ANNERLEY EKIBIN CATHOLIC PARISH NEWSLETTER Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B 31st Jan / 1st February, 2015 Readings for next Sunday 7th/8th February 1st : Job 7/1-4, 6-7 2nd: 1 Corinthians 9/16-19, 22-23 Gospel: Mark 1/29-39 Parish Office 14 Ferndale Street, Annerley 4103 PO Box 3131, Tarragindi 4121. Office Hours:-9:00am - 1:00pm Monday, Wednesday & Friday Phone: 3848 1107 Fax: 3848 1855 Email: [email protected] Web: Deanery Website: Parish Clergy Fr Paul Chandler (Associate Pastor) Fr Adrian Sharp (Parish Priest) - 0427 109 054 Parish Team Mrs Kathy Ducker (Parish Finance Officer) Mr Richard O’Neil — 0427 484 679 Ms Shirley Sadler (Parish Secretary) Mrs Selina Venier (Sacramental Journey for Families) 0409 735 462 † Mary Immaculate Church 616 Ipswich Road, Annerley † St John Fisher Church 17 Messines Ridge Road, Tarragindi † St Elizabeth’s Chapel 61 Effingham Street, Ekibin † Sisters of Saint Joseph & Saint Mary of the Cross Chapel 16 Ferndale Street, Annerley Phone 3848 1635 St Elizabeth’s Primary School Mr Matthew Edwards (Principal) Phone 3848 0828 Outside School Hours Care Phone 3255 9468 Maddison Goodchild (Co-Ordinator) Mary Immaculate Primary School Phone 3848 8965 Mrs Helen Camden (Principal) Outside School Hours Care Phone 3392 6291 Mr Alwyn Wenting (Co-Ordinator) Our Lady’s Secondary College Phone: 3848 7462 Mrs Paula Goodwin (Principal) St John Fisher Hall 17 Messines Ridge Road, Tarragindi Phone 3848 1107 (Office hours) Brisbane Oratory in Formation Casa San Girolamo 42 Ferndale Street, Annerley Phone 3392 9247 Fr Scot Armstrong Fr Paul Chandler (Moderator) Fr Adrian Sharp Fr Andrew Wise Br Francis King Br Shawn Murphy St Vincent de Paul Helpline Phone: 3010 1096 From the Parish Priest If anyone would like to host a Lenten reflection/ discussion group, there are a couple of resources to assist. Please contact Shirley in the parish office for more information. The workshop to provide training in safeguarding children and vulnerable adults is this Wednesday evening, from 6:30pm in the hall at Saint John Fisher. Those who should be in attendance are: pastoral councillors, leaders of Children’s Church and Children’s Liturgy of the Word; sacristans who deal with altar servers; leaders of the youth group; those who visit the sick and/or elderly in their homes or in aged care facilities. Please advise the parish office of your intention to attend, for catering purposes. We have also been advised that this training will be offered on Wednesday 11th February at 9.15am in the Aspinall Centre, 4 Klumpp Rd, Upper Mt Gravatt. Visitors from other parishes are most welcome. If you attend this session, could you please advise our parish office as we are meant to keep a register of all those who have done this important training. Since the 1st of February falls on a Sunday, and the same occurs again in March, meaning that the Saturday and Sunday of the same weekend fall on different weeks of the month, it poses a few challenges for our scheduling for Masses and the priests’ roster. Long story short: keep an eye on the diary on page four. Just so that you are aware, my work schedule for the time being is as follows: Monday is my free day, Tuesdays and Wednesdays are my parish days, and Thursdays and Fridays I will be working at the Tribunal Office in the City. Weekends, of course, I am here in the parish. Now that Father Paul has been appointed Associate Pastor for Annerley Ekibin parish, I have asked him to look after the Liturgy Committee and associated matters, and also the preparation of parents who have infants to be baptized. We welcome Father Paul back this weekend. From this weekend at Mary Immaculate, those approaching to receive Holy Communion are asked to fill the front pew on either side. At the 7:30am and 5:00pm Masses, which are always Ordinary Form Masses, the communicant has the following choices which they are free to make: to receive Communion in the hand or on the tongue, and to receive Communion standing or kneeling (and any combination of those). At Masses which are the Extraordinary Form (i.e. the 1962 Order of Mass or the Old Rite / Traditional Latin Mass) Communion is only to be received on the tongue, and the communicant is to kneel unless this is