise, Delores and Belle, all of ganizations for high school and here. ta 68, cloudy; Anchorage 57, part. 1 Rosewood Ter., Middletown son County jury Saturday. The a.m. Tuesday In the Daraiano home, and a granddaughter. South, Carolina. college students. jury deliberated for seven hours The 33-foot craft Is owned by ly cloudy; Miami 79, partly A requiem mass will be offered Funeral service will be conand 15 minutes before finding Funeral Home, Long Branch. The announcement was made Victor Ostlng ol Glen Head, L. I. cloudy; Seattle 57, cloudy; De- daughter, Friday. at 10 a.m. Wednesday in Nativity ducted Wednesday at 8:30 a.m. at the opening here of a one- Mr. and Mrs. Francis Lobell, troit 57, clear: Louisville 60, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore La- Wolf guilty of first degree murbrecque, Jr., 92A Throckmorton der for the slaying of Dr. Max Catholic Church, Fair Haven. in the Day Funeral Home, Key, week session at the National Red 169 Cooper Rd., Middletown, cloudy; y Phoenix 87, partly St., son, Friday. Burial will be In Mt. Olivet port Pascher, 72, ol Brooklyn. Pascher , Cross Leadership Center for the spotted the craft on Friday in cloudy; Kansas City 69, partly Mr. and Mrs. William Divine, was shot to-death in his office l d Cemetery under direction of the eastern area. the harbor. cloudy; New York 63, partly Parkview Dr., Hazlet, daughter, in Union City, Nov. 4. The jury John E. Day Funeral Home. Horace W. Moore of Alexan- Mr. Lobell told police that be cloudy; MRS. CATHERINE L. RUCG Honolulu 77, partly Friday. recommended mercy and Judge dria, Va., director of educational was able to spot the original c]QU(jy; SHREWSBURY - Mrs. CatherMr. and Mrs. Karl Schloeder, Minneapolis 55, clear Sol Schulraan sentenced Wolf to LAWRENCE MURPHY relations for the area, said then registration numbers oa the Los Angeles 60, cloudy; S t Lou- 1 ino L. Rugg, 70, widow of Silas 17 East Garfield Ave., Atlantic life. SHREWSBURY — Lawrence D, Rugg, died Saturday at per no longer would be any Junior craft even though an attempt had is 64, clear; Denver 58, dear, Red Cross as such, Henceworth, been made to cover over them and Washington, D. C, 64, clear, Highlands, daughter, Friday. Murphy, 73, US Monroe St., died home, 12 Francis S t Mr. and Mrs. Warren Baker, MONTAGUE - Camllo Del FREEHOLD — The parents of at home Saturday. . all Red Cross youth programs with paint Born in South Amboy, Mrs. 21 Forest Ave., Keansburg, son, Rio, IS, of Its Grand Ave., a four-year-old Howell Township are to be considered part ot the Police said the locks on thi Mr. Murphy was born at Rum- Rugg was ths daughter of the Saturday. boy received a $10,000 settlement Paterson, drowned while swim> national organizations, he said. craft had been changed but that Mr. and Mrs. Owen Trombley, ming yesterday In Steenyktll here Thursday for injuries the son and had lived all of his life late Edward aid Elizabeth S. I Attending the meeting held at apparently nothing had been in this area. He was a widower, Letts. She had lived in the Red l 524 Willow St., Keyport, daughLake, which Is a part of High boy received when he was kicked H i s wife, Anna Comer Murphy, Bank and Shrewsbury area lor (Continued) Hood College here are 211 dele- taken. Police expressed the ter, Saturday. by a horse Dec. 16, 1959. , gates from €8 chapters in the opinion that the boat had been obviously faces a great many Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Slocum Point State Park. He was pro> died many years ago. Mr. Mur- more than 40 years. District ot Columbia, Connecti- towed into the harbor last Mon- problems "more complex than 47 Scholer Dr., Union Beach, nounced dead on arrival at Superior Court Judge J. Ed- phy was a retired estate garden- Surviving are two daughters, ward Knight approved the settleAlexander Lynn Hospital In cut. Florida. Maryland, Massa- day night. they looked from outside" the daughter, Saturday. Mrs. Marian Bruton of Red Bank ment for Thomas Andretta, Jr., chusetts, North Carolina, New presidency. He said it was too Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cahill, 61 Sussex. Surviving are three sisters, and Mrs, Doris Decker of Calison of Mr. and Mrs. Thoma Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, early to make any Judgments, Holmdel Rd.. Hazlet, son, Satur Mrs. Eliabeth Woodward, Miss fornia, and six sons, Francis J. SPRING LAKE — Norman P. Andretta, of Rt. 33. , Rhode Island, Virginia and West adding: Margaret M. Murphy and Miss Rugg of California, William D. day. The judgment was against McGrory, executive vice presi; Virginia. "The problems are so complex, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Werner, the owners of the horse, Mr. and Helen M. Murphy, all of Rum- Rugg and Robert R. Rugg, both dent and member oi the board of they have such an effect on hu- 131 Woodland Manor, New Mrs. Arthur Andretta, Rt. 33, son, and a brother, William J. of Long Branch, Louis Rugg of man dignity and liberty around Shrewsbury, daughter, Saturday. managers of the Howard Savings Murphy of Fair Haven. Indiana, Kenneth Rugg of RumtasTitution "of"Newark"" has been Howell Township. They are the world, I feel all of us, re- Mr. and Mrs. John Broas, 38 A requiem mass will be offered son and Melvin M, Rugg of Eaboy's aunt and uncle. re-elected president of the Savgardless of party, should stand York Ave., Port Monmouth, tontown. (.Continued) ings Banks Association of New Attorney for the boy and his tomorrow at 9 a.m. in St. James behind him to support the de- daughter, Saturday. Meanwhile in Honolulu, New NEW BRUNSWICK (AP) - fense of freedom with whatever Mr. and Mrs. Robert DeVries, Jersey. The association held its parents, John C. Giordano, Long Catholic Church, Red Bank. Services will be held at J p.m. Branch, explained that the boy Burial will be in Mt. Olivet Cem- tomorrow at the Adams MeYork State is not planning to test Some 850 high school juniors steps are necessary." 181 Park Rd., Fair Haven, 53d annual convention here Sat- suffered a fractured skull when etery, Middletown Township, un- morial Home, Red Bank. Rev. New Jersey's new commuter tax poured into Rutgers University Rockefeller's attitude offered a daughter, yesterday. urday. kicked in the head by the animal der direction of the John E. Day Stanley Mugride, pastor of the fa the courts—but New York tax- yesterday for the start of a week- contrast with criticisms voiced Mr. and Mrs. Frank Santagato, First Baptist Church, Red Bank, payers probably will, New York long citltenship..traming program by former Vice President Rich- 4 Cornell Dr., Hazlet, son, yes- NEWARK - The mayers pt in a coral at the residence of his Funeral Home. will officiate. Burial will be in Essex, Hudson, Passalc, Ber- uncle and aunt. Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller said. at the 16th -annual New Jersey ard M. Nixon, the I960 GOP terday. The defendants were repFair View Cemetery, MiddleMICHAEL MILLER gen and Union counties have He told reporters at the annual Boys' State. presidential nominee, and Sen. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fay, 2' Governor's Conference yesterday John Tramburg, New Jersey Barry Goldwater, R-Arii., a po- Hillside Ave., West Keansburg, been asked to support proposals resented by J. Victor Carton, As- LONG BRANCH - Services town. for development of an indus- bury Park. that the tax involves a consti- commissioner for Michael Miller, SI, of 254 i of IInstitutes and daughter, yesterday. IRVIN R. SMERALDO tutional matter and it should be agencies, greeted the delegates tential bidder for the 1964 party Mr. and Mrs. John Kicak, 10 trial park in the Jersey meadCentral Ave., who died Friday prize. CAROL ANN JONES owlands. Joel R. Jacobsos, determined in court after citizens and told them that their week's at his home were held yesterday LITTLE SILVER - Services St., Shrewsbury Town- president In recent speeches Nixon has Crawford of the New Jersey file suit. BELFORD — Carol Ann Jones, at die John W. Flock Funeral for Irvin R. Smeraldo, 47, of experience "should arm you with ship, son, yesterday. Rockefeller said the New Jer- motivations and desires to serve contended that the Kennedy ad- Mr. and Mrs. John Bowers, 29 State CIO Council urged the three-year-old daughter of Mr. Home here. 301 Rumson Rd., who died Thursministration has tended to "talk mayors of each municipality by sey tax on New Yorkers working your state and your nation as enand Mrs. Albert P. Jones, 566 big and act timidly." Goldwatei Gibson Dr., Hazlet, daughter, letter Saturday to tell the Con- Sumner Ave., died Saturday In Burial was in Congregation day in Riverview Hospital, Red In New Jersey is based on a New lightened citizens." Brothers of Israel Cemetery, Bank, were held this morning this morntag. . gressional Joint Appropriations Monmouth Medical Center. York State law which no longer The program Is designed to pro- has said that it will "take a lol from the William S. Anderson West Long Branch. more doing than Is being done' Monmouth Medical Center Committee that they favor the is on the books. Funeral Home, Rdd Bank. Besides her parents, she is surmote better citizenship and to proMr. and Mrs. Frank J. Caprl- appropriation ot $50,000 to the vived by three brothers, Louis, Bom in Russia, Mr. Miller was To a question whether he has vide the boys with a practical to win ths cold war. the son of die late Meyer and A requiem mass was celebrated any intention of passing over to lesson In democracy. The group Gov. Edmund G. (Pat) Brawn, onl, 35 Victor Ave., West Long Corps of Engineers for a sur- Patrick and Bryan Jones, all at Rachel Miller and the husband by Rev. Donald E. Hlckey In the New Jersey taxes withheld in will spend the week in campaigns, California Democrat, said he be- Branch, daughter, this morning. vey of meadowlands water- home; paternal grandmother, of the Ja<e Celia Miller. Nativity Catholic Church, Fair New York from New Jersey resi- elections, lectures and athletics lieves the people are supporting Mr. and Mrs. James West, 84 ways. Mrs, Eileen Jones of this place, Mr. Miller was a painter. He Haven. Burial wag in M t Olivet Kennedy in the international field Columbia Ave.i., Long Branch, son dents. Rockefeller replied, and maternal grandparents, Mr. was a member of the Congrega- Cemetery, Middletown. Tramberg advised the delegates think that's a responsibility of the to use government officials more despite the Cuban invasion fiasco this morning. TRENTON — James P. Mitch and Mrs. Joseph McCann of High- tion Brothers of Israel Syna- A veteran of World War II, and the difficulties over Lao». He Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lipka, 33 attorney general, pending clarifiMr. Smeraldo was awarded the gogue. and to abuse them less. He said said he doesn't think this Is the Seeley Ave., Keansburg, daugh- ell, the Republican candidate lands. cation.' for governor, named Assembly- The funeral will be tomorrow Survivors are three sons, Mey Philippine Liberation Ribbon with the great majority of government time for political criticism in ter, yesterday. Asked whether he would take officials are dedicated men of inman Herbert H. Tate, R-Essex, Bronze and Silver Stars, a Mr. and Mrs. Richard Joline, and Dr. Ulysses S. Wiggins of at ,9 a.m. from the Pfleger Fu- er Miller of this place, Ralph both any action to collect the taxes tegrity, deserving of public sup- that area. neral Home, New Monmouth, fol- Miller of West Long Branch, Dfetinqulshed Unit Badge with South Rd., Monmouth Beach, son Brown and Gov. Steve MeNew Jersey will withhold, the Camden as assistant campaign lowed by a mass of the angels at cluster and the Asiatic-Pacific and Dr. Milton K. Miller of De- Service Medal. Nichols of Colorado, the confer- yesterday. governor answered, "I should port. managers Saturday. 9:30 in St. Mary's Catholic Church troit, Mich., and six The program Is sponsored by Mr. and Mrs. Otto Schuenberence chairman, said hi separate doubt that." Born in East Orange, Mr. offered by Rev. Robert T. Bul- dren. Rockefeller came to his news the New Jersey Department of Interviews, however, they fear ger, 386 West End Ave., Long WILDWOOD — An Irvlngton man, pastor. Burial will be in Smeraldo was the son of the the American Legion. Branch, daughter, Saturday. the public is not sufficiently conference carrying a copy of a real estate broker, Leon San- Mt. Olivet Cemetery. late Mr. 'and Mrs. Ferdinand BLOOMFIELD REEVEY resolution he wants all the gover- At Douglass College, more than awake to the danger that faces Mr. and Mrs. William Harnl- chez, has been elected comSmeraldo. He was employed by the country if Soviet Premier NL char, 83 Leonardville Rd., Leo350 delegates attended the JerRED BANK , Services for nors to get behind. It would ask mander of the New Jersey De- MRS. MARGARET BOLTON the John Lazarus Co., Asbury Bloomfield Reevey, ,83, of 2 Tilton Congress to approve a compact sey Girls' state encampment, kila Khrushchev should decide to nardo, son, Saturday. partment of Disabled American Mr. and Mrs. James E. Robin- Veterans. He succeeds William RED BANK — Mrs. Margaret Ave., who died Thursday, will Park realtors. among New York, Pennsylvania, sponsored by the American Le- force a Berlin showdown. Major Speech son, Jr., 56 Maryland Ave., West B. Plrone ot Paterson. Mrs. Bolton, 74, of 114 Montgomery be held at 2 p.m. today in the He was a member of the NatiDelaware and New Jersey for gion Auxiliary. vity Church, Fair Haven, and its water development of the DelaV i c e President Lyndon B. Long Branch, son, Saturday. Mary Courtney, Atlantic City, Ter., died this morning in he Worden Funeral Home. ware River basin. Mr. Reevey died in the Bay Holy Name Society. He was also Johnson, scheduled for a major Mr. and Mrs, William B Nes- was elected auxiliary command- home after a long illness. a member of the East Orange speech at the annual state din- bitt, Buttonwood La., Rumson, er, succeeding Mrs. Mrs. Clara Mrs. Bolton was born In Co- view Nursing Home, Navesink. States' rights and the water American Legion Post and the ner tomorrow night, has been daughter, Saturday, , supply of 22 million people are Plrone, wife of the outgoing lumbia, S. C , and lived here 33 Bom in Eatontown he was the East Orange Elks. years. She belonged to Calvary son of the late Benjamin and emphasizing the seriousness of Mr. and Mrs. Clark Roberts, DAV commander. .; Involved," the governor said. Surviving are his wife, Made298 Westwood Ave., Long Branch, Baptist Church, and to the Flow- Mary Eliza Reevey. the International situation. daughter, Friday. er Club and South Carolina Club For many years Mr. Reevey line Marie Fitzpatrick Smeraldo, NEWARK (AP) - Of the 38 Johnson arrived on ths scene SOMERVILLE — R i c h a r d was employed by the Eatontown and a son, Christopher both at persons injured in the two-bus last night to take the place of Mr. and Mrs. Sebastino Aro- Flowers, a jail trusty who walked of the church. crash on the New Jersey Turn- President Kennedy, who can- mando, 17 Field Ave., Middle- away from the Somerset County Surviving is a sister, Mrs. Lulu sanitation department. He lived home, and three brothers, George Smeraldo of Union, Herbert SmerWilkins of Red Bank. in that borough, 11 years. pike, nine remained in Newark, celed out of his scheduled ap- town, son, Friday. Jail Saturday, is still free, police Weehaken and Kcarny hospitals pearance before the governors Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mayen- said today. Flowers, 20, South The F. Leon Harris Funeral He was a member of the aldo of Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., and Raymond Smeraldo of Provinceschein, 308A Navesink Ave., LITTLE SILVER - Stop street today. ast week. Plainfie'ld, was serving a 90-day Horns i« in charge of arrange- A.M.E. Zion Church, Eatontown. town, Mass. ments. signs were installed last week None was in serious condition. Patterson complained on a lo- Highlands, son, Friday. Survivors include his wife, term for larceny, but was to be •\ at 33 intersections of local roads The accident occurred Satur- cal television program that Rob- Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Shoe- released July 17. Police said Mrs. GeorgUna Thornton Ree;with county highways, Police day three miles north of the New- ert Kennedy's actions have made maker, 110 Central Ave., Point Flowers was working with a MRS. MINNIE COLLINS vey; four stepdaughters. Miss MRS. JAMES R. COSTELLO RED BANK Mrs. Minnie Col• Chief James Fiv said last week. ark Airport interchange. Involved race relations worse than they Pleasant Beach, son, Friday. Lottie Riley of Eatontown, Miss RUMSON - Tfce ruoeral for plumber, but when the plumber ' The sign program was author- were four cars and two buses. were previously in the South. went to check on water faucets, lins, 63, of 91 Bank St., died al Louise Thornton, Miss Jessie Mrs. Gladys CosteHo, 59, of 65 ized by action of the State Mo- Police said a Trailways bus en Republican Gov. William F. Flowers disappeared through an her home Saturday at 1:30 p.m. Thornton and Mrs. Helen Benson, East River Rd., wiho died , tor Vehicle Division designating route to New York from Phila- Quinn ot Hawaii let fly at Kenunguarded cellar door. Police A twin brother, Ether D. Pur- all ot Red Bank; three stepsons, Thiureday in Riverview Hospital, ; all county roads passing through delphia with 36 passengers, struck nedy's domestic policies. He said laid he was a "model prisoner." cell, died at his home in Brook- Harry Thornton and Charles Red Bank, were held from the lyn, at 4 a.m. the same day. the borough as through streets. the rear of a chartered bus car- the executive program on area Thornton, of Eatontown, and William S. Anderson Funeral The chief said that stop street rying 41 women members of the re-development is so confused no- MIDDLETOWN —Four youths Mrs. Collins is sunrivled by Cecil Thornton of Red Bank; a Home, Red Bank, this morning. regulations will be strictly en- St. Mary's Cathedral Rosary and body knows how it is going to face juvenile action for setting sister, Mrs. Blanche Davis, ol sister, Mrs. Katherine Richard- A requiem mass was offered ' forced to attain maximum assur- Altar Society of Trenton to two fires in the township, acRed Bank, and a daughter, Mrs, son of New York. by Rev. Joseph Sullivan in Holy work. • «nce of safety. to Police Chief Earl N Estella Hamsat, also of Brooklyn, Burial will be in White Ridge Cross Catholic Church, here. theater party In New York. Brown predicted that the Re- cording The funeral was held here lasl :emeteryi Eatontown. Burial was in Mt. Olivet CemeThe stage for the chain-reaction publicans will lose California in Hoyer. tery, Middletown.* collision was set, police said, when 1962, when he is expected to be Chief Hoyer said Thomas Allen, MIDDLETOWN — Two persons night in the Pilgrim Baptls car stalled In the northbound running again. The Democratic 16, Broad St., Matawan, has ad- suffered minor injuries yesterday Church. Burial will be Wednes- WALTER STERLING DAVIS Mre. Costdto was bom in Flair day in Cypress Hill Cemetery, " FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP-TWO lane of the turnpike. John Maass governor made It plain he thinks mitted setting a fire which did In accidents on Rt. 36 here. NEW SHREWSBURY - Walter Haven and was the daugiter ,of Queens, N. Y., after a double $5,000 damage to a building on Sterling Davis, 37, of 21 Peach tine late link and Margaret . Freehold youths suffered cuts and of Philadelphia stopped his car Nixon will be his opponent. Railroad Ave., Belford, June 7. Donald Monahan, 25, of 51 Sea service for Mrs. Collins and he: : bruises Saturday night when the to avoid hitting the stalled vehi The governors committee on He has been released in the Drift Ave., Highlands, was treat- brother, Mr. Purcell, is held Tues- St., died Friday in the Veteran's Burdge. Surviving are her husband, .car in which they were riding cle and then Maass' car was hit civil defense reported to the coned In Riverview Hospital for cuts day night at the Siloam Presby- Hospital, East Orange. James B. CosteUo; a swv John -went out of control and struck by a car driven by Charles For- ference that "it is still a sober- custody of his parents pending a and bruises of the head, and body terian Church, Brooklyn. Mr. Davis was a member of the hearing before Juvenile author• a tree on the Halls Mills Rd. kas, of Bethelehm, Pa. ng fact that today our people ities. after his car overturned on Rt. Y's Men's Club of Red Bank. He CosteHo of Fair Haven, tfo& six '. According to state police of A fourth driver, following For- lack the capacity to protect Chief 36, near Lakeside Ave. was a veteran of World War II. grandchildren. MRS. MAUDE KETCHAM Hoyer said the youth ; Howell barracks, the youths in- ;as, swerved to avoid the pile-up themselves and their families give no reason for starting Police said Monahan's car skid- HOWELL TOWNSHIP - Mrs, He is survived by his mother, ,'jured were the driver William and cut In front of the chartered from the most dangerous aspect :ould GEORGE M. CRAWLEY d on the wet pavement and the Maude Kctcham, 85, of Southard, Mrs. Sara M. Allen, and Ms stephe fire. Brand, of 4 John St., and Ed- bus owned by the Plymouth Bus of nuclear war, fallout. rear wheels of the car hit the died Saturday at Briar HU father, Meredith Allen, both or WEST LONG BRANCH Two 14-year-old girls and a Co. of Fords. .ward Dulick, 91 Stokes St. "Our civilian population is althis place; his wife, Mrs. Mau- George M. Crawley, 36 Walnut dividing island, causing the car Home, Freehold Township. . No summons was issued pend- The bus driver, Gerald Ravelin, most totally exposed and totally 12-year-old. boy, all from East to turn over. reen Davis, at home; a son, PI., died Saturday. A lifelong resident of the town(eansburg, have admitted setting 29, of New Brunswick, slammed ing further investigation. vulnerable to the fallout from fire to a bungalow at 78 Mori- Earliers, an auto operated by ship, she was the widow of Wil !raig A. Davis, and a daughter, Mr. Crawley was a former resi his brkes. "I never saw the nuclear weapons," the Margaret A. Davis, both at home, sident of Montclalr. report mouth Pkwy., East Keansburg, William A. Reid, 52, of 47 Mount liam Ketcham. rther bus come from behind," said. FEDERAL AID two weeks ago, Chief Hoyer said. Ave., Atlantic Highlands, crashed She Is survived by a niece. and a brother, Harold E. Allen Surviving ar e his wife, Mrsavelin told state troopers. "All WASHINGTON, D. C. - Sen. The committee, h e a d e d by The fire did an estimated $200 into the rear of another car which Miss Ina Cooper of Long Island, I Red Bank. Isabelle Crawley; three sons, Clifford P. Case, (R-NJ) reported know, I suddenly found myself Rockefeller, recommended in- damage to the building. had stopped for a light on Rt. 36. and a nephew, Jarmis Cooper of Services will be held at 2 p.m. ieorge H. Crawley, Joseph F. lying in the stairwell." Friday that the Welfare Departcome tax deductions for the cost Juvenile complaints have been Mrs. Mary Reid was treated in Camden. tomorrow in the A.M.E. Zlon Crawley and Milton E. Crawley, ment has approved a $5,391 grant if fallout shelters, the stockpil- igned against the trio, the chief Riverview Hospital for a leg in- The funeral-will be held tomor- Church, Red Bank. Burial, under ind a brother, Warren T. Crawfor current operating expenses to lies who teach children of fed- ing of food in private shelters said. •ovi at 2 p.m. from the C. H. T. direction at the F. teroy Harris ley. ury. the Rumson school district, and eral employees. thus constructed and revision of $21,364 to the Oceanport district. It pays to advertise in The, building codes to, make construc- The arrests were made by De- The other car was operated by layton and Son Funeral Home, Funeral Home will be in Mon- The Cole Funeral Home, Newtective Sgts. Robert Letts and Stephen Levy, 35, of 8 Belvidere Adelphla. Burial will be in Cedar mouth Memoriil Park Cemetery, ark, is in charge of funeral arThe grants are given to commun- Register.—Advertisement. tion of such shelters' mandatory. Frank Gleason. here. ' Lawn Cemetery, Southard. rangements. ' Rd., Atlantic Highlands. Word'Junior' Dropped By Find Stolen Red Cross Yawl In Yacht Harbor Births New Jersey News Briefs Settlement Of $10,000 Is Received Conference Tax Boys' State Institute Attracts 850 Nine Still In Hospital Stop Street Signs Go Up Four Admit Setting Fires Two Injured In Accidents ,Hurt in Crash Spring Lake Businessman Gets TV Spot J^oliu*hip Stretch BED BANK REGISTER Inducted As NJPA Head A Spring Lake resident suddenly (inds himself a national net work radio personality entertainfag millions of listeners every week. Henry King is a man who came to be a guest and stayed to be a moderator on the Alrlene Francis "Family Living '61 show over the NBC Network. Twenty years ago young Henry B. King of New York City wanted to be In the theater. Today, at 40, he's president of the Quaker City Grocery Co. of Philadelphia, representing 800 retail food stores — a successful business man with a talent for literate expression and being at ease in public. SPRING LAKE - William A. Stretch of the Camden CourierPost was inducted as president of the New Jersey Press Association Saturday night at the association's 105th annual meeting and summer outing at the Essex and Sussex Hotel. John Kerney of the Trenton Times presided at the installation. Mr. Stretch was elected at the annual meeting Saturday monv ing. Also elected were Joseph M. Cudone, Montclair Times, executive vice president; John T. Schofleld, Bridgeton Evening News, vice president, and Richard N. Sheble, New Brunswick Home News, treasurer. William J. CblegO, Jr. Two Shore men were re-electRED BANK - William J. Chl- ed directors. They are James ego, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Hogan, Red Bank Register, William J. Chlego of 45 Madison daily division, and Richard C. Ave., is the recipient of a schol- Klein, Oakhurst Home News, arship from the University of Vir- weekly division. ginia, which he will enter in Sep- Other daily directors elected were William Caldwell, The Rectember. HERO AWARD — Mrs. Robert F. Mahan of Kane's La., Graduated with honor from Red ord, Hackensack; Fred Burgner, Middletown, it shown with her son, Thomas, 10, who reBank High School, Mr. Chiego Trenton Evening Times, and Alan ceived a hero award at Cub Pack 240 dinner in Willowwas a member of both the Na- imith, Passaic Herald-News, and ALL DISTRICTS of the Northern Monmouth County Council of Girl Scouts are reprebrook Restaurant. With them is Thomas F. Morford, Jr., tional Honor Society and the re-elected James J. McMahon. Thomas H. sented by the seven girls above, selected from 88 curved bar winners who were honFrench Honor Society. He served Hudson Dispatch. cubmaster. Thomas is credited with helping to save his as co-literary editor of the school Bowden, Salem Sunbeam, was re- ored at a luncheon Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Walter Isbrandtsen, 45 Haddon elected a director in the weekly father, whose clothes caughti fire while he was burning year book "The Log,"~as~editorPark, Fair Haven. Seated, left to right are Jeratdihe Biicus, Troop 234, Keantburg; division. leaves. in-chief of the French language : Mr. Stretch appointed William Lynne Wight and Batsy Layburn, Troops 195 and 187, Fair Haven; Betty Zebrowskl, newspaper, "The Potpourri," M. Litvany, Bloomfield Inde- Troop 151, Eatontown; and Darlene Walling, Troop 234, Keansburg. Standing art and was the initiator and organpendent-Press, executive officer. izer of the "Discussion Club," an Retiring directors are Donald Anne Berry, left, Troop 168, New Monmouth; and Kathy McNee, Troop 259, Atlantic informal student-teacher discus- u . Borg, The Record, Hacken- Highlands. sion group. sack, and Carl H. Johnson, Millville Daily. A- life membership in the asHenry B. King sociation was presented to Miss FAHWIEW-Cub Scout Pack ter, Stanley Pierzga. John HarMabel Brown publisher of the In a recent debate with Mrs. 240 held its first annual blue and wood and Thomas Matthews. TRENTON (AP) — David M. self, Satz became taciturn. Ha Keyport Weekly and Matawan gold dinner last week in Willow- Formal induction ceremonies Eleanor Roosevelt on- NBC's Journal. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — At- atz, Jr., wasn't exactly overcome had to start on a phrase about brook Inn,, Fair Haven, with 140 were held by Rudy Lindberg for "Family Living '61' show conAt Friday night's dinner, New a recent meeting of the Republi- with surprise at news that he six times before he came out with present. . Douglas Bainton, Richard Mor- cerning "Lost Values m Family Jersey's Democratic and Republi- can candidates and committee- had been appointed U. S. attor- this. Life," Mr. King drew the largest Highlighting the evening was an ford and Michael Lang. can candidates for governor men, Vincent H. Fox strongly ney for New Jersey. "I'm very pleased and want to award presented to cub scout Entertainment was furnished by mail response any guest on this pledged to support the public's criticized the financial policies of The handsome, 35-year-old law- do an effective, first-rate job in LITTLE SILVER — Tuesday, Thomas Mahant for heroism. He John Furiato, who played the ac- program has ever had. He was right to inquire into government Mayor Robert S. McTague and yer has been taking an orientation this high office." Then he sugcalled back again for other pro- the Little Silver Public School, affairs. was awarded a plaque for saving cordion. the Democrat controlled council. course for new U.S. attorneys in gested that the entire sentence grams and beginning July 2 he will launch their first summer Government withholding of in his father's life June 18. His faHe declared that the mayor, Washington since last Monday- be junked. He said his job it session for some of the children will replace Miss Francis as ther's clothing accidentally caught formation is a great threat In the as borough leader of his party, four days before the formal an- one of few words. considered capable of advanced moderator of "Family Living '61" fire that evening while burning nation today, said James P. Mitch- was "leading Atlantic Highlands nouncement. Satz is now assistant attorney while Miss Francis is in Europe work. leaves. Thomas rolled his father ell, Little Silver. Newspapers into financial chaos." Contacted in Washington, he ;eneral In New Jersey. He joined Facilities make it necessary to making a movie. to the ground and extinguished limit the group to 15 boys and have the responsibility to, give "Mayor McTague and his said, "It's nice to be here, but the state's legal department in 13 Children \ the flames. Because of his quick girls from the seventh and eighth full coverage to political candi council have taken over the mak-we've been working. hard. I'll February, 1934. Lately, he hai Henry King has many qualifithinking, he prevented 6erious inunder the direction of Mrs. Elea- dates and their platforms, said ing of the Harbor Commission come home tonight with a brief' been drawing $16,000 a year; in cations for appearing on a show Jury. case-and-a-half full of papers." his new job, he gets a raise to nore Wright, curriculum super- Richard J. Hughes, Democrat. budget and are calling the shots such as "Family Living '61." Awards were presented by Cubvisor, in a program designed to Hughes addressed the meeting in the operation of the harbor," His job requires confirmation $18,000. He is the father of 13 children, master Thomas Morford to Rob- MATAWAN - The seventh inof the U. S. Senate, which is ex- Asked what cases ho had develop research techniques in person and Mitchell by tele- he stated. ert Duncan, Mark Normyle, Rob- stallation dinner of the Business 10 boys and three girls. The eld through the language arts. Daily phone from Fitkin Hospital In pected sometime next month. worked on since Joining the state est boy will be 16 in October, Neptune, where he is recuperat- Mr. Fox went on to say that When the talk turned to him service, he gave credit to other* ert Jakes, Douglas Maxwell, Pe- and Professional Women's Club the youngest girl is one year old. three-hour classes' will be hel ing from a broken leg. the mayor and his advisers "can ter Reidermeister, William Per- of Matawan was held at the Magand said "I was just continuing As the head of a large family he through July 28. Mitchell said a bill which would not escape the responsibility for rin, Michael Lang, David Shedd, nolia Inn. the high principles established in has a sense of urgent need about Scheduled trips include the Red allow access to public records in the poor financial returns to the Robert Morford, Harry Hager1953." spiritual values in tbe home. Ho Bank High School library aad the New Jersey has been held up harbor so far this year." Miss Helen Hurd, second via man, Donald Gioggia, Cleve HesMonmouth College library, where When pressed, he conceded he'd president of the New Jersey Fed- says his whole family of 17, in "partly by skeptical and overly "The past campaign statements the students will be given oriendone work on the paramount puberation of Business and Profes- eluding his wife's parents, prays protective administrations in the of the Democrats, that the hartation classes in the use of relic issues of Sunday closing and sional Women's Club, Inc., and together. Seven of his sens serve 35th Year source materials available in the executive branch of the state gov- bor should be self-supporting chairman of the southern district, as altar boys in their parish library. Plans to visit university ernment." without new bond Issues, have ALLENHURST — Mmmouth boardwalk games. He didn't even church each Sunday. One daughmention his difficult job of deconducted the candle ceremony, libraries in New Jersey are be- Hughes said the bill had beei not been carried out," Mr. Fox County Prosecutor Vincent P. ciding which giveaway contests Taking the oaths of office wen ter sings in the church choir. passed by the Democratic-con claimed. ing formulated. Keuper said toady the county At one time he was very active Miss Kathleen Merritt, president trolled Assembly but bottled up "Some $65,000 in new work at crusade for the American Can- were legal and which were not, The boys and girls who will parMrs. Frances Thaler, first vice in the Christian Family Move- ticipate in the program are: Ge- in the Republican-controlled Sen the harbor has been committed cer Society is certain to exceed and being attorney (or the state Racing Commission. president; Mrs. Bernice Van ment and gave much of his time sine Brueckmann, Nancy Gelt- ate. against the borough's debt," he last year's collection of $52,000. Pelt, second vice president; Mrs. to the Heart Fund and the March zeiler, Doris Leeger, Suzanne "I wish to make my own position said. Noting a goal of $60,000, Mr, Satz said he expects to get of Dimes. Because of his close Mary Salaman, recording secreMawby, Susan Normington. Sue- clear on this matter, Mr. Mitch- Mayoralty candidate Russell Keuper, county crusade chair- more work on actual criminal tary; Mrs. Vivian Carr, corre- relationship with fils children he Roberta Schwartz, Margaret Sed- ell said: "As governor, I would W. Morgan, said the Democrats man, said volunteer crusades in cases In the U. S. attorney's Job. has a chance to practice at his exert my efforts to a prompt sponding secretary, and Mrs, all 53 municipalities are driving His state work has mostly been' home at 405 Ocean Rd., Spring lak, Martha Shaw, Linda Sim and firm support of the legisla are holding back bond issues and Margaret Phillips, treasurer. to reach local quotes before July on the legal aspects of gambling. onds, Daryl Van Pelt, JosepJ that the taxpayers will not know, Lake. Satz lives at 283 West End Rd., Mrs. Patricia Applegate, toastBainton, Craig Scanlon, Michael tion guaranteeing press and the until next year, how much more 1. With a great deal of pride, Hen master and chairman of the afSedlak Michael Whelan and Jer-public the right to know, what taxes they will be required to pay. He appealed to all residents to South Orange, with his wife Sury King speaks of his wife and san is going on everywhere in gov fair, introduced the guests, Mrs. join the campaign to overcome > a n d h '» children, Constance aid Wigdortz. her talents, especially in handling emment. Mary Merritt, Mrs. Agnes Menthe dread disease "first by hav Ellen, 4, and David, 18 months. money, I would go even further in seeing a personal physical checkup Eventually he hopes to return dez and Mrs. Clara L. Turner. "I went on my honeymoon with ing that the law is favorably exby your doctor, and second by to private law practice, because Miss Sarah Noddings, who could only 25 cents," he said. "That ecuted in this regard and there making a check to the American he says "I enjoy the whole field not attend because of her graduwas in 1M4 and I had just rewould be no 'dragging of feet' oi of law." Cancer Society." ation exercises at the Matawan turned from service in the South 'sitting on hands.' The chairman and W. Daniel High School, was the recipient of Pacific. Ottilie Rosina Sandrock, "Too much is at stake to take Williams, ^president of the Monthe $50 United States saving my wife-to-be, had saved my lightly any bureaucratic intru bond for general excellence fo service pay for our wedding trip. HIGHLANDS — Mrs. Stephen mouth County Chapter, joined sion upon liberty." girls in the local high school. H. Faller, 85 Washington Ave., in congratulating contributors Now, some 17 years and 13 chilTwo r e n e w a l scholarship dren later, I still turn over my entertained members of the from the county's federal in NEW YORK - William Firth, awards will be given to Miss weekly check to her. Twenty Club at tho final meeting stallattcms who gave nearly $2,son of Mr. and Mrs. William H. G. Woolly 500 in one-tha-job or at-home Ann Marie Vaas and Miss Leo- A lieutenant in Naval Reserves, of the season last Tuesday. Firth, 241 Willow Dr., Little Sil donations. This year maked the LONG BRANCH — Harold G. nora Kerr to further their educa- in^ is more than a shipmate to ver, is a graduate of Columbi Mrs. John Banko, who wall ob- first year since 1957 that the Woolley, 412 Pacific St., manager tion. another famous father and Naval College, the men's undergraduate serve her birthday July 4, cel- Cancer Society, because of past of Jersey Central Power & Miss Merritt presented Miss Reserve lieutenant, John F. Ken-liberal arts school of Columbia ebrated it at tihe meeting and conflicts in policy between the Light Company's Red Bank bus- Hurd a desk set. nedy. King's LST transferred the University. received a gift from her secret society and the federal governiness office, this week marked The board of directors will no ;hipwrecked Lt. Kennedy after he He was one of 558 college sen pal. ment on the timing of solicitahis 35th year with the electric meet in July and th e first meet- was rescued following the loss of iors who received the bachelor ol The group will take their an- tions, was able to participate. SPRING LAKE — The Jerse utility. A resident of Long Branch ing of the club will be Monday, his PT boat to a Jap destroyer arts degree from Dr. Graysor Shore Chapter of the Trinity Co nual bus trip to New York City Miss Edna Freudenhein of the all his life, Mr. Woolley joined Sept. 18. off the Solomon Islands. Said Kirk, president of the university lege Alumnae held its annua and theater party In October. Fort Mramouth Public InformaJCP&L in 1926. He is married The centerpiece flower arrange Henry King. "The lieutenant slept at commencement e x e r c i s e spring luncheon at the Sprint Mrs. John Newton will en- tion Office, who is a member of to the former Miss Sara M. West ments were donated by Mrs. Mir- in my bunk for three days reLake Golf and Country Club las; tertain the group at the meeting the chapter's board of managers, marking the close of Columbia': of Long Branch. iam Hulsart and Mrs. Turner. covering from his ordeal." Wednesday. in September. 