THE KNIGHTLY NEWS 2014-2015 OFFICERS GRAND KNIGHT… DEPUTY G.K…….... CHANCELLOR….... WARDEN………… FINANCIAL SEC .. TREASURER.…. RECORDER…. ADVOCATE……. CHAPLAIN…….. ROBERT DUERR JOHN SCHANTZEN TOM KELLY ED RIZZOTTI TONY SPADAFORA ART TECSON GIL JASSO THOM STRAIN FR. BRAD BEAUPRE GUARD………….. GUARD…………. TRUSTEE….3YR... TRUSTEE….2YR.. TRUSTEE.…1YR.. LECTURER................. FIELD AGENT………. DISTRICT DEPUTY… DISTRICT WARDEN VICTOR WOLYNSKI CECIL STONE STAN CHANCE STEPHEN LOWRY JOHN PROKOPOWICZ ED WINSLOW ROB BRISSON BRAD FILIAULT STEPHEN LOWRY FEBRUARY 2015 FATHER CHARLES SPELLMAN COUNCIL #6125 3435 S. Fiske Blvd, Rockledge, Florida The Grand Knights Message Brother Knights, Ladies, and friends: Thanks to all the Brothers, Ladies and friends that participated in our organizations’ events, dinners, and our usual council bingo each Wednesday. As we enter the winter season, it’s time to participate with our brothers and sisters in our order’s Campaign for People with Intellectual Disabilities, which is more generally known as the Knights’ Tootsie Roll drive. Thanks to the organizational efforts of Carol and Bob Klinko, we already have a jump start on the fund drive by collecting funds for the past three weekends in Melbourne, Merritt Island, Rockledge and Viera. If you have already participated, thanks for joining us at these successful events which have amassed over $2000 of contributions so far, somewhat behind last year’s pace. If you haven’t been out to one of the stores so far, stay tuned via the Emails you receive on scheduling opportunities, and sign up for a convenient shift; if you’re not receiving our Emails, please contact me to schedule a store or church visit during an upcoming weekend. Please consider joining us for a shift or two during the upcoming sessions. Besides our usual meetings and bingo events during February, we’re hosting our inaugural party to enjoy the pro football championship on Feb. 1 (contact John Schantzen for details) and continuing our annual Ladies Appreciation Luncheon on February 28 (thanks to chef Al Puglisi). Our Lenten Friday evening seafood dinners will be starting each week on February 20, and remember the Knights’ diocesan event to raise funds for ultrasound machines to protect our precious babies, 2015 Laps for Life, which will again be at Bishop Moore High School in Orlando, only five weeks away on March 7. Plan now to participate by joining our council team of walkers, either at the site or on your own prior to the event; please contact Gil Jasso for more information. We have been saddened this month to learn of the passing of several of our current and former brother Knights; please keep them in your prayers along with those sisters and brothers as members of our Rockledge Knights family who are sick or suffering, that they may join the rest of us again in good health. Your officers and trustees appreciate your participation in all of our council’s programs and plans, and I appreciate your loyalty and support to our order’s principles of charity, unity, fraternity, and patriotism. Your active service makes all of our efforts easier and more fulfilling. Together, WE are In Service to God, In Service to All! Vivat Jesus! Bob Duerr, Grand Knight Attendance Drawing for January Bro. Ed Thurz was not in attendance for the $10 drawing. The February drawing will be $20 Congratulations to Art Tecson on his election as Treasurer of Council 6125. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Congratulations to: John Hoodock for winning the 50/50 drawing of $50 which he donated to Laps for Life (Ultrasound Initiative) . FEBRUARY BIRTHDAYS DAN BARNETT THOMAS BARRELLA REV ERNEST BERTHELETTE February Family of the Month GEORGE CHAMBERS Gail and Tom Conti CARMEN DE ANGELIS BOB DE LAURO For outstanding participation in our K of C activities! DONALD FERRIS KELLY FIORENTINO FRANK FURINO JR JAMES HIEGEL February Knight of the Month Orlando Van Orman PATRICK LUSK WALTER MC GINTY DEACON MICHAEL MURPHY Congratulations BOB NIENSTADT REV STEPHEN OIDS BARRY SCHMOYER DEACON JAMES SEIDEL NOTICE FROM THE GRAND KNIGHT I'd like to compile a recognition list of brothers who are PGK's, PFN's, or have served in past district (DD, warden) and state (officer/committee) leadership positions in the Knights, not just in Council 