physically impossible. Therefore, at the 9:00am Mass, and the Monday 7:00pm and Saturday 8:00am Masses, the liturgical norms apply depending on which Form of the Mass is being celebrated. Good luck to all art union ticket holders. The early-bird draw for $200 takes place this Tuesday. It’s not too late to be in this draw—return an application form today, or visit the parish office on Monday morning. One ticket ($25) gets you in all draws throughout the year, and you can win more than once. There are monthly prize draws from now until November, and tickets can be purchased up to and including the Monday before the November draw. Due to several other events, the all-night vigil of Eucharist Exposition at Saint Elizabeth’s will recommence on Thursday 19th February (and not the 12th, as previously advertised). Father Adrian Sharp [email protected] | 0427 109 054 Sacramental Journey for Families A BIG THANK YOU AND ASKING PARISHIONERS FOR THEIR PRAYERS ... Thank you to the Sacramental families who have come along this weekend and during the school holidays to recommence the "official" journey towards the Sacraments of Confirmation and First Holy Communion in our parish this year - it has been such a joy to meet you for our "Recap and Church Tour" session. This weekend you will be given "Take My Hand" sessions numbers 3 and 4, to be completed with numbers 1 and 2 (given out previously) by your first group session on the weekend of 14/15 February. Everyone should know their group time by now. To all parishioners I ask your continue prayers for our Sacramental families as they journey through this sacred time of preparation. With thanks and God's continued blessings, Selina, Sacramental Co-ordinator 0409 735 462 [email protected] P.S. Children, you also received a Missal this weekend, so be sure to put it in a safe place and use it every time you come to Mass! Wednesday 4th February Wednesday 11th February Monday 9th February Saturday 14th February Tuesday 17th February Wednesday 18th February Thursday 19th February Saturday 21st February Sunday 1st March Saturday 23rd May Tuesday 26th May Wednesday 5th August Saturday 21st November PARISH DATE CLAIMERS Safeguarding Children & Vulnerable Adults Workshop, 6:30pm, SJF Hall Parish Pastoral Council meets in the Parish Office at 6:30pm. Josephites Meeting, commencing with Mass at 10:00am. Mary MacKillop Centre, 16 Ferndale Street, Annerley. Further information: Claire Irwin on 3848 3998. Archbishop’s Meeting with Parishioners, Marymac Centre, 9:30am Anointing Mass & Morning Tea at 10:00am, Marymac Centre ASH WEDNESDAY - Day of fast and abstinence All night Exposition and Adoration recommences at Saint Elizabeth’s Chapel Baptism Preparation for Parents at 10:00am at St John Fisher Hall. Farewell for the Sisters of St Joseph, 7:30am Mass, Mary Immaculate Brisbane Oratory Fundraising “Vallicella” Dinner Mass for the Feast of Saint Philip Neri, Mary Immaculate Church Marriage Anniversary Mass at 7:00pm, Mary Immaculate Church. November Remembrance Mass at 10:00am, Mary Immaculate Church. Encounter Mission and Development, Encounter Love and Justice, Encounter humble volunteers, Encounter faith, Encounter God. Palms Australia will be conducting a guided tour of the communities in which their global volunteers are working in East Timor from April 6 - 18. There are limited places. Enquires need to be processed by February 28th so call 02 9518 9551 or register interest online: TAIZE Brisbane - 8th February, 2015 Cathedral of St Stephen, 249 Elizabeth Street, Brisbane This event is for everyone who enjoys music, prayer and silence. 2.30pm: Young Adult (16-35) Workshop 1 "Taize: Becoming Salt of the Earth" in the Francis Rush Centre 2.30pm: Workshop 2 - "Come and Sing" learning songs for the prayer, in St Stephen's Chapel 4pm: Evening prayer in the Cathedral of St Stephen 6pm: Light mean and hospitality All are welcome to be a part of the worldwide celebration! For more details visit Aria Angels Term 1 Brisbane South Deanery Aria Angels aims to celebrate the small pleasures, nurture holistic development, imagine the possibilities and create meaningful relationships. Children learn their faith as they learn to walk, talk, create and explore. This program is offered