St. Mary Catholic Church November 16, 2014

St. Mary Catholic Church
Korona, Florida
November 16, 2014
Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Nov 15
Nov 16
Nov 16
Nov 21
Nov 22
Nov 23
Nov 23
†Mary Lou Trousdell
†Iorio & Kiceina Deceased Families
†Norman Poleski
†Frances Bleskowski
†Tony and Carolyn Branca
†Anthony Hirsch
†Catherine, Harvey & Rita Perkins
Tom Trousdell
Ron & Fran Kiceina
Pat Milnes
Hank and Maria Kesselring
Dee Branca
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Pape
Donna Winge
Dear Friends in Christ,
In a book called “Joy,” psychologist Dr. William C. Schutz wrote these poignant
lines about his fifteen-month-old son, “He is joyful … he wakes up each morning eager
for new adventure. Maybe today it will be a piece of string, or the telephone, or pots
and pans, or a new toy. Ethan is joy … his joy is contagious. But will something happen
to Ethan as it does to us all? Where will his joy go? In most of us it becomes depleted,
distorted, contorted. Guilt and fear begin to defile us. Somehow the joy of Ethan goes,
never fully to return.”
Don’t let it happen to your life! Don’t let guilt or fear or anything else discourage you from investing your life – risking your all – on God’s plans and purposes. Put
your trust in a gracious, compassionate, merciful and caring God! Wake up each morning eager for new adventure! And your joy will be contagious!
“Well done, my good and faithful servant. Come, share your master’s joy.”
Fr. Slawomir
Thank you for being with us today! If
you are a new parishioner, please
introduce yourself to the priest or an
usher and obtain a census card. We
welcome you to join any of our
ministries and activities and become an
active member of the parish.
Visit the St. Mary Gift Shop
Many Christmas items are on display. Crèches,
tree ornaments, statues of Jesus and Mary, &
Christmas cards. Stop by after the Masses this
weekend to browse. Volunteers are there to assist.
Father Slawomir Podsiedlik
November 30 , 2014 sees the beginning of
Carmelite Pastoral Assistants
Father Joseph Zawada
Father Artur Chojda
Brother Patrick Gemmato
Mass Times
Friday Mass at 9:00AM
Mother Church
Eucharistic Adoration
9:30 to 11:30
The Year of Consecrated Life
Offertory $4,263.
Building Fund $1.295.
Thank you for your continued generosity.
Saturday at 4:00PM
Sunday at 8:00AM and 9:30AM
11:30AM (Mass in Polish)
During this year, the faithful are encouraged
to honor the men and women religious who
serve in the Diocese of St. Augustine. Let us
share our gratitude for the senior Catholic
sisters, brothers and religious order priests
who made a positive difference in so many
lives. Let us especially thank the Lord for
the ministry of our beloved Carmelite
Fathers here in Korona.
Parish Staff
Karen Clark
Frances Fillegar
Donna Attisano
Office Hours
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
9:00AM to 3:00PM
Baptisms and Marriages
by appointment
30 minutes prior to Mass
or by appointment
Celebration of the Eucharist
At St. Joseph Monastery
Monday through Friday at 7:30 and 9:00AM
Saturday at 9:00AM
In an emergency,
please call the Carmelite Fathers at 437-2910.
St. Mary’s Christmas Giving Tree
St. Mary’s Christmas Giving Tree is a special event in our parish.
intention that every needy child receives a gift on Christmas Day.
It is our
The “Giving Tree” will be on the altar November 22nd and will remain there until
December 14th. At that time all the gifts will be distributed. Our giving tree
consists of a list from the Battered Women Center, St. Anne’s Pantry, Outreach
and a small group of elderly from Flagler Pines Nursing Home.
1. Take a star/ball from the tree. It will have the gender, age and wish.
2. There is no limit to the number of stars/balls you may take.
3. Replace the star/ball with a red ball which is provided for you in the basket
under the tree.
4. If you find that the item you chose is too expensive either return it to
the tree for another or replace the gift listed with a gift certificate
within your budget.
5 . Return the gift with the star/ball attached (VERY IMPORTANT) to the
package and place under the tree. Santa will do the rest.
These are especially hard times and the number of people who are in need
continues to grow in our community and all over the country. All of us must try to
give what we can to ensure that everyone has a smile on Christmas Day. Our
parish is such a special one and we know the Lord looks down on us and blesses
any kindness given to the poor and needy. Thanking you all in advance for your
generosity at this most beautiful time of the year.
Any questions, please call Kathy Hadden at (386) 864-7473 or (386) 338-4002
November 22nd and 23rd
St. Mary Church Hall after all weekend Masses
Pies, cakes, cookies, fudge, brownies
All kinds of good things to set out on your Thanksgiving dessert buffet!!
Any baked goods donated by members of the parish would be greatly appreciated.
Proceeds of the bake sale will be used to support
the charitable goals of the Saint Mary Women’s Club.
Knights of Columbus
St. Mary of Korona Council 11961
Wedding Anniversary Mass
Your 25th, 30th, 35th, 40th, 50th
wedding anniversary? Come cele-
The monthly social meeting will be held on
Thursday November 20th.
brate with Bishop Felipe Estevez
A speaker from Progressive Medical
Research has been invited to give a talk on
Alzheimer’s Disease.
Contact Joe Jurec at (386) 206-9523 if
you wish to attend.
at on Saturday, November 22, 2014
at 1:00 PM at Christ the King
Catholic Church, 742 Arlington Rd,
Jacksonville, FL.
Register on-line at
or call (904) 551-2619. Registration
deadline is November 17.
Nov 15
Roger Losekamp
B. Klein, J. Loiselle, C. Grynkiewicz
Nov 16
Claudia Nagle
Rich Adams, Angela Pagano
Nov 16
John Esposito
Joan Gray, Judy Hucik
Nov 22
Renneth Sorhaindo
M. Dennis, N. Nelson, C. Grynkiewicz
Nov 23
Carmelina Gross
Maureen Ford, Carol Maresca
Nov 23
Hank Kesselring
Maria Kesselring, Barbara Bonichi
Prayer for the Sick Members of our Community
Father of goodness and love, hear our prayers for the sick members of our
community. Amid mental and physical suffering, may they find consolation in
your healing presence. Show your mercy as you close wounds and cure illness. May all find lasting health and deliverance. We ask this through Christ
our Lord. Amen.
Do you have a friend or relative undergoing a
medical procedure, recuperating from an illness, or even just in need of comfort? We
provide shawls, coverlets and lap robes that have been prayerfully made by
volunteers and blessed by our pastor, Father Slawomir. If you would like to be a part
of this ministry, we have yarn and can provide help to get you started.
Contact Judith Kattreh at (386) 615-8338.
Readings for the Week of November 17 through November 23
1 John 3:14-18; Luke 6:27-38
Revelation 3:1-6, 14-22; Luke 19:1-10
Revelation 4:1-11; Luke 19:11-28
Revelation 5:1-10; Luke 19:41-44
Zechariah 2:14-17; Matthew 12:46-50
Hosea 2:16bc, 17cd, 21-22; Matthew 25:1-13
Ezekiel 34:11-12, 15-17; 1 Corinthians 15:20-26, 28; Matthew 25:31-46