6125 and Assembly 0160, but also in other geographical areas. Please send me an email ([email protected]) or call with your Knights "resume" of position history, where served (state/council-assembly #'s) and from-to service years in the format such as: Bob Duerr, GK Council 6125, 2013-15 Thanks for your prompt response! Bob FRANK VANDERHAGAN IMPORTANT NUMBERS: Grand Knight Financial Secretary Field Agent District Deputy Faithful Navigator C.Spellman President News Bulletin Editor K of C Hall Rental Membership Info Membership Info Bob Duerr Tony Spadafora Rob Brisson Brad Filiault Rick Muething Bill Thomas Gil Jasso 454-9084 960-5000 536-9914 289-2467 634-5818 338-2898 433-9965 Tom Kelly Ed Rizzotti 208-7386 242-8040 Council 6125 Web site Hall located at: 3435 S. Fiske Blvd Rockledge Mailing address: PO Box 560531 Rockledge, FL 32956-0531 2 SCHEDULE OF EVENTS MM DD 02 01 02 04 02 05 02 07 02 10 02 11 02 12 02 14 02 16 02 16 02 17 02 18 02 18 02 20 02 25 02 27 02 28 Day Sun Wed Thu Sat Tue Wed Thu Sat Mon Mon Tue Wed Wed Fri Wed Fri Sat Time 12:00 PM 6:30 PM 7:30 PM Place Hall Hall Chambers Sponsor 3rd 3rd 4th State 7:00 PM Hall/Chambers L.A./3rd/C. Sp. Inc. 6:30 PM Hall 3rd 7:30 PM Chambers L.A./3rd Observance 7:00 PM Rockledge Holiday 7:00 PM Hall 3rd 6:30 PM Hall 3rd Holy Day 6:00 PM Hall 3rd/4th 6:30 PM Hall 3rd 6:00 PM Hall 3rd/4th 11:30 AM Hall 3rd/4th Event Football/Bingo Bingo Membership Meeting State Spelling Bee Officers Mtgs. Bingo General Membership Mtg. St. Valentine's Day 1st Degree Presidents' Day 2nd Degree Exemplification Bingo Ash Wednesday Friday Fish Dinner Bingo Friday Fish Dinner Knights' Ladies Apprec. Luncheon MARK YOUR CALENDERS! St. Patrick's Day Dinner/Dance on 3/21, featuring Michael Funge. Glen Meldrum is looking for committee members to help out with preparations. Call him at 321 406-1585 or email, [email protected]. MISSING Montana, New Mexico, Nebraska, West Virginia, Vermont, New Hampshire, Arkansas, Maine, Wyoming, Nevada, Kansas, Mississippi, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Iowa, Utah, Idaho, Kentucky, North Dakota, Rhone Island, Delaware, Oregon, Louisiana, Connecticut. It would be an unimaginable, horrific tragedy if you woke up this morning with the news that every person living in these 24 states had gone missing overnight. That would be the loss of 48% of our 50 United States. That would be the loss of 57 million human beings-our fellow Americans. That would be the loss of our brothers and sisters in Christ. That is the number of children that have been killed since the Supreme Court permitted abortion on demand in 1973. The equivalent of the populations of these 24 states. Nothing short of an all-out thermonuclear war could wreak such havoc on our nation. How many doctors, scientists, priests, sisters, Nobel Prize winners, Presidents, entertainers, teachers, athletes, nurses, soldiers, police, firefighters, moms and dads, artists and poets and peacemakers are missing from our society? Continue to pray, work and vote to end this holocaust. God Bless the USA Deacon Mike 3 C. Spellman Inc. Knights of Columbus Council #6125 Home Association P.O Box 560531 • Rockledge, FL 32956 • 321-632-6125 Brothers and Sisters, Is it my imagination or did the new year start off with a bang and gained momentum faster than we liked? The hall was a busy place this month with bingo, birthday parties, corporate training seminars, trade shows, repasts, and our own parties including the Caribbean evening and the upcoming, illegally known as “Super bowl” party and legally known as the NFL championship game. Thank you to all our members who worked supporting these events. Because our rental agent Dan Della Torre and bar manager Steve O’Conor are unable to continue in those positions, due to outside work demands, both have tendered their resignations. We extend congratulations to both on jobs well done and wish them continued success in their business careers. We are now in the process of filling both of these positions and should be able to name their replacements shortly. In addition I am pleased to welcome the newest additions to our Board, Brothers, Sir Knights Stan Chance and Bill Masterson, Vice President. The vast experience both of these men bring with them will benefit us all by their presence. We