207 th academic year. said the Cancer Society received His sons al-e especially proud of Firth, who attended Blair Acad Mrs. Harry A. Kearney of Mid Attending were Mrs. Edwin the largest total amount of all Henry's World War II medals, emy in Blairstown, N. J., was dletown, president, welcomed the Andrews, Mrs. Banko, Mrs. charities and welfare groups repincluding a Silver Star won in an economics major at Colum- guests and introduced the new Frances Gannon, Mrs. Darnel resented in the military's comthe British Solomon Islands. members: Miss Frances Peluso, bia. He is a brother of Phi Kapi J. Martin, Mrs. Roy Maxson, bined appeal. The great bulk of Michael J. Stavola, Middle- bles for dining are in a rear Psi fraternity. His post graduati Allenhurst; Miss Mary Am Mrs. Charles Qirast, Mrs. Clifton contributions came from Fort insected thi basement. town, a contractor and owner of yard, overlooking the Navesink Cancer Deaths Up Lynch, Highlands, and Miss Rosa- G. Wells and Mrs. Fallen Monmouth. plans include law school. lind McGinnis, Allenhurst, all of Driftwood-tby-the-Sea Beach Club, River. Dani Monick is tfie host. In Monmoiith County th e class of 1961. Sea Bright, reports that an old TRENTON — Cancer deaths in Rassas Brothers Get New Jersey Bell Telephone Mrs. Anthony DeSpirito, Asplan to cut an inlet between the Monmouth County increased in bury aPrk, was chairman of the Atlantic Ocean and the Shrews- Co. next Thursday will start Pontiac's Top Trophy 1960, compared to 1959, according affair. She was assisted by Miss bury River in the Low Moor distributing 158,258 directories to statistics compiled by the PONTIAC, Mich. — In recognisection of Sea Blight's South In Monmouth County. They will New Jersey State Department of tion for an outstanding sales per- Marie Scanlon, Rumson; Miss include the "all-number callIrene O'Crowley, Highlands, and Beach Is attracting the national Ing" (ANC) listings introduced Health and released through the formance during Pontiac Motor Mrs. Robert A. Ballou, Sea Girt. government. In Keansburg last December New Jersey Division, American Division's Tecent "King Pin Sale: Proceeds from the luncheon Campaign," Rassas Brothers o will be used for the Trinity ColWeeks ago, he said, he gave among numbers for some 105,- Cancer Society. the Army Engineers rights of 000 customers—an increase of The cancer death figures were Red Bank, N. J., has beei lege Development Fund. Trinity access to South Beach prop- some 2,700 over the number in released on a statewide basis, awarded the Knudsen Trophy. Colege, located in Washnigton, erty be awns far Inlet studies. last year's book. and broken down for each county. The award, named for Pratiar D. C, is a Catholic college for • The place Is the site of the This county had 594 deaths in general manager S. E. Knudsen, the education of young ladies former Davenport's B e a c h an increased from last will be presented to Pontiac deal- founded In 1900 by the Sisters of John G. Gibson, director of the 1960, Club. A fire destroyed the club Philadelphia regional office, said year's 580 cancer fatalities. Can- erships equalling or exceeding Notre Dame de Namur. building a few years back but the U.S. Census Bureau has be3n cer deaths in New Jersey rose pre-determined new car sales obMr. Stavola has been giving visiting households at random to from 10,635 in 1959 to 10,655 last jectives for the period of Feb. 21 some consideration to building amass details for a scientific year. through April 30. • year-round apartment house sampling of employment and un there. By Gettermann employment trends for its new SINGER At Driftwood, Mr. Stavola has Issue of the Current Population been busy with plans to con- Survey. Working in Monmouth COMPLETELY PREPARED struct a salt water swimming County on this project has been pool on the beach. Recognizing Mrs. Evelyn M. Bodenwiieser, Sea 1O'x14' ROOM that the open air facility might Girt. NEWARK - John Richard Hal• Designed and planned by be visited by the ocean in offleran of 120 Ridge Rd., Rumson, Monmouth Construction • Sill $ season storms he said he will The New Jersey Department has been named 1961-62 Rutgers • Floor Beams • Plate • build it in a way that it can be of the Treasury is mailing out Law Review case comment ediCeiling • Beams • Ridge filled with sand at the end of official forms to 125,000 emtor, Lehan K. Tunks, state uni• Studs • Rafters • Door, each season and cleaned out as ployers In the state to begin veristy law sdhcol dean; has Windows, C l o s e t openings completely prepared. summer approaches. the process by which New York announced. Also at Driftwood, the oabana residents working In New JerHaHeran, 23, is a graduate of ADD A NEW area has been moved from its sey will become subject to Rumson High School and the former site beside the Olympic withholding for the new "comUniversity of Rochester. He is pool to the south whore it faces muter benefit tax" beginning a Rutgers law senior. the beach. New construction has July 1. Employers are asked to Rutgers Law Review includes As Low provided a total of IS cabanas. report the number of, New an annual survey of New Jersey Yorkers on their payrolls. As law which traces fundamental developments of the preceding year The Beach Comber Room below as well as articles on current Hie OM Union House, Wharf Ford Motor Company has told legal issues. The Review is used Ave., featuring Polynesian plat- 2,689 dealers it will double the by New Jersey judges, lawyers, ters, seafood, broiler specialties amount of rebate for neto cars HIGHWAY 33 AT HEAODOS1;? COP^t c -.'IDDLETOV. s and legal scholors throughout the and salads for yachtsmen and loaned to schools for use in country. othews who prefer casual dress driver training programs, retro SHADYSIDE 1-5060 # PROSPECT M 3 3 i opens tonijjht. Ray Smith, the active 6a the start of the last Editorial Board selection is owner, said he also is planning school year. Of 3,912 units supbased on superior achievement "Hello . . . Information? If A digs a ditch in 11 hours Wednesday service "down be- plied for driver education, 2,(163 and demonstrated aptitude for : law" In the summer months,'Ta- were loaned by dealers lest year. and B takei 9'/i houn, how long does it take C?" legal research. ' 10-Year-Old Cited At CubPack Dinner GOP Session Raps Demos Start Special Classes For Pupil Group David M. Satz Mrs. Thaler Is Installed By B&PW Cancer Fund Nears Quota Twenty Club tias Session Firth Gets BA Degree At Columbia Guess Who Trinity College Alumnae Have Annual Luncheor What's News In Business Big Savings On Home Improvements Halleran Gets Editorship Of Review LOW COST NEW ROOM 179. NO MONEY DOWN PAYMENT OCT. 1961 TO 20 YEARS TO PAY GARAGE MONMOUTH CONSTRUCTION CO FIKEWEN 1 9 MEET lor I t n£«* bom New p R £ , to Ri. 7J te Ptautced, Jadoan aat MtndtesUr TownaMpt, H M existing road, varying from U to » feet in width, will be widened to a new two-lane witMi of 32 feet and resurfaced. TRENTON - ITM lowest Vid Other bidders were South Jerreceived by the state Highway sey Construction Co., Riverside, Department on a contact for $177,067.27; Barrett Paving Co.! reconstructing nearly 1 0 mHes of Inc., Trenton, JI79.I47.I7; Reich R t 539 in Ocean County was ey Brothers. Inc., Asbuty Park, $196,087.04, submitted by M. J. $316,277.7}; Hess Brothers, Inc., Stavola, Inc. of MidcBetown. Parlin, $234,755.69. and Edward The route, known as Whiting- H. EBis & Sons, Inc., MerchantHorneratown Rd., is to be re-'ville. $236,48.34. Stavola Low Bidder On Road Work Beach Protection Causes Much Concern at Shore creasing conCtrn at thU> resort. -It's wmnwr now, and frolic la just getting under way in earnest at the beach clubs, In the Shrewsbury River and in the turf. Thousands ^of visitors are expected mid if the weather Is fair business If expected to be good. AT ITS FINEST AND FASTEST • Or ! • Oar Modem Meat LEON'S SINCE U Q MONHOUIH COUNTY'S LEADING RUG CLEANERS WHITE ST. SH 7.2800 RED 1ANK DANCE. TEAM — Miss Eile.n Shicoff, 21 Carmen PI., Red Bank, and Louis DeBonii, 10 Arthur Ave., Long Branch, are gaining popularity at a dance team in local appearances, Saturday night they wera featured in show at Airlanes Ballroom, Wall Township, and have been booked for other appearances in the shore area this summer. Miss Shicoff is private secretary for executives of Martin Rubber Co., Long Branch, and Mr, DoBcnii conducts dancing daises at the Airlanet. Faces Complaint From Louisiana with CANVAS awnings LITTLE SILVER - John L. Powell, 34, of Oceanport Ave. was arrested at his home here yesterday on a charge of being •NJOY MOMS ROM t TO IS MOtttS COOUR WITH OR WITHOUT M l CONMttOMNO, CANS, Ot MINOS a fugitive from justice in Louisiana. Chief of Monmouth County Detectives John M. Gawler said a warrant Issued in the Parish of Orleans, Louisiana, alleges that Powell was involved in a $1,900 "theft by fraud" from Rudolph Spremich on April 28, 1960. The arrest was made by Coun ty Detective John Niles. Powell was arraigned before Magistral* Richard Porter and was releasec in $500 bail pending extraditio proceedings. One Yard Wonder Onea aummer bee* g«U Inside Tour home, it Ukea more equipment, more money to reduce room temperature. Air oondiUonlns unit* work harder at greater expenae . . . fani going full apeed circulate warm air . . . and window bltndi, whUa eliminaUiig ann flare, allow tun heat to com* on through. mouth County Firemen * Anoditim will meet la th» dry tutUbtre at » p.ra. tomorrow, Th*-'pr**ldent ii Malcolm Peseta of Hulet T • . . . T»t H H » win t i t FVTUM • MECHANICAL • ARCHITECTUIAl • WCTtlCAl HIMEVNK cusses cowunowi The smart thing to do U to k«*p thOM aun rays eotsMe, 8top them with canvat awnlnga before they enter your home. By screening out 75% of the aun'a raya, rooms stay degree! cooler, interion /tcah and untaded. Order your canvas awnfsfi now and enjoy coo! rammer living. Call for a salesman to come by, or pay us » visit and sea our wide selection of colors, !•*• rlcs, and awning design*. vatore Bootempo had expressed assurance that the state would contribute $90,000 toward a (100, 000 program to build up a jetty between Atlantic Way and Ship Ahoy if Sea Bright would put up $40,000 and the county $10,000. StavoJai Spent $M,tN Mr. Stavola told council his personal expenses toward beach protection at Driftwood and Edgewater Beach Club, owned by his brothers, - totaled more than $80,000 and are continuing. What he has asked is that the state and county coma In and further strengthen his sea wall. Otis R. Seaman, borough gineer, said both the state and county declined to spend money to protect privately owned Inv proved property, such as the clubs represent. He explained this as council, with some reluctance about a lack of a major program on the South Beach, voted to accept $85,000 from each the state and county for a $170, 000 program to mend wounds caused by Hurricane Donna. Most of this money $104,6000- will go for work .on the damaged North Beach sea wall. But Just beyond Labor Day, 10 weeks h e n c e , rough weather U to be expected, Storms like last year's Hurricane Donna may come roaring In to cause.widespread damage. Fear of this is shared by many, including local, county and state officials and, of course, the residents. Prodis lor Winter Because it is summer, the sea son when most local business people depend on profits that will carry them through the lean months of winter, many eyes and thoughts are turned to the sea. What it has done and is doing is being watched. What it might do next is cause {or concern. R. M. Jackson, owner of the Ship Ahoy Beach Club and Motel and owner of the major interest in the Surfrider Beach Club, is one of the poople who have worried about losses on the beach. Councilwoman Cecile Fronkel "Erosion at the Surfrider resulted Norton, a South Beach property in a 30 per cent loss of mem- owner, has bitterly opposed the bership this year," he reported reluctance of county and state to to Borough Council by letter. do more work on the South Beach Mr. Jackson, whose holdings defenses. She has blamed buildare on the North Beach, asked ers of the North Beach wall for that council, at Its special meet- cutting corners to save money In ing tomorrow, consider letting a way that led to greater storm club owners "participate with the damages there. She has taken her borough" on an equitable pro- fight for South Beach protection gram to build up a worn jetty to Freehold. next to Ship Ahoy In order to Something, But What? bring in sand to the eroded beach Mayor Farrell, Councllmen and said: Sam L. Diggle, Walter L. Johnson, William Darby and John S. Ability to Survive "Our ability to survive and con- Foreman and Councilwoman Miltinue as Sea Bright taxpayers de- dred N. Anderson all agreed with pends wholly on the existence of Mrs. Norton that "something an adequate beach which, in must be done, and soon" to proturn, depends on restoration of tect South Beach. What, they the jetty," he said. He noted that could not say. But a vote went his clubs and Sandlass- Beach out to send appeals for help to Club represent "well over $15,- Sens. Harrison A. Williams, Jr., and Clifford P. Case and Rep. 900 annually in taxes." Mayor Thomas Farrell who has James C. Auchincloss in Washdirected his chief administrative ington. interests to beach protection and But the view of Mr. Seaman, i steady tax structure for many the engineer, is that "we will not 'ears, in responding to Mr. live long enough to see a nickel lackson's observations, recalled of federal money spent here." ;hat management of the Sea Considering suit against the Bright, Beach Club last year put county for property damages, ip its-own money to build up a Mrs. Norton asked Borough Atietty. l i e noted that Michael J. torney A. Henry Giordano whethitavola had done the same thing er this was possible. "The Free'or his Driftwood-by-the-Sea holders," he replied, "are under Beach Club on the South Beach. an obligation to protect private Others, he said, might do the property facing Ocean Ave." But, ime. in court, he said, one would However, Mayor Farrell said "have to show neglect on the part ruesday that Kenneth Creveling ot the freeholders . . . would have Floodlai 'Serious1 Mr. Stavola, noting the state md county rejected Mr. Seanan's proposals for $47,500 worth if work at Driftwood and $29,350 it Edgewater, because they are mproved private properties, said looding at Edgewater was »elous. He alto noted that state and ;ounty are willing to spend $81 !00 at Davenport's, further to the lorth, which he also owns, in the Hurricane- Donna project. There s no buildings there now but an ipartmerit house is plained. "They already have easements it Driftwood and Edgewater tor vail construction," he said, "they vould have to get them at Davenwrt's, I can see little difference n all of this." U MOAD ST. REDIANK The problem goes on from here, as it has gone on year ifter year in the past. As the ilanners work, the sea, somehow, ;eeps digging away at the beach. Hot a window nnif, but a ctntral air conditioning unit added to your forced air heating system. A NEW, MORE EFFICIENT 2-TON UNIT $ 395 .00' Installation Optional > More Compact I Mora Efficient Cook 1200 sq. ft. FOR INFORMATION, CALL OIL DELIVERY, INC. SH 1-0610 3 HEMERT ST. RED IANX WEIGHS ft OUNCE 1 . . . without any cords, wires, plastL tubes. Amplifies sound 22 times. Ideal for mild losses. Coma In, phone or writs for FREE descriptive COMPANY SHAM'S Quality Jeuseler$ 41 Broad St. Red Bank SH 1-1818 Batteries • Consultations See w p behind -the scenes your money grows faster One yard wonder! Whip up a party version with embroidery— another in crisp plaid 'n' plain. Jitfy-cut! Pin pattern to fabric, cut complete apron. Takes only one yard. Pattern 710; par tern medium size; one 21,4x7% inch motif; 2 smaller. Send 35c (coins) for this patera—add 10c for each pattern for lst-class mailing. Send to Laura Wheeler care of The Red Bank Register, Needlecraft Dept., P. O. Box 161, Old Chelsea Staion, New York 11, N. Y. Print ilainly pattern number, name, ddress and rone. Send now for iur exciting, new 1961 Needle:raft Catalog. Over 125 designs .o crochet, knit, sew, embroider, luilt, weave—fashions, homefurlishings, toys, gifts, bazar hits. J lus FREE—instructions for six imart veil caps. Hurry, send 25c tow! all money deposited in our interest department on or before July 10th earns interest from July 1st TELEP O the date: MONMOUTH COUNTY NATIONAL BANK the time: 7 PM to 9 PM Corner of Ocean 8 Thompson Ave. EAST KEAMSBURG INTEREST PER ANNUM COMPOUNDED QUARTERLY The Mon , Tuei. & Wed. June 26-27-28 the place: ;;-' REUSSILLES' FREE ESTIMATES STANDARD AWNING ' N» problem finding tenants when you y advertise t h e Register SEA BRIGHT — Beach protec-of the state staff had told him to prove they failed to carry wayAdveratemtnt way.-Adveratemtnt tioo is becoming a problem of in- Conservation Commissioner Sal' through their obligations." RUG CLEANING la Yew Homt urn BBAMor-'n 1 It's fun.. .'it's free... it's fascinating - t o see how telephone calls are handled in this electronic age. The whole family will enjoy\it Plan now to spend a rewarding...educational evening at Telephone Open House. NEW JERSEY BELL for the BEST in LOCAL MOVING & STORAGE Call PR 5-3232 or SH 1-1181 Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Rtd Bank Keyport New Shrewsbury \ Engliihtown Little Silver Atlantic Highlands Mrs. Stern Gets Master Of Arts UNION — Mrs. Frances BJj dermann Stern of 111 Glenwoo Dr., New Shrewsbury, wa •warded a master of arts degre Enroll Note EXPLORER DAY CAMP . . y AT McGuire's Grove Mlddletown, N. J. 2 4 4 or S-Week Swiltni June 2 1 . Aug. II SH 74241. SH 14007 Boys and Glri§-4 to 14 For Information LIM18J this month from Newark State Monday, June 26, 1961—5 College. RED BANK RECISTER Mrs. Stern, a third grade teacher to tb« JUd Bank acjwolsystem, majored in administration and supervision. Mrs." Stern's thesis dealt with "Characteristics, traits and attttu&s of co-operating teachers in the Red Bank public elementary schools, 1960-61." Co-operating teachers are those who work with UNION — Miss Rose Marie student teachers from various colCrupi, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. leges in the area. Dominlck A. Crupi of 22 DrumAn alumnus of Newark State. mond PI., Red Bank, was awardMrs. Stern was guest speaker at ed a bachelor of arts degree this a graduate of colloquium^ this month from Newark State Colspring, when she discussed her lege here. research. She also spoke at the Miss Crupi, who majored Association for Student Teaching early childhood education, will in East Orange recently. teach kindergarten in Sycamore She and her husband, Sheldon School, New Shrewsbury. Stem, have three children, Bar- While in college, Miss Ciu bara t e e , 13, David Gary, 10, andpi was active m 'the College Ava Linda, 2. Chorus, Alpha Theta Pi Sorority, Mrs. Stern is the daughter of and the Association for Childhood Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Bieder- Education. mann of 59 Silverwhlte Rd., Little Silver. ! FREE INSTALLATION Aluminum Combination STORM WINDOWS 6 FOR 7 7 • 3 CHANNEL TILT 00 # 2 Princeton Grade Honored PRINCETON - Honors have been awarded to two Princeton University graduates who reside in this area. Graduating with honors in economics was John A. Baker, Brookside Ave., Fair Haven. John B. Burt, Ridge Rd., Rumson, was graduated with honors in chemical engineering. The awards were announced at the university's 214th commencement held June 13. • WEATHER STRIPPED Can be cleaned taslly from Insidt. Mad* of all Lucky Find ALCOA Aluminum. Frt« installation by our own (killed crafhmtn. (WE SELL AT ADVERTISED PRICES.) BUY DIRECT .-SHOWROOM ONLY! COMMISSIONS! Thtst are quality windows at NO SALESMEN! Printed Pattern NO iowttt prices anywhere—Shop! Compare! Save! • 0 BUDGET TERMS • FREE DELIVERY STORE HOURS: 8 A.M. TO I P.M. WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY TO I "Between Yanko's * RennOles" P• And remember, this is all "Super-Right" Quality Naturally Aged Beef. It's fine quality grain-fed Western steer heef that spends more time in climate controlled aging rooms. No Electric rays or other artificial devices or treatments are applied to this meat. It's just wonderful quality beef that's aged naturally to bring out all the goodness! Come see . . . you'll save! CHUCK STEAKS 391 RIB STEAKS - 651 TOP ROUND STEAK Ribs»'Beef "ft 55' r.* 65' 1 Pol Roost tsar 59 Round Roost x i r 79 Top Sirloin Roost 7 9 Cross Rib Roost »*• 79i Chuck Roost -• 3 9 Rump Roost "" 89 Newport Roost 99 Eye Round Roost 99 Sirloin Tip Roost 99 London Broil 99 Plate Beef 451 19 Ground Chuck Beef 5 9 Stewing Beef «•*• 5 9 Ib. Red Bank Ib. Have more family fun in'61 Ib. Ib. . . . w i t h a n HFC T r a v e l o a n . T h i s year, have the time of your lives with enough cash to cover .travel, .motels and hotels, sightseeing, dining— to do all the things you've wanted to do for a long time. You'll travel MONTHLY PAYMENT PLANS carefree, knowing r « M 6 12 K 14 that you have enough 5 6.97 $9.75 518.15 m o n e y . . . a n d that $100 Sew-lt-in-a-Day Dress—no wais 13.93 19.50 36.31 204 your loan is with folks -300- MB.77 20.90 29.25 54.46 seams, fitting problems, or fussy details! Choose a cheerful, wash400 21.94 27.47 38.59 72.14 you trust: HFC. Drop 500 26.77 33.69 47.62 89.53 able print to wear at home, shopin or phone for courping or working. Ihuuhltl limit it 2Wf, ptr mnfk on tatteous, reliable assist- meaojt300orUum4Hti l%ptr month m Printed Pattern 9236: Half Sizes 1454. 1<% 18H, 20'/4, 2254. K IkilpmlcflliitMlmuinnautJSSOOtoMOO. ance. Size 1654 takes 354 yards 39-inch Special Service to Armed Force* Personnel fabric. Send 50c (coins) for this pattern—add 10c for each pattern for lst-class mailing. Send to Marian Martin, The Red Bank Register, Pattern Dept., 232 West ASBUtT PARK 18th St.. New York 11, N.Y. Print 710 Cookman Avenue-PRaspect 5-5501 plainly name, address with zone, Opti Wriwrfoy tvsnings until i-Qmti Sattnkp size and style numbers. 100 FASHION FINDS — the MIPDUIOWH best, newest, most beautifu Mlddlttown Shopping Center Printed Patterns for Summer, 1107 Highway #35-OSbornel-T400 1961. See them all in our new Cyw Xkwkt t fMtj wittg ret* 7-TJwt Sctirkys Color Catalog. Send 35c nowl t OUSEHOLD FINANCE our own FARM-FRESH STRAWBERRIES NOW IN SEASON! Ib. llHleti Ib. Tip Rattnd Ib. Ib. Brisket Beef 591 7% Ground Round 89: Plank Steak Shoulder Steaks - 89: Chicken Steaks Cubed Steaks 99: Tip CfeKk 89: Top Sirloin Steak 89: Sirloin t i p Steaks 99: Minute Steak •*- 99. Beef Liver *»*»**<>* 431 Swiss Steak •••••< Beef Short Ribs Ground Beef '••""""- 45 Soup Beef r 45 BOBBIN! For take-it-ewy i n e f' I > M r v 8 *»perb Jane Parker Apple Pie just as it it . . . delicious. For gala meals, top it with ice cream (and be ready with "seconds"). curt. Ib. SUKMI Brand quart far 29 cz. M m boti. Plus Deposit AH Flivxs DANISH- DM rP.rk Picnic Pack AuortWBt 49. Sauerkraut ,,, 2 .29< 39- I O m O f O e S >ipK 29 Our Own Tea 85< Scatter Rugs 60 tea bags in TF reusable juice shaker # )y{arkets DELICIOUS ORCHARDS NEW JERSEY C o i n Ntck-Tintvn Folk County Road S37 SALESROOM OPEN MOD. thru Sot, 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. SUNDAY 1 P. M. to 6 P.M. C ^ « 24" X 36" THE GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA COMPANY, INC. SCOBEYVILLE. lib. APPLE SWEET CORN - 4 2 9 PIE 45c SEEDLESS GRAPES 2 9 PASCAL CELERY s 1 9 LEMONS ••"*• a25« a Ice Cream Beverages 4* STILL PRESSING FRESH APPLE CIDER FmtCiti Garden-Fresh Fruits ami Vegetables!— fMFfCT SUMMfKTfME DESKKT Sliced Bacon »«» Salad Dressing Yukon Club Excellent for freezing too! Ib. BoMtrn Marvil JUIFIivora JERSEY BELLE Ib. 89: BtMlflM FIESI UNELEII (First Cuts Priced Nlflur) Ik. J J X ) W 1 1 S Ltd weMftmig SHadyside 1-7500 BIG SIORT CUT TRIPLE INSERT! o TRIPLE TILT ACTION! 32 brood St. Once A9*in, A*P help* you to eat better . . . Spend lest! Miss Crupi h Newark State Grad AMERICA'S DEPENDABLE FOOD MERCHANT SINCE I8S9 Cap'n John's Quick-Frozen Seafood FISH STICKS H 10 oi. " BREADED SHRIMP 3r*l°° ckl. I.f 10 or. 55 C Prktt effecllra through Tuesday, June 27th i n j u p c r Marketi and Self-Service stores only. 121 Monmouth Street, RED BANK Route 35, EATONTOWN Highway 36, PORT MONMOUTH Complete Liquor Department In This Store. Open Thursdays 'til 9 p. m. Fridays UnlU 10 p. m. Open Mon,, Tues., Wed. and Thurs. 'til 9 p. m. I Fridays Until 10 p. m. Open Tuesdays, Wednesday! and Thursday! 'til » p. m.; Fridayi Until 10 p. m. Prospect Ave. & Church St., LITTLE SILVER 159 Newman Springs Rd., SHREWSBURY Highway 36. KEANSBURG Popular Biandi oi Beer and Ale In This Super Market Open Mmdayi, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursday!. til S p. m.; Frldava Until 10 p. m. at Shrewsbury Avenue Open Mon., Wed. and Thursday 'til I p. m. Friday! Until 19 p. m. Open Mondays, Tuesd»yi, Wed., Thuri. 'til 9 p. m. Frldayi Until 10 p. m. Ked Kwk Kcgisttr OUTDOOR GRILL SEASON V w Money'* Worth. .N.J. MB t f Jthi H.'OM» «rf m t y Our By SYLVIA PORTER mOHAS IRVING MOWN, PnMtater MS-IK* M. HAROLD K&LY, Goatnl Haaafw JAMES I. BOGAN, EOter W. HARRY PENMNGTON, Production Manage Member «t tb* Auadaied Tnu • M Praia u wtttiM utnalnlr i« tt» « • tn npasttntu* « a i M Ueu i m i u w»n u u u EDITOR'S NOTE: The accompanying Sylvia Porter column is tiw, first of two on the tremendous changes in our ecoriomic, social, business and political setup as a result of the huge increase in the proportion of older citizens. The second column will deal with the effect of these changes on the businessman. »«w» M I U M I Member Audit Bureau of Circulatta Tin Rtt Buk Kttfiur ummti » Bnueui niponitbiuuu br trpop*tklt*t i m n la km nil r»pna Mihovt chirt*. Oat put ol u aanrttemut in mdcb u» trpoctapuol «rror seam, Ttrtiun wu t u w sour u i mutnmau munMiatur ol u r trror which w occur. TM» u m v t w uramu a» r»«eni!!>IUtii« lor aiumnl) *t CDIilttu la tram* from K* mdart. ttibtertptloe Mew la Unset •tsf It copy U soraur. T « a u On* HIT IU.0O • i aonu. magu cop; bj mill, t "If we could cure atherosclerosis, the ordinary lifespan, except for cancer, might be 120 to 130 years" —Dr. Herbert S. Robb, Wayne College of Medicine. "The diagnostic advances of the past few months have indicated that the prevention of heart attacks is not beyond eventual, and perhaps, imminent control"—Dr. Edward L. GoldWashington—meaning the KenSoviet Premier Nikita S. Khrush smith, New York Hospital-Cornell Medichev is in the middle of a trap nedy administration—has adopted cal Center. the view that the Soviet premier Is, his own manufacture. The Rec "The average life expectancy will China he fashioned stands menao determined to press for a German leap from the present 70 years to 100 ingly close, prodding him towar settlement on its own terms and years in a couple of decades. People will be fit enough to work until they adventures that could mean the su that a new crisis over Berlin is alare 85 or 90"—Dr. Edward L. Bortz, preme gamble. Mr. K has made cer most certain before the year ends. past president of the American Medical PORTER tain promises to Communist Easi But Washington, Paris and now Association, as quoted by the Philadelphia Reserve Germany. Either he will live up t London have resolved anew to live Bank. them or lose face among Russia' up to the West's pledges to the peo"One quarter of all the human beings that have satellite powers. He has been bus) ple of West Berlin and not be elever reached the age of 65 are alive now. In the next trying to woo over to his side al- bowed out of their protective posi40 years, the aged population will more than double in number"—Sen. Pat McNamara, chairman of Hie U.S. legiance from the uncommitted pow- tion. The Department of Defense alSenate Special Committee on Aging. ers of Africa. He knows that if hi ready has outlined plans for action We are into a cyde of explosive growth in our loses his hold in Asia, the castle ol should the Communists endeavor to These Pays over-65 population. Yet, even such spectacular forecards he has built will fall—into th> seal off West Berlin. They add up casts as that of Sen. McNamara will turn out gross hands of either the Western World to this: To shoot if shot at. There under-esbimates if ^the medical breakthroughs hinted in or, worse, for him, China itself. There seems small chance that the West reality (as they will). By GEORGE E. SOKOLSKY WASHINGTON-These are som the above quotations become is Cuba and its tractor-ransom de will back away from this. Honor is Revolution ber days for this country, far The mail brings all sorts of things, including a very more somber than the public mands to worry about. Rumbling involved. We are living through a revolution in the power wetl printed brochure about endorsements. The bro would seem to be aware on the and status of our senior citizens. Yet, even among of discontent are heard within the Khrushchev has put forth one admittedly small information of chure fills a great hole in my sum of knowledge. I have its mood which can be available close students of our aging population, there is scant Soviet orbit. sensible question and answer: often wondered how a soap, a face powder, a cigarette to a single man. The people need understanding of the meaning of what McNamara's With all of this, Russia's dicta "Who," he asked, "can say where and even a beer manages to get itself endorsed by al to know several chilling things. committee calls this "new and quite different phenomeAt.the risk of seeming alarmtor again has withdrawn his sword lies the borderline between a cold •orts of great men and women. For in- ist, which is preferable to failure non in our history." from its scabbard in a shoW-fo war and a war in the full sense of We are watching unfold by the day challenging stance, sometimes I see a man endors- to do a correspondent's plain duty, these are the unpleasant changes in the working, income, retirement, social patstrength. Once again he has cloaked the word?" And, to this, he gave ing cigarettes when I know tha,t he only truths: himself in the bully image, hoping the evident self-answer: "Surely, it smokes cigars. One day, I shall see an There is a distinct prospect of terns of our senior citizens—changes of the most pracmajor war over Berlin before tical importance to all of us, and most notably to busito scare away opposition that stands is clear that a cold war is a period endorsement of a soap by a Beatnik! Christmas. There is at the very nessmen and politicians. Yet, as the Philadelphia Fedbefore him and focus upon himself of preparation, of accumulation of So it seems that this is an organ- best an almost-certified surety eral Reserve Bank said in a recent study, "Businessized business like everything else in that the Free West and the Sov-men usually ignore the older consumer. Sure, merthe spotlight of power. His bold ac- forces, for war." But there is nothiet monolith will reach a highthese parts. On Madison Ave. is an noon showdown, the most peril- chants will take their money, but few manufacturers tions appear more severe than any- ing except a history of broken Soviet agency which finds endorsers. They list ous since the second World War. and retailers have made an effort to develop the overthing anyone could construe as hispromises, bad faith and aggression, that period. 