for children between birth and 5 years. Parents and grandparents/caregivers join the children in music, movement, art, craft, morning tea and prayer. While children are singing and dancing, crawling and talking they are cultivating their social, emotional, physical and intellectual development. Term 1 Dates are as follows: Wednesdays, 11 February, 18 February, 25 February, 4 March, 11 March, 18 March, and 25 March. Time: 9am for 9.30am start - 11am Place: Our Lady of Lourdes 121 Mains Rd Sunnybank. Cost $6.00. For further information contact Anne Scott on 0419 642 490 “They were astounded at his teaching, for he taught them as one having authority...” Just as the crowds were amazed by the authority with which Jesus cured the sick and the possessed (see today’s Gospel from Mark 1:21-28), so you can experience, first-hand, the healing power of the Good News, through a Catholic Mission immersion trip. There are various places you can visit; I would love you to join me on a visit to parts of India, scheduled for October. For a FREE information sheet about this trip, please contact our office, during business hours on (07) 3336 9239 or email me at [email protected]. David McGovern, Director Look for me on Pinterest: Rosters for next week MINISTERS OF THE WORD Sat (SJF) 6.00pm Kay Holmes, Madonna Fogarty Sun (MI) 7.30am Michael Cooper, Sol Dobinson Sun (SJF)9.00am Deidre Vokes, Dianne Shanahan Sun (MI) 5.00pm THE CATHOLIC LEADER Australia’s leading Catholic Newspaper In this week’s issue: Nigerian priests in Brisbane speak of their concern abour Boko Haram violence in their homeland, as a bishop there calls for the West to send military forces to defeat the militants. Bishops’ migrant and refugee advocate calls for truth about Manus Island detention centre. Missionary says keeping refugees on Nauru ‘devoid of logic, fairness and compassion.’ Real Talk expands into state schools with presentations on sexuality. Young pro-lifers on walk from Brisbane to Melbourne asked to leave shopping centre because their campaign shirts deemed ‘offensive’. Byron and Francine Pirola write on what commitment in a relationship is all about. Papal astronomers promote harmony of science and faith. Toowoomba family brings its inspiring music to the world, with almost 500,000 having viewed its YouTube channel. Chance to win Fr Rob Galea’s latest album. Maggie Soares, Ken Meissner EXT MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION Sat (SJF) 6.00pm Bert Jacobs, John Lesina Sun (MI) 7.30am Charles Grugan, Kathleen Grugan, Bernadette Nelmes Sun (SJF)9.00am Peter Menagh Sun (MI) 5.00pm Terese Shephard, Ester Evangelista MUSIC MINISTRY Sat (SJF) 6.00pm Organist - Clare Stevens Sun (MI) 7.30am Sun (SJF)9.00am Organist - Linda Triasmono Sun (MI) 5.00pm Organist - Marilyn Meissner ALTAR SERVERS Sat (SJF) 6.00pm Ned Stevens, Noah Stevens Sun (MI) 7.30am Dennies Kwaku Sun (SJF) 9.00am Thomas Bergin, William Bergin, Benjamin Curran, Oliver O’Callaghan Sun (MI) 5.00pm CHILDREN’S CHURCH Sun (SJF) 9.00am CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF THE WORD Sun (SJF) 9.00am Anthony Smallhorn Assistant: Claire Smallhorn SETTING UP FOR MASS Sat (SJF) 6.00pm Sun (MI) 7.30am Mabel Saah Sun (SJF)9.00am Sun (MI) 5.00pm Terese Shephard OPENING CHURCH Sat (SJF) 6.00pm Sun (MI) 7.30am Mabel Saah Sun (SJF) 9.00am Sun (MI) 5.00pm Terese Shepard COUNTERS Monday, 2nd February, 2015 Bernie O’Hara CHURCH CARE Sacristy (SJF) Sacristy (SEC) Maria Monro Sanctuary & Sacristy (MI) Mabel Saah Church Cleaning (MI) Noel Everding Laundry (SJF) Laundry (SJF) Valmai Winter (Altar Cloths) Laundry (MI) Mabel Saah Laundry (SE) Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B A Vocation View: Let us not get confused - power and authority are two very different things. We must imitate Jesus and use these gifts in service to the poor. It is this power that is at work in us. COLLECTIONS LAST WEEKEND First: $ 1,198.40 Second: $ 3,574.05 Talking Point: Sr Elvera Sesta on the wisdom that comes through living. PLUS: a regional focus on Townsville Diocese, Australia’s top Catholic columnists and the Catholic Church’s most read jobs market. The Catholic Leader is available from parishes and other selected outlets for $2.00, or check out the website at to read The Catholic Leader 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B 31st January/1st February, 2015 LITURGY Gloria 1st Reading: Deuteronomy 18/15-20 Responsorial Psalm: 94 (Spoken by all) Come, ring out our joy to the Lord; hail the rock who saves us. Let us come before him, giving thanks, with songs let us hail the Lord. Come in, let us kneel and bend low; let us kneel before the God who made us for he is our God and we the people who belong to his pasture, the flock that is led by his hand. O that today you would listen to his voice! 