have crab cakes in the freezer waiting for people to order them. Please show John Schantzen, Steve Lowry, Tom Kelly, Bill Bruty, and myself that you appreciate our efforts making them, by ordering for you, and selling them to friends, family, business associates and neighbors. We need your support. Sincerely, Bill Thomas Bill Thomas President C. Spellman, Inc. 4 MARCH FOR LIFE IN ST AUGUSTINE JANUARY 17, 2015 5 News from the 4th Commodore John Barry Assembly 0160 SK Rocky Matteo: It was with great sadness we learned of the passing of our brother Sir Knight Rocky Matteo, Jan 21. Rocky struggled for long time with medical complications but showed us his humor and positive attitude even until the end. Rocky was an active member of the 4 th degree Honor Guard and St. John the Evangelist parish. We extend to his wife Aggie and his entire family our sincerest sympathy. Aggie is very thankful for all those Knights and friends that visited Rocky these past several months. A celebration funeral mass was held on Jan 27 at St. John’s with the Honor Guard Attending and a repast following at the Knights hall. To our brother Sir Knight Rocky, we say well done, good and faithful servant. You will be missed. Coming Fourth Degree Exemplifications: The next planned 4th degree exemplifications will be April 25 in Jacksonville and June 13 in Tampa. If you are a 3rd degree Knight and interested in joining the 4th degree to add that 4th Knightly virtue of patriotism, please consider attending one of these exemplifications. Exemplification fees are usually $70 including the presentation dinner. Dues for the 4 th degree are only $20 per year. Contact one of the 4th degree members to get a Form 4 to apply. Your fees and Form 4 must be submitted no later than 30 days prior to the exemplification. Caribbean Night Jan 24th The fourth degree hosted a Caribbean Night Dinner Dance Sat Jan 24. Approximately 66 attended the 4th degree sponsored Caribbean Night with the Mango Brothers band. Thank you to all those that participated and helped with the event. Submitted: Rick Muething, Faithful Navigator Assembly 0160 6 ALL PROCEEDS BENEFIT RELAY FOR LIFE – TEAM JEREMY February 22., 2015 Knights of Columbus Hall 3435 S. Fiske Ave. Rockledge, Florida 2pm to 6pm $20 Entry Fee for Chili cookers *Prize for the Best Chili $5 For Taste tasters Drinks and additional food (hot dogs and chips) can be purchased 50/50 Raffle and Silent Auctions To register please contact, Lynda Schuchert at [email protected] or 321-704-9001 by 2/ 18/15 Relay For Life is a community based fundraising event of the American Cancer Society. More than 5,000 Relay For Life events take place across twenty countries. Events are held in local communities, campus universities and in virtual worlds. As the American Cancer Society's most successful fundraiser and the organization's signature event, the mission of Relay For Life is to raise funds to improve cancer survival, decrease the incidence of cancer, and improve the quality of life for cancer patients and their caretakers. A Relay For Life event is organized under a volunteer Relay Committee, and implemented by volunteers. It is often organized as a multi-day public gathering, spanning all day and night in a large outdoor space, and many people bring tents and camp out around the walking tracks. Currently, almost 4 million people take part in Relay events in over 5,000 communities in the United States I Relay, for my husband who lost his battle with cancer on 9/22/12 and I Relay for my mom who is beating her second bout with cancer. I am raising funds through Relay for Life for the American Cancer Society. I am organizing a Chili Cook Off set for 2/22/15 at the Knights of Columbus Hall. The entry fee is $20 and anyone is accepted by contacting myself; Lynda Schuchert 321-704-9001 to register so there is a head count. As well there will be a cost of $5 for taste testing the chili. All proceeds will go towards Relay for Life Team Jeremy. I think you for the support. Drinks and additional food (hot dogs) will be provided as well. There will be silent auction items and 50/50 raffle for additional prizes. I thank you advance for your support. Please come out enjoy some chili and support Relay for Life. 7 8
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