65 market" real intentions. Khrushchev certain- in Korea, Indochina, Hungary, Cuba, SOKOLSKY all sorts of people as endorsers — the iaThe Soviet dictator, Nikita Duchess of Windsor, Eddie Rickenbacker,.Bettsy PalKhrushchev, has pow taken up As for politicians, their lack of knowledge and ly knows that if, indeed, he lights Laos and elsewhere to support his the most threatening position of the torch of actual violence—even further claim: "We have no reasonmer, Sherman Billingsley, Gen. Douglas MacArthur. It his career against the United conviction is underscored by the crazy-quilt record of pension plans, medical programs, the like. if he could aspire to victory in com- to quarrel with any people; we want is said in the brochure that the endorsers are screened tates and its allies. His demands government America's aging population is one of the gre^t as meticulously as the FBI but,; it is to be hoped, not over Berlin are so harshly bat—little will be left of the founda- to live in friendship and accord with extreme that there can be only for the same reasons. The agency boasts that it has one of three possible consequen- stories of our times—and one of the least probed. It tion on which communism wasliuilL people.!' is a tale which touches you at your heart no matter found 10,000 famous persons to endorse 7,500 different ces. He will back doivn someThis is not to minimize the" danwhere; we will back down some- what your age, for it is a tale about you if you're over The West can ill affordrightnowproducts. where; or there will be an armed 65 and it will be about you if you're younger and lucky gers of the world situation. Khrush- o do anything but recognize the clash to save Berlin itself and Nothing Is said in the brochure as to how much whole Western position in Eur- enough to live to become a senior citizen. chev has said, loud enough Irap Mr, K custom-tailored for him- an endorser is paid. One may assume that some dis- ope. Before suggesting some of the implications of our whole world to hear, that he intend^ ielf. Any trapped animal is a men- tinguished'persons endorse a product free of charge We, the West, have no place to aging population to businessmen and politicians, here to push for the conclusion of a Ger- ace and must be approached with but that lesser persons are less modest and demand back down on the great and cen-are a few startling facts just disclosed in a new report tral issue without dishonoring our man peace treaty this year—if not aution. Of course, it is possible that, a goodly fee. The brochure says: obligations to Berlin and to Free of the Senate Special Committee on Aging. Germany to all the West. For the by East-West agreement with both at the cost of "face," the Communist Sendee Award Q. Precisely what has been the growth of our overcentral issue, the legal and long German states, then unilaterally with dictator will back down. But Presi"I represented . . . Company that gave a $1,000 recognized and war-won West- 65 population? right to maintain Allied troops Communist East Germany. And dent Kennedy primarily and Prime watch each year to the American who distinguished ern A. Today one of every 11 Americans is 65 or oldin Berlin, is simply not negotier, compared with one of every 20 in 1900. Just in the should the West use force to main- Minister Harold Macmillan and himself most in service to this country. When Mac- able. can negotiate many things. past 10 years, the older population has soared nearly tain access to West Berlin, the So- President Charles de Gaulle cannot Arthur returned from Japan I phoned him, had to hold ButYoubasic including the 35 per cent against a rise in the general population of the telephone for 45 minutes, and finally an aide viet Union would "fulfill its sacred amble on that. In one area they agreed to give me five minutes. Gen. MacArthur agreed most basic ofrights; all, the right of selfonly 19 per cent. There are now 17 million Americans defense, cannot be or duty" and counter with "a proper should act: Khrushchev has prom- to accept it. This was the first and only time that this compromised. They negotiated arc not open 65 or older, accounting for over 9 per cent ofton-em rebuff," meaning risking a nuclear sed to listen to any constructive great American general'ever let his name be used in to bargaining. One maintains tire population. The most phenomenal growth has been them, or one does not. Holocaust. His words were these: Western proposals. Based only on an ad." in the over-85 age group—up a fabulous 920 per cent Our highest officials do not presince 1920 to a total of nearly one million. Naturally, Gen. MacArthur never did it again, for tend to know just where this uch honorable standards as honest "If any country violates the peace situation will end. Bit they know not likely to support any more lost causes. Q. What is the ratio of older women to older men? and crosses the borders—by ground, self-determination for a reunified he isOn one thing beyond doubt. This is A. Dramatizing the extent to which American one page it is said that celebrities fear the col that the greatest danger of al ermany in free elections should air or water—of another country lector of endorsers more than gossip columnists. Is that lies in permitting Khrushchev to women outlive men is the fact that there are 121 worn(meaning East Germany)—it will re- iuch proposals be advanced. There good or bad? Gossip columnists are only to be feared believe that American unity -and en 65 or over for every 100 men. Putting it in reverse are weak and divided. Hitan be no abandonment of principles. by the guilty and by restaurant-owners who lose cus- will ceive a proper rebuff." ler was allowed to have such an form, for every 100 women over 65, there are only 83 tomers who prefer to eat their food in peace without impression of the West in gen- men, and for every 100 women over 85, there are only a rubber-neck coming up to the table, to make a fifth eral; and so there came what 64 men. Nearly one-half of the senior citizens are Churchill called "the unneces widowed, single or divorced but seven of every 10 wheel. Most of their material, however, comes from sary war," World War H. those who wish to be better known, for good or evil These highest officials, there- older men are married while only one of every three From flit Register'* Flln than they should be. If it makes them happy, let them fore, proceed on one certainty women are. deepen the water course of the Freehold High School next year. M YEARS AGO and one alone. The best possible have their day in paradise! Q. What about the political power of the over-65? She had taught at Bayonne. brook. way to avoid war or surrender, A lack or pupils caused the A. Today 15.4 per cent of the voting age populaBut why should one fear a collector of endorsers? since we do not and cannot think Board of Education to discontinue 35 YEARS AGO Miss Belle Arrowsmith of Freeof surrender, is to convince tdfen is 65 or older, almost double the 8.1 per cent in Of his work, he says: the ichool at Hamilton In Nephold has been engaged to teach Application was made to the Khrushchev that on the heart of tune Township. Tht pupils from "He has teams of capable and smart young inter- the matter—the maintenance of this group in 1920. the manual training class of the United States Engineer), second :hat district were transferred to district War Department, by the viewers who contact celebrities to find out what soaps, Western rights in Berlin—we shall In numbers, in percentages, in status, in power the Summerfield School. Old Red Bank Yacht Club for never falter. toothpaste, automobiles, hair tonic, they actually use; over the marketplace and influence in politics, the CARMICHAEL a permit to authorize the mainteLet him think otherwise and "Sarah Jane," a cat owned by senior citizen is skyrocketing in importance. In tomornance of a dock and pile clusters their favorite smokes and drinks." the future is too ominous to conMiss Emma Thompson of Linmooring the club's houseboat This is indeed a gay occupation, except when template. Weakness invites attack row's column, some implications to businessmen. ABoOT -SMART for croft, returned home after it had In the river off the W. G. Menbeen caught in a ateel trap foi Grace Kelly was used to endorse a soap and later an- and nibbling off; and in the end nen property at the foot of Bat there is not more Western alli"Well, You're The Principal" two dayi. tin Rd.. Fair Haven, nounced that "soap of any kind never touches my ance and the United States stands NDEftfTA^ alone. face." George Wllklns, Jr., of ScobeyWORP Yoi) tf Henry F. Labrecque. son of Thus, any indication from any ville, bought a lemon tree for (12 Politicians, Too Herman Labrecque of New Monresponsible American that we ABOOT H I M — at an auction held at the home o mouth, graduated from New York Politicians have to be careful about what they en- might give ground on the basic his father, George Wilkins o University with a degree in enIssue is, however unintentionally, Colts Neck. Mr. Wilkins, who had gineering. He accepted a position dorse. For instance; Vice President Garner used to tn appalling disservice to this died, had owned the tree fo with th« State Highway Commis- drink a particular brand of bourbon whiskey. Garner, ountry and the West. many years. During the winte sion. I am told, no longer drinks whiskey having attained the So It is that such suggestions months it was kept in a Long is that of Senator Mike Mansifled Branch greenhouse. Newspapers of the state were age of four score and ten and he can do without the if Montana, the Senate Demorepresented at a dinner honoring stuff. However, I am told that his humor is unim- cratic leader, for turning Berlin The Red Bank Democratic ExJ. Lyle Kinmonth. publisher of paired; therefore it is not likely that he will endorse Into a "free city," with access ecutive Committee elected new the Asbury Park Evening Press routes to It guarded by "peace officers. They were Alexander on the occasion of the publica- any product, particularly not one on how to keep teams," are tragically harmful. D. Cooper, chairman; Charles tion's golden milestone edition. young at 90. Though Mansifled offered his Darby, vice chairman; Harry C The event was held In th» MontI founa this brochute on endorsements particular- dan only to promote national dlsBadeau, secretary; Frank Pit erey Hotel, Asbury Park. :u5slon, and though he is man of tenger, treasurer, and Arthur L ly interesting because it gave the show away. I often :he highest honor and patriotism, Wymbs, »ergeant-at-arms. Red Bank Police Chief Harry wondered, as many must do, how these arrangements has done immense mischief all H. Clayton received a ruling from were made, bringing together the maker of a soap and the same. For concepts such as H. E. Denegar, puDlicity dithe Commissioner of Alcoholic "free cities" and "pece teams" rector of Asbury Park, received Beverage Control Board which a good-looking girl whose beauty is a gift from heaven. are the concepts of civilized men • proposition from the Moisant prohibited bartenders from ex- The politician cannot endorse soap, but he can endorse who persist in trusting too much Co., aviators, to have one of tending credit to veterans of a cigar or a baby carriage. The latter would be par- in the face of the long record of Uieir tlrmen mais a flight from World War I. The ruling resulted Soviet contempt for any policy New York to the city. The aviawhen reports indicated tavern ticularly popular for politicians if they were also made not based on power and detertors asked for • purse of 15,000 proprietors were extending credit in America. mination. for the flight. :o veterans on their bonus bonds. Stalin once' asked of the Pope, The mail brings its quota each day of the serious Thaddeus Schtnck, 65, a mem'How many divisions (of troops) Dynamite was used for blastber of the first West Long Branch things in life—how men and women earn their liveli- has he got?" Khrushchev has not log purpojw en Theron McCampBorough Council, suffered sever- hoods, how they think up gimmicks and devices and askiid how many divisions would bc'I'i f v m at Holmdel. A dam al broken ribs when an automohow they arrange to take in those who are unwary or m » k e * "peace team;" but that w u to at built on tk« jroptrty and th» mplo^v* trs» und to Jun. 26, awgentle and believe everything that comes their way. | v e r y q u e s " o n i s impllclt in W sat " MONDAY. JUNE 26, 19S1 Lesson for the West The Endorsement Business EVENTS OF YEARS A G O I WILLIAM S WHITE —.....ZEGAL NOTICE—— none*; To Seek Lost World TELEVISION Couple Hope to Explore Plateau Which Inspired Novel 1MI, AND THsT AllKNDMENTg AND •UPPLBMBNTa THBRKOR. BIS IT OJUJAJNID b)r the Mayor and Council o( tha Borough of Sorewetiury that Sulwarraj** J.a T.b,, 8.».. i and 10. o[ Parasrwh (») ot Section J. CORONA DEL MAR, Calif. ave not touched these summits. ol th« afcov* entitled Ordinance t » !AP) — Adventurer Dana Lamb ITiey stood Ike a lost wortd: Tha Itcreby amended to read u follows Section One. B t t i p l ft is headed back to the jungle - imagination could picture the MONDAY AFTERNOON 0 - (I) Love of Lift (4) Truth or Consequence. (7) Camouflage 1— (1) Search for Tomorrow <«) It Could Be You (5) Cartoons (7) Number Please l:4J- (2) Guiding Light \:K- (4) News :«t- (V News (4) Dr. Joyce Brotheri (5) Cartoons (7) About Facet : ( 5 - (2) Burns and Allen :2ft- (I) Newi and Weather 1:25— (4) News •WABCTV WMl-TV .WCM'TV .WtCA-TV WNEW-TV MONDAY EVENWO 1 : 0 0 - ( 4 ) News and Weather . (J) Felix and Diver pan (7) News (U) Popeye (13) I Led Three Lives 0:03- (4) Movie 0 : U - ( 7 ) Local News 0:20- (7) Weather 1:23- (7) Sports 0:10- (4) Local News wnx WiVrA-TV (II) Movie itstO- (0) Midnight Mysteries 1 2 i U - ( U ) Concept 11:10- (S) Dial 999 1:00- (2) Movie (4) News RED BANK REGISTER Monday, Juno 26, 1961—7 LitdeWomen Beth Shalom Carnival To Entertain For Mothers Start Tonight (i) News LAURENCE HARBOR - The RED BANK - A carnival lair (7) Evening Prayer Little Women's Club had an op-being sponsored by Congregation (I) Almanac Newsreel portunity to entertain their moth- Beth Shalom of Red Bank will this time in search of the Lost last vestiges of an age long van 1 : K - (4) Dr. Brother; ers at a meeting of The Woman's open at the Middletown Shopping I. It shall be unlawful to World that inspired Sir Conan shed." erect or hereafter maintain any (9) News snd Weather Club in Webster Hall. Center tonight at 1 7 o'clock.,. •Ifn or other aavertUIni ttiucDoyles' famous tale of 20th cenIsolated, monsters from the 1:10- (4) Uth Hour Wte ai defined In this ordi(3) Cartoons It was the concluding session The carnival, proceeds of which tury dinosaurs. nanceIn t&yresidential district dawn of history might still 'roam resident 1:40- (4) Sermonette (7) Eichmann Trial for the Little Women's Club, which will go for (he maintenance of except l i e followi following: An English explorer found a those heights . . ." 2:20- (I) News a. Hot roor« than one "For (11) Yogi Bear is divided Into four groups. "The the religious schools and youth d/ Sale" and/or one "For Rent" towering plateau in central South From Lima, Lamb will proceed "••.»- (2) Give Us This Day (It) Movie win .or ilfna on propertytob«' Cookie Cutters," whose leaders programs ol the synagogue, will America In IMS, and his descrip- to Sao Panto, Brazil, before pu«bse5« w ;«SSl. t h r S : of WrtSS >ws to watch — ...amuse p are Mrs. Olga Becker and Mrs,run nightly for one week, through 0:40- (4) Weather jhaU ;ot exceed fourteen Inches tion led Doyle to write Ms 1912 Ing into the Matto Grosso jungleIn width and twenty Inchea In 0:45- (4) News July 1. Vincent Appiegate, presented TUESDAY MORNING lencto. adventure story, Lost land of southwest Brazil. He be(2) News Sewion skit entitled "The Dolls." Taking The synagogue was granted World." Beves the lost plateau Be* near «:1S— (1) previews (S) News (4) Shotgun Made part were Janet Wang, Theresa the use of the shopping' center Doyle's version peopled It with the Bolivian border at the head1:2*- (J) Give Us This Day (7) News (I) Jim Bowie Rathbun, Elaine Parks/Deborah by Food Fair Properties, Inc. prehistoric monsters surviving in- waters of the Rio Verde, a tribuI:2J(2) News (7) Blue Angel. (I) Almanac NewareeJ The carnival was planned as an expressly related to tbe buslHolden, Elizabeth Samolyk an to the present. Lamb isn't sure tary to the distant Amazon. (4) Sermonctte s e a conducted on the vremiee* (0) Terrytoon Circus (J) As The World Turns Marilyn Appiegate. The mothei event of fun and frolic for memtor each attest frontage not » - wtiat he'll find, but he's con- Latrib's wife, Virginia—"Gm1:10— (1) Sunrise Semester (4) Dr. Hudson (11) News bers of the entire family, said Molina; a. total ot Forty («J> v vinced he can locate the'plateau ger ll -wiH join Urn probably in Kiuare f»et. (4) Computer Age Math was portrayed by Miss Sandr. Robert Lefker, chairman. All (5) Movie 7 : U - (2) Local News SecUon Three. Subparlfraph g.f. and somehow readi the top of i t Wang of 'The Gardeners." 7:0»(I) News Sao Paulo, for the expedition. (7) Susie 7:10(2) Weather food sold at the fair will be Of Paragraph u i l? hereby Lamb left this week by plane She Is remaining at the family •mended to read u follows! ' "Growing Pains," a skit by strictly Kosher, thus guaranteeing (4) Dave Garroway (11) Local Newt it) Russia: Faces of a No <l n hl111 b ,£ .i, ' "on the " Pwmltted (5) Call to Prayer "The Green Thumbs," was enits quality and its availability to th than snmlaea for lima, Peru, to talk to Brian home at Corona Del Mar, mean7: I S - (2) News Giant' ' Fawcett, operator of • South 7:15- (5) News acted by Diane and Nancy Mar- the entire community, he stated. 7:»—(11) Weather (H) Movie tUed by the alfn la conductia. American airline and son of Together, the two paddled and 2 : 6 * - ( i ) Face the FacU Hot more than two "Par Bale" 7:15- (5) Call To Prayer tin, Carol McGuire, Carol Holden 7:10- (2) To Tell The Truth or "For Rent" i l n i mar ha Col. P. H. Hawcett. It was Col. 7:26— (7) Morning Prayer and Alison Watson. Mrs. Charles (4) Americans arecfed or maJnAaed on » sailed the length of Mexico in (4) Jan Murray CUTIES OR DUTIES? property located In a hualuaa Fawcett who spotted the plateau a oanoe in IMS, and hiked the 7:10- (5) Ding Dong School Rogcrson is the leader of th: MINNEAPOLIS (AP)—A copy (7) Day In Court (3) Miami Undercover or Induatrlal zone without the. from below, and wrote of It in necenlty (or obtaining an erec(7) Early Bird Cartoons group. length of Mexico again in 194: (9) Guy Madison (71 Cheyenne of a City Council resolution comtion permit, provided such »lrn notes later read by Doyle: 8:80- (2) News to search for an elusive "Lost 2:10— (2) House Party A variety show was presented mending George Arnejon, retir(0) Movie firSL?8g " £ "Time and the foot of man(Sty of the Mayas" near the 8g (5) Sandy Becker (II) Invisible Man by "The Sewing Ambassadors," ing city purchasing director, was (4) Loretta Young section Four. Bubpaxairwh o of (7) Little Rascals Guatemala border. They wrote »:00- (2) Pete and Gladys under the direction of Mrs. John retyped because of this interest,'" K . 6 >amende amended (7) Seyen Keys ftTB? "?,.'" K.6> he d " 8:10— (2) News by Jel« f r the worda "now or" oft-reprinted travel-adventure (3) Mackenrie'i Raiders (») Star and Story Crimmins. An Elvis Presley im- ing error: wblch follow tbe word "stnirture" 8:15(2) Captain Kangaroo stories about both trips, and have 2 : 5 5 - (S) News (II) This Man Dawson " a i'*?** « • *?M "nerStter" personation was given by Jacqui "Whereas he Has carried on •»* BUbparagraph 1 of F»r*grepn S:M- <7) Chubby's Rascals lectured In all parts of theS-.H- (2) Mllllonnlrt (13) Mike Wallace line Weeks; Barbara Striker and the cuties of his office with a •(I) la hereby amended-J>y Bddlnc I : M (2) People's Choice the wort* "and ».&• following the United States. t:2*M'>) News (4) Yoong Dr. Malone Judith Samolyk tap-danced "From minimum of cost to the city." fH «.«." In the first 1 sentence, of aald BubnairaicraDh 2 (4) Family ( : 3 0 - (2) Bringing Up Buddy (J) Dateline Europ* the 1920s"; Patricia McGuire and Station Five. ASBURY PARK - Marking the Lamb is now 59 and weighs Suhjirairiph ill ve Suhjirairiph (7) I Married Joan (4) Weils Fargo (7) Queen For A Day of Paragraph P a r a g h ( II) ) pertaining Susan Wosotka sang "I'm Look Mrs. Robert Martin, president pertaining tto an return of "name" stars to the130 — a few pounds less than snm ial llcenae (fee 1:25- (S) News of K M pVr sign (5) Divorce Hearing (I) Film Drama ing Over a Four-Leaf Clover," of the senior club, reported on henby repealed I, It, emlrety. Boardwalk Convention Hall here when he took a canoe 16,000 0 t . l t (2) My Little Margie (7) Surfilde 6 (U) Movie ? """ ™" di miles 23 years ago. His wife, now and Patricia Parks did a ballel her attendance at the graduation . >. .. f* ;— ™ " ordinance shell *•»• «'f«t upon In pusare and will be Dion, youthful singing (5) Topper (11) I Search for dance to "The Dancing Doll." publication according to Uw. star who heads the cast lrom 47, hasn't found the charms of X: 15—(13) Community Newsreel of the Laurence Harbor Memo(7) Memory Lane Adventure * : W (2) Verdict Is Yours indoor living as irresistible as thi FDBUO NOTICE "The Gardeners," whose lead- rial School, during which she beTne foregoing ordinance waa Intro- July 1-4. U;M- (2) I Love Lucy 1:00(2) Danny Thomas call of the jungle. She's anxious (4) From These Roots (luced^and^pasaed first reading at ers are Mrs . Raymond Parks anil stowed the presentation awards Harold Latham, producer for (4) Say When (4) Whispering Smith to leave. (5) Doorway to Destiny Mrs. John Probst, presented Gai for speeches to Pamela Htbbets" F M " ^ "L" 1 * "oraugh of ShrewsburyShamrock Enterprises, staging (9) Movie (5) Overland Trail (7) Who Do You Trust held on Tuesday. Jun» so, 19J1. anthe new "name" policy at the They toM a newsman recently Rogerson and Rory Novotny, wh( and Patricia Pagnanl on behalf will com. up tor n n i l consideration (0) Kingdom of the Sea 10: JO- (I) Video Village (0) Movie' about their plans. sang "Calendar Girl" ant of the club. and pusage at a regular meeting ofbeachfront arena* said today that (4) Play Your Hunch (11) Man and the said govern n* body to b» held on Son- "advance reservations for the pre( U ) Jack La Lanne "I don't know how we'll get on "Lonesome Boy." Mrs, Martin also attended the day. July 10. 1961, at 9 P.M. at tne (7) Ray Milland 1 . Challenge 4 : 0 « (2) Brighter Day top of the plateau," he said. Chambers, S 2RSS? S ' ™ " " ' : . . ^hool " ' Houee. Broad sentation are establishing a new Houae. Br B Mrs. William Matthews acconv president's council in Manasquan U : M - (2) Double Exposure l r f *' .«Krew.mury, (,'ew Jersey,. (II) Betty Fumeas (4) Make Room For Fawcett's notes don't say how which time and l high." all persons panied on the piano. Monday morning, presided over (4) Price Is Right t i l t - (2) Andy Griffith Daddy Master ol ceremonies will be high It Is, but aerial maps show The Little Women served by Mrs. Daniel W, Follweiler. (7) Gale Storm (4) Concentration (5) Mr. and Mrs. North an abrupt plateau in the area Richard Hayes, popular singing freshments prepared by theli She was also a guest at the Lin11:25- (9) News (7) Adventures hi (7) American Bandstand Dated: Juno 20, JEAN W. PASRY lead of TV, night clubs and re-rising more than 3,000 feet from leaders. croft Federation Day meeting. H : M - (2) Your Surprise Borough Clerk Paradise (IS) Teatime with Buff the jungle floor. June X J18.M cordings. Package (1) High Road to Dangei Cobb Also, on the bill will be Linda "A heBcoptor would probabl (4) Concentration (11) Men Into Space NOTICE TO ABSENT DEPENDANT 4: I S - ( 2 > Secret Storm THEATRES (5) Romper Room CUfERIOR COtJtT OF NEWJEBSE' Scott, whose record "I've Told make it, or a light plane ooul 10:90-/1) Hennesey (li) News Every Little Star" is on the best- land on top, if there was a place CHANCERY DIVISION (7) Love That Bob! ' (4) Barbara Stanwyck i t Concept MONMOLTll COUMXV to set down. But this spot is more seller list; Clarence "Frogman" (3) Big Story ! ' DOCKET NO. r XKMt Henry, with a hot recording ol than 500 miles from the nearest 4 : « - (2) Edge of Night STATE OF NSW JERSEY (I) Treasure (4) Here's Hollywood "But I Do"; Tbe Coasters, wh airfield, and a small plane can TO (II) MOce Hammer DRIVE-IN THIATR E (5) Mr. District Attorney HERMAN D. SPEAR zoomed to fame with "Littli cover more than 125 miles or ROUTE IS nl thp C1HCLT 10:10- (2) Brenner (II) Laurel and Hardy You are hereby aummoned and Egypt"; Frankie Calen with his so. RED BANK SHOWS NITELY FROM DUSK quired to serve upon NATHAN BOE> (5) Theater Five and Chuck NER, plalntlfra attorney, whose ad-smash hit recording of "Joanie," "After all these years, we play Carlton—The Alamo 2:00; 7; 00; (7) Peter Gunn (1!) Studio 99% dress 1* JO Sip Avenue. Jersey City, and Herb Zane and his orchestra. things pretty safe I'll look things AT BOTH New Jersey, an answer to the com(I) Movie 9:45. plaint filed In a clvi] action in which Two shows daily, at 2:30 andI've been a pilot since the early 4:55—(11) Spunky and Tadpole THEATRES . — S h e First Savings and Loan Ajiocla. 3 : 0 0 (2) Life of Rlley (11) Boots aad Saddles EATONTOWN ' Uon ol Jersey City. N. J,, la plaintiff, 8:30, will be featured July 1-4, over before I make my move, • (It) Movie (4) Movie »"d HERMAN D. SPEAR and CARO] with dancing at no extra cosi 30's, and I try and think about Drive-In—The Alamo 8:55; 1:V. SPEAK, his wife, are defendam 11:00(2) News (5) City Assignment 05; The Horse With The Flying pending In the Superior Court of Ni after the evening performances, what might go wrong." Jersey, within as days alter July : (4) News ; (1) Jet Jackoon Tail 12:15. 1961 exclusive or such date. If you UI (3) PM East. . .PM West (11) Boro the Clown to do so, judgment by default m r COLUNGWOOD CIRCLE be rendered against you for the relief (7) News (IS) Crossroads demanded In tha complaint. You aha Shore Dtive-In-Wild In The 1:25—(II) Clutch Cargo [lie your answer and proof of service (11) News In duplicate vita the Clerk of the SuCountry 8:50; 12:15; Road Rac770 3 : 3 0 ( 2 ) Movie •; 11:10-(2) Weather WNEW i U N WABC perior Court, State House Annex, Treners 11:00. ton, K. J., In accordance with the rules 880 WPAT IN (4) Wither WCBS (5) Heckle and Jeekle of civil practice and procedure 1410 WQXR ' 1540 WHTG HAZLET 11:11- (7) Weather ATTENTION CARLTON KIDDIE FANS — (7) Rln Tin Tin The action has been lnotltuted to! 6(0 WOR 711 WNBC 11:13- (2) Movie (I) Movie Loew's Drlve-Io—Cartoon 8:45; the purpose of foreclosing a morlgas YOU CAN STILL GET SUMMER SERIES TICKETS WHTOKewi: dated July 25th. 1958. made by Hei (11) Three Stooges (4) Jack Paac The Alamo 8:50; 12:25; Islands K e l u l m Hnelo man D. Spear and Cs.ro! F. Speas, Wi UtDO—WABC Charlie Grau (13) Streets of Danger (7) Movie wife, to J. I. Klilak Mortgage Cor WN»C Morgan Beatty Ot The Sea 11:55. 11 SHOWS FOR $1.00 WCM News poratlon, end recorded in Book 2051 WOR N . w . ; WHTO Moomouth-Octaa of Mortgages for Monmouth County. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS Gabriel Heater Newa Summary page 482, and assigned to Tbe Flrsl — WEDNESDAY 1:30 P. M. — Till—WOR C.pltol Clo.e.Up WNBC Nawel Jim U r n Atlantic—Snow Queen 7:00; 9 > Savings end Loan Association of Jeraey EVER HAPPEN TO YOU? TI4S—WNBC New York Cltj By Brisk* PLUS KIRK WNBC News: Jack Scott City, N. J., which assignment wai Talking 40; Seven Ways To Sundown DOUGLAS dated August 25th, less, and recorded 1H1S-—WOR H » FlUgeralde CARTOONS WOR Carlton Fredrick* WCM Paris Eaport on September 10th. 1938, In Boole 323 8:20. •n?yiM& to (tap ONE PAIR TllO—WNBC Wayne Howadl Assignment* of Mortgages, on pagi WHTflTOsIs Monmonth Till—WABC New.; Chuck 35, In the Office of the Clerk ot Men County HIGHLANDS Dnnawty mouth County. The action concerns real llitO—WHTO County Ag»nt rf OUToFA estate located in the Town»hlp ol Kir •i«0—WCM World Tonlaht WCM Allen Gray Marlne-Butterfield 8 7:10; 9:Itan. In the County of Monmouth ani 11:19—WHTO Newi: ' WHTO Be.dllnee; Mualo Btate of New Jersey, known as 1 (Slim Off S:3O n.n 15. Relaxing Uuslo Johnson Terrace, West Kenniiburg, Ne WNBC Naws: Wayne 1 2 , 1 1 — W A K N m ; 1'arrsll Smith Jeraey. KEYPORT flowell WNBC Emphaele WOK Neva, World Today You are made a.defendant becaui Strand-Shadow Of The Cat 8:liOO—WCSt Nawa; Hollywood , W you are one of the owners ot said BUS—WCM Ed J o , c e WHTO HamdllnM. Eel 24; Curse Of The Werewolf 6> property end one of the mortgagor! •it*—WOR Sporta Prices, Musio In the Mortage herelnabove seC-forUi •US—WOR My Tine Stow 45; 9:43. WNBC Newel Jim Low* BATED. May 23rd, 1061. •lit—WABC New*; Chuck WO* Nawa I. QRANT BCOTT, LONG BRANCH Dunaway HIS—WCM Bob Dlion Cleric of the Superior Court, •IOO—WNBC New*; Boh t U y n u Baronet — Private Lives Of WHTO Baach Report WCBS Newa: World Of June 12, IB. M, July 3 »•>.« WO* Carlton Fredericks Adam ft Eve 3:30; 7:00; 10:Mu.lo I,ag—WrlTO News; ••SO—WO* Newi: MoCullongh 00. The Pharaoh's Woman 2:00; NeVnCE TO CONTRACTORS aVGIiot Notice is hereby given that sealei ttss—WABC Newa": "'arraS Smltb 8:30. •US—WABC New*; Scott Hani bids will be received by-the Borough WNBC Empheels lOlOO—WCM New. ol Red Bank for maintenance and re- 1,00—WCM Naws; Womu'a ASBURY PARK WNBC News; Bob Heymea pair materials in tha Borough of Red Raport on Lyric—Saturday Night And WOR News: Lea Smith Bank, County of Monmouth, State o Washington lOllS—WOR McCulloa.h A Eliol New Jersey, with an estimated amount Sunday Morning 3:00; 7:40; 9:WHTO Headlines. Mask lOltO—WCM Dene* Music of 20,270 sq. yds. Roadway Prepare WNBC Naws: Jim Low* tlon—110 tons %" Broken stone F.D.A. 10141—WON Sibl* Reading «• WOR Nawa, U i 8tntth and rolled—0,959 gals. Asphaltlc Oil. lOlSS—WABC Newa; S c o t.tMuni i Mayfalr—The Pleasure Of His Grade MC-1, BC-2. P.DA—100 tons lllOO—WCBS Newa Bituminous Concrete Patch Material, WNBCNewij Bob fltyme, Company 2:45; 7:30; 9:50. Type SM and FABC, F.D.A.—to b 1 1 I ( _ w H T a t e M MBJI8 WOR News opened and read in public at the Bor St James—Spartacus 2:00; 8:ougu Hall, Mbnffiolitli Street July 1 Sill—WABC News; Jack Carnsr till*—WCBf Starlight Salute) 30. WOR Jean Shepard 1861 at 8:30 p.m. Daylight-Saving Tim - WNBC Emphaais llllO—WCM Hu.lc 'Til Dawn SlOOWCBS Nawa; Paxsonal Story MONTCLAIR Specifications and forms of bids fo: lllSS—WABCNewi: Hmppineaa WHTO Headlines. Muslo the proposed work prepared by llenr: Clairldce — South Seas AdvenExchange) WNBC Nawa: Jim Low* j \ Labrecque, Borough Engineer, ant moo—WNBC News; All Night In approved by the State Highway Com WOR News; Lyle Van ture 8:30. Dion Heads Bill At Asbury Park • —•_ — w *"w w i l t , ! V*^ I tsms&tts! WALTER READE MOVIE TIMETABLE EATONTOWN TODAY AND TOMORROW RADIO "ULYSSES" " S T 4 AttDBff AWARDS! missloner. Trenton, New Jersey ant may be inspected by prospective bid der* during business hours. Bidders will be furnished with a cop: ol the specifications by the Englnee: on proper notice and payment of flvi (15.00) dollars. Bids must be made or, Standard Proposal Forms In the manner designated therein and required the specifications to be enclosed sealed envelopes, bearing the name I address of bidder and narAB of roa< en outside, addressed to*. John BTysm, Borough Clerk Borough of Red Bank. N. J. and must be accompanied by a certified check lor not less than ten per cenl of the amount bid and be dellverec at the place and on the hour nfttned above. The Standard Proposal Form will be furnished on application to the Engineer. OEOHOE CRAY, Mayor. ' John Bryan, Clerk. June 58 19:1 STATE OF NEW JERSEY Department of Stale Certificate of Dissolution To *11 to whom these preseata ma come* Greeting: WHEREAS. It appears to my satl faction, by duly authenticated recon of the proceedings for the voluntan dissolution thereof by the unantmoui consent ol all the stockholders, d posited In my olficn. that BUILDER! R E A L T Y ASSOCIATES, INC., a corp ration of this State, whose prlnclpa orflce Is situated at No. 74 Lnkeshori Drive. In the Township of Middle* " County ol Monmouth Btatf of Jersey (Mary L. Cravath being, thi agent therein and In charge thereo Upon whom process may be served), hn.i compiled with the requirements ' Title H. Corporations, General, of I•vlsed Statutes of New Jersey, prelim Inar" t i tli? Issuing of this Certlflcati of Dissolution. NOW THEREFORE. I. the Secrets Of State of the State of New Jersey, -Do Hereby Certiry that tile said corporation [Ha, on the Twelfth day of June 1981, file In my office a duly executed end attested conient In writing to thi dissolution of said corporation, executed by all the stockholders thereof, which said consent and the record of the proceding! aforesaid are now on file l! my office as orovided by law. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereto »et my hand (SEAL) and affixed my official seal at Trenton, this Twelfth day of June A.D. one theurtand nine hundred and slxtv-on lilt—WOR Arlene Francis WCBS Martha Wright SlSe—WHTO News; Relaxing: Mnslo HIS—WABC Nawa; Jack Camay WNBC Emphasis 4,00—WCM N«ws; Information Cantrat WHTO Closing Stack Raport: Muslo WNBC News: Art Ford WOR Nawa! John Wlngate 4ll>—.WCBS Kenneth Banfhart WOR Radio New York 4lS0—WHTO News; Relaxing Muslo 4iSS—WABC Nawa: Jack Camay WHTO Fort Monmonth News WNBC Emphasis SiOO—WCBJ News; Sidelights WHTO Monmooth-Ocean News Summary WNBC Newa; Art Ford WOR Newa: John Scott SllS—WCM Kenneth Banghart WHTO Dow Jones Averages WOR Radio New York llJO—WHTO Newn: Relailifg Musio SIS*—WABC News IVININO •lOS—WA1C Jack Carne* WCBS Newa WHTO Headlines; Dinner Music WHICN.ifi; Sporta WOR New: Lyle Van am—WCBS Sports WNBC Art Ford WOR Newa; John Wlngate •US—WABC Paul Harvey •HO—WCBS News: Business WABC News Raporte WHTONawa; Dinner Music WOR Newa: ' ' Henry Gladatona •140—WCBS Financial Newe WNBC Financial Nawa f,4S—WABC Howard Cosell W C M Lowell Thomas WOR Sports. Stan Lomax WNBC Three SUr Extra •IS*—WCBS Sporta Time » 00—WABC Edward P. Morgan WCM Newti Intervlewe WHTO Headlines! Music . WNBC News: Wayne Bowel! WOR Fulton r-awle /its—WABC Chuck Dunawar WOR Business; Nawa Til*—WCM Nawa: Ed Joyce N,Ye, WOR Long John T l B MORNINO WHTO Monaonth-Oeeaa New. Snmarj ". »gg W e * . WOR Newa; John Gambling BIU Cull< • New.: Wake Musl Civil s tws; W C ^M 0^ d ^ WHTO Headlines: . .. !K HBC Dorothy and Dick SllS—WOR s t " 0 1961, Kief FeatBTM gieJinte, Inr, Werid HLal Humphrey; Shows to Watch as a mall-order bride who brings her 14-year-old son to th* home of her wealthy but gruff new husband. Charles Blckford teamed with the hostess. Pair of pros in a good rerun. TONIGHT Herb Oscar Andariv. •100—WCM Maws: Jack Sterling WHTO Headlines: Strictly for Womti WNBP News; Bill Cullen WOR News: Galen Drake •ISO—WHTO News: Relaxing Mualo •IBS—WNBC Emphaals WABC Nawa: Breakfast ClDl lOlOO—WCM News: Arthur Godfrey WHTO Headline!-. Mnslo WNBC News; Art Ford WOR Newa Reports 10I1S—WO* Hartha Besne [ 1OISO—WHTO News: ( Relaxing Husle WOK Interviews. Martha Deana lOflfc—WABC News: Charlie Greer WNBC Eranhaals UlOS—WCBS Newa; House Pttl WHTO Headline!; Moilo WNBC Newa; Art Ford WOR Newa 11I1B—WOR HcCanna at Home WHTO Beach Report lllSO—WCM Garry Moore . WHTORtd Beak Raflalar Hawa, fete Heffrm* 1H4O—WCM Crosby-Clooney UiIS—WABC Newa WNBC Emphaaia lilt*—WHTO Midday Stock Repai 8/EDWAItD J. . PATTEN " Secretary of Btate June 19, M. July 3 $23.01 Borus Heads Appraisers DRIVE-IN ten Centrally located in Eatontown-New 8hrewburj * MOMIarO0flt*wt*MM*l N 6 W 9 7 AM., 12 Neon. 5:00 P.M. LAURENCE HARBOR - Mrs. Ronald Oliver was honored at a luncheon at the Memorial School Wednesday by the Laurence Harbor - Cliifwood Beach Parent Teacher Association Mrs. Oliver has been a teacher in the Madison Township School system 17 years and is resigning to move to Stuart, Fla. A gift was presented to her from the PTA along with their best wishes. 8:10 — ABC (Ch. 7) — Surklde Fiber glass Is used in more 0 — Ray Danton Is sort of an allthan 30,000 products. purpose chattel in the Warner Jros. stable. In one series he's FAIR HAVEN — Russell M. COLFAX hero, In another he's the vilBoms; 600 River Rd., has been 4-2928 lain. In this repeater, "The Frightened Canary," Danton Inducted as president of Centra plays a nightclub comic who Jersey Chapter 105, Society of hounds a gal singer. When he's Residential Appraisers. PAW OWN eJB r.H-MOVB AT DMK | knocked off, the gal is accused Other new officers are: Kenneth -nwui.it*-n of doing It. Troy Donahue, one of L W ( l i k e r > J r f i r s t v i c e p r e $ u iVia fl«ri*e* heroes, n0t*n0f M m h in thl! •__.. v. » V. • ,. to the the series' dent; F. Leroy Garrabrandt, secrescue. ond vice president; J. Carroll Loughlln, third vice president; 8:10 — NBC (Ch. 4) - T a l e s of Theodore McGlnness, secretary, Wells Fargo — For some reason and Prank B. Wardell, treasurer. or other, here is a new episode Elected as directors were Harry ICHIIEBEN w r e n i ; FBEE in the midst of the rerun sea- Gergh, John L. Harris and Pau MIDBETRMUKMO I son. Agent Hardle's search for aStryker. man takes him into gypsy territory and unexpected complies tions. If he doesn't marry a pretty gypsy girl, he's a goner. Will agent Hardie escape this terriITS EASY TO PHONE ble fate? S:SO — ABC (Ch. 7) - Adventure* in Paradise—This probably will come as exciting news to Gardner McKay fans. Starting with this one', the gangling, wooden-faced actor again fights his way through the South Pacific in a series of reruns. In "Once |Around the Circuit," a prize fighter becomes a member of McKay's crew, causing him all sorts of trouble. NOTICK OF SALE On Monday July 10. 