'Harden not your hearts as at Meribah, as on that day at Massah in the desert when your fathers put me to the test; when they tried me, though they saw my work.' 2nd Reading: 1 Corinthians 7/32-35 Gospel Acclamation: Sung Gospel Acclamation: (if not sung) Alleluia, alleluia! A people in darkness have seen a great light: a radiant dawn shines on those lost in death. Alleluia! Gospel: Mark 1/21-28 Profession of Faith: Creed Holy Holy Memorial Acclamation: Number Two When we eat this Bread and drink this Cup, we proclaim your death, O Lord, until you come again. Lamb of God Congratulations to Francesca Doig and Matthew Crouch, married at Mary Immaculate Church on Saturday, 31st January 2015. Best wishes! Parish Diary & Mass Times February 2nd - 8th, 2015 Weekday Mass times and venues sometimes need to change - please check your current Newsletter for times & places Monday 2nd February 6:30am Angelus & Rosary 7:00am Mass [OF] 7:00pm Mass [OF+] Tuesday 3rd February 9:00am Mass [OF] PRESENTATION OF THE LORD Saint Elizabeth Saint Elizabeth Mary Immaculate St Blaise / St Ansgar Mary Immaculate Wednesday 4th February Weekday, Ordinary Time 4 6:00pm Mass [OF] Saint John Fisher 6:30pm, Safeguarding Children & Vulnerable Adults Workshop, SJF Hall Thursday 5th February 7:00am Mass [OF] 7:30-8:00am Confessions St Agatha Mary Immaculate Mary Immaculate Friday 6th February 6:30am Angelus & Rosary 7:00am Mass [OF] St Paul Miki & Companions Saint Elizabeth Saint Elizabeth Saturday 7th February Our Lady’s Saturday 7:15-7:45am Exposition & Confessions, Mary Immaculate 7:30am Rosary Mary Immaculate 8:00am Mass [EF] Mary Immaculate (St Romuald) Vigil for the 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B) 5:15-5:45pm Exposition & Confessions, Saint John Fisher 6:00pm Mass [OF] Saint John Fisher Sunday 8th February 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B) 7:30am Mass [OF] Mary Immaculate 8:15-8:45am Exposition & Confessions, Saint John Fisher 9:00am Mass [OF] Saint John Fisher 9:00am Sung Mass [OF+] Mary Immaculate 5:00pm Mass [OF] Mary Immaculate [OF = Ordinary Form | + = Ad orientem | EF = Extraordinary Form] WE PRAY FOR Those who are sick: Kath ADAMS, Lorna ANSELL, Theresa BAGLEY, Z. BASSETT, Gabrielle BENTLEY, Stewart BOYD, John BROPHY, Jeremy CARROLL, Robyn CLEMENTS, Hilary COLLINS, Rina COOK, Rochelle COWARD, Marietta CRUZADO, Diane ELLIS, Rowena ENNIS, Jane FARRELL, Madge FARRELL, Joan FLEW, Mary FORRESTER, Anne FRANETTOVICH, John FRANK, Gwen GAIR, Helen GIAQUINTA, Dulcey HARVEY (Ingham), John HASTINGS, Jan HEGARTY, Peter HEGARTY, Patricia JACOBS, Marlene JOHNSTON, Dominic KENNEDY, Robyn KINNES, Ryan MacGARY-WALSH, Cherril MALONEY, Eileen MATTHEWS, Bernard McALARY, Monica McCOY, Betty McINERNEY, Yaeko MINO, Patrick MURPHY (Senior), Robyn O’DWYER, Valerie & Kevin ORTON, Joan ROONEY, Julie ROWEN (Mackay), Dorothy RYAN, Nick SHANAHAN (Jnr), Kelvin SNELL, Mary STUART, Joan TATHEM, Heather TERRILL, Nell THOMSEN, Clare WALSH, Maureen WARD, Fr John WORTHINGTON SM, Josephine and Bill WRIGHT and Matthew ZEMEK. Please pray especially for Father Dan Moore, retired former Parish Priest of Rockonia (Holy Family), in the Rockhampton Diocese, who is seriously ill. Those who are recently deceased: Janine WHARTON (Southport), Shirley REEVE, Wally FRANGI, Olga CLARKE, Veronica BRADY, Tim HOWES, Father Gerard MULHOLLAND SVD, Dominic FERRERO, Sr Marion O’SHANNESSY RSJ, Thomas COUSINS, Barry HAYES, Dennis GREENE, Mary Freda RIDLEY, Sr Sheila EDWARDS RSJ, Sr Henrica JANS RSJ, Carmel BLUNT, Sr Alice Mary O’NEILL RSJ, Eileen CULLEN, Grace TURNBULL and Michael HENDERSON. All the faithful departed.
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