Details of sponsorship packages available for Interlend 2015
Interlend 2015
Proposed Sponsorship Packages
Package Type
Sponsorship Opportunity
Sponsor Interlend 2015, including exhibition stand/space during
refreshment breaks, leaflet space in delegate packs, pre-dinner drinks and
conference dinner, company name on programme, plus provision of
promotional material (eg. pens, notepads, post-it notes, USB sticks)
Sponsor Interlend 2015, including pre-dinner drinks and conference
dinner, leaflet space in delegate packs, company name on programme,
plus provision of promotional material (eg. pens, notepads, post-it notes,
USB sticks)
Cost (£)
Sponsor Interlend 2015, including one of the lunches, leaflet space in
delegate packs, company name on the programme, plus provision of
promotional material (eg. pens, notepads, post-it notes, USB sticks)
Sponsor Interlend 2015, including leaflet space in delegate packs,
company name on the programme, plus provision of promotional material
(eg. pens, notepads, post-it notes, USB sticks)
Additionally, the following suggested promotional items may be provided by companies for inclusion in all
delegate packs;
 Pens for delegate packs
 Notepads for delegate packs
 Post it Notes
 Memory Sticks
 Lanyards
This list is not exhaustive and companies are welcome to discuss their own sponsorship ideas with us.