1901 al 10:00 A.M. I will sell at public auction on behalf of Seacoast Finance Co. at 18 Broad St., Red Bank, N. J, one 1067 Port Conv., Serial No. DTECM43W for default In a Conditional Sales Con* tract mada by Leroy Williams. Bald car may be seen at Csrlsnd Inc.* Kwy, 35. Neptune, N. J. FRANK LOVEKIN, Auctioneer. Jlins TO J3.M It adds up. More and more people use The Register ads each because results come fasr.—Advertisement. Retiring Teacher i&v2iS Honored at Party °—"*•* ?«» <?«« * WCM Jack Starllns 10.00 - NBC (Ch. 4) Barbara Stanwyck — Miss Staawyck stars iwnu ack —er any place els* in th* New Orleans, Louisiana area. Just dial Ana Cod* Number 504, then the number you want. Area Codes are tha key to tasy Mephoning to any place. Every area has • cod*. You'll find thtm in tht front psgts of your phone book. Pitas* us* them for out-of-tUt* calls, NEW JERSEY BELI HURR YH Only a Few Lockers Left! Our new king-sized outdoor saltwater pool and new facilities are open to your Inspection. DON'T MISS this fun-filled opportunity to ba at the NEW Peninsula House BEACH CLUB An Ideal Resort for the Entire Family OCEAN AVE., SEA BRIGHT, N . J. The NEW PENINSULA HOUSE BEACH CLUB now offers the ultimate in both daytime and evening pleasure. Reserve Your Season in Hie Sun CALL NOW For Information and Reservation* SEa Bright 2-2100 Free Swimming Lessons to All, , W 26, 1951 RED BASK BEGJSTER Your Savings Earn FUTURE FARMERS - | lion 3unt jim at CattB P»MJohnson.- Adclbert fc, Jeroy. Both the state Ttoftvi of Sandra Letser, Dime Light, MaPublic afld School Library Serv- NEW BRUNSWICK -t Jerome quarra, Columbia. N. 3,' ria Marttaez, * Sharon Maxaoa, ices Md the New Jersey-library DoBovaa, 20, national vice pretl- ' T w o offlctaf defcftflt from, otin McGowan, Patricia M&ore, Association Have shown-Interest dent of the Future Farmers of each of the State's 31 local chtp. American from Delaware,. Ohio, ters will comprise tn»' votinj Sara Ann C H a n , Dort Phillips in this project, and hope to DeaaU Plant, Patricia Powers, this study as a guide for im-will be a featured speaker at thebody to conduct to* builawi of Dorothy Pendergast, Arthur proving all types of library sys- Mew Jersey State FFA conven- the convention. Smith, Joseph Smith;' Andrew tems throughout the state. Soyka, Ronald Tarnow, James FREEHOLD — The Monmoulh The Monmouth County League HIGHLANDS — Diploma, were Wolcott, Sandra Worth,,/Lena bounty Library Commission has of Women Voters, the county •warded to 52 students at th Worth, Allen VanKirk, Catherine surged Miss Mildred W. Saadoe public school commencement ex chapter of the American Associa- o r any placs else In the Buffalo, N«w Verk Walstrom, Robert Wieczoreck o conduct t professional survey ercUes in the school auditorium, tion of University Women and the area. Just dial Araa Cod* Numb*r71«, than t h * and Donna CUger. if library service in Monmoulh Monmouth Chapter of the NaRonald Tamow gave the numbir you want. Area Codas arti.jttw k«y Rev, William Lutz of the First bounty.. She will report on the rome address and Janice Bertha tional Association of Secretaries, to «asy telephoning to any plact. EWry Methodist Church gave the invo•':e farewell address. luality of existing service, both who have been interested In this a r u his » code. You'll find th«m In th» front ation and Ma]. George M. PhilStudents receiving awards were ips, .Catholic chaplain at Fort in the county and municipal lev- survey from the beginning, have pages of your phone book. Plus* use thaw for Miss Sandoe is arriving in Mon- offered to help complete the projJames Stiles and Janice Bertha, Hancock, gave the benediction. out-of-stata calls. NEW JERSEY »ELl . " •- ' • a 5O-star American flag. Ladles' Joseph R. Bolger, principal, nouth County today to begin the ect. Auxiliary, Veterans of Foreign reseated the class ito Alfred G lurvey. It is expected that ail municiWars post, the boy and girl who Horay, president of the Board of pal and association libraries will wrote the best essay on Ameri- Education, who awarded the di- Miss Sandoe was last with the be interested la participating in Public Library of Cincinnati and making this survey a county-wide canism; Barbara Johns and Miplomas. . ihael Whitfield, the Parent-!' The class sang "America, The Hamilton County, Ohio. She hassuccess. Each library will be kept Teacher Association award for Beautiful," "I Pledge Myself written the "County Library Pri- informed as the survey progressthe boy and girl who displayed Faithful," and "I Like It Here." ner" and has contributed to pro- es. • . - . . • • •.' ' outstanding qualities of leader- Kathleen Griffith, Barbara fessional publications. ship, character, scholarship, per- lohns and Diane Monprode sang The Monmouth. County survey It pays to advertise In The sonality and citizenship. 'America." Lawrence White ac- vill be the first professional surSandra Crist received the Jo-companied at the piano and Wit- vey of a library system in NewRegister.-^dvertisement. seph R. Bolger award for the lam Entwistle is musical, direcstudent who had exhibited a high ;or. degree of loyalty and had coThe presentations of the.awards operated with her class and ere as follows: VFW Auxiliary, school. .Irs. John L. Dedrick, president; James Stiles and Janice Bertha PTA, Mrs. Martin D. Fehlhaber, were presented the Lions Club iresident; the Joseph R. Bolger scholastic award, the boy and iwardand the athletic awards, discontinued styles girl having achieved the highest Bolger; Lions Club, Mayor discontinued styles scholastic average for the year; Cornelius J. Guiney, Jr., presiMichael Whitfield and Diane lent; American Legion Auxiliary Monprode received the special 'oppy Contest, Mrs. Albert award for the boy and girl hav- Vdams, a former vice president ing consistently maintained if the auxiliary; special .award, high scholastic average and who had contributed unselfishly to awrence White, eight grade adclass activities; Sharon Maxson, viser, and eighth grade honor member of the graduating class, roll awards, Vincent J. Gorman, and Sharon Guncz, seventh grade, eighth grade adviser. 52 Get Diplomas At Highlands Start purvey Of Library Sufficiency ITS EASY TO PHONE PER YEAR STARTING JULY 1 RED BANK SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION BROAD ST. RED BANK SHOE SALE STARTS TODAY SELBY SHENANIGANS ARCH PRESERVERS BE Reg. to 18.95 is received an award for submitting the best poppy poster in the American Legion Auxiliary poppy contest. WHT! Ifs »room air conditioner that cools whan it's hot! Ifs a heat pump that heats when it's cool) Ifs a * dehumidifier that dries when it's damp! 9 J. j Weighs under 75 pounds, operates on ordinary M , ^ n B household current. Take it home and Tit it in your window. Then say good-bye to summer heati wvni»t»K THERE'S A CARRIER DEALER NEAR Y O U N. R. NILSON 4 0 Birch St., Little Silver SH 1-3454 The class of 1961 presented America-We Like It Here.' Joseph Smith and Arthur Smith were presented the athletic award as the eighth grade boys who displayed all-round athletic ability and sportsman ship. The pledge of the allegiance to the flag was led by Michael Whitfield and the roll call by Sylvia Robertson. The eighth grade honor roll of students having achieved the highest scholastic average were Janice Bertha, Sandra Crist, Douglas Hxey, Diane Monprode, Sylvia Robertson, James Stiles and Michael Whitfield. Other graduates were James Adams, Craig Bahrs. Margaret Bodnar, Joseph Branin, Leo Colton, Thomas Colton, Eileen Corri Eugene J. Duggao, Jr. gan, Ricky Crutchley, Robert Dale, Bruce Davies, Michael Ellis, William Fahrer, Charles Feil, MIDDLETOWN - Eugene J. Matthew Fernandez, Joseph Xtggan, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Gheradi, Patricia Greene, Kath- £ . J. Duggan Sr., of Red Hilt leen Griffith, Dennis Guiney, and Holland Rds., has received Henry Hartsgrove, Philip Harts- his doctorate degree, summa cum grove, Barbara Johns, Edgar laude from Temple University School of Chiropody, Philadelphia. A graduate of Middletown High School*.Mr.,Duggan received his achelor's degree from St. Peer's College in 1954. Prior to his enrollment at Temple he served as a chemical staff officer with the III Corps ind was the post chemical oficer at Fort Hood, Tex. While at Temple he was elected to the Pi Epsilon DeKa fraentity and- is a member of four tonor societies, the -Anatomy, 3acterk>logy, Chiropodial Surgery ind Physical Medicine societies, is'serving an internship at 5t. Luke's artd Ohiidren's Medical Center, PWldelphia. ROUTE 3 6 EAST KEANSBURG NEW HOURS: Honor Graduate MON. TO THURS. 9 a.m. - 9 P.M. FRI. 9-10, SAT. 9 9, SUN. 9 - 6 3rd Record Breaking Week - Starts Tuesday, June 2 7 Celebration Sale! COBRAS 12.99 Reg. 16.95 12.99 discontinued styles SPECTATORS by HILL and DALE R e * to 18.95 Brown and whrt* 12.99 Black and whit* and Multi colors in tan and brown Brown and wMt» . Blui and white discontinued styles discontinued, styles A TABLE OF STRIDE RITE SANDIER Values to 9.98 and Italian Imported 5.99 FLATS Values to 9.95 Sizes for Children and Growing Girls SHOE CO. 18 BROAD STREET • Wed. and Fri. Nights T.I 9 • RED BANK REE CUSTOMER PARKING AT REAR OF STORE MONTGOMERY WARD MONMOUTH SHOPPING CENTER EATONTOWN CIRCLE & RT. # 3 5 — TEL. LI 2-2150 Shop 10 A.M. Daily Till 9:30 P.M. Tues., Sat Till * P.M. TUESDAY ONLYSPECIAL!! NEW "LOUVERED LOOK Choose From Warcfe 1WIM-J BONILE x" MILK FED—FILET MIGNON "«ROAST 69fb. VEAL STEAKS 7 9lb. C U.S. CHOICE—RIB «i SHOULDER Wide Selection of Do-It*Yourself Louver Doors EXTRA L I AN DEAPCO LAMB CHOPS 4 5 nib. SLffiED BACON 4 3 ib. 699 AS LOW AS HOMEMADE—HOT er SWEET ARMOUR STAR BEEF LIVER 3 ms. FOR > 1 ITAUAN SAUSAGE 5 9 B k OUR O W N FAMOUS HICKORY SMOKED - 5-lbj, A v 9 . • Pantls tak* a beautiful finish CALI HAMS • Louvtr slats permit ventilation Elsgant louver doort complement any room decor EXTRA LEAN - CALI STYLE - 5-lb. Avg. —modern or traditional. FRESH HAMS Smooth Ponderoia it ready to varnish, paint or stain. Pint Individual louver tlats eliminate room stuffiness, allow more light to •nter. From Our Famous Cold Cut Dept. LEAN, KOSHER STYLE PASTRAMI CHUNK miLivivLi),, vnun it 69lb. - c ^%4% SWIFT'S r ~ Other sizes available HARD SALAMI 7 9lb. C at slightly higher prices OUR MARVELOUS HOMEMADE BOLOGNA orLIVERWURST 3 9 Ib.1 Potato Salad or Cole Slaw J y » 11 tt,m Sun., July 1 W t R«.r». tbe Right le Limit Quootiti., SATISFACTION GUARANTEED or your money back! NO MONEY DOWN when yf>u bur on "-edit at Wards BED BANK Vse Our Want Ads For Quick Results Dial SH 14010 DAY SH MHO NIGHT ?n 35*Week UOHDAY THKXKIHriU&AY-Etrr » » Section Two May Expand Benefits Home Delivery 7c PER COPY RED BANK, N. J., MONDAY, JUNE 26, 1961 > New Approach to Tractor Deal? Social Security Debate Slated May Resume Talks KEY WEST, Fla. (AP) — Ten Carbo also told the Associated no action is taken by the tracanti-Castro prisoners awaited de- 'ress that Castro had given the tors committee. velopments, here today that might prisoners "15 days or more" in "We are still thinking It over," WASHINGTON (AP) - Another the 4 cent rate and imposes pew bring freedom to them and 1>- which to complete their mission. he said. of President Kennedy's major tire and truck levies. The com187 of their comrades in Cuba. "We still haven't decided wheth- Before meeting with Hooker yesbills, a proposal to expand social promise version of the bill already John Hooker, Jr., executive sec- :r we'll take all the time," he terday, the prisoners appeared security benefits, comes up for has been worked out. glum. Later they cheered up, and retary of the dissolved tractors tdded. debate in the Senate today. The social security bill up for for Freedom Committee was ex- Carbo also indicated the pris- many spent the evening on the The Senate is expected to clear consideration in the Senate lowpected to return here from Miami oners had reached no decision town. Several others remained in in the early afternoon for his on whether they might make a their hotel tp chat with friends the House-passed measure hand- ers to age 62 the retirement age third meeting with the prisoners direct public appeal for funds if and relatives. ily, but riot until After a flurry for men, increases the minimum since their arrival from Havana of oratory over a Republican pro- social security benefit, raises the Saturday. posal to write in a health insur- monthly payments to widows of ance program for old persons. retired workers,1 and makes other CITY SKYLINE — Naomi Smith, of Red Bank, took the top prize in amateur dais Hooker has insisted he is not negotiating with the prisoners but The house, meanwhile, will de- changes in the law. with her oil painting, "City Skyline," ai second annual outdoor art show at Mononly serving as a contact bebate Kennedy's request for an- This is one of the items on tween them and the members of other IS billion increase in the Kennedy's 16-point legislative pro- mouth Shopping Center, Eatontown. the committee, Mrs. Eleanor national debt limit now standing gram submitted to Congress in Roosevelt, Dr. Milton Eisenhower at $293 billion. February. So far nine have been and Walter Reuther, head of the Tomorrow the House lakes up sent to him, for signature. United Auto Workers. the biggest appropriations meas- Sen. Jacob K. Javitts, R-NY. Informed sources said, howevure of the session, the $42,711,105,' has.announced he will raise the er, that Hooker's continued con000 Defense Department bill. issue of medical care for old per tact with the prionsers indicated Both branches hope to clean up sons in the social security debate a new approach may be made to a big batch of major bills by by offering his $450 million an Thursday so members can get nual federal grant plan. EATONTOWN — Showers Sat- Mr. Bloom, who is currently sional class were Lucille Chayt resume the stalemated negotiaaway for a long Fourth of July This is expected to meet solid urday morning delayed the start showing-at the Guild of Creative if Wayside, who was top winner tions. holiday week-end. Neither body Democratic opposition, resulting oF the second annual outdoor art Art, Shrewsbury, in a special ex- in the first annual show at the When questioned. Hooker said plans any business from Thurs- in its defeat. A similar Javits hibition, is readying for a fall shopping center. She received he could neither confirm nor deny show at the Monmouth Shopping such a possibility. show at the Highgate Gallery in $50 as second award. day untir after the fourth. proposal was beaten 67-28 last -enter. New York beginning Sept. 21. Yvonne Aubert of Red Bank, One of the prisoners privately Ruih Money Bill year. By 1 o'clock 50 undaunted pro- During the summer he is teaching 'resident of the Guild of Creative indicated that Hooker was offered In addition to social security, Some Democratic advocates of fessional and 70 amateurs had new proposal during his brief children at Camp Brookwood, Art, received $25 for third for the Senate will act on a rush a health care plan under the so- hung some 600 entries which were meeting with them yesterday. Glen Spey, N. Y. watercplor. money bill carrying funds for the cial security system had consider viewed by more than 5,000 visiNegotiations for the prisoners' Mrs. Smith has studied with Honorable mentions of five dolU.S. share of the UN Congo op- ed proposing this as an amend- tors and shoppers. release broke down Friday when Roberta Carter of Fair Haven, lars each went to Betty Eberle eration, a Commerce Department ment to the pending bill. But they Don Bloom of Montclair, an and Lajos Markos at the Old Mulkeen of Hoboken, and Clara Fidel Castro rejected a "final" ofappropriations measure and the decided against this after House Gee Stamaty of Elberon, a car er of 590 general purpose tractors art teacher in Piscataway Town- Mill Gallery, Tinton Falls. Ways and Means Chairman Wildebt limit bill. from the committee. At that time ship Schools, won top prize of toonist. Both House and Senate must bur D. -Mills, D-Ark. announced he $75 for his oil painting "Rooster Other winners in the profeshe said he would send ten prisonArt Director clear the highway financing bill would hold public hearings on With Still Life." The painting ers back to the United States to Mrs. Mulkeen is art director of containing $11.56 billion in reve- the subject this session. explain his position in the negorepresents the character of his the City of Hoboken's recreation nues over the next 11 years to The New York senator proposes work at the time he received the tiations. The same prisoner group program. Twelve of her paintings keep the interstate system on a system of federal grants to help 1960-61 Guggenheim Fellowship visited Miami and Washington las of the city are in a traveling exschedule. pay for three types of optional award. month after Castro first voiced hibit sponsored by the Ridge his demand for 500 heavy tractors. The 4 cent federal gas tax wil health insurance plans for persons Naomi Smith of Red Bank, a uild of New York. drop to 3 cents on Saturday if over 65 with incomes below $3,When asked about the $28 milretired schoolteacher, won first Other winners in the amateur lion estimated cost of the tracthis measure is not signed into 000 for an individual, $4,500 for prize of $65 for her oil painting class were Karl Egge of Maple- tors, demanded by Castro, Ulises U w J y that time; it continues a couple. "City Skyline." The work repwood, second prize of $25, and Carbo, leader of the prisoner del- DEDICATION CEREMONY — Named in honor of a formresents a departure from Mrs. Madeline Abramson of Oakhurst egation, replied. er Fort Monmouth commander, Cowan Park was dediSmith's usual realistic style. hird prize of $15. "The tractors are worth $28 cated in memory of Col. Arthur'S. Cowan. Here, James Mr. Egge received,an honor- million in Cuba. They are much able mention in last week's an- cheaper here," indicating that a H. Cowan, St. David's, Pa., son of the Army colonel, nual outdoor art show in Red face-saving formula may be found and Maj. Gen. William D. Hamlin, Fort Monmouth comBank. ;?.-•;• in a reduced figure. mander, unveil plaque near the flagpole at the main Madeline is 12 years old and HERSHEY, Pa. (AP) - For- But his appearanc* will give entrance to the post. Col. Cowan commanded Fort was exhibiting for the first time FREEHOLD — Two Freehold mer President Dwight D. Eisen- George I. Bloom,' Pennsylvania Saturday. She is the student o Monmouth from September, 1929, to April, 1937. He hower and former Vice Presi- state Republican chairman, a men were injured- Saturday, in a Ana Adler, Oakhurst. Honorable dent Richard M. Nixon meet to- chance to find' out for certain one-car accidejft; .joti ..'Jefsejvflie also was camp commander of the installation in its early RUMSON The Oceanic Fire mentions of $5 went to Mona Kirk night for the first'time since whether, as speculation has it Ave. opposite the Nescafe plant of Manasquan and Aldona Krantz Co. was called yesterday to douse days, from September, 1917, to June, 1918. According to Freehold police, leaving office to help Pennsyl- Eisenhower might be interested a small brush fire at the Rumof Long Branch. vania Republicans kickoff a cam- in running next year for the Sen- John Armayes, 15 Ave. A, was Most of the 120 artists exhibited son Country Club. treated for face cuts at Fitkin paign to regain the governorship ate scat now held by Democra Police said the fire started six paintings each. and Senate seat. Joseph'. S. Clarks^David L. Hospital, Neptune, and Lawrenqp approximately 6:15 p.m. on Babette Bauman Edelstein ol Bryant, Ave. A, s5tfJVed"a"t>roften Naomi Smith Lawrence, also a De'niocrat, now New Shrewsbury judged the pro- old polo grounds in the club near While the $100-a-pIate fundholds the governorship. His term leg. fessionals and John Angelini, the boathome. No injuries were raising buffet dinner is billed as expires next year and he cannol The men were in a car driven reported. Livingston,'the amateurs. a testimonial to the two men, it seek re-election under Pennsyl by Earl E. Williams, 83 Center will give Nixon a chance to conSt., who escaped injury, police vania law, ;•' fer with Eisenhower on Repubsaid. Another passenger, John lican politics and world prob- Eisenhow was asked about run Mayes, also of Ave. A, also was JERUSALEM '(AP) - Adolf various departments accepted ning for senator last! week. Hi lems. Eichmann today likened his role the extermination idea "with took the question in a light vein, unhurt. Nixon is expected to deliver a pointing out he was 70 years Police said the driver lost conin the Nazi slaughter of the Jews boundless enthusiasm," EichJO-minute speech, touching on old. Bloom said over the week- trol of his car'on a curve and hit to (bat of Pontius.Pilate and said mann testified. party organization and rebuilding end he doubted Eisenhower a pole. he was able to wash his hands Heydrioh, who had expected COP strength in the big cities. would run for public office bu of any feeling of guilt.. some opposition, "exulted at the A'hearing is set for next SaturThe former Gestapo coWel n success" of the meeting which Eisenhower is scheduled to explained he wanted to make cer< day before Magistrate Alex Levtain. charge of "Jewish Affairs" required only an hour or so, said make only brief remarks. chuk. NEW YORK (AP - Now there reached back into Christian his- Eichmann, are prospects of diagnosing distory to describe his thoughts of Defense Counsel Robert Sereases long before you ever know almost 20 years ago when the vatius asked Eichmann about his you are sick, a physician said todecision was reached to extermi- own reaction. The defendant reday. nate the Jews "as the final so- plied: Blood tests for certain tell-tale lution to the problem." "Htere I felt a certain solace chemicals would provide the tip All three Israeli judges leaned and appeasemtmt, considering I off that a heart, kidney, liver forward in rapt attention as had done my utmost despite my or other organ was heading into Edchmann probed into' his own relatively low rank of lieutenant trouble, and perhaps even tell ego. His normal manner of colonel and I had thought of a why. speaking, sharp and carefully 'final solution' which was not Then doctors could start earlier enunciated in drill sergeant style, repellent Dr hideous but which treatments, to prevent or minishifted to one of soft and earn- was practical and feasible. mize damage. "I did my best to bring order est pleading. This research promise, was outThe key of Eiohniann's testi- into all the turmoil in deportalined by Dr. Felix Wrob'lewski of mony opening the 11th week of tions, My unflinching efforts New York City, at the opening his trial lay in the Wannsee con- could be seen in the scientific session of the 110th anference of top level Nazi bureau- plan and later in the Madagasnual meeting of the American crats outside Berlin Jan. 20 1942. car plan .(for shipping the Jews Medical Association. It was there that Gestapo chief to the Island of Madagascar). This year the AMA convention Reinhard Heydrich said the final I could say to myself that in is introducing a new accent on PROFESSIONAL CLASS — Don Bloom of Montclair, who solution was death for 10 mii- spite of my determination, I had the frontiers of medical research, on the new ideas and trends and won top prize in professional class for his painting, lion European Jews. Eichmann to toe the line. What was done discoveries that create tomor said he was unaware of this was not my doing, f had the "Rooster with Still Life." row's medicine. Part of the idea when he prepared the machinery feeling of Pontius Pilate. I felt is to shorten the time lag befor the meeting at Heydrich's I was not guilty. What was la:d tween laboratory discovery and down was done by the elite, the behest, practical benefit for patients. Hitler's civil servants from popes of the regime." Monmouth Shopping Center Entries at Art Show Ike, Nixon to Meet To Help Pennsylvania (Q<OP Two Men Hurt In ^ Brush Fire Feeling, nn Says Disease Tipoffs Possible APOTHECARY SHOP — Mr. and M n . Charles Spindel, Atlantic Township, stand next to the many apothecary items which ha has collected in 25 years. A room in the house has been turned over to Mr. Spindel's collection. Collects Old Apothecary Items By JUDY CHASEK (with replicas of old drug labels, ATLANTIC TOWNSHIP - A The labels are repeated in the rovel twist in antiquing is the curtains, and the walls are hobby of Charles Spindel, Maple adorned with colored pictures depleting the history of the pharDr. He collects old apothecary maceutical art. Items—relics of the pharmacist's Provides Atmosphere trade, All this is to provide atmosHe has turned a room of his phere, however, home into an old-fashioned apo- Mr. Spindal's treasures lie in thecary shop, with glassed-in the glassed-in showcases. showcases, a swinging door Here he keeps old flasks and marked RX, and a prescription beakers and goblets and burners counter. and filters, and a large, elegant Behind the counter stand large gilded china jar labelled glass jars filled with herbs and 'Leeches." roots and vari-colored powders, Here, too, one finds old scales exotically labeled "Senega" and of every style and size, including "Herba Serpylli," and "Carbo' an antique torsion balance, and a small, collapsible scale that a On a table, between old issues doctor would carry along in his of The American Druggist and bag so he could prepare a potion a dogeared early edition of a at a bedside. government drug manual, stands Mr. §pindel has even collected a lamp made of a huge old mor- the druggist's accessories: an old tar and pestle, its shade pasted cork-tightener, an egg-shaped mahogany string-dispenser for Carnival Tonight. packages. Mlddletown Shopping Center. There are mortars and pestles —Advertisement of Wedgwood, and cast-iron, and glass; and tiny cardboard pillboxes; and every manner of pillmaking gadget. ' IN Years Old One of these is 150 years old, says Mr. Spindel, and one of his oldest pieces; one resembles a toy washboard, and on it the druggist would spread and roll his powdery, doughy "mass" and then slice it up into pills. Times have changed for the druggist, i reflects f Mr. M ' Spindel, glancing fondly at an antique Euppository-molding device. Much of the brewing and mixing and molding that used to go on behind the counter, he explains, has been transferred to the pharmaceutical factory. He himself sold drugs for pharmaceutical houses to drug stores for years, which is how he developed his hobby. He picked up many of his items on visits to drug stores, from pharmacists getting rid of an old flask or outdated spatula. Now he says he's glad he did. Five Elements Wroblewski's research is an ex ample. He finds that some enzymesvital agents sparking chemical processes in the body—are composed of closely related sub stances rather than being single cntititcs. And one such enzyme, lactic dehydrogenase of LDH, is composed of five elements or isoenzymes. The interesting thing, he said, is (hat the proportion of these five elements vary in different healthy body organs or tissues. "Within certain limits, each person's normal patterns are as distinctive as his fingerprints," he explained. With sickness, of the liver for example, the proportions of isoenzymes in the liver change from normal. And they are released into the bloodstream. That could provide the tipoff the liver was ailing. Beforehand, the family doctor would have checked the normal blood pattern of the patient during complete health. Reminder Citizens of New Shrewsbury over age of 65—Be sure to file for Old Age Assessment Exemption at Borough Building before July 1, 1961. A. G. SHEPARD, Tax Assessor, -Adv. Three Men Jailed In Phony Gas Line Leak Scheme M1LLT0WN (AP)-Three men have been jailed for allegedly posing as gas company inspectors in a scheme to collect $1,500 from a woman to repair a phony gas line leak. Held in the Middlesex County jail in New Brunswick are James Wilson, 30, of St,. Petersburg, Fla.; Marvin Olshon, 29, of Astoria, N. Y., and William J. Stokes, 29, of Rock Island, 111. Some Hope IsSeen For School Measure $500. When she still refused, he left. Minutes later a second man, identified by Miss Craibel as Stokes, appeared at her home. ATLANTIC CITY ( A P ) - T h e lions over the next three years, He represented himself as a safe- cautious hope that Congress will to be used by the states to build ty engineer and told her h had pass a program of federal aid to classrooms and raise teachers' to check the gas pipes. She said education hung over the Silth an- salaries. be lit a match and a fire en- nual convention of the National The bill is now bottled up in circled the pipe he was inspect- Educalion Association today. the powerful House Rules ComingMany of an estimated 10,000|inittcp. The committee, by a i) ty engineer and told her he had delegates and observers wereito 7 vote last week, decided to They were arraigned in Mu- $1,500 to a confidence man in buoyed in spirit by a guardedlyJhold up the proposed legislation nicipal Court Saturday night on February, I960, was suspicious, optimistic message last night until it has had time to consider the charge of failure to give a however. She called a cousin who from President Kennedy, who other bills which would provide good account of Ihemsleves. Bail called Chief Riha. f d l aid i to private i and d parosaid he hoped to sign such a federal Magazine Salesman for each man was set at $1,000. h -urn- chial schools. Riha said he found Stokes on b i » b f They were unable to post bail. "In the last analysis," he told They were arrested Friday near the front porch of Miss Craibel's But their optimism was tem-jthe convention, "no amount ol the home of Miss Sarah Croibel home and arrested him. He said pcred by the remembrance federal aid, no amount of new Stokes' told him he was a magaof 55 Clay St. classrooms, no amount of state many past disappointments. zine salesman. Gives Account Sgt. Lawrence Mecca and Pa- The President told the conven- and local support can succeed without your daily efforts to in> Police Chief William Riha gave trolman John Salado then arrest- tion: 'The most crucial period for P r o v e the minds of our children, this account of the incident: ed Olshon and Wilson who they A man identified by Miss Crai- found sitting in a car in the this legislation is still ahead." I "That is why you bear a rebel as Wilson arrived at her home neighborhood. "But," he said, "it is a sound sponsibility for the nation's fuFriday and said he was an em- Miss Craibel told Riha that Ol- measure, It is a just measure, ture that is fcs heavy as that of ployee of the gas company sent shon was the man who had col- It is an urgently needed measure any officeholder, and that is also to check reports of a gas leak lected $1,500 from her a year ago —and 1 have every reason to be-1why I think it imperative that in the neighborhood. February to repair a chimney lieve that I will sign into our federal aid to education proMiss Craibel said she was told that supposedly was leaking com- law before the summer is out this gram include funds for teachers* ' that she would have to give the bustible g*as. nation's first, federal aid to ed- salaries." man $1,500 as a bond to have Public Service Gas Co. repair- ucation program." Carnival Tonight the line checked. But when she men were called to the Craibel Raise Salaries said she didn't have that much, home and they said there was no The administration bill calls Middletown Shopping Center. the man lowered his price to gas leak. for the expenditure of $2.5 bil- —Advertisement Wenzel Weds Turf Bail! Sef lor July 29 Eileen Martin M. Acampora Luncheon Honors Girl Scouts Curved Bars Awarded to 88 Committee Meets at Luncheon OCEANPORT — The annual were Betty Lenard, Spring Lake; Turf Charity Bill and Carnival Nancy Bennet, Belmar; Marjorle since IMS a major social' event May, Oakhurst; Dolores Stevens, and benefit for Monrmmth County Long Branch; Betty McFariand, charities, will be held July 2$ Asbury Park; and Cay Strohmin the Monmouth Park Clubhouse. "Project Mercury" is tb« 1K1 theme. The evening's program will include entertainment, an auction, and skill games. Music 'for dancing will be by Lester Lanin'i orchestra, and Bill Scherfs ensemble. • Close to $900,000 in ball proceeds and Monmouth Park donations has been distributed for charity in the past 14 years. The Jockey Club makes an annual contribution of S2S.O0O. Committee Meets A buffet luncheon and fashion show was held Friday at the ball committee's kick-off meeting in the clubhouse. Bamberger fashions featured vivid colon, oncanventlonal combinations and startling hats. Mrs. Robert B. Meyner Is honorary chairman of the ball. Cfrchainnen of the Turf Ball •re Mrs. Philip H. Iselin. Mrs. Aroory L. Kaskell, Jr., Mrs. Bernard B. White, and Mrs. Barker Seeley Committee chairmen are Mrs. Amory L. Haskell, Mrs. William L. Russell. Jr., Mrs. Frederick C. Tatum, Richard G. MetcalT. Mrs. Robert Goodman, Jr, Mrs. Donald E. Lawes, Jr., Mrs. Edwin Stewart, Jr., Mrs. David A. Werblin, Mrs. David T. WHead, Mrs. Lloyd Lawrence, Mrs Frank E. Gilbertson, Mrs. Robert Buchsbamn, Mrs. Thomas P. Doremus, Mrs. CaroOnt) Hay, Mrs. Joseph T. Gauss, Mrs. Walter Stetabach. Mrs. F . F Scbock. Jr. and Mrs. Louis Marron.Modeling Bambergers styles Barbara Bonnema, Susan. Horre, KEYPORT — The wedding of The Misses Carol LaMura, FAIR HAVEN - Eighty-eight brandtsen, « Haddon Park. Miss Eileen Anne Wenzel, daugh- Morganville, and Joan Pulcrano, Girl Scouts of the Northern Mon- Receiving the awards were Lin- Jackie Jose, Betsy Layburn, Jostorff, Elberon. Junior models ter of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Lakewood, cousins of the bride, mouth County Council who have da Schlicting, Eileen Kelly, Joyce anna Lewin, Suzanne Lewis, were Veronica Lindhardt, and G. Weniel, 7 Siath St., Matawan, were flower girls. They wore received the curved bar, highest Kozak. Kathy Lang, Kathy Me- Patsy Miller, Jane Beck and Carole Dalton, Long Branch; and to Mirtin Michael Acampora, full-skirted gowns and bow haUrank in girl scouting, were hon- Nee, Ruthellen Markman, Marion Nancy Peters. RanHnf High . Ginny Bloodsworth, New Shrews- Wo of Martin. M. Acampora, of similar design and color and ored Wednesday at a luncheon in Schrelbman, Peggy MiehalawaU, bury. Vl Sr., Jackson Height*, L. 1. andcarried white princess baskets the home of Mrs, Walter Is- Judy Resch, Betty Zebrawskl, i Also, Karen Sullivan, D e w Laskaris, Konna Post, Anne Berry, the late Mrs. Acampora, took of orchid and white carnations Jacqueline Frisco, Jean Shtlton and ivy. place here Saturday. Martha Swan, Jean Bolger, KathRev. Michael J. Lease, pastor Dr. Frederick G. Weniel, leen Griffith, Rose Marie H o n . of St. Agnes Catholic Church, Chicago, brother of the bride, Paula Remak, Gall Ayres, CaroAtlantic Highlands, officiated at was best man. Ushers were lyn Cerinl, Barbara Hack, Susan the ceremony in St. Joseph's John Cornacchia, Glen Cove, t Love, Susan Normington, MargaChurch and celebrated the nupI., fraternity brother of * • ret Sedlak, Lydla Waterman tad tial mass. A Papal Blessing was bridegroom, and Donald J. WenBetty Maddc*. bestowed upon the couple zel, brother of the bride. Others were Nancy Kallsh, JacI "Hie bride was given In marqueline Gikow, Tamsen Leslie, Irkge by her father. She'wore Leon Legot, Whltestone. L.I., nephew of the bridegroom, was Fhyllisann North, Helen King, I princess-style gown of sift orCarole Blstl, Gayle Blaisdell, U a lined with silk mist taf- ring bearer. The mother of the bride wore Joyce covert, Gloria Echols, ! feta, appllqued with Alencon a Di6r blue sift organza sheath Kathleen Edwards, Helene lace embroidered with pearls Evans, Nancy Kuhne, Carta Lap), and sequins. The bouffant h u - dress, matching accessories and dus, Patricia Parker, Bonnie Polll He was gathered with lace ap- an orchid corsage. lak. Shan Ryan, Patricia Wllber. pMquei and terminated in I A reception was haU In But'and Linda Warwick. chapel train. Her three-tier fin tonwood Manor, Matawan. geitip veil was held In place Motor Trip Other Winners by a Queen's coronet of fearls The couole left on « motor Also, Patricia Arnone, Martha and Imported hand-cut crystals trip to Florida, through the Ayers, Gealne Brueckman, and she carried a cascade of Southern Sttteg and Western Sharon Doan, Judith Driicoll, roses and ivy centered with an States. Ruth Hass, Karen Ludqulst, Suorchid. zanne Mawbe, Virginia Meiger, The bride was graduated from Susan Peters, Sue Strohmenger, Mrs. Frederick G. Wenzel, St. Mary's High School, South Daryl VanPelt, Mary Lee BoeseChicago, sister-in-law of the Amboy, and recently received a wetter, Patty Chandler, Linda bride, was matron of honor. She bachelor of science degree In Ford, Dulcy Irwln, Nancy Magee, wore a bell-shaped floor-length elementary education as first Nancy Kendrlck, Susan Kennedy. gown of Japanese violet silk t;rade teacher in the Woodbridge Sandy Roy, Sue Scheffer, Claudia organza over taffeta with float- School system. Spray, Carol Tucker, Lynne Im? panels, matching taffeta tym A graduate of Power Memorial Wight, Glsella Bermuda;, Jerelhat and carried a fireside bas- Academy, N. Y , the bridegroom dine Biscus, Elizabeth Martin, ket of orchid and wftdte carna- received a baChe'or of science deDarlene Walling, Linda Wagner, tions and ivy. gree from St. Francis College. Diane Romanowakl, Katherlne He WAS twice elected fH-tsident College Classmate Ann Till and Charlotte Nappi. Miss Ethel Vote, Hotaidel, was of his fraternity Alpha Phi Delta Konish-Riker Wedding In Holy Family Church Mrs. Reiss Js Bride Of Lambert V. Knight maid of honor. Miss Adeie Sum- and served as house manager. ma, Elizabeth, college cksrmate He also was selected to "Who's of the bride, was the bridemaid. Who In American Colleges and Their gowns, bow hat* and flo-Universities." Mr. Aoampora is ra! pieces were Ideottaat to that attending the Seton HaH College of Dentistry. of the matron of honor. Demo Club Elects Slate HAZLET — The local DMHV cratic Club welcomed 30 new members at a meeting Tuesday. Joining the club are Mr. and Mrs. Allen Chattin, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Clancy, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mr*. Ronald C. Rlker Thomas Criebin, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Lambert V. Knight Thomas D'Arcangelis, Mr and a circlet neckline, SHREWSBURY — Mrs. James UNION BEACH - Miss Cath- with Mrs. Conrad Fleischauer, Mr. RED BANK—The marriage of carnations. Braney, president of the Ameri- erine Aaoe Kordrfi and Ronald long sleeves, sequin-andpearlFor her daughter's wedding and Mrs. Samuel Peters, Mr. and Mrs. Veronica Stubbs Reiss, U can Legion Auxiliary, Shrewsbury Charles Riker were married June embroidered basque bodice and NEW SHREWSBURY — Mrs. J h Pettlnato, Frank licity; Mrs. Palmer, ways and Bridge Ave., Red Bank, to Lam-Mrs. Stubbs bb dhose a blue bl ilk silk Mrs. Joseph Unit No. 168, entertained officers 17 here in the Holy Family Cath- full skirt terminating in a cafiaeLouis Anczarek was elected pres- means; Mrs. Emerson Platto, con- bert Virgil Knight, Bedford, took print dress, Mack patent: Mrs. Ann Sherin, and members of the auxiliary at oHc Church. Mr. and Mrs. John dral train. Her Sngettip-length ident of the Garden Club of New servation; Mrs. Martin Cain, year place.June 17 in the Red Bank accessories and a oorsage of Donald Sweeney, Mr. and Mrs. a poolslde party last week at B. Koni*, 500 Washington Ave., veil was attached to a coronet Mahton Straub, Mr. and Mrs. Atbook, and Mrs. Irvin Gordon, Methodast Onrdi. Rev. W. Gor-white roses. the home of Mrs. Thomas Gattls, Union Beach, and Mr. and Mrs of lace re-embroidered with Shrewsbury at the season's final telephone. John R. Rtker, 106 Campbell St., pearls and sequins and she car-meeting recently. don Lowdea officiated. Herbert Ring bearer" was Hie. bride's fonso Strumolo, John Strumolo, Sycamore Ave. Union Beaoh, are the parents o ried a cascade bouquet of white The club met in the home of Mrs. William Hardin, retiring Burtis was organist. son James Reiss of Red Bank. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Weber, Guests were Mrs. J. Ernest the couple. Mrs. Erman Palmer, Hope Rd. president, will be hostess at a Parents of the couple are Mn.William F, Stubbs. Shrewsbury, Francis J. Weigandt, Mr. and oymbidiums and stephanotis. Boskey, Mrs. John Hammond, brother of the bride, was b;stMrs. Walter Winrow, Claude M. Mrs. Harold Ely, Mrs. Louis Rev. Joseph G. Fox officiated Miss Lena Racdoppi, Union Also elected were Mrs. James membership tea In September. Catheretie Stubbs, 207 Monman. Ushers were Henry J. Lutz, Surdi' and Mr. and M n Anthony Alatsas, Mrs. Michael Stavola,at the double ring ceremony- Beach, was maid of honor. SheMcKee, vice president; Mrs. Clif- Horticulture workshops under mouth St., Red Bank, and the Middietown, nephew of the bride, Augustine. ford Adams, treasurer; Mrs. Arthe direction of Mrs. Lloyd and Mrs. Charles Retnhardt was wore a cocktail-length maize ortote John H, Stybbs. and George Mrs. John Kastle, Mrs. Edna and Herbert Stubbs, Keansburg, New officers were elected. They thur Rogers, recording secretary; flower arrangement workshops soloist. ganza dress.designed with a satBelford, Phillips, Mrs, Alfred Hendrickson, are Patrick Cianclulli, president; also a broker or the bride. Mrs. Frank Madure, Mrs. Ray- The bride was given in mar-in-trimmed fitted bodice and full Mrs. Frank Cooper, correspond- under Mrs, Lione's direction '" Philip Draper, first vice presiTrip to Canada The bride was escorted by her mond Walchak, and Mrs Mary riage- by her father. She wore skirt trimmed with satin rosettes, ing secretary, and Mrs. Palmer, continue in the fall. Mrs. Lloyd made a flower ar- SOQ Robert Joseph Reiss, Jr. She A reception was held in thedent; Carmella Peters, second Leighton. silk organa gown designed a pearl coronet and she carried assistant treasurer. a cascade bouquet of yellow Named to the executive board rangement ' for the recently wore a.floor-JeaglJi gown of li-Paddock Lounge, Long Branch. vice president: Stephen Wobna, roses and daisies. were Mrs. Joseph LeRoy, fair opened New Shrewsbury Library. lac organdy fashioned with an After a wedding trip to Canada, secretary; Warren Snell, treasurer, and John NickoUi, Jr., lerFollowing the meeting Mrs. embroidered bodice and bustle the couple have moved into thrir Two Attendants geant-at-armj. The bridal attendants were flower arrangement; Mrs. Martin palmer was hostess at a lunch- back. Her veil was held in place new home in Betford. Mrs. Edward Donnelly, Miss Cain, garden therapy; Mrs. Frank eon for club members. . _ Guests in-. with a orown of seed pearls and The bride is a graduate of New chairmen are William Melileen Burke and Miss Diane Lloyd, horticulture; Mrs. LeRoy, eluded Mrs. Frank Formica anjl she, c*rrieds"a,;j>n»yer book, shat- Red Bank High School and Bar- Kenna and Holmes Gormerly, b i i w ' S a i o ^ o r ? Modeling, Nsw publicity, and John NickoUi, Jr., Coughlin, Union Beach, and Miss hospitality; Mrs. George Kuhne,Mrs. Herman Ebert, both of New ietw cirMltoW and ivy. York. She" was employed at theentertainment, members, of the Arm Higjjins, Hazlet. They wore juniors; Mrs. William Hardin, Shrewsbury; Mrs. W. M. Fitts, Niece Is Attendant entertainment committee a n Roy identically styled mint green membership; Mr. Hal Miller, Macon, Ga.; and Mrs. Charles Mrs. Henry J. Lutz. Jr.. Mid-AfcP In Shrewsbury. Hilton, Mrs. Mahlon Straub, gowns and headoieces, and car-program; Mrs. Ralph Lione, pub-Long, Shrewsbury. dletown, niece of the bride was The bridegroom is a graduate Holmes* Gormerly. Mrs. Ann matron of hiWr. She wore a of Mlddletown Township High Dear Kitty: though they differ in thought ried cascade bouquets of green Sherin, Henry Springsteen, Mrs. dtai''•"' floor-length cherry-color gown, Sohool and is a member of Local and action they Can be united— I am a 13-year-old boy with an Samuel Peters and Edward floral crown headpiece and car-82J Engineers Union. He operEdward Walsh, Union Beach, by love. This Is undoubtedly awful problem. It concerns two Schramm. ried a spiral- bouquet of pink ates earth moving equipment. was best man. Ushers were Richfamilies. In the first family, one the secret of the second famThe club will meet again Sept. ard RUcer, brother of the brideily's togetherness. girl goes out with her boy friend, 19 in Palmer Lounge, West KeaniAs a rule, the parents take groom; Stephen Konish, brother another child takes in a show. In Summit Show burg. of (he bride; Paul Kolodiie and Two stay at home doing nothing, the initiative but, since yours Timothy Foley, all of Union The parents sit down, read th haven't, there is no reason why you shouldn't try. The Fourth Beaoh. ritudes of teachers who work NEW SHREWBURY — Mrs. paper and say not a word. A reception followed in The of July would be a fine day HAZLET - The Hidden Hills In the second family, all eat to- to start. Ask your father and Oaks, MoGtilre's Grove, Middle- Sheldon Stem, 111 Glenwood with student teachers in tne East Civic League social commitgether, then all go for a ride, mother to help you organize a town. After a wedding trio to Dr., received a master's degree elementary schools. Mrs. Stern tee held its first meeting of the visit relatives or swim. At night family party for this day—eith- the Poconos, the couple win re-in education this morrth from accomplished this while teaching year recently in the hom»- of full time in addition to her job they will watch television or have er a picnic, swim or a serve- side at 1720 Florence Ave., Union Newark State College in Union. as wife and homemaker. Mrs. Charles Schank. a conversation over a cup of tea. yourself supper at home. Beadi. Mother of three children, Bar- Mrs. Stern is the former Fran RED BANK — Mr. and Mrs.Party, Peace, and Sterling Silver, New officers are Mrs. Charles Ours is the first family. How can TOe bride was graduated frombara, David and Ava, Mrs. Stern ces Ruth Biederman, daughter Joseph Rudolph, 40 Arthur PI., one of the new mauve roses. A Schank, chairman; Mrs. William If you've earned any money we be like the second famliy?this vacation, pay for the eats Red Bank Catholic High School has been teaching third grade in of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Boeder- were the winners of eight ribbo fourth place winner was Diamond Salombne, co-chairman; Mr?. Age 13 yourself. If not, you can beand attended Monmouth Me- the Mechanic Street School in mann of little Silver. She has t the North Jersey Rose Soci Jubilee, a full buff-colored rose. James McCabe, secretary, and a Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph have Mrs. John Schroeder, publicity. Dear 13: The second family volunteer cook and bottle wash- morial Hospital School of Nurs- Red Dank for 10 years. She com- been active in organizing youth ety's Little Rose Show held some 125 roses in their garden Block captains are Mrs. Jack Is exceptional. It seldom hap- er under Mama's direction. ing. She is employed by Atco pleted the requirements for theactivities in the synagoguge of cently in Summit. pens that children and parents Have fun doing it. Enthusiasm Ceramics Corp., Kevport. master's degree by writing a Congregation Bnai Israel of Two first prize ribbons wer of more than 80 varieties. Their Florin, Mrs. Charles Relnhardt, Keyport Graduate share the same tastes. But if Is contagious. Before you know thesis describing the desirable Greater Red Bank, Mr. Stern is awarded for Peace, a yellov hobby of growing roses started Mrs. John Schroeder, Mrs. PatA graduate of Keyport Higfi characteristics, traits and at-formerly of Hollywood, Calif. they did, it would be a very it all the others will be joining blend hybrid, and another firsl three years ago when they ac- rick Russo, Mrs. Thomas Becker, dull world. However, even In. Yours can be the family School, the bridegroom is emprize tn the floribunda class foi quired a vacant lot adjacent to Mrs. Victor Terzano, Mrs. Allen pattern'that will set the pattern oloyed by Hercules Powder Co., Curry, Mrs. William Scherzinger a spray of Pink Pinnochlo. Foi their home. for all those to follow. Parlin. He was a member of the Mrs. Rudolph's favorite roses and Mrs. Jeffrey Caprio. ' second prize winners were spec • BODY OIL National Guard. mens of White Knight, Gard are Tiffany and Crimson Glory. A picnic is planned for July • HAIR OIL Dear Kitty: For her daughter's wedding, Mr. Rudolph favores Sutler's Gold 15, from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m at the Unfortunately I have fallen li Mrs. Konish wore a blue cockand Spartan. Their Tiffany rose Old Mill Grove, Holmdel. Dessert • FACE OIL love with the young wife of tail-length silk organza dress, was awarded second prize in theand beverages will be provided. MID'5 HAIR CLINIC science teacher at my school, matching hat and accessories district rose show last fall, when Swimming, boating and games N W. Front St., Red Bank have talked to her but a few and a white orchid corsage. they won a total of four ribbons. are on the agenda. times and I doubt if she realizes TTie bridegroom's mother dhose my deep feeling for her. I am 17,i green nylon cockfaJHen^lh TINTON FALLS — The annual strong, Karen Mooney, Beckie she slightly over 20. Should I de< dress with strapless bodice and dance recital of the Children's Schneider, Debbie Locke, Lynn NEW SHREWSBURY — Th Clare my love or go on suffer- matching jacket, a green bat, Creative Dance Theater was held yerman, Bunny Wyman, Mar- eighth grade prom was held re , • cently in Tinton Falls School, with ing a!one?-<;.H.W. bone accessories and a white Saturday and Sunday in the Old , „ . irie Cohen, Jenny Wood, Kathy r , / Francis' Cooper and Mrs. Dear G.H.W.: See this "grand ordhid corsage. Mill. Mrs. Virginia Johnson is di- challerer, Betsy Jacobus and Ta-M David Weeks as co-chairmen. passion "for what it Is, part of rector. lar and Naomle Nebel. Serving with them were twi the business of maturing. Once "Snow White" dancers The program included Joanne a boy reaches puberty he may teachers, Joseph Giger athy Schallerer, Lisa Lawes, BaCoote and Joan Temko, both of find that some older woman to Nicholas Costa. Parents assisting Epple, Dari Stuhl, Judi Wood, New Shrewsbury, in a duet "Ritwhom he has never given a included Mrs. Richard Westee, ual;" Didi Colman, New Shrewsancy Murphy. Jenny Caskie and * Draperies M 7 T PatterSon Mr. and Mr second thought, suddenly sends bury, "Gigue;" Lynn Sawyer, Lit aby Merrkamper. him into a tizzy, just as your Vincent D. Roache, Jr., Mr. an * Slipcovers tie Silver, "Carnival;" Madelyn Dancing In "Ho Down' science teacher's wife has done "Mrs. Roland Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Bragar, New Shrewsbury, "The \u number were Joanne Coote, with you. Suffer in silence. * Upholstering Jack Philips, Mr. and Mrs. Han Politican;" Maureen Neary, Mon- )an Temko, Diane Messner, Force yourself to go with boys Reid and Francis Cooper. RED BANK — Two new mem* Window Shades and girls your own age who are bers were accepted by the Junior mouth Beach, "The Bird;" Diane ynn Sawyer, Lynn Eyerman, Di- Honored guests included eight still detached. Be active In Service League at the final meet- Messner, New Shrewsbury, "PixColman, Apryl Armstrong, Ale- g r a de teachers Mrs. Elizabe * Table Pads This long-, lovely, sports. Interest yourself in a ing of the season recently at theie;" and Erica Mogin, Far Hills, Kennedy, Madallne Bragar and Conover and Mrs. Maureen luxurious sofa— Shop-at-Home Service who danced "The Tourist." hobby and the day will come unny Wyman. Keeler and George Malone, pri; tranwd in solid Petaa Phone SH 1-1M5 home of Mrs. Hall Ellis. Both when you'll thank your lucky transfers from the Junior League In the "Country Dance" were The "Cha Cha" ensemble in- cipal of Tinton Falls School. —Is typical of the Sherman's stars that you didn't make a of the Oranges, they are Mrs. more than 125 dMigni Kathy Schallerer, New Shrews- tuded Lynn Mackay, Pam Teller, The dance was sponsored b; fool of yourself by declaring David Lee and Mrs. Richard bury, and Debbie Jones and Bet laudia Decker and Maurine the Shrewsbury Township Parenl Home Decorators for every room that your love for the wife of your Wachenfeld. maka Sophisticat* eary. « * Broad St. Shrewsbury Teacher Association. sy Jacobus, Red Bank. science teacher. such a wonted group. IH 1-1M1 FREE Parking Mrs. Francis Taylor was re- Dancing in "Peter and the ItiasubUt,siapIt, instated. Wolf" were Robin and Bud Armsmart. It locks Send your problems to Kitty equally at homt in Kelly. Be sure to enclose modern and tradistamped, self-addressed envelope Rtgisttr Now! Enrelbntnts Limited! tional eattinji. And and address her care of The Reg. it says inch nie* -oranyplace elsein the Detroit, ister. Helpful leaflets available IT'S EASY things about iwuJ Michigan ar«a. Just dial A m Write for "Puppy Love." Cemestaittodap Coda Numbtr 313, then trie Final Meeting New Shrewsbury Club Elects Mrs. Anczarek Party Given For Auxiliary Kitty Kelly: July 4 Family Party^, Real Cause for Celebration Teacher, Mother of 3 Wins Master's Degree Red Bank Rose Lovers Win 8 Top Ribbons Names Officers At Old Mill Creative Theater Gives Annual Dance Concert Eighth Graders Attend Prom SHERMAN'S FOR I League Gets TwoNew Members ...Seats'you] in SUMMER SESSION .TO PHONE number you want. Area Codes are the key to easy telephoning to any place. Every area has a code. You'll find them in the front pages of your phona book. Pilate usa th«m for outof-stata calls, NEW JERSEY BELL FINE HOME FURNISHINGS and BROADLOOM i l l . 35 Circle, Eatontotcn—Liberty 2-1010 eaver Drama - Mime - Speech July 10 thru August 31 / Moinlnyi oi* AfttntMHis ADULTS - TEENS - CHILDREN Robert E . Wayman, Director; formerly of American Academy of Dramatic Art, N. Y. C ; stage, radio, TV. N. J. Academy of Dramatic Art U 2-0092 T H I OLD MILL Throa faDi PURNITURt 140 Brood Strati, Had Bank, N. J. SHodysidt 7-4000 Moore-Galey Wedding In St. Joseph's Church A Month for Weddings KEYPORT - Miss Grace Mary ginia, the cpuple will rride at Moore, 10S First St., Keyport, 39 Pine St., Keyport. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- The bride wa: graduated from liam J. Moore, 201 Rutter Ave., Kingston High School, Kingston, Kingston, Pa., became the bride Pa., and College Misericordia, Joseph Galey, 108 First Dallas, Pa. She is a member of Keyport, son of Benjamin the faculty of Madison Township Galey, 40 Claude St., Dallas, Pa., Schools. Saturday. A graduate of Forty-Fort High Rev. Alfred W. Smith officiated School, Forty-Fort, Pa., the at the double-ring ceremony here bridegroom served In Europe in St. Joseph's Catholic Church. with the Army. He Is employed Miss Loretta Durante was organ- by Hydrocarbon Chemicals, Keyist. port. The bride was given in marriage by her father. She wore a white nylon street-length dress, matching headpiece, white accessories and a corsage of gardenias. Mrs. Alexander Pavlick, New Brunswick, was matron of honor, Her headpiece and accessories matched her aqua silk streetlength dress and she wore a cor- KEYPORT - Miss Bonnie sage of pink roses, Greatrex, daughter of Mr. and Alexander Pavlick, New Bruns- Mrs. Richard Greatrex, Jr., 2 wick, was best man. Hurley St., Keyport, was married A wedding breakfast for the Saturday to Harold J. Simmons, bridal party and immediate fam- 3d, son of Mr. and Mrs. Similies was served at the Shore mons, Jr., 168 Theresa Ave., Key| Point Inn, Keyport. port, in St. Joseph's Catholic ' After a wedding trip to Vir- Church. Mn. Thomas M. Nash Rev. William Bausch officiated at the double-ring ceremony Mrs. Michael Cox was soloist accompanied by Miss Loretta Du rante. A reception was held in RED BANK-Miss Nan Elfrie- with fitted bodices and scoop The bride attended Long the Molly Pitcher Hotel Red da Werner, daughter of Mayor necklines. They carried cascades Branch High School and was Bank. Mrs. William »nd Mrs. Herbert E. Werner of of garnet and pink sweetheart graduated from Southern SemiEatontown, was married Satur- roses with ivy. nary Junior College. She is an The bride was given in marday to Thomas Marion Nash in For her daughter's wedding alumna of the University of Ala-riage by her father. Her imported the Red Bank Presbyterian Mrs. Werner chose a sheath of bama and was secretary to the Chantilly lace gown over shim Church. He is the son of Thomas Dior blue lace made with a drape directress of nurses at Rivervlew mering nylon was designed with a fitted bodice, long tapering Raymond Nash and Mrs. Geneva of lighter blue organza, matching Hospital, Red Bank. Nash.. Dallas, Tex. hat and orchid corsage. The bridegroom is a chemist sleeves, and sabrina neckline em- RUMSON — Miss Susan Drusilla Baird, daughter of Mr. and Rev. Dr. Otis E. Kirby, minis- William David Nash, Duncan- and geologist with Allied Chemi- broidered with iridescent beads Mrs. Frank Baird, Rumson Rd., ter of the First Methodist Church ville, Tex., was best man for hiscal Cpporatlon of Philadelphia. and seed pearls. Her full bouffan of Sylacauga, Ala., an uncle of brother, Ushers were Donald H. He is an alumnus of Texas Tech- skirt ended in a chapel train. A became the bride of David Haven the bride, assisted Rev. Charles Werner, Westminster School, nological College, Lubbock, Tex. small crown of iridescent beads Blake Saturday in St. George's S. Webster, minister and Rev.Simsbury, Conn.; Robert E. Wer-and served in the Army as a first and seed pearls held her finger- By-the-River Episcopal Church. Sargent R. Bush associate minis- ner, Blnghamton, N. Y., both lieutenant, stationed in Germany. tip veil, and she carried a white The bridegroom is the son of ter, who officiated at the cere- brothers of the bride; C. George He is a member of Kappa Sigma prayer book adorned with white Mr. and Mrs. Edgar B. Blake, Ridge Rd. Currie, Germantown, Pa., a Fraternity and Phi Mu Alpha Sin- orchids and stephanotis. mony. Rev. Canon George RobertThe Tower Hill Choir sang un- cousin of the bride; Raymond fonia. Hyacinth Blue der the direction of Dr. Carl F. Roszek, Phoenix, Ariz., brother- After a wedding trip through Miss Muriel Berkowicz, Wesl shaw officiated at the ceremony. in-law of the bridegroom; Gary New England and Canada, the Keansburg, was maid of honor. Marshall Bush was organist. Mueller, a reception followed at Westminster Hall, Tower Hill. Bush, Houston, Tex., and Henry couple will make their residence She wore a hyacinth organza The bride was given in marCollins, Montgomery, Ala. in Philadelphia. Mayor Werner, who is execugown over shimmering nylon. riage by her father. She wore a gown of fagotted batiste with iltive director of the Pennsylvania The fitted bodice had a Railroad Branch of the YMCA neckline and cap sleeves and thelusion-trimmed neckline, basque of Greater New York, escorted full skirt was embroidered with waist and full-length skirt. A his daughter. She wore a shortdeep points of pink and whit flower headpiece held her fingersleeved gown of taffeta made embroidered flowers. She wore a tip veil and she carried a caswith portrait neckline, fitted matching crown headpiece and cade of yellow roses, fugimums bodice trimmed with Alencon lace carried a colonial bouquet of and carnations. and a full skirt which terminated white roses and hyacinth carna Attending the Bride in a chapel train. Her two-tiered tions. Mrs. Charles Henry Landefeld, (ilk veil was attached to a cap of The bridesmaids Miss Marlene 3d, Fort Lauderdale, Fla., sister silk trimmed with pearls and Winter, Keyport, and Miss Lee of the bride, served as matron of lace. She carried a cascade of Crawford, Holmdel, wore identi- honor. Bridesmaids were Mrs. feathered carnations, and orchid, cally styled gowns in hyacinth John Burt and Miss Linda Ann stephanotis and ivy. color, matching headpieces, and Colio, both of Rumson: Miss Bride's Attendants carried colonial bouquets of white Mary O'Donovan, Westbury, roses and hyacinth carnations. Miss Barbara Upson of WilL. I., and Miss Martha K. Bulkmington, Del., was maid of honCharles Simmons, Keyport, ley, Springfield, Mass. , or. Attendants were Miss Elf rieda brother of the bridegroom, was Susan Landefeld, the bride's Jane Currie, Philadelphia, cousin best man. Ushers were Joseph niece, was flower girl. of the bride; Miss Eve Ann Van Smith, Clifton, and Bruno ZilkowAH attendants wore full-skirted Vleck, Little Silver; Mrs. Alan ski, Roselle Park. street-length gowns of yellow Bowman. Norfolk. Va.; and Mrs. striped imported cotton and open Florida Trip Thomas Rosenwald, Fair Haven. After a motor trip to Florida crown yellow horsehair hats. The They all wore floor-length gowns the couple will reside in Red matron of honor carried a basket of mint green silk organza made of yellow daisies and trailing ivy Bank. and the bridesmaids and flower The bride was graduated from LOANS S 2 5 T O S 4 5 O ^ " , Keyport High School and is em-girl held baskets of white daisies MADE OH YOUR AUTO y'^..Z.U 'URHHURt NOTE ployed as a bookkeeper by the with yellow centers. FOR HR1OHAL • FAMILYThe bride's mother was in pale Keyport Hardware Co. BUSINESS REQWMMINIS The bridegroom was graduated green cotton, embroidered in OH TtBMS CONVENIENT TO YOU white, with matching accessories. from St. Mary's High School, S M A U MONTH'Y PAYMENTS South Amboy, and from Seton Hall University this month with degree in business administration. He is a member of Alpha Kappa Psi Fraternity. Nuptial Mass Follows Miss McVey's Wedding ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — St. Agnes CaUwllc Ohuroh was the setting here Saturday for the marriage of Miss Margaret Ann McVey, daughter of Mrs. Thomas Christopher McVey, 23 Sixth Ave., and the late Dr. McVey, to William 0 ' Brien, 3d, son of Mr. and Mrs. William O'Brien, 51 West Front St, Red Bank. Rev. Thomas C, McVey, brother of the bride, officiated at the ceremony and GwyneddiMercy Junior Colcelebrated the nuptial mass. and lege. A , reception was held in The bridegroom is a graduate Gibbs Hal), Fort Mon- of Lawrenceville and Princeton University. He is a lieutenant in mouth. St. Joseph's Is Setting For Nuptials the Naval Air Reserve and is Lt, Peter M. McVey, gave has sister in marriage. Miss Frances with Electronic Associates, Long Z. Goff, Red Bank, was maid of Branch. honor. Bridesmaids were Miss Kathleen O'Brien, Red Bank, sister of the bridegroom; Miss Elizabetlh Ann Holzwartti, Short Hills, and Miss Roberta O'Connell, Merion, Pa. Mr. O'Brien was best man for his son. Ushers were Richard J. Doelger, Jr., Red Bank; Warren S. Hance, Pair Haven; Hugh A. KEYPORT — In St. Joseph's Hazel and Edward D. Layne, Catholic Church Saturday, Miss Cleveland, Ohio, and Jonathan Carol Ann Hill, daughter of Mr. H. Niles, Lincroft. and Mrs. George R. Hill, 84 The bride is a graduate o! Bethany Rd., Hazlet, and Vincent Red Bank Catholic High School Sinatra, son' of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sinatra, 710 Fourth St. Union Beach, were married. Rev, Peter Mooney, assistant pastor of St. Benedict's Catholic Church, Hazlet, officiated. Mrs. Michael Cox was soloist and Miss Loretta Durante organist. The bride was given la marriage by her father. Sha wore a floor-length gown designed with a fitted bodice of lace re-embroi- ; dered with pearls and sequins, short sleeves and sabrina neckline. Panels o f matching lice trimmed the organza skirt which cascaded into a chapel sweep. A rhinestone crown held her fingertip veil and she carried a crescent bouquet of white, gladioli. Carol Hill Married In Keyport Nan Werner Becomes Bride O' Brien, 3d Miss Susan Baird Married Matron of Honor Mrs. Guy Anzaldl, Pompton Plains, cousin of the bridegroom, was matron of honor. Her pale pink organza street-length gown had an embroidered organza bodice made with'matching shoulder stole. She wore a matching ruffled cloche and she carried a crescent bouquet of deep pink carnations. Miss Georgia Lee Hill and Miss Margie Hill, Hazlet, sisters of the bride, and Miss Lena Sinatra and Miss Concetta Sinatra, Union Beach, sisters of the bridegroom, were bridesmaids. Their matching gowns and heapieces were in lavender and they carried crescent bouquets of light pink carnations. John Marvel. Union Beach, was best man. Ushers were Joseph Barger, Oakhurst, and Edward Brendel, Union Beach, uncles of the bride; Michael Cavallo, Mrs. David H. Blake Union Beach, and Guy Anztldi, She wore a corsage of miniature Fla., the bride's brother-in-law. Pompton Plains. pale green orchids. The ceremony was followed by Middletown Reception Pink Linen a garden reception at the home A reception followed at The of the bride's parents. The bridegroom's mother chose Oaks, Middletown. After a motor a pink linen dress in two shades Attended Miss Hall's tour to the Poconos and Niagara of pink, matching accessories, A graduage of Miss Hall's Falls, they will reside in their and a corsage of pink carnations. School, Pittsfield, Mass., the newly-built home on Oak Shades Peter W. Blake, brother of the bride attended Chatham College, Ave., Matawan. bridegroom, was best man. Pittsburgh, Pa., and Douglass Ushers were Terry R. Rogers, College, New Brunswick. She was The bride was graduated from Bernardsville; Joel Heathcote, employed in the placement de- Keyport High School and is emMr. and Mrs. Clinton Augustus Minneapolis, Minn.; David Oster- partment at Monmoutii College. High School and is employed by McWhinney of Prairie City, III Mrs. John Denny Dale MOW C O M P A N Y hout, Palmerton, Pa.; Stephen The bride's father is vice presi- ployed by the Hazlet Sweet Shop. Mr. Dale is sn alumnus of lle.N > .74!'77V874'87B'935 Hamilton College where he was BRONX. N. Y. - Miss Eileen Cook, Deerfield, Mass.; John dent of Turner Halsey Company, Her husband attended Keyport OfHcta Convenient to the Continental Can Co., Carteret. Your Home m Work granted a bachelor of arts Lois Tierney, daughter of; Mr. Burt, Rumson; and Charles H. New York.' degree. He also holds the degree and Mrs. Thomas Tierney, 31 Landefeld, 3d, Fort Lauderdale. The bridegroom is a graduate For her daughter's wedding, titW IMONTOWN OFFICE Ave., Keansburg, of Rumson Country Day School, Mrs. Hill selected a light blue M MAIM ST. • Phomh 1.12-4400 of master of business administra- Briarwood where his father is headmaster. street-length dress styled with a tion from the Graduate School of N. J., became the bride of Chrisfiri Bank Office • PhanxSH 1.9O00 topher Staffieri, son of Mrs. CathHe attended Deerfield Academy, satin bodice and full organza Business, New York' University 77 MOAD ST. ' O n r «>wb»r,'» erine Staffieri of this borough and Deerfield, Mass., and was grad- skirt. She wore a matching hat, Atlantic WeMantlfncni.M 1.3300 He is president of Dale, Elliott the late Patrick Staffieri, Sat111 HIST AVE.'Oppoiifi Sthway uated this month from Dartmouth white accessories and a white and Company, Inc., management NEW YORK — Miss Madeline He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. urday here in St. Anthanasius RED BANK — Nine members j College, Hanover, N. H. He was carnation corsage. Frtthold OKct • rhw.n M»oo » E. MAIN ST. • G'Olind floor Houston McWhinney, daughter of Francis Colegate Dale of Cold consultants, and holds appoint- Church. Rev. J. A. Steltz officiof Brownie Troop 15 were ad-ja member of Theta Delta Chi The bridegroom's mother chose ment as consultant to the U. S. ated at the ceremony. lout Branch • rkou: CA 1-U14 Mrs. Leroy McWhinney of Den- Spring, N. Y. beige nylon organza streetmittcd to Intermediate Troop 72 j fraternity and Casque and GauntM l MOADWAY • S.,,r,d rhor ver, Colo., and the late Mr. Mo Rev. Arthur W. Goodhand, Jr., Army. He served on active duty The bride was given in marin a fly-up ceremony recently, let, the senior honor society; length dress with white hat and UM»» M«ot 111 « Whinney, was married Friday to minister of Christ Church, N. Y., during World War 2 and the Koriage by her father. She wore a They are Jenny Connolly, Laurie president of Green Key, and accessories and a white carnaJohn Denny Dale of New, York performed the ceremony in the rean War, and is a major in the ballerina-length gown of white Gorsuch. Nancy Lou Hendrickson, chairman of Palaeopitus. tion corsage. chapel of the church. A reception U. S. Army Reserve. embossed nylon made with scal- Carole Jose, Phyllis Laws. Pam followed in the Metropolitan Club. loped neckline and short sleeves. Metzger, Carol Russell, Carolyn Rumson Club RED BANK'S ONLY Leroy McWhinney, Jr., WashHer elbow-length veil was atThe bridegroom is a member o tached to a heart-shaped tiara Scudder and Ellen Boyd. ington, D. C , gave his sister in the Racquet and Tennis Club, and she carried a colonial bou- Members of the troop are makmarriage. Th e bride wore a two ng summer blouses from Girl Rumson, N. J., New York Athlet- quet of white carnations. piece costume of Mediterranean Scout material printed for the ic, University Glee, Bohemians blue Thai silk and a matching Miss Beverly Knapp, Keans- centennial celebration this year. FOR FURS AND WINTER WOOLENS and Explorers' Clubs and is also small hat. She carried her maburg, was maid of honor. She COMPANY a member of the St. Nichola wore a ballerina-length gown of Activities during the year internal grandmother's prayer book Society, Society of Mayflower orchid organza with a matching cluded visits to the Red Bank * l » » t T PMC with a spray of white Georgiana Descendants, Society of Colonia tiara, and carried a colonial bou- First Air Squad and the Naveorchids. sink Hook and Ladder Fire • BONDED ROUTEMAN • ECONOMICAL RATES Wars, Sons of the Revolution, House. Troop members also made Mrs. Kenneth McDougall Cra- Huguenot Society and other quet of pink carnations. Donald Staffieri, Whitestonc, safety posters which were disven of New York was her sister's matron of honor. She wore a patriotic, social and military or L . I., w a s best man for his broth- played at Monmouth Shopping ganizations. er. Ushers were John and Wil-Center, Eatontown, during Girl sheath dress nf forest green silk RED IANK WHITE ST. SH 7-2800 His grandparents are the late liam Staffieri, Bronx, brothers of Scout Week in March. and carried a bouquet of green Mr. and Mrs. Chalmers Dale and the bridegroom. cymbidium orchids. th e 'ate Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A reception followed at the Best Man Neely James, all of' New York. home of the bridegroom's parThomas James Dale of Cam- Mr. Dale's first marriage to theents. After a motor trip the couA TRIM - SLIM NEW YOU! bridge, Mass., was best man forformer Louise Boyd Lichtenstein, ple will reside in North Carolina. his brother. Ushers were John Middletown, N. J., was ter- The bride is a June graduate . . . Look better and feel better too with CHECK-BACK'S Denny Dale, Jr., son of the bride- minated in divorce last year. His of Middletown Township High EXCLUSIVE new method of weight control and body buildThe bridegroom is a groom; William Houston Mc- children are John Denny Dale, School. ing program. Phone today for complete information or graduate of Morris High School, Jr., and Mrs. Leffert Lefferls, Whinney, brother of the bride; drop in at our new salon. He is serving in the James DuBois McNeely and both of Middletown. Mrs. Lef- Bronx. ferts, the former Ann Boyd Dale, Marines stationed at Camp LeFrederick Steinway. MEN TOO! Special hours are set aside exclusively for jeune, N. C. Mrs. Dale was graduated from was married June 17. men. Steam bath, active and passive exercise equipment Red Cross Shoes the Sandia School, Albuquerque, to relax you and firm and tone the muscles. Phone now Regularly 12.98 to 11.98 N. Mex., and from Smith College for details. GATEWAY —with a bachelor of arts degree —where she was elected to Phi Cabbies Shoes SH 7-9400 > Beta Kappa. She was awarded Regularly 10.98 to 12.98 the degree of master of business administration from New York University's Graduate School of See Mexico Citf, Xochimilco,Cuernavaca, S I V L Your choice of the season's smartest styles and Business. Mrs. Dale is an econoTaxco, Acapulco. Includes hotel room & I«#W»UP mist and an officer" of the Fedcolors, all suitable for wear through summer bath, tome meals, transfers. Sightseeing, bull-fights, eral Reserve Bank of New York. floating gardens. , and well into the coming fall season. She is a member of the Amerl can Economic Association, a forC D E Mexico ' mer director of the American Fi•Thi» prmfuct f>ai connection Fir in matchless luxury of Prop Jet Brittanii, with nance Association, and president whatsoever with American I'hysical Control for Heller Liiing incomparable "El Caballero" service ... superb cuisine. of the Money Marketeers. 1 She Is a granddaughter of the VVril. or Call STEINBACH'S WOMEN'S SHOES 181 E. Newman Springs Road Red lank lor late Mr. and Mrs. William RodSired Floor and Asbury Park Phone SH 1-5080 •:ney Houston of Kansas City, Mo., Fee BooiltM lt RECKLESS PLACE Next to the A&P Food Market/Ample Free Parking RED BANK, N. J. , and Evanston, 111., and the late Keansburg Girl W e d In Bronx BELL FINANCE I John Denny Dale,Sr. Weds Miss McWhinney Fly-Up Rites For Brownies COLD STORAGE VAULTS SPECIAL BOX STORAGE PLAN LEON'S Semi-Annual Shoe Clearance Red Cross* Shoes & Cobbies 9.99 7.99 MEXICO,,, O'Donnell Travel Agency, Inc. Tribe, Tigers Split Pair Union House Nips IAMA, l-% In Jersey Shore Loop; RB WINS Yanks Now V/2 Games Behind Detroit in Ms sixth, against one defeat double, triple and home run and Associated Frets,/ the opener with Kansas City. Billy Williams cracked four sin1 Cleveland snapped Detroit * Union House's Don Rooney Madison now fills the third slot ror. But Rooney forced At Manasquan cunt to life only He A's got a split when Gene gles off Warren Spahn to lead the five-game winning streak, and at Cubs > victory. Don Cardwell, pitched a beautiful two-hitter yes- at 4-3, and Manasquan, IAMA, Waldeyer to pop up and that nut briefly in Ui« second as Sehners the same time ended its own »ev. itephens, former Red Sox, wal- with the help of Barney Schulte, terday to lead his team to 11-0 and Beimar are lacked in a out any IAMA fire for good. scored on .a base hit, > stolen en-game losing string Sunday by iped a two-run homer in the sixth won his sixth. victory over the Long Branch tbreeway tie for fourth place Play didn't go so smoothly base, and Tom Karjane'i bard the nightcap. dividing a double header with the Ray Sadecki pitched a two-hitIAMA as the Union House men with identical 4-4 marks. in Red Bank where the Townejs tap to left field, they managed American League-leading Tigen. The Reds made a three-run ter to give the Cards their split. kept their two-game lead in the But the pitching at the Oak- topped Manasquan. In fact, to push across another run in lint inning stand up as Jim BrosAfter Detroit had woo the open- an, their relief ace, stopped the The 20-year-old southpaw had a ; the eighth. Jersey Shore Baseball League, hurst Memorial Field, where things got down right sltty n er 6-3, the Indians came back to Dodgers cold in the eighth. The shutout until the ninth when WilIAMA batters who had paced Long Branch hosts its games. the Towners' third, as three Madison, which started the win the nightcap 4-3 and reduce lodgers had scored twice off Joey lie Mays cracked his 17th home the Long Branch dub to a three was just beautiful. Rooney gave bed throws allowed a pair of year •bynulfy and has since the Tigers' first place lead to a run. Stan Musial featured a twoway tie for second place, struck up no walks, and Pierson who Tomer runs to cross the plate become league spoiler, returned game and a half over the second ay in the seventh and had the ran second toning with a home out nine times against the fast struck out only one, also al< The inning started Innocently a dirty trick against Beimar. In place New York Yankees, who bases full in the eighth when Bros- run. The Giants, helped by three nan came in and struck out Daryl. balling Rooney, and put only one lowed only one pass. enough witii a walk by John the first game of the season the downed Minnesota 8-4. errors, tallied four times in the Spencer to end the threat. man in scoring position. IAMA Union House's lone tally came Btand. But the zany business Knights had clobbered Madison Chicago extended its winning George" Altaian walloped a iinth to win the opener hurler Red Pierson also turned in the fourth after an IAMA started quickly. Bland stole by a raercHesB 16-0. However streak to 10 straight sweeping in a good mound performance, a error. Shortstop Jim Curcio second and raced to third when the teams played a different tune a pair from Washington 7-3 and sparkling three-hitter, which committed the bobble on George catcher BiH Stephanson's throw yesterday. should have been enough for a Gill's high bounder, letting Gin sailed out to center field. Ronny Madison opened with foof runs COLLEGIATE CAPER — The 6-3. Boston and Kansas City split, victory except ttiat Red picked reach first. Gill advanced to T,roex drew a pass, also stole in the first ioning.'Pete Betinet nation', top amateur golfer, the Red Sox winning the first 7-4 and the A's taking the second the'wrong day. Rooney stopped second when Joe Lee was hit by second, and again Stephonsoa's singled, pitcher Lenny Popowskl Jack!* Nicklaus of Ohio 3-2. Baltimore outlasted I « s Anwalked, and Dick Weoner rapped throw was wild. This let Btand his team even colder than he a pitch, and took third when geles W in 14 innings. stopped the Towners. Bruce Phillips flied out to deep in to- score, and when center- a sinsto off second baseman State, llnet up a putt on a Cincinnati widened its first place IAMA wasn'e die only second right field. Frank Sharrabbas fieMer Al Seimers tried to cut Dick Cooper's glove to RU.the rain-soaked courts at Lafay- lead over Los Angeles to three place team to fall yesterday. hard shot into left brough Gill down Truex at third, he tossed bases. Then Tom Moras poVed ette, Ind., during the nations games in the National League one that flew so tar wide of a single into left field, scoring Beimar dropped its tilt to a home with the decisive run. nee, defeating the Dodgers 3-2. collegiate golf event. sleeper Madison squad, 8-4, and After that Pierson settled down its mark that Truex walked Bennett and Ponowskl. The third place San Francisco leisurely across the plate. Bob Benl wa&ed to lead'em again and the pitcher's duel Manasquan was clubbed by the q Giants fell four lengths off the continued without interruption. The Towners picked up three up again, and Lee Trout knocked ^ Bankk Towaers 5-2. pace when held to a split in a a single to center, sending *he Earlier, In the bottom of the other runs more conventionally. y j g g And to really juggle twin bill in St. Louis. The Giants home Werner and Moren. tn the second inning on singles third, Rooney; experienced his League's standings Freehold took d hd won the opener M but lost the ATLANTIC CITY - Dr. Allen hasset Bay, Long Island, was , Dumont, television manufac- fourth with "Irene K 4th". His a twm-tntt from winless Lake- only flurry of trouble when Pier- by Truex, Paul McLoughJin, and Beimar pitcher Mel Cusson, second 3-1, turer from Cedar Grove, won themargin of error was 1.90. wood, 3-2 and 4-3, putting them son singled with two puts and Jim Bill Tanner, and a nicely-whacked who absorbed all thet beating, Chicago downed Milwaukee 5-3 fourth annual Atlantic City pre- David Martin, ol the Absecon hi second place with a 5-3 record. Garrity reached first on an er- double by Lou Naana. was finally sent home at this and Pittsburgh split with Philadel- dicted log cruiser contest Satur- Island PS, was fifth with "Balipoint. Frank Havitoixl, W j sucphia. The Pirates won the first day, defeating a 14-boat fleet in a High" with a margin of error of cessor, fared better, getting the game 10-5 and the Phillies took rugged 84.9 nautical mile trip 1.96.. next two PAL batsmen to f.y KUMSON — Manton Metcalf, the second 4-3.' The defending champion, Henry out. Haviland was nicked for 3rd, turned in another good week- Detroit first baseman Norm down the coast. three more runs in th« fifth, but; end of sailing in Rumson Country Cash cracked his three home runs Dumont, representing the New R. Stadler of the Atlantic HighJittery infield must share the Club competition yesterday and to boost his season total to 24. York Athletic Club, piloted his 54-lands YC, missed a buoy off Manblame for these counters. He hit two in the first game, each foot Annapolis-built cruiser, "Hur- asquan and was disqualified. This Saturday, Beimar picked ur> a pair of Metcalf garnered 30 points yes- with a man on base, off loser ricane 3rd," to victory with a probably cost the AHYC the team runs in both the fifth and six* terday to become the local club's Wynn Hawkins, to drive in four margin ot error of 1.75. He won trophy. innings. In the fifth a fortui- representative in the New Jersey runs. Chuck Esseglan's ninth inn- an initial teg of this Atlantic City The team prize, donated by the tous combination of singles and Yacht Racing Association's re- ing drive off the right field fence perpetual trophy in 1959. The vet AHYC, went to the Absecan Iseran pilot, a three-time national errors gained die two runs, and gatta in the Arrows here next with the bases loaded gave Cleve- predicted log champion, has now land PS team of Bew and Martin. Dumont, in addition to the Atin the sixth, Jim Fitzpatrick's month. He was trailed by Bil land its split.. ' two straight Eastern Cruis- lantic City perpetual trophy, won double drove in B&hrroan with Haebler with 29 points, and Bill Southpaw Billy Pierce and right- taken er Association events, having won the Absecon Island Navigators one with tally, while Hfapatrick Riker with 20. In gaining the hander Early Wynn pitched the the Huckins Memorial race on trophy. The William H. McFarscored the other himself when victory, Metcalf picked up three White Sox to their 16th and 17thLong Island Sound June 17. land Memorial trophy, open to Jerry Aming singled. firsts, and a second, third and triumph in the last IS games. The race down the coast started Absecon Island PS members only, fourth. Pierce fanned 10 and the Sox Valm Hwn» Bowers, 2b — aturday morning from the Atwent to Bew for his second-place Saturday's arrow competition erupted for five runs in the sixth 0111, •• Lee. lb moved MetcaU into the lead for inning to defeat Dick Donovan in lantic Highlands breakwater light finish. Phillips, o . and ended at the Absecon Island Fox was awarded a special trothe Rumson club's season poin the opener. Outfielder Floyd RobPlrehEtln. ct Bhsrrabba, It race championship. MetcaU skip- inson drove in three runs with bell buoy. The contest was spon- phy by the AHYC upon his return DeGcorgc, 2b sored by the Atlantic Highlands yesterday. This prize is given Wllllims, rf ... pered his boat "Windward" to a four singles in the second game. Slue, rt . first over the South Shrewsbury Elston Howard drove in three Yacht Club and the Absecon Is- for the best performance by an Rooney. p land Power Squadron. AHYC skipper in the race. River course. runs with a homer and knocked Total! .. . .. l o o t Branch IAMA <0) The win gives him a three-point in another run with a single as Runner-up was Dr. David Bew, The contestants battled rough Oarrlty, c edge for the season over Bill the Yankees made it two out of an Absecon Island PS member, seas and numerous squalls on the Waldeyer, 2b ... Curcio, t i .. ~ 4 o o Ha e Wer > w h o had been tied for three over Minnesota. Bill Staf- in "Jerry 3rd". He finished but « trip down the coast Despite the Baiellcl, lb " • - i the lead. Haebler came in a dis- ford struggled through to victory. point off Dumont's time with a miserable conditions, 13 of the DeSlblo, II -. f Bolvrens, rf 14 craft finished the contest. Ronijie Hansen'g 14th inning sparkling 1.7S. Martin; ct o o appointing fourth aboard Xuk P"urlorif, 3b 3 o o undoo." Jim Davis placed second homer for Baltimore snapped an Vincent Fox, of the Atlantic Trophies were presented at a NEW WORLD RECORD —Frank Budd, left foreground, Villanova speedster from As- Pleraon, — I 0 1 for the day in "Nishash" and Ed. 8-8 tie with Los Angeles. Carroll Highlands YC, was third over-all dinner Saturday night in Atlantic Totals .31 0 I Stewart finished third in "Van- Hardy hit a double and triple to with his "Doubleff"., a 37-foot City, Co-chairmen for the event bury Park, N. J., breaki th» taps to win the 100-yard daih at the National A A U Union House .000 100 COO—1 Long Branch IAMA 000 00(1 000-0 guard." help Boston rookie Don Schwall cruiser. His margin of error was were Anthony M. Ruf/u of the | track and field championships in New York in the world-breaking time of 9.2 secSB—PhllUM. Hits oil Rooner 2 In 1.90. Absecon Island PS, and Bob » Innlngi. Ptenon s In 9 Innings, struck Races over the six-mile course onds. Identifiable second from left, with bandaged thigh, is David James of the out- bf RoOD«y » rjy Plerwn 1. Bami continue every Saturday through The I960 national predicted log Earle, of the Atlantic Highlands on bills off Kooruy 0 of Plerion l. tampion, Ellas A. Kalil, of Man- YC. September for the arrow point Starr Wins Prcsy's Southern California Strideri. lAPWtrephotol MauuqaaA ( A B B H race championship. Cup at Beacon Hill 8m!tli. 2b 4 1 1 Dumont Atlantic City Predicted Log MetcaU Piles Up Points In Rumson Arrows Beatty Says He Was Boxed In Mile; Budd Fails in 220 NEW YORK (AP) - Dyrol Burleson, 20-year-old Oregon Junior, said today he'd rather win a mile race in 6 minutes than lose one in 3:48. That about sums up his attitude on his disappointing 4:04.9 victory over Jim Beatty In the national AAU championships yesterday. Also, the race produced another chapter in the war of words between Burleson, who holds the American mile record Ward«U, p, a Wood. Hi ... Mercer, n Stephanson, c . A. Havens, ra.rs, cf _rlan, 3b _ WwtoaJil, If V. Havens, p Ryan,. 2b _.: O 0 0 rf . -J__~ .. TYjtals , 4 f, s n 4 i so 4 0 a 0 j o 3? ? ABRB Ton-nera <5) Tanner, If ..._.„ Lewis, of ruma, ss . Madure. lb Blana, 3b Toiex, p MoLoushUn, rt Nugent, 2b ,.. Nanna, c Havtland, ct, p Behrman, as Pasduto, Fitzpatrlclc. lb Arnlng, rf „ Rice, 3b Warren, _3b . ir, 2b . KoL_. 2b Cusson, p Ketcham, of .„ . LEONARDO — Dave Starr won the President's Cup at the Beacon Hill Country Club here yesterday, _. defeating Dr. Charles Paterno one up. Play moved into the final round of the Vice President's Cup a's C. K. Peters defeated A B R H W. L. Grant, 2 and 1, while Wil5 1 J liam Kennedy won over Fred Hll3 1 1 44 l 3 fiker, 2 and 1. u. William Cannavo copped low _ S I 3 1 gross honors with a 71 while — 4 O golfer Kennedy took home low 4 1 4 0 net laurels with a 79-13-66 4 3 4 4 a ,i O 1 1 0 i o 0 2 0 0 0 .3 1 LOWEST PRICES FREE Estimates FREE Engraving FREE Catalogues C A L L FOR A N APPOINTMENT FOR A N Y NITE C A 2-0230 TOYS • 6RHTIN6 CARDS • GIFTS PARH GOODS • FLAGS • HOME SAFES STATIONERY & OFFICE SUPPLIES ART * DRAFTING MATERIALS 4 O mala of 3:57.6, and the 26-year-old Budd 3rd 4 0 Madison (8> „__.„ , 4 o Jennings, 3b Beatty, whose best is 3:58. Telephone Frank Budd of ViUanova, who 3 O 1 Popowskl, p . Beatty accused Burleson and set a world record of 9.2 for 3 1 0 BenneU, is , SH 1-0001 * W«nnei, c his teammate, Keith Forman, of the 100-yard dash the first day, 2 "• Moran. IIt Ben!, lb l boxing tactics and deplored the oould do nb better than third « 4 1 1 Trout, Tt cf RED BANK fact that he allowed this to In Hie 22fryesferday and was 2b Totals w ~ 31 » Ooan, rff happen. Jtanaiquan•__ mo 000 010—i 0 1 0 i frustrated in his effort to become OOx—! o » n e T a o _...oj2 j 2 000 O O Total. "Nonsense," said Burleson. "I the third sprinter in history to T 2B_Nanna 3« s 12 Hits oH Wardfll 0 In 1 Belrnar ooo 022 000-4 don't know what was going on win the 100-220 title In both the Jinlngs. V. Havens 7 In 7 I l Madison .._.. ......«0 030 OOi—8 2B—Taylor, FltspMrlck (J). Hits off but it takes two to box a man NCAA and AAU meets. Paul CuMon 4 In i , Inning, Haviland s In and that didn't happen." I ? Innlnpi PopomAl « In 9 liming.. Dravton, his teammate, beat him Struck out by Ciuson 0 Dy Havllana t in the 220 in a wind-aided 21 Rflm»r ti) by Popwskl 12. Bases on ball. Ml First Win Cus»on J otf Hsvllar.4 J off off Popowsl PopowsM X Taylor, If ........ Umpirw—Croata and Napolltano. " This was Burleson's first vie flat. tory over Beatty In four meet- Other winners yesterday In oluded: inps. "I had no doubts about beat- Harold Connolly of the Striders ing him eventually," said Burle- in the hammer (213-61/4), Otis son. "I knew I had time on rry Davis of Eugene, Ore., in the 440 (46.1). Jim Ditpreee of South side." But he said he was looking era INinois in the 880 (1:48.5), forward to teamint! with Beatty Don Styrnn of Southern Illinois the new m the meets next month apa'.nst in the 220 low humtes (73.2). C-120 TRAVELETTE' Rups'a. We*t Germany, England Laszk) Tabori of fhe Santa Clara Youth ViMaee in the 3-rniie and Poland. By The Associated Presi Inches lower... plenty of seating "I think the two of us will (13.50^ and Ronald Zirni of CMroom inside... cargo room (Time li Eastern Standard) really do well and show the Eu- ca°n in the 2-mile walk (14:46.8). outside. Full width seat* for ropean runner that we can come The Striders won the team title AMERICAN LEAGUE 6 panengen, 6-foot pickup box. NATIONAL LEAGUE for the fourth straight year with through " lie observed. W L Pel. GB Cab has 4-door exit and entry, and W L Pet. GB Hie first two finiehcrs in each 120 points. Detroit 45 24 .625 all-weather protection everywhere. Cincinnati 43 25 .6J2 evert In the 2-day Summaries New York 43 25 .832 INTERNATIONAL true-truck V-8 at DowniiV! Wadium. Rands>'is 100-yard dash — Frank Budd, Cleveland Los Angeles 41 29 .58« _41 .577 power is standard. Island, were offered spots on the Villanova. 0:092 (world record). Boston San Francisco ..38 29 .587 35 .522 'earn. Some couMn't accent, <n 210-yard <}»*—Paul Drayton, Baltimore Pittsburgh J3 30 .524 SS .514 Dan Ferris of the AAU said Chicago » S4 .514 I;* Milwaukee ;.._.. 30 32 .484 10 he wouW have the entire team ViUanova, 0:21. St Louis SO 35 An HV. (he new C-f OO Pickup x-440-vard run — Otis Davis, Kansas City , 29 38 .433 today. Chicago 25 40 .385 UK New styling - 5-in. lower in Washington . — 3 0 40 .429 Emprald Emmre A.A. 0:46.1. The 19.270 spectators were 880-yard run — Jim Diipree, Minnesota Philadelphia .._.n 41 .33} 79 _26 43 .377 height Plenty of room inside. drawn mostlv by the nosnect of Southern Illinois Salute. 1:48.5. Los Angele* ..._ 25 46 .352 Saturday's Results Longer wheelbase for greater Minute mile. But Bi>nttv and One-mile run—Dvrol Burleson, Saturday's Results stability. New from the ground up Philadelphia 8, Pittsburgh 2 Burleson scent the first lap Emerald Empire A.A., 4:04.9. Detroit 5, Cleveland 4 with torsion-bar front suspension; Milwaukee 13, Chicago 4 watdhinE pacli other. Three-mile run—Lnzs'n Taborl, Chicago 12, Washington « San Francisco «, St. Louis 1 no-twist, no-rupture box-type frame; New York 10, Minnesota 7 S™ta Clara Y.V., ]3:5O. Slow Quarter Los Angeles », Cincinnati 7 seven foot Bonus-Load body. And true-truck Kansas City 8, Boston 3 Six-mile run—John r.utknecht. Keith Forman took over as »-iie V-8 power as standard equipment Los Angeles 4, Baltimore 1 Sunday's Results Chapel Hill, N. C, 28:52.6 (meet leader and hit the first quarter (night) in 67.2. That eliminated all hopes record). Pittsburgh 10-3, Philadelphia 5-4 Two-mile walk — Ron Zinn, Sunday's Results of a 4-n>inuiP mile. San Francisco 8-1, St. Louis 4-J Detroit 6-3, Cleveland 3-1 fire new D-130 Dump Truck Burleson finally opened uD Green and Gold A C . 14:46.8. Cincinnati 3. Los Angeles 2 lust brforp rh" thre«-miarters x-120-yard high hurdlw—Hayes Chicago 7-4, Washington 3-3 Chicago 5, Milwaukee 3 Rugged, yet lightweight, with new sturdy Boston 7-2, Kansas City 4-3 and won by about 15 yards one? , Prmtlac A.C.. 0:13:6. channel-type frame.. .preserves Today's Games and Beatty started out after him too 220-vard low hurdles—Don Sty- New York 8, Minnesota 4 truck life and resists pounding Probable Pitchers late, with less than 200 yards ron. Southern Illinois SaluJcis, Baltimore 9, Los Angeles 8 (14 and punishment; cab has more innings) 0:23,2. left. San Francisco (Sanford 3-1) at head and spread room for three; Today's Game and Philadelphia (Owens (Ml) 7:50 clean underside with extra "I ran a stupid race." said 440-yard hurdles - Cliff Cushman. Grand Forks A.C., 0:50.0. Probable Pitchers p.m. Beattv. "I never should have let 3,000-meter steer>1echase-iDea- New York (Ford 12-2) at log Milwaukee (Burdette 84) at St. ground clearance; standard him box me." true-truck V-8 power; and All told, six meet records were con Jones. Fort Lee, Va., 8:48 Angeles (McBrlde <U) It p.m. Louis (Jackson 3-7) 8 p.m. factory-installed dump body. Only Game Scheduled set, three Saturday and thrse (meet record). Only Games Scheduled Tuesday's Schedule Hisrh lump-Bob Avant. Southyesterday Tuesday's Schedule ern California Striders, 7 ft. Washington at Cleveland, 7 p,m, Two Upseti Cincinnati at Chicago, 1:39 p.m. Two of the three marks ves- Pole vault—Ron Morris. South- Chicago at Detroit (2), 8 p.m. San Francisco at Philadelphia, tordav were upsets. Ron Morrs em Calif., Striders. 15 ft. 8 Boston at Minnesota (2), t p.m. For more get-up and go, go, go I Baltimore at Kansas city (2), 7:05 p.m. of the Southern California Strid- inches (meet record). LM Angeles at Pittsburgh, 7:15 With a standard true-truck ers cleared 15-8 in the oole vault Broad tumti — Ralph Boston, 7 p.m. V-8 engine that saves all the way. p.m. Don Brap". the favorite and Tenn. A&I, 8, 26 ft. ll'/4 indies New York at Los Angela, 10 And large factory-installed stake p.m. Milwaukee at S t Louis, S p.m. Olvrrmic champion, was f.th. (meet record). body. Cab ia wide and comfortable Aubrev Dooley. the defending Hop, stot) and jump — Bill with wide doorways. '•hampiofl, d'dn't even make tne Shame, Phila. Pioneer Club, 52 It 4% inches. final. Jav Silvester, an Armv lir"i- Shotout—DaNas long, SouthCome in-eee, drive and price the new INTERNATIONALS! lenant, (rot off a 195-R toss in ern Calif. Striders, 62 ft. 2 indies. he discus, beating out defendir.e Discus throw — Jav Silvester, U. S. Army-Santa Clara Y.V., chamoion AI Oerter and co-world 195 ft. 8 inches (meet record). ecord holder Rink Babka. The other meet record during Javelin throw—John Fronam, *e day was set hv Deacon Jones Washington AC, 249 ft. 11JJ Inchif the Armv, whi Wt the tape es. in fie 3.000 meter stee- Hammer throw—x-Harold Connolly. Southern Calif. Striders, plechase. 213 ft. ty, in. 141 Wtst Front Sfratt x-team—Southern Calif, 3tridRED BANK REGISTER era. 12-Monday, June 26, 1961 x-Retained title. Rtd Bank, New Juicy RED BANK HOLMDEL FAIR HAVEN New is the word for International Major Leagu$ Largest and Most Reliable Trophy Headquarters in Monmouth and Ocean Counties 0 I 3 ' the new C-130 Stake /-.INTEREST ON YOUR JEWELERS Broadway at 3rd Long Branch OPEN Wed. & Fri. Nite Until 9 P.M. j ; SAVINGS merchants 1 1 ' / ' • ; • ( ' • • • : • • • • , MAURICE SCHWARTZ & SONS Monroe Kayoes Palisade's Breen Oben Collects Jet Class Win By BILL ROBINSON In MBC Sailing One of the phases of boating that has grown tre- Power'- Sail RED BANK REGISTER Monday, June 26, 1961-13 Fletcher Cops Comet Regatta RED BANK — Winds from 10 CALDWELL — Junior Monroe the Shore Boy's Club kayoed mendously as the sport has grown, but still not in pro- to 18 miles per hour out of the favored Jay Breen of Palisade portion to the total growth, is that of club member- Southeast proved ideal conditions Park in one minute 15 seconds ship. For many boat owners, the chief joy of having for planning in the let 14 and By WALTER L. JOHNS Lightning Classes at Monmouth if the first round to take the OCEANPORT — Blair Fietch- e six-mile round robin In Boat Club yesterday. ITEMS OF SPORTS INFO picked up here and 55-pound match on Friday's card boat is in sharing experiences with kindred souls. er, of the Cooper River Yacht Wch members rotated boats, it the Kiwanls Club here. Whether it be in racing, joint cruising, learning Bill Olsen, sailing "Spirit," led there and strung along the typewriter . . . Chuck •dole took second la that series the Jets around the zig-aag course Club, skippered his Comet Monroe, a 17-year-otd senior at Bednarik of the Eagles will be starting his 13th year *ed Bank High School, punched seamanship and racing or in chatting over common and breezed across the finish line "Blemish" to a first and a sec- TA Slimpson Brown came In in the final two races on bird. in the National Football League this fall . . . Green reen with a straight right hand problems and interests ashore during the off season, with a 200-yard lead over Bob ond the Shrewsbury River yesterday Hank Miltenberger, spring serTepper, who finished second. 01belonging to some sort of boating group has its re and sent him to the canvas. The Bay Packer season tickets may be sold out by the sen is tied for first place in the to win the Shrewsbury Sailing ies champ In the Comets, copped North Jersey boy revived at the end of June; 6,200 new seats were added to the stadium 1 count but collapsed again be- wards. summer series with Bob Lude and Yacht Gub's second annual the Comet opener. H« was loU awed by Dave Kingston, second, man, scoring 12 points. Fred open Comet class regatta. . . . In his playing career, Hank Bauer," new manager of 'ore 10. Simon is a close second with 11 Fletcher and his crew-mate, ind Walt Ingram, thdrd. Tommy the Athletics, has Been-a pitcher, outfielder, infielder, On Wednesday Monroe goes Bill Dunn, easily overcame the Morrison won the second Comet points. gain against Ramon Montanez, and catcher . . . Al Dark, the Giants' manager, has f the Park Branch Athletic Club, Half of the MBC Lightning fleet twjjoint first day lead bull* race with MiKenberger second, trailed their boats down to the up by his dub-mate, Jack Boeh- and Kingston, third. done about the same although he's never been a pitch- Newark, when trainer Adrian New Jersey State Lightning ringer, to take flie three-chevron In the first turnabout race, er, . . .Louis Aparicio of the White Sox already has Bailey takes his boys to Roselle Championship Regatta at the Surf Comet event wMi a low poin< Duise Potter finished first, Park. Junior dropped « 2-1 decipassed the 200-mark in stolen bases in his major league sion to Montanez last week a City Yacht Club last week-end. Of total of 10'/2 markers for the railed by Jimmy Andrews and the six local boats there, only Ar- five-race series. He had finishes Dotty Barries. Andrews took the Woodbridge. career, now in the sixth year. nigtostp, In Which Miss Barnes nold Schwartz made a showing of 1-J-M-l for his victory. Two other Shore Boys' Club by winning one of the three races. A beautiful sailing day greetec placed second, and Alice RobinA cheerleader wrote Michigan State's foot- boxers didn't fare so well a Irving Lewis edged out Al the 32 contestants for the tina' son took fed. ball fight song back in 1916 . . . They had 240 Caldwell Friday. Henry Nelson Miller to win the Lightning race two series races. The winds were Bob Yeager and John Macat 130 pounds lost a unanimous Junior golfers from 14 states In the recent Pee decision in a three-rounder to Bil at MBC. In the Lightning sum- southeast at a brisk 15 to 18 Vvoy split the Blue Jay events Ifeager took the first race, with mer series, June Methot has a knots.. Wee golf classic at Orlando, Fla.,wlth players Reid, of the Dover PAL. Jim five-point lead over Irv Lewis, Rurmer-^p was Shrewsbury's MacAvoy second, and Oracle In the 3-5 age group . . . . Michigan lost a good Kirk, at 170, came in at the with 39, points. Ohattes (Bud) Rogers with a Walker third. In (he second, osing end of a decision to Harry end prospect in football when Bill Freehan, the Hazard, of Dukers A. C , Newark The two Saturday Wood Pussy 13-W-I-3 series for 2t% points. MacAvoy led tine tieW, with races at MBC were won by Har- Rogers with his crew-mate War- feager second, and Walker again Gary Jones, 175 pounds and An Wolves' catcher and a .585 hitter, recently' signed old Lartaud with a comfortable ren Adair, In "Horee-Hy" re- :oming in third. a baseball contract with the Detroit Tigers. . . . dy Brown, 140 pounds, also made 100-yard lead in both. Ruffy Cook tained the North Jersey Yacht COMET REGATTA SUMMARIES the trip to Caldwell but didn' In a set of nine games, the Indians made 18 errors fight because there were no suit— Final Point Standlan — | outsailed Howard Hathaway to Racing Association Comet class second in the first race, pennant in addition to his sec- 1 Blair Fletcher, Cooler Rlvtr T.C.— and lost seven of the tilts . . , A. iT. Foyt, the able opponents at their weights. Basset Winmill nosed out ond place prize. He was the top 2. Charles (Bud> Roger*, Shrewsbury Indianapolis S00 winner, has copped nine races s. It Y.C.-3414: Hathaway to finish second in the scorer from NJYRA member 3. JacK EoehrlnBW, Coop*' B m T.C. this: year . . . Believe it or not, Stan Musial has club, an honor he also woo at 4. HanK~'MI!ten1)«rfar, BhrDVatnirjr S. second race. Brub Hance copped first place Green Pond in I960. <t Y.C.—Ml stolen only two bases In his last four years in a. I«lrMon W*ten, StrrwiturT i . * CELEBRATION OF 25TH anniversary of Shrewsbury Sail- in the Navesink Sailing Society's Boehringer, after his sensa Y.d-iS; the majors. €.,Tom Korrunn, I b r m b u r / t , » Sunday Wood Pussy race with a ing and Yacht Club, Portaupeck, an example of how 200-yard lead over a four-lap tional 2-1-2 run on Saturday, Cliutt Nlnt»l, Jfattltilek; LI.—48: \ Whitey Ford already has won as many game: GRAND RAPIDS. Mich. (AP) much belonging to beating groupi can mean to a boat windward-leeward course. Harold leveled off with a 15th and an 1,».B<i Glen w i l l lake-»3; \ eighth yesterday to wind up tfolri 9. Dougeirouse. Blade, Highland L«X»-63: this year as he did over the whole season in 1960 . . —Veteran Arnold Palmer of Mi- owner. This club had vary small beginnings in 1936. Lartaud placed second, followed over-all with 27% points. 10. Wayne DUler, Stone Bartor Y.C.— 50 yards later by Chris Colyer. Shrewsbury eailors gained th 1L David KuutotJ. Bhrmbarr I. * To boost attendance at Toronto in the Internationa! ami turned back a last minute challenge from Sam Snead yes• •• All too few newcomers to the sport have taken Chris, 14, sailed his father's old next three places. Fourth was tit.T.C.-<2. League, 3,000 baseball bats recently were given away terday, to win the Western Open l u t e : 1 TKtcJiw, 1 BoeirlBt". Wood Pussy to beat his father, Hank Miltenfoerger with a U-l 3. Hull Hutlirault, Sbmnbguy s. ft golf championship with a 271 to- advantage of this opportunity, even though many new Don Colyer, racing his new boat also dolls and 1,500 packs of pipe tobacco. Y.C.; 4. BUI Holmea, Fackuaofc Lake 74-5 series for 30 points. Leigh Y.C.J 5. EtroiM, «. H a l l , T. Hobble tal—two strokes ahead of Snead. clubs and groups have been formed. Many of them for the first time yesterday. Blumitninr a. h Y.C.; 8. ton Waters was fifth with 42 oc Roolmon, Dlller, 6. Agues txyhl*, Cooper River The $5,000 first prize money use boats as they would a oar or TV set—just another RESULTS Y.C.; 10. Lea Aaamaoo 2nd, Bhrtmfinishes of 1 5 - + W . upped Palmer's winnings to $50,bury 8. A Y.C. THE YANKS have another Whitey Ford in th< Monmouth Boat Club Tom Morrison, the winner 585 in PGA tournaments this year. adjunct of family recreation. As a result they fail to tal. l U c e i 1. Bothrlanr, S. Ulltenmaking, say the experts, in Bob Meyer, an 18-year Gary Player o( South Africa get the most out of what owning a boat has to offer. 3. Eleteher. 4. Wattn, 5. Roff* Wood Pussy Class: last week-end's Llpplncott troph: bergei*. era, 6. Blade, 7. Nlatiel, i. SCrawa, S. First Race(1). Harold Lartaud, Comet regatta at Bay Heat Morriaen, 10. &v Cooo, Olaii Wild old southpaw who's leading the Eastern league i leads with $53,704. There is an impression that yacht clubs and other (2) Ruffy Cook, (3) Howard Hatha- Yacht Club, was sixth with 4 Lake. strikeouts . . . Early note on next year's Kentuck; Palmer and Player will leave 3rd. l u c e : 1. tXUar, X BoelnrtnEtr, 1 .. Rogers, 4. Fletcher, 5. KeU Achenfor England this week to play boating organizations are snooty, white-flannel affairs way, (4) Bassett Winmill, (5) points. He had finishes of bach, StoiiB Harbor Y.C.! 1 Kinds!. Derby . . . The favorite may be Ridan, a 2-year-old some head-to-liead matches there Brub Hance, (6) Ed Schefler, 3-2 for the five races. 7. Mlltenbtrrtr, 8. Waters, I. B i n t c n , with membership requirements based on social con (7) Bill Mahoncy, (8) Leroy TaRogers won the first race yes- W. Coon. colt owned by Mrs. Moody Jolley, who brought him before competing in the British siderations. This is true in a very small minority of tem, (9) Ray Johnson, (10) 4U, R K » I 1. Kojers, X Bletchw, 3. terday wMi Fletcher close on Open. for $11,000 . . . Ridan has won four straight. Merrlaon, 4. MUtenbtrjer, S. Achenhis heels. Morrison was W d bach, (. DtUer, 7. Gtn« SarlUa, Bhr.-wBPalmer had a two-stroke lead old-line clubs, but it couldn't be further from the truth Storky Boesewetter. burjr s. Y.Ci 8. WUen. I. Rtnoton, Second race- (1) Harold Lar- and Miltenberger fourth., 10. Robinson. Wives of winning golfers in the Grand Rapids over Doug Sanders of Miami in the over-all picture. There are boat clubs for every taud, (2) Basset Winmill, (3) Fletcher sewed up the cham- Mh. Bmm: t Flelciw, } . Uarrison, Beach, Fla., going into the final Mich., event received some pieces of furniture as round of the 72-hole tournament. purse, taste and background, with interest in boats the Howard Hathaway, (4) Ed pionship with a win in She fiftl 3. Holers, 4. Nlntlel, 9. MHUKwrxer, a. KliHCSton, 7, Watora, 8. Eoebrlnjtr, ~ added prizes . . . Grand Rapids is the furniture The gallery of 14,600 expected only common denominator. Outboard clubs and the Scheffer. (5) Ruffy Cook, (6) Bill and final series race. Morrisw 9. Walt Initrim 3rd, Slirawiburr «. t Mahoney, (7) Charles Wolbach, was rannar-UD, Rogers third an Y.C; 10. Blade. them to battle it out, but Sanders city . . . Althea Gibson, the tennis great, may U.S. Power Squadrons and U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary (8) Ray Johnson, (9) Storky Mattituck's Chub NintzeJ fourth, and wound up with a Join the ladies golf b r i g a d e . . . She recently had an faltered have also brought many people with boating interests Boesewetter. 72—one over par. Troohies and prizes wer STOCKCAR RACK Jet 14 Class: 84 . . . A pitcher in a Cleveland sandlot league Palmer had a sub-par round o5 together. awarded on the clubhouse deck (1) Bill Olsen, (2) Bob Tepper, hurled a no-hitter, struck out 17, yet lost, 1-0 . . . 69 and needed it to turn back following the final race. Pa In areas where boating is relatively new, either (J) Fred Simoii, (4) Bob Maxwell. commodore Walter Ingram, 2c An error by the catcher on a third strike per- Snead who had a 5-under-par 66 through the development of new artificial waterways Lightning Class: Palmer and Snead played in the made the presentations. mitted the batter to reach first and he went to final threesome and it was a bat- or in the influx of added population, there is a grea: (1) Irving Lewis, (2) Al Miller, SS&YC held Us 25th anniver(4) Donald (3) Harold Beck, second on a passed ball, third on a passed ball tle until Snead's approach on the opportunity for kindred souls to form clubs and thereKelly, (5) Marvin Broder, (6) sary dance in the clubhous 18th rolled over the back of the Saturday evening. and scored on a passed ball! . . . Ben Jones, green Jim Hickey1. by expand their activities. All it takes is for a few and gave Palmer a chance Navesink Sailing Society . In last week's activity, the famed late Calumet Farm trainer, once played he quickly took for the title. people who launch at the same marina or who live Poole padded Ms lead in th football for Colorado A. & M. college, but gave it Bob Goetz of Tulsa, Okla. near each other to call a meeting; or even a classified Wood Pussy: SSYC's 'Wood Pussy series b; (1) Brub Hance, (2) Harold taking first and second pla u» because of an injury and then worked on his thrilled the crowd with a course notice in the local paper can start the ball rolling. Route 34 Belmar Colyer, (4) Lartaud, (3) Chris record-breaking round of 63—8 unfinishes in qualifying races Sui Howard Hathaway, (5) Don Col: father's ranch, training a few horses for the county der par, which gave him a 278 Shrewsbury SYC day. every Saturday Nite yer, (6) Ken Altreuter, (7) Ruffy The old competitive record at fair circuit We have been especially conscious of what a club Cook, (8) Dr. Ray Johnson, (9) On Saturday, Paul Wilson won Blythefield Country Club was 64 Gene Littler of Singing Hills, can mean to boat owners, and how one can be de Bill Mahoney (DNF). Palmer Wins Western Open Wall Stadium by HANK KETCHAM DENNIS THE MENACE ON THAT A[COM* 'IUA5KTrlEMILKM4N Vj Ml KNOW KRSU8EI THILL 10 B1CIN6 IT BEAUTIFUL Calif., the National Open cham pion, finished with a sub-par 67 to tie Goetz at 278. Defending .champion Stan Leonard of Vancouver, B. C , had a 69 for 279. Snead threatened at the 16th hole when he holed an 18-foot put from about one foot off the green That put him 11 under par for the tournament, where he stayed through the final hole. Palmer and Snead both parred out to end the tournament. With Palmer's final shot, the gallery broke past restraining ropes and mobbed the green Court marshals and police restored order while the formal presentation of the $5,000 check and the Western Open trophy took place. Snead picked up $2,800 for seeond place. John Pott of Shreveport, La. fashioned a 67 on the final round and wound up in third place with a 274, worth $1,800. fn fourth place was Billy Casper Jr. of Apple Valley, Calif., who matched Snead's final round score of 66. Sanders ended up fifth with 276. veloped from absolute scratch, through the fact thai our own club is celebrating its 25th anniversary this season. It is the Shrewsbury S and YC of Oceanport, and it started in 1936 in a meeting in the home of a Yesterday's Results boat owner who wanted to race the sailboat he owned. Freehold 5, Lakewood 2 (1st In talking to other owners he saw on the river game and in chatting with his neighbors, he found five others F-eehold 4, Lakcwood S (2d with similar interests, and this group got together and game) Madison 8, Belmar 4 worked out a program of organized activity for that Union House 1, Long Branch summer. It was strictly a "boat and a buck" club. IAMA 0 Anyone with a boat and one dollar to chip in to buy Red Bank Towners 5, Manasquan shells for the starting cannon (operated from a pier) Standings could belong. The group grew in the next five years W L Pet. Union House _ 7 1 .875 until, still without a clubhouse, it was holding races 're-hold Townsmen .... 5 J .625 for 20 to 30 boats each week-end. After World War fiadison PBA 4 3 .571 II, a simple clubhouse was built after a fund-raising Long Branch IAMA .... 4 4 .500 Manasquan PBA 4 4 .500 drive. Belmar Knlehls 4 4 .500 Now, in its 25th year, SS&YC has a pier, floats, :ed Bank Towners .... S 5 .375 0 7 .000 electric hoist, bulkhead, beach, 275 feet of waterfront Lakewood Next Week's Games property and a large parking lot to go with an ex- reehold at Red Bank panded clubhouse. The membership is 120 families, Manasquan at Long Branch who own well over that number of boats. On race IAMA at Lakewood days the club puts about 15 to 18 16-foot Comet sloops, Madison Union House at Belmar 20 to 25 13-foot Wood Pussy catboats, 9 to 11 10-foot Turnabout catboats and about 10 cruising auxiliaries OLD BRIDGE CANCELLED on the race course, and a new fleet of 13-foot Blue OLD BRIDGE ( A P ) - T h e enBASEBALL'S TOP TEN OLD BRIDGE (AP - The enJay sloops was added this year by a co-operative tire stock car racing program at By Tno Associated Prens LEADING BATSMEN building program by six of the members. The dues Old Bridge Stadium was cancelled (Bsjed on 350 or more at bats) yesterday by rain. The same card are now $75 for a family membership. AMERICAN LEAUUK as been rescheduled for next AB II II Fcl Cash, Detroit.: .10 231 98 87 .377 Elbow Grease iunday. Howard, New Yoik-45 1U It 13 .361 Brandt, Baltimore..60 191 37 69 : All this was accomplished by the members themKlllebrcw, Minn. ...56 210 41 74 .312 Piersall, Oleveland..S4 260 42 00 .316 Romano, Clevelond..67 240 41 SO .333 selves through energetic fund raising and plenty of 8iever«, Chicago. 63 240 46 77 .32] B. Hoblnson, Bait. ..71 283 41 88 ..311 hard elbow grease. The club has no regular employees Mantle, New York....67 232 61 72 .310 Francona, Clev. 67 2«7 33 82 .307 except a sailing instructor who teaches sailing to about 100 youngsters. A full social schedule for juniors and Altman, ClUcaco £0 182 2« 61 Hnak, Pittsbur«h...Sl 208 29 71 Clemente. Pitts 61 2(7 41 SI seniors complements the sailing program, which has Aaron. .Milwaukee.G2 241 42 79 Mutliowi, Mllwk. ,-St 235 42 70 activity on six days a week. When the junior program Moon. Los Angele«..58 IDS 35 64 LET US Pinson, Clnclnnatl..68 273 40 88 was started eight years ago, the club was only put- INSTALL Mays, San Fran. ...-.66 246 87 79 4 Boyer, St. I>oui»u.-.65 249 49 7B .313 ting about 10 racing boats on the course and had 30 MODERN) Musial, St. I/>ul> .53 163 21 61 .313 S/SXBM IIOMI: family members. Members' children were allowed to AMERICAN NATIONAL Maria, N. Y. 27 Cepeda. Ban F. invite friends who were not members to take part in Caih. Detroit 24 Robinson, Cin. Mantle, N. Y. 22 Mathews, Mllw. 17 the junior program, for which the charge was about Klllebrow, llln. 22 F.reese, Cin. ColavUo, Det. 1Q Moon, L. A. $3 per four-hour session of group instruction in boats Aaron, Milw. Thomas, Mllw, loaned by members. As a result, more families became UU.VH BAITED IN AMERICAN NATIONAL interested, and the club has been booming ever since. Cash, Detroit M p d a , San F. MarH. K. Y. 61 Gentile, Bait. 99 Ktllebrew, Mln. 57 Mantle, N. Y. 57 Robinson, Cin. Freese, Cin. Aaron, Mllw, M«y», San F. SYCAMORE T11HEE-.MAN THE RESORT OF RACING NOW thru AUG. 5 OCEANPORT, N. J. - j aim (na S M H wet nrtmv, u i tof .Outdoor «id indoor dining terraces - htndi Convenient escalators and elevators. Wed., June 23—THE COLLEEN Sat, July 1—RUMSON HANDICAP Cranditanl $2 • C h i t o n $4 • CHIIDRIN U N D M ! • NOT AOMITTtO POST 2:30 • Oa/Jy Double C/oses 2:20 Plilll Turf Club 14 A & L Borvlce . 11 Btfb Woolley'a S v c 10 Renzo'fl 10 Kllnca Cities Svc. JO SWSla'a JO Crates Beverage 10 Brcbby'e Cloanen ........ 0 Arts Bar 0 J A T Equipment 8 Sycamore Lanes . .8 Kjnetron ... .. , fl NavMlnk Carpet 6 Al's Floor Wailng , .......:. 5 600 Series - A. Kartell 613, D. Jaro 619, E. Coallc 618, J. Lulayctle 638. Chicago W h i t e Sox pitcher Early Wynn has beaten the New York Yankees 33 times in 20 years—but he's also lost to them 54 times. Jersey Shore Baseball League Ron Bahr Winner At Harmony Bowl 217. Adna Morson trailed only five pins behind Mrs. Smith to place second among the women. She hit a 525 series with a 213 high game. Mr. and Mrs. Murry Revits, MIDDLETOWN - Ronnie Bahr General manager of Harmony won the Seagram 7 trophy for Bowl, presented the trophies. top bowler at Harmony Bowl here yesterday by rolling a 668 high Southpaws W a r r e n Spahn series. Bahr bowled games of of Milwaukee and Mike McCor236-225-204. mick of San Francisco both In the women's division, Elea- started seven double plays last nor Smith turned in a 529 series to take top honors. Her game totals were 228-153-143. Former first baseman Loren Norm Adubato came fn second Babe manages the Auburn Yanfor the men's competition with kees in the Class D New Yorka 533 series (and a high game of Pennsylvania League. EXPERT SERVICE WORK From coaat-to-coafli S Brake and Front-End Service' A Precision adjust brakes and add brake fluid if necessary. Q Scientifically inspect and align front end to manufacturers specifications. 0 Precision balance both front wheels. Q Check power brake and power steering units where applicable. ALL FOR ONLY... Most Cars Ball Joints $11.95 Air Suspension & Torsion Bars $13 M Turn yourself loose from the slavery of attending an old heating system. We'll install a modern unit for automatic home heat. FLUNK FUEL OIL B U R N E Q SALE4 -SERVICE where your dollar buys MILES noon [ STORES SHadyside 7-5700 Maple Ave. at White St. RED BANK 1000 Axbury Avmi* PR 5-8700 li-Sfon&y, June 26, 1961 RED BANK: MGISTER DAILY IBmUI (aw.) «.8mgU0 tUUgal tO. Place of retreat IS. Subtla U.Parii river U . Bridal wreath IT. Subjoin 18. Dry, as wins IB. Exclamation ot pity 12. Gold (tym.) SS.SSB. 1 oonrtltaento 26. Revolved 18. Notion 19. Footstools S3. Gold (her.) S4.Ata. dlgtsoce S . Part of "tob»" it. Bangkok I I a % 1 % i 12 % 7 IS « % % ooto 40. Package 42. Wearied 45. Memor&ndumji 48.Stn.what 4g.Toahlft 49. French % 30 29 % il % 3* 55 % 41 38 % •5 •X 45 SO 49 "ASTRO-GUIDE" For Tvasday, Jum 27 Present—For You and Y o u r i . . • A Cue day, in a particnhily wett-wpected week. Optimism, good feelings and a spiritual itbiifh are indicated. Financial matters take a back seat for the moment, but the outlook » favorable for them nevertheless. l a p j n , t i l e the family out for » drive and n snack to toeak t i e monotony. of rontine. and,deaf from infancy, was bora oa Jane 27, 1880. Her courage bat been an inspiration and guide to handicapped per* s o u all over .the' world and the story of her childhood is now a hit play. Future • • . We may carry virtually no money. An "electronic pocketbook" similar to credit plates -will work in machines in banks; stores, etc. A certain number of electronic Impulses will mean you have so much money in the bank The Day Under Your Sign You tray csenmter ^1*^*1*% dpccU Improre lirinr cwxiitimii at W e i s i!Jr II you derate frost nmtmt proccd* %dl aa us the neighborhood asd cemart. t t t d XEke bi th SEMINI l Acupt — delajrt witH n o d t n n inrttai ol Icltbi Ibna get tit but ol jtm. CANCER (Jnw 22 to M r 21) SCORPIO (Oct. 53 to Nm. 51] )Don** be talked into tomtihlog grtnmit you're * poor fport. An SAGITTARIUS (Nor. 22 {oD.tr. 21) Avoid rQoaotODjr. A l l o c a t e y i t h inter« U n g people. Romance i% UVtlr, too. Act BOW if T M want to mllrrc jo«r CAPRICORN (D*c 22 1o J J ? . 20) •ail. Tturt'a DO point i a titlrK «sd Confidence in oibm%iU pay cUvide&dt railiaf. twtb nentiUx and nutcxiallr. LEO (July MM At* 71) Cbaaie ol icaie b i u > n n penpKtra Enjoy it witbont odEf. cXtrsTafatrU" w lumco dooitc to *• FIND THE By WALT DISNE MICKEY MOUSE BEIM' KINCA STUBBORN? By LBE FALK and WILSON McCO\ HED1DNT LEAVE W U TO , CHASE RABBITS.' By ED DODL MARK TRAIL AWES (fan M m i %\ te April If) IIBRA |S.pr. 23 is Oct. 2(] TAURUS (Afrit 30f»M»30) • nous Board OKs Insurance For Pupils Bv P a s t . . . Helen Keller, Wind By ALFRED SHEINWOLD A good bridge player should i * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * APARTMENT * SHAMBLES. try to keep something in reserve The Hand In case his first plan (ails. I South dealer South must find a way t 0 avoid North-South vulnerab' losing a trick in each suit. He NORTH has a chance if East has one of A 1U 8 6 the red kings. V A 8 3 Which of the red suits should 0 8 7 32 South tackle first? * 7 5 2 If South goes after the dia- WEST KAST A A 3 2 monds first, West will win with 4> 5 ^KJIO the king of diamonds and knock V 9 7 5 4 2 0 10 9 S 4 out the second lop club. When- O K I ! * J 10 9 6 • Q 8 4 ever South tries for a heart trick, SOU! 11 East puts up the king of hearts A K Q J 9 7 4 and leads a club to make sure of 9 Q 6 defeating the contract. 0 AQ * A K3 South has a second chance if he South West North tries first tor the hearts. He wins ANCAT Pass 2 NT the first (rick with the ace of 2 * N1SW..-VOU ! » Pass 4 4 .... clubs and leads a low trump. CANPUU.IT Opening lead — * J BACK AN!? SEE Dummy's six forces out the ace. TWS STARS! Back comes a club, and South WR0N3! IT'S STUCM takes the king. He leads the seven of trumps to dummy's eight diamonds on dummy s ace of and returns the three of hearts hearts, from dummy. I Suppose the king of hearts had East has the king of hearts been in the West hand. Then and must take it. East can cash South's first plan would fail, but the queen of clubs and lead a he would be in position to try diamond, but South no longer the diamond finesse later. needs the diamond, finesse. He In short, if South tries puts up the ace of diamonds, hearts first, he can fall back on cashes the queen of hearts and the diamonds in case of failure, enters dummy with the ten ol he has no second chance. I TRAINED DEVIUTDSW ON DAILY QUESTION trumps to discard the queen ol YOUR BACK. WHAT HAPPENED Dealer, at your left, bids one TO HIM? heart, and partner doubles for a THIS HOPE AROUND «3UR NECK—ANDBRUISCS' takeout. The next player passes, and you are next, holding: Spades A 3 2, hearts K J 10, diamonds 10 9 6 4, c 1 u b s Q 8 4. What do you say? Answer: Bid one notrump. This type ot response to a take,rr,n.nlm. . . out double shows strength in the KEANSBURG - Student accl- pp t>s w t t w U h a c o l m t o t d dent insurance for Keansburg about " ^ 9 or 10 points. Public School pupils will be increased to $2.50 per student for submitted in writing before the the school year 1961-62, an in- board took official action. crease of 50 cents per student. Thomas E. Garrison, school su The Board of Education last perintendent, reported that 71 stunight renewed approval for Kirdents had returned applications win & Company, Middletown for summer school which will agents for The Insurance Comstart July 5. The pupils will be HEAVILV OUTNUttBERHJ pany of North America, to addivided into three class, first and WANPA AND KLAUG GO minister the program. The prol POWN UNPER THE gram was approved after a three-second; third, fourth and fifth, h TREACHEROUS ONa quarter hour discussion * as «o "d "*lh Md seventh, SLAUGHT op THE whether claims should be cleared! M«. Marte Hestan, Keansburg, CATTLE K 1 O B S through the agem or office of « | 1 ^ offered a ^txac^t^tejdi fourth grade at a salary of $4,the school superintendent. 150. A policy was adopted prohibit- . The board will advertise for bids ing vendors of any kind to so- for roofing, cafeteria floor, rehat on h he school ^ h l recreation i held fild p l g d rai,3 o n s t a i r w a y S i AND THE OUTLAW (formerly Lion's Club Field). The a , u m l m j m d o o r s { o r e n l r a n c e v e s . POQS AGAIN TURN THBR ATTENTION TO action was taken as a resu",°!|tibule and aluminum windows for TIMMy AND THE CUB a letter received from an ice h e h o o , s e c r e t a i y s a n d n u r s e . g cream vendor who requested perq p offices. mission to solicit on the field, apd They will also advertise for bids a report by the athletic commit- for painting several classrooms, tee of the hazards involved and h a U w a y s a n d o t h e r interior work, the prospective liability to the A1 , b i d s _ a r e to be returned to °°3r"- ' " ithe school secretary by noon July Frank Peters, school attend-16> t o b e o p e n e d a t g p m J u , y ance officer, tendered his resig-|R nation. He is a member of the police department, and is not perAPPROPRIATE mitted to hold an outside position. John Ryan, board president, HAMPTON, Va. (AP) — Hampstated that inasmuch as Peters* ton has a new official seal. The present contract expired with the blue crab, for which the city is close of the school year this famous, now holds aloft a space month, and a new contract would capsule. The United States astronot become effective until Sep- nauts train at nearby Langley tember, that the resignation be Air Force Base. THE PHANTOM 44% DOWN LPlum, for one Bridge Column ^ tt.Tr*wli, upean; row Pitou 8. Endure SB. Roman 4. SXdtSUU lundta tion 24. Com8. Donkey mercial 6.Cere&1 notice iigu BESS HIM grain 25. Pigs T. Lamb's 26. Biased pen name 80SH3H 5ER98 27. Pro8. Earthly noun 9. Soviet news 37.0therwris« 30. From agency 39. Music 31. Bottle top U . Gorgon 32. Persian group (myth.) coin 41. The Eternal U.Iiakeiast 3S. Hollywood 16. Southern personality 43.Highprieit aUte 38. Female 44. June bug (abbr.) sandpiper 47. Music nots 20. like By SAVMERS and AQUARIUS (Jin. 51 4o F.b. 19) Ctir tip wirat you c m today. Later In v t t l pioblmi rnjjr bcKt yon. PISCES (F*b. 20 »s March 20) tic Side-i(ep trouble Irr aToidinr ihoit who art btTJlgtrat a»f •tubbont. eiMl.neUEnlenirlKt.Tne. NUBBIN BIG SAVINGS By JIM SVR1SETT and GEORGE CRANDAU POGO By WALT. KELLY OKA/? ywfaop Al FOR SAFE DRIVERS IN THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY FROM THE TRAVELERS>*i^ ... .THE COMPANY THAT J INVENTED AUTO INSURANCE MARY WORTH By ALLEN SAVNDERS and KEN ERNST VERY WEll! WAIL WE ttCHAHfit SOW. ^BEAUTIFUL 6JRI •™^OT ™»- Wl %T0RY OF WV UFE ' y \ r5 NOT INCLUDED WITH THE , BLUE PLATE SPECIAL, SIR! J OH THE W C M H t R f / ThoOMDtb of motorists in the state of New Jersey have been waiting for high quality automobile insurance »t rates their careful driving has earned. Yeu needn't wait any longer. Your local independent Travelers agent now offers you substantial savings on new safe-driver coverage from The Travelere-the company that invented auto insurance... the company with the umbrella of protection. Thit it not boTgairnx>unter insurance. You're buying the kind of comprehensive coverage you would expect to get from the company with more experience than any other in the world. You're getting the expert •ernce of your own Travelers Agent and more than 14,000 Travelers Agents and brokers throughout tha United States-all pledged to help you wherever you may need help. And you'll be paying rates (by the anonUijif you prefer) that reward you handsomely for your good driving record. (We hope you'll compare our rates with the cost of any other auto insurance on the market.) CALL YOUR TRAVELERS AGENT TODAY... HE'S IN THE YELLOW PAGES 19 THE TRAVELERS Insurance CompaniesrHHARTFORD nONNECTICn REVEREND By BILL O'MALLEY •OATS ft ACCESSORIES RED BANK REQSIB. CUSSIF1ED RATES HELP WANTED-MAJJE SITUATIONS WANTED, Mtfc rXcrMra nut MERCHANDISE WANTED FURNISHED ROOMS. RED BANK REGISTPI iattnuntau FURNISKSD ROOltt—Harmony OtuK LTOTH J2M v » / » Pianos i M musical or. Ereolngf and week- waoteH. HJthen prlcn pud, H. Tan iousf, 1M Broad S t . Eataotown. Rooms lioa&ty, June 26, 1961—15 *«*t » PO MM. «H I.1 by th* oay. wtelt or month. Call tXktr DESIGNER m; now. . 'Oft S-21M. J J.tn. U J O t M . THRM, « t l a t m , « BOI» svaOaMe with baekft'ouna ta w a* OPBM i i u r r witb a&ener, tor raw, nuts, cellar cleanuV Oenersl UNTHjUE FL'KNITUW: - Brlc-l-brac, ATLANTIC HIOHLAND8 - 8ln,le or HOUSES FOR SALE 8 B" beam. }fo tootor, «oo4 condition. ELECTRONIC INSTRUMENT juiffooi work, call evenlngsTeH 71SM. cellar and attic ccomeou. T e o . Top caali double llteplng rooma. Near town, CoBieeathM , I4W. AT M . l CA U i g or CA CA MBSO. transportation. S4Q. month. AT 1-160T. Cwuecfrthw . PACKAGING WATER BKUNO: IKCONDHAND F a E E Z E R — Upright SIKQLiSi ROO^IB. Clean and comfortI pm> Consecutive HNANCIAt River water now over 70 dcjreei. fbo man we «eek already hai a ree iri-rerably. Good condition. Call Donald able. r - ' - ^Reaaonabta. rate. Garage, Oe.a. _J4eLtM family akl Reboot now open. Ft. of srd of success ,n appearance deilRD N bays Omieeatlve . mpbell, DI 1-2300 9 * (New lorlO. tlemen preferred. B2 Wallace St. SB 1- iTTRACTIVll BUY — Fair Ha«an. dapple Ave., Red Bank. Pleasa phone BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES -iJcLlne and functional interior layout of comH Dtyt Consecutive . trst floor, livitii room, dlnlnr room, for appointment, SH 1-1121, mercial electronic instruments of high MOBILE H E R V I C B STATION for tease I U I KUKN1TUHK - Antique! china 5393. Ullod «4» M a | T t t Register's P. 0 . Boi iSo n t r * . tchvn, enclMsd porch, powder room, glassware, art ot>]acu ar.rl b n c a OPEN BKIFP — IV V lon«, Cuitom quality lnientled (or l&bor&tory ant. From Street and Olobe Court, Red >rac. Immedlata caoti for anythlns and scond floor Ihree tedroonn, btik. Atsystems uies. Salary will bs comYearly Contract Ratei on Request ra»de. Windah|eid, walk-thru front leeta, Bank. Reasonable rent.. Limited Invest- varrtrilng. ftuioll'i. 2S Eaat Vnvl fit stern «eit. Urge cockpit. Navy top, mensurate with past achievement and lent. Excellent opportunity. 0-5 cail ill x-vm. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE MMBwm luettiea Tare* Uae* sld* curtilns, cockpit cover, steering ier.foroxa.nce. Pleats be prepared to :A 2-S0I9. after 7 call BH 7-581B. RI(H| to «luiltj. «4U or relict aoj .drerusomanl u n u n M wheel, powered. Powered by 30 h.p. irlnf your portfolio when you call LUNCHEON COUNTER CONCESSION HOUSES FOR SALE W Thl RaMtir. Lark Evlnrude. Electric starting mo Mr, R DeBlasta for an appointment. — New 32-lane bowling alley, Long tor. Used two aeejoni, about 50 houra. Wi wIU IOI DI topomlDH tor wrote, oauu U»J u * 4««ct«d PETS AND LIVESTOCK area. Excellent opportunity and 8H 1*1418. ELECTRONIC MEASURE- Branch feafore We leairari Insertion. . Maple Ave. Fair Haven potential. Call 787.1330. Ask for Mr. No cancellations (flu be accepted w ebangsa mads la aoferw*. tOItSES HOARDED — Culls Neck RoreK. PSNN VAN — 17' and 3ft h.p, XsVlnrude MENTS CO., INC., SH 1-2308 ioardlns stable, Freehold* CDlts Neck m a t ! m bout after n u l n u olftu. electric, both 1659, alt equipment, exand GARDEN SUPPLIES IU., Colta Neck, HO 2-2I6& cellent condition. Can be seen tt Van Lewis St. & Mapla Ave., AIARDWARE Short of Cash? Use Our going, growing business situated at IITM3ON ', . „ -™. DEADLINE 5:00 P.M. Day Wore Publication Deman'f Pleasure Bay Marina, IN1ATURE FRENCH POODLE pup Eatontown, New Jersey main highway Intersection, shore area. iles. ind ocean. Immediate occupa'n^'y*. Price AKC registered, Beige. Brown. LAYAWAY P U N Now averaging 173,000 per year gross. •uisunco oisrutt CBUI8AI.. 21' Cabin Cruiser. Bleeps Slock. Call HI 3-2596. Telephone: LI 2-0300 Priced for quick sale SOS.OOO, Including three, Galley, head, canvas. 76 h,p. ,t!M H.M. D H B«tor» M U n « a irltt m t l Iwe «ue before UM8ON — Sevtn-room, two-itory Veterans store, large apartment above, garage HEK KITTENS Oray Marine enctne. Can be seen anybU ome. Ol] hem, ISOIIOO' lot. 111,1100, and other buildings on the property, time. 7 Highland Ave,, Kumsen. |i.600. No Down Payment I,BOO down. Call AT 1-MM-J. 61x weeks old. >wner will take back mortgage. Red. TEN MEN U 2-3618 len Agency, 301 Maple Ave., Rt. 35, 17.500 — Lovely Uirt<-t>edroom horn*. OUR RECENTLY OPENED $67 Per Month Jed Bank. SH 1-5860. iKC DACHSHUNDS — 'Fine looks rult, -tattt trsn. »1S,OO<1 — Neat ELECTKICAL APPLIANCE .nd temperament. BUSINESS NOTICES If you a r t a rent payer and tlttd ol ircc-Heflroom hou»«, solidly built, 1059 VOLKSWAGEN panel truck with OUTLETS AT ) 38M making, your landlord rich paying off uge rardeo area. BLAINK A86OC. "ctra snow tires, two-way radio. 011 Hiring men for permanent positions, irner parts Inventory, furnace vacu- IKALTKY YOUNG PARAKEETS — ils mortgage, this ad ihould really " Miia or u s-amr. EXTERIOR we have openings In three departments. >u cleaner and many extras to ctsrt a rarlety of colors, males, Uma.es. scite you. POT no money down and 150 DOWN TAKEB OVER tour-room Cells on private telepnonis are toll-free to 0 1 t-Ota r » m trie Aen selected will be trained by us. i mortgage ipayment probably lower 3-c.pcritlve 'none RU 1.2011. apartment. H4.M per HOUSE PAINTING No experience necessary. Must be icrvlce business. SH 14223, (ollowim i t u i o m : bOwtu 8. COltu «. ; n (K.ansburti WHlto.j 1 than your present rent, you caa own lonlh with ULllltiti. U 2-2718. 'OODLB — Hale, silver, AKC, fully available. By this oversized iwo-bedtootn rancher Calls en orlvata telephones art toll-free to 8H I-OOIO bom use inoculated, groomed snd houaebroken: witli a large, fully equipped kitchen, DEIA-FUR CONSTRUCTION CO. tslloirtal ttttioim •VTlaallo Hlgbianoi I, CAtttai 1 tno ». Liberty % INSURANCE CALL SB 1-1019 MU M « S or MU 1-5037. Your choice paint used lie both, attic, basement, and a one' HI«b.Ianli t, OSborne I, RVtuoa t M e Bright 1 and Utadriuie I SALARY 1104 P E R WEEK Season's best offer of all broken win DISSATISFIED with present Insurance! ANTED — Good home lor three car garage. Low t&xea. Excellent LOTS AND ACREAGE •Ml. dow panes replaced tree. Call lor free condition; including range combination Want a better deal? CaU Dunn Insur Igeons. i estimates. •torm sash and dooru and Venetian ance agency. SH 1-5513 OS 1-0618 OS 1-0611 blinds. Nice location. Immediate coi- 5 ACRE FARM, 348* road frontPART-TIME FAMILY DOG — AKC registered male leflslon at closing. FLOOR WAXING — REASONABLE We need 12 men to work from 6 to AUTOS AND TRUCKS ANNOUNCEMENTS ige. Seven-room two-story home ollle, trl color, eight months old, INSTRUCTION RATES. 9:30 p.m. week days. Four hours on lousebroken, trained, all shots. )50, LI J9.500 Full Price .nd out buildings $18,000. , •• U 81291 • LOST AND FOUND Saturday. Unusual opportunity \<y earn rUTORING—High scliool teacher wlslv i-2581). 1959 FORD COUNTRY kt * M Dock 4 Bulkhead Contractors. J5( per week. 811 1-1326. Aik for Mr. !s to teach £nKUsn:->ancl speeen c o r kKC BEAGLE, four months old. Has IX)BT — REWARD, Angore, gray and Non-Vet $285 Down 8 ACRE FARM, 341' road frontArnone. SEDAN Docki rebuilt, piling letted, hammered t 'eolion In her home. Any level of Inwhit* flat, two year old, vicinity Maple iad all shots. V3S. Eltlmatts given 8D i-n<(. ige. Seven room home, also fouritructlon. Call BH 79736. Nlne\plMen«er. loaded. SUM Ave.. Red Bank. No wwsUoni asked. 787.1929 PLUMBER —. Call AT Monmouth County Office KB ;n«a». , oom bungalow. Out building! WOOD - And kindling (or sale. Base- EXPERIENCED between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m UTORINO — Qualified teacher, rradei ,KC REOISTERED female Cocker ments, attics. cleaned. Trees muved. 1-2727 (Garden 8ta.» Parh-*v»y Exit 117) 134,000. LOST—Passbook number MS 1D99. Find Ipanlel. Brown and white, IV, yeara dement work. Llgnt hauling. SH 1.1812. 787-2668 alter 6 p.m. CA 2-S277 ar pleaee return to Monmoulh County ild. Call CO 4-2166 National Bank, New SOTambury. PAINTING - PAPBRHANOING. lnte PARTS DEPARTMENT MANAGER - UTOR1NO — Long experienced teacb CHEVROLET 1 ACRE FARM, 53ft' ro»d frontrlor anil exterior. Call 8H T-34B1 alter Full fledged partd man. Must have ex- er. Reading, spelling and arithmetic, IOBT—Blaok wallet, Canton Theatre on 153 Flnt Ave,, perience In automobile agency, Chrys Atlantic HUplands 3:30 p.m. Bd Zlnser. ige. Two-story, six-room home, Wednesday, June 2 1 Please return wltb AT 1-3830 er preferred. Write "Parts Dept." five hours per week In grades '. 5, "Personalized Service" Open 'til » p.m. ut buildings. $23,000. papers anil money clip, great lentl- 1958 PLYMOUTH WAOON - Two-door, JOB MONTANO — Maion Contractor. Box 511, Red Bank, stating Qualifica- and 8. Call Mrs. Maloney AT 1-1041. OS 1-1000 mental value, Reward. CaU HI 3-10M orsuburban deluxe. Radio, neater,. push* Stuccoing, plaaterlng. concrete work, tions, age, etc. APARTMENTS TUTORINO — Second to seventh OS 1-3300. 1M SpnntSale Are.. Red Bank. SH T-SERVICE STATION attendant, ful grade. Reading,'Math and English. SH button drive. Whltewllls. BH 7-3727. 30 ACRE FARM, modern 4W Idmdlclown. N. I. rtUMSON — Four-room, bath, uofur- at. No. 35 time, mechanical experience preferred. 1-31B2. room home, out buildings, road LOST — Female holer, fawn color, MOTORCYCLE — 1861. Honda Super llshed apartment In older house. Ltm- Dally D-D SAturday-Aunday 1OT MUSIC FOR ALL OCCASIONS. CA Call BH 1-9841. UocroR are*. -Bewerd. Sports. 11(0. Call ted to two adults. $50 moctlily, plus frontage. $18,000 TERINO. BOB KOTtLENZA. OS V •SH T-3707 787-M04 rieat snd utilities. J. L. Mlnugti Asency ASSISTANT OARDBNER for private 2(71. MERCHANDISE Rumson Rd., Sea Bright RU 1-0716. estate, year-round. Must nave some e i 1917 DODQE OIL TRUCK C.O.E. 1,201 13 ACRE FARM, large farm WATERFRONT gallon tank, fetreamllne, two speed rear, WE BUY — Corrugated and Scrap perlence. Call between 12-1 or after FOR SALE UMMER RENTAL — FuniialieJ 2-3-4' Paper. Rags, scrap metal and iron. 6 p.m. 8H 1-2B32. house, one three-room apartment TRAVEL - TRANSPORTATION ticket printer meter, J5O0. c m 787-0256. Call edroom apartments. North Long BH 1.1079. OCEANPORT-Weli built, yearIranch, oceanfront, private beach. CA and one four-room apartment SPACE now Available on ipeclal ex- 1954 BUICK SUPER HARDTOP — Ex-LET u s make your old asphalt drive* WANTED — Milk route salesmen for 9-WS3. HAMMOND round bungalow situated on fully Two-car garage, $21,000. r « i commuter'* but from Red Bank, cellent condition. Must sell Call AT way lock new again. Do tt yourself or delivering and soliciting. Possibility o1 lurchaslng route. Write "Milkman, T H £ £ ROOM unfurnished apartment. bulkhcaded waterfront propert; [iddlelown, K«yport via Parkway and 1-0817-W. ORGAN STUDIO call 0 3 1-1050. Hiddletown Garden Cei !ox 511. Red Bank. H5 Call SH 1-1063. or RU 1- approximately 50x190 containlnt 36 ACRE FARM, 288' road frontTurnplko to 60th Street and Eighth Ave. 1957 CHEVROLET, four-door Hardtop, ter, Highway 35. OP ASBURV. PARK 2110. For information call SH 1-8167 after sedan. White. Radio, neater power steer. Royal Artist Cliord % 135 screened-in front sunporch, liv- age, modern four-room ranch MACHINE PRESSER ?OR I R E S WORK. C4O tree servlci «:30 p m . Ing and brakes, whltewftUt. One own' TWIN QABLB—Apartments. Four-room Thomas Bplnet Organ 1 895 Topping, trimming, remorei. Call U To press children's and ladles' coat two-story seven-room er. Excellent condition. 811 7-4500. apartment on riverfront S16$ month. ing room with fireplace, modern home, iammond Chord 8-6 f 705 2-1220 for tree estimate!. Pull Insurance and car coats. Some experience nee spacious kitchen, three bedrooms home. Out buildings. $25,000. I 650 BH l - 2 m BARGAIN — (BOO. RENAULT lou coverage. essary in factory, dry cleaners or laun Conn Bplnel Organ Hammond M-3, Onk 4 095 TKRSE KOOMS — Cnfurnlstied, Hot and bath, enclosed rear pore! AUTOMOTIVE door green sedan, low mileage, perfei dry, Shore Clothing, SS Leonard St., Studio Upright Piano A 16i water, heat, bath. condition, 11 months old. Heater, radio. GRASS CUTTINO - Reel or rotary. Red Bank. combination aluminum scree, 21 ACRE FARM, 1000" road frontNo Job too big or small. 8H 7Call RU 14301 alter 4 p.m. BALES AND SERVICE SH 1-4915 AUTOS AND TRUCKS 6211. EXPERIENCED MAN—Warehouse »n< and storm windows throughoul age, V/i story home, out buildRENTAL AND INSTRUCTION 1957 FORD four-door. VSautomatli ONE ROOM apartment, Couples only. stock room work. Chance for advanceing, small bungalow. $24,000. DETECTIVE AGENCY TUB CAB OF TOUR DREAMS transmission. Radio, heater, new tire SECURITY ment. Pleasant -working conditions, re- Open Cally Till 9 — Saturday Till S-.30 11 Cherry 81, New Shrewsbury. OB 1- the house. Automatic gas heat Uniform guards, plant protection, conIKS IMPERIAL, CONVERTIBLE — Oood condition. 1650. SH 7-4273. position, good salary. Call OL- COOKUAN AVE. AND UAIN ST. 3355. Reasonable taxes only $165 i 20 ACRE FARM, two story home, struetlon, (porting and special events. sponsible fleld 3-8437. This la robin e g * blue, with a brand 194E FORD — Convertible. Oood tires, Experienced Investigators. 203 Main OUR ROOMS and bath. All Improve- year. If you like the rivertronl PR 5-M00 new while top. The Interior l l genuine rebuilt engine. Good condition. S t . Keaniburg, N. J. 787-B2SS. ments. Centrally located Red Bank. and the enjoyment of having youi ten rooms, 813' road frontage, PARTS DEPARTMENT MANAGER white leather. Its equipment plui the A.A.C. DESK OUTLET — New an CO 4-1093 '" montrily. BH 1-8036 after 1 p.m. two-car garage, tliree-room bunMASON — Dry wells, laterals, patips, Full Hedged parts man. Must have e x used desks, files, storage cabinets, 179 vaual power Itemi Include! swivel in automobile agency, Cnrys-1 typewriters, adding machines, brlc-a THREE BOOUB unfurnished. Hie uteh- own boat in your backyard, thil alow, out buildings. $22,000. aeati, auto pilot, power windows, pow. 1959 AMBASSADOR four-door Wagon sldewallu anil septlo tanks. CaU BU I- lerlence er preferred. Write "Parts Dept., brae and antiques. At low, low prices, n and bath, 32 Waverly PI., Red is a rare find! Asking price o • r teat*, new tlret, automatic head' Fully powered and equipped. Call ~ 1078. Box 511, Red Bank, lUtlng qualificaRoute 35, (opposite KJ Warehouse lank. Rent f!3O. Year round only. $16,000 warrants your immediat* 15 ACRE FARM, 970' road frontVint dimmer. Stop In and lee thli. 2-231&. HAVE SEDAN WILL TRAVEL - To d<. tions, age, etc. Oakhurat. K B 1-3S90. BH 10203 or SH 7-4117. odd lobs such as cellars pumped out inspection. EXCLUSIVE! five-room bungalow, out small lawns, fence building, window MANAGER-Experienced, wanted for a ORGANIC GLAUCOMTE - Bulk see APARTMENT — On bus line, river buildings, also three-room bungacleaning and minor repairs. All work Sunny Hunoy Restaurant in Asbury and farm supplies. SWAETZEL'S Holm view, utilities, garage Included, no peta. MOBILE HOMES guaranteed land reasonable. Call TJfcD Park. Call CO 4-5774, after 8 p.m. del Rd. by railroad. Hazlet. — 1-12M. low. $20,000. at LI 2-0242. LAYOUT SETUP Men and Welders, exTELBVIBION — aood condition, FOUR ROOMS fully furnished, very A MOBILE HOME perienced on heavy plate fabrication 10" DIRECT FACTORS DEALEJta tor 110. 36" table top gas range, S10. fine neighborhood. -Ttay Woolley, Agent, 3 ACRE FARM, % mile, highTo Fit Your Budget and pressure vessels. Peterson Boiler fLYMOUTH. VALIANT, IMPERIAL. 160 Church St., Long Branch. By apway road frontage, five-room small down payment on new and uie and Tank, Inc., 150 Railroad Ave., 12 qrandvlew Ave,, Keansburg, 787-3733 pointment. CHRYSLER Day or night phone, CA 2EMPLOYMENT Paterson. Apply In person. TYPEWRITERS, ADDING macUlus 3211. home, out buildings, $16,000. 287 Oceanport Ave. Oceanpoi 141 Welt Front Bt. Red Sank Many to chooie from. Low rate fiAll makes oew or used. Guaranteed nancing. HELP WANTED-FEMALE SHadyalde 74787 ELECTROLUX CORPORATION Low as S25. Berplco'B. 101 Manmout 'OUIt-ROOM furnished apartment, all WE REFUSE TO BE UNDERSOLD Liberty 2-3500 or Liberty 2-350 St. Next to (neater. SH 7-O4S5 MEN wanted over IX. Sates and serv. utilities iuroUed. Curlln Aiency. AT 1OPEN NIGHTS ice. Mechanical background helpful. 60E EXBRCYCI^B — Like new. 1225, 111360O. COLLEGE STUDENTS FA1RV1EW — Three-bedroom ran. 1M1 CHEVROLET HALF TON PICK Prospect Ave.. Little Silver Shoppln per monui. -Cal! BH 7-1524 RED BANK — Unfurnished three rooms on quiet,, lovely street. Handy to Rei UP. BRAND NEW. CALL AND TEACHERS Center. SH 1-2070. evenings antl batfi, all utilities, ground floor. Bank or Jtlddletown. Finished cellai AT 1-3831 To work from Red Bank telephon YOUNG MEN—Training for opportuniSee after 5 p.m, 68 Harding Bd., Redattached garage, large 1 Mobile Homes Sales 1951 FORD — <-door. Good runnlni sales office. Start 6 p.m. Most hav ties with AIRLINES. See our a d under ELECTRIC RANOE - portable dlsn Bank. HWY. 35 EATONTOWN lot. back fenced. 12100 down, washer and Fedder's atr conditioner. condition. Call CDIfai 4-2589 before Rt. 35 PArkway 14858 South Amlioy good telephone voice.'auaranteed earn- Instruction. Central Technical Institute. All new In boxes, won on quiz pro* THREE ROOM APARTMENT — AHall on O.I. loan. BH 1-0131. mgs. For Interview call 8H 1-2137 afte p.m. 1100. t l 2-1153 MOBILE HOMES grain. Call OS l-(l!>05. 8 p.m. utilities. FurhlahPfj, Church Lane, Mid* B1X-K00M flANCH-Attached garagi MAN TO WORK In Red Bank hard 1952 C A D K J J A C — S d l for highest bid. Used • 10$ down illelown. OS 1-370S. mil toaement, large lot near Bt. Mary' SHORE MULTIPLE LISTING Moving to California. Call CA 24200 New • 7-year financing TELEPHONE SOLICITORS to « o r ware store. Write P. O. Box 205, Rei 9" DEWALT table saw, like new. J170. % h.p. motor, }I5. U h.p, motor, 17. 7NFURNI8HED atx-room apartment, school and church. 42 Henry Dr., Nsi extension 422. irom home, preferably three hour* Bank. SERVICE ROBB1NSVILLE dally. No selling guaranteed. C&ll 110 2- PART-TIME SALESMAN — Red Ban 0 3 l-22«. second floor. In Red Bank. Call 8H 1- Monmouth. OS 14916. IBM H1LLMAN convertible, excellent TRAILER BALES. INC. 2550 alter 1 p.m. LITTLE SILVER - Three-bedrooi area North. Excellent opportunity t COLORED BURLAP — 22 smash colon 7076. condition. Quick sale, Branch | location - RU. 33 and LOT OWNERS ranch. On tree-ihadecl private acr< supplement income. Protected territory, "or shaggy decor or dressmaking. REOISTERED NURSES all shifts. Write lends THREEROOM FURNISHED apartColllngwood Park. N. J. HI 3-2591 you a n cooitdtrl&g building nrhhln furnished. Call for appointment. FOAMART Rte 35 EATONTOWN ment near bui and shopping center, 91 Jaloualcd bteetew&y, brick paUo, Cui U "NURSEB" Box 611, :om exlra,i. Asking $32,000. SH 1-810: the nsxt six months, you a n Invited PR 5-24(7. PORSCHE - W59. 1600N coupe. 22.600 1957 WE3TWOOD TRAILER — 50xl( Red Bank. Wept Bergen PI.. Red Bank. SLENUEKIZING EQUIPMENT - For to send' (or our Uluitr&ted brocbure mllea, Blaupunkt radio, aeat belts, deep fully equipped, extras. Quick sale. Cal POUT MONMOUTH AREA — Par ot designs and. layouta. Wft otter exgreen, absolutely cleanest in the area. HI 3-2562 NURSES AIDS — All Ihlfti. Apply MAN to do part-tlme work in automo rent or salei free delivery. Souta Jer- ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — J^-room Ave. and Main S t New Cape Cod >tyl< perienced, custom bulldlni t t developSURGICAL SH 7.2C14. CA 2(295. In pereon Brookdale Nursing Home. bile agency, p a n s department and/oi modern apartment. Fine residential i e o Two bedrooms, living room, kitchen, it; clerical experience preferred. Auto ment prices. Excellent nouicliif ftvail332S Hwy 35, flatlet. TORO LAWN MOWER — Must tlon. 6 Third Ave., AT 1-0586-J. bath, baseboard hot water heat, 70xl< 1952 STUDKBAKKR — Radio, heater, motive knowledge a must. Writ 30" lelt. No reasonable otter refused. BH WEST KEANSBURG—Builneflfl or re- lot, built-in oven and ranjs top. Tc able. overdrive. Excellent. Call SH 7-1524 BEAUTICIAN — Full or pact lime. Auto," Box 511, Red Bank. AUTO PARTS-REPAIRS HULBH INC. evenings. Top salary. Exclusive shop. Writ tired couple. Three rooms, bath, large door, full back dormer unfinlshc Rte. 39 t t Portia Bt,, South Amboy l'r.ced i t $11,900. Cull OS 1-0210 VORNADo auto a i r conditioners. It "Beautician", hax 511, Red Bunk. VERMONT HARD ROCK MAPLE tain cellar, duplex house. Heat, hot water, OS PAt Way MH06V 1958 VOLKSWAGEN - Very good con- lulled in your car lor 1209.95. Ret 1-O02S after 5 p.m. rent *85. Cal! Mrs. B. Tiech, 10 a.m. RELIABLE WOMAN to take care ol HELP WANTED-Male • Femal six chairs, two leaves, $125. Practicall dition. Qertaan Blaupunkt radio, four Bank Radiator. 8H 1-1177. ml 2 p.m. or from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. MNCROFT — Ranch. Three bedroom: LEONARDO — I00xl2\ nice itreet, new. Call BH 7-45SG. children. Call after 6 p.m. SH 1 new tires, Bkl carrier. Aiklni IflSu. close to bus, icboolB, stores, reason787-3094. 7003. BARB EMPLOYMENT AOENCY Call any time CA H-3M3. two lull baths, living room, dining arei AIR COMPRESSOR with 10 gallon lark. Qualified Personnel Tor Quality Orders. $25. Two oil meters, not ticket printers. TWO ROOMS, private bath, first floor, New wQll-io-wall carpeting electrl iblo AT 1-3738. TYPIST — 18-25, to work In office ol 178 Broadway. Long Branch. CA. 2-474^ WANTED LOTS OR ACREAGE — Red kitchen with dishwasher. BreaJtfai iihed. 1(6 Bridge Ave. «25 each. Call 787-0386. •OATS & ACCESSORIES 1957 FORD FAIRLANE large corporation. Located In Eed tc-m, utility room, farn.ily room, c Bank-MldrHMown-HolmdH-Colts N e c H Rpd Bank dank. Some knowledge of stenograph 8WIMMIN0 POOL — Esther Wllllai laf, jfarage. Fully -ttinbttiapetl tt *cr< area aultable for custom born* building. 500 BOAT SLIP for re.nt, up to 16', out'and pleasant personality; required. Qooii REAL ESTATE SALES PEOPLE 16x32, new. unpacked, complete _. UNFURNISHED APARTMENT - Four Immediate Seaboard Realty Co.. Rte. 39 a t Portia occupancy. '6H* 7^505. TwtMlo WANTED hardtop, «ha.rp, two-tone. boards only. Boat* for hire. Tooker'l starting pay, snort hotint, (ive (Jay :ludlng fences, etc. Originally $5,000, roomi and bath, newly decorated. Heat, 91060. Refreshment Stand, foot of Atlantl Week, Regular pay Increases.' Writ For new house development sates, laorlflce lor J1800, first come. PA 1-312! electric and hot water supplied. Call UNCnOFT — Beautiful elght-roo; St., South Amboy. PA 1-5T00. Street, Highlands. HI 3-3483. Will train to license. Write "Saiei' "Typist" Box 511, Red Bank. AT 1-2653 after 6 p.m. ranch. Approximately 1% acres. Ml NEW MONMOUTH — IM Box 511, Eed Bank. £2,700. 0111 787-4M8 be seen. Call SH 1-9085. 14' THOSIP8ON RUNABOUT — Till RELIABLE WOMAN to care for chilFOUR-HOOM apartment, two bedafter 3 p.m. bed trailer. 40 hp. Elgin. All excel dren while mother works, In' KeyporL PERSON COMMUTING to Trenton eac! ALTENBURG PIANO HOUS' rooms, large living room and kitchen, SACRIFICE morning about 7 a.m. to carry amal lent condition. AT 1-1523. CO 41371 after 4:30. recently re decor at ed. May be Been at CHEVROLET Rent A Piano $12 per Month iny time. flH 1-7K>3. package. Call Sll 1-1123. US First Ave., Atlantic Highlands 12' FIBEROLAS8 COVERED BOA EXECUTIVE POSITION — Local cor Below $13,000 REAL ESTATE WANTED REAL ESTATE SALES — To epocializi KNABE. MASON-HAMLIN, SOHME town, three-bedrooTa" ranch, cei AT 1-3830 Open 'til » p.m. with 14 h.p. Evlnrude outboard. R poration requires services of woman farms, estates, and land, Norlherr CABLE-NELSON. EVERETT. 6TEC1 HARLEY DAVIDSON motorcycle. 74, conditioned and In water, 1179. SH 7-013' executive qualified to deal with people. in trally located. Many extras. AVt% V WB N I B D USTINQS — Prompt proCounty. Excellent opi>ovtun •ood condition. SH 1-0003. ask for Wil-20' AUXILIARY BLOOP - Hust sell Write "EXECUTIVE" Box 511. He'Monmouth COMMERCIAL RENTALS mortgago can bo assumed. For full li Cookman' Ave. ft Main St., Asbury Ps. fessional service. Homes ibmrn »y t p Ity. rotlred army officer or BChoo ™-ik TWO-BEDROOM bungalow, excellei polnlment only; liam Butler, between 8-4:30. lormntion call 787-1487. by June 28. Asking 1500. Call AT teacher, Experienced or inexperienced Open dally till 9 Sat. till 5:30 BTORE FOR RENT - On White St. neighborhood, low taxes. Close to schoi FASHION LAYOUT ARTIST - With Inexperienqed person will be trained 19(7 BUICK ROAPMASTEIt, A l run- 3262. Call your own broker or Call SH ?• Anking price (9100. For appolatm PI! 5 9301 McGowan Ryan Agency n l n | condition, full power, new tires, 16" LVMAN RUNABOUT—25 h.p. 8col department store experience. Five day !>y experienced broker. Member ol 1100. Sfl 7-4019. body and Interior Immaculate. $1350 electric starting motor, navy top. wind week. Liberal benefita Apply Person- American Management Association ami FOR LUSH. OREEN LAWNS all sum8H 7-3000 Red Bar.lt FOR RENT — Center ot BEACON BEACH KBANSBURa firm. 7874323. shield, full cover, remote controls am nel office, 8te!nbach Company, Asbury National Saiea Executives Club, Excei mer feed now with TEitRORGANlC. OFFICE lent opportunity to enter rewarding ant 100% organic fertilizer. Will not burn, town. Call your own broker or phone Three bedrooms, large living rooi LIST JOUR HOMO WITH WALKER a wheel, trailer, cushions, man] Park. 1967 FORD CONVERTIBLE — Aulo steering Interesting field of real estate. Musi Onl/ J3.95 a bng. CONRAD SMITH SH 7-1100. kitchen, bath. New roof, screen pore other accessories. J600 firm. AT 1-000 WALKER Un ottlce that oftara com. OPERATORS — Experienced on plastk be capable ot dealliiK with execuUvt matlo transmission, power steering. evenings and weekends. and garage. Lot 100x100. Could sub-d ami cloth l a c M s . A. L. Garlall, Inc. level clientele. Write Sea Board K ) NURSERY, Tlnton Ave., Tlnton Fall STORE FOR RENT — Downtown Red vide and winterize. Asking £6,50 plete aervlce. We take nouses In trade. Call alter 5 p.m. BH 1-4430. Bank. Excellent location. Call 8H 7- Schwelzer Agency. Frances Walter WK finance, we appraise, ind Den ot til 713 13th Ave. Belmar. Any Doat you want Co., Hte. 35 at Portia St.. South Amboy GERANIUMS 25c eftcli, many Hal 5501 19ST CHEVROLET — Four-door, VS. tAKUAlft or LI 2-1605. we aclL Walker & Walker. Real Estate, l own. Low oank rates Financing ar Brokers, 205 Main St., Keansburg. 71 Full power, 31,000. Immaculate, reason- canaements completed in one call ai COMPANION — Light housework, "small BOOKKEEPER — Experienced, fu plants a t J1--5 R f »t at trits End l uraiice. Onerj 1 dtya, fihrewibur; Season clearance sale. Harmony Green LOPOE ROOM for rent. Center of 0123. in. o t l c t r s H M i l l Raman office. CO «able. BH 1-7I1D. .. iny of oui officea THE MONMOUTH apartment, sleep charge Including general ledger am town. Could be unrd also Tor office house, 41 White St., East Keansburg. SH 7-3S91 COUNTY NATIONAL BAKK. SH trial balance. Good opportunity. Writ TOM94T. 52U. • apace. Approximately 2.400 aq, I t Write NEW MONMOUTH BPUT LEVEL I (100 Living room, dining room, modei HBLP1 —• Four or five bedroom home HOSTESS — For formal dining room. "Bookkeeper," Box fill, Red Bank. 'LODGE" Box 511. Red Bank. AUTOS AND TRUCKS TWO ELECTRIC NATIONAL cash reg kitchen, Ihree bedrooms with unff needed in St. James Parish. Red BanK Munt be experienced, be cttpiible ol INSURANCE - Marine, outboard-all handling ESTATE Isters. One service station model, one istied (oarth, laundry room, 12' x2 preferred. Around 120,000. Call SH 1waitresses, salary open, all Experienced,REAL forms. Rolnon Waterbury. Realtor, year position. Ivelp lor growlnj all purpose. Can be seen at the Llttl recreation room with custom bar, Reply P.O. Box 551, Redorganization. sales since 1B23 i t w. Front St.. SH 7-35O0 Bank. Excellent opportunity. Sliver Esso Service Center, opposlti 5212. WALKER * WALKER^ HOUSES FOR RENT SEE tached garage. Property 100'xl50' Moving to now, larger quarter* Jul Little Silver Railroad Station, Llttli MANY FURNISHED RENTALS - In quiot dead-end street. (U.SUQ. 18' OARW00D SPEED BOAT — N 1st. OS 1-2727, Mr. Mergrl. Silver. brokers, Call OS 1-0839. LEGAL NOTICE motor. (75. Call after S p.m. St YOUNG WOMEN—Training tor oppor. nil prices and sizes. Ella Wiltshire tunltles with AIKLINE8. See our ad un7-5887. Agency, USD Ocean Ave., Be* Bright. BELFORD — Must sell lovely Ca; der Instruction. Central Technical Ii SALESMAN OR WOMAN wanted, £u time only, Mu§t have salesman's 1 8E 2-WHM Open seven tlay* Cod. Two-bedroom, expansion attic, fi 20' JOHNSON BROTHERS Sea Skiff itltute. BT. JAMES1 cmntcB FOR cense. Very high commlBsionB and gen Chrysler 111) h.p. Less than 100 hDun '.VIDE SELECTION OF RENTALS - cellar. Corner lot, nice location. Frl< ALUMINUM COMBINATION use. Electric bilge pump, navy top, OFFICE WORKER—Permanent post irous floor time, member of multlpl LONG BRANCH, N. 1. Furnished and unfurnished. Immed- J12.300. 787-8889. STORM WINDOWS listing office with wide open posalhllitlon. Must be fast typist and good at cockpit canvas, excellent condition. ata occupancy. Samuel Teictier Agency HAZLET — Split level eight roomi rnorosAL llgures. Apply Martin Rubber Co., Long tics. HAKRY A. KEARNEY & CO, SH 7-5740. Oceanport Ave.. Oceanport. Call or dial 1 Vi baths. Fencpd yard, large lam 08 I-0GOO. Branch A v e , Long Branch. 8t James' Church, Broadway at LI 2-3500 or 1,1 2-3501. scaped l o t City sewers. Lovely nelgl Slocum PI.. Lone WANTED — Penguin sailboat, second N. J,. will AND Excellent commuting. Aaklr receive sealed bidBranch, hand, KOou condition. Call Ponali SALESLADIES—Over 21. Full a n i part PBHBON WHO HAS lewlng machine I Three-cl)annel tilt, triple Intert, proposals on MonSUMMER RENTAL — Three rooms, borhood. $l7,noo May assume GI mortgage. Ale Campbell, DI 42300, 8 8. (New York time-. Apply In person only Red Bank dn sewing-, with knowledge of the tailo Itclien, pantry, hath room. FurnlBhefl. J. Eckstlen, Inc. Call TUcker T-tM day, July 24. 1961. at 2 p.m., at the triple tilt action! Youth Center, 20 Broad St., or Mld-business, 2S5 Broad St., Eatontown. LI pariah office, 300 Broadway, for the week. Inquire 37 Oak Bt., Keans48' CHESAPEAKE SLOOP - 4' draft rtlctown Youth Center, Shopping Center, M5flfl PROWN'S 32 BROAD ST., RED BAN! S*O burg. LINCROFT three-bedroom ranch. Ne\ construction of a two-story steel frame new dlesel, good sails, one cabin fin Mlddletown. SHadyalde 1-7500 building wllh masonry walli and ihed, make olfer. PA 1-31B9. Brown SHOWCASES — Suitable Tor any type EATONTOWN — Unfurnished, two bed-\y painted. Large dining area and H school Highest Trade-in GENERAL HOUSEKEEPER — Live In room, full baiiement, on opproj concrete floors. Boatyard, Morgan, N. J Btore — MUST SELL*. Inquire at 26 •oom house. |100. month. LI 12400, I Bidders may be required to qualify assist with children, references. (4 SITUATIONS WANTED, Female Allen Piaccs Red Hank matp 100x140 landscaped plot. $172 jotwecti 9 and 5:30. MARAUDER — A-l condition. 17'. fa •eekly. SH 7-31G0. to t i n aatufaction ol the Rector. WarAllowances on All Makes family SH 7-16Gfi. WILL HELP WITH PARTIES, dinners, u u w a - Savq $200 oc more off lit sailer, dacs and trallerabl dens, ana Vestrymen as to financial X-R-OOM two-story house wnn bath, other occasions. Cal) rice o n . brand new 89 note Spirt modern kitchen, new floors and furn- MONMOUTH BEACH — Modern ranc! responsibility and the capability of elSate* • Service) • Parts AT V3KM. two bedrooms, garage attached, gi BH 1-8881. tlclent execution of the work. lanoa. Ten year guarantee. Come se ,ce. redecorated. With option to buy. FLOATING DOCK — with ramp (orccd air hfBt Screens, awnings M HELP WANTED—MALE The Rector, Wardens, and Vestrymen Ws service what we set J85 month. BH 7-39R0. TWO slaters hatlly In need ol wor Dnd save. Music 18'xlO'. extras. Private ocean and river beacli of St. James' Church reserve the right Store. 306 Main St BE 2-1747-W CORNWELL STUDIOS has snips open- during school vacation, age 18 and 16.V'enzer's SIX LARGE ROOMS, tile bath. Ideally included. Principals only. CA 2 0176. to reject any and all base bids and •akewoorl F n 3-21M Mrs. Riiinaey. SH 1-JT.67. ing in' established repeat business tericated. Oil heat. Available July 1. any and all alternative bidB, waive any 16' FIBEROLAB - - Runabout:(ln water) •Uory. Close orders on ch'ld'a photon THE MOST FOR THE MONEY—Foil Informalities Ain.CONpiTIO SS~coNpm6NEn % toil wit] Call OS 1-1055. and award contracts In EXPERIENCED his), school glrli thermoetat. complete with Ice hox anil accessories, that bedroom colonial boasting master 17 part or as a whole |75. |75. 1\ Vornado roi roiar photographers have already TWO ] as may be deemed want babysitting for summer. Refer plus berth for season paid for. "tv 'alten.our NEW SCENIC HILLSIDE — Three-bedxl3, 1 ,£ baths, ipaclous living nnd dl ith grass catcher, $13. OS Experience preferred, cur neces- encrii. 8H 1-0755 or BH 1-9455. mower with b e n tor tha Interest ot St. Jarata' H. P. Evlnrude, motor with steering. iay. Immediate, room, three bath house, near Atlantic ing room, modem kitchen with wi Church. high earnings Ocean 184 4 In Hp top shape. 14B5. AT 1-1565 attc; 158 First Ave. AT 1-3630. S p.m. and week-ends. Highlandn Yacht Basin. Ocean view. oven, full basement, garage. Convc ind Monmouth Counties. Call Mr. Al HIGH SCHOOL GIRL desired babysitA copy of the plans and specifications FOURTH OF JULY SPECIAL - Bern Unfurnished. Call KU 1-1381. tent to shopping ami school, Only $t irektasen collect Lincoln 7-2713, ting job during summer. Home cr al tifui be on Hie tn the office ot the ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS geraniums, all colors, 55 per down f»00, Walker A Walker, 661 Broad Si will Has driver's license. Qualilie SPIWAK Rector, 300 Broadway, for the use of LONO BRANCH — Tliree bedrooma, SAILBOAT IS' Lightning Class win 'ART-TIME EXPERIENCED nervlc bench FLORIST, 09 Ave. of Tw Shrewsbury.SH 1-6212. Member Mu Open 8 a.m.-9 p.m. Sat. to S prospective bidders during busines» nttached garage- Imincdlflto occupancy. pip Listing Service. trailer. Ready to sail. Two sets o tatlon attendant tor Saturdays and references. Call SH 1-9083. nivers. RU 1-0674. _ hours, 9 to 12 a.m.. on Tuesday, June LI 2-162B. __ _^ 'alts, one spinnaker. Excellent conn! undays. Apply Llltle Silver Esso Serv- COLLEGE JUNIOR - Desires Successor to Wellcr Auto Salei PIECE HvlriR room set. Thrn 27, 1901. and may be procured upon tha ion. Jl.ooo or b e n offer. Call u --e Center or call SH 1-S6B0 between employment. Will babysit ot any time, THREE MII>DLETOWN TWO-BBDROO deposit of SI8. MinDLETOVVN~TTirM-lieilroom ranch,' custiloncd sofa, Rensonable, 231 Bprin ind 4 p.m. RU 1-1603. 0779. attached finragp. Sublet, available Au< RANCH. LARGE LOT, LOW TAX. June 20, 2). 22, 23. 28 St.. Red Bank, N.J. «!.3O $12,300. 0 8 1-0389. HIGH SCHOOL Rraduale, honor ntudpnl JOWA MOTORCYCLE — 195H wltl gust 1. 787-6730. dofllren summer work: PBX and baby, 8,000 miles, new $500, asking $150. \' PORT MONMOUTH — Oni« year old t sitting experience, fill 1-7810. three-bedroom ranch on 75x100 lot. CaU 1-3267, CAPAHLE YOUNG woman, college tie MAPLE TWIN BEDS — Chest of draw. days 787-4077. Evenings nflpr R 787-5765, gree (ES). Varied experienced, Ucslre ers, LEONARDO — Kour-room bungalow, Hollywood bed, Walnut liedronm summer employment. Monday thru Frl iet, lamps, etc. Reaaonablf. CA 9-359! year roumi rental. unliirnlchcO, $60. clay. Shorthand 120 W.P.M., typing 7 Curtln Agency. AT 1-3600. W. P.M. SH 1-R.1SI4 Monday-Thursday EXECUTIVE DESK—72" X <2", leatl V A C A T l 6 5 ~ 6 S LONG BBACTil IS" 3:30-10:^0 a.m. or 3-8 p.m. swivel chair, one lea.ther straight ba A HANDY GUIDE OF BUSINESS SERVICES TO SUIT YOUR MANY NEEDS! LAND? Summer cottage near hay and chair one wooden arm chair, n COMPETENT HlfiM SCHOOL (senlo around file cabinet. All like new. B ocean. July JS-22 nnrl July 23 to Augtint desires summer Job. hnby-sltting a offer takes all. MIT 1-3165. 5 Mill or.cn at 575 per week. Cull SH hornp or bench. BH 7'5213. 1-5COT. BABY-SITTING - By experienced.""nitv CAR KADIO—Chevrolet. Will fit 1059 oi ATLANTIC HmilLANIia - Super three Adding Machines—Typewriters Floor Waxing Public Stenographer ture woman. Also acamsLrcti*. Refer 1&60 model Onn yenr old, good comll bedroom summer bungalow overlooking lion, $30. SH 7-2246. enpen. BH 7-5321. Sandy Hooli. Rcducrd to $G(M! for sumAPDINO MACHINES - Typewriters BARB SERVICES ASSORTED FURNITURE and B mer or racing seaflnn. A Ipw other sum•Old, rented, repaired. Berplco'a, 101 J. TANNAHILL - Floor wa«ln| and TYPINO — Publicity: Bookkeeping HIGH SCHOOL girl wlihe* Job as Moth Janitorial service. Commercial rest* Service, Mimeographing. Will pickup large Traverse draperies, kit mer rentals available. F.A. flphlhnus. Monraouth St., Red Bank. SH 7-O4BB. er'u hoflpor or daytime baby-sitting. SI Brae, dentlal. Low rites. 1S1-JT1» cablnels red formica lops. Kcnmon AT 1-O4B3. Leonardo. (Nest t-) P'"e & and deliver. Fast efficient, reason- 7-2033. wnahlnp machine. After 5 p.m., cal WhltP Run Tprmirmll. able Service. CA 0-350O. SH 1-648G. Appliance Repairs NEW SHrHmfBTUJyiy—SI-'" n.m'nrt.ilJ KITCHEN chairs recovercinil«T~r,ei rooms and bath, extra larue two-car APPLIANCE REPAIR and InstallaSITUATIONS WANTED, Male 5! ami up. Custom-made dinette g a R C . Located s i 24 Cherry St. Phone Fuel Oil - Heating Radio-Television Repair tion. Residential and commercial wirCABINET MAKER — Elpht years r ready-made dinettes and odd clialr SH 7-0165, ask for Mr. J. ing. Allen Electric SH 7-0012. A C KAPIO ft TELEVISION C O - perlence n Germany, deolres employ Monmouth Dinette. SH 1-88.13, FUEL OIL * HBAT1NO Call SH I- 123 Shrewsbury Ave. SH 1-4768 SERV- ment. LITTLE SILVER—Immediate occupanPreler year round. Laak, CA 2. 0610 Oil Delivery. Inc.. Servlc* * ICE WHILE VOU WAIT cy. Unfurnished. Short-time rental. Sev1132 Salea 3 Herbert S t . Red Bank. en rooms, three bedrooms and balli. Auctioneer Den, basement. GaraK*1. Elwuod A. 11' DUMP BODY truck available t a a. COATS - An essential' Auction Armstrong ARency. Realtor, C55 Prostrnsh from ynrdn. attics, eel Roofing, Siding and Insulation remove Appraisal Service "anywhere." 281 ppct Ave., Little Silver. SH 1-450(1. lore. etc. Also equipped /or contractlni Norwood Ave,. Deal. Phone KfCucigg. work, 10(10 yds, top soil, 5 . per yan 1-3481 Home Improvements Insulation A Siding Corp Certified BH 7-2141. Johns-Manvllle contractor. PR 5 0407 WANTED TO RENT JUST TAKE OVER PART-TIME EVENINGS and Wr-ekenrli or Adam LUu.maycr AT 1-0^02 —Mittdietnwn-Ited Bank area. 41 year Auto and Truck Rental ALTERATIONS, repairs, roofing, sidWANTED - Tllrco or lour-niuni apartBALANCE DUE ing, cabinet making. Free estimates. OLSON CO. IKC. - Roofing, Siding A of nge, neat appearnncp wants worl ment. Unfurnished. Available August AVIS—Rent • ne« car or truck. Low W. Murray I87-M71 piling In store, waiter In reMnurnnt, OF ONLY insulation. Installed nnd guaranteed let Couple. Reil Bank-Mlrinletown area. rales Maple Ave. Red Bank. HU 7 •onnter or ice cream, hot flop, hum Phone AT 1-1669. 050& H I 4-5211 Datl? 1 a.m.-10 p.m. D PfllflBRANO "The Carpenter." for 10 years PR 5 0105—AT 1 0540. hurgpr siand. Write "EVENINGS". Boi $284 511, Red Bank. WANTED - House to rent. Three Experienced alteration), repair work. bedrooms. Call out-Inside. SH M1S1, SH 74401. and pay $3 weekly! Building Contractor Sit 1-107B Tel. Answering Service INSTRUCTION WORKING HAN'S contractor-Alter THREE-BEDROOM unfurnished house NEW HOMES, alterations, repaira 3 Complete rooms of elegant, or apartment. Yearly rental, close to Highest quality work. For estimates atlona, addition!, painting, masonrr. LET US BE your secretary. No need all thota little loba LO S-ITli to miss calls. 24 hour answerlnR Brand new furniture schooin. Call LI 2-2150-Mr. Lewis. call Herbert fillgenrauch. SH 1-8201 service. SH 1-4700. YOUNQ ENGINEER and family deslte HrJD HANK ALUMINUM PRODUCTS • 8 pc. living room three-bedroom house General area ol Btorm window, siding. twnlnfB. • 0 pc. bedroom HH 7-2613 or SH 1-4828 Red Bank. $120 month. Call ME 4-O7W, • 5 pc. dinette Trucking Ex. , 3 , ~att6T~,6:30 p.m. Painting and Decorating and we throw In a guaranteed Cesspool Cleaning - All kinds ol LOUIS OA8SAN - Palmer, decorator, 0 * 0 TRUCKING reconditioned refrigerator! Specializing la anpllanca FURNISHED ROOMS akifUU I'ANKS dry wella serviced paperhuiger 25 ye>ra experlenoe 43 trucking. delivery p i t 6B071 day or night. Leaching field added. Baokhoe work. Chapm AVe BH 1-1701 after « p.m. ONE LARUE semi furnished room. c H wlleoo SB MM« . . Including private bath, 55fl r>or monlh. Training for Hoateuei.- Station Agent ICTItUOR ana exterior paintIncludes all utilities. AT 1-1584. Reiervatlonlitfl, Communlcatlonlsts, Hi 22 East Fronl Street Ing. decorating, and paper hanging Vacuum Cleaner Repair dlo Operators. Ticket Agents. If yoi HOTEL liBL AIR — 12a Brighton Ave.. Estimates cheernillT given IV w China and Glass Repair Keyporl, N. J. have high school diploma, write loi Long Branch. Sleeping rooms by tiny stlifx ill »3KK . ELGUTROLUX Interview to "Airline Training, Cen week. Nightly, single, 13; double, !5. HXFUR'l MENlll.NU - China, .lass For Appointment Dial CO 4-3022 or S a l t . Service Supplies Iral Technical Institute" Box Oil, c/t Weekly t i o and up. •liver retinlshlni and plating. Tharm- CARL B JONES-Painting aod dec- 720 Mtltlaon Ave , Asbury Pick Fot lied Bank Resisler, P.eil Bnnlf. Just "You've talked about retiring—here's four good on«i In oa buckeu. China ft O l a u 8hou, 141 orating, oenerai contracting. Freei prompt home service or free checkup send your name, age, education, ad- STORE HOURS: Monday thru Saturdn PLEASANT ROOM. In private home. Sroeu) fit. Red Bank. SB 7-4100. 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Thursday estimates. Call «H M343. 31 boura on roar Eleetrolux. call PR I-OMI dress and phone number. Next lo bath, near business flection. the Red Bank Register Want Ads for only $32,001" Friday avenlnss 'IUfl'.OOp.m. Gentleman prelerred. SH 7-37B2. WAJfTXD «• JKJMMAR -""Dtnk" or "SHnaJwrt". ReuooiMe priet. Call JfcUm) JBelli» J4Lt CONSTANCE SMITH CONSTANCE SMITH BERG Call Classified—SH 1-0010 or OS 1-0525 NIGHTS, SATURDAY AND SUNDAY Dial SH 1-1110 MCCARTHY REAL ESTATE FOR RENT THE BERG AGENCY £ Maurice Schwartz & Sons SAMUEL TE1CHER AGENCY CHAFFIN AGENCY REALTORS HILL MCCARTHY k McCARthy Free Installation CHEVROLET 6 for $77 Save Money! MCCARTHY CHEVROLET CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY QUICKIES Lovely to Look a t . . So Easy to Own* We Are Now Interviewing Young Men and Women to Train for Opportunities With Airlines t THRIFT WAREHOUS By KE/V REYNOLDS tntda by the Italian team daring technique* can bring out the orM OuffieMer Leon Wagner of tin Sharon Brockwty. Nancy White, Lo« A&eeles Aagel* hit JO horn* th* three season* It has been giiuU chiseling. Join Temko, Helen Johnson, L*. working in the area, about 10 Frova «tld the stone probably mn« to I860, Sixteen were hit lot ratable girl basketball pltyer, aore Riuao, Mary Sleeves w u cut from limestone taken Rocbetter and four 'or St Louii. mite* south of Haifa, Truscelto. Srtteben McClellan was awardFrova a i d efforts will be from nearby Mount Cartnet. After ed a trophy a* outatandlBg girl The cheerleader* received eer pushed to learn more from the its 'original use, it • probably physical education atudeot BiU Uficttes, They Include Nancy greyish, rectangular-shaped slab, served as building material when Jacko was the athlete having the Spina, captain, JoAnne Coote, eo which measures about 12 inches, inches the- theater was reconstructed In best echolaatfe record. Roland captain, Caren Conklin, Gretchen CAESAREA, Israel (AP) - long, 24 inches wide and 6 inches * e late Romas period several Brown was rewarded as the most McClellan, B a r b a r a Renshaw, centuries after Pontius Pilate's! Archaeologists are tryiag to deimproved basketball play. John Pamela Steen, Nancy Lynch, death. cipher four lines of Latin on a Fraebel was named the mm' Brendt Harris, Gail Westee, MauIt was found in the rutns of a limestone slab in an effort to The Italian team and its 100 valuable aoftbail player whil reen Scalf, Joan Henry and two Roman theater which once seated learn a little more atxwt Pontius Israeli helpers have excavated Gregory Williams was consider* alternates Mary Reilly and-Chrisabout 5,000. The theater had been Pilate, the Roman procurator of hundreds of granite and marble the outstanding, sottball player. tine Bennett.' laid bare since 1959, but the stone Judeij who ordered the crucicolumns at Caesarea, founded by Mike Connelly received an award Three priies were awarded in went unnoticed until an Israeli' fixion of Christ. King Herod about 35 B.C. and for outstanding sportsmanship. each grade in the creative writworker assigned to clean it reThe slab, found recently in this cently came across the Latin let named in honor of Augustus Members of the boys' softba ing contest In the sixth Caesar. jcienit capital of the Romans in [teripg." . . •' . Per team received pins. Members in- Nancy Webb won first; Margaret Palestine A» _ ine oa the ieastern Mediter:luded Robert Livingston, Rob- Schwartz, second; and Florence ranean coast, bears the words The stone is only partly presq. MISSING INGREDIENT Little ert Cobianchi, Richard Leonard, Bernhard, third. In seventh grade " . . . This Pilata"-the Latin served and the inscription is in- DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) complete. Of the four lines on the 3ary Game, Peter Rose, Miki Jean Lee Kulnyi was first; Kathy name for Pilate. [The surburban Urbanews recently .tellly, Daryl Robertson, Kermi Reilly. second; and Nancy Gra- Archaeologists and Biblical preserved part, the word "Tiber-] published notice of the first pracJiolars called it the first arch- ium" is discernible on the first tice for the Urbandale softball Brown, James Tillman and Carl ham, third. For the eighth grade scholars Joseph Thomas Tvnrfirst; Mary leologlcal evidence of Pilate. line. Frova assumes the stone JeAngelis, manager. team. The paper neglected to Schutt, second; and Carolyn Hand Previously he was known only was used to dedicate the theater identify the team as a gals' outBoys receiving pins for playing third. o the Emperor Tiberius, who as* through the gospels and the writfit. >asketball were John Muller, cended the throne in 14 A D . iienry Nelson, Mike Connelly, Three prizes were awarded in ings of the Jewish historian. Jo- Pontius Pilate was governor cfj Quite a few males showed up — HAIUT. N. J. Tim Skibowski. Roland Brown each grade for the safety poster sephus Flavius. Judea from 28 A.D. to 36 A.D. but not one girl, so the workCO 4-8060 ^rl Worthy, Nick Novellino, Bill contest. Prizes were three, two Prof. Antonio Frova, field diJacko. and three managers Mike and one dollars respectively for rector of the Italian archaeolo- Pilate's name appears on the I Hull, Don Bentz end Bob Cobian irst, second and third places. jical mission which unearthed the second line. Little can be made Nancy Webb placed first again ilab, said in an Interview it is of the next two lines, but Fravo tii. archaeological the most important single find hopes modern Seven boys received pins foi Tor the sixth grade. James Ratti was second, Mlchele Bucco, »th sports. They are third. In the seventh grade, Tom loadte, Don Haisey, Mark FinuEdwards was first, Evelyn Oryll, ane, Robert Walker, Sandy Rog second, and Nancy Brown, third, Mad Offka * Warsaw irs, Robert Boggs and John FraeRobert Livingston was first in el. 51-83 Mtchoalc St. I M laak the eighth grade, Billy Hower, Girls receiving awards for bas- second, and John Tillman, third. eball are Carol Hawkins, JoTEL SH 1-0030 inne Shrewsbury; Linda Wagner, Eighth grade patrol members anaeh OfflM mi WmkMw. Barbara Worden, Dorothy Wi receiving pins were Kermi t f i i aaiNLiv n, Genevieve. Kimble, Rebec Brown, Cynthia Goodrich, Joan a Jackson, Shelia Copeland, Cyn- Temko, Daniel Wolfe, Randy Roghit Goodrich, Susan Patterson ers and Robert Cobianchi. Service awards were presented 2arol Tellefson, Shelia Gordon J . Kridel's second floor i i twimming In Jantien trunks taita Trimpldn, Valerie Pavo to Ricky Fields, mailboy; Jill Susser and Christine Bennett, [banking girls; Roberta Walker, Monmouth Optra collecting lunch Blips, and Robert Reevey, Paul Roache, Clayborn Butts, Robert Livingston Robert Boggs and Jim Doherty, CONVINTION HALL general service. IS—Mcmdty, Jw* 26, 1961 BED B A M REGISTER Present Awards At Tinton Falls NEW SHREWSBURY - Sot gal award* were presented > the final assembly program at th TiBfam Falls School. Cynthia Goodrich and Ptti Roactie received trophies u oui attnding all-around athletes Geoe* ieve Kimble wis named moi Find Slab With Name Of Pilate GUARANTEED Crabcjross WEED CONTROL! GENERAL SPRAY SERVICEE SEE US FOR ALL YOUR PHOTO NEEDS W« carry i cempUt* I'm* of fimoui brand eamtrai and aeeaiseriat. Bring your camarat her* for expert repair (•rviea. We Have Everything for lha CAMERA FAN DORICS Pfwto Shop IS Wdiac* SrrMt ANDERSON BROS., Inc. FESTIVAL ASIURY PARK Thin., 8:15 P. M. TROVATORE I w Offict New Opm SH 74273 a* SH 7-2274 Res. PR 5-0900 ITS EASY TO PHONE —©raw Plata aha in the Oanvar, Colorado ana. Just dial Area Coda Number MO, 4wn the number you want Area Codes are the key to esty tolephortngtoany ptoca. Every area hat a coda. You'll find them all in MM tront pafts of your telephone book. Ptaaae me them for out-olr HEWJKStVBEU RALPH DOES IT AGAIN Follow Hie Crowds to Ralph's Famous and Buy 'en by the Bag Full "RALPH'S F A M O U S " M E N U 100% PURE BEEF RAMBTJKGER 19* Jumbo Sandwiches KING KOSHEB STYLE HOT DOG 19* CHEESEBURGER 24* HOT HOAST BEEF on boa frith gravy— 30* HOT PA81BAM1 HOT COBNED M i r HOT TOT BOAST (Witt G»VJ 60: FRONT ST., COR, WHARF AVE. no IANK Iusechecks topag my bills They're sathwadtrful actually receipt! itself . . . and I needn't worry about losing them—like cash... and the stub? keep a record. Really, it's much more businesslike! A FEW MINUTES AND A FEW DOUARS WILL OPEN YOU* CHECKING ACCOUNT HERE. Trie MONMOUTH COUNTY NATIONAL BANK Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Keyporr New Shrewsbury Englishtown Little Silver Atlantic Highlandi . • ' • Roland Brown received a fivedollar gift certificate from Bam berger's for selling the most tickets to the May 10 instrumental concert. Art Ditmar of the New York Yankees has a lifetime record of 5 victories and five lasses igainst the Chicago White Sox. , * " Extra Lara* California Jumbo . . . 3 pound averags Compare the Size... Compare the Quality! There's Hundreds of Menu Ideas in Our Garden Room! Orchard Sweet Hwatt Georgia Fresh Peaches Jwicy NM SontaRota Faculty, Staff California Plums Have Dinner Seedless Grapes At Conner's Alfred G. Horay, president ol Board of Education, and his wife were guests. Mrs. William Lutz, who is leaving the staff, was presented a purse. Her husband, Rev. Mr Lutz, minister at the Methodist Church, has been transferred to Denver, Colo. Mrs. William R. Beatty, member of the teaching staff, was in charge of arrangements. Attending were Joseph R. Bol;er. principal of the grammar school, and his wife; Rev. and Mrs. Luti; Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. William Beatty, Mr. and Mrs, Gorman, Mr. and Mrs. John Tomll son, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Carney, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Metcalf, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rast, Mrs. Margaret Annals, Mrs. William riffith, Mrs. John Corenllusen, Mrs. Anne M. Lawrence, Mrs. rene Opfermann, Mrs. C. Bard Wright, Miss Mary C. O'Neill, Miss Mildred Cook, Miss Mary Ann Annals, George Gall, Lawrence White, Milton MacDonald, Andrew M. Daino and James Powers. - SpQCIQlS!! Students who participated in the Shore'Elementary Band and Orchestra Association received a regular school certificate and special pin. They are Carol Tellefsen, Diane Kozusko, Mary Reilly Cathy Schindler, John Rotten berg, Edward Holmgren, Wendy Welsh, Beatrice Edwards, Denise Reilly, Melvin Taylor, Joseph Thomas, Craig Canfield, Kermii Brown, Lane Poitrinal, Jean Lee Kulinyi and Mary Steeves. HIGHLANDS — The faculty and staff of the public school marked the closing of the school year recently at a roast beef dinnei and social night at Conner's Hotel. Vincent J. Gorman, an eighth grade class adviser snd presi dent of the Teacher's Assocation was toastmaster. ome-saveM.. .tod tach Red Bank Eighth graders who played in the band and or orchestra received a special pin and certificate. They include Dorothy Wi! helm, Carol Tellefsen, Pamela Steen, Gretchen McClellan, Roma Theus, Robert Walker, Barbara Wiltshire, Sandra Johnston, Roland Brown, Renee Morris, Carol |Voelker, Joseph Thomas, Kermi Brown, Donald Brandt, Linda Wagner and Mary Steever. Regular school certificates were presented to children from Tinton Falls, Sycamore and Swim ming River Schools who participated in the band and or orchestra. These include Susan Clapp, Linda Schondel, William Bretch, Joan Field, Florence Bernhard, Aime Edelstein, Ralph Overman, Kev in McDermott, James Teeters, Diane Kozusko, Pamela Hamblen, Richard Stevens, William Baer, Jeffrey Ewald, Mary Reilly, Cathy Schindler, Warren Smith, John Rottenberg, Edward Holmgren Nancy Graham, Wendy Welsh, Beatrice Edwards, Denise Reilly, Robert Castellini, Ronald Temko, Jem Lee Kulinyi, Stcphan Tern ko, Melvin Taylor, Mark Lehton en, Phillip Miller, David Ham mond, Stuart Hammond, John Way, Gary Bretch, Alvin Watts, Craig Canlield, Philip Pickering, John Mras, James Holley and Lane Poitrinal. Thempioii Foney White Fresh Sweet Corn Bing Cherries Fine*) Rowt Nortnwottom SwAAt find jwey California Nectarines fc California Apricots *25« 29* Honeydew Melons 9 for any reason you an mot com Watermelons 4c i witti Qfty itwn pofcnosod Trotn your inoiMy DOCI»* <JH mxffer Doni Forget . . . Yoa Sore By Shopping Early in the W M I C At Safewoy Lucerne Ice Milk Assorted Beverages Vanilla, Chocolate or Triple Tree* Grove Queen: Orange,. Grope, PfneoppJe-Grope or Punch 49< 39c hsfi . U M * - * * • ••*-•-' Im. Sliced Boiled Ham Chicken Breasts For Sandwiches ar CoM Plotter Tender Whit* Meat 49: the rigto to Nw* V a n i l l i n . Mane loH